#video game headcananos
thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hello! Could i request headcanons for Karl Heisenberg and reader with low self-esteem? They very often think in a bad way about themselves and feel like a burden. They believe they are not beautiful enough, not good enough, not smart enough and in their opinion Karl deserves a far better partner than them. Thank you very much!
Of course darling! Enjoy the headcanons 💕
Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x Reader (Gender Neutral) [Resident Evil Village]
Warnings: Self Esteem Issues, Insecurities, Swearing, Minor SPOILERS for Resident Evil Village
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Fluff
- You've always had a tough time with yourself
- You can't remember a single time you've looked in the mirror and seen nothing wrong
- There was always something
- A birth mark that bothered you
- The shape of your nose
- The size of your forehead
- The look of your body in general
- You aren't a shallow person, by any means
- You find practically everyone beautiful
- Unfortunately, everyone but yourself
- Your disliking for yourself goes beyond just the outside appearance, it delves deeper into your personality and character
- You believe you're too emotional for your or your partner's good
- You think you fall head over heels too quickly and then become clingy in fear of losing the person
- And why might you lose them, or why you think you might lose them?
- For all your aforementioned insecurities
- Karl hadn't noticed the way you looked at the mirror's reflection in utter distaste
- The ugly comments you so casually dropped about yourself flew over his head as self-deprecating jokes
- He was right about the first part, but they certainly weren't jokes
- Just lines upon lines of self-deprecation
- One day, he seemed to have caught onto the seriousness of the insults you aimed at yourself all the time
- "Y/N, why do you keep saying that nasty crap about yourself?" He asked you, surprising you
- All your life you'd gotten used to expressing minimal amount of your negative feelings and even when you did you'd laugh as though they were your stand-up comedy lines
- And no one ever questioned it, until now
- You shrugged, "I'm just pointing out the obvious. I'm aware of how I look, you don't have to play pretend with me, Karl."
- While you avoided eye contact to the best of your ability, Karl was staring at you with mighty confusion that would've probably burnt holes through his sunglasses if he had been wearing them
- "What's obvious to me is that you put yourself down on accounts that aren't even true. You underestimate yourself and undermine all your amazing qualities, choosing to instead focus on your lesser ones. I mean, we all have bad qualities, bad habits, whatever, but you...." he trailed off with a sigh
- It was clear he had fallen deep in thought but you didn't want to disturb him, so you let him think it out and after a minute or so, he spoke up again, "I..-I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes."
- You may not be able to do that, but you were definitely looking at him through your teary eyes and that did quite a number on your perspective
- "Since that's impossible, let me tell you what I see instead..." he closed the gap between you, placing the rough palms of his hands on your face, cupping your cheeks gently
- "I see an incredibly smart, brave and righteous person. Someone who isn't afraid to speak up or make a move when nobody else will. Someone who'd jump in the line of fire without a second thought to save a practical stranger. I see someone who deserves all the world has to offer and all the love I could give them. I see someone who has found it in them to love someone like me. Someone as beautiful, incredible, amazing, intelligent, someone like that, falling for me? I can still hardly believe it..." He chuckled, going astray with his sentence again before regaining the trail
- "And lastly, I see someone who needs to love themself more. Someone who needs to love themself as much as I love them. And you may not be able to see yourself through my eyes, but I will, from now on, tell you exactly what I see every day. I'll never let those negative thoughts invade your head again."
- All you could do is nod, seeing him smile as his thumbs brushed the tears off your collarbones
- "There you go, darling. Badass as always."
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
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so i just came out as non-binary to my mom (it went well) and now i crave hcs of a non-binary (preferably they/them pronouns :)) reader coming out as nonbinary to the lh gang
Congrats bro, I'm so happy for you! 😄😊 Headcanons coming your way right away! Enjoy 💕
Pairing: Little Hope Characters & Reader (Non-binary, They/Them pronouns used) [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: None/maybe swearing cause Taylor XD
Genre: Platonic Fluff
Coming out can be the scariest but also most liberating thing in one's life
You lucked out, you've got a group of great friends who you weren't afraid to come out to when you finally came to understand your gender identity
The first to find out was your bestie Daniel
The man was ecstatic, supportive and super proud of you and only afterwards asked you to clarify the meaning of the term 'non-binary'
A real friend supports their friend even when they aren't 100% sure what they're being told, you can't change my mind
After you explained he went into another heap of excitement, expressing how proud of you he was all over again
Second to walk into the room and catch wind of the news was Taylor with Andrew right behind her
Being more versed in the terminology of sexualities and gender identities, she immediately knew what you were talking about, unlike her boyfriend and didn't resist giving you a big hug and squealing her support out for you
Andrew being his passive quiet self showed his support with two thumbs up and a "That's very cool, bro. Proud of ya" *finger guns*
The enthusiasm - mostly Taylor's - had been loud enough to be heard from out in the hall from where two heads peeped inside the room
One, unfortunately was Angela's, she didn't look pleased
"What's all this yelling about?" She glared at the four of you with narrowed eyes
Taylor took it upon herself to explain, "Relax, lady. We're showing support for Y/N."
