#only to immediately lose it when he took freddys head
radioroxx · 9 months
ok bear with me for a sec trying to think how to phrase this
in order to destroy all three glamrocks and get all the upgrades, youre required to stay past 6am for freddy to give you the extra pass. before ruin came out we all assumed this was the canon ending where you would go down to see burntrap. you’re required to have all three upgrades to get down there so it made sense
BUT. we now know princess quest is the actual ending. in princess quest route, you’re only required to destroy two animatronics. roxy (always required) and chica (her route starts in fazerblast -> find vanny hideout -> pq3). you can get the three star ending without ever doing the monty boss fight.
(and even if the player DOES choose monty first, you can still go back to fazerblast post-6am and go straight to vannys hideout ending instead of doing the trash compactor)
anyway anyway. the point is that it is entirely possible in the 3 star ending for one of the glams to have survived. we didnt need all the parts. but we see them in ruin, and ALL of their special upgrades are missing. WHICH MEANS,
gregory found and played the first two games. destroyed two animatronics. SURVIVED til 6am. THEN he went back, saved vanessa, and killed the last band member forrr…the fun of it?? to rub it in?
honestly props to him lol
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charliedawn · 9 months
Adding on to the ask I did a month or two back, about the nurse getting fired and trying to leave but being unsuccessful and stuck in the parking lot, what about another scenario where they do escape? Like, what would the slashers feel as they frantically search the facility for them, where would the nurse go, what would happen once they all release their nurse is actually gone?
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It was just a normal work day. You were taking care of the patients and smiling and you thought that everything was fine. But then, you felt a change. A small change. You could feel fear.
You were looking at the slashers playing and you immediately knew that they could feel it too. Your hands were trembling, your eyes were become glassy with tears as you realised.
You were afraid.
You thought you were immune. That you had no fear and that it was the reason the slashers were so comfortable around you. But, it seemed that you were only hiding the truth from them.
Each week, you had to fill in reports about the soldiers or nurses killed during work hours. It was the third year and still, you seemed to have failed to rehabilitate them. It was only a matter of time before the board would get rid of you.
And you were ashamed to tell the slashers that even if you had promised to help them, there was nothing to be done. So, you decided that the best was to leave and let someone else work on their evolution.
Pennywise :
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You knew Pennywise wouldn’t be asleep. He never slept. And he always spent time on his rocking chair during the nights. His yellow eyes pierced right through you when he heard you open the door.
He saw you hesitate as you took the first step down the path leading to the exit. His eyes stared at you and you didn’t even look at him.
"…You really gonna leave without saying goodbye ?" He retorted.
You closed your eyes and stopped dead in your tracks as you cursed yourself. He is a mind reader. He knew. Of course he knew.
"I…" You wanted to lie. But, you both knew it didn’t matter. Pennywise knew why you were leaving. Years had passed. And when you thought nothing could scare you anymore…The fear of what was to happen to St Louis grew with it. You would never be scared of them, but you knew that the moment they would lose you…They would end up the same as they were before. Change was no longer possible. And you had grown too tired to try…
"Are you going to stop me ?" You asked with mild apprehension, but Pennywise only snickered.
"Me ? Oh no, sugar. I ain’t gonna stop you."
You let out a relieved sigh—but it was cut short. He raised himself to his feet and took a step towards you and reached out for your face. You stopped breathing for a second and your eyes widened as you wondered if he would kill you…
"What are you doing ?"
Pennywise smiled—but it was odd. It wasn’t one of his usual biased or smug smiles. It was one of cruel, sad and knowing acceptance…He plucked a single hair out of your head and wrapped it around his wrist.
"…Souvenir. Even though Penny will forget. I won’t..." He said with a shrug before his yellow eyes glanced back at you. "…And I will forever remember the first day I smelt your fear, nurse. Because it is the day you gave up on us."
Before you could say anything, Pennywise disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Pennywise didn’t hold it against you. He knew that nobody could truly change for someone, not even for one exceptional nurse.
Freddy :
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Freddy was tending to his garden when he heard you. He heard you open the door and get out of the house…But, your footsteps were different this time. You were in a hurry and you were carrying a suitcase. It didn’t take him long to figure it out and when he realised, his first reaction was blind and hateful rage.
He was about to be abandoned once more.
He screamed and his face melted away as his red angry scars became even more apparent on his face and he suddenly ran after you and tackled you to the ground.
You screamed and when his razors were close to your face, you had no choice but to shoot him. He screamed in rage and the pure fury within him made him go berserk.
He grabbed you and in an instant, he smelt the sweet scent of fear and then his eyes settled back on you with a knowing glint in his eyes.
He smirked as his claw ran along your face and he cackled.
"Poor poor nurse Y/N…Looks like your fear finally caught up to you. But, don’t worry. Your ol’ pal Freddy is gonna fix ya right up." Your eyes widened as you tried to crawl away from him and screamed for help. But, Freddy grabbed your legs to drag you away. "Time to start all over again."
But then, gunshots were heard and Freddy fell to the ground as guards surrounded him to restrain him. Your eyes met his for a brief second before you were escorted to the exit.
Freddy shouted for you at the top of his lungs, but it was too late. You were gone.
Penny :
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You knew there was no way you could leave without saying goodbye to Penny, but he wouldn’t understand. One sniff and he would know why you were leaving and you couldn’t possibly risk it. If he knew you were scared, you couldn’t possibly predict Penny’s reaction.
So, you had no choice but to ask him to be put in his old cell for the duration of your transfer. But, the morning you were supposed to leave…He escaped and immediately ran to you. He wanted to ask you what was going on…but his eyes caught sight of the suitcase and…
"Y-You ttttried to leave ME ?!" The realisation in his eyes hurt you more than anything as you smiled apologetically to him.
"It is time to say goodbye, Penny."
He grabbed your wrist and shook his head.
"N-No. I refuse !"
It wasn’t his decision. It was yours.
He took a deep breath and his eyes glowed orange as he realised why you were leaving. He released you and took a step back as he shook his head.
"No. Nonononono ! You can’t be afraid ! You NEVER are ! You can’t !"
You smiled apologetically to him. You couldn’t lie to him.
"…I tried, Penny. I tried. So hard. But…I cannot save you. I am sorry—"
"WE NEVER NEEDED SAVING !" He shouted and you could see he was mad. Penny had never sounded so desperate. He had seen many people get attached to him and leave over the centuries. But, it never felt quite the same when it came to you. He wanted you to stay, bend the rules of time and space so that you may live forever with him. But, even he had limits. He dropped to his knees and the being who never once begged in his life…pleaded. He growled out, his eyes lighting up in the dark.
"You…You do not have to be afraid. You never had to. WE would never hurt you."
You closed your eyes. And here it was. Your mistake.
"Not me." You agreed but then shook your head. "But, what happens when I am gone Penny ? What happens to everyone else ? What about all the people that will die after I am gone ? St Louis was never about me. It was always about you. All of you. To be better. To find redemption. To value human lives. But…I made a mistake by letting myself get attached to you. You do not care about humanity. You ended up only caring about yourselves."
Penny’s eyes widen.
"We…care…about you."
He raised his eyes to look at you, but your smiled sadly at him.
"If only that was true…"
When you turned around to leave, Penny stayed on the floor—confused. He had begged you to stay and confessed that he cared about you. But, you didn’t believe him…He gritted his teeth and tried to run after you, but the collar attached around his neck lit up and he was immobilised.
…He was powerless.
Brahms Heelshire :
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It was in the middle of the night. You had tried to keep the slashers at bay for a while as you planned to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. You prepared your bags and everything you needed to get out of here.
But, you didn’t plan on Brahms—hidden in the walls—to discover your plans and try to stop you. He barged in and before you could as much as move a muscle, he was holding you against him—keeping you still against his broad chest.
"Stay." He said and your eyes lowered in shame. Brahms had always been nice to you. But, even he couldn’t fight against what he was.
When he realised that he wouldn’t convince you by trapping you, he decided to try something else. He begged you. He even dropped to his knees and pressed his forehead against the back of your hand.
"STAY !"
"I can’t." You tried to pull away—but Brahms’ grip tightened.
"We love you !" Your breath hitched at his words and he slowly looked up at you as he took a shaky breath and his eyes watered. "I love you."
There was such desperation in his voice. He sobbed and almost twisted your arm in an attempt to keep you. But, you eventually pulled away and walked out—ignoring the pull in your chest.
Brahms tried to follow you, but failed. He fell and could only watch helplessly as you left.
"…Y/N !"
You ignored his call and kept walking.
You couldn’t stay. No matter how much it hurt to leave.
Michael Myers :
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Michael saw you leave. He was watching you. He didn’t want to believe it at first. You wouldn’t leave them. You couldn’t.
But, he followed you to the gates and when your eyes met, you froze. He stopped moving as well. You simply stared at each other until you smiled.
You tried not to let him see the sadness in your eyes. But, Michael didn’t react. He simply stared at you some more. You thought he would try to stop you, but he didn’t. He wanted you to stop on your own. He wanted you to realise on your own how much you meant to them.
But, you didn’t.
Michael Myers knew there would come a day when you’d leave. He just didn’t expect to find a note for him on the nightstand when you would.
He read it.
I am sorry, Michael.
He then wordlessly stood up and pulled out the mask from his desk drawer—the one he had sworn to never wear again as long as there was hope.
…There was no more hope.
Jason Voorhees :
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Jason followed you. He heard you leave and followed you until he couldn’t. A few meters away from the exit, you stopped and turned around. You knew he was there.
You had always been able to tell somehow.
You smiled and waved.
He raised his hand as well and waved back.
He thought it was just a morning stroll or a little trip you would take outside of the hospital.
But, as days passed and you didn’t come back, he slowly came to the realisation that you wouldn’t be coming back. That it was truly goodbye.
And Jason felt angry. He felt angry and lost and confused. What had he done wrong ?
What had any of them done wrong ?
A few years later :
You had moved out of the hospital and were living a peaceful life, working as a nurse in a normal hospital with average patients. Your panic attacks had slowly gotten better and even though it was hard to admit, you were glad you had gathered the courage to start anew.
But, there was still guilt…Guilt that you knew would be your undoing.
Arthur :
You were taking care of a patient in the new hospital you were working in and didn’t realise who you had in front of you until it was too late…
Arthur was harder to recognise without the makeup. But, he eyes were unmistakable.
"W-What are you doing here ?" You asked and he smiled.
"I could ask you the same thing."
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When Arthur stood up, you knew there was no exit. No way out. He paced himself, walking around you…waiting. He wanted each of his word to hurt.
"You know what really makes me laugh ? Until the very end, they all believed you’d come back. I first thought that someone had taken you or that you were dead but…Imagine my surprise when I found you in my city—hiding. Like a coward." His words stung and you closed your eyes as he continued. "You were their hope. And do you know what happens to people when their only hope runs away ?"
You shook your head—every sense in high alert. Your eyes moved around and your brain tried to find every single outcome that didn’t end in your impending death and your body in some bottomless ditch. But, Arthur suddenly wrapped an arm around you from behind and warningly thrusted the tip of his pocket knife in your flesh.
"They become monsters…"
He kissed your temple. You closed your eyes again. It was over.
"Let’s get you home, ~sweetie. I know some people that are more than eager to see you again."
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mikeandikeschmidt · 7 months
The Father-Daughter Dance
Fluffy and wholesome!Mike and Abby sibling bonding
Word Count: 1988
Summary: When Abby's bully tells her she can't go to the school dance, it's up to Mike to save the day. Risking his wallet, as well as his last nerve with the local Karen...
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• • •
A few months after what happened at Freddy's, things seemed to be going back on track for Mike and Abby. Mike got another job with better hours so he could spend more time at home with his sister, she was socializing more with kids in her class, and things seemed like they were looking up.
Soft snores were heard from Mike's car as he waited outside for school to let out. The young man sat in the driver's seat with his arm draped over his eyes to block from the sun. But he didn't have to wait much longer because the back door opened suddenly and slammed shut a second later.
Mike jolted upright and immediately made a fist, a reflex when he was frightened (that trigger was subtly worse after everything they went through) but Mike instantly relaxed when he saw it was just Abby getting in the backseat. He instead ran a hand down his face to wake himself up.
"Hey, Abbs. How was your day?"
"F-fine." But her voice was wavering. She was certainly not fine.
Mike looked up from his hand and turned to look at her, seeing her eyes were red and she was sniffling. This made him tense again. Who did this. Who hurt his baby sister? Was it a bad grade on a test? That bully girl on the playground? He took a shaky breath, willing himself to be calm. His voice was soft and gentle when he asked,
"Abby, what's wrong?"
She fidgeted with a pink flier in her hand, "Th-the Father-Daughter dance at school is coming up and Emma told me I can't go because I don't have a dad..."
He knew somebody had hurt her feelings. Freaking Emma. He could tell she was going to be a little snot when he saw her at the open house. What with her perfect little blonde braid and her mom's minivan that had a bumper sticker that said, 'my child is an honor student.' Great. Just great.
Mike took another breath. After the mall incident and losing his job at Auto-Zone, Mike learned to keep calm, or at least keep from showing people how he really felt. This wasn't something he could fight his way out of.
"Abby, please don't cry. Emma doesn't know anything, ok?"
"You mean I can go to the dance anyway?" She lifted her head, her eyes lighting up with hope.
Shoot. He hadn't thought that far ahead yet. If he had to plan something, he would have suggested getting pizza and letting her pick a movie to rent to cheer her up. Now he realized that was stupid. Of course she wanted to go to the dance like everyone else.
Well, even if their dad wasn't around, Mike could take her. But the only problem was he wasn't much of a dancer. Maybe every once in a while, he'd goof off while cooking or at the grocery store, but that was just when he was trying to make Abby laugh and when no one was looking. He hadn't really danced in front of other people since the Prom. But if it would make her happy...
"Uh, if you..uh...you want to go then I can take you." Mike cleared his throat that was suddenly dry, "Sure we can go."
A squeal suddenly rang in his ears as Abby jumped up and threw her arms around him, climbing around his seat so she could give him a great, big hug. Every tear she had shed before seemed to have evaporated in a second, "Thank you, Mike! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
He chuckled and patted her arm, "It's no problem. I want you to have fun. But sit back in your seat, okay? I'm gonna start heading out of here."
She giggled and hopped back before putting on her seatbelt, "This is going to be great! Can we stop by the store before we go home for a dress?"
"What's wrong with your purple dress? You know, with the polka dots?" Mike asked, remembering the last time they went shopping. That was for an Easter dress, but did they get that this year or last...?
"That dress is not cool for a dance, Mike. And we got to match. Your tie needs to match my dress."
"I need a tie now too?"
"Yeah! And matching bouquet and croissant." Abby gave him a toothy grin through the rear-view mirror.
Mike tried to stifle a laugh, "I think you mean boutonniere and corsage."
"Yeah, that!"
If she wasn't so giddy, Mike would be sweating over how much this was going to cost. But he didn't have a choice. This clearly meant a lot to her and if this is what she needed then heck with it, he was going to make sure she had the best night of her life. He was going to make that little bully Emma eat her words.
• • •
"Owww, Mike!" Abby complained as her brother tried to fix her hair for the dance, "You're hurting me!"
"Don't blame me. Your head is a rat's nest." He squinted through the dark mess, armed only with a Cinderella brush.
"No, it's not!"
"I'm sorry. A curly rat's nest."
"No, it's nooot!!" Abby protested again but she was giggling all the while. She had been excited like this all day, reassuring Mike he had made the right decision by taking her. Even if the recliner in the living room had been calling his name...
When her hair was finally tamed then Mike slid a headband over as the finishing touch, "Alright, all done. What do you think?"
She hurried over to the mirror to see how she looked and instantly smiled at the results. She had chosen a pink dress with sequins on the top, lots of tulle for a tutu-like skirt, and a ribbon at the waist with a fake flower on the side that matched her headband. "I love it!"
Mike walked up behind her, smiling softly as he admired both their reflections. He hadn't been able to talk her out of the pink dress so he wore a black button-up, slacks, and a matching pink tie. It wasn't his color, but this night was of course not meant for him, "You look beautiful, Abbs. You're going to be the prettiest one there."
"You really think so??"
Prettier than Emma, Mike thought to himself before pinning the boutonniere onto his shirt. Once that was on then he knelt down and held out the corsage, "Just one last thing..."
Abby held out her dainty little wrist so he could slide on the corsage, also showing off her glittery nails that Mike had helped her with earlier. Man, it had taken a lot of work to get them ready for this dance. Who knew it took this much work? He felt sick to his stomach thinking about a few years down the road when she wanted to start wearing makeup...
"There. All ready for the dance. How we feeling?"
Mike nearly fell over when she tackled him in another great-big Abby hug, "You're the best big brother ever. I wish dad were here but...I'm really glad you're taking me."
Okay, that one got him. He hardly knew what to say. He quickly blinked his watery eyes as he wrapped his arms around her, "Abby, you know I'd do anything for you. I'm happy to take you. Come on, let's get going."
"Hehe, okay!" She eagerly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door.
• • •
Mike stepped into the gymnasium with an expression like a deer in headlights. It was all set up for the dance with streamers, a disco ball, a DJ, and a snack table. It was mostly dark with flashing multi-colored lights while The Sign by Ace of Base played blaringly over the speakers. Yep. This brought back memories. Welp, at least he always had the snack table.
He looked down to Abby, "Hey Abbs, you want some--?"
But she didn't hear him over the music, "Hey, Ashley!" She dashed off to chat with her friend.
Mike chuckled and let her go have her fun while he went to get some food. But to his horror, Emma's mom was manning the table, helping serve snacks and drinks. He took a deep breath and forced his expression to remain neutral. No one but him had to know how much he hated her.
"Oh, hi, Mike!" Her nasal voice rang out.
"Lisa." He kept his head down and grabbed a plate for a couple cookies. These had better be chocolate-chip and not oatmeal raisin. Stop acting like it's so much healthier, Lisa, they're freaking cookies.
"I'm surprised to see you guys here! Are you allowed to? You know, since, this is meant for fathers and daughters and all." Mike could see where Emma got all that charm from.
1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...just breathe and relax. Breathe and relax.
"Yep," Was all he replied, taking a sip of punch.
"My David is out there with our sweet little Emma. Isn't she just a peach?" Lisa pointed to a man and little girl out on the dance floor, both doing the cabbage patch. Like complete dorks.
"The peachiest." He took a bite of his cookie then instantly regretted it. Oatmeal raisin. Dang it, Lisa.
Thankfully, Abby ran up to him to save him from anymore small talk, "MikeMikeMike! They're playing my favorite song! Can we go dance??"
"Uh, sure." Mike let her drag him to the dance floor, not far from Emma and her dad. He left his plate of disappointment behind at the snack table.
"Have fun!" Lisa waved them off.
"Have fun," Mike mocked under his breath.
When they were in the center of the gym, Abby pumped up her fists one at a time and bounced up and down. Her little curls flying all around her head. She was so cute, he was gonna die.
"Mike! You're supposed to dance with me!"
"Uh..." Mike kind of copied what she was doing, but looked around for ideas. He was not going to do the cabbage patch, that was for sure. Gosh, he hadn't been to anything like this in years.
Next Abby made a peace sign and waved it over her eyes until Mike mirrored her, the music pulsing under their feet. He could still hear her laughter and he really hoped it wasn't because he looked stupid. He just had to pretend he was in his kitchen and people weren't looking. But honestly, who cares if they were? He couldn't be as bad as David, so why couldn't he blow off a little steam?
Mike finally relaxed. He grabbed Abby's hands and swung their arms back and forth. Now this wasn't so hard. Hey, he was having a little fun too. This night wasn't just about her (though it was 95% about her) but this was about them being together and it was honestly better than he thought it was going to be.
When the song started to end, Mike finished it off by spinning her around and the two shared matching grins. They were going to treasure this moment forever. Despite everything that had happened in the past, at least they had each other. Brother and sister against the world.
"Mike!" Abby bounced up on her toes.
"After this, could we rent a movie and order a pizza?"
He laughed. Now there was an idea. "Absolutely. And while we're out, maybe a box of cookies. Chocolate-chip."
