#onyxed dabbles
onyxedskies · 7 months
"Can you stay a little longer?" for Ashe/Shez/Felix pwebby pwease
hi razz ignore the fact that this took absolutely forever and also that it’s short 😭
i went very very fluffy for this so 👍
word count: 298
It was still early when Ashe opened his eyes to movement on the bed, watery sunlight just barely beginning to peak through the window. He looked up blearily to see Felix out of bed, already pulling his hair back, his ribbon in his mouth as he ran his hands through his still sleep-mussed locks.
Ashe’s first thought was that he was beautiful. His second thought was that it was way too early to be awake, even for Felix.
“Can you stay a little longer?” Ashe tried, though he had a feeling he sluffed the words in his exhaustion based on Felix’s chuckle.
“I’ll be back before you know,” Felix promised once he had tied his hair into its ponytail, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Ashe’s forehead.
“You always say that,” Shez mumbled into Ashe’s shoulder, clearly just as disgruntled as Ashe was by Felix leaving so early. “Come back to bed.”
“You heard him,” Ashe said, feeling himself smile despite himself. Felix shook his head, though he was smiling, too.
“Sylvain and Ingrid will be here any time now,” Felix reminded them gently. In his exhaustion, Ashe had completely forgotten that the two of them were coming. He found he wasn’t certain he cared.
“They know the way to their rooms,” Shez said. “Now stay.”
Felix chuckled again, coming back to the other side and kissing Shez’s forehead too. Shez whined half-heartedly when he pulled away, making grabby hands at him. Felix took one hand in his and kissed the back before standing up.
“I’ll be back soon,” he promised. And with that, he left the room, ignoring the protests Shez mumbled into the pillow and the way Ashe was pouting.
They’d get him back for it. Ashe wasn’t sure how just yet, but they would.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Dude, I would kill (not literally) for a series that focuses on prehistoric/primeval Cybertron. Something that would possibly give us a glance into the fledgling Cybertronian cultures, perhaps more into the interpersonal relatioshionships of the Prime's with each other and newborn Cybertronian race.
And also a snapshot of what Cybertron's ecosystem was once like, since that's not something they've gone very in-depth with before (the closest I closest I can think of is IDW2.0) outside of how the Transformers are "born" from the world.
Funnily enough, I like to think that Primus' initial planetary formation was super unstable and absolutely buckwild as the Thirteen Primes gave it shape according to their own traits and their wishes for future generations.
Prima and Megatronus formed the tallest peaks for Cybertron to kiss the skies as the sun is the original flame. Wind shaped by the fluid natures of Nexus, Amalgamous, and Liege. Micronus lends his touch in the formation of the various biomes across the planet, melding well with each of his siblings' domains as Liege's quicksilver thoughts bridges everyone together along with Quintus' whatifwhatifwhatif. Solus, Megatronus, and Thirteen carved immense cavern networks within their Father's mantle, connecting to the constant flow of molten slag and churnings of infinite potential. Onyx and Alchemist dabbling in the wonders of sustenance, both procuring and synthesizing it. The beginnings of the original hot spots as the first mortals came.
Yoooo, I would love to see all the DRAMA stirred up from Primus going to bed and leaving his first gen kids in charge. There had to be fights among them on how to proceed with it. Like Prima forever having beef with Solus for giving the new little ones fire from her Forge for them to figure shit (and stealing Megatronus' attention he's posessive of his shadow-twin).
As well as more world-building, especially something from Aligned where the Thirteen Primes were MASSIVE, so-
What if Titans were originally created by them? As in, carved by their own sparks and frames and left to marinate in the blood and bones of Cybertron?
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imthepunchlord · 2 days
Another fun aspect of only having 7 miraculous is not only can you tie it to colors, but also gemstones
Ladybug/Red - Ruby
Firefly/Orange - Jasper
Bee/Yellow - Topaz
Grasshopper/Green - Emerald
Dragonfly/Blue - Sapphire
Mantis/Indigo - Tanzanite
Butterfly/Purple - Amethyst
Also, for Fun:
Spider - Onyx or Obsidian
Scorpion - Pearl or Diamond
Gemstones did come to mind, but I was also uncertain as there's a lot of gemstones out there to pick from, and they can come in various colors. Like sapphire, which is usually known to be blue, can also come in green, yellow, and orange.
I'm also not too familiar with gemstones. But flowers I am more familiar with, though not on the same level as a friend of mine, but looked more into it. Which, these are my initial pick if dabbling into flowers:
Ladybug/Red - Rose (chosen as it's a symbol of romantic love like ladybugs, but comes with thorns, working off ladybugs being efficient hunters)
Firefly/Orange - Poppy (poppies symbolize remembrance, sleep, and death; fireflies often tied to spirits of the dead)
Bee/Yellow - has a good few possible options
Begonia (represents good communication, and bees are tied to communicating and delivering messages; also the pun potential)
Daffodil (rebirth and new beginnings, the coming of spring and end of winter)
Goldenrod (fortune, growth, adventure, and encouragement)
Marigold (positivity, creativity, passion, prosperity)
Grasshopper/Green - Daylily (energy, joy, moving past sorrow, like a grasshopper taking a leap of faith, moving forward; can also work off the more negative association to grasshoppers)
Dragonfly/Blue - Gladiolus (struggle, strength, victory, and pride; additionally, dragonflies are kinda shaped like a sword)
Mantis/Indigo - Clematis (ingenuity, cleverness, mental beauty; works off Mantis tied to divination, perception, wisdom, and guidance)
Butterfly/Purple - Lavender (purity, silence, devotion, grace, serenity, calmness, elegance, royalty, spirituality; butterflies represent the soul, and are known for the silence and elegance)
Spider/Black - Belladonna (witchcraft, beauty, death, tied to one of the Three Fates, specifically the one that snipped the lifeline; works off Spider being dangerous)
Scorpion/White - Oleander (vigilance, caution, mindful of danger; some tie scorpions to guardianship, but over all, are a symbol of death, fear, and desire)
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bokettochild · 10 months
so I noticed that you seem to have never mentioned anything about what the bad guys do in your Opera House au so I thought maybe they are just critics that have big vendettas against the chain and are always looking for things to pick on when they go to their shows? Idk random thoughts you can ignore this if you like *yeets self out of window*
-Window anon
I'm going to say that Ganon at least is a business tycoon of a rival company to Flora's father, and while, on one hand, he is actively trying to topple their company for his own gain, there is also the fact that his little sister Riju is constantly undermining him? And he can't even confront her about it because she inevitably manages to distract him with something else (like talking about boys, he is a VERY protective older brother, no you are NOT dating another loser Hylian boy, young lady!). I would't say he's evil, I just think he's rich and has power and doesn't always use it to benefit the people who need it, so it's more that the media hates his guts.
Hmmmm.....basically, if you know anything about American Politics, he's a slightly less horrible version of Trump. Like, if Trump knew that respecting women was possible and good for your health. So yeah, the entirety of the young generation makes so many memes about this guy, and he kinda deserves it.
As for the rest!
Veran and Onyx are Ganon's trusted business partners overseas. They're technically under his mothers' supervision, but they also answer to him. They're not evil, even if they have made it their personal mission between the three of them to get the notorious street artist Sheik and his(her?) little sidekick arrested, mainly just because Sheik keeps leaving street art on their buildings specifically.(Lullaby and Ganon have beef. It's not even big beef, they're just both petty.)
Onyx and Veran also have beef with Legend, not for any good reason even, they just do. He's purposefully annoying whenever he and Lullaby have to be around the three of them, and Ganon genuinely will call off a meeting if he sees Lullaby's pet brat waiting for her.
Then we have Vaati. Vaati is....well, to put it short (pfft), Four's rival. Four is the Mr. Fix-It at the opera but he also dabbles and creates in his own time. Vaati and he met at an expo where Vaati's mentor, Ezlo, took a shine to Four and thus sparked jealousy from his then-student. They're never violent, just extremely aggressively trying to one up each other all the time.
That said, Vaati's actually pretty chill to anyone who's not Four! Although he does tend to flirt with Dot whenever he sees her. His little brother is the opposite: edgy and grouchy to everyone OTHER than Four, although whether that started as a way to piss off his big brother or because he genuinely enjoyed Four's company is yet to be determined. Vaati hates it though, so, either way, mission success!
Zant is just a online troll who likes bashing successful people and tends to target the opera mostly to spite Midna, because he knows her ex and her bestie both work there. The crew actually love reading his posts online though and enjoy laughing at him. He's basically harmless, and while Midna hates it, Twilight loves reading how Zant is going to bash him on any given day.
Yuga is a really shitty art professor at Hilda's art school who likes trying to manipulate her and who Legend and Ravio kinda think is hitting on her. They hate him, she just thinks he's "strange but talented". His art is very unique though, they can't deny it. Ledge signed up to take his class just to keep an eye on him, so Yuga kinda hates his guts now, but also he can't fail him, because Ledge is actually good, so he kinda hates his guts instead and tries to make life difficult for him instead.
As for Cia? She's a fangirl. She's one of the more loud and outspoken fans that Warriors has, and slightly insane? They think? He had to take out a restraining order on her, and she violates it routinely. They don't know what, precisely, was the final straw to make him file for the order, but there is a history of drama there that only newbies don't know not to ask about.
I will say that Octavio is a musician who goes out of his way to point out every flaw or fault the opera has. He could be a critic? Maybe? He's a well regarded musician at any rate and has made his opinions very public. He doesn't damage their reputation a lot, but sometimes he gets on the team's nerves.
Malludus is the ghost that Spirit says is haunting the mechanic shop. He has no proof, he's never seen it, but he swears that it's the reason stuff is always a mess there. Wind's one of the only people who believes him, but he also believes Ravio about the ghosts that the Lorulian says haunt the opera, so....
