#only intricated AU that get too detailed omg
piolhyna · 5 years
okay, it’s hc time
what if Lonnie did have a fat ol’crush on not Catra, but Adora of all people (perfect soldier, she’s like a goddess...do I have to continue...) and she just kinda got over it pretty quickly because c’mon Adora was swooning over Catra since day 1 and Lonnie is pretty chill (even if she still holds some kind of grudge against Catra, but you didn’t hear that from me) and she just wants to do her job and not DIE, an actual common sense gal, and when Adora defected she couldn’t believe it because “whattheactualheck  Adora you were supposed to be  l o y a l ™   wewereyourfamilyyoubitch“ but you know she didn’t go into full breakup song like Catra did... because, again, the only(1) brain cell...and then SCORPIA appeared and she was kind and loyal and big and muscular and actually thanked her once omg and poor poor sweet Lonnie fell in love... but newsflash Scorpia is into Catra and HOT DAMMIT NOT THIS AGAIN. YIKES. fuckingCatrawhatdoesshehavethatIdon’t and you know angst ensures...longing looks...awkward stares...light “accidental” touches...(I am soft omg)
but THEN Catradora ™ happens and Lonnie is like “well, we been knew, but OMGSCORPIA” and she goes to see her, thinking she would be heartbroken, but actual angel Scorpia is just happy that Catra and Adora are finally happy together and she will never get in between True Love ™ even if she feels only a tiny weeny upset but don’t worry about it Lonnie, I am fine I promise (a tear runs down her cheek) and Lonnie is like NOT IN MY WATCH, LET’S OPEN OUR HEARTS so they talk about feelings, rejection, and love and Scorpia then realizes she has been BLIND because Lonnie is a sweetheart that just wants to be appreciated for once in her life and they actually have so much in common so they keep talking until... oh yes you guessed it! and they get married and Lonnie gets a KINGDOM which is what she deserves (she basically runs the Horde) and everybody is invited to the wedding, especially Rogelio and Kyle because HordeFamilySquad and idk alright I’m s o f t...
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Merman!Ethan and Mermaid!Mia stuffs pwease? 🥺
Some details about them:
- Ethan is a harp seal, and has spots on his arms and body. Having webbed hands and sharp claws.
- Mia is a Bull shark, having gill-like marks on the sides of her body, has very sharp teeth also- like Ethan, she has webbed hands and sharp claws.
Omg Hii! I've missed you so much how have you been? Thank you for another awesome request and I'm really sorry for the wait but I hope you still enjoy reading this short one-shot inspired by your request 💕
Just a legend
Ethan Winters x Mia Winters [Resident Evil Biohazard]
Warnings: Mentions of shipwrecks and death, Swearing
Genre: AU (See request above), Enemies to lovers/Rivals to lovers, Romance
A legend has been circling around the overshadowed world of illegal sailor-sellers in Texas and Louisiana for years now. The tale told to scare new crew on board and keep their caution peaked. A tale to tell children too eager to stray deeper in the sea than their parents would allow them to.
But alas, no one has lived to debunk it. Maybe that is precisely why it's seen as less of a legend every time a ship departs from the pier and never returns. Of course, belief is up to each listener of the folk tale so I'll allow you, dear reader, to establish your own.
Once upon a time, the sea belonged to its original creator, or creators, depending on your beliefs. It belonged to the God or Gods that took the time to create it, filling it with life of all nature, ranging from all different kinds of plants and fish to creatures far more sinister and vile. Those captains of ships and the crew aboard dare not even mention.
Important thing to remember is that 'evil' is used fairly deliberately here. Evil strikes when evil sees an opportunity, not a reason. That's something that's often omitted from the tale: the fact that these creatures, although with the most lethal and intricate of ways, wouldn't cause shipwrecks for no reason. Their form of 'evil' is the most misunderstood there is. It is not evil to banish evil you see. It is, however, evil to have no remorse for the innocent who've suffered among those who deserved it.
But for creatures of their rank, Mia and Ethan could not be blamed for lacking that specific thought process. That sense of empathy and sympathy that is what ended up binding them together in the end, regardless of their attempts to fight it. They're half human after all.
I must apologize, I've gotten too far ahead, allow me to backtrack and introduce you to our two lackluster deep-see vigilantes.
Ethan is a far gentler soul than any pirate would deem possible for a merman to posses. They wouldn't be far off the mark when taken into consideration the ego Ethan developed in order to protect that soul of his. An ego that needed no feeding due to it's already tremendous size but alas, if someone felt like contributing, he was most definitely not opposed to it. He thrived knowing he was feared and respected amongst the creatures of the sea, like sent by Neptune himself to rule over those useless inferior specimens.
But his reign was not met passively by Mia. She not only refused to add fuel to the fire that was his raging selfishness and arrogance, but she was also efficiently aiming to destroy it, bring herself to the top of the leader chain along the way. Imagine the head-butting that brought upon them, take a moment to take into consideration all the innocent fish, ships and people that suffered as a result of the wrath they had against one another. It was a wide known conflict, a battle between the two to finally deem one of them the superior leader and protector of the sea from the evil pirates.
With rivalry so intense, one would assume that when one of the two was snatched by the hooks thrown in the water by those exact pirates, the other would be relieved. However, relief was the last thing Mia felt when she witnessed her arch nemesis getting dragged away at an alarming speed, giving her limited time to react in his rescue. She didn’t allow herself the time to wonder where the need to save Ethan came from with a time window so narrow, thinly separating the merman from inevitable death. He’d been convinced he was as good as a goner, never in his wildest dreams expecting for the mermaid to stand up for him the way she did.
 Her alluring song toyed with the equipage, aligning the ship for a head-first collision with some of the tallest and sharpest underwater boulders, tearing its flooring to shreds seconds before Ethan could be completely whisked out of the water as a prized trophy for the monsters.
Freeing him from the hook, Mia quickly escorted the injured and bleeding merman out of the reach of any other potential threats these people could throw their way. He was still in a state of deep shock, the feeling almost completely numbing the pain of his wound. The blood trail in the water quickly dissipated the farther away they swim, allowing their trace to be lost completely in no time. Allowing for her to take him to her lair with the certainty that his hazy mind wouldn’t pick up on the directions. She cannot be blamed for her caution, just because she saved him doesn’t mean she would expect the same from him. Quite the opposite actually. But that still didn’t stop her from tending to his injury just in time to preserve the most blood possible even with the immense amount he’d already lost. The perks of being a creature with a physique superior to the one of a simple human, perhaps.
What even mermaids aren’t protected from, however superior their supernaturalness may be, is how human their minds are and how easily confused they can be.
Which is precisely why, while still overridden by shock, the first thing Ethan said to Mia after the stabilization of his health state was: “Thank you, but why?”
All she could really do was shrug and chuckle. Mostly cause the answer was as much of a mystery to her as it was to him, “Who will pester me if you aren’t around?”
That is the story of how the union of the two most powerful mermen in the sea was formed and how it’s come to terrify any and every captain brave enough to thrust their ship into the waters of their territory. If their intentions are less than pure than they shall expect nothing more than an unpleasant wreckage no one will ever be able to confirm happened let alone find the culprits.
What culprits anyway? They are just a legend, aren’t they? ;)
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1000-directions · 3 years
a fanfic writer interview
tagged by @nightwideopen 💚💚
Name: steph
Fandoms: these days it’s all marvel all the time, particularly mcu with the occasional influence from comics or whatever else i feel like incorporating
Two-shot: hmm yeah i guess i have a few of these! save your first and last chance for me / of angels and angles are both in the same universe featuring codependent bucky and clint just doing their best to unfuck themselves. tied up to this feeling / if he said i was pretty (i'd think that i was) with bucky who sometimes likes to wear soft, pretty things. birthday boy / baby i’m your man is technically a two-shot at the moment, with clint and trans bucky navigating the early stages of their relationship together, though i am hoping for more of this universe eventually. oh apparently london boy / the amazing hawkguy are also in the same universe, with bucky and trans clint having just like...a lot of very acrobatic sex. omg AND how could i forget with a little help from my friends / can’t tell you but i know it’s mine with natasha joining established bucky/clint for some friendly sexy shenanigans. okay okay okay and filthy as charged / sex jail both have the clint who has to keep changing his safeword but that’s IT i swear.
Most popular multichapter: i’ve never written a multichapter fic and i never will goodbye
Actual worst part of writing: yeah all of it, these days. it took me a long time to find a writing routine that worked for me, and not being able to spend sunday mornings writing in a coffee shop has made it very challenging for me to get any words done (i mean that plus all the existential dread and whatever). i really think i need to physically get out of my apartment and find that distance again, but it’s not possible yet.
