#online cloud backup service
capriteam · 1 year
Do you want to seize control of your financial destiny?
Skyrocket Your Income: The GotBackup Powerline focuses on accelerating your earnings like never before. As new members join, they're positioned in a linear hierarchy, one after the other. This unique structure means that you can reap the rewards of the entire organization's collective efforts, amplifying your income potential.  A Rapidly Growing Market: GotBackup is a state-of-the-art cloud backup solution with an ever-increasing customer base. As the world embraces the critical need for data security, you'll be at the vanguard of this booming market, primed to profit from this fast-growing industry.  The Clock is Ticking: The Powerline structure instills a sense of excitement for newcomers to sign up, as each recruit is placed directly beneath the most recent joiner. The quicker you take action, the higher you'll be positioned in the powerline, enhancing your chances of benefiting from the efforts and growth of those who follow.  Embark on Your Success Story: The GotBackup Powerline is your key to achieving financial independence. Its pioneering structure, coupled with a high-demand product, equips you with all the resources you need to build a flourishing business and generate life-altering income. Don't let this exceptional opportunity slip away. Seize the moment and join the GotBackup Powerline to unlock your boundless income potential. Set off on your journey towards financial liberation today!. Click the link below to embark on this exciting adventure: chatgpt16 Join the Powerline and secure your position for FREE: >>> https://gotbackuptour.com/build-my-downline?id=gilbertogarcia
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bronze-gamin-o · 9 months
If it's backup, already, you need to move onto a new account, to keep the old one alive.
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opendrive134 · 9 months
OpenDrive   https://www.opendrive.com/   provide best online backup service for those who want to save documents to the cloud, as well as sync and share files across multiple devices. It offers flexible pricing plans, an intuitive web app, and a truly continuous backup option.
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richdadpoor · 1 year
Dropbox Is Dropping Unlimited Storage, Blames Crypto Miners
Dropbox is no longer offering new customers unlimited cloud storage. The company says crypto miners and other dastardly individuals pooled or resold storage space. Now, none of us can have nice things. This Giant Company Owns Almost Every Dating App In a blog post, the company said the unlimited plan was originally geared for companies working in a shared space. Dropbox complained that folks…
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alicepao13 · 3 months
Hudson and Rex Episodes
It has come to my attention that Hudson and Rex episodes are not easily accessible to a lot of people, despite it being broadcasted in many countries. I was looking for a place to archive the episodes myself in good quality as a backup but up until recently, the 1080p rips were huge so it was an impossible feat. I finally found some mkv ones that are not as ginormous as the others, and I'd like to share them with the fandom.
Disclaimer: I did not do these rips or the transcoding. I haven't checked the episodes one by one to see if there are any faults with them, just a few as random tests, I also watched a few, and they were all good, subtitles were working and in sync, etc.
What you need to know before downloading:
The files are in mkv format and Mega, the host I've uploaded them on, does NOT have a player to play MKVs online. The links are for downloading, or alternatively transferring to your own Mega account, not for online streaming.
The video codec is HEVC, which is why the size of the episodes is not huge. That might affect some older computers which may not have this codec, though. Read about HEVC here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Efficiency_Video_Coding and if it's missing, you can add the HEVC codec.
Same goes for your tv if you choose to play them in one (although you probably can't add the codec there). I generally recommend downloading one episode as a test. If it plays in your device, they all should play in that device.
Most of the files have forced English subtitles on them. I am unfamiliar with forced subtitles in general. You may have trouble removing them on a tv, maybe. I've tested them only using VLC on my computer and they can appear and disappear just fine when I choose so like normal subs do. Forced subtitles are not hard-coded subtitles.
Episodes S01E01 - S06E06 were all transcoded by one team as it was a pack, the rest by another, as the first pack was uploaded during this winter hiatus and there was no other upload by the first team for the rest. I only see small differences between the episodes, not worthy of a mention. I've kept the original file names, so you will know when the teams change if you're interested in that (team name is the last input on the title of the file).
The size of all the episodes in total is around 92GB. When you go to download them, each file will also display the size of it.
How to download (skip this if you've downloaded from Mega before):
Even if you have set your browser to ask you where to download the file, Mega will download the file you requested entirely before asking you were to save it. It's how their cloud service works. You don't need to download anything else to get these files, just right-click a file and click Download, and then Standard Download when the submenu opens. You do not need to download the Mega Desktop App, unless you want to download the entire folder at once as a ZIP file. I don't know how many concurrent downloads a free user gets on Mega, or limitations regarding the GBs per day on free users.
Mega suggests users download using Chrome or a Chromium based browser, however downloading the files one by one should work in any browser.
If you have a download manager, just load these folders in it and it will do the job better than your browser.
If you attempt this with a smartphone, then I highly suggest you download the Mega mobile app. I don't think the files will download to your phone otherwise.
These lead to each season's folder of episodes. Only copy the link below, do not copy the season identifier at the start of each line. Make sure you copy the entire link especially the S4 one which apparently continues in a second line.
