#ooh yuh get it i guess
butchlifeguard · 1 year
honestly i keep finding anime tiktoks from 2021 and its doing something to me. dont know what tho
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neocaridinas · 2 years
ok no because quite plainly,, the MOON. is a HUGE BLOODY FUCKIN STONE UP THERE. howwwww can you not /understand/ that its HAUNTED. its a big rock. Simple As!
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nimmie-nugget · 1 year
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~Reincarnated as a Knolastname~
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Note: HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!! 🎃👻 gonna be honest- I actually think Crimson might have cared atleast a bit for Moxxie when he was a child 😭 Anyway~ take some reincarnated Moxxie’s Sister Reader Headcanons!! 🥳 Do keep in mind that characters may be ooooooooc, and when there’s 8 O’s you know it’s extreme 🤯. Also I haven’t been doing Tokito Twin’s content for a while so I just wanna reassure that I have some HCs coming up for them 😫!! Enjoy!
P.s in the back flashes of EXES AND OOHS I think Moxxie was 4? Yeah so that makes you 7, your 3 years older 😋👌 tho age is not mentioned at all- and I will make fics of this 😤
Warnings: a lot of slang(not rlly a warning, just thought I’d mention), ooc, may have punctuation, spelling grammer/etc errors,
Info: idk man just wanted to add this 😐
Edit#2: I recommend u don’t read 💀👍
Helluva Boss Masterlist
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~Reaction to being Reincarnated~
-long story short you don’t know how you ended up here but you found yourself being the daughter of some random old ass guy that’s gonna be the main reason for your character development arc.
-at least that mom with an unknown name will provide you sweets and shit-
-gonna put sum realz shizz on this family fr.
-isn’t this Tumblr? Yeah long story short this turned into a Wattpad story for a second and the famous Truck-kun killed you 🗿 but you forgive Truck-kun since Truck-kun’s just being Truck-kun 😌.
~Inside a Mansion~
Yup this “Mansion” is someone’s womb, zamn how da heck do you still have memories of your past life? Also why does your very tiny unformed body kinda look like an imp? Just like one from your favourite show Helluva Boss? How can you even see??? It’s pitch black bro- meh it’s whatever 🤷‍♀️ it’s fun kicking at least-
…I’m not even gonna explain this 🫡 but just so you know Crimson was not there for your birth 😶
-at least you still have the same Borthdah as you did before you were reincarnated???
-Girly just 🖕 this bullshit why’d you have to be re-born in this family out of all the ones in Helluva Boss? I mean- you don’t mind being Moxxie’s gay emo sister but like- Crimson…CRIMSON. Tho make sure to start those teenager phases early so no one becomes suspicious of you when your going through the teenage thinga ma jig 😔
-but yay! You bet that Moxxie’s mom- well basically your mom now, WILL BE THE BEST 😩
-but girly you weren’t even fazed when reincarnated- just accepted it like a champ 😎
~Crimson’s First Thoughts On You~
-Absolutely nothing- 😃
-only thought of you as his heiress and DEFINITELY to lead his Mob in the future 😔
~[Unknown]’s First Thoughts On You~
-this is the Mom btw 😃
-gonna be honest I don’t know much since we’ve never really gotten a FULL view of her personality- all that I know is that she’s kind? 🤷‍♀️ Yuh so I won’t really directly say what she thought but I guess I can just- I don’t know man just read I guess 😃👌
-101% THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE AF!! what happened to infinite%? 😢
-she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, something she never felt ever since she married Crimson 😔.