How you choose your titles: whatever song lyrics are in my head, or occasionally i will keep a very stupid working title if it think it’s funny enough (sex jail, fine i’ll write a flowershop au, the one where clint fell into a pond)
Do you outline: i don’t make like any kind of formal detailed outline but i will jot down ideas at the bottom of my doc so i don’t forget them, just like lines of dialogue or ideas i don’t want to forget. if i’m writing something longer and i’m starting to get close to the end, i might make a very brief roadmap of the points i still want to hit, just to make sure i don’t forget anything. i don’t typically write anything long enough to need an outline. i do frequently text myself ideas in the middle of the night when i can’t sleep.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: i don’t know, it hurts my heart too much to accept that these fics won’t get written. let’s keep hope alive.
Callouts @ me: hey whenever you find your groove again, write more weird stuff. write the weird stuff that only you care about that no one else is gonna write.
Best writing traits: uhhhhhh... e...motions? safety? i am never going to have like the best characterizations or the most intricately crafted plot, but hopefully we all had a good safe time and we left feeling like...cared for. oh and also like...making things feel sexy to read about regardless of whether they would actually be sexy to experience. and not as much recently, but sometimes making people care about pairings or tropes that they didn’t know they were going to care about.
Spicy tangential opinion: almost all writing advice is terrible and almost every post going around with 20k notes with tips for writing is actually just trash and should be ignored. also like maybe don’t complain about not getting enough comments if you don’t leave comments for other people.
No pressure tagging: @captn-sara-holmes @kangofu-cb @mollynoble @heartonfirewrites @ticklefighthockey @coffeeinallcaps @violsva @anactorya and anyone who happens to see this and wants to fill it out!
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softjeon · 4 years
Falling for you | Pt. 1
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content  | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 4,1k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳  Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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He glanced up at the luxury property as he crossed the street walking towards it. A massive twenty-something story modern building of tinted glass and stone. In front of it, there was a doorman wearing white gloves and dressed in a long red coat hailing for a taxi for an old man, before opening the door for him with a big smile. A shy thank you came from his lips, as he slipped into the building where he felt even more out of place than before. Maybe he should have decided to wear something else? He had never been to this part of the town and had never planned to do so. Usually, he had no business being here. But he really needed the money. 
He frowned, trying to ignore the fact that the chandelier hanging in the lobby probably cost more than he had ever spent in his entire life, walking up to the elevators to push the button, Jimin took a deep breath.
"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way!" His voice was echoing through the hallway, as Jungkook wiggled happily, dancing around, while holding a bunch of folders in his hands. "Oh, what fun it is to ride…" His singing stopped abruptly, when someone's chest hit his nose, making him stumble back. Jungkooks gaze wandered up the dark blue tie until he met his boss's eyes. "I know, I know. You're more the Halloween type of guy but the spooky season is over, Mr. Kim. Only four more weeks until Christmas!" A big grin appeared on his face as he pushed the folders into Namjoons hold. "No more warlocks, demons or witches. Just cinnamon, cookies, presents ...and love. It's my personal mission to get you into the mood, sir." 
“Then I’m afraid I have to tell you your personal mission is bound to fail spectacularly.” He wipes a bit of glitter from the folders that he has no idea where it came from as Jungkook isn’t carrying actual Christmas decoration but he wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook love for Christmas would manifest in glitter that magically appears on people who hate Christmas whenever he is near. 
He wonders how someone can be so happy about a season where you have to hear the same songs you had to listen to all the years before, where everyone is stressed but points out that it's about ‘peace and family’ while everyone is getting crazy about how many presents they still have to buy and how much money it’s going to cost. He hates it with a passion, honestly, but keeps it to himself. Maybe it’s also because it’s supposed to be the ‘season of love’ and he closed that chapter a long, long time ago.
Jungkook frowned a little, but it was soon replaced with a smile again. “Are you always this self-fulfilling prophecy type? With this mood, how are you supposed to even enjoy the most wonderful time of the year? He sang the last part of it, posing as he stretched out his arms with jazz hands as if he’d just finished a massive dance piece waiting for his applause. But there was none. “Can’t believe I took the spot,” He sighed dramatically, “If I had known I’d be working for the grinch himself…” Jungkook grinned teasingly, knowing that Namjoon could take a joke - or else he really wouldn’t have been working for him as his personal assistant. It was his dream job actually. 
When he first arrived at the interview, Jungkook didn’t think he’d stand a chance against all the other people with far more expertise than he had. Kim Designs was a very well-known Company, that Jungkook always had admired and in a ‘go big or go home’ moment, he had filled out the application in the middle of the night, a little frustrated and drunk on wine after being dismissed for the nth time by various of companies because of his lack of experience. And to his own surprise, the former assistant had called him in for an interview. The elegance, the simplicity and yet, the intricate little details that were Kim Namjoon’s trademark were always a personal favorite of Jungkook and although he still wasn’t so sure why he had picked him, he was happily working for him now. 
“But you’re coming to the office party, right?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, before another sigh came from him. “The Christmas party? In your office? That is every year and you never attend?” The ring of the doorbell made Jungkook walk a little more backwards towards the elevator that was about to arrive on their level, without leaving his boss out of view. “I told everyone you were coming this year. Said you were really happy about it!”
Namjoon just pulled a face, “You’re lucky I need you or I would send you straight out to door so you can bring your Christmas-nonsense somewhere else!” The truth was Jungkook was the best that could have happened to this company and he was really fond of him so he would keep him no matter how crazy he would get during those last two months of the year. 
The party would probably be like every year: He paid for it, for delicious food and colorful drinks, for decorations and little surprises - all made by a party company of course so he didn’t have to even step foot in the room. No one expected him to be there anyways, except for Jungkook maybe, who somehow never ran out of hope and determination.
“You can say it, Joon! You love me!” Jungkook winked at him, before turning around swiftly just right at the moment the elevator stopped. He pushed the button and the two metal doors slid open. Knowing about Namjoon’s appointment, Jungkook was keeping a smile on his face, awaiting the substitute maid that Hayoung wanted to send in, while she was on vacation. 
Inside the elevator, he was realizing that he was facing the wrong way, Jimin turned around with blushed cheeks. “I’m here to see Kim Namjoon. I’m supposed to be taking over for Hayoung.” He spoke as calm as he could, trying to cover up the fact how nervous he was. He knew who Kim Namjoon was. Everyone did. 
“That would be me.” Namjoon tried to hide the fact that the person in front of him was nothing like he had expected. Hayoung was a sweet old woman, the motherly type and somehow when she had said she would get someone to cover for her during her holiday Namjoon had thought she would ask a friend, someone her age. However, the boy in front of him couldn’t be older than himself! And he was pretty enough to be a model with full lips and a soft smile that turned a little shy when Namjoon looked too long at him. He cleared his throat, getting himself together before walking ahead. “Let’s go to my office, there we can do the formalities and we can decide when exactly you will start. I suppose Hayoung already explained all your duties to you before she sent you here?”
Jimin gave him a nod, passing Jungkook with a smile, who turned back around to let his eyes wander up and down the maid’s back. His eyes widened as he raised his eyebrows at Namjoon, pursing his lips into an appreciative nod. Pointing at the young man, he gave his boss a thumbs up, his mouth shaping all kinds of ‘wow’ and ‘omg’ words as he walked into the elevator. To top it all off Jungkook began to form hearts with his hands before he started to hum ‘all I want for Christmas’ again.  
Namjoon furrowed his brows, shaking his head at Jungkook to tell him to stop. He received a very confused look from Jimin and realized that the younger’s relaxed and confident facade was slowly but surely starting to crumble. Was he scared of him? It didn’t surprise him when people from outside believed the media that painted him as an ice cold, scary, power hungry man because of his sudden success but he would have thought that Hayoung had told Jimin that he wasn’t like that. He opened the door for Jimin and the younger almost stumbled when he stepped on the carpet. 
What a great start for someone who was supposed to clean his precious apartment… 
Jimin sat down on one of the chairs in front of Namjoon’s desk, folding his hands together to keep them from nervously shaking. Was his expression already a ‘no’? Had he found someone else?
“Hayoung told me everything I need to know.” He began answering Namjoon’s question from before. “What your preferences are, where I can find everything, and she gave me a list of duties that need to be done daily or weekly. Oh, and of course the list of things I shouldn’t touch. She made sure I studied it well, before coming here, so I hope I can replace her for her vacation accordingly.” Jimin took out a thin folder, holding it out for Namjoon to take. “My personal information as requested.”
Namjoon put it aside right away, never taking his gaze from Jimin. He could read that later. What was way more important to him was if he could trust Jimin to stick to the rules, to not sniff around or steal or…worse. “Why did you take this job, Jimin? I’m sure you have better options than cleaning, don’t you?” He cut straight to the point. 
Jimin froze on the spot like a deer in headlights.
“I mainly work as a florist but as you might know, it’s a job you have to do with all of your heart and yet, it doesn’t pay much. That’s how I know Hayoung. She always comes to buy fresh flowers for years. I assume some of them were even for your apartment.” He explained without hesitation. “I’m not really the type to work in a bar or be a waiter. I don’t mind cleaning, though and Hayoung has been speaking so kindly about you.” He smiled at Namjoon, feeling a lot more at ease the more he was talking. “And it’s Christmas, Mr. Kim. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I could use a little extra money.”