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sinfulwrites · 2 years
So I saw Halloween ends a couple days ago, but I wanted to wait until others saw it to make an option...
Spoilers under cut.
Honestly... Such a disappointment. I almost left the theater.
I was expecting us to get answers to questions left in Halloween kills; Why does he kill? Why is he so obsessed with standing in his sister's window? Why is he so powerful and unstoppable?
Halloween Kills is the reason Ends is so disappointing. Kills set so much up and put Michael on such a pedestal. He was an unstoppable force of evil, able to kill a whole mob by himself while taking a lot of attacks with no problem.
In Ends? Hell, not even to talk about his death scene yet, (which I will), but Michael is barely IN this movie. He's got maybe 10 minutes of screen time in this movie.
Instead, Corey takes the screen time. I'm not mad about this, Corey is an interesting character, and seeing him turned into a killer by the town was an interesting concept.
But it's not what Ends was supposed to be. It was supposed to be Michael and Laurie's final show down. Their last brawl, to settle it once and for all. It's not that, though. It's only included in the last 20 minutes because the writers remembered that was supposed to be here in the film. Such an anticlimatic end to thia 40 year long rivalry.
I also don't understand why they gave Corey and Michael some sort of teacher and student relationship. Michael has never done this before, sparing someone, let alone keeping them around ans showing them how to kill. It makes absolutely no sense. It feels like someone put their OC in the Halloween Universe to run around with Michael Myers.
And that scene in the sewer, with Michael losing his mask? I have massive problems with that.
How is it Michael can kill a whole unit of firefighters, a mob of people with weapons, but lost a wrestle with Corey? I get they're trying to show that Michael is a lot frailer and weaker after these 4 years, but he certainly looked fine killing that woman in the doctor's house, and he was just fine beating Laurie around. No, it's just a horrible scene, and completely destroys what Kills made.
That brings me to his death. Michael Myers is an infamous character known for taking 6 shots and living, surving being burnt alive, taking a whole mob of gun fire and surving, he took 5 shots and countless beatings in the mob scene... It's obvious he's hard to kill.
So why the hell did they think the solution was just to cut his arteries? That's not fun, nor is it a satisfying end to this infamous slasher. It's borderline disrespectful. Such a terrible way to kill him off. Letting him just bleed out? No, I wanted to see him and Laurie go out in a blaze of glory. But no, we didn't get that. It honestly felt like Michael just wanted to die and escape this movie. (Don't blame you, dude.)
I would have liked to see a more Freddy vs Jason approach to this final fight. Obviously not to the same degree of violence, but make these characters fight. Let them stab each other. Let Laurie go for the eyes. Let Michael put her hand in the garbage disposal. (Wasted potential) Not just a lot of throwing around and hitting heads against things. That's not fun, it's boring. It's not what this final battle needed.
The only praise I can give this movie is that scene with Corey. When Alison arrived home, and he stabs himself in the throat because he wants Laurie to look like the killer. That was great, and could've lead to something good. If it wasn't immediately forgotten about five minutes later.
Also, this movie tries to develop a relationship with Corey and Alison. It might have worked, if this movie wasn't horribly written. The script jumps around the entire movie, and I can't tell if it's been a day or if a few days have passed. I think only three days have passed, and Alison is already having sex with Corey and saying she'll run away with him.
Also, every single person in Haddonfield is just insufferable. From people on the street blaming Laurie for Michael's attacks, Corey being harrased by high-school kids, snobby co workers who practically slut shame you... Haddonfield is a horrible place to live. I get why Michael stabs everyone here.
These problems, along with the previously stated just makes this movie miserable to watch. Watching this movie is like getting a sandwich that's just two pieces of bread. It's got nothing. Not even good kills. There's only one I'd point out, the one where the guy gets his tongue cut off. But that's it.
This whole movie was just disappointing. Such a horrible end to a decent pair of movies. I loved 2018 and Kills, I thought they were great despite their flaws. A breath of fresh air for the Halloween series it desperately needed. Ends just ruins it for me.
So yeah, those are my thoughts on this film. Sorry to anyone who enjoyed the film, you're free to have your opinion on it, and I'm glad you did enjoy it if tou did! I did not though, so I will not be acknowledging this movie much aside from this. It's going in my top five worst Halloween films.
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cyber-streak-extra · 8 months
I’m having a lot of fun with these :) The ITP: Happy Ending AU was made by @maraariana01
Title: Safe
Description: Spring Bonnie worries——and the bunny has a lot to think about.
(TW: Blood)
(TW: Injury)
After the bunny’s encounter with Jeff, and listening to what the man had to say (why had he been so calm about it?), Spring Bonnie hurried out of the building.
He’d been asking around for a while at this point—nearly thirty minutes or so. So far, the people that the bunny had asked didn’t have much information. Either they heard something or didn’t. Yet never saw something.
Spring Bonnie had to pause for a moment. He found himself not being able to move forward. He leaned against a nearby wall, one hand against it, while the other gripped the hat atop his head.
Remnant and agony continued leaking all over him. Ears lowering, the bunny looked down at the ground. He tried to get his legs to start moving forward—instead of shaking. But they didn’t do that.
Using the hand that was already on the hat, Spring Bonnie took it off of his head, and tried to keep a good grip on it, despite his hand shaking. As he stared down at it, the leaking continued.
He’d only noticed something about the hat just now—something that he hadn’t noticed originally upon finding it. There was some red on it. There was some blood on it.
Spring Bonnie’s grip on the hat tightened—yet he immediately attempted to loosen it. He didn’t want to cause any damage to the hat. The bunny’s ears lowered further, covering his eyes.
There was blood on it. There was blood. What had happened? Did it belong to Oswald? Or did it belong to Ralpho? Or did it belong to both of them? Spring Bonnie shuddered.
He knew Oswald could bleed—all humans could—but Ralpho being able to bleed like that had surprised him—all of them, really.
The bunny had discovered the fact after something hit the rabbit in a face a little too hard—a ball—when the two had accompanied Oswald and Ben, while the boys decided to play a game. Baseball?
Ben had hit the ball a little... too hard. It had flown directly towards Ralpho, yet the rabbit hadn’t been paying attention. He’d also let go of the bat when swinging—but that simply fell to the ground.
He had thought—he had hoped—that the previous encounter with Funtime Freddy would have been the last one. That it would have been the only encounter.
What was Funtime Freddy planning this time? Why was he back? Spring Bonnie remembered how terrified he had felt when the bear had captured Oswald originally.
Spring Bonnie could only hope that he managed to find the three before something horrible happened—yet there was already blood.
The bunny couldn’t fail them. He couldn’t lose either of them. He needed to save them. He needed to stop Funtime Freddy. He needed to save his boyfriend. He needed to save his son.
Forcing his legs to start moving again, Spring Bonnie began to continue his search. I’m coming.
The woman had nearly jumped out of her skin upon seeing the giant animatronic bunny with her—who was still leaking, and didn’t seem to have any eyes at the moment. She’d only seen him around once or twice.
The bunny had hurriedly apologized to the woman—she said her name was Sam—before trying his best to explain the situation at hand. Even if it had been stained, he’d still asked if she’d seen or heard anything.
Spring Bonnie hadn’t been all that sure at first if this was going to get him anywhere—the other people that he had asked either had nothing, or barely anything—and it was all just faint things they’d heard.
Yet, to the bunny’s relief...
Right now, he was running towards the location that Sam had told him about. She told him about how she’d seen a broken animatronic bear some time ago—and she didn’t dare approach.
She’d explained to him how she heard the bear talking—either to himself, or the boy and the rabbit. She hadn’t heard everything, but, she had at least heard the name of a building that he was heading towards.
Spring Bonnie wiped at his eyes as he continued to run. Maybe driving would have made it a quicker travel to the building—but neither of the cars had been at the house earlier.
He desperately hoped that he would make it time. He needed to get there. The bunny couldn’t let Funtime Freddy do something to the people he cared about.
Spring Bonnie felt terrified. Simply terrified. What if he arrived at the building, but didn’t like what he saw? What if he arrived, but by then, it was too late? What if Funtime Freddy was already done?
What if he arrived, only to find them both on the ground, motionless? What if there was more blood?
Neither of them deserved whatever the bear was doing—or what he wanted to do, but hadn’t yet. They didn’t. Nobody deserved it in the bunny’s eyes.
He hadn’t known Millie. But he knew she hadn’t deserved her fate. The bunny had never met her, but he wished there was something he could have done to help her—save her.
The bunny loved them both. He wanted—needed—to have them be safe. He wanted to keep seeing them. He didn’t want to lose them. He knew Jackie and Thomas didn’t want to, either.
He didn’t know what he would do with himself if he failed them—if he wasn’t able to save them—if Funtime Freddy ever managed to succeed.
Spring Bonnie quickened his already fast pace. He was getting closer. I’m almost there. Please. Please...
He found himself in front of the building, yet he didn’t see any way of an entrance yet. Frowning, the bunny began running around the side of the abandoned building.
It had started to rain. He had barely noticed—only realizing after he’d heard something from above him—something hitting the cover above him. Then, he glanced to the side, and saw it pouring.
As he kept looking around, Spring Bonnie nearly ran by the old door—he had to force his legs to stop running, and then he backed up. He tried the handle.
The door immediately opened for him. He pushed it all the way open, and lowered himself down enough, before running into the building. Where are they? Please...
The building seemed rather massive—that was obvious by just looking at it from the outside. As he ran through one of the hallways, the bunny tried to listen.
As he ran through the hallway, he had spotted a few doors—which he opened them all, not wanting to miss anything—but, he didn’t see anyone in any of those rooms.
Spring Bonnie didn’t know how long this was going to take. He continued running, entering a new hallway. Where are they? Where are they? Am I too late? He wrapped his arms around himself. Please don’t let me be too late...
The bunny’s ears suddenly went up, twitching. He heard something. He heard a voice—it was faint—it was a little far, but he could still hear it. It was up ahead somewhere.
Even if he couldn’t make out everything, he could hear that it was glitchy—and he heard laughter. Spring Bonnie glared in the direction of the voice, he could feel his jaw unhinging.
He continued running, now in the specific direction of where he heard the voice—his thoughts all involving his son and the lovely orange rabbit—and the bad bear.
As he came out of the previous hallway, he saw an entryway up ahead—there wasn’t a door, so he wouldn’t need to try and open anything up. But from where he was standing now, he couldn’t see anyone or anything.
Please don’t let me be too late... please let them be okay... Spring Bonnie ran faster than he had already been, trying to reach the room as quickly as he could.
He thought he heard a voice—and maybe he had—it sounded like “Ocelot”. The bunny knew who that could be—his son. He didn’t know why the bear called him that.
Spring Bonnie burst into the room—almost immediately being greeted by his son, standing somewhat close to the doorway. Oswald! He knelt down, pulling his son close.
As he started wiping away the remnant and agony, he attempted to check Oswald over—wanting to make sure that the bear hadn’t hurt him—but the boy suddenly moved away.
“S-Spring Bonnie,” He stared down at his son, ears twitching. “It- it’s not me. It’s Ralpho!” The bunny felt himself start to tense. What did he mean? What happened? Had he...?
Ralpho? Spring Bonnie stood back up to his full height. He noticed that Oswald was pointing somewhere, and so, the bunny looked. His eyes widened, and his ears dropped.
Blood. There was blood. There was a leg on the ground nearby. Ralpho was collapsed on the ground not too far from it. Ralpho! The rabbit was hurt—he was bleeding—he didn’t have his leg.
As the bunny rushed over to where Ralpho lay—relief mixing in with everything else as he saw him moving a little—it didn’t stop Spring Bonnie’s thoughts.
He’d come to save them—and he was in the middle of doing just that—Oswald didn’t seem hurt—from what he could tell, but... Ralpho. The blood... his leg..
The bunny didn’t understand the bear.
With Ralpho cradled in his arms bridle style, and Oswald walking beside him, holding the rabbit’s leg, the three of them made their way out of the building.
Ralpho needed help. He needed help. But Spring Bonnie didn’t know who could help him. He wasn’t sure who knew who here knew how to help him or Ralpho.
He glanced down at the orange rabbit—his eyes were shut tightly—but he knew he was awake. A frown was placed on the rabbit’s face, rather than his usual smile. I should’ve arrived sooner...
None of them were saying anything. The sprinting back to the house was, so far, done in silence. Spring Bonnie just wanted—needed—to get back. Maybe there was something there that could help Ralpho.
“He was protecting me...” Oswald broke the silence. Spring Bonnie glanced down towards his son, ears twitching. “He kept trying to protect me from Funtime Freddy.”
“He got annoyed,” Oswald’s grip on the rabbit leg tightened. “So he decided to deal with Ralpho first...”
The bunny’s ears lowered again—something Spring Bonnie found them doing quite frequently today. He reached down for a moment, and pat Oswald’s shoulder. It’s not your fault, Oswald.
When he glanced back at the rabbit, his eyes were opened now. His head was slumped against Spring Bonnie’s chest, and he glanced towards the bunny’s son, then up at the bunny carrying him.
“Co... Couldn’t just let that... c-crazy bear hurt you... could I-I, Oz?”
He looked back at Spring Bonnie, and Spring Bonnie stared down at him. “N-Neither... of you need to worry, Hon-Honey Bun. I’ll-“ The rabbit tensed in the bunny’s arms.
The rabbit let out a hiss of pain, shutting his eyes tightly—the corners beginning to fill up with tears. His grip around Spring Bonnie’s neck tightened. Oswald stared, frowning.
I should have been there for you both. Carefully, Spring Bonnie moved a hand over to Ralpho, and wiped away the rabbit’s newly formed tears.
He was about to move his hand—wanting to put it back around Ralpho to keep a good grip on him—not wanting to accidentally drop him. He didn’t want to do that.
Though, before he could remove his hand, Ralpho removed one of his own from the bunny’s neck, and grabbed it—holding onto it tightly. Spring Bonnie squeezed his hand gently.
Almost there. Spring Bonnie looked ahead.
Spring Bonnie entered with Ralpho after Oswald opened the door for them both. He glanced back down at Ralpho as he entered—his eyes were squeezed shut again.
“Oswald!” The bunny heard Jackie’s voice, and as he looked back up, he saw her kneeling down in front of boy. “You didn’t-“ She would have continued, if not for the fact that she noticed something.
She stared at Oswald, then at the leg that he was holding, then up at Spring Bonnie—who anxiously stared back—and Ralpho. She stood back up.
“What happened?!”
Spring Bonnie just looked at her, then back at Ralpho, and then carefully held him out towards Jackie. Help him, please!
“It... Funtime Freddy came back, mom.” He heard his son say from where he was standing.
Spring Bonnie moved past the two of them, making his way into the living room. Once in there, he carefully laid Ralpho across the couch.
When he turned back around, finally able to grab his pen and notepad, he noticed how Oswald was no longer holding the leg—Jackie was.
“Jackie, please. He needs help. Can you help him?”
“I...” Jackie sighed, looking down at the leg, and then around the room. “I’ll go get some stuff. You two stay with him, okay?” She awkwardly placed the leg down, and left the room.
Spring Bonnie knelt down beside Ralpho. He would’ve actually sat down on the couch, but he didn’t want to try and move him. He should rest. He reached over, gently grabbing the rabbit’s hand.
He heard a sound—a whimper. For a moment, he thought it might have been coming from Fetch, who he did notice while walking over, but it hadn’t come from the dog. It had come from Ralpho.
Spring Bonnie kept one hand around Ralpho’s, while he moved his other upwards, and placed it gently on the side of the rabbit’s face. I love you. I’m sorry this is happening.
He turned his head at the sound of footsteps. It was Jackie. He moved around a little bit to give her more space, but the bunny didn’t leave Ralpho’s side.
He watched as Jackie, before she did anything else, carefully began cleaning any remaining blood that was on the rabbit. Luckily, there wasn’t any active bleeding.
When she did start trying to stitch the rabbit’s leg back on, Spring Bonnie did hear Oswald beginning to talk to her—trying to explain it all—he wasn’t focused on that.
The bunny felt... distracted. Distracted by his thoughts and little scenarios. Should I have not sent them out? Maybe I shouldn’t have. Maybe he wouldn’t have captured them. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened?
Maybe I should have gone with them? Maybe I could have prevented Funtime Freddy from taking them? Spring Bonnie stared down at the floor, remnant and agony slowly dripping onto it.
Among everything, eventually, something terrifying—one after another—pop into the bunny’s mind. What if he comes back again? What if he takes everyone next time? What if...
Spring Bonnie shuddered. What if I’m too late next time? What if I won’t be able to save them?
The bunny looked up for a moment, towards Oswald, and then towards Ralpho and Jackie. He still remembered the explanation from his son on the way back. I almost was too late earlier...
If I had arrived a little later... The bunny placed his head in his hands. I would have lost them both...
“Done,” The bunny’s ears twitched at hearing Jackie’s voice, and he turned to look at her. “I’ve done as best as I can for him.” Spring Bonnie nodded.
“He should stay laying down for a while.” Jackie added. She stood back up, setting everything aside. She began making her way out of the living room.
Spring Bonnie watched her leave—but not before she motioned Oswald to follow her—which he did. He heard her mention something about wanting to check him over for injuries.
The bunny tightened his grip around Ralpho’s hand. “Spring...” Upon hearing his voice, Spring Bonnie refocused entirely on the rabbit.
Instead of letting go, Spring Bonnie settled for writing one handed. He pulled his notepad and pen out after a moment of searching, having forgotten, while everything was happening, where exactly he placed it.
“Oswald isn’t hurt, you protected him. Thank you, Ralpho.” As he wrote, he tried to keep the remnant and agony from leaking onto the pages. His hand was shaking.
None of this should have happened. Maybe he shouldn’t have made the suggestion of the two going out for the day. Maybe they should’ve all just stayed, and watched a rom-com or something.
Whatever the case, Spring Bonnie figured that nearly every other option would’ve been better—as long as it didn’t result in any of them getting captured by the bear.
“But you’re hurt. You were hurt. He hurt you.” He managed to continue writing—the grip he had on the pen tightened—yet it didn’t break. He could feel his ears lower again.
If anything, Spring Bonnie would have allowed himself to get hurt, if it meant that Ralpho, Oswald... all of them—if it meant that all of them would turn out okay in the end.
“I should’ve been there. I should’ve been there to keep you safe. Both of you. To stop him.”
Funtime Freddy... so far, Spring Bonnie had only ever seen him, and nobody else. And when Oswald had been giving him an explanation earlier, he only ever mentioned the bear.
But, Spring Bonnie worried. What if, next time, the bear brought along someone else? Did he have anyone—did he know anyone who would want to help him with doing these horrible things?
What if he wasn’t able to stop any of it?
“I’m sorry.”
“Spring.” The rabbit sounded a little stern to him. Spring Bonnie looked back at him, away from the notepad, when he felt a hand placed gently on the side of his face. He leaned into it.
“It’s okay- I’m okay now, Oz is, too.” He always loved Ralpho’s smile. “He...” Spring Bonnie glanced down at the stitched up leg when Ralpho did. “...did that, yeah. But...”
“Springy, you still saved us.” Spring Bonnie shut his eyes as he felt Ralpho’s other hand be gently placed on the other side of him. His ears twitched gently.
“We’re okay, Honey Bun...” Spring Bonnie moved one of his own hands, and placed it on top of one of Ralpho’s.
“I’m right here, Spring. I’m not going anywhere,” Spring Bonnie opened his eyes back up—just in time to see Ralpho wincing. He desperately hoped that the pain would go away for him soon.
He never liked seeing anyone he cared about be in pain—most times, it was still usually a minor injury, but, this...
“None of us are going anywhere.” Ralpho added.
Spring Bonnie wasn’t going to go anywhere, either. He wasn’t going to leave any of them. He loved them all.
For a moment, the bunny looked away, wiping away at the remnant and agony—although that usually didn’t do too much. Then, he carefully brought Ralpho into a hug.
He could feel Ralpho hug back, but after a second, the rabbit pulled away. Spring Bonnie blinked, looking at the orange rabbit. He began to reach for his notepad.
