#oof a self promo
neil-neil-orange-peel · 3 months
Merry Easter, scumbags! Here's the Dangerous Brothers fic I wrote for the Rik and Ade Fest:
Mixed feelings about this one. Still, hope you enjoy! 😁
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dualisume · 11 months
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" But if you watch this neverending opera-- then you might know~"
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@dualisume— selective && mutauls only furina/focalors of genshin impact. — mun is of age - anyone below 19 && personal blogs don't interact. read rules before following / currently about && other stuff is under construction — > > > Carrd.
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Please like && reblog if you want to write with me :)
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inavagrant · 1 year
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Hello! Would appreciate a like and/or reblog if you're interested in interacting with a returning Wanderer (Tetsuya is his name here!) from Hoyoverse's Genshin Impact. Multi-fandom and duplicate friendly. I do default to his current in-game timeline, but he is also available during his past eras upon request!
He is portrayed by myself, Apollo, he/him, 25+. Thank you in advance and nice to meet you!
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apocalopalyptic · 5 months
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"That's... a lot of attention."
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celesticidal · 2 years
I return from my endless slumber...
And offer up a new fic! I uh. Got deep into genshin hell this year and have racked up a startling number of wips, one of which is finally seeing the light of day.
So here is our missing pieces, a zhongli/childe fic that's looking to clock in at about 20k by the time I'm done with it, and wants to be part one of three. It has so much drama! It has depressing smut (but not between zhongli and childe, because my muse is a drama queen and an asshole)! It is a fairly tortured journey that leads to a better place (probably)!
And the first 3 of 7 parts is available on ao3 for your reading pleasure :D
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Finding out that Georgia will be in Michael’s new project while his “girlfriend” ie; baby mama has been retweeting and promoting the show before it can even come out and isn’t in it…… OOF. I guess Michael decided that since this will be his own personal project he wants Anna nowhere near this one, especially since he can make the decision not to put her in it. Also hope David will end up in it alongside Michael where they both act and work together again
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(Grouping all of these Anons together since there is a common theme.)
So, for those who might've missed it, one of the recent GO 2 promo interviews was with Michael by himself, and in it, he talked about his directorial debut project, The Way, and mentioned that Georgia makes an appearance:
To your question, @whimhabit, this is the first time there has been any mention of Georgia in the film, at least as far as I'm aware. That would explain those comments in her interviews, though, as well as this photo that she posted on Instagram of her on the way to Wales last month:
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Regarding @phantomstars24's comments, though, I don't know that we can definitively say that AL isn't in The Way, but that makes it look even stranger that Michael didn't say anything to that effect, because he could have (and has had no compunction about mentioning her being in his projects--such as LTTC--in the past). Even if things about the production were under wraps previously (which could be why Georgia couldn't say anything/why AL hasn't said anything if she does have a part), that clearly isn't the case now since Michael did mention that Georgia is in it. But that also raises the question of why Michael would cast his lover's David's wife in the show, but not his own partner...
On top of all this, Michael also dropped another interesting tidbit in one of the GO 2 promo interviews the other day, which is that apparently his parents were in the Job sequence, but their part was cut from it. So in the course of all the GO 2 interviews, there have been mentions of multiple family members--Peter Davison and Ty, Georgia, and Michael's parents--but not AL. At this point, the omission is pretty glaring, and certainly raises some questions.
Which then leads us to AL's Insta story from last week, as well as a comment she wrote on Twitter, both of which seemed to barely receive any notice in the fandom:
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It's hard to know where to begin, but the fact that this came within the space of a day and in the midst of all the GO 2 interviews really feels like a grab for attention (which I imagine is now harder to obtain, since the SAG strike means none of the actors can promote it). But this text continues the pattern of 1) Not having Michael's name on it, for some reason; and 2) Her seemingly trying to prove something about their relationship while achieving the opposite. Of course, plenty of texts between couples can be humdrum or about everyday events, but the takeaway here is that this could've just as easily been an exchange between a homeowner and a house-sitter. Why show the three missed calls? To make it seem like he was urgently calling her (even though she ignored them all)? And then as Anon #1 mentioned, for the denouement to be him asking if the gate was closed was entirely anticlimactic.