Unsatisfied with the answer, Angela prodded on, "What for?"
Sheepishly and uncertainly, you chose to answer truthfully, mostly cause Angela's never short on opinions and, even if she gave you flack, you wouldn't really care.
"I'm non-binary." Come to think of it, you weren't even sure she knew what that meant
To your surprise, her face and gaze softened as she nodded, giving you a hint of a smile as well
Scary, right?
"Oh, well, good for you, Y/N. You're very valid." And with that she walked off, leaving you all stunned
The second head was John's, his face lit up by a smile as he too was quick to add, "Proud of you, kid." before quickly following after Angela
That's one great success if I've ever seen one
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Love your new look sis! Oh and I saw the daylor birthday headcanons and they were so cute! Maybe you can do some where they have a baby? I can just imagine them being great parents! Like how they would act after their kid is born at the hospital? Daniel sitting on the bed next to Taylor as they coo over their child! Son or daughter is up to you, or maybe twins :0
Thanks siss, glad you like it 💗 Aww thanks for taking the time to read them, hun! And of course, I'd love to and I so agree that they'd be great parents omg this is gonna be adorable to write 🥺 Enjoy the headcanons, sweetie 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Vaguely mentioned unplanned pregnancy and struggles of pregnancy in general (Vague mentions, nothing graphic or detailed)
Genre: DOMESTIC FLUFF, Romance, Comfort Fluff
Today is the day Taylor's dreaded since her pregnancy test came back positive
Ever since that very moment, she's been afraid of the day it'll all have to come to an end she knew quite well wouldn't be fun in any way shape or form
But as she sits here now, holding one of her twin babies in her arms as her boyfriend Daniel is cradling the other to sleep in his own embrace, all she can think about is how this day will now forever be marked as the most beautiful and important day of her life
It's been a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings and struggles as she's gone through the nine months of pros and cons pregnancy has to offer
And now it's all come to be worth it
She's now a mother, Daniel a father and Andrew a godfather
Speaking of....where's Andrew
A knock comes to the door, prompting Daniel to open it
There he is! A very out of breath Andrew who just ran all the way from the dorms to the hospital as soon as he heard Daniel's voice message
Exchanging congratulatory hugs with his best friends, he's come to his senses enough to ask the stereotypical question, "Who do they look like?" mostly with the intention of irritating Taylor who, anyone with at least one good eye will be the coolest mom ever
"They look like potatoes." She replies to him with a snicker that catches the poor guy so off-guard, he nearly chokes on the breath he just inhaled
"Taylor!" Daniel 'scolds' her while cracking up himself
"What?! They look like tiny beautiful potatoes!" Yeah, she'll definitely be the coolest mom ever
Millie and Lloyd (name credit to a dear friend of mine <3) really got the gift of the coolest parents on this planet
@hopeveon @megandaisy9 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sparrow-gg @lavadoge @nyctophiliiiiaaa @squirreljoe
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Burden of Evil
Andrew x Reader (Male) & (Past) Abraham x Reader (Male)
Warnings: Death, Blood, Homophobia (set in the 17th century), Talk of The Devil/Possession, Angst, Spoilers for the game Little Hope
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: Two clueless college students are finally brought to the realization if they aren't honest to themselves and to one another, there will be many things that they'll lose. And all it takes for them to come to that realization is a trip back to the past - quite literally.
Requested by @j-st-patricks-day Hi dear! So sorry it has taken me so long to fulfill your request but here it finally is! Hope you enjoy reading it and hope it makes the wait worth it! Love, Vy ❤
Y/D/N - Your Double's Name
"Is everyone ok?" Is the first thing Y/N remembers after he wakes up to the darkness around him, illuminated by a flame-like light.
"Y/N doesn't seem to be." Taylor's voice reaches him through the fog of confusion and disorientation. It has a naturally teasing and sarcastic tone to it which is perfectly regular considering it's Taylor who's in the question here.
