#onepiece imagine
cloudzoro · 5 months
Pumpkin | Roronoa Zoro ♡
genre: smut with a little bit of plot (minors dni)
pairings: roronoa zoro x fem reader
wc: 8.4k words
cw: mutual pining, idiots to lovers, reader gets hit on in a bar multiple times, zoros feelings are all over the place bc he's a mess, monster cock!zoro, unprotected sex, soft zoro </3, marking, bad flirting
masterlist here
You have feelings for Zoro and you know it, Zoro has feelings for you and doesn't know it. Everyone is collectively sick of your shit. It isn't until you get hit on in a bar and Zoro has to step in that he realises how deep his feelings for you run.
If you squeeze that glass any harder, it's gonna shatter,” says Nami, nodding at the glass of beer Zoro holds in his hand. Zoro waves her off, sparing her a glance just to glare at her before focusing on the cause of his irritation. You're standing at the bar of the dingy lounge, talking to Sanji and the random guy who's been showing you around the new island the strawhats had docked up at. The place isn't too busy, so he can see you without looking past a crowd. Unfortunately, he can also see the new guy you've met. The guy is interested in you, leaning in to talk to you, which gives Zoro a nasty feeling in his chest. He chalks it up to being protective; he doesn't like how the man looks at you. For once, Zoro is actually grateful for Sanji's presence. The tall cook at your side, looking as enraged as Zoro feels, is intimidating to the guy who backs up a little.
“Your girl’s talking to other men. If I were you, I'd kill the guy,” says Usopp, and Zoro rolls his eyes. He is not even bothering to answer. You're not his girl. You're just friends. Zoro isn't even sure he's capable of falling in love. You step back from the guy, clearly uncomfortable, and Zoro starts to see red. It isn't until Chopper and Usopp reach out to grab him that he realises he's even stood up. Ready to jump into action. “Don't make a scene; I'm really not in the mood for a fight,” says Usopp, trying his best to push Zoro back into his seat.
When his eyes focus back on where you're standing at the bar, Zoro sees that Sanji has stepped in and told the man off. You're safe now. The man had run away with his tail between his legs, but the bitter taste in his mouth is still there. He watches intently as you walk back to the table where the strawhats are sitting, with Sanji in tow and drinks in hand. You set another glass in front of him, and just as you walk away to sit on the other side of the table, he pats the seat next to him. You raise an eyebrow at his request, his un-Zoro-like behaviour startling you.
“Just don't wanna sit next to the dumb cook”, he grumbles, looking down at the table instead of at you. You nod and slide into the chair next to him. Now that he can feel your presence next to him, he feels the weight lift from his shoulders.
“So y/n, what happened?” asks Nami, always a fan of gossip. You go to answer, but you're immediately stopped by Sanji, who butts in with his own account.
“That horrible ugly man was trying to steal our precious y/n away for his crew. As if she'd ever leave us.” he huffs out. Luffy laughs at how idiotic the idea of you leaving would be. Zoro doesn’t speak as he watches you sip your drink and roll your eyes at Sanji’s dramatics.
“That loser was just hitting on me,” you say, trying to play it down to get the attention off of you. Despite first appearing extroverted, you aren’t too keen on attention being on you. It's one of the reasons Zoro gels with you much better than some of his other crewmates. Once the conversation switches from the almost bar fight to whatever crazy made-up story Usopp tells, you lean into Zoro’s side to speak quietly in his ear. “I saw you stand up earlier; you looked like you were gonna kill him. Thank you, even if you were held back,” you say, laughing at how ridiculous he looked. Your thanks are sincere, even if you still tease him for it. Zoro has been a silent protector for you since you joined the crew. Everyone knows you’re in his top three Straw hats, alongside Luffy and Chopper. As much as he tries to convince himself that you’re tied with your captain, you’re number one and almost pulling a lead. It's clear to the rest of the crew that the only people in the world who can’t see how you feel are you and Zoro. Zoro offers you an amused smirk, close to a smile but not quite, and raises his glass. You do the same, clinking your glasses and continuing with your drink. You re-enter the conversation, talking animatedly with Nami and Usopp, but Zoro is more than happy to sit back and watch his family in a rare moment of peace. He only speaks whenever Sanji makes a comment that riles him up.
Luffy and Usopp are terrible influences on you. Your captain and sharpshooter like to have fun, which often includes dragging you into their shenanigans. They’re always making terrible drinking games and challenges, egged on by Brook and Franky. You, not one to back down from a challenge, always end up joining them. You’ve put more alcohol away in one night than you have in the last month, and when it's time to leave, Zoro and Robin take it upon themselves to support you as you can barely stand up by yourself. You sway as the fresh air hits you harder than expected. You almost let go of Robin completely as you lean into Zoro. You mumble something about not wanting to walk anymore, and Zoro sighs, signalling Robin to carry on ahead. He crouches down and tells you to hop on his back. You do so, settling yourself and pressing your face into his neck. He hears you mumble a thanks into his skin before passing out.
This isn't the first time one of your crewmates has had to carry you back to the sunny, and it definitely won't be the last. Zoro doesn't mind your weight on him; he brings you to your room, sets you down in your bed, and takes off your shoes and jewellery as carefully as he can before leaving and walking out to the deck.
“One of you ladies should probably go in there just to make sure she doesn’t vomit in her sleep and choke and die”, he says as he walks up to the edge of the ship to look out at the sea. Robin says she’ll stay with you and walks to the girls' bedroom.
“So when will you tell her you’re completely in love with her?” asks Nami, startling him.
“When will you leave me alone so I can enjoy a peaceful night.”
“You’re deflecting.”
“You’re annoying,” he says, unable to defend himself in any other way. Nami sighs and pats his shoulder.
“You need help, dude,” she says condescendingly. Nami has mastered the art of irritating the men aboard the ship; it’s a form of entertainment for her sometimes. “The sooner you tell her you like her, the sooner you can bone, and then maybe you won't be such an uptight freak anymore.” Zoro can tell her own comment tickles her, but before he can spit out a sarcastic response, he is cut off by the voice of his airhead captain.
“Are we talking about Zoro’s y/n kink?” he asks, loudly chewing on the leftovers from earlier’s dinner. Zoro doesn't even dignify that question with a response. He stomps off to the boy’s bedroom and climbs into his hammock. Clearly, he’d only get peace aboard this ship by being unconscious.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
The next day, You wake up with a throbbing in your head, and your stomach turns as you run to the ship bathroom. You empty your stomach of nastiness and head to the kitchen to get some water to drink. Sanji put some food away for you with a little note, and it warms your heart how your boys care for you. You nibble your way through your breakfast and set about looking for where everyone is.
The first person you find is Brook, sitting on a chair and drinking tea. You ask him where everyone is, and he informs you that most of the crew have gone sightseeing in the city at the island's centre. He tells you that Zoro and Usopp are the only people still in the area. Usopp is in his room, recovering from last night, and Zoro is just in front of the sunny, taking advantage of the space to get in a good workout. You decide to go and bother him.
“Hi, Zoro,” you say, approaching him. “Need a sparring partner?” you ask; seeing him shirtless is an excellent motivator. He looks at you in your sweats and tank top and laughs. He knows those are your comfy clothes and just woke up.
“That depends. Are you gonna vomit on me?”
“No”, you get defensive about your weak alcohol tolerance despite having proved your lightweight status regularly. “I don’t even have a real hangover, just a headache” you insist.
“That is a hangover, pumpkin,” he says. Pumpkin isn't a pet name; it's a nickname you were given when you first joined the crew, and almost everyone except Luffy and Robin uses it. Yet it still makes heat rise in your cheeks when Zoro uses it. It sounds different coming from him than it does coming from someone like Franky.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.” If you keep pestering him, he’ll give in eventually.
“Fine, but I'm not going easy on you”, he says, enjoying how defensive you get at any insinuation of weakness.
“I’d be insulted if you did.”
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
The sparring session ends when Zoro pins you down on your back for the fifth time.
“You’re getting better at close combat. It took me a lot longer to knock you down this time,” he says. They’re simple words of encouragement, but they make your stomach feel funny. When you catch your breath, and the adrenaline is out of your system, you realise that he's still on top of you. There's something different in how you look at him now, and you hope he doesn't notice it. You're fully aware of how your feelings for Zoro have changed in recent weeks, but you figure he doesn't feel the same way, so you've kept it to yourself. Zoro isn't the relationship type.
He seems to realise by himself that he's still hovering over you, so he quickly moves himself off you and helps you up. He mutters an apology and walks with you in silence back to the ship. In the silence, all you can think about is the view of a sweaty, shirtless Zoro on top of you. You want the image seared permanently into your brain.
When you return to the sunny, you get washed and changed. While you're in the shower, you can't help the way your fingers wander between your legs, pleasuring yourself with the thought of Zoro clouding your mind. The combination of an orgasm and a shower has refreshed you, and you decide to go into the centre to find Nami and Robin. You pass Brook on the way out, who has now been joined by Usopp.
“Were you showering with your boyfriend?”
The question stops you in your tracks. Boyfriend?.
“I don't have a boyfriend, Brook. What do you mean?” Usopp matches your confused expression, looking between you and Brook
“Are you not dating our swordsman?”
“No, of course I'm not. Why would you think that?!” you ask, exasperated by his audacity. Then it clicks in your head. You remember what you did in the shower that could've tipped him off.
“I heard you saying his name.” As the words leave Brook's mouth, Usopp gasps, finally realising where the confusion has come from. You must not have been quiet enough when touching yourself to the thought of him. Usopp looks completely embarrassed, and you hope he'll keep this secret. He's too ashamed of knowing something intimate about you.
“Nope. You were just imagining things. Anyway, I have to go and find Nami and Robin, so I'll be going now. Bye, guys, see you later,” you yell as you rush off the ship to escape the embarrassing situation as quickly as possible.
You catch up with Nami and Robin pretty fast. They split from the boys a while ago and are about to wander through a local market. They're happy to have you along as company, and Robin makes sure to ask about your hangover. You tell them that you were training with Zoro before coming out, and the mention of the green-haired swordsman makes Nami smirk. You already know how the conversation will go, but it's unavoidable.
“Did you finally tell Zoro how you feel about him?” she asks. You turn to Robin, and she just smiles and shrugs, which is code for ‘I want to know the gossip, but I don't want to seem like I'm not on your side’.
“No, because I've told you a million times that Zoro doesn't think of me that way. We had a training session today, and all he did was make fun of me for being a lightweight.”
“Are you stupid? He carried you home last night,” says Nami.
“Everyone's carried my drunk ass home at least once.”
“He's obsessed with you.” She laughs. “In every way.”
“I think Nami's right”, says Robin, and you feel like you're about to be driven crazy.
“I already told you he doesn't feel the same way. He's had so many opportunities to ask me out, and he's never even hinted at it. He's nice to me because we're close friends. That's it,” you say, frustrated at the topic. “it hurts, though; I really do like him”, you say sombrely.
They're good friends to you and respect your boundaries as much as they love to gossip. They can see you don't want to discuss Zoro anymore, so they change the subject to buying cute clothes. You look around the market for handmade garments by real natives of the area. Learning about other cultures through food and fashion is your favourite part of travelling the world.
When you arrive back on the Sunny, You go straight to the girls' quarters, avoiding Brook and Usopp, and put your bags of clothing away. You lay on your bed and let yourself completely relax into it, allowing the wear and tear of the day to seep out of your body.
Zoro, however, is less relaxed than you. Luffy has been asking him what he talked about with Nami all day. He feels seconds away from punching the over-excited man. He's repeatedly said he's not interested in a relationship and certainly not you. He's insisted time and time again that you two are just friends.
“oooh, how about you go into town with her and spend some alone time?” Before Zoro can interject and ask why, Usopp hurriedly continues. “it could be a good way to have a proper talk and find out how she feels about you.”
Zoro, angered by his friend's persistence, finally responds.
“If it gets you two idiots to shut the fuck up, I'll do it. But it's not because I like her or anything.” He says, getting up and dragging himself inside. He passes the girls’ quarters on his way down, decides to pull up his big boy pants and knocks on the door. When you call to open the door, he pushes it open and sees you relaxing. He insists he doesn't have feelings for you; you’re just close friends, but seeing you dressed down and chilled causes a switch in his brain. He wishes Nami had never said anything the night before, or he wouldn't be second-guessing his feelings towards you. “You wanna come into town tomorrow?” He asks, as straightforward as he always is. You nod and smile at him. He hums in acknowledgement and shuts the door as he walks down to his bed. You know Zoro’s personality, so his response - or lack thereof - doesn’t phase you at all. You let sleep take you as Zoro begins to cloud all your thoughts.
“They’re so into each other it's gross,” says Nami, crossing her arms. “I don't understand why they don’t just fuck and get it other with”
“At least y/n is aware of feelings. Zoro doesn't even know he's in love with her,” adds Robin.
“She’s too good for him; I don’t even know why you’re trying to play cupid with them” growls Sanji.
“They’re so obvious about it that Brook thought they were dating,” says Usopp.
“Yes, she said I was hearing things, but I'm sure I heard her moaning his name”, says Brook before Usopp can even attempt to stop him. Silence falls among the group, and Nami and Robin share a knowing glance. They leave the boys to continue gossiping and go to the girls’ quarter. You don’t open your eyes when the door opens, having heard Nami and Robin’s voices approaching. However, when you feel your mattress dip, you open your eyes to see both women sitting on your bed, smiling at you. While Robin is usually the more mature of the women aboard the ship, she still needs a good laugh now and then, and you can tell that whatever they’re about to say will annoy you. Nami’s Cheshire cat-esque grin proves they’re about to either embarrass or pull you into a scheme.
“so”, Robin starts, clearing her throat.
“We just want to warn you that next time you have a wild sex dream about Zoro, you should moan his name a little quieter,” says Nami, giggling at the look of exasperation on your face. It takes you all of two seconds before you realise that Brook and Usopp snitched on you, and you jump out of bed to confront them.
Brook hears you scream his name and knows you’re about to beat his ass and has the sense to run. Usopp, however, drops to his knees and apologises, hoping to appease you. The scene is entertaining to the rest of the crew, who all chime in about whether or not you should have mercy on Usopp.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
When morning comes around, you wake up and stretch. You spend a little extra time getting ready in the morning. When you leave the ship, Zoro is already waiting for you, leaning against a tree. He lets you take the lead as you walk into the town centre. The market stalls are busy, and you grab onto his shirt so you don't lose him. Zoro usually wouldn’t even bat an eye at the action. You’ve always had a mutual agreement to protect each other, but with the recent stirring feelings he's been forced to acknowledge, he’s hyper-aware of any physical contact between you. He’s taken some money from the ship to buy you food. At first, you don’t talk much, and he just watches you walk from stall to stall. You approach a stall selling jewellery, and Zoro stops behind you. The vendor looks over your shoulder at the man and pushes some chains towards you.