~Moxxie’s First Thoughts On You~
-‘Guppa duppa poo daaah dooo’
-don’t tell me you actually expected a real thought from him- Broski was just born 😔
~Your First Thoughts On Moxxie~
-‘zamn bro’s crying on his borthduh I could never 🙄💅’
-girly he’s like a few minutes old what on Satan’s ass are you talkin ‘bout? 😀
~What Crimson Thinks Of You~
-your a nuisance, like- what do you mean when you say “put those dawgs away💀”
-yeah you definitely got in trouble so many times- this stupid MF can’t understand slang and just thinks your insulting everyone around you 😶
-forget about you being his heiress, might as well make Moxxie his heir instead 😠
-Now take a very ooc dialogue 😋 btw this is after the Mom’s death 😃
-“[Name], cut it out. That will happen if you don’t stop.” He says calmly, too calm for you to know he’s pissed. (he was implying that he will drown you just like he did to the Mom btw-)
~What [Unkown] Thinks Of You~
-Loved you from the moment she layed her eyes on you 😩 (cheesy much 😶)
-wrote more then a dictionary just to prove how much she loves you 😔
-yuh that’s all I got 😐
~What Moxxie Thinks Of You~
He’s 4 rn-
-your his sister why wouldn’t he- ?
-your basically his partner in crime 😈 both of you steal treats from the kitchen when your not supposed to 😤👍
-if the Mom found you 2 being naughty then sorry to tell you but yer’ both getting a time out 😔
-…BUT IF CRIMSON FOUND YOU- yuh that’s somehow gonna become a family issue problemo 😶💦______________________________________________________________________
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I sometimes forget writing is for fun- but I certainly had fun writing this 😎 now I’m gonna tag this in some tags that this doesn’t even relate to which will make everyone hate me but they will soon worship me after reading this masterpiece. Praise this shit rn *points gun at you*
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beepccore · 4 months
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ooh yuh get it i guess (wip)
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howlingday · 9 months
Harley Quinn arc: Pyrrha gets her therapy session
"Um, hello? Dr. Quinn?"
"Pyrrha!" Harley sang, waving her arm towards herself. "Come in, come in! I was wonderin' when you'd get in here!"
"Well, Nora, Ren, and Jaune all said you were good."
"Oh, that's so great! I'm glad to see my reviews are so high. Now, would you like to take a seat for your first session with Dr. Harley Quinn?"
"Is there a form I need to sign?" Pyrrha asked.
"Ya know, you're the first person to catch in the middle of the session." She began to rifle through her desk. "I get so caught up in these sessions that I always forget until the session is over to get these papers signed." She giggled. "Of course, I'd nevah breathe a word about my patients, paper or no paper."
"Oh, well, if it's not too much trouble..."
"It ain't, Ms. Nikos." She pulled up the non-disclosure agreement from the cabinet and handed it to her. "If anything, I'd get in more trouble because I wasn't catching these soonah."
Pyrrha looked over the paper carefully, pen in her hand and ready to sign. Once she did, she handed the paper back over to Dr. Quinn, who took the paper and placed it delicately on the desk. She gave a giggle, then slid her notebook in front of her.
"So, I take it this isn't your first therapy session."
"Er, no, it isn't." Pyrrha shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "After a... falling out I had with one of my agents, I was recommended to seek counseling."
"Ooh, juicy~! Care to share?"
"It wasn't anything too serious. My agent just made some suggestions that I didn't feel comfortable with. When he pressed the issue, I may have... threatened him."
"Oohoohoohoo~!" Harley quickly caught herself. "I'm sorry. That was unprofessional of me. I just didn't expect you to be the threatenin' type."
"I... guess not."
"What was it yer agent tried to get ya into? Somethin' sleazy?"
"Yes, it was... It was a swimsuit photoshoot."
"Ick! And at your age?"
"Mhm," Pyrrha nodded, "my new agent was concerned of 'lingering issues' and recommended I receive counseling to ensure I'd be able to compete."
"I know just the type." Harley shook her head. "Where I come from, there's a lotta folks like that, tryin' ta get ya to do things ya don't wanna. Thankfully, ya ain't gotta deal wit the creeps like them."
