#oneesan laugh
sassycheesecake · 11 months
Meeting kid!Kiyoomi was an arranged meeting decided by the parents of Kiyoomi and your parents.
You were just a cute little eight year old, while Kiyoomi was already ten years old.
And to be honest, you have never seen a kid with that deep of a scowl before in your short life.
Honestly, his presence and his dark eyes gave off a highly intimidating aura that you wanted nothing to do with.
Your mum gently ushered you into his direction and you made hesitant steps towards him.
With each step you took, Kiyoomi‘s scowl grew even deeper and he almost looked like a cat hissing at you.
Seeing kid!Kiyoomi‘s mean face almost made you tear up and his mother scolded him to lose that face.
His frown softened just a bit and when you were both close enough, you introduce yourself first, bowing down a bit.
"Hello Sakusa-san, my name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N). Nice to meet you."
The ravenette just looked at you with an undefined look on his face, not sure yet if you’re a friend or foe.
"Why don’t you show (Y/L/N) around a little bit? Maybe you can show her Tora?" His mother suggested.
Kid!Kiyoomi seems in thought before he asked you to follow him.
Not waiting for you follow, you quickly ran up next to him, trying to make conversation.
Yet whenever you talked about something or asked him anything, he would either hum, shrug or give very short answers.
"So… what do you like to do?" You ask him as you kick a few stones away on your walking path.
"I like volleyball." And it was so quiet, you barely heard it.
"Volleyball? How come?" You asked in return with big eyes and your curiosity made him blush a little bit.
"It’s a cool sport. I just like it. I play with my cousin sometimes."
You beamed at him and you got so close, that he backs away a little bit from your excitement, his blush only intensified.
"I am glad there is something you DO like Sakusa." You gave him a big grin and that cheeky grin of yours with one tooth on the side missing, made his heart beat a lot faster and he wondered, where that warm feeling suddenly came from.
Nonetheless, the two of you spent the day together, you got introduced to Tora, Sakusa‘s pet chick and it was the cutest damn thing you had laid your eyes on.
While you were holding the cute little chick, Sakusa kept his eyes on you intensely and without realizing it, a small smile grew on his face as well.
Now older, both of you did grow closer and Sakusa had introduced you to his Cousin Komori.
It’s still a mystery to you how those two are related to each other, the only two things they shared in common was their bloodline and their love and dedication for volleyball.
You did not enjoy playing volleyball with Sakusa due to his harsh spikes and his constant nitpicking on you, but when you played with Komori, that was a different story.
He was kind, gentle and he actually talked more than three words in an hour.
Seeing you get close to his cousin made kid!Kiyoomi‘s stomach twists in a very upset way.
Like if he ate something bad, someone didn’t wash their hands or someone didn’t cover their face when they sneezed.
Kid!Kiyoomi absolutely loathes this feeling.
Seeing his older sister doing homework on the table, Kiyoomi went home earlier without saying anything to you or Komori.
Stopping in front of her, he asks her something in a very upset voice that she is all too familiar with.
"Oneesan, whenever I see (Y/N) with Komori together, I have this very upset feeling in my stomach. What is that and how do I stop it?"
She looked with surprised eyes at him before giggling.
"That is not funny. I could be dying." The curly-haired ravenette frowned.
"Kiyo, you’re not dying. You’re just jealous." She explained and went back to doing her homework, and she explained it as if it was the easiest answer in the universe.
"Of what?" His frown deepened.
She perched up an eyebrow and looked back at him.
"Because of Motoya. You like (Y/N) and you don’t want Motoya near her."
His frown turned into a deep scowl and it made his sister laugh even harder.
"I do not like (Y/N) in that way."
"Sure if you say so. Your googly-eyes at her tell me otherwise." She teased him.
Without any replies, Kiyoomi padded back into his room and slammed the door a bit when he closed it.
Sakusa did start to realize he might have feelings for you when you’re both in High School, attending Itachiyama High.
You were in the Equestrian Club and Sakusa attended the volleyball club.
When your school had a competition with Shiratorizawa, Iizuna Tsukasa, the captain of the volleyball team took an interest in you.
Your determination, kindness and passion gave Tsukasa heart eyes whenever you were near.
And it made teen!Kiyoomi furious.
Unfortunately the Outside Hitter couldn’t do anything but watch as his Captain tried to ask you out at least twice and was rejected both times.
Why, teen!Kiyoomi never found out.
6 years later~
Sitting on a bench swing, you hear the glass door being opened behind you.
Nonetheless, you keep your eyes on the stars.
A presence sits down next to you, wrapping his muscular arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side.
Leaning your head against his comfortable shoulder, you sigh out in bliss, your breath being visible in the cold night.
"What are you thinking about my love?" Kiyoomi asks you in a gentle voice.
"Your mean face when I met you the first time. Your scowl scarred eight year old me."
He scoffs at that and pinches your shoulder very slightly.
"Well I hated you back then but now you’re the love of my life."
"Hated me?! Excuse me Mr.I-Hate-Everyone but I was just trying to be nice and you blocked everything off like Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves."
"Thanks love, I appreciate it the comparison to an old bearded grumpy guy."
"Well I mean the only thing that is missing is the white beard."
After that, Kiyoomi tickles your sides, your cheerful laughter filling the cold night air with warmth that reaches the Outside Hitter‘s heart and as long as he is the only one who can hear your laughter, he wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.
And even though, both of your bodies have changed and matured over the years, adult!Kiyoomi‘s love for you has not changed since kid!Kiyoomi fell in love with you.
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izvmimi · 5 months
cw: fluff. a little snippet from the au i can't stop thinking about. reader is from an american colony with a specified job.
Mirai’s eyes widen and her lips form an ‘o’ as you set the thinly wrapped parcel in front of her the moment she walks in and plops down at your table. You’d called her to come in this morning to the medical barn for a follow-up, after you’d checked her itchy scalp yesterday for the evil scourge of head lice and thankfully found nothing, and she’d come in practically skipping at the crack of dawn. 
Mirai is always a delight to see, and seeing her first thing in the morning is akin to seeing the sun rise.
“Thank you for coming in so early! Did you sleep well?” you ask, grinning. Her eyes are still drawn to the package you’ve set before her as she nods in affirmation and you smile. 
She’s curious as to why you’re handing her a gift and you bristle slightly at the familiarity of her appellation, not because you don’t want to be called this way, but because you can see her older brother enter the room soon after without saying a word but with a politely neutral expression on his face. You shouldn’t expect him not to be trailing closeby wherever his younger sister is concerned, but being called Big Sis around her actual big - very big - brother makes your cheeks warm. 
“I wanted to see you to give you this. Winter is coming, it’s already October, and I wanted to make sure you were warm,” you explain. You give Tsukasa a polite acknowledgement upon his entry with a nod of the head, but look away quickly and open the parcel, pulling out a hat, a pair of mittens and a knitted cream and scarlet scarf. She looks to her brother for a moment for approval once he comes to a stop standing behind her and he nods, but his eyes are on you. 
“Good morning, doctor.”
Your impulse to remind him that you’re only a doctor out of necessity, not out of merit, is suppressed. “Good morning, Tsukasa. Thank you for bringing Mirai back.” 
You keep your tone formal with him but as you speak, you’re helping Mirai pull the hat over her head, your hands gentle on her face as you turn it once it’s on to see how it looks. “Do you like it?” you ask, a smile across your face. Hers is wider, out-matching yours by miles, and she quickly puts on the mittens.
“So warm!” she exclaims. She comes in closer and you wrap the scarf in a loop around her neck as she spins, laughing all the while. It’s hard to remember that she’s an adolescent not a child because of her short stature and small frame, but there are reasons for that. After all, Gen has told you a lot about the party that has joined your village, possibly too much really, over your many lunch breaks.
“That’s all! Let me know if you don’t like them and I can see if I can get help having them fixed. Deal?” 
Mirai nods her head emphatically, then gives you a quick hug before running out of the room, presumably to find Suika to hang out or find something else to do to fill the day. Tsukasa doesn’t leave immediately, and when you look towards him , he’s smiling, arms crossed over his chest. 
“Thank you. For being so kind to Mirai.”