“What about something for your boyfriend?” she asks, and, to Zoro’s surprise, you don't correct the lady. You just nod and pick up a chain, turning to Zoro and signalling him to put it on. You don’t do it with ulterior motives; you just like buying your crewmates gifts. Maybe you didn’t correct the vendor when she called him your boyfriend to feed your secret crush, but he didn't correct her either, so no harm is done. When Zoro puts on the chain, he raises his eyebrow and asks what you think, and then he keeps it on as you pay the vendor. He still doesn't believe you have feelings for him or vice versa, so he thinks of the gift as a friendly gesture. You, however, keep getting distracted by thoughts of the chain you bought for him dangling over your face as he fucks you. He says something to you, and you have to ask him to repeat himself so you can focus on what he’s saying this time.
“We should go to that bar over there”, he suggests, pointing across the market to the bar you had been to a few nights before. You agree and follow him. You both decide to sit at the bar and get a drink each. Usually, small talk flows between you and Zoro naturally, but things seem awkward. You don’t know what's wrong with Zoro, but you’ve never seen him flounder like this. He excuses himself to the bathroom, and after he leaves, another man slides onto the seat next to you. You’re not interested, so you try to ignore his presence, and then he attempts to talk to you.
“You’re not from around here, are you? You stick out like a sore thumb,” he says, and before you can respond, he just keeps going. “I don’t mean that in a bad way, of course. You’re beautiful. What’d you say, I'll show you around?” You’d already been shown around when you first arrived on the island.
“I'm here with my boyfriend; he just went to the bathroom,” you say, hoping the guy will take the hint and leave. He doesn't and just continues to talk about himself and pitch himself as a potential partner to you. When Zoro exits the bathroom and sees the man speaking to you, he feels bile rise in his throat. You make eye contact as he approaches the bar, and your expression immediately shifts into a smile.
“Hi, babe.” The words shock him, and it takes him a second to process, but when he puts two and two together, he immediately helps you out by taking a step closer to you, so now he's stood directly behind you as you sit on the stool facing the strange man who’s approached you. He puffs out his chest and rolls his shoulders back to show off a little.
“Who’s this guy? Is he bothering you?” he asks. The role of a protective boyfriend comes naturally to him. You look up at him and nod, placing your drink on its coaster and backing up against him. His hand settles on your hip, and he internally panics about possibly going too far.
“I think we should go,” you say, grabbing his hand and turning to leave the bar. He feels that letting that loser stay in the bar and potentially harass other women while you have to leave the bar early isn't much of a punishment, so he grabs the guy by his shirt. You weren't expecting a bar fight immediately, but this is Zoro, so you take a step back and get ready to back him up if he needs it.
“You should go too; if I catch you anywhere near her, I will kill you. If I come here again and you're here, I will kill you,” he says, his other hand secured around one of his swords, and then he lets the man go. He hurries past you and out the door. When Zoro looks back at you, you’re smiling at him, and it shocks his system that you aren't even a little bit scared of him. He’s incapable of looking anywhere but you, but he knows the other patrons in the bar are watching him warily in fear. Not you, though. Your eyes are filled with something he’d never imagined to be directed at him: awe and respect. In that moment, he finally makes peace with the fact that maybe he likes you as more than just a crewmate.
“Thank you,” you say as you leave the bar. It seems like you’re always thanking him for something.
“Don’t mention it”, he says, brushing it off and focusing back on the market stalls. You pick up a few more gifts on the way home. Zoro accepts his feelings for you quickly, but now he has to figure out many other issues. Do you like him back? Is it possible for someone like him to pursue a relationship? Is he even worthy of your love? You linger on his mind when he returns to the men's quarters that night.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
You had spent the afternoon with the rest of the crew planning your next destination. When night finally fell, you had decided to stay out a little longer, chatting to the remaining crewmates who hadn’t gone to bed yet. When you get tired, you get up to go to bed, and Jinbe and Sanji thank you for their gifts and bid you goodnight. When you return to your room, Nami and Robin are waiting for you. You know they’re about to grill you for details about your day with Zoro.
“So, how did it go with Zoro?” asks Nami as you sit on the edge of your bed. 
“It was fun. A guy hit on me in a bar, and he pretended to be my boyfriend and then threatened to kill him. Poor guy almost pissed his pants,” you say, laughing at the memory of the terrified look on the man's face.
“And you still don’t believe he’s in love with you?” she says.
“He would’ve done the same thing for either of you,” you say in defence of yourself.
“Maybe he would’ve threatened the guy, but he would never have pretended to be my boyfriend,” says Robin. You sigh and throw yourself against the mattress.
“Why are you so resistant to the idea that he might like you back?” Robin asks. “Maybe some romance would do you good.”
“Robin’s right. You two are perfect for each other. He’s an emotionally constipated loser with no social skills, and you’re an emotionally constipated loser with slightly more social skills.” Nami has gotten up from her bed and is kneeling beside you, leaning over your face.
“That was mean”, you pout, looking up at her. “I’m not a loser.”
“But you do suck at emotions.” 
“It’s not that. I just don’t see why he would be interested in me,” you say, finally admitting what has been bothering you since you first developed feelings for him. The mattress on the other side of you dips, signalling Robin has joined the two of you. 
“Y/n sweetheart, you’re smart, funny, and beautiful. There’s no reason Zoro wouldn’t like you,” she says, reaching out a hand to pet your head.”We’re telling you he likes you, but he's probably having thoughts similar to yours.” Robin is always a source of comfort for you, so you appreciate her words.
“Yeah, and your boyfriend is dumb as rocks, so you have to tell him,” Says Nami. You groan at Nami’s word choice.
“Whatever, I think we should go to bed”, you huff, closing your eyes in protest. Name and Robin give each other an amused look and get off of your bed. You drift off to sleep, trying to push the topic of Zoro to the back of your mind.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
You’re in the shower the next morning; it's your final day on the island, and you’ll celebrate at a restaurant later in the evening. You think over your conversation with Nami and Robin, and you figure there’s a possibility they're right. Before confessing to him, you decide to test the waters first and see if Zoro has feelings for you. You’re not the best at flirting, but you decide you’re going to try to hint it to him. After your shower, when you’re all changed into your outfit for the day, you go to the dining area for breakfast. When you enter the room, Sanji is bustling about in the kitchen, and Nami, Zoro, and Luffy are sitting around the table, waiting for food.
“Morning, Sanji” you call. The cook immediately turns around at the sound of your voice. “Think you can add an extra portion?”
“Of course, Pumpkin! Please take a seat,” he calls back, and you follow his instructions, taking the empty seat next to Zoro.
“Morning Pumpkin”, greet Nami and Zoro as Luffy greets you with your real name instead of the nickname. You cheerfully bid them a good morning and shuffle your chair closer to Zoro’s, who doesn't seem to notice until your knees touch under the table and he looks at you. You know you have feelings for him, but you're still thrown off by the way simply making contact with him causes you to feel butterflies. Sanji brings out the food, grinning at the instant praise he gets. He then retreats to the kitchen, knowing the rest of the crew will be awake soon.
“Food looks good,” you say to Zoro before shovelling it into your mouth. By the time you’ve finished only one bite, Luffy has cleared his whole plate and is whining at Sanji for another portion. “I can never understand how he puts away food like that.”
“It's pretty easy; I can’t do it as fast as he can, but I'm still pretty good at eating”, he says, noting his ability to demolish a plate of food in seconds.
“You can do a lot with your mouth”, you respond as his cheeks flush red and he freezes. You had initially meant his third sword, and it hadn’t crossed your mind that your response could be flirting. You fear you’ve made him uncomfortable as he’s never responded like this to flirtation before, and you quickly start to reassure him of what you actually meant.
“I didn’t mean it inappropriately; I just meant about your sword skills. Y’know, like your third sword thing. I wasn't talking about anything sex-related. I'm also not saying you’d be bad at it, and I'm sure you're great at oral-” You stop yourself before your rambling gets you in even more trouble. You and Zoro stare at each other for a second before silently turning back to your plates and continuing to eat your breakfast. You know Nami heard your entire conversation, even over Luffy's yelling, but she doesn't say anything to you for the rest of the day, which you’re grateful for. You spend most of your day talking to your crewmates on the ship. You accidentally fluster Zoro multiple times throughout the day. Not even attempts at flirting are causing his reactions, it's other interactions that could have way more suggestive meanings. He knows you don't mean them inappropriately; however, with the way your relationship has been changing lately, Zoro can't help but interpret them differently. At first, when he’s arguing with Sanji over their appearances, you compliment his physique, and he seems to shut down at your words completely. The second and final chance you get is when Chopper accidentally calls Zoro dad, and the whole team bursts out laughing, swordsman included. Through his tears, Usopp asks who the mum is, and without hesitation, Sanji and Nami both point at you. Everyone except you and Zoro laughs even harder. Poor Chopper is extremely embarrassed but only further proves everyone's point by crying about it to you.
“Y/N!. Everyone’s laughing at me. They're all so mean.” he cries, hugging at your legs. You lean down to his height and wipe some of his tears. You love Chopper, but you can't help teasing him a little.
“Oh Chopper, it's ok. Why don't you go and ask Daddy if he'll beat them up for you?” Chopper huffs and storms over to Zoro. Zoro barely responds to the reindeer, too focused on the fact that you'd just called him daddy. He breaks eye contact with you to pat the reindeer on the shoulder and threaten the rest of the crew into quieting their laughter. It only half works as multiple crewmates are still snickering under their breaths. Satisfied with the results of Zoro’s threat, Chopper sits next to Zoro. You think that all three of your unsuccessful attempts at flirting - even if they were unintentional - made him uncomfortable and decide that you'll apologise to him later when he's not surrounded by people. You excuse yourself to your room, saying that you'll start getting ready early. It's a perfect way to avoid Zoro without people getting suspicious.
You're in the middle of getting ready when the other girls enter the room. Nami and Robin both start comparing their wardrobe to the dress you have lying on the bed. When they decide on the dresses they want to wear, you get ready with casual chatter. Neither of them mention your green-haired problem. You try not to show your dejected mood.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Zoro isn't as lucky as you. You're all the other men want to talk about as they get ready.
“I can't believe Pumpkin has been flirting with you all day. What do you have that I don't?” growls Sanji. Zoro would usually start listing off a bunch of traits, but his response this time baffles Sanji.
“She's been flirting with me?” he says. Sanji almost falls to his knees in pure annoyance.
“You're usually pretty observant, especially with her. Have you really not noticed?” asks Usopp. It finally all clicks in Zoro’s head, and he suddenly feels like he's going to throw up. You actually might reciprocate his feelings.
“I just thought she was teasing me”, Zoro says. You're no stranger to winding him up. His temper makes him an easy target for jokes.
“She called you my dad and then acted like my mum. She already thinks you're together,” says Chopper, heart secretly pounding at the thought of the two of you actually getting together.
“and I don't think she was just playing along with the joke”, adds Jinbe. “she looked very sincere.”
Zoro listens in silence, not having the energy to argue with six men as they recount your behaviour. Sanji points out how you had interrupted their fight to compliment Zoro specifically, and Luffy recalls your comment to him at the breakfast table, which makes everyone who wasn't there gasp. You've always been a jokester, but never have you gone out of your way to fluster someone like this.
“You need to tell her how you feel, " says Franky, the only one Zoro is even thinking of listening to on romance, considering he pulled Robin of all people. “Women like vulnerability and manly emotions. You've just got to be upfront and tell her you like her. Pumpkin is special; don't lose her,” he says, offering Zoro a thumbs up. Zoro just sighs and leaves the room.
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
You finish getting ready and turn around to show off to Nami and Robin, who are more than happy to hype you up. Getting ready and chatting with your best friends always makes you feel better. They look equally hot, which you're not shy about telling them. When the three of you finally head out to the deck, all the guys are already there. You hear a few wolf whistles, Jinbe politely compliments, and Sanji stares at the three of you with tears in his eyes. Zoro, however, avoids looking at you until you're directly in front of him. His eyes flicker down your body, and you instinctively follow suit, checking for imperfections in your outfit.
“You look nice,” He says; it sounds like he's forcing out the words, but you thank him for the compliment regardless. The tension is thick, and you don't think you'll even make it through dinner without talking it through first. Once everyone is ready to go, you say something before it's too late.
“Can we talk first? I just want to sort this out,” you say, and he nods despite looking puzzled. “You guys go on! Zoro and I need to talk,” you call as everyone starts to leave the ship. They all immediately agree and walk away with smug, knowing smiles.
Now that it's just you and Zoro, you're still trying to figure out what to say. You look down at your hands, desperate to avoid eye contact, and search your mind for how to begin your apology speech.
“So, Y/n, what did you want to talk about?” he asks, prompting you to start. Zorosing your real name instead of your crew-appointed nickname startles you, and you finally look up at him. Zoro’s always been a scary figure to the public, but this is the first time you're feeling shaken by his presence.
“I just want to apologise for making you uncomfortable.” you stutter your way through your first sentence, and even more confusion washes over Zoro’s face. “It was completely unintentional, but I still accidentally flirted with you. I really like you, and sometimes, I say mildly inappropriate things on instinct. And I'm sorry if anything I did today made you feel bad. I'm also sorry for admitting I like you when you definitely don't like me back. Why would a man like you want me? Anyway, that's beside the point. I just wanted to say sorry so that we don't have to sit through dinner with this awkward tension I've created.” you say, taking a deep breath as you prepare yourself for his response. He takes a minute to take in everything you said to him, and you hope you didn't make it worse.
“Okay, first question. What made you think I was uncomfortable? I froze up because you flustered me, which you wouldn't have been able to do if I didn't like you." Your mind doesn't even register the initial question; you can only focus on the last half of his sentence. You don't know how to respond, being completely shocked. He continues, unbothered. “Second question, who says I don't like back? Why wouldn't I like you?”
“That's two questions.”
“don't deflect, baby” He takes another step towards you, hesitantly resting his hands on your hips. “look, I hate sugarcoating shit. I like you. The rest of this insane crew has been bugging me for days about coming clean. I like everything about you. How could you think a woman like you isn't enough for a demon?” You both probably look like idiots, holding each other with bright smiles. He's in your arms, and he does like you back. “Now, do you wanna go to dinner and pretend we didn't confess our love for each other or do you wanna kiss me?”
You don't even verbally respond to his question and lean up to pull him into a deep kiss. He kisses you back with a passion and strength that could only belong to Zoro. He's so sure in his feelings for you that it makes you weak in the knees. His tongue pushes its way into your mouth as his hands move over your body. Big palms smooth and squeeze every part of you they can reach, and you groan against his mouth as he grabs your ass.
