#ontario spca
thenewsbeat · 9 months
Celebrating the first underdogs adopted from the Provincial Dog Rehab Centre - Ontario SPCA and Humane Society
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nyancrimew · 11 months
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You’re adoptable at the Ontario SPCA btw
thats literally me !!! thats literally such a maia kitten
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fleshdyke · 2 years
hi its the parrot being ethical anon (yes ive already said this in my tags on the reblog) do you think it'd be more ethical if i adopted a rescue parrot? there doesn't seem to be any way for me to get a pigeon or quail and i really wanna get a bird pet. however im also scared that the parrot if its a rescue might come with trauma that I can't handle. do you think if i asked for a friendly rescue it'd be better?
oh shit i never got this ask im so sorry! it would definitely be much more ethical to adopt a rescue as opposed to buying from a breeder, and it’s not uncommon for people to ask for rescues with less behavioural issues, and so that might make it harder to find a good match for you. if you’re able, definitely look into spcas and rescues in a pretty wide area range, and it won’t be out of the question to have to drive for a few hours to pick up the bird. i know someone who’s driven to manitoba from southern ontario and back to pick up her conure, so compatible birds can definitely be few and far between. if you do manage to find a possibly compatible bird for you at a local shelter, i would definitely recommend asking if they could hold the bird for you (it may take a fee) and come back more than once to try and get to know the bird before you can take it home. most, if not all, rescues will have some degree of trauma, and it’s very very common for rescues and adopted birds (and honestly breeder birds as well) to have abandonment issues (that isn’t the term i’m looking for but i cannot for the life of me remember the actual word right now) so definitely be prepared for that. i’m definitely biased towards pigeons since they’re my favourite domestic bird, i absolutely recommend looking for pigeon breeders in your area, and honestly if you really wanted a pigeon you could literally pick one up off the ground and take it home (obviously take it to a vet and get it dewormed and everything because most street pigeons have parasites) and no one could stop you
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petnews2day · 1 month
Barrie animal centre hosting 'kitten shower' on Sunday
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/70TdE
Barrie animal centre hosting 'kitten shower' on Sunday
Event at Patterson Road facility provides chance to meet animals up for adoption, submit kitten name ideas, as well as children’s activities NEWS RELEASE ONTARIO SPCA ************************* To help prepare for kitten season, a time when animal shelters typically see an increase in the number of tiny felines coming into their care, the Ontario SPCA […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/70TdE #CatsNews
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cavenewstimes · 2 months
Secret lives of cats: ‘Cat-cam’ research study heading to B.C.
Own a cat that wanders the neighbourhood? Ever wonder what they do when they’re not at home? Curious about their impact on local environments, Jonathan Chu wondered as well, and then he came up with the idea of recording felines with a ‘cat-cam.’ 0:38 BC SPCA rescues more than 200 cats and kittens from home A PhD student at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Chu is hoping to learn more about…
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bornitaly8888 · 2 months
You could be the next winner of the Ontario SPCA’s 50/50 lottery
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tabbstarot · 3 months
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Welcome to our Fundraiser!
About our Run-Raiser:
Riley my soul pup was a rescue. He lived on the streets in New Mexico where he was brought to the local shelter. From there he was brought to the SPCA in Ontario. This is where we found him and gave him a forever home.
Last year Riley turned 10 years old. To celebrate we decided to organize a fundraiser for 2 animal rescues (HBSPCA & Texas Chihuahua Rescue Canada). We are walking the same distance that he traveled on his journey to happiness. In the donation link you can find updates on the km we have traveled.
Thank you so much for any support you can provide! Reblog, like, donate, and spread the word. From the bottom of out hearts, Riley and I appreciate all the engagement with our cause!