As for Ghirahim? I'm not sure..... I'm wracking my brain, but I got nothing. Suggestions.
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oh-no-its-dragons · 4 months
Road Trip!
Written for the Rider's Quadrant dabble challenge. Because I never do anything in the correct order, this is set in a modern, no-powers AU I'm working on but haven't posted yet. All you need to know is Violet and the squad work at a college town Barnes and Noble and the in-universe equivalent of Fourth Wing is about Sgaeyl and Tairn.
"You named your car Thunder?" Ridoc laughs. Of course he figured if out first, he has an encyclopedic store of knowledge that only comes in useful when it's funny.
"She named her car after the hero from the Hidden Vale books," Rhiannon grinned. "So really it's appropriate that Tairn is giving us a ride to the bookstore."
"Tairn's the only option big enough for all of us, and I can still leave your ass here to take the bus, Ridoc." Violet smirks. It had taken her a while to get used to the way her coworkers teased and threatened, but she felt like she belonged here now. "Everybody buckled in?" 
Without waiting for an answer she turned the key and Tairn roared to life, as loud as Xaden's Harley. 
Rhiannon, the only one of her coworkers who'd been in the truck before just smirked at the startled look on Ridoc's face. 
"You don't seem like the type to drive a beast like this. I'm impressed," Sawyer said. 
"I inherited it." Violet left it at that and Rhiannon turned around from the front passenger seat, giving the boys in the back a stare that made it clear they weren't asking any more questions. Ridoc held up his hands in mock innocence while Sawyer turned to watch the truck bed as they pulled out of the parking lot, confirming for himself that none of the boxes were moving from where he'd tied them down.
"I can't believe you were willing to give up your day off to do this, Vi, I really appreciate it," Rhiannon said as they headed for the highway. 
Ridoc rolled his eyes. "I can't believe they shipped all these copies of Storm in Onyx to our store instead of the one having the release party."
"At least this way I don't have to pay for gas to drive across town to work that zoo," Sawyer said.
"I was going to the party anyway, and this way I get paid to do it," Violet smiled. "Besides, you guys have had my back plenty of times since I started at the store. It's the least I can do to thank you."
Rhiannon crossed her arms. "Nope, I've told you, making sure you have necessary accommodations for your disability is not something you need to thank us for."
"I'm going to appreciate you anyway, Rhi, whether you like it or not," Violet laughed. 
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ariellewm · 1 year
WIP Fantasy Novel - Character Profile: Czar Agskaga
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!! Note: Please do not use my character or the art of the character for roleplaying (with the exception for Ycey Narrates) or fanfiction. This OC is very precious to me and only will allow others I know close to either roleplay, write, or draw him. !!
"If you find trouble sssleeping, you know where to find me." - Czar Agskaga from "Coils of the Naga" Part 1
Full Name: Prince Czar Agskaga
Aliases/Other Titles: His Illustrious Eminence, Master Maji of Fire, Keeper of the Sacred Amber Lilies, Prince of Rubies
Gender: Male
Race: Naga
Age: 41 (26 in sapien years appearance (human))
Height: 6’2 (187cm) Stranding / 22’ (670cm) Long
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Hair Color: Onyx, long length
Skin: Tanned with dark red/black/gold scales under eyes, upper neck/shoulder area. Arms fade into black
Tail: Black with golden and red "saddle" patterns that fades ruby red on the belly
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Czar is the first-born child of King Voskai and Queen Kaatrisa Agskaga. He was named after a powerful dragon, Szarrak, that lived alongside the Agskaga’s many centuries ago. His nesti (family) are a highly respected royal line of Naga’s/Nagi’s that dates to Draca Isla Pyramis, an ancient place where they and Dragon’s thrived before its doom. They are known for their amber lilies, a precious flower that holds healing properties and other usages.
The young prince usually finds himself relaxing among the trees (what little was on the isle he calls home), hidden away with a book in hand. When not reading or learning about legends and histories of old, he likes being at gatherings in the company of others (especially with the sapien women). He delights in showcasing his fire majic (magic) abilites as well as helping those stressed or lacking sleep through his hypnosis abilites.
With the unfortunate death of both parent’s during his teen years, he is the last of his reign to bare his father’s name and to the throne. In the meantime his uncle on his father's side has taken over responsibilities until his nephew is ready (which he isn't quite ready to take over the throne just yet).
Many have mistaken his kind as evilly sadistic. Not all are that way…at least from Czar’s point of view. Czar can be seen as an intimidating, mysterious royal at first glance. He shows his true self in his knowledge and interest about the world. Czar enjoys discussing legends of old and Zarth’s history with company.
The royal can be quite talkative at gala’s and other large speical occasions. There are times, however, he’d rather be alone in his study. Raised with good manners and always seems to be well-adjusted for a Naga, he still dabbles in his mischievous teasing ways.
Of all the Naga’s/Nagi’s that possess the ability of hypnosis, Szar despises those that use it for merciless, heartless purposes. He would rather use his ability to help those in need. Czar asks for consent for this reason, to make sure they feel safe with the charming prince that he is. Sometimes through his flirtation and teasing ways, it had always worked on the ladies he fancies…at times.
Abilities/Majic Status
Hypnosis – A unique ability that causes those to be in a state of consciousness and have them voluntarily lose action. Not many have this ability. Czar is the first in many centuries of his nesti to possess such ability, though he rarely ever uses it. (His eyes glow, like looking into a roaring fire).
Fire Maji – He can conjure, manipulate, and inflict damage through the element of fire and heat. Czar’s favorite ability is breathing out fire like those of dragons and conjuring a fire like whip. The crystal embedded within his left palm is oval red. *More information TBA*
Constriction – Like those of serpents large and small, his long body can wrap around enemies and tightly squeeze the life out of them. He also can climb up trees or buildings if nessesary.
Heightened Senses – As a Naga he has an excellent scent and eyesight compared to other races of Zarth.  
Wardrobe Appearance
The Naga likes to show off his prized gold and rubies he has collected over the years. At times he wears his medium golden collar with rubies mixed with teal crystals. Along his arms he wears golden arm and wrist bands. He tends to wear two rings, both of which belonged to his parents. One is crimson red with gold and the other is teal with gold. He wears them on his right hand: one on his index and the other on his ring finger. On the other hand, he wears a golden serpent ring on his ring finger.
Upon his head he is sometimes seen wearing a gold circlet crown the small design of Agskaga’s amber lily symbol at the center.
He likes his selection of clothing soft and light. A lot of his fabrics are made of the finest silk and cotton on Zarth. Czar prefers to wear reds, blacks, yellows, oranges, whites and even just a little hint of teal in his fabrics. The prince often wears open shirts, long sleeve or short, attached with silky long or medium length drapes behind the back or to the side with beautiful intricate patterns (mostly floral, serpent, etc.). Along his hips he tends to wear a golden belt (large enough to cover his lower region) with chains and jewels.
When not seen around the public or with other nobility, Czar likes to be shirtless. Czar still wears his usual jewelry such as his arms bands, rings and the belt.
His long onyx hair is sometimes tied up as a loose ponytail with the front tied in a topknot. Some strains of his long hair still show on the side of his face when tied up. A lot of the times, however, his hair is usually down. Sometimes he will allow females (those that he fancies) to braid one strain of his hair. Many have complimented on how silky his hair is, given that he uses the best shampoos. Many ladies have described the smell of rose and lavender.
The Naga often not carries weaponry around with him. Since he is a Fire Maji and uses majic, he doesn’t necessarily have any use for actual weapons. He has been trained though with using whips, swords, and daggers at his nesti’s palace. So if need be, he can easily pick up a sword while still performing fire majic on his enemies to protect the people he cares about.
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Audio Roleplay/Stories
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"Coils Of The Naga" Produced and Voiced by Ycey Narrates
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"Coils of the Naga Part 2" Produced and Voiced by Ycey Narrates
"Coiled By The Naga" Produced and Voiced by Ycey Narrates (Bonus Audio through Patreon)
Modern Headcanon: Mr. Czar Agskaga
SFW Naga Hypnosis Headcanon
Czar's Holiday Story
SFW OC's Valentine's Day Headcanons Special
Summertime with the OC's
Coils of the Naga Part 2: Palace Courtyard Scene
Before Part 3 of "Coils of the Naga" Story
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Physical Appearance Concept Art/Gallery
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Credit art goes to @wyyvernn
More artwork of Czar HERE!
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Inspired Spotify Playlist: Czar Agskaga Playlist
Inspired YouTube Playlist: Prince Czar Agskaga's Playlist
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trash-sidhe · 1 year
Straif Eater [a Henry Stickmin au]
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[First page (here)][next page(soon!!)]
This is an au been dabbling with for a little while and I want to tell it as a story I have a whole plot planned and and whole bunch already thumbed
it'll be updated whenever I make a page =P
Yes it's a self insert lmao I'm just here to have fun
I have a bunch of unnecessary lore tho lmao
Iike the flower windmills are also made to collect magic from the sun
There's two types of magic: diamond type and the rarer onyx type
both come from beastwalkers, folk who can turn into animals and best digest fruiting bodies including flowers nuts seeds pollen fruits and honey and can eat any even those toxic to humans
Humans can have animal features as well but only beastwalkers have long fangs and slit pupils
They can also take a theranthropic form at will and can take only the form of their animal shape under the full moon
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changingplumbob · 6 months
Rotation 8 Wrap-up
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3 promotions: Calista, Marta, Adam
6 skills maxed: Calista 1, Aaron 2, Keira 1, Rahul 1, Bob 1
4 new house builds: York, Villareal, Pancakes, Knightstone
3 renovations: New Goth 3rd floor, Moonwood Mill Library, Reece and Samir's Dusty Murder Shack
1 recreation centre: Tartosa
1 set build: Police station
10 birthdays: Deanna, Paris, Milton, Alfred, Rillian, Onyx, Bob, Reece, Silas, Carson (I don't think I've ever had so many before)
1 birth: Viola
2 new pets: Turtle, Seven
York Household, Chapter 8
Calista got promoted and is now a Captain in the military. Aaron worked hard and maxed a couple of skills. Deanna aged up to YA and was awarded valedictorian for her graduation. She dabbled with robotics and asked her girlfriend to move in. Kelly hosted a gold level slumber party and became bracelet BFFs with Anya.