...And then there's the comment on Twitter. Again, out of nowhere, and her reply (or parts of it) were so thoroughly weird and unnecessary. I have more thoughts to share that involve spoilers for GO 2, so I will put the rest of my response under a cut. Read at your own discretion:
The mention of his lips and kissing felt so deliberate as to be ridiculous. Rather than using the reply to praise him as an actor or his work, it seemed entirely self-serving, and specifically engineered to remind us that she has kissed Michael. (Albeit in the creepiest way possible, because it also makes it sound like she targeted him...)
I just can't help thinking that if his and AL's relationship is going great and everything is peachy keen (which actually rhymes with Michael Sheen), then why does she need to remind the world that she's kissed him? Also, we now know that David definitely has, so it makes one wonder if she feels threatened by that and by what we're going to see on screen in GO season 2.
Which brings me to another point, which is the marked difference between that Twitter response and everything we've seen in the GO 2 promo interviews. Michael and David have already been giving off "They totally kissed" energy for the last four years, but we now know that is the case for sure (and likely not just in the show). Yet in the interviews, David is completely playing it coy (largely due to not wanting to give away spoilers, of course)...but that same energy is still coming through, even without them saying anything. And I think it's coming through not just for those of us who already know about the leak, but for those who don't know about it, too. All without Michael or David ever once saying the word kiss.
So those are my thoughts on these recent developments. The interviews with Michael and David have been full of so many shippy/cute moments, but also lots of very interesting little blink-and-you'll-miss it pieces of info, so I'm glad we got to discuss those as well. Thank you all for writing in! x
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Legally required to ask for Kokichi for the ask game
[For this ask game]
gosh ur so right anon. I am so sorry this got readmore levels of out-of-hand full spoilers for NDRV3 and also rated C for Current Hyperfixation.
favorite thing about them
Counter-intuitive, but I know my past self (including the era when V3 came out) would have hated Kokichi for the same reasons I like him now. Mainly:
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I really did go into V3 expecting to loathe Kokichi as a nuisance at best; I’d been spoiled on Ch. 4  before getting into DR because I thought ‘my aim sucks I won’t play it anyway’  and, loving bees and assorted bugs as I do, I figured Gonta would be my favorite. And I mean, he’s up there, but this little shit. How dare he be an engaging character.
Unsure where I said it previously, but Kokichi seems like the kind of guy who would run a How to Beat [X Movie] channel out of earnest (admit so or not) love for the thought experiment of it all, which isn’t just relatable, but a very interesting Type of Guy to have in your killing game scenario. The one constantly pushing the boundaries, but not quite meta-level aware they’re in a video game; genre-savvy and trying to Actually Accomplish Something Constructive. He also goes about it in such a way that launches a couple malatovs at every bridge he has, which, having been anxious and overly rejection-sensitive in high school, is fucking wild to me. You are going about this in the worst way you could, on purpose, and that is fascinating. Mentally I am putting him in a microscope slide because What Is Your Deal
Plus, the way he constantly has some kind of front up to a point where Saihara can’t decide who he really is by the end of Ch. 5… hmm chameleon complex? I find it quite simple, really. Unclear to me if they meant to make him Like This but doubling down on constant over-performance of social signals because communicating frustrates you and it lets you feel some small degree of control in your life is (in my experience at least) very autistic of him and as a result hearing the whole V3 cast consider him entirely indecipherable down to the bitter end… oof ouch real anxieties? 
least favorite thing about them
A) Some of the iconography they chose for his talent. Which I’m pretty sure they pretty much ditched outside promos? So B) Some of his art in the wake of Ch. 4 is… wonky, but not in a way that looks fully deliberate? It undercuts the drama for me a bit. I think Kokichi seems much more menacing when he drops pretenses entirely and just goes blank instead of trying Very Hard to act out a particular emotion (like he does pretty much all the time). Instead of the demon face, something more like this?
