#oof sorry this one's so late today guys
hockeyboysimagines · 4 months
F*ck me like I’m famous
Chapter 4
Warnings: Sex, implied sex, talks of sex, alcohol, language.
Hello friends! Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the delay. As I said in the chapter I just posted for Sway I’ve had a ton going on. Hope this is worth the wait!
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“Hey Josie.” Vince called from his living room “Are you ready? We have to leave like…10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah I’m coming!” She called.
“You did that last night already!”
“Vince!” She yelled from the bathroom.
He giggled and stuffed his feet into shoes, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door. He was having the time of his life.
She had made good on the phone sex and dirty texting multiple times over last night, until the early hours, which was part of why they were running late today. He also might have caused a distraction in the shower, but that was a minor detail.
He had some autograph signing thing that would kickstart the celebrations for the week, and he was planning to meet up with friends for drinks later on. He was so excited to show her off to everyone, if they ever got there.
He heard her shuffling and then coming down the steps and turned the corner.
He paused and smiled “Damn.” He said giving her an appreciative once over “You look hot.”
“Really?!” She asked brightly, glancing down at her dress “It’s not too dressy or boring?”
It was pale green, falling mid thigh, with a floral pattern on it, paired with black wedges. Her long hair was loose and wavy, and he almost considered taking her right back upstairs. But then he remembered this week was not only about him, but the community as well.
“Not at all. Oof. You’re in for it later.”
She blushed and waved him off, taking his extended hand and they made their way to the car. The sun was shining down on them, a beautiful perfect day to start a beautiful perfect week.
“Where are we going exactly?” She asked from the passenger seat, turning to put her purse in the back. He smiled a little at how comfortable and natural she looked in his passenger seat before he answered.
“I have an autograph signing.” He said, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of his driveway.
“Ooooooh. An autograph signing? Fancy.” She said side eyeing him “How many body parts do you think you’ll sign?”
He rolled his eyes and nudged his chin at her “I can think of one I’d like to sign later.”
“No I don’t think so. The pen is way too big.”
He burst out laughing and shook his head “Okay you win. So how was your first official day in Canada?”
“It was good. I spent most of it with this hot guy.”
“And how was your first official night in Canada?”
He gasped and reached over grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. She screamed and slapped his arm “I’m kidding! I’m kidding sheesh.”
“Okay so let’s try that again.”
“My first official night in Canada was amazing.”
“Better. Just means I’m gonna have to one up myself tonight.”
She chuckled and watched the Canadian countryside zoom past outside. She was having so much fun and it hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. Being here, although in a country she’d never been to with people she didn’t know, felt so normal, like she’d been here before. She wasn’t nervous, or awkward or anything like that. She felt at peace.
It was so nice.
“So when does the cup actually get here?”
“Friday. That’s when the fun begins.” He waggled his eyebrows “And there’s a ton happening that day. Are you excited?”
“Me? Are you excited? It’s your big day.”
Josie didn’t know Vince when he won the cup. She hadn’t seen the game, watched the moment, or even knew anything about how he and the team had gotten to that point. But what she did know was that if anyone deserved this week, it was him.
“Of course im excited, but i want you to be having fun too.”
“I’m just happy to be here and watch you do your thing.” She said, smiling widely and reaching forward to squeeze his hand.
Josie spent most of the signing hanging out behind him with his mom. She’d been friendly the day before, but she could tell her guard had been up and with good reason. Vince was a highly successful professional athlete, who had a lot at stake in life. She didn’t blame his mom for being wary at first.
But now she had truly warmed up and they were talking and laughing like old friends.
“What are you telling her back there, because whatever it is you can be sure it’s a lie.” He called over his shoulder.
“Most of it sounds pretty on brand.” Josie said smiling at him “So I’m inclined to believe her.”
He made a face and turned back around, but the thought of her being close with his mom brought a small smile to his face that stayed there the rest of the afternoon.
As the line wound down, and the last few pictures had been taken Vince turned to her and waved her forward. When she reached him he gestured to a lady he’d been talking with.
“Josie, this is my mom’s friend, Sheri.”
Josie reached forward to shake her extended hand “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is your-?” Sheri asked, looked at Vince expectantly as she let go of Josie’s hand.
“This is my girlfriend.” He said simply with a smile, hand on the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push forward so she could shake the woman hand.
The word made Josie want to jump for joy, scream, ugly cry and kiss his socks right off but then she remembered they were in public so she just smiled, feeling a redness come to her cheeks. They chatted with for a minute when Vince’s mom called her name and Sheri walked away.
Josie turned slowly to look at him “Girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Is that okay? I didn’t really know what else to call this.” He gave a small laugh.
“I mean-yeah. It’s okay.”
“I really wanna kiss you, but we’ve already been on the cover of one newspaper.”
She giggled and smiled at him “You can make it up to me later.” She waggled her eyebrows and he gave her waist a small squeeze.
“So you’re here with Vince?”
Josie turned to find a dark haired girl standing next to her and frowned a little, leaning away from her.
The day had gone great. Better than great. She’d had so much fun watching him do his thing and interact with members of his community. She’d also really enjoyed being introduced as his girlfriend.
They’d met up with a few friends of his that she hadn’t met yet for drinks at what Vince called “The best bar in Lindsey” and it was still great.
“Uh, yeah?” She looked across the bar at Vince, but he was absorbed in a conversation and didn’t seem to notice. She looked back at the girl who was staring at her, one hand braced on the bar top.
“You must be his new fling of the week.” She said off handedly, glancing at her and then over her shoulder where he was standing.
Josie felt a twinge of annoyance. She wasn’t a confrontational person, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of his friends in a country she was visiting, but she wanted nothing more than to back hand her. The smug smile on her face had sparked an irrational rage that Josie wasn’t sure she’d even had in her before today.
“What are you talking about?” The question came out more rude than she’d anticipated but it didn’t seem to phase whatever her name was.
“This week it’s you, last week it was someone else, and next week it’ll be- hi Vince.”
Josie looked behind her to find Vince was there, frowning at the girl she was about to beat up.
“I was just talking to your new girlfriend of the week here and I-“
“Yeah well stop talking to her.” He turned Josie abruptly, and steered her across the room and out the front door of the bar.
She waited until they were some feet away until she said very quietly “Who was that?”
“Just a girl I know is all.”
She stopped walking, which caused him to stop and she crossed her arms, head turned to the side “Wanna try that again? But with an actual answer this time.”
He sighed “I hung out with her one time at a party last summer. Nothing happened, she wanted more and I just didn’t see her that way and she’s been dragging my name through the mud since then. She does this every time she sees me out with anyone.”
“I see. She said there was another me last week? Is that true?”
Vince’s mouth fell open and he looked back at the bar in outrage before he turned back to her “She said that? Josie I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I can’t believe-“
“If you have been it’s okay. I wasn’t your girlfriend so I can’t really get mad.”
It was true. She hadn’t been his girlfriend last week so he was able to do whatever he wanted. But it didn’t mean it would hurt any less if he had.
“I swear to you. I am not talking or hooking up with anyone else. And fuck her for saying that to you.” He gripped her hand “You believe me right?”
She stared at him for a few minutes. She did, she didn’t think he’d fly her out here if he was hooking up with girls at home, but her guard with him was up a little for the first time. It had definitely brought down her mood, and made her feel a little bit weird about the whole thing.
“I-I believe you. But why would she say that?”
“You don’t believe me I can see it all over your face. She’s jealous obviously.”
“Jealous of who? Me?”
He rolled his eyes “Of COURSE she’s jealous of you. Your beautiful and smart, and your here with me and she isn’t.”
She shrugged and looked at his hand, which was still holding hers. He gave it a squeeze.
“I promise you. There’s no one else.”
Josie pursed her lips and looked at him “Okay. I believe you.”
He glanced over her head and then around the street. It was empty and then he smiled.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as he tugged her along by the hand.
“You’ll see.”
Before she even knew what was going on they were tangled up in the driver seat, attached at the lips.
“Oh my god this is so risky.” Josie breathed out as Vince stuffed his hands underneath her shirt, hands sending goosebumps across her skin.
The car was cold, but they had fogged the windows up in less than two minutes. Their make out in the bar had now spilled into the front seat of the car.
“Shhh it’s fine just kiss me.” He said quietly, pulling her down to his level and pushing his tongue in her mouth. He had a hand on either side of her hips, fingers brushing her bare legs until he had her skirt pushed completely up.
He reached down, fumbling around on the side of the seat looking for the lever to move the seat back, and finally found it, yanking on it a little too hard because it sent both of them flying backwards with a squeal, followed by laughter.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against her neck pulling on it again and lurching them forward. Josie was crying with laughter until he gave a large push and they flew forward, Vince’s elbow hitting the steering wheel, horn blaring.
They both jumped expecting it to stop but it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!” He looked around her, smacking the horn several times, the loud sound cutting through the night. Josie felt her face burn for the amount of embarrassment she was about to feel when someone came over to investigate why the horn in the car was sticking, and found them both in the drivers seat, half dressed.
He finally punched it and it stopped, and he glanced up at her before resting his forehead against her chest.
“This just isn’t meant to be.” He picked up his phone and checked the time “But I can have us home in 10 minutes.”
The rest of the week in Lindsay passed by slow enough to enjoy it, but too fast for it to be over. Every morning she woke up she got a little more sad. She was having so much fun and by Thursday evening she only had 3 days left and it had begun to weigh on her. She never wanted this trip to end, and as it inched closer to Sunday she was reminded that she would be going home alone.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked as she plugged in her phone and laid next to him.
She glanced up “What? Oh nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and sighed “Nothings wrong. Just bummed that I have to go back to St.Louis soon is all.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and sighed “Me too. But let’s just enjoy our last three days together, and then we’ll go from there.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
He pursed his lips and turned on his side to face her “Well. I was going to suggest maybe we take a trip, a vacation if you wanna call it that, before camp starts in September. If you can get off of work and everything.”
“A trip? Where?”
“To a place where all you have to wear is a bikini.”
“What?” He said innocently, letting one hand trail up her bare leg “Can’t a guy have dirty thoughts about his girl in a bathing suit.”
A slow smile spread across her face until it was so wide her face might crack “What did you call me?”
“My girl.”
She wanted to kick her feet and squeal “I like that. Being your girl.” She ran her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp. He leaned up to move his lips across her jaw until he reached her mouth, hand traveling up her thigh to the band of her underwear on her inner leg.
He was slotted between her legs, pelvis grinding up against hers as he kissed her slowly. He floated a hand up her shirt, resting it on her waist.
Before she knew it her shirt was gone and he was unhooking her bra big hands roaming everywhere. Every nerve ending in her body was a live wire, as his lips left hers and moved down her jaw towards her neck. She tugged at his shirt, prompting him to reach behind his head and pull it off in one quick movement.
She marveled at him as he hovered above her. Everything about Vince was thick, broad and muscled. Her hands roamed from his lower back up to his chest, scratching her fingernails across his skin. His mouth crushed hers, hurriedly kicking his boxers down his legs and tossing them aside.
She was shaking underneath him, cheeks red, goosebumps across her skin as she took a page breath in, the bones of her ribcage rippling underneath her skin. He stopped for a minute to really look at her.
“Goddamn your beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. Her blush deepened but she just pulled him back down by the chain to kiss him. Slower this time, her fingers moving down his back, nails scratching his skin, causing him to shiver. He sat back, hooking a finger on either side of her underwear and pulled them down her legs, leaning back over her and pushed a finger inside her causing her to gasp.
“That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He pushed another finger inside, moving them in and out, hooking them ever so slightly as he kissed her. She gripped the sheets, balling her hands into fists.
His lips brushed over her neck, eyes flicking up to meet hers as he pulled his fingers out, moving up her body and bracing himself between her legs.
“Tell me what you want.” She reached down, guiding him towards her. His head tipped down, stray hair falling into his eyes. She pushed it out of the way and bucked her hips up to meet his. She closed her eyes dreamily as he slowly pushed inside her, body arching up to meet his. He was so big, so broad as he moved above her, finding her mouth and kissing her slowly, methodically.
Vince splayed a hand across her ribcage and pulled her right leg up over his hip, lifting her clear off the bed. She let out a moan as he pushed deeper than before, hitting a new spot that had never been hit before.
“Vince I-“
He let out a breath, abdominal muscles tightening as he pushed faster, leaning down to kiss her desperately as he did. Her heart felt like it was about to explode out of her chest as a crippling, toe curling orgasm made its way through her body, sending shockwaves from her head to her feet, her entire body flooding with heat. She felt like she couldn’t breath as Vince gave his last few pushes with a groan and leaned down, head resting in her neck. His breath tickled her skin and she could feel his heart beating through his skin. He pulled out and laid next to her, chest rising and falling as he tried to slow his breathing, and he turned to smile at her.
“Your amazing and I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat “And your amazing.”
He’d almost said something crazy, but she thankfully hadn’t seemed to notice as she began to rummage around for her shirt and slipped it over her head before collapsing next to him. She rolled on to her side, eyes closing sleepily and hooked one of her legs with his, and promptly fell asleep.
The cup arrived early the next day, and Vince had jumped out of bed like the house was on fire. He was showered, dressed and putting on his shoes by the time she had come out of the bathroom to get dressed.
“How fancy is this anyways?” She asked rummaging through her suitcase “Like should I wear a dress or pants or-?”
“Whatever you wear will be hot, but I like that one.” He was pointing at a yellow dress she had hung over the back of a chair in the corner of his room. She’d bought it and never worn it, tags still hung from the arm of it. She smiled.
There was already an entourage outside when they left the house, many friends and family had gathered in his driveway to watch the cup be handed to him. Even though Josie had no idea what was going on she was still excited to watch him pick up the cup. She googled it the night before and apparently within the hockey community it was a huge deal, so because it was big to Vince, it was to her. He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it and made his way over to the keeper of the cup to shake their hands. His mom spotted her and made her way over.
“You look nice.” She said commenting on her dress.
Josie looked down “Thanks. Vince picked it.”
“Well he did a great job. It’s so special you’re here with him for this, it’s his greatest achievement.”
“I didn’t know him then, but if it’s important to him it’s important to me.”
She smiled at her and gave a small laugh “You are important to him. I hope you know that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”
Josie smiled and looked back at Vince as he picked up the cup and lifted it over his head and cheers erupted around him.
It was going to be a great day.
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hsangel64 · 1 year
✧.* munch ✧.*
pairings: college!ellie x reader
summary: this is a part two to whipped!
warnings: slight smut but not fully, dirty talk and some kissing ! y/n is used but not much
a/n: i hope you guys like this one i had fun writing it ! bandmates part 4 should be out by tomorrow morning !
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not only is ellie whipped but she is a fuckin munch. she will eat you out wherever and whenever, you ask her out in public she will find a secluded area and eat you out. she will worship you whether it was sexual or just lovey dovey.
there has been many incidents where ellie will make you late for class or meeting up with a friend, like the time you and dina were going to go out to this cafe just outside of campus that had just opened up. dina asked if you wanted to study together and grab a coffee so you of course said yes. you had did your hair and makeup and chose to wear a skirt…that was your mistake.
“okay ellie i’m leaving!!” you yelled to her as you grabbed your bag as you heard ellie get up from the bed to bid you goodbye. you’re checking if you have everything when you hear a small gasp. you whip your head around concerned.
“is everything okay? do i need to change? is this too much i-“ she pulled you up and over her shoulder.
“ELLIE WHAT THE FUCK.” you squealed and then let out an ‘oof’ feeling ellie throw you on the bed.
“ellie what is wrong with you-“
“baby…you look so fuckin good please.”
“is that what this is about?” you giggled at her actions letting out a small moan feeling her start to kiss down your neck.
“els i have to go.”
“please please please let me eat you out baby you just look so good i don’t think i’ll be able to wait.”
“but dina is waiting!!” she shook her head and kept kissing your neck.
“ellie i gotta go.” she grabbed your face and kissed you hard. you were shocked but went with it and kissed her back. you couldn’t resist her kissing you it was one of your favorite things to do. ellie started to trail her up and down your body grabbing at your chest and then started to trail down to your skirt…let’s just say you had to MAJORLY apologize to dina after.
ellie literally gets off of your pleasure. she will cum while she’s eating you out. and whenever wherever really means whenever wherever. you guys were at a really nice dinner with joel, dina, jesse, tommy and maria like a little family dinner we did every month.
today out of all days ellie was exceptionally horny…so she did everything to tease you in front of everyone. of course this wasn’t the first time she’s done this. she does it quite often actually, but today was different. ellie was extra touchy and she didn’t even care.
you were just eating your dinner and all of a sudden her hand is on your clothed pussy. you nearly choked on your food feeling her touch you like this with with all your friends and family at the the table. you tried to give her a couple of looks to stop but of course she didn’t.
“so how have you been y/n?” you tried to pull yourself together to answer joel but your voice cracked.
“o-oh everything is great i’ve been good-“
“you okay?”
“oh yeah i just need to use the restroom excuse me-“ you got up and ran straight to the restroom. you looked in the mirror and rubbed your hands through your hair and just took some deep breaths. ellie was going to be the death of you.
the door had opened and you didn’t even notice until you felt someone turn you around. that someone being ellie.
“jesus els you scared me.”
“sorry baby you doing okay?” she smirked at you knowing damn well you went to the bathroom.
“don’t smirk at me like that.”
“why baby?” she lifted your chin to look up at her.
“you know what you did out there you can’t just touch me like that in front of everyone especially your family.” you grumbled and ellie laughed and pushed your hair out of your face.
“oh baby was i teasing too much?”
“yes now im really wet because of you.” you pouted. ellie then pulled you in for a small kiss which turned into a small makeout session. you guys had came to the conclusion you couldn’t be there anymore so you made an excuse that you were throwing up and not feeling good, so you guys left.
on the drive home ellie couldn’t wait and let’s just say you guys didn’t want till you got home and hopped into the backseat of the car.
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hi!! first off i absolutely love ur writing “take it out on me” is absolute PERFECTION!! i was wondering if u were open to writing needy/breeding kink Rafe smut where he’s absolutely insatiable come your wedding day and can’t keep his hands to himself all day? thank you if u decide to write!
mine forever | rafe cameron x reader
Summary: On your wedding day, you're the happiest you've ever been, even more so when Rafe makes it clear he's ready to start the next chapter sooner than later.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, no condom sex hence breeding kink, needy/handsy Rafe, riding, 69, slight voyeurism, dirty talk, choking, spanking
A/N: Thank youuuu! 💕 Sorry for getting to my requests to late with finals and moving back home I’ve just been able to actually sit and write and oof did I enjoy writing this 👀 as you can tell by the word count i once again got a lil bit carried away 😭
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You let out a deep breath, your best friend, who's also your maid of honor, doing the last finishing touches of your make up as you try not to cry when it hits you that in no less than two hours, you'll be Mrs. Cameron. Your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest, Rafe texting you late last night to soothe your worries.
Rafe: Don't worry about anything other than showing up. I have everything else under control
He'd been so attentive during the wedding planning that you're confident he knows more than you do what needs to happen for today to be perfect. But honestly, despite the bridezilla role you've taken over the last year and a half planning this wedding, you were too happy to even care about anything besides seeing Rafe.
Or, really, Rafe seeing you. Cause you're not one to brag but when Rafe sees you he's going to lose his fucking mind.
"You look gorgeous, honey," Your mom swooned from beside you, hands cradling her face as she looks at you with loving eyes. She'd gone past the point of stopping herself from crying. You get out of the seat, grabbing your mom's hands and kissing her on the cheek.
After a couple more compliments, your bridesmaids rush you to put on the dress, excited to see the whole look together. When you're done putting it on, you walk outside of the dressing room and motion for your best friend to zip you up.