But then he paused. Looking at Ralpho, he saw such a gentleness in the rabbit’s eyes. “I love you, Honey Bun.” Ralpho murmured, loud enough for Spring Bonnie to hear.
Ralpho moved closer—and for a second, Spring Bonnie assumed that he was going to resume the hug. Although, he was pleasantly surprised with what happened next.
He sat there, frozen for a moment, as Ralpho planted a kiss on his mouth. Spring Bonnie could feel himself start to heat up—and his ears shooting up.
Spring Bonnie returned the kiss.
After some time, when they’d separated, he felt Ralpho rest his head against one of his shoulders.
Gently, he wrapped his arms around Ralpho—one around his back, and one rested against the back of his neck. It was faint, but he thought he felt his tail wagging.
I love you, too. The bunny gently smiled, closing his eyes. He was going to keep a close eye on Ralpho—he’d be there with the rabbit as he recovered.
The bunny could only hope that he could keep them all safe from Funtime Freddy next time—if he did show up again, whenever that might be.
Spring Bonnie needed to keep his loved ones safe.
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jaynniewrites · 1 year
Five Nights at Freddy's AU Timeline
Please remember that this isn't canon, I just wanted to make a timeline for my FNaF alternate universe timeline.
Jan. 11th, 1945 – Henry Iris Emily was born, the only child of his parents. His father was a businessman and his mother was a housewife, who became a factory worker not too long after his birth.
Apr. 15th, 1945 – William David Afton-Miller was born. William and his sister had their last names hyphenated, due to their parents indecisiveness. His father is a businessman who was a colleague of Henry’s father, while his mother is the first local black woman to begin modeling in Hurricane, Utah at the time.
Sept. 1st, 1946 – Sidney Margaret Harris was born. Her mother was a housewife and her father was a businessman.
Oct. 29th, 1947 – Caroline Lillian Schmidt was born as an only child. Her mother was a teacher and her father was in an executive position for a secretary for a well-known company.
Jul. 8th, 1947 – Clairissa Diana Hart was born. She was the youngest of her two siblings: Lucille and Kenneth. Her mother was a nurse, while her father was a mechanic.
Aug. 7th, 1950 – William Afton and Henry Emily became (almost) lifelong best friends when they started kindergarten.
May 31st, 1963 – William Afton and Henry Emily graduated together from high school and with that, they went off to college with a shared dream: a family restaurant with costumed, entertaining robots.
Nov. 5th, 1966 – Henry Emily married a law major, Sidney Harris, with William Afton as his best man.
Dec. 19th, 1966 – Johnathan William Schmidt-Afton was born out of wedlock, which caused William to promptly marry his mother, Caroline Schmidt.
Apr. 15th, 1968 – Emilia Veronica Emily was born to Henry and Sidney. From the moment Henry held her, he knew she was going to do great things when she got older.
May 25th, 1968 – Michael Elijah Afton-Schmidt was born. He had a fraternal twin sister who ended up dying during their birth.
Jun. 11th, 1973 – Henry made a deal with William where they combined their failing businesses and created FazBear Entertainment and Fredbear’s Family Diner. The business almost immediately thrives with the skills they each provided from their previous failing ones.
August 15th, 1975 — William’s first wife and the mother of Johnathan and Michael, Caroline, commits suicide. 
Mar. 10th, 1978 – Elizabeth Diana Afton-Hart was born to William and his one-night-stand, Clairissa. 
May 13th, 1980 – Samuel and Charlotte are born. Henry, Sidney, and Emilia all adore the twins. William, however, notices Henry’s motivation for their shared company strayed more towards his children. His jealousy took over.
Apr. 15th, 1983 – Charlotte was locked out of the diner by a group of older children that bullied her. William took the chance to lead her around the back of the restaurant under the guise he’d let her back in through the backdoor. Emilia witnessed her younger sister’s murder… and it was on her sixteenth birthday.
Mar. 10th, 1983 – Elizabeth went to see Circus Baby when William told her not to. She was pulled into Baby’s stomach hatch, where she survived until William knowingly had Baby and the rest of the animatronics scooped. 
May 25th, 1983 – Michael was killed by his older brother, Johnathan, after he begged him to believe him about him witnessing Elizabeth’s death. Johnathan, in retaliation for not believing his younger brother, forced his friends to go along with his plan to shove Michael’s head in Fredbear’s mouth, where the mechanics of it included spring locks. His excessive crying triggered said jaw mechanics and snapped off Michael’s frontal lobe.
Some time in 1985 – William, after losing Michael and Elizabeth in brutal ways, decides to go after Michael’s friends that were at his party and didn’t bother to help him when he was calling out to them. He killed Cindy Mackenzie, Alanna, Lisa, Ron, and Jacob-– Gabriel, Susie, Cassidy, Jeremy, and Fritz witnessed the aforementioned kids’ murders, so they too were murdered by William Afton.
Nov.13th, 1993 – Emilia went undercover as a night guard at the 1990s Freddy’s location to investigate the 1985 Missing Children Incident. She met Johnathan, her ex-boyfriend, and Michael, who she thought was dead. She later finds out that he’s a human android, like her sister Charlie. 
Some time in 1995 – Events of The Silver Eyes happen, but including Emilia. 
Feb. 12th, 1998 – Michael and Emilia get married so that when he’s ‘sleeping’ (a.k.a powered off), she can perform maintenance on him to make sure he doesn’t malfunction and have what she went through with Charlie(Bot) happen to her again.
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mavkasilas · 2 years
What does death take away from you?
Something that I want to write about for a long time. It’s a kinda sad and serious story, about what will happen between Oliver and Percy during the battle at Hogwarts.
For example: Percy and Oliver reunited with each other when the war ended and the fact of Fred's death.
I might not write in that deep, but I wish I can express the scenes to you guys.
Also, I will split this story into 2 part.
"I'm ok. I'm fine."
Watching the person you love saying that they are fine while you know they are not, is the cruellest thing you wish you didn't hear from them.
"How come you are fine? You are on the edge, my dear."
Oliver whispers.
In front of him is a terrified Percy.
The war just ended, no one will be fine and complete. Everything has been ripped into pieces by the war: the buildings, the bodies, the memories and the hopes.
No one is fine, no one.
Even though the sun shines through the dark cloud and pours on them, no one ever actually felt warm. With the body piles lying around the place, it almost drives Percy insane.
It feels like a deja vu. 
Somehow, Percy feels like he has seen these scenes before, he swears. Flashbacks hit him like a train wreck, he looks at his hands which are covered in blood, not him but Fred’s.
Percy finally recalled it.
The reason he feels familiar is that he has seen it from the Ministry, the Ministry that Voldermort took over. Turns out they were a prophecy to him, to warn the idiocy of him. How come he never learn the lessons from it? The day he became one of the slaughter just to avoid getting killed by the death eaters, he should have known it.
"Should I be ok? Should I be fine? I shouldn’t be breathing while Freddie is lying over there! He shouldn’t be there! I should be the one lying over there, I should be the one lying over there……"
Percy's voice is trembling. He sounds so lost and hopeless.
He tries so much to hide his fear but clearly, he didn't do it very well.
He didn’t fear losing his life. 
He will give up his life without any hesitation if someone told him there’s a way he can bring back Freddie from the underworld. The only thing he is afraid of is facing his family. How should he tell his family that he was the one watching Freddie dies in front of him, and he fails to protect his brother?
Oliver was just a few steps from him, he could have just run to him, held his hand and find some console from him.
But he couldn't move, even a tiny step.
His legs are numb, his body is cold, his hands are sore and his chest is in unbearable pain. Every inch of the muscles on his body is yelling for pain. He is broking into pieces and he can’t stop himself.
Oliver wishes he can immediately run towards Percy. But there are piles of bodies between them. Death surrounded everyone, even the survivors could not escape from it too.
It has a different name, we call it 'survivor guilt'. It is worse than death, a terrible sibling that death has.
One step…
Two steps…
Four steps…
Five steps.
It took five steps for Oliver to walk to Percy, but he feels like it took him forever to walk to him.
"I'm here."
"I'm here."
As soon as Oliver kneels beside Percy, he immediately holds his hands. They are so small and skinny, compared to his.
“How should I tell mom, especially Georgie that I lost Freddie? They were right, I shouldn’t come back, I only make things worse than before. He should have escaped from the explosion but I distracted him. He… he was so young, Ollie, he was so young… My Freddie… he’s… gone.”
Percy buries his face into Oliver’s arms. They are so warm, like the blanket of his that Molly knitted for him. But no matter how hard he tries to warm himself, still feels like surrounded by the Winter.
Maybe, he was dead too, with Fred in that explosion. Part of him has died when his beloved brother’s dead body falls onto him.
“No no no, don’t say that, Perce.”
Oliver gently shushes the boy.
He puts his hand on Percy’s head, patting it like how his ma usually pats him when he had nightmares. He hopes this will comfort Percy, although he knows this action doesn’t help too much.
This probably will sound very selfish and cold blood, but Oliver was gladful when he found out Percy was still safe and sound.
“Why are you still standing beside me? Ollie. I’m not worthy, just a dumb, arrogant and ignorant man. You should have chosen someone wiser than me, probably Harry.”
“Yes, you should have chosen Harry. He was right and I was wrong, terribly wrong and coward.”
As soon as Percy starts coughing, the sudden pain in his chest sends him to the ground. The pain didn’t stop his murmurs, even though his lungs feel on fire. Slowly, his visions are blurry and he can barely move.
This caught Oliver off guard.
He doesn’t know what’s going on with Percy, he seems fine, with no big scars and bleeding wounds on his body. But then again, everything seemed wrong. His clothes were ripped and bloody, and Oliver feels something wet on his hands. Not tears, not sweats but liquid with a familiar sweet rusty smell.
Blood, the smell of blood. There are plenty of them coming out of Percy's mouth and eyes.
A scream echoes through the yard. 
Percy is clearly in pain, his body twitches like a bunch of untied rope. His hands keep covering his chest, which gives Oliver a hint to the guess. Something is hurting Percy, maybe...... it was a curse. Oliver recalls back the conversation he and Percy had about a few minutes ago.
What did he say? 
Oh come on, think! Think! You piece of dumbshit, Oliver. Your friend is dying in front of you, you got to save him!
The voices screaming inside Oliver’s head make his stomach churn.
He's the only thing now you can save before everything is late. If not, he will never know what's going on inside of your head. The reason for you to join this battle is not only for Hogwarts, right? Percy is also one of the reasons, isn't it?
His mind keeps screaming at him to act faster, but he needs to calm down before reaching him, to make sure nothing else happens, to save him.
"....He should have escaped from the explosion, but I distracted him."
That's it! The explosion might be the reason why Percy is in so much hurt. 
With the thoughts, Oliver forceful but also gently remove Percy's hands from his chest. He's right, there's blood slowly soaking through his shirt.
"Hey, hey! Percy, stay with me. Don't you ever dare to close your eyes, open them! Fuck it...."
His voice breaks when he sees Percy trying to blink.
Oliver wants to cry, to scream, the more he puts pressure on his chest to stop the blood from coming out, the more they bleed. He needs to find Hermoine or Madam Pomfrey, they shall know which type of curse Percy has been hitting on, and they shall pull him away from joining the death.
"Please don't die. Please don't die! You're the last thing I have left..."
He feels a warm hand holding his arm. Percy is looking at him with such an expression, that Oliver doesn't know what it means. The panic slowly crawls onto his feet and starts consuming his sanity. He has seen too many dead in one day, but Percy's shouldn't be one of them.
Percy mumbles under his breath, Oliver tries to hear what he said, he shakes his shoulder to get him to speak but it's useless. The blood has filled up his throat and lungs, just like a drowning person, Percy is slowly suffocated by his blood.
Does he feel scared? Probably yes.
Facing death on your own is not an easy thing, especially when someone is still by your side, trying to help you escape from it. Sounds and colour started to fade away from Percy's eyes.
His limbs are cold and numb, is this how Freddie feels? Percy wonders.
"No... no, come on, please. Wake up!"
"What's going on here?! Oliver! "
Hermoine runs towards them.
Finally, a saviour that Oliver has been searching for. 
She glides towards them and kneels beside Percy. The amount of blood coming out from Percy's chest scared the shit out of her. Although she tries to be calm and determined, but her hands have betray her.
There is no way Weasleys will lose another child today, not on her watch. Granger, you must be calm, she told herself.
"How did this happen?"
"I don't know, I think he might be hit with a curse. Maybe an explosion curse? He was with...'
"He was with who?"
"He was with Fred."
Hermoine chokes on Oliver's answer. She changes a glance with Oliver, without any communication he understands her meaning. The Weasleys have found out about Fred's death.
"No, maybe it's not the curse. If he was hit by an explosion curse, he should be dead now. Take off his clothes, I need a better look."
Oliver is glad that he was found by Hermoine, or else he definitely will have a meltdown. He wipes the tears from his eyes and starts ripping off Percy's clothes. As soon as his bare chest was exposed to the air, both of them gasp a little.
Hermoine was right.
It was not a curse, it was something else worse than a curse. A piece of gravel stuck on Percy's chest. The gravel is as sharp as the knife, as thin as the ice, it's hard to get it out from the chest. It might contain some very tiny curse power on it, that’s why Percy couldn’t stop bleeding and in so much pain.
The wound is so deep that if Oliver tried harder, he could cut Percy's heart right there. It looks almost impossible, but he has done impossible things before.
"What are you going to do?"
"To save him! Obviously!"
With an Accio, a dagger flies to them from nowhere. Who the hell would bring a dagger to a curse fight? Probably those murderers, those cold blood death eaters. They love to play dirty, nothing surprise.
Oliver slowly starts cutting at Percy's skin, trying to reach the stone while Hermoine assistances him. She looks at Oliver with an unbelievable look. Seems like the war between them and Voldemort really changes a person a lot.
She doesn't know whether it's a good thing or not. To fully grow up in such situations, you need a huge amount of traumatising experience. The scar on her upper arm is the best example.
"Come on Percy, don't you dare to leave me behind... wake up..."
Oliver murmurs while concentrating to get the gravel out from Percy's chest. They were almost there, the wound is wide enough for them to take out the gravel but Oliver's hand is too big to handle that frangible gravel.
"Let me help you."
Hermoine let go of Percy's arms and slowly stuck her fingers into his chest. It's incredible to feel the warmth of Percy's blood, she can feel his heart thumping weakly. This is her first time sticking her fingers into someone's chest.
Everything feels so..... awkward and incredible.
Blood splashes on her face as soon as she pulls out the gravel successfully from Percy's chest.
Her eyes immediately fill with tears when she sees two large holes where the stones used to be. Oliver looks like crying too, but then again, he doesn't show it. He breathes a sigh of relief as he saw Hermoinen successfully remove the gravel from Percy's chest.
"Thank Merlin."
Hermoine whispers while staring into the hole she made.
It wasn't the first time Oliver has performed a healing spell, but it was the first time he performs it on someone he loves who is nearly dying in front of him.
"You love him, don't you?"
"What are you talking about?"
Oliver looks at Hermoine as he puts down his wand on the ground. His voice is a bit shaken by Hermoine's words. Does he look obvious? He thought that he hide it very well.
"Eyes won't lie, Oliver. I always know."
Hermoine gently taps on Oliver's shoulder when she stands up. 
Back in the day, she used to question the relationship between Percy and Oliver. It is weird for Oliver to be Percy's one and only best friend. Their personalities are so different, Percy is solemn most of the time and Oliver is a playful person.
But now, she understands.
Whatever Oliver has done, he did it for love.
“Take him to the Great Hall, Madam Pomfrey is there treating every wounder. His family is there too. They should be reunited, at this point.”
It’s time for her to go to reach out to Harry and Ron. She turns to see Oliver again before she leaves them.
“Do you ever plan to tell him?”
“Percy, tell him how you feel about him.”
Oliver remains silent. He moves his eyes away, clearly, he is avoiding the question. He dare to kill in the war but he didn’t dare to confess his feeling to someone he loves.
“I think you should.”
He knows what Hermoine means. Keeps running away from it then one day he will receive tons of regret for being a coward.
Percy, who just escape from death now is sleeping safe and sound on Oliver’s lap. He looks more vulnerable and small after losing tons of blood. His lips are dry and his face is pale. Oliver takes off his jacket and covers it with Percy.
As the dark clouds swallow the bright from the sun, Hermoine leaves them alone.
-’What does death takes away from you?’ Part 1 end-
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yaoi-life96 · 9 months
Monsters Within
Summary: After complete radio silence from nosy Reporter and informant Freddie Lounds and a mysterious email, Detective Will Graham is sent off by his boss to investigate her disappearance. The investigation leads him to the Murkoff Corporation and their involvement in the Mount Massive Asylum, which has been shut down before being reopened to house the criminally insane. Will heads to the asylum in the hopes of finding the missing Reporter. If only he knew what monsters lie inside...
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Will watches the road, truck shaking as he drives up the dirt road, trees on both sides. He was a few minutes away from the asylum, having waited in a nearby cafe for the sun to start setting.
The radio played in the background, a loud, overplayed love song filled the cabin of the truck. He hates it, but he needs to know how far the signal blocking happens.
He reaches a turn when the radio turns to static. Will plays with the radio knob but nothing came through.
Looks like he's found the signal jammer.
Taking the turn, Will swallows as he passes the sign and sees a large gate with an old, giant crumbling building. It was quite intimidating.
The gates were open so he pulls in, parking before the security barrier. Taking a deep breath, Will grabs his bag and exits the truck.
Pulling out the walkie, he turns it on to hold down the button.
"Hey, uh, I'm at the asylym, signal gave out a few feet from the sign, so, uh, can anyone hear me?" asked Will.
He removes his thumb but static is all that greets him. He tries again, but no one answers.
"Shit, this must be a military grade signal jammer, I'm on my own." groaned Will.
He pockets the walkie and starts walking towards the asylum. As he does, a loud noise makes him jump, looking back.
The gates just shut.
Gulping, Will pulls out his camera, zooming in on a few windows, most lite up by lights. So there were some people inside.
As he looks around, a dark shadow passes one of the windows. Will jumps, pulling the camera away to shake. Who was that?
He looks up to the window for his blood to freeze. The shadow was still there, watching him.
Whoever it is, they're pretty tall and thin. And know he's there.
Taking a shaky breath, will moves closer, keeping an eye on the window. He reaches the small rotary when the room lights go out, making him jump.
Shit, they were on the move, which means they'll come looking for him.
Panicking, Will runs to the front door to open the doors but they refuse. They were bolted shut.
"Dammit, how did Freddie get in here?" he wondered.
Looking around, Will starts walking away when he notices a brick wall with a gate door. A broken gate.
Walking to it, the dark haired man crawls under the broken door to see large scaffolding, and at the top was an open window.
"There it is." Will muttered.
He grabs hold of the ladder and starts climbing up. Walking carefully, he pulls himself up to the next level of the scaffolding. He jumps to the next part to see one of the boards missing that took him towards the window.
Sighing, he presses his back to the wall, shimmying across the board. Once safe, Will pulls himself into the window, now inside.
Though the lights immediately goes right it, casting him in darkness.
"Of course, what else can go wrong?!" grumbled Will irritably.
Pulling up the camera, he switches to night vision mode and makes his way through the room. Once at the door, he pulls it open to freeze.
There was blood splattered across the wall before him. Looking down the hall, he sees more blood splashed around.
"And I'm going back out the window." said Will, shutting the door.
He stands there, in the dark, weighing his options. He could save his own ass and hop back out the window, back to his truck and ram those flimsy gates. Though he'll have to deal with Jack's anger and yelling.
Probably lose his job while being yelled at.
Groaning loudly, Will shoves the door back open and makes his way down the blood stained hall.
"I hate my job, after this, I am job searching again, screw Jack." growled Will.
Coming to the end of the hall with a glass door, the door leading to the bathroom shuts. Startled, he tries the glass door for it to be locked.
Keeping an eye on the bathroom door, he slowly makes his way to the other door, closing it behind him.
Sighing, he looks at the room he's in, a mini kitchen/break room.
"Everything is locked, how did Freddie even get far enough to send that distress email?" he wondered.
Looking around the room, seeing bloody pieces of bodies, Will notices the damaged table looked up a ramp... with an open air vent above it.