"He could be seriously hurt!" Another voice he recognizes sounds from somewhere nearby, practically right next to him. It's no doubt Andrew.
"Relax..." Daniel, his other friend, says leisurely, "He's got a brick head."
"My ribs aren't as solid though." The brick-headed guy in question finally opens his eyes to look around at the five concerned faces looking down at him now with slight confusion, "Nah, seriously, I think I fractured my rib."
"Well, you're the one with the medical expertise. If you say you fractured your rib, we're gonna believe you." Unlike Taylor, his other classmate's - Angela's voice is a lot less pleasant to hear and is laced with pure mockery of his situation.
It goes without saying that those two never got along and a bus crash is not damn near enough to change that.
"Deal. Oh, and what's your expertise, by the way?" With Andrew and Daniel helping him to his feet, Y/N's verbal venom proves to never have been stronger, unlike his body in its current state.
Angela just scoffs in displeasure and turns away, taking a few steps as if she's gonna go anywhere on her own. Taylor gives him the biggest thumbs up, barely containing vocal laughter to avoid her classmate's side-eye.
Rolling his eyes, he ushers the group onward with the intention of searching for transport to get them out of here and to a hospital as soon as possible.
"Thanks for the help." Y/N sees everyone's distractedness as an opportunity to change lanes and walk closer to Andrew, taking a moment to express his gratitude.
"Nothing to thank me for." The other boy, semi-flustered, waves his shaky hand dismissively, "Glad you're ok. You gave us quite the scare when you remained the last one knocked out."
He can't help but chuckle, the smile remaining on his face, a little thoughtful, "Well, I sincerely apologize. However, as Taylor said, I have a brick for a head so you shouldn't worry."
Andrew manages a smile himself as he glances at his friend, taking in the fact that he really doesn't appear to have a visible scratch or bruise on his head. Well...except...
"Doesn't seem to be so tough after all." He points out, nodding his head towards Y/N's forehead where a cut resides.
Y/N's hand immediately shoots up, fingers gently tapping the left side of his forehead just to wince and pull his hand away, his finger now coated with a bit of blood, not enough to have him concerned.
"It's a diversion, no one can know my powers." He winks, unintentionally sending a flock of butterflies to roam Andrew's stomach.
Little do they both know, it's mutual. Unfortunately though, by now it's more than obvious that they'd much rather suffer in silence, suffocated by their feelings than express them out lout to one another.
And little do they both know how obvious it is for the rest of the group.
"You think we should split up?" John's voice suddenly cuts through the bubble they had unintentionally created around themselves, reserved only for the two of them.
It's a fair question, seeing as how the group has arrived at the base of a fork in the road.
While Andrew is stalling, Y/N speaks up first, "And do the basic horror movie move that leads to the death of each and every one of us?"
Taylor rolls her eyes, "My thoughts exactly."
Daniel pipes in as well, but unfortunately for Y/N and Taylor, he jokes instead of backing them up, "You two clearly watch too many horror movies."
"Enough with the banter, damn it. Can you grow up for at least a few moments and realize this is a serious issue and that we're literally stuck here?!" Of course, if someone is gonna express their repulsion to making light of a shitty situation it's gonna be Angela which clearly surprises no one.
"You first." Y/N says, cool as a cucumber as he side-eyes Angela, earning him a slight nudge to the ribs from Daniel and a laugh from Taylor, one she failed to suppress.
"Alright, some of us seriously need to be kept away from one another." John steps in to deflate the balloon of tension before it explodes. "Andrew, take Y/N and go down the left path. Daniel and Taylor, you can take the right. Angela, you and I are going straight."
"Anything to get away from him." She mutters, glaring at that smug Y/N who seems as unbothered as ever. Truth be told, he rarely is bothered.
"Feeling's mutual." He bows his head slightly out of faux respect. This time, thankfully, Andrew drags him away before the situation could escalate.
Five minutes of walking in silence later, Andrew can no longer hold back the question roaming his mind.
"Why do you and Angela find it so hard to stand each other?" He asks, slowing down his pace.
Y/N copies his actions, matching the walking speed with Andrew's, "Can anyone really stand that woman? She's exhausting!"
The other boy takes the chance to scoff, "John apparently can."
"Poor fool."
This response only puts Andrew in deeper thought, giving him not even a fragment of the answer he was looking for. "No, seriously, why don't you get along?"
Y/N huffs as if stuck at a dead-end. It's more than obvious he doesn't want to reply to the question. But, nevertheless, he does just that.