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favorite line
I blame this for getting "The more that you suffer, the more I enjoy it" stuck in my head, plus the combo of "Now you'll never, ever forget me for the rest of your life! [...] I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied." The two surface Kokichis asdfghjkl
Looking for quotes though it came to my attention that in Chapter 2 he says "[...] I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?"  kicking screaming they knew exactly what they were doing
shipping and handling
tbh I less ‘ship’ and more ‘please make them interact with one another’, so grains of salt I suppose!
Kokichi + Miu. Gotta find who in the amalgamate server said ‘in any other circumstance they’d be besties’ because they are Correct.
This is a self report but like fuck it we ball Kokichi ♢/♠ Kaito
If you know the intricacies of what that means you may be entitled to—
Pretty much this vine
I guess I'm a little squicked thinking of Kokichi/Gonta in a romantic sense? See at least in TAPP they've still got a Lot to talk about before comfortably calling one another 'friend' instead of 'working on it'
random headcanon
Ah a lot of these are already sprinkled in TAPP so what’s one y’all haven’t heard before,,
He started painting his nails during the game initially to interrogate (RE: get-to-know) Rantaro, and kept doing it to discourage himself from biting his nails and cuticles all the time. There's only like one sprite where he does it, but I think it could be a nervous tick
TAPP!DICE may not be real but the tea party policy absolutely is
I've drawn him in skirts doing outfit memes, but I think for him it's less concrete than feeling like dressing femme sometimes and more that, post-game and organization-less, he has no idea who he's supposed to be anymore and is throwing pretty much everything at the wall in many facets of his life. Including but not limited to saying 'screw uniforms' and seeing how long it takes him to get in trouble with HPA for wearing different clothes every day. After long enough unchallenged he starts getting his classmates to do it too. Considering... their entire circumstances in TAPP, they get away with a lot more than the other classes 
unpopular opinion
Is it unpopular to say that some of the info from Kokichi’s FTEs should have been in the main plot? The knife game scene, besides being my favorite, seriously clues the player into what he’s like beyond the artifice without having to posthumously dump that exposition in his room, and that a lot of players confused by him are likely to miss out on characterization that would clarify things Irks Me.
song i associate with them
Oh, only one song? Too bad, 'cuz I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
My other cop-out is 'Cause I’m a Liar - Mcki Robyns-P, which I’m working on a cover for in Synth V
Other than that? I haven’t built up nearly enough song-based associations with the DR cast yet somehow, but I’ll throw in Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives which is less a Kokichi vibe than “I’m writing TAPP!Kokichi in the wake of Chapter 5” vibes. Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out. Finish what you started, Queen of Nothing, wearing such a heavy crown.
I don’t know if this is in the spirit of the prompt but the thought did occur to me that a Trial 5 animatic to I’m Alive from Next to Normal would slap really really hard actually.
I need more peppy songs in my life, is what I’m gathering.
favorite picture of them
Let’s split it like this:
Favorite from the game? Probably this one
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The face of a man asking “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” promptly before getting shot.
Sprite? This one
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Is it genuine curiosity? Is he mocking me? Some mysterious third thing? Yes.
and a fanart that lives in my brain rent-free (the-everlasting-ash). Linking instead of reposting bc please support the original artist. There are many, many wonderful pieces of fanart out there, but this one carved a niche in my brain and stayed there (it is the cover image for DR art on my phone on account of Stunning).
Also for the uninitiated on TAPP- [Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
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Yep, just about how I expected that to go. Everybody has choices to make and sides to pick as we head into the story's denouement. This episode felt like the deep breath before the plunge, reminding us of where everybody stands and what they're fighting for. Alliances are formed, battle lines are drawn, and potential dei ex machina are waiting in the wings. The stage is set for the endgame.
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Neung doesn't seem interested in settling old scores, and I get why, he's got much bigger fish to fry than all the high school bullshit that loomed so large for him before. Still, those who did him wrong have their own reasons for seeking absolution, so Neung is forced to reopen every one of his old wounds even as he's struggling to hold himself together. And struggling he is, mightily. He's never without bodyguards. He has nobody to talk to but his comatose mother. He goes home to a massive empty house and cries himself to sleep in Palm's tiny bunk bed. His mind is constantly filled with memories of the island, of how happy he was there. He's simply existing, waiting for the knife to come in the dark, hoping he'll be prepared when it does.