“Money won’t be the problem, I pay well - if you do your job right. If you have a problem or need more cleaning supplies or anything comes up you can talk to me. And I mean talk to me first. My apartment is very personal and private and exclusively visited by me. As you might have guessed there are things that are of utmost importance to me. I am very peculiar about order and privacy and that you keep everything you see and hear to yourself. Do you think you can handle the weight of this responsibility?” He downright stared at Jimin by now who didn’t seem to know where to look.
“Absolutely,” Jimin’s smile reached his ears, looking up at him with a smile, before averting his gaze shyly again. In front of him sat a man with way more influence than he could ever dream of. He could destroy him and his reputation with a snap of his fingers. Jimin had absolutely no interest in angering him. Hayoung had explained it to him perfectly, the need for order and privacy, when it came down to the newest collection. Just one word to the wrong person could mean a great damage for Kim Designs.  
“Then I’m glad to have you here.” He pushed the paperwork over to Jimin. “Please fill those in before you start. The money will be transferred to you at the end of your job. Two weeks, is it? Unless you need it sooner, then I can talk to Jungkook and he will figure something out as I trust you wouldn’t get Hayoung or yourself into trouble by just taking the money and vanishing.”
“That’s fine,” Jimin took a pen and began to fill out the form quickly but thoroughly. “When do you want me to start?” He asked, lifting his head to look at Namjoon again. “Oh, Hayoung hadn’t told me about it, but I happened to notice there was no decoration. Do you want me to set up some Christmas lights? I bet they would look great in your entrance.” 
“No!” He blurted out, startling Jimin so much the pen slipped over the paper. He felt immediately sorry for him. “Ah, sorry for that, it’s just... I don’t really like the whole Christmas ordeal. It’s Jungkook who makes a fuss about it. Jungkook my personal assistant, you’ve seen him pass you at the elevator but I’m sure you’ll get to know him properly some other time, he basically handles my schedule on his own for me.” The alarm on his watch reminded him that he had to be in a zoom meeting in ten minutes, so he got up and Jimin mirrored him right away. “As for when you start, the sooner the better.” He got out his set of spare keys from the drawer and gave them over to Jimin. “These are my keys, don’t lose them or you’ll have to pay for the locksmith. You can let yourself in whenever you want, I often work late so you can clean whenever your other job allows it. Take your time in the beginning, I’d rather pay for an extra hour than coming home to a half-cleaned apartment.”
Still confused about his behavior but with a smile, Jimin took the keys from him. “I will do my best.” Was all he could say, before Namjoon had closed the office door right in his face, leaving Jimin startled once more. 
Taking his bag, Jimin placed it on the kitchen counter and looked around the apartment. He could hear faint noises of a conference call behind the office door and because he didn’t want to be noisy and listen, Jimin took out his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything important that Hayoung had told him. 
The apartment was far bigger than he had imagined, so Jimin was glad for the order of tasks he was given or else he’d have probably felt a little overwhelmed. After dusting off the shelves and cleaning up each and every counter, Jimin was sweeping the floor, making sure he didn’t miss a spot, and everything was back at its place just like before. Not an inch too far to the left or right. Just like Namjoon wanted it. 
Hayoung would have been proud of him, Jimin thought to himself, when he pushed the button of the elevator again, waiting with a content smile. 
“So, when was the moment you wanted to tell me Hayoung would send such a bombshell, huh? Is he single? Maybe I could slip my number in...or drop my card here somewhere...He probably is married, right?” Jungkook let out a small whine, as he looked up from his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything Namjoon had said in the last twenty minutes. “You know what you should have done, make him wear a maid’s costume.” He grinned, leaning back a little, “I’m just joking!” Raising his hands in defense, he added quietly, “You can’t deny he’d look good in it, or well, he probably looks good in anything. What was his name again?”
“I didn’t know who Hayoung would send and I also don’t care how he looks.” The last part was a blatant lie, but he knew if he confessed that he thought Jimin was very attractive Jungkook would never let him live it down. Also, he refused imagining Jimin in a maid costume (maybe at home in his bedroom when he was alone...) 
“I don’t know if Jimin is married…” Jimin didn’t wear a ring on his finger but maybe he was wearing it on a necklace under his clothes “...but you better be quick if you want to ask him out because he will only be here for a couple of weeks.”
He placed his pen aside and looked directly at Jungkook. “Is there anything else on my schedule today? If not I’ll leave you to your swooning over Jimin to make some private calls.”
Jungkook shook his head, as he got up and took his bag with him. On his way out, the elevator already opened up before he could even push the button and Jimin smiled right back at him. Jungkook greeted him with a light bow, slipping into the elevator while the other passed him.
Jimin was holding onto something wrapped in paper and only the green ends sticking out told Namjoon what it was: flowers. 
“I thought you might like them on your dinner table?” The younger man walked up to Namjoon, showing him the bouquet of flowers. “Do you like them? I arranged them just how I’d normally do it for Hayoung, just added a little more...now that I know what your lovely home looks like.” His eyes fell onto the phone in the other’s hand and the papers in front of him that indicated the other was still working and quickly added. “Maybe they make working a little easier if you can look at something pretty. I’ll put them in a vase for you and then you can decide.” 
“That’s nice.. thank you.” Namjoon was a little overwhelmed. Normally he asked Hayoung to get flowers for birthdays or celebrations; he rarely got them for himself for no reason. However, Jimin had a well-trained eye and the light, soft colors brightened the room very nicely. The call that he was about to make was forgotten as he put the phone aside, following Jimin into the kitchen where the younger was busy filling the vase. “Did the cleaning go well?” He asked after a moment of silence, because he didn't know how else to start a conversation with Jimin.
“Yeah,“ Jimin cocked his head aside, looking at Namjoon with a smile. “Did I miss anything last night? I’m sorry if I missed a spot, I tried working off the list Hayoung gave me. Maybe you want to look it over and see if everything is included?” He arranged the flowers a little more, so they looked perfect, before turning it around to Namjoon to make him see. “I didn’t vacuum your office though, as you were still working when I was finishing everything. Are you always working this late, Mr. Kim?”
“No, no, it was perfect.” Had he sounded like he was questioning Jimin or wanted to reprimand him? Namjoon pressed his lips together. He really didn’t have a talent for small talk. He could handle a room full of people easily - if it was a meeting. But as soon as he tried to talk casually with someone it backfired.
“You made the right decision, please don’t try to vacuum my office while I’m still in it.” He tried a small smile. “I’m in contact with people from various time zones that's why I’ll have to be in my office during strange hours.” He explained, keeping it to himself that yesterday he had simply lost track of time.
“Just making sure you’re not overworking yourself. Even a busy man like you need to rest. I don’t think you come up with all your ideas on sleep deprivation…” Jimin pushed the vase over to Namjoon carefully. “Do you mind placing it onto the table for me?” He turned around to open the cabinet with the cleaning supplies to get out all the things he needed today. There was no need to do all the rooms daily, so he was switching routines, taking out the piece of paper again to check Hayoung's notes. 
Namjoon didn’t move, holding the vase to his chest but keeping his eyes on Jimin, fixated by the way the younger licked his lips in thoughts while studying his list or how he pushed the hair away from his face. He wondered if it was as soft as it looked…
He was about to head to the stairs that lead to Namjoon’s bedroom, when Jimin noticed the vase still being in his hands. Jimin chuckled, looking up the taller man. “The dinner table, Mr. Kim. Or do you want it to be somewhere else? Should I take them up to your bedroom maybe?” Namjoon’s stare made him nervous, the long gaze he was holding made him avert his own. “Is…is there something on my face?” Jimin wiped over his cheeks nervously. He had quickly eaten some sandwich on his way over here, after he had closed his shop, so he wondered if there was sauce on his face. That would be more than embarrassing!
“Ah, dinner table of course!” He rather had Jimin thinking that he hadn’t been sure where to put the flowers then confess that he had been caught by how beautiful Jimin was. He was also pretty sure that Jimin was doing all those lovely little things that made him so charming without even realizing it. “Your face is fine.” He answered Jimin’s question a little stupidly, leaving it at that without giving another explanation, simply because he didn’t have any that wouldn’t include how he could stare at Jimin for hours without any reason.
Jimin couldn’t help but giggle at Namjoon’s cuteness. It was strange to see a man, who he only thought of a well-known designer, someone wealthy and smart so flustered out of a sudden. It was kind of cute.
Walking up the staircase, Jimin smiled at the other over his shoulder when out of a sudden he stumbled forward and over the rug that was laid out at the top. Falling hard on his knees, Jimin yelped in pain, just for it to turn into laughter, quickly giving Namjoon a sign that he was doing okay. 
