#online antisemitism
(this is obviously satire)
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goose-onthe-loose · 9 months
Congratulations! You've just left the the ten millionth "free Palestine" comment on a post about a Jew in Ohio celebrating a holiday. This action has activated the latent gene in every Jewish person's DNA which gives us the knowledge of Bibi Netanyahu's personal phone number. I've already called him, he said he'll call off the bombing right away. Every Jew in the world will now immediately self-destruct. Your Nobel Peace Prize will arrive in three to five business days.
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papihomo · 7 months
it's not antisemitic to be against a genocide. <3
So, screaming at Jews is not antisemitic? Telling Israelis to off themselves is not antisemitic? Using slurs is now not antisemitic? Seriously, did you just go to a random Jewish persons page to spout this with the little "uwu" thingie at the end?
Do something productive for once instead of stalking random Jews.
I literally just posted something calling out Hunter's antisemitism, like friendly reminder that JVP isnt even Jewish and its all self identified cult behavior made up by goy.
Also, where the hell did this all come from? Did you just see a random Jew online posting about how we shouldn't be hatecrimed and blamed for the actions of corrupt prime minister bibi and go "yep, who cares that person is Jewish I'll go be all quirky and uwu yet also antisemitic in their ask box".
Grow up.
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applesauce42069 · 5 months
Literally just looked at a comment thread that progressed like this:
*unsolicited Palestine comment on random Jewish video*
“Guys you’re so sensitive I’m not an antisemite I didn’t say anything”
“You guys are prophet killers”
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
American jews 🤝 Israeli jews
"holy shit, I'm so scared for you in your country - it isn't as bad for me in mine!"
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evelynstarshine · 2 years
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whitesunlars · 10 months
there are two fundamental truths about what's happening right now that if you disagree with you don't care about the lives or suffering of the people impacted and you don't actually want peace:
Both Israelis/Jews and Palestinians have history in the same land. They have valid claims to the same land. They deserve safety and dignity in the same land. Neither is going to disappear from the land. Neither is going anywhere.
Neither Israelis/Jews nor Palestinians will have safety and dignity in the land as long as Hamas continues to exist.
you can disagree on how safety and dignity can be achieved. you can disagree on how to defeat Hamas. you can disagree on what a peaceful future would look like. but if you disagree with either of these two points there is hate in your heart.
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zorciarkrildrush · 11 months
I think the essence of what drives me crazy about current Enlightened Online Leftist Discourse Regarding My Life Personally And Whether This Time Killing Me Is Morally Correct (as in, commentary about the latest episode in i/p violence) is this:
I want a free Palestine.
I don't personally know a lot of people that don't! They might bristle at the tagline, because it's co-opted by people who do in fact want them dead, but as soon as I lay out why it's in literally everyone's best interest, how a non-free Palestine is horrific both to the people of Israel and to the people of Palestine, how pragmatically ridiculous the occupation of the west bank and the siege upon Gaza are (and I am a very pragmatic person), they get it. And I don't mean I debate people online about it - this, too, is a ridiculous concept - I mean having, time and time again, the deradicalization conversation with my friends, and colleagues, and my family. Obviously not only now - I've always been a very principled and argumentative Jew, ever since I became an adult - and I've been alive for, I don't know, a dozen flashpoints and operations and wars at this point, and I don't stop being argumentative and loud in peacetime either, but especially now.
But that's not what "from the river to the sea" means.
When you, gentle soul from across the sea, echo this slogan, you are either:
By apathy or will, ignoring that the sentiment cheers for the mass expulsion and killing of Jews. Indeed, any non-Muslim present from the river to the sea. This doesn't even begin to cover how even Muslim arabs still will not be safe under Hamas rule - and trust me, I don't care if a Hamas apologist told you different. A victory for Hamas (And we're ignoring the fact they do not have the military capacity for it - I hope you are aware of the privilege inherent to not understanding military conflicts) means exactly that. No "rule by the people". No socialistic, Palestinian utopia to be had, which is a fantasy I'm seeing alluded to a lot recently. Just an extension of the horrific power structure in Lebanon and Syria, where Hezbollah - friends and allies to Hamas - have been playing a tango for decades of both refusing to participate in actual government and betterment of civilian lives, while still draining their resources and controlling them with no real contest. "From the river to the sea" is not a sentiment for freedom fighting - it's a sentiment for a final solution to the people living here who are either Jewish, or for some Very Strange And Weird Reason would rather not submit to Hamas rule. You know - Israeli Arabs, secular and Muslim and Christian, Druze, Circassians, Bahai, take your pick. Their suffering, and my suffering - you know, a person who made the strategic error of being born in Israel while Jewish, which is inherently problematic and not okay of me - don't matter to you. Just the fantasy of an easy, morally correct cleanse of the land.