Internally, you lament the fact that he makes you so anxious before mumbling the words “Of course.” It’s not a secret to him or to yourself or to anyone on the settlement at this point that Tsukasa ignites some kind of flight-or-flight response in you, and you feel no different from the gorgeous reporter that gravitates to him like a fly to a lit candle, in terms of allowing this man to make you act strangely without even trying. He’s attractive and calm and intelligent and when he looks at you, you have the sensation of being studied before being devoured, as though the question is not if he should swallow you whole, but how and when. 
And yet he’s undeniably kind and means you no harm or discomfort, unlike many of the men you’ve grown accustomed to in this burgeoning community. You clear your throat, forcing yourself to behave normally. 
“She’s so sweet, how could I not?” you try to be cheerful. He seems to like that response, humming to himself, but his next question catches you off guard.
“When did you have time to make the gifts?”
“Oh, um,” you think quickly, the idea of using your last night of insomnia to feverishly make gifts for his little sister will make you sound insane, so you come up with something else. 
“I needed to practice my crocheting skills so I worked on it here and there,” you offer. He looks at you and you find yourself grimacing, as though he can see through your lies even if he has no reason not to believe you. 
“I see,” is all he responds. Your heart thumps but he seems to be done tormenting you, uncrossing his arms. He turns and bows politely, and you find yourself doing the same, wishing that there was something to dispel your awkward behavior.
You must be not too kind but not too mean. Maintain a healthy distance. Deny the obvious attraction that puts your less-than-a-situationship not at ease, enough that he stomps and screams if you stand too close together.
“I hope to see you around,” he says, before making his way to the door. You can feel your pulse quicken. You steel yourself, and let out a deep exhale.
Tsukasa stops, clearly with some surprise on his beautiful features, and you move quickly, rummaging through a cupboard to pull out another package, wrapped even more carefully than the one you gave Mirai.
The real reason you began to make Mirai’s gifts in the first place.
“I.. had something for you too.”
Tsukasa blinks as you thrust the package in his hands, then looks at you.
Your face grows hot.
“What do you mean why? It’s cold and I had extra fabric,”  you snap. He blinks twice, then nods, and to your mortification, he unwraps the present in front of you, tearing paper almost a bit too fast, and crumpling it in a large hand.
A pair of moccasins, carefully crafted, with not a single bit of fabric in common with Mirai’s gifts are now in his hands, and he inspects them carefully, then looks at you, and you find yourself needing to defend yourself.
“Listen, I’m sick of seeing you walk around barefoot all over the premises, in my lab, and I just thought I would be proactive and-”
Tsukasa chuckles to himself and you stop short. “Thank you,” he replies.
He slips into them right in front of you and you’re surprised at the exact fit. He grins.
“Are you satisfied?” He’s looking at you earnestly, like a kid on Christmas, and you can’t find a way not to crack a smile yourself. 
Gen tells you too much of other people’s business, but one useful thing he did manage to tell you, is that Tsukasa’s birthday is in October, just weeks ago, and late is better than never.
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sasusakucoded · 10 months
Sasuke and Sakura wanted to open a trust fund for Sarada in another country. So, when both of them were available, they went to the bank to open an account for her.
Teller: Please fill out these forms and sign every page. *hands some papers*
Sakura: I'll fill them out for you, Anata..
Sasuke: Thanks.
Sakura: Here. *gives the forms back*
Teller: Let me review real quick. Please be seated for a while.
Sakura: *nods*
Teller: *checks the forms and stares at Sakura then at Sasuke*
Sakura: Um, is there a problem?
Teller: So, you're older than your husband.
Sasuke: Yes, she's older.
Sakura: Anata! Um, yes.. Slightly older.
Teller: No wonder.. Girls these days prefer younger guys.
Inner Sakura: Shannaroooo! What is wrong with her?!?
Sakura: I'm just 117 days older than my husband. *fakes laughing*
Teller: Still, you're older. Like right now you're 33 and he's 32.
Sasuke: She's shorter than me so it's okay.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun that's not even a compliment!
Teller: *turns to Sasuke* Bet you called her 'oneesan' before. *laughs hyterically*
Sasuke: *clenches fist seeing Sakura is uncomfortable*
Sakura: *opens his fist* Anata, please go ahead and buy Sarada's black tea, so we'll save time.
Sasuke: Sakura..
Sakura: *gives him a knowing look*
Sasuke: Okay, see you later then. *leaves*
Teller: Ah, to have a younger husband. You can order him to do whatever and he'll obey like a little boy.
Sakura: Yeah. So many perks of having a hot young husband. I feel like you wish you had someone like him too.
Teller: Nah, I'm not the type that would go after young men.
Sakura: I mean.. You can't just go after them. They must like you first. If you're a little charming, maybe they'll want you too.. Even if you're old.. And ugly.
Teller: ...
Sakura: I think we're done here. I need to go. My young husband probably can't wait to be with his older but charming wife. *fake-smiles*
Sakura: I did something wrong.
Sasuke: Did you kill the teller?
Sakura: No, that's brutal! I— well.. *tells him what happened*
Sasuke: *laughs*
Sakura: I'm sorry, that's embarrassing. I should have not acted like that. I was just so pissed.
Sasuke: That's okay.
Sakura: I mean she's right.. So, why was I even mad. I'm really older than you.
Sasuke: But you're shorter and youthful. Nobody cares about who's older, Sakura. Age does not matter unless you're milk.
Sakura: Anata! Those dad jokes make you look way older!
Sasuke: You mean wiser, oneesan?
Sakura: Sasuke-kun!!!
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emmimimii · 2 years
#2 In the Car | Marius Von Hagen
go away 18 below/ minors! NSFW Ahead!
Fandom: Tears of Themis Pairing: Marius Von Hagen x Reader
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Warnings: NSFW, Vaginal penetration, Unprotected sex, dirty praises, car sex, semi-public sex, riding
its cramped. You're both an arm's length away from each other and you could smell the faint scent of cologne he has on, he smelt faintly of citrus and it fits him well
he was wearing his suit but had taken off the vest and tuxedo pieces, leaving him in only his signature black shirt, the very same shirt you find yourself eyeing (because it highlights his pecs so fucking well) he seems to see you staring at him, so he playfully says "oneesan/jiejie, is the view that great?"
You rolled your eyes, it's so him to be joking, but instead of the usual retorts, you decided to play his game and tease him back.
"yes, good enough to eat, you look and smell delicious" letting the s drawl, you can see him gulp slightly, it was a relatively straight and empty road, so he let his eyes wander over to you, but without giving him too much time to react, you reach out and touch his arms, and your fingers tiptoeing across to his chest (that you so long to touch)
Marius's grip on the wheel wavered, and you could feel the car swerve slightly (a/n: please don't do this irl it's dangerous buns!) but he manages to grab hold of the car with one of his hands before it gets out of control, the other holds on to your mischievous fingers, gripping it and leading it to his warmest part of his body.
He quickly parks in a safe spot, your hand still captured between his palm and the heat of his cock. he unbuckles the two seatbelts and repositions his chair backwards. and without any warning, he grabs hold of your ass and lifts you on to his lap (while also managing to put a hand on your head, to prevent you from getting a concussion, cause whatever's going to happen he's not going to stop)
he's warm and hard, and it's not just his dick you're talking about (though that part of him was extra hot) and you can feel his breath on you, his lips inches away from yours, the hand that was protecting your head smoothly push you towards him, him meeting you half way
the kiss was humid and sloppy, but neither of you could separate from each other, you loved the way both your chest rubbed against each other, and your cunt now wet was also frictioning (a/n: i want this to be a word pls) on his member.
you feel one of his hand tangle in your locks, and the other to your pussy, rubbing (knocking) on the entrance once he reaches, and he proceeds to drown your moans through kissing, when you really couldn't hold it in, you bite down on his tongue, and he bites back then lets go.
"oneesan/jiejie, i see someones in a mood to play naught-ah"
he didn't get to finish talking, because your hand have found it's way on his cock, unzipping his pants clumsily in the dark, you press the ready and wet cunt against his, slicking him with your juices.