"Well, I did always say she's a rat."
Putting his camera away, he pulls himself into the vent and starts shimmying his way towards the end.
As he does, he hears hysterical laughter and a bang. Through another grate, Will watches the door burst open. A bald man in dirty clothes enters, laughing before running back out, door slamming shut.
"Well, I'm not going back this way, sounds like the door was pulled more through the wood." sighed Will.
He crawls more through the vnt, but felt his mind start to swim. He was feeling the crazed man who had come in.
'Fear, I'm afraid, its coming, the doctors did this, they lied, they all did this, we're going to die here, even if IT doesn't kill us, HE will, they'll never let us leave here alive!' emphasized Will.
Taking a moment to clear, he wonders what is It and who is He that the man was afraid of. Especially to the point of hysteria.
Sadly, Will may be finding out soon. Fuck you to Hell, Freddie.
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FNAF:SB Human AU Headcanons / Timeline
The band is called “Freddy and the Animals” and they usually preform for children at a diner owned by Freddy’s dad
Monty and Roxy already knew each other before the band
Foxy commits suicide 7 months after he lost his hand and eye due to an accident on stage. He felt useless because he couldn’t play the keyboard as well as he used to and was causing the band to lose money
Freddy meets Monty and Roxy at a bar while grieving Foxy and the band becomes good friends with them
Bonnie dies in the car accident that leaves Monty permanently scarred. Monty was driving and some fans blame him
This was when his anger issues got out of hand. He and Bonnie were besties and he already blamed himself enough
The band starts to become less popular overtime. Desperate, their new producer (Vanessa) puts Roxy and Monty in place of Bonnie and Foxy
The band becomes more popular than ever, and with their name changed to “The Glamrocks” they become extremely rich and famous
The company upgraded to a Pizza Plex / living quarters for the band
Nobody is happy. No one.
Freddy hardly ever comes out of his room, only interacting with other people to preform and do meet and greets.
Chica developed an eating disorder, her bingeing habits causing her gain and lose weight rapidly. She misses Foxy and Bonnie dearly. She sneaks into Freddy’s room in the night just to lay in bed with him, making sure he’s still breathing and his heart is still beating
Monty’s anger issues got worse with the passing time, still blaming himself for Bonnie, damaging his room and his own body in atonement for his sins. He starts to resent Freddy because Monty has seen Chica and Roxy suffering, but never Freddy. He mistakenly assumes that the fame has gotten to Freddy’s head, causing him to forget about the rest of them (Bonnie included)
Roxy’s self esteem worsened, thinking herself a replacement for someone she never got to know. The guilt eats her alive, so she puts on a face of confidence and arrogance. Some of the older fans constantly harass her, sending her hate mail and calling her a Foxy knock off. She wishes she could’ve met Foxy before he passed.
Gregory is a foster kid who snuck into the Pizza Plex for a warm place to sleep after he ran away from an abusive foster home. Unfortunately, he was locked in after they closed the Plex early due to Freddy fainting on stage
Freddy woke to find Gregory hiding in his coatrack after hours. He nearly returned Gregory to Michael Afton (the security guard on duty) until Gregory basically begged him not to
Freddy felt bad, so he took Gregory to the first aid station to get a cut on his face bandaged
Michael found them ☹️
But dw, Gregory cried and it reminded him of Evan so he decided to help them out (everything’s pretty much the same, except William owned Chucky Cheese and he got arrested instead of the spring trap soul thing.)
Vanessa wants to return poor Greg to the foster fam, but Fred and Mike ain’t having it
Freddy let’s Gregory stay at the Plex for a day or two before deciding it’s time for him to meet his band
Chica immediately loved him
Monty was scared he was gonna hurt him, but he warmed up to him quickly. At first, Gregory thought Monty hated him and avoided him for a few days. That changed almost immediately bc he caught Monty trying to play DDR and failing miserably. The burns Gregory delivered were SCALDING
It took Roxy a while to get super close to Gregory bc he just kept roasting her. Then she witnessed him roasting Monty and she laughed her ass off. They have a playful love/hate relationship. She’s the cool aunt
“I’m ur favorite, right?” “Nah, u suck. Loser, lmao. U have green hair and pronouns” “yea, I’m ur favorite”
She was, in fact, his favorite (besides Freddy, ofc)
Eventually, Mike got worried ab the police finding out they basically kidnapped a child, so he filed a report on the foster house and had a nasty custody battle w the state. He and Freddy have shared custody of Gregory at the moment. Until they have the chance to file for adoption, they’re currently considered his foster parents. He lives full time with Michael, but he comes to work with him every day, so he might as well live at the Pizza Plex too
Monty taught Gregory to swear and Freddy nearly had a heart attack hearing him say fuck for the first time
The band is in grief counseling and group therapy. Mike recommend them to his therapist and counselor after he got really close with the band
Freddy and Monty repaired their relationship and Monty is in anger management classes :3
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sunsents · 3 years
The Cardigan - F.W 18+
My first ever post and it's a goddamn smut one shot. This has been in my Wattpad drafts for way too long (wrote it three-four months ago), it's not the best, and I'm not proud of the writing but et eez what et eez. I really wan't to start publishing my work and gotta start somewhere. Also the smut is shitty, and the dirty talk is just goddamn vile. Also I'm a horny mf.
Summary ---> "Is that mine? You look better in it than me, that's for sure." An intimate night with Fred after you guys find the house all to yourselves. This is just pure filth, like scroll if you wan't plot. 🌚
Pairing: fred weasley/fem!reader
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut / overstim if u squint / cursing / thigh tiding / dirty talk / fred being a horny little shit / an attempt at innuendos / hand-job / cum play (?) / like one ass slap
Rating: 18+
The bathroom at the Weasley's were quite cramped, but you didn't care. Your shower was more than satisfactory, the wavering smell of Mrs. Weasley cooking downstairs mixing with the wonderful scent of Fred's shampoo. The hot water loosened all your fatigued muscles - those extra hours out on the field playing Quidditch was worth it - your muscles were taut, flexing wonderfully whenever you lifted your arm to rinse off the products in your hair.
When you opened the door of the bathroom, clouds of hot air escaping and surrounding the small corridor, you were surprised to hear no footsteps, loud chattering of your friends and the usual plates clinking in the kitchen. You figured going downstair naked wouldn't be a good idea, and entered Ginny's room.
The disheveled bedroom was empty, and you looked out the window to the vast garden and wheat fields that got darker with the hot summer night approaching. There was no sign of anyone and you were starting to get anxious. Maybe it was because of the unusual silence - the Weasley household always had some kind of chaos happening - nevertheless, you quickly slipped on some satin shorts and a soft, white knit sweater to keep the evening breezes at bay. After swiftly drying your hair with a towel - you were letting it air dry, Cosmopolitan said Cindy Crawford did it - you applied whatever product was routine for your body and left the room.
Your magical radio was playing a soft jazz from the den and immediate relief washed over you when you stepped downstairs. The creams and perfumes that stuck to your skin wafted around the air and filled the rooms with delicious essences, and your soft socks slipped and slid across the wooden floor to the kitchen as you pushed yourself with ease. You quickly caught yourself with a chair and laughed, being alone wasn't so bad, you figured you could find ways to entertain yourself.
Until, a low chuckle from the den caused you to yelp and almost fall on your ass, merlin forbid. You couldn't bear another injury after George two left feet Weasley accidentally kicked you on the shin while playing Quidditch.
Speaking of Weasley, Fred Weasley was sprawled out on the couch, wearing only his boxers and a long, loosely knitted cardigan sitting on his exposed skin. You felt your mouth water, his head was lazily thrown back, exposing his curved neck and Adam's apple, his freckles more noticeable than ever. He was staring at you, his lips tugging a smile and enjoying the show you put on. Humiliation, is what it was. You were sliding around floorings like Madame Maxine on ice.
Your blood suddenly felt on like liquid fire, and you opened the cupboards to get yourself a glass of water. "Aguamenti," you casted, and from the corner of your eye you saw Fred's gaze set on your exposed legs, trailing up to your ass that was slightly exposed from the length of your shorts. They rode up more when you stood on your toes to place the cup back on the shelf after chugging the liquid down and muttering a cleaning spell.
"Is that mine?" you cleared your throat, finishing up in the kitchen and walking over to one of the rocking chairs. You didn't know why Fred was sitting around practically naked - you didn't question because he was Fred Weasley and you were tired. You weren't complaining etiher.
"Yeah," Fred said breathlessly. "It's surprisingly comfortable."
"You look better than me in it, that's for sure." You chuckled darkly, eyeing his provocative muscles. The hickeys you had left from a few days ago were slightly healed, soft reds trailing his nape and they weren't helping the growing desire between your legs. "Where is everyone?" you asked.
Fred quickly noticed your poorly hidden lustful stares and moved the cardigan away with a sly smirk, revealing more of his abs and flexed thighs. "They went out to Diagon Ally, won't be back until ten." he said. You nodded then took a deep, shaky breath and picked up a magazine from the coffee table. You settled in your mind that maybe looking through the new season Versace bikinis would calm your lust.
Fred let out a long, erotic sigh, allowing a soft groan to escape his lips along the way. Your hand twitched, you were still oblivious to his intentions and crossed your legs for some friction. "Hey ____," Fred called out, and you hummed in response, not looking up from your magazine. You seemed to have read the same line five times now. "I think there's something in my eye, can you blow on it."
Your eyes went wide, Fred was vulgar. This was no surprise to you after dating him for almost two years, but saying something so shamelessly, no hesitation still made your heart stutter. Your imagination was running wild now, you pictured every single thing you wished to do to him at this moment, in those clothes. You quickly put your magazine down, more of slapped it on the table. "Sure, yeah." you said in a shaky voice, then stood up and walked over to him.
Fred's arms were wide on the couch, and one of them pulled your hand down when he was able to reach you. Your heart stopped for a moment, you felt herself land harshly on his thigh and the impact on your core caused a groan from the back of your throat to slip out.
Fred was rather enjoying himself, his head lazily leaning back on the pillow as he rubbed your thighs up and down, digging the pads of his fingers into your skin and causing an embarrassingly load of your juices to flow to your newly worn panties.
You readjusted yourself so the heat between your legs weren't in direct contact with his thigh. You scooted closer and had to bite back a moan when Fred jerked his leg up and applied pressure on your clit. You were trying your best not to show his effect on you, "Which eye." you hissed through gritted teeth, still pursuing his obvious lie.
Fred's shit eating grin only grew wider, and he took your hand and placed it right on his crotch. He was hard beneath his boxers, swelling bigger the second and you were fighting the urge to palm his cock. You shot him a warning look to which he playfully frowned, then gestured to his right eye. You leaned in closer, maybe he really did have something in his eye.
Fred's breathing was heavy, fanning over your lips as you tried to take a closer look. Your inspection was cut short when he gripped your waist, riding up your sweater to touch you directly. You gasped and straightened up at his rough hands kneading around your stomach. Chills were racing down your spine, you didn't want to give in just yet, just for teasing purposes, but Fred was making it unbelievable hard with his tousled hair and hooded eyes boring into yours.
Your panties felt soaked and you hoped he wouldn't notice, but when Fred gripped your shorts and pulled them down, his eyes fell on the wet fabric that was stuck to your entrance. You were painfully aware of how aroused you were, and your heated cheeks weren't helping with your embarrassment.
Fred licked his lips - his expression lust crazed - then he gripped one of your legs and guided it around his thighs, making you straddle him. He held both of your thighs and pulled you in closer, and when your knee touched his boner, it caused him to groan lowly and attempt to close the small gap between your two bodies.
You marveled at the idea of being any more closer to him, the aching on your lower abdomen making you grind yourself on his thigh, whimpering at the much needed friction. The scene looked erotic to you, Fred's finger had slithered down to your panties and moved them to the side to expose all of you, flushed and swollen. He gripped your waist again and started rocking your body on his thigh, "Ride my thigh baby, wan't you to get off on me," he said huskily, "Slow and good~"
You didn't know what else to do other than nod as much agreeable a nod could get. Fred started guiding your hips at a slow pace, not letting you fasten it once. He tutted when you tried for the second time, "Stop being impatient my love." he crooned, straightening himself up to finally meet your lips.
But you barely responded.
You were slack-jawed, your clit swollen painfully, your hips swiveling to get more contact. Pathetic really, is what it was. Fred said few words of filth and here you were, panting and rutting, thanking whoever up there to have the opportunity to ride Fred's obscenely attractive thigh. A thigh shouldn't be this attractive you thought, his skin warm and comfortable, generous muscles teasingly helping you get off. Emphasis on teasingly, he wouldn't let you have anything that easily. It was heaven and hell all at once.
Fred was sensually tracing the outline of your mouth with his tongue all the while, then dipped down and feathered kisses on your jaw that was just as slow as his pace. "Fuck, you're so filthy for this. Who knew this is all it took?" he groaned.
"You have such a responsive cunt babe, I can do whatever I want and you just lose it. Fuck-"
You were growing more frustrated the second and Fred was getting rather talkative, he ran his nose down your collarbones, sucking the supple skin into his mouth and leaving crimson marks. "Freddie please - just, mmmh!" you cried out a strangled moan, you had finally gotten what you wanted. You knew Fred could never resist the nickname, and in such a tone too.
He had started to rub your clit, his other arm wrapping around the small of your back protectively. He groaned against your neck, sending shockwaves of pleasure trailing from your marked neck all down to your feet. But Fred wasn't stupid, he had caught on rather soon and chuckled.
"Bad girl." he mocked, then gave you a light smack on your ass, causing you to yelp and jump. You landed harshly on Fred's thigh again and the moan you let out was almost painful. You clutched onto his hair as he gripped your waist and continued to rock you on his thigh.
You let him guide your movement, your juices easily allowing you to slide yourself back and forth on him, and whenever Fred would pull you forward he would apply pressure on your clit by gripping your waist tighter and pushing you down. He fastened his pace with every grind, and every huff of air you let out when your hips would come in contact. "Oh fucking hell - yes," Fred heaved, your knee must've been grazing against his cock just right because he was letting out soft groans and curse words every other second, his hefty length visible behind the fabric.
You couldn't resist, he had such an attractive dick even after seeing it so many times. You started rubbing him from the outside of his boxers, digging the pads of your fingertips into his shaft whenever you could. Fred's head rested between the slope of your breasts, and his hips bucked up at your touch, rutting desperately into your fisted hand, causing you to loudly moan out when his thigh pressed on your swollen bud.
He was barely jutting your hips at this point, barely able to focus on your pleasure from the amount he was getting. Cocky attitude gone as soon as you touched him, you made him melt under your palm. "I love you so fucking much - ohhh...holy shit, keep rubbing me like that." he moaned against your skin, the intense vibrations making you shudder.
You started to move by yourself, quickly and desperately, your juices glazing the skin and soaking up your panties that was making it harder for you both. But it felt too good to stop and remove it, the heat in your core was growing and you closed your eyes to focus on the man that was letting out hot breaths between the valley of your breasts. His hand started playing with your nipple, squeezing it between his forefinger and thumb as the other gripped your waist and rocked you faster.
Your movement was getting sloppy, legs trembling and jerking whenever pressure was applied to your clit. You were whining the name of your lover, your voice almost pornographic. "Cum my love - fuck yes, cum all over me. Make a mess of me." Fred's hand left your nipple and guided your hips faster, the other pulling down on your thighs as you threw your head back. Fred started circling your clit to speed up your fast approaching release, but it wasn't even needed.
With a final, high pitched squeal, your vision went black, stars dancing around your lids. Your body shuddered violently, and you came hard all over his thigh. "You look so beautiful I-" Fred barely managed to let out before you gripped down his boxers and let his erection swing out. You wrapped your hand around the head and watched in amusement as pre-cum leaked out when you squeezed.
"What? Gonna milk me dry baby?" Fred chuckled darkly, his free hand running through his tousled hair while the other gripped and kneaded the side of your waist.
"I was hoping to do more than that, but for now..." you licked a long stripe up the base of his neck to the back of his ear, and bit. All the while, your hand started working around his painfully hard cock.  Fred was almost heaving now, unlike you who just recently came down from your mind blowing orgasm.
"I-...please, I wan't-" Fred gulped, and in the very rare moments he didn't know what to say. You started pumping his cock, the moment you squeezed him tighter he was coming.
"Fuck fuck fuck - ____!" Fred released all over your hand, his dick twitching beneath your fingers as he leaned his body on yours and let out strangled moans against your neck. You licked your fingers clean, then gently lifted Fred's chin. His eyes were slanted in a deep post-orgasmic daze, and you started to give him slow, wet kisses. "Look how good you taste." you whispered, swirling your tongue around his as he groaned into your mouth.
You were obsessed with how mesmerizing Fred looked. When he came, when he cried out whatever filthy thing came to mind, that blissful glow he had after orgasming. You wanted to repeat those moments over and over again, come with him yourself and touch yourself to his noises. And his taste, you could never get enough of it.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Headcanons? Something a little angsty: how would slashers react to being rejected? If you wanna ofc. You already did one where reader likes them back.
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Freddy thought you liked him since you seemed to spend so much time with him, but he realized his mistake when he kissed you. He felt good, but the slap was so unexpected that it threw him to the floor. He was about to shout his outrage when he saw your tearful eyes and knew he had made a mistake.
"Oh sh*t..I..I read that wrong, didn't I ?"
He immediately tried to apologize, but the damage was done. He could only try to sound brave when you screamed.
"I can't believe you did this ! I don't like you like that, Freddy ! You could have at least asked ?!"
His heart broke, but he only muttered grimly to himself when he saw you leave.
"Yeah..That'll teach me to let someone close to me."
He sat down and stared as you walked away angrily. He then raised his fingers to his stinging cheek and mumbled to himself.
"I forgot how much it sucks to be human.."
Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and almost jumped out of his skin. However, when he turned around, he relaxed when he saw that it was only Michael. He tried to sound normal when he laughed and said jokingly.
"Sh*t, Michael. Someone's gotta put a bell on you or something.."
The giant tilted his head to the side before writing down in his notebook 'Are you okay ?'. He saw everything, huh ? Just Freddy's luck..He didn't answer and Michael only sat wordlessly next to him, willing to listen if Freddy needed to talk. Freddy's smile dropped and he only sighed loudly before leaning back and letting the back of his head hit the wall behind him.
"I just..I'm just tired, ya know ? I mean..Deep down. I kinda expected it..I mean, who would want me ? Even I wouldn't want me.."
Freddy didn't seem his boastful and loud self anymore and even though it hurt him to admit it, it was painful to watch for Michael who was used to his friend's rather rude and cheerful self. Michael could see that the rejection hurt him more than he cared to admit. He started writing something, but reconsidered before crossing a part out and finally showing Freddy. But, Freddy didn't look, he was still staring at the ceiling and trying his best not to think about what had happened. He would forget eventually..Right ? However, Michael elbowed him persistently and Freddy finally shouted, annoyed.
"WHAT ?!"
Michael then raised his notebook for Freddy to read and Freddy rolled his eyes to the sky before finally indulging.
"Don't sell yourself short. You're not that bad. Now, stop moping and get up. You're not dead yet."
Freddy's eyes widened and he couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up his chest and threw his head back to burst out laughing.
"Did somebody already tell you that you suck at comforting people ?"
Michael smiled. At least, Freddy could still laugh, which was a good sign. Michael then was taken by the sudden urge to ruffle Freddy's hair and before he knew what he was doing, he was doing just that. To his surprise, Freddy didn't protest, even though he commented teasingly.
"Is someone warming up to me ? You know that I'm technically older than you, right ?"
Michael rolled his eyes before stopping his comforting action and stood up to leave, knowing he would be alright. However, he still heard Freddy whisper.
"Thank you.."
He stopped and only nodded in acknowledgment. Freddy would be alright. If there was one person capable to survive a heartbreak, it was him..
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Brahms thought you two were already a thing. You gave him candy when all the other nurses had their back turned, you spent a lot more time with him than any of the others and he loved talking to you..but then, he took it one step further. He kissed you. He thought it was good, so he tried to deepen it, but you backed off so quickly, his face almost collided with the couch.