"I... guess so." Pyrrha sighed. "Still, there are times when I think about what he said would happen if I didn't do it. Things like how I'd 'fall out of the spotlight,' that I'd 'get replaced in no time'. Things like that."
"Mhm, and do ya think that may have affected yer sense of self-worth?"
"Would it?"
"It did fer me. See, when I was younger, I met a guy and he made me feel special. When I left him, or he left me, he'd find someone else to take my place. Then I met the gal he replaced me with."
"Yuh-huh, and some piece of work she was!" Harley sighed. "I tried to talk some sense into her, but all I got for it was this nasty scar on my neck and my current beau's home getting burned down."
"Oh my!"
"I doubt something so drastic happened to you, but let me tell you something I told myself when I was going through it. Something that literally save my life. Every voice in my head was telling me this new gal was supposed to be the newer, better, hotter version of me. And I admitted to some facts."
Pyrrha leaned in.
"One, yes, she was younger than me. And yeah, maybe she was hotter than me. And sure, I went to easy on her and she whooped my butt. BUT there was one thing she didn't have on me. She'd NEVER be Harley Quinn, and I made sure she never fucking forgot it!"
Pyrrha leapt at the profanity.
"Sorry, sorry!" Harley waved. "Totally unprofessional. But maybe you should try it out sometime. Next time you feel like you could be replaced, just tell yourself this one thing. Look in the mirror, and say 'I'm Pyrrha Nikos! And ain't nobody gonna replace me!' Got it?"
"Y-Yes, Dr. Quinn!"
"Call me Harley, sweetie. Everyone already does."
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giasparadise · 2 years
thank you for sticking around this long because my lazy ass lost inspiration for it after the first chapter. We love that.Anyway without further ado let’s get into it yuh…
previous part
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“y/n lets go, we shouldn’t be out here, its dangerous!” the princesses best friend, Takemitchi , pleaded to her.
But none the less the girl swam on with a simple, ”don't be such a crybaby! it’ll be fine i got your back!”
“A-at least wait for me…”takemitchy gasped trying to keep up with his h/c friend. Hearing this the young girl stopped but soon sped off again seeing the thing she was looking for.
“There it is…” the girl said pointing to the wreckage that used to be a beautiful ship. “Isn’t it fantastic!” she squealed.
“Yeah, yeah it’s awesome.. OK WE’VE SEEN IT NOW LETS GO! I gotta bad feeling ‘bout this place.” The boy said desperately trying to get the girl to leave with him. But the girl being as stubborn always, ignored his warning and swam off to the boat leaving him no choice but to follow her.
“ come on Y/n I feel like I’m comin’ down with something. Like my throat feels all itchy and-“
“now don’t tell me you’re getting cold fins now are you?” The h/c girl cut him off.
“Me? NO WAY!” “then I suggest we get our fins in there and explore mr. Bravery!”
“I told you no way I’m not getting in that thing. You can literally see the mold growing on it!”
“Fine then,” she smirked,”you can just say out here and watch out for sharks~”
“Alright- wait SHARKS!? OK OK MAYBE THIS PLACE ISN'T SO BAD!” He yelled swimming into the ship, unknowingly getting the attention of something big.
“y-y/n do you really think that there might be s-sharks in here?” He friend nervously asked.
“Oh takemitchy don’t be such a guppy!” The girl giggled.
“I’m not a guppy….”
They continued exploring the abandoned place as the princess gushed about all the cool things they where finding.
Suddenly takemitchy slammed into a skeleton and jumped back breaking some of the ship down.
“yeah I’m fine let’s just get out of here before we see a- SHARK!!!” All of the sudden a huge shark was heading straight towards them. They swam all around trying to get away or though something at it to catch it off guard but nothing worked, as it continued to eat through it. In all of the panic Y/n had dropped her bag and swam off to get it barely escaping the sharks jaws. They swam outside and barely made it out. They where only alive because Y/n had somehow gotten the shark stuck inside an anchor.