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I'm pretty sure at this point Chopper isn't making it out of this story alive. What Neung said to him was harsh, but necessary: him wishing Neung well isn't anything near enough, not with his father gone murderous. Pleading with Kit, reasoning with Kit, those are the actions of a kid still hoping for adults to step in and fix things. But Chopper has to understand, like Neung has, that he's not a kid anymore. Kit has lost the plot, and all of Chopper's give-peace-a-chance-we're-all-family-can't-we-all-just-get-along rhetoric isn't helping jack shit. I felt his blood run cold when Kit threatened Ben. Is he going to keep ineffectually begging and pleading until everybody he professes to care about is dead? Is the way he feels about Ben enough to get him off his ass? He's smart enough to outmanoeuvre his dad, but does he have the balls?
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Palm for his part has decided that nobody is going to tell him what to do anymore. He might die next to Neung, but that's where he wants to die anyway, whether it's in a hail of gunfire before his 19th birthday or in bed at age eighty. Palm's found his reason, his purpose, and not even Neung can sway him from it.
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Ben...what role is Ben set to play in the endgame? He knows he was a coward, what foolish act of bravery might he attempt to make amends?
None of these boys yet sees that they're going to have to work together. They're all trying to protect each other by taking the burdens onto themselves. But if it's one thing this tale has made clear it's that self-sacrifice will get you killed, metaphorically AND literally. To name your main character Neungdiao, to take away everybody he cares about, to leave him isolated and alone...and then to make it so that the only way for him to emerge victorious and alive is to rely on others...god that would be sweet.
Stray Bullets
Phum also has a part to play in the endgame I think. He's a fucking weasel though, so I don't know which side he'll end up on. I can see him going to Kit and making a deal to save his father.
Aun has some atoning to do as well...
I still can't believe they killed off Mam. Did Neung even tell Chanon his wife is dead? He's keeping a lot of things from him it seems.
I like how all of Neung's suits this episode are just a bit too big, it's a great bit of visual storytelling.
I see how Palm is meant to be the best parts of his mother and father.
All the extra scenes from the island were a nice touch. Neung getting into the bath with Palm and just holding him...oof.
The promo gremlins really trying to make us buy that Palm would ever betray Neung is laughable at this point.
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a-killer-obsession · 18 days
Finally read your monster isekai fic last night and hooooly shit lol it’s so good! I haven’t read a fan insert/fan isekai style fic in well over a decade (oof) and this hits the spot so perfectly!
It’s awesome how the MC is such an unabashed whore (same goes for your campground series!! That shit was wild)- truly love this for her.
The monster twist is really interesting too- can’t wait to see what happens next! ❤️‍🔥
(Also- your fics have single-handed my made me love Heat, you write him so well! I have seen the light lol 🐉🖤)
Ah I'm so glad you like it!! I hope you enjoy the future chapters too especially when reader finally realises she's in a monster world and all hell breaks loose hehe I can't wait to get to that chapter
Heat is such a sweetheart 💖 I never had any interest in him before fanfiction but now he's my number 2 blorbo (after Killer of course). I highly recommend the fic The Kid Pirates Cafe if you want more Heat loving! (and my other fic Wavelengths, hehe shameless self promo)
I also recommend Burst Your Bubble [law x OC] if you're looking for another isekai! I really enjoyed it, I hadn't read one in ages either. I guess people think they're too ✨️cringe✨️ these days which I refuse to believe because 🌟🌈cringe is dead🌈🌟
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 10 months
Xmas Fanfic Plug Alert 🚨
Ho ho ho! 🎅 With it once again being the season of long, cold nights and shopping stress (and a bit of festive cheer, too, for the kids), I thought I'd take the opportunity to shamelessly plug this little old fanfic I once wrote and have since never shut up about:
After the deaths of his parents, Rick certainly isn't looking forward to Christmas this year. Nothing and no one can put him off his misery - not even Vyvyan, whose relationship with Rick has changed monumentally since the near-fatal bus crash. The house's only chance at a happy Christmas has somehow fallen into the hands of a certain imaginary friend. Hopefully, Fred knows what he's doing...