"I..I'm sorry, Brahms. I just don't see you that way."
He was so disappointed, but didn't want to lose a friend so he pretended that it didn't matter, but it didn't mean he felt any less heartbroken. However, he waited until you were out of view before expressing his true feelings.
Brahms *hitting his head against the wall multiple times* : "Stupid Brahms...Stupid stupid stupid ! Of course she doesn't love you !"
Jason saw the odd behavior of his friend and, not wanting Brahms to keep hurting himself, wrapped his arms around him from behind, immobilizing him. This was when Brahms broke into tears and Jason got confused. Brahms rarely cried so much..not even when he found out that cartoons weren't real..He finally released him and Brahms curled up into a ball to the floor. Jason sat down next to him and patted his back compassionately, waiting for his friend to stop crying so he might understand what was going on. When Brahms was calm enough, he finally explained what happened to his friend and Jason tilted his head curiously, not understanding Brahms' feelings at all. Love ? What was that ? He thought about it for a moment before remembering his parents. He used to love them...Right ? He felt a pang in his chest at the memory and wondered if this was what his friend was feeling ? He looked around for something to cheer him up before suddenly coming up with an idea. He took Brahms' hand to lead him somewhere and Brahms didn't have the heart to tell him no. He followed him to a forgotten part of the hospital which now served as a broken equipment disposal. He then gave his friend a wooden stick before getting one himself. Brahms didn't understand until Jason started swinging his stick around, smashing everything around him. He then turned towards Brahms and invited him to join him by gesturing for him to come closer. Brahms hesitated for a moment before finally accepting and stepping forward. Jason then waited for his friend to do the same and Brahms took the end of his stick with both hands before swinging it down on so broken jar, smashing it to pieces. He had to admit that it felt good and continued, joined by Jason a few minutes later. They kept going until Brahms was out of breath and slumped down in some old couch. Jason sat down next to him and they both started laughing.
"Better ?"
Jason asked after a moment, turning his head towards his friend.
"Yes. Thanks.", was Brahms breathy reply. He did feel slightly better, even though he could still feel the pang in his chest that wouldn't go any time soon. However, smashing things did make him forget for a while. He smiled gratefully at Jason before showing him his broken stick.
"Have you got any more of those ?"
Jason smiled before nodding vividly and running to search for some more. They then both spent their afternoon smashing everything to pieces. Brahms knew better than to think it was gonna fix everything, but he still was glad to have Jason to cheer him up and break things with.
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He felt angry at himself. He wordlessly got out in a hurry after your rejection, picked up his axe and just started chopping down trees to evacuate his feelings. He really thought you would be the one..
You got out to stop him, but one look from him and you knew that if you were to stand between him and the trees, he may very well take you as his target. Your felt your heart squeeze as you hadn't meant to break his heart, but you just couldn't lie to him. He understood and it only added to his pain and sorrow as he kept on chopping down trees, because he knew it wasn't your fault. He knew you were a good person and that he had changed for you, but it didn't matter..He was still not worthy enough. He would never be.
However, Brahms arrived, having heard of his friend's rejection and determined to cheer him up. He walked ahead and didn't even glance at you before taking another axe and starting helping his friend. You knew that you couldn't do anything, so you decided to leave them be. Jason would come around eventually..
Brahms continued until he felt as if his arms could actually fall off and even though, Jason didn't seem about to stop. He kept going and his blows didn't even seem to lose in their intensity. However, his axe suddenly broke in half and Jason's shoulders raised up and down with his breathing's heavy rhythm. Brahms stopped too and this was when Jason fell to his knees and let out a powerful and deep scream.
Brahms immediately threw his axe to the ground and fell to his knees right next to his friend to hug him tightly, trying to comfort him through the pain. Jason lost his mother and father, he wasn't enough for them and just when he thought he would actually be enough for somebody..Just when he thought he was actually wrong, that somebody may actually love him...He was proven wrong, yet again. He felt the disappointment and the frustration take over and tried to break away from his friend's grip. However, Brahms didn't let go and only tightened his hold on him, as if trying to keep his friend afloat, to remind him that there was someone who cared about him. Maybe it wasn't the love he had envisioned ? But, it still succeeded in calming him down, enough to actually hear Brahms who whispered reassuringly.
"I..I'm here, Jason. It's..It's okay."
Jason's eyes widened a little at Brahms' words and stopped crying to look at Brahms that still hung onto him and had his eyes closed tight, embracing for impact in case Jason was to try to get away by force. But, he relaxed and finally let out a heavy sigh, feeling numb and tired.
"Thanks, Brahms."
He uttered and, once Brahms was sure he wouldn't try to hurt himself or anyone else, he released him. However, he didn't think his friend would actually collapse without his help. Jason passed out and Brahms carried him inside. You immediately tried to apologize and help Brahms, but the look he gave you stopped you and freezed you to your very core. As long as you remembered, you had never seen Brahms look at someone with such resentment, him who was usually so sweet and forgiving didn't even glance a second time at you before continuing on his way to the medical wing. He then made sure Eva would be the one to take care of him. He would never let his friend be hurt again..
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It was in fact Kevin who tried to kiss you, but was shocked when you slapped him and saw the clear rejection in your eyes. He instantly knew that he was wrong and felt the little confidence he had melt into nothingness. Dennis decided to take charge, protecting Kevin as he had always done, but this time ? The pain remained. He could feel the pain because, even though Kevin and him were different, all the personalities shared the same heart.
"I mean..I knew it would hurt ? But, not so much.."
He raised his hand above his heart and could feel it split into a million of little pieces. Now, not only did they have split personalities, but also a shattered heart. The irony.
This was when Arthur walked by and was surprised to find Kevin in such a poor state. He was about to walk away and pretend he had seen nothing, but reconsidered. He sighed deeply before turning around and crouching in front of the depressed slasher.
"What is going on with you, Mr Wendell Crumb ?"
Kevin didn't reply, but it didn't take Arthur long to understand as he saw the love note crumbled in Kevin's hand and the discarded bunch of roses next to him.
"Ah. A heart affair then ? The most painful of all woes..One that I am quite familiar with."
He deduced and Kevin finally raised his eyes to meet his, surprise showing in them.
"You..are ?"
He asked and Arthur smiled bitterly before patting his knee sympathetically.
"Unfortunately. It is not easy to find love when the object of your affection is only a fruit of your imagination.."
Kevin's eyes widened at the confession and—somehow—he felt bad for the clown.
"I..I'm sorry. I didn't know.."
Arthur was suddenly overtook by this familiar urge to laugh and couldn't stop it, but Kevin didn't take it personally and only waited patiently for his laughter to die down. When it was over, Arthur sighed again before sitting down next to him and lit a cigaret.
"Sometimes, scars are hidden from sight. It doesn't mean they're not there.."
He blew the smoke out before handing his packet towards the other slasher to propose one to Kevin who shook his head.
"I don't smoke."
"Neither do I."
Arthur replied with a small playful smile and Kevin hesitated before finally taking one. He took a breath and coughed. Arthur smiled compassionately before patting his back affectionately. However, Kevin's expression suddenly changed and when he took another puff of his cigaret, he didn't cough and only exhaled heavily with the well-known experience of a middle-aged man who had already experienced more than his share of suffering.
"...I swore we would never get hurt again."
Dennis finally admitted and Arthur sighed before answering him in a sing-song voice.
"Promises promises..Such flitting little things. Never trust a man that makes too many promises, they are often sugar-coated lies..My mother used to tell me that. Guess what ? I became that man. If I could give you one advice, Dennis ? Don't take life so seriously. Love, hate, time, money..They're all promises people usually can't keep."
Dennis didn't answer and only took one more puff of his cigaret and looked at the smoke slowly rising and disappearing in the air, just like his promise.
"Too bad.."
He finally said and Arthur nodded in agreement before looking at his own smoke slowly rising to join Dennis' invisible one.
"Too bad indeed.."
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Arthur took a deep breath. He was finally going to confess. He had bought flowers and a special gift for you, a box of (favorite chocolate/candy). He wanted it to be special. You deserved it. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and was about to step out when someone entered in his bedroom. Patricia. Kevin's body had the blue pin pinned to his vest, signifying it was her and she smiled tenderly at him before taking a few steps towards him to rearrange his tie, like a caring mother. He succeeded in relaxing a bit and she smiled knowingly before taking a step back to admire her work.
"Perfect. Now, go get the girl/boy. Don't keep them waiting."
She turned around swiftly to leave and Arthur wanted to thank her, but she was already gone..He then smiled to himself when he noticed she had also pinned a red flower to his breast pocket...Clever woman. He then stepped out confidently with flowers and box of treats in hand. However, a bad surprise was waiting for him once he saw you..You were kissing another man. A good looking doctor with a dashing smile who made you laugh. He dropped the roses and took a couple of stairs backwards, feeling a little dizzy and fearing to fall..Did he..Did he imagine everything again ? No..It was real. He hadn't imagined all your private moments together and all the sweet smiles and loving gazes...Right ? He was about to fall when he felt two soft but firm arms encircling his waist, keeping him steady.
"Easy there, my boy. Don't worry. I got you.."
Arthur recognized Patricia's voice and she then started helping him to reach his bedroom. Once in it, she put him in a chair and as soon as he was seated, Arthur took out a cigaret and lit it. He thought Patricia would at least give him a disapproving look, but she didn't. She only expressed concern as he seemed truly shaken. She opened her mouth to offer comfort and reassurance, but could find no words that could truly express what she wanted to say, that she was as surprised and disappointed as him, that she truly wished things would have gone as they both expected, but she settled for a simple sentence that—she hoped—would translate all that and more..
"Sometimes, people don't see what they got right in front of them.."
Arthur smiled weakly at Patricia's pitiful attempt at comforting him. It was endearing. Truly. But, unnecessary. Arthur wasn't one to linger on things he knew he would never have..or, at least, not in this case. He knew the woman was trying to cheer him up, but it looked pathetic when even her smile looked like a grimace. The grimace of someone who had just swallowed a whole jug of bitter lemon juice.
He then looked at the box of sweets still in his hand and gave it to her. She frowned at the gift and shook her head.
"No. It was for them. I couldn't possibly accept."
He tilted his head to the side and offered her a gentle smile. It was the least he could do.
"Don't worry. I don't like them. I only took them because I thought it would make them happy. No reason for good sweats to go to waste.."
Patricia hesitated for a moment before finally accepting the box. She opened it and took one politely. A silence then settled between them, until Patricia finally broke it.
"You know what, Mr Fleck ? I'm glad you didn't say anything to them. You're a rather nice man and I would have been very upset to see you suffer through such a humiliation."
Arthur eyebrows shot up in surprise. Nice ?
"A nice man ? That's a first..I've been called a gangster, an anarchist, a monster..But, never a nice man."
"Can't you be all of them ?"
His eyes widened at Patricia's answer. He then laughed. He covered his face with both of his hands and started laughing uncontrollably. Far from being put off by his sudden reaction, Patricia joined him. Her laugh was more controlled and she covered her mouth with her hand in order to hide it, but Arthur could still see the corners of her mouth raising up and down..Somehow, it suited her.
"Did anyone ever tell you that you're beautiful, Patricia ?"
It was true. Arthur's comment had nothing to do with attraction or anything close to it, it was just admiration and the truthful revelation of a man who had seen too many terrible things and people not to appreciate the simple beauty of imperfection. Patricia wasn't perfect, far from it..But, it was only then that Arthur could truly admire her quick wit and see the true difference in her behavior compared to the other personalities..In some ways, she made him think of his mother, but was so different at the same time he would have preferred her than his real one..Her eyes sparkled with mirth and she smiled knowingly before replying truthfully.
"No. Never. Thank you, M. Fleck."
They both smiled at each other before Patricia stood up and leaned down to kiss his forehead in a motherly fashion.
"You deserve to be happy, Arthur."
She said confidently before standing up straight and leaving in her usual unhurried pace. Arthur watched her leave the room and then leaned back to stare at the ceiling. Him ? Happy ? He let out a soft chuckle at the absurd notion. What an odd woman indeed..
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Penny tried to kiss you, but immediately smelt your fear. He stopped dead in his tracks and when he opened his eyes, he could see the clear confusion and rejection in them.
You uttered his name warningly. He then realized his mistake and backed away. You tried to apologize. He didn't answer.
"Penny..I..I'm sorry. I just..I don't like you like that."
He suddenly growled and said in a low and threatening voice.
"Get out.."
You tried to reach for him, but he turned around so fast that it made you lose your balance and fall to the floor.
He barked. You couldn't help the tears from falling down your cheeks and ran out. He then felt burning water run down his own cheeks and suddenly roared as loudly as he could in pain, the water burning his skin even more than liquid silver. He felt his non-existent heart shatter in his chest and used his claws to leave large gushes in the walls and on the ceiling in rage. He felt numb, but so angry at the same time. Why ? Why did he feel so terrible ?!
Pennywise arrived with a large smile on his face, ready to annoy his brother or nag him about his new companion but stopped dead in his tracks when he felt the tension in the air. He then saw Penny facing the wall, breathing loudly and unevenly..He felt that something had gone definitely wrong and sighed before standing next to him.
"Okay. Come on. Spit it out. What's going on ?"
He tried to face him, but Penny looked away.
"Go away."
He said weakly, but Pennywise raised his hands to his hips and stubbornly stomped his foot to the ground.
"Ain't going nowhere until you tell me what's going on, so you better spill the beans."
Penny growled loudly in annoyance, but didn't answer. Pennywise sighed again then sat down next to him. Penny finally confessed.
"They..don't like me like that."
Pennywise finally understood and his expression darkened before patting his shoulder awkwardly, but compassionately.
"Love hurts, kid."
He finally said and heard his brother sniffle.
"Does it really have to hurt that much..?"
When he turned around to face Pennywise, Pennywise's eyes widened at his brother's terrible state. A part of his face was missing and hot water was gushing out of his eyes, visibly hurting hurting him..Pennywise felt angry, sad and anxious at the same time. It was the same thing that had happened with the losers' club..He should have known. This was why he didn't want anyone to get too close to Penny..Pennywise sighed before gently bringing their foreheads together in a brotherly act of comfort.
"It's gonna hurt for a while..But, you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it..You'll be okay, kid."
Penny had no choice but to believe him, hoping that he was right and that he would be alright..that the pain would go away..He would trust him.
"I'm sorry..You tried to warn me and I..I didn't listen. I should have listened.."
It was the first time Penny ever apologized to him..Pennywise sighed heavily before patting the back of his neck reassuringly.
"Don't worry..I'm the one who was supposed to watch over you. It'll get a lot worse before it gets better, but..I'll be there. I won't leave you, okay kid ?"
Penny closed his eyes and felt the burning liquid on his face dry and his face slowly healing. His face would heal, but his heart ? It would take a bit more time..At least, he was glad he has someone to share the pain with. Pennywise took his hand and held it tightly.
"You'll be fine..I promise."
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Pennywise actually told you. He didn't want to wait and get even more frustrated over his feelings. He thought telling you the truth was the only way to limit the damage of rejection...He was wrong.
"Hey. I just wanted to tell you something. Hum..I'm not good at this. But, I..kinda..like you ?"
He was so nervous when he told you. It took Pennywise a lot of courage to actually confess. He was fine just playing the insensible bastard until the end, but he decided to be brave for once and just go for it. But, the way you smiled apologetically at him made him guess your answer before you even had the chance to tell him, so he did what he does best, he pretended.
"Ah ! You actually fell for that ?! Come on ! You should be able to tell by now..It was a joke."
He patted your shoulder with a large fake smile, making sure you didn't see his true feelings until he was far enough and finally lost his smile. He closed his knuckles into fists and gritted his teeth in frustration before punching the wall next to him.
He was alone. Again.
Penny who was walking by heard the noise and came to check what it was and was surprised to find Pennywise, his fist disappearing in the hole he made just a few seconds earlier. He immediately knew that something was wrong when his brother's eyes turned yellow and he growled from deep within his chest. He walked towards him and tilted his head in confusion.
"What's going on with you, old man ?"
Pennywise growled again before lowering his arm and walking past Penny, not willing to talk to him.
"Nothing..Forget it."
Penny frowned and followed him, wondering why the older clown was so grumpy—grumpier than usual that was..?
"It doesn't sound like nothing..If I didn't know you so well, I would almost think you're sad because the human said they didn't like you ?"
He sounded genuinely concerned, but Pennywise only got even more angry that his brother was actually right. He was hurt. However, when Penny grabbed his arm to stop him, something snapped and he turned around to bite his arm. Penny would normally take it as a sign of affection, but he knew that Pennywise was never the one to initiate it and never so deep either. He could actually feel the sharp teeth sinking into his flesh and even reaching the bone. He howled and scratched Pennywise' face in order to break free.
This was when Pennywise seemed to realize what he was doing. He released Penny from his powerful bite and Penny covered the wound and hissed at Pennywise. He then took a few steps back to lick his bloody arm like a wounded animal and whimpered in pain.
"Sh*t..Penny. I'm sorry. I just.."
Pennywise tried to reach for him, make sure he was going to be okay even though he knew the wound would eventually heal, but Penny glared at him before screaming.
Penny's words hurt Pennywise more than any silver blade would ever do and Penny seemed to immediately regret his words as he muttered apologetically.
"I didn't mean that.."
Pennywise laughed. It started as a soft huff that slowly intensified until it transformed into a loud almost painful guffaw..He finally admitted.
"Nah. You're right. I mean..I was stupid to even try. Who would ever like me..right ?"
Penny's wound was only a distant memory as Pennywise's laugh seemed so cold now, cold enough to make Penny shiver. He stepped forwards and bit his lower lip guiltily as his brother seemed truly hurt. In an instant, he engulfed his brother into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry. I know it isn't the same, but I care about you."
Pennywise hesitated before finally returning his brother's hug. He sighed and buried his face in his brother's soft and comfortable costume. He then replied knowingly.
"I know, Penny..I know."
Penny then took a step back and lowered himself to be at eye level with his brother before asking him in all seriousness.
"Do you want me to eat them ? Make them disappear ? Maybe, the pain would go then ?"
Pennywise almost laughed at his brother's proposal before shaking his head.
"Nah. Thanks for the offer though.."
Penny seemed disappointed at first and, not knowing what to say or do next to make him feel better, hit him on the head.
Pennywise yelled, but Penny only smiled widely in response before replying.
"I prefer when you're yelling at me than when you're sad !"
Pennywise gave him a blank look before bursting out laughing, covering his forehead with his hand in disbelief.
Penny pouted and humphed unhappily before crossing his arms over his chest.
"If that's what I'm getting for caring.."
Suddenly, Pennywise grabbed his brother and yanked him forward to trap him in a headlock and ruffle his hair with his fist playfully.
"You're an idiot, but you're still my favorite idiot. Thanks, bro."
Penny giggled happily as he brother seemed to be back to normal before pretending to be upset at his brother's action and yelling in protest.
Pennywise only laughed in response.
"GOOD !"
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Five never actually confessed, he tried to—many times—but just couldn't bring himself to do it...until it was too late. He saw you kiss someone else and knew that there was no turning back..It hurt him, but he couldn't break yours and his brother's happiness because of his selfishness. But, it doesn't mean the nightmares stopped and the many thoughts of what could have been stopped afterwards. He thought he could forget about you, but the more he tried, the more his mind was filled with memories of the both of you and the many times he wanted to tell you..Now, he would never be able to. And, worst part is ? He knew it was his fault. He was spread out on the floor, staring at the ceiling when he heard a knock at his door. He didn't answer. However, the knocking came back, louder this time. He groaned loudly in annoyance.
"Go away !"
He thought it would be enough to keep whoever was on the other side of the door from coming in. He thought wrong. Suddenly, his door was kicked open and Klaus came in with two bottle of wine in each hand.
"Cheer up, bro ! Your savior is here !"
Five didn't even bother standing up before taking a nearby pillow and throwing it at Klaus who stepped aside just in time, leading to Diego receiving it instead.
"First off..Ouch. Secondly, we heard about Y/N. Are you okay ?"
Diego tried not to sound too awkward asking while Luther clearly seemed uncomfortable and unable to find the right words to say to Five.