“and this is why we listen to me.” Takemitchy said as they swam to the surface.
“oh whatever… crybaby!” The girl teased
shortly latter they where at the surface where a certain pink stained seagull was lounging around muttering nonsense.
“SANZU!! GUESS WHAT WE FOUND!” The little mermaid squealed!
“oh holy jesus!” He yelled holding out his telescope,”MERMAID OFF THE PORT BOW! Y/N HOW YOU DOING KID!” He put his instrument down and added,” damn that’s a hell of a swim you did. But more importantly, Let’s see whatcha got this time sweetie!”
“ok first I have this weird thing,” she says pulling the silver object outta her bag.
“Ooh, look at this!” He gazed mesmerized by the object. “it’s a DINGLEHOPPER!”
“ it’s a what?” The h/c girl said confused.
“ looks like I gotta explain huh?” The bird said with fake pizazz.
“uh yeah you kinda do,” takemitchy said with the most sass he could put in a sentence. He always hated sanzu but never could tell why. Ehh maybe in another life he could know.
“oh since you insist~ Humans use these babies to straighten their hair out. Just a little twist here and a yank there,” he demonstrated,” and you gotta due that humans go nuts over!”
“Wow that’s so cool!” The princess exclaimed.”what about this one!” She says holding up a peculiar looking object.
“In all my years… i’d never thought I would ever see one of these!” He said in awe.
“it’s a banded, bulbous, snarfblat!”
“Oooh sweet what does it do!”
“welp this little baby goes back to ancient times where humans would just sit down, and stair at each other. It got very boring. So one day the humans got up and made this this baby to create fine music-“
“music…. OH SHIT THE CONCERT MY FATHERS GONNA KILL ME!” She girl yelled as she gathered her things!
“THANK YOU SANZU!” The girl said swimming away.
that was the last thing she heard as she and her best friend swam to the depth of the ocean.
to be continued……
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domomochan · 2 years
ooh yuh get it i guess🥶
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chickenwaffles17 · 5 months
the MINTerview (an interview with Sonic the Hedgehog)
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Q: Morning! How are you, lovely to have you here.
A: Hey Mint, I'm doing great.
Q: Do you know why you're here?
A: You wanna ask me a few questions or something, right?
Q: Yep, that's basically it.
A: Any reason why?
Q: I'm profiling all my friends.
A: Yeah, any reason why?
Q: ...A friend inspired me. Now, I have some questions tailored specifically for you, if you can't answer them - that's fine - if you can answer them - you know, it's better - Alright?
A: Sounds good to me.
Q: You wanna introduce yourself first?
A: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Q: *laughing* Cool! What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Red. It's nice, it's cool, and it looks great on me.
Q: Great. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Chilli dogs, they're the best after a long run.
Q: Oh, those gross things with the sauce on top?
A: "Gross"?!
Q: Oh, sorry! Maybe I misunderstood what it was!
A: They're hot dogs with chilli sauce on top.
Q: ...They sound charming. Maybe I should try them again.
A: Next time I'm craving one I'll get one for you, how about that?
Q: Okay. Um, where was I... Oh yes, Who do you consider your friends?
A: Tails, obviously. Knuckles. Amy. I guess Blaze?
Q: Who's Blaze?
A: Oh right, you haven't met her. She's the Princess of the Sol Dimension.
Q: Oh wow. Sorry, continue.
A: Right... I think that's it, unless I count Shadow.
Q: Oh, you're also friends with Shadow?
A: Ehh. Allies at most.
Q: Shame. He's really very nice once you get to know him.
A: Ooh.
Q: Hm?
A: Look at you, smiling when you mention him.
Q: Shadow? No. He's nice, but he's not interested in me.
A: Aw.
Q: Not in a romantic way, just... In general. He's tolerant of me at best.
A: Hm. What're the other questions?
Q: Yes, uh- Where were you born, if you can remember?
