#ooo very nice op
whitneysumbrella · 24 days
What's my favourite slut doing here?
Whitney. Personal blog.
needed a place to blow off some steam. been a minute since i've seen this. town's too loud to think, the rain is drowning it out.
send any asks while i'm on break.
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(1) Ask for a smoke | + Whitney's Love
ooc below cut!
// hello! this is a DOL RP inspired blog, ran by Whitney himself. i will very much try my best to represent him well! i apologize if i make him too nice, sometimes im scared to be mean dsfgjdfg
That being said, blog will contain NSFW, MDNI! Whitney himself is his own trigger warning, please be careful with any of DOL's core gameplay mechanics n whatnot. I will be sure to tag if anything gets mentioned, though!
please i so nicely beg of you, send any and all asks or interactions! this blog was created for interactions within other DOL RP blogs, so please, feel free!
DMs I am a bit shy about, but I am totally down for any and all interactions! you / your PCs want to get bullied by whitney soooo bad oooo ooo
small info abt op: over 18, silly, cursed w morally good alignment so being evil is hard. dol RP blogs like this were super popular like... nine months ago... soo.. they all vanished n i was devastated. glad to see pc ran ones are still ongoing, so i wanted to take part in providing a little whitney to shove around n bully. ask him about his pompompurin collection. also might end up taking part in the current trending swap au... take whitney wherever you'd like. blind him into faith. whatever ud like. even if that includes adopting him from the dog pound.
#asks - recieved asks via submissions.
#+/- Whitney's.. - reflection on how the ask may have been perceived.
#raining - posts made specifically during a rainy day, leaving Whitney to his thoughts.
#nsft - Whitney. Will contain NSFW / suggestive posts / asks.
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Girlbossed to close to the sun
The amazing wonderful Saffron Valarian Bellucci
The very basics:
✿ age: 19
✿ Godly Parent: Phanes (Yes I am Jesus)
✿ Sexuality: You nice? Perfect!
✿ gender: Male
✿ Status: dating @superbstarlightsheep
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Haha what else to add?
✿ Height: 5'11 (Your friendly neighbourhood giraffe-)
✿ Weight: Brother why would you want to know tHaT?
✿ Weapon of choice: Pocketknife 😜
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ooo super cool powers wow
✿ I can make stuff out of thin air
✿ I can make literal life (althought it takes a year of my lifespan so-)
✿ I'm just op and can make weapons out of my raw energy and power 💪
✿ I can copy people's powers (Don't worry i can't steal them. And I wouldn't want too)
✿ psychokinesis
✿ Invisibility
✿ I'm made out of rubber (I heal real fast)
✿ Element control
✿ Telepathy
✿ Charmspeak
✿ Parseltongue
✿ Element control
Holy fuck that was a long ass list-
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Not so cool powers (Plus traits from my dad) but they still count I guess:
✿ I can speak and understand all the languages
✿ apparently I'm pretty???
✿ I'm just built different (I've been told I'm super duper powerful which is scaryyyy)
✿ I can sing real well
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#your favourite flower
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
katie!!! thoughts on bradley/jake/rhett as characters you've written and their approach or views of *social media* the stories written in present day, at least!
Ooo interesting!
Sub Rosa Rooster — Is on Facebook only, got Instagram after he started dating lil Kazansky, uses it solely to watch reels (bc he doesn’t get tiktok) and comment nice things on his girl’s pictures, that he took.
MFIY Rooster — This man is a menace the social media world. Snapchat, Instagram, fuckin tinder. He was on it all, but his time for social media kind of dries up when he becomes a dad. His Instagram feed goes from keggers and fishing trips to first steps and matching outfits with his kid
Ceasefire — Is kind of on a couple of them, but not really into any of them that much. Doesn’t really spend a lot of time on any of them, very much an old soul. Stalker through Hyde’s old Facebook pics once though.
TIP — Was on social media before he met Hawaii babe, doesn’t use it that much. Definitely becomes like her insta bf, always taking her pics for her and stuff, but doesn’t ever really post or do anything himself. Refusing to go Facebook official with Amy was probably the first thing they ever fought about
BBB — is on a couple of different social media’s but is kind of an old soul and doesn’t really get any of it. Has some YouTube videos up of his highlights through his career. Instagram is mostly videos of him training (which Bambi definitely shows her friends to flex how hot her man is)
Parent Trap — This man knows everything there is to know about internet safety. His children are menaces and have outsmarted him more than once, so he doesn’t play when it comes to internet access. Child safe access only. His social media presence is pretty quiet since he’s trying to be a good role model for safe practices online.