Are well aware of all of the above! You just don't care. You either smugly chuckle that I, and anybody else who will die, deserve it - or that it's an acceptable loss for the aforementioned fantasy. "Decolonization is an inherently violent process", you'll say to me, chillingly, before implying I have a summer home in Brooklyn I can just retreat to when things get tough. Israel is basically Rhodesia, a very popular blog here mentioned flippantly, so what's the issue with all of those lily-white Jews fucking off back home before the righteous freedom fighters strike them down? Well. This might be the part I urge you to open a book, or even Wikipedia or any god damn thing that will explain to you these upsetting, dense things you clearly struggle with.
It's easy for me to discount islamophobes. Like, very easy. It's very easy for me to discount insane evangelistics who "advocate for me" simply because I'm a pawn in their religious rapture. It's easy for me to fight against Israeli and Jewish fascists - I have been long before this news item came across your feed, as did the insinuations that some civilian deaths are okay, actually.
It's easy for me for me to see promotions for donations to non-political aid in Gaza. It's easy for me to see the sentiment that hey! Palestinians deserve safe, healthy lives. That they have deserved an independent state, and were unfairly denied one, for decades. It's easy for me to see people saying "You know, the Israeli government is shit, actually, and their actions endanger and promote to the misery of innocents". Because that's right! I wouldn't be voting and protesting and donating for all of these sentiments otherwise!
It's not easy for me to see people, who I honestly held in high regard and saw having well thought out opinions on important matters, inadvertently echo the sentiment that my death is acceptable. That a terrorist organization, who rule over their own territory with fear and violence, are righteous freedom fighters, vox populi, only out to establish a free state. Like hey, their manifesto said otherwise, so it must be all there is - right? That Jews are just hysterical, they can easily live elsewhere - ever since that nasty holocaust business everything's fine abroad. Besides, it was just so long ago who even cares stop talking about it. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Ayatollahs in Iran, the fucking Islamic Jihad - are not interested in freedom. They aren't, and echoing their slogan tells me you are either ignoring that, or support them anyway. If antisemitic rhetoric, half truths and lies by omission work on you today, they would have in any period of time. I'm sorry this makes you uncomfortable. I'm not, not really.
So finally:
Know what your fucking words mean. Have a cursory glance at the history of the MENA and why it's so fucked, one that doesn't boil down to "The Jews, with American help, rolled into where they don't belong". This isn't even a joke. I've seen this braindead, history-revising sentiment repeated so many times, both online and in actual textbooks, that I feel I'm going insane. So many well-meaning people handwringing and assuring each other that repeating genocidal slogans is fine, that calling the i/p conflict "a simple problem" (which means it has a simple solution, right? Just kill the Jews.) is a well-adjusted and intellectual take. That "only the Zionists should die! The rest will be fine :)" I dare you to say that and also give me a correct definition of what Zionism is. Why I, a Jew that advocates for Palestinian statehood and rights and safety and always have, won't also face the wall in your little fantasy.
Freedom to Palestine. Peace in the middle east, fucking yesterday.
A curse and a plague on those who don't want either of those, and just want to cheer on the death of "the other side".
A curse and a plague upon you, when you tell me, smugly, from somewhere safe and far away, "from the river to the sea".