The rest of your bridesmaids gasp once you place the veil on your head, getting your final look as the bride of the day. They all gush as they rush towards you, hugging you and complimenting you. You’re almost overwhelmed at all of the attention, having to remind yourself that this is your day with the love of your life.
“Okay, okay, we have to get out there so you can see the happy groom,” You friend muses, eyes radiating excitement. You take another breath. This is it.
“How do you feel?”
“Excited. Nervous. Like my heart is about to drop to my ass any second,” You answer your best friend, hands fumbling with your dress. At your movements, she grabs a hold of your hands and looks at you assuringly.
“You look beautiful. Rafe’s been making sure everything is perfect- everything is perfect. Trust me,” She squeezes your hand in comfort. “Nothing else is going to matter once you guys see each other.”
You can’t help but giggle as you tap on Rafe’s shoulder, the taller man turning around instantly to look at you. You hear the camera go off, your photographer catching the first look, but your eyes remain on Rafe. Your cheeks are starting to hurt from the smile you can’t get to leave your face, and his expression once he sees you only makes your smile brighten even more.
Rafe looks speechless, taking you in as his eyes trail over you. He steps closer, taking hold of your waist and bringing you into him, eyes not leaving yours. Lightly gripping your waist, he pulls you into a heated kiss.
“You are gorgeous,” He tells you, pulling you into a few more kisses. He backs up, hands holding yours out as he continues to worship you, mumbling to himself absentmindedly. “What the hell did I do to deserve you?”
“You struck gold,” You playfully shrug, Rafe smirking in response.
“Damn right I did.”
“You look handsome,” You compliment, taking the time to check him out. Rafe's eyes darken, and you know you mimic the look of lust on his expression. “Like...really handsome.”
“Yeah?” He teases, pulling you back to him. He's about to kiss you when you hear your best friend call out as she walks past with a couple of the bridesmaids.
“Don’t ruin her makeup, Cameron!”
“Not yet,” He mumbles, eyes not leaving you. You flush, the all familiar look on Rafe's face signaling to you that getting through today untouched was going to be a job on its own. Not that you minded.
“I took photos of the first look, would you like to pose for a few more shots?” The photographer asks, blushing when you guys look over like she's embarrassed to have interrupted the moment.
"Of course, thank you!" You beam at her as you and Rafe get into different poses.
He keeps his hands PG-13 for the most part, only turning it up once you stand in front of him so the photographer can take a picture of him behind you with his arms wrapped around your front. He leans down to kiss the side of your head, the photographer snapping the shot.
He kisses right below your ear, "I can't wait to take a few pictures of our own."
“Rafe, we’re about to tell everyone to get seated. You need to be out there,” You lightly protest as Rafe pulls you into one of the empty break rooms in the venue. After taking pre-ceremony pictures with each other's immediate families and closest friends, you took the time to look at how everything came together.
You couldn't have imagined it being more perfect. Everything you planned: every color, every decoration, every person; it was all there. Not a thing out of place. It was truly your dream wedding with your dream guy, and you couldn't be more excited. Rafe shared this same sentiment, only he was showing it in his pants.
Which led to him grabbing your hand suddenly, pulling you into the wedding venue and opening numerous doors until he found an empty room, wasting no time pulling you in.
“I will baby, just… just give me a few minutes,” He barely finishes his sentence before he's pulling you into a needy kiss. He's grabbing at everything he can get his hands on, settling on your ass and palming it in his hands to pull you closer to him.
You run your tongue across his lip, Rafe immediately granting you entrance as he massages your tongue with his, sucking on it at one point. He bites your bottom lip, pulling off with a pop as he walks you over to a couch. He sits you down, your dress immediately splaying out around you.
Rafe looks at it with a puzzled look, like how he was gonna maneuver around the dress was a calculus problem. You laugh, knowing the dress is puffy and would be more work to lift up than to simply take off. But you also don't want your dress on the floor, so you're conflicted.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” You warn your soon-to-be-husband. He scoffs, looking down at you.
“We both know I can. I'm just trying to find a way to go about this without ripping it off…” He trails off, seeming to remember he was on a time crunch. At that, he stands you back up, turning you around.
“Rafe..” You let out another warning, willing to kill him dead if he ruined this dress before you even made it down the aisle.
“Trust me,” He coos as he leans over, moving your hair so he can kiss your neck, your lashes fluttering in response. “I know you’re nervous about the ceremony, all of those people.”
He lightly pushes at your back, making you bend over on the couch, “Let me help ease your nerves.”
He crouches down behind you, grabbing the ends of your dress and pulling it up until it was bunched around your waist. He lifts the dress a little higher, nipping at the small of your back before he motions for you to help hold the dress up, taking place behind you again.
You feel his breath on you, your pussy clenching in anticipation when he slides your underwear down to your ankles, leaving them dangling around your heels. He spreads your thighs, immediately sliding a finger in.
It goes in easily, your slickness offering enough lube for him to slide another in shortly after. He fucks you with his fingers, you leaning forward to the back of the couch to hold yourself up once he finally puts his mouth on you.
A moan leaves you, and you bite your lip to not do too much to cause attention to the room. Rafe’s tongue is lapping at your folds as he eats you like a man starved. His hands come up to your ass, gripping and slapping at the flesh.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Rafe mutters as he pulls back slightly to rub at your clit, “Just for me, right?”
You moan, nodding your head, “Yes, only for you.”
He growls in approval, going back to licking you. The only sounds in the room are the sounds of his tongue mixing with your wetness and your soft moans, Rafe eating you out with such intensity that it was no surprise when your legs started to shake, your hands gripping the couch as you come on his tongue.
Rafe moans as you come on his tongue, lapping up your release before leaving a few more wet kisses. You feel him stand up, your ears ringing and mind foggy as he pulls your panties up with him.
He pushes your dress back down, straightening it out before turning you around. He takes a light hold of your neck, pulling you into a kiss. He pushes his tongue in your mouth, making you moan at the taste of yourself on him.
“Feel better?” He mumbles. You nod shyly, kissing his jaw as his arms circle you.
“Good, all I’m here for,” He sways you lightly for a few moments, just holding you with his head resting on yours.
Moments like this remind you why you agreed to marry him. One second he was all over you like a feral animal, but he always takes care of you after and isn’t afraid to show the soft side — the side that just wants to hold you close to him.
He let out a content sigh, kissing the top of your head a few times. “I’ll see you out there.”
He starts to walk towards the door, you stopping him by grabbing his hands and making him face you again.
“I love you.”
He pauses, a soft smile on his face now at your words as he pulls you back into him.
“I love you too,” His tone is sincere, as if the events of today are hitting him and he’s afraid if he speaks too loud he’d wake up from a dream. “Til death do us part, baby.”
The ceremony was absolutely amazing. You and Rafe decided to write your own vows, something that was nerve wracking for the both of you. To stand up there and bare your soul? But as you two stood across from each other, the rest of the room was empty as you looked at each other.
Rafe shed a tear as you told him how much you loved him and what he’s done for you in the four years you’d been together, you wiping them away only for him to return the favor when you practically bawled your eyes out once he read his vows.
Once taking post ceremony pictures, you change out of your wedding dress to your dress for the reception. You and Rafe make your way over to the dining room where everyone was waiting for the grand entrance. You were a little late to the call, Rafe too busy trapping you in endless kisses.
“You’re acting like we’ve never kissed before,” You tease, pulling away from him only for him to bring you closer again.
“No,” He protests, kissing your neck. “I’m acting like this is the first time we’re kissing as husband and wife.”
“And for the first time ever newlyweds… Rafe and Y/N!”
All of your friends and families cheered as you made your way out, Rafe squeezing your hand to remind you he’s there as you make your way further into the dining room.
The two of you take pictures around your cake, Rafe’s eyes twinkling because this was what he was looking forward to. As you both dig a fork into the cake and wrap your arm around each other’s, you keep eye contact as you eat the cake. Rafe has the same glint he’s had all day, slowly eating the cake as he winks at you.
You ignore how the man doing anything can result in you soaking your panties as you guys go around thanking everyone and mingling. He behaved the rest of the time, only slipping up during the dance.
You’d already had your first dance, the rest of the room joining you two for the rest as the two of you continue to sway, eyes locked on each other. His hands trail down to the top of your ass, and you give him a warning look.
He shrugs, pulling you in closer. He leans down, kissing you softly. The two of you keep dancing, but only slightly as you guys grow more and more entranced by each other.
“I love you more than anything,” He says suddenly, you sharing the sentiment as you gaze up at him. He hums, kissing you again. “I can’t wait until I can properly show you how much.”
The two of you run to the limo, the crows cheering as they throw flower petals over you. The driver opens the door for you guys, Rafe letting you slide in first before coming in after you.
He immediately grabs you, pulling you into a few quick kisses, “We’re actually fucking married, Y/N.”
“I was there,” You mused, not able to take your eyes off your husband. Husband. Even thinking about the word was enough to make your heart feel as though it will beat out of your chest. “I can’t believe it either. Everything we’ve been through has just led us to this… I’ve never been more happy.”
“Everything was perfect?” Rafe asks, and you nod reassuringly knowing that was his main worry for the day. If it were up to him, you guys would’ve went to the courthouse cause he couldn’t wait to call you his wife. But he knew you wanted the big wedding, and whatever you wanted you would get. Forever.
“Everything. Except..” You trail off, Rafe’s eyebrows knitting a little in concern. You smooth out the wrinkles, sending him a teasing smile. “We should’ve planned out at least thirty minutes just for us. It was kind of hard keeping my hands off you today.”
He laughs, shaking his head at you before laying you back on the seat of the limo, hovering over you.
“We have a little time right now,” He said. “And the hotel for the next couple of days while we wait for the flight to the Bahamas. I think that’s more than enough time for you to put your hands on me.”
He presses his lips against yours, moving the sheer skirt so he can spread your legs to make room for him to lay down. You feel him harden, and too impatient to deal with taking your clothes off, you push him back until he’s sitting again.
You lean over, tugging at the zipper of his dress pants. He starts to protest, saying how tonight is about you.
“The whole day has been about me. You’ve done everything to make it amazing,” You respond, tugging the waist of his pants down with a little help from him, immediately taking his cock out of his boxers. “Let me take care of you.”
You wrap your lips around the head of his cock, sliding him into your mouth and down your throat as he lets out a strangled groan. His breathing picks up as he leans his head back, pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail.
You start to bob your head up and down, spit trailing down and over his cock as you take him deeper down your throat. He starts to buck his hips up, making you deepthroat him. You press against his thighs, making him relax onto the seat so you can do the work.
“Just relax, babe,” You say when you pull off of him, stroking his cock with your hands. You look over at him to see him looking at you in lust, cheeks flushed. He grips your hair tighter, pulling you up into a messy kiss before leading you back to his cock.
You take him into your mouth again, not wasting any time before moving up and down. He starts to moan more frequently as he grows closer, thighs tensing as he grows closer to his release.
The limo stops, and Rafe is quick to pull you up, putting himself back in his boxers. He’s lifting up and zipping his pants just as the driver opens the door. The two of you thank the man, Rafe taking hold of your hand as he rushes through the entrance of the hotel and to the register.
You’re leaned against him as he asks the receptionist for the keys to the honeymoon suite, giggling as you grab him at him while he tries to control your hands. The reception, not shocked at all by your behavior, hands Rafe’s the keys.
The journey to the honeymoon suite was a mix of kissing, risky touches and damn near taking Rafe’s pants off in the elevator. You finally make it to the room, and it’s the first moment where you take a second to look at your surroundings. The room is gorgeous, rose petals leading to the bed as well as fake candles lit around. The lighting of the room was faded, making the glare of the sunset through the windows illuminate the suite.
Rafe turns you around, cupping your jaw to bring you into a kiss, “Welcome, Mrs. Cameron.”
“Thank you, Mr. Cameron,” You respond, Rafe grunting against your lips. His hands trail behind you, grabbing at the zipper of your dress and pulling it down until your dress pooled around your feet.
You step out of it, smirking at Rafe’s slack jaw when he catches sight of your lingerie.
“You weren’t wearing that earlier,” He notes, eyes still scanning you.
“Would you have let me leave the room if you saw me in this?” You ask sarcastically, Rafe still looking at you like you were a goddess.
“You wouldn’t have been able to fucking walk if I did,” He replied, pulling you into a hot kiss as he walks you to the bed. He pushes you down softly, your hands going to your bra when he stops them.
“Keep it on,” He gruffly said. Standing up straight, he undresses himself while looking down at you. His hard length stands proudly once he gets his boxers off, and he chuckles darkly at your expression.
He comes down, catching your lips in a slow, lingering kiss. He moves his hands until they were placed on either side of you. His tongue softly grazes your own, the two of you staying like that for a few minutes.
He pulls off, nodding his head to signal you to move up on the bed. He follows you as you climb back, heated haze on your figure as he settles between your legs. He grips your thighs, spreading them as he blew softly on your clothed center.
The cold air against your heat made you twitch, biting your lip as you look down at the blonde. He smirks, lips grazing over your panties before moving them to the side. His blue eyes darken as he sees your glistening folds, leaning down to place a light kiss on your mound while keeping eye contact with you.
You shudder, goosebumps rising on your thighs as Rafe continues to take his time. He lightly pushes his tongue onto your clit, massaging it before pulling his tongue away and french kissing your folds. You throw your head back in small frustration, pushing him back slightly before flipping the two of you over.
Rafe looks up at you with a mildly curious expression, caught off guard. Your resting just above his chest now, and you’re about to slide up when an idea strikes your mind. It was a position you know Rafe loves.
You turn over, now facing the bottom of the bed with your pussy directly above Rafe’s face. You lean down until your eye level with his member, kissing the tip teasingly as Rafe hisses and gives you a warning slap on the ass.
Rafe's moving your underwear to the side and putting his mouth on you in seconds, and you lurch forward at the feeling. He takes hold of your hips, steadying you above his face while keeping you down. Once you recover, you focus on making him feel good.
You don't waste any time deepthroating him, holding your head down as your throat contracts against his cock, making Rafe groan into your pussy. The vibrations made you moan louder, triggering more moans from Rafe as you guys continue to service each other.
He's rock hard in your hand, your juices dripping down his mouth to his neck. Rafe can't get over the feeling of you soaking his face, and it's no surprise when he places an iron grip around the small of your back to keep you down as he began moving his tongue faster and more deliberate.
Your moan comes out breathless as your head throws back in pleasure, mouth leaving his cock as you began to come on his face. The vibrations of Rafe groaning into you added to the waves of pleasure shooting up your body, and you hold his thighs to ground yourself.
Overloaded with pleasure and wanting to make him feel just as good, you spit on his cock before sliding him down your throat again. Rafe's knees lift slightly off the bed as he tenses in pleasure, and you bob your head up and down faster as Rafe begins to moan more frequently. He was growing close, and it drove you to suck his cock harder.
Once his leg started to twitch, Rafe lands a hard smack on your ass, telling you to get off and lay down. You pouted, but listened as you rolled off of him, Rafe sitting up so you can switch positions.
You're now laying under him, Rafe's hand going between your thighs to rub your clit with his thumb while he slides a finger into you. He watches your expressions of pleasure as he fingers you, only slowing his movements when he leans down to kiss you collarbone as he looks up at you.
“How do you want it?” He rasped, leaning back to stroke his cock above you. Your own hands come out as you trace his abs.
“I want to see you,” You whimper.
“Yeah?” He responds, tapping your thigh. “Move your panties, baby.”
You bend your knees, moving your panties to the side and spreading your legs. Rafe gives you a look of approval, running his cock up and down your folds before pushing into you. You hold your thighs apart, your grip tightening as your pussy flutters around his length.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Rafe groans. “And so fucking wet. Has my girl been needy all day?”
“Yes, fuck,” You raise your head up to watch as he enters you, Rafe starting to increase his pace. “Been teasing me all day.”
“You’re the tease,” Rafe retorts, replacing your grips on your thighs with his own. “Don’t know how hard it was not to fuck your brains out all day. Had to remind myself we were around family.”
“So fucking hard though. You looked so good,” He presses down more on your thighs so they're flattened against the mattress. “So beautiful. The fact that I can call you mine… fuck.”
“I’m all yours,” You agree, taking hold of his face as you bring him down into a incoherent kiss. “And you’re mine.”
“All yours, baby girl,” He nods against you, fucking you into the mattress harder as groans tumble from his lips. “No one- fuck just like that- no one makes me feel like you do.”
“No one takes care of me like you. Only you can make me this happy,” He continues, head tilting back in pleasure. “Can drive me this… fucking crazy.”
“Please..” You beg, not too sure what you're even asking for but knowing you need to feel more of Rafe.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me harder,” You whimper out, Rafe's eyes growing darker as he pulls out. Before you can even think, he's ripping the fabric of your laced panties in half, tugging them roughly off your legs. His hands move to your chest, ripping your bra from the middle and pulling you up so he can take it all the way off.
You fall back on the bed, Rafe following as he takes your breast in his mouth, sucking and biting on it before showing the other breast the same attention. He lines his cock up, pounding himself into you, moving his grip to your calfs so he can push them higher on the bed so you’re completely exposed and open to him now. He hits deeper in this new position, and you moan in ecstasy.
“Like that?” He murmurs, head dropping down to watch himself fuck you. “Fuck I can’t wait to fuck a baby into you.”
His words tigger an involuntary orgasm, your legs shaking as you bring your hands to grip his wrists as a way to ground you as you began floating. Rafe groans, fucking you through your orgasm.
“You like the thought of that? Of me filling you up,” He lets go of your legs, wrapping them around his waist as he leans over you, continuing to fuck you. “Want me to fuck my cum into you, baby?”
“Yes, daddy,” You reply instantly, bucking your hips up to meet his thrusts. “I can’t wait to have your kids. Plea- please fuck me.”
“I’m already fucking you,” He teased, leaning over and placing wet, lingering kisses on your throat.
“You know what I mean,” You whine, slapping at his shoulders before gripping them. “Please give me your cum.”
“Yeah? You want it?” Rafe grunts, and your eyes are squeezed shut in pleasure as you nod. Rafe grabs your throat. “Look at me.”
Your eyes open, seeing Rafe moving above you as he holds your gaze. His expression is heated, face flushed and sweat dripping down his forehead as he pounds his cock into you. He groans loudly, and you feel him release inside of you. The feeling of his warm cum coating your walls had you seeing stars, and your eyes roll back in pleasure as you come with him.
“Fuck- are you coming again?” Rafe asks when he feels you clench around him again. “My desperate little girl… you love feeling me come inside you much you can’t help but come with me, huh?”
You whine as you nod incessantly, hands gripping his shoulders tighter to bring him closer to you. Rafe loosens his hold on your neck as he kisses you softly. You whimper against his mouth.
“What is it?” He mumbles, looking at you with soft eyes. Your words are coming out a little jumbled together, Rafe kissing you again to calm you down. “Come on, baby. It’s okay. Tell me.”
“I want more,” You mewl, hands running up and down his arms, moving to his chest. You want to touch every part of him, feel every part of him.
“More what?”
“More cock, more cum, please just-” You begin to beg, your words coming out incoherent as you grow more desperate. Rafe coos at you, kissing your cheeks and the tears that started to form around your eyes.
“Shh, sweet girl. We have all night. I’m gonna fill you up until you’re leaking with my cum,” He promises, bringing you into a passionate kiss as you continue to run your hands over each other. You make out for a little, Rafe wanting to calm you down before you got too overwhelmed.
When you were ready, Rafe surprised you flipping the two of you over until you were straddling him. Looking down at him with a confused expression, Rafe raises up so he can grab your throat lightly, bringing you into a long kiss.
“I want to see you,” He repeats your words from earlier, smiling softly as he lays back onto the pillows. “Ride me.”