A: Christmas Island. Boring. Nothing happened there.
Q: How did you obtain your abilities? In your case, you know, the ability to run at the speed of sound.
A: Training. Lots of running in my youth. Chilli dogs.
Q: That's it? No experimentation or anything, you're just fast?
A: Yuh huh.
Q: Cool. What was your first impression of me?
A: You hurt.
Q: Pardon?
A: You fell on me, remember? In the Casino Park Zone?
Q: Oh right, when Rouge dropped me.
A: You need to have a better landing.
Q: We're working on it. What do you, right now, regard as your fondest memory?
A: ...Can't remember how many years ago it was, must've been younger, but me and Tails were just chilling out. He was in the Tornado, I was flying next to him in Super form, it was nice; going over the ocean, feeling undefeatable. Immediately afterwards, Knuckles punched the Chaos Emeralds out of me really hard, and that kind of stunk, but that moment before was really nice.
Q: It sounds lovely.
A: It was. Uh- Where were we?
Q: Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Ambiverted.
Q: Why?
A: I like people, but you know, gets a little awkward when everyone's looking at you cause you're Sonic the Hedgehog™. I only really enjoy my friends' company, you know? They appreciate me for me and not cause I'm the fastest thing alive.
Q: What is the best thing someone can compliment you on?
A: Hm. I'm fine with just speed in general, but I'm me, of course people are gonna go "Wow you're fast" and stuff. I'm not actually sure about that one! Maybe something new for me. I guess being told I'm good at something I've never done before would make me happy.
Q: Well, I think you're very good at being interviewed.
A: Thanks.
Q: Are you happy?
A: I'm fine, why?
Q: No reason. Uh, one more question and then I'll be out of your quills.
A: Shoot.
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...What?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...Why is this so much harder than the other questions you gave me?
Q: It is hard, isn't it?
A: Uh... No?
Q: No? Why's that?
A: I- I dunno. It's only got one piece of bread, doesn't it? I thought sandwiches had at least two.
Q: Hm. Thanks, Sonic! See you around sometime!
A: You're welcome, Mint.
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kagejima · 2 years
*Debby Ryan hair* Fr? Ooh yuh, get it I guess. I'm glad I can send things that you're able to get enough motivation to expand so much on!
omg i didn't understand the first half, I had to look up what debby ryan hair meant and what "get it i guess" meant fnenfnendne i felt like IASIP charlie cork board trying to decipher it, im always behind on things 😂😂
BUT ANYWAYS it weirdly broke my block in a way?? i know you were probably leaning towards it being smutty but it turned into angst with happy ending with a sprinkle of smut fbejfnenfjenfd im so excited for you to see it!!! but yeah i haven't written for like WEEKS and it's just been flowing out of me recently thanks to that 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Ooh the demon x ot7 writer made an announcement. Demon fic update planned to be out really quick wow. I guess they could be writing short fics/chapters? idk 2 more new fics soon! Yay!
YAY they must work so hard to already have chapters ready
i just read the hybrid jk one they posted and YUH GET IT perfect pwp
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eloquentsapphic · 3 years
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hello, here is my “sorry for not posting for months” apology painting for my very limited number of followers
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
wake up babe, new highly concerning crumb animatic just dropped!
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theprettiestsavage · 2 years
Y’all I just finished my first performance w/ my band and it went so well I’m so proud of myself and my band mates💕
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howlingday · 3 months
Sml x rwby Brooklyn guy/Neptune and Simmons/Sun on the stake out.
Ironwood: Wukong! Vasilias! Get in here!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Fine, we'll ask the chief! Hey, chief, if you pull over a guy and he pops on a DUI, but he's almost home, is it wrong to arrest him?
Sun: He's almost home! That means he's won!
Ironwood: No, you still have to arrest him.
Neptune: See, I told you?
Sun: Aw, darn... Guess I done goofed.
Ironwood: Well, I need you two to focus because I have a very important mission for you!