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gayalfredprufrock · 19 days
there is something so small about the people who don't post about palestinians until they see me talking about israelis and/or antisemitism. as if they cannot fucking handle a jew grieving so they have to provide a counterbalance? have you tried genuinely caring about palestinians at all.
and the thing is that Posting Isn't Activism. sitting on your ass providing Posts as some sort of counterweight to a grieving jew will never be activism. i post because i'm grieving something that affects me personally and need some sort of outlet, they Post because they think it's Activism, and that's what leads them to interpret any post about antisemitism or israel as anti-palestinian if it doesn't contain 1000 disclaimers or isn't posted alongside posts about palestine, and that's why they have to provide a counterweight to jewish grief. it's also sad bc if posting really is activism (which they believe) what does it say about them that they mostly stopped posting about palestine except when a jew posts about antisemitism.
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jewelleria · 4 months
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anyway. this is all the same person. @staff i’m so fucking tired
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hazel2468 · 11 months
"UWU op defends Israel UWU"-
Have I not made it clear enough what I think of the Israeli government? Have I not made it clear enough that what infuriates me the MOST about all of this shit going on is that neither government gives a damn and civilians will CONTINUE to die because Hamas and Netanyahu are cranking that war machine for their own benefit? Have I not made it clear that I think what the Israeli government is doing is fucking horrific, a war crime, murder, a violation of human rights?
Why do I even need to MAKE that clear? Why is it that you can talk about LITERALLY anything else, any other country, and people don't rush to fucking accuse you of personally supporting the government when you discuss the wrongs committed against a people, but the SECOND you're a Jew you have to justify your stance about Israel?
Why is it that I cannot even be angry about the slaughter of MY FUCKING PEOPLE. Innocents. Civilians. Fucking CHILDREN. The slaughter of the Palestinian people. Innocents. Civilians. FUCKING CHILDREN.
Without one of you absolute fucking monsters deciding to slap some shit on an unrelated post about how "uwu op defends an apartheid state just ignore that"? Do you have to make it part of EVERYTHING I do? Do you consider everything I put out there tainted somehow because I don't support your joy, your cheering, your unrestrained GLEE at the murder of Jews? Do I need to publish a fucking thesis on my stance on Israel, Palestine, and their respective governments like a fucking disclaimer any time I want to talk about myself, my oppression, my experience as a Jew, or a disabled person, or a queer person, because you fuckers cannot for five seconds be NORMAL about Jews?
To decide to slap something about Israel and Palestine on a post I made about MY oppression, about how people will oppress you no matter who you actually are- it all depends who they think you are. It's a bit ironic, isn't it? Doesn't QUITE fit, but it's funny that someone would read that post, agree with it, and then think "Ah yes, THIS is the place to put some tags about how OP, a Jew who has been reeling for the last couple of weeks about the violence, who has been checking on their Israeli friends every day to make sure they aren't fucking dead, who is dealing with vicious antisemitism from people who they thought were friends, who watched as the people claiming to be progressive supporters of human rights on this hellsite and others OVERWHELMINGLY reply to the murder of their people with good they deserved it fuck you, is CLEARLY a defender of an apartheid state and that makes them a bad person because something something I don't know what nuance tastes like and I am a bigoted ass."
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Well Drawfee is officially no longer safe media for me :(
Karina liked multiple tweets conflating a PSA for antisemitism with Israeli propaganda and claiming that Israel planned its assault to coincide with the superbowl…
Julia liked posts claiming that the war isn’t a war. Nobody has liked anything about antisemitism or even acknowledging Jews are in danger right now.
TBH I’m devastated.
I have Drawfee art all over my home. I was actually gonna become a patron this year. I’d literally been saving to make it feasible. This is crushing. I feel sick.
#leftist antisemitism#antisemitism#drawfee#heartbroken#debated putting this in the Drawfee tag or not#but ultimately I think it’s important#I don’t wanna start fandom drama or Discourse TM#I just want there to be a record of how their silence on antisemitism#and liking of conspiratorial tweets#is affecting a very fragile community#and Nathan being Jewish doesn’t change this for me#his Jewishness does not shield me from his coworkers antisemitism#even though I wanna believe that antisemitism is unintentional#and I’m so happy for Nathan if he feels supported by his friends and coworkers#he obviously knows them better than I ever will#and I’m not calling in Jews to take sides over this or anything#I’m happy that Nathan doesn’t seem to be affected by this#it must mean he has a wonderful support system and that his friends and coworkers are better#at showing their support irl than they are online#and that is important and valid#but it doesn’t change how it affects Jews like me who only experience them through a screen#and do not have a support system#they don’t owe me anything#I don’t expect anything from any of them#but I also cannot deny that I am harmed#by the fact that they didn’t acknowledge the conflict until it affected people who aren’t Jewish#and have still not acknowledged that it affects people who are Jewish#and I especially cannot handle Karina’s clear support for the idea that a Super Bowl PSA for antisemitism prevention#is somehow a sinister Israeli plot and not evidence of the terrible time that Jews like me are having rn#I feel like I lost a friend tbh
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fdelopera · 11 months
Hey Gentiles!