“my bed”, you pant as he pulls away from the kiss. “If the others come back, then the girls are way less likely to barge in”, you explain, grabbing his hand and pulling him to your room.
As soon as you walk through the door you turn around to face him and pull him right back down to your mouth. It's easy to get lost in his kisses; they're reassuring you that he likes you and only you. His kisses are intense, and they make you dizzy. Your nails dig into his biceps as he moves his kisses across your jaw and down your neck. You let out a moan that makes him groan against your skin.
“Been waiting for this for so long, baby.” his voice has you in a chokehold. You couldn't focus on anything else if you tried.
“me too,” you whimper, moving your hand to his hair and keeping him in place.
“Can I mark you? let everyone see you're mine?” You frantically nod, and Zoro nips at your neck to let you know your response isn't enough. You don't need to be told. You know Zoro well enough to guess he'd want you to be vocal.
“yes, please.”
With your confirmation, he attaches his mouth back to your neck as he slowly backs you up towards your bed. His teeth anchor him as he sucks on the skin, marking it so everyone knows you’re taken. When he's finished, he trails his mouth back up to your lips and presses a soft kiss to your lips. He pulls back to take another look at you, and he feels whatever coils control his emotions tighten. You look beyond fucked out, and he's barely even touched you. You're staring up at him in awe and desperation, and he can't believe what he's seeing. He thanks every deity he doesn't even believe in that you're in front of him, looking the way you do. The way your eyes shine with love and respect makes him feel funny inside, and he needs to voice it so he doesn't explode.
“You're so beautiful”, he whispers, kissing you again. “You're too good for me” He adds. You protest but are once again cut off by his lips. His fingers find the bottom of your dress, and he looks you over again. “You look so good in this. Do a twirl for me?” when you oblige and give him a full three-sixty view of the dress, he whistles lowly. He gives you one last request to take the dress off for him while he sits down on your bed.
“Can you start me off? I can't reach my zipper,” You ask, turning around. Without a word, Zoro tugs the zip down your back, and you hear him hiss slightly at the sight of your bare skin. You face him again and slowly push your dress down your body, trying to be as seductive as possible. The satisfied smile on Zoro's face tells you you're doing a good job. You unclip your bra, and his eyes greedily take in the newly exposed skin. He's practically salivating in anticipation but remains in his seat and lets you finish. He audibly moans as you turn around and bend over, slowly pulling your underwear down your legs. You kick off your shoes and approach Zoro as he takes off his shirt so you don't have to be alone in your nakedness.
He lies back against your mattress, beckoning you to join him. You climb on top of him, pressing a kiss to his lips before trailing your lips across his chest and down his abs, stopping at his waistband. Your hands are shaky and desperate in their attempt to unbutton his trousers, but you do and follow it by yanking them down and exposing his cock.
He's big. That much was evident to anyone who looked at him, but you never expected it to be as big as it is. It clearly shows on your face as Zoro runs his hand through your hair.
“Don't take more than you can” he says as you swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock. As soon as you wrap your lips around him, he feels like he's about to burst, and he immediately uses his grip on your hair to stop you. “on second thought, if you suck me off right now, I won't last very long. C'mere,” he says, pulling you up his body. “Let me get you ready for me. Sit on my face, pretty girl,” he says, trying to help you get situated above his face.
“Are you sure?” You ask, hesitant to lower yourself at all. Insecurity creeps in on you as you think about the possibility that he might not like the way you taste or you might crush him. He growls at the question, almost considering it an insult, before he realises that you need reassurance.
“Do I sound unsure to you? You better sit that pretty fucking pussy on my face right now,” he says, pulling you down flush against his mouth. His nose nudges at your clit as his tongue explores your dripping hole. You're so disgustingly wet, and Zoro loves it. He's messy with his eating, making obscene noises, so you know just how much he likes your taste. The vulgar slurping of his tongue as he all but makes out with your pussy makes you slightly embarrassed, but it's so sexy how much he enjoys pleasing you. You lose focus quickly, unable to pay attention to anything that isn't your man's glorious tongue. His enthusiasm would've had you toppling over if it wasn't for the grip he has on your thighs. “Grind on my face”, he instructs, with a slap to your ass, and this time you don't waste any time before doing as he says. You're fast approaching your orgasm as you rock against his face, and all you can do is moan his name and reach down to grip his hair. When your first orgasm washes over you, Zoro’s grip on you holds you in place as he licks you through your orgasm. You haven’t had someone else make you cum in so long, and having Zoro there makes you feel more satisfied than you have in a long time. When your hips stop moving and your breath slows down, Zoro slowly moves you off his face and helps you lay against the pillows.
“You feeling ok?” he asks, although the giddy smile on your face and the dazed look in your eyes answer his question before you even open your mouth. The Zoro from a few years ago would’ve laughed at Zoro now, A man with the monicker king of hell giving his entire heart and soul to someone else. You nod at him, giggling as he rolls on top of you. He uses his arms on either side of your face to hold himself up. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss you again. You never want to stop kissing him, and he realises this when you don’t let him pull away to speak. The way you cling to him fuels his pride. He gives up on trying to talk and kisses you back. One of his hands squeezes your boob before trailing down the rest of your body and cupping your pussy. He plays with your clit as you make out, working your up again. You try to adjust your hips so that he can slip his fingers inside you, but when he doesn't do that, you groan in frustration. “If you want something, you gotta tell me,” he says, voice dark with lust.
“Stop teasing me and fuck me”, you whine, reaching between your bodies to grasp at his cock. He lets you guide him to your entrance before swatting your hand away. He slides his cock between your folds, gathering your wetness and gives his cock a few pumps to coat it in your juices.
“Are you sure you can take it?” he asks, unable to resist teasing you for a little longer. You let out a bratty whine and writhe beneath him.
“Of course, I can take it” " you insist, despite your worries that you can’t. You’ve never slept with anyone as big as him.
“Atta girl”, he mumbles against your lips before pushing his cock into your hole. “Relax for me, baby”
You try to focus on his lips, kissing and sucking wherever he can reach and relax your body so he can bottom out inside you. He gets three-quarters of the way in before he starts to get impatient. He takes a few shallow thrusts to ease himself the rest of the way in, and the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him tears a feral growl from deep in his chest. You are equally affected, head thrown against the pillows as you moan his name. He rubs at your hips, attempting to soothe you so he can start moving. When you give him the go-ahead, he pulls out most of the way and thrusts back in, slowly picking up the pace as you claw at his back, looking for something to hold onto.
“That's it, hold on tight, baby,” he says, encouraging you to scratch up his skin. You're the perfect fit for him; Your pussy grips him so good that you almost have him believing in fate for a second. He can smell your sweat in the air, and though it should be gross, he buries his face in your neck to inhale your scent even closer. Neither of you speak from this point, and you don’t need to. You’ve both already said you wanted, and now all that's left is the sound of your moans and the way your bodies intertwine. When you pull him against you, tilting his head so that you can attach your lips to his neck and replicate the pretty marks he left on your skin, he almost cums on the spot. He belongs to you as much as you do him. Your legs shake around his waist, and your moans devolve into high-pitched whimpering, signalling your impending orgasm. He's not far behind, so he reaches a hand between you to rub your clit, and you're instantly sent over the edge. Your orgasm crashes down on you as you arch into Zoro's chest as much as you can. Your legs lock around his waist, giving him nowhere to go but over the edge with you. You gush around him with a cry of his name as he groans expletives in your ear. He fills you up with his cum, cock twitching inside you. He doesn’t pull out when he's finished, choosing instead to get comfy on your chest until you calm down. His hands tenderly rub at your tired limbs. When your breathing evens out, he gently pulls his cock out of you, hissing at the loss of warmth. He leans down to press an appreciative kiss to your tummy.
“You’re all mine, yeah?” he asks, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek.
“Always”, you respond, pulling him in to kiss your lips. His hands merely brush against your chest, and he feels himself getting hard again.
“What do you say we go for a round two in the shower?” he asks, playfully nipping at your lower lip.
“I’d like that”, you hum as he scoops you up and heads off towards the bathroom
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
The other nine strawhats sit around the table at their booth, eating their meals, when Luffy realises the two of you are still not there.
“Y/N and Zoro aren't back yet”
“If they're not back yet that probably means they're banging” says nami, through a mouthful of food.
“Don't even speak about Pumpkin with that idiot” grumbles Sanji, stabbing at his plate.
“Stop complaining Sanji, it was always gonna be them” says Franky.
“Well, guess we better wait a bit before heading back to the ship” says Luffy, still stuffing his face.
Everyone's been rooting for you two from the beginning.
thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed :)
comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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pfpanimes · 4 months
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⌕ one piece • zoro.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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misslovasstuff · 5 months
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Summary: Sanji tries to confess your love to you... many times. pairing: Sanji x fem!reader genre: romance with a small hint of comedy. author's note: for some reason, I think canon Sanji is someone who is quite oblivious when it comes to women who ACTUALLY like him. Like bro notices when men adore him but can't tell a girl has the hots for him?? Anyways, out of frustration I wrote this but just roles reversed. Enjoy, hehe
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His tenderness and kindness drops like honey from his fingertips, this is quite evident when he carefully strokes your skin with the back of his hand, gently brushing off your hair when your head rests on his lap, his lips touch your shut-closed eyes, reciting you poetry about them every morning and every evening.
Oh, how he admires and yet envies the light of the sun landing on your skin, the cool breeze that gets to caress your hair and the blessed land you walk upon where flowers seem to bloom with each one of your steps.
How can a man express a love so grand? What words could Sanji ever use to depict his own feelings, or to come even close to explaining them? Among all of these questions, there is a specific one that has grown roots on his head for a while now:
How do I confess?
Imagine the agony of seeing the person you love every day, emotions building up inside of you so much so that even a glance of them towards your direction shakes your whole soul. Ok, now that you have imagined what it feels like, multiply that feeling with x100; that’s what a hopeless romantic such as Sanji has endured ever since the day he fell for you (but that’s a story for another time). Now, let me introduce to you 3 attempts Sanji tried to confess his love:
1. A pretty flower for an even prettier flower
It’s Spring, around 4 months ago. You are rotting in the girl’s dorm, still recovering from some heavy injured back you had to deal with after a tough fight. There are sounds of laughter outside, so loud that you could hardly listen to the sound of waves or anything like that. From what you could hear, you had reached an island which seemed to make the crew enthusiastic for some reason you could not really tell from the darkness and loneliness of your surroundings.
“Damn it, I can’t even stand up on my own” - you try to lift yourself up but quickly surrender due to the immense pain in your back. A loud sigh escapes your mouth as you cover your face with a hand, rubbing your temple and holding yourself back from shedding any tears that could reflect that your need to be useful is now under attack, and you feel more useless than ever.
“Can I come in?” - a knock or two are heard at the door. You’re caught completely off guard but yet manage to blur out with a cracked voice: “Please do.”
Goodness, you had to cover your eyes from the light that shone through the room when the door opened, almost blinding you. Thus, you can’t really tell who just came in but a feeling of some sort was telling you that it was alright, that it was safe.
“We landed on a new island. - the voice approaches and comes closer, becoming clearer. - It’s quite beautiful.”
A touch of your hand makes you immediately realise that it was Sanji who is now sat beside you, caressing your hand. Your vision gets back to normal and you gaze happily at the blond chef. He looked so pretty: a nice pink shirt with a flower pattern, shorts and sunglasses he’s wearing.
“Why aren’t you exploring then?” - you ask, caressing his hand back.
“Oh, I did my exploring. It’s just that all that beauty that I saw…- Sanji reveals his hand hidden behind his back. There was a bouquet of flowers he was holding, landing them to you. Goodness, the way your eyes sparkled in joy caught Sanji off guard. His gaze softens. - …all that beauty that I saw reminded me of you.”
You take the flowers and sniff them, the aroma captivating your senses as your dopamine reaches high levels that were not reached for months.
“Thank you, Sanji. This… - you gaze lovingly at the flowers and then at him. - …this means a lot.”
“Don’t thank me. I’d do anything for you.” - he grabs your chin and pinches it gently, giving you a reassuring smile.
“Actually, I came to see you because I wanted to-
“You wanted to make sure I was fine, right? Don’t worry, I do feel better now. Promise!” - you interrupt him, thinking that he was still worrying himself over your condition. However, the expression on his face made you doubt that that was the real reason he came.
“Oh, is it because you want to ask me what I want for dinner?”- you try again, trying to guess the reason of his visit, which he did often.
“Uhm right, I did want to ask you that…” - Sanji smiles awkwardly as he strokes the back of his neck. Guess he couldn’t really say what he wanted now, instead he just smiles and listens to your wishes regarding dinner.
“How about we have dinner together, just the two of us, when you get better of course?” - he suggests and you widen your eyes.
Just the two of you? Why is he asking that? For some reason that gave you a weird feeling in your stomach, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Well, it would be my pleasure, chef.” - you tease, pinching his nose jokingly as the cook gives a blushing smile.
2. What’s mine is yours
The dinner table was decorated beautifully by Sanji, the colors, the texture of the fabrics and all the details up to the crystal clear utensils would make every woman in the world happy. He is now sat patiently, waiting for you to come down and dine with him.
Once you go out the door you notice the setting your favourite cook has done for you. With a quick glance you fasten your step to go down the stairs, giving a small cough to make him notice you.
How foolish, you think he didn’t notice you?
Sanji saw you from afar, and that man is already weak in the knees from seeing you all dressed up with a chic black dress, a nice golden necklace resting on your neck, complemented gracefully with your long dark flocks falling off your bare shoulders.
“You came.” - Sanji reaches for you hand, kissing the back of it whilst looking deep into your eyes.
“For you, always.” - a wink at him before you go and sit down makes the blond crazily happy. He immediately pulls the chair back for you and rushes to serving some delicious hot meals.
“I love that we are doing this outside.” - you claim, finally feeling a bit of fresh air coming in your lungs.
“I thought you would. - Sanji lights up a candle placed in the middle of the table. - I know you’re a romantic at heart as well.”
You chuckle, not disagreeing with his statement.
“Thank you for the food.” - you say and start digging in. Ah, he never fails when it comes to cooking. You could live 109 more lives and never get to try Sanji’s food anywhere else.
“Perfect.” - you whisper, letting out a small moan from the satisfying taste. Little do you know that even such small details never go unnoticed by Sanji. He keeps staring at you, your dress, hair, your eyes that sparkle with light every time you look at him.
“Here, try some of this.” - Sanji picks up with his chopsticks a piece from his plate and offers it to you.
Of course you want to try it so you open your mouth and eat it, closing your eyes shut for a bit.
“Ahhh, Sanji it’s just so good!” - you exclaim, grabbing the table cloth.