A Bastard's Carol is, unsurprisingly, a Young Ones parody of A Christmas Carol. Well, I say a Young Ones parody - there are characters from across the Rik 'n' Ade 'verse running amok in this. I wrote it in 2019/2020, a time period now an almost scary number of years away from us.
Don't get me wrong, ABC is by no means worthy of comparison with the work of the great Charles Dickens (or the work of the great Rik Mayall and the great Ade Edmondson, either). Yes, it is overwritten (why'd you think it ended up double the size of A Christmas Carol?); yes, it features too much interiority (Rick is one of my darlings okay); and, yes, maybe sticking to the five stave format, thus ensuring some of the chapters hit 15K, when I was writing for people whose attention spans meant they'd ditched traditional novels for fanfiction was a bit of a mistake (love you guys).
But that all being said...
It was written with love, and passion, and a quite large dollop of staying-up-'til-the-sun-rises-to-get-this-next-bit-finished-damnit. Despite its imperfections - and there are many - I am still proud of it. I wrote it for me, but I also wrote it for this fandom as it existed at the time. As I said above, 2019 was a while ago, especially in fandom terms (back in the B.C. years), and I'm sure most Young Ones fans on Tumblr now have new and vastly superior fanfic to get stuck into. I'm just offering ABC up to you this December as a ghost of scumbags past, if you like.
I know I've slagged it off a bit, but seriously: there's at least one person who read it and had their GCSE-fuelled hatred for A Christmas Carol somewhat overturned by it.
And it's got Rick and Vyv being gay. I probably should've started with that...
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Happy Holidays! ❤️
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statementlou · 2 years
Can you help me explain what rads thought was gospel? And that algorithm thing what was that? Thank you!!
oof I'm not going to really do this justice, but the whole party line of this huge segment of fandom (which bleeds heavily into discourse in larrie circles without people really realizing it- people will accept certain things as fact and then use them to base arguments off of without realizing that those ideas are just things said without basis by people who also believe, for example, that Harry is actively working to sabotage Louis' career because he hates him) is that Louis is constantly fighting his label and team because they force him to do things (like for example the reason he talks about stunt stuff is because otherwise 'THEY' won't 'LET' him tour rather than, the choices and trade offs a closeted person makes to make it in the industry are complex and sometimes shitty) and that his label and team don't do the things they should to support him and that powerful people in the industry are actively working to sabotage his career to the extent of paying radio stations NOT to play his songs because he crossed people while in 1D. And so they are very protective of him, which is nice right like aren't we all, but specifically with an inflated sense of self importance-- we have to do promo for Louis because NO ONE ELSE WILL, his label doesn't do anything the only reason any of his releases have any success at all is fan projects (yes people seriously believe this)-- and with feeling sorry for him like POOR LOUIS HE IS SO OPRESSED BY THE POWERS THAT BE (and by Harry, lol) OUR POOR HELPLESS VICTIM BABY. Louis himself, in contrast, has spent the last few years repeating that he would rather people did not feel sorry for him in a way its hard not to feel is pointed, and telling us that he has chosen to do something other than chase number ones in a way that also feels pointed (especially that he would keep repeating that while occasionally also admitting that well... it would be all right if it happened! and making some efforts to see if he can make it happen without compromising what he wants to do), and we have seen firsthand all the things his label and team are doing (including A LOT of promo) and how well it is all working. But you still get folks who will say that he's lying, he's being made to say that stuff, that his team are lying- I literally saw a post saying that the head of BMG Italy was lying about the capacity of the Milan show, that it wasn't really 17k or whatever it was, to make it look like Louis was doing well when really his tour was flopping because BMG didn't want to do their job, or, something. IDEK. So when someone says 'wow look the algorithm put Louis on a spotify indie playlist!', maybe they just don't understand how spotify/promo/capitalism work and think that's how you get a new single on spotify playlists (it's not; your label/ team pay them) but just as likely they are coming from a place of, we know his team doesn't do promo (because some people on tumblr said so) so this must be how it got there!