Namjoon hurried over to him, nonetheless. “Are you okay? Did you slip?” Jimin fell so quickly that he hadn’t seen anything at all. Hopefully the other wasn’t hurt because - and he felt a little guilty thinking this - if he couldn't come clean then Namjoon would have no possibility to see him again. And he really wanted to see him…
 “I’m fine,” Jimin was about to get up, when Namjoon’s strong grip pulled him up easily. “Oh, please don’t worry.” He quickly waved the other off, I just stumbled over your rug, that’s all. I’m usually not very clumsy, but I think looking one way and going the other is never a good idea.” His eyes fell down to where Namjoon was still holding onto him and his heart skipped a beat, quickly trying to cover the blush appearing on his cheeks while he brushed off his knees. “It’s best I fall up the stairs, not down, right?”
Namjoon chuckled. “If you put it that way then yes, please only fall up the stairs.” They were standing a little too close together from how he had pulled Jimin up but neither of them stepped away. Up close like this he could see Jimin’s eyelashes that fanned out beautifully, hiding Jimin’s eyes with the way the younger was looking down right now. There was a rosy blush high on Jimin’s cheekbones and Namjoon almost brushed over it out of instinct, before he quickly stepped away, shocked by his own desires. What the hell was he doing here?
Jimin flinched from the sudden step back when moments before he had gotten lost in Namjoon’s eyes. “I ehm…I need to be in your bedroom.” He stuttered the words nervously, realizing too late how they sounded. “I mean…clean your bedroom. I wanted to change the sheets and…that’s where I need to be. Not in the sheets, I eh…” Jimin was about to slap himself, feeling his cheeks flush red as he grabbed the cleaning utensils again and taking another step away from Namjoon. 
With that Jimin vanished so quickly Namjoon couldn’t even utter another word. Which was probably better because else he might have told that he would very much like it to have Jimin in his bedroom and in his sheets. 
Namjoon shook his head hoping to get rid of those strange ideas. What was he doing? One night stands where fine but this? This was dangerous. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected but also Jimin. 
The poor boy had no idea what he had gotten himself into, he was just sweet and charming and Namjoon should make sure to keep his distance from now on if he didn’t want to destroy that.
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A/N: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... Let’s get into the christmas mood with a little love story shall we ;) Once more we couldn’t keep ourselves from writing our favorite pairings. Thats how it is now lmao. Anyways...why is Namjoon afraid of affecting someone with falling in love? What’s happening there huh???
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omg just read your teacher au ahhhhh. Love it smsmsmsm. Any chance if a sequel because omfg I love you're writing and will take anything ahah. If not no biggie. But omg love your writing a lot ahhh. Sorry if this is a lot but wowowow.
Hello Anon! SO SO SO glad you enjoyed it! They are just the blushiest, most clueless losers aren’t they?
Also me whenever anyone says they like my writing:
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And i am but your humble servant so here is a continuation of the first part. This really was supposed to be a quick drabble and it ended up being 1,5K+ words but no-one is surprised at this point :/ ;)
The week passed by in a blur of classes, coffee, and contemplation over a certain black-haired, green-eyed professor. Jason was becoming fed up with how much he thought about the marine biologist, but everything reminded him of Percy Jackson.
Just yesterday he had passed by a little kid with a dolphin backpack and his first thought was Percy probably knows what species that is. It was such a bizarre and unexciting thought he almost knocked his own teeth in. Now it was Friday: the day he would be surrounded by Percy and everything marine related. He wasn’t sure he was going to survive.
With a deep, calming breathe he hopped out the car and headed towards the Biology and Oceanography building. 
“Jason!” A bright voice called.
He turned around, a smile already taking over his face, “Good morning Percy,”
“How are you doing? You ready for today?”
“I’m doing great thanks. Kind of excited.”
Green eyes twinkled, “Well that’s nice to hear, at least one of us is.”
Before he could ask what that meant Percy shoved a cup into his hand, “I got us coffee. Figured we’d need the energy if we’re going to be chaperones for a bunch of over-excited sea creatures.” He winked.
Jason laughed, “Are they a handful?”
“Nah,” Percy chuckled, “They’re just excited for this because we haven’t been able to go for two years.”
“Good morning Prof!” An energetic yell from a dark-skinned, bouncy-curled girl echoed behind them.
“Good morning Hazel,” Percy gave her a dazzling smile.
“Oh and good morning Dr Jason. Prof told us you’d be joining the trip.” He didn’t have the chance to return the greeting before she plunged on. “I hope you’re ready for today, Leo and Frank are bound to do something dumb and end up in a fish tank,” She rolled her eyes, “You know they always manage to break something when we’re in labs. Isn’t that right prof?” She turned to Percy who was smiling unrestrained.
“Yep, I swear those two are more chaotic than I was.”
Jason’s mind immediately conjured up a twenty-one-year-old Percy, tucked into a lab coat and goggles; a frown etched into his forehead and his tongue sticking out in concentration; black hair probably poking up in all directions, and skin bronzed from a combination of his Hispanic heritage and a well-spent summer. He had no doubt the biologist had been a sight for sore eyes even then.
“What’s got you all caught up Dr Grace?” A voice startled him out of his thoughts.
He shook his head, smiling, “Sorry, not fully awake.”
“This is the very reason they invented coffee.” Percy laughed, tipping his own cup in point.
“Hello everyone,” A girl with flowers in her hair and about a dozen pins tacked to her backpack greeted.
“Hello Katie, I like the daisies.”
“Thanks Doc, they’re the easiest to pin down and I figured today was not the day for something elaborate like hibiscus or chrysanthemums. Too many petals you know?” She mused.
Jason was fast realising why Percy was so close to his students. They interacted with each other so easily and with completely unique personalities.
“I’m sure you know Dr Jason Grace,”
“Hello,” He smiled.
“Oh I most certainly know Dr Grace,” Katie grinned, giving her professor a look.
He didn’t miss the blush creeping up Percy’s cheeks.
“Where is everyone?” She frowned, turning to Hazel with a smile and a hug.
Percy checked his watch, “I don’t kn-“
A chorus of hellos, and how are you’s filled the space as students poured in.
“Guys!” Hazel squealed and rushed towards the group.
Once everyone had gathered around and gotten through their various catch-ups, they turned their attention towards their Professor.
“Right I see you’re all here so lets quickly do introductions and then we can pile on the bus. Everyone this is Dr Jason Grace, he’s a neurologist and a professor in the medical department. He will be our first-aid and a chaperone to help me handle you chaotic bunch.”
They all said good morning, exchanging glances and hushed whispers.
A curly-haired blonde grinned, “Hello Doc, how do you feel about swimming with sharks?”
Jason’s eyes widened, turning to Percy.
With a sigh the biologist gave his student a look, “Will, stop trying to get people to go shark-tank diving with you. I told you Dr Grace only has to do what he’s comfortable with.”
“Yes Prof,” The freckles on his face bunched as he smiled cheekily.
“Now let’s get going. We have a guided tour at ten and my mother said only two things are important in life. Punctuality and pancakes.”
“Yea, yea we know,” They all grumbled.
One torturous bus ride later in which Jason was only a couple inches away from Percy they arrived at the Conservation Center.
“Alright everyone, we have a tour now and then it’s free time till one. After that everyone meets up in the main exhibit so we can Feed the Fish and then we’ll make our way to the shark-tank diving for anyone who wants to do it.”
Even though Jason had no idea what was being said half the time the tour was still incredible. The way sea life interacted with one another was fascinating and some of the creatures were mind-boggling, in  looks and in activity. The best thing about the tour though, was seeing Percy and his students light up, huge, curious eyes and rapt attention plastered to the various tanks. He knew it wasn’t a regular aquarium tour because the guide and Percy got into intricate details about the anatomies and functions of corals, fish, predators vs. prey and various other topics. The students were fully attentive asking and answering questions like they knew exactly what they needed to know and how they needed to know it.
When it finished at half-eleven the group were chattering incessantly, comparing notes and discussing all sorts of ideas.
Percy’s eyes were lit up with pride and passion as he thanked the guide and turned to his class, “Alright seaweed-brains go enjoy your time. Hazel, Leo and Katie please set alarms to be back here by one.”
“Yes Prof!” They shouted, already bounding away and into the exhibits once more.
“They will all stick together?” Jason asked, wondering why only three of them had to set alarms.
“Yea, they do everything together. I’ve caught them messing around in the library or all grabbing coffee at the café a number of times. I don’t know what it is about this group but they really like each other.”
“And you are very fond of them,” He observed, looking straight into those glowing green eyes.
“Yea, they’re complete chaos but they’re good people and they’re really passionate about my subject. It’s hard not to like them.”
“I’m sure with a professor like you it’s not hard to have passion about anything. I’m sure you’d make rocks interesting.”
“Actually,” Percy lit up, “Rocks are really interesting. There’s so many different types and they all have different functions. Also it’s fascinating to understand why some rocks look this way and others developed that way and-“ He cut himself off, blushing profusely, “Sorry you probably don’t care.”