Alright, you might be someone who overacts at times but now come on! look what you’re doing to the poor guy. You moan his name in a sentence like that and expect him to remain his full composure?
Bro had to keep it in him not to tell you that he fucks as good as he cooks for the hundredth time.
These thoughts are quickly shaken off when he notices your body trembling a bit. He immediately gets up, strips his jacket off.
Now, you’re caught off guard. His sleeves are rolled up and his forearms give a nice impression of a good physique. Moreover, his visible biceps and wide shoulders... Did he always have a waist that small?
“Here, I’d rather die that let you catch a cold.” - his sentence interrupts a train of not so holy thoughts for which you were confused of where they came from.
You shake your head and say a small ‘thank you’ to Sanji before going back to eating. However, now his cologne is evident, coming from the jacket placed on your shoulders. Alluring and strong, just like him.
“Are you listening?” - he asks and you widen your eyes, asking him a very polite ‘sorry, what?’
“Never mind. Nothing important.” - there it is again, that awkward smile. What is it that he has to say but doesn’t tell me?
The rest of the dinner goes fairly well. Around midnight you both find yourself and the doorstep of the girl’s dorm.
“Thank you for joining me.” - he kisses your hand, caressing it with his thumb, not letting go just yet.
“Thank you for having me, Sanji.” - you smile, a weird rush of adrenaline conquering your body. Not understanding what it really is, you rush inside and wave a final ‘bye’ to the cook, closing the door behind you. Who knows what would have happened if you kept your hand in his for any longer; his warmth and the comfort he radiates with only the touch of his hands made you think how good he would f- NO NO STOP RIGHT THERE!
3. The horizon knows about us
It’s a lonely sunset - that’s how you call it when there is no one to share the view with. Nevertheless, it does not stop you from admiring it, eyes filling with light coming from a colorful sky that resembles a drunk painting.
The admirer has an admirer which is watching from behind, slowly approaching.
“I thought you didn’t like lonely sunsets?” - Sanji approaches, taking his hands off his pockets and resting his arms on the wooden plateau.
“Well, - you smile, tilting your head towards him. - we have to stop and appreciate what burns for us, and the sun has been burning for way too long.”
You say those words and Sanji is fully immersed, captivated, staring at your profile like he would keep burning if it means his eyes would get the blessing of seeing you everyday, his light would keep shining on you, setting himself a blaze to let you be warm, always.
“You know, I'm sure it's a pleasure for the sun to burn for you. - he takes a deep breath before continuing, mastering the courage to look at you in the eyes. - And just like it, I too have been burning for a while.”
Your eyes widen at his statement, face immediately turning to him.
“Why so?” - your voice comes out so soft and caring that Sanji’s lip trembles.
“There are words I want to say, feelings I want to express, verses of my own that I want to recite that are stuck on my throat, making me unable to breath, suffocating me.” - Sanji starts explaining, grabbing your hands together and resting them on his chest.
“It’s all in here. - he says. - please tell me that you feel it too.”
You have stopped blinking for a while now, trying to take in as much as possible from the situation. The sun keeps setting as so do your feelings. They become more evident, a sudden epiphany hitting the depths of your very soul. Your heart recognizes, understands what Sanji is talking about cause you feel it, you have felt it many times.
“Sanji… - you call his name, tightening the grip on his hands. - I’m listening this time. More than ever I’m not only listening to you but also to my own heart. - you gulp hard, approaching him closer. - I need you to tell me first.”
Sanji smiles, putting your hands in front of his lips, hiding the blush of his cheeks whilst not breaking eye contact.
“I confess to you, the sun and the horizon that I have inevitably fallen in love with you.” - his voice does not tremble, nor does his body shake. However, both of your hearts are going crazy as the heat between you becomes more and more evident. After an intense prolonged eye contact, you cup his cheek, glancing at the sky for a second whilst noticing the darkness setting in, a darkness that you do not loath anymore.
“Let me then confess to you, the moon and the stars that I have fallen in love with you too.” - you smile cheekily, making Sanji mirror your genuine smile, this time not awkwardly but wholeheartedly, as he grabs your waist swiftly, bringing you close to his embrace.
The sun is completely set and the sky has fully darkened. There is now the moon who watches over along with the little stars that dance happily over lovers. No matter what time, the horizon had witnessed two lovers uniting, giving them all the colors that it could present for such a memorable moment.
Thus, it did take him a while, but now Sanji and you have found peace in each other, a comfort that only love can provide. And a fairytale have you become for people who gather the courage to express what lies deep inside them, taming the fire so that it could warm your lover but never burn you.
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henrioo · 11 months
Relationships: Luffy x Afab! Reader
Synopsis: You wanted more, didn't you? So he did.
Warnings: Smut! Afab! Reader, specified genitalia, nsfw, vaginal sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, inappropriate akuma no mi use, cannon divergence (?)
Word Count: 491
Rating: Mature
Notes: Last smut of the little smut sequence I wrote, I liked them and so did you, so there will probably be more smuts of this style, short and to the point, hope you like them and soon requests will open!
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Luffy was spanking your pussy like there was no tomorrow. The two of you were in one of Sunny's closets, you on a barrel with your legs on his shoulders, while he had his shorts around his ankles and was holding back his moans as best he could.
You let your eyes roll back as you felt the pressure in your abdomen, the length of him moving in and out at breakneck speed and the skin of your belly rubbing against your swollen, overstimulated clit. His hands were on the wall behind you, somehow trying to get some support against the onslaught.
Your nipples were hard and wet with sweat, you felt the coil building in your stomach but it still felt so far away, it should have been a quickie before you landed on the island, but for some reason you couldn't come.
"Luffy! Oh! Deeper!" You moaned uncontrollably even though you were supposed to be quiet, at that point you didn't even care if anyone heard, you just needed to come.
"I… hm! I'm all in" he breathed heavily and was frustrated, he had already come once but he still hadn't achieved that with you. Luffy could be an asshole about a lot of things, but he refused to not make you come.
It was his main mission every time you had sex, he needed to make you come as many times as your body could handle it. Until you're dumb and shaky on your legs and can't even remember your own name.
"Oh! No… I… I need more" you cried angrily for not being able to come and continue being stimulated.
That's when an idea crossed Luffy's head, you wanted more, didn't you? Laughing at having the perfect idea, he brought his thumb to his mouth and started to blow.
Initially you didn't notice the difference, apart from the slowing down of course, but then you felt yourself being filled in an overwhelming way like never before.
Looking down trying to figure out what was wrong, you found a mid-sized bulge in your stomach, followed by Luffy's laughter.
"What did you do?" You asked breathlessly and with some fear.
"I did, isn't that what you wanted?" He looked at you with lust.
Before you could try to get more information, he gripped your thighs tightly and thrust again quickly. You screamed at the enormous pressure you felt, his cock was touching everywhere, it was so deep and so big you could feel it in your throat.
He started to punch your cervix being motivated by his screams, you grabbed his back and started scratching while moaning uncontrollably, you were lost in pleasure. You didn't even realize when you came the first and second time, only realizing that it was already over when you were having dry orgasms and your head started to hurt.
Luffy just laughed victoriously at making you come while you tried to catch your breath.
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kaziwi · 10 months
Heyyy, congratulations for the 100 followers 😍😍
I would like to ask for number 8 with Zoro, if that's okay. Thank you!!
Ugh i love Zoro sm, I hope you enjoy!!!
Link to Event
"I'll just stay behind."
Character(s): Zoro
WC: 727
CW: Sick fic, Zoro being a sweetie
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It was cold....but also hot.....you wished your body would make up its mind already. Of course you were the first one on the ship to get the common Grandline Flu this year. But in all honestly you didn't mind being sick, the only issue was your crewmates avoiding you like the plague. Sickness spread easily on the ship, so no one wanted to take any chances. The only one who ever spent long periods of time with you in the infirmary was Chopper, who kept his distance and wore a mask to avoid getting sick. Other than him and Sanji dropping off your meals, you really didn't have any other company.
You didn't blame them, I mean you would do the same in their position, but thinking that didn't make you feel any better. Chopper said they all missed you dearly, but you wished you could hear it from then.
The Sunny had docked at an island earlier that morning, and now it was time for everyone to split up and stock up on supplies. The only issue was who was going to stay with you. Chopper had to run out and grab a few herbs only he could identify, so someone else would have to stay. Luckily for you, they were discussing this right in front of the thin infirmary door, so you could hear everything.
"I wish I could stay with Y/N swan, but I have to restock on food," Sanji said, dramatic sadness in his voice.
"Well I don't want to stay here!! I really don't want to get sick," Usopp pleaded.
"I thought the great captain Usopp didn't get sick?" Nami snickered at him as he rambled on to defend himself.
"I need to get cola so I can start some SUPERR repairs on the Sunny!!"
Everyone fought over who would stay, making you feel kinda sad. They really didn't want to stay with you?? Maybe you were a bit of a burden. Just before you could continue your negative thoughts, a voice caught your eye.
"I'll just stay behind."
The commotion stopped and you assumed everyone turned and stared at Zoro, but the shock didn't last long.
"Thanks Zoro-bro!"
"Yeah, thanks Zoro!!"
"Zoro!! Let me run you through what Y/N needs!!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Chopper's explanations, knowing Zoro wouldn't remember any of it. Slowly the commotion died down, and after a little Zoro entered your room.
"I'm assuming everyone else left?" You asked, not wanting to let him know you heard everything.
"Yeah, they won't be long, just restocking," Zoro said as he took Chopper's doctor chair and rolled it towards the side of the bed, sitting next to you. You then noticed that he wasn't wearing a mask, nor was he afraid to get close to you.
"Why aren't you wearing a mask? Aren't you afraid of catching what I have?"
"Eh, not really. I mean its a small ship, we're all gonna catch it eventually, so might as well catch it early."
You chuckled a little at his response...but you wondered why he of all people chose to stay behind...
"So...why did you stay behind? I mean, I'm assuming everyone else didn't want to cause they don't want to catch it...but why did you?" You asked after a bit of silence. He looked off to the side, and as he cleared his throat you swore you saw his cheeks turn red.
"Well...uh.." Zoro fumbled with his words a bit, which he never did, EVER, "I just didn't want you to be lonely...I know how annoying it can be stuck in the infirmary, and especially being sick and if someone else stayed they would keep their distance. And like I said I don't really care about getting sick so I didn't think there was any harm in staying."
It was cute, watching him ramble on, trying to give you a convincing explanation on while he volunteered to stay.
"Well thank you," you said, cutting him off, "It was a very nice gesture."
He almost looked like a tomato, his face turning red. You both talked for hours until everyone else came back. You were better in a few days, but that same day Zoro started showing symptoms. While everyone else again avoided Zoro, you stayed by his side, making sure his kindness was repaid.
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livwritesfics · 9 months
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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❁ Firstly what I mean by innocent is like: childlike, naïve, trusting.
❁ I feel like if Law dated an innocent girl, he would DIE of complete cuteness overload
❁ Extra points if she is short. She just looks up at him and smiles like in the gif. Law would blush all over and brain fart
❁ Or like if you took Law's sweater and put it on it would swallow said short innocent reader up and he would just... He would pretend he doesn't like it while being a stuttering blushing mess. But secretly he LOVES IT.
❁ "Do you wanna see my stuffed animal collection?" Law would say yes to anything you say. He's fallen for you so much that he's a mess. You have him tied around your fingers.
❁ He would think it's cute how you talk to your stuffed animals
❁ Or how you would insist on holding his hand while walking
❁ Honestly anything you say or do will make him melt on the spot. Because he has a soft spot for cute people/things.
❁ Don't look in the eyes don't look in the eyes don't look in the eyes, he tells himself whenever you ask him something. He ends up doing whatever you want.
❁ So he could end up braiding your hair or giving you all of his hoodies and always getting things off of the top shelves.
❁ But you won't take advantage of him because you love him and he loves you and the both of you would do anything for each other.
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vinsmokesangio · 5 months
this mf knows EXACTLY what he’s doing, istg im going FERAL
how i love being delulu ♥️
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gav-san · 9 months
A Vintage Bouquet | 1/5 | Mihawk x reader
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk / Fem Reader
Length: 1/5 Chapters
Summary: Trapped in a monastery and threatened with an impending marriage, you'll strike any deal with a Pirate to escape what your father has in store for you.
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“What a treat, for a great warlord of the sea to come to our island.”
Mihawk didn’t remove his feet from the table, barely even bothering to blink at the approach of the voice. Its owner, Rear-Admiral Jacobson, was the insipid leader of the Marine Outpost here, a dull man fitting of the dull backwater.
“It’s truly an honor to host you.” The marine said, taking out a chair to join him, much to his irritation.
“Charmed,” Mihawk replied dryly, barely acknowledging the large man in the marine uniform. “I’m sure.”
The rear admiral laughed, taking a seat on the bar left of the famed swordsman. He didn’t sit too close, clearly aware he was unwelcome, but not scared off 
“I don’t mean to overstep, Hawk Eyes, but I’m shocked to see you here. The West Blue has been very quiet on the pirate front, and less so on any budding warriors. Illa de Palma is paradise for us here.”
Mihawk tilted his head.
He could outright refuse to chat with Jacobson, but it would likely be detrimental. Mihawk was no fan of bright sunlight and the thick humidity on Palma but he did find their wine to be pasable. Insulting the owner of the best vineyard on the island wasn’t going to get him his shipment, or any future ones on any island, knowing the way the wine-masters held grudges.
With a sigh, knowing he wasn’t getting off without revealing a little info, he acquiesced. 
“It isn’t nearly that complicated. I was headed this way and was followed. Since there or no decent vineyards between here and the Grand Line, I thought I may find something interesting.” The swordsman said, raising a glass of dark liquid, and swishing it. “I have yet to decide if it was worth the diversion.”
The rear-admiral Jacobson perked a brow.
“I’d say so, but since it’s my wine, I have a stake in your opinion.”
Mihawk took a measured look, before taking a short drink of the wine, before looking back.
“It’s not terrible.”
The Rear Admiral laughed.
“That’s high praise. I’m not sure anything could please your stiff palette, other than the best.”
Mihawk took another sip, letting the liquid run across his tongue.
“It’ll do, I suppose.” He said, putting it down. “It doesn’t seem like your little island is very interesting otherwise.” The rear admiral Jacobson smiled at the swordsman.
“Interesting? Perhaps not for a man of your caliber, but for me, it’s been divine. We export the best wine and women!”
Mihawk tilted his chin.
“The monastery girls,” Jacobson added, with a wink. “The nobles send their daughters here to learn how to be good wives. Makes the entire island a pretty penny, and we get to see pretty women.”
“How quaint,” Mihawk responded with little care.
Jacobson leaned in as if he expected a juicy bit of gossip, and Mihawk raised his glass again.
