thankstothe · 6 months
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Batman #650 (2006)
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Batman and Red Hood (2011-) #20
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #25
“Bruce works out so he can carry Jason around like a baby” he is dragging him by the broken edge of the boy’s helmet, knuckles digging into his eyes. He is definitely strong enough to carry him but that’s not the point. He thinks Jason deserves this.
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Task Force Z #6 (2022)
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Catwoman (2018-) #57
Bruce and his habit of flattening his son onto the ground and standing on top of him like a lion does to its prey, while saying degrading things.
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Batman (2016-) #138
And would you look at that. He finally lowered himself to face Jason. After rendering him completely powerless.
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Behold- The Armed Detective Meowgency!
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shroudkeeper · 4 months
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the vampire
it is the loneliest day of a vampire's life, the first time they look into a mirror and see their reflection missing. drinking blood sucks too, don't get me wrong, but as a vampire you had to learn to hide from the sunlight, from your family, all your friends, because you were unavoidably different now and you didn't know how to explain that to them in a way they would understand. you could get stranger's blood in bursts, but what is life when you can't know someone for longer than the night lasts? you left everything behind because it was easier than trying to tell them. i just hope you know you're not the only vampire out there, and that there exist people who will understand your situation without a word. they'll sit with you in the dark for as long as you'll need them to.
Horror is Kikyo's foundation and I had no doubt the quiz would deliver another result that coincides with my ladies. I was excited to take it again. The description of this is especially fitting for my shinigami, who has shielded the duality of her existence from those she loves, out of fear and misunderstandings blooming in their hearts. Though she is not one to take blood, she is there at the end of life, to guide the spirit elsewhere - at times she only knows the person for a few moments before their last breath. She nestles herself in the dark, where others like herself dwell, where her true nature is welcomed.
I was tagged before but this time I did it for Kikyo, thank you kindly @thefreelanceangel - I wanted to give this one a chance for her.
Tagging: @cosmicharm | @vmbral | @allyennah | @pumpkinmagekupo
@icehearts | @chadhunkler | @ishgard | @uldahstreetrat
Of course, anyone is invited to do this, please tag me up to see what you get! I love horror tropes, please find the quiz here!
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blackdogswims · 4 months
So apparently the church scene in s7e2 Beneath You was originally been written by Doug Petrie, before it got binned by Joss Whedon who rewrote it the way it ended up in the show. The Petrie version was... not good. I find myself in the awkward place of having to give Joss kudos.
Here's a link to James Marsters discussing the change:
Here's Petrie's version, pulled from the above Reddit post:
It's dark, long shadows cast from headstones. Buffy comes running into the cemetery, stops.
She looks around, searching.
But the place is empty. Buffy turns to go, then stops. She looks back to the sole source of light casting these long headstone shadows...
Buffy's POV - We see, at the far end of the graveyard, a solitary CHURCH. A single light comes from within.
Buffy stares at it a moment, some kind of peace coming over her. Then she walks toward the church
Twin heavy doors swing slowly open and Buffy enters the church. She hears the sound of sobbing.
She walks in, cautiously, drawing a stake.
Buffy's POV -  We see a figure, its back to us, sitting in one of the pews, rocking gently back and forth.
Buffy approaches. It is Spike, sitting alone, looking as lost and frightened as he can. He speaks softly and sanely.
SPIKE: I figured it out. Took awhile, yeah, but...I think the real problem is...
He looks to Buffy, eyes wide, vulnerable,
SPIKE : I was once this really nice guy.
Buffy remains cautious, keeping her distance.
BUFFY: So that's the problem.
SPIKE: I think.
BUFFY: Got news, Spike. You're not that nice.
Spike laughs, quietly, enjoying the irony of a good joke.
SPIKE: Yeah. I've been...well come on- Let's face it, been a one-man slaughterhouse, last hundred years. Raping. Murdering. And for what? (beat) Kicks.
He stands in the pew, bows his head in reverence.
SPIKE: William the Bloody awful poet, skipping down the lane...good boy, bad boy, all the sodding same. You like it? Wrote that one myself.
He rolls his head around slowly, up to the ceiling, staring.
SPIKE: Is it hot enough in here to burn all your mortal sins away? 
And suddenly, vampire-fast, he stands straight up.
SPIKE: Or am I just crazy? 
He laughs, steps from the pew, into the aisle.
SPIKE: Stuffy. Stuffed. Full, packed, sorry mate, no room, out you go, we're packed to the bloody brim, standing room only and no room for that. We. Are. Full.
Buffy steps back, giving him a wide berth. Spike lurches forward, up the church aisle, zig-zagging left and right, but always moving forward.
SPIKE: Full of sin. Full of guilt. Full of hate and love and loss and feeling. Full of it, quite frankly and it's been so long.(laughs) Since we felt anything here. Rusty switchboard, sparked to life, bound to be more'n a few sharp shocks.
Buffy slowly following behind, never losing grip on that stake, and watching...
SPIKE: Right? RIGHT?!? Shh. Quiet. Church. His house. Place of clasped hands, reverent hymns, and massive raw amounts of BEGGING. On your knees, boy. Beg him. BEG HIM...
And we see where Spike is heading: at the head of the altar, there stands a large, carved-stone CRUCIFIX.