“I think I care more now than I did before,” Jason grinned, willing to do anything to keep that brightness in those sea-green eyes.
Percy’s cheeks turned a deep shade of ruby, “I minored in geology because there was a lot of useful information regarding formation that helped with marine biology.”
“How’d you get into marine biology anyway?”
He shrugged, “I’ve always been fascinated with the ocean. It’s a whole ecosystem living by a completely different set of rules to land-systems. How did you get into neurology?”
“A lot of head injuries as a kid,” He smirked.
Percy burst out laughing, “What?”
“Yea, I fell on my head a lot as a child and I got a concussion a few times. It fascinated me that my brain could be impacted by it. I mean falling on your leg doesn’t generally stop you from walking, A scrape, maybe some blood and tears, and a band-aid is all we think of it. But falling on your head causes much more damage and it could affect your whole body.”
“That is... dedicated,” Percy gasped, still laughing.
“I was a weird child,” His mouth twitched in amusement.
“Any other strange anecdotes that decided your future?”
“Hours’ worth of them,” He grinned, “I can tell you about the time we lived near a wolf sanctuary and my mother thought it’d be a good idea to have me interact with them. I interned there for a little while so i’m pretty good at analysing wolf injuries and anatomy.”
“I-“ Green eyes blinked in surprise.
“Can I entertain you with my peculiar childhood over dinner? Tomorrow night?” He asked, voice scratchy with nerves.
The smile that graced Percy’s face could make flowers grow, “I would love that.”
“You would?” Jason could not believe what he was hearing.
“Very, very much. And I’m glad you had the guts to ask because I’m ninety percent sure my students were going to throw you in a shark tank and make me rescue you just to get us together.”
It was Jason’s turn to dissolve into laughter. He had never been so full of the future but gods it was invigorating.
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wangxianficrecs · 5 years
How I pick and present my MDZS/Untamed recs
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I started reading fanfiction in this fandom after being intrigued by all the gorgeous fanart and gifs on my dash... everyone (and the scenery) was just so goddamn PRETTY.  So I looked it up on AO3 and just bullheadedly dove into all the fic without any idea who was who or what the plot was.  It took me a while to figure it out.  (After about 3 months I actually read the novel, and I only finished the web series last week!)
I usually start a new fandom by reading the high-kudos AUs, to form an idea of characterizations before getting bogged down in canon-specific plot details.  My first story here was These Things Stay the Same by notevenyou, read on October 23, 2019, omg, that’s how new I am, only 5 months in!
But I have so many stories bookmarked, and I really wanted to share them, so six weeks ago (precisely!) I made this blog.  (My ‘real’ blog is mojoflower, feel free to join me there as well, it’s a dumpster fire.)
Because of the way I started, I don’t make any distinctions between The Untamed/CQL, MDZS, the dongua, the cartoon, and I dunno, any and all other formats.  They were just all part of “fanfiction”, with differing details minor enough that it didn’t trip me up.
I always, always assume an author can see my comments (even if I couldn’t or forgot to tag them).  I am an author myself, and I know how easy it is to be hurt, so you won’t see me saying anything like, The story was great, but the grammar was execrable or Lots of intricate plot but disappointing sex.  Those things may be true, but I’m not gonna say them out loud.
I rec because story, not technical proficiency.  (That is particularly true in this fandom, which has many young people and many non-native speakers.)  If a story hits the spot, if it has all the tropes I’m dying for at that moment, Imma throw that sucker on my rec list.  If it’s written like pure poetry and I’m riveted from the first paragraph, it’ll show up here.  If it’s entirely pointless and dorky but I laugh out loud, you’ll see it recced.  If it could win the next Newberry if only the characters were original, you’ll see it here.
I will fearlessly and greedily dive into an unfinished/abandoned work if it seems to be offering the trope or storyline that I’m craving.  If it has 74k words (like this one) of THE MOST AMAZING STORY I’VE EVER READ and the author hasn’t updated in a year, that won’t stop me... because I still get to spend several hours living in that world.  This is something I’ve acquired a taste for after being involved in fandoms and fics for the past 8 years.  You miss out on so many hours of enjoyment if you’re scared away by a x/? in the chapter count.  So I implore you all to try these fics, too.  At worst, you’re left thinking about it.  And at best, your enthusiastic comment might inspire the author to churn out more.  Or hell, you might be inspired to fic your own ending to it.  It’s win/win as far as I can see.
Sometimes my comments are lengthy and detailed.  Sometimes I finish a story waaay after midnight and they’re essentially nothing more than a lol.  Sometimes my cat is sleeping on my right arm and my comment is all lowercase, lacking punctuation and pecked out with my left forefinger.  So don’t judge a story by the complexity of my comments.
I love fanfiction because everyone gets to be their own filter:  there’s no gatekeeper.  Let’s say I read a story that has one of my favorite tropes (#animal transformation is always a go-to, for example;  in this fandom in particular, I seek out #time travel fix-it), and while an English teacher might have given it a C-, I’ll still rec it because SOMEONE WROTE THAT DAMN STORY I REALLY WANTED TO READ.  It is out there in the world because someone took the time and effort and did half the work of my imagining for me, and I’m grateful for that.  And a lot of you will feel the same way.
Thank you for following me.  Somehow, there are more than 500 of you now, which I find pretty staggering and also, incredibly validating and motivating.  Thank you!  I hope you find some stories that speak to you and make you (and also the author!) happy and fulfilled.  Um.  I also hope you like my graphics!  I’m having fun learning photoshop, and playing with pictures of all these beautiful men, and I like to think y’all enjoy that, too.
[As a technical aside, could you please tell me -- from whatever device you use -- which format you prefer:  a text post like this; or a photo post like this?]
I’d also like to remind you that if you reblog a post as well as like it, you give me more exposure (which I actually don’t crave too much, I think 500 followers is plenty), and more importantly, you give the author and their story more exposure, which I strongly encourage.  (Again, as an author myself, I know how exciting it is to see your stuff circulating around.)
I’ll wrap up with apologizing for the growing number of messages languishing in my inbox.  While it is evident that the coronavirus isolation thing is giving many people significantly more creative time, I’m not one of them.  I used to be home alone all day, but now I’m home all day with a husband and two ADD sons and they keep me busy enough that it’s been a struggle to get 3 posts a day and stay a little bit ahead.  My priority is to keep a slight cushion in my Queue, followed by trying to read at least a story a day.  The problem with the messages is that it takes so much time to answer one, because I have to search through all my bookmarks and tags and try to remember specific parts of fics and then create and format a compilation....  I dunno, that will probably pick back up after I find a little more time.
I’m glad you’re here!  I’m so happy to be a part of a new and very active fandom.  I’m amazed by all the creative effort and talent being put into it, and pleased to be doing my small part to contribute to it.  Kisses to you all, and happy reading!
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another-miracle · 5 years
Alright so I’ve been wanting to do this since forever but it’s Obiyuki week, and since I have nothing to show for it (oops), I’m going to make a post about some of the great Obiyuki content (and creators) this fandom has been so blessed with over the past few years. So here goes:
@sabraeal (check her out on AO3): Tbh, Jen’s writing is so very inspiring. I have never been more blessed to be a part of a fandom with someone as talented and down-to-earth as her. I feel like my writing has improved so much just from reading how she tells her stories. I remember I used to struggle a lot with story flow, and would get endlessly caught up in descriptors. Jen’s stories have shown me that you don’t have to stay there just to make your story pretty - you can use so many other things; dialogue, inner thoughts; to move your readers. So thank you Jen for your lovely fiction! Some of her stories that I love, love, love!!
Seven Suitors for Shirayuki: One of my first Obiyuki fics, and gosh I was completely blown away when I first read this. It’s like finding the ocean after years of puddle jumping (in the words of Sarah Kay) HAHA. Literally, I’ve never read such eloquent and lovingly-created fanfiction (and probably fiction) in my life. 
The Wide Florida Bay series: Let it never be said that modern AUs are cheesy. I remember being completely put off by the notion of having the characters I loved in a modern setting (because that’s not where the belonged!!) but Jen does it again with this modern AU that has me completely sold! This AU is so intricately crafted down to the last detail, I’m so in awe of how much it corresponds to canon. I also love love all the added elements to Obi (like his backstory (Bob and Gayle!!) and him joining in on the research as well!) Absolutely amazing!
Sensitive Negotiations: Ahhhh this is more of a guilty pleasure of mine because I’m a sucker for drunken confessions. Although not complete, it’s enough resolution to keep me happy hehe. I love how Jen has depicted how much Obi respects and loves his mistress, and protects her from the evil that is alcohol HAHA. ‘tis great and heartwarming and hilariously heart wrenching as well!