“Oh, don’t be so closed-mouth! I know you came in with that fancy noble who has his eyes on our girls! Tell me if it’s true that he wants to take our sweet, lovely island beauty. I speak, of course, of Ms. Gabriella!”
Jacobson named a woman's first name that Mihawk prompted recognized and ignored. The swordsman gave a sound that was similar to a snort, though he was too elegant to do so outright. He was tempted to immediately leave hearing that name again. After having to listen to that incessant noble who decided to follow him, he could live a very long life and not have to hear it again.
“This conversation turns tedious,” Mihawk replied, “Such things hold little interest for me.”
“Always the swordsman, dedicated to your craft.” The rear-admiral joked, much to Mihawk's great annoyance at the familiarity. “For a former pirate, you have always been quite dedicated, much like those nobles.” 
“I’m a pirate, not a savage.” The pirate scoffed, lowering the wine onto the bar with a clink. He rose, moving to leave before he had to hear any more nonsense. “The wine is astringent. Hardly worth a visit.”
The Rear Admiral gaffed, scooting his chair so the swordsman could pass.
“You should pass by the monastery. They had the best wine on the island.” Jacobson said, raising the glass to take a long sniff. “They always purchase our best for their private sacrament.”
Mihawk raised a hand, not bothering to give a reply.
He was not much inclined to take the word of someone who touted such fine taste and failed to live up to the expectations, but he had run low and disliked the idea of setting off without a fresh crate. 
He learned against a pier, next to his boat, listening in to the local fishermen passing, morning still fresh. Villagers only give him half a glance and Marines kept a wide distance, more familiar with his old Wanted Poster. 
He had learned early in life that the best way to discover the best wine was to listen to the townspeople. And though he wasn’t much inclined to speak, he had found his fair share of bounties simply being near. 
But he did raise a brow at the topic of today’s rumor mill. 
It was the name.
The name of the girl, at the monastery. Ms. Something Gabriella. It seemed that this girl was of some importance in the town, her name was like a buzzing fly in his ear.
Gabriella Gabriella Gabriella
What was that first name?
Ah yes.
Ms (name) Gabriella.
After putting the two together he pressed his lips together. 
The last name alone was popular enough that he hadn’t thought much when people shouted praises about the girl. However, the first name was unique enough that it did cause a memory of something to resurface.
Isabella Gabriella.
An old pirate captain, who enjoyed daggers. He wondered if there was any relation between the girl and the pirate swordswoman he had known long ago, who had been a fearsome foe indeed when he was a young man.
She often bragged about her precious little daughter, who had the same name as this monastery girl.
He glanced at the Monastery, turning. Well, he supposed it wouldn’t be that big of a detour. 
Perhaps even bearable if there was good wine.
The white sheets fluttered in the cool sea breeze that the evening on the coast had brought, the crisp breeze ridding it of the last wrinkles and folds. Careful fingers folded the fabric into a sharp square, placing it in the large wicker basket next to the laundry before you turned to the last row of hanging sheets.
You couldn’t help stop your eyes from wandering past the tall stone wall of the Nunnery Annex and gazing down the hill where the shimmering white of Ciudad Blanca lay, flaunting its beauty to all who came across the Isla de Palma.
You could appreciate the artistry that had gone into the white facade of the rich town, as you had once been part of something.
You blinked, hearing your name.
Ms. Gabriella.
Calls of it came from those passing, able to see through the cutouts in the wall, making you feel akin to a goldfish in a too-small bowl. 
The monastery walls had been built less for the comfort of those inhabiting it but as a symbol of its wealthy patrons. It was a very popular destination on Isla Palma, and though you preferred cloistering herself away in the depths of the monastery, you had watched those visitors with a melancholy stirring in your heart. 
Adventurous, free, people.
Located in the West Blue, the beautiful city saw more than its fair share of seafaring wanderers, an almost alarming toss-up of Marines and merchants. You heard more than you saw, as enough seemed to fear the Gods that they would visit, climbing the stairs to reach the tall white building.
And, inevitably, some of those travelers were almost certainly pirates masquerading as sailors. 
And despite your hair being tightly pulled back into a strict bun, secured by coif and wimple, under the black veil, it did little to hide your lovely face and sparkling eyes, as bright as the lights dancing off the warm ocean. 
And others noticed, as well.
When you were on rotation for laundry or any other tasks outside the monastery walls you would be cat-called, harassed, or confronted by angry women.
you tended, hiding yourself behind the last youets, folding as quickly as you could.
You weren’t surprised at the rough-looking travelers who called as you trod behind the Abbess, as you greatly suspected they were pirates. But the number of Marines who would leer at you and the other sisters was downright horrible.
You whipped another sheet off the laundry and winced when you heard a rip.
Mother Superior would be greatly displeased with her, as she already thought you taking the food and space that so many other young females would be grateful for. 
A good marriage, the Mother Superior had often told you, was something a face like yours should aspire to. It was one of the Abbotess’s many ways of letting you know that time was ticking for her, and if you could not find a proper husband, you’d be found one.
Choose, you foolish girl, choose! 
Countless men had been offered to her, but the photos and love letters blurred before your eyes as panic caused your stomach to heave.
Your entire body reacted to the notion of marriage, shoulders squaring and knees locking as you attempted not to drop to your knees.
You felt a drop of sweat run down your shoulder at the thought of accepting one of the many proposals coming through the Monastery letterbox. Many wealthy men came to the island, but few were good. Less who had all their teeth, and had the resources to afford a bride dowry for her.
And those acceptable were almost exactly like father.
Your father, a name not earned but given regardless, was a noble living in the holy city of Mary Genoese, bathing in wealth and privilege. you hadn’t seen him in years. He saw you more as a prize swan than flesh and blood, and the only reason you heard from him was when he reminded you of your duty to marry, mainly through very unpleasant Den Den Mushi calls via snail.
And his latest he hasn’t held back, letting you know that whoever you accepted, expected to receive a generous offering for her. 
The Mother Superior had a vice-like grip on your arm, keeping you in check. 
Of course, you agreed.
A record number of Berry would go on to continue running the monastery with your success. That was the whole reason girls like you were boarded and raised by nuns.
But your worth was ticking down if you passed into your thirties without choosing. 
The town bell rang, counting down your hours.
You wanted to pull the entire line of laundry down, angry at everything. Your life hadn’t started as a plot to turn into a breeding cow! 
Your mother had been an adventurous, independently wealthy captain before wedding father. He had promised her a similar lifestyle after getting hitched, just adding his fine title as a nobleman with a residence in the Holy City. 
And so you were a child who had worn only the finest dresses, even when running through the swelling ocean waves, hair perfectly coiffed even as you lay to sleep.
Maids regularly pampered her, and the best tutors engaged her mind. You voraciously read books and loved your father for generously giving you so many. Many afternoons had been spent aboard your mother's ship, set up in a hammock reading romance and eating the finest sweets, and even tasting the fine wine they sailed around delivering.
Your mother's crew was mostly retired marines and had generously taught you all about the wine trade as if you were their child. Your mother taught you more than a few tricks with her daggers, though you preferred the feel of a sword.
Your mother had made you hide this when you visited your father. He had, over time become more and more vocal about his dislike of sea life, how women didn’t suit it, especially concerning you in particular.
You had, deep down, had a feeling that something had gone sour in him.
It had probably not helped that over time, your mother had taken on the lion's share of raising you, and your noble father had mostly enjoyed staying at home, raking in his wife's wealth and attention with far too much free time on his hands. They spent more time away than together, and soon, it was clear divorce would be imminent.
On your sixteenth birthday, your mother, her ship, and the entire crew were shot down by pirates and murdered. 
You had miraculously been on a rare vacation with your father. He had praised the heavens for such good fortune but you deeply grieved, unable to find any value in your life compared to your mothers.
You weren’t even half the woman she was, in any respect, and now she was gone, you saw just how strong she had been to counter a man like your father.
Father wasted no time introducing the newest addition to his collection. And you meant that as a plural since it wasn’t a day after your mother’s passing that you discovered your mother was just one of four wives that your father secretly had. He went around town, touting how you were to be sold off in a similar manner.
You were determined to cut ties, your anger roused at such a callous insult, but before you could touch a penny of your inheritance he locked it away, then he locked you away, per the flexible arm of his noble title. 
Your entire future shifted, and any chance at a seafaring life was gone. And it took less than a day for that to be made clear.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
You paused, hands loosening before you tore another bed sheet, focusing to take another deep breath. 
Taking out your anger here would not give you back what you had lost. You would only receive toilet cleaning duties for the next month if you didn’t control yourself.
But every day, anger cinched your middle tighter, and inevitably, those invisible stays would break, or simply cut you in two. 
Breathe, you reminded herself.
“Ms Gabriella, my beloved!!” Another voice called behind your back, and you scrunched your brows together. It was close. A cold shiver danced down your spine. 
Heffery Jones.
“Lovely Sweet thing!”
You recognized that drunk voice and your brows furrowed. What a terrible day, you decided. While most of your well-wishers managed to control themselves and not climb the nunnery, this voice was coming too close to her.
You flinched, turning at the figure who was half dangling over the brick, waving too enthusiastically your way.
One of the somewhat poor townsmen, a very young fellow with brown hair and yellowing teeth grinned at your lost expression.
And very drunk. 
“My love, why haven’t you responded to my proposal?” He cried out to you, still struggling on the balustrade. 
“Go home Heffery, your wife works too hard for you to waste it on drinks.” you retorted, your tone flat. You didn’t have the time to state all of your reasons, but that was a start.
Not that it worked.
“Darling, let’s run away and go sail the sea together! My wife means nothing!” He cried, wiggling to try and get over the sharp spikes.
You actually liked Mary Jones and feel sorry you had married Heffery. But it was arranged, like most marriages in town. You were sure the only reason Mary Jones hadn’t run off was her children, who all looked suspiciously like your neighbor, rather than her husband. 
You readied herself, grabbing the laundry basket, in case you needed to throw it at him.
“Heffery Jones, don’t you dare!” The voice of the Mother Superior rang out, startling both of them.
You, for once, were flooded with relief as you heard her call out from one of the many windows. Even if it meant a lecture later, of why you had been the problem. For now, Heffery could take the tongue-lashing of the older woman, for however long it took him to realize he needed to run.
The Abbot didn’t hold much power in the monastery, but he had a den den mushi phone and paid off the local marines for problems like this.  
But Heffery Jones wasn’t known for his intelligence or listening ability, and he attempted to jump over the brick. Even the solid shoe you threw aimed at his face didn’t change his mind.
He still attempted to jump.
And this was only an attempt as he inadvertently sacrificed his fancy waistcoat on a lantern pedestal and flung himself back the other way, into the road. Your shoe met with a satisfying thump and fell to the ground on the other side.
You heard the alarm of the local church regulars and the dismay of drunk sailor men who had followed Heffery from his bar to egg him on, as well as the distant thuds of Heffery rolling down the hill, probably straight back into the bar he had come from.
So you waved goodbye, cheekily.
Mother Superior burst through the side door, just as you finished folding the laundry, hiding ripped sheet at the bottom of the pile.
“That disgusting man! And you, you! Must you flaunt yourself? If you wish to be seen, hurry up and choose a respectable suitor!” 
you knew better than to argue, simply apologizing. Thankfully you weren’t forced to grovel for long, as the Abbot flew through the door, bouncing back from the Mother Superior's large girth.
“He is coming!” He cried, falling into a tumble of robes.
“Great Heavens!” The nun said in tandem, as Abbot cried out his news. “I already chased the Jones boy off!”
A nun followed the father, picking him up from the ground, and the old man wasted no time delivering his news to both of them.
“Not the boy, Mother!” He said with a flourish, slipping around her. 
The Abbot grabbed your hands, gleefully. 
“Your fiancé! He has been chosen! And he’ll be accompanied by a Warlord of the sea!” your mouth fell open, but you stopped herself by biting her lip. 
“Pardon?” you croaked.
Mother Superior cackled in thanksgiving, holding up her hands in praise to the sky. 
“He can afford a Warlord?!? He’s clearly rich and powerful enough to pay for an entire new section of the building!” Mother Superior cried out, picking up the Abbot and spinning him.
The man cried out in alarm, but you felt like you had been the one being spun. you knew the time had been ticking down, but your father had promised your mother, in a written will, that you would be able to choose your husband!
You stepped back, breath getting heavy. The Abbot and the Mother Superior danced around one another, leaving you the chance to dash away, trying your best not to hyperventilate. You flung yourself around the corner fleeing the wide courtyard to the smaller citrus grove. 
Others disliked the mushy ground, laden with rotting oranges, and so you often found respite there.
There on the bench, you raised your lone barefoot to look at the consequences of a very impulsive throw. Not that it hadn’t been deserved, but now you’d have to go beg the gate guard to fetch it for you. 
You glanced at the old, bolted side gate in the wall behind the last tree. 
If you dare, you could unlock it, dart out, and get it herself. You questioned if it was worth potentially being discovered, but if you were quick, and only to avoid unnecessary drama, it very well might be. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear you sighed, agreeing it was certainly a bad day.
This inner debate was cut short when you heard a thud, near the gate. 
You jumped up, startled, head snapping over.
A shiver ran down your spine at what you had found.
A shoe.
Your shoe.
There, in a space bare of any fallen oranges, lay your shoe.
You dash to the gate, from where the shoe almost certainly came, thrusting your head out of the small space on the top. And you only caught your beneficiary as they turned the corner, the edge of a dark coat.
And you were unsure why such a small glimpse of a simple kind of action made your stomach erupt in butterflies.
You turned, ready to call out to the person, or something.
You jumped back, throwing on your shoe just as Mother Superior turned the corner and found you. 
“Quit hiding around, it’s time to get ready! Your father wishes to speak with you!”
If there was anything that could make this day worse, it was getting a call from your father. The den den mushi for the convent was not only slow, but your father had become unbearable.
The snail did a great job conveying his disregard for you.
“Do us both a favor, you, and be on your best behavior.” 
“Father-” you began, only to be sharply cut off.
“-While you may not want to be married, you, but there’s no other respectable path for your future. I promise there are much worse suitors who are interested, who wouldn’t care much for your consent.” 
“Pirates, even.”
You froze. 
“Be a good girl, my dear. I mean, anything is better than one of those Doflamingo boys. I’ve heard that Donquixote is little better than a brute. He’s been looking for a noble bride and has the money. He had no real title, since that debacle, and has been calling me up incessantly.”
Surely your father wouldn’t be cruel enough to consider that? you didn’t dare call his bluff, only to be proven wrong. you had heard plenty about the fallen noble Doflamingos, and you knew that your father was no longer joking. If you pressed him, then he’d make it worse for you.