S1: https://mega.nz/folder/1ZMTlbpY#DqS2V2KKgeajbINzx8c6Pg
S2: https://mega.nz/folder/kZE1yTTC#p29HrvXgahGXW-0rlzx77Q
S3: https://mega.nz/folder/0Bt3gBJL#hcX7tjU1GScmprTc0nkc0w
S4: https://mega.nz/folder/UQFD3SZZ#nbGJeLzH2IHLVpVFyK750A
S5: https://mega.nz/folder/ARkzUQbS#eS1Yy11x_DEPg3T2bD5ozw
S6: https://mega.nz/folder/lBUFnBwb#WszZvKLzfpRKVvuz5B78Nw
Other information:
I'll try to keep the links up as long as I can but I suggest keeping your own copies. Mega does not offer that amount of space for free, so this is a paid cloud service. I'm not looking for anyone to participate on the upkeep but there might be a day when these links will be taken down for any number of reasons. Personally, I don't trust the cloud. Keep local copies of anything you don't want to lose.
If these are reported, I will not be reuploading them and I assume that reporting may also take down my account with them so I will probably also not be able to be a paying customer of their service either way. So, keep the sharing of the links within the fandom. I will not tag this post, but I highly encourage reblogging it to spread the info.
I suggest that anyone who wants to share this with a lot of people should make their own cloud backup. The purpose of me uploading these links is, ironically, not piracy. The purpose is to make the episodes easily accessible to fans.
I will not upload these in other cloud services, if anyone wants to go upload these in google drive, for example, I'm not willing to risk it but of course, anyone else willing to do it is welcome to.
If anyone has questions or concerns, I'll be glad to answer them. Not everyone is familiar with hosting sites, but this is easier than a torrent. I'm sure I've forgotten things which to me may seem simple.
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techniktagebuch · 3 months
2. Juli 2024
Mein Backup ist weg, aber wenigstens auf eine preisgünstige Art
Seit ein paar Wochen habe ich eine neue Kreditkarte. Jetzt bekomme ich eine Nachricht, dass 35 Cents durch "AWS EMEA" nicht abgebucht werden konnten, weil die Kreditkartendaten nicht mehr stimmen. Das sagt mir nichts. Eine Suche im Internet ergibt, dass es sich um Amazon Web Services handelt. Das sagt mir immer noch nicht sehr viel. Habe ich die mal benutzt?
Auf gut Glück gebe ich "aws.amazon.com" ein und versuche mich dort mit meiner Mailadresse einzuloggen. Noch bevor ich zur Passwortabfrage vorgedrungen bin, teilt mir die Seite mit, dass ich bitte "Passwort vergessen" wählen und mir ein neues Passwort vergeben soll. Ich klicke auf "Passwort vergessen" und bekomme eine Mail mit einem sehr langen, nicht anklickbaren Link. Ich kopiere den Link in meinen Browser und kann mir dann ein neues Passwort aussuchen. Aber nicht irgendeines, sondern eins mit ... ich ignoriere die Details, öffne meinen Passwortmanager und lasse den ein neues Passwort generieren. Das gebe ich zwei Mal ein. Dann kann ich mich einloggen, bin aber immer noch nicht drin. Erst muss ich meine Mailadresse verifizieren, das heißt, eine weitere Bestätigungsmail abwarten und auf den Link darin klicken. Dann muss ich meine Telefonnummer verifizieren. Dazu bekomme ich einen sechsstelligen Zahlencode und einen automatischen Anruf. Eine nicht ganz menschlich klingende Stimme fordert mich zur Eingabe des Zahlencodes auf. Jetzt kann ich mich einloggen und nachsehen, wofür die 35 Cent abgebucht werden sollten.
Auf dem Handy ist die Ansicht so defekt, dass ich gar nichts herausfinden kann. Ich logge mich auf dem Laptop ein und erfahre, dass ich erst meine Mailadresse ein zweites Mal verifizieren soll. Das kann ich aber auch überspringen und irgendwann in den nächsten 30 Tagen noch erledigen.
Ich zahle offenbar für den "Amazon Simple Storage Service":
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Aber was ist drin in dieser Storage? Auf der Seite "Storage" kommt mir nichts bekannt vor.
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Am ehesten vielleicht S3, denke ich, denn der Rest kommt mir noch unbekannter vor. Unter S3 besitze ich tatsächlich einen "General Purpose Bucket". Das klingt praktisch.
Mein Eimer hat einen langen kryptischen Namen. Darin ist ein Ordner "default". Im Ordner "default" sind viele andere Ordner mit langen kryptischen Namen. Keiner davon enthält irgendwas Verständliches.
Vielleicht kann ich ja herausfinden, seit wann ich diese 35 Cent im Monat bezahle, und den Grund so identifizieren, denke ich. Aber die Übersicht über die Abrechnungen reicht nur ungefähr ein Jahr zurück.
In meinem Passwortmanager hat sich in der Zwischenzeit ein vager Zusammenhang zwischen Amazon AWS und JungleDisk ergeben, einem Cloud-Backup-Ding, das ich in einer sehr grauen Vorzeit einmal benutzt habe. Es ist so lange her, dass es das Techniktagebuch noch nicht gab, weshalb ich nirgends nachlesen kann, was ich eigentlich damit gemacht habe. JungleDisk ist inzwischen verkauft oder umbenannt worden. Die Seite www.myjungledisk.com weigert sich, mich zu erkennen.