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Ironwood: This is Remnant's Most Wanted man and he's on the loose, BUT we got an anonymous tip that says he's going to be at a house later tonight, so I need you two to stake out the house and arrest him before he gets on a place to Vacuo!
Neptune: Wait, sir, if we know he's going to Vacuo then why not arrest him at the airport?
Ironwood: Because it's SFO.
Neptune: OH, GOD! Oh, yeah, I fucking hate San Fran. We gotta catch this guy now. C'mon, Sun!
Sun: Ooh! Can we stop at Dairy Schnee on the way?
Neptune: Dairy Schnee? Why?
Sun: Because they got the ice cream that they flip over and it won't spill out!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Alright, Sun, that's the house.
Sun: Check it out, dude! It's not spilling!
Neptune: I swear to God, Sun, if you spill that ice cream in my car, the next crime I'm investigating is going to be your murder!
Sun: It's not gonna spill, dude! It's a Schneezard!
Neptune: Just focus! Hang on, let me see if I can get a better look with my binoculars...
Neptune: Okay, Sun, I don't see anything yet...
Sun: Uh, I don't think this is the right house.
Neptune: It's not. This is my ex-girlfriend's house. I just want to see if she's moved on.
Sun: Aren't you married?
Neptune: Yeah, but she's the one that got away! She was so hot, and she broke my heart. Let's see... Oh, there's two cars... (Gasps) AND ONE OF THEM IS A PICKUP TRUCK! Oh, god, I bet he's bigger than me. And he's uncircumcised... Oh, look at that license plate! It says "UNCUT"! He's definitely uncircumcised!
Neptune: (Gasps) She opened the blinds! Oh, god, I think she sees me! Wait, she's pointing at me... Oh, god, he just walked up- And he IS uncircumcised! Wait, now she's pointing at it... Oh my god, that is THE MOST uncircumcised penis I have ever seen! And now she's holding up a sign that says, "I bet you wish you were this uncircumcised!" I DO! I'M SORRY! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! MY PARENTS HAD ME CIRCUMCISED! Oh- Sun, I can't watch this anymore! We have to go to the house we're supposed to be!
Neptune: Okay, Sun, NOW we're at the right house.
Sun: What do we do now?
Neptune: Now we wait here for that criminal to show up. (Gasps) Wait, somebody's walking up to the house right now!
Flynt: (Knocks on house door)
Willow: (Answers) Well, hello there~.
Flynt: I'm here to get down to business!
Willow: Alright, come on in~!
Neptune: Look, Sun, that man with the fedora just went into the house!
Sun: Is he the criminal?
Neptune: I don't think so.
Sun: So what now?
Neptune: Now we wait for the real criminal. Let me get some of that ice cream.
Neptune: Okay, they just let in that mean guy, a clown, and that hippie dude with the dog, so I think they're just letting anybody in.
Sun: Must not be anything dangerous, right?
Neptune: Maybe. It would be weird if there was illegal activity if they let just about anybody inside.
Sun: I can't go in there; I'm dressed like a cop!
Neptune: Then take your uniform off.
Sun: But I'm naked under here!
Neptune: Then go in naked! That trumpet guy is already naked.
Sun: But then they'll see my banana, and it's more of a plantain than a real banana!
Neptune: Sun, nobody is going to judge your shrimp. Besides, the criminal might already be inside, so just get in there!
Sun: (Sighs) Fine, I'll do it.
Sun: (Knocks on door, It opens) Don't look at my banana!
Flynt: Who the hell are you?! We don't have room for one more!
Sun: Aw, c'mon! I just wanna come inside and check it out!
Flynt: Eh... You are already naked, so... Come on in!
Neptune: Hm... They let Sun inside. Well, guess I'll just sit here and wait and see if he calls for backup.
Kali: Ghira, there are strange cars parked outside of the Schnee Manor. I haven't seen them before, and a bunch of people went inside.