@bubblesthemonsterartist (check her out on AO3): JoannaaaAAAaaaaAAA (i.e. me screaming as I jump head first into her fics) Man, Joanna is so so so so good at writing angst and hurt/comfort. I absolutely adore that broken vulnerability that she portrays in her characters, and that strength that comes after healing. Her fics are some I always love to come back to when life gets hard and I need a good cry preceding a pick me up to move forward. Thank you Joanna!! Some special mentions:
Watchtower series: The second! fic I read as a virgin Obiyuki shipper (ew that sounds weird). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reread this series. There’s so much P A I N and it hurts so good. A very realistic continuation of canon that paints a background of how court life may be Too Much for plebeians like Shirayuki and Obi (haha) and a heartbreaking portrayal of broken relationships and betrayal between trusted ones. Gosh I’ve made it sound so depressing, but it actually turns out really great (all the newfound family feels!!!) Do check it out!
i am become death: this is just absolute poetry! It depicts one’s descent into madness, stopping short of losing oneself, and then finding meaning again. Brilliant imagery and a terribly chilling take on what-could-have-been a terrible Tanbarun arc if things went wrong. Superb!
I Should’ve Met You Yesterday: I fell completely in love with this AU. I mean put dad!Obi together with I-really-want-to-help-but-also-you’re-hot!Shirayuki (mostly dad!Obi tbh, haha) and you get a ridiculously adorable fic with a dash of pulling-at-your-heartstrings. So cute and so lovely. A must-read!
@ruleofexception (check her out on AO3): I feel like Beth (i hope I got your name right sobs - if not, I’m terribly sorry) was like a co-creator sister to me at one point. I remember this one time during one of the Obiyukiweeks (haha who am i kidding I only participated in the 2017 one), we ended up pretty invested in each other’s fics haha. Thank you for that wonderful dynamic - I really never experienced that in any fandom before :) 
Unwilling: Yup, this is the one I was talking about. I remember being so incredibly hyped up by it and wondering what would come next (it was when I went for an overseas conference too haha couldn’t concentrate oops) and being so happy that it was Obiyuki week and I would know what would happen the next day! I love love loved the descriptions used here, particularly the ones about the beast/monsters inside of Obi - just so beautiful!
Knowing You: this premise was so interesting and adorable. But also if I had a voice in my head, I would really think I was going crazy hahaha. But I love how this turned out in the end <3 (I know it’s not ended fully yet, but where it is now just makes me really happy hehe). I loved how Beth resolves tension and pieces together parts of the story into a very good resolution that makes you feel like reading her story was absolutely worth it (((:
Damned: Ah yes, the premise where I’m still squinting my eyes at and wondering what’s going on and WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN OMG THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. An extremely poignant narrative of a post-apocalyptic world (set outside canon of course) that doesn’t feel overdone in the slightest! This fic triggers fear and joy in all the right places, and you really feel like that interactions between characters are so real. So good!
@infinitelystrangemachinex (check her out on AO3): By far the fic writer who has one of the best descriptors I’ve ever seen. The scene just falls into place with every word in a way that reminds me of an artist painting on a canvas with a magical paintbrush. You get immersed immediately. Amazing, amazing writing.
Fugue in Three: I remember describing this fic as something that tears my skin from bone, because of how excruciatingly painful (in a good way) it was to read about Ryuu calling Obi “Dad”. Whatever she wrote about how Obi reacted to that, I felt it too - gosh did I feel it too- that choking in the throat, that pounding in the heart to the brain, I FELT IT when I read this fic. So powerful and so poignant. Extremely humbled after reading this, and so inspired!
 Saint Elmo’s Fire: Another fic that throws you immediately into the scene and leaves you gasping for breath. The writing really puts you in the characters’ shoes and it’s as if you’re the one clawing for breath, or struggling to keep warm and gosh- if only I could write like this one day. 
The Automaton Heart: Something a bit more light-hearted and lovely. I love the slow descent into love between the two - so cute, yet so real. Another Modern AU that I love (that breaks my heart sobbles) love it hehe!
Ok definitely not done, but it’s late. I’ll do a part 2 when I have time!!! There are so many more!!!
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One day later and I have another one: you know that one AU where you have a tattoo that tells you about your soulmate? Like, maybe your soulmate is really into reading and music, and this big thing happend to them (good or bad), and their personality is like This and That, and those things are told with images that you have to interpret. What tattoo would the MC get from de ROs?
Omg okay, I love tattoo designs so this is going to be fun!
Caiden’s tattoo would be small, nothing too big. After all, Caiden is shy, and above all, not all confident in themselves, so it’s almost like the tattoo would hide itself. It would probably be in the finger, since Caiden uses their hands a lot for their work. Probably the only thing they’re so passionate about. The design would be interesting. A small sunflower, but instead of petals, it’s mechanical cogs. The flower would be kind of droopy, and the cogs intricate; this tells us a lot about Caiden’s personality, the flower representing how Caiden sees life as the most important thing, and that they won’t sacrifice that for anything. But it’s sad look would also represent how Caiden isn’t feeling optimistic about their chances, that maybe one day, the choice of life will be taken away from them. And the cogs are more about their passions, their hobbies and what they aspire to create. Life through mechanical means is very controversial, especially something so simple like plant life, but that won’t deter Caiden - for now.
Jade’s tattoo would be very beautiful. Much like the tattoo, they enjoy the feeling of showing off, so it would probably be somewhere where you could see it. But Jade is also practical, so maybe not too creative, probable on the calf or somewhere around there. The tattoo would be a snake with a lot of detail in its scales, beautifully wrapped around a thorny rose. It wouldn’t be black, but it wouldn’t be very colourful either. Maybe some dark purples and dark red. The snake is very much like Jade’s relationship with their family and their destination in life, it perfectly embodies how they view life. The snake being their responsibilities and their family and the rose being Jade themselves, beautiful yet dangerous.
Bo’s tattoo would be big. Somewhere that you can see no matter what. A sleeve of tattoo, from the wrist to their collarbone; poor MC. It would be black and some bright colour definitely, which clearly shows the contrast between Bo’s bad side and good side. The tattoo would be indecent (once again, I’m sorry MC), like a naked lady with a goat head or something demonic like that. Around it would be flames. This perfectly describes Bo’s personality, their need for sexual intimacy, the goat head being their role as a demon and one of the children’s of Satan. And the fire, their passion and need to be always over the top. 
Tori’s tattoo would something surprisingly symbolic, Tori is all about self-expression. Somewhere simple, maybe their collarbone, the closest to the heart as possible but not straight ON the heart. Which honestly is kind of like Tori, always close enough to their emotions, but never too close. It would be a colourful fairy, but a melting one. I know, gory. But that’s how punk rock Tori is. It would be small, the fairy’s wings ripped, its face melting skull-like, and it’s dress messy. It really shows how Tori sees themselves, slowly shedding who they were born as.
Jay’s would be so cute, somewhere behind the ear. Which is kind of like Caiden, just much more shy. In pastel colours to show Jay’s soft but genuine personality, the design would showcase a bee with angel wings and a halo. Very artistic. The bee not only represents their love for nature (save the bees!), but also the act of working and giving, which is something Jay really believes in. The angel wings and halo represents their purity. If Jay wasn’t a dryad, they would definitely be an angel, they’re so caring and truly think their existence would be enough if they could help as many people as they can.
Jun’s tattoo would probably be a bit bigger, probably ranging the medium scale. It would be somewhere around the wrist, which is a direct parallel to Jun wearing their feelings on their sleeves. The colours would be light, whites and light blues. It’s never something heavy with Jun, they also try to be as light and gentle as possible. The tattoo itself would be a sun and moon, fusing together, with the word love intermingling both designs. The reasoning in more spoilery, but i’ll give you a spoiler free reason - it’s all about balance, and love helps that.
Thank you for the ask once again anon! I love you!!!!
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moonwolfhowl · 5 years
Yuletide 2k19 edition
Hiyo, first off I’m moonwolfhowl on tumblr and nightmoonz on AO3. I’m really excited that you got me and I just want to thank you so much in advance and I really hope you have fun with this!!
Secondly, here are a couple things that I like and dislike, (and some prompts but you can take ‘em or leave ‘em). If you’re not 100% sure on if something is or isn’t my deal my ask box is open and the anon option is turned on.  
Ratings: I prefer through T-M, but tbh I’m pretty easy so if you wanna go up to E feel free ^__^“’
Likes, Loves and DNWs:
Likes and Loves!
AUs! No, seriously, every kind of AU
Humor! Especially: sarcasm, witty banter, etc…
Angst and hurt/comfort are awesome!
Slow Burns
MUTUAL PINING and/or SEEMINGLY unrequited feels
idiots to lovers, this can either be enemies to lovers or friends to lovers. sort of related to the point straight above XD
found families
Fake relationship/dating/marriage you know for a cover/mission/(fill in the blank)
Bed Sharing
Sex Pollen
“In Vino Veritas” 
Happy Endings!!
Squicks/DNWs (do not wants):
Character Bashing
Abuse of any kind
Actual unrequited feelings
Harm to animals
Major Character Death
Scat and/or Watersports
2nd and 1st person perspective
Spiders especially Tarantulas, this is a huge trigger for me
Okay! I’m gonna put a break here because this is a long post and all prompts/ideas are below.