Op Apollo Jake — Was pretty normal about his social media use. Like he was on it, posted now and again, kept up to date with his friends. Went ghost after he left the Navy, deleted it all together after he joined the Secret Service
*leaving safe zone Jake nd Rooster out for obvious reasons*
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E22 "These Are The Voyages"
Enclosed is my very reception to the Finale. My final words are found at the end of this post.
im shaking im yhelling the title of the episode- oh my god this is their final curtain oh my god RIKER EXCUSE ME YOU CANT JUST DO THAT SIR TNG AAAAAAAA ITS THE LAST TIME ILL HEAR THIS OP NOOOOOOO ITS BEEN A LONG ROAD FUCK TO GET FROM THERE TO HERE I GOT FAITH I GOTTTTT FAAAIIIIIIITHHHHHHHHHHHHHH INTOOOO THEEEEE HEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRRTTTTT TNG ENTERPRISE OH MY GOD SEEING UPDATED GRAPHICAL TNG ENTPERISE OH MY GOD THE LUNCHROOM DEANNAAAAA oh my god i missed riker's smile that fucking SMILE IN HIS EYES THOUGH oh my god these uniforms this TREE of a fucking man oh my god oh my god whip lash between ENT and TNG this hurts me oh my god… this hurts me , how old this makes me impossibly feel its playing with my heart so much oh fuck me im cr;yinggggggggg imi fuckign CRYINGGG and its oknly been like 5 MINUTES into the episode im gonna miss you shran this is so weird to see TNG and ENT uniforms simultanously man this is so ENT grew a little in classic presentational style trek has done literally since TNG but it still feels veryyyy TNG much like how DS9 and VOY all also felt very TNG in film feel
and reminds me of just how far into the past this show took place… archer thinks there will be another enterprise… it wont be the same? no we will remember each and every enterprise. each and every one of them … TUCKER….. NO. YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT TROI. NO WHAT THE FUCK DID YALL DO TO TRIP. NO…. archer is cute? he is hes a big swimming retriever. man something is so sad about this episode - how they are now a virtual museum artifact of the past… t'pol talks and moving and expressing so not vulcan-like proves how much she has changed and grown as a vulcan its so.. wow. she talks so dynamically. trip. trip dont say that… papa shran huh weyoun always and forever… … dont … dont tell me shran goes like this….
ooo nice teamwork with ENT crew and then theres Riker XD SAVE HIM ARCHER GET HIM no… im so nervous im so nervous about the aftermath of the ENT crew… shran being nice is odd XD DATAAAAAAA DAAATTAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISISSSEDDD YOUUU trip is nice tho i wont lie i like this cooking montage but also this is the first time we see the chef… you cant tell me that riker was the … damn chef the whole time ….. why… why did something have to happen to trip….
oh my god trip's desperation to save his captain… his best friend…. god the panic in trip… this long haired villain has a very expressive voice and fitting voice his expressions are so good ….. ………………………. trip…… ………… trip……………. …………………………………….. tucker…………………………………. ………….. tucker please……………….. ….
.. archer's white collar and the braids of his cuffs… phlox's fucking smile. the first of him. and the last of him. HUGGGYYYYYYYYYY GASP A HUGGGGGGG oh my goddd.. stoppp it doesnt make not crying any easier jumpsuit speech… OH M;Y GOD ITS THE STAR TREK TOS THEEMEMEEEE OH M;Y GOD THE ENDING MONOLGOGUEEE THE WAY THEY DID ITTT HO M;;Y GOID THE WAYYYY THEY DID THAT OH M;Y GOD THE THREE ERAS THE VOICES THE THREE ENTERPRISES OH M;Y BKHUGOCDU4EA4U8HG05 JHHP--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The tears just … came. seeing all that it was…. hearing all that it was… the past was greeting us into the future it made for us all to cherish. short as it may have been - for what it gave, and aside from its tragedy, justified or not, for all that is was and all that came after - this was a beautiful ending. I love this series. Star Trek: Enterprise is a beautiful addition to the Star Trek family. out of all the classic star trek series, with TOS at the base, Star Trek: Enterprise has earned its place as my second favourite classic Star Trek series. It has made its mark. And a mark I will not ever forget. Quick as the finale may have been - it left me with implications and feelings of overwhelming love. And when I thought it not possible -
I love Star Trek.