"Hum...Hi ?"
Five could tell he was trying his best, it was hard for him to even think about his brother experiencing his first heartbreak..Five acknowledged the effort, but wasn't in the mood to get the pep talk from his brothers..
"Leave the alcool and go.."
Klaus sat down and opened one of the bottles before drinking straight from it.
"Not a chance. You need your brothers to make you forget all about your heart break."
Five sighed heavily before raising his hand, signifying that he wanted one of Klaus' bottles which he gave him. Five then absent-mindedly opened the top and took a big gulp before deducting the true reason for his brothers' presence.
"..Allison put you up to it, huh ?"
A collective 'yup' proved him right and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle of disbelief; even after all these years, Allison didn't need her powers to make the family do what she wanted..He finally sat up and pointed the bed for Luther and Diego to seat. Not that he wanted them to stay, but he was tired of them standing at the door like two idiots. They did and all the siblings started drinking in silence. Truth be told ? None of them knew what to say, but their presence was enough to make Five feel slightly better..that, or it was the alcool ? Klaus served the other two a drink and soon, they were singing all the heartbreak songs they knew, without even knowing the lyrics sometimes...He then decided that it was both. He couldn't help but shake his head and smile as they all started throwing insults in the air, probably addressed to whoever had broken their brother's heart..Five then took some pictures that he made sure he would send to Vanya and Allison when they were all sober again. But, for now ? He would enjoy the show and try to forget the pain for a while..
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Michael thought you liked him because you always talked to him and hung out with him on multiple occasions, until he saw you kiss a man outside of the hospital and he felt his heart break in his chest. He didn't want you to see him, so he ran. He knew that even if you liked him, he could have never given you what you wanted. A normal life with as a happy family ? No..He would have certainly tried to kill you. However, someone else witnessed his moment of weakness. He almost jumped when he heard a noise behind him and turned around to see..Freddy ?
"So...I guess your night didn't go as well as planned, huh ?"
Michael tried to dry his tears quickly, but he couldn't fool Freddy that sighed heavily before sitting down next to him and patting his shoulder sympathetically.
"Don't worry..Plenty of fish in the sea."
Michael shook his head and wrote down.
"None like her/him/them..None that would accept me."
Freddy stayed silent for a moment before shrugging.
"Nah. Don't sweat it. Chicks/Guys will line up. You just gotta wait for the right one, ya know ?"
Michael couldn't believe that Freddy was actually being supportive right now..But, he was grateful. However, the image of you kissing another man played on loop in his brain and he couldn't help but utter weakly.
"Maybe..Maybe I'm just meant to be alone ?"
If Freddy noticed that he was actually talking, he didn't mention it and only shook his head in disbelief.
"Bullsh*t. A big strong and handsome guy like you ? Yar gonna find somebody. When you wake up with my sad ugly mug ? Then, we'll talk about desperate cases.."
Michael couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle before looking at Freddy with a small appreciative smile. He wanted to say thank you when Freddy stood up and looked at the sky, pretending not to see Michael's intention.
"Yup. Gonna rain tomorrow. Better take care of my flowers before they get flooded."
Michael stood up as well and grabbed Freddy's arm before writing down.
"Could I join you ?"
Freddy seemed surprised at first, but smiled and nodded.
"Sure. The more the merrier."
Michael smiled back before following him. Freddy could be annoying sometimes, but deep down ? He was probably the most honest guy he knew..
Bonus : Norman
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Norman had locked himself in his bedroom for a couple of days and didn't eat or drink anything, to the point where even the residents were starting to worry. He was resting on his bed, thinking of how he had confessed and been painfully reminded of who he was and especially what he was, when someone knocked at his door. He grumbled something unintelligible before putting his pillow over his head. However, he was abruptly brought back to reality when someone grabbed his pillow and he was met with the familiar painted faces of Penny and Pennywise.
"Guess who, old timer ?!"
Pennywise shouted with a large smile and Norman only grabbed his blanket to cover his face.
"Please. Leave.", was his straightforward answer. He wasn't in the mood to face the clowns' nonsense, but was once again disturbed by someone else taking his blanket away from him. He then saw that now, all the slashers were surrounding his bed. He sighed deeply. He really didn't want to see anyone today..He was suddenly yanked out of his bed by Brahms and Jason who carried him out of his room, to the point where his feet weren't even touching the ground anymore. He didn't even have the chance to protest that the slashers were all bringing him downstairs and he was momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness of the dinning room. He was actually shocked to find the house clean and almost shinning. He then glanced around to find the residents smiling and ushering at each other in complicity before looking at him.
They all shouted excitedly. They had various cleaning products in their hands, Dennis among them. Michael was in front of him with a cake in his hands and smiled. He then read what was written on the cake.
"To the number 1."
Norman felt tears forming in his eyes and quickly wiped them away with his sleeve. For some reason, his heart swelled with great pride and he felt very humbled.
"Oh my ! I..I don't know what to say..Thank you. All of you."
All the people present smiled happily and Freddy then patted his shoulder affectionately.
"Heartbreak happens, man. Doesn't mean you gotta stay locked up in your room forever..Plus, none of us would be here without you ! So, this is the least we could do."
Norman smiled gratefully at Freddy and Five nodded in agreement.
"For once, I agree with Freddy. You're now a part of this very unusual and crazy family. That you want to or not.."
Norman smiled warmly while looking at each slasher before admitting truthfully.
"I wouldn't have it any other way.."
He stood up straight and felt good, better than he had for a while now..He then looked at the cake. Number 1, huh ? Too bad he wasn't yours..His mood sudden soured as he thought of you, but Arthur snapped him out of his moment of regret by putting his hand on his back encouragingly and whispered for only him to hear.
"I know it must be hard..But, you'll get over it. Focus on the happy thoughts.."
Norman nodded and smiled thankfully at Arthur who winked at him before stepping back.
"Now, are you gonna blow the candles, or are we supposed to do it ?"
Freddy suddenly exclaimed and Michael shook his head before slapping Freddy over the head.
"HEY ! What gives ?! I'm hungry !"
His reaction made everyone laugh, even Norman who let out a soft chuckle before taking the knife from Michael and stepping forward to finally blow the candles and cut the cake.
Arthur was right..He just needed to focus on the happy thoughts. He looked up at the slashers and the different residents talking to each other, as if they weren't different, as if they could be friends and he genuinely smiled.
Maybe...Just maybe...Everything would be alright ?
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➳all the king's men ♡ ☾
in which all the king's men couldn't put the pieces of y/n l/n together. we all have the days where we're insecure and broken, this is one of hers.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.8k
tw: insecurity, bullying
please if you are having overly harmful thoughts about yourself, talk to a friend or a professional. you are perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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it's so sad that the best people tend to think the worst of themselves
all the king's men
y/n, for lack of a better description, was feeling like humpty dumpty. she had seen herself in the mirror last night, and felt positively traumatised. she had come back from a quidditch practice session, and the results were quite terrifying.
she didn't understand. quidditch made the guys more toned and even a few of her teammates had abs. what did it do to her? well, it made her shoulders broad, which she thought was highly unattractive to anyone, and not at all slim! sure, it was fun and kept her fit, but terribly horrible, in her opinion, in trying to fit in to the beautiful girls that went to hogwarts.
she admired angie johnson and cho chang and ginny. she really did. y/n knew how hard it was to be beautiful, and she liked when other people were so beautifully beautiful. it just made her feel terrible, because what was the chance of her keeping her boyfriend in fred weasley when fiercely pretty girls were dancing elegantly around her?
there wasn't any time to be mopey and sad, so she gathered all her books and immediately went to breakfast. she didn't even bother going over to fred and greeting him. she saw how happy he was laughing with george and lee. surely she wouldn't bother him. instead she plopped down next to alicia.
"you ok?" alicia spinnet asked her.
she nodded, "fine."
"you sure?"
"wanna talk about it?"
"do you think it's too early to get plastic surgery?" y/n joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"what the fuck, no. what's up?" alicia's eyes were lit with concern.
"i don't feel pretty," her voice was but a whisper.
alicia caught it.
"why? you're literally adorable."
"you're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me that."
"hmm, nah, i truly believe it."
"well i don't," y/n said miserably.
"oi, l/n, your hair down today?" adrian pucey snarled, "it's gonna give me aids."
a few students snorted.
"you can get aids then. shut your mouth," y/n retorted back.
the whole school look startled. was this the same, prefect, goody-two-shoes y/n l/n?
adrian pucey opened his mouth.
"i said shut. your. mouth."
fred weasley watched in a mixture of furiousness and pride. he knew that pucey had a crush on y/n too. he was just terrible in expressing it. fred didn't like the way y/n's eyes sadly flitted to alicia afterwards. and she hadn't come up to him and given him a kiss today. maybe she just wanted a bit of space??
"see?" y/n sighed, "not even my hair is pretty." she tied it up.
alicia laughed, "adrian just wants your attention."
that made y/n laugh. "why? why?" it was a rhetorical question. she got up, and smiled at adrian in the most menacing way that he shrunk.
"miss l/n, your outburst was quite rude-" snape began.
"my apologies professor, of course, i was in the wrong. adrian pucey brought the topic surrounding my hair up, called it ugly. now what would you do if a student called your hair ugly?" y/n said, eyes burning with fury but conscience too good to lose her temper.
"i-i would give them a scolding."
"likewise. good day, professor."
"fucking hell, he is such a sh-" alicia muttered as she got up and followed y/n out to class.
"ali, that's enough," their retreating voices could be heard.
fred kept his eye on y/n through the day, giving her the space he thought she needed.
she looked very like her normal self, until she encountered pucey again.
"l/n, nice squinty eyes," pucey laughed.
y/n's shoulders sagged. her eyes dimmed and she let her ponytail fall in front of her face.
"ponytail won't fix them," he laughed meanly, "can they fix your dumpling body?"
fred frowned deeply, "fuck off, adrian," he angrily said, "that's my girlfriend you're talking to."
"oh, you have someone like weasley to save you? i don't even think you deserve him as a boyfriend."
y/n didn't answer, fearing that tears would spill out of her eyes. she had just been feeling worse and worse about herself. instead, when the bell signalled the end of classes, she hurried quickly off to wherever, trying to pull herself together.
she felt like she was at the bottom of the earth. her eyes finally let go of the tears that needed to be spilt. she leant sobbing against a stout tree in the forbidden forest, head slumped gloomily against the trunk, eyes trying to find anything, anything, that could be remotely comforting and hands fiddling nervously with the flowers that bloomed happily around her. her whole body shook in anxiety. she wished she had her mum or dad here to help her. but they were back at home.
how did fred love her?
she wished she didn't have stupid hair or squinty eyes or a dumpling body. but she couldn't ignore the mean, yet so true, remarks about her body adrian made. they were morally wrong and he deserved to be stabbed, but they were factual. she used to just laugh and joke about him too, but now she realised that maybe she should pay more attention to the way she eats and works and the way she talks and looks and presents herself and put more makeup on and-
fred found her crying there, by the little pond, shrinking away from the mere sight of her own appearance. he didn't get it.
well, he did, but he didn't know why such a beautiful girl like his girlfriend was crying.
she flinched and stopped crying.
"sorry, i'll leave. i don't think you want a dumpling of a girlfriend sharing this nice space," she attempted to joke, but it fell short. she wasn't joking anymore. her tone was serious and genuine. the unexpected good nature pucey's remarks were received in usually was gone, and for good reason. it had broken her into the tiniest little pieces.
fred felt it. he felt his heart stop.
"is this about what pucey said to you, lovely?" he asked gently, cupping her cheek, and pulling her close to him.
she nodded, feeling immensely better already. the smell of him made her calm down insanely.
"so you don't want space?"
"n-no, i was just..." she trailed off uncertainly.
"mhm?" he looked at her and waited.
"it's silly."
"well, it's got you crying, i don't think so."
"the stuff a-adrian says is true," her voice was quiet and small.
fred frowned.
"i'm not cute or elegant or even hot," she continued, "i-i'm not as pretty as anyone here."
"well, my little love, if my opinion even matters, you are stunning. i think you're the prettiest person in the world, both on skin and in here," he patted his own heart, "do you know how long i pined after you?"
"i'm still pining after you, gorgeous."
"d-do you mean it when you say gorgeous?" her eyes were broken and teary.
"of course. it hurts me when you are upset. because you are gorgeous and much more because you are so nice and good to me and to everyone else too. pucey's a complete shithead and when i next see him i will bash his head in. i'm so sorry i didn't notice, love, i thought you were mad at me."
"no it's fine, i just don't understand. you're fred weasley. so many girl's want you and you-you choose...me?," a sad frown was etched on her face, her tone confused.
"y/n, you're my only choice. i don't want the other girls. i can see the appeal of you. i-i know i'm not the best with words like you, but i really care about you. i love you, i adore you, you're the bestest person i've ever met."
and he knows he's brought the happiness back in her. she giggled. he felt relieved, because he knew he wasn't good at all at comforting people and y/n was so special to him- why didn't he say that earlier to her?
"bestest isn't a word, freddie."
"well you get what i mean, right? you're really special to me," there it was.
she nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips as she kissed him on the lips, before snuggling closer to him.
"darling, wouldn't you rather go back to the castle to cuddle?"
hesitantly, she shook her head.
"'drian's there."
"adrian cannot hurt you, okay? whatever he tells you is wrong. he's wrong," he gently says, pulling her close to him, "besides, if he does, i'm here, and you're strong."
"i just cried about it, i can't be strong."
"crying doesn't mean you're weak, darling, sometimes we all cry and that's okay."
y/n nodded.
"here, i brought this for you, maybe it's a comfort??" he blushed as he handed her his quidditch hoodie.
she grinned and put it on.
he couldn't stop blushing at the sight of her, so he tilted his face away to save himself the embarrassment.
noticing and mistaking his turned away head for disgust, y/n took the hoodie off, downcastedly handing it back to him.
"sorry," she gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as fred looked at her in confusion.
"y-you can have it back, yeah, there's no need to hide your shame, here, s-sorry," she stuttered out.
"shame?" he asked, looking worriedly down at her.
"mhm," she fiddled with the hem of her shirt, "sorry."
he finally understood.
"angel, look at me."
she reluctantly looked up at him.
"i wasn't feeling disgusted at all. i-i was actually embarrassed because i was blushing," his cheeks heated up again, "like i probably am right now. you're too beautiful. i was blushing too much."
"yeah. now put it back on," he demanded, as he cheekily tugged the jumper over her head, blushing again as he saw her standing there in his jumper.
"c'mon!" he said, carrying y/n's school bag as they made their way to the castle, his arm wrapped protectively around his waist and the bright gold letters on the back of his sweater shining for anyone and everyone to see.
they didn't see pucey, thank goodness and they ended up talking with george and katie bell and angie and alicia by the fire.
as y/n smiled and giggled with katie over something highly scandalous, fred had his eyes on her, not so much monitoring her, but he couldn't keep them off of her.
when he had noticed her words start to become short and slightly slurred by tiredness, he lead her back to her dormitory.
"feeling better princess?"
she nodded, "you're so good to me, freddie. i love you."
it made his heart swell with happiness.
"i'd go to the moon and back for you, y/n."
she smiled drowsily, "and i, you."
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Imagine sucking on a lollipop all day to tease Fred but you act like you don’t know what you’re doing and he eventually gets too worked up and ends up fucking you real hard. Maybe you also put on your old school uniform and tease him. Basically some light ddlg with daddy Freddie
It could be a headcannon or blurb- whatever you want- but can it be with a fem!reader please 💕
I combined these two requests :)
a/n: i jUST REALIZED I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO MAKE IT DDLG WITH DADDY FRED OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY. I’ll write a separate ddlg, daddy kink piece for you, i am so sorry ☹️
Cherry Lollipops and Pleated Skirts
warnings: NSFW, vaginal sex, oral (male receiving), fingering, spanking, slight exhibitionism, humiliation, degradation, slight praise, dom!Fred, sub!reader, UNEDITED
No one expected the show to be so busy on a random Friday, but it was busting at the seams. Since the doors were opened at eight o'clock this morning, people had been piling into the shop and stealing your boyfriend's attention along with his twins.
At first, you understood the shop was important and you'd rather business be booming than have their dreams fall apart... but six hours of Fred not even having the time to spare you glance has catalyzed a faint change of heart.
You need him.
The flat above the shop- where you live with Fred and George- was incredibly boring without the boys. You had half a mind to throw caution to the wind, Fred's rules be damned, and use your own hand to get yourself to cum.
Fred had been beyond cruel with his early morning teasing, both of you assuming it would be a light work day and he'd find time to sneak off so you two could go at. At this point you were sure Fred was so busy he forgot about the predicament he left you in, you couldn't blame him- you wanted to- but you couldn't so you decided it would be best to subtly remind him.
You pulled out your old Hogwarts skirt and white button up shirt, with the skirt barely fitting as an appropriate garment to wear out in public. Your hips, thighs, and ass had all filled out as you blossomed into mid adulthood much to your-and Fred’s- pleasant surprise. The dark grey pleated skirt went just below the curve of your ass and brushed the tops of your thighs. The shirt still fit roughly the same, you tucked it into the skirt and left the top few buttons open revealing the soft skin of your chest along with a dark purple love bite peaking out from just under the limp collar.
You made your way down to the shop, a skip in your step as you thought out a plan. The hard candy and lollipop section was just a few feet away from the stairs leading to the upstairs flat, the stairs you were descending, and they were exactly what you were looking for. Picking up a cherry lollipop- you had convinced the twins to bring in a few muggle sweets to the shop- you unwrapped it as you walked over to the till and delicately placed it in your mouth.
"Should I even ask?" George laughed as he took the seven sickles you held out to him.
You shrugged, "You really wanna know?"
He shuddered making you smirk, "You're right. Last I saw him he was by the pepper imps."
The butterflies of anticipation multiplied as you gave George a beaming smile before turning to walk toward the pepper imps.
"And I'd like to keep my shop up and running, so please no funny business in the store."
You shot him a wink over your shoulder before sauntering over to where Fred was. The pepper imps were towards the front of the store but still tucked away in a corner, and as you neared them you could see a crouched Fred looking through the shelves and writing down on his clip board. You took a minute to look him up and down, his hands holding the pen and board making the items look ridiculously toy like, and his bent knees crouching position immediately drew your eyes to the curve of his butt. Averting your eyes from his backside, your gaze followed the lines of his forearms. He had his sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows and the writing caused his arm to flex every so often making you almost drop the cherry flavored sucker from your mouth.
Gently shaking your head and moving the lollipop from one side of your mouth to the other, you brought yourself back to reality and took slow steps to stand next to Fred. You pretended to browse through the shelves as he remained focused on his task.
Fred could sense someone standing next to him, and it took him a mere few seconds to realize it was you. He could be blind folded in a room full of people and he would be able to pick you out in a second from your perfume alone. It was his favorite smell, the way it mixed and mingled with your natural scent was intoxicating. His eyes fluttered shut as he took in your scent, before he turned his head assuming to meet your eyes- only it was your bare thigh that his nose was just about touching when he turned his head.
You watched as his eyes slowly travelled up the expanse of your leg, stopping for a moment when he reached the hem of your skirt, before continuing up until he met your eyes. They were big, bright, and teasingly innocent as your beautiful lips were wrapped around the top half of a big, round, cherry red lolly.
"Seems I've missed an imp." He smirked, extending his legs and raising to his full height.
"Maybe you should get back down there and count again." You suggested sweetly, pulling the lollipop out of your mouth with a pop.
Fred's eyes followed the sucker as you put it back into your mouth and started sucking on it, a faint hitch of his breath could be heard as you pushed it further back into your mouth. He looked around to see if anyone else was seeing the act you were putting on, luckily the corner seemed to be the only deserted spot in the packed shop.
"I'm busy, love, don't be a bad girl." His voice was low and soft as he spoke.
"But Freddie," You whined, drawing out his name before lifting yourself onto your tiptoes to whisper into his ear. "I need you."
Fred plucked the lollipop from between your thumb and forefinger before sticking it into his mouth with a smile.
"Good girls wait, you wanna be a good girl don't you?"
You nodded eagerly.