Ich sehe in meinen Mails nach. Offenbar habe ich mich bei JungleDisk 2010 angemeldet und 2017 mal eine Nachricht über Änderungen bekommen. Diese Nachricht enthält einen anderen Link, unter dem ich mich auch wirklich einloggen kann.
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Der Menüpunkt "Online Disks" sieht vielversprechend aus.
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Aber alle Punkte führen nur zu der Aufforderung, mir einen Amazon S3 Account zuzulegen (habe ich doch schon) oder den Support zu kontaktieren (will ich nicht).
Keine Ahnung, was in diesem Backup drin war und ob es sich um einzigartige, wertvolle, unwiederbringliche Daten handelt. Schon für das Techniktagebuch würde ich eigentlich gern weiterforschen, aber alle weiteren Schritte wirken noch viel verwickelter als die bisherigen und ich werde schon beim Drübernachdenken ganz lustlos. Ich glaube, ich lasse alles so, wie es jetzt ist. Irgendwann wird wegen der nicht bezahlten 35 Cent irgendwas gekündigt werden, und dann werde ich auf das unbekannte Backup noch weniger zugreifen können als jetzt schon.
(Kathrin Passig)
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ere-the-sun-rises · 5 months
Controversial Opinion
Microsoft Office is superior to Google's features. Hands down.
Point 1: Email
Okay, so here Google does actually win one. Gmail is better than Outlook not because it's a better service but because it's not trying so hard. Outlook is over-functional, in a way that says someone is justifying having a paycheck by adding features that no one wants or uses.
Point 2: Word Processor
Microsoft Word beats Gdocs to death in a back alley. Gdocs sucks so much ass it's not even funny. Word is the perfect program - clear parameters, nicely in-depth features and controls that allow for precise formatting. It doesn't lag no matter how long the doc is and it has more fonts than people on planet earth. You can easily save the doc as a PDF and it prints without issue. Gdocs has to beg for mercy and can barely manage to save to desktop without completely fucking up what little formatting you can manage. Plus, did you know that Gdocs doesn't save your work as a proper text file, but as image plates of each page? God, Docs sucks so much.
Point 3: Spreadsheets
GSheets is a joke. Its mother thinks its a failure and its siblings only hang out with it because they feel bad. Excel is intimidating, but for a reason - it knows what it's doing and is damn good at it. Nothing is beyond it. Nothing.
Point 4: Presentations
GSlides is screaming, crying, throwing up when Powerpoint walks into the room. Can you imagine? Intuitive slide management, no lag after ten slides, detailed formatting and being able to save and transfer without breaking both of its legs.
Point 5: Online Storage
OneDrive not only has more space, it has more sophisticated organization too. It saves stuff like your desktop would - in files, preserved formatting. It can also host online-only documents or just be a cloud backup. Drive wishes it could be so elegant instead of a dumpster.
Point 6: Meeting Platform
Teams is an unholy middle-management monstrosity made from a bargain with whatever eldritch being is in control of frustrating UI, but who tf has ever heard of Duo? Did you even know Google has a knock-off Zoom? I hate Teams, but if I had to be stucm in an elevator with the three of them, Teams is the only one I'd trust to reliably host a call for help. With a free Halo background, no less (Halo's artwork is so pretty you guys).
Point 7: Cost
Okay, Microsoft takes the L here again. I don't mind paying for stuff, but I resent subscriptions. Just fucking let me buy the program outright, you shitlords. But then again, Google is free for a reason.
I'm not a Microsoft shill or fan here, just a frustrated and irritated TA who's had people attempt to use Google's hideous products in their presence when the university provides Office to its students for free. The disrespect, honestly.
Dishonourable mention: Apple Pages.
You don't even have an excuse. Microsoft made Office for Apple and you know damn well that no dropbox accepts Pages files because they suck. Get that shit out of here.
P.S. I can tell when you're an Apple user too, because you never change the default font (San Francisco) to one any PC would have (like Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman).
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2. Writing Set Up: Where to Write Your Draft
Before you even start writing, you’ll need to find a writing program/medium you feel comfortable working with. 
I promise you—from start to finish—you’ll look at your draft for a couple of hours at minimum, so I suggest you choose a program/medium that aligns with your individual needs. Now it’s time for you to identify what those needs might be. 
Here are some options:
Creativity strikes while you’re cuddled up in bed or on your commute to work? 
Try writing on your phone/tablet (unless you’re the one driving, of course!)—you can use pre-installed apps like Pages (iOS) or your Notes/Memo app. You can also download free writing applications like Google Docs. Google Docs works on and offline on basically any mobile device, which is great for when you’re on the go! 
You prefer writing/typing on a computer? 
There are many desktop writing programs like LibreOffice (free for Windows, Mac and Linux), MS Word (needs to be purchased/subscription-based), countless online text editors or the browser version of Google Docs. 
You need to physically feel the words flowing through your body? 
Well, imagine you’re a classic author and write them down by hand on generously perfumed paper (preferably with royal blue ink)! Of course, you can also use Post-it notes or that coffee-stained notebook from 2013. Regular paper will do, too, though it’s obviously not as cool. 