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2. New Goth Household, Chapter 3
Hamlet aged up from a kitten to a cat, he and fellow cat Gertrude became companions with James. James looked after Milton who aged up to a child while Alexander and Keira worked on finishing university. Joey started in the tech guru career and woohoo'd two more women. Finally the reappearance of Marta's ex Liam almost resulted in arrest, but he couldn't keep Keira from proposing to Marta.
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3. Chopra Household, Chapter 5
Cassandra got a work rival but pregnancy and the near constant need to express milk has pushed him to the back of her mind. Rahul adopted a mini goat and mini sheep and discovered he's a perfectionist. Savannah and Mercedes were busy plotting against new baby Viola who is a cautious infant.
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4. Villareal Household, Chapter 5
The household moved to a new home. Devin won a starlight accolade for her acting, discovered she was self-assured and became a 4-star celebrity. Luna mostly worked from home, bonding with the twins. Alfred showed me infants can push plates and Rilian blew a million raspberries before they became toddlers.
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5. Pancakes Household, Chapter 8
We found our Pancakes in Brindleton Bay. Bob aged up to an adult amid working at his food stall and chef job to become a level 2 celebrity. Eliza completed 3 out of 4 promotion requirements, and the two agreed to try for a baby once Fergus is a teen. Onyx had their birthday, joined the cheer squad and expressed the wish to have a horse. Fergus bonded with his friends.
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6. Woods Household, Chapter 1
In Moonwood Mill Samir got to work trying to figure out what happened to his parents. Following an encounter in the tunnels it became clear they were killed by a werewolf, but he doesn't know why yet. Being bit he has embraced becoming a werewolf. His boyfriend Reece mainly coped with helping Samir through the chaos but did fit in a birthday and some zen time before he commits to university.
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7. Knightstone Household, Chapter 8
Adam and Suzanna traveled to Sixam only to find it devoid of aliens like them. The on earth aliens decided to move out to Chestnut Ridge, an area much friendlier to their kind. Silas aged up to a music loving kid and Pollock hit many milestones as he approaches toddlerhood. Adam was promoted to a syndicated superstar.
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8. Foster Household, Chapter 8
Carson aged to a teen which turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Between discovering he has asthma and getting a detention while sitting in class, he has developed OCD. Kayleigh completed two new masterpiece paintings and started to go grey. Harvey spent time with his fishing club and caught a couple of new ones for his collection.
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9. Nishidake Household, Chapter 5
Clover was spayed meaning no chance of puppies. Charlie invited her parents around to give them a break from managing Carson and reached level 5 rock climbing. Kaori talked to the mayor and his wife about purchasing a neighborhood park. This led to her seeing Kiyoshi again, who says he will buy the park and gift it to her.
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I think I'm allowed to say I'm proud of keeping up with the writing despite some ick bugs and am happy for all the stories and sims I see on simblr that keep my imagination running. Thanks for tuning in everyone, adieu Rotation 8! Here's to Rotation 9!
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From Control - Full Story in Progress on AO3!
Graves x Shadow!Reader
You see a new side of Graves and the Shadows that's much darker than what you were used to, as a bad situation during your mission only grows worse...
TW: Torture, Blood, Somewhat Explicit Violence, Swearing, Dark, Bone-Breaking
Tags: Action, Drama, Thriller(?), Partly Pre-Canon, Swearing, Violence, Torture, Dark, Graves and Shadow Company are villains, Angst, somewhat villain Reader, Character Study, a little edgy, slight melodrama, it's just a somewhat tense situation
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: A little different than what I type normally: no romance, more action-oriented drama. Might be dumb. I just wanted to type a little villainy action stuff for Graves and Shadow Company because I'm brain dead and like writing about bad people sometimes. Let a villain be a villain, I say. (Not that I'm condoning!)
Definitely a chapter meant to demonstrate only some of the measures I feel Graves would take for the sake of covering up a fuck up. He just seems like a guy who likes to dabble in a little torture, but that's just what I think. I also like making the Y/N character person go through it. ┐( ˘_˘)┌
ԅ (≖◡≖ԅ) anyway...
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Chapter Thirteen - Obedear
That’s what runs through your enemies minds when they see your coat of arms -- the Rook insignia of Shadow Company -- the certainty that the end has come.
The Shadows were nothing more than a frightful whisper in the night to those unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side of things. The rumored name their enemies traded after discovering yet another bloodbath left out for display.
It takes a special type of depravity to earn a title like that one; the kind of rep' that runs your blood cold. Under Phillip Graves' command, they were the hideous embodiment of the big, dark shadow in your closet. Boogeymen within the PMC ring. Beastly, merciless, and unforgiving.
Tonight, you would be the bringer of that destined death, as your target remains oblivious to the impending doom heading his way now.
"…Three, two, one. Execute!"
A small charge blows the handle off a large, metal door, breaking it from its hinges, as it sways open with an eerie creak. The noise attracts the attention of a barking dog in the distance; none from any humans however, nor passing vehicles.
You, Percy and Jeremy stand in a cramped alleyway between two neighboring apartment complexes. The lack of street lamps and available moonlight peaking over the tall, stone buildings, made the alley near pitch black in the night.
This part of Kavala wasn't as populated as the other tourists-filled spots in the city, allowing for you and your men to move in the night with little fear of attracting attention and tipping off your target. With any luck, you could be in and out with Onyx in a matter of minutes.
You flip your night vision goggles on, a hazy green hue overtaking your senses, as you take a peek into the room you'd just broken and entering into -- the back stairwell to the apartments.
Whoever runs this place didn't bother having any of the lights running in this part. You weren't likely to run into anyone this way, at least. Not without you having the upper hand.
"Shadow-1, this is Canary," you say in your comms. "We've breached the building. Entering now. How copy?"
"Good copy," Graves radios in. "Onyx's room is on the fourth floor, room 213. Radio in once you're done. If you run into any "problems", go ahead and dump 'em. Just keep it quiet, yeah?"
"Roger that, Commander. Out here."
Jeremy begins to mutter beneath his breath, "Of course he's on the fourth floor."
The man stands at the foot of the stairwell, using his rifle's scope to look up ahead. He hasn't had much to say to you since you parted from the rest of the team. It's probably the quietest you've ever heard him, which was fine by you.
"You could use the exercise," you poke at him with a whisper, moving past Shadow 2-0 to start making your way up. "Let's move."
Percy follows close behind, silently covering you, as Jeremy follows with a huff.
The stairwell was a tight squeeze, given how far up it stretches, people leaving loose laundry to dry, and their belongings scattered about. You move up quietly, listening for every possible noise.
Dim lights from the small door windows beam in like thin rays, cutting through the dark, as you advance up another set of steps. You hear the faint noises of TVs and chatter echoing from other rooms down their respective halls, unaware of your team creeping by. Indeed, this building was actively being lived in.
The sounds grow less lively as you ascend the steps, before they're replaced by the creaking of the stairwell, and your increasing pulse.
The stairwell eerily blocks out the sounds of the world outside itself, leaving you with the muted steps of your boots against the hard floor, and your low breathing.
The heavy burden of your task at hand grew more prominent.
The adrenaline rises slowly. It made your heart ring in your ears, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up beneath your mask and clothing. You'd only remember the presence of yourself when you would unconsciously swallow.
You reach the fourth floor, removing your night vision so you could peek through the door window.
Taking a small gander of the hallway, you check for signs of roaming residents. This floor seemed to house more empty rooms than the ones below it, with little to no traffic; a deliberate choice by your target no doubt, and one Onyx would soon regret.
The coast looked clear enough.
You turn to your team and give them a small nod, before opening the door and piling into the hallway. As quick as you can, you begin skimming the room numbers, keeping your rifles lowered and your heads on the swivel.
209… 210 … 211 … 212…
Room 213. The last room down the hall.
The three of you huddle around the door, your backs pressed against the wall, and your ears locked in. There's laughter erupting from inside, along with some blaring rap music, too unidentifiable from where you stand to make any of it out.
With how loud it was, there was no way Onyx, nor his men, would hear your team closing in. The chatter grew more rambunctious, multiple men's voices picking up through the walls now.
Your team all share glances with one another, running by the next plan of action with a single lock of the gaze. You recall what was discussed in your briefing hours ago, and prepare yourself.
You lift your hand up and silently begin to count down from five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Percy shoots the door handle, his silencer making the shot a "Plink!" noise, as the door lightly swung ajar. The moment it opens, Jeremy lifts his boot and kicks it in, raising his rifle and rushing into the apartment. You and Percy follow suit, your guns aimed and ready, fingers hovering over the trigger.
In a few short seconds, you take in your surroundings: One exit, a single, curtainless window across from you, a kitchen to your left -- divided by an island counter, and a hallway to your right going towards the bedrooms.
It smelt of cigarettes and dust. The apartment was small and overstuffed with tacky, old furniture and décor. Immediately, you shift your sights to the occupants of the apartment. Your target.