His eyes racked down your body one more time, his lips slightly parted and tongue prodding at the lollipop hanging out of his mouth as he smirked.
"Good, now go changed before someone sees what's mine."
It was clear this wasn't just a suggestion. He placed the lollipop back into your mouth and gently pushed your chin up to close your lips around the sucker before bending down to place a kiss on your forehead and nudge you in the direction you came from.
With a huff you walked back to the till with slumped shoulders and a sour impression making George giggle at your expression.
"Has he rejected your womanly charm and seduction?" The younger twin joked, earning himself a shove to the shoulder as you joined him behind the till.
You kept George company as he helped customers check out, your lollipop helping keep you occupied as time dragged on. Your elbows rested on the counter, your body bent over the surface while you watched the people in the shop.
Unbeknownst to you, Fred couldn't seem to get his eyes off of your form. The way you were resting against the counter had the hem of your skirt kissing the underside of your ass and he was sure if he could stand behind you he'd see your underwear peaking out from under the garment. The thought of throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you up to the flat was a tempting one, but he had enough willpower- or so he hoped- to resist the urge.
His willpower seems to be running thin, though, when he caught sight of some short bloke eyeing you up. The man wasn’t someone Fred was familiar with, and the way he was practically eye fucking you while you joked with George at the counter didn’t have Fred begging to get to know him. 
The guy continued to openly ogle at you, making Fred start to lose his temper as he restocked the edible death marks. He couldn’t tell if you had noticed or not, but you continued to swirl your tongue around that damned lollipop that not only made his pants far too tight but was probably affecting the man whore in aisle three the same way. 
With one final flick of your tongue against the sucker, Fred noticed the man start to make his way over to you, a sleazy smirk stretched across his lips. He tossed the rest of the edible dark marks onto the table with no regards to organization and took long strides to get to your side. 
You were mid conversation with George about the new girl he was seeing when you felt Fred wrap a firm, calloused hand around your wrist and tug you into his chest. 
“Everything al-” Fred cut you off with a large hand spread over your jaw, forcing your head to angle up, and pulling you into a heated kiss after plucking the lollipop from your lips. 
He held you to his chest as your body practically went limp in his arms, anything to just keep your lips locked with his. Fred kept his hand on your neck, moving it just slightly back to keep your head tilted back so he could deepen the kiss while his hand around your waist pulled your hips as close to his as possible- also trying not to get the sticky sweet sucker stuck on your skirt. 
The kiss left you breathless, your chest heaving as his lips moved to the underside of your jaw with heavy kisses. You almost forgot where you were with the way Fred was firmly holding your jaw and moving it himself so he could better access to the skin. Unfortunately, it was George who brought you back to reality making a soft blush paint your cheeks. Fred hung his head, nose prodding at your neck as he smirked before pulling away and standing straight. He popped your sucker into his mouth, a clinking against his teeth sounded as his tongue moved the sugary sweet hard-candy around in his mouth. His eyes were creased into a mocking squint as he stared down the now incredibly uncomfortable looking man. 
Fred didn’t wait for him to walk away, instead focusing his attention back on you. He wrapped an arm around your waist, nudging you in the direction of the stairs that led upstairs to the flat. 
“Oi! Where are you going?” George shouted just as you let out a loud giggle, Fred had smacked the underside of your butt as you climbed up the steps ahead of him. 
Fred turned to look at his brother, eye dropping into a wink, “I’m taking my lunch break.”
You giggled all the way through the flat and into your shared bedroom, Fred walking next to you with long strides and an arm wrapped around your shoulders, his hand holding the column of your neck. 
Fred closed the door to your bedroom before turning to you, he gave you an appraising look as he toyed with the lollipop still in his mouth. 
“You think this is cute?” 
His tone made your eyes shift and bottom lip jut, you were in trouble. 
“Walking into the shop dressed like a fucking whore...You just want attention, huh?”
“I wasn’t even paying attention to him! I was just waiting for you like you told me.”
Fred stopped for a moment, “...I never mentioned that bloke looking at you.”
Your eyes went wide realizing you gave away more than you should of.
“On your fucking knees.”
In record time your knees hit the hardwood floor, slowly crawling over to Fred. Your eyes were trained on the lollipop moving around his mouth and you think you understood just how agonizing it must’ve been for Fred all day to watch you sucking on it.
Upon reaching his legs, you worked quickly to unbutton his trousers and pull them down along with his boxers. You wrapped a hand around his semi hard cock, the weight of him in your hands made arousal start to pool in your panties. Your tongue replaced your hand, licking a broad stripe up from the base of his cock to the tip before placing a kiss on the spongy head while making eye contact with Fred through your lashes. The act made him shudder, his hand moving to grab the side of your head and fingers carding through your hair. Taking him into your mouth, you could feel each ridge and vein with your tongue making you moan around his shaft. 
“Bunny’s mouth was made for my cock, yeah?” Fred asked with a grunt as you slowly started to bob your head. 
You nodded as best you could but focused back on hollowing your cheeks and taking him to the back of your throat. His head hit the back of your throat making you let out a small gag before adjusting to breathing through your nose. Once adjusted you started to bob your head faster, your hands gripping his thighs hard enough to leave marks. 
Fred groaned around the lollipop still in his mouth- though now significantly smaller- his hips starting to thrust in sync with your mouth moving up and down his shaft. His breathe hitched when your hand started to massage his balls, tugging and rolling to get him to his release. 
The louder he got the closer you knew he was, so you started to suck harder and move faster. His fist closed around a makeshift ponytail in his palm, using it to tug you off of his cock. Your mouth made a pop sound as you were pulled off his prick, and you let out a whine at the loss of his taste. 
“Gonna cum in your- no...in my pussy.” Fred smirked, bringing you to stand on your feet and pulling your head back so you were forced to look up at him. 
He brought up his other hand to grasp the thin, white, stick of the sucker hanging from his lips and pulled the lollipop from his mouth. He used the red sugary bead that was left on the stick to gesture up and down your body as he spoke.
“Clothes off...save for the skirt.” He demanded, pointing at the pleated grey skirt with the lollipop. 
You were quick to do as you were told, shirt dropping to the floor along with your bra and panties all while Fred watched with dark eyes and an aura of possessiveness. 
Silently, Fred pointed the white stick toward the bed- the lollipop finally had reached its end- never taking his eyes off of your now nearly naked form. You practically skipped over to the bed, climbing up onto it slowly as to make sure Fred got a good glimpse of your bare cunt under your skirt. It was clear that you had succeeded when he let out low, barely audible, groan. 
Before you could real get a grip on what was happening, Fred had his fingers running up your slick folds, your skirt flipped up, drawing out a gasp from you. Moans fluttered past your parted lips as Fred started to rub small, tight circles on your aching clit. With the little white stick abandoned on the nightstand, his other hand was free to run up the inside of your thigh before his fingers moved to tease your entrance causing you to clench desperately around nothing. 
Fred gave you little time to adjust as he slipped his fingers into your entrance, thrusting in his middle and ring fingers roughly while his other hand still worked to stimulate your clit. Transitioning from tight circles to a flat hand rubbing back and forth harshly with more pressure had your back arching and eyes screwing shut. Fred continued to move his digits in a wave with each thrust, the pads of his fingers massaging the spongey area inside your pussy that had your toes curling. 
“F-Fuck, Freddie-” You gasped, hand gripping onto his wrist not knowing whether or not to pull his hand closer to your clit or push it away. 
Fred leaned over your body, his mouth attaching to any skin he could reach to roughly bite and suck before he pulled away to huskily whisper into your ear, “Louder. Say it louder.” 
You were more than willing to abide, not having the will power to try and keep yourself quiet either way. Fred’s fingers continued to thrust into your cunt as your orgasm hit you, a vulgar squelching coming from the vigorous action that had your hips twitching and lifting off of the bed. His large hand came down onto your abdomen, pushing you back onto the bed as you rode through your climax. 
“That’s it. Made a mess all over your pretty little skirt.” Fred tutted, removing his hands from your body to start taking the rest of his clothes off. 
“M’ sorry.” You muttered quietly.
Fred shook his head before going you a teasing smile, “It’s alright, kitten, you’re forgiven this time.”
Your chest heaved as you watched Fred undress which was always a breathtaking sight. His cock was already painfully hard, the tip red and leaking precum making your over sensitive cunt ache. 
“On your knees, hands holding the headboard.” Fred instructed, smacking your thigh gently to get you to move quicker. 
With shaky knees you crawled over to the headboard and gripped the wooden edge, making sure to wiggle your butt in Fred’s direction as you did so. The bed dipped with Fred’s weight as he climbed up and positioned himself behind you, his right hand trailing up and down the line of your spine before grabbing a handful of your ass with a grip sure to leave a few faint bruises. 
Fred lined himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing into your tight walls. The way your pussy gripped him had his eyes rolling back and jaw going slack, it was a feeling he’d never get tired of no matter how many times he felt it. Adding the breathy moans and whimpers that left your mouth into the mix and he could barely keep himself from fucking into you roughly. 
You bit your lip at the slight discomfort that came with the stretch of Fred bottoming out, the fronts of his thighs flush against the backsides of your own as you both took a moment to adjust. You let out a choked gasp as Fred pulled almost completely out of your pulsing cunt, his prick slick with your juices. He had his hands on your hips, using this as an opportunity to pull you back to meet his thrusts. His pace quickly sped up, soon the sound of smacking skin, loud groans, and cried out moans filled the room as Fred fucked you hard. 
“Tell them who makes you feel good. Want the whole fucking shop to hear you.” Fred growled from behind you. 
And who were you to disobey him?
“Harder, F-Freddie. Fuck-”
Both of you were sure George could hear not only the animalistic growls and pornographic moans but also the bed frame ramming into the wall and the sound of skin smacking almost painfully.
Fred reach around to start massaging your clit, making you almost drop your hands from the headboard as your hips twitched toward him. 
“Whose cunt is this, huh? Whose fucking cunt?” 
Your vision was blurring and words slipping your mind as he continued to pound into you and stimulate your clit. 
“Say it.” 
“Yours-” You sobbed, second orgasm approaching. “All yours, Freddie.”
Fred smacked your clit making you jolt, “That’s fucking right.”
Your body started to shake as you started to release around Fred, the intense pulsing of your cunt had Fred spilling his load into with a stutter of his hips. He held you close, cock completely sheathed inside of your weeping pussy as you both came. 
Coming down from your highs, Fred pulled out of you and promptly left to grab a washcloth to clean you up. You collapsed onto the bed, skin balmy and limbs shaky as you waited for Fred to come back. When he did, reworked quickly to clean you up and dispose of the wash cloth before climbing back into the bed where you had found yourself. He got comfortable on his side before pulling you into his chest and having your limbs entangle with his own. You weren't sure where you ended and Fred started, just how you two liked it. 
Fred pressed a soft kiss to your forehead while his hand delicately run up and down your back and curve of your waist. 
“You should get back to the shop.” You muttered quietly, not really wanting to let him go. 
Fred hummed before moving his hand to cradle the back of your head and nuzzle you further into his neck and chest.
“I think Georgie will be just fine.”
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dirt-cup-draco · 3 years
Tethered- Fred x Reader
‘Don’t ever scare me like that again’ kiss with Fred where he lives (I’ve been crying about it lately) xoxo @starofthedawn
Your chest was tied up in knots, eyes burning and bile rising in your throat. The dust that permeated the air felt like gravel in your airways and you couldn’t help the wet cough that slipped past cracked lips. Even as you blinked away the tears that were running out, the world remained blurry and unfocused. 
After all, how could anything make sense when Fred was face down on the cobblestone. Pieces of the castle you two had called home burying him. 
“Lost in my eyes again, Y/N?” Fred asked, a playful tilt to his mouth. You were in the library, head buried in a book and not at all gazing into Fred’s honeyed eyes. You must’ve not heard him come in so when you looked up and saw him you couldn’t help the warmth that blossomed in your chest. 
You liked the way his lips were pulled up by an invisible thread as you finally took notice of him.  It wasn’t quite a smile, but a familiar expression that you held dear to your heart. It was understated, especially for Fred Weasley, but the expression was one of his most sincere. 
“Can’t help the fact you’ve got dreamy eyes, George,” 
“Sod off,” Fred said with no real venom, sitting in the chair beside yours and kicking his feet up onto the table. He was lucky Madam Pince didn’t often come to this corner of the library, otherwise she’d have his head.
You stuck your tongue out at him, even daring to toss a quill at his head- but before you could he caught your hand and held on tight. Your bright grin wavered at the edges but that joy was still blooming in your chest. Suffocation was a sure thing. 
“Everything okay, Freddie?” Voice soft, slow. You understood sometimes he just needed a hand to hold and you wouldn’t let yourself believe it was more than that. What it was, was Fred trusting you and needing you as a friend and that was more than enough. 
He nodded, his eyelids heavy and his demeanor sluggish. He almost seemed like a sleepy cat but you could see the way his shoulders dipped as you posed your question. 
Fred squeezed your hand as he sank down into his chair, knees now drawn to his chest in a protective ball. “Course I am, nothing could ever be wrong when I’ve got you to tether me to what’s good,” 
Your knees buckled as you stumbled the last foot to where Fred lay. Unmoving, broken, probably not breathing- You shook your head wildly even as the tears burned and your brain ached. Just like every other wizard, every other soldier at Hogwarts today, you had your fair share of injuries but you felt the pain dull to nothing; Your vision tunneled to the familiar hand that stuck out from the rubble, the feather soft shock of red hair that was visible under all the grey, lifeless stone. 
With a flick of your hand, some of the rubble broke loose and found themselves discarded on the burned and torn up grass ten feet from you. The panic pounding at your ribcage was only eased by the determination you felt to get Fred out of there, alive. There was no other option. 
Waves would stand still without the moon, plants would dry up without water, and you would cease to be anything but a shell without Fred Weasley. 
It had been an honest mistake at the time, George had tugged you away after class one day to an empty corridor and nearly begged you to ask Fred and put the both of you out of your “self sabotaging misery”. Problem was, all Katie Bell saw was George whisking you away somewhere private a week before the ball was to commence, both of you dateless. 
By the time you had both gone to the great hall for lunch, your group of friends were deep into speculations. 
“Going to the ball with Y/N then?” Fred fixed George with a look you couldn’t quite decipher but the shock of him thinking such a thing had you missing that usual twitch of his eye when he was aggravated. 
George whipped his head to you in confusion but it went unnoticed when Lee said, “Great! Of course you two got dates before me,” gesturing wildly to the twins. 
All of the confusion had your head spinning but hearing that Fred had a date to the ball made you steady again, the lead pit in your stomach anchoring you. Anyone would be a fool to not want to go with Fred. 
“You’ve got a date?” You said a bit too loudly, eyes narrowed at Fred. 
“Asked Angie,” 
“Yeah, two minutes ago,” She snorted. “Guess he didn’t want George to beat him by too much of a landslide,”  
George let out a too-loud laugh and tossed his arm back over your shoulders. “Take that Lee, we got two of the hottest girls in school to be our dates,” 
“Go with me instead and I’ll buy you as many sugar quills as your heart desires, Y/N” Lee bargained and George swatted him on the back of a head with a faux glare. 
You couldn’t help but snort at Lee’s antics, looking at George with gratitude. You could tell he was trying to talk you up, keep your heart from falling too far. However, his efforts couldn’t completely ease the ache in your chest. You were tethered to Fred and you didn’t think anything could change that. 
You’d done your best to completely immobilize Fred when most of the rubble was removed, only some of the smaller chunks of wall now littered over his legs and back. The immobulus charm had to be enough to keep him stable. If he was still alive. 
It was the uncertainty that kept you going in this moment. If there was even a slim chance Fred could be alive, you would do all you could to save him. You refused to lose him and that was that. You wished you could see his chest moving, or any sign of life but he was still too buried and the dust that settled over the battlefield made your eyes unfocused. 
Even though the final battle had ended an hour or more ago, how long had it been since you’d found Fred?, you were shut off from any of the joy that the win could have brought you. If Fred wasn’t going to be there to celebrate then how could you? 
“We’ve got to fix up the shop a-and get butterbeers,” You sniffled, trying to keep your hands from shaking as you worked your way through the rubble. You kept speaking as if holding Fred to his promises would bring him over the threshold and into your waiting arms. 
“You’ve got to give me that birthday present you’ve been bragging about for months, and you’ve got to help me prank Lee for singeing my favorite sweater with one of your fireworks,”
And on and on you went, all of the promises Fred had ever made you falling from your lips as you pulled the last of the rubble from his body. One of his legs and all of the fingers on his right hand were bent at grotesque angles. There was a line of blood that started somewhere behind his hairline and trailed down his temple, dripping off of his jaw and onto the ruins he had nearly become a permanent part of. 
You wouldn’t permit your legs to shake as you stood, the sun being further down in the sky than you remembered. The wave of your wand was light and methodical even as every step towards help weighed you down. 
Time passed you without you taking note, the sun sank beneath the horizon and you stumbled your way through the dark. Eventually, you were taken off guard by the light of someone’s wand. Time caught up to you then as you stared with bleary eyes, trying to recognize the face before you but having a hard time sorting anything in your over exhausted brain. 
“Help him,” Was all you had energy for, before darkness took over. 
“...understand how she did it,” 
“...miracle, really,” 
“Poor girl must’ve....” 
Conversations floated around your head as you lay cemented underneath the sheets that you had been securely wrapped in. You wanted nothing more than to swat them away like pesky flies, the voices weren’t loud but to you it was as if someone had put a speaker in the empty space of your skull and turned the volume up as high as it could go. Everything ached. 
“Am I dead?” You croaked, eyelids still too heavy to even attempt opening. 
Immediately, a woman nearly screamed and a cacophony of other voices rose up- both familiar and not. 
“You look like you wish you were,” Someone joked to your left and your eyes snapped open so quickly you became dizzy. You felt frozen in place as honey eyes swept over you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Despite being covered from the chin down you felt as if you were being looked through. A shiver ran down your spine and it was followed by a deep ache that had you groaning despite the emotions bubbling up within you. 
“Damn you Fred,” Was all you had to say before everyone else around you was clearing out. For a split second you felt guilt when you realized your parents as well as the Weasleys had come to stand beside you as you healed. 
“I’ve come back from the brink of death and that’s what you have to say to me?” He teased but his voice was torn to shreds and you had the terrible image in your mind of him screaming for help until he lost consciousness. The blood drained from your face. 
Fred seemed to take notice as he shuffled out of his bed that was right next to yours. He paused at the edge, fumbling for the crutches that were at his bedside. It felt like years the time it took for him to fall into the chair nearest you, his hand stretching for yours. 
You moved pathetically against the sheets but in your weakened state you couldn’t grasp his hand. “Freddie,” You croaked, eyes filling with tears in frustration. You’d thought him dead and now you couldn’t even move a damn blanket to touch him, to make sure this wasn’t a dream. 
“I’m here,” He reassured, moving the sheets on your side gently until your hand was free and you could tangle your fingers with his non-broken hand. 
“I’ve been telling you for years now, you’re my tether. Just when I thought I was going to cross over, I heard you. All the promises we made, and all the chaos we have yet to make, all the things I haven’t said,” Fred’s bottom lip trembled as he brushed his thumb over your scabbed knuckles. You were faintly aware of a needle in your forearm, attached to an IV but all that mattered was the warmth you felt from Fred. 
“You could break them all and I’d still be counting my lucky stars that you’re here,” You cried, falling into a coughing fit. Fred was quick to press a still cold glass of water into your hands and help you sit up even from his place on his chair. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” He promised, hand remaining at the back of your neck as he settled you against your pillows. That genuine not-smile was back and you chewed on your lip to keep from crying again. You still weren’t sure he was here so any reminder that it was really him had you at a breaking point. 
“Can you make me one more promise then?” You caught his gaze but found you couldn’t hold it, the intensity making your stomach swoop and your heart pound against your rattled ribcage. 
Fred had yet to move, his hand steady behind you and his face close. Your noses were nearly touching as he said, “Anything.” 