Even more.
And through these yet unending tears I say -
Thank you for what you have given us and for allowing us to follow along on even a part of your legendary unprecedented journey; among the stars; among our most faithful hearts who believe and will take us wherever it takes us - from there to here.
Farewell, Star Trek: Enterprise.
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Promo time!!
:OOOO MARVIN???!?!!?
O.O Clearing his name??
Hmm why?
YUP o.o xdd
Ohhh noo
WAIT O.O that's going all the way through 😬😬😳
HER J U G U L A R ಠ⁠Oಠ????
Did it perfectly plug it or something????
Ohhh gosh o.o
Yeah there's barely any blood :OO but they don't know why o.o
Y'all that is crazy xdd
But back to Mateo, did he commit the crimes or smth?? And that's why he could lose everything?? I'm so confused 😭😳
I remember seeing something about Mateo dealing with Marvin and saw the subtitles of the first few seconds of the promo when it popped up on my recommended and played a bit muted sometime last week but dang o.o
I was more like :OOO :DD Marvin?? and I can't even remember if I knew it was bad xD I think I skimmed the outside description while looking the episodes up but dang o.o
Anyway WHAT 😳😳😬!!???!?!??
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!!! It was SO hilarious :D XDD. There were serious moments, but it was funny like, 80-85% of the time XDD wonderful lol. I liked how even though there were definitely people the storylines focused on (and different levels within that), we still got to see everyone today :DD. That was really nice 🥰🥰. I was hoping we'd get to see Carlos (since it's not always a guarantee) so even though it was only for a bit I'm glad we did :D. And we only saw Paul and Marjan for a few scenes but they were still there :)). Anyway! Great storylines all around :)).
Now it's time for the individual parts!
By the way, since the new episode is tonight this probably won't be very long :). But also, I have less to say on the more humorous episodes anyway lol, so it works out
Paul and Marjan! Didn't see much of them but they were wonderful for what we did. Their strategy of trying to get donations XD Or at least, what we saw, of Marjan talking about the gunshot XD. Y'all crazy 😭 xD. Anyway! I love her :)). And of course! I love him <3. And they were great at their jobs!
Judd and Grace! That first scene XDD. Hilarious lol. They were, as always, adorable 🥰🥰. Also Grace helping out TNT with beating Paragon to the call was gold XDDD. I love her so much lol. Speaking of, she was great at her job, as always :)). Judd was also wonderful at his job :D. And back to that first scene, Judd talking sports with the rich guy xD amazing. I love him lol <333.
Mateo! NANTEO MOMENTSSS 🥰🥰. And I'm sure we'll get more next episode too :D. Quick note on that while we're on Mateo: I am scared o.o ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. Anyway xD. His whole thing with not actually having read the book and then trying to was great lol xD 🥰. I love him :DD. Also, he was great at his job :)). Lastly, it was fun seeing him throughout storylines - man was just around to hear it lol xD.
Nancy! My girlll :DD. Again, Nanteo momentsss 🥰🥰🥰❤️!! She was also just kinda Around for several parts of Owen's storyline, which I just found funny XD. Also, my girl was fighting for her life against Paragon 😭😭. Seriously though, she had the most insults out of the bunch xD. Honestly a slay though lol. I love her 🥰. And of course, she was amazingat her job :D. I do have to say though, the bloody bus was ridiculous XD. In a good way, but still lol.
TK and Carlos! We didn't see much of Carlos this episode, but he was lovely 🥰. Why was he telling the story of his kidnapping XDD 😭😭😭. That was so out of pocket lol. Hilarious though, especially with TK jumping in about the stalker xD. Anyway, I'm sure Carlos was great at his job lol. I love him 🥰. As for TK, if Nancy was insulting people the most with the Paragon situation, he was the most tired XD. Something would happen and my man would just siiiiigh XD. Lovely, lol. Also I just have to mention (though I did in my liveblog) him immediately running in after the explosion :'). Speaking of, he was amazing at his job! I love him :DD.
Tommy! She was great this episode lol :)). While actually in the field, up till the end, she was very respectful, but nooot any other time XD. So with Nancy as the insulter and TK as the sigher, I think Tommy would be the polite but fed up one lol. I'm sure they were all equally frustrated but my girl was going off whenever she wasn't being polite XD. Anyway lol, she was of course amazing at her job 🥰. And I am SO GLAD Paragon ended up getting sued in the end >:DD. As they deserve 😌. But yeah, she slayed this episode 🥰🥰. I love her <33.