You start to move on top of him, Rafe taking hold of your hands to interlace his fingers with yours. You hold hands as you start to bounce on his cock, rotating your hips above him.
“Shit, you’re so good,” Rafe plants his feet on the bed, pumping himself up to meet your thrusts. His jaw clenches in pleasure. “Such a good fucking girl. You gonna take my cum from me?”
You let out a moan as you nod, “Want you to fill me up.”
“Damn, baby. Keep talking like that,” Rafe's head tilts back, eyes flittering shut. You bring your locked hands up to your mouth, kissing his knuckles as you slow your movements.
“Cum inside me,” You whine, Rafe's eyes opening to look at you with so much want in his eyes that it motivates you to move just in the way he likes. “I want it so bad. You always take c-care of me.. please.”
You fuck yourself on his cock, your grip tightening on his hands as you start to clench around him. Rafe can't handle the combination of your heat with your words, bucking his hips up more as he starts to come inside you. Your releases mix together, you moaning as you unlocked your hands from his.
“Let me ride it out,” You mutter, leaning back until your hands rested agains this thighs to use as support, rolling your hips. “I want all of it.”
“Fuck, baby,” His hands are gripping the sheets, Rafe lifting them up to leave a bruising hit on both of your thighs. “Milk my cock. Come on it one more time.”
Your mouth drops open, head throwing back as you come again, gushing around your husband's cock. You soak him in your juices, Rafe gripping your hips now to help you move once you start to falter, “I got you, baby. It’s okay. Just let go.”
As the last waves of you orgasm rush through you, you lean forward until your chest was pressed against his. Both of you are breathing heavily, Rafe running his fingers over your hair as he soothes you. He brings you higher, his face now at level with your chest as he kisses softly up the middle of it, across your collarbone before leaving tickling kisses on your throat.
You giggle as he kisses his way up to your jaw, looking down at him just as his lips aim to meet yours. The kiss is lazy and soft, your grips on each other tightening. Rafe lifts you, placing you on the side of the bed and kissing your forehead as he mentions a bath.
Within ten minutes, Rafe is walking back towards the bed and lifting you up bridal style off of it. Your head throws back slightly as you laugh, Rafe taking the opportunity to place playful bites on your neck.
You enter the bathroom, and you gasp once you see the roses placed around a huge bathtub, your favorite scented candle lit and soft music playing from Rafe's phone. He places you in the bath, the hot water doing wonders for your slightly sore muscles.
Rafe climbs in behind you, placing his legs on either side of you as you lean back into his chest. You rest there, Rafe placing light kisses on your temple as you play with his fingers. Rafe's kisses move closer to your face, pecking your cheeks.
“I love you. I love you,” He repeatedly stated as he continued to kiss you everywhere he could: your cheek, your jaw, your neck, back up to your temple again. You turn your head, puckering your lips up so he can meet you in another sweet kiss.
“Til death do us part, babe,” You repeated his sentiment from earlier, Rafe biting your lip as he pulls away.
“Til death do us part.”
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izloveshorses · 6 months
Let Your Heart Be Light
holiday modern au, 1.7k. when anya gets to be the grump this time dmitry has to cheer her up <3
Anya huffed as she slammed the door behind her. She fumbled with her scarf, hat, gloves, coat, tripped from her boots, and left it all in a wet, dripping heap on the floor. 
She hadn’t called her boyfriend before coming over, but had let herself in his apartment anyway, since he’d given her a key and everything, so she made herself comfortable on his couch without saying a word. 
Minutes later, there was the noise of the lock turning and Dmitry was stomping his shoes dry. “Anya?” he called, perhaps confused by the sight of her coat in a heap at the door. “You here?” 
“In the living room,” she answered without much more elaboration. 
He made his way around the couch and he finally found her on her side with her head on the armrest. “Hey,” Dmitry’s smile melted her heart, just a little. On a good day he could put the sun to shame. His hair was disheveled from the walk home, cheeks flushed from the cold, his hoodie a little crooked, his smile moreso, smelling like snow and clove. “This is a surprise.” He settled on the couch behind her, their usual cuddle spot after a long day. She did her best to maintain her fowl mood she was determined to cling onto. But he was rather warm. Perhaps she could snuggle a little closer to him. “To what do I owe this occasion?”
Anya sighed. “I’ve officially broken up with Christmas.”
He snorted. “Oh no!”
“I’m serious. We’re so over. I’ve decided I hate the cold, and the music, and the crowds. Everyone is too cheerful.”
“What happened?”
She shrugged. “It was just a really bad day.”
“I don’t think one bad day warrants such extreme actions,” he reasoned, tone playful. Teasing was usually the trick that cheered her up, but she wasn’t in the mood right now. “Especially something you’ve adored since before I’ve known you.”
It was true. She was Hallmark Movie Crazy about the holiday season, always had been. She loved buying gifts for everyone, watching the Christmas classics, going ice skating in the park, baking for her neighbors. Basically every cliche you could think of, Anya participated in. She never understood why anyone could be grumpy at this time of year. Until today. 
Dmitry’s fingers dug into her side in an attempt to tickle, another trick that normally lightened her mood, but she smacked his hand away. “Watch it, Sudayev.” 
“Sorry,” he said, but he was still laughing. “But seriously. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Anya took a deep breath. “Nothing big, but like— you know how when all the little things just add up? And make the day terrible? And you feel like a toddler about to dissolve into a tantrum?” 
“Yeah. That’s always rough.”
“Right. Like— I spilled my coffee and didn’t have time to change or buy a new one, so there goes five bucks.”
“And then I was late getting to work anyway, which is never a good way to start the day. And we had all these meetings so I didn’t get to finish my work before I had to leave, and the printer was broken, and my lunch box leaked, and someone sent me a rude email again—”
“Was it that one guy from sales?”
“Yeah, the same guy.”
“I hate him. Want me to fight him for you?”
“I might fight him if he writes ‘as previously stated’ one more time.”
That made Dmitry laugh. His cheek was cold against her neck, but his body was so irresistibly warm she wondered if his mere presence would lull her to sleep. “Geez. You can’t catch a break.”
“And then! My usual metro line was down again, so I had to take a bus, but there was so much traffic from holiday shoppers that it took twice as long to get uptown, and I lost a glove, and at that point I didn’t even want to go to the store and cook dinner anymore.”
Dmitry was rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder. “And then you came here.”
“Because I didn’t want to go home to my empty apartment and get all mad again.”
“Did you want me to cheer you up?”
She shrugged. “I dunno. I just kinda feel like eating in and watching TV.”
“Fair.” He was quiet for a minute. He pulled his phone from his pocket, tapping away, and Anya assumed the conversation was over. Maybe she might actually fall asleep. Until, “I know what will make you feel better. Come on,” Dmitry stood abruptly, stretching, and she was immediately annoyed by the lack of his warm body against her back. “Let’s go.”
“Go where?”
“Somewhere fun.”
Anya refused to get up. “If it involves going out there again,” she pointed to the door, “you’re going to have to pay me.”
“You’ll love it.”
Dmitry sat again, now at her feet, still trying. “They opened the Tuileries winter market today. They’re selling warm drinks and everything. Don’t you want to go see the pretty lights? Do something a little Christmas-y?”
Anya knew she was being stubborn. That was the thing— stubbornness wasn’t exactly a pleasant trait, but, unlike others who suffered from this gene, she was aware of the flaw. Her self awareness made this at least a little more tolerable. And, frankly, she earned the right to not want to get up from this old couch after such a day. Even if she knew she was being difficult to her very lovely and very patient boyfriend. “Christmas lights can’t erase today. I’m forever jaded.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
She sat up, really looking at him, trying to figure out the angle he was playing. “I thought you hated that kind of stuff.”
“Hate’s a strong word. I’m no Scrooge.”
It wasn’t like he was never cheerful, but Dmitry wasn’t exactly the jolly type, either. Anya was usually the one dragging him to holiday events. He happily joined her, of course, but she could tell he only played along just for her sake. Anya jumped at any chance to celebrate the season, from a themed party at their favorite bar to her grandmother’s Christmas dinner to shopping in the holiday section at the bookstore. Dmitry would choose to stay comfortable at home with just the two of them any day. Not that that was a bad thing, of course. So this behavior— him being the one to actively search for a not-cheap Christmas activity in town to participate in— was rather suspicious. “But you always say they overcharge.”
“They do, but,” he bent down and kissed her cheek, “you like these things. And I like you. And I hate seeing you so glum more than I hate spending money.”
That made her smile. “How romantic.” 
He mirrored her, kissing her nose. “Come on, Anya. It’ll be good for you to do something cheery and out of your usual routine. If you’re too tired and cold after an hour, we can come back here, and I’ll make us dinner and some boozy hot chocolates, I promise. Scout’s honor.”
“You weren’t a scout.”
He just tilted his head, playfully and patiently exasperated. 
“Fine.” His grin widened, but she held up a finger. “You get one hour. And I get to complain about the snow and the commute as much as I want.”
He kissed her then. “That’s my girl.”
They bundled up and braved the December weather, and as promised, Anya grumbled the whole way, and to her frustration Dmitry only smiled and gave her a spare pair of gloves and zipped her coat up to her chin. The ride to the park wasn’t very long so they arrived just as the sun was setting. Dmitry paid for their steaming cups of mulled wine without a fuss and they made their way through the gate, weaving through vendors and children running around, until they found a path of twinkling string lights to walk through. 
With Dmitry’s hand in hers and a warm beverage in the other, it wasn’t so bad. The snowfall was less icy and bitter and more fluffy and sweet, Anya admitted to herself, and the lights were rather pretty. It was hard to focus on the frustrations of her day when there were so many delighted smiles walking around and the cheerful carols in the air. Dmitry was rambling mindlessly about his own day at work, talking about the technicalities of this new recipe he got to try, how maybe the head chef might let him take the lead on a dish for a critic tomorrow. And then he would whisper something funny against her cheek, earning a laugh, and. Okay. Maybe today wasn’t all bad. 
“Could you take our picture?” he asked one stranger, offering his phone, just before they were about to step under a canopy of lights. 
Anya raised her eyebrows up at him, surprised. He grinned as he adjusted his beanie, like he knew he was behaving a bit strange. But they posed and smiled, and when he kissed her cheek she laughed, and they carried on with their walk. 
“You’re being a little gross today,” she commented, earning a laugh from him. 
“Just trying to cheer you up.” 
She tilted her head up at him. 
“Is it working?” 
She shrugged. “Maybe.” 
He turned to face her. Checking. Showing his hand. His smile was still playful, but his eyes shifted into something softer, something a little more serious. “You ready to head back?” 
She looked around, taking in the scene around them. “In a few more minutes.” 
His eyes searched hers for a minute, studying, making sure. “Okay.” His hands ran up and down her arms as if to warm her up. Always taking care of her, subconsciously or not. “I just hate to see you and your favorite holiday in a fight after just one lousy day.” 
She ducked her head. “I think we’re on good terms now,” she admitted, meeting his eye again. “Thanks to you.” 
The corner of his mouth tilted up. “Good.” 
She stood on her toes to kiss him and he met her halfway, his nose cold against her cheek, all smiles and snow and clove and cinnamon. 
Not a bad day. Maybe even a good one.
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planetpiastri · 1 year
congrats on returning to fic writing hehe! 💝 would u be able to do bouquet or pda from the valentines prompt list for fanboy? i love the way u write him
thank u anon!! i went with bouquet for this one bc i couldn't get one specific image out of my head lol. this was a lot of fun to write hope u enjoy! | [wc - 1.2k] | join my prompt party!
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It wasn’t like Mickey to be late. I mean, with things like family brunches, or dinners, or group parties, yeah, sure, he wasn’t the most punctual. But with you it was different. With you, he was always right on time. No matter what.
But here it was, Valentine’s Day, and you were alone in your apartment, and he was late.
You knew that today was busy for him. He’d had brunch with his sisters, and then dinner with his parents across town, and after that he hadn’t been able to get out of going for a few beers with Hangman and the guys, but he’d promised to come over at nine o’clock on the dot. You guys didn’t even have anything particularly extravagant planned; probably just watching a movie and…well….
Anyways, it was nearly nine-fifteen now, and he was nowhere to be seen. An outgoing message sat in your thread, lonely and unread: Are you on your way? 
There was a heart-shaped box of chocolates open on the coffee table. There were chocolate-covered strawberries cooling in the fridge. You’d lit a couple candles. A stuffed teddy bear you intended to give to Mickey was sitting on the sofa next to you. She’s All That was queued up on the tv. Everything was ready. There was just one thing missing.
You checked your phone again even though it hadn’t buzzed. Still nothing.
It wasn’t like Mickey to be late.
As the clock ticked closer and closer towards nine-thirty, you contemplated calling him, decided against it, contemplated calling Natasha, decided against it, contemplated calling Hangman, and ultimately decided you just wanted to call it a night and be alone. You’d hear whatever apology Mickey had in the morning. Right now, you just wanted to go to bed.
You turned off the tv and blew out the candles, and just as you were moving to put the lid back on the chocolates, there was a pounding at your door so loud that you jumped.
You rushed to the foyer and yanked open the front door, an irritated admonishment prepared on your lips, but it fell away as soon as you saw who was there.
Mickey was standing in a nice jacket and jeans, his hands on his knees, gasping for breath. He was panting like he’d just ran a marathon, and when you stuck your head farther out the door, you couldn’t see his car parked anywhere in the driveway or on the street.
“Mickey? What—?” you started to say, but then he straightened up and your voice trailed away once more.
“I’m…sorry…” He wheezed. “Hangman…stole…keys…wouldn’t let…me leave…. Ran…all the way…here…. I’m so sorry….”
And in his hand was a cluster of flowers that you recognized as belonging to your neighbor at the end of the street. They were wilted from his run, some snapped in the middle, but the sight of them nearly brought tears to your eyes. 
He looked at them, realized what poor shape they were in, and his face fell. “Oh no,” he sighed. “I wanted to—oof.”
You flung yourself into his arms, holding him close. He was warm from his run, and his chest was still heaving, but he was here. After a moment, you felt him toss the flowers down and wrap his arms around you, cradling you tightly against his chest.
“I thought you forgot,” you admitted quietly.
“Are you kidding?” he asked, his breath finally coming back. “This is all I’ve looked forward to all day.”
You stepped back, shoving his shoulder gently. “Why didn’t you call me when you knew you were gonna be late?”
Mickey blinked dumbly at you like a deer in headlights, and then his lips quirked sideways in an embarrassed smile. “Because…I’m an idiot? And I forgot? And was just focused on running as fast as I could?”
A laugh bubbled out of your chest of its own volition, and as Mickey smiled sheepishly, you grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him deeply. He made a soft, contented noise in the back of his throat, and his hands splayed across your spine, pulling you closer to him. One of your hands threaded through his close-cropped hair, holding his head in place as your mouths moved together, and you arched forward so that your chests were touching from shoulder to sternum.
He tilted his head and groaned, and your mouth fell open for him. One of his hands tightened at your waist, and the relief and affection you felt for him combined into something heady and intense, replacing every anxiety you had with insatiable want. 
You staggered backwards, pulling him with you into the house. He made a soft, surprised noise and broke away, saying, "But the flowers—"
"We'll get another bouquet later," you said, shutting the door. As soon as you did, his mouth was back on yours and his hands were tracing your sides, pressing you gently against the door.
You shoved his shoulders, pushing him deeper into the house without breaking contact. As the two of you careened off the walls and stumbled deeper into the living room, Mickey pulled away to glance around the room and catch his breath. He was already winded, but his eyes were bright and he was smiling as he panted, "Oh, hey, you decorated—”
You kissed him again, swallowing his words, and continued moving across the rug, pulling him by his shirt. He laughed against your lips, fumbling with his coat. When your legs hit the back of the sofa, you tumbled backwards onto the cushions, breaking away long enough for Mickey to finish taking off his jacket. 
You scooted back, giving him room to join you, and moved the teddy bear gingerly onto the table. Mickey’s eyes followed the movement, and he said, “Aw, is that for me?”
“Would you get down here?” you demanded, fighting back a laugh.
“Hold on, hold on, I haven’t taken my shoes off,” he protested, fumbling with the laces.
“Mickey,” you said, your voice stern.
He stood up and gestured around the room. “You set all this up! We had a nice evening planned. What about the movie?”
“Mickey,” you said slowly, leaning forward and enunciating clearly, “forget—the—movie.”
“Oh,” he said, his eyebrows lifting. And then, again: “Ohh.”
“Yes,” you said with a nod, grinning. “Oh.”
He leaned down and kissed you softly, his hand cradling the back of your head, but just as you reached up for the hem of his shirt, he pulled away again. You fought the urge to sigh heavily as he said, “I just ran, like, thirteen blocks. I’m gonna go clean up real quick, but then I promise—we’ll do Valentine’s right. I’ll make it up to you.”
He started down the hall towards the bathroom, already undoing the buttons of his shirt.
“Okay,” you said, dramatically falling back on the couch and watching him go. “I’ve waited this long. I can wait a little longer. I’ll just find some way to entertain myself.”
Mickey froze and turned to you, his hands stilling halfway through the buttons. When he saw the teasing smile on your face, he pointed an accusatory finger at you and said, “Thirty seconds. Time me.” Then he turned and ran into the hall, skidding into the bathroom and out of sight.
You threw your head back and laughed at his antics, reaching for the remote again as the faucet turned on. As you got comfortable on the sofa and waited for him to come back out, you thought of the flowers on the front stoop. 
It wasn’t like Mickey to be late, but he always found some way to make it up to you.
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Foot Clan incorrect quotes pt 2
Turns out I was bothered
Anton: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Xever: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Tiger Claw: Here’s the cold medicine you asked for.  Tiger Claw: *dumps 3 shopping bags of vodka on the table*  Ivan: ...Thanks. 
Xever: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Anton: Ivan, do you love me?  Ivan: Of course I do!  Anton: Would you still love me if I did something bad?  Ivan: Well, of course I… would…  Anton: I mean something really, really—  Ivan: Anton, what did you do?
Anton: So, Baxter is late today. Anyone wanna bet why?  Anton: I say they slipped through the subway grate and is having terrible sex with the mole man.  Ivan: I don't know about that...I think either their alarm clock didn't go off, or they're in line at the bank.  Chris: Take this more seriously! Baxter was clearly taken in their sleep!  Tiger Claw: I bet they tucked themselves into the bed too tightly and got stuck.  Xever: Maybe they fell into another dimension where they're more interesting...?  *Baxter arrives*  Baxter: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank.  Ivan, clapping their hands in excitement:HOT DAMN! 
Anton: I put the pun in punishment.  Tiger Claw: I put the top in unstoppable.  Baxter: I put the cute in execute.  Xever: I put the sexy in dyslexia.  Chris: I put the ass in class.  Ivan: I put the D in Anton. 
Ivan: I like your top, Xever!  Chris: I have a name, you know.  Xever: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
Tiger Claw: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled. 
Baxter: I have passed the transitional stage of internet geekhood.  Baxter: I was cashiering at work today, and was punching in the code for plums, which is 4040, and the 0 key doesn't work this well, so I punched it in wrong. And the machine flashed up "Item Not Found: 404".  Baxter: And I actually laughed out loud.
Baxter: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.  Xever: Throw rocks at he.  Chris: Hot Dogs.  Tiger Claw: Kill him.  Baxter: Thanks guys.