Fundraiser Link: Follow this to donate. 💕
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Merch Link: All proceeds go to the animal rescues we are supporting! 🐾
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theoreocat · 3 years
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National Cupcake Day is the most delicious way to show your support for animals in need! Register today (it’s free!) and celebrate at home with a virtual cupcake decorating contest! All funds raised go to help animals in need. Save a puppy, kitten or pony and make everyone’s day a little brighter with a scrumptious treat. What could be sweeter? Register here: http://bit.ly/NCD-theoreocat
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krisdoesblog · 6 years
Hey guys... I don't normally post this kind of stuff, but as a rabbit owner and lover of the loafs, I feel I need to. A rabbit rescue I follow from Ontario, Canada posted a set of pictures from a backyard they stumbled across when they heard rabbits in distress. 5 rabbits with no food or water, some in cages so small they can't even stand, and poop EVERYWHERE! These conditions are hideous and cruel. The owner claimed they were "just rabbits" so who cares. The OSPCA of Ontario was called (tho it took forever to get a hold of anyone) and this was their answer
This isn't the first time they have seen conditions like these with photographic/video proof of cruelty to rabbits but yet, they do nothing! Last year the was an inspection done of a rabbit meat farm (excuse me while I barf) and they deemed conditions where dead rabbits lay among live ones in mountains of feces, little starving babies clinging to dead mothers for milk, multiple broken freezers of dead rabbits, and multiple mutilated and injured rabbits as ok. WARNING! THE FOLLOWING LINK SHOWS WHAT WAS JUST DISCRIBED! https://youtu.be/wlq_Zb95e6U
I beg any of my followers in Canada, and especially Ontario... please let this organization know that none of this is right! Let them know that the above picture is just a cruel as the below picture!
Please consider donating toward private groups like, Rabbit Rescue in Ontario and other places that are picking up the slack left behind by the OSPCA
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A judge has found the enforcement powers held by Ontario's private animal welfare agency to be unconstitutional, saying the province must re-write laws governing the organization to remedy the situation.
Justice Timothy Minnema said the provincial government was wrong to grant police powers to the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals without also imposing accountability and transparency standards on the agency.
The OSPCA, a private charity that receives millions of taxpayer dollars as well as private donations, has had police powers since the OSPCA Act became law in 1919. It is responsible for enforcing both provincial and Criminal Code animal cruelty laws.
"Although charged with law enforcement responsibilities, the OSPCA is opaque, insular, unaccountable, and potentially subject to external influence, and as such Ontarians cannot be confident that the laws it enforces will be fairly and impartially administered," Minnema, a judge with Ontario's Superior Court of Justice, wrote in a decision released Wednesday.
Continue Reading.
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queenvsbarton · 6 years
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lookit the lil toes!!!!!
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I need advice. My cat hasn't ever worn a collar, (he lived with my parents) but now that he lives with me and we have maintenance that comes in and out i tried to put one on him. A standard breakaway collar. One problem. He's figured out how to take it off and just...removes it. He's microchipped but I'm worried about the lack of a collar. Any advice?
Obligatory picture as well.
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Hey! I was going to type up a big thing but I found a page by the Ontario SPCA that says exactly what I would but better. The good news is that while you train him to wear a collar, he is already microchipped so there’s a good chance he will be returned if he gets lost. Make sure when you put the collar on it is snug, my cats can take theirs off easily if it is not fitted properly. Good luck!
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kaiba-cave · 2 years
I’d love to know how much money is donated to animal charities today for Betty White’s birthday. Probably hard to determine since so many people would be giving to so many different places, but it’d be interesting to know.
I ended up giving money to two Ontario rabbit rescues because I gotta help my bunnies, but then I felt bad for not giving anything to my actual local SPCA so I sent them a donation too. 😂 I still had money from my last pay so I figured why not. 🥰
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ktenvs3000f21 · 3 years
The Role of an Environmental Interpreter
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The photo I added was my thought process in answering this week's discussion prompt. Did any one else have any similar thoughts and ideas on the responsibilities of an environmental interpreter?
To understand the role of an environmental interpreter it is important to first know what interpretation requires. Interpretation is to mediate or communicate knowledge to others in ways that stimulate one to complete independent interpretative quests. Usually, the forms of communication used by environmental interpreters are unique in that they do not simply just communicate factual information. Rather they teach and provide meaning through a variety of techniques including the use of original objects, storytelling, first-hand experience, and illustrative media. This means an environmental interpreter has one major role which is to relay information to visitors in a manner that helps them learn about the environment around them and stimulates them to find out more. Thereby, encouraging them to complete their own interpretive quests in the future.