Owen! He was great this episode xD. I don't care THAT much about Owen's love life, but it's always hilarious so I'm cool with it lol. But I did like the consistent characterization in the fact that this man repeatedly puts his foot in his mouth when it comes to women lol. But specifically something he thinks is true and decides to immediately confront them about xdd. Honestly though, even though I was pretty sure she was just being nice, I can kind of see where he was coming from. Again though, my man didn't need to shout it out xD. Anyway, the scene of the 126 finding out was HILARIOUS lol XDD. It's the fact that none of them even seemed that shocked xD. Like, they were invested, but they were kind just like "this tracks, of course it happens to Owen" XD. Anyway, I do hope Owen and this lady (I don't remember her name) work out though :)). Not just for the money lol, I just think Owen deserves to chill romantically for a little while lol. Also I loved his interactions with Matoe :D. I love him :). Owen, that is xD. And, he was great at his job 🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was absolutely hilarious XD. Seriously, there were barely any serious parts, and most of those weren't even that serious lol. But even though I love me some angst and serious stuff, I really loved the comedy of this episode xD. Especially since it looks like the next one, while it'll have comedy (how can you have something involving Mateo and Marvin and not have it be funny), will have some serious parts o.o. I'm excited though! Scared too, but excited xD. Anyway, I loved both main storylines and all the other little ones as well this episode :)). It was just a really fun episode :D 🥰🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm a bit nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 10: Sellouts
It was amazing! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, even if I am a bit scared. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 11: Double Trouble
See you next week!
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
more of the same. more unedited, stream of consciousness reactions to the showcase
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- Vegetable Enthusiast. He cute honestly.
- The graphics are pretty and I love the idea of normal guy in fantasy world sm.
- is this thumbalina???? or whateva her name is????
- FABLE??? remake??? new game???
South of Midnight
- ooo swamp
- oooo stop motiony animation! i like the style
- baby possum baby possum baby!!
- i love the protagonist's style. she looks cool as fuck
- very interesting concept!
Star Wars: Outlaws
- massive and ubisoft?
- oh the protag seems cool! i love her little pet
- already wanna rp her fr she's gonna be my babygirl who i defend to the death IDC!!!
33 Immortals
- ooh thunder lotus making another game! didnt play their other big one but it looked so nice
- pretty visuals as always tho!
- the death animation slapped honestly
- not my cup of tea gameplay wise buuut looks good
- do these games have a story?? i've only ever seen multiplayer maps and stuff.
- it looks fun honestly. like siege if it was cops and robbers
- dubstep gameplay edit holy shit
Persona 3 Reload
- ooh anime in unreal engine- PERSONA!
- i played a bit of 5 and i liked it honestly
- idk shit abt it but cool!
- oo pirate game
- obsidian?? oh it's gonna be good
- it looks cool honestly. i love their style.
- battlemage combat fr
- i wanna play it
Sea of Thieves: Legend of the Monkey Island
- rare and lucas film???
- sea of thieves and star wars?????
- i mean get it ig!
- i didn't mind sea of thieves but it seemed repetitive
- m o n k e
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- okay but the added mechanics and mission type approach seems fun
- it looks visually stunning as always
Microsoft Flight Simulator • Dune Expansion
- desert
- oh. it's dune
- is it bad i haven't seen that or read it? probably
- i mean cool tho! y'all have fun
- theatre experience too??? aight
Senua's Saga; Hellblade 2
- cave! scary. but pretty
- it looks pretty,, i like the character rendering
- the whispering is throwing me off i cant understand shit (and there's no subtitles)
- ohhhh that was trippy
- it's got my curiosity; i support women's wrongs fr (joking)
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- ooh another look at like a dragon?
- ong wait is he in MIAMI?? IT LOOKS LIKE MIAMI
- HELP HIM!!!!
- oh new game
Fallout 76
- Another DLC? Probably
- I don't hate 76 but I am very >_> toward the direction
- 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😡
Path of the Goddess
- ooh capcom. i s2g if it's more final fantasy.