Tiger Claw: We call that a traumatic experience.  Tiger Claw, turning to Anton: Not a "bruh moment".  Tiger Claw, turning to Ivan: Not "sadge".  Tiger Claw, turning to Xever: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Ivan: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.  Ivan: *upends the bottle* 
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*  Tiger Claw: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.  Everyone:  Baxter: ...I did. I broke it.  Tiger Claw: No. No you didn't. Chris?  Chris: Don't look at me. Look at Xever.  Xever: What?! I didn't break it.  Chris: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?  Xever: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.  Chris: Suspicious.  Xever: No, it's not!  Ivan: If it matters, probably not, but Anton was the last one to use it.  Anton: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!  Ivan: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?  Anton: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Ivan!  Baxter: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Tiger Claw.  Tiger Claw: No! Who broke it!?  Everyone:  Ivan: Tiger Claw... Chris’s been awfully quiet.  Chris: rEALLY?!  *Everyone starts arguing*  Tiger Claw, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.  Tiger Claw: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.  Tiger Claw:  Tiger Claw: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here. 
Ivan: Regular soda is too sweet!  Anton: Diet soda has a weird after taste!  Ivan: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn't have sugar! It's SPICY!  Anton: It has other weird stuff in it! I'll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda!  Ivan: It's SO SWEET like it's a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink!  Anton: I'm going to physically attack you.  Ivan: Which is better, Tiger Claw?  Tiger Claw: Oh, I usually drink water!  Anton: Wha- NO!  Ivan: DISGUSTING!
Chris: You know you can die from that, right?  Ivan: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.  Xever: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up.  Baxter: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
Baxter: You know, Anton, when you generalize, you tell general… lies. Anton: … Anton: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
TC: Who do we know that has handcuffs?  Anton: Well Ivan and I-  Ivan: *elbows Anton*  Anton: ...wouldn't know.
TC: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Anton, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!  Xever, not looking up from their book:Really? Chris, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Chris, texting in the group chat: I wonder what Apple shots would look like?  Ivan: *Sends a picture of of a syringe with an apple slice shoddily edited inside*  Baxter: *Sends a picture of a shot glass with an Apple poorly drawn inside*  Anton: *Sends picture of person dunking a Basketball into the hoop but replaced the basketball with a poorly resized apple*  Chris: I hate all of you.
Anton: Ivan and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us.  TC: What did you do?  Anton: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and-  Ivan: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Chris: Is it still visible? Where Xever slapped me?  Ivan: Your face looks like a don't walk signal.  TC: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.  Baxter: A palm reader could tell Xever's future by looking at your face.  Anton: The phrase 'talk to teh hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.  Chris: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
Anton: What are you planning to do?  Chris: Hey, now. "Planning"?! Do you KNOW who you're talking to?!
Anton: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.  Chris: I witnessed the dumb stuff.  Xever: I recorded the dumb stuff.  Ivan: I joined you in the dumb stuff.  TC: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!
Baxter: *tapping fingers on table*  Anton: *taps fingers back furiously*  Xever: …What’s going on?  Ivan: Morse code. They’re talking.  Baxter: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -  Anton: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Ivan: What are you getting Xever for the holidays?  Chris: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet.  Baxter: I'm getting Xever a divorce lawyer.
70 notes · View notes
thewatercolours · 4 months
King's Quest Fic: "Popping Corks"
It’s time I was nice to Graham.
Of course they all kidnapped Graham and took him to the tavern the night the tournament ended and he was knighted.
The ceremonies were complete. Contrary to tradition, the dubbing had taken place neither in the Shrine to the Shining Stars nor in the throne room, and there were few witnesses. King Edward could not take crowds these days, and elected to meet with Graham in the courtyard gazebo, only a few steps from the chamber where he spent most of his days on bed rest. Graham found the gaunt-faced king leaning on the arm of the captain of the guard. A fur-lined winter cloak swathed him round, even though the autumn evening was mild. The king asked a few pleasant questions about the tournament, about his training and hometown, and gave him a pat on the back.
“I’ll try not to kill you when I dub you,” Edward said with a wink. “These old hands like to go shaky on me lately.”
A genuflection, a light tap with the flat of a blade, a handshake and a bow, and the whole thing was over. So much had happened today, Graham felt a momentary worry that he wouldn’t even remember this ceremony amidst all the falling off cliffs, and dragonfire, and spying, and hypnosis, and fabulous creatures.
But he had little time for such worries. A metallic finger tapped his shoulder, and a syrupy smell nearly overwhelmed him. He spun to find a guard leaning round him, nodding toward King Edward. “I’m sorry, sire, but they told me I could come over once it was done. This kind of thing ain’t over till it’s really over, am I right?”
King Edward laughed. “Oh, to be young and have a head for that kind of thing. You’d best be off, Sir Graham. Only don’t get too jingled tonight. I may well summon you to save the world in the morning.”
The guard stamped a salute. “Righty-ho. Bottoms up, then.”
Before any of this could sink in, Graham found himself plucked off the ground by the scruff, like a kitten. “Hey!” He flailed his arms and legs wildly. Then up, round, and he found himself slung over Acorn’s enormous, armoured shoulder. The towering knight hopeful gave what could only be called a giggle, and dashed off at full speed through the courtyard arches.
Graham grinned despite his chin clacking against Acorn’s back, too taken by surprise to know what to say except protest. “I warn you, I’ve slain many monsters!” he cried. (Had he already used that line today? This morning felt like a century ago.) “And you’ve got me in the perfect position to bonk you over the head with this horn mouthpiece, if I wanted to!”
“Try it, Sir Noodle Arms,” Acorn jeered, reaching behind his head with the other arm to swat the top of Graham’s head.
“And I’ll have you know – oof!” As Acorn picked up speed, the jostling with every step became more violent. “I’ll have you know I have friends in this town! They’ll hunt you down, with pies, and bird bombs, and other unspeakable things!”
“Yeah? Well, I got a special lady friend who’s gonna stick her wet little nose in your ear if you don’t come quietly.”
Graham couldn’t quite tell where Princess Madeline was in relation to himself, but from the confirming squirrel chirp that followed, he supposed the threat to be far from empty. He grabbed at a yellow and black herald’s banner on the wall, but it didn’t slow his kidnapper down one bit. The fabric slipped from its hanging and came away in his hands. “Aw, snakes.”  He stuffed it away in a cloak pocket for later.
Through the palace hallways, over the drawbridge, up and down the paths which had been completely unknown to Graham this morning, but which he now figured he could jog blindfold. “You know,” he remarked in passing as a low hanging branch nearly carried off his hat, “your running’s not too shabby, for a guy in a big, bulky set of armour. Too bad that Duel of Speed wasn’t on foot. Or at least, wasn’t supposed to be. Speaking of which, déjà vu. Wonder why. Is there anyone else in Daventry planning to give me a ride on their back?”
“Tell you what. I woulda left that Manny in the dust if my snute was as fast as your mouth. What else do you… ‘just have to ask?’”
“Where are we going?”
“Let me put it this way. I hope you’ve got your portrait ID on you and know a few good songs.”
With a every clank and bounce, Graham’s heart grew a size. This had been, by far, the most insane day of his life (and there were aspects of it which he was… definitely going to have to process, eventually. Not now, not now – let this play out…) and he had gone into it expecting it might turn his life upside down. But those expectations had been possibilities like winning the tournament, a place at court, congratulations, trophies. Never in a century had he imagined going with a friend to the pub. Or maybe even friends?
“Is that guard coming too?” he asked, more quietly, unable to keep up the show of outrage and letting the smile come into his voice.
“Yeah, he’s comin’,” Acorn panted. “But he’s rounding up the other guards first. Whisper’s already there to warm up the seats. A few others said they’d come if they could.”
Thank goodness Acorn couldn’t see his face. He was getting just a little misty. Probably the day’s exhaustion. Yeah.
They found Whisper arguing with the ostler at the door of a new-ish looking tavern with a sign in the shape of a bottle, plastered with the name “Ye Flask.” Graham propped himself up on his wrists and looked over his own shoulder. He had not noticed this place when he had explored the town earlier.
As they approached, they caught the words, “Not a seat to be had!” from the ostler.
Whisper responded with something about “Do you know who you’re talking to?” and launching with gusto into an indignant story involving a giant and a burlap bag of biscuits.
Before he could quite finish, the ostler bowled him a mighty shove in the chest that sent him toppling in the neatest head-over-heels spin Graham has ever seen. He could have won a perfect circle drawing contest with that fall. The ostler smacked his hands back and forth, and disappeared through the doorway.
“Ah, the new Sir Graham!” Whisper cried, as heartily as if he were not sprawled in the gutter. He sprang to his feet, dusting his orange cape off carefully. “I see you got away with him, successfully. Whisper would have done it himself, but a smooth hand is needed getting last minute tables at the chicest place in town.”
“Which you couldn’t get,” Acorn observed dryly.
“Alas, Ye Flask is not be had. You can’t get Ye Flask for love, or money, or autographs. Whisper is afraid of nothing, but if it were possible, Whisper would that fear that we’ll have to head for the other tavern all the way across town.”
“Okay. I have questions,” Graham said from his perch, wriggling vainly to be let free. “First, how are there all these taverns I never spotted? And second, how long could it possibly take to walk across town? I mean, you could run the distance from the front gate to the back gate in about - ”
Whisper waggled a finger in his direction. “Nope. Nope. You don’t get a say. This is being foisted on you. You are the guest of honour. You are, to all intents and purposes, a sack of potatoes until your feet touch the ground. As to being far, you’re absolutely right. It’s not far at all for a fleet-footed hero such as Whisper. But he must show some consideration for others who are not so blessed.” With a hand aside of his mouth, Whisper whispered dramatically and extremely loudly to Acorn, “What happened to the blindfold?”
“Bro, we’re takin’ him out for drinks, not takin’ him out out!” said Acorn. “Come on then. You better tell us the way to this other place. But you better wait for the others to show up, and turn ‘em the right direction.”
The amounts of twists and turns and time they took getting to the second location boggled the mind. Either Daventry Town had a lot more to it than Graham had initially assumed, or Whisper was awful at giving directions. At length, Acorn plopped Graham down in front of a modest-looking pub. A sign proclaimed it to be “The Green Man Riding the Blue Boar to Fight the Red Lion.” There was no illustration.  The streets were beginning to darken, and the glow within seemed welcoming.
Acorn breathed a sigh of relief. “You don’t weigh that much, but gosh, I think after this, I’m good for the next few leg days. And arm days. And all those other days. I guess we can go on in and save a table.” He paused. “Hey, just so we’re good, you don’t mind about the whole kidnapping thing, right?”
If Graham hadn’t stopped himself, it would have all come pouring out. How many times he had watched his Academy classmates headed out arm in arm to party in the city, without ever a word said to him. And before that, dropping in on his sisters washing cups in the local alehouse’s kitchen, overhearing laughter from the common room, and wishing his family weren’t the traitor knight’s brood who never got invited to come sit by anyone’s fire. And before that, his sister Maddy’s determined smile as she told him that yeah, it’s really hard, isn’t it, but you know friends, they come and go, but family’s forever, and I’ll play horsies with you.
Sleepovers and secret clubs – his cheeks burned just thinking he’d mentioned such things.
But here he was at the sign of The Green Man Riding the Blue Boar to Fight the Red Lion, with Acorn, and with light spilling over their feet.
“Oh yeah. We’re good,” he said casually.
In the end, they were a party of ten. The syrup guard, the not-syrup guard, Kyle, Larry, Acorn, Whisper, Chester, Muriel, and Amaya. Wente sent along a plate of jam muffins and a handmade card, explaining he’d love to be there, but after all he did just get engaged. There was nary a blank space left inside the card. It was filled with X’s and O’s.
The group sat clustered round an enormous butcher block table, spread with savoury pies, cheeses, nuts, and hot, spiced fruits. Their table stood nearest the fireplace, which was likewise one of the biggest Graham had ever seen. If the fire had been out, he could have lain down across it and stretched his arms above his head without being cramped. The rafters were traced over with sooty patterns, and very low. Some of his taller friends had to stoop to avoid hitting their heads, and. This didn’t stop the not-syrup guard from rising about halfway through the evening, and finding a place where his yellow plume wouldn’t touch the ceiling, he banged a tankard of gin and bitters on the table corner, and cleared his throat.
“I think I speak for all when I say we are very proud to welcome our youngest knight, who, by the most incredible series of coincidences I have ever seen, joins our ranks tonight. He deserves the very heartiest. Time and again he caught us off guard, discovered the most audacious loopholes, and has already been the cause of more than half a dozen revisions to next year’s rulebook. Well done, Pockets. Astounding.”
All clapped, even some of the patrons who weren’t at their table. Kyle and Larry cheered vigorously – only Graham himself was louder. Syrup, however, tilted his head and  murmured something in the speaker’s ear. Not-syrup muttered, “Well, I would have thought that was clearly implied.” But he nonetheless waved for silence and added, “He has also, of course, thoroughly earned his position as a knight, and shown skill and gallant conduct throughout the course of the tournament.”
Applause again. Not-syrup growled something at Syrup, but Graham couldn’t make it out this time.
Graham jumped to his own feet to respond. “Friends,” he said, marveling at how rosy the word felt just to say, “You’ve all blown me away. Not just with your kindness tonight, but all through the tournament. I can’t believe that only this morning, I didn’t know any of you. And though it’s still only the beginning of our friendship, you’ve all done me good turns I don’t even know how to repay. I promise, promise that I will do all I can to serve you and your kingdom.” Too much? He was feeling a bit flushed and warm, and possibly he’d gone a bit over the top. But he felt certain he wouldn’t regret a word of it in the morning.
He settled back down on the bench to three or four different hands clapping him on the back and plenty of toasts raised. Amaya jogged him on the elbow. “Next round’s on me, kid.”
Graham grinned and shook his head. “I’ve had a couple. I think I’m about there.”
She smiled lopsidedly. “Lightweight, huh?”
He frowned, feeling oddly defensive. “Not really. I mean, statistically yes. But actually, I did some of my growing up in a tavern. But that’s besides the point. Just before I headed out, King Edward told me to watch it, because he could summon me any time, send me on any errand. From now on, I’ve always got to be ready. Even to save the world.”
Amaya laughed, not unkindly, but he cringed anyhow. Oooh boy, now that had been a bit much. “Thank the shining stars we’ve got a serious hero in town,” she said. “But if you don’t mind, I’ll drink your health for you. Landlord!”
Midnight passed. Ballads were sung about the old kings and queens of Daventry. Chester and Muriel put on an impromptu magic show with cards and gold coins. Graham persisted in sticking to water, but plenty of their number did not. Tongues were loosened, hearts shown. The guards turned out not only to have faces (and moustaches! Every single one of them!) but heads of proportional size. Graham asked them how they would get their helmets on again. He only got a belly laugh from Syrup, whom it seemed was second in command of the castle watch and went by the name of Matt.
“You’ll learn all the secrets the longer you last at the castle,” he guffawed, reaching for another slice of gammon pie.
“The longer I last?” Graham raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well.” Number Two leaned on his elbow confidentially. “Fact is, some knights don’t find Daventry agrees with them. It’s a steep learning curve, what with all them regulations and policies you’ve got to know off by heart. And then too, we’re a bit of a rum bunch. A bit quirky for some. And King Edward, bless him, he’s a bit of a softie. Doesn’t want to say no to anyone who asks to get transferred. So an awful lot of our knights end up on permanent wandering jobs. The idea is they can be knights errant, and go looking to right wrongs wherever they find them, but most just use it to head back home and look for a new job.”
“Oh.” Graham picked at a walnut caught hallway in its shell. “So… am I the only knight actually here in Daventry?”
Number Two waved dismissively. “Don’t look so down about it. Just means you’re not locked in. And technically no, you’re not the only one. Us guards all won the tournament too, in our day, and got knighted. Would you believe I squeaked by with the eye of a potato? Only after you’re knighted, you’ve got the first year to decide if you want to be a fancy-schmancy knight or just go in for guard duty. And as you can see,” he said, gesturing round to half the company in uniform, “most of us think it’s not a bad deal.”
“What’s the advantage?”
Number Two considered. “I don’t know as advantage was the main thing on my mind when I chose. It’s more like you just know. You know? Like you realize where you can do your best, and then you go there, and you do that. And like I say, most of the knights drop off at some point or another. But being a guard, well, there’s a lot more routine to it. A lot more structure. You swear the same oath of loyalty as a knight, but somehow it feels like the king can feel more sure we’re there for him. Oh, no judgement!” he added as Graham frowned worriedly. “Even if you don’t go in for guarding, maybe you’ll be the knight who sets a new pattern, makes everyone forget what the old ones did.”
“And besides,”  Kyle put in sloshily, “not all the knights left. Some got sent looking for the missing treasures. They just, you know, died.”
Graham blinked.
“That’s a good thing!” Kyle went on. “I mean, not that they died. Just that some knights are loyal to the end.”
A queasy feeling began in Graham’s stomach, but Number Two had already leapt into action. “Don’t you pay no mind, Graham,” he said hurriedly. “It’s just the good landlord’s best that’s doin’ the talking. Now, a moment ago you was askin’ about helmets. Anything else we can give you the lowdown on in the life of a guard?
The young knight thought about it. Nearly immediately, the spark returned. Oh, zards, did he have questions? Did he ever! “So… cut me off if this is too much, but….” He drew a deep breath, and began rattling off every question that had built up over the course of the day. “So. I saw you everywhere today. Are you and Number One actually the only two guards in Daventry besides Kyle and Larry? How do you get around everywhere so fast? Are you bi-locating? My travel book mentions the immortal guards of Daventry – are you literally immortal, or just the office? Did you actually manage to fend off those bees with your sword? How long has boot sharpening been a thing? How come absolutely everything in town costs exactly one shiny gold coin? How does a floating island lose its floatiness? How badly do you need that fruit picker back? What are you going to do if other contestants show up on Tuesday?”
Now it was Matt’s turn to blink. “You’ve got crazy good lung capacity, Pockets. Um, good questions. Let’s take ‘em one by one. Now, as to you seeing me and Ken all over Daventry, there’s a perfectly simple answer. The thing is, we - ”
Before he could continue, a herald in King Edward’s colours burst in, seemingly run ragged and completely out of breath. “Sorry. Sorry, everyone,” he muttered. “But it’s an actual emergency! King Edward has entrusted me with an urgent message for the new knight. But my banner’s missing, and I’ll looked all over for it, and I can’t find hide nor hair of it! And according to Proclamation 555.555, I can’t deliver a royal message without my whole kit! I’m – I’m…”
His words trailed away as Graham reached into his cape pocket and produced the black and yellow banner. “Perhaps this is what you’re looking for?”
The herald grabbed the banner and actually kissed the wadded up bundle of cloth. “Did you see that? Gosh, he’s good!” he mumbled to the barmaid who stood nearby. “OK.” He unravelled the banner, set it on its rod, and announced in a rather more official voice, “By order of His Majesty King Edward, Sir Graham of Daventry is to appear before him immediately. An army of rebellious trolls from the far southwest has been sighted advancing toward us, spreading ruin in their wake. They have laid waste two kingdoms already. Our three trolls alone are no match against them. And if action is not taken immediately, the emergency may well grow to continental, if not world-threatening danger! Oh, and you guards had better come too.”
Every mouth in the room dropped open. Every conversation stopped. But in spite of the fact that his world had been turned upside down yet again, Graham could not resist striking a heroic pose as he reached for his glass of water. He swirled it as nonchalantly as he could, took a sip, and said smugly, “Told you so,” before striding out of The Green Man Riding the Blue Boar to Fight the Red Lion.