Ghira: Hm, I'll give Jacques a call.
Jacques: (Via scroll) Ghira.
Ghira: Jacques. Are you at home?
Jacques: No, I'm on a business trip. Whitley and Klein are visiting Atlas Academy with Winter and Weiss is studying abroad while Willow is at home alone.
Ghira: My wife says she's seen a bunch of cars parking outside your home, and a lot of people went inside.
Jacques: Oh, she's probably ordering a bunch of gruber eats, or dorm dash, or whatever third food delivery service we're parodying.
Ghira: Okay, just checking. Good-bye then. (Hangs up) He says it's fine.
Kali: Okay.
Sun: (Climbs in) Ugh... God dammit...
Neptune: Sun, what happened?!
Sun: She made my plantain feel like the king banana from Donkey Kong.
Neptune: What?
Sun: I slid into her Monkey Mines while I got a chocolate donut in my face!
Neptune: Was there any illegal activity in there?
Sun: Nah, dude, but it should have been! She took six bananas at once should've been illegal. She was about four away from having a bunch in her banana cave!
Neptune: What are you talking about?
Sun: (Whispers)
Neptune: ...Gross. Was the criminal in there?
Sun: I couldn't see it because my face was betwunxt two butt cheeks.
Neptune: Ugh, how much longer are we going to have to wait? My ass is starting to go numb.
Sun: Yeah, hers should be, too.
Neptune: Wait, is that him?!
Flynt: Hey, you made it! Too bad you're late. It's just about dry.
Roman: Ah, I don't care! I'll just lick it up!
Flynt: That's the spirit! Get in here!
Neptune: THAT'S HIM, THAT'S HIM! Sun, let's go get him!
Sun: I'm not going back in there! I'll want seconds!
Neptune: Ew, Sun! Ew! I'll go in alone then!
Sun: Don't get tempted.
Neptune: I won't!
Neptune: (Kicks in the door) POLICE! GET ON THE FLO- Oh, you're already on the floor.
Flynt: Wait, who invited the cop?!
Willow: Well, I didn't!
Neptune: Uh, everybody just, like, disconnect, I guess.
Clown: (Honks)
Neptune: ...I'll get back to that in a second. For now, you are under arrest!
Roman: Ah, man!
Neptune: I'll let you finish first.
Roman: Ah, my man~!
Neptune: Alright, sir, we got him!
Ironwood: What took you two so long?
Neptune: I... had to let him finish.
Roman: I last a looong time~.
Neptune: Yeah, he does. Lucky.
Ironwood: Excellent work, regardless, though I'm curious why Junior Detective Wukong's bodycam footage showed you took your uniform off. Why?
Sun: I had to get into some mine cart carnage in the chocolate mines.
Ironwood: ...Excuse me?
Neptune: Let me explain, sir. (Whispering)
Sun: (Nods)
Ironwood: That does it! You are going on two weeks of unpaid suspension!
Sun: I'd spend two weeks of pay on that experience. And since I'm already suspended, I might as well go back over there.
Ironwood: ...You know what? I think I'll go check it out.
Roman: ...Y'know what? I think I'll go check it out, too~.
Neptune: Okay, you guys have fu- WAIT A MINUTE! Get back here! You can't do that.
Roman: Aw, rats! I almost had ya!
Neptune: Yeah, yeah, you're under arrest. But I'm gonna go check it out.
Roman: ...Wait. No one's here to watch me. I might as well go check it out, too~!
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Heir of space anon who turned into a fucking frog to save the session and became the universe you are literally cooler and smarter and infinitely sexier than anyone that has ever lived. What is it like being So Fucking Gender like that. Whats it like having the most tragic and bittersweet and poetic story trope in history. What's it like literally being madoka magica. I'm having a stroke
i think adding anything to this will just dilute it so here, take it
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coffeecrows · 3 years
here’s my magnum opus
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