"oneesan/jiejie, wait-hng, thank god for skirts-oh god"
you laugh at the statement as you sit on him, sliding down slowly.
you love the feeling of his cock when it penetrates you, every time he enters, you're surprised by how warm a person could be, then it gets deeper and thicker and it fills you up so well, but you know, he's not fully in yet. His cock just keeps going until it stretches your cunt, both horizontally and vertically, it greets your cervix with a deep kiss and you know he will each and every time he thrusts.
it hurts every time, but its a pain you can't live without (like spicy food [a/n: I cant even eat spicy]) you're enjoying the way he's stretching and throbbing and you can feel him inside you so clearly, the way every vein throbs makes your knees weak, but you know he's waiting
his lips start kissing it's way to your breasts, expertly reaching your perk nipples, obviously waiting for attention, and you feel them enveloped in warm wet heat, and his tongue flicking aggressively, starving for your reaction, he bites gently
your back arches, pressing your chest closer to him, and his dick pushing further in, you struggle to move up and down, your arms embracing his head offering some sort of leverage, making it somewhat easier to push yourself up
you're going slow, enjoying the way everything feels more ... detailed, trying to mold his dick into your pussy, but he can't take it anymore. as much as he loves it when you take charge, he wants more
he wants to hear the schlicking sound your cunt makes when he thrusts in you over and over again, he wants to inhale your screams as you lose control of your moans, and he wants to watch in disappointment as his cum leaks out of you everytime he tries to fuck more into you
he grabs you by the ass and rams in you, making sure to hit every spot he knows that sends you into a frenzy along the way, he moves rapidly but not losing strength in each plunge, his cock greeting the cervix with a deep kiss every time he enters
"oneesan/jiejie you should know better than to tease me like that"
you bite his shoulder in response, unable to speak anything more than gibberish at this moment, "look at how well you're taking me, does being in the car turn you on?" he eggs on, knowing fully well that just being with him is a turn on, the man eludes pheromones and he's just fucking sinful, the embodiment of lust
you're sure if anyone were to walk on the street at this moment, they'd not only see the vigorous shaking of the car, but the moans you were trying so hard to hide are leaking, all nonsense cause he's already fucked you dumb, and all you want right now is to feel his thick cum in you
"f-fuck, in-inside me please"
your voice shakes from the intense rocking and you hear him chuckle in response as he slows down, you mewl in disappointment, you were so close! he smirks and asks "jiejie/oneesan, what do you want inside?""you know what..." he thrusts, unsatisfied with your response "hmm I won't know unless you tell me clearly tho, o-ne-e-san/jie-jie" fuck his bratty side taking over, you hate it but it fucking turns you on
you try to glare at him, but he thrusts in again, teasing you, he knows fully well what you want, but he won't give it to you until you beg for it
"your cum inside me" "inside where, jiejie/oneesan?" he's really starting to annoy you now, and you try to take control, attempting to grind your ass, and invoking the climax you so desperately want yourself, but he knows you well, and grabs hold of your ass, and lifts it slowly, as a threat, that he'll pull out and leave both you and him unsatisfied (it totally works on you)
"i want your big dick to cum inside my pussy" he raises his eyebrows, not hearing the magic word. "Please" you begged, and he smirked, satisfied by the hold he has on you. and he re-sheaths himself in you, groaning happily by your wet warmth, this is where he belongs, his dick in your cunt, his dick was made to rearrange your guts
he lifts you up and puts you on the steering wheel, giving him a better access to your sloppy pussy and the view of your jiggling breast was a sight to behold. he holds on to your waist as he plunges you deep, digging at your cervix, his end goal, he wants to fuck a baby in you and that's where his cum needs to be. he begins to ram inside you with extreme pace and strength (man this man is really sucking out your energy to fuck you) and you can feel his cock throb and you know he's close, and so are you
you reach your end first, your walls clamping hard on to him, he lets out a growl, you're making this harder for him to push deeper in you, but with a few more presses he reaches his climax too, shooting thick ropes of hot cum in you, painting his destination white
you breath heavily as he tries to fuck the overcrowded cum back into you, but really pushing more out with his movement, he curses, then smiles at you, promising to fill you up with more when you get home
you weren't sure what happens after, as you blacked out from exhaustion and heat, the car was humid, windows fogged up from body heat, and it smelt of sex, the last thing on your mind was thanking the tech now for putting car horns on another spot, else the car would be beeping nonstop. the next time you woke, you were in bed, and Marius was doing as he promised, fucking more cum into your pussy
"oh onee-san/jiejie, you're awake, you're just in time for round 5"
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why am i writing this at 12am (also i wrote so much more compared to last time) so god help if my dialogue is cringe also i gave up on trying to spell check (do u think grammarly will make me delete my vile stuff (delete me pls)
i've been staring at the perfume yes im too broke for it but corriander??? (he does look like the type to eat corriander)
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KaiMiku - Nostalgia
(Kaito and Miku are still newlyweds here. Kaito is 25 and Miku is 22)
Kaito: (enters their bedroom) Sweet Mint, have you seen my-
Miku: Ah! K-Kaito! Don’t-
Kaito: ...Whatcha doing?
Miku: Ah, you see... I-I found my old square hairclips and it made feel nostalgic, so I... wore my hair into twintails like years ago...
Kaito: Ahaha... I can see that.
Miku: P-Please don’t laugh...
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Kaito: ...(chuckles)
Miku: Hey, I said no laughing...  Do I really look that funny like this? I mean, sure, this hairstyle is unfitting for a woman my age...
Kaito: No, No, That's not it. It's just that seeing you in that hairstyle makes me feel nostalgic too.
Miku: (soft laugh) You too, huh, Anata? Though, it's a little embarrassing...
Kaito: Hmm... 
Miku: What’s the matter, Anata? 
Kaito: Nothing. Just thinking how cute you look with those twintails. 
Miku: C-Cute?! 
Kaito: In fact, it reminds me of the time when we first met. You were in your V2 outfit with your hair tied in those twintails, cheerfully introducing yourself to me and Mei-San. Even Mei-San’s first impression of you was, “What a cute, young and energetic girl she is...” She said to me. Ah, memories... 
Miku: M-Meiko-OneeSan said that about me?! W-Wait, what were you thinking that time? 
Kaito: The same thing, even to this day, “You’re so cute, Miku!” 
Miku: A-Anata!!! 
Kaito: Ahaha, sorry I just- Oh?
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Kaito: ((She still caress her hair when she's flustered and embarrassed like back in the day... How could my wife be any more cute?))
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Kaito: ((She got even cuter... Me and my big mouth...))
((And so, the tease became the teased. Careful with what you ask, Kaito.))
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yatonokey · 1 year
Hellooo tis me Lan congrats on being open for business 🥳 may I ask for Rinne/HiMERU + doing an interview or smth but they r trying really hard (maybe failing idk) to hide the fact that they're dating✨
I want to start this off by saying that I’m not confident in my depiction of ANY crazy:b character, but fuck it we ball.
Rinhime interview is live now
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ —
“Merumeru, Vice Prez is making us go on national live television later today,” Rinne said one morning as he leaned on HiMERU’s shoulder. He said it so casually as he stared at the screen of his phone - it was a card game app playing black jack, thankfully not a way to use real money.
“HiMERU doesn’t think he heard you correctly. Did you say that you and him were going on national television later today?” HiMERU said, putting down his own phone as he turned to give him a seething gaze as if daring him to say yes.
“Aw babe, yer ears are working just fine. But ya, Vice Prez wants us to dispel our dating rumors,” Rinne said with a knowing grin - knowing full well he was messing with himeru. He slinked more into HiMERU’s frame, his hair brushing against the thin fabric of his shirt.
“You kept this from HiMERU on purpose,” HiMERU easily deduced that his boyfriend was withholding this information from him. He paid less attention to him having to dispel dating rumors - that was just something he had to do as an idol to prevent scandals after all.
“What’s life without surprises?” Rinne said, laughing a bit before he cheered at the beeping sound his mobile game made. “Oh! Jackpot!”
“Amagi, you’re a bother,” HiMERU commented as he lightly shoved Rinne off of him. Suddenly HiMERU stretched. “HiMERU lost time in preplanning our answers. HiMERU is going to make you sit down and review flashcards with him.”
“Oh, ya don’t gotta worry you’re great at calculating things and I have a feeling that my luck is real good tonight,” Rinne said casually, treating this game show like yet another gambling session.