A group of five men sat at a round dining room table off to the left of the entrance and living room. You immediately identify Onyx by his black tracksuit and gold chain, sitting at the table's center. The man's a lot more lanky up close, scrawny even. Though his brown eyes carried the look of a seasoned killer.
They're heads all snapped to the sound of the door crashing open, startled gazes quickly twisting with rage. They reach for their pistols on the table, ready to draw, only they're a few seconds too short.
Jeremy shoots the first shot, riddling one of the guards with bullets and planting him permanently in his seat. The flash from his gunfire lights the room at each pop, as Percy joins in shortly after, taking care of the man next to him who tried to reach for his gun. 
You shoot the last two men with swift precision, making a clean shot through both their skulls back to back, and leaving Onyx as the last man at the table.
There's an intense scream that comes from the kitchen to your left.
Instinctively, you turn both your body and rifle to the sound, prepared to shoot down this unknown assailant. However, you freeze at the sight of the culprit, your hands locking in place. You see a woman.
Her brown hair is long and curly, her makeup as put together as what she wore. She stands in the kitchen, staring at all the dead bodies, with her hands clasped tightly over her mouth in fear, the tears already streaming down her face.
Suddenly, you come face to face with your own humanity, having switched that part off the moment you stepped through the door. Only you hadn't noticed until now.
The woman screams again, and this time it attracts the attention of the others on your team. Jeremy's in particular.
Shadow 2-0 whips his rifle towards the woman's direction, and without much thought at all, pulls the trigger.
You watch the bullet slice over the woman's shoulder, just barely missing the major part of her arm, as her blood splatters against the white refrigerator behind her like a paintball pellet.
The woman cries out, grabbing at her arm hysterically. She begins to cower over in fear, suddenly attempting to grab at something near her knees, just below where you couldn't see over the kitchen counter.
You hear tiny footsteps begin to bolt, and to your absolute horror, you see the small shadow of someone bolt from around the counter.
A child.
The kid weaves through you and your team, making a beeline for the hallway, as the woman screams in Russian for him to come back. This sends Onyx in a tizzy.
With no regard for his own safety, the man stands from his seat and attempts to chase after the child, only to be stopped by a bullet to the calf from Jeremy.
Onyx crashes to the floor, only barely catching himself from face-planting onto the ground. Percy takes this opportunity to apprehend Onyx. He drops his knee down onto the man's back until it digs in his spine, swinging his fists down at him a few times before grabbing hold of both his arms.
Amidst the chaos, Jeremy turns his attention back to the belligerent woman, who was seconds away from going completely off the deep end.
"Hey!" Jeremy raises his rifle, threatening to swing it down on her, as though that would help things. "Quit your screamin'!"
She ignores him, crying more, and using her good arm to shield herself from him. It's very likely the poor woman didn't speak English.
The woman's sobbing pleas only seem to further erupt Onyx into a fit of rage. He squirms beneath Percy's knee, cursing and yelling in Russian, making a loud scene.
You step over to Jeremy, attempting to salvage what little Russian you did know to try and get the woman to calm herself. For her sake, she needed to; others in your company would not be as patient.
"Quiet," you tell her. "You need to be quiet."
The woman hears you, but struggles to manage her blubbering, just barely being able to keep from hyperventilating. You couldn't blame her either; Jeremy made this situation more difficult right from the jump. Not that you expected any less from him. Shadow 2-0 was as brutish and uncaring as mercenaries came, the kind of man who shouldn't be in this line of work, and yet thrived in it.
You quickly step back over to the entrance, peaking outside to make sure the commotion hadn't attracted any attention. The hallways remained as empty as you had left them, surprisingly enough. With the music inside still blaring like it was, most of this ordeal was probably drowned out and ignored by the neighbors. Hopefully.
You make sure to shut what remains of the front door behind you on your way back in.
"Shadow-1, we've apprehended the target," you call in. "Awaiting orders."
Radio silence.
You tap your foot impatiently, guessing at what it was that kept your commander from replying. Shepherd, most likely. He's been going out of his way to hound and micromanage you and your Company as of late, almost as though he did not trust you. Which was insulting, given what you knew of him.
After everything the Shadows have done already, trust felt more than owed.
"I told you to keep it down!" Jeremy yells at the woman.
"Screamin' at her's not gonna help any," you say.
Percy cuts in now. "She's probably cryin' for her fuckin' kid."
"Why don't you go get it then, Canary?" Jeremy turns his frustrations to you. "Since you're just standing there."
You would argue, though you couldn't find it in you to do that right now. Your mind felt a bit scattered suddenly.
"Copy that, Canary." Graves' voice brings you back into perspective. "Run into any trouble in there?"
You begin to take in more of the details around the apartment, catching the occasional child's toy on the ground, and family picture on the wall. Onyx's wife and child. The woman and that kid. It makes sense that he'd live with his family, though it's not what you anticipated on barging into when you came here. You hadn't put much thought into that at all, actually.
"Negative, Commander. No issues from us. But…" you're a bit hesitant to mention it to him, knowing what would come of this family if Graves knew. You eventually decide to speak however, some subliminal sense of duty pushing you to. "There are civilians in here, sir."
"Sounds nonessential," Graves says.
Nonessential. Just what you wanted to hear. You sigh in relief. However, it is short-lived.
"They look like they might be his wife and kid, sir," Jeremy radios in. A game changing piece of information in this event. One which quickly sank your heart at your Commander's sudden silence on the other end.
"They still breathin'?" he asks plainly. Quite a question to have on his mind, though it does not surprise you in the least.
"Yes, sir," you say. "Though, the wife's been wounded."
There's another long pause from Graves. You begin to think he may be relaying this back to Shepherd as you speak, seeing as the assignment was entirely dependent on what the General saw fit.
"Tie 'em up and meet us out back," said Graves. "Bring the whole family with ya while you're at it, and make it snappy. Shadow-1 out."
The comms shut off, and the silence which follows feels deafening.
Percy hoists Onyx up aggressively, as he quickly zip-ties the man's hands behind his back, placing a black sack over his head. The whole time, Shadow 3-1 made sure to keep the barrel of his rifle pressed to his back, reminding him not to try anything.
"I said on your fucking feet!"
You hear Jeremy yell at the woman again. He yanks at her wounded arm until she's standing, the poor lady crying out in pain from her injury. Not that he cared for her condition, just that he could quickly have her subdued and blindfolded.
"I'll go look for the kid," you decide.
You venture down the dark hallway, peering into each room you pass, trying to keep your mind at ease.
Any time you pause for even a short second, you feel your lungs shake in your chest. It was as though they were filling with some sort of fluid, drowning you from the inside out. It made it hard to swallow.
That kid is in here somewhere. Confused. Terrified. Your black silhouettes seared into their little eyes. To this child you search for, you were the boogeyman of the night. The shadowy figure come to haunt their dreams for the rest of their life. Death.
Suddenly it didn't feel as prestigious holding such a title.
You've widowed and orphaned your fair share of families; you're more than aware of that. In this line of work, you're so aware of that, in fact, that you no longer thought about it. The families involved were very much out of sight and out of mind. That's what made the job so doable, because it's easier to shoot bad men when that's all you see them for.
Coming face to face with that reality had you more shaken up than you'd wished. You thought you'd be more prepared for something like this to happen, it was bound to. Yet your hands won't stop shaking.
A few cynical lines of encouragement pop in to your head, as you try to rationalize things and put them into some kind of digestible perspective. It's all you really can do.
Bad people have families too, this is obvious. You have a job to do and a home to keep safe. Had the roles been flipped, you'd be shown the same treatment, if not worse. And you don't deserve to feel any type of way about this. You're the one holding the gun.
And it's not like you're doing this because any of you want to either.
So long as AQ is around and those missiles remain on the loose, your life is gone. You'd know no peace until this situation is resolved. Black Bag left you with no other option. If you want your life back, then this is what must be done.
That's what you keep telling yourself.
You reach the last room at the end of the hall, a child's bedroom. It's not the most lavishly decorated, but you could tell that whoever set it up put a lot of care into making it a suitable space for their kid.
You look around, checking the obvious hiding spots: the closet first, then behind the door. You then check underneath the bed. You admit, you jumped a little when you actually saw the kid hiding there.
The child is tiny, no older than maybe six or seven, with large eyes struck with fear from the sight of you. They don't scream however, too terrified to. Perhaps hoping you would not see them if they remained still.
With your mask on, you looked about as shadowy and hostile as the rest of your team. However, you keep your distance from the kid, looking back to see if the others could see you.
Not a soul stands in the doorway behind you.
It doesn't take you long to decide your next move.
You turn to the child, and simply bring your finger to your masked lips. "Shh."
You tell them to be quiet, praying they stay put, and wishing they had not been here to see this happen. It breaks your heart to see the child's eyes on you like this, and for you to be so helpless at remedying the pain you've caused.
"Shh," you tell them. "Stay."
The kid doesn't budge, though you get the sense they understand you.
You stand and slowly leave the room, shutting the door behind you. With any luck, the others wouldn't come to look themselves. You're sure you'll get chewed out for this, but you were prepared for it. It was needless to involve the man's family in this.
You re-emerge from the hallway, finding Percy and Jeremy standing by in the living room with the target and his wife. They're both apprehended, bags over their heads and arms tied tightly behind their backs. It appears they'd been yelled at enough times to remain quiet, for now. Though the woman still sobs quietly.
"You find the kid?" Jeremy asks abruptly.
Quickly, you run with the best argument you can come up with at the spur of the moment.
"They're hiding around here somewhere," you say. "But we've gotta move. Just make do with what we got."
"Stay here and I'll go look for the little fucker," Jeremy volunteers. "Since you can't do it."