"She's a blackmailer, to put it lightly." He sighs heavily, "She knows something about me I don't want anyone knowing and she's threatening to expose me any moment. Luckily, I have some leverage as well."
"What's she got on you?" It's too late to backtrack now, not to say Andrew would want to do that considering he's only gotten more curious thanks to the answer he just got.
"You want me to do her job by telling you? Hell nah." Y/N laughs half-heartedly, refusing to turn his head to look at Andrew who, on the contrary, is staring directly at him as if that will reveal what's going on in his friend's head.
"Suit yourself, but if you tell people yourself, you take away her power over you." He suggests, eyebrows slightly raised to emphasize his statement.
Y/N briefly catches that look via side glancing but is quick to fixate his gaze on the road ahead as he contemplates agreeing with Andrew's idea. It's logical and sensible, however, it would also put an end to one of the most important friendships in his life and he's not sure whether he could handle that. But then again, he could also open a new chapter, better than the previous one which seems just about worth the risk.
"Well..." he sighs, "You see, the thing is..."
Before either of them could say another word, they're startled by a hand that suddenly grabs Y/N's arm, holding it in a tight, painful grip. Turning their heads to the side, they see a corpse-like person who vaguely resembles Y/N. The demon lets out a scream before everything goes dark for a moment. Once the black fog lifts, Andrew and Y/N are shown an unfamiliar and disturbing scene.
Despite the unfamiliarity of the scene, there's two things that are eerily recognizable - the two of them. They are there, in the scene, in that clothing, speaking in that accent.
And one of them is bound in chains, held by two me on the dock above a river while the other is held back as he desperately tries to run over to the bound one.
"The soul of thee bound in front of you is now a property of the Devil himself. Y/D/N allowed for his soul to be manipulated by evil, his mind drawn away from the path of God, straying into the darkness with the intention of polluting all of Little Hope with his malice. That is to be stopped today." A priest announces as he too stands on the dock, foot the heavy object that is connected to Y/N's double by the chains he's bound with - clearly an item heavy enough to keep the poor man under water even if he could attempt to swim. "Abraham happens to be one of the unfortunate souls, corrupted by this man's evil. But the town will be saved, the burden of evil will be lifted when this manifestation of the Devil will be erased from our town forever!"
"It is not wrong to love, Reverend!" Y/D/N shouts, "Loving someone dearly is not a burden of evil! You are! You are the only one polluting this place with your stench of evil! Little Hope will fall, and that will be nobody else's but yours doing Reverend!"
One of the men on the dock uses the sharp wooden branch in his hand to silence Y/D/N, hitting him on the forehead, causing blood to trickle down his face as his head leans forward, disoriented after the hit.
"If you lay another finger on him, I swear to-" Abraham too receives a punch to the stomach to be put in silence. However, that doesn't stop him from letting out the most heart-shattering 'No!' ever heard as the men push Y/B/D into the river.
"A man is not to love another man, not under God's and my eyes. The Devil will not prevail." The Reverend's words are haunting, voice menacing and satisfied.
It's over just like that, one splash and he disappears beneath the water never to be seen or heard from again.
And then all of a sudden, with no explanation whatsoever, Andrew and Y/N find themselves back on the path, feeling lightheaded and disoriented.
"What the fuck just happened?" Y/N mutters, placing his hand on his knees leaning down to catch his breath as though he just ran a marathon.
A red drop falls on the cement below, causing him to frown and straighten his posture.
"Your forehead's bleeding." Andrew points out, ripping a piece of his shirt off with shaky hands so he can put it on his friend's forehead. "Hold it there, it'll stop the bleeding."
Y/N nods slightly but quickly take a step back, "The bleeding is the last thing we need to worry about now, Andrew. What the fuck was that? How did that happen?"
"I-I don't know....you...died?" The other boy stammers, hand resting on his head as if that will help him comprehend the events that took place, "They killed you."
He shakes his head, "He maybe looked like me but he sure as hell wasn't." He lifts his gaze to look at Andrew, "That man, he was a copy of you."
"I know....it's fucking insane." He too sighs tilting his head up to look at the dark sky. "How are we gonna explain this to the others? They're never gonna believe us."
"Who gives a sh-"
Before Y/N could finish his sentence, a gurgling comes from the river next to the road, grabbing their attention instantly. The two frozen college students stare at the bubbles forming in the water, rushing to its surface until fear strikes them like a bullet: a disgusting monstrous hand appears above the bubbles, along with a demonic growl that sends them running down the path with no guarantee they're gonna get anywhere safe.