Rinne’s luck was not good that night.
“The viewers were wondering what your first kiss was like?” The interviewer said from her seat, Rinne and HiMERU were sitting right across from her, HiMERU’s disposition polite while Rinne’s was much more casual yet. She looked at them expectantly.
“HiMERU has never had a first kiss. His only partner so far in his life has never felt interested in kissing, but he is experienced in other areas,” HiMERU said, giving the interviewer a polite smile.
“Oh, you must be good at romance then!” The reporter said cheerfully.
“Something like that,” HiMERU replied, not giving any more room to ask questions. Romance was not exactly what he meant, but it’s not like the audience needed to know that he’s given a blowjob before he’s kissed a man. Or well, a person of any gender.
“And how about you? Would you considering HiMERU?” The interviewer asked, not at all bothering to hide her intentions with this interview.
“Honestly, I’d prefer not to kiss before marriage. So I’d have to marry Merumeru first and it’s not legal for us to marry so I guess we’re never gonna kiss,” Rinne replied, causing HiMERU to feel a tinge of annoyance.
Rinne wasn’t doing a good job of faking this interview so he’d need to amp up this facade with a lie. Resisting the urge to click his tongue, HiMERU added on, “HiMERU would never consider marrying Amagi.”
Rinne looked almost offended by his comment, but snapped back into his calm demeanor in a fraction of a second. Thankfully the interviewer didn’t seem to catch it.
“O-oh? Ah well, so you hang out often?” she asked.
“Outside of practice? Not really. Sometimes HiMERU stays over at Amagi’s dorm, but-“
"You stayed over? I thought you were no longer dormmates?” The interviewer cut HiMERU off much to his annoyance.
“Amagi is a plague on HiMERU's life. He doesn't leave,” he replied as politely as he could, but a headache was beginning to come on.
“But you were at his dorm.”
“That is irrelevant information.”
“Oneesan, ya should move on with the next question. We don’t have much time, y’know?” Rinne cut in and she gave him a ticked off smile but moved on realizing he was right.
She still had to interview ten other idols at ensemble square about dating allegations after all.
“Right. What’s each of your types?”
“HiMERU does not know anymore,” Himeru responded and his answer was completely genuine. If you told him he would be Rinne’s boyfriend last yeah he would have found a way to block you in real life.
“Well… life leads ya to different places. People who ya didn’t think would be the one become someone ya wanna to spend the rest of yer life with. It’s all just one game of chance,” Rinne said before laughing cheerfully.
Being on some sort of cloud nine, HiMERU brain stopped working for just enough time for him to blurt out. “You want to spend the rest the your life with HiMERU?”
It wasn’t until a hush fell over the room before HiMERU immediately realized his mistake. The interviewers eyes lit up and HiMERU could see the cogs in Rinne’s brain trying to come up with a perfectly reasonable response to cover for him.
But luckily the buzzer rang indicating that their segment of the interview was over and HiMERU and Rinne more or less rushed out of there. They passed Valkyrie who was next waiting in line to ask about the dating allegations but as they got hacked stage they looked at each other and silently agreed they were fucked.
The literal day after there were ship edits of their interview. On the bright side, it seemed literally everyone else she interviewed also failed.
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2n2n · 1 year
sorry but, do you know exactly what was it with the tbhk idol artwork?? im asking you 'cuz ngl you seem the best source for this fkdjflj like i always try to find out more about if it was like an event or something and i never find specific answers </3
there was some sort of '.png event' where Hanako would 'shake hands' with people (as he said, with oneesans, or, young but older than him women, lol). It was part of a promotion with a bunch of other g-fantasy characters (including Sebastian!), who all made up 'Ayaka6' which was a made-up idol band, which 'disbanded' immediately after. It had some merch and Aida made lots of special art of Hanako in that get-up! I didn't observe it that closely though, I don't know what the actual event entailed, I'm assuming just a pop-up shop or display somewhere?
There were a few random artworks, including Hanako nervously practicing his handshake (he's nervous and worried about messing up the simple act of shaking hands….......), Hanako whining 'cuz Nene has every color of glowstick to represent the other 5 members but not his (red) glowstick, and she shouts that it's because of the absolute territory on his inner thighs, which suddenly and only embarrasses him when it's pointed out ……….. tsuchigomori and yako laugh at him in his get-up as well …. he shyly practices touching his body and doing routines, because Aida loves to draw such things. etc etc!!! Whore Hanako Hours
as far as I know there isn't more lore, and the Tsukasa header was a random fluke and not a part of the Ayaka6 event, Aida just wanted to have fun. The other characters don't really seem to have distinct roles.
The flowers flanking Tsukasa in the header appear to be Angel's Trumpets. I could be wrong, but that's what they look like to me.
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"Brugmansia induces a powerful trance with violent and unpleasant effects, sickening after effects, and at times temporary insanity". These hallucinations are often characterized by complete loss of awareness that one is hallucinating, disconnection from reality (psychosis), and amnesia of the episode
maybe Tsukasa as an idol is entirely a wild delusion, lol
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Just wanna spread ✨Good Vibes✨
Monthly girl Nozaki-kun
The disastrous life of Saiki-k
Kaguya: love is war
Asobi Asobase
Wotakoi love is hard for an otaku
Aho girl
Uramichi oneesan
there are very few comedy that make me laugh or romance that is tolerable, and even fewer shows i can rewatch when bored i often come back to this selection i hope they brighten up your day as they do mine.
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eldergremlingifs · 2 years
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yestrday · 2 years
On the opposite end of the spectrum, may I suggest the upperclassmen with an immature younger sibling/imouto type MC? Just a reckless, naïve, wild card of a person who s o m e h o w managed to attract a whole group of unhinged admirers. Idk, I just think it would be funny.
you might like : yan! first years w/ oneesan-esque darling , yan! third years hcs
( collars, perverted behavior, manipulation )
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he's already got the big brother vibe going on. you two are already a match made in heaven. childe adores you, spoiling you at every given time and always going along with your whims. one of his favorite things to do is to cook you food, since you usually forget to bring your own lunch. what a ditz... but at least he gets the chance to see you stuff your face with his food! he laughs in delight and brushes away stray crumbs as you exclaim through mouthfuls of food at how good his cooking is. seeing you happy because of him honestly makes his day!
however... that naive nature of yours might get you into trouble, y’know~? your wide, innocent eyes that look at him with sooo much trust, damn. you’re literally asking him to take advantage of you! from time to time he’ll intoxicate you with his sweet words, reeling you in with words that bait your childish curiousity and taking away the others’ time with you. accident after accident follows you and you’re both frightened and confused without even realizing the obvious shadow of the man trailing behind you.
it’s so, so fun, messing with you like this. but he can’t help it! the terrified expression that takes over your usually ditzy features is soooo fun to look at!
“tsk, tsk,” childe clicks his tongue disapprovingly. his large hands clasp themselves on your shoulders as he presses his chest on your back. you’re forced to face the mess you— you swear you didn’t do any of this!— caused. 
his breath tickles your ear as he murmurs, “look. look at alll this. i’m the one who has to clean up after you, y’know?” from the corner of your eye, childe’s deep blue eye glints almost dangerously. “surely you still have some conscience left to pay back your loving senior?”
zhongli tells him not to tease you too much, but it’s so fun to see you curl into his touch and nod frantically, fully under his control.
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you know, you’re gonna kill diluc one of these days. those reckless, foolish actions of yours has him snapping his neck to and fro as he tries to keep you away from danger. if childe and itto are the ones that pull you into danger, diluc is wholeheartedly trying to stop you. he’s always, always warning you, and yet being the hardheaded thing you are, you never seem to heed his words. he could really just save himself the headache and leave you alone, but he’s naturally drawn to you. he’s pressing down your clothes crinkled from playing, fixing your tie and fixing your hair. anything you ask he will give.
so please, listen to him just once, will you? do you really not value his words that much? because if you had an ounce of respect for him you’d steady yourself and stop getting yourself into these dangerous situations! he’s already had plans to lock you away, and the more you prove how irresponsible you are with handling yourself, the closer you are to reaching his bad ending. just... give him some sort of reassurance of your safety, and he’ll probably stay put. probably.