"That's not necessary," you say.
"It ain't like this place is big," he retorts.
"We move out," you put more bass into your voice, standing up tall. What you were not about to do was debate with Shadow 2-0 on whether or not he can personally acknowledge you as his superior. You didn't need his acknowledgement, you are his superior. "That's an order."
Jeremy stands there for a moment, neither speaking nor moving. Almost attempting to intimidate you, seeing if you'd break composure before he did.
You matched his energy however, neither speaking nor moving yourself. Waiting to see if he'd openly disobey a direct order from you.
"We ain't got all night," you cut in. "Now let's move."
Jeremy grabs hold of the collar of the woman's shirt and starts bringing her around to the entrance. "Yup-yup."
Percy follows Jeremy out of the room, bringing Onyx with him, and leaving you in the apartment alone. Your eyes linger down the end of the hall, where that child's door remains shut.
You wondered how long they would wait before they open that door again.
You drive a ways out of Kavala, until your surroundings become a deep abyss, the only other vehicles on the road being miles away from where you are. When you've reached a small patch of woods, Graves has the van veer off road. You drive until the woods submerge you, parking off to the right someplace more open.
This far away, you and your company were granted with complete solitude, where no one would be able to hear the impending screaming and crying to come.
You all exit the vehicle in near unison, Jeremy pulling Onyx out from the back of the van. He struggles to stand properly, his leg having been bleeding from the bullet wound on his calf since you left the apartments.
Jeremy merely drags Onyx, bringing the man out in front of the van's headlights. He then throws him against a tree, watching his back slam into the hardwood sharply.
He pulls the sack from Onyx's head and his eyes squint from the bright lights. With his vision still adjusting, Graves and his company appeared as shadows in the black of night.
Graves makes his way over to the arms dealer, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. He observes as the man works himself up again, standing to his feet.
"What is this?" Onyx snarls. "You're American, right? Military? You can't do this to me!"
"Who said anything about us being military?" Graves says.
"If you're not military, then who?" Onyx demanded.
"How 'bout I ask the questions from here," Graves gets close to the man, clapping his hands together. "Alright?"
Onyx spits at the commander. "Fuck you, you dog!"
You slowly brace yourself for the inevitable now, remaining some distance from the scene, away from the headlights, within the dark. Graves always liked to give off this cavalier attitude to start things off, but you knew it only hid a man who held incredibly little patience for bullshit. 
Graves wipes the spit from himself and shakes his head, smacking his lips together disappointedly. He then proceeds to bring his fist down fast, his gloved knuckles colliding hard against the man's nose.
The man's head whips to the side violently. The sheer force causes him to lose his footing, as he crashes to the ground, only to then be brought back up to his feet by Shadow 2-0.
"Now," Graves says. "I've got a few questions, and you've got two options. You tell me what I want to hear, or I put the fear of God in you and then you tell me what I want to hear."
Onyx doesn't reply, his nose beginning to drip with blood. Graves takes his silence as an invitation to continue speaking.
"You did business with Ghorbrani, once upon a time," Graves says. "As one of his dealers. One of many, that is. Only he's kicked the bucket, and you're still trading with someone who's got ties with Ghorbrani's old friends. Someone I'm interested in gettin' to know."
Onyx really takes in Graves' question, and chuckles. "I see now," he says. "You're not military but you're with America. You contractors then? Mercenaries?"
"All you need to know is that I want the name of the man you're trading with. The asshole threatening my country. I've got good intel saying you know 'em. So you're gonna tell me."
"You'll see him soon enough," Onyx taunts. "As will your shit stain of a country, dog."
Graves' eyes travel down to the bullet hole in Onyx's calf, which has been steadily bleeding this entire time. The commander looks around at the rest of your team. "Who shot him?"
"I did, sir," Percy answers for himself.
Graves kneels down by it, Jeremy keeping his gun trained on Onyx so that he doesn't attempt to kick and fight his way out of this. The arms dealer helplessly looks down at the commander, fearful of what may come next. You share the sentiment.
"Good on you." Graves takes the tip of his index finger and sticks it into Onyx's bullet wound. The man jolts and squirms and yelps in pain, but Jeremy grabs hold of his arm, keeping him standing in his tight grip.
Onyx's cries echo throughout the woods. It makes you nauseous listening to it.
"Give me a name," Graves tells him.
Onyx can barely talk through the searing pain shooting up his leg "…I'm a dead man either way."
"That might be true," says Graves. "But I'd say you've still got about an hour left in you. Tell me what I want to hear. Who's supplying AQ?"
Onyx doesn't speak.
Graves gives him maybe five seconds before he's pushed his finger uncomfortably far into his wound again. A pained scream gurgles from Onyx's throat, filling the entire area with his mangled voice.
The Commander continues this vicious cycle of asking Onyx the same few questions, and causing him some variation of pain when he wouldn't answer.
Who have you been working with in AQ? Another finger in the wound. Who's trying to replace Ghorbrani? A small series of fists, boots, and knees rumble against Onyx's head and chest. A nose breaks, some ribs crack. His blood begins to stain the ground around him. Give me a name.
In the midst of this brutality, Onyx does let slip a few short answers, but nothing that wasn't obvious or too useful. Someone was trying to replace Ghorbrani, some new, wannabe despot. Whoever they are, that's who's been working with Russia and arming AQ. If they can get a name, that would already be enough for them to take back to Shepherd and Laswell.
Barely a half hour passes before Onyx looks like a pale comparison of himself. His face is littered with various lumps and discolored bruises, his eyes so swollen it was a wonder he could still see, let alone be conscious. If Graves keeps things up like this, there wouldn't be much of him left to work with.
Graves seemed to comment a lot about the way you work as of late, yet you've almost forgotten what it was like to watch him at work, in his prime element. The real him; and how second nature his cruelty could appear.
It comes as a cold reminder.
Graves eventually grew bored of picking at the man's open wounds or beating him, opting for Onyx's fingers instead. He starts with the pinky first, then the ring finger, and then his middle, taking each one and bending it back with a resounding snap. A sharp noise in these quiet woods, one which made you cringe at each break.
You could not understand how unphased and far removed Graves could be with another human. Yet, you know what must run through his mind right now -- the same thoughts you've been trying to remind yourself of all night. You have no choice. Only you see Graves now, and you know those words you've been trying to convince yourself of believing were true in his mind. He had no doubt about it.
To Graves, this is just what needed to be done. To Graves, this man deserved this. And to Graves, it was just another loose end. When that's all he sees you as, it no longer mattered what else you once were. That is simply what you will always be to him.
Another finger gets folded and crunched, sending Onyx into a screaming, rocking fit.
"We've still got plenty o' fingers to go here, bud'," Graves says. He leans in close to Onyx, until his face is only about an inch or so from him, masked and black goggles reflecting back to the man his tattered state. "Give. Me. A. Name."
Onyx's eyes dip, falling to the patch on Graves' arm. He has a realization to himself suddenly. "…That insignia… I recognize it from somewhere… the Rook piece, with the Ace of Spades… I've seen it before…"
"Is that right?" Graves backs away, allowing for him to keep speaking.
"…Back in Al Mazrah."
You see Graves freeze.
"…Konni never put a face to the bodies, but it was your company right? A month or so ago… Yeah, the Shadow Company… That's what those patches said on those corpses…"
The woods around you grow bone chillingly cold suddenly, as the silence screams at you. Onyx picks up on the sudden change in Grave's posture, taking this moment to breathe.
The others stand around silently, unsure of what it was Onyx was referencing, and exchanging small glances. You look to your Commander, who only looks back at you. You can’t see his eyes, but you know exactly what he's thinking.
Black Bag.
This changes everything.
Graves takes a step away from the man, though he doesn't turn his view from him. He reaches up and turns his comms on. "Gold Eagle Actual," he says. "You pick all that up?"
"I did…" Shepherd replies. "Find out what else he knows, get that name from him, and bury him some place deep."
"Copy that, Actual."
Onyx laughs more to himself. "Ah, so that was you from that night… I should thank you. AQ wouldn't be what it is now without your help."
"Shadow 2-0," Graves looks back towards the van. "Go 'head and bring the missus out for me, will ya?"
You watch Onyx's expression waver and drop, beginning to regret the last few things he had said now.
Jeremy drags the woman out to where everyone is standing, throwing her to the ground in front of Graves. She falls chest first, her hands still tied to her back and a sack no longer over her head. She shivers and cries there, feebly waiting.
Onyx begins to speak Russian to his wife, his voice broken and frantic; though you're not fluent in the language, you pick up a few small phrases. Attempts to comfort her.
The woman's voice sobs at Onyx, her words broken by her tears. She isn't allowed to finish before Graves' has grabbed a handful of her brown hair. He grabs her hair tightly and hoists her up to her feet, as she yelps in pain.
This makes Onyx jump up from his spot, mustering that last bit of strength he had in him. It's only cut down by Percy, who sends his foot into the back of Onyx's injured leg. The man falls back down to his knees.
"Leave her out of this!" Onyx demands.
"Or what?" Graves taunts. "I seem to recall my men not being given the same mercy back in Al Mazrah. Ain't that right? You know about it after all."
He pulls the woman closer, watching the way her mascara stains her cheeks, her knees buckling beneath her. She'd tumble over had he not had such a tight grip in her hair. She grits her teeth to mask the pain.
"Meeting you is about to be the worst decision she's made in her entire life," Graves states. "You think on that the next time you call me dog, you fucking scum. You brought this on yourself. Now give me a fucking name!"
Onyx shares a look with his wife, his expression sinking. You can see in him somewhere, he wants to speak up, if not just for the sake of his wife. But the powers above, whoever it was he worked with, the fear of their retribution was enough to keep him silent, even now.
Graves sighs, and brings the woman over so he could whisper in her ear. "Get on your knees for me, honey."
He uses his boot to press into the back of her leg, bringing her down to her knees as he  nonchalantly continues to grip a handful of her hair like a loose rope. His hold on her keeps the woman's head up and her eyes forward. He didn't want her to miss that frightened look on her husband's face.
"There you go," Graves coos. "Good girl."
And then, he pulled out his pistol and placed the barrel right at the back of the woman's skull. She feels the harsh coolness of the barrel, and begins to cry and pray silently in front of her husband.
Graves begins to count down. "Ten. Nine."
Onyx starts to argue with Graves as he counts down, unable to move or do anything without Percy seating him right back in his spot.
"Eight. Seven. Six."
The woman's sobbing grows louder the lower the countdown gets. At this point, you've memorized all the pitches her frantic voice could create, as for that twisted look on her face.
Onyx has turned to pleading with Graves now, but you knew that wouldn't work. There would be no begging with your Commander. He's told Onyx already what it is he wants, his wife is expendable.
"Ghorbrani's second in command!" Onyx shouts out. "One of his former colleagues. They lead the charge."
"Their name."
"Hassan Zyani…"
Graves lowers the gun from the woman's head and immediately radios into Shepherd. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" he quipped. "Gold Eagle Actual, we've got a name. Ghorbrani's second in command, a Hassan Zyani. How copy?"
"Copy, Graves. Good hit,” Shepherd praises him. You watch Graves’ shoulders slack with relief, as though he’d been waiting to hear Shepherd say that to him. Which he most definitely had been. 
“I'll have Laswell look into this Hassan and see what she can find out about him,” the General continues. “He'll join the list of other names we've collected, but we'll keep a sharp eye on him ourselves. Sounds like he might be our next stop on the hunt."
"And hopefully the last," Graves says.
"Finish up there, we'll go over the next move when you get back. Nice work. Gold Eagle out."
"Rog'," Graves says. "It was a pleasure, as always, Gold Eagle. Shadow-1 out."
Graves shuts his comms off, and turns back to Onyx, who continues to kneel on the ground. "I told you what you wanted," Onyx says. "So where does-"
The commander cuts Onyx off with a bullet to the back of his wife's skull, as her body drops to the ground. Dead. You hear Onyx scream unlike anything he's let out the entire night.
Graves responds to this by putting a bullet in Onyx shortly after, shooting two more into his lifeless body as it slumped over, just for good measure.
And just like that, your mission was done.
"Whoo," Graves sighs. "Guy was really startin' to get on my fuckin' nerves."
"Him and his dumbass wife," Jeremy chimes in.
They all laugh, only you can't really bring yourself to join in. You're too focused on the two dead bodies lying a few feet from you, their lifeless forms lit by the headlights.
"Well, let's wrap this up here and get goin'," Graves says. "Canary, why don't you help Percy with this."
The sound of your callsign reminds you that you stood amongst these men at this moment. You stood there the entire time.
"Yes, sir."
You make your way over to the bodies, Percy grabbing hold of Onyx as you go for his wife. You take hold of her limp arms, trying not to look at her face too much. Though your eyes unintentionally drop to them from time to time.
Each time they did, you thought about her kid at home. Were they still hiding under that bed, you thought to yourself. Waiting and wondering. Wondering and waiting.
"Do you know what he was talking about?" Percy asks you suddenly. "About Al Mazrah? Was that a job or somethin'?"
You and Percy find a small lake, where you throw the bodies into it. If anyone finds them, it wouldn't matter at that point what was done about it. They would just be another death in the underbelly of some hidden crime ring drama, and your company but another whisper in the night. One more loose end taken care of.
"Ask Graves," you say.
"Yeah, 'cause I'll get an answer from him about it," Percy says sarcastically, before walking off. You watch the bodies submerge in the water, before they vanish deep into the black, liquid abyss below. Gone forever.
You thought of the kid once more. Scared under their bed. Thankful, despite other painful things stirring in you.
It would have been worse, had it not been you here. Both a blessing and a curse.
...Chapter Fourteen Here!
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mid-nightowl · 5 months
can i just ask you abt all of them /j
how about....love poetry jaydick? and the girl gang one i love the title <333
waffle!!!!! ily thank you for asking, i am happy to gush about these two<3 <3 <3
so, love poetry was honestly just scenes of jason reciting poetry to dick and then four scenes later i realized i had a plot idea and the rest is history lol
the basic premise is that dick *thinks* he's hallucinating jason (specifically and often as robin) and is just not mentally well about anything. except! it is actually the ghost of jason! and ghost jason is looking out for dick, or trying to anyways.
“You can feel guilty over that, sure, be an idiot,” Jason huffs and [Dick] can feel the familiar exasperation rolling off of him. “Or, you can do something about it.”  His words make him pause--they always do, make him pause, make him choke the rage and grief out--but he tilts his head and just breathes. He thinks. He’s clever, his little wing is always so clever.  Or maybe, he just knows him too well. “Thanks, Jay,” He murmurs, and lets his fingers curl around him.    “A man takes his sadness and / throws it away / but then he’s still left with his hands.” Jason finishes, a wispy whisper against his skin, hands pushing him towards the ledge.  When he leaps, cold determination and the ever present rage in his gut, Jason laughs.  It carries him forward. It makes him fly.  [boot theory, richard siken]
so for a while, ghost jason is reciting poetry/literature to dick and trying to keep him alive but then, jason's body wakes up, crawls out of his grave and is found by talia. ghost jason realizes shit is about to go down and not in a good way and gives a very vague, somewhat cryptic warning to dick before disappearing (aka talia dips jason in the pit and restores his ghost/soul).
and then a few years later, red hood shows up in gotham.
that's all i have so far, but i think it will have a hopeful ending. it's gonna be messy and dark first. i've been having fun plugging in some of my favorite quotes tho<3
and then girl gang girl gang GIRL GANG!!!
okay so this one, i'm honestly excited to write !!!!! but i have so little so far lmao. anyways. it's an exploration of the fact that jason is often impacted and influenced by women. Aka Jason has a (bad) good habit of being a feminist girlboss-malewife and his team-ups always end up as all girls plus him.
it starts during his training with the league, having a team up with lady shiva and cheshire, plus his whole thing with talia. i've also been thinking of combining this with another idea i've had about, instead of jason meeting and being close with damian during his league days, he was actually closer with mara al ghul (damian's cousin), so there's that.
then jason's besties with essence and ducra at the all-caste and also befriends rose wilson during his league days. then after the whole red hood debacle, he's close with faye gunn, and when he starts to dabble in team ideas (the budding outlaws!) he meets and befriends duela dent, artemis, and later isabel ardila; has a weird reunion with barbara, which then leads to him meeting stephanie (who decides jason is her new best friend). he also causes some chaos with selina and her team while in gotham.
i've also been thinking of adding a super, just not sure if i want it to be kara or not; also bette kane is a big contender (just not sure how to introduce her yet); and then i've been thinking about adding blackfire (komand'r) because she's so fascinating to me and i think she might match the whole outlaws thing a bit better than kori.
there will be cameos from kate kane, huntress, barbara + cass, onyx, donna troy, and harley, but i really want to focus on jason, cheshire, rose, duela, artemis, and steph (and hopefully bette, komand'r, and mara).
also, here's a text message snippet!
red hood: love getting sweet messages like this <3 *insert screenshot of text message* >black mask/roman: I don’t ever want to hear from you. You terrify me. Seeing your name come across my screen throws me into a panic< spoiler!alert!: why does black mask have your number???? ravager: there is something deeply wrong with you >>reply to ravager: red hood: :kissy face emoji: >>reply to spoiler!alert! red hood: i don't talk to snitches sorry spoiler!alert!: :sad face: not a snitch red hood: bestie you’re fucking robin or batgirl idk which, i don’t wanna hear ‘im not a snitch!’ ravager: shit are you fucking batgirl???? cheshire: :eye emoji: >>reply to cheshire: ravager: stay tf out of this spoiler!alert!: are YOU? red hood: -cheshire ten bucks she's sweatin rn >>reply to red hood cheshire: make it twenty >>reply to cheshire ravager: you two are the WORST >>reply to ravager red hood: stop being a disaster bi stereotype and we won’t have to have this conversation all the time cheshire: answer the question -ravager ravager: no i don't think i will spoiler!alert!: i'm calling batgirl >>reply to spoiler!alert!: red hood: snitch behavior cheshire: major snitch vibes
listen im so excited for this one but i actually need to sit down and write it lmaooo (may also need an actual plot idk)
thank you thank you thank you for asking bestieeeee ily <3 <3 <3
wip ask game here!
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legcndsnvrdie · 3 months
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my name is [ ALFIE MADDOCK ] … and i am from [ HELLTOWN, OHIO ] and i’m an [ASSISTANT VARSITY BASEBALL COACH & PERSONAL TRAINER]. i lived in helltown for [ 27 YEARS ] because [I COULDN'T HACK IT AS A PRO BASEBALL PLAYER]. i am [30] my pronouns are [ HE/HIM ] and i am [ LOYAL, SELFLESS, DISCIPLINED ] though some may say i’m [ BLUNT, PARTICULAR, COMPETITIVE- ]. i also hear i look a lot like [ BRANDON LARRACUENTE ] but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because [MOM NEEDED HIM HOME AFTER DAD WALKED OUT ] but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
full name: alfred benjamin maddock II   nickname(s):  alfie, al, alf, alfster, captain  age:   thirty birthday: october first gender: cismale relationship status: single star sign: libra current residence: helltown, ohio occupation:  assistant varsity baseball coach & personal trainer languages: english & spanish
looks like: brandon larracuente hair color: dark eye color: ever changing depending on the lighting, typically bluish grey sometimes green & hazel  height: six foot, two inches   tattoos: half sleeve on his left arm piercings: left ear (team bonding dare)
father: alfred maddock sr. mother: naomi maddock nee torres siblings: three younger sisters (hoping to put in wcs for them!) pets:  great dane named onyx extended family: potential step-mother aka the woman his father ran off with
characteristics: disciplined, honest, passionate, loyal, protective, blunt, competitive, nostalgic for the good ol’ days.     fears: letting this family down, not living up to expectations passions/hobbies: baseball, working out and lifting weights, juicing (like fruit juices lol), drawing, sketching, & designing tattoos  drugs/ alcohol/ smoking: dabbled after leaving the minors and returning to helltown/ yes / cigarettes socially   aesthetics:  bases loaded, 2 outs, game on the line, toned muscles, empty beer cans, calloused hands and bruised knuckles, worn out cleats, ice cold yellow gatorade, backwards baseball caps, shirtless workouts, championship trophies collecting dust, sliding into home plate, drags of cigarette smoke to numb the pain, sweat dripping down a furrowed brow line, one more rep, again, again, again, knuckles cracking, folded up varsity jackets character inspo: Jason Street (Friday Night Lights), Archie Andrews (Riverdale), Jeff Atkins (13 Reasons Why) Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter), Randy ‘Pink’ Floyd (Dazed and Confused)
Alfred Maddock II was born to a middle class family in Helltown, Ohio on a warm October evening with the Cincinnati Reds World Series playoffs well underway. His father barely made it to hospital in time, squeezing in one last inning before rushing out of the bar to witness the birth of his own little shortstop. Alfred Sr. was something of a legend back in high school. The kind of guy who reminisces about the glory days at his 9 to 5 job and marries his high school sweetheart which he did. Her name is Naomi, and she is the matriarch of the Maddock family.  Alfie is the eldest child of Maddock's little baseball team of four and his father's only son. Therefore from the time Alfie could walk, he was always in the yard playing catch with his old man and coming in late for dinner with soot stained cheeks and green stains streaked across his knees. Not to mention, the distant sound of his mother’s warnings —don’t track mud in the house—following him to his place at the table.  Despite his father’s small town legacy, Alfie wasn’t a natural talent and baseball didn’t always come easy for him. What he did have, however, was discipline and the fierce drive to work twice as hard as his teammates even if that meant double sessions and waking up before sunrise. By the time he hit middle school, Alfie was already as tall as a sophomore and his father was more like a second coach to him than an actual parent, constantly reminding him to always choke up on the bat to achieve better ball control. 
In high school, all Alfie’s hard work paid off. The kid had it all, a bright light in a town that always seemed to be constantly plagued by mystery and fog. He was an All-American shortstop who made the varsity baseball team his freshman year, scored a hot girlfriend, was the resident beer pong champ at all the post game after parties, and to top it all off he was a pretty nice guy. Alfie could always be found wearing his varsity jacket with his signature backwards baseball cap, ready to throw a fastball over to one of his teammates who he was constantly surrounded by.  Being both popular and captain of the baseball team did have its responsibilities however, and there were certain unwritten rules that came with the territory. Alfie wasn’t your typical stupid, jerkface jock; he was the captain, in the top spot. He wasn’t flashy like some of the other guys on the team—though his homerun victory laps were legendary— or made an ass of himself by getting into arguments and fist fights on the field. He was the guy who would have your back and take the fall, a leader, and the heart and soul of the Ashevere High School baseball team. It was a role that Alfie cherished and one that carried over in his family life and and with his friends off of the baseball diamond.
With an impressive high school baseball career, Alfie was recruited by the Columbus Clippers to play Minor League Baseball and was on the fast track to play in the Majors for the Cleveland Guardians. This was his moment and his chance to finally get out of small town Ohio and make something of himself. For three seasons, he shined like he did in high school. He was quick, agile, and had a throwing arm worthy of the pros, even became captain of the team in his final season.   But it was in that third and final season with the Clippers that Alfie was thrown the biggest curveball of his life and his world came crashing down. Alfred Sr. ran off with another woman leaving his family behind, and Alfie’s mother completely devastated. Much mystery surrounds his father’s sudden departure with this other woman, one that brings about a certain eeriness Alfie can’t seem to place. His father was no saint, but Alfie was about to be at the top of his game just like his dad always wanted for him and then suddenly he takes off. It didn't make sense to Alfie, but it was enough for him to put his dreams on hold. Always the captain on or off the field, the athlete saw no other choice but to give up his career and move back to Helltown to help out his mother, becoming the replacement father figure for his younger sisters that nobody asked for. Alfie has been back in Helltown for nine years now, often greeted with a furrowed brow and a pleasant: “Aren’t you that kid who played ball for Ashevere a few years back?” He took up a job at the local gym as a personal trainer and eventually became an assistant coach for the varsity baseball team, unable to completely leave the sport behind forever.   As much as Alfie longs to escape Helltown and reclaim the all-star career he was robbed of, he can’t seem to leave, unable to shake the darkness that continues to lurk within the town and half convinced the most recent disappearances may be connected to his father’s sudden departure all those years ago, let alone leave his family to fend for themselves among all the chaos.  But even with the game on the line, bases loaded, and two outs, the kid always could manage to pull through and smash a curveball straight out of the park.
Alfie couldn’t tell you exactly how it happened. One minute he was grumbling about a bad call the umpire had made during a middle school double header, and the next they were making out. It was nothing more than a one time thing, a harmless kiss in the heat of the moment. She was there, he was upset, and from that moment on Kayla always seemed to have that calming effect on him. By the time high school rolled around, she was more like another one of his sisters and he was integrated into her friend group. They lost touch when Alfie was recruited to play in minors and only reconnected recently. When she disappeared, it was a strange feeling. He wasn't as close with her, and yet he still somehow feels obligated to find out what happened to her.
Alfie always wore the number 13 in baseball despite it being considered an unlucky number on and off the baseball diamond. He was never really superstitious about it until recently and swears he sees the number 13 in the most random places now almost as if to mock him.
He is a huge A-Rod fan and looked up to him as a kid even though his family were Cincinnati Reds fans. He wanted to be a professional shortstop because of him. May or may not have teared up a bit when him and JLO broke up, too.
Alfie is extremely protective of his mother and sisters and feels he has to be the man of the house now that their father walked out. 
In his spare time, Alfie loves to draw and sketch. He has a sketchbook filled with his doodles and potential future tattoo ideas. They actually aren’t bad at all.  
His ducati is his baby and he treats it as such.
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sparatus · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends
tagged by @korblez and @aceouttatime thank youuuuu
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: deadname no, most of the names ive gone by have all uh. been stolen from rp characters (fridtjof, kjetil) or characters i id'ed with heavily (ierian, saren). soren is a mix of both, pulling from sorin (rp oc) and saren (duh), plus my nickname rin also stems from ierian!
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: who knows, within the past week certainly. i cry a lot easier than i used to now that i'm recovering from depression and like, allow myself to feel my feelings again. both positive and negative.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: absolutely not
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: played tennis and volleyball in middle school, did some horseback riding. still enjoy the latter two :)
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: the /s indicator is like a brother to me
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: voices. i suck with faces until i've seen you around for like, a month, regularly, but voices stick in my head. probably at least in part because i dont like looking at people but i'm very sound-sensitive :D
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: gray mostly! with some uhhh green/hazel?? flecking, depends on the lighting, and a ring of brown around the middles, which i have been informed is technically central heterochromia?? it's very fun trying to look in a mirror and figure out what i'm supposed to put down on forms lol
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: are those two things supposed to be mutually exclusive or something. man i dont care i'm just here to have a good time as long as the thing is GOOD i dont care
ANY TALENTS?: i can do this magic trick where misbehaving technology magically works again as soon as i come take a look at it. also i'm told i write real good
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: minnesota, in the us
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: writing, video games, drawing, off and on dabbling in finger knitting and considering crochet, also comic books and toy collecting!
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: 3 cats! joakim is an orange-and-white bicolor, rhett is a black-and-white bicolor, and onyx is solid black. all neutered toms, and all littermates - mom was a calico and we got a sampler platter, lol.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5'3.5" / 161 cm
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: history and government. if you have looked at my writing for 0.7 seconds this will not surprise you in the slightest.
DREAM JOB?: ideally i wouldnt have to work at all, but i probably wouldnt mind doing like. cemetery groundskeeping. i enjoy horticulture i enjoy keeping things nice i want to be left alone to tidy the graves and keep the dead company
im getting lazy with these tag games if you wanna do it say i tagged you
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 8 months
“Very lost, or very drawn. You hold strong magic, succeeding in a transmogrification so thoroughly” Lucas nods with a chuckle “Such magic requires a lot of energy, and if you’re dabbling in more spells you’ll need more energy to keep up. I’ll hazard a guess if you had not come across us, you would have kept going to that plain” he says, pointing at said plain just ahead of them
“The eclipse will be strongest there tonight, your instincts led you well. But you’re not looking for spells or rituals are you?” He says softer, looking at them rubbing their arm
“My names is Lucas” he says easily, gesturing to Bim “And he is my student. We are witches” he says with a smile, leaving Bim free to introduce himself as he wished
"Bim Trimmer." He holds his hand out for a shake, and gets one.
"Onyx. Uh, I'm not really magic, I just sorta found a book..."
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
A Painting II
Magnus and Matilda
Warnings: strong language, angst, slight mentions of trauma
Summary: The demigod twins have a dance and talk together in the Hall of Demigods.
Feedback appreciated, 18+. They are adults in this dabble
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Matilda stood in the Hall of the Demigods: a grande room dedicated to all the demigods that have walked the Lands Between. She felt small, standing before the wall with the most coverage. Only being able to see the blur of colors used, she glanced over them. Red or gold was the majority…colors of passion and victory…holiness.
Looking down her thoughts went to her own, what her descendants would think, standing in the same place as her now. Her eyes fell on the outlier: a painting of black and crimson. She swallowed.
A whisper tickled her ear, downing out the world for a fleeting moment in its honey garbled tongue
“Admiring the paintings?” Came a voice.
Matilda jumped a bit, too engrossed to hear the footsteps; shaking her head to clear away what she thought to be her imagination. She recognized his smell and holding immediately, sighing, “You know I can’t, Magnus…”
“Then…” he padded closer, breath ruffling her silver curls as he spoke, “What are you doing?”
“Just thinking.” She answered simply, “You should make a habit of it as well.”
He snorted, stepping to her side to look over the portraits. After a long moment he spoke, “Our paintings will be up there soon, too.”
Silence answered him, he turned slightly to see her face downcast, hands worrying her skirts like when they were children. Magnus huffed, deflating as he offered out a hand, close enough for her to see the blackness, “Care to dance?”
She jumped a bit at the offer, smirking nervously, “You know I can’t dance!”
“I won’t judge.” He soothed, taking her hand.
They fell into step, Magnus slowly swaying to a silent melody. Matilda was stiff, worry silting her movements. She couldn’t quite reach his shoulder so she settled on holding his upper arm, other hand clasp into his own.
She giggled a bit as he led her steps, “When did you learn to dance?”
“It comes in handy.” He smiled, “Women love it.”
“Oh course.” She smiled, allowing him to guide her. As he moved more swiftly she stepped on his food, quickly apologizing.
“Don’t worry about it.” He hummed, “Just think of the dance.” He went smoothly along.
“And what song are we dancing to?” She asked with a giggle.
“That one that they played the last Winter Ball.” He mused, “You know the one!”
She nodded.
“Goes like: Dun, Dun, Duuuuuuun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Duuun.” Magnus poorly tried to imitate the sound of an piano, flashing a toothy smile when Matilda laughed at his antics.
As they looped the hall his eyes were drawn to the portraits once more, murmuring questions, “How many visitors do you think will pass, and only see the faces of those that came before on us? All the terrible things done, stained in the rich paint?”
“There’s been good too..” she pointed out.
“Not enough.”
“You’ve always been pessimistic.”
“I come by it naturally.”
“I suppose so.” There was no judgement to her tone, far from it; the words were almost light, striking his heart.
They twirled around the hall, color and lights all blur, footsteps falling into place together. For every way they were different there was just as many ways they were alike, two halves of a whole, hewn together in the same womb.
Had time truly put a steak through their closeness? The thought made Matilda’s step slip, missing him even as he stood right before her.
“I…don’t want to loose you. Iv never lived without you.” Her voice cracked, steps faulting further.
Magnus slowed, asking honestly, “And what says you will?”
Matilda swallowed, words she wanted to say not finding their ways to her tongue, instead settling on, “I worry for you, if you keep chasing shadows.”
His steps ceased then, back to the portrait of Mohg. The dark crimson and onyx of the painting like a looming shadow around his silhouett.
“Have you ever thought of if we would of been born in a different time?” His voice was distant, orange eyes downcast, “Thought of living, as they did?”
Matilda’s bangs parted, cloudy eyes glassy as she looked up at her twin, “More than you know…” her gaze flicked upwards, to that single orb of golden orange behind him, a small sun in the swirling darkness the painting was to her vision. “I don’t want you ending up like him.” She all but whispered.
He wavered a bit then, flashing a smile as he asked lowly, “Would it be so bad?”
“Yes!” She exclaimed quickly, softening to add, “I don’t want to repeat past mistakes. Are we doomed to be the same tragedy?”
He closed the meager distance between them more. She didn’t shy from him, never had she feared him.
“Do you ever wonder what’s wrong with us? Why we crave the touch of human hands? Why we can’t hug our father?” His voice sounded raw, large hands carefully raising to cup her smaller face. She could feel the slight tremble, the worry that she would reject the gesture.
Matilda looked up with unseeing eyes, pain fraying the edges of her tone, “Magnus…”
His furred nose wrinkled a bit, hint of a growl as he pressed, “You know it’s true…why do we shutter at a clawed touch? That this world is so fucked that we can’t find solace in our own kind….Look at me.”
She swallowed, “I can’t.”
Magnus bent forward, pressing his forehead to her own, eyes starting into hers. Her heart hammered in her ribs, glassiness of her clouded gaze spilling.
He clutched at her a bit more desperately, a beg on the tip of his tongue, “Look at me…”
Matilda blinked, wetness gathering on her lashes, she nodded in his hold, “I see you.” For the first time in years she saw his eyes, every detail of the deep shifting oranges. All the pain, all the silent pleas.
“I see you.” She whispered, pressing her forehead into the contact more.
Magnus cracked a bit, head-bumping her back, eyes closing against the threatening sting.
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zoanzon · 1 year
Alright, further bits for the ‘trying to rewrite the entire goddamn post-WAR to end of Phyrexian Arc’ project I’m percolating:
Jace starts going off the deep-end a bit trying to prepare for the oncoming Phyrexian Invasion - proper ‘for the Greater Good’ level shit - and finally gets to start dabbling in Blue/Black magics and Blue/Black color alignment
While there are other brainy planeswalkers, the only other bookish planeswalker I can think of - who would argue academics and who I could see get into a competitive feedback loop with Jace instead of just tuning him out or trying to eventually dunk his ass into a trashcan - is Daretti. Plus he needs some canon love. So, Jace ends up recruiting Daretti into his ‘time to derail the coming annihilation of the multiverse’ plans.
Actually looking at the time-period between ‘Liliana backstabbing Bolas and getting his spark ripped out in WAR’ to ‘Professor Onyx, Strixhaven professor’ and how that whole progression went. Plus, some proper awareness and focus on the fact she’s technically an Oldwalker in experience and what that might mean for the shit she’s seen that newer ‘walkers have no context for.
Kaito and the Wanderer actually shown telling other planeswalkers Tamiyo got kidnapped by Phyrexians. Like...how did that go? (Bad, but you know what I mean.) I just...goddamn I really want stuff looking at the incomprehension-disbelief-horror of other planeswalkers hearing that Phyrexia is once again spreading, and that they kidnapped a planeswalker.
(If Serra’s ghost can fucking touch the world and affect things, I really want a dream-sequence where Dyfed commiserates with Tamiyo, first planeswalker vivisected by Phyrexia commiserating with the most-recent victim of Phyrexia’s atrocities.)
In general just an actual time-period between the failure of the planeswalker strike-team in New Phyrexia and the actual invasion’s kickstart, partially to see what ‘contingencies’ they had and the whole ‘trying to prepare other planes for this incoming invasion’ training-montage-from-hell.
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ghostofcinders · 2 years
Since I feel like garbage for assorted reason and I could use some nice things, let me brag for a moment about how clever we were when making plans for the Archetypes' art for They Came from the Cyclops's Cave!
Cyclops's Cave is a game in the They Came From line from Onyx Path Publishing, where each is meant to replicate the beats & tropes of genre movies. Cyclops's Cave is "the fantasy one", with its scope ranging from classic sword & sandals, passing through 80s pulp fantasy, and getting to the 90s (and a tiny bit beyond). That's a lot! So the Archetypes, the most defining element of player characters in this game, had to cover that range well. Which is something we did through text in a splendid way, but I wanted the art to do its part too. So let's do a brief showcase!
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The Champion Archetype is your chosen one, your warrior forged by the crucible of war, your paragon. Conan, Xena, and She-Ra. For the art, we went with a badass knight in Excalibur-like armoe with, art notes speaking, "a fierce Lucy Lawless look".
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The Dreamer Archetype is the heart, the inspiring voice, the little brave one carrying impossible weights. Frodo, Gabrielle, and Willow. For the art, we decided to tap into whimsical fae fantasy, with a faun looking at the future with bright eyes.
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While people of all kinds can belong to any Archetype, the Inhuman lean into what makes them unique with pride in their culture & natural gifts. They're your Gimli, your Goliath, your Ludo from Labyrinth. Clear greek inspiration here, with this really cool gorgon. I was always annoyed fantasy games make it difficult to play as a gorgon more often then not, so here I wanted to make that option VERY clear. Gorgons are cool.
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The Puppet Archetype expresses innate magical gifts like no other. They are haunts, boggarts, and spirits, but also mechanical creatures and any other (often small) portentous being. Your Bubo, Orco, or Genie from the Sinbad movies. Couldn't go wrong with something inspired by the movies of Jim Henson here. I mean, that's pretty much mandatory.
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The Sage Archetype is a classic, with good reason. They're your learned wizards, your sorcerers dabbling with demons, your wise mentors. Merlin, Akiro, and Fin Raziel. Here the art goes in another direction our scope nevertheless covers by design: the brilliant cosmic avenues the King Jack Kirby gifted us all.
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Lastly, another obvious yet needed Archetype: the Scoundrel. Your lovable rogues, unrepentant rascals, bane of kings and guards alike. Your Inigo Montoya, your Madmartigan, your Sinbad. For their art, we went for a sword & sorcery direction, going for a charismatic thief who wouldn't feel out of place in a Conan or Elric story.
If Cyclops's Cave goes well enough when it comes out (you can check the KS page or preorder it on Backerkit, if this thread grabbed your curiosity!), I have ideas for three more Archetypes to fill some space, but the above are our really cool core ones!
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