“You’ll be a darling, won’t you, my dear? Go make pretty eyes at that nice new fiance and make sure you walk away with a ring.”
“Yes… father.”
You sat in the citrus grove, finally alone. It was chilly, being outside well into the night with only a shawl, still wearing the day dress.
Fingers clenched in the fine, high-waisted cotton dress, simple but well made. It had been the only nice dress you possessed, but had still needed a quick fitting since you had lost weight as time slipped on. Dainty slippers pinched at your toes, clearly borrowed from someone who had smaller feet. 
Your hair had been groomed till it shone, left mostly up twisted into a pretty pearl netting to keep your face clear of any strays. Even makeup had been acquired.
Not even a week had passed, but you already met your new finacé.
And it had been what you expected. You had hoped that it wouldn’t be an extended meeting with the Noble fiancé because alas, no good were wishes anymore. Ronald W. Canonfire the Fourth was a long-winded, much older man looking for a pretty third wife, just to liven things up, since his other two were getting so old. And he disliked their ‘worn’ bodies since they had had almost twenty children between them.
You grit your teeth and played dumb.
Though you had been engaged, a first meeting tended to be shorter, by tradition. It was mostly to assure the buyer that the bride was as had been showcased to be. And if he approved, which he probably would, the wedding would proceed. And your next meeting with him would be the day you would go down the aisle.
Good Lord.
You couldn’t live that way.
You wouldn’t.
You took in a deep breath, your chest heaving. Surely, this was not going to be the way your life went. Whatever it took, you would not be going down that aisle. You could secretly take the vows, or maybe even slip away, and find work on the docks disguised. Or stowaway!
Anything, but this life.
So you stood, unsure of what path you were going to take, only sure that you had to take it. 
And to hear a lock break.
The door on the side of the monastery creaked open.
You whip your head around, confident someone has somehow read your thoughts.And your chest nearly seizes as you brace yourself for whatever is coming.
The first thing you saw, from the deep shadows of the doorway, were well-oiled boots. Followed by dark pants, a rich black coat, and a sleek hat with a feather. A cutting figure, to say the least. His scandalous lack of a shirt was not missed, nor were the cut muscles that gleamed pristine white. 
You take a step back, thinking you should probably call out for help, but are unable to find the words.
There is something downright transfixing about this man, and it’s not just the way his muscles cut down to the downright sinful apex of his pants. 
He’s older, but not much.
Your mouth goes dry.
“Are you going to throw your shoe again?” He has a mild tone, almost bored. “Or should I wait?”
“You-” You mutter in fascination. “You are the man who threw back my shoe.”
He steps through, letting the gate swing close behind him.
“Why are you here?” You ask, perplexed. You might be afraid, but he looks so disinterested that you can’t help but feel a bit calm.
“Are you going to throw it at me this time?” He asks again, a sharp brow raising.
Heck, the man’s entire face was sharp, accentuated by well-groomed facial hair, and generous lashes, held together by a severe expression. 
His unmissable eyes must have seen your first, for when your gaze reached his face, he was already looking at her. 
Startled, you realized they were gold. Gold, and almost alien in appearance. All of these things were eye-catching and startling.
And for a moment, both stared.
But that’s not what you gazed at with an abrupt interest.
Just as he stepped into full view of the single lantern overhead, the light danced off the large metal cross on the man’s back, giving you a view of what must be the largest sword you’ve ever seen.
“Is that a kriegsmesser?” You said before you could stop yourself. “It’s enormous.”
You swear at yourself, as a reminder that the last thing you need to do is start fangirling over weapons, lest you encourage the intruder to use his own. And for it to come out like you is an innuendo.
It truly was a long, horrible day, if this was your best manners.
One of the man’s brows lifted, followed by a slight down curve at the corner of his mouth.
“Yoru.” He answered, and you blinked. “Is hardly so simple as a mere Kriegsmesser. She may be my largest sword, but I’m effective with all I equipt.”
Your mouth tilted in a smile, glee filling your chest, before you managed to clear your throat at his sly joke. Suddenly you were ten again, on the deck of the ‘Sweet Joy’ and practicing your footwork. 
“Yoru,” You repeated, subtly swaying the motions you’d use with such a sword. It sounded familiar, though it had been ten years since you had read anything about swords. “May I see her?” You ask, forgoing all manners, like a bar whore.
This time, the man actually gave a smile, though it was very subtle. 
“It’s not for taming bunnies.” He said, coming a step closer, and glancing down at your feet.
“Lend me your blade and we can test that theory.” You retort sharply, much to his amusement, the way he leans forward.
“I hardly here for a fight with a nun.” He said with a drawl, his tone mildly amused. 
“I am not a nun.” He waved a hand like it made little difference. “Why did you come?” you said cooly, moving to put the bench between you. You hoped he was here to take you hostage, but you couldn’t make it seem easy, and give yourself away.
The man sighed, giving you a long look as if he could read your mind.
“Don’t kid yourself. I heard there’s good wine here.” The man replied, leaning against the door of the outer wall
You blinked.
“I guess.” you said, “But this isn’t exactly a store.” 
“Understood,” He said wryly.
“And the Abbot will also be asleep by now, even for a distinguished gentleman yourself.” You fold your arms.
“Hense the sidegate.” He tilted his fancy hat to the broken side door.
“Rude.” You reply. “I should scream.” You wave a hand.
He moves so quickly you don’t see him place a finger on your mouth until it’s there.
“Perhaps we can come to an accord.” The man said, and you stepped back, slapping the hand away.
“Perhaps, for the right price.” you gave him a long look. “Do you own a boat?”
The man lowered his chin, giving you a hard stare that you struggled to keep, and only did so since your entire life was on the line.
A nod and you assumed that meant yes.
“I need passage off this island. And quickly,” You muttered, lowering your voice and stepping closer. He sighed as if you had asked him to pluck the moon out of the sky.
“Oh? Now why would I ever do that? Even good wine isn’t worth a private ride on my boat.” He said, tone flat. 
“The wine is the best on the island. A vintage from my mother’s last shipment.” You bartered, standing your ground. “My word is good. I have my sommelier certification, and still have an active registration in the Vineyard Guild. I know wine.”
The swordsman looked you down steadily with his gold eyes.
“What’s your mother’s name?” He said, moving to the bench to sit before you, one leg elegantly flung over the other.
“Isabella Gabriella, the captain of the-”
“The wine merchant and you’re her daughter?” You wonder if you should be offended by the long look he gives you, but for some reason it fills you with butterflies, to be seen so thoroughly.
“You knew my mother?”
“Very well, girl. You’ve piqued my interest. Let’s make a deal.” He lifts a hand, gesturing to the monestary.
“I require two crates of wine for your passage to the next island.” He says, and you look at him harshly.
“This wine is worth at least a trip to the Grand Line.” You counter, fingers clenching your arms.
“Now why would a bunny like you want to go to the Grand Line? Surely you don’t think well-bred girls such as yourself are better off there than here?”
“If wine isn’t enough, then I’ll fight you for the honor of riding on your boat. If only to prove to you I can handle myself. ”
“Fight? You, a little bunny?” He said, this time you knew you had amused him, by the way the corners of his mouth raised. 
“I doubt I could defeat you, swordsman, but I’m not a girl. But if I can land even a single blow, would that impress you?”
“Very well.” He said, folding his arms. “This is hardly an appropriate venue. When an opportunity arrives, we’ll see what you’re made of.”
You lower your arms, placing your hands flat against your dress. Better for him to underestimate you now.
“Fine. When and where?” 
The man stood, turning to the gate, practically making you follow him out.
“It bores me to wait, so be by the docks to my ship by next nightfall. And only come if you manage to get the wine, girl.”
“I’m not a girl.” You say, and then clearly annunciate your name, but the man just walks down the cobblestone road, away from you. “What’s your name?” You call out, brows furrowed, arms holding the door to not clang.
He doesn’t look back.
And as you swiftly go back into the monastery, already planning your escape, you can’t help but get the notion that you’ve heard that name before.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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Sanji Gets Rejected (ANGST/FLUFF)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
WC: 2k
CW: Angst, Rejection, Kissing, Fluff at the End
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There he is, doing it again;
“You’re so beautiful, Maam!”
Another random woman he tried to woo on another random island, this one didn’t just push off Sanji this time though, she toyed with him. You guys were docked for a few days to recoup, restock, and relax a bit after escaping another long fight with some marines.
You all went your separate ways, and in that you kept watch of Sanji. It wasn’t intentional but you managed to always bump into him and the woman almost Everytime you stopped somewhere.
She was a beautiful taller woman, she had a very disgusting attitude though, you’ve seen her around a few times and you could tell she used her looks to get what she wanted from men and she most definitely did it with Sanji. You tried warning him about her hopefully she wasn’t working someone that could be hunting you all down but he of course, didn’t listen.
"Sanji we should head back to the Merry soon--"
"BUT Y/NNNN" His voice a pitch higher as he twirled around the woman, looking as unimpressed as ever at the poor boy, "CAN I JUST STAY A FEW MORE HOURS WITH THE LOVELY ABBY--"
"Actually, you guys own A boat right?” Abby walked closer towards you, you stood back a little with a crooked face at her invasion of interest, but before you could decline her Sanji insisted she come for dinner.
“Ji, I—“
“Well of course I’d love to come see what you people—“
“You people?” You Tilt your head at her holding your hip, the hell she mean by that?.
“Yes. How you people live. I never Seen a pirate ship up close and personal. You’d show me. Right Sanji?”
He melted into her hot touch like ice when she caressed his cheek. You groan rolling your eyes at how naive Sanji could be.
The day goes by and you really could not wait until Abby left. She was rude, demanding, arrogant, and nobody even liked her.
She insulted you, Nami, and Robin,
Taunted Chopper and Usopp
Flirted with Zoro behind Sanji’s back
And even mocked Luffy.
But Sanji didn’t even seem to notice because she had him wrapped around her stupid finger.
“When is she leaving?” Nami grumbled in your ear, you both watched Abby and Sanji in the kitchen. He tried showing her some new moves he learned to hold multiple plates at once, but she couldn’t care less.
You on the other hand loved when he did that.
It was finally time for dinner and it was somewhat awkward considering Everytime someone spoke Abby had something to say.
“Oh, Robin I got that tea you liked.” You causally said to her and she smiled back at you across the table.
“You know I never pegged you pirates to have a level of class about you all….interesting. Especially you—um…uh…”
“That’s y/n-san, my love!” Sanji spoke and came over to take her plate to clean. “She’s one of the classiest women I’ve met!”
“….could have fooled me with that outfit.”
You almost spoke out of turn until you felt Zoro’s hand on your shoulder and he shook his head at you.” She isn’t worth it” he mouthed to you.
After dinner everybody was on the deck doing their own thing, and you and Zoro were trash talking Abby of course.
You more than him though.
“And she had the fucking nerve to say—“
“Why don’t you just tell the damn love cook the truth.”
“What? You don’t think I have? The stupid bitch—“
“Not that…you telling Sanji how much you liked him.”
You felt your soul drop to your feet. Zoro didn’t have a care in the world when he said that, all he did was take a sip of his sake and stared at you, scoffing.
“It’s pretty evident you like the pervert. Why? I don’t know….I’m better looking anyways..”
“Nothing. Just—-Stop making it so damn obvious you liked if if you don’t have the guts to tell him. We are leaving the day after tomorrow so after this we never have to see her again—“
Everybody turned to the commotion in the middle of the ship. It was of course Abby and Sanji , and Abby making a big deal over something.
“No way I won’t join? “ Abby huffed at Sanji’s request. “The pirate life isn’t for me. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“…oh…well…I leave in 2 days so…maybe before you leave you can…um…send me off right?”
Abby chuckled at him cupping his cheek, seeing the blood trickle from his nose and his eyes popping out of his face, “y-you’re so beautiful, Abby!”
“Mmhm…so you want me to send you off right?…like…a kiss?”
Sanji nearly exploded, but tried to keep his composure, “y-y-yes! I mean—if you would grant me the blessing perhaps?”
Hearing this conversation was absurd. You didn’t even realize your face was shaped in the look of disgust causing Zoro to snicker at you, “If she bothers you that much then just say something.”
“Say what jackass, ‘hey Sanji don’t kiss her because I want you.’”
“So you do want the love cook—“
You both stopped your bickering to see more of Sanji’s antics, moreso him acting like a complete love struck idiot handing her some roses and a drink,
“Here you go, my love! I got you these from that garden we walked past! And then! And then I made you your favorite! Remember? At the restaurant—“
“Yes. Sanji. I remember….you really are like a little lap dog…” Abby pat his head and once again…more swooning
“I’D BE YOUR LOYAL DOG OF COURSE!” He sung with his heart eyes almost bursting out his head
“And I guess a doggy gets a treat huh.”
You almost didn’t want to stare but you just couldn’t look away. Abby leaned into Sanji and he blushed, eyes closed so prepared for a kiss until.
You could hear everybody gasping. It was always as if time was still,
Abby poured the cold drink over Sanji’s head, running not only his hair, but his expensive suit. Right after she throws the flowers in his face to shoulder bump him,
“Nothing personal, but it’s foolish of you to think I’d actually give you; a poor pirate a time of day…I’m actually a little insulted by it.”
Everybody stared in shock, even Zoro seeing her leave off of the Going Merry.
Luffy went to go run at her, but Zoro and Nami ran and held him back because they both knew Luffy would have easily done another Vivi moment for how rude she has been all evening.
You however walked over to Sanji, arms out and head down, broken glass and petals by his feet.
You felt rage enough rage in your body to just lash out of that stupid stank, but your main priority was Sanji right now.
Your hand touched his drenched shoulder, he didn’t say many words he just took off his jacket and bent down,
“Watch out, Y/N…you may step on some glass.” He looked up at you, eyes just glossing in tears, with a fake smile, “We don’t want you to have another accident again right?”
Your heart was shattered for him watch him fake a smile while on the ground, you couldn’t help but to take his arm and walk him to the bathroom to get him cleaned off as everybody tried calming Luffy down.
You say him on the toilet and took off any remaining flowers and branches in his hair, his skin was sticky from the drink and so you wiped his face with a towel.
“You don’t—-“
“No.” You protested, cleaning him off, “Let me do this.”
Sanji didn’t resist, he sat quietly for a moment. You wished you knew what he was thinking right now so you’d find the right words to say.
“She…she didn’t mean it..”
You paused for a moment. Of course he’d say that. Sighing you decided not to talk back and let him continue to defend her unforgivable actions.
“I was coming on to strong. Maybe if I didn’t —“
“Please stop. Sanji. Please?”