SPIKE:...for forgiveness.
BUFFY: Spike...
SPIKE: Buffy. I can't sleep. Can't think. There's voices and darkness and blindness and pain and help me, I- I...
He keeps walking, slowly, up the aisle. Gets to the altar's steps and keeps going...straight to the cross.
BUFFY: You have a soul.
Spike stops at the cross. Responds without looking back.
SPIKE: I do indeed.
He wearily lets his head rest upon the stone crucifix. And STEAM rises from where his flesh makes contact. He grimaces, but does not scream.
SPIKE: And it's killing me.
He reaches out and HUGS the crucifix with both arms. Steam rises from his palms.
SPIKE: God...
He releases the cross, slowly pulling back and turning to Buffy
SPIKE: God hates me. You hate me. I hate myself more than ever.
Buffy wants to step forward but does not.
BUFFY: But why'd you do it...?
SPIKE: You know why. I got my soul back...
He keeps turning, now facing Buffy, barely able to stand on his feet, wobbling a bit - and holding his arms out wide.
SPIKE:...So I could be the kind of...(laughs)...Person...you could care for, the man you would come to...the man you could love.
Spike GRINS through bloody teeth. The burn marks stand out fresh upon his forehead and palms. He looks like death, and any second he's going to collapse.
And still, it's like something terribly sad is actually, deep down funny - and only he gets the joke.
He walks toward Buffy. Staggering gently. Eyeing the stake she still holds in her hand. He's drawn to it - and to her.
SPIKE: I was the enemy, then I was nothing, and now I'm God's garbage, not even a joke, less than, less than, less than all His creatures combined so tell me, dear Buffy...
Buffy lets him approach, unmoving, but not letting go of that stake, either.
He barely makes it to her - and SLAMS straight down, to his KNEES. And opens his arms wide.
SPIKE: How ya like me now?
Buffy's mind goes a long way trying to come up with the answer, but her mouth cannot speak and we:
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eorzeashan · 3 months
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Oh no that is so cute on him.....my money............
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hvndredbattles · 28 days
Thinking Pacific Rim verse thoughts
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
Y'know I probably would have modded a lot more like I do in other games if it didn't feel like an arms race to become the MOST beautiful, the MOST unique, the MOST hyper-appealing.
Sif is literally written to just be okay-looking. Solid 5/10. Which means I have no use for a large swathe of mods except for nice hands and maybe some neat clothing mashups.
I don't need her to be the most gorgeous 43-year-old woman who ever lived.
I need her to be mediocre and to deserve good things anyway because that's my fantasy. You know?
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cwarscars-a · 9 months
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galaxythixf · 6 months
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So I've been kind of on the fence about this but would anyone be interested in interacting with Hidetoshi from Persona 3? Might fuck around and find out. And no one should be surprised by this but yeah I'm gonna add Clove (Valorant), fake gasp. They're legitimately hilarious and I have an addiction, look away.
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willowswriting · 7 months
for @dcynnight continued from here
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Josephine didn't think that Teddy was clueless at all. In fact she was aware that he was quite intelligent. She never went into something without first having done her research, she was a professional after all. However he was really the only chance that she had at receiving any type of insider information. She was fully aware that they were feeding her bullshit... that was usually always the first step when the person that she sat down with knew the line of work that she was in. "Are the two of you close?" she questioned, steering it away from a business intensive conversation into one a little more casual, hoping to maybe lower his guard just a smidge.
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Istg people will see that one Archie panel of Sonic saying he's more important to Tails than Tails own parents and disregard the entirety of Archie because of it
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crusaderce · 7 months
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- what a handsome knight
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deadn30n · 7 months
hey hi hello so
ever since i made the first concept for Solstice's design, i've struggled to find something that actually accentuated how i felt they looked.
i liked the m!viera model for the facial structure and some of the broadness of the shoulders / torso, but have always preferred the f!viera model for everything else. but i really, really disliked the more feminine facial features on the f!viera model which is why i kind of just stuck with the male model, since i felt the facial features on that could better encapsulate the androgyny that Solstice encompasses
however. i've finally, finally found a happy medium thanks to some mods that my friend mugen pointed me in the direction of and i think it's safe to say that i have a completed concept of what Solstice would/should look like, if they were real
someone swapped the m!viera face that i use onto the f!viera face and when i tell you the fucking pure bliss i felt finally having the look i wanted for them -- that beautiful, alluring androgyny they're meant to have as both an angel & a cosmic machine i'm just.....
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they FINALLY look like how they're meant to and i'm so so so so so very happy right now. it might seem silly but Solstice is my first ever oc i've made, and i've poured a lot of love into their concept as a whole. so having them finally look the way i've always wanted them to gives me such serotonin i'm sdflkjghd
the body they have, the face they should have........
granted i did have to sacrifice their makeup mod but that's fine bc honestly they look just as fucking hot w/o it and a bunch of people i've shown this to before posting it to have said they prefer it w/o the makeup so
expect me to be posting more photos of them and writing them actively again hehehe
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fledermoved · 8 months
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WOE. NEW ROBLOX SONA BE UPON YE <3 his name is soy sauce
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tenacquity · 8 months
shoutout to @howthesleeplesswander and @soulscursed for their very existence always making ryuu go
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