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bokutokiya · 1 year
EXTRA: mysterion
(TW: blood, fighting, and swearing)
Takes place in Middle school (15- Kenny/y-n, Karen 12)
You shake your boots off as you move to adjust your beanie, South Park was in one of its colder days as the season shifted from spring snow to snow snow. Letting out a breath and watching it spiral as you cross over the railroad tracks you missed the small brunette blurr that body slams you back into a snow pile, letting out a loud ‘oof’ sound you allowed the giggling child to sit on your stomach for a moment as you smile. The small brunette one Karen McCormick let her little dimples show as you heft her into your arms and get up. “Hello Kare bear! How are you today?!” You ask as you gently squeeze your self proclaimed sister, your parents passed away a year ago and the McCormicks keep an eye on you as another one of their kids. You shift Karen to your back as you continue walking, she takes up playing with your hair. “I’m doing good, Kenny says you’ve been sad.” She says as she tries to peek into your face, her pigtails tickling your cheeks causing you to laugh softly. “I’m okay, better that I get to spend the day with you.” You smile at the little girl before knocking on the mcCormicks door. The door is opened by an unnaturally red headed lady with a kind smile, “Y/n! Thank you for coming tonight. Kenny is staying with the boys for a school project and unfortunately Stewart and I have a meeting to attend, so we’ll be home late. Feel free to help yourself in the kitchen and if we aren't back by 10 feel free to sleep in Kenny’s room, you know where everything is sweetheart” Carol says before letting you step in and set Karen on the floor. Stewart came past and ruffled your hair before walking out the front door with Carol, turning to Karen you smile and place a hand on her head, “what should we do squirt?” You ask playfully as she bats your hand away. “Let’s go to the park then maybe Stark's pond” she says before racing into her room and coming back with a small backpack you hadn’t seen before, “who got you the pretty backpack?” You ask with an eyebrow raised. Karen smiled brightly and held it up “bubba butters gave me it for my birthday! Oh! And thank you for the hoodie y/n! I’m saving it for a special occasion!” She cheers before putting the backpack on, you slide your wallet and an extra jacket into the bag for you before grabbing her hand and leaving the house. The park was empty when you arrived, you took the backpack for her as she raced off to the play set, for a young teen she loved playgrounds. You scrolled through your phone sending a small update text to Kenny to let him know you guys were ok.
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After updating your social you look up only to not see Karen. You panic for a moment and look around wilding for her only to see her pop out of the bathroom and jog her way over. You quickly pull her into a hug, her face smashed into your chest, “please let me know when you wander off next time Kar, scared the shit out of me baby.” you say, calming your heart beat. Karen quickly grabbed your arm and hung on it “I’m sorry y/n! I’ll be more careful!” She claims before you two start walking towards tweak Bros coffee, you open the door, the bell jingling your arrival. “ACK, y/n! How are you tonight!” Tweek calls from behind the counter as you bounce over and pull yourself up to sit on it. “I'm a great tweekers, where’s Craig?” You notice a lack of middle fingers being thrown your way, tweek shakes his head “he’s home, had detention so he didn’t come by to help out” he replies easily calming in your presence, handing you a hot cocoa for Karen, which she happily takes. “Well we just came by to say hey, kens staying over at Cartmans so I’m dragging Karen around.” You say. He nods and waves you guys out as you leave into the darkening day. Rounding the corner from the theater a hand shoots out and yanks you and Karen back into the alleyway, Karen lets out a startled scream before her mouth is covered. “hello Y/n.” A familiar voice calls out from behind the scared girl, your face goes from anger to terror in 3 seconds as you discreetly slip the tracker/alarm from the strap of the backpack pressing it. “Hello Kalma. It’s been a while, come back to finish me off?” You ask, shaking lightly, Kalma lets out a hard biting laugh before throwing Karen off to the side and stalking closer to you “I wish I could finish you off! But you have a use for the plan. Doesn’t mean I can’t hurt you a little” she laughs bitterly before leaping towards Karen, the younger girl crying in terror. You make a split second decision and place your body in front of Karen’s, a sharp stinging pain hits your side as you start to feel a warm spot on your hoodie. “Damn, Kenny’s gonna be pissed I got blood on another of his hoodies” you try to joke out, looking down at Karen. The younger girl can’t tear her eyes away from the injury on your side so you cover her eyes and whisper “run back to tweak bros, tweek can call our angel.” She gives a nod and takes off, allowing you a moment to turn to Kalma. “You just don’t go down huh?” She asks bitterly “just like your parents, maybe you’ll be more challenging then them after all.” you see red at her statement before tackling her onto the ground and swinging your fist into her face landing a couple of blows before she twists the object in your side flipping you onto the wet and dirty pavement. She opens her mouth to say something else when a shout comes from above “I’d step away from the girl if I were you!” Mysterion’s voice is hard to miss and brings a small painful smile to your face as Kalma scoffs. “Whatever I’m done with her.. for now” she laughs before vanishing down the end of the alleyway. Rapid footsteps make their way down the alley as Karen crash’s into you as you grunt. “Let’s get home” you say to her softly, looking into the worried eyes of mysterion.
After getting Karen home and settling into bed, you heave yourself into Kenny’s room and start digging for his first aid kit when the window slides open. You look up and meet the eyes of mysterion, you let out a small painful laugh as you plop on the floor. “Hey Kenny. Guess I lied about nothing happening” you say roughly, Kenny takes his hood and mask off before rushing over and kneeling next to you, “shit y/n how did this happen?” He asks, sliding back into his smooth tone. You yank the hoodie over your head letting him see the injury better “took the knife to keep Karen safe, Kalma went for her first.” You hiss out as he gently pokes around the wound. Kenny shakes his head before pulling out the first aid kit from his closet along with another one of his hoodies, “of course you did, thank you for that but I’m still and you're hurt” he says in a gentle yet stern tone causing you to laugh. Kenny quickly cleans and wraps your side before helping you struggle on his hoodie and pulls you into a light hug, his face burrowed into your hair as he shakes trying to suppress sobs, “when Karen called I thought the worst, I’m so glad you're ok.” He says, before pulling back and looking over your face. You give him a smile and press a light kiss to his cheek, “remember ken, who is responsible for your missing tooth? I think I can handle myself.” You tease him lightly before he helps you to settle into his bed. He threads his fingers lightly through your hair as you start to feel tired from pain and all the energy you used, “y/n, I love you, your family and I will ALWAYS be there to protect you. Please be safe and sleep well bubba” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead and covering you with the blankets before sliding back out of the window to let you rest.
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swanqueeneverafter · 9 months
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Chapter 8
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills Mansion. Morning. (Laid snuggled in bed together, Emma and Regina both awaken at the distinct sound of two tiny feet running along the hall towards their room. A quick squeeze from Regina lets Emma know to remain perfectly still as the bedroom door opens and the bed sinks with the weight of their daughter.) Maria: (Now bouncing on the bed:) “Happy Birthday Mommy!” (Feeling the heat of Regina leave her back, Emma rolls over just in time to catch Maria who jumps into her arms.) Emma: “Oof. T-thank you, Sweetheart.” Maria: (Wrapping her arms tightly around Emma’s head:) “You’re welcome!” Regina: (Sitting up, tousling her hair:) “Come on, Maria, I need your help serving breakfast in bed, remember?” Ella: (Entering the room carrying a tray laden with food:) “No need, we’ve got it all taken care of. (While Emma pulls herself up to sit against the pillows, Ella lays the tray across Emma’s lap:) A full birthday breakfast complete with beignets, compliments of the Rollin Bayou.” Henry: (Entering with his own tray which he places in front of Regina:) “They know where they’re from, Ella.” Ella: (Smiles:) “Sorry, force of habit.” (While Maria places herself between her mothers at the head of the bed, Emma looks down at her tray with amazement.) Emma: “This looks great you guys. Thank you.” Henry: (Taking a seat in a chair at the foot of the bed:) “Thank, Maria. She’s the one who called us to make extra sure we wouldn’t be late.” Emma: “Is that so?” Maria: (Placing a flower in Emma’s hair:) “Uh huh. I even called before it was light out.” Regina: (With a wry smile:) “I’ll bet you did.” Henry: (Shrugs:) “Who needs sleep anyway, right?” Maria: “Come on, Mommy, you don’t want your breakfast to get cold, do ya?” Emma: “No, no, it’s just that this looks so wonderful and so-” Regina: “Filling.” Ella: “Mm, well eat up cause there’s lots more where that came from, especially once the guests arrive.” Henry: “Robin called to say Remy has outdone himself with your cake, Mom. She’ll be bringing it over with Alice later today.” Emma: “Then in that case I think Regina and I are going to need help eating our breakfast cause there’s enough here to feed a small army.” Regina: (Conjuring several more plates onto the bed:) “I agree, there’s plenty to go around. Bacon anyone? Henry?” Ella: “Oh, I’m sure you’ll have to twist his arm.” Henry: (Smirks:) “Yeah, I’ll take a rasher or two, thanks Mom.” (While Regina starts portioning out servings for Maria, Ella and Henry, she notices the look upon her wife’s face.) Regina: “You okay, birthday girl?” Emma: “Me? Never better. I was just thinking that I couldn’t be happier than with all my family around me on my birthday.” (While Regina and Emma share a kiss, Henry’s thoughts turn to Kara and how she must be feeling missing out on this special moment.)
Chapter continues on AO3… Chapter 8
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gingerel · 1 year
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Zack can’t believe he’s late, on today of all days. His favourite day of the year. It’s going to be ruined for him, not a single thing could possibly turn it around— “Oof.” “Shit, shit,” Zack blurts. He reaches out, but the source of the collision is already on the ground. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t—” Paying attention. Zack wasn’t paying attention, because if he was, he would have clocked this guy from a mile away. He blinks up at Zack, blue eyes a little wide, clearly startled, maybe completely unsure how he made it onto the ground. He’s so—so fucking pretty. Zack stares down at him.
Alternatively: Zack runs into Cloud on the most important day of his life. Literally.
Read Collision on Ao3, part one of That Other Time and Place for Zakkura Valentines Event 2023.
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paytato435 · 8 months
Chapter 6: Pink
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Early Birds
Casey had only slept about three hours, and when he couldn't stand tossing and turning in bed any longer, he finally gave up. It was useless. The initial worry from the night before had compounded as a new and terrible thought plagued his brain.
How was he supposed to get to the Battle Nexus everyday without the turtles noticing?
Even if they seemed to sleep better than he did, their schedules were more fucked than their apocalyptic counterparts. Because they were part-time ninjas, and because they tried their best to avoid humans in general, they tended to go out at night fairly regularly. But now with school starting for Mikey and Leo, their schedule would have them awake in the day more often. In other words, Casey couldn't guarantee that there wouldn't be someone up and about at any given time wondering where he was. Someone was going to notice he was awol and ask him what he was up to.
Even worse, if he did have a convenient enough excuse, they would wonder when he had gotten the courage to go out by himself. What could possibly motivate him to do that? Casey didn't even want to go out on his own as it was, but he had no choice.
He should have never mentioned Synth to Leo. This was all one big ugly mess.
Casey eventually dragged himself out of bed and maneuvered quietly out of his room to go sit at the kitchen table. He stole a piece of paper from the grocery list notepad and started mapping out his day. Of course, he couldn't write anything incriminating down, so he just had to box down certain points in the day as "free time."
Unfortunately, staring down at the blank spaces turned out to be a fruitless endeavor.. He hadn't any idea what he could do to keep the others off his back. Maybe he'd figure something out after school.
“You’re up early,” Casey nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Raph peeking over his shoulder.
“Holy shit, dude!” 
The snapper backed up and raised his arms apologetically. “Sorry, my bad. Thought ya heard me walk in.”
Casey balled up the paper in his hands. “I really didn’t! What are you doing up?”
Raph shrugged and shuffled drowsily over to the coffee machine. “I’m always up early. S’more peaceful. My breakfast is safer when Leo’s not around.”
Casey snorted. He had a point. On more than one occasion Leo had tripped while trying to wake up in the kitchen. He was a menace to everyone- knocking over cereal bowls, sprawling out on the floor to agonize over the perpetual rising of the sun, pulling things out from the pantry and cupboards only to return them when he changed his mind suddenly or realized they were out of milk too late into his tea, cereal, or even mac and cheese prep.
Yeah, it was probably a good idea to eat before Leo got up. That would get one stressful thing out of the way, at least. He stood up from the table and moved over to join Raph on the other side of the bar, where he pulled down a box of cereal from atop the fridge.
“Are you ready for school today?” Raph asked as he squinted at the coffee machine buttons that were a little too small for his fingers. With little coordination, it took him several jabs of an increasingly frustrated index to get the machine running. When he finally got it going, he leaned his head against the nearest cupboard door.
“Not really,” Casey answered, tilting his head in concern for the big guy. “Doesn’t that have a timed setting so the machine makes it for you in the morning?”
“Depends if Donnie stays up all night,” Raph grunted. “He picked up my pot thirty minutes ago.”
The two of them milled around in the kitchen for a few quiet minutes more before Casey settled back down in his seat again with a small bowl of flakes. To his surprise, the snapper joined him.
Casey tried to eat his cereal, but the combined nervousness he’d been wrestling with since last night and now the quiet awkwardness in the air made it difficult. Instead, he aimlessly tapped his spoon into the bottom of the bowl, trying to stab poor unfortunate bits of wilting cereal. He missed more often than not.
“Dude,” Casey looked up and saw Raph staring at the bowl as Casey’s spoon dinged the glass for what was perhaps the twelfth time.
“Sorry,” Casey stopped, putting his hands in his lap and staring at the table. He was a little unsure what to do with himself.
“You alright big guy?”
There it was. Raph’s classic big brother concern. It was hard to avoid most days, even though Casey tried his best to. 
“Not really.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
There was something about the way Raph talked to Casey that always made him want to open up. Not just because he made it a habit to ask, but also because he just seemed like the kinda guy you could just cry all your frustrations out onto and he’d take it all in stride. He wouldn’t tease you about it either, which Casey knew Leo and Donnie were far more likely to do. Casey felt uniquely vulnerable to him, especially when he had a lot of things he’d like to cry about right now. Casey wasn’t actually all too used to Raph’s thoughtfulness, and that perhaps contributed to his ability to get Casey to freeze like this.
But that was not something Casey could allow himself to do, right? He had to get through today. He had to be fine.
So he shrugged and forced himself to eat instead. Raph looked a little sad by the rejection, but tried to cover it with another question.
“Whaddya think people would do if they saw me goin to school, too?”
“Do you think they’d be scared of you?” Casey asked, raising an eyebrow.
Now it was Raph’s turn to stare at the table. “Probably, yeah.”
“I dunno how they could be, you’re just about the squishiest person I’ve ever met.”
“Uh, yeah, you know…” Casey scratched the back of his head. “Like a big teddy bear.”
The expression on Raph’s face was a little hard to read, but it looked like he was trying his best not to smile.
“I think you’d do great up there if you wanted to,” Casey told him earnestly. “I mean, you go to the cat cafe and talk to Lucy, right?”
“Well yeah, but… wait. Who told you about Lucy?” the snapper squinted his eyes. “It was Mikey wasn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah. He really wants us to go together sometime,” Casey smiled nervously, remembering he wasn’t supposed to tell Raph they had already gone.
“We should go,” Raph nodded, seeming more alert now. “She’s really nice, you’d like her.”
Raph was probably going to tear into Mikey for this when he found out, but Casey didn’t want to be the one to ruin it.
“I’d like that,” he agreed.
“Actually, we could probably go when you get off school if you wanted,” Raph offered. “She’s usually not too busy on Wednesdays.”
“I can’t,” Casey frowned, uncrumpling his paper and looking at his schedule. “April’s making me try out field hockey.”
“Ah, well, it can’t be helped,” Raph shrugged. “Sounds like fun though.”
Casey nodded, but he wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t sure about anything today.
“If you’re worried about school, just remember you’ve overcome a lot worse,” Raph told him. It was clear he was trying to reassure the kid, but it only reminded Casey that things were already a lot worse than him just going to school.
Much, much worse.
And yet somehow, Casey still felt utterly lost and helpless upon actually getting to school only a few short hours later. It was about as bad as Casey had imagined. He had thought he had at least gotten used to big crowds, but as it turned out, he'd never really been in a school-hallway-minutes-before-class kind of crowd.
As soon as he walked in he was hit with just how many people were crammed into such a small space. People were standing shoulder to shoulder, others weaving between each other like they’d done this their whole lives. The noise was unbearable. This was a bad idea.
“Guys I don’t think I can do this,” he said to nobody, because when he turned his head Leo and Mikey had already shuffled to the other side of the hallway. Leo waved for him to join them, but Casey just kinda froze. His eyes darted from one stranger’s face to the next. He hadn’t so much as tried to take a step before he saw Mikey squeeze up next to him and grab his hand.
“Come on Future Boy, we got places to be.”
 He’d never been pushed around so much. Mikey was his lifeline as they slowly made their way across the school. He vaguely remembered April telling him that his advisory class was up on the third floor, but thankfully Mikey knew how to get there.
The stairs were similarly crowded. At least here people had the sense to go up one side and down the other, but the stairway was so narrow that they had to go up single file. When he couldn't hold his hand, Casey grabbed the back of Mikey's bag instead. He kept his eyes straight ahead the whole time. His heart was pounding.
And class hadn't even started yet.
Somehow they made it to their room. Casey took the closest seat to the door and immediately opened his bag as Mikey sat down next to him. He dug out his class schedule and the map of the building and began memorizing the room numbers. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t done this sooner. 303, 107, 405, 201… 
“You good Casey?” he jumped in his seat.
“Uh, yeah, yeah I’m fine,” he lied. Well, he was trying not to lie about it. He wanted to be ok. He could handle this.
“Do you want me to walk with you to your other classes too?” Casey only had this one class in common with Mikey. After this he’d be on his own. He felt like his stomach was going to turn inside out.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Casey admitted, hugging his bag.
The good news was that advisory turned out to be very boring. There was roll call, the teacher struggled with the projector for twenty minutes and missed morning announcements, and then the bell rang for his next class.
He had had plenty of time to calm down.
The bad news was that the journey to his second class was just as bad as the first. And this time, as he was going down the stairs, he tripped over his own shoes and fell down the last three stairs, knocking Mikey down with him.
"Language!" called out a teacher from down the hall who was too busy walking to notice why Casey was swearing.
The kids in the hallway didn't even acknowledge him either as he scrambled back up and adjusted his bag.
But someone did acknowledge Mikey. As he was trying to stand up, some asshole knocked into him again.
"Oops, sorry freak!" he shouted back as he took the stairs.
"Who you calling a freak, lemon head?" Mikey snapped back, picking up his backpack.
The poor kid did have an unfortunately shaped head. But he didn't engage. In fact, nobody seemed to care about the lemon head. Instead, Casey noticed people were giving Mikey a wide berth.
It was the first time Casey noticed that Mikey stood out like a sore thumb. There hadn't been any yokai in advisory. He might have seen one on the way in, but he was too panicked to remember much. Looking around, he thought he would see more, but he didn't. He had completely forgotten that maybe the students in school weren't exactly used to them yet. Well, Mikey and Leo. What they didn't know about Casey couldn't hurt him.
He didn't know why, but seeing some asshole push Mikey over snapped Casey into action mode. He pulled out the school map again and noted where he was going on the first floor.
"Mikey I'm going to walk with you to your class," he said with a tone halfway between pissed and concerned.
"I'll be fine."
"I don't need help," Mikey bristled.
"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about them," Casey pointed out, taking Mikey's hand again. "April said no fighting. That means avoiding confrontation."
Mikey narrowed his eyes, but nodded. "My class is this way," he pointed, leading Casey to the left. "We better hurry though or we're going to be late."
So Leo had tried his best to look like the stares weren't getting to him, but he was still surprised to see that so many were openly scowling at him.
They had to be joking; he was in the news! He saved New York! It seemed some people missed the memo; what a town.
He made his way to Geometry and realized that most of the kids in that class were a year or two younger than him. That was a little embarrassing. Even more so when the teacher asked them to draw a plane with four points and Leo realized he hadn't meant an airplane with teeth. He had wondered what teeth had to do with math.