“Don’t scare me like that ever again,” 
You chanced one more look at him, eyes wide and pleading. You were going to make him promise on everything in him but the rest of your words were lost when you stumbled over the loud adoration in his eyes. As if on autopilot, you removed your hand from his to brush your fingertips against a gash on his cheek. 
“Never again,” He whispered, frozen in place. He didn’t dare move when you let your movements wander over his lips, taking your time before you let your hand fall against the junction of where his shoulder met his neck. Beneath the collar of the hospital gown you could see garish bruising that only served as another reminder you’d almost lost him. 
That was enough to remind you that there was much unsaid between you and the man you loved. You could feel his shaky breath, his hand squeezing yours just enough that you felt the reassuring pressure. When you took your third look at those eyes, you knew. 
You moved at the same time, in tune to one another in a way you always have been. It was with a sigh that your lips met, frightened and curious and wonderful. You were careful of his head would as you played with the hair at the back of his neck and he made sure not to move you anymore than tilting your head to slot your lips against his at a better angle. 
Fred pulled away when his smile dared to take over his face but you couldn’t complain about the loss when you could feel his pulse beating strongly against your fingers, his chest moving steadily with life. 
“I’m just as tied to you as you are to me,” You laughed softly, in disbelief. 
Fred looked surprised for all but a second before he was placing his lips against yours, cautious but deliriously happy. 
Waves swayed with the moon, plants flourished with water, and you were never far from Fred Weasley. Each were tethered to their counterpart and nothing could change it. 
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Is That My Bra? || Fred Weasley
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1.9k
Requested: No
Summary: Things get heated when Fred steals your favorite bra from your room
Warnings: Swearing
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever created it
A/N: This is my first piece of writing here, please let me know what you think! I hope y'all like it :)
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George walked back to the small circle of Lee and Fred, a triumphant look on his face. Proudly he lifted up his left pant leg, showing his now clean shaven leg.
“Done,” George declared, causing Lee and Fred to both fall back in laughter.
“Nice job Georgie,” Fred said, after composing himself. “You wait until Angelina sees that.”
George grinned. “They’re only going to make her fancy me more.”
Lee snorted at George’s comment, finding the shaven legs more horrifying than attractive. “Get on with it George, it’s your turn.”
George looked between the two of them, before he landed on Fred. “Freddie my boy, dare or dare?”
The three had originally been playing truth or dare, but after nobody picking truth for seven rounds, they had changed the name to dare or dare. For the last forty-five minutes, the three of them had been sent on a wide range of tasks, from streaking through the charms corridor (Lee got a weeks worth of detention for that) to making a dirty comment in the ear of an unsuspecting Hufflepuff.
Fred pretended to think. “Hmm, I think I’ll go with dare.”
George looked around the common room, trying to come with a suitable dare for his brother.
His eyes landed on you, who was just making your way down the stairs from the girls dormitories. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, were with you, and the three of you were laughing at a joke Alicia had said.
You turned, feeling someone’s eyes on you and sent George a look. He waved back wildly, and you raised an eyebrow, waving back to him.
You followed the girls out of the common room, heading towards the kitchens for an evening snack.
George turned back to the two boys with a wide grin on his face. “I dare you Fred to steal Y/N’s bra.”
Lee busted out laughing once more as Fred turned to George. “Easy,” he replied confidently, getting up from the circle.
A smirk played on his lips as he made his way towards the stairs up to the girls dormitories. He was only six steps up when the stairs flattened out, producing a slide that sent Fred tumbling back down into the common room.
George bent over laughing at his brother, who was now splayed across the floor and had attracted the attention of the few people present in the room.
“Jackass,” Fred muttered, picking himself up. “You knew that was going to happen.”
“I didn’t, I swear,” George defended between laughs.
Fred continued to glower, not buying it. “Give me a new dare, I can’t do this one.”
George’s laughter faded, his expression turning to one of thought as he tried to find a way around the stairs.
“We could go get your broom,” Lee suggested.
Fred nodded. “That could-” He let out a small yelp as he felt his feet leave the ground.
Looking down, he saw that he was now hovering six inches in the air and his brother was pointing his wand at home in concentration.
Lee let out a whoop of excitement as George lifted him up the steps.
Fred now stood at the top of the stairs, rubbing his head from where George had “accidently” bumped him into the wall.
“Go get the bra!” George yelled, causing a third year to fix the three with a horrified expression.
Fred walked down the narrow hallway, trying to locate your dormitory. After finding the right one, he pushed open the door, pausing for a moment to take in the sheer amount of clothes that littered the floor. He found your bed easily by the large Holyhead Harpies blanket that was stretched across the top. He himself had given it to you for your birthday last year.
Fred’s eyes landed on your trunk and a large smirk filled his face. Resting on top was a set of clothes, and beneath the shirt he could see the straps of a lacie red bra.
Fred slid down the stairs not three minutes later, sitting back down in the circle and triumphantly showing the boys your bra.
George applauded loudly, but immediately stopped when he caught sight of you coming back though the portrait hole with Alicia and Angelina, all three of you balancing numerous sweet treats in your arms.
“Shit,” George hissed, “it’s Y/N.”
Fred’s eyes widened and he quickly shoved your bra into his book bag that laid beside him, filled with the homework he had yet to do.
You walk past without a second glance though, heading up to your dorm.
The following morning you stood in your dorm, running late for breakfast as you hastily flipped through the clothes in your trunk.
“Are you okay?” Alicia asked, already dressed for the day.
“Yeah,” you replied absently, again rechecking all your clothes. “I just can’t seem to find my bra. Did one of you two take it? It’s the red one.”
Angelina snorted. “You know red’s not my color,” she stated, leaning over your shoulder to look in your trunk. “Just wear something else.”
You pursed your lips. “I picked this one out because it goes with my top for the party tonight, I have to find it!”
“You mean the top you’re going to wear for Fred?” Angelina asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes. “No you daft doxie!” You exclaimed, giving your best friend a playful shove. “You and I both know that’s a load of horse crap.”
Angelina only winked back, causing you to shove her again.
Annoyed at your bad luck, you glared at your clothes once more. You knew you had set it out just last night so you could find it the next morning. Now where had it gone?
After three more searches through your trunk, which only seemed to make it messier and more difficult to look through, you settled for a black sports bra instead, not your favorite but it would have to do.
After morning classes you found yourself running late to lunch after going back up to your dorm to grab the transfiguration essay you had forgotten to put in your bag that morning. Hustling down the stairs, your stomach grumbled, reminding you that you had missed breakfast.
Your pace quickened, rounding the corner into the charms corridor where you immediately crashed into an unsuspecting student.
“Shit,” you said, as you rather ungracefully stumbled back. Losing your footing, you landed on the floor painfully.
“Damn I’m sorry Y/N,” someone said, and you looked up to see Fred sprawled across the floor across from you, his twin not too far away, trying to hide his snickers.
You had barely started speaking when your eyes landed on Fred’s bag, which had slid across the floor in the impact. Your attention was drawn to the red lacie strap which was peeking out from inside.
The twins followed your gaze, Fred’s face turning into one of surprise as he had completely forgotten that he hadn’t taken your bra out of his bag last night, whilst George doubled over in a silent laughter.
“Is that my bra?” you asked bluntly, turning to stare at Fred.
“I best be going,” George said, giving you two a little waive, “have fun with that brother.”
You turned to Fred again. “Is that my bra?” you repeated.
Fred’s look of shock twisted into a smirk. “Quite possibly love.”
“How- What-” you struggled to find the right words. Finally you resorted to just saying. “You took that from my room.”
Fred nodded. “Yup, sounds about right.”
You turned to look at your bra once more, and Fred, sensing what you were going to do, dove for it just as you did. He was far closer, reaching it first though you landed on top of him just seconds later, your hand trying to grip the undergarment.
“Give it to me,” you hissed, as he held it behind his head and out of your reach.
Fred looked up at you, from where he was positioned underneath, his smirk only widening. “You know I hadn’t pegged you as a top, Y/N,” he said cheekily. “We might have some control issues later.”
You glared down at him, but he only winked back.
“Shut the hell up and give me the damn bra,” you snapped, lunging forward.
Fred firmly placed his free hand on your waist, holding you back.
“You’ll need to do better than that L/N,” he taunted.
You were now royally pissed off and desperately wanted to hex that smirk right off his face. You look back to where your bag had fallen several yards back, judging how fast you could reach your wand.
“Don’t bother love,” Fred said, reading your thoughts. “I won’t let you get that far.” He squeezed your hips for good measure.
“Now do tell me,” he asked lazily, his hand that was on your waist beginning to slide up your shirt. “Why is this particular bra so important?”
You slapped his hand, but that only seemed to provoke him more as his thumb was now beginning to trace circles on your stomach. Quickly, you glanced down the hall to make sure it was empty, thank Merlin it was lunch. You and Fred were still in a rather compromising position, something he seemed to indicate wouldn’t change anytime soon. Normally you would have been rather content with this too, but currently you were far too focused on retrieving your stolen bra and the redhead beneath you wasn’t doing anything to lessen your annoyance.
“I need it for the party tonight,” you finally grumbled.
Fred pretended to think. “That is a rather convincing argument, you should have started with that earlier. I as much as the next guy would be quite curious of this outfit.”
You flushed red, picturing the rather see through top in your head.
Fred smirked at your discomfort, his hand rising up your back. With no warning, he pulled you down, causing you to let out a gasp when your face reached a mere few inches from his.
“I am very curious of this outfit,” he repeated, his lips brushing yours as he spoke.
You felt your heart rate quicken. His warm breath hit your face and you struggled not to sigh. You’re still angry at him, you tried to remind yourself.
Fred’s hand that was slithering up your back had now reached your bra and he let out a huff of annoyance. “Damn, sports bra, you’re killing me L/N.”
This time you were the one who smirked. “I would have been wearing that bra if you hadn’t taken it.”
“Now where would we be if I had done that?” Fred asked quietly, before pressing his lips against yours.
Almost instantly you kissed him back, your mouths moving together in sync. You felt Fred smirk against your mouth before he flipped you, causing you to let out a small yelp as you found yourself now looking up at him.
“I’m always on top,” he whispered huskily, crashing his mouth against yours once more.
Your hands tangled themselves into his hair, pulling him closer to you. His landed on your body, dropping your now forgotten bra on the floor. They traced your skin, running up your stomach and, despite Fred’s complaints, still managing to get beneath your bra.
“Fred,” you muttered against his mouth. “Can I have my bra back?”
“Only if I get to be the one to take it off you tonight.”
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sunflowerdarlingx · 3 years
Freddie’s Girl - FW (18+)
Hi lovelies, 
How are you all? Here is a little Fred one shot, this is part of a request that a good friend of mine asked for, let me know what you think :) 
Female Reader
Warnings: Fingering, choking, unprotected sex
Minors DNI
“Why the fuck are you flirting with my brothers?” Fred towered over her, arms flexing as he crossed them over his chest, his shoulders and jaw were tense while his eyes held a cold stare. 
“I am not!” 
“Yes you are!” Fred practically shouted, “First Charlie, then Ron and now Bill! That desperate for attention from a Weasley that you’ll go around my brothers?” 
Y/n’s jaw literally dropped at Freds words, why was he acting like such a twat? 
“You’re literally flirting with everyone but me, what's so bad about me y/n? None of them like you the way I do or have feelings the way I do.” 
Y/n looked up at Fred shocked, “Oh really? And how do you feel about me Freddie?” 
Fred scoffed as he walked closer to her, “I think it’s fairly obvious Y/n, I’ve fancied you since first year, I mean at this point I honestly think I’m in love with you. And what do you do instead of liking me back? You sit and flirt with my brothers” 
A deep crimson was washing over Fred’s face and chest, his anger bubbling down to nervousness after realising he had just confessed his love for his best friend. 
“Y..you love me?” Y/n was shocked, Fred fancying her was everything she had ever wanted but him loving her was a new level. 
“Of course I do! Why do you think I always keep you close when we are out? And use any excuse to cuddle up to you or hold you. Why do you think I got so angry last term when you were with Cedric all the time?! ”
“I dunno Freddie, I thought you were just being friendly, scared in case you’d lose me as a friend, it’s not like I’m your type” y/n shrugged slightly. 
Fred’s eyes widened as he looked at the girl below him, “you’re kidding right? You’re incredible” his hand moved to gently stroke her cheek. “You’re kind, funny, helpful and so supportive of everything I do” 
“Yeah but I don’t look like other girls” y/n’s eyes trailed down to the floor, avoiding Fred’s burning gaze. 
“What do you mean?” he chuckled, “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You have the most gorgeous eyes and the prettiest lips” his thumb grazed over her bottom lip before he continued. “Your body is incredible, and you just make everything better.” 
He hooked his finger under her chin and tilted her head back so she faced him “You’re the only girl for me y/n l/n”. 
A small smile appeared on y/n’s face as she watched Fred carefully trying to read his face, to make sure he wasn’t joking, “do you mean it Freddie?” 
“I swear I do, tell me how to prove it and I will” 
“Kiss me” y/n suddenly found her confidence and looked Fred in the eyes, “prove you love me by kissing me” 
A cheeky grin took over Fred’s face as he leaned down to kiss her. Their lips moved in perfect harmony as Fred pulled her on top of him. As their kiss got more intense, Fred moved his hand from her waist to the front of her neck squeezing gently. 
Y/n let out a surprised squeal and Fred pulled his hand away, breaking their kiss in the process. 
“Sorry, got a bit carried away” he blushed as he looked down at where y/n sat against his lap. 
“It’s okay Freddie” y/n wrapped her hand around his and brought it back to her throat, “I liked it” she winked playfully before pulling him into another kiss. She could feel Fred’s smirk against her lips but soon made it disappear when she slowly started to grind her hips against his. 
Fred pulled back and watched her closely, lips kissing her jaw above his hand. “Y/n we don't have to do that” the bulge forming in Fred’s pants told y/n that Fred wanted this just as much as she did but he was trying to be polite. 
“I want to if you want to Freddie” her lips were right by his ear as she spoke before moving to nip at the delicate skin under his jaw. 
“Two things if we do…” Fred started and y/n hummed in response as her lips worked against his neck. Both of his hands were now situated on her waist and he gave her hips a quick squeeze. “Want you to be mine…” 
“Really?” y/ns head shot up to look at him, Fred nodded a cute smile playing on his lips, “oh yes Freddie! Of course I’ll be yours” y/n cuddled into him before being flipped onto her back. 
“Secondly, you don’t get to be in charge” Fred hovered above y/n, his nose resting against hers as he told her how things would go, “deal?”
“Deal” she breathed out before wrapping her arms around his neck. Fred’s lips locked with hers while his hands roamed over her body. His hand wrapped around her thigh and moved it so it sat on his hip, hand immediately moving to grab at her arse. 
“So fucking perfect” he mumbled into the kiss before moving to sit back, he tugged at her hands and pulled her so she sat up, tearing the jumper off of her body before carefully taking off her vest. 
She sat there in a gorgeous black lace bra, tits perky against her chest. Fred’s hand moved to his trousers and adjusted himself while the other traced over the front of the bra. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Fred’s lips moved to her neck as both of his hands reached behind her to unhook her bra. 
“Hardly” y/n let out a little moan as Fred’s lips wrapped around her sensitive bud while his hand rolled the other between his fingers. He bit down lightly before pulling away,
“Take the compliment sweetheart” his lips moved to her other breast giving it just as much attention. 
“Mhm freddie, sensitive” she whimpered as he toyed with her nipples. 
Fred lightly pushed her shoulders so she lay back against the mattress, “oh yeah?” his right hand continued to tease the delicate buds while his left hand tugged down her sweats. This left y/n in a black lace thong. Fred sat back to admire her before her whining brought his attention back to her. 
“Please Freddie” she looked so innocent in front of him, “please take them off”, Fred did as he was asked, eyes drawn to her glistening cunt. 
“Fuckk” he groaned out as he looked down at his girlfriend, “so pretty darling, so fucking pretty” Fred swiped a finger through her entrance before bringing it to his lips for a taste, “and so sweet”. 
“Freddie please” y/n bucked her hips into the air and Fred chuckled at her neediness. 
“Tell me what you want then sweetheart” 
Y/n was flustered, desperate for Fred’s touch “want you Freddie”. 
“I know sweetheart but tell me what you want me to do, wanna make you feel good, can you do that?” 
Y/n nodded bashfully, “Want your fingers, then your cock please Freddie” 
“Good girl sweetheat, how can I say no when you’re being so polite” his index finger teased her clit before he dove into her tight pussy with his middle and ring finger. 
“Mhm” y/n moaned as his fingers filled her. Fred moved forward to kiss her again while his fingers worked inside of her. His lips trailed down her neck to her tits, lips wrapping around one while he sucked, “fuck Freddie” y/n moaned as her hands moved to tug his ginger locks. 
Fred kissed back up her neck before connecting their lips once more, obsessed with the way her lips felt against his. A low groan emitted from the back of his throat when he felt her hand move to palm him over his trousers. 
“Such a good girl taking my fingers, aren’t you sweetheart?” 
“Mhmm” her hands fumbled with the button before pushing them down his thighs to free his cock. 
“Need you to use your words sweet...fuck.. Need you to use your words sweetheart. Can you do that for me?” Fred moaned slightly while her hand slowly ran up and down his cock. 
“Yes” her back arched as Freds slender fingers reached the special spot inside her “please Freddie, want your cock” a loud gasp left her mouth as Fred’s thumb moved to circle her clit. “Sh...shit” her walls started to clench around his fingers. 
“You gonna cum sweetheart?” his other hand moved to caress her tits, fingers toying with her nipples. 
“Yes Freddie, so close, wanna cum so bad” 
“Go on then sweetheart, cum on my fingers and I’ll fill you with my cock” y/n shuddered as she came, hands gripping the sheets beside her.
Fred smirked as his lips kissed down her neck, fingers slowing before they moved to his mouth, a sweet smirk taking over his face as he tasted her on him. 
Y/n watched him closely, a smirk toying at her lips, “Freddie please, stop teasing”. Fred leaned over her and placed his lips on hers, hands running all over her body as he tugged off his shirt. 
Y/n ran her hands down his chest as Fred kissed down her neck, his hand gripped the base of his cock as he ran the tip through her slit and earned a needy whine from her lips. He slowly eased his tip in, hands holding hers as she adjusted to his size. 
Y/n squeezed his hands tightly as the slight ting overtook her body, “you okay sweetheart?” He placed soft kisses across her face.
“Y...yeah, you can move” Fred started off slow, hips locking with hers before pulling out again. His movements were gentle, as if he would break her, each thrust delicate and soft. Y/n’s hips bucked up as Fred thrusted into her, “Freddie” she moaned into his neck. 
Fred looked down at her, eyes trailing down her body to where they connected before looking back into her eyes, “Fuck your so pretty sweetheart, such a gorgeous girl” 
Y/n blushed at his words before a needy beg left her lips “faster Freddie, please”. Fred did as he was asked and moved his hips quicker, cock ramming into her pussy over and over again. “You’re so big freddie, fuck” the sound of skin slapping, groans and moans filled the room as Fred chased their highs. 
His hand moved to caress her tits, knowing just how sensitive they were. Pornagraphic moans left her mouth as she tugged at his hair, “‘m close Freddie” her hand moved to her clit as she rubbed lazily “gonna cum”. 
Fred felt her walls flutter around him, clenching as she got closer, after riding out her orgasm he found himself close to his own. “Gonna cum sweetheart, where do you want it?” her eyes fluttered open after her orgasm.
“Cum on my tits Freddie” she moaned as his cock continued to drive into her. 
Fred’s hands moved from her tits to the bed as he held himself up on shaky arms, he pulled out and moved so he straddled her waist, hand fisting at his cock as he came. Hot, thick ropes of white cum painted her chest as he groaned out her name. 
After a few quick cleaning charms the two lay cuddled up in bed, “I’m really happy you’re mine Y/N, I’m sorry for being an ass, I guess i just got jealous”. 
Y/n smiled up at him, placing a kiss on his chin as she was too tired to push herself up to his lips “I’m happy too Freddie and it’s okay but just talk to me next time”. 
Fred let out a content sigh as he held her close, “I do love you” 
“I love you too”.
Tagged: @pandaxnienke
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