Luckily they get to a wall - easy to climb for them but definitely not for the creature following them. They've got a pretty good advantage considering the demon can't even get up on two feet, bound by chains, crawling at a very non-threatening speed.
Once over the wall the two stop to actually catch their breath, looking at one another to confirm it wasn't just an individual hallucination even thought it clearly wasn't.
Y/N's the first one to return to his senses, approaching Andrew to put his hand on his shoulder, "Hey....hey are you ok?"
Andrew doesn't reply. Instead, he wraps his arms around Y/N, engulfing him in a hug. Though surprised, Y/N is quick to reciprocate, returning the same amount of vulnerability and relief in the embrace.
"Are you?" Andrew asks.
"As long as you are ok, I am too."
"What on Earth happened to you two?"
Looking up but still refusing to let go of one another, they're met with the rest of the group.
"Way more than you'd be able to believe." Andrew says, pulling away first, running a hand through his hair awkwardly.
"Well, well, well. Y/N, looks like I no longer have material to blackmail you. I really can't believe you got the guts to confess but..."
"What are you talking about!?" Y/N is glaring daggers at her, if looks could kill Angela would've been killed so many times by now.
"Confess what?" Andrew inquires.
"Nothing!" He hurries to shut down his friend's curiosity. "Really, nothing. Can we just drop it?"
"Y/N." Daniel and Taylor say in unison as if scolding a child.
Finding himself backed up in a corner, he can finally relate to his double: love is not the burden of evil. Love is a burden of its own. It can be a crushing weight on one's shoulders or a pair of wings.
It can be either hell or cloud nine. It's always a risk, a gamble, one only brave people take.
Y/N has never been a brave person. But it's never too late to turn thing around, is it?
"Fine, fuck it, fine. But I don't want an audience, thank you." He sighs in frustration, waving them off.
"What is happening?" John whispers to Angela, just to be dragged away without receiving an answer.
Once the others get to a good distance away from them, Y/N turns to look at a very confused Andrew, feeling like the biggest coward under his gaze.
"So, the thing is..."
Andrew doesn't let him finish, instead, gently takes hold of the sides of his face, planting a delicate, soft kiss on his lips. It ends as quickly as it began, leaving Y/N to wonder if it even happened. However, the small smile on his long time crush's face is enough confirmation to give him peace of mind.
"What a relief." Andrew says quietly, voice barely above a whisper, "If you didn't feel the same, you might've been the one with a broken rib, but I would've been the one with a broken heart."
That manages to earn him a small laugh from Y/N before he initiates another moment of utter and unbelievable bliss.
The gamble allowed Y/N's burden to turn to that aforementioned pair of wings. No more needs to be said really.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
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daniel/taylor post-wedding hcs? 👉👈
YOU GOT IT BRO! (PS: The song request thing is coming soon I promise 😅)
Enjoy the hcs 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor
- Let's be honest, the first thing these mfs do is grab a map of the world and a few darts which they'll blindly throw at it in hopes of deciding a spot for their honeymoon
- Daniel, being as bad as he is at darts, either lands his darts in the ocean or straight up misses the whole-ass map
- Taylor on the other hand is hitting her marks: Spain, UK, Canada, etc.
- "T, if you plan on stabbing a dart into every country in the world I'm pretty sure I'll budget will just die."
- She rolls her eyes, "Ok, fine, this is the last dart, wherever it lands, we're going."
- This is where Daniel turns religious
- He'd never admit it but he's terrified of flying so, if they are gonna be flying to their honeymoon destination, he at least wants it to be a short flight so a xanny could be able to get him from point A to point B without him panicking inwardly
- The dark lands in the ocean
- "For fuck's sake!" Taylor curses, playfully smacking Daniel's arm when he bursts out laughing
- "Hey, what was that for? It's not my fault you're not as good at darts as you think you are." He complains
- "Oh is that so?" She asks sassily, getting an equally sassy affirmative hum in response
- Now with a point to prove, she grabs one of the darts he threw that bounced off the wall and fell to the floor and, without breaking eye contact, proceeds to throw it at the map
- Daniel's gaze follows where the thing stuck itself in the map and gulps
- "France." He proclaims, his words followed by Taylor's cheers of joy and excitement, not only because of the awesome destination but also because her point is now most definitely proven
- Her husband, on the other hand, is already breaking a sweat at the thought of the ten hour flight
- Poor Daniel
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
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i once again crave daylor
hcs of them going on their first date? 👉👈
Enjoy 🤗
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Swearing (idk XD)
Genre: Pure FLUFF
- Daniel wasn't the most confident about asking Taylor out
- Hell, it took him a year and a half of watching her date wrong guys and be heartbroken to tell her how he felt about her
- Contrary to what Andrew had said, Daniel wasn't as certain that his feelings would be reciprocated
- With that being said, it'd make sense that it took him a long time to even start thinking about an actual date even though he idealized the thought for quite some time
- Once again, his support system consisted of Andrew and only him cause nobody else knew and he himself wasn't very supportive of himself
- Yeah he still had the audacity to anticipate rejection no matter how nonsensical it was to his best friend and roommate
- Eventually, however, he caved to the repeated persuasions and, although with much stalling and stuttering, he managed to get the question out
- Luckily for him but to no surprise to anyone else, her answer was:
- "Thought you'd never ask."