Of course, there are many more options to choose from, but since you’re just starting out, I suggest you try free and more readily available programs first. Everything has its pros and cons, but digital writing is generally pretty clean-cut and saves you the trouble of digitising hand-written drafts (which you’ll need to do if you want to share your writing online! Unless you want to share scans of your beautiful handwritten writing, of course!). 
But before you settle for one (or more!) program/media of your choice, you might want to consider a few things: 
Is your writing easily accessible to you? → Can you add to your draft whenever and wherever creativity strikes? 
Does your writing program save your progress automatically? → You don’t want to lose hours upon hours of work because you forgot to save your progress! 
Is your writing secure? → Is your writing uploaded to a cloud? Will you still be able to access your writing if your computer crashes or you lose your login data/ phone/notebook? Can you easily create external backups of your files?
It really doesn’t matter what you need to write down at this early point. Be it an idea, rough outline, dialogue, stream of consciousness, mind map or a finished draft—you just want your entire writing process to happen in a secure, accessible location that you feel confident working in. There is no perfect writing program; whatever program works best for you is the best program for you! 
For example: 
I almost exclusively write on Google Docs since it meets all my personal writing needs: It’s a free cloud service that syncs my files all across my devices (phone, laptop, tablet) regardless of where I am. It has an intuitive interface with all the basic writing/formatting tools I need. 
Once a month, I download my most recent drafts as “.docx”-files and back them up on an external hard drive—so even if I can’t, for whatever reason, access my Google Docs account, my files are still secured in a different location. 
Sometimes, I make use of handwritten notes, too—though I keep losing them or can’t decipher my handwriting…This seems minuscule or even funny, but it’s hard to come back to an idea when you’ve literally lost the physical manifestation of it! 
Next: The Idea: Coming Up With and Developing Your Idea (with examples)
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anyway not to be smug or anything but outages (server-side and otherwise) as well as fic deletion are the reasons i am an avid fanfic downloader. the option is available on every fic as far as i'm aware, coming in a few different formats. pdf works nice, so does epub if you've got something like calibre.
just because it's online now, you can't assume it will be forever. like i know the slogan "everything that's online is out there forever" exists but that depends on copies being made and passed around.
i don't know if the wayback machine is allowed to pull from ao3, but even if it is, i would highly doubt there's a copy of literally every single uploaded fanfic. plus, even the wayback machine can go down, and i'd argue it's important to let it be more than just a fanfiction backup.
so if you'd be devastated to lose the chance to read it, save it yourself (when the site is available, obviously). it's free, there's a button right there for it at the top of the page.
if you're on a mobile device that just takes you into a separate page with the file, but doesn't download it automatically, you can do that yourself by hitting the little "share" arrow (or whatever it is on your device) and from there you should see options to save it to your downloads, to a cloud service of choice, etc.
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dm-hutchins-2nd · 5 months
DM Hutchins 2nd Research Project - 5-5-24
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~ The DM Hutchins 2nd Digital Occult Library Research Project ~
The DM Hutchins 2nd Digital Occult Library Research Projectis the public end of my personal collection of research materials which I have aggregated over the past 20 years, and which cover a plethora of subject matter. Other than to educate myself, I aim to collect, preserve, share, and discuss, these occulted materials, which are valuable to the alchemical process, and ending the state of human slavery. Most specifically, it is my aim to collect valuable research materials, before the content is censored from the internet. I aim to organize and preserve those research materials, both online and offline. I aim to share these research materials, via links to my backups on the MEGA service, and by way of mailing physical HHD or SSD study drives, as well as customized media devices such as readers, tablets, MP3 players, and so on. It is my aim to discuss those most valuable research materials, as everyone is welcome to contact me, and to assist in future updates to the Library. Thus far my research material totals nearly 5 TB, with the Configuration Gifts totaling 4 TB, and the public backups on MEGA totaling an eventual 2 TB.
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~ Public Backups of my Research Materials ~
My research material is divided in to two primary categories, which are Online Backups and In-Hand Study Drives. My Online Backups are hosted on MEGA. MEGA is the data storage and sharing platform upon which my personal research material backups are available to the public. MEGA does impose a bandwidth limitation on how much you can download per hour, however, using a VPN to change your IP occasionally, allows you to download data from MEGA indefinitely.
Please note that you can View, Read, Watch, and Listen, to all of the research materials in your browser, or the MEGA app, without the need to download anything, however, if you would like to download a personal backup of the research materials, you may download them to your computer or phone, and if you also have a MEGA account, you can cloud transfer materials directly from my account to your own account, provided you have the storage space. I highly recommend downloading all meaningful research materials, on personal offline devices, due to the nature of internet censorship. It is YOUR personal responsibility to Collect, Preserve, Know, and Teach, this information.
I intend to eventually make 2 TB of my personal research materials available on MEGA. Each of the five links below take you to individual collections, according to their content and format. Obviously, it will take time to upload 2 TB of BackUp files, so check back in often to see what has been added since you last visited. My progress will be indicated by the number of GB listed beside each section. If you see (Complete) next to a section, that section is fully backed up, and nothing more will be added to it. I have currently uploaded 507.42 GB out of 2 TB as of 4-21-24.
1 - DMH2ND Digital Occult Library - PDF & EPUB
Complete - 100.86 GB - 718 Folders - 21,171 Files.
