#ooc. | psa
invarietas · 2 months
also, i've changed my pinned to reflect this, but i am adding a couple canons here as well.
so far we have:
nyx ulric
ardyn izunia
titus drautos (likely in passing for now)
zenos yae galvus
I have a separate blog for sephiroth, @iratiisfatum. egregiously under construction, pls don't expect much yet. life is busy and good, so i may not be on daily.
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fledermoved · 6 months
Y'all GOTTA stop making your trigger tags complicated, guys.
If someone doesn't want to see certain media, they should have the ability to block it out. When you make the tag a complex quote or put parentheses and spaces around it, it makes it difficult to filter it out. #trigger tw or #trigger cw is fine and works.
I am literally BEGGING y'all to be more mindful of the way you tag your posts. Literally just that.
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soulrph · 10 months
what is force-shipping? (a PSA!)
what force-shipping IS:
guilting a partner into agreeing to a ship after initially declining the offer.
sending romantic or otherwise inappropriate (inappropriate because THEY SAID NO TO THE SHIP) memes despite them saying no.
writing a romantic or shippy starter/reply to a thread after they said no to the ship.
(listen this list will not end, let me finish this up with a very firm final remark:)
what force-shipping is NOT:
asking your writing partners if they'd like to plot a romantic ship with you.
listen. forcing a ship is a conscious effort. if you're not able to respect your writing partners' decisions and choices when it comes to literal role play, then you need to step back and re-evaluate until you're able to do so.
BUT. you are NEVER forcing a ship simply by asking someone if they'd be interesting in shipping with you. it might be scary to ask. but once you respect their rules and boundaries, you're fine! there's never any harm in asking! just make sure you respect and honour their response, regardless of whether they say "yes", "no", or "maybe once we test their chemistry".
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e-m-p-error · 1 month
The added rule is this:
If Valentino is going to be doing anything abusive or cruel to your muse, you need to clear it with me, first. Please do not drag my muse into episode 4/Poison without talking to me first. You do not get to play my muse, I get to play my muse, and you may not know how MY Val's abuse works.
I am so fed up with being treated like an abuse mill for people because I play Valentino. Val is not a one-note monster on this blog.
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skygodtraumabond · 9 months
((yeah sorry I have to be the one to make this post but I saw some shit a minute ago that I need to fucking address))
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((to all the minors reading this post, let me make something 1000% clear:
If an adult wants to do even mildly sexual roleplay with you and insists that they'll "stop if they go too far", that is predatory behavior. "Too far" is an adult knowingly roleplaying sexual content with a minor full fucking stop. You, as a minor, cannot give consent to an adult, and any adult that insists you can is a predator.
@ask-uwu-gurl has nuked all of the sexual RPs with Devi from her blog since being called out for this shit by other community members so I really don't have anything more than this to show you but let me be clear: this is not a safe person for minors to be interacting with. This is what a predator looks like.
To all the adults in the community: please keep an eye out for this stuff. This was happening in public and it took all day for anyone to catch on. If you want to RP suggestive content between other adults in the community, that's fine. Keep it properly tagged, don't let minors engage with it. Basic courtesies. But it's our responsibility as community members to make sure this shit stays between adults. Check ages before engaging in sexual content with another blog, and if you see an adult engaging in sexual content with a minor, call that shit out immediately. Do not let it go unseen or unnoticed. Do not be a bystander to a predator in broad daylight.
sincerely, I am so goddamn tired.))
((UPDATE: in case you were wondering if it could get worse: it can! These DMs were sent long before this post was made:
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((thank you @midnightclover btw for sharing this
so yeah! she was called out on it previously and still did it! don't let her back into the community she is a confirmed predator this isn't just a silly little misunderstanding she's actively and knowingly roping kids into sexual roleplay.))
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 2 months
[OOC] rotomblr PSA
so i've just had to turn down a mailed pokemon for like the third time, and it may be on me for not making it clear in the intro post or something that i'm not accepting stuff like that.
but also. i don't think most people want to be mailed wholeass pokemon without being consulted about it first. that's an entire other character we'd have to take into account completely unplanned. just putting it out there - please do not mail pokemon or pokemon eggs or something of like without communicating with the mod of the blog first!
listen i love the little bean hisuian zorua but i didn't plan to have it on my blog! :P
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masters-menagerie · 1 year
Gentle reminder that in an RPC;
Things don't have to happen on the tumblr dash to be considered "canon" for your OCs/Muses--DMs/alternative social media interactions can also be valid
Introductory threads aren't MANDATORY
Timelines who??? More like who CARES, jump around if you want to
You can reclaim depictions of "Canon" characters that you don't like/agree with and make them your own
Headcanon whatever the hell you want
Embellish whatever you want
You are allowed to soft block/block people on your dash that just don't vibe with your style--it's YOUR dash, curate it how YOU want it to be
On the other side of that, don't take offense/take it personally if someone blocks you. That's their right just as much as it is yours.