“[your name]. i’m begging you.” the thought of the diluc begging is almost impossible, but here you are now. “if you have any— any! — self-respect, you’d stop your foolishness and stay still.”
confusion etches itself onto your face. you don’t know what brought this on. you were only receiving treatment in the clinic after a pretty nasty fall down the stairs before he bursts into the room and his frantic eyes fall on the dark bruise blossoming across the side of your torso.
“i–i’m not sure what’s going— ah!” diluc’s gloved hands dig onto the wounded part. “that– that hurt!”
“... did it now?” his voice is so condescending, as if mocking you you flinch when his dark eyes meet yours. you gulp. “then you better steady yourself. or i’ll jus have to tie you down myself.”
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itto loves that energy you have going on! he plays with you a lot, pulling you into extreme adventures and situations, much to the chagrin of the other harem members. he puts you on his shoulders to reach the beetle on the highest branch, or carry you away as soon as the authorities are coming. most times you get into trouble with itto, although the teachers and students are in silent agreement that he’s just a bad influence on you. he’d boisterously laugh and pull you in by the side, lovingly ruffling your hair and smugly announcing that you just really love to be around him. you don’t deny it because really, where’s the lie?
more often than not, violent images of you flash behind his eyes and he’s overcome with guilt. he knows he shouldn’t be thinking such things, not when you smile at him so brightly and look at him with such adoring eyes. and yet, the more primal side of him feeds him oh-so-tempting images of his fangs sinking down into the soft of your neck, or your dumb and dazed look as he sits you on his lap and forces you to give up your everything to him. ah, fuck. now he’s drooling.
“itto, itto! look—!”
he can hear you calling his name, feel you tugging on his sleeves as you point to an shiny new beetle you’ve never seen before. but right now the top buttons of your uniform are undone due to all the playing, revealing the smooth expanse of your upper chest. unknowingly, a pierced tongue swipes across his lower lip and he gulps.
your hand can barely encase his palm, and he wonders if it’d break too easily as he hoists you up for his own taking. perverted fantasies slowly overtake him as he imagines unbuttoning the rest of the uniform and digging into your flesh. he wonders if your blood would be metallic and tangy, wonders if your childish naivety turns into horrified realization.
he squeezes your palm tightly (oh, how small it was) and fakes a stiff smile. he shouldn’t be thinking like this. you don’t deserve it. but he wonders if he deserves all this painful torture as he holds himself back just for you.
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whenever he’s around you, kaeya’s sure that he won’t be easily bored. you’re brimming with entertainment, always dragging him around as you go about your day with wide-eyed curiosity. kaeya naturally tags along, maybe even act as the devil on your shoulder and encourage you. he’s just really happy that someone wants to be around him for so long and not look at him with some degree of wariness like the others do. he can chalk that aspect of yours to foolish trust, but kaeya’s honestly glad that you’re a wee bit stupid. with you, loneliness is barely a thing.
although, that makes his times alone even harder to bear compared to the time when he hadn’t met you. there’s nothing more he wants to do than see you run back to him with that childish grin and adoring eyes. and what better way than make you rely on him? a few strings to pull here and there, keep you on your toes for just a bit (although paranoia is a more fitting term), and sure some people might end up getting hurt in the crossfire. and yeah, maybe you’ll end up feeling the guilt for the rest of your life. but no one is dead! and plus, seeing you cling to him as you sob brokenly gives him a twisted sense of satisfaction.
kaeya’s dark hands know how to work their magic, soothing your back as they rack from hiccups and sobs and bringing your head closer to his warm chest. “poor thing,” he murmurs to you, gently lifting your head to see your teary-eyed face. as much as kaeya loves your carefree spirit, something about you being as broken as him leaves him wanting for more.
“perhaps you should’ve listened to diluc... your reckless nature really is a bit troublesome, you know?” you’re surprised that he’d actually agree with diluc, but you can’t bring yourself to disagree.
“i– i’m sorry,” you sob. “i didn’t know better! i shouldn’t have gone there!”
“you shouldn’t,” kaeya affirms, kissing the space between your brows and wiping your wet eyes. “rely on me a little more, alright? don’t go anywhere by yourself... don’t ever leave my side.”
in the midst of your fear-numbed thoughts, you absentmindedly nod a deadly promise.
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another free-spirited guy, venti is another one who indulges you. noticeably, he’s far gentler than the others and actively tries to keep you out of harm’s way, though not very obvious. after all, you’re his muse, and he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you! most days he invites you to his jam sessions, singing happy songs together without a care in the world. other days he’d sneak a bottle of wine and take advantage of your curiousity to prod you into drinking some, much to zhongli’s contempt. he often coaxes you into pulling harmless yet elaborate pranks on the other members and if one of them should fall victim, if they’d look behind them they could hear the mischievous cackles of you two as the ends of your uniforms scamper out of view.
yet another one who likes to take advantage of your foolish trust, but it’s nothing too harmful (or at least, not compared to the others). venti invites himself into your home and you let him, unsuspecting of the things he does when you’re out of sight. there’s just sooo much inspiration to be had here! when he gets home, still drunk off your scent, he frantically flips to a fresh page of his lyric book and jots down incomprehensible lyrics of your beautiful gait. zhongli takes a peek the next day, and distaste immediately overtakes him as he reads over the lecherous lines.
“... he’s sooo mean!” venti rants to you one day, petting your hair as you lay down on his lap. “he says that my lyrics are too filthy! do you agree with him, [your name]?”
you actually don’t know what his lyrics are about. you haven’t seen his lyric book ever since zhongli had a stern talk to you about it. but why would his lyrics be dirty? the venti you know is absolutely capable and wise, and even one of the best students in the music program! you grin and nod, absolutely unaware of the situation. “i think your lyrics are the best, ven”
he squeals and nuzzles your nose with his. “of course, you do!” he coos. “my darling [your name]... ♡ gosh, how are you still adorable after all this time!”
he tickles and kisses you all over your face, eliciting delighted giggles from you. you don’t even notice the hand he’s slipped underneath your shirt, perversely groping and stroking the undefiled skin underneath.
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zhongli finds your naiveness refreshing and it gives him a sense of satisfaction to be the one to teach you all that you need to know. to be honest, if it were any other person he’d find them a brat (coughhutaocough), but there’s something... different about you. zhongli also loves to spoil you, likes seeing your eyes sparkle as he covers you with jewelry you’d never dream of adorning. you often come to him for more of his stories and he’ll happily make space in the tea club for you. out of all your seniors, you hold his opinion in the highest regard, something that the others find absolutely annoying.
still, your recklessness can bring about unneccessary trouble, making zhongli feel that he needs to put you on a tighter leash. you’re very hyperactive, he says, and he feels the need to drill some sort of elegance and style into you. this is, after all, an elite school. some actions of yours just won’t be tolerated. what you think is his guidance is to him training a dog to stay still.
“umm... zhongli... do i really need a leash..?” you know it’s impudent of you to question his actions, but the leather has you in a chokehold, and sitting on your knees as he looks down at you elicits feelings that you were incapable of identifying.
the crueler part of him is tempted to call you an idiot. here you are, seated so submissively for him, so vulnerable, and you have no clue about what’s going on. he could do all sort of things to you and yet you’d still believe he was doing his job as a good senior.
but if you insist, he’ll play the part of a benevolent mentor. he sighs and crouches down to your leve. “this is training, [your name]. once you graduate, you will be in a place where that personality of yours will be shunned.”
his eyes glow as an amused smile drapes over his lips. “now behave or else.”
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alohajun · 2 years
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haruto x fem!reader | wc : 0.8k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, mentions of ice-cream, fluffy stuff, haruto has a mini panic attack bc he thinks his sister is kidnapped (?) | loki's lines : totally not derived from the moment i fell head over heels after helping a lost kid find her brother at a supermarket ... yes both siblings stole my heart, i demand compensation
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“airi! airi! where are you?!”
haruto was panicking, not knowing where his sister had wandered while he had gone to get her the balloon she had been eyeing when they passed the vendor.