2 - DMH2ND Digital Occult Library - Audiobook
123.85 GB of 446 GB - 307 Folders - 6339 Files.
3 - DMH2ND Digital Occult Library - Audio Lectures, Series
Complete - 167.55 GB - 1246 Folders - 13,116 Files.
4 - DMH2ND Digital Occult Library - Audio Podcast
203.86 GB of 1 TB - 19 Folders - 2959 Files.
5 - DMH2ND Digital Occult Library - Photo Library
Complete - 13.3 GB - 499 Folders - 28,899 Files.
~ Configuration Gifts ~
Of course, certain files are only included within Storage Drives and Personalized Devices via Configuration Gifts. In the event that you'd like to own a Hard Drive, Solid State Drive, or Personal Device, configured in to a "Study Station", meaning that it has been loaded with part, or all, of the DM Hutchins 2nd Digital Occult Library Research Project, please have a look at my post explaining Configuration Gifts.
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~ Contact Information ~
[email protected] - My primary public email for information exchange.
Facebook - A Government Social Media platform which I use primarily to tell willful slaves to eat shit for timeless eternity.
Twitter - I use Twitter mainly for its chat feature. I have no idea what is trending, nor do I care. Use this only as a means of communication.
Tumblr - Tumblr is a platform intended for Artist and Writers focused upon the occult and personal mastery. Much to be gained here.
Reditt - An overly complicated group of know-nothings using admin buttons to be correct online, because they are idiot failures in real life...
YouTube - I do not post on YouTube, I merely have an account. If you are a YouTuber you can contact me in that manner.
BitChute - On this account I post random and occasional audio rants.
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~ Support Methods ~
If you find value in my efforts, and these research materials have been beneficial to your studies and personal development, please consider assisting in my ability to continue this work.
One Time And Occasional Personal Donations
Paypal - My Paypal
Venmo - My Venmo
CashApp - My CashApp
GPay - My Google Pay
Shop On My Online Storefronts
Bonfire - My freedom themed tee shirts/hoodies.
Lulu - My printed poetry and essay publications.
Technological Needs
Without question, my greatest needs are technological in nature. I simply do not possess the means to purchase the various electronics required so as to manage and distribute Study Drives and Configuration Gifts, on the level that I'm striving for. I also require portable equipment in order to share large amounts of research materials in person, rather than via mail. If you would like to assist me in acquiring the technology necessary to continue this work, consider donating items from the Amazon Wishlist below.
1 - Cables and Adapters -
To Charge And Transfer Data Across A Range of Devices.
2 - Flashdrives and SD Cards -
To Manage And Transfer Data Across A Range of Devices.
3 - Hard Drives and Solid State Drives -
To Preserve Research Materials With Redundant Copies.
4 - Battery Banks and Chargers -
To Charge and Maintain Multiple Device With Portability.
5 - Audio Podcasting Gear -
Basic On-The-Go Voice Recording Equipment.
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~ And A Very Special Thank You ~
A very special Thank You to Paolo Tonolo, Dion Plowman, Dawn Lavandowski and Gordon H Cairns, (And all of you who wish not to be mentioned) for your continual contributions of content and person time, to this massive and ever growing research project. You are each true Brothers, Sisters, and Warriors, in the Battle for Truth. Much Love and Respect to You and Yours...
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managedserversus · 1 year
Best Website Hosting and Management Service Providers
When it comes to establishing an online presence, having a reliable website hosting and management service provider is crucial. Whether you are a small business owner, a blogger, or an aspiring entrepreneur, choosing the right hosting provider can greatly impact the success of your website. In this article, we will explore some of the best website hosting and management service providers available today.
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1. Bluehost
Bluehost is a popular hosting provider known for its reliability and excellent customer support. They offer a wide range of hosting plans to suit various needs, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Bluehost also provides a user-friendly interface and a one-click WordPress installation, making it a great choice for beginners. With their 99.9% uptime guarantee, your website will be up and running smoothly.
2. SiteGround
SiteGround is another top-notch hosting provider known for its exceptional performance and advanced security features. They offer a range of hosting options, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated servers. SiteGround also provides free daily backups, a free SSL certificate, and a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure fast loading times for your website. Their knowledgeable support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues.
3. HostGator
HostGator is a well-established hosting provider that offers affordable plans without compromising on quality. They provide shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting options to cater to different website needs. HostGator offers a user-friendly control panel and a one-click WordPress installation. They also have a 45-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try their services risk-free.
4. DreamHost
DreamHost is a reliable hosting provider known for its commitment to privacy and security. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting plans. DreamHost provides a powerful website builder and a one-click installer for popular applications like WordPress. They also have an impressive 100% uptime guarantee and offer unlimited bandwidth, making them an excellent choice for growing websites.
5. A2 Hosting
A2 Hosting is a high-performance hosting provider that focuses on speed and optimization. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting plans. A2 Hosting uses SSD storage and a turbo server option to deliver fast loading times for your website. They also provide a free SSL certificate and a 24/7 Guru Crew support team to assist you with any technical issues.
Choosing the best website hosting and management service provider for your needs can be a daunting task. However, considering factors such as reliability, performance, customer support, and security can help you make an informed decision. The providers mentioned in this article are among the best in the industry and offer a range of plans to accommodate different website requirements. Evaluate your needs and compare the features and pricing of these providers to find the one that suits you best. With the right hosting provider, you can ensure that your website is secure, fast, and always accessible to your visitors.
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opendrive134 · 11 months
A file-hosting service, also known as cloud-storage service, online file-storage provider, is an internet hosting service specifically designed to host user files.get best and affordable file hosting services through: https://www.opendrive.com/file-hosting-with-opendrive  
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school56df · 27 days
Cheap Web Hosting with free domain Unbeatable Prices and Features for Your Online Presence
Cheap Web Hosting with free domain  hostinger is a well-known web hosting issuer that has won reputation for its affordability, performance, and consumer-pleasant services. Founded in 2004, Hostinger has grown to turn out to be one in every of the biggest net web hosting companies inside the global, catering to thousands and thousands of users. This review will discover Hostinger's capabilities, pricing, performance, customer service, and different key aspects that will help you decide if it's the proper web hosting provider to your desires.
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Hosting Plans
Hostinger cPanel login  gives quite a few web hosting plans to cater to distinct wishes, from individuals and small corporations to larger businesses. 
Shared Hosting
Ideal for novices and small websites, Hostinger's shared web hosting plans offer a cost-effective solution with essential functions. Plans typically consist of one-click installations, unfastened SSL certificate, and a person-pleasant manage panel. Shared hosting is a superb choice if you’re beginning a blog, portfolio, or small business web page.
Cloud Hosting
 For the ones wanting extra sources and versatility, Hostinger’s cloud web hosting plans offer scalable sources and greater performance. Cloud web hosting is appropriate for growing websites and companies that need greater manage and reliability. Hostinger's cloud plans include capabilities which includes automated backups, SSD storage, and increased pace.
VPS Hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) web hosting is designed for users who require extra control and customization than shared or cloud web hosting. VPS plans provide committed sources, along with CPU, RAM, and storage. Hostinger's VPS website hosting is appropriate for medium to huge websites and applications that need sturdy overall performance.
WordPress Hosting
Tailored especially for WordPress customers, those plans include optimized servers for WordPress, automatic updates, and enhanced protection functions. WordPress web hosting is good for customers who want a hassle-free setup with built-in functions to manipulate their WordPress web sites efficaciously.
Reseller Hosting
Hostinger additionally offers reseller web hosting plans for users who want to start their personal hosting business. These plans provide the gear and sources needed to manage a couple of consumer accounts and offer hosting services beneath your brand.
One of Hostinger's most terrific elements is its aggressive pricing. Hostinger is known for presenting a number of the lowest charges within the industry while maintaining a excessive stage of provider. Here’s a popular idea in their pricing shape:
Shared Hosting
Prices for shared web hosting begin as low as $1.99 in keeping with month, making it an attractive alternative for budget-conscious customers. Higher-tier plans with extra features and assets are to be had at higher costs.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud web hosting plans start around $nine.Ninety nine in line with month. These plans offer greater assets and scalability, catering to growing websites and groups.
VPS Hosting
VPS website hosting plans begin at approximately $three.99 in step with month. Higher-tier plans with more assets and more advantageous performance are to be had at expanded fees.
WordPress Hosting
WordPress hosting plans generally start at $2.Forty nine according to month. These plans are optimized for WordPress web sites and encompass features like computerized updates and more suitable security.
Reseller Hosting
Reseller website hosting plans start round $19.99 per month. These plans provide the vital gear and sources to control a couple of consumer debts and start a web hosting business.
Performance and Uptime
Performance is a critical element of any net website hosting provider. Hostinger has a robust popularity for providing dependable performance and uptime. They provide:
High Uptime Guarantee
Hostinger promises an uptime assure of ninety nine.Nine%, which is important for ensuring that your internet site stays reachable to visitors.
Speed Optimization
It  makes use of SSD storage, which gives faster study/write speeds as compared to standard HDD garage. This contributes to faster loading instances for web sites.
Data Centers
It  operates multiple statistics centers around the sector. This worldwide network facilitates to reduce latency and improve website performance with the aid of ensuring that content material is served from a vicinity closer to the consumer.
Customer Support
It  offers 24/7 customer service to assist users with any troubles they'll encounter. Support options encompass:
Live Chat
It  gives a live chat function for instant assistance. This permits customers to get brief answers to their questions or resolve any issues in real time.
Email Support
 For much less urgent topics, customers can attain out to Hostinger’s guide crew via electronic mail. This is appropriate for exact inquiries or support that doesn’t require instantaneous attention.
Knowledge Base
It has a complete know-how base that consists of tutorials, courses, and FAQs. This resource is beneficial for users who choose to troubleshoot issues on their very own or study extra approximately precise capabilities.
User Experience
Hostinger is known for its person-pleasant interface and straightforward setup process. Key elements of the person experience include:
Control Panel
It  uses a custom manage panel that is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. This manipulate panel allows customers to control their website hosting debts, domains, electronic mail money owed, and greater.
Website Builder
It gives a website builder tool that enables customers create websites with none coding information. This drag-and-drop builder is designed to be easy to use and springs with diverse templates and customization alternatives.