He wished Donnie were here to help.
People didn’t seem to laugh at his jokes either, or at least couldn’t tell when he was kidding or not, because nobody so much as tried to hide a smile whenever he spoke up. After asking for help for the fifth time on his assignment, he caught the Geometry teacher rolling his eyes. That wasn’t a great sign, either.
At last, the bell rang, and Leo fled from Geometry like a rat from a cat. He hoped the whole day wouldn’t go like this. He sprinted up stairs to the second floor, but slowed when he saw a group of kids all congregated at the top. He put on his best smile and asked to be excused so he could squeeze by them, but they didn’t move.
They all looked at him and then continued on with their conversation as if he wasn’t there.
“Hey, move it!” a kid behind him called. Leo looked behind him and saw a small kid in a black sweatshirt push past him. The group moved out of his way easily, and then immediately spread back out again to obstruct Leo's access.
“Oh come on!” Leo groaned. This was stupid. He jumped up onto the rail and over the group, giving them each a smug grin as he did so. They couldn’t help but look at him now as he soared gracefully over their heads. “Can’t keep a good guy down,” he winked back at them before continuing on. What was wrong with those guys?
Ok, he probably didn’t have to wonder about it much. He knew exactly why he was being treated this way. He’d watched enough movies to know people hated different people. Especially monsters and aliens, which he might as well be to them.
As it turned out, most of Leo’s classes were much the same as the first. He didn’t know shit. All he had was his gorgeous handwriting and the persistence to keep trying. He’d never felt so stupid in his life. He knew he probably wasn’t the smartest guy in the world, but damn. Everything that was brought up was completely foreign to him. At least in Government class all he had to do was sit and listen. He took furious notes on everything the teacher said. He’d probably have to read it again half a dozen more times before it got through his head.
God he hoped Casey and Mikey didn’t feel like this.
Faster than expected, the rest of the school day came and went. After the second period, Casey had managed to make his way around the school by just pretending everyone around him were just more obstacles to climb over. He didn’t try to talk to anyone, he just treated school like a mission. Get from one place to the next, listen, observe, take notes as needed, and get out. It was just recon; he could do that, at least.
On the other hand, Casey noticed there was a lot of attention on the few yokai and mutants he did spot, despite their attempts to blend in. Not a single one spoke up in his classes, they all sat together at lunch, and the human students couldn’t help but stare and gossip whenever they had a free moment. The atmosphere was tense, to say the least. It made Casey scratch his ankle with his shoe nervously as he ate.
After classes, April recommended Casey try out the field hockey team. Why not? It sounded fun, and it wasn’t as if he had sixteen years of education to catch up on that would significantly cut into his time outside of school, right?
Casey had brought a change of clothes, but wasn't ultimately sure where to go or where to change. Instead he just went out onto the field. The coaches and players were already out there, warming up. Casey was quick to notice that the team was made up of exclusively human players.
"Excuse me?" Casey approached the nearest adult: A tall woman with broad shoulders and cropped brown hair. She had just finished shouting at the players in front of her to start warm ups. She looked down at Casey expectantly.
"I'm here to join the field hockey team."
"Oh are ya?"
"Uh, yes, please?" The coach did not look impressed.
"In those clothes?"
"I- I can change." she blew her whistle. It was loud and made Casey wince in discomfort.
"Crale, get over here!"  A tall kid with warm brown eyes and sandy hair pulled back into a loose braid shuffled over. "What's your name, kid?"
"It's Casey, Casey Jones."
"Jones, this is Gavin Crale. I'm Coach Dennis. He'll show you where the lockers are. Crale, get him a hair tie too if he needs one, that's not gonna fly." she gestured at Casey's loose hair.
"You're that kid from the news, aren't you?" Gavin asked when they reached the locker rooms.
"From the news?" Casey asked suspiciously. He didn’t remember his face being on the news.
"When the aliens attacked. You're kinda hard to miss."
"Well, you're the first one to notice, actually," Casey shrugged, trying to play it casual.
"Most people probably don't see the hockey mask in your bag."
Casey snapped his head back to see that in fact, his mask was sticking out.
"Have you even played field hockey before? Your methods downtown weren't exactly consistent with the rules." Casey figured he must have seen the footage of him online.
“Nope.” He wished Gavin wouldn’t talk about it anymore, but it seemed an alien invasion that Casey was directly involved in was probably too interesting a subject for the perfectly normal teenager to ignore.
“You were with those green guys too, right? I think one of them is in my biology class.”
“They’re turtles,” Casey huffed. “Did you get the short one or the… striped one?” Casey wasn’t sure how to describe Leo to someone in just one word.
“The loud one.”
Casey wheezed.
Casey struggled to keep a straight face. “They’re both loud,” Casey explained. “But one of them is taller with red stripes going down his face…”
“That’s him!” Gavin pointed to Casey in understanding. “He kept asking the teacher a bunch of weird questions.”
“Oh boy, what did he say?” Casey raised his eyebrows, a little amused now.
“There were so many questions,” Gavin sighed. “And none of them were like, genuine, by the way, the first question out of his mouth was if he should categorize himself as a mammal or a reptile on his worksheet, which was not even a question to begin with. He also wondered if the curriculum would be amended to include mutants and yokai, and was… very upset to find out it was not. Like, he clutched his hand to his chest and looked like he was going to fall over. Then he… cried about how the system was exclusive, unjust, and unable to accommodate the needs of the new and diverse student body.”
Casey nodded. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“He was sent to the office to address his complaints in ‘a more appropriate environment,’” Gavin rolled his eyes and threw up air quotes.
“Would you dissect him for me? I heard that's a thing in that class."
Gavin snorted.
"I might. Nobody wanted to be his lab partner. He’s very…”
“Oh I know, you don’t have to explain,” Casey laughed. “You’ll get used to him.”
They sat in awkward silence for a minute, before Gavin found something else to talk about.
"I'm really glad you're trying out for the team. We've lost a lot of people since last season."
"What happened?" Casey asked, tightening his cleats.
“Some kids left town because of… the whole yokai situation. I think it's mostly just the parents who were scared out of their minds, but some of the kids on the team feel like it’d be unfair if yokai students filled in the gaps. I think the… uh… yokai… feel that resentment.”
“Resentment…” Casey wasn’t sure what this kid thought about this whole situation, but he sure seemed hyper-aware of it.
Gavin looked down at his shoes.
"Jones, I'm not gonna lie, this is all batshit crazy."
"You don't even know half of it." 
Gavin shrugged as if he could somehow make the situation normal by just pretending it was.
"In field hockey, you don't raise the stick over your head, and you definitely don't mod your stick with a chainsaw blade."
"Fair enough."
"And don't just go crashing into anybody you see on the field, we have some girls playing with us."
"What does that mean?"
Gavin scratched his head. "Well, you know, you wouldn't want to beat up a girl, right?"
"About as much as I'd beat up anyone else?"
"Oh, uh, I guess not." Casey was confused, but Gavin looked embarrassed.
"I'm ready," Casey stood, stretching his back from being hunched over.
"Zip up your bag too. The others would probably give you hell for that," Gavin warned, pointing at the mask again.
That was probably a good idea.
"Oh, and don't forget to pull your hair back. Do you need a hair tie?"
"Crap, yeah," Casey remembered, running his hands through his hair. Gavin pulled an elastic from his bag and handed it to Casey.
"This is a hair tie?" Casey asked, rolling it between his fingers, dumbfounded.
"Uh yeah, how do you tie your hair back? Rat tails?"
Casey tried his hardest not to think of how nasty that would be. "With like… a ribbon… if I need to. I don't use them often."
"Good grief. Have you ever used a rubber band?"
"Give me it back. I'll do it for you, we don't have time." 
Casey handed the band to Gavin and the boy moved to stand behind him. The hairs on the back of Casey's neck rose up as Gavin pulled his hair back away from his face. Casey tensed. He couldn’t see Gavin from this angle, and nobody else had touched his hair in years. Not since he was a kid, when Master Michelangelo taught him how to tie it back. Now this stranger was dragging his fingers across Casey’s scalp, and every nerve in his body screamed that he was in danger.
The experience was both very nostalgic and deeply alarming. He couldn’t tell if he was about to cry or kick the supposed threat off of him. He had to make a conscious effort to do neither, and instead did his best to count the linoleum tiles on the floor under them.
When Gavin tightened the ponytail, Casey jumped.
"Ah! Shit man, are you alright?"
Casey kept his eyes glued to the floor.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks, sorry."
"Don't worry about it. Let's get going."
When Gavin and Casey returned to the field, the players were setting up to scrimmage. Coach Dennis had Casey sit out for the first few minutes to watch and learn the rules, and then threw him out onto the field.
Field hockey was exhilarating. He didn't notice it so much while he was inside, but his muscles had been begging to get this exercise. Casey and his teammates quickly realized he was significantly faster on his feet than anticipated, as he made his way back and forth down the field. When he had the ball, hardly anyone could keep up. 
Hardly anyone except for her.
On the opposing team was a girl with a nose ring and raven black hair tied back into pigtails. A bright violet streak of hair in her bangs screamed to get anyone and everyone's attention. And she probably deserved it. She was good. Like, really good. 
The first few times Casey got the ball he quickly outpaced her and even managed to score once, but after about the third time cutting past her he found he could not lose her. Had she sped up? Was she predicting where he'd go? She never let up and was always right on his heels until-
He lost possession of the ball. Looking around him he saw the girl had sniped it from him. He hadn't even seen her coming this time. By the time he had recovered, she was already long gone.
"So you've had your first run in with Angel," Gavin prodded as the team took a water break.
"That fast girl?" Casey looked downfield and noticed she'd actually been looking in his direction. As soon as she caught his glance, she started walking toward him. She looked like she'd just eaten a sour grape.
"Oh you are in trouble now," Gavin smiled, stepping away.
"Hey, new kid. Had enough yet?" Oh geez, she was mad already? He just got here.
"Uh, no?"
"No? Some nerve you got. What's your name?"
"Casey Jones."
Angel took a step closer, getting right into his face.
"Listen up, Jones. You're a shit forward and your awareness is trash. If you don't pay attention you're gonna get mowed over."
"Uh, thanks?" He was having trouble focusing on what she said; how did she smell so sweetly of bubblegum when she wasn’t chewing any? And in the middle of practice???
"You're welcome. Pay attention. I don't play nice with pink fucks like you."
"Pink?" He blinked in surprise.
"Your whole vibe is neon pink.” She twirled her hand before returning it to her hockey stick. “It's off putting." Casey froze. Angel had just correctly deduced his life color. Not even Mikey could...
"Do you have synesthesia?" Casey asked, earnestly.
Angel snorted.
"If you aren't here to play with all you got, go home. I can tell when people aren't trying. You're wasting space."
Angel turned back and headed onto the field, bouncing on the balls of her feet when she’d settled down.
"That was awful," Casey muttered to himself.
"She thinks you're a threat," Gavin smiled. "She's going to be."
Gavin shrugged.
“Her friend used to be on the team. She was really good too.”
“Where’d she go?”
“She’s dead.” Gavin said it like he was trying to convince Casey it was true. Most people wouldn’t be that explicit.
“She’s dead?” Casey looked back at Angel. She looked closer to beating someone up than breaking down. He felt that way sometimes too.
“Might as well be. Missing persons rarely show back up alive.”
After that, Casey couldn't keep up at all with Angel anymore, although everyone said he did very well. Despite the animosity, Casey couldn’t help but notice everyone else seemed to get along very well with the girl. It seemed he was her only target.
"Hey Angel, wait up!" The girl with the purple hair spun around to face him with a dangerous scowl. Ok, maybe not dangerous dangerous… Casey knew the difference between a scowl that preceded chastising and a scowl that preceded losing a limb. Angel definitely gave off the former, although he wouldn't be surprised if she was also capable of the latter.
"Whaddya want, Pink Fuck?"
There it was again. It had frustrated him for maybe a moment, but after thinking about it for a little longer and seeing how Angel treated the others on the team, Casey quickly picked through Angel's facade.
She was the only one at practice that was openly abrasive. He was the only one she had been abrasive to. Every joke she had made today had seemed to come at his expense.
The pout on her face and posture were over exaggerated. Before he called over to her, she had been talking with two of her friends, who now shared an exchange between themselves that Casey had traded with Michelangelo on too many occasions in the future. All three of them could see what Angel was doing:
She was the textbook definition of a tsundere. And Casey would know; he had the unfortunate experience of listening to his sensei with painful disinterest as the slider complained and insulted his way into eventually asking another one of his dozens of boyfriends out. Once Michelangelo had pointed the behavior out, Casey realized what a broken record Leonardo was. (He was infinitely thankful that Leo in this timeline hadn't started dating yet. There was no closing Pandora's box.)
Casey wondered if Angel was even aware of her behavior. Was she trying to scare him because she didn't know how to hide her feelings any other way? Or was it a habit of hers to poke fun at people she was interested in just in general? Either way, Casey felt confident he could use it to his advantage.
Ok, that probably sounded bad. If it made things any better, he kinda liked the attention.
"Yeah it's me, the pink one," he answered, raising his arms in surrender. He shared an apologetic smile with the students standing with her. "Could I talk to you for a minute? I need some help with something."
"You might be beyond help, Pink," she snorted, crossing her arms defensively. 
"Maybe," he acknowledged, which only made her snort again. "But uh, you're in my history class aren't you?" He remembered seeing her sit at the very back of the room, her feet kicked up on her desk and giving him a vicious glare even then.
"Yeah? Whattabout it?"
"Do you, uh… think you could help me with that assignment the teacher gave us? I was looking over the questions and I was completely stumped.”
"What?" She seemed completely taken aback by his question.
"Could you help me with the homework?" he asked again, not sure how else he could explain it.
Angel's eyes darted around the campus for a moment, thinking really hard very suddenly. 
"It's ok if you don't want to, I could ask someone else, I just don't really know anyone here yet so…"
"No no! I can help you!" she protested immediately; probably too quickly. "Do you wanna go to the library or something? The public one's not far from here."
"Uh, yeah! Yeah that could work!" he agreed with his best smile. He noticed her lips quirk in just the tiniest fraction of a smile before she narrowed her eyes.
"If you're joining the team you gotta have good grades," she told him pointedly. "If you're too stupid they'll kick you off the team, got it?"
Casey swallowed and nodded. He didn't know that.
"You're lucky I love this team so much, punk. Purple Dragons gotta stick together, ya hear?"
That was a load of crap, but Casey agreed anyway. "Uh, yeah, I guess.. "
"Don't 'uh… I guess…' me! Do you want my help or not?"
Casey couldn't help but chuckle. Her face twitched dangerously. She looked like she was about to ask him if he wanted to die.
"Your laugh is stupid," she said instead, pulling out her phone from her duffel bag. "I'm gonna text my brother that I'll be home late. But he's actually cooking for once so we can't be out too late."
Casey felt as if the world had just been lifted off his shoulders. Finally, something was going right for once.
"I guess we'll see you tomorrow, Angel?" one of her friends asked. Angel blinked and turned back to them, as if she had forgotten they were there.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry guys…"
"No no, it's fine!" the friend assured her. "Go have fun," he winked before turning away.
"Go have… ugh!" Angel stamped her foot. "That guy, I swear…"
Angel seemed to have rebuilt her facade while she was changing out of her athletic clothes, because she seemed particularly and purposefully cool to anything Casey tried to say on the walk over to the library. She had put herself entirely on guard. It was a little awkward, but not completely surprising. She had, after all, suddenly found herself on a study date with a strange (BEYOND STRANGE) boy she had just met today.
"So how far do you live from the school?"
"Why? So you can stalk me?" Angel asked with another scowl.
"Yeesh, it was just a question," he scratched the back of his neck.
"Try a better one," she rolled her eyes, but there was little humor there.
"Ok… what's your brother like?"
"Why do you keep asking personal questions?!" she snapped. "You're weirding me out."
Oops. What was he supposed to ask her?
"Where'd you move from?" Angel asked him instead.
"Wait what?" He couldn't ask about her living situation but she could ask him about his? Not to mention there was no way he could answer THAT particular question.
"Where'ya from ding-dong?" she asked again, squinting one eye at him.
"I uh…"
"Not so fun being on the spot, huh?" she noticed, stepping ahead of him as they walked.
"What? No, it's fine I just-"
She spun around and stopped in front of him. He had to stop too suddenly to avoid bumping into her.
"Just what?" she smiled at him.
She was trying to intimidate him.
"I grew up here," Casey told her. It was kinda true. His New York was just a little more… dusty… and dead… and filled with monsters…
"Uhuh," Angel said without belief. He was surprised that she didn't pry further, but instead turned around and kept walking, letting him catch up to her stride.
"So did you grow up here?"
"Yeah," was her only answer for a moment, before adding; "I wasn't born here though. My parents are from Florida."
"Oh really? I heard it's really nice there." Casey had actually heard so many things about places like Florida in the past, where the weather was nice all year round and the beaches were beautiful. Casey had never been on the beach before. Of course they could still go to a beach much closer to New York than Florida, but it hadn't come up in conversation yet from the younger turtles. Maybe they could go before the weather turned.
"It's a shithole, don't go," she glowered.
"Oh." She seemed pretty good at killing a vibe. At least they had something in common.
They approached the library and Casey realized that even though he didn't feel exactly comfortable hanging out with Angel, he had made it all the way from school to the library without being jumpscared by an automobile. In fact, he hadn't been stressed by the usual traffic at all. It was only when they stepped into such a quiet space as the library that he noticed how loud the outside world was, and how it was starting to bother him just a little bit less.
Or he was distracted by trying to engage in a conversation with Angel. OR he was too worried about his family discovering that he was a turtle and that it was Donnie's fault and Leo never forgave-him-for-that-ergo-Casey-had-to-keep-them-safe-by-neverfiguringoutwhathewas. Ugh. Yeah, Casey had bigger problems than big and scary traffic noises.
Casey followed Angel to the back of the library, in which they found large desks surrounded by rows and rows of massive bookshelves. It made the shelves at school look empty, and it made the small handful of books Casey had seen in the past look downright depressing by comparison.
Until Casey had arrived into the past, he had read every physical book he had ever seen. Master Leonardo had made him, so he did. All six of them. There were rumors that there was a secret seventh book that Donatello hid from everyone, but by the time Casey knew of it he had little reason to dare seek it out. If he had to guess though, it was probably just smut. Donatello never made a habit of hoarding his knowledge for himself.
"You gonna sit down or…?" Casey snapped to attention when he saw Angel had already sat down at a table, her duffel bag on the polished wood surface as she hugged it to her chest.
Casey did not realize he had been looking around so long. He grabbed a chair and sat down quietly, all too conscious of his awkward and stumbling attempt to scoot himself and the chair under the table.
"You got your textbook right? I left mine in my locker."
"What?" Casey had been trying to figure out what to do with his hands. Funnily enough he hadn’t paid it that much attention when he had been sitting in class.
Angel gave him an irritated look. “Your textbook?”
"Oh yeah, I have it," Casey stumbled, opening his bag and pulling out their textbook. He needed to focus or she was going to think something was up.
She was probably already thinking something was up anyway.
As it turned out, Casey was probably far more hopeless a case than Angel had imagined. Growing up in the apocalypse did not afford him the time to learn whatever or wherever Mesopotamia was supposed to be.
"Jesus Christ, Jones, where the fuck did you go to school before?"
Casey slumped over the table. He knew it was only a matter of time before she asked.
"I was homeschooled."
"I'm surprised you can read," Angel scoffed, crossing her arms. He looked up at her, and her face changed to one of concern. "Well, I'm exaggerating a little," she admitted, looking over at his notes. “Are you alright with your other classes?”
Casey shrugged. “It’s been one day, the others haven’t given out assignments. Math was easy though.”