Alrighty, so these are just some silly prompts or ideas that you can take from or totally ignore altogether! It’s really just some ideas that you can look to if you’re stuck or need a jumping off point.  And man, like if you already had an idea? Please feel free to go with that instead, I just want you to have fun  = ^__^ =  
Also again, if you have any questions the anon option is turned on for my ask box.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOctopath Traveler - Therion, Tressa Colzione, Cordelia Ravus, and Leon Bastralle
Oh boy this game. I have no words that can even describe how much I LOVE this game. The storytelling was fantastic and I got really invested in not just the main 8 but in all of the minor/side characters too. I know I have Therion, Cordelia, Tressa and Leon specifically but if you want to throw in any of the other characters in the tagset you totally can, same with any side ships (here’s looking **You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
I’m kind of open to anything but if you do need a jumping off point (and/or want to see me gush over my favs) check out the prompts below
Therion - I love him and would die for him he is my perfect little trash bandit. It kills me how he longs to belong somewhere but is equally afraid of it for very good reasons. Because of this he’s so heavily guarded and *sobs* his reactions to people (the 8 and Cordelia) genuinely caring about his wellbeing? It just hrrk! I’m so happy I started with him, that I got to see his growth throughout the story and how his emotional wounds finally seem like they’re on their way to healing. Tressa - My adorable little gremlin, she’s such a little badass! While money may be on her mind a lot she’d never cheat anyone! She’s genuinely kind and her travel adventure is so interesting because it’s about exploring the world, experiencing new places—and while she has a certain understanding of this—she learns the true meaning of sentimental value in things. I love her so much. Leon - I love how much of his character is wrapped up in some mystery and that he seems like a tortured but mature soul (as you can see I have a type.) Cordelia - I love Cordelia and she is entirely underrated. She’s been through quite a lot and her faith in my best boy helped him come back into the world able to to trust and love people again. She’s very soft and caring and now that her stolen heirlooms have been restored to her she can come back into the world herself.
Gen ideas:
Tressa and Therion teasing TF out of each other doesn’t matter what about or who about. I just love them and they have such a brosis vibe
Tressa spear fishing and shocking Therion or everyone by it, you can add any and/or all of the characters in the tag. (Inaccurate Tressa, "What? I live in a Port Town my dudes.”)
I know this is cheesy but Therion having his first Apple Pie would destroy me ; __ ; it can be when he’s little or an adult, AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent it can be a Birthday treat to himself, it can be the first thing he pays for with money he earned on his own. If you want to include any character my sign up sheet or want to include any other octo character(s) that’s fine too!
Shippy ideas (which I’m a little more into but whatever you are comfortable with is a-okay by me):
Cordelia Ravus/Therion (Thordelia)
THEM *SWOONS* I just love them, Cordelia helps my baby boy trust in people again and brings happiness back to his world… and he has so much respect for her I’m just— ; __ ; I just love them
Actor & Author relationship: AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent you name it!
Again Tressa teasing TF out of Therion but specifically about Cordelia (esp after his chapter good god. *swoon*)
Cordelia’s POV on her Noble Thief
Anything post game like I wouldn’t mind seeing her rebuilding Bolderfall, visiting each layer of the city and helping it thrive
Fake Dating. Any Setting XD
The “I’m supposed to take out the target but I fell for them instead” is also very good
Tressa Colzione/Leon Bastralle
; w ; their relationship and care for each other—like Thordelia’s—makes my heart melt
Any kind of them traveling together and developing feels on the open seas post game
Her being his apprentice and learning from him while teaching him some new things
Does Leon have a thing for the arts? Is that why he’s particularly enamored endeared to Tressa spotting the painting?
yeah ngl anything, my thirst is real
A Very Shippy and utterly ridiculous prompt. Tressa x Leon (Treon? Lessa?) and/or Thordelia (however if you wanna include other side ships like Olberhardt or H’aanit x Ophilia for example you can go for it!)
Masquerade! Can be Canonverse, Canon Divergent or AU!
A Masquerade ball in which: 
They can either know each other beforehand or not
Halloween Party, Adults, College AU
idk this is just something to have fun with and hey lol if you wanna make it more mature feel free
Promare - Lio, Galo, Gueira, Meis
Man this movie messed me up and all the right ways. Honestly one of the most chilling things was to see all of the Burnish being used as engine fuel… I like—ngl I cried, and then when Lio gets used as the core? ; __ ;
Honestly I will be happy with anything you come up with, there are so many possibilities just know that a heavy angst fic is A-okay by me, but if you want to do a flufflier or humor fic those are also so Very VERY good. I have some ideas below but again like if you have an idea in mind or started something by viewing my likes list go for it!
**You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
Lio - Um yes I love him. He’s just such a tortured soul and true cares about people. I like—honestly he is my favorite character. The way he used his flame to protect Galo? How hard he fights for the Burnish? How hard Gueira and Meis fight for him and stop at nothing to save him speaks volumes about the kind of person he is. I just love him and want him to have nice things
Galo - This wonderful brilliant dumbass. I also love him and despite me calling him a dumbass he’s actually pretty with it when it comes to adapting to his environment. He also takes in new information and rather than reject it out right he examines it critically. Like the way he approached Kray about the Burnish experiments was not the smartest… However, he still went to find the truth no matter how much it could have hurt him and that really defines what kind of guy he is.
Gueira & Meis - So unfortunately we didn’t get to see much of these two but what we did get to see was GOLD. I love them, I love how they fight so hard to protect their fellow burnish and how loyal they are to Lio. Like omg when the Burnish were being rounded up but they used the last of their strength to save Lio, believing—knowing that he would come back for them? *hrrk* My heart.
So okay!!! Ideas and/or prompts! Again you don’t have to use these if you don’t want to <3
Anything Shippy with Lio and Galo + hurt/comfort?? 10/10
An AU where the Promare gift the Burnish with their “fire bending” abilities permanently
Anything found family esp if it's adopting Lio's litter fam with Galo's ; w ;
I'd love to see what was going on with Gueira/Meis while they were locked up side by side. What did they talk about? Their faith in Lio? Them possibly growing up with Lio? Their feels for each other? And honestly you can go as angsty as you want to with this.
Gueira & Meis being over protective (big bros) of their boss and bestie Lio. (Poor Galo lmao)
Feel free to include any other characters you want from the tag set or canon in general ^___^ 
Crescent Moon - Any
Ah… my poor beautiful tiny manga fandom… I love this 6 volume series so much. The storytelling can be fast paced at times but it doesn't even phase me considering how detailed and intricate the themes, lore, relationships and monsters & magic are. For this fandom anything goes, like any AUs, tropes, canon compliant or divergent is all welcome here.
Bonus points if you have your own take of the song/legend: “Princess Princess why do you cry?”
If you want to make a fic about the Princess and the Demon boy when they were kids, or have any fic at all featuring them (kid or adult) I'm all for it.
I love Mahiru Shiraishi/Mitsuru Suou they are such little disasters anything with them would be amazing but I’m a multishipper so if you have a ship that isn't them and you've been dying to write your ship? Write your ship! I'd love to read it!!! 
And anything including Akira is god tier - he is the bestest boy. 
I’m sorry I know this prompt is very open ended and very vague but like I’d just be happy with anything
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rollychan · 8 years
Mwahaha...you asked for it. OK 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 oh man this is a lot 16, 31, 32, 33 uhhhh shoot 36, 39, 40, 44 you know what fuck it just do the whole damn list man (ps I can totes send you a shorter list this is ridiculous I just started reading the list of questions and this happened I'm so sorry)
Oh boy, I wasn’t expecting any asks on that meme anymore lol But I really wanted to do that one so thanks
Answers under the cut (bc I’m nice and won’t make everyone scroll down endlessly to finally get past this post just because I can’t keep it short for the life of me lol)
2. Favorite genre of fic?
I’m sorry that I’m so boring, but I have to say romance lol (because the right romance fics are so much better than most published romance novels). But I also love love love some other plot in it. Actually, I don’t think I really have a set favourite genre? Whatever speaks to me, basically? Many of my favourite fics aren’t really all that similar to each other. But I guess since I’m looking for romance stuff the most, it’s romance.
3. Favorite fandom? 
Another tough question because I am so very indecisive, I can’t have a favourite fandom. I love many fandoms. I mean, I guess I’d have to say Harry Potter because somehow, I’m always coming back to it because there are just so many quality fic in there if you know where to look. It’s kind of also kind of one of my very first fandoms and now I’ve been in it for so long, I can’t just abandon it lol
Just fandom-wise I really really love Haikyuu because that fandom is just so nice? I mean, I’m not all that involved in any fandom I guess, which is why I miss many things and conflicts (e.g. I only found out about all the drama in the MCU fandom re Iron Man vs Cap or the drama in the Teen Wolf fandom through people I follow lol), but the worst I have witnessed in Haikyuu is how some people gave thought-out arguments (without insults) why one character is or is not coded as a “villain” type character (there was/is a dispute about one character because some hate/dislike him and others defend him). And that’s it. Other than that it’s mostly “OMG I LOVE EVERY CHARACTER AND SHIP EVERYTHING” from almost everyone in that fandom lol (or “I don’t care what you ship as long as you let me ship my stuff, ship and let ship”). It’s just really chill. It’s also the fandom that really made me a poly-shipper. Idk, man, I love that fandom.