One-Click Installations
For users who need to quickly install popular packages like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, Hostinger offers one-click on set up alternatives. This characteristic simplifies the system of putting in a website or utility.
Security Features
Security is a vital attention for any website, and Hostinger offers several capabilities to help guard your website online:
Free SSL Certificates
Hostinger includes loose SSL certificates with maximum hosting plans. SSL certificates are vital for encrypting facts among your website and its traffic, improving safety and building agree with.
Daily Backups
Hostinger gives every day backups for most plans, making sure that your statistics is frequently backed up and may be restored in case of any issues.
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DDoS Protection
best budget VPS hosting options from Hostinger has built-in DDoS safety to help safeguard your website towards distributed denial-of-carrier assaults, which can disrupt carrier and compromise safety.
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jeveashley · 1 month
In today's ever-changing technological landscape, staying current on the latest trends is critical for both individuals and businesses. These patterns influence how we communicate, connect, and complete tasks in both our personal and professional lives. The following are five key trends in ICT that are making waves now, along with examples to demonstrate their significance.
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Convergence in ICT refers to the combination of various technologies to generate forms of communication and information. This trend focuses on establishing a seamless user experience by combining multiple functionalities into a single device or platform. Convergence has been a driving force in the creation of smartphones, which combine a phone, camera, music player, and internet browser in one device.
- Smartphones: Combine various functions like calling, browsing, and photography.
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- Smart TVs: Integrate television with internet browsing and streaming services.
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Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, changing the way we communicate and share information. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram enable users to interact, create, discuss, modify, and share user-generated content. These platforms allow users to interact with a global audience, making social media an effective tool for personal and professional communication.
- Facebook: Connects people globally and allows for sharing of updates, photos, and events.
- Twitter: Known for its microblogging feature, where users post short, concise updates.
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The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has changed the way we access information and complete jobs. These gadgets have evolved into mini-computers capable of running a variety of apps that were previously limited to desktops. Mobile technology has permitted internet access at any time and from any location, making it important in today's fast-paced society.
- iOS: Used in Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads.
- Android: An open-source operating system developed by Google, used by many mobile manufacturers.
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Assistive media refers to technologies and services that help people with visual and reading impairments. These technologies make sure that everyone, regardless of physical restrictions, has access to and benefits from digital material. Assistive media is more than just accessibility; it is also about inclusivity.
- Screen readers: Convert text to speech, allowing visually impaired users to interact with digital content.
- Braille displays: Provide tactile output of text for users who are blind.
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Cloud computing has transformed how we store, access, and manage data. Users can utilize remote servers hosted on the internet to store data and access apps from anywhere in the globe. This tendency has resulted in enhanced productivity, scalability, and collaboration, particularly in the corporate sphere.
- Google Drive: Allows users to store files online and access them from any device.
- Dropbox: A cloud storage service that enables easy file sharing and backup.
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These developments demonstrate ICT's dynamic nature and tremendous impact on our lives. These trends, whether they improve connectivity, enable accessibility, or revolutionize data management, are altering the future of technology in previously imagined ways. Staying educated and flexible to these trends will be critical to success in the digital age.
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nourishandthrive · 2 months
Digital Declutter: Organizing Your Online Life for Mental Clarity
In our increasingly digital world, it’s easy for our online spaces to become chaotic and overwhelming. Just as a tidy home can bring a sense of calm, a well-organized digital life can provide mental clarity and improve productivity. Here’s how you can declutter your digital space and create a more serene online environment.
Why Digital Decluttering is Important
Reduces Stress
A cluttered digital environment can be a source of stress. Streamlining your digital life can reduce this stress and help you feel more in control.
Increases Productivity
An organized digital space can improve your efficiency, allowing you to find what you need quickly and focus on your tasks without distraction.
Enhances Focus
Reducing digital clutter minimizes distractions, helping you maintain concentration and improve your overall productivity.
Protects Privacy
Regularly cleaning up your digital life helps you stay on top of privacy settings and security measures, protecting your personal information.
Steps to Digital Decluttering
Clean Your Desktop
Start with your computer desktop. Remove unnecessary files, organize documents into folders, and use a clean, minimal background to reduce visual clutter.
Tidy Up Your Email
Unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer read, delete old emails, and organize your inbox with labels or folders. Aim for inbox zero, where all emails are read, archived, or deleted regularly.
Organize Your Files
Go through your files and delete what you don’t need. Create a logical folder structure and use consistent naming conventions to keep everything organized.
Declutter Your Social Media
Unfollow accounts that don’t bring you joy or value. Organize your feeds by creating lists or using tools that help you manage and prioritize content.
Streamline Your Apps
Review the apps on your devices. Delete those you don’t use, and organize the rest into folders based on their function.
Manage Subscriptions
Review your subscriptions, including newsletters, streaming services, and software. Cancel those you no longer use or need.
Clean Your Browser
Clear your browser’s cache and cookies regularly. Organize your bookmarks, deleting those that are no longer useful and categorizing the rest.
Secure Your Accounts
Update passwords and enable two-factor authentication on your accounts. Regularly review privacy settings to ensure your personal information is protected.
Backup Important Data
Regularly back up your data to an external hard drive or cloud storage. This ensures you won’t lose important files and can access them when needed.