- nothing against the series but man after sgf i'm salty
- okay it looks different. and pretty! love the mythos elements
- Oh my godddd fucking cars
- i mean cool! i just don't get the racing games 🤷‍♂️
- it looks nice tho? i can't tell what's real footage and what's game tbh
- the cadillac does look snazzy i cant even lie
- ALL THIS FOR 2 CARS?? shit's wild
ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: Necrom (Shadow Over Morrowind)
- oh shit bethesda
- eso was boring to me... then again i didnt play much bc paying for live is so tedious
- i am always a slut for this daedra tho. i dont remember his name
- tentacles yum yum
- overwatch??? fuck that game
- fuck the studio but also just fuck the game. it's not even any different from ov1 they didnt even do pve
- i mean cool heroes and design and lore but man. 😐
- story missions??? yeah right lmao
Persona 5 Tactica P5T
- chibi perdona
- cute style! see my last persona notes tho
- no new thoughts, looks aight
- bethesda 3!
- the music is giving outer worlds.... tell me y'all hate that obsidian did better without telling me LSJDKDKD
- i mean. okay! it looks decent tho i can't be too mad
- it's got me curious about the story and lore if anything. i love space games 😌
- even the gameplay looks good... hm.
Jusant(?) // Font was hard to read
- ooo this style is nice. reminds me a bit of road 96
- i love the little blob. feeling very much cuteness aggression
- gameplay looks nice too! dunno about the lack of ui but maybe that's trailer purposes
Still Wakes the Deep
- ooh the water looks pretty
- so does the interior
- im curious!
Dungeons of Hinterburg
- i thought this was the postal worker game honestly the style was similar
- it looks cute! again not my cup of tea but yea!
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
- KEANU!!!!
- YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 👁👄👁
- Still mad I won't be able to play it but I'll write my V's canon
- "Johnny, I'm dying. Nothing can stop that" OUGH
- wait... "i can save your life" DLC BASED ENDING???? NEW ENDING????
- Oh this district fucks
- wait is it not coming to other consoles or?? they only showed an xbox release 🤨
Cities Skylines 2
- oh another cities skylines thing.
- this management system confused me honestly
- but i like watching ppl play it so! huge win
- it looks visually appealing
- curious about 2 because??? what are they changin
- atlus again okay
- is this another personal thing? i really am confused abt this aeries
- doesn't seem like it tho they said it was a new story
- it looks cool tho!
- creator of the who?
- this conematic style is interesting
- looks like a cute fantasy rpg
- nice that it's co-op and such
Clockwork Revolution
- oou bioshock infinite core
- the guy with the mechanical red carpet... iconic
- wait no stop this is looking more like bioshock with the gameplay i'm scared
- oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck
- bioshock infinite if it was good
- bioshock infinite if it didn't demonize bipoc revolutions against the white upper class
- bioshock infinite if ken levine was dead 😌💕
- ooh-be soft??? is it not you-be soft??? i've never heard it said like that
- okay "we made it easier to find new gen consoles" but why stop supporting current gen entirely????
- also the "new" series s... i hate the fully digitalized concept
Then Starfield direct started and I couldn't be assed to write notes
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You gotta watch the YouTube channel called bulma bunny and their kale and caulifla vids.
ooo that’s neat. I honestly don’t have strong opinion on this but op’s got cute voice and nice humour!
also, I did not watch all the vids tho cuz I am personally not really the biggest fan of youtube channel using very suggestive thumbnails and reaction videos of people’s artwork. not really my thing. but hey you do you 👍 thanks for the recommendation :)
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berryunho · 2 years
omg i know how u feel i don't think i'll be graduating in 4 bc i have to do co-op terms so it delays my grad by a year or smth?? we'll see how things go
wow that's so cool!! the dedication is immaculate i would always give up after a month or so. do you know any other languages aside from eng and korean?
ooo i'm kinda the opposite like nothing really interests me outside of courses in my major or other science courses. i've gotta do some arts credits and scrolling thru them is like... okay this sounds interesting then i read the syllabus and its like readings and essays and discussion groups then im like NOPE LOL BYE
that's so funny cause i saw someone sleeping in a corner of the stairs. ppl will sleep anywhere and i don't blame them. could you imagine falling asleep near the river ugh bless
omg yes like with chem i always end up working backwards from the answer (wink wonk) to see what i did wrong and usually it's a lot 😭
it wasn't too bad! it was kinda cold but not windy so i was okay. i still brought a jacket with me cause it was windy af during the day and i thought it'd be the same at night but nope there goes my money for coat check 😭
ohh!! that sounds fun, did you manage to find anything? red hair is so nice. everyone i've seen so far with red hair pulls it off so well and i'm lowkