#ooc aaaaaaah hi
eorzeashan · 4 months
quietly thinks about Eight and Keeper. Keeper, who ordered him to find a way to live outside Intelligence, who most likely blamed himself for the weapon Eight became. Keeper, who this whole time was suffering on the inside over not just his decision on the Castellans, but over having failed to teach this boy he took under his wing how to be an individual. Who he only gave regrets and must've thought his greatest mistake--who refused Eight's offer to save Intelligence because it would mean once again, sacrificing the people he swore to look after. Keeper, who only wanted the best for his agent and assumed he gave him nothing, whom Eight mistook his refusal to use him as rejection.
Keeper, who Eight should've grabbed by the collar and yelled how could you think so little of these years I spent with you, and I wanted to be the person you would love accept. I was prepared to die for the home you wanted to keep! You were my rock!
You were my everything!
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e-m-p-error · 11 months
first impression of ur muse (primarily val) was that he was well written and ic, now my impression is that he is incredibly 3-dimensional and thoroughly thought through, with interesting headcanons to go along with him (and his interpretations). like canon val is gonna fall flat when we see him compared to yours haha
What was your first impression of my muse vs how you see them now? It can be either ic or ooc.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Thank you, Space!!!
I legit squealed over this lol Like. This is such a huge compliment?? Thank you so much ahhhhhh. I... Honestly think way too much about this moth. He has definitely moved into my brain, will not leave, and will not pay rent. While I love all of my muses, Val is just so important to me and he will probably never leave as my featured muse. My portrayal of him (and my other versions of him, too) is something that has really shifted and he's really come into his own as I've written him.
He's actually changed a lot since I started the blog. I've had to go back and rewrite some of his headcanons because things shifted and like. The Val I have today has been very accurately described as a Needy, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed Diva and like, that seems to be what he was destined for.
GOSH I'm just so happy??? I love my Val so much so I'm always like. Shoving the atrocity moth in people's faces. ❤️🦋❤️
I am going to FRAME THIS it's just so sweet??? I'm still just all AAAAAAAH ; u;
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allisallies · 4 years
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*\o\* *\o/* */o/*
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iridescentrps · 4 years
hiya! my name is julie, and this is my first time with frostford! i’ve rp’d before in the past but it’s been a minute since i’ve been in a group like this and i’m so excited to jump in! feel free to message me here or add me on discord (jminamistar#2670) if you prefer! under the cut is the same info from my personal account that was posted in the frostfordhype tag but in bio form as well as some wanted connections~!
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Peach tea, ice-cold custard, and summers spent near the river. Ava’s childhood was nothing but southern comfort and easy living, for the most part. Her mother, Martha Harper, worked at the bank in Frostford for her entire life and was able to provide for their small, two-person family well enough. Ava never knew much about her father, not even a name; she learned when she was very young that mentioning him at all would cause her mother to close up for hours. 
It was in middle school when she realized she was different than those around her. When her and an old friend snuck into the Kennedy Cherry Orchard one summer night to stargaze and snack on the tart, sweet fruit, the pair eventually grew bored and began gossiping about anything and everything. At some point - Ava doesn’t even remember how it got there - they talked about being nervous for their first kiss with a boy, and agreed to practice with each other - so they could be ready. The way Ava’s heart nearly burst from her chest and wouldn’t stop fluttering for an hour after the kiss also filled her with dread when she realized what it all meant. 
Ava told nobody. The way gossip spread in Frostford, she knew just telling one person would be the end of her and her mother’s reputation. Instead, she turned inward. She kept her head down, tried not to draw too much attention, and studied her ass off to get a scholarship to somewhere far away from Frostford. The quaint, small town didn’t feel like a home anymore, with the biblical teachings every Sunday and the pestering questions about who her date for the next dance would be. All Ava could think about was an escape. 
That escape turned out to be Los Angeles, California. For nearly 10 years, Ava stayed on the west coast. She had studied to become a veterinarian, and in the city of angels, where purse dogs were an accessory more than a pet, she always had work. Even though she never spoke to her mother much in those years, she always made sure to send some extra money here and there whenever she could.
When she got the call from Sheriff Harold that her mother had been found dead in her house after not showing up to work for a couple days, Ava’s world fell apart. She had convinced herself that being far from her mother for so long was good for her; that it helped her live out her true self. She always told herself that, one day, she’d go back and be brave enough to be honest to her. That opportunity was ripped away from her by an unexpected heart attack.
Everything was left to Ava; the house, all her furniture, and some savings money her mother had accumulated. She hadn’t intended to stay in town; her job and apartment in Los Angeles were comfortable enough for her. But as she spent time trying to tidy up her mother’s things - intent on selling the old house and being done with Frostford forever - Ava inevitably spent time back in town. She revisited her childhood favorites, reconnected with familiar faces, and received plenty of genuine sympathy from those around her. 
It shocked her. After nearly a decade in Los Angeles, she forgot what it was like to know your neighbors, and have them know you. She forgot how nice it was to be in a small community and feel safe. She forgot how damned good Custard’s Last Stand was, too. More than anything, she realized, her mother’s memory was in every single location at Frostford. After that, she knew that she couldn’t just leave Frostford again.
She’d make it her home. 
Wanted Connections:
she’d be about 28 now, so keep that in mind~
that old friend from middle school, anybody who would’ve worked at the bank and knew her mother before she passed, old high school friends (bonus points if they become super close now and she feels she can trust them!), current coworkers at the Vet Clinic, lovers, honestly just anything p l s
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lorddiiavolo · 4 years
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Listen, bby Diavolo terrorizing the kingdom. Raided the kitchen, the servants feared him, notorious for misbehaving and just giving everyone a hard time. He escaped often to go to the garden ( not the one he has now ajsfa ), PLAYED WITH ANIMALS A LOT, bringing them into the kingdom was strictly prohibited so it was always a surprise to find that he somehow sneaked some wild animal double points if wounded and he wanted to help it, and he would throw a tantrum if they tried to make him get rid of it.
only for him to grow up into a Slightly less chaotic prince, learning the ins and outs of being a future king. stressful as fuck but he’s trying - escaping his work now and then to Cope but Barbatos is now the next one in line who unfortunately has to chase him around to keep him focused aksjfha AAAAAAh
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imcuto · 4 years
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unwiltingblossom · 6 years
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I’m sorry, did I say Taiga/Kitamura is ‘practically nonexistent’ in Toradora fandom?
haha. silly me. that was a mistake, a slip of a tongue.
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metallsinne · 6 years
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collectiiive-blog · 6 years
so I’m 
gonna get a chance to meet Brianna in 2 days and I’m honestly dead already
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey there Savi.. could i request a kou,mitsuba and tsukasa x reader where their s/o gets bullied alot?? I've been struggling with it recently and now that school is going to start again im dreading it .. thank you in advance <3
kou minamoto x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader
a/n: of course!! I’m really sorry that you’ve had experiences like that, but I also genuinely hope that this year will be better! You’ve got this-!! And don’t be afraid to ask for help <3 you’re so so welcome, tho I’m sure schools probably started by now, therefore I’m super sorry for the time this took- and thank you so much for requesting <3
Waaaaaah i’m also sorry if it’s OOC, cos I know Tsukasa’s at least is;;; writer’s block is aaaaaaah-;; I’ve genuinely been writing this since September 19th,,,,
warnings: bullying
word count: 2,044
kou minamoto <3
You glanced at your phone screen, the date flashing up at you. It was depressing. Thoughts of previous years danced in your head, as you shut your phone back off. You currently stood outside of your school, “open house” finally over. School was starting back in just a few days. Your days of freedom could be counted on one hand… this was, by far, one of your least favorite times of the year.
“(Y/N)! Do you still want to walk to the park?” Kou questioned, running up beside you. You nodded, hoping that spending time with your boyfriend would get your mind off of school, and memories related to such. As the two of you began to walk, you could practically feel the question on the tip of Kou’s tongue. He always made himself rather obvious- his hands fidgeted a bit, his gaze lowering to the ground.
“Say, (Y/N)... you seem sad. Is it because school’s starting back?”
You thought for a moment, unsure of how to put it. He certainly wasn’t wrong…
“Yeah, that’s basically it… last year was just… not a good year, haha.”
“Oh? Well, I’m sure this one will be better!! If you want, we can make a list or something? All the bad things about last year can be something we change this year-!”
Despite bitterly knowing that it wasn’t exactly something within your realm of control, you laughed a bit. “That’s… insanely corny, Kou. I didn’t say a terrible idea- just… corny.”
When you glanced up at him, you noticed his red face, as he blurted out an excuse. A moment of fumbling over his words passed, before he gave up, glancing off to the side once more.
“Wh-whatever- I mean, just… like, tell me what’s wrong, if you want to. And I’ll try to help. Alright?”
“It’s really not something either of us can help, Kou.”
“So? I’m your boyfriend,” He seemed a bit embarrassed to say, most likely not used to pulling that sort of card, “If you don’t want to tell me, I can’t make you. But, if you’re alright with telling me, I want to know. Either way, I’m here for you...”
“Ah… I know it, Kou. Honestly, I just… dealt with some bullying last year, so I’m really not looking forward to this year. No matter how much I hear ‘oh, the bully does it to feel better about themself’, it’s just emotionally… hm, awful, you know?”
“Oh… I understand, (Y/N). I do remember some people picking on me, since I have a big brother like Teru- it’s not fun at all. Here!! I’ll stay with you, 24/7! Sit with me during classes, and I’ll hang out with you during free time!” “Thanks, Kou- but we probably won’t have every class together.”
“Then- just tell me if something happens during the class,” He spoke, crossing his arms rather seriously. “I’ll talk with the teacher! Easy peasy!!”
A moment passed, before Kou took your hand, looking at the ground, then back up with you. His eyebrows were furrowed just slightly, his eyes not as wide as they usually were. Kou was being serious- as serious as his sweet mind could let him be. He almost seemed to resemble his big brother even more- when the two were serious.
“If something happens, tell me, okay? I mean it. I don’t want this year to be bad for you- as your friend and boyfriend! Let me do what I can to help, alright?”
You blinked a bit. Kou’s words were so sincere, you felt your heart beat a bit quicker. “A-alright. Thank you, Kou. I really mean it.” You spoke, bringing the boy into a hug to hide whatever sort of expression you were making.
“Of course! You don’t need to thank me, (Y/N). I’m happy to try and help-!”
mitsuba sousuke <3
“(Y/N), if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’ll give you something to complain about.”
Ah, Mitsuba… he spoke, his arms crossed as he sat next to you, silently noticing your slightly disheveled clothes. Judging by the slightly down look you wore, too many things were now adding up. Something was bothering you, and he was bound and determined to find out what it was.
“Mitsuba, it’s okay, really. Here! Let’s eat, I’m starving!” You opened up your bento box, sliding one his way, and sticking the chopsticks into your mouth. Though you hummed happily, Mitsuba was… in Detective Mode, to put it lightheartedly. Your every move was being analyzed, as he tried his best to figure out what was wrong. Your eyebrows furrowed, as you swallowed a bit harder than usual.
“What’s the point of lying to me, dummy? If you aren’t hungry, it’s probably because whatever is bothering you is ruining your appetite. Talk to me. I’m serious.”
You sighed, feeling as if the food was stuck in your throat. Or maybe your throat simply felt as though it had a lump in it…? Either way, you were painfully aware of the unpleasant feeling. Along with the creeping suspicion that Mitsuba wasn’t going to leave this alone. Was he good at reading people?? Were you just easy to read…? Or maybe, he was just far too accustomed to the way you reacted to things. Able to focus in on the little things, especially when he wanted to. Perhaps it was the talent of a photographer? Being able to read the entire picture??
Perhaps you were thinking too much into it, desperate for a way to get your mind off of the things going on around you.
“I’m just… dealing with some stuff.”
“Well, duh. What kind of stuff?”
You kept your gaze glued to the floor, fiddling absentmindedly with the chopsticks. You knew you could confide in Mitsuba… yet, something about it felt practically impossible. What would happen if you told him? Could he do anything? He was merely a ghost…
“Oi, I asked a question. Listen, and listen well, you idiot- I know I can’t solve all your problems, but I can at least listen- which is what you’d better be doing right now. You listen to me, though who wouldn’t want to is beyond me, so I can at least do the same. I’m not your therapist, but I am your boyfriend.”
Those words danced around in your mind for a bit, as you considered how to put it. For a moment, you simply nodded, letting Mitsuba know you heard- and were acknowledging- what he said. A few more moments passed before you began to speak.
“Lately, there have been some students… picking on me, I guess. It’s… discouraging, and makes school feel like a living nightmare. You’re the only good thing in my day at this hellhole.”
You tightened your grip on the chopsticks, trying to read Mitsuba’s tone. Suddenly, it clicked- remembering Mitsuba mentioning being bullied for being “feminine” and “foul-mouthed”. He truly, genuinely, understood where you were coming from.
“I see, then… I’ll tell you what to do, (Y/N). Tell an adult, lame-o. I don’t give a flying flip about ‘oh, they won’t believe me’ or ‘what if the bullies blah blah.’ At least try it- it’s hard, but I don’t care about that either. Also, freaking ignore them. Obviously, you don’t want to pay them attention, so don’t.”
“Mitsuba, it’s not that easy-”
“I know. (Y/N), I’ve been in your shoes. Maybe it’s different- I dunno what kind of bullying they’re doing. Still, if you’re good enough for my standards, you know you’re at least worth something. So don’t let those low-lives get you down. I promise you, if I could, I’d give them a piece of my mind. But, since I can’t, just… do it yourself, or something. Don’t endure it, you rat.”
(“Mitsuba, all your insults lowkey feel like bullying-”
“Shut up, stupid-face, you can’t tell a teacher on a ghost. What’re you gonna say?? Waaaah, sensei, school mystery number 3 is calling me names!! Hah.”
“Tsuchigomori-sensei can see you, you know. And he teaches both Minamoto boys!”
“Lalalaaaa, I can’t hear you-”)
tsukasa yugi <3
Tsukasa… knows.
There was no other way to put it. You knew he knew, and you knew he was just waiting. A part of him wanted you to ask him for help- to confide in him, even if it took some pushing. He was… a bit different in that sense- I mean, how was he to know you didn’t enjoy being bullied? Was it the same way he felt when Amane looked at him with such hatred?
“(Y/N)!! What’s with such a sad look?? Did you get a bad test grade?” Tsukasa questioned, floating alongside you as you entered the broadcasting room. You simply shook your head, placing your bookbag on the floor, then standing back up.
“It’s just been a day, Tsu,” You added, taking a seat near Sakura. As you did, she pushed a cup of tea your way, her gaze as it usually was. She looked right through you, as if you were nothing but a ghost. Still, it was a much better look than the ones given by the bullies. Muttering a ‘thank you’, you lifted the cup, fiddling with it slightly.
“If there’s something bothering you, feel free to share it,” Sakura spoke, her gaze staying on you, then finally closing as she sipped from her cup.
“If there’s something bothering you, share it.” Tsukasa added, placing his head on your shoulder and staring at your eyes. His gaze drifted to your hands when you brought the cup to your lips, then over to your throat as you struggled to swallow.
“Runt, if you don’t back away from them, you’ll the the one bothering them,” Natsuhiko spoke, raising his eyebrows at Tsukasa, then offering you a slightly concerned look. His expression was enough for you to know he wanted to know if you were alright- to which you shrugged, reaching up and patting the side of Tsukasa’s face.
“Don’t worry, guys. I’ll be fine, really.”
Sakura pondered for a moment, before standing. “Mitsuba, would you like to walk with me? I should go grab something.”
Mitsuba, who had been sitting off to the side- glanced up, his usual puppy-like expression on his face. “Sure,” He replied, standing up, practically in sync with Natsuhiko.
“I’ll go as well, my lady!”
Oh. She’s doing that on purpose.
Your eyes followed the trio as they left the room, and you could feel Tsukasa’s eyes still stuck on you. The moment the door shut, he spoke. “(Y/N), tell me what’s wrong. You don’t seem to enjoy being miserable!”
“Am I supposed to?” “You’re miserable then? What’s wrong, c’mon!!”
“I didn’t say I was- just that I don’t think many people like it,” You spoke, taking another sip from the tea. The warmth of it made your throat feel hot, but it didn’t help the lump stuck in it.
“(Y/N). Just admit to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do what I can!”
You sighed, not wanting to grow frustrated. Tsukasa was… trying. He just didn’t understand everything- the boy who enjoyed seeing people wear normally unpleasant expressions, of course he wouldn’t personally understand. He wanted to help you, but how could a ghost help? Much less, the ghost of a boy such as him?
“(Y/N)-” “I’m just dealing with some bullies. It’s fine, Tsukasa- I’ll figure something out.”
“I’ll kill them <3”
Tsukasa stepped away from you, crossing his arms. “So, (Y/N), you don’t like it when people bully you? I’ll take care of it! Promise!” “Stop it right there, Mr. Only-grants-wishes-for-the-dead. Don’t ‘take care of them.’ I just need to get enough confidence to tell a teacher or something…”
Tsukasa paused, pouting his lips slightly, before nodding. Quickly, he floated back over to you, and trapped you in a hug. His arms wrapped around you securely, making you feel rather safe for being in the arms of such a destructive boy. “Fine. I’ll go with you, then, (Y/N)! I’ll even hold your hand!! And I definitely won’t let those bullies bother you any more~.”
“Tsukasa, please, don’t do anything drastic-” “Whatever you say, (Y/N). You know I can’t go against the wishes of my cute partner~!”
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thepenguinclub · 2 years
In a World of the Same, You're Different
Merlin/Arthur, Knights of the Round Table & Merlin & Arthur, Pre-relationship, Royal Merlin, Dragonlords, Dragon!Merlin, light angst
“You know,” the prince started, and Merlin grunted in frustration, turning away. Princes were always the same, “I don’t appreciate you talking about my father like that.”
Merlin stopped and narrowed his eyes, before slowly looking back at the prince. He studied the prince's face intently.
“And who, exactly, would your father be?” he asked, fury crackling through the calm sounding words. He was not in the mood to be played with by a prince.
“Uther Pendragon,” the prince said calmly.
Merlin’s tail lashed so hard against the rock next to him a large piece of it chipped off, rocketing through the air and over the edge of the mountain.
Merlin was cursed to be a dragon, which was fine. It was fine, he was fine, he was happy, thank you very much. Everything was great.
Except for all these knights and princes that kept bothering him. That, that was not fine. It was annoying. It definitely wasn't the only human interaction he ever got, he was fine.
So if this odd group of knights and their king would leave, that would be wonderful.
Good morning, good evening, good day or night. How are you doing? Hopefully you're doing well.
Today, dear reader, is a very special day. In fact, it is the special day. Let me tell you why.
Today, February 17, is the day of birth for the lovely, the incredible, the amazing, @rozhanelle.
Wherever you are, please, just take a second to wish them the happiest of all birthdays. Thank you. Now I will do the same.
I hope you enjoy this!!! 'Tis my gift to you, so that you may have a happy day of birth. You're so incredible, and editing this without you was a nightmare and a half. Not beta read because I'm gifting it to my beta and that would kinda ruin the surprise.
I've never written Merlin before, so this was interesting! I really liked it and I apologize if some of the characters seem OOC, although this is an AU with events very different from canon so I do think I have a smidge of wiggle room in that regard.
Enjoy. :)
WARNINGS: fantasy violence (very not graphic, there's very little violence at all but I figured I'd warn for it just in case), swords, flying, mentions of broken bones, alluding to kidnapping, loneliness, swearing
If I missed anything let me know.
Knights were all the same.
Loud, boisterous, obnoxious, cocky, ridiculously dressed in metals, rugged faces frozen in a smirk. Merlin had come across many knights in his day, and he had yet to meet one he didn’t want to hex.
The summer solstice brought knights, as most other days of the year did. It was a group of four, if Merlin was counting the different laughs correctly, and the noise of their horses and voices carried across the mountain valley.
The valley itself was beautifully scenic, a bowl of lush green forest surrounded by towering mountains that rose into the clouds. A river wound itself through the valley, the mountain water ending in a sizable lake in the middle of the valley. It was the kind of place only found in paintings, the kind of place that a king would come across and call a gift from the gods.
That king would then most likely erect a new kingdom in his own name, full of yelling merchants and bustling peasants. The kingdom would be overtaxed and underfed, despite the picturesque landscape offering the perfect amount of crops and seasonal rain, because the king would boast about such land and there would doubtlessly be other wealthier, more boastful kings that would try to take the kingdom. The land would devolve into war, and the beautiful valley would end up soaked in the blood of the innocent while the guilty ravaged the land.
Merlin thought all this every single day, whether there were knights or not, as he looked out onto the valley. He knew he was a pessimistic person, how could he not be, but he was sure that this specific thought of his was nothing less than true. How did he know? Well, that’s what happened to every other valley. Merlin was very aware of the cost that came with beauty, he had seen it, and so he knew exactly what would happen to this valley. It would have happened a long time ago, if he wasn’t here to lay claim to the valley himself.
And no, he was not a king. Merlin was royalty, yes. The crown prince, yes. But king? Hell no. And he was happy for it to stay that way. But what he was also happy to stay the way it was, was his valley. He’d lived there since he was sixteen summers, resided at the top of the tallest mountain surrounding the valley for seven summers, which meant that yes, this was his valley now. He had staked his claim, and no lousy king was going to come and take it.
However, knights. Knights sent by those lousy kings, who were supposed to take the valley from him. Merlin had been fending them off since he arrived at the valley, and he would continue to fend them off. No king was going to be taking his valley, no thank you.
The knights reached the cave near the top of the mountain after a while, their laughter fading into a tense silence, only broken by the clip-clop of their horses' hooves on the rocky mountain path.
When they reached the front of the cave they dismounted their horses smoothly, the knight in the lead swaggering into the cave with one hand rested on his sword, still sheathed, and his other hand cupped around his mouth while the knights behind them tied their horses to a lone, dead tree near the mouth of the cave.
“Hello?” he yelled, voice smooth and used to lifting itself over space and people, and Merlin sighed internally. A prince. Even worse.
The circlet nestled in the prince’s brown hair glinted in the limited light of the cave, and the fact that he was even wearing one at all told Merlin everything he needed to know about what kind of prince this one was. The knights behind the prince jostled each other playfully, overconfident in their skillset, and the prince did nothing to stop them. He smiled instead, full of princely attitude, and called into the cave again.
“Crown Prince Merlin of the Dragonlords!” the prince yelled, and the knights stopped roughhousing to stand straight at the declaration of the title. Merlin mourned the fact that he definitely needed to get up now and started stretching his limbs out. The movement caused the prince and knights’ attention to spring to where he had been lounging deeper in the cave, but it was too dark to make him out, so they just ended up squinting slightly to the left of where Merlin was actually laying.
The prince rolled his shoulders under his chainmail and continued, voice strong.
“We are here to rescue you from your captor!” he called, and Merlin took that as his cue to stand up. He stretched a little, a nice loud groan ripping out of his throat at the pleasing feeling of stretching after a nap, then hunched forward slightly as he stalked out of his hiding spot. The knights and prince’s eyes widened when he came into the light, but none ran.
“Are you, now?” Merlin asked, teeth flashing in an amused grin. His voice rumbled around the cave, and he saw a few of the knights shiver at it’s rough sound.
“Yes!” the prince responded, and, to his credit, his voice didn’t shake.
Merlin stopped so he was standing right in front of the prince, who drew his sword. Merlin looked down on him, then took pity and bent to meet the prince’s gaze.
“Boo,” Merlin said, and his eyes flashed gold, and smoke and fire raged at the prince. It was slow enough so the prince and company could run out of it’s range, but they were forced to leave the cave entirely. Merlin ambled out after them, and when he finally left the cave’s cover he stretched to his full length, lashing his limbs out into the cold mountain air. The knights and prince watched, gaping, from where they had run to, the horses that were still tied up whinnying in fright.
Which made sense. It wasn’t every day you laid eyes on a dragon, was it?
Merlin flapped his midnight black wings slightly, and the gust of wind that rushed around him caused the knight’s capes to rustle.
“Well, go on then,” Merlin said, gesturing towards the cave with his massive head, large teeth being exposed when he smiled slightly. He swished his tail behind him, and the smooth scales slid in the dirt. “Save away.”
The prince blinked, then took a stuttering step forward, before drawing back.
“What trick is this?” he asked loudly. Merlin shook his head, and the group backed up further. Rather rude of them.
“This is not a trick, prince,” Merlin said, and the prince straightened at being addressed. “Do you know who I am?” he continued, and the prince nodded.
“You are Emrys,” the prince said. “You are the captor of Crown Prince Merlin of the Dragonlords, and are the most powerful living dragon, as you possess magic.”
Merlin sat down, curling his tail around his legs. He looked down at the party.
“Would you like to see magic, prince?” Merlin asked, and the prince had just enough time to yell for cover before Merlin’s eyes were flashing gold again and there was a ball of white light flying at the group. It missed, but made a turn in the air to follow the prince.
One of the knights attempted to slash at the magic with their sword, and when the metal made contact it melted, causing the knight to throw the sword before they got molten metal on themself. After that display, the frantic running picked up speed, and the prince yelled in fear as the magic followed him. Merlin laughed slightly at the look of fear on the prince’s face for a few more moments, but after the prince tried to make the ball of magic run into one of the horses Merlin stopped laughing. He called the magic away, and it fizzled into nothing. The prince, panting, looked up at Merlin fearfully.
“Leave here, prince,” Merlin said. “And do not return.”
The prince shook his head, and held his sword up towards Merlin.
“I will not!” he shouted. “It is my duty to rescue Crown Prince Merlin and release Emrys Valley from it’s captor!”
Merlin tilted his head.
“Will you truly not leave?” he asked, and the prince shook his head.
“Not until you are slain, mighty dragon!” the prince called, and his knights gathered behind him.
“So be it,” Merlin said. His eyes flashed gold, and all of the knight’s weapons turned to dust. The prince’s sword had transformed into a flower. They looked down in bewilderment, and Merlin swept his tail to curl around the group. They shouted in surprise, but by the time any of them had realized what had happened, Merlin had already gotten a secure enough hold to stretch out his wings, and take off. The knights and the prince screamed.
Merlin soared over his valley, tuning out the yells coming from his tail. He swooped down over the valley, coasting along in the breeze, and he watched his shadow under him. Over the lake he smiled slightly at his reflection, then started flapping enough to soar up and through two of the mountains. When he had emerged on the other side, and he was out of the valley, he didn’t go much farther. He swooped lower, dipped his tail into the trees, and uncurled it. There was a soft ‘oomph’ sound, but Merlin hadn’t heard anything break, so he deemed the party safe enough and flew back to his valley.
When he reached the lake he tucked his wings in and dove, cutting through the water cleanly. He stayed in the water, resting on the bottom of the lake and watching bubbles race to the surface. He could hold his breath for half a day, and during the summer he often spent time in the lake as a way to cool down.
Merlin’s father, Balinor, was a Dragonlord, the king of them. However, in this day and age, dragons were becoming fewer and fewer, and after Uther, King of Camelot, purged magic from his own lands, many dragons were slaughtered for sport. Those that weren’t were driven into hiding, and many still resided in hiding in the Land of the Dragonlords, but the king had decided it was best if the kingdoms weren’t aware of this. Thus, the Age of Dragons had seemingly come to an end, and the Dragonlords were looked down upon.
Sorcerers and people of Learned Magic blamed the Dragonlords for not protecting the creatures, even though people of Born Magic and magical creatures like the Druids knew of the dragons' existence. When Merlin was born to Hunith, a peasant woman, with Born Magic and named crown prince, the people of the Land of the Dragonlords were overjoyed, as they understood what this would mean for the prosperity of their future. But outsiders, liars who claimed to be people of the Land of Dragonlords, people who claimed their Learned Magic was more than just that, learned, viewed his birth as a betrayal to the dragons.
When Merlin was sixteen he was cursed by one such person to turn into a dragon. It was in secret, and his family managed to hide his curse from the world by placing him in Emrys Valley for his own safety. They announced that he had been taken, but the people outside of the Land of the Dragonlords misunderstood. They decided that Emrys, a fearsome dragon, had kidnapped Merlin. They placed a bounty on his head at the same time they placed a reward, and therefore Merlin was forced to live every day of his life since then the same way he spent the summer solstice of his 23rd summer.
His family, he knew, still held the hope that the curse would be broken, despite not having spoken to him since that fateful day, outside of the letters knights carried back and forth under the guise of quests. Merlin was not so foolish. The only way to break a curse of this magnitude was True Love, which might as well have been no cure at all.
Merlin sighed, and bubbles erupted from his nostrils to chase each other to the surface. A curious fish swam through them.
Afterall. Who could ever love a dragon?
Princes were all the same.
They were self-confident, but to the point where it was cocky. They were rude and brash, they had no respect for anyone but themselves, they couldn’t understand the very simple concept of ‘you aren’t what the world revolves around’.
Merlin should know. He was one, and he had never once thought that he was different.
He knew, rationally, that he was always wrong compared to other princes. He was quiet when other princes were loud, he was studious when other princes were athletic, he was a healer when every other prince only seemed to enjoy hurting. Merlin had spent one too many royal festivals that brought other princes his age in the apothecary with Gaius, or with Geoffrey in the library, or high up, perched on the tallest tower in the Dragonlord palace. Even before he spent most of his time looking down on a valley, he enjoyed heights and the freedom that came with them.
Of course, that was frowned upon by the guards and other members of the royal house. The only one who had never minded was Will, Merlin manservant, who was his age and twice as rebellious. They got into lots of trouble together, but, like the rest of his family and Gaius and Geoffrey, Merlin hadn’t seen Will since the day he was cursed.
But, princes. He and Will had always liked to make fun of them, in secret, of course, and how as they got older they all got more and more unbearable. Merlin had never once met a prince he didn’t want to hex.
Groups of knights weren’t always led by princes, but they often were. Princes, as will surprise no one, sought after the glory that came with slaying a dragon, rescuing a damsel, and claiming the best valley in the land.
There was a day, in the late summer or early harvest season, that was, without fail, Merlin’s favorite.
It shifted, he was sure, never falling on the same day every year, but he never had a problem pinpointing when it was.
It was when the sun rose but forgot it’s warmth. When the wind blew and took leaves with it. When he could chase his soaring shadow over the trees and look upon green that was speckled with yellow and orange and red. When clouds freckled the sky in an appealing gray, the color that meant cold rain would be soon. When the animal friends he had played with through spring and summer started their goodbyes to make way for the cold weather birds.
On this such day, in the year of his twenty third summer, came a prince.
Merlin was not pleased.
“I have come to save the Crown Prince Merlin of-”
“Yes, yes, ‘of the Dragonlords’, I get it,” Merlin snapped, stalking frustratedly out of the cave. He had been on a trip around the valley, checking that the animals were all getting along in their preparations for winter, when he had smelled and heard the party of knights. He had ignored them as long as he felt able, but when they had almost reached his cave he could put it off for no longer, and he settled in to wait impatiently.
Usually he was a bit more tactful with his unwanted visitors. He played into the stories of ‘Emrys’, he did dramatics with his magic. There was only so much you could do when you were confined to a valley with no company but those coming to slay you and Frederick the Bear. But it was Merlin’s favorite day of the year.
And Merlin did not like princes.
“Look, Prince Prat,” he snarled at the golden haired prince. He had five knights with him, all huddled behind him. Only three had their swords drawn, one of whom was leaning on it nonchalantly. The prince’s face twisted in annoyance and disbelief, “I really don’t give a damn if you’re the Triple Goddess herself or Uther fucking Pendragon. You princes are all the same, and you knights are all the same, and I am getting rather tired of the lot of you thinking my business is your business. So just leave!”
He finished with a roar, directly in the party’s faces. None flinched. He breathed heavily in the aftermath of his rant, and smoke curled from his nostrils, his tail flicking back and forth restlessly.
“You know,” the prince started, and Merlin grunted in frustration, turning away. Princes were always the same, “I don’t appreciate you talking about my father like that.”
Merlin stopped and narrowed his eyes, before slowly looking back at the prince. He studied the prince's face intently.
“And who, exactly, would your father be?” he asked, fury crackling through the calm sounding words. He was not in the mood to be played with by a prince.
“Uther Pendragon,” the prince said calmly.
Merlin’s tail lashed so hard against the rock next to him a large piece of it chipped off, rocketing through the air and over the edge of the mountain. Without taking his eyes off of the prince, Merlin teleported the rock to the ground, next to the rock pile that had been there before Merlin had arrived. He didn’t want it to fall and hurt any unsuspecting animals or plants.
The prince flinched when Merlin’s eyes flashed gold, but only barely. The knights had no reaction, other than the one that was leaning on his sword to wolf-whistle. Merlin paid him no attention.
“Arthur Pendragon,” Merlin said monotonously, straightening from his previously hunched position. The party had to tilt their heads to meet his eyes.
“That is I,” Arthur said, and he had the audacity to bow. A few of the knights behind him tensed.
“Arthur Pendragon,” Merlin repeated. He titled his head slightly, and the weight of his horns made no difference like they would have years ago. “Were you aware that your father is to blame for all of this?”
Arthur huffed in a distinctly exhausted way.
“My father is to blame for most negative things in our world, I have found,” he said dryly, and Merlin was careful not to react.
Princes were all the same. They were fiercely loyal to their fathers and would never take slander against them.
So what was Arthur getting at?
“Elaborate,” Merlin said, and his booming voice left no room to do anything other than what he commanded. Princes were all the same, they were all offended at being told what to do.
Arthur nodded.
“From my understanding, your information on the world beyond the mountains of this valley is limited, so I will explain a few things to you,” he said. “My father died years ago of a magical ail. Throughout the course of his life, he doomed many magical creatures, such as yourself and your species. It is my goal to be different than my father. I have created peace with the Druids and the other sorcerers of the land. As such, that includes the Dragonlords.”
Arthur paused, and Merlin was sure he was expecting some reaction. He did not get one, as Merlin was too busy processing. After a moment, he cleared his throat and continued.
“The Great Dragon Kilgarrah has been a trusted advisor of mine,” Arthur said, and Merlin huffed at the name, “and he advised me to come here and free the Crown Prince Merlin.”
Merlin rolled his eyes. “I’m sure he did.”
“What do you mean?” One of the knights spoke up, one of the ones who had not drawn their sword. He had dark hair, tinted skin and a rugged appearance, but not the sort of forced ruggedness most knights carried. He didn’t make any move when Merlin turned his gaze on him except to smile, and he only waved a hand when another knight hissed ‘careful, Lancelot.’
“Well, Sir Lancelot,” Merlin said, and the knight nodded at his name, “Kilgarrah is an old… ally, of mine, and it does not surprise me that he sent you.”
“He sent us for Crown Prince Merlin,” Arthur cut in, and Merlin looked at him.
“Yes, he did,” he responded vaguely. “But as for him being a ‘trusted advisor’,” Merlin raised his voice in a mockery of the prince’s. He was rewarded with an offended sound and a loud laugh, plus a few hidden smiles, “I don’t believe that for a second. Kilgarrah is unhelpful on his good days.”
Arthur grimaced. “Trust me, I am well aware.”
Kilgarrah was an old dragon, one of the oldest still alive. Uther had imprisoned him when Merlin was around 10, and, while he had never spent much time around the ancient dragon, he was well aware of his reputation of being cryptically annoying. At least, that’s what his father had always said.
“You are much different than the stories of you, mate,” the knight leaning on his sword commented, running a hand through his long hair. Arthur sighed.
“Gwaine, I thought we agreed-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Gwaine waved his hand, “I understand, Princess, ‘don’t talk to the dragon’. It’s just- I’ve heard so many insane stories about this Emrys and he isn’t living up to any of them.”
Arthur ran his hand over his face tiredly, and the very tall knight behind him patted him on the back.
Princes were the same. They punished knights who talked out of turn, they punished knights who talked back, they punished knights who didn’t treat them with respect.
Arthur just shot a knowing look to a ginger-haired knight and turned back to Merlin.
“What is wrong with you?” Merlin asked curiously, shifting in his seated position to be more relaxed. He was still on guard, but there was nothing these knights could do that he wouldn't be prepared for.
Arthur blinked.
“Me?” he asked, pointing to himself. Merlin huffed.
“Yes, you. You aren’t acting like a prince.”
“How is he supposed to act?” the ginger-haired knight asked curiously. When Merlin looked at him, he introduced himself. “My name is Sir Leon of Camelot,” he said. “I’ve been serving Arthur since he was a child, and I have observed that he is the most princely man I’ve ever had the honor of serving. Even now, when he is a king, he maintains his goodness.”
“Ah, yes,” Merlin said. “You are a king, I had forgotten.” Merlin shook his head. “Still, that does not explain your odd behavior. You are not acting like any other prince or king I’ve ever met.”
“Arthur is different from other kings, though,” the dark skinned knight said. He bowed slightly. “I am Sir Elyan of Camelot, and I am a blacksmith’s son. I have traveled through all of the kingdoms and Arthur is different from every other king or prince I have seen. He knighted us,” he gestured to the group around him, “even though we were peasants and had no noble blood.”
“Elyan is right,” the tall knight added. “Sir Percival, at your service. Arthur is kind, and he cares about his people more than any king.”
Throughout his knights speeches, Arthur had steadily been flushing more and more furiously, looking both embarrassed and preening under the compliments. It was almost sweet.
Merlin turned to the remaining knights.
“Well, Sirs Gwaine and Lancelot?” he asked, half teasing. “Are you going to shower your king with compliments as well?”
Gwaine barked out a laugh. “That’s funny, mate. I don’t ‘shower people in compliments’. What’s there to say, even? I’m here, aren’t I? No taverns for days, only stinky men, talking to a dragon who speaks back to me. I wouldn't do that for just any lad who asked me.”
Arthur looked surprised as he turned to the smirking knight.
“That was… kind of you, Gwaine,” he said, speaking slowly, as if he couldn’t believe the words he was saying.
“Don’t mention it,” Gwaine responded flippantly. Then he looked at the knights around him. “Seriously. Don’t. We can’t have Arthur getting a bigger head, he might topple over,” he joked, and all the knights chuckled lightly while Arthur scoffed. He was smiling, though, which Merlin took note of.
“And you, Sir Lancelot?” Merlin asked, mostly because he was curious at what he would say, but also to buy himself time to think.
Lancelot thought for a moment.
“Arthur,” he started, “is the type of person this world will never again see, and it will mourn the loss, because there is something about him that makes the world itself better,” he said simply. “He is the king of now, and he is the king of the future, as his legacy will live when he will not. And it will not bring the magnitude that Arthur did, but it will still carry him with it, and therefore will be a wonderful thing.” He stood straight, looking at Merlin directly. “I am honored to call him a king, but more honored to call him a close friend.”
Silence reigned after the Lancelot finished, broken only by the whistle of the wind that always blew at the top of the mountain.
“Wow, Lance,” Gwaine finally said. “Way to make us all feel inadequate.”
Lancelot leveled him with a deadpan stare. “That was a big word for you, Gwaine, would you like to sit down?”
Gwaine’s noise of offense was drowned out by Merlin’s surprised laughter. The knights and king looked at Merlin, startled, but he just kept laughing, ducking his head down as his shoulders shook. His laughter bounced off the mountain and around the valley.
After a few moments, Merlin had quieted down, his stomach still heaving with the breath that had left him while he was laughing. He blinked hysterical tears out of his eyes and looked down at the party. They were all different levels of a mixture of amused and surprised.
“I have not laughed like that,” Merlin finally said, a wide smile showing off his teeth, “in a long time.”
“I’m going to be honest, mate,” Gwaine said, smiling widely. “That sounds like a very sad time.”
Normally, Merlin would have been offended. It was rude. And he was perfectly happy, thank you very much, Frederick was wonderful company in the summer and in the winter he enjoyed soaring through the cold air with the birds. The spring was full of new life, reacquainting with old friends and acquainting with new ones, and the harvest season was gorgeous and the perfect temperature to lay on the shore of the lake and bask in the dwindling warmth of the sun. And throughout all seasons he was entertained by fooling idiot knights and offending idiot princes. And that was all well and good.
But, that was all well and good for a dragon. An animal whose only friends were the other animals. An animal whose only enrichment came from scaring people. An animal which he was not.
Sure, he looked the part. Scales as black as pitch, gold lines of color streaked through, matching the large gold horns on his head and barbs on his tail. Nails and teeth the size of his former head, eyes that seemed less of his old ice-blue and more of an unnatural white-blue the more times he looked at his reflection in the lake. Wings that stretched the height of trees to either side of his body the size of a cottage. The ability to breathe fire without golden eyes, the fact that he spent half days at the bottom of the lake because he could, not because it was some magical feat. A dragon in every way.
Except his brain. His humor. His laugh, which, despite its unfamiliarity, still rang out through the valley with a warmth in the same way it rang through the halls of his castle, the one he grew up in, all those years ago. His continual love for knowledge and books, a fact that made him sorely miss the wide library of his home.
Merlin might look it, might act it, but he wasn’t an animal. He was a person, trapped in an unwanted body.
“Yes,” he said softly, cutting Arthur off before he even began, because as different as the king seemingly was, the look of ‘why-would-you-say-that-idiot’ that had twisted his face was the same as the other kings that Merlin had met, “it is.”
Arthur turned to him, his face transforming into a look of surprise. The knights behind him parroted the expression, and Merlin snorted slightly at it, smoke curling from his nostrils at the action.
“Emrys,” Lancelot called, and Merlin looked down at him. “You seem sad,” he said plainly. Merlin said nothing. “You know you would have more freedom if you were to release the prince, correct? You would be free to live with the Dragonlords, I’m sure they would forgive you if you properly apologized.”
“And if they didn’t, you would be welcome in Camelot,” Arthur added. Merlin smiled at them.
“You really are quite different, aren’t you?” he asked. Merlin didn’t wait for an answer, just turned to the right and stalked into the cave, making sure to keep his tail from whacking any of the party off the mountain.
After a moment, he heard the clanking that meant they were following him.
Merlin’s eyes flashed gold in the dark, and the previously unseen torches along the walls flared with the heat of fire. The cave was illuminated, showing the emptiness. The cave wasn’t as deep as it seemed without the darkness hovering along the walls and in the back, and Merlin settled on the massive mattress that he had created with his magic the first week he had claimed the cave as his own. He settled his head on his front legs, and watched the party gaze around the area.
Just because it was empty, didn’t mean Merlin hadn’t decorated it. There were pictures, painted on the walls with Merlin’s magic, depicting the valley, Merlin’s castle, his family, the dragons he had grown up with. There were holes along the walls, too, with a small wooden path running along the walls and floor to connect them, and when Elyan went to investigate one a small mouse squeaked at him, making him jump slightly before laughing. The knights peaked into each nest, greeting every small animal they came across.
Perceval picked up a scroll that he had found in a small chest, looking at Merlin. He nodded slightly, and Percival rolled it open, reading aloud.
“Merlin,” he said, and everyone looked at him in surprise. Percival looked up at Merlin, but the only response he got was another nod. The knight looked down at the paper and continued.
“The kingdom misses you. It’s been two years since you left, but the wound is as fresh as ever. Every week it seems there is a new citizen asking if we have found you. Still, the stories people have shared with us make the time away more bearable. Mister Lewis told us about that time you and Will managed to loose all of his donkeys, and then how you tracked every single one down. The kind lady who sells the honey told us that you helped her out of many unfortunate situations. A girl named Freya keeps asking for you, no matter how many times we tell her you have gone away. She seems to fancy you, although I don’t think you fancied her back.
“Your father is still broke in grief, and all of those kings and knights swearing to bring you back are only making things worse. He has to politely listen, all the while knowing exactly how successful they’ll be. We still have hope, though, that the curse will be broken. We’ll bring you home, Merlin, I swear it.
“For now, I will send knights with letters from us. Your father has been writing one for weeks now, I fear your magic may plan a coup for having to read that out to you. And Will is still working for us, of course. He has been much more subdued since you were forced away, though the pranks that are definitely not because of him are a constant source of amusement for the staff. I’m sure he will write all about them in the letter he will send.
“Hopefully the valley is doing well. I await your letters anxiously, and always love to read them. Say hello to that new bear cub for me. I asked around the servants for their opinion on your question to me from your last letter, and they all agreed that ‘Frederick’ is a good name.
“We love and miss you, Merlin.
“Signed your Mother, Hunith, Queen of the Dragonlords.”
Percival rolled the scroll back up slowly, then gingerly placed it back in the chest. Merlin met every set of eyes trained on him calmly, even as there was a rush of exhilaration in his chest. This was the first time anyone outside of his family knew. There was a fear that came with that, but Merlin had been convinced that these knights were different, that Arthur was different. And Merlin was tired, and lonely, a fact that he had been willfully ignoring until these knights came on his favorite day of the year. It was freeing to have people, actual people, that knew, and that were right there, in front of him, ready to talk to.
“You’re the crown prince,” Arthur said finally, voice startlingly loud in the previous quiet. There was no infliction, no emotion, and when Merlin’s eyes flicked to him the king’s face was painted with a practiced blankness.
“I am,” Merlin responded, swishing his tail slightly where it was hanging off the mattress anxiously.
“What are you doing here, then?” Elyan asked, cradling his new mouse friend in one palm. He moved to sit under the nest, leaning against the wall, which caused his cape to bunch up behind him. He draped it so the red spilled over his lap, and the mouse squeaked and jumped out of his hand to burrow into the fabric. Elyan grinned happily.
“That is a long story,” Merlin answered, smiling at the mouse fondly. “Walnut has taken a liking to you.”
“Hello, Walnut,” he said, petting Walnut happily.
“I want one,” Gwaine whined, rushing from where he had been examining one of the pictures of a dragon to one of the nests in the wall. Arthur went to stop him, but Merlin’s eyes flashed and Arthur’s feet stuck to the ground. He looked over questioningly, and Merlin just turned to watch Gwaine. The knight had chosen a nest at his shoulder height and peered in to see a red bird, the color of his cape. He reached his hand in excitedly, only to withdraw it quickly.
“Hey!” he yelled, glaring into the nest and holding his hand to his chest protectively, the place the cardinal had nipped, already turning red. The cardinal just hopped to the edge of the nest to stare at Gwaine and most likely to continue driving him away, but when he saw Merlin he turned back to his nest. He trusted Merlin to protect him, like the rest of the animals did.
“What did you think was going to happen?” Lancelot laughed, and Gwaine glared at him. Arthur tried to walk forward, and found that the magic that had been holding him there was no longer in effect. He strode over to clap Gwaine heavily on the shoulder.
“Let’s not bother innocent animals, yeah?” he said grinning, and Gwaine rolled his eyes and stalked away, grumbling. He walked over to where Leon was sitting and paging through a few of the worn books in the chest and flopped down next to him. The ginger knight paid him no mind, and when Gwaine realized he wasn’t getting any attention he leaned over so he had fallen onto Leon, who grunted.
“Get off,” he said, wheezing. “You stink.”
Gwaine just shuffled a little to get more comfortable, and Merlin chuckled a bit at his antics.
Arthur did as well, and when he heard Merlin he walked over to him. He stood in front of the mattress awkwardly, and Merlin huffed slightly.
“You can sit down,” he said, and Arthur nodded in thanks before he settled onto the ground, using the mattress as a backrest.
“I am truly curious, Prince Merlin,” Arthur started, but stopped when Merlin jerked slightly. He peered up at him. “Is something the matter?” he asked.
“No, sorry,” Merlin said. “I just haven’t heard my own name in a while. But there’s no need to call me prince,” he added. “At this point, I am not much of one.”
“On the contrary,” Arthur said. “You seem quite princely to me. Caring for the animals of the valley, kind enough for your citizens to miss you after all this time.”
Merlin turned his head to look down at Arthur.
“That is kind of you, king,” he said, and Arthur sighed and shifted. It was Merlin’s turn to ask “is something wrong?”
Arthur shook his head. “Even after all these years, I am still… wary of my title,” he confessed quietly. Merlin didn’t say anything for a while, and they both observed the knights.
Leon had given up attempting to read, instead endeavoring to get Gwaine off of him. Gwaine had apparently taken that as a personal challenge, as the knight was trying very hard to crush Sir Leon. Percival had joined Elyan near the nests, and was staying stock still in order to get a curious brown bunny to come and sit next to him. Elyan was getting acquainted with Walnut, somehow having procured a few nuts to feed her. Lancelot was observing the art along the walls reverently, gliding his hand along the painted stone.
“They are an interesting group,” Merlin noted, and Arthur laughed.
“Indeed they are,” he said, and, when Merlin looked at him, there was nothing to describe his tone and expression other than ‘fond’. “They have been with me for many years,” he told Merlin, glancing at him. “I am used to their eccentricities by now, but it’s always reminded to me when we have to meet new people.”
“It’s nice,” Merlin said. Arthur inclined his head, blonde hair catching on the light of the torches.
“I suppose, for you, it would be,” he responded. “I’m guessing your company up here is nothing like this.”
Merlin looked at him flatly, and Arthur laughed again. The sound was lighter than Merlin thought it would be, less booming king and more quiet amusement. It was nice.
“Back to my original question,” he started, sobering. “How did you end up, er,” he gestured to Merlin. “Your mother mentioned a curse in the letter?”
Merlin sighed through his nose. The knights in the room had settled and quieted, listening for Merlin’s answer.
“When I was sixteen,” Merlin answered quietly, “I was cursed to be a dragon.”
“By who?” Leon asked from under Gwaine, having given up.
“Someone who was trying to avenge something they didn’t understand,” Merlin answered honestly. At the knight's confused faces, he elaborated. “Someone of Learned Magic who blamed the Dragonlords for the extinction of the dragons.”
“And because they weren’t actually a citizen of the Land of the Dragonlords and weren’t of Born Magic they didn’t know the dragons were still alive,” Lancelot finished, and Merlin hummed to confirm the statement.
“They cursed me to become a dragon,” he continued. “And my family thought people would do what they had done to every dragon they knew of, so they hid me here.”
“How’d the whole kidnapping thing come up?” Elyan asked curiously, shuffling his hands so Walnut could jump between them.
“Someone saw me flying away from the castle,” Merlin said. “We were confused and we didn’t know what was happening, and we weren’t as careful as we should have been. When they announced me missing the next day, outsiders jumped to the conclusion that the ‘last dragon’ had stolen me. My family couldn’t dispute it because that would prove they knew where I was, and it didn’t matter anyway. The curse was already in effect,” he finished bitterly. Arthur tentatively placed a hand on Merlin’s leg, and the contact was pleasantly warm and tender.
“Isn’t there a way to break it?” Gwaine asked from Leon’s lap. The ginger-haired knight looked out attentively from over Gwaine’s shoulder.
“No,” Merlin said. “There is not.”
True Love was never going to happen, so there was no point in telling these knights. It was bad enough that his family still held onto the fruitless hope, these knights and their king didn’t need to hold onto it as well.
Still, when Arthur looked at him so earnestly and asked “are you sure there is nothing?” with the tone of voice that meant he was willing to do whatever it was for this random dragon-not-dragon that he had only truly known for such a short time, Merlin found a lump in his throat.
He turned his head away from Arthur and instead addressed the room.
“I am sure,” he lied, and Arthur’s hand that was still resting on his leg started to move in lovely circles.
“Well,” Lancelot broke the silence that had descended on the cave after Merlin’s assurance with a small smile, “you would be the expert on such subjects.”
Leon nodded. “Indeed. Both Emrys and Merlin were known for their proficiency in Born Magic.”
Merlin exposed his teeth in a smile.
“I’m okay,” he admitted, and Percival looked over at him curiously, comfortable with his bunny friend settled on his thigh.
“Would you do a trick for us, your highness?” he asked, and Merlin’s smile widened.
His eyes flashed gold, and the embers from the torches along the walls rose into the air to come together in a golden dragon, which roared quietly and writhed through the air, dipping in front of each knight and dancing with their delighted laughs. Various animals peaked out of burrows and nests to watch the show curiously, and Merlin stole more embers to create a horse that galloped around the floor, neighing happily to every animal it passed.
Next to Merlin, Arthur laughed along with his knights, no trace of hesitance with the magic. Merlin took a chance and had the dragon flap its fiery wings to come to hover in front of Arthur, casting his face in the warm glow that came with the embers. Arthur laughed again, and the dragon spit a little plume of smoke at him playfully, before twisting away to go visit the knights again, tail whipping behind it and leaving the air shaking from the heat that came with it.
Arthur looked over at Merlin, a wide smile still stretching his face.
“It’s incredible,” he said, and Merlin’s heart jumped. It had been so long since he had entertained people with his magic, like he had used to do with the citizens of the Land of the Dragonlords.
“It has been a while since I have used my magic in such a way,” Merlin admitted softly, eyes flicking to watch Gwaine attempt and fail to catch the dragon, who always flew just out of reach. Leon had gone back to reading, using the flickering torch light to run his eyes over the aged paper. Percival and Elyan were deep in conversation with their respective animal friends, and Lancelot was playing with the horse like the children in the square used to play with the stray cats, flicking his fingers for the horse to follow.
Arthur’s smile dimmed, and his face settled in determination.
“I swear, Merlin, we will find a way to break your curse,” he said, and Merlin turned to him, surprised.
“I told you, there is no-”
“There has to be,” Arthur cut him off. “It might not be easy, but there is always a way. There has to be,” he repeated, and he sounded so convincing that Merlin was sure he would have believed him in any situation except for the one they were in.
He did not tell Arthur that.
“And how are you going to find that way, exactly?” Merlin asked instead, looking at Arthur intently. Arthur looked back.
“People have been trying to rescue you for years. And I’m sure a lot of them were for glory and the valley, but there were people who were attempting to rescue you for you.” At Merlin’s doubtful look, Arthur sighed.
“Even if there weren’t,” the king continued, “your subjects would still do anything to get you back. The Druids would too, I’m sure, and sorcerers of Born Magic, and those of Learned Magic that are good.” Arthur looked at him intently. “You have, at least, Camelot behind you.”
Merlin looked at Arthur, how determined he was, and his stupid heart fluttered again. Arthur looked like that for him, for Merlin.
“Okay,” Merlin said at last. “Even if you are right, even if all those people would help, it doesn’t change the fact that there is no cure. I know,” Merlin continued quickly when Arthur looked to interrupt him, “I know you think there is, and I think there is not. If I agreed for you to help me and I agreed with you, you have to promise that if it turns out that I am right and there is none, that you will leave me to my valley.”
Indecision crossed Arthur’s face, twisting his mouth, furrowing his eyebrows and casting shadows in the flickering light of the fires.
“Come on, Arthur,” Merlin said slowly. “This life isn’t as bad as you think, and I don’t want to go on some endless quest for something that doesn’t exist. I am not a knight,” he added lightly. “I don’t do quests.”
Arthur chuckled a little, but it was a low, short sound. He sighed.
“Alright, Mer lin,” he finally said. “I’ll agree to your terms if you agree to mine.”
Merlin smiled at him.
They held eye contact for one charged second before Arthur turned away, facing the cave, a smile growing on his face as he watched his knights. His eyes creased with it, and it made him look much younger, like an excited boy rather than a king.
Princes were all the same. They were rude, arrogant, selfish and spoiled.
But, looking at Arthur, Merlin saw none of that. As he turned away he stubbornly told himself that he didn’t see anything like that because Arthur was not a prince, but a king.
Even though the knight’s voices of praise echoed in his head, and he thought that maybe it was more than that. Maybe Arthur was just special.
Merlin watched his dragon fly in circles, doing loops for the entertainment of the knights.
Maybe Arthur was just special. And maybe he was right, maybe he would break Merlin’s curse. Maybe he would find a way to break it, something that Merlin hadn’t been able to find.
Or maybe he wouldn’t need to.
Merlin blinked, shaking his big head to rid himself of such a random thought. No, he told himself, it wasn’t going to happen, don’t get your hopes up.
He made the horse gallop across the floor, and the dragon swooped to glide above it, glowing embers dusting the floor and sparking in the growing dark of the cave as the sun went down on Merlin’s favorite day of the year.
A third spark lit itself, deep in Merlin’s scaled chest. He told himself once again not to get his hopes up, but the spark just continued to burn, never wavering. Arthur started to move his hand in circles again, rubbing Merlin’s leg, and it quivered happily.
The warmth from Arthur’s hand and the warmth in Merlin’s chest felt suspiciously similar, and he sighed internally, setting his head down and getting comfortable.
He didn’t think either warmth was going away any time soon.
Hopefully you enjoyed! Another happy happy happy birthday to @rozhanelle, I hope you have the best day, love. You mean the world to me.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to hit me up on ao3 if you want to.
You are valid, you are loved, and I love what you're doing with your hair. Drink water, go to bed if you need to. Have a good rest of your day. <3
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archive-tobemoved · 7 years
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daylighteclipsed · 4 years
“This is another reason most of future lost rights” May we hear your thoughts?
Now that I have officially finished watching the original Steven Universe series, I have many Thoughts about the continuation. Prepare for some detailed salty takes.
-- My biggest gripe is that Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst lose pretty much all of the emotional intelligence they gain in the original series to maximize Steven’s suffering.
So like the gifset that prompted this ask for example, where Garnet realizes she’s hurt Steven with her future vision and apologizes? Makes her reaction in Future to realizing she hurt Steven again OOC. The OG series also teaches us and Steven that Garnet can’t see definites, because there’s so many possibilities, and the future’s always changing, and the future can always be changed. So her line about how there was no universe where Steven didn’t propose to Connie as her reason for why she didn’t try to stop him, is bullshit.
The Volleyball episode gives away that Steven is clearly not OK, and Pearl does nothing about it. Neurotic, mother hen, let’s make a plan Pearl does not ask Steven if he’s alright and makes 0 plans to train him to control his new alarming powers. Pearl, who now has a better sense of how trauma works because she has it herself, who we have seen in the OG series suspect Steven is dealing with some post traumatic stress after being taken to Homeworld and reach out to him about it, does not in Future reach out to him after he expresses blatant distress over having to deal with more of his mom’s problems. I’m supposed to believe this? Seriously?
And Amethyst? I think she’s the most obvious offender since a big part of her arc in the end of the OG series is emotional maturity.There’s a whole episode dedicated to her putting Steven’s feelings first. Acknowledging the pressure he’s been under and the shit that’s been dumped on him for years and the horror of finding out Rose was a Diamond which makes him a Diamond and recognizing that he’s not OK. He can’t be. Learning that Steven deals by distracting himself with other tasks and people. But sure when Amethyst notices Steven throwing himself into his work in Future, her response is just “When did you become such a prick?” Yeah. Totally sounds right.
There is a whole arc about these two emotionally connecting through their insecurities and the strength they find in having each other to relate to and rely on and confide in. It is one of my favorites in the entire story. And it is totally thrown out a window in Future. If no one else you’d think at least Amethyst would reach out to Steven in Future before he spirals, but no.
Literally it’s like the entire Gem trio’s emotionally sent back to square 1 and their perception’s lowered to 0, which is lower than it was to begin with, because it was the only way Future could work. Seriously, after Prickly Pair nobody tries to talk to Steven? Nobody insists they need to talk about what the fuck just happened? Nobody goes after Steven when he runs away, twice?! Once after crashing the van with his dad inside, in which he disappears for 3 whole days. Another time after talking about how they can’t help him anymore, which is really alarming! Then they all just let Steven go when he returns from Homeworld glowing with Diamond pupils?! are you kidding me, are you fUcking KidDing me am I supposed to believe they’re even his friends in Future what the fuck I hate this 
-- And framing everything like the Gems have never been there for Steven? Hate that too. There’s countless episodes in the OG series proving that’s not true. Steven himself says it’s not. At one point that’s what keeps him from literally falling from the sky.
“I just need something that makes me happy, something I can always depend on to cheer me up. My guys. They spent all night out here just to keep me company. No matter how much I mess up they’ll be there to help me.”
It’s the biggest reason why the Gems are foils to the Diamonds!
“Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn’t come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me.”
Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst begin kind of oblivious and inattentive, but they don’t stay that way. They are always learning, and apologizing, and changing when they realize their behavior is harmful. To themselves, to the team as a whole, to strangers, to Steven. They do very early in the series start setting work aside to spend time with him. Together breakfast (which ends up meaning so much to Garnet that it becomes her wedding cake), mini golf, cards, board games, movies, the arcade, the amusement park. They’re Steven’s band in beach-a-palooza. They become, not only better caretakers, but his friends.
A team. For the main Crystal Gem quartet so much of the show is about them learning to become a team by learning to understand each other and helping each other grow, leading to a stunning display of teamwork in the finale with Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven all fusing together into one kickass warrior, Obsidian. It’s so perfect that this didn’t, couldn’t, happen until the end, after all that development. It’s so satisfying.
-- Like I mentioned before, there’s no reason why the Gems, including the others like Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth, wouldn’t try to help Steven learn to control his new powers in Future.
-- A lot of the, uh, conflicts Steven faces in Future also feel ignorant to the OG series.
Steven in future: i just feel like i can’t make mistakes in front of you guys and cant be honest cause its mean and i have to be nice and perfect :(
Steven in og series: oh geez I really messed up sorry guys; [feels like the worst Crystal Gem cause he’s always fucking up]; (Garnet: You’re making Pearl very upset) “IM very upset!“; “What Rose wanted--ARGH! What about what I want?! I’m sick of you always lying to me!”; “Home’s been awful! Here’s been awful! Everyone’s been acting awful too!”
Steven in future: idk how to be a friend to someone who’s not a miserable sad sack with no direction in life
Connie: hey what the fuck
What was the point of all the townie episodes if we’re going to act like Steven never connected with the human part of his life why would the og show bounce between gem eps and human eps if not to show how Steven connects with both worlds ad’g;ajfgjfagjLAFKJS
Steven in future: why didn’t my meddling advice work? this has never happened before. am i losing my touch. who am i
- Why wasn’t Mindful Education revisited? Steven’s a fusion technically, right, so if he’s feeling, you know, deeply conflicted about his 2 halves, doesn’t that mean he’s out of harmony? There’s a way for 2 halves of a fusion to communicate through meditation and address what’s causing the imbalance, but I guess that would’ve solved Steven’s problem too easily. That’s the only reason Connie’s kept out of Future for so long too, right? Ugh. Never mind the fact that Mindful Ed taught Steven that it’s really important to face upsetting thoughts and feelings and traumas before they tear him apart. But whatever! what ever
- God this isn’t even half of the issues I now have with Future, but I don’t want this post to be 8 miles longer than it already is. Basically I feel like Future does a disservice to the characters and story being told in the original series, which I am very fond of now. It reminds me of an OOC fanfiction. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I really do not want to argue about this. It’s just my opinion. I’m kind of venting. If you agree, great. If you don’t, please keep scrolling. Thanks.
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atamascolily · 4 years
more before the storm quotes
In which Luke is in fucking quarantine, I kid you not:
Sealed behind opaque walls, he lived in darkness for days at a time, barely conscious of hunger, thirst, or other bodily demands. He wore clothing only out of habit, but the habit weakened. The winds howled outside the hermitage, but Luke was oblivious to them. He took no notice of the sun or moons in their courses, the rise and fall of the tide, the ever-changing sky painted in light and cloud.
Yup, I called it. Dude is depressed. Or at least he is until Destiny knocks in the form of an attractive woman.
He took her at first for a projection, because it was unthinkable that anyone could have passed through the walls, his screens, without alerting him. But then he touched her bare arm, and touch told him her skin was real, and warm. He circled her, and scent told him of salt air, dead quarrelgrass crushed underfoot, a body bathed in flowers, a hint of the taint of the old oils and clinging vapors that hung on one’s person after a long flight.
“Explain yourself,” he said when he had circled around to face her again.
Oh, and then there’s this bit, which is a little too mind-rapey for me:
As rudely as his visitor had invaded his hermitage, Luke suddenly invaded her mind, probing the secret place where sensitivity to the Force resided. If she possessed the sort of talent her words claimed for her, he should be thrown halfway across the room when the ancient reflex repelled his mental touch. It was so with every Jedi he had probed, every candidate he had brought to Yavin for training.
YOU NEED A BETTER SYSTEM, THAT’S ALL I’M SAYING. Like, everyone made fun of the midi-chlorian test, but at least it was a blood sample, and not, you know, barging into somebody’s mind without permission??
Ah, the days when we knew absolutely nothing about Luke’s mother (not that this series will shed any more light on the matter, but still).
wow, Akanah is very clearly projecting onto Luke here in retrospect. nice foreshadowing there.
there’s actually a really interesting AU in assuming Luke’s mother really is like Akanah describes, tho.
Oh, and here we go:
“Perhaps that is why you cannot let yourself love without fear,” Akanah said softly. “Perhaps that is why you have no children of your own. You must fear that you will repeat your family’s tragedy in another generation. You must fear that someday you will find yourself ready to kill your own son, and him ready to kill you.”
AHHHHH, this is really good! A++++ Let’s talk about breaking the cycle of pain and violence and TRAUMA, everybody! AAAAAAAH. 
“I will wait here, if you want to return to Yavin for your testing equipment,” she offered. “But I can tell you what you would see—nothing. The White Current is not the Force you know, only with a different name. But it is a manifestation of the All. I will teach you what I can.”
There’s this continued emphasis on Leia, which is interesting - iirc, the Fallanassi are matriarchal, but in a very different way from Dathomir. Interesting.
Also, this is interesting in light of the civilian-military balance:
Technically, the E-wing was on loan to the Jedi academy for training purposes, but only because there was no provision in the quartermaster’s regulations for loaning a front-line starfighter to a civilian. Ackbar had persuaded him that, given the unpredictability of life, it was far more sensible for him to have a fully armed E-wing at his disposal than an unarmed sprint, ketch, or runabout.
“Think of yourself as a member of the Republic’s militia. And a militiaman should have his weapon at home with him, in the event he is called on again,” Ackbar had said.
Luke had accepted that argument reluctantly. But in the months before he returned to Coruscant, he had become more and more uncomfortable in the E-wing’s cockpit. It was a heavily armed killer, an intimidator, an unspoken threat wherever it appeared. As such, it represented a part of his life that he was trying to leave behind.
His X-wing had fit him like a second skin, like an extension of himself. He had taken joy in flying it, even in battle. But that had been another, younger Luke. The E-wing was different. It was an embarrassment, an ugly set of clothes he was forced to wear when he went out in public. And he missed the familiar presence of Artoo, who simply did not fit—physically or electronically—in the E-wing’s R7 astromech interface.
One last time, he thought. Then maybe they’ll let me give it back.
Luke, it’s okay to just come out and say you prefer X-wings.
WOW Leia feels OOC here re: Luke’s attitude towards Vader, given that SHE keeps having issues about it herself. Also, did someone let the parentage thing slip at some point?? When did that happen, exactly?
“You don’t have to remind me about that,” said Leia, shrugging into a white robe and tying the sash in a bow. “But I’m the one who has to deal with it, not Luke. I’m the one who gets accused and screamed at and threatened, not Luke. And I’m handling it.”
The reactions of all the people at the port are hilarious, though:
It was as though they couldn’t pass up a chance to see Luke Skywalker but were too intimidated by his status to risk trying to shake his hand, clap him on the back, or even speak to him. He felt less a celebrity than a curiosity, more a dead legend than a living hero.
Luke wished they would all just go away. He had no interest in being celebrity or curiosity, legend or hero.
He seemed so serious—
So mysterious—
He floated to the ground like a leaf—
He was as close to me as I am to you—
He smiled at me—
I never thought I’d have a chance to meet him—
You can tell just looking at him that he’s a Jedi—
You can tell just looking at him what he’s been through—
Luke closed his eyes in relief as the airspeeder took flight.
Luke refuses to listen to Leia’s refusal that she doesn’t want to go down Memory Lane, ugh. Leia has been dealing with a whole stream of women claiming to be her mother, and I’m only surprised that hasn’t happened to Luke.
“Listen to me—we’re never going to have a tidy family tree,” Leia snapped. “Why can’t you realize? We’re never going to know our parents better than we do right now. We’re never going to have fond stories of our grandparents to tell our children. We’re better off telling them about Owen and Beru, about Bail—the real people who cared for us, protected us, loved us like we were their own. You make too much of blood.”
YOU TELL HIM LEIA. Also, it’s so hypocritical of Luke to tell Leia she has to deal with her Jedi children alone and then pull a stunt like this. Yes, he’s depressed. No, that’s not an excuse.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“I have no knowledge of babies” - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
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#9. Shopping for baby supplies. Yay some more Sherlock ! I fucking love that show...anyway, I really hope Sherlock isn’t OOC, I really tried to make it as in character as possible...AS USUAL, ANY FEEDBACK IS WELCOME :D...I really hope you guys will like it : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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Before meeting you, Sherlock never thought about having children. 
Hell, he never even thought about having sex at all ! It just wasn’t something that ever interested him. He always pegged such activities as a big waste of time, utterly useless. And yet, when he met you, all of his strong beliefs in the subject shattered. He already felt very strange when he met “the woman”, Irene Adler, but you ? Oh it was something else. 
For starter, you were way smarter than Irene, and that was saying a lot. You often found solutions to problems before Sherlock, which he thought was infuriating...and yet which also made him extremely attracted by you. You quickly plagued his every thoughts, and he found himself craving for your presence more than once. When he confessed those weird things he was feeling to John, the ex-military doctor chuckled and told him :
-There’s nothing weird in what you’re feeling Sherlock, you’re probably just sapiosexual. Which would explain a lot. 
-Excuse me ?
-You’re sexually attracted by intelligence. Only, so far, you never met anyone that was smart enough to take your fancy.
-My brother is more intelligent than me and I don’t... 
-...Of course you had to make it weird. You know damn well what I mean, and you’re lying to yourself if you say you don’t feel something when (Y/N) is around. 
-I feel things alright, I just don’t know how to explain them.
-Some feelings cannot be explain. They’re just there. In your heart, in your mind, everywhere in your being. 
-That’s ridiculous. 
-Whatever you say Sherlock, whatever you say. 
 Turned out, his best friend was right. He couldn’t explain the effect you had on him, and will probably never been able to. All he knew, is that he cared a lot about you. Maybe too much. 
All he knew, is that he loved you. Wait...He loved you ? He could turn this thought in any way he wanted in his mind palace, it wasn’t going to change. That’s what he felt. That’s what he couldn’t explain. He simply loved you. 
As blunt as usual, he spilled his feelings on you, and he’d never been so relieved in his life than when he heard you say that you returned all of them. 
He loved you, you loved him. How such a complicated set of feelings could also be so simple ? He never felt like this before in his life. It was...quite nice. 
He thought his heart was going to burst when he first laid with you. He was uncomfortable, his movements were awkward, and his nervousness transpired clearly on his features. But feeling your skin under him, your breath on his lips, your hands in his hair...Touching you, the first (and probably the last) woman he ever loved, only you...All of that was soothing beyond any measure, and he found himself relaxing in your arms, while he never thought he could ever do it. 
This was three years ago, since then, you slept a lot together, and even though he was still a bit embarrass in intimate moments, he greatly improved. He was almost a normal boyfriend. Which was good, because you were almost a normal girlfriend too. 
You two were more alike than anyone could know. Your intelligence often ostracized you from society, and except for a few people who would handle you (John, Mrs. Hudson, Molly, Craig...or was it Greg ? ...Wait no, his name was totally Colin. Detective Colin Lestrade. Yup, that was it), you mostly spent your life alone. You were a breath of fresh air in Sherlock’s life, and he was the lighthouse guiding you...Wait, scratch that, it was way too cheesy for you guys. 
When you announced to him that you were pregnant, his first reaction was to faint, and to spill his tea all over the living room’s carpet. 
John hugged you before going to check on his friend, congratulating you. There was going to be another baby in the house. A friend for little Rosamund, this was perfect !  
Sherlock came back to his senses only to faint again. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, come on man, get a grip ! 
You were holding his head in your lap when he came about for the second time, and one of his hand went automatically to your cheek to brush his fingers on it. He smiled, and that was it. 
Never in his entire life would Sherlock Holmes have thought about having children. Hell, until three short years ago, he was still a virgin ! He was just never really interested in that sort of things...Until you came in his life. Until you turned his mind upside down. And now, he found himself smiling like an idiot, even though he tried really hard not to, at the thought of having a child with you. 
And here you were, eight months later, in a shop selling baby supplies, with his hand in yours. You were browsing the onesie’s section when you felt him shake uncontrollably, his fingers squeezing yours irregularly. 
-Ah. Ah. Aaaaaaah.  
-What is it Sher’ ? Are you alright ? 
-No (Y/N). No I’m not. It just occurred to me that I have absolutely no knowledge of babies. We can’t do this. Not until I know more.
-...Oh yeah ok sure, I’ll just tell your son to wait in there until you’re ready, what do you think about that ? 
-Is that possible ? 
-...It’s incredible how you’re the smartest, but also the stupidest person I know. There’s just some areas that you know nothing about uh ? 
-I already told you, my brain is a hard drive, I don’t store any useless informations in it ! 
-You need to get more space honey then.
-There’s still plenty of space alright ?! It’s just that...I never stored anything about kids. Why would I ? 
-You’ve known for eight months now Sherlock. I thought you were always prepared. 
-Well, clearly not when it comes to you or my future child...
You smiled gently at him as he took a sit on a chair nearby. He put his head in his hands, and let out a long and exaggerated sigh. You went to kneel before him. 
-Hey, you idiot, it’s alright. Most people don’t know anything about babies before they have them. Hell, except that you need to feed them, change their diaper and make sure they don’t die overall, I don’t know anything about babies ! 
-Really ? 
-Yeaaah ! To be honest, I was kinda counting on John to help us a bit...He’s the one with experience you know. 
-Good thinking. 
-I’m always thinking good. 
-Yes...You are...
-Are you feeling better ? 
-What do you need to feel better ? 
-To know what to do when he’ll come. I don’t want him to get hurt...
-Well hey, that’s a good start. Father instinct. Not getting the baby hurt !
-Are you mocking me ?
-Only a little bit. 
-I know. Now come on, help me choose some goddamn clothe for that boy, because there’s too many choices, and I can’t chose everything on my own. 
Taking a deep breath, he stood up, bringing you up with him, his hands around your waist. You smiled at him, and (almost) all his worries disappeared,
-Let’s go buy those supplies. Do you have the list John made us ?
-Yup. A crib, some furniture to put the clothes and other needed objects away, pajamas, bodysuits, hats for when in the sun, blankets for the Winter and Summer...
The list was bloody long, and it took you an entire day to go threw it...And for some reasons, it was one of the best day of your life. 
When John Mycroft Holmes entered 221b Baker Street for the first time, his father was holding him tight against his heart, kinda scared of letting go. But he wouldn’t let him go, he would never let him go. 
Sherlock Holmes might have no knowledge of babies, but what he was sure to know, is that he loved his newborn son more than he ever loved anything in his life, except maybe for you. And he knew he would do anything to protect him...That little boy, sleeping peacefully in his arms, already occupied an entire floor in his mind palace. 
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cdc1345711 · 7 years
Dan and Vile Scene-A Normal Day
(Dan and Vile got a tip that Ma Beagle(new Duck Tales) was out prison so they decided to screw with her by taking out her boys one by one-they already got the meanie,the circus freaks, the skater Beagles even the Deja Vu’s twice but they didn’t bother with the ugly losers or the Friendlies and they planned on taking out most of the originals)
Vile”So who gets to take out the munchkin,stretch and the body builder?”
(They decide by the oldest and ancient means of decisions-Rock Paper Scissors)
Dan and Vile”Rock Paper Scissors shoot(first round Dan gets tiny guy,Vile gets stretch but they decide to let the big guy live)
Dan”Should I go for a head shot or a nut shot”
Vile”Nut shot duh make him wish for the sweet embrace of death”
Dan”Yep-nothing worse than a shot to the nads”
Vile”Well I ain’t got real ‘nads’ but I see what you mean”
(Dan shoots at the small Beagle boy’s nards)
Dan and Vile”hahahahahahah”
Vile”My turn(shoots the skinny Beagle in the legs)”
Dan”Nice-look at the big guy not knowing to find us or to take his bros to the hospital”
Vile”Yeah bet Ma Beagle is pissed at us now”
Dan”Yeah let’s let him take them to the hospital”
(Dan and Vile watch as the big beagle boy carries his brothers to the hospital)
(OOC-btw Dan and Vile are sick)
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