- She also grinned like an idiot so that was a bonus
- Their first date was the night following that interaction and it wasn't anything fancy but neither of them gave a damn
- They were too lost in conversation about this and that to mind that they were in a diner near the college
- To the diner's credit, it wasn't a complete hole-in-the-wall and was nicely accommodating with the prices to the mostly broke college students in the nearby college
- It was certainly nice that they were the only ones in there apart from one more person sitting at a table on the opposite end, with the majority of the staff in the back, allowing them privacy
- And Daniel and Taylor used it to the max
- Having been friends for a long time, they immediately got a conversation flowing, avoiding that awkward opening to first dates between people who don't know each other
- And they kept up that flow of conversation until it was starting to get quite dark outside, making them realize that they had been at the diner for longer than they thought
- On Taylor's insistence, they each paid for their own food
- "Just a first date, Daniel, I'm not planning to hurt your wallet just yet." She winked at him to let him know she was joking although there was really no need for the indication
- But there wasn't anything jokey about what she said following that
- She said it teasingly, but it made Daniel's blood run cold
- Taylor pointed across the room where a man with sunglasses, fedora and a trench coat that looked silly on him sat
- "Do you think I didn't notice that's Andrew?"
@megandaisy9 @artlovingbre @sparrow-gg @lavadoge @squirreljoe @nyctophiliiiiaaa
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
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Daylor hcs where they (try to) take care of each other after Little Hope? 👉👈
You got it boss! Enjoy! 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: SPOILERS for the game Little Hope, Swearing, PTSD, Nightmares (mentioned), Swearing
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Fluff
- None of the five could believe it was really over
- That they left those horrors back in that God forsaken town
- How could they when a small part of it remained in their minds, made itself at home there and will now haunt them for an undisclosed amount of time
- Whether it be seeing the creatures out of the corner of their eye or getting a decent does of utter fear at the sight of them in their nightmares
- It's safe to say that it'll take some time for any of the five to fully recover
- But unlike the other three of them, Daniel and Taylor have been open about their struggles to one another
- They've told each other about their nightmares, their constant fear whenever they're alone or even when they're around people
- The things they think they see but end up just being a trick of their minds
- They hold each other's hand as a reassuring, comforting gesture whenever either of them needs it or wants it
- Daniel has practically moved into Taylor's dorm, never wanting to leave her side which she's very appreciative of
- And their nightmares have gradually started disappearing, probably affected by them now being a united front, cuddled up together, the warmth of their embrace assuring safety and comfort that not even those demons can get past
- They've found a safe haven in one another
- They've become each other's sanctuary
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hello its the one person that requests taylor, daniel, and andrew friend group stuff 😭😭 that being said, could u possibly do some halloween headcanons with them? :3
Hi there, dear! Of course I can! Hope you enjoy! 💕
Platonic Pairing: Andrew & Daniel & Taylor
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking
Genre: HUMOR, Crack XD
- The trio aren't big partygoers and that should come as no surprise
- None of them are fans of crowds, loud noises and uncomfortable interactions with practical strangers
- However, this year they decided to get out of their comfort zone and go to a party one of their classmates was hosting
- Typically, they wouldn't have thought twice about it, but it was a Halloween party so the resistance was wearing thin until they all collectively decided to go
- They regretted it about twenty minutes in
- It wasn't that bad, they'll admit, but it wasn't their scene whatsoever
- They had a couple drinks, some alcoholic some non-alcoholic which were definitely spiked which let the three get decently buzzed before leaving
- That buzz got them bold enough to head trick-or-treating at their age which many would consider inappropriate
- Many people didn't open their doors for the twenty-year-olds and the ones who did gave them the bare minimum amount of candy but the three appreciated it regardless