Angel made a face.
“Don’t like math?” he asked.
“It’s awful. If I have to do anything more than graph a line my brain starts turning somersaults.”
“Maybe I could help you with it sometime,” Casey prodded, giving a small smile.
“I don’t think you’ll have time with this whole situation going on,” Angel waved her hand over his homework. Casey’s smile disappeared. “It’s like you’ve been living under a rock. Do you even know who the President is?”
“I plead the fifth,” he shifted nervously in his seat.
“And what is the fifth?” She asked, checking her phone and propping her feet up onto the table.
“It’s probably better than pleading the fourth?” He turned his palms up to the ceiling in defeat.
Angel burst out laughing, the sudden sound turning heads and catching glares in the otherwise studious environment. Casey sank further into his seat, his ears burning. If he went any further down his nose was going to hit the table. Upon seeing him sink, Angel sighed and rolled her eyes.
“You’re going to need a lot of help, Pink,” she told him, pinching her eyebrow. He nodded, a little embarrassed, even if this was exactly what he was hoping she’d say. “Do you want to work on this some more tomorrow? I’m getting a bit hungry.”
Another perfect excuse for his absences from home. “Sure. My head hurts anyway.”
“Don’t know how it could when there’s nothing up there,” she teased, giving a smirk.
“Shut the fuck up,” Casey grumbled, closing his book. “At least I know how to tie my shoes.”
“I know how to tie them!” Angel scoffed, shaking her sneakers so the aglets clacked against the table. “I left them undone on purpose.”
“What if you trip and fall?”
Angel narrowed her eyes and uncrossed her legs. “If it bothers you so much why not tie them for me?”
“Pft, I’m not your mom,” Casey scoffed in turn, putting his book into his bag. When he reached back up for his notebook however, Angel had pinned it down with one of her shoes.
“Damn right you’re not,” she scrunched up her nose.
“What are you doing?” Casey asked, appearing unamused. Angel cracked a wide grin.
“They look cuter this way,” she insisted.
“Uhuh, sure,” he conceded with heavy sarcasm. Thankfully that seemed to be enough for Angel to release her hostage.
This girl was insane.
Prev. Masterpost Next
Notes: I have rewritten so much of this heckin' chapter that the only thing that's original is Angel calling Casey a shit forward and Pink Fuck. It was the only important part anyway, lol. Anyway, the big result of the rewrite and break this week is MORE ANGEL. She is very fun to write. She is a menace and will continue to bully Casey for absolutely no reason whatsoever. So why did I add her to the fic? She was my favorite character in the 03 series when I was little; I thought she was so cool. I'd only seen like, the first 12 episodes tho so my only point of reference for her character for the longest time was "Fallen Angel." She's a total brat and I love her. She will always pick on Casey Jones because she can. I hope you love my Rise version of her as much as I do!
Also I think I got the field hockey idea from Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis. It definitely makes more sense for Casey to play field hockey over ice hockey like he usually does given his backstory. I can't imagine they had many ice rinks in the apocalypse, so I think him getting into ice hockey at this point would be quite the learning curve.
Also also I would fucking scream if anyone saw Casey's classroom numbers and could recognize what they mean. Hint: They're referencing a different sport altogether.
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gyoobies · 2 years
jeonghan fanfic where new stylist/makeup artist and jeonghan fall in love? slow burn, sexual tension, secret relationship typa thang ;) <3!
Oof! so ok I started this a while ago and it had been sitting just waiting for me to decide if I what I had written was worthy or not (meh)... I legit had to put on my thinking cap because slow burn fics are a weak point for me. I'm super impatient (ya know instant gratification and all) so I typically write shorter stories. Any who  enough of my rambling. Hope this is close to what you wanted.
Was tis proofed?.... let’s find out.
P.S The burn probably ain’t that slow sorry.🤞 
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Pairing: Jeonghan x Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Secret relationship
Warnings:  Minors DNI( ain’t no smut but still)
One  month into your new position as the lead stylist assigned to seventeen, you were finally settling in. Being a well established stylist,  it was no surprise to you when the head stylist opportunity basically fell into your lap after the last person was fired for inappropriate behavior. What was surprising to you was how quickly everyone took to you, especially Jeonghan. Somehow you had charmed your way on to his prank list, lucky you. For the most part everything was easy-going, until one of your biggest fears reared its head. 
You had convinced yourself that the featherlight touches on your hand when he handed you things, the guiding hands on your hips as he moved you out his way, the gazes that lingered a bit too long as he licked his lips while watching you on your knees adjusting the hem of his pants, was all in your head. A product of an overactive imagination and overworking yourself. 
You were trying desperately to focus, but all you could think in this moment was what had you done in your past life? Surely it must have been something awful because the last thing you needed was to have any of the guys staring at you starry-eyed. Unfortunately for you that is exactly what was happening as you assessed the fit of the jacket he would be wearing for their interview today. You of course ignored the soft upturn on the corners of his mouth as he watched you pin the inside of his jacket to contour it more to his waist, ignored the way his fragrance was becoming so familiar to you as he leaned down a bit for you to adjust his collar and the soft sigh he let out when he realized your fragrance was just as recognizable to him. For a very brief moment you thought you felt his breath fan across your neck, but convinced yourself he wouldn't dare be that bold, not with a few of the other guys just a few feet away outside the door. You had never been more thrilled to finish up a look in your life.
"All done! Good luck on your interview!"
Jeonghan walked over to the mirror on the wall to check his appearance. 
"How do I look?"
"Perfect as always." You said absentmindedly as you pretended to straighten up the work area. So focused on trying desperately not to read into anything and create a situation that doesn't exist or acknowledge a situation that you wanted to avoid, you didn't notice Jeonghan leaning with his back against the mirror watching you pretend to be busy, refilling the water in the flower vase on your desk in the back corner of the room.
"You seem a bit stressed today, is there anything on your mind that you want to talk about?"
Startled by the sound of his voice, not expecting him to still be there, the vase slipped from your fingers and went plummeting to the floor. You scrambled to pick up the broken pieces and in your haste cut your hand. Before you knew it Jeonghan was there gently dabbing your wound with a cloth.
" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just-"
Before he could finish his statement he was interrupted by Joshua alerting him that they were going to be leaving soon.
"I'll be right there, she cut herself. Give me a second to help bandage it."
You stood in protest. "No, you can't be late! You have to go now." 
Joshua agreed, and assured him that a grown woman such as yourself could easily manage bandaging a cut. The annoyed expression Jeonghan shot Joshua wasn’t missed by you, and obviously Joshua picked up on it too. You’d hoped he wouldn't read too much into it, but the smirk on his face as they exited the room told you otherwise.
That evening you couldn't help replaying the events in your head and found yourself smiling at the thought of Jeonghan's scent, his smile, and the way he had been looking at you lately. You groaned in frustration at yourself for even allowing yourself to entertain these thoughts. You took a deep breath and decided to just let it all go, if he was thinking about making a move on you, you were going to make it clear you weren't interested. 
The next morning you went into the stylist studio much earlier than usual. A few of the stylists that worked under your predecessor had recently left the company in favor of going to work with the “disgraced” stylist that you replaced. This meant until the positions were filled you'd be coming in a little earlier and leaving a bit later. You were pinning ideas for a few looks to the board in the studio when you heard the door open.
"Oh! You're here already?"
You turned to see Jeonghan in his practice clothes holding a bag from the bakery around the corner and a coffee.
"Yeah." You said as you looked at him with a questioning expression, before you verbalized your confusion.
"What are you doing here?"
"Early practice." 
"Yea I got that, I mean what are you doing here in my studio?"
"Oh, ummm well, I stopped by the coffee shop and I thought maybe you'd like a little something." He said as he began to remove the plethora of pastries and snacks from the bag.
"Jeonghan! That's a lot more than a little something." 
"I figured you may need something as the day went on, so I bought extra."
You couldn't deny the warmth you felt at his thoughtfulness, but you needed to remind yourself that
1. He's an idol. 
2. Idols do this kind of thing all the time with multiple people. 
3. You were employed by his company and should you cause any kind of a scandal you'd be out of a job. 
You absolutely had to nip whatever this was in the butt expeditiously before you lost your job just like the person before you.
"Listen Jeonghan, I'm not sure what you're  trying to accomplish here, but whatever it is, I want no parts."
He looked like a deer in the headlights, he hadn't actually expected you to shoot him down, especially not so directly. He was confused, had he really misread the situation? He thought about all the times you'd made eye contact, was he the only one feeling the attraction? The times your fingertips just barely grazed the exposed skin around his collar as you straightened everything into place, had he really imagined that you were stealing touches when you were just doing your job? He needed to get out of there, is what his brain was telling him, but his pride wouldn't let him drop it.
"Why what?"
"Why don't you want anything to do with me? I know I haven't been the only one developing feelings."
"But what if you have?" You questioned. "Have we ever been on a date? Talked on the phone? Sent text messages? So how can you claim to have feelings for me?  I've been in this industry long enough to know how easily idols' hearts change, how when they get bored they look for a new toy. I've seen numerous colleagues used and played with. I'm sorry, but I don't care how handsome you are, a few trysts here and there will never be worth me losing all I've worked for."
You felt horrible about everything you'd said the minute you were done, but you needed him to lose interest for the sake of you both.
Jeonghan stood there silently uncertain of his next move. He refused to believe he was alone in this but it was obvious that you weren't going to make this easy for him. If anything your determination to push him away only made his determination to win you over greater.
You winced when you bumped the cut on your hand and Jeonghan couldn't help himself from rushing to your side. 
"Let me see it" He commanded.
"Did you put anything on it?"
"No. I was so busy I-"
Jeonghan shot you a glare before leaving the studio, returning a few minutes later with a first aid kit.
"These are all over the building, use it next time." he said in a tone that sent a shiver through you in a way you hadn't expected. 
You watched fondly as his nimble fingers made quick work of the bandage that was tied around your hand covering your cut. Jeonghan continued to scold you as he cleaned your wound, applied ointment and wrapped your hand in a new bandage. Checking the time he realized he'd better go before he was late. He reminded you to be mindful of your hand and enjoy the snacks he had brought for you, and offered you one final piece of advice before leaving.
"If you're going to be too stubborn to let me take care of you, then try to take better care of yourself so I don't have to worry." 
Over the next few days you'd find yourself randomly thinking about him and it scared the shit out of you. You had seen your fair share of failed idol flings with some of your colleagues but there were a handful that you knew of that were going strong, secretly of course. Were you really willing to take that chance? Jeonghan seemed to be an exception, honestly none of the guys seemed like the type to play with anyone's feelings just to get their rocks off, but even if his feelings were genuine there was still the risk of being caught. You decided to let it go, there was obviously nothing to mull over, Jeonghan hadn't showed up early, found an excuse to be near you, looked at you with that twinkle in his eye, or even bothered to prank you since that morning in your studio almost a week ago.
As you prepared looks for the guy's next appearance you were bombarded with a multitude of text messages congratulating you. You were so confused until an email came through with a link to an article that named you the "it stylist" of the season. You took pride in your accomplishments but they often felt empty without someone special to celebrate your achievements with. Deep in your thoughts you were startled when the guys came in one by one each with a small bouquet of flowers to congratulate you. Your eyes automatically searched for Jeonghan as the men surrounded your desk.
"Where's Hannie?"
"He had a shoot earlier, but he said he'd be here later." Said Joshua with a smirk.
"Oh," You said as you nodded in understanding, trying to avoid his gaze.
Believe it or not they could be very distracting, so when they stayed with you longer than you expected, you anticipated working much later than you'd intended. After the guys left you ended up staying a few extra hours to make sure everything was on track and coming together the way you'd envisioned. Finally exiting the building to head home you were shocked to find a single flower with a card on your windshield, you were intrigued but opted to open the card once you were home. You were exhausted, and a hot shower and your comfy bed were the top priority, the card would have to wait a bit longer. 
You were relieved when the warm spray of the shower hit your skin, washing away the stress of the day. You admittedly were a bit disappointed that Jeonhan didn't make it, but you knew thinking about him so often was going to be nothing but trouble if you couldn't reel in your feelings before it was too late. Shaking him from your thoughts you climbed out of the shower and dressed for bed. Too tired to search for a proper vase for the lone flower, you placed it in a glass of water on your bedside table. Snuggled into your bed surrounded by pillows, you finally decided to open the card and hoped it wasn't from some creep. As you pulled the card from the envelope, brightly colored confetti fell to your bed. Once you opened the card you instantly smiled letting out a sigh of relief as you said his name. "Jeonghan". The card was simple, text on the outside that said congratulations with no print inside, just a handwritten message from the person you cursed yourself for wanting to see the most.
"Congratulations on your accomplishment! I'm sorry I didn't make it to celebrate in person. Truth be told I made it shortly after everyone else but when I heard you ask about me I decided not to enter. I want to celebrate with you without everyone else. I hope you're not upset. Call me when you read this."
Your heart was beating through your chest as you stared at the phone number written at the bottom of the note, trying to decide if you should give in to your desires and take the risk or if you should ignore the note and attempt to ignore his feelings, and yours.
"Fuck it!" You quickly dialed his number before you could change your mind, but your heart sank when the first thing he said was.
"Do you know what time it is?"
You apologized and tried to explain how you hadn't realized how late it had actually gotten when he told you he wasn't upset that you called at a late hour, just that he had been waiting and it took you too long. Again you felt warmth bloom through your body knowing he had been waiting on your call. 
"Let's celebrate now. Can I come over?"
"What?! Hannie it's late! You have practice in the morning."
"If I didn't, would you let me come over?"
"This feels like a trap."
He laughed. "I missed you calling me that. You stopped when I told you how I felt."
"I called you a trap?”
Immediately he burst out laughing. “No. I missed hearing you call me Hannie.”
 “Oh, yea I didn't want you to think there could be something between us, so I tried to be more formal."
The phone was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "What about now? Still want me to think there can't be anything between us?"
If only he knew how terrified you actually were to answer that question. "I could lose my job like the last stylist." You whispered.
"I promise not to get us caught. I know it's risky for you, it's risky for me too but I'd  be upset for never allowing myself to take that risk for you, besides the last stylist didn’t get fired for having a relationship with a member. They got fired for pursuing a member after they had been rejected multiple times"
You had never heard Jeonghan sound so serious about anything that wasn't related to his group mates before. The sincerity in the tone of his statement was the push you needed to give yourself permission to loosen up, and give him a shot.
"Tomorrow. If you're not busy we can have dinner together."
"I'm not. Where do you want to go?"
"I- I'm not ready for that level of stealth just yet. I'm not working tomorrow so let's have dinner here at my place. What do you like?"
And just like that your first date with Jeonghan was set.
You had the day off and you couldn't have been happier because you needed all the time you could get to prepare for tonight. You were excited to say the least, but also nervous and still a bit scared. As the day went on your nerves settled and the few dishes you'd prepared turned out great. You got butterflies when you received a text from Jeonghan. 
"Omw see you in 20 minutes."
You rushed to freshen up making sure to look like you tried but not too hard. You had just gotten dressed when there was a knock at your door. You took one final look at yourself in the mirror before opening the door to a sly smiling Jeonghan. You quickly pulled him inside just in case of prying eyes.
"You missed me that much?" He laughed. You just rolled your eyes and showed him where to hang his coat before leading him to the kitchen where dinner was waiting. 
Jeonghan had seemed pretty impressed when he realized that you had made dinner and not just ordered take-out like he would have done. He also couldn't help teasing you about putting in so much effort for someone you kept trying to insist you didn't have feelings for. As the night went on you noticed how comfortable the two of you were together.  There were no awkward silences between conversations, no weird moments where you tried to avoid physical contact, in fact it was quite the opposite. Jeonghan wasted no time after dinner moving his chair closer to yours as your conversation continued about nothing in particular. 
"Thank you for dinner"
"You're welcome. Next date You're cooking."
The smile that crept up his face was so warm it made your heart flutter.
"Date night is every Friday, don't forget." He proclaimed as he looked into your eyes before pulling your hand in for a kiss.
You weren’t sure if he knew the power his gaze held but before you knew it you had cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. 
“I’ve been thinking about that since you walked through the door.”
“Same, but I’ve thought about it since the first day I walked into your work studio.” With the biggest grin on his face Jeonghan leaned in to kiss you again.
It had been a little over a month since your first date with Jeonghan and things were going well, until you unfortunately caught the eye of one of the staff new hires. He hadn't asked you out, but everyone could see he was into you because of small things he'd offer to do for you here and there. Jeonghan's breaking point was a simple juice box. You had been working to get the guys ready for an appearance when the new guy walked in to deliver sandwiches and drinks to the guys and left a juice box for you on your work table. Horrible timing as the person sitting next to your table was your boyfriend. The room fell awkwardly silent as the box hit the floor bursting open and leaving a small puddle. You had seen your fair share of rumors break out over any little thing so you knew that if you didn't act quickly this was definitely going to raise eyebrows. 
"Oh no! It didn't get on your clothes did it? We'll have to rush to get the stain out if it did so it doesn't set. You're not supposed to be the clumsy one” you tsked.
Realizing he needed to play along he finally responded. "I- I'm sorry, I thought I saw a bug and I knocked over your juice trying to swat it away."
Satisfied with the response, everyone seemed to just move on from the situation. 
"Wow, I didn't know you were so scared of bugs." You laughed as you cleaned the puddle before finishing up their looks and sending them on their way.
The days following the incident you had barely seen each other. There were no interviews, no promotions, just preparation for the next comeback. You were busy too coming up with a concept that fit the sound they were going for with the new comeback, but you missed him. You wondered if he'd decided to let you go because he feared he'd ruin your career if he couldn't control his outbursts. You wanted to text him, but you had only done so once when he had first given you his number and you hadn’t done it since out of caution. It was your rule and Jeonghan obliged, but seeing as how you hadn’t heard from him, you assumed he was just too busy to maintain one sided contact now. You successfully finished out the day despite the lingering thoughts of Jeonghan residing in The back of your mind. 
You were sure that a relaxing bath once you got home would calm your mind but the silence that accompanied it did the exact opposite of what you had hoped. You thought back to the conversation the makeup artist and hair stylist were having between your discussions of different concept looks today. They had come to an agreement that having a fling with an idol known for just wanting a good time wasn't worth the risk of losing their careers, but if the idol was sincere and had expressed wanting a serious relationship, it might be worth it.
Before you could think about any consequences to your actions: you had already grabbed your phone and sent Jeonghan a text.
"Hey Hannie, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Sending this is more awkward than I thought it would be. I know you're busy but I was wondering if you had any free time coming up? It's been a while since we've seen or talked to each other. " 
Jeonghan's phone buzzed, startling him a bit as he laid lazily across Seungcheol's legs. Noticing who the message was from he sat up with a surprised expression. 
"She finally messaged huh? Well, are you going to open it or just stare at your phone?" Questioned Seungcheol. 
"What if she's breaking it off?"
"Because of your little jealous outburst? I don't think she'd have waited this long. Just let her know that we all know and it's fine because most of us are seeing someone too and we look out for each other.  That should make her relax more." Seungcheol watched intensely as Jeonghan opened your message.
"It must be good because you're grinning like an idiot."
 Jeonghan rolled his eyes as he got up to go to his room.
You waited nervously for his reply and when you finally got one you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
"Can I call?" Was all it said. You quickly checked yourself with your forward facing camera before requesting a video call.
Jeonghan was shocked, he wasn't expecting a video call but he quickly turned on his usual relaxed demeanor. 
"Wow! First you text and now a video call! What's the special occasion?"
 You knew he'd probably say something like that but you didn't realize how it would actually feel to hear it. Jeonghan noticed how your expression changed a little at his words and quickly  apologized. 
"I'm sorry. That was rude. What I should have said was thank you for calling me."