Feel free to reblog/add any other points you'd like
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Can you please delete this blog its so annoying! why is your oc such a helpless brat. shes so obnoxious. delete this blog or i will block you
What the actual fuck. You know what? This needs to be said.
Can you at least try to be mature here? If you do not like, then do not interact.
Roleplaying is supposed to be fun. Nobody has the right to come and tell someone to delete an rp sideblog just because they find it "annoying".
I am sick of receiving hate anons. And now you are on my sideblog as well?
Everyone on Rotomblr: Just be yourself. Play as your character. Do not let people like this get to you. Block them. The only reason that I did not is because this needs to be addressed so that no one else receives this type of hate.
In-character anon hate is fine, as long as the mod allows it. Ooc anon hate, attacking the mod themself for how they play their character, is NEVER okay.
Just be nice, okay? All I want is to have a good time. Rp is supposed to be fun. Do not make me or anyone else feel stressed.
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blackbirdffxiv · 3 months
A lengthy ass-post about poly-shipping no one asked for
So I'm gonna go ahead and choose passive aggressive violence, in the form of an informative, lengthy as fuck post I think some folks need to read.
I won't be adding the post here, as I don't wish to direct potential harassment to the original poster (no matter how heinous I found a majority of the list), but if you're on twitter/"X", I'm sure you've seen a lengthy notepad list of RP "hot takes".
While I agreed with some of the points made, I feel it necessary to clarify some things, particularly about the points regarding polyamorous shipping.
If you don't want to read the blurb between here and the actual point list, just scroll down until you see green font.
Most know that I myself play a polyamorous character; I ship my character with other characters belonging to different players. I've been poly-ship for YEARS, so I feel I have some experience and can say some things about it.
Some points made in the "hot takes" list alluded to people using polyamorous shipping/multi-shipping as an excuse to just ERP and mess around with multiple people without consequence.
Sadly, yes, this does happen. It's unfortunate that selfish people only looking for specific things use it as an excuse for their behavior, but the only thing people can do is be aware of what to look out for when it comes to polyamorous shipping.
So rather than allow a negative light be painted on a valid means of shipping and roleplaying your characters in relationships, I think a quick lesson is needed.
Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinion on how I feel polyships should be handled, and some red flags I have seen during my time being a polyamorous OC player. By no means is this a rulebook, more like a guide so new and veteran roleplayers alike can be aware.
What a responsible poly-shipper will do:
Introduce you to their other partners - Communication is key in any relationship, this is not just for monogomous ships, but even moreso for polyamorous. A poly OC player will be open to introducing you to their other partners; while no one expects you to be best friends, it's good to be aware of just who else you'll possibly be regularly seeing around.
Share time and effort among your partners equally - A polycule relationship should be even across the board; one partner should not be treated better than the other. Treating one or more partners better than the other(s) is just a recipe for people getting hurt, both IC and OOC.
Be open and up front at the very beginning of IC interactions - A poly OC player will be up front and honest about the nature of their character if they have an interest in possibly shipping with you, or in case the possibility of it happening is there.
Encourage communication and prioritize problem-solving - This isn't just for poly ships, but ships in general. A good writing partner will encourage and WANT you to tell them about how you feel with the ship, especially if it's a problem with an easy solution.
Always make it known if they wish to bring another partner into the polycule & pose an introduction OOC - This is the most important part of being in a poly ship, making sure EVERYONE knows if there is someone new who will be joining the ship, and making introductions before a ship is made.
What a responsible poly ship player wouldn't/shouldn't do:
Hide the status of their ships - If your partner is hiding who they are shipping with from you, in my experience, this just means a person is going behind their partner's back (and is possibly cheating on them).
Brush off any possible issues you may be having with one of the partners in the ship - A responsible partner would aim to mediate the situation, and listen to all sides.
Discourage their poly partners from seeking other partners - Not every poly OC is monogomous with their poly partner, sometimes one poly OC will be shipped with another poly OC. Your partner would not expect you to drop your other ships to be with them while they continue their own, they should respect your decision to ship with your other partners.
Keep attempts to ship with other characters a secret - A responsible poly partner will make it known when they are attempting to or want to ship their OC with another as soon as intentions and wants are known. Not after a ship is already established.
Discourage those in the polycule ship from associating with each other - A partner in a healthy polycule would never discourage their partners from associating with each other; intentional separation more than likely is a means of hiding something, such as blatant favoritism, or even to keep ships a secret (in my experience).