In today’s article we learn tons about exactly what is being done behind the scenes, and we get Louis saying how he chose the people he works with and is happy with that choice and that it bothers him to be pitied. But I can tell you with certainty that at least one person will unfollow me for this, 3 others I don’t know about will block me, and nothing will change any more than it has at any other point over the last 3 years when he told us the same stuff :/  it’s always simpler to have a villain to be mad at when things happen that aren't what you want (Louis coming out, Louis being the biggest pop star in the world, whatever) after all
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mangoshiploops · 1 year
Promo time!! \(◕ᗜ◕)/
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💙 Hi everyone! I’m Mango. I’m 23 yrs old and my pronouns are she/they. Welcome to my self-ship blog! I’ve been in the Tumblr self-ship community since 2018 (fka miyuswhoopsiedoodles/mangosdoodles), but after years of being inactive, I’m back and have decided to start a new, fresh self-ship blog! This is a side-blog, so I interact from my main @mangomercury​!
💙 I have a lot of F/O’s that I adore, but my main F/O’s are Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid), Karamatsu (Osomatsu-san), and Ludwig (Hetalia World Stars). I’m okay with sharing all of them!
💙 You can find my full F/O list, along with a BYF and such, on my carrd! Please read it before you follow!
💙 You’ll often see me reblog self-ship stuff, and post my own self-ship content from time to time. Also, I tend to ramble quite a lot lol. My self-ship hobbies include drawing/making manips, writing, and video editing! Other than that I love to play video games, arrange/compose music, and shitposting lmao.
💙 I’m a bit of a shy bean, but I would love to meet new mutuals and reconnect with old mutuals I had on my previous blog! However, I’m chronically ill, so I apologize in advance if my interactions are slow here and there (I run out of spoons fast, oof--)
💙 Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
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torifloop · 2 years
How has being a vtuber changed your life? Have you made a lot friends through it?
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oof ok so i use the vtuber tag pretty much strictly for self-promo stuff now like, yeah sure i use an avatar while streaming - yall wont catch me with irl camera, /ever/ this past year, being on twitter, a lot of bigger vtuber people i attempted to follow ended up retweeting a shit ton of drama. and i mean, stuff that should've been "hey block this person" and be done with it. some of it was kink-shaming (which was, oh boi) and just left a terrible taste in my mouth. so please, im just a streamer
but besides that HOLY FUCK MY LIFE IS SO DIFFERENT NOW i actually can afford food, i can afford a lil bit of 'rent' (paying for my housemate's pet foods) i have a job now!! its hard but i wouldn't trade it for the world!! and i have made some really amazing fuckin friends, i love them all so much holy shit!! they're so cool and nice and funny and smart and skilled!! and i met my partners!! HOLY SHIT I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH!!! AAA
yeah things have really changed lol
(also for the Ask ToriFloop blog, click here)
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beth-bethar00 · 1 year
Your Mir portrayal is lovely!! ✨
Waaaaa thank you! I wasn't expecting so many people to like my mir oof. If you guys want to see more of him, @ask-mir-idv shameless self promo go brrr//smacked
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futurelacy · 2 years
Do you think after sm5 the fandom will be somewhat healed and restored because its very very slowly coming back?
Oof I hope so! Whenever something happens like with the snippet or the Lyle premiere or any other appearance I feel like there’s still a lot of fans on Twitter and IG that come out and my tl is usually alive again… we’ll see. It also depends on the new songs, promo, fan interaction etc but I think Shawn has so much potential and there are people around who are still supporting him and he does have the charm to lure people in when he’s just his adorable sweet self
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ircnwrought · 2 years
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❝ the world breaks every one & afterward many are strong at the broken places. but those that will not break it kills. it kills the very good & the very gentle & the very brave impartially. ❞
ft. muses from arthurian legends,  marvel,  star  wars,  & others
[ promo credit ] 
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