- They bought a few more snacks on their way back to the dorms and huddled up in Andrew and Daniel's room to watch horror movies and enjoy the bought/earned snacks
- Now that is most certainly their scene
@hopeveon @artlovingbre @megandaisy9 @sparrow-gg @lavadoge @nyctophiliiiiaaa @squirreljoe
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
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*asks you for daylor valentines day hcs even though there was a whole fic last year. i crave more*
Happy Valentines Day bro! Enjoy the headcanons as the celebration 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Romance
- Daniel and Taylor are practical people
- By practical I mean two college students on a tight budget
- Which is why they agreed at the very beginning of February that they wouldn't exchange gifts on Valentine's Day
- They were both on-board with the idea and gave the topic a rest, not touching it at all from that point on
- It was as though they'd feel guilty talking about it when they knew they'd breach the agreement
- They didn't want to lie to each other's faces so neither of them thought to double-check if the deal was still on
- Clearly it wasn't cause on the 12th Daniel took Andrew out to help him find a gift for Taylor
- And on the 13th Taylor snatched him for the same purpose: buying a gift for Daniel
- Poor Andrew felt like he was getting deja vu but it still was super hard for him not to laugh at the absurdity of his friends
- It should come as a surprise to no one that they'd get each other a gift, let's be honest, the two of them are only dumb enough to believe that there'd be no gifts
- And when asked about the agreement by their unknowingly shared partner in crime they both said the same thing
- "How could I not buy him/her a gift? That's ridiculous!"
- Andrew wanted to point out that their behavior was far more ridiculous but couldn't bring himself to do it
- As sarcastic as he can be and as much as he mocks them, he still finds himself smiling at their wholesomeness
- And, as much as he wanted to see each of their reactions on the day itself, he decided against it
- The moment was meant to be just for Daniel and Taylor and her didn't want to interrupt with his spying tendencies
- Here's what he missed out on....
- After the second movie they watched, both of them decided to take a little break and just enjoy the snacks they had bought together for this specific reason - a Valentine's Day movie date in Daniel and Andrew's dorm
- It was prefect cause the latter said he had plans, leaving the room all to them
- "So...", They said in unison
- "No, you go first...", They said that in unison as well
- They laughed, both of them visibly nervous
- Taylor took the lead, "So, remember what we said about no gifts?" Daniel nodded, "Yeah, well, that kinda went out the fucking window on my side....I couldn't not get you a gift D...."
- She took out the neatly wrapped gift she managed to sneak under his bed upon entering, luckily the box containing the item is tiny so it was an easy job
- "I hope you're not mad and I really don't want you to be upset that you didn't get me a gift. Those were the rules and you've got nothing to...."
- "Who said I didn't get you a gift?"
- Daniel, smiling sheepishly, takes an item of approximately if not exactly the same size from under the pillow on his bed
- "I couldn't not get you a gift either, T. It's not much, it's mediocre at best, but I hope you'll still like it...."
- The man barely finished his sentence when her lips were on his
- "I already love it." She told him when she pulled away while he was still dumbfounded
- He managed to find his voice somehow, "Um...don't speak so soon....", he chuckled nervously, handing her the gift as she did the same
- They both unwrap and open their gifts to reveal two bracelets
- Matching bracelets
- Neither of them had realized they were to be bought in a pair when they picked them out, but seems destiny had their backs
- When the realization strikes them upon putting them on their wrists, they bring their hands closer together to see the halves of the heart charm hanging from the patterned leather bracelet complete one another, forming a whole heart
- In their astonishment, they can just laugh quietly to themselves as their eyes meet, both pairs sparkling with joy and so much love, it's overwhelming
- But that moment doesn't last for long
- Because within a few seconds, Taylor's lips find their way to his again, but this time he's not dumbfounded and responds, kissing her back in an instant
- One hell of a Valentine's day if you ask me ❤
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
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Going back to school on the 7th of September so lets enjoy the brainrot: no school edition while it lasts 💔
daylor morning cuddles: they don't have anything to do that day edition hcs?