I think some of you really need to know what antisemitic language and Jew-hatred looks like online.
I've been seeing way too many people here on Tumblr (some of them people I used to follow) posting antisemitic, Nazi rhetoric celebrating and trying to justify the murders of Jewish civilians.
This Jew-hatred ONLY EMBOLDENS NAZIS AND WHITE SUPREMACISTS TO ATTACK JEWS. It does NOT help the Palestinian people.
Now, I am about to say some things that will be hard for you to hear, but I need you to listen.
Here's some of the Nazi rhetoric that I've been seeing on my dash:
When you say shit like this: "Most Israelis secretly support the Israeli government."
What you are REALLY saying is this: "ALL JEWS secretly support the Israeli government." (Just like this idiot accused Neil Gaiman of today.)
And you are emboldening Nazis, who think this: "All Jews are part of a secret international conspiracy to take over the world."
When you say shit like this: "What Hamas did was brutal but justified."
What you are REALLY saying is this: "What Hamas did was brutal but justified WHEN THEY TORTURED AND MURDERED JEWISH CIVILIANS."
And you are emboldening Nazis, who think this: "I think it is brutal but justified to torture and murder Jews."
When you you say shit like this: "Those Israelis got what they deserved."
What you are REALLY saying is this: "THOSE JEWS got what they deserved."
And you are emboldening Nazis, who think this: "I think we should kill the Jews. That's what they deserve."
When you say shit like this: "This is just what decolonization looks like."
What you are REALLY saying is this: "MURDERING JEWS is what decolonization looks like."
And you are emboldening Nazis, who think this: "I think that Jews in Israel, the US, and everywhere around the world need to be rounded up and exterminated."
I shouldn't have to fucking spell this out for some of you, but apparently you need to hear it:
The solution to this conflict is NOT mass murdering Jews! The solution to this conflict is NOT another Holocaust!
To make this even more crystal clear:
1. You are spewing Nazi ideology, and you are MAKING IT EASIER FOR NAZIS TO ATTACK JEWISH PEOPLE. Your words are putting Jews around the world in danger.
2. It should NOT be hard to condemn a group that spouts literal Nazi ideology, murders Jewish people, and wants to murder MORE Jewish people!
3. It doesn't fucking matter if it is Nazis or Hamas, antisemitism is antisemitism, and an attack on Jewish civilians is an attack on Jewish civilians. When you post Nazi rhetoric, all you are doing is emboldening Nazis and white supremacists, and making your Jewish followers feel afraid of you.
4. And if you cannot bring yourself to condemn Jew-hatred, you will have it on YOUR conscience the next time a Nazi attacks a synagogue and murders Jewish people. If you spread antisemitism, that blood will be on YOUR hands.
If you are a gentile, and you see other gentiles repeating these kinds of white supremacist dogwhistles about Jewish people, here's how you can help:
1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Help people direct their focus away from making antisemitic statements and harassing Jews, and towards helping Palestinians.
Actions that people can take right now are contributing to verified charities and relief organizations that help the people of Gaza. Some organizations that are verified by CharityNavigator.org and CharityWatch.org are:
Anera (92% rating on Charity Navigator)
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (97% rating on Charity Navigator)
Doctors Without Borders (98% rating on Charity Navigator)
2. Call that shit out. Tell people that they're being antisemitic, and explain that Jew-hatred is dangerous to Jewish people. Antisemitism gets Jews attacked and it gets Jews killed. In the US, many synagogues require round the clock security to protect against white supremacists who want to murder Jews. In Pittsburgh, my old home town, a group of Nazis from north of the city planned the murder of Jewish congregants at Tree of Life Synagogue, and so far only one of them (the gunman) has been arrested and convicted of the murders. The others are still at large.