“It’s not your fault, Ji..” you combed your fingers through his hair to take out anything else that could have been in it. “I understand why you’d want to excuse her actions but it wasn’t your fault it was hers. She doesn’t deserve a guy like you. You have a kind heart Sanji. Just…sometimes it can be blinded by …women. And I know…you told me how you were raised. Which is why I will never be angry at you for that. I just wish you’d be more..aware of the red flags some women can be. I’m sorry this happened, don’t be embarrassed okay? It—-Sanji.”
You picked up his chin and saw his lip quiver and his eyes teary, dammit you hate when he cries. You squat in front of him and wipes his tears, “It’s okay…it’s—“
“I thought she was going to be my first kiss.”
You blink at him, and he immediately looks away in shame, “no! No! Don’t be embarrassed! Please, Sanji—It’s okay to not have a first kiss! Look at me…”
He does, your thumb on his short stubble and traveling to the corner of his eye. He looked so much like a child you wanted to just scoop him up and hug him all day . “It’s okay to not have your first kiss yet…but when you have it….it should be with someone special y’know?..not some stupid no ass bitch that’s trynna use you.”
Finally, Sanji breaks out into a chuckle, you missed his smile already, it was a pretty sweet silence between you both until you kept staring into his pretty blue-grey eyes, and his in yours. It wasn’t long until your smiles faded and you leaned into him to kiss him softly, immediately feeling his cheeks heating, but you quickly pulled back.
“I’m…I’m so sorry.” You stand up straight touching your lips. “I’m sorry that—that was so wrong of me I—“
Sanji stands to Cup your cheek and kiss you back, he’s a bit shaky and his hands are sticky and clammy but you hold onto his before looking back at him sighing in relief and touch his forehead with yours.
“You didn’t have to kiss me…”
“But I wanted to…for a long time actually.”
Sanji was actually in shock, he stared at you wide eyed, but before he had a blood fest you walked over to turn on the shower for him.
“How ‘bout we um…finish this when you get out of the shower huh?”
“…Ah! Um..yes! Yes of course! I’ll be right out!…thank you, my love.”
You smile at him before leaving, as he showers you await in the kitchen with everybody else and explain to not EVER mention what happened again to him.
“Why? Or did you fuck him to make him fee—OW!”
You smile and wink at Nami for hitting the idiot swordsman in the head and his stupid comment.
Once Sanji comes back he is actually in a better mood, he looks lighter and happier, but he just couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
The whole time he bathed he kept touching his lips thinking of you. Abby was far off of his mind and you were now in the forefront .
Late that night Sanji finished dinner and dessert for everybody but asks for you to stay in the kitchen with him. You felt a bit nervous, but that wasn’t until he sat beside you and hugs you tightly.
“I never got to thank you properly.” He says in your ear with a small peck, “You’re too kind….I’m glad you were my first.”
That night you both stayed up not just kissing, but talking too, he still swooned a bit whenever you reached to kiss him on the corner of his lips but the whole night went so smoothly, you never saw such a relaxed side to him. And you loved it.
Little did you know the impact you made for such a small gesture to the little love cook.
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nekassvariigs · 1 year
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Beckman x reader
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It was fuzzy evening in a bar on a whole new island yet the atmospehere never changed. The guys were all about loud and rowdy never failing to keep good company aswell as drinking the whole taverns alcohol near dry.
You took in the sight, outside was pitch black light seeped out from within as a thin haze. Tankards clinking against one another the lesser known guys in the crew were all about trying to drink roux down the table.
One of the guys approached you from the side with an eager smile beckoning you to join them for the manpower.
"No, cmon you know its impossible to outdrink him."
"Who cares just come." He patted you on the shoulder pickingn you up between your armpits your whole entire body picked up like a long snake you got up from your seat finally, chair squeeking behind as you approached the rowdy bunch greeted by cheers and howls you greeted everyone getting a tankard from within the middle of the table.
Roux was tough compettition but that didnt stop you from the growing pride inside you to atleast try. Pehaps it was just because everyone was cheering as you gulped down the whole tankard, beer spilling from the corners of your mouth everyone cheered, you could feel your body tickle from the inside as it absorbed the alcohol slowly.
You grabbed another taking your time as eyes werent on you as much as they before, everyone was having a good time and you couldnt be more in element right now.
With pursed lips you pulled away from the large wooden tankard swallowing down the last sip for now.
"Excuse me for a bit, i need a smoke."
They all smiled quickly enjoying their banter, you walked away checking your pockets, nothing.
"Damn." you thought to yourself patting each pocket down not only were you out but every shop around was closed.
You started wondering who in the crew smoked. Not many of them did which left you out further and dryer than before. And just as you remembered there was one man always caught with a smoke nearby.
"First mate!" you used his formal title with a smile all too buzzed, his head turned to you with a small smile he had just stricken a cigarette for himself, he cracked the match in his palms looking up at your drunkenly flushed face.
"What is it dear?" He was always a man of compliments and you couldnt hide the smile that creeped on your face from the endearment.
"Could i borrow a cig? i ran dry." you noticed that theres a seat free by his table, your legs making way to rest a little he opened up the tightly folded box of neatly lined cigarettes passing it to you.
"Here." he spoke softly noticing the haze in your eyes and the droopy smile on your lips as you sobered up near his presence.
Your body perked up at the extended box you grabbed one out of the pack and put it between your fingers.
He was fast, before you even had a chance to ask for a light he had sticken the flint on his lighter your chest tingling a little at his subtle apporaches.
"Thank you~" you cooed meeting his gaze as you lowered yourself to the flame to catch fire to the tip of the smoke.  
Smoke puffed from within your mouth as you finally got the thing to light, the first mate didnt take off his eyes from you not even for a second as you sat back into the chair crossing your legs as you enjoyed the smoke.
"What is it?" you asked patiently noticing his lingering gaze over you.
"First time ive actually seen you smoking is all. I know you do, just never 'seen it."
You puffed out a strand of smoke a small smirk creasing up your face.
"Really? I shoulda went to you sooner for spares." you sighed a little.
He picked up the beer infornt of him placing in by his lips to conceal a little knowing smile.
"That you should have. It aint pretty to see you walking in the guys' dorms late at night, leaves the wrong impression."
You choked a little on your own saliva face blushing in embarrasment as you tried to explain it.
"But what do you mean 'it aint pretty to see me walking in the guys dorms?' "
You tapped out the cigarette moving closer to the table.
"What i meant is i dont like seeing you going places you shouldnt." his lips glimmered from the booze, he looked at you sternly his voice was coarse, unusual from its smooth warmness.
Your whole body alerted at the change of atmosphere around you your legs squeezed tighter under the table you hid the emotion of amusement behind intrigued eyes.
"Then where do i go?" you asked hoping to hear the words that played in your mind.
"You come to me." He was straightforward wasting no time to let you know who should be the man you go to in time of need.
He leaned closer on the table one arm reaching with his fingertips to cup your chin in his large hands you puckered your lips for only a split second at the touch of him reminding yourself that hes only offering temporary relief in terms of cigarettes, and yet the way he looked at you meant two different things, that slow burning gaze as his eyes took you in little by little, dropping to your lips and back to your eyes he made no moves on you only admiring from afar you wished so much that he would come closer.
"Dont forget it, okay?" his thumb stroked over your bottom lip gently pulling it away until it landed back in place this time there was no way to hide the emotions you felt inside, you didnt care if he saw you biting your lip as the lustful smile took over you, you wanted him to see that.
You nodded slowly keeping your gaze on him he smiled with a little twist to his scowl he pulled his hand away having gotten your confirmation.
The drinking went on for the entire night that day half of the crew fell asleep right there in the pub and those who still had the strenght in their legs made ways back to the ship to crash.
You however laid in bed staring at the celing laughing every now and the bizzarrity of the situation
The vice Capitan never seemed to show any interest in people of his own crew he usually kept it strict to sleep with only women that approached him, the ones that were dying to know how rough a pirate actually is. How they’d treat a woman in need for something new in their life’s. This side you never saw of your dear vice captain.
You sobered up a little in your bed hand caressing your stomach for some comfort as you wondered about it yourself.
A groan fell from your lips at the thought of the way he treated you tonight. He showed none of the hidden distain in his face when he spoke to you. Only care and protection to your safety at the thought of you wandering into the men’s dorms asking for smokes.
“How ridiculous..” you whispered aloud as you shuffled up from the bed legs tangled against each other between your steps you made way to the farthest corner into hall. Shanks’ cabin was the door in the very end so naturally Ben’s would be to the side.
With a few knocks hoping you didn’t disturb anything you peeked open the door to spot the vice captain laying slumped on the side of the bed, legs covered still in his black boots he seemed out of it pretty good.
“Beck?” You whispered coming into the room sitting on the side of the bed besides him, his salt pepper hair fallen a little over his face you sighed as you laid back on his bed with a loud poof.
You watched the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed smiling to yourself at the peaceful sight before you.
He could feel the shift of weight on his bed, he was well aware that he hadn’t invited someone in so it could have been one of the guys mistaking their bunks for his.
“Out.” He spoke all of a sudden making your heart race as you laid before him, his eyes opened slowly to the sight of your back before his eyes as you sat up.
He smacked away dry feeling in his mouth raising up on the bed just about as you were to get up from his bed.
He was still buzzed from all the drinking so the weight he put in his arm was stronger than you could have ever expected, his hand came quickly lacing over your waist as he pulled you back into the bed a surprised chuckle leaving your drunken mind as you rested your hands over his. The large scar on his forearm leaving a dip in his skin you absently stroked it not even noticing that it was there until he mumbled something, cheek resting on the covers of his bed he was lazily fighting the urge to fall back asleep.
He pulled you in slowly as he crawled his way deeper into the bed.
Black boots on the edge of the bed he flicked them off one by one with a loud thud.
He rested his head over yours the palm of his hand warming the side of your hips you could only take in the intoxicating scent from his cologne.
Deep and peppery.
your hand shyly rested between his chest until he took it to lace it around his Broad waist. He sighed taking a deep breath he was staring to lose the drunkenness inside of him.
“What are you here for?” He mumbled before your head, his voice roaring gently in his chest as he spoke.
“I thought to come for a smoke at first, but now that I think of it I don’t even want one..” you laughed pulling away from him a little.
“Then you came for me.” He was sly and sure of his response making you rethink every word you were about to say.
“..” only silence came from you as you looked him eye to eye waiting for him to open his.
The moment he did you leaned to press your lips to his, unsure wether it was the  alcohol talking or the heat of the moment but it felt right to do this.
His brows furrowed for a second as he groaned into the kiss he pulled his palm from under you, thumb resting before your ear his hand on the side of your neck as he pulled your lips closer to him with a satisfied exhale.
It was pleasant to feel his lips over yours, warm and supple though a little dry you made sure to change that as you gently cupped his lips with your own.
Softly exchanging drunken kisses was in neither of your bucket-lists for the night but he was enjoying this all too much.
Benn’s tongue prodded lightly between kisses softly brushing against the split between your own, you gently rolled your hips against his. His other hand came snaking between your waist to your ass, squeezing tightly as he pressed you flush against his hips. The growing warmth of his skin behind loose clothes made you feel the outline of his erection quickly growing in size you caught his lips with your own gently biting down in a small pull, his eyes followed the sight.
“Fiesty aren’t you?” He smiled closing in the distance between you two, his tongue lightly brushing against the backside of your teeth as you opened your mouth a little more for him.
“A little..” you breathlessly admitted, missing his touch the second he pulled away to take off his shirt.
Though the room was dim you could barely notice the small chizzle of his chest, Broad and laced with scars long and sharp you sucked in a breath of air as he leaned over you. His hips resting over the middle of your thigh, the warm indent of his cock brushing gently against it, your hands laced around his neck as he placed a quick peck to your lips.
His fingers slipped under your shirt as he slowly prodded it upwards your body making your back arch once it hit your waist. His hands burned slowly against your flesh, each motion tickling and making the blush on your face rise higher you scooped your hands away from his neck allowing him to take away your shirt.
Bare chested under him he moved to rest his head between your breasts placing supple kisses on each mound he gently cupped each one with his hands. Eyes meeting yours as he kissed over your nipples with a light suckle at the ends he watched as you smirked brushing away the hair aside from his face as he moved lower on your chest placing quick kisses until he met the hem of your pants.
He looked back up at you and the blissful smile on your face.
“You sure?” He asked watching you bite your lip with a small nod.
He shrugged his head to the side a little.
“That won’t do sweetheart, use words..” he was gentle with the way he spoke kissing down the squishy part of your stomach as his nose brushed against softness of it.
“I’m sure, take ‘em off.” You mouthed feeling him clasp his hands behind the hems of your pants he pulled them off softly, watching as pale skin uncovered itself under his movements he made sure to pull off the underwear as-well.
He kissed the inside of your thighs before he moved them off completely leaving you with a quick hitched breath as his feverish touch left you.
He moved down the side of the bed standing up before you he undid his pants sliding them off his legs you drank in the sight before you, the flex of his pecks in the dim light of the room, the muscled abs he usually hid behind loose shirts, god he was attractive..
He climbed over you slowly stopping when he reached your plush cunt placing a deep kiss his lips perked in a small smirk as you bucked you hips against his mouth. He climbed over fully snaking one hand behind your back he welcomed himself in your embrace as he laid sideways pulling one of your legs around his hips he let the other hug him under his shared weight.
Beckmann licked his fingers quickly as he placed a smooth kiss over your lips his hand under your thigh he pumped his cock slowly lubing it up with his saliva.
“Tell me if it’s too much..” he whispered against your ear as he lined himself up against you, he took note of the warm wetness all around your entrance, his cock shlicking between your folds he guided the tip inside allowing you to get adjusted to his size.
With a delicious moan your head fell back a little in his embrace, he moved to kiss your neck with slow burning kisses, tongue tracing gentle licks against your throat you could feel the warm stretch that his cock made inside of you.
Your moved back in a comfortable position feeling him grope on your chest as he sucked on your nipple, clean shaven face tickling the skin with little bumps of prodding hair you giggled with soft amusement of how gentle he was with you.
You squeezed his waist with your legs pushing him deeper inside you, he groaned against your chest feeling the pooling warmth overwhelm him.
He began thrusting gently enjoying as slow moans fell from your lips with all the love and desire in the world, he felt so good, stretching the insides of your walls with his cock, you could feel each thrust, the vein on his cock as he pulled back and forth, his tip stroking and stretching against you as he collided his hips with yours.
Soft moans filled the room that smelt like drunken bliss, the sheets swishing under your constant movement as he seethed inside of you.
“Mhmmm~” you moaned deeply as his hands cupped your ass, squeezing and massing the side of your thigh the more he kept buckling.
His pace fastened every now and then as you mewled out for him the sound of his cock dragging with your juices all of over his cock numbed together with the dissipating feeling of the alcohol that he couldn’t even feel anymore, he was so lost in the moment of pleasure, lost in the way you clenched around him, hungry for the way you moaned his name.