Environmental interpreters can be found in all sorts of places such as forests, zoos, parks, wildlife rescues, commercial attractions, aquariums, camps, ships, trains, or even resorts. They may also work for the government or larger private sector businesses. Fortunately, there are many diverse opportunities available for environmental interpreters. However, not all environmental interpreter roles have to be a career position. Instead, it could be something someone volunteers to do. Personally, environmental interpretation is not something I plan to pursue as a career specifically. However, I think it is a valuable asset that you can apply to variety of other career paths or just every day life. My ideal environmental interpretation position would be a volunteer position at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, Ontario SPCA or local humane society. I have a passion for helping animals which is why I think I would be most successful in these interpretive roles. The Ontario SPCA is a registered charity that has been around since 1873. Its aim is to use its network to inform the general public about issues pertaining to animals with the hope to bring attention to animal cruelty and promote animal well-being. They offer a variety of services including community animal sheltering, animal well-being education, high volume spay/neuter services, animal rights advocacy, animal rescue and rehabilitation.
In this case, the role of these interpreters is to interact with the public, and encourage people to think differently thus, helping them reveal deeper meanings of interpretation regarding animal well-being and protection. Interpreters in this role would allow visitors to develop a deeper connection to the animals in these shelters to encourage stewardship in visitors and the general public. This is made possible by creating an environment where visitors are able to associate non-tangible feelings such as sadness and anger with an animal presented. They will make interpretation fun by using the animals to facilitate an enjoyable and unique experience. Their role is to make environmental interpretation a fun experience as it should be. It is the responsibility of environmental interpreters to use all possible mechanisms of communication to educate and inspire a broader audience. In recent times, the Ontario SPCA has increased exposure through the use of brochures, computer resources, their website, social media, blogs, and more. These informational tools will provide visitors with self-guided and open ended opportunities to further promote interest and allow people to become passionate about preventing animal cruelty. Environmental interpreters such as members of the Ontario SPCA help people better understand the environmental complexities of these animals. In doing so, they are able to persuade people to care about these animals and take on active roles in preventing future animal cruelty.
For interpretation to be successful according to Tilden, six principles must be followed. Interpretation must relate what is being presented to something within. Interpreters must understand that information is not equivalent to interpretation. Instead, interpretation is essentially a revelation that stems from information. Interpreters must understand that interpretation is a teachable skill. As well, the chief aim of interpretation is to provoke inspiration in others. Interpretation must provide the whole picture rather than just a part and information should not be diluted when presented to children. Instead, one must present the same information using a different approach.
How do you feel about Tilden’s six principles of interpretation? Do you think any more principles should be added? If so what do you think a seventh or eighth principle should be? Personally, I think there should be a principle that mentions that in nature interpretation information should be provided in a way that is stimulating and fun for visitors. I think that is worth mentioning because it is part of what makes interpretation different from education or standard information relay. For example, if I would be advocating for animal rights. Bringing a cute dog or cat with me could help keep people interested in what I have to say.
The roles and responsibilities of an environmental interpreter are largely centered around the visitor’s experience. To provide individuals with a good experience even at places like the Ontario SPCA, interpreters should be skilled in all aspects of the TORE method provided by Sam Ham. Environmental interpreters should be skilled at providing information using a thematic approach and maintaining focus on the main message. They should be skilled in organization to be able to provide structure and meaning to their interpretation. Interpreters must be skilled at tailoring their interpretive approach to their audience. This may be in regards to age, learning styles, moral development, or even intelligence level. As well, they should be skilled at creating an enjoyable experience for their audience.
Are there any skills you think should be added to Ham’s cornerstone model of the interpretive approach to communication? Why or why not? I think the ability to be personable is worth mentioning. I find people with those types of personalities are often better at making connections and relating to other people. This can help them be more successful at encouraging people to care and take on an active role to complete their own interpretational quests. If someone was advocating for animal rights, I would be more likely to listen or talk to them if they seem warm, inviting and encourage interaction.
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petnews2day · 1 month
Barrie Animal Centre hosting 'kitten shower' on Sunday
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/YUvKQ
Barrie Animal Centre hosting 'kitten shower' on Sunday
Event at Patterson Road facility provides chance to meet animals up for adoption, submit kitten name ideas, as well as children’s activities NEWS RELEASE ONTARIO SPCA ************************* To help prepare for kitten season, a time when animal shelters typically see an increase in the number of tiny felines coming into their care, the Ontario SPCA […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/YUvKQ #CatsNews
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newsfind · 5 years
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Ontario SPCA and Humane Society Summer Events There are many exciting events happening throughout the summer at Ontario SPCA and Humane Society animal centres across the province!
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