"It's ok. I know you're blunt at times and I probably deserved it a little."
"No. You didn't. Truth be told I owe you more than one apology, I was just too afraid to contact you after the incident with the juice box. I was avoiding you because I was worried you'd want to end things. I got jealous and I couldn't take seeing someone else being so bold and trying to take care of you."
"But Hannie you don't need to be jealous of him, I'm yours and-"
"I wasn't jealous of him. I was jealous that he could do something so simple to show his feelings towards you and I can't, not openly."
"I'm sorry."  was all you could think to say even though you really didn't know why you felt like you needed to apologize.
"You don't need to be. You aren't the reason we can't date openly."
"I don't care. If dating openly was high on my priority list I wouldn't have given in to you."
A devilish grin spread across his face. "Oh you've given in to me? Trust me, you don't know what that feels like just yet."
 "Hmmm can't wait" you responded with a wink.
The next morning you found a bouquet and a coffee waiting for you at your work table with a card that read "I’ll be more careful next time, but you like coffee more than juice anyway."
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
Okay so yeah as I said I'd be back later, and I am back ( yeah very late lolz) So how are you???? Hope everything is alr? Okie so god, Jake seems pissed, the fatherly rage and all. He gon fuck up the person that dare interrupted this moment. Like my man was finally having a heart felt moment and finally realized his mistakes ( at long last) and was trying to correct them, but no, it can't happen not so soon anyways. Like this guy, I kinda feel bad for us when this old father was finally admitting his mistakes, some douchebag had to ruin it. like I can imagine the us goin "Aye U mf, this bish was finally, finally apologizing and u had to ruin it didn't you? Leave my father man I'll fuck you up, dumb bitch couldn't handle bein humiliated by dad and mom once that you come back again for more?"
I WANT NEYETIRI'S REACTION FOR THE NAME JACK, AND I SAW SM1 IN YOUR ASKS SAYING THE NAME JACK THE CANNIBAL. AND I LOVED IT WHOEVER HAD THAT IDEA. I CAN IMAGINE NEYETIRI GOING- SHE'S TOO MUCH OF A COPY LIKE HER FATHER- Like bro but god I re-read it again all the parts and I cried, an emotional wreak, the lucid dreaming? oh it felt so true, like it was not a part of ur fiction but the actual movie. This is how good your writing is. Okie so as you said we are heading to the Metkayina Clan. I want a lil info if psbl. Is she gonna fall in love with one of the Metkayinan Boy or Girl? I've never, ever been obsessed with a piece of Fiction so damn bad as this one. I'm addicted to this man, what you write hits right in the damn feels. Love you <33 AND YEE PAY FOR MY AND OTHER'S THERAPY BILLS. IMMA SEND MINE NEXT.
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AND totally uncalled for TMI but i wanna complain a bit,,,, I started my period today and things suck it hurts. the radiator in my room also broke down and im cold its winter here. but like. im happy regardless bc i have you guys<3 constantly am reminded there's a small crowd out there on the internet who love me (maybe) and my writing so im cheered up instantly. yes im being cheesy im on my period EXCUSE ME
MOVING ON THOUGH i want to say that man was one of the recombinants in quaritch's squad that wasn't quite killed and only wounded. the rest of his squad got extraction but he didn't, so that's how he made his way to the tree of souls trying to navigate the forest. i didnt really gave context to how sister!reader's rescue went because she was very focused on herself and her claustrophobic panic at the moment but YEAH I thought it'd be cool to establish a bit of a butterfly effect HSHSJDS ur gonna see what jake does with him it's going to be interesting
OOF to be honest i only have bits and pieces for the metkayina plot. if i were to write about it i think i'd do just headcanons? i dont have a lot tbh,,,,, nothing is set in stone at the moment. for the romance i have ideas i entertain, sister!reader is a character who can have interesting dynamics with everyone due to her personality. i havent really planned anything at all so i just dont know. i really am planning to leave the ending ambiguous sorry AHAHAH
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hongchenzhu · 1 year
This is chapter offically starts the U-20 arc. This arc will be split into 3-4 part
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 3.5, Part 4
This chapter is very short, but once the match starts then it will get long.
Also READ the other PARTS, it not that hard cause there are backgroup info.
The day had finally approached, Isagi remained calm. 
In the locker room, the Blue Lock team was checking out their new uniform. The official Blue Lock uniform for the people playing and the standby players. 
Some were minding their own business and keeping their cool, while others were having small talk to keep their nerves in check. 
While they are minding their own business Ego came in, wearing a suit. Ego likes to look good in front of the people of Japan. 
“Hello, I’m running a bit late tonight, but I have finally decided who will be playing and who will be benched.” Pressing on his tablet the screen project with the benched members. 
“Be ready to join the team at a moment's notice and don’t let your guard down. Now be ready the past two weeks you have united as one team all with one goal to win this match. In these 90 minutes let Japan know your name and allow your egos to crave the world.” 
In the hallway, the U-20 teams have already lined up, Itoshi Sae is leading alongside his brother Itoshi Rin as the first lineup for Blue Lock. 
‘It’s time.’ 
“Hey, that Shido dude use to be on your team, right?”
“Sorry to say, but he won’t be playing today.” U-20’s team captain and main centre-back said to Isagi, “We’ll end this without letting you guy’s scoring once. So good luck Blue Lock.”
‘That's right, right now my soccer career is on the line. It’s only because I have lived through everything. I can’t lose, no matter what.’ 
As the players entered the field waves of applause rang from every direction, with the blinding shatter of camera and light. Most fans here today are for the U-20 team and Itoshi Sae. 
‘Wow, I really have come a long way to this amazing place. To think the me before Blue Lock wouldn’t have been able to imagine such a sight. This immense crowd, I wonder how far I will be able to go… No’ Isagi grip his hands into a ball, heavy adrenaline began to pump into his veins. 
‘I need to focus, focus on myself and become immersed in his fight!’
“Lukewarm, what are you getting nervous for? Dumbass” questioned Rin 
“Hah” Isagi called out “It’s called being excited.”
This officially starts the U-20 Japan National Team vs Blue Lock Eleven 
The School Holiday has officially started so for the next 2 weeks I will mainly focus on the U-20 arc and continue planning for the filler chapters
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wanderingpages · 8 months
Hot girl math every chapter, but i like that you solved the equation for me ❤️❤️ vivi is cardans age, but a freshman 
“My breasts would spill out of anything she owns, so I let her know I do actually own clothes sexy enough to attend a party.” - mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
““I used to sneak out of the house pretty late,” I reveal to her. “Sneakers though – had to climb up to my roof to get back into my bedroom.” ” - she a baddie she showing her panty – also as an aside, love the aesthetic you have going on for the tumblr chapters, like oof, you said (drake voice) this is not to get confused, this ones for you (Me,) – also does this mean she sucks at heels cus she never thought to wore them since she always used sneakers and this is foreshadow or am i reading too into this??? Also this, foreshadow too? > “but he always drew the line at curfew.” (me picking at crumbs) also: Air Force 1s in my air force one (Aside, yall remember rocking that thang remix? Yall remember when rap songs had remixes with like everyone?? Last one i heard was probably fuckin problems. We need another anthem (So i gave em another anthem [we the bessstttt]) - dj khaled - me. Peach i am on medication for Covid.)
““My…brother,” I test the word out. It’s so foreign, it tastes rancid in my mouth. ”- ok but physically, jude…jude, look at me, physically. Not rancid at all. He is delicious, i promise, you jude. Jude. I promise, you jude ❤️❤️❤️❤️
“When I say it again, in front of the lookout guy at the door of the frat house,” - ok but this transition!!! When i say its a MOVIE, PEach. PEACH
“Let me embarrass myself in front of his friends and roommates. He’ll laugh about it later, with them” awed by how canon this actually is for fanfic lmao
““Alright sweet thing,” this guy tells me and I want to punt kick him in the balls for it.” - i know thats right fr. Vivienne also, is everything. Shes a better friend than she is sister, and ill let that sit with yall (yall, i say like im talking to a crowd, bye, im so delulu) anyways but the whole inner turmoil of jude thinking Cardan invited her to embarrass her? Baby who hurt you (Your mother, i know. Already cleared that) im talking in a lot of parenthesis. You can see where the medicine is taking over, actually. Im lucid tho
““My baby sister,” he coos in jest, making me feel uneasy. “Come here,” he tells me,” –he’s such a dickhead im in love
“At the wedding it was all soft makeup and tied up hair. Today, there’s glitter on my eyelids, sharp wings accentuating the shape of my eyes, a gold glimmer on my cheeks that catches in the light, and lips so red that he holds his gaze there for a moment too long. ” – Peach, i love this so MUCH she’s EVERYTHING TO ME 🥰😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
But back to him being an ass why is he soooo lol like really walking around the fact that theyre NOT related, for the taboo of it all. Kinky mf, i fear.
“catching mirth in pretty hazel eyes only partially obscured by sandy blonde hair. ” GHOST? IS THST YOU?
OH - “. We did a little more than kissing that night. His fingers traced over parts of me even the sun hadn’t yet touched. Thunder had masked cries I couldn’t hold back and lightning had made him look like a luminous god. I cross my legs, embarrassed and something more.” help me. Also shut up locke, mind ur business for real, this is grown people talk.
Omg it was Ghost ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”“You’re Greenbriar’s sister.” / “Stepsister,” I breathe out ” stop this is so derek and casey coded 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
HOLD ON WAIT GHOST?! GHOST AND JUDE? ( I love that he braced her head when they fell lmao horny but gentlemanly)
AHHH CARDAN? HELLO?! NICASIA ? OH MY GOD AND ALL FOUR OF THEM JUST DECIDE TO KEEP GOING?? They said impromptu orgy. “Cardan shifts and leans back on his elbow, still having a perfect view of me, but now giving Nicasia space to twist her head to look at me, too. ” - please…. I am on my knees… i am unwell….i am sick to my stomach… alexa play that should be me by justin beiber…. That should be me fr but which one is the question??
God why is ghost everything right now??? “Do you want them to watch?” like oh my god….. I need a moment. I need a lot of moments. “”Do you want your brother to watch me taste your come?”” – i am…convulsing. Ghost is… like my body is breaking out in a sweat.
Say please and make it as sweet as your – top 3 things that would send a victorian child into a coma
Stop why was this the best head ive read? 
““Such a good girl,” I hear Nicasia whisper.” - help….  They are actual deviants and i am in hell, keeping your seat warm, peach ❤️❤️❤️❤️
lol see this is the longest ask over ever had so far and I’m truly amazed at your commitment ngl
Sneakers, I guess it’s foreshadowing for some stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ curfew, yes. I like that you have three separate song references in one paragraph lmao I also feel this is the point you should have called it a night and fell asleep 💀
This is so uncannon that’s I’ve tried to slip all the cannon stuff I actually can in 😫
Actually cardan was intoxicated here but was genuinely surprised she introduced herself as his stepsister cus he was like …oh? Ok…:)
Yeah you know I love me some Ghost 🤭
Yes! Absolutely Derek and Casey!
Yes ghost!!!! Also I do love people being mindful during intimate moments ngl like duh hes gonna make sure she doesn’t crack her head open!
Your commentary here is sending me oh my god 😂🥰
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starcrashx · 8 months
They are happy your honour.
You could say that Galen was terrible at social interactions. And you would be totally right. After he agreed to be adopted by Anakin Skywalker two days had passed. In those two days he was planning ahead on what he will say to his family. He composed a nice and polite greeting and even planned small talk with the twins and Obi-wan if the latter was present. The boy of course didn't forget his night outs however today his thoughts were occupied by his new family rather than her. He turned his head to the side and searched for the big dipper. He was also kind of afraid that he would forget her.
"Ready kid?" asked Anakin, who was standing before a gray car.
Galen stood before him with just one bag that contained his school supplies and some clothes. The boy's eyes were fixated on the backseat of the car rather than Anakin. The man followed his gaze and smiled.
"C'mon Luke greet him!" said his father and opened the car door.
The blond boy practically jumped out of the car he was smiling widely and his gaze held a curious shine in them.
"Hi! My name is Luke Skywalker. My father told me about you, Galen was it?" beamed Luke.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Galen Marek." said Galen politely.
"Alright let's go. We don't want to be late after all." said Anakin and Luke jumped back into the car however this time he sat on the other seat, leaving the one he previously sat to Galen.
The boy hesitate a bit. He turned around to look at the orphanage. Some of his caretakers were waving to him and smiled at him. Than he looked back at the car where Anakin already took the driver seat and Luke patted the space beside him gently. Galen took a deep breath and mentally said goodbye to his old life. He sat down beside Luke and closed the car door. He put his luggage down to the car's floor, between his legs. Then Anakin started the car and as the car left the orphanage so did his chance to think twice about his decision.
"You are really skinny." said Luke after observing the newcomer.
Galen looked questioningly at him, not knowing what is the right answer to that question. Fortunately Anakin came to his rescue.
"That was a bit rude, son."
Luke held up his hand in defence.
"Sorry but it's true. But don't worry uncle Obi-wan makes great dishes. Oh and aunt Ashoka's meat ball with tomato sauce is awesome you have to try it." rambled the blond boy.
So there were more people in this family. No worries Galen prepared for this too.
"Hey how about my roasted chicken?"
"Not to be that guy dad but even Leia's weird broccoli shake is better than that."
"Oof that was a low blow." said Anakin and pretended that he got physically hurt by the comment.
Luke giggled and Galen smiled.
"Broccoli shake?" asked Galen curiously.
"Yeah there is a rumor that broccoli shake is good for the skin so my sister decided to test that theory. This isn't even the weirdest thing she's ever done tho." explained Luke.
"Like the one time when she bleached strawberries because one of her classmates said that it was possible to have white strawberries and when she said he was wrong he challenged her to prove it?" chuckled Anakin at the memory.
"Like that. You see Galen, my sister likes to test things out and prove something is right or wrong."
Galen's reaction was a quiet "oh" at the explanation. It really was a weird habit but it was certainly better than his was.
"So how old are you?" asked Luke again.
"I'm 15 years old."
At the information Luke's eyes glint in joy. Galen thought it was rather amusing.
"We are too! That means we are triplets! Right?"
"I don't think that's how triplets work." said Galen carefully.
Anakin laughed at his son's silliness.
"Alright Luke enough questions. You will have plenty of time getting to know Galen when everyone is present."
"But whyyy." whined Luke.
"So Galen doesn't have to tell everything twice." came the simple answer.
"Aww you are such a killjoy." pouted Luke.
Galen smiled again and Anakin let out a small laugh. Maybe this won't be so bad after all for Galen.
Oh boy how wrong he was. When they arrived at a small village that was quite close to the town Galen didn't know what to expect. But whatever he did, it wasn't even close to the truth. Anakin parked before a big farm house. Luke previously told Galen that they were living with their aunt and uncle. But what surprised the boy the most is when they stepped inside the house. They immediately stepped into the living room where there were more people than Galen would anticipate. The little plan that formed inside his head shattered the moment he saw that this was a party. For him. Two girls held a "Welcome home Galen" sign. There was a huge dinner table beside the couch that was full with all kinds of food and drinks. There was also a vanilla cake in the middle with "Welcome" written on it. Galen must have been silent for too long since one of the men (who by the way looked so similar to the other 3 men that were also in the room) asked:
"You don't like vanilla?"
That made everyone chuckle however Galen panicked at the question asked not picking up on the joke.
"N-No that's... that's not it. It isn't at all, pardon my stumbling i-it's just not what I-" before he could make an even bigger fool out of himself Anakin stopped Galen with a wave.
"Relax kid Fives was just joking."
"You made the kid feel shit are you proud?" smacked Fives head the other man beside him.
"Echo language!" said an older man across the table.
"Sorry Cody!"
"God this is a disaster." shook her head Leia.
"I didn't even expect anything else from you guys. Great job." said sarcastically a ginger haired man with a beard.
"How about we sit down and eat? The food will be cold and I don't know about you but putting together that Mac and cheese was a nightmare." sighed the brown skinned girl who held the other half of the sign.
They went through all this trouble just for Galen and he didn't even show any signs of appreciation towards their efforts.
"I'm sorry for the poor reaction. The truth is I'm really bad at talking to people. I was almost always alone as far as I can remember. But I really do appreciate the effort and the work you put into this. Thank you." confessed the boy shyly.
That earned fond smiles from everyone in the room which helped Galen relax a bit. Although Luke was frowning.
"You didn't seem to have communication problems when we talked in the car tho."
"That's because, oh god this will sound weird. The conversation went according to what I planned."
"To what you planned?" asked the man on Cody's right who was the most different from the other 3.
"Yes. I do a graph about the possible questions or topics according to the situation. And then I write answers to them." said Galen slowly.
That earned a suprised expression from everyone one. The ginger haired man looked astonished Cody beside him looked rather deadpaned.
"Wait do you have those on you? I kinda want to see it." said Anakin while smiling.
"Yeah I'm curious too!" chided in Luke.
Fives and Echo made space on the table and Galen opened his bag. He fished around in it for a while before he proceeded to pull out a blue notebook. He opened it and showed some of his work. Luke was bewildered.
"Oh my god. Some of these are exactly what I said! Are you a wizard?"
"No of course not. It's just simple statistics. You can't predict the future because the future changes constantly. However you can predict the most likely question that a person is going to ask based on the situation." explained Galen.
"Jesus kid you should have socialized instead of writing these. At your age I had a girlfriend." said Fives but even he was impressed.
"Fives you are 18. And you never had a girlfriend."
"How would you know Rex! You weren't even there."
"I don't have to be there to know this basic fact."
Everyone laughed at the last comment the tension from before melted away in an instant. After discussing what a genius Galen was (he wasn't he was just desperate for good impressions) they introduced themselves to Galen and  started eating. Galen was sitting beside Anakin and Cody.
"Do you like the cake? We didn't know what you liked so we settled on a basic vanilla cake." said Cody.
"It's really good! It looked so professionally made that I thought it was store bought." said Galen politely.
Cody and his siblings laughed.
"That's because we own the Fett cafe. We also serve desserts not just coffees. It started out as a small business but now we have four shops. One here and there is another in the town too. The other two are a bit far from here." said Rex who was clearly proud of their achievements.
"You look really skinny Galen. Did you eat anything in that orphanage?" asked Ashoka.
"Well yes but we never got much since there were a lot of children and the orphanage's founding... wasn't the best."
"Then eat. You are still growing after all." said Obi-wan.
"Growing? Where? He is taller than me and Leia already." whined Luke.
Everyone laughed at his comment and the rest of the dinner was spent with small talk. Galen stumbled here and there but he thought his performance was okay. After that Anakin showed him around the house.
"Since Leia is in the age of needing her own space, you are going to room with Luke. Hope it's not a problem." said Anakin sheepishly.
"Of course it's okay. I'm used to having roommates."
Galen didn't know what he did to make that impression on Anakin that he would need his own room. He hoped he didn't seem selfish, that would be terrible. When they entered Luke's room the first thing that grabbed Galen's attention was a sword. When Anakin noticed this he said:
"Ah yeah. Back in the days Obi-wan liked to go fencing. He is extremely good at it. I was interested in learning from him just like Ashoka and it became a family thing. If you are interested too, I would be more than happy to teach you too." smiled Anakin fondly at the memory.
"I will think about it." nodded Galen.
After that everyone went to sleep and the Fett brothers left. Although Luke, Leia and Ahsoka begged them to stay, Cody said they needed to open early tomorrow and they had to bake some cakes too. Galen was staring at the ceiling of his newly shared room with Luke. The said boy was happy when his father said that Galen will sleep in his room. Now he was sound asleep. Galen missed his usual night out but he broke his habit for the sake of his new family. So far he enjoyed being with the Skywalkers. And he firmly hoped they felt the same way about him.
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