Here you go bro! I know this is like super late and you probably even forgot that you sent this ask in but I'm still gonna provide Daylor content regardless lol Hope you enjoy 💕
Pairing: Daniel x Taylor (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope)
Warnings: None (Maybe a swear or two lol oops)
- A Saturday morning is usually the setting of such a cuddle day initiation - Chances are Daniel and Taylor spent the night at one of their dorms together, doing all the homework they'd been assigned for the following week so their weekend would be uninterrupted - Neither of them is at all willing to go back to their dorm after the homework is done so sleepover it is - That being said, one can imagine they don't want to get up either when the following morning arrives with its bright sun beams that Taylor often refers to as annoying - Daniel, however, is perfectly able to ignore them altogether, only bothered by the fact that they’re bothering Taylor - “I’ll close the curtains.” He sighs, making an effort to fight his way out from underneath the blanket to preform the task - Surprisingly enough, he’s stopped by the person complaining by the light herself - “No, you’re not going anywhere” - “But, the sun...” - “Fuck the sun“ - Very straightforward and self-explanatory - And very much an indicator that the day ahead of them won’t be productive in the slightest - Although they would both argue that showing each other affection is, in fact, productiveness - Who could disagree, after all? - The only two situations that could force them out of that bath are a need to use the bathroom or the need to put some food in their system - Both of which they tend to with displeasure of having to leave the comfort of their partner’s arms - Low and behold, they go back to cuddling afterwards - Maybe on the couch this time, with a movie to watch - Because that’s what their Saturdays are reserved for - Just for the two of them - Fuck the rest of the world, as Taylor would say
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Hey, I've been struggling with stress from work and school and been having a hard time trying to do both at the same time and worried that I won't do well in my class. Could I request some headcanons where the reader has been having built up stress because of work and school and when the little hope group notices and asks about whats wrong, she breaks down and they comfort her and help her? Its just been super hard for me with school since I have to drive an hour to get up to school and I work about everyday I don't have class and don't have time to email my teacher for help and the one assignment I have is due this Thursday and it was assigned the Thursday of last week, and I worked every day since then.
Sure thing dear! So sorry for the late reply and post of your request but here it finally is and I hope it makes the wait you had to endure worth it. XOXO, Vy 💕
Little Hope Daniel, Taylor, Andrew & Reader (Female)
Warnings: Burnout, Breakdown caused by burnout
- It has been two weeks of consistent, non-stop exams that have been wreaking havoc on Y/N’s sanity and mental stability - She cannot remember ever feeling so horrible in her entire life - Not only does she put endless amounts of pressure on herself to pull off every one of those exams with flawless marks, but she’s succumbing to the side-effects of the overwhelming college work which include isolation, deteriorating mental, physical and emotional health and massive burnout which is gonna kick her butt with a whole new strength when it’s all over - That being said, on can probably imagine that it’s been a while since anyone has seen or heard from her and her friends are concerned to say the least - The trio she’s closest with can’t help but bombard her with calls and messages (most of which curtesy of Taylor herself) but their methods aren’t very effective seeing as how they either get no reply or a very short one - “Well, she can’t leave us on ‘seen’ in person, I hope.” Taylor declared one day, sparking and pursuing the idea of showing up at Y/N’s dorm which she shared with another girl that was frequently absent - And so that very afternoon they were off to their friend's apartment, the worry they'd been feeling for her all this time bubbling up and sizzling with the anxiety of what would greet them at her dorm - For starters, they were fearing a not-so-warm welcome, considering the time of the semester - aka exam season - and also her love for personal space and privacy - However, what they were greeted with was far worse - Dark circles from lack of sleep, red eyes, messy hair, pajamas - "What the hell??" - The words were mumbled in utter shock on Taylor's part but they were only responded to with an eye-roll from Y/N - "Sup guys. Need something? It's, um, unusual for you to be here..." - "Yeah, and it's unusual for you to be a messy wreck but here we are." - That type of honesty can only come from a best friend and not be taken as an insult which is why Taylor was the only one who thought of voicing her thoughts - Daniel and Andrew wouldn't dare - Well, despite the rules of best friends, Y/N seems to have taken the words to heart - Her red eyes get even redder, jaw weakly clenched - "Yeah, bunt out thanks to exams appears to be my new style, huh? At least I'm pulling it off, am I not? You think I want to look, feel and be closed off like this? Think again!" - Y/N is usually the definition of a calm and collected person - That being said, the trio went into damage control mode - A mode which in this situation would consist of comfort food, some break time for Y/N t collect herself and also a study group to divide the work she's been doing alone all this time into four - And boy did it make her wish she had turned to them for help sooner - It sure would've saved her a ton of time and energy - And tears - "You guys are the best!" She sighs, hugging her three saviors as much as she can due to them sitting in a square formation - "Hope this taught you a lesson." Taylor says, poking Y/N's ribs with a highlighter, causing her to giggle - "When on the verge of a breakdown, you need your friends around." - "Damn straight"
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