His hand moved to the small of your back as he pulled you flush against his chest picking up his pace as lewd moans fell from your mouth.
“ C’mere..” he grunted pulling your lips against his he thrusted faster holding you closely as your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Your moans spilled inside his mouth, the pleasure filled your mind faster than you could even begin to imagine, the sides of your eyes began to feel blurry as his pelvic bone massaged your clit.
Your eyes rolled back, mouth drooping open in pleasure as he continued push deeper inside of you chasing his own high.
“Fuckk, Beck..” you whimpered feeling the hot flutter take over inside of you, hot pants  of his breath tickling the skin over your chest as low groans fell from his mouth he muttered low praises feeling the waves of your climax he slowed down with deep huffs of breath, pumping himself slowly into you as he enjoyed the waft of his own climax washing over him. Warm spurts of cum filled the insides off your walls trickling down the sides of his shaft as he slowly stroked inside of you riding out your highs. He pressed his hand on the end of your back pushing you against him lovingly as he filled you up with him cum, peppering slow kisses across your collarbones as you arched your head to allow him better access to you.
“Fuck, you’re good..” you chuckled moving to cup his face to plant a sweet kiss which he reciprocated with slight desperation, trying to enjoy more and more of you before the night ended.
He took pride in having you, knowing that he’s the only one on the ship to have you to himself he wouldn’t allow a soul to make eyes at you after this.
He pulled out watching keenly as globs of cum slipped out of your cunt and onto his sheets he laid you on your back and slipped between your thighs to clean off the mess he had made. Your hips buckled each time he slurped between hooded eyes, a deep hunger sitting within them as he watched over you, the way your legs shivered under his touch, the pretty smile on your face as you looked at him between your thighs playing with your nipples playfully he pulled back with a last squelching kiss to your heat he laid beside you ushering you in his embrace as he pulled a cover over you. Hand resting over his chest tracing small circles you looked up at him.
His hand warmly stroking the side of your shoulder as you both grazed in the soft sex afterglow. His greyish blue eyes almost seemed dark in the light of the room.
“What’s on your mind?” He reached over the side of the bed to grab a quick smoke never leaving you from his embrace.
You were silent for a second trying to find the words to lay down the reason behind those mindful eyes.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but they way you acted tonight was different.” You whispered silently watching the smile on his face as he puffed a smoke from his lips. He moved to kiss the top of your head that dumb look in your eyes was his poison honestly.
He took a long breath, how does he even begin this?
He hummed leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips, the linger of tobacco seeped into your mouth slowly.
“I do fancy you if that’s what you wanted to know. We did kind of skip a few steps by doing this though.” He looked down onto the sheets causing an embarrassed blush to spread across your face.
He took your hand in his bringing it to his lips he spoke.
“What do you say we take a little day off from the guys? Just you and me, around the town..” he smiled a little a bit expectant for your answer.
You smiled resting back onto his chest with a relieved sigh. “Sounds nice..” you played with his hand comparing it to the size of your own the soft strokes of his thumb softening the mood between you even more.
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chrissy-dont-talk · 11 months
I saw a video and it made me think of Law casually watching TV when his SO, y/n walked passed him, taking all his attention from the show he’s watching, to you and the next thing “Room” he smirked, “Shambles” you immediately teleported to his laps, straddling him…
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cloudzoro · 4 months
Painkiller | Roronoa Zoro ♡
genre: comfort, smut (minors dni)
pairings: roronoa zoro x fem reader
wc: 1.6k (short and sweet)
cw: established relationship, comfort sex, cunnilingus, squirting, spitting, dacryphilia, unpredicted sex, size kink, soft sex, soft!dom zoro, he's slightly ooc in this one :/ but soft comfort sex with zoro :)
♡ masterlist ♡
You don't mean to hold your emotions back; you know it's terrible for you, but you can't help it. The thought of opening up makes you want to vomit. It frustrates you to no end that you've ended up with the most emotionally intelligent and observant group of friends you could have. Since you woke up in the morning, you've been asked over and over again what's wrong.
The real question is, what isn't wrong
The limits of your stress levels are being tested to the fullest. You've been losing concentration during training and workouts, the plans you make keep going wrong, you mess up during a fight and almost got Zoro killed, and you've had to play referee during an argument between Nami and Usopp. What was once just minor irritation is slowly building up to something much more destructive. It's starting to show both in your face and body language. Despite everyone's insistence that you tell them what's wrong, your boyfriend Zoro understands you better. He knows that you're agitated, but instead of pushing you to open up, he knows how to help you.
Zoro notices the way your hands shake as you pick at the food Sanji has made you. Sanji only takes it slightly personally when you don't finish the meal. He can tell there's something deeper going on. Zoro follows you out of the dining hall and into your room. He doesn't speak, and you don't acknowledge him until you're both sitting on the bed. He pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him. He quietly holds you as you cry into the crook of his neck. His palms apply comforting pressure to your hips and he rubs his thumbs over your skin. He doesn't ask the reason for your tears; he's been around you all week and seen all the problems. You calm yourself down and shift on his lap. Though you've calmed down, thoughts still cloud your head, and there's only one method guaranteed to empty your head.
“Zoro”, you whine, grinding down on his lap. “make me feel good?” you ask, leaning in to kiss him. He kisses back, much softer than usual.
“You sure?” he asks, pulling back to assess you. You nod, slowly dragging your hips over his crotch.
“It's the first step towards feeling better, and I think I could use a distraction. There's no bigger distraction than your cock ” you say, leaning forward to kiss him again. Zoro laughs, glad to see you feeling better, and closes the gap between you. He’d never say no to you. He wraps his arms around you and guides you down to lie on your back.
“Don't you worry, baby, I'll make it all go away” he says, pressing his lips to your forehead. He carefully undresses you, leaving wet kisses on your skin with every article of clothing removed. He's abnormally soft with you, still wary of your heightened emotions. When you're stripped completely naked, Zoro stops to admire you. His hands trace down your body and spread open your legs. The sight of your pussy makes his cock twitch. He shuffles down so he's flat on his stomach and licks at your drooling cunt. He groans at your taste as he buries his face in your pussy and suctions his lips around your clit. You reach down to grab his hair, back arching off the bed at how good his mouth feels. He's aggressive as he eats you out, determined to empty your head of all thoughts except the desire to cum.
It doesn't take you long to cum. You try to clamp your legs shut, but Zoro's strong hands hold your legs apart as he licks you through your high. He gives you a second to breathe as he sucks his fingers into his mouth. Then, within seconds, his mouth is back on you, making you moan out. Usually, knowing the others are on board, you'd keep it down but you just can't find it in you to be quiet. Not when your boyfriend is spitting on you and eating you out like a starved man. He pushes his slicked-up fingers inside of you, curling them to reach the right spot. He knows he's doing it right when you suddenly shout his name, writing in his grasp, and his non-occupied hand holds you in place for him.
“Is that it, baby?” he asks despite already knowing the answer. He waits for your frantic nodding before leaning back in to continue eating you out. He's laser-focused on making you cum. You're too wound up, and you find yourself on the edge of an orgasm quicker than you ever have been before. There's something different in this one; you can feel a tingling in your lower stomach and tears well up in your eyes as the intense feeling begins to take over. You cry out as he works you closer and closer to an orgasm. “You going to cum again? Pretty girl. It's ok. I got you, just let go.”
Hearing I've got you is so different to hearing I love you. Coming from a man like Zoro, it means the world to hear. The tears roll down your cheeks as you cum. Your orgasm completely wrecks you and leaves you shaking and trembling into the sheets as you gush into Zoro's mouth. You don't have time to be embarrassed about the fact you're squirting or about how quickly you came with the way he greedily accepts everything you give to him. He leans back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “That feel good for you, angel?” He likes to call you angel, it's a perfect dichotomy to his own demonic reputation, and you really do look angelic in your blissed-out state. He leans down to kitten lick at your tear tracks.
“I want more”, you whine, pulling at his shirt, which he happily takes off for you. Your nails dig into his skin as you pull him down to kiss you. His tongue presses into your mouth as he reaches down to undo his trousers. He pulls away to take a breath and kicks off the rest of his clothes.
“What'd you want? you gotta use your words. Or have I already fucked you senseless?” His voice has you in a chokehold, and you have no choice but to respond.
“I want your cock Zoro, please” you beg. Though Zoro enjoys all the ridiculous pet names, there's nothing that satisfies him more than hearing his name from your mouth. He gives you a smile worthy of a demon and leans over your body. He lines his cock up with your hole and teases his tip into your hole, making you cry out in frustration. “Zoro, please don't tease me” you whimper.
“Don't you worry, baby, I'll make you all better”, he coos. There's a teasing edge to his words, but there's no maliciousness or condescension. He really does intend to take care of you. He pushes his cock into your hole, and he's so big that you struggle at first. He attempts to soothe you, grunting praises through his clenched teeth and rubbing your skin. The way your cunt stretches to take him makes both of you moan into each other's mouths. His kiss feels natural as his lips move comfortably over yours. You've kissed each other a thousand times, and each time reminds you of why you gave your heart to him in the first place. Your pussy clenches around him, and he pulls back from the kiss to examine your face.
“Please move,” you say, words coming out breathy as you can barely form a coherent sentence. Zoro nods, adjusting himself to lean on his forearms so he can adequately thrust into you. His thrust gets heavier as you moan and babble about how good he feels. “Fuck, feels too good. ‘s too much.” You say, clawing at his back.
“yeah? Am I too big for you, pretty girl?” He's big, he's so fucking big, and it drives you crazy. His body over yours is like a comforting blanket to you as he bullies his cock into you. The dazed look in your eyes,, as tears start to fall lets Zoro know that he's finally achieved his true goal of emptying your pretty head. He knows you feel better now. He adjusts his position slightly, gripping the sheets on either side of your head as he fucks you down into the mattress.
Your whole body shakes as your orgasm crashes over you like a rough sea. Zoro infiltrates all five of your senses, and all you can do is call his name as you writhe in his grasp. You can hear his voice, but you can't focus on what he's saying as your ears are ringing with the intensity of your orgasm. He cums soon after you, and you feel him release inside you. You whimper as he fills you up with his cum. You cling to him as much as you can as exhaustion catches up. When the aftershocks of your orgasm cool down, you gaze up at your boyfriend.
“How're you feeling?” he asks, catching his breath.
“good” is all you can manage as he pulls out of you. Your pussy clenches around nothing as you adjust to the empty feeling. He smiles, a genuine smile, as his head buries itself in your neck. He presses several soft kisses to your skin. He's glad he's helped you, even if your release is temporary. He reaches for the pack of tissues on the bedside table to briefly clean you. He moves to lie down beside you and pulls you down on top of his chest. You fall asleep almost instantly. All the energy has been sucked out of you, and all you need is a refreshing nap.
“Get some rest, baby. I'll be here.”
thank you for reading!!!
likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated <3
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pfpanimes · 4 months
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⌕ one piece • sanji.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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pure-kirarin · 2 years
Op boys yandere HCs
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Nickname: My beloved. 
You N#1 fan : Everything you do drives him insane.
Idealizes you, almost vows a cult to you. 
The simple thought of you thrills him and makes him blush and have cold sweat.
Sweet to the core : plans for the future with you, brings you gifts, spends all he has on you.
His room is full of pictures of you. He might even have an alter vowed to you. 
Delusional : Doesn’t realize his behavior is actually criminal, however, sometimes, he gets lucidity moments through his panic attacks.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry !” - Hates himself for what he has done, till you’re feeling bad for him.
Nickname: Little nymph.
The most normal-looking yandere.
Methodical : you simply fall into his hands according to his plan. 
You notice little by little his yandere tendencies : the fact that some of your friends start disappearing, or stop talking to you…
Who could it be ?... 
Actually mirrors the illusion that you are with him from your own will, but he has grown you so dependant to him ; to his care, to his touch, you’re hung up.
“Don’t worry little nymph, I’ll make everything alright.” 
Doesn’t treat you like a child but an adult even if he is extremely careful with you.
Who is the one being obsessed….You or him? 
ACE : 
Nickname: firefly 
Actually, I imagine him to be the ‘worst’ type of yandere because he’d actually let you escape.
Traditional methods: uses a rope to tie you up till…” momentarily” he said.  
Has panic moments when he just morphs into a baby and cuddles against your chest. 
Spoon-feeds you.
Addicted to the comfort that your presence brings him. 
Watch out for whenever he falls asleep! Might be your chance to untie your ropes.
Nickname: pajarito~
A basement? Pfft, he’d lock you in a suite. 
Reads you poetry verses that made him think of you without actually mentionning that. 
Passionate love, but whenever he gets angry, he could actually hurt you. 
For example…Choking -kink- could go a little…too far. 
You’d feel sometimes that he might kill you, but he wouldn’t, unless you decided to escape. 
Showers you in gifts.
Weirdly, you have grown accustomed to his breath against your ear, to his rough fingers against your skin, and even to his toxic love. 
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henrioo · 1 year
Relationship: Crocodile x Afab! Reader
Synopsis: Where you can't keep quiet with him ruining you
Warnings: Smut!! Mild exhibitionism (having sex during a call) Daddy kink, rough sex, dumbification, mating prey
Word Count: 265
Rating: +18
Notes: This was the first smut I wrote in a long time, I'm not really sure how it turned out but I thought it would be interesting to share, let me know what you think and maybe I'll post the others
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Crocodile that has you trapped in a mating press, your legs touching your ears and your hands pinned on top of your head. He thrusts his entire length at a breakneck speed that can't even keep up with her desperate moans.
You're drooling underneath him, your eyes rolling back in your skull as you feel wonderful pressure in your pussy. His body pressed over hers making everything more intimate and hot.
His hand is firmly around your neck, giving the occasional squeeze when he decides to cut off your air supply. You gasp and scream as you feel like you're going to come for the thousandth time that night, you don't know how many times you've come but your intimacy is already swollen and leaking like a puddle of water.
Crocodile who takes a call and simply picks up the phone to answer it without ever slowing down his movements, he loves to fuck you to the point of stupidity when all you have is the carnal instinct to come more and more.
He quickly becomes irritated that he can't hear what they're saying on the other end of the phone just from your loud moans, so he takes his hand away from your neck and shoves three fingers deep into your mouth, causing you to gasp and choke around his fingers. .
"Now doll, be quiet, will you? Daddy has business to attend to"
It's the last thing you can hear until he increases the strength of his thrusts and makes you come again. You care little about the connection and just need to continue feeling pleasure, while Crocodile takes pleasure in seeing his state completely ruined.
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v-67 · 17 days
Just wholesome Luffy
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I adore him.
Episode 770-780 somewhere
17th December, 2023
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