“shit, shit!” haruto had his hands in his hair, frustrated at the situation as he tried to find his little sister. “where did you go off to, airi?” he muttered, running around the park frantically.
the tall male retraced his steps, going back to where he had left his sister before he went towards the balloon vendor. i told her to stay, and she usually listens … so where is she? he thought, feeling his chest tighten at the horrible thought of his sister being kidnapped.
no, it’s not possible. this is a public place. kids don’t get kidnapped in parks, right?
just as haruto took out his phone to inform his parents, the familiar ringtone rang, and he looked down, seeing an unknown number. am i getting a ransom call right now? has airi really been kidnapped? he couldn’t help but let his mind run wild, his heart erratically beating as he answered the call.
“hello?” a soft female voice was heard on the other line, and haruto held his breath, hearing the words that followed. “watanabe-san? ah! watanabe haruto-san? is your sister, perhaps, watanabe airi?” the voice asked, and haruto vigorously nodded before realizing you couldn’t see him.
“yes, yes! please, tell me she is there with you!”
“yes, she is! there is an ice-cream parlor next to the bicycle renting place. do you know that place, or should i come to you?”
haruto shook his head again before he replied. “no, no. i know the place. i will be right there!” he ran as quickly as his long legs would take him, somehow automatically knowing where to go.
the male let out a sigh as he came across the ice-cream parlor, walking inside before looking around. his eyes landed on the familiar figure of his sister sitting at a table, deliciously eating away a cold treat you had served for her as you waited for her brother.
upon seeing the ash-green-haired male enter the ice-cream parlor, you stood from your seat, getting ready to greet him as an usual customer, but seeing his frantic gaze and slight resemblances to the little girl you just met made you recognise him.
“watanabe-san?” you greeted, a warm smile on your face as you gestured towards his sister. “i’m sorry, but i gave her an ice-cream. is that fine? it’s on the house, though! don’t worry, i just–” your words were cut off as haruto wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a hug, which took you by surprise.
why is he hugging me … and not his sister?
haruto snapped out of his daze, apologizing profusely as he pulled away. “i’m so sorry about that, but uh, thank you very much for finding airi. i thought i lost her,” he explained, and you nodded, having some understanding about how a sibling would feel. “seriously, i thought she was kidnapped.”
“oh, no.” a small laugh escaped your lips before shaking your head and covering your face with your hands. “our store gives freebies at certain times throughout the day, so when the announcement is heard, people usually rush in here.”
“oh …”
“airi was caught with the crowd and came here. she looked lost, so i thought maybe she couldn’t just decide a flavor, but then she told me she was waiting for her brother to buy her a balloon and started crying,” you explained, smiling at the balloon the male had tied onto his wrist. “i called you as soon as i could get your number from her. and also gave her a treat because ice cream makes everyone feel better!”
haruto smiled endearingly at the way you spoke, feeling his heart threaten to pound out of his chest. ah, kawaii. she’s so cute. he thought, pulling himself together as he took ahold of his sister’s hand after she finished eating.
“thank you for helping me find my brother, ice-cream store oneesan!” airi hugged you, and you crouched so you could properly hug the youngest. the watanabe siblings must like hugging. “you are seriously the best!”
unable to help yourself, you pinch the younger’s cheeks, giggling. “and you are seriously the cutest!” you cooed. “please be careful, though, airi-ya. always hold on to your brother’s hand, okay? don’t get lost again! otherwise, this oneesan will also be very sad.” you smiled as the female earnestly nodded, waving to you as she left the store.
as haruto left the park, he could only think about visiting again. just to see the ice-cream store oneesan his sister came to like within a short amount of time — because he felt like he did too.
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Akashi x Older Sister! Reader
Title: Could Never Hate You Fluff No Warning
Akashi Seijuro had always looked up to you because you were his older sister. You were the best in his eyes with everything that you did. As he got older, despite his personality changing, you were still his world. When you had graduated high school and left him, he was angry at you but he understood. While your guy’s father pushed him to make sure he always won, you still kept him a bit leveled. You were more like your mother, and he noticed that after she passed. 
Right now Akashi would have done anything right now to see your bright smile. Especially since he felt lost, it had nothing to do with his two personalities but he just missed his older sister. It had been a few years since he last saw you, especially after you and your dad got into an argument. He resented his dad a bit for pushing you away, especially since the two of you lost contact. 
You honestly missed your younger brother, he was the most precious, and adorable bean ever. It had been a few years since you saw him, or even talked to him. You felt bad for not contacting him, which was why you were headed to his game today. You hoped he didn’t resent you for not calling or visiting. You wouldn’t blame him though if he did. You stood and watched them lose against Seirin, not the proudest moment, but he looked like he still had fun playing basketball. That made you smile slightly, as you waited by the exit. 
“Who is that?”
“Don’t know but she is really cute.”
“You don’t think she is here for Seirin do you?” 
“I hope not…”
“Hi… is Sei coming or….” you trailed off and they sweat dropped.
“Oh he is,”
“What’s going on?” Well that voice told you and you turned around and gave him a nervous smile.
“Oneesan…” You could see the shock on his face and you rubbed your neck.
“Hey, it’s been awhile…” You said, before you could finish, he grabbed your hand and led you guys far away from everyone. After he made sure no one followed you guys he turned to you.
“What are you doing here?” 
“I felt I should apologize for leaving, and not contacting you…” You mumbled and looked down, he suddenly hugged you tightly to him.
“I missed you, so much.”
“I missed you too, I understand if you hate me…”
“I could never hate you (N/N), you mean everything to me. I am glad I get to see you again.” He mumbled, you could have sworn you felt tears brimming his eyes but you couldn’t tell. He kept his face buried into your chest, and you sighed softly before placing a small kiss to the top of his head.
“Hey, to make it up. How about I take you out for food?” You asked and he looked up at you, after he calmed himself down.
“To make it up, you got to take the entire team out. Plus, can I stay with you?”
“What about dad?” 
“I doubt he will care, plus I lost the game. Knowing him, he will probably be disappointed, lecture or disown me. Depends on his mood.” 
“Well, I won’t mind. I have a spare bedroom, so you can stay with me as long as you want.” 
“Thanks,” he hugged you tightly again. It was such a heart warming reunion for the both of you that you both didn’t notice his basketball team behind him. 
“Uhm, Akashi~ we have a meeting,” one of his teammates said.
“Stay, don’t leave,” he said he unintentionally puffed his cheeks out making him look cute.
“If you leave I won’t forgive you.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Go to your meeting plus I am taking you guys out to eat if I remember correctly,” he nodded his head with a small smile.
“I never knew he could make an adorable face like that. It’s weird.” One whispered and Akashi looked at them before looking away feeling his cheeks heat up. He forgot he was around them when he made such an adorable face and you couldn’t help but laugh softly.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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morimyulyrics · 3 years
From start to finish, this track really just overflowed with Ms Hudson vs Irene rivalry energy. It’s soooo good, and so fun!!! I really like the chords in this one.
Also, from this point on I’ve got a copy of the lyrics!!! Thanks so very much to @alphardofthealley for giving me a copy of the lyrics booklet. I’ll go back and correct past lyrics, but for now, I’ll focus on lyrics I haven’t posted yet.
Cinderella sensou | Cinderella war
Characters: Irene Adler, Ms Hudson (speech only: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson)
Ah 私は今 灰を被っているけれど 灰被り姫シンデレラは どんな服を着てもシンデレラ この姿のままでも私はいいのだけれど
まさかハドソンさんあなたはシンデレラに出てくるような 意地悪な姉達ではないですよね
ご自身をプリンセスに例えるなんて 随分と自信がおありなんですね だったらこの魔法使いのお姉さんが 似合う服を見繕ってまいりますわ
ガラスの靴を履けなければ シンデレラはシンデレラじゃない あの女が絶対着られない服を渡して シンデレラじゃないと証明してやるわ
一目惚れて買ったこのドレス サイズが全然合わなくて 痩せたら着ようと思ったまま タンスの肥やしになって?年月 でも遂にあなたが 役に立つ時が来たのよ あのシンデレラの敗北を
着られるものなら着てご覧 きっつきつのピッチピチよ ウォホホ 魔法は解けるのよ シンデレラ
あら〜 すごく可愛い 新品みたいだけど 本当に借りていいの?