The Yuri!!! on ice fandom is also really nice. Those people sure like to discuss and explain things lol Also, almost everyone had, literally, the same reactions to the stuff happening in it. Plus, we got a healthy, loving, explicit same-sex relationship in an anime. That’s, like, a really rare thing. The only other genre-anime I know with an explicit same-sex kind-of-relationship is No. 6, and that relationship is so friggin far from healthy it’s not funny (sorry, NezuShi fans, I am a fan of them too, but their relationship throughout the entirety of the series is not healthy by any standard, which is totally explainable by the circumstances, but seriously, they’ll have a lot of growing up to do before it can be called healthy). Anyway, I digress.
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? 
I shall give you MORE THAN ONE, because I can and I will.
Okay, so, first I just have to tell you about my first absolute favourite fic ever, which, I’m really sorry, but it’s in German and it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic lol
It’s “Paw Prints - Pfotenabdrücke” by someone I’m actually following on here ( @goldandcold ) who is an amazing and talented writer and I really have to read stuff by her again asdfghjkl but atm I’m into very different fandoms and just *cries* I need more time so I can watch the stuff she’s watching and writing for lol can someone, like, gift me a hundred free hours? lol
Anyway, that fic has character death in it, which is something I usually avoid at all costs because I know myself and I know I’ll be depressed about it for at least a week if I read character death. I’m like that lol
But I did because I always make exceptions for writers I like. Well, it became my favourite fic, so I guess I can’t complain. I will always remember the last words in there
“Du bist quer über mein Herz gelaufenwie ein kleiner tollpatschiger Hund über nassen Sandund du hast überall deine Pfotenabdrücke hinterlassen”
which roughly translates to
“You walked across my heartlike a little clumsy dog across wet sandand you’ve left your paw prints everywhere”
asdfghjkl I just love those words, they resonated with me so much and asdfghjk *flails* yeah, first fave fic. (also, now I’m in nostalgia land)
Another favourite fic I love to come back to is “Eclipse” by mijan (Harry Potter this time, back then I read it on fictionalley, but the link doesn’t seem to work atm? Is fictionalley down?). I am still entranced every time I read it and whenever I start it I have to continue reading till the end because I just love it so much. The plot is so amazingly intricate and the character development is THE FRIGGING BEST I CAN’T and everything makes so much sense and asdfghjkl it is just very amazing ok. The amount of detail in that story *sigh* *must resist reading it now before all the exams*
Another two favourite Harry Potter fics are “All Our Secrets Laid Bare” and “Stop All the Clocks”, both by @firethesound. AOSLB is just amazing all around, okay, I even reblogged a rec for it here on tumblr (here). I just love it so very much omg *flails* The idea alone to make them investigate Death Eater safe houses and all the FRIGGING DETAILS IN IT!!!!!! THE DETAILS!!!! SO MUCH LOVE!!!! (yes the exclamation marks are necessary)
I wrote a rec myself for Stop All the Clocks here. Weirdly, it also has major character death in it. But, same as above, I do make exceptions for writers I really like. That fic destroyed me though. I absolutely love the parallels in that fic, too. And how it spans many years. Just. Very beautiful, very touching, very sad. Which is why it’s great that there is AOSLB. I also still have to read all the other fics because I just KNOW they’re ALL amazing
And I’m still not done with the fave fics, guys. I’m sorry I can’t keep it short *cough*
Moving away from Harry Potter... the next one is for Free! Anime again lol It’s, weirdly, another fic that doesn’t end all that happily for the romance, and the fic is “With Vega At Your Left” by threesmallcrows. It’s a different take on a soulmate AU. Like, when the person you’re in love with isn’t your soulmate. A side character also deals with an abusive soulmate. Basically, everything that can go wrong with soulmate marks. And it’s just so real. Trigger warning for attempted suicide though (and mentioned abuse - like, the abuser doesn’t appear in the fic and the abuse is only talked about and the repercussions dealt with, but nothing explicit). I love this fic a lot, but it gives me the sads.
Okay, I still have a few favourite fics but I think I need to stop here, I’ll just link to them:
The Fears are Paper Owls by yaboykeiji (Haikyuu!! Akaashi does time jumps to try to prevent Bokuto’s death - kinda like Butterfly Effect)
Savior by dgalerab (Haikyii!! / X-Men crossover - Haikyuu characters as mutants)
Safety in Silence by survivah (Teen Wolf canon divergent soulmate AU with the soulmate “condition” not necessarily being reciprocated, lots of Sterek pining and friendship and angst, really slow-burn and really sweet and cute, very fluffy too, awesome idea to make it different for different species! Also, werewolves and other species are known to humans etc)
Gravity’s Got Nothing on You by FairyLights101 (Teen Wolf Sterek pretend to be dating AU, also the-Hales-survived AU and Laura is an important character in that fic, and because the Hales survived, Allison also lives, double yay)
Seven Deaths by x-parrot (One Piece, no pairings (le gasp!), just Zorro+Sanji friendship, there’s violence (torture) in it, it’s not very explicit, but be warned)
Aaand I think I’ll stop here.
7. One-shots or longfic? 
I think, if you look at my favourite fics, you have the answer lol. Many of them are 100k+, so yeah, longfic lol I love the development that is possible in longfics. I do like shorter fic too, though in my mind, one-shot just means it’s all in one chapter... and there are 20k one-chapter fics out there, you know. But! I do also like short stuff, it just doesn’t really end up being among my favourites.
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? 
Tbh, I don’t remember, but Eclipse is over 287k words long, and I’m not sure if I’ve read anything longer than that.
16. How do you feel about character death in fic? 
I think I’ve answered that somewhere in that novel above lol
Usually, I avoid it like the plague because I get the sads and am down for days afterwards. It’s not that I think those fics are bad or anything. It’s just that I want happy endings lol My heart can’t take too much sad. This doesn’t change even when I make exceptions, so that’s kind of the downside I have to live with when I do lol
In published novels and movies and series etc I don’t mind character death, but fic... well, fic are different lol
31. Do you read AUs? 
Yes! I used to avoid them, but then I guess some fic changed my mind lol I really love all them tropes, soulmate AUs, fake-dating AUs, police procedural AUs, you name it. For some weird reason I’m not all gung-ho about coffeeshop AUs. I don’t mind them, and I’ll read them if they’re good, but they seem kinda boring to me. (oh, and pls don’t come with a/b/o stuff at me, it squicks me immensely and I hate it)
32. Favorite AU tropes? 
Fake dating! Soulmates! Specifically for Teen Wolf: Allison lives! The-Hales-Survived! Idk, there are too many lol Well, my fave is still the platonic bed sharing one (not sure if that counts as an AU trope, since it could also be written in non-AU fics). I also seem to like time travel / time jumps / time manipulation.
33. Least favorite AU tropes?
A/B/O fics. I just hate them and I don’t even wanna see them, they squick me *shudder* I mean, to each their own, and I wish it at least wouldn’t squick me that much (it’s a physiological reaction, I get the creeps and it’s almost like I feel one step away from nausea - same feeling I get when I see reader x character fic, squicks me too and is the sole reason I never visit the teen wolf tag because it’s full of those), but it does.
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? 
I do! But I’m kinda still new to them and they’re not my favourite thing, so I haven’t read many crossover fics yet. I really like that X-Men crossover fic I linked to, and I do like Harry Potter crossovers (like, the other characters as witches and wizards in a wizarding school). Other than that I’ve also read a really cool Criminal Minds/House MD crossover once, and a Criminal Minds/Supernatural one too, and they’re pretty cool. Guess I still have to figure out what I particularly like when it’s about crossovers.
39. Favorite AU fic? 
Savior by dgalerab, as I’ve already linked above :D
This is also the fic that really got me into poly ships. The relatioship between the four characters just feels so natural as it develops, it feels like that’s how it should be. It also deals with past abuse and there is 120% consent invovled. It’s just a really good fic ok
40. Do you like fluff?
So, yeah, I do lol I mean, I do need other stuff in it too, but I absolutely do like fics that aren’t too serious and where the conflicts aren’t life-or-death or heavy on the angst etc. Like, slice of life kind of stuff.
44. How fluffy is too fluffy? 
There is never a too fluffy +_+
Okay, jokes aside, I do want a plot. A story isn’t a story when there’s no conflict, so that’s that. Though that’s the only requirement for me, really lol Otherwise it can be as fluffy as it gets.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anything lol
Rolly out
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