Anyways I'll get off my soap box. I apologize for the lengthy post, but some things I've been seeing regarding this hot takes list were so blatantly heinous, I just felt like something should be said.
Have a good evening y'all; hug your pets, tell your friends you love them, and don't let jaded people online project their problems onto you.
Stay golden
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professor-amaryllis · 4 months
Hello friends and fellow roleplayers, I've noticed a bit of confusion going around about the use of the term unreality in regards to roleplay and I wanted to maybe make a post as to why I don't think that it should be used in our community.
The term unreality isn't used just anytime that things are not real. People like me use it to isolate posts and ideas where everyone is taking a false concept and insisting that it is real in our world, with the running bit generally being that everyone in the notes is reinforcing that fact. Examples I have seen are posts like the 'ball pit balls are clown eggs' and the entire Goncharov movie bit.
Using or tagging unreality in roleplay spaces (on posts that don't qualify, there are exceptions!!) makes your posts completely inaccessible to people like me that need that distinction! That's the reason that we collectively agreed to tag posts some variation of pkmn irl for the most part in the first place.
I understand needing to blacklist certain subgroups or triggers that you may have and asking to tag those is completely valid, but it would mean a lot to me and the others like me in the community if we were to not use that word as any sort of universal rp tag and instead tag things as what they are. 'Self insert faller' or 'sentient pokemon' or 'high stakes pokereality' or 'eebie deebie'
I also absolutely recommend blocking any blog that makes you uncomfortable and distressed! Curate your experience! You don't have to play with everyone and anything, especially if it is upsetting you. I hope that this helps anyone that may be a little confused. <3
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soulrph · 5 months
this is a loving reminder that just because your character is set in a specific universe, doesn't mean they have to stay there. likewise, other people's muses might be originally based in a particular world, but that absolutely doesn't mean that they want to keep them in that world. the wonderful part of the rpc is that we actually don't need to take things so seriously! what does it matter if ted lasso woke up in the same universe as tony stark? does it really make any massive issue for us to put shrek and kaz brekker into the same thread? not at all! go wild! don't let the fictional boundaries of fictional franchises stop you from having fun! the purpose of the rpc is to have a good time with one another: we don't need to have a fully fleshed out reason for these characters to interact! we can just throw them together and see what happens! so go forth, have tons of fun, and don't let logic stand in the way of anything on this dash!
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jigsawscarred · 2 months
// since its autism awareness month, shout out to all the autistic muns and muses !
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lunaetis · 2 months
as you guys might probably notice, my activity had dropped drastically for the past month or so. i've been assigned a big chunk of responsibility at work due to a coworker quitting. that had caused me to become extremely stressed as of late. i've been exhausted and overwhelmed. my writing muse is almost non-existent because of this. with that said, i think it's warranted that i put this blog on an official semi-hiatus. i'm still not sure for how long ( it's mostly until my company can find a replacement to handle the work i had been handed last minute. ) for now, it'd be indefinite until further notice.
i'll still pop in and try to write from time to time ( as writing is one of my main sources of destressing ) but other than a few things here & there, i can't promise much ic content on my end. thank you for your patience & understanding.
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twinuchiha · 4 months
Okay. Those who know me know that I’m not the type of person that likes to make serious posts. But this situation has been on my radar since Wednesday, and has turned into borderline harassment.
This is a warning to be wary of the Naruto anon rpers.
This is not a call to attack anyone. This is not a call to harass anyone. This is a warning. Trigger Warning: Harrasment, Death threats, SA threats, Stalking and Abuse will be mentioned under the cut. If you can not handle these topics, feel free to not click read more. However, it would be appreciated if you relogged this post to spread awareness.
Some people may already be aware that I used to interact with this group, and be on friendly terms with Sasukeanon, but not anymore. I have blocked most of them, and they may have already blocked me as well by now. Honestly? I'm just disappointed. So around January 30th, someone sent a hate post to Hidan anon mentioning a few of their fellow blogs. Understandable, they mentioned Kisame anon to ask them what was going on, as they have also recently been getting hate.
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They're trying to figure out who this possibly could be, but then out of nowhere, Orochimaru's anon says this:
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To which??? Okay, some people just type similar to each other? I've seen it happen. Anyway, when Kisame tries to explain that they've had problems with people in the past and listing off who it could have been, Sasuke comes in with this:
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How they came to this conclusion, I don't know. But they then suddenly start going on a tirade and start making threats.