Set Digital Boundaries
Establish times when you disconnect from technology, such as during meals or before bed. This helps reduce screen time and promotes better mental health.
Tips for Maintaining a Clutter-Free Digital Space
Regular Maintenance
Set aside time each month to review and clean up your digital spaces. Regular maintenance prevents clutter from building up.
Be Mindful of Downloads
Before downloading new apps or files, consider whether they add value to your digital life. Avoid unnecessary downloads to keep your space tidy.
Curate Your Content
Be selective about the digital content you consume. Focus on high-quality, positive content that aligns with your interests and goals.
Use Organizational Tools
Leverage apps and tools designed to help you stay organized, such as task managers, calendar apps, and digital notebooks.
A digital declutter can bring clarity, reduce stress, and improve productivity. By organizing your online life, you can create a more serene and efficient digital environment. How do you keep your digital space organized? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!
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elsa16744 · 2 months
Best Practices for Data Lifecycle Management to Enhance Security
Securing all communication and data transfer channels in your business requires thorough planning, skilled cybersecurity professionals, and long-term risk mitigation strategies. Implementing global data safety standards is crucial for protecting clients’ sensitive information. This post outlines the best practices for data lifecycle management to enhance security and ensure smooth operations.
Understanding Data Lifecycle Management
Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) involves the complete process from data source identification to deletion, including streaming, storage, cleansing, sorting, transforming, loading, analytics, visualization, and security. Regular backups, cloud platforms, and process automation are vital to prevent data loss and database inconsistencies.
While some small and medium-sized businesses may host their data on-site, this approach can expose their business intelligence (BI) assets to physical damages, fire hazards, or theft. Therefore, companies looking for scalability and virtualized computing often turn to data governance consulting services to avoid these risks.
Defining Data Governance
Data governance within DLM involves technologies related to employee identification, user rights management, cybersecurity measures, and robust accountability standards. Effective data governance can combat corporate espionage attempts and streamline database modifications and intel sharing.
Examples of data governance include encryption and biometric authorization interfaces. End-to-end encryption makes unauthorized eavesdropping more difficult, while biometric scans such as retina or thumb impressions enhance security. Firewalls also play a critical role in distinguishing legitimate traffic from malicious visitors.
Best Practices in Data Lifecycle Management Security
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Cybercriminals frequently target user entry points, database updates, and data transmission channels. Relying solely on passwords leaves your organization vulnerable. Multiple authorization mechanisms, such as 2FA, significantly reduce these risks. 2FA often requires a one-time password (OTP) for any significant changes, adding an extra layer of security. Various 2FA options can confuse unauthorized individuals, enhancing your organization’s resilience against security threats.
Version Control, Changelog, and File History Version control and changelogs are crucial practices adopted by experienced data lifecycle managers. Changelogs list all significant edits and removals in project documentation, while version control groups these changes, marking milestones in a continuous improvement strategy. These tools help detect conflicts and resolve issues quickly, ensuring data integrity. File history, a faster alternative to full-disk cloning, duplicates files and metadata in separate regions to mitigate localized data corruption risks.
Encryption, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Antimalware VPNs protect employees, IT resources, and business communications from online trackers. They enable secure access to core databases and applications, maintaining privacy even on public WiFi networks. Encrypting communication channels and following safety guidelines such as periodic malware scans are essential for cybersecurity. Encouraging stakeholders to use these measures ensures robust protection.
Security Challenges in Data Lifecycle Management
Employee Education Educating employees about the latest cybersecurity implementations is essential for effective DLM. Regular training programs ensure that new hires and experienced executives understand and adopt best practices.
Voluntary Compliance Balancing convenience and security is a common challenge. While employees may complete security training, consistent daily adoption of guidelines is uncertain. Poorly implemented governance systems can frustrate employees, leading to resistance.
Productivity Loss Comprehensive antimalware scans, software upgrades, hardware repairs, and backups can impact productivity. Although cybersecurity is essential, it requires significant computing and human resources. Delays in critical operations may occur if security measures encounter problems.
Talent and Technology Costs Recruiting and developing an in-house cybersecurity team is challenging and expensive. Cutting-edge data protection technologies also come at a high cost. Businesses must optimize costs, possibly through outsourcing DLM tasks or reducing the scope of business intelligence. Efficient compression algorithms and hybrid cloud solutions can help manage storage costs.
The Ponemon Institute found that 67% of organizations are concerned about insider threats. Similar concerns are prevalent worldwide. IBM estimates that the average cost of data breaches will reach 4.2 million USD in 2023. The risks of data loss, unauthorized access, and insecure PII processing are rising. Stakeholders demand compliance with data protection norms and will penalize failures in governance.
Implementing best practices in data lifecycle management, such as end-to-end encryption, version control systems, 2FA, VPNs, antimalware tools, and employee education, can significantly enhance security. Data protection officers and DLM managers can learn from expert guidance, cybersecurity journals, and industry peers’ insights to navigate complex challenges. Adhering to privacy and governance directives offers legal, financial, social, and strategic advantages, boosting long-term resilience against the evolving threats of the information age. Utilizing data governance consulting services can further ensure your company is protected against these threats.
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