負けました その服は さしあげます
でも ここの大家は私です お家賃はいただきますからね 住むのは認めますけど 新しい家が見つかったらすぐ出ててもらいますからね
Ah  Watashi wa ima Hai wo kabutteiru keredo Haikaburi hime Cinderella wa Donna fuku wo kitemo Cinderella Kono sugata no mama de mo watashi wa ii no dakeredo
Masaka Hudson-san anata wa Cinderella ni detekuru you na Ijiwaru na anetachi dewa nai desu yo ne
Gojishin wo princess ni tatoeru nante Zuibun to jishin ga o-ari nan desu ne Dattara kono mahoutsukai no oneesan ga Niau fuku wo mitsukurotte mairimasu wa
Garasu no kutsu wo hakenakereba Cinderella wa Cinderella ja nai (wohoho) Ano onna ga zettai kirarenai fuku wo watashite Cinderella ja nai to shoumei shiteyaru wa
Hitome borete katta kono doresu Saizu ga zenzen awanakute Yasetara kiyou to omotta mama Tansu no koe shika ni natte iku toshitsuki Demo tsui ni anata ga   Yaku ni tatsu toki ga kita no yo Ano Cinderella ni haiboku wo
Kirareru mono nara kite goran Kittsu kitsu no pichi pichi yo Wohohoho Mahou wa tokeru no yo Cinderella
Ara~ Sugoku kawaii Shinpin mitai dakedo Hontou ni karite ii no?
Makemashita Sono fuku wa Sashiagemasu
Demo Koko no oya wa watashi desu Oyachin wa itadakimasu kara ne Sumu no wa mitomemasu kedo Atarashii ie ga mitsukattara sugu detete moraimasu kara ne
English (lyrics+dialogue)
Sherlock: Uh, Ms Hudson, can you lend her some clothes? Ms Hudson: Clothes? Why should I? Sherlock: She said we should reimburse her clothes, but she doesn’t want to go out looking like that. Ms Hudson: Huh? Are you siding with her!? Sherlock: No, not at all. She just needs to wear something so we can buy her new clothes. Ms Hudson: Definitely not!
Ah I am currently (Who are you!?) covered in ash Cinderella, the princess covered in ash is still Cinderella despite whatever she’s wearing So I’m fine even wearing this
But don’t tell me that, Ms Hudson, that you’re actually like the evil step-sisters!?
You must have a lot of confidence to compare yourself with a princess Fine, let this fairy godsister Choose clothes that will fit you
Ms Hudson: What’s up with that woman!? To compare herself to Cinderella. Ms Hudson: Cinderella... Glass slipper... Right!
If she doesn’t wear the glass slipper Cinderella is not Cinderella (wohoho) I’ll give that woman clothes that won’t fit her and make her admit she isn’t Cinderella
Ms Hudson: It was over here... It’s not! Irene: (laugh) Ms Hudson: Darn it! Ah, here it is!!
This dress I bought at first glance but doesn’t fit me at all I told myself I’d wear it when I lost weight It became a matter of numbers and persistence But finally your time to shine has come to cause Cinderella’s demise
Ms Hudson: Here you go. Irene: Oh, my. Thank you! I’ll try it on. John: Whoa!
Just go ahead and try wearing it It’s super tight and super small Wohoho The magic will wear off Cinderella
John: Whoa!
Oh, my! It’s so cute (How can that fit you!?) It looks new Is it really okay to lend me this?
I lost I’ll let you keep that dress
But I’m the landlord here! I’ll have you pay rent
Irene: Ah, you’ll deal with it... won’t you? Sherlock: Fine, I get it.
I’ll let you live here But once you find a new home, I’ll have you vacate promptly!
Ms Hudson: Alright. All done, all done. Go away! You, with that pointy thing. Go over there. And you! When did you even put that on?! Take it off! Piano, you’re doing so well. Alriiight, everyone. Let’s go. Darn it! Irene: (laugh) John: We have to follow through with this later, Sherlock... Sherlock: What a pain... Irene: Well then, as you promised, we’re going shopping. Follow me, Sherlock~
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yutahoes · 3 years
Double Date
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pairing : Yuta Nakamoto x Y/N , Yuki x Hyunjae
word count : 1.1k words
genre : fluff
summary : A weekly date with his niece turned into a double date. 
taglist : @ailoveyuta @aiforyuu @yutazen01 @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @nuoyipeach @readers-posts @mel-yjh @ytzvivi​  
Welcome to another meet cute scenario that my mind can’t stop thinking about. 😂
April 10 prompt. On a date with someone else
“Uncle!” The younger girl called that immediately put a smile on Yuta’s face. He quickly carried her in his arms, hugging her. “I missed you.”
“Me too, Yuki.” he whispered then put her down, smiling at his older sister. “Arigatou, oneesan.”
The older girl just shook her head. “You don’t have to do this Yuta. We can bring Yuki with us.” But the guy just shook his head. He missed his only niece and wanted to spend time with her like usual weekends. “But thank you for always spending time with her.”
“Of course, oneesan. I’ll bring her home in the afternoon” Yuta smiled then held the younger girl’s hand. “Say bye to your mom, Yuki.” His niece bowed at her mom, saying goodbye and promising her mom that she will behave with her uncle. “Let’s go on a date.” Yuki giggled, holding Yuta’s hand tight. 
Every time Yuta has extra time, he makes sure that he’ll spend some time with Yuki. It’s only once that she’s a young girl and he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity of taking care of his niece. Maybe it was because he’s so close with kids or because Yuki is the first granddaughter in the family, which made him closer to her than his own sisters.
He brought her first to the flower shop and Yuki’s eyes were scanning every flower on display. “Can I choose, uncle?” Yuta nodded, handed his card to the florist who just smiled at the two of them. The younger girl was giggling when the old lady on the counter handed her the pink carnation wrapped in a white paper. “Thank you, uncle. You always buy me flowers.”
“Because girls deserve flowers,” Yuta explained then opened the door for her. “I’ll buy you a new dress.”
The younger looked surprised. “You don’t have to. Mommy said not to ask you to buy me anything anymore.”
Yuta just chuckled. “I want to buy you something. It’s not a date if I don’t buy you something you want.”
“You can buy me ice cream later, uncle.” Yuki said charmingly that made him nod. “Can I play in the playground?” She asked when they passed a small playground. Her eyes were pleading that he nodded, taking the flower from her so she wouldn’t be bothered by it.
The older watched as she played on the slide with the other kids in the playground her age. He even took some pictures on his phone that he’ll definitely send his sister later. Yuta watched as she played with an older boy on the seesaws and even asking him to push her on the swings. He decided to search for a nearby ice cream parlor that sells banana split which is Yuki’s favorite.
“Uncle…” Yuki called that made him stare at her in worry. “Can we come with Hyunjae?” He stared in surprise. Who is Hyunjae? Come where? “He said he’s going to a kids’ café with his noona. Can we come with them? Please, uncle.”
He smiled at that. She’s now running to a boy? When did she become so big? But he’s not someone who will hurt her heart so he said yes. Yuki carried her flower, running to the boy she was playing with earlier, him following her. “Yuki.” The boy greeted. “Noona, she’s Yuki.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N, Hyunjae’s tutor.” A girl greeted, crouching down to meet the younger girl’s height. “You’re so cute. I like your dress.” She complimented and the younger girl giggled. “Are you on a date with someone?”
Yuki nodded. “With my uncle.” She said then stared at Yuta that made the older girl and the younger boy look at him. “He’s Yuta Nakamoto. He gave me this flower.”
“Come on Yuki!” Hyunjae called, holding her hand. “The café is this way.”
“Wait, Jae…” Y/N called. Yuta lend a hand to help her stand up and she took it. “I’m Y/N. Sorry about Hyunjae.”
Yuta shook his head while watching the two kids, the guy even moving to the dangerous side of the road which made the older nod. “I’m Yuta. Are you my niece’s competition?”
The girl had to giggle at that. “Hyunjae and I have a very professional relationship.” Yuta smiled. “Aren’t you scared? Hyunjae is kind of playful.”
He shrugged. “I’m not her dad.” She nodded while laughing. That makes sense. They watched how the two were talking about the flower Yuki was carrying as they wait for the light to turn red to cross. The adults were just behind them watching. Hyunjae was on Yuki’s left side when they crossed but he moved to the right side when they passed the other lane. “He has manners.”