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This took me off guard. I knew Sasuke could be harsh in some of their posts, which made me uncomfortable, but this was the first time I've seen them jump to death threats. This is no way to talk to someone. Especially when you have no evidence against. And don't have any evidence, because all you have done is claim things, never show proof, and then harass Kisame further (along with your friends) when they were trying to prove their innocence to everyone. Even in posts that had nothing to do with any of you!
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(Note that Sasuke's mod was handling Hidan's blog at the time of this)
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You keep saying that Kisame has been sending death threats and SA threats yet show no proof to back up your claims when someone confronts you on it. Instead, insult them. And type in all caps to try and be intimidating.
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These were in response to cherrypiesakurokun's posts on the matter, as like me they have also been talking to Kisame about what has been happening. The top one was after the Naruto anon blog added them in a callout and basically implied they were a death threats/SA threat defender. All because what? They tried to be supportive and wanted everyone to make up? I agree that they probably shouldn't have jumped in, but that's not fair.
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The blog you claim that is Kisame's main isn't even her main. This is her main. She linked me her Reddit account to prove this.
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Do these blogs look remotely the same??? The threats you claim were sent by Kisame to herself hold critical information that held her real name and where she lives. Why would someone do to themselves, risk doxing themselves? It doesn't make any sense. She's sent me proof of that as well, but I will not be showing them here because that is private information. Kisame told me that she gave you her discord, you could have asked her what was going on. But you never did. You just jumped to conclusions.
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When I asked Kisame about the threats that were being, her conclusion was that it was from her stalker ex boyfriend, who's she's been gathering evidence of for doing the same behaviour. She's informed me that she's currently trying to get a restraining order. I've been given permission to show these screenshots.
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Congratulations on harassing a victim of stalking and abuse. But if that wasn't vile enough, the night Kisame's mother was taken to the hospital, and they explained they'd be offline because of it, Sasuke, still using Hidan's blog, said this:
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This was vile. Fucking vile, and was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I blocked as many of the blogs I could. Like I said, I'm disappointed. Sad, even. Sasuke was one of the first blogs who'd interacted with me, and i thought they were nice. It seemed like I was wrong though. As I mentioned before, this isn't an attack. This is simply to warn others about the kind of people they will be interacting with should they come across the anon group.
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vntagetee · 6 months
hi, all! i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for sticking with me this year. i didn't think that i would come back to the rpc due to negative experiences on my old multimuse blog, but i've thoroughly enjoyed myself this time around. and that's because of all of you amazing, patient, kind, talented people !! i genuinely love everyone on my dash. you're all wonderful writers with interesting muses and i love creating with you. if we haven't gotten to write with each other yet, like one of my starter calls or better yet reach out to me to plot something !! have a safe new year.
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BLOGS THAT I LOVE : @shefatales, @escapedfromthevoiid, @anunkindncss, @heroexxs, @killing1snature, @dynastymuses, @fcntcies, @thesoulbound, @evilbastardface, @evildollface, @fuckingbiblical, @brknmnds, @k4ndall, @godresembled, @hothippiechick, @realmoffantasysworld, @fxcdboys, @carp3diems, @lavenderrpages, @bchemianrhapscdy, @finalslay, @cosmoteer, @anthrcpophagi, @protectxthem, @uncxntrxllable, @magikborn, @magikldreams, @iworryalotdarling, @nightvow, @thewxnderer, @whyscserious, @chlorinesiren, @sxlcst, @m0bhit, @fullintenticns, @thecavclry, @kook1ng, @homicidalqueeen, @maskedspector, @hcrde, @havensprings, @kookstationed, @try2prcve, @mischiefandnightmares, @goddamnmuses, @bloodbullied, @revcriess
BLOGS THAT I LOVE (AND WANT TO WRITE WITH MORE) : legends-and-savages, dogtccth, taleswritten, mccntower, spinxeret, jetaiimee, spicecbinet, multi-royalty, jmencken, denydefeat, ofsketchs, royaltyearned, aquamanandfriends, protagcnists, chaoticjoke, cardigaen, aconites, merveiilles, surgcns, sugarspicesins, menofmarvelx, v1ctimplagued, neonombre, maximummuses, goxinsane, thechiyonosakenyc, penniesxdimes, murkyhazed, polarnoid, illicitdream, batisms, dcwsonscreek, codename-val, musesofhororr, realmyths, ofyearnings, grcveyacd, multivcrsity, gctawaygirl, mindsbroke, legeandary, handfulxfhearts, maimedaffair, scarsmasked, sorrowsick, sheldoney
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bugs-and-grass · 5 months
//Friendly reminder that you have no obligation to answer all asks in your inbox. If you're not comfortable, if it'll break canon/continuity, if the vibe is just off, just delete it. You don't even have to answer it OOC. You owe nobody an explanation for why you deleted it.
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