3. Explain to them that it is antisemitic to celebrate someone's death *because* they're Jewish. ALSO, it is antisemitic to blame a random Jewish person for the actions of ANY government, whether that be the Israeli Government or the US Government.
4. Explain to people that they're not going to solve this conflict by posting antisemitic statements and memes online. All they will do is alienate the Jewish people in their lives and make those Jews feel scared and unsafe. And they will contribute to this current wave of antisemitism.
Once again: Antisemitic hatred doesn't help Palestinians. All it does is put Jewish people around the world in danger.
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papihomo · 8 months
For me, the one song in the rwby soundtrack that will never stop hitting close to home for me is "From Shadows"
Currently, with the rising antisemitism, how I myself & others have been treated like absolute evil within fandom spaces for just being Jewish or Israeli, these lyrics especially fucking hit:
"Call us Liars, Degenerates & Killers"
"Stupid mutts and nothing but pure evil"
On another note: The fact that some people in the rwby fandom think that faunus are not "good representation" bothers me, as a mixed Indigenous & Jewish person, especially with how RWBY was the very first show I felt seen in.
And now with how antisemitism has become rampant in the RWBY community, it feels like these people are acting like the very characters within the show that push the idea that all Faunus are "evil criminals that hate humans" and that just happen to be "lesser than humanity, therefore being a threat" such as Cardin, Jacques etc.
I've always felt alienated, I've always felt dehumanized and savage for who I am within this fandom, whether it is for being Indigenous or being Jewish. And even outside this fandom, the hatred never fucking ends.
It's 2 AM, Im writing this, and I might make zero sense in the long run, but if you do understand what Im saying here I fuckin applaud you.
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If anyone wants to know how trace anons without doing all the messy work and coding.
Let me know. I can help you out.
This is for Pro Israel Jews and supportive gentiles only!
I will serve my community in every way I can.
Love you all 🫂 💙✡️🇮🇱
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mzminola · 10 months
This is not a perfect analogy but I am making it anyway to try to convey what being online has been like for me lately.
Seeing people say "Oh, Jews are fine, I just hate zionists!" is like seeing "Oh, women are fine, I just hate feminists!"
Zionism and feminism are both very broad socio-political movements that have changed focus over time, that ostensibly have some very basic core tenets but you really need to ask the specific person you're talking to how they personally define it to be sure.
Both have been subject to legitimate criticism, and hostile reactionary bullshit. Had waves, sub-movements, splinters, people with damn near opposite views sharing the term and people with seemingly identical views rejecting it.
You can give working, broad definitions like these:
Feminism is the belief that all people should be treated equally regardless of gender, with a focus on women's rights due to systemic oppression.
Zionism is the belief that all peoples have the right to self determination and safety, with a focus on Jewish people finding it in Israel.
You can also give different definitions! Many people give different definitions! Many people also hold these beliefs but use different names for them for various reasons.
There are self-described zionists who are jingoistic, racist, etc, and who attribute those attitudes to their zionism. Just as there are feminists who are misandrist, bio-essentialist, transphobic, homophobic, and so on, who attribute those attitudes to their feminism.
There are also incredibly selfless, compassionate activists working for positive change in the world who consider themselves zionists and feminists.
It has been very jarring to see people, who I respect, uncritically reblogging posts or headlines that use "zionists" as a stand in for "bad people", just as jarring as it would be to see them sharing things that use "feminists" that way. Especially when those posts contain easily debunked conspiracy theories that I know you'd have seen right through if the OP said "Jews" but because they said "zionists" you swallowed it whole.
I am not asking anyone to stop sharing important information, petitions, news articles, resources, and so on. I am asking you to slow down and stop spreading inflammatory language that paints a broad socio-political movement for Jewish self-determination as inherently bad. The same way I would ask you not to spread inflammatory language that paints gender equality & women's liberation as inherently bad.
If the information is important, please look for other, more neutrally worded posts. Or verify the links yourself and make a fresh post! There is no situation online in which the only way to share information must be to spread such language.
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