“It’s because he has such a nice tutor.” She grinned which made Yuta laugh. She’s one interesting girl.
They were seated inside the kids’ café which has a ball pit on one side where the two played. They ordered ice cream that made the girls smile in glee, Yuta and Hyunjae shaking their heads at their childishness. “Unnie, do you have a boyfriend?” Yuki asked while eating the chocolate in her banana split.
Hyunjae was laughing that made the older girl glare. “She’s not even pretty.”
“I think unnie is pretty,” Yuki said. “Right, uncle?”
Yuta nodded. “I also think Y/N is pretty.” A blush crept on her cheeks. “You’re not dating anyone?”
The older girl shook her head. “Uncle also,” Yuki answered. “You would look good together.” The girl only ate her ice cream to prevent herself from smiling too much at that. “Then we can go on a double date.”
The older man laughed. “How do you know about double dates?” He teased.
There was a message on Y/N’s phone that made the younger girl sad, Hyunjae needed to go home. “We can see each other again.” The younger boy assured but Yuki was just pouting, not wanting him to leave. “How about next weekend?”
Yuta nodded while hugging his niece. “Yeah, Yuki. We can go to the zoo on Saturday. Do you like that Hyunjae?” The younger boy nodded, caressing Yuki’s back. “How about you, Y/N?” The older girl nodded and Yuki blinked her tears away asking if they can do that, even asking Yuta for a pinky promise.
She then hugged Hyunjae as Yuta stood up. “Then, can I get your number Y/N?” The girl quickly typed in her number. “I hope you’re alright with a double date.”
“A double date?”
Yuta smiled. “If it’s alright with you. I think we’re going to see each other a lot and Yuki even said that we look good together.” Y/N only nodded at that, not knowing what to say. “If you’re only comfortable and all.”
“Yeah, sure.” She stuttered. “You’re handsome.” She mentally kicked herself when Yuta laughed, nodding at her.
“And you’re pretty.” He complimented. “I’ll see you on Saturday.” You nodded. “I’ll message you.”
He even hailed a cab for Y/N and Hyunjae, asking them to be careful. “Uncle, you really like her don’t you?”   
Yuta smiled at his niece. “I think I do.”
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syntaxeme · 7 years
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GakuRuka - “Date”
Gakupo and Ruka went on a “date”
Story Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44997874
Gakupo: The park look beautiful today, the weather is warm, not too many cloud up in the sky, and... (looks at Ruka) My dear Ruka is with me to enjoy all of this. This is nice-
Gakupo: ((Oh yes... Ryuuto is with us today...))
Ruka: Please wait, Ryuuto.
Gakupo: In due time, Ryuuto.
Ruka: He's such an energetic child.
Gakupo: Eager might also describe him well.
Ruka: (soft laugh) That too
Gakupo: I... Apologize, Ruka. I know we planned this trip to the park for just the two of us, but... Well, the others are busy with their work and that makes Ryuuto without anybody to accompany him. I don't want him to feel left out and lonely so...
Ruka: It is okay, Gakupo, I understand. I think it's the right thing to do, not to leave a child alone without adult supervision.
Gakupo: (smiles) Thank you, Ruka. I am glad to have a woman as understanding as you as my lover.
Ruka: And I'm glad to have a caring man such as you as my lover.
They smile at each other and reach for each other's hand...
But Ryuuto got ahead of them and grabbed their hands
Ryuuto: Too slooooww!!! Hurry up!!!
Ryuuto run and drags both of them by their hands
Ruka: Ah, R-Ryuuto-Kun!
Gakupo: Be patient, and don't run, you can trip and hurt yourself!
Ryuuto: Less lessons, more ice creams!!!!
as both Gakupo and Ruka are being dragged by Ryuuto, they look at each other, shaking their heads to Ryuuto's antics. After having their hands pulled for some time, they arrived at the ice cream stand
Ryuuto: We're here! Ice cream!
Ruka: Phew... Ryuuto-Kun you're quite strong...
Gakupo: For you to drag us both here running...
Ruka: Impressive feat for a child to do...
Gakupo: Agreed.
Ryuuto: Yeah, I'm cool okay, but you know what's cooler than me, Gakupo-Nii, Ruka-Nee? Ice cream! Let's buy some!
Ryuuto then runs to the stand nad immediately take his pick of flavours
Ruka: He's excitable when it comes to ice cream.
Gakupo: reminds you of a certain blue-haired man doesn't it?
Ruka: The difference is its still reasonable for Ryuuto to act like that.
Gakupo: (Chuckles) Good point.
Ryuuto: Excuse me, sir, three ice creams please, one vanilla, one chocolate, one green tea
Ice cream man: Coming right up
"Excuse me, sir, may I have 1 coffee ice cream, 1 strawberry and 1 apple sherbet please?"
Ice cream man: Of course, young lady.
Ryuuto: ...Yuki?
Yuki: Ryuuto?
Ryuuto: Wow, what are you doing here?
Yuki: Going to the park!
Ryuuto: Me too!
Ruka: Oh, Yuki-San. I didn't expect to meet you here.
Yuki: Ruka-Nee! You're here too?
Ruka: Yes I am. I am currently accompanying Ryuuto-Kun with Gakupo.
Yuki: Gakupo-San is here too?
Gakupo: Indeed I am.
Yuki: Whoa! We're all here then!
Gakupo: Pardon me, "we"?
"Yuki-Chan, please don't run away like that!"
"What's with the hurry, you silly girl?"
Gakupo: Kiyoteru?
Ruka: Meiko-OneeSan?
Kiyoteru: Gakupo?
Meiko: Ruka?
Ryuuto: Ryuuto!
Yuki: Yuki!
After their little unexpected “reunion”, Ryuuto and Yuki are playing tag, while the adults are sitting together on the park bench, chatting away.
Meiko: So, you two brought him along because Ryuuto got nobody to accompany him?
Gakupo: Indeed, the others are busy with their own respective schedules, and we're the only ones who are free.
Meiko: Yeah, but you're sacrificing what may be the only time you can be together without the others pestering you, you okay with that, Ruka?
Ruka: I am, It wouldn't be wise to leave a child alone while we both are having fun, I think poor Ryuuto would feel so left out. I think of it as a quality time and the chance to get to know Ryuuto-Kun better. I think we made the right decision.
Kiyoteru: I agree, it is unwise to leave a child unsupervised for an extended period of time. How commendable of you two.
Meiko: Oi, you two would sacrifice so much for the betterment of others... If only there are more people like you two...
Gakupo: Please, Meiko-San you're giving us too much credit.
Ruka: We are merely doing the right thing.
Meiko: Oh, so humble and considerate too. You two are a package.
Kiyoteru: Okay, I think that's enough compliment, Mei.
Gakupo: Yes, enough about us, and more about you. Are you both in the same situation as us, that is, bringing Yuki along on your date?
Kiyoteru: Well, not really.
Meiko: She asked if she can join us on our "walk" to the park.
Ruka: Ah, she brought herself along?
Meiko: Yeah. She said it's been a while since she went here and wanted to come along.
Kiyoteru: We were about to object, truthfully, but she then said she wanted to spend more time with us, at least until her parents are home.
Meiko: And then she did that "Pleaaaase?" along with that cutey face...
Kiyoteru: We... were unable to refuse her... In the end...
Gakupo: I... see...
Ruka: Ahaha...
Gakupo: In a way, you're in the same situation as us.
Ruka: That is, having to "sacrifice" our time for the children.
Kiyoteru: More or less.
Meiko: Kind of.
Gakupo: Children have this certain "pull" to an adult, don't they?
Ruka: What do you mean?
Kiyoteru: I think Gakupo is referring to how the children made us cave in to what they want.
Meiko: They know which of our buttons to push and then take advantage of us. (shakes her head) sly little...
Gakupo: Well, as I once heard in a show, "A dangerous opponent is an opponent who does their "homework".
Ruka: That saying hold some weight.
Kiyoteru: Though in this case, our "opponent" really does have homeworks to do.
Meiko: (pretending to rimshot a drumset) Ba Dum Tss!
The adults then all share a moment of laughter. Their respective date plans may not go as they planned, but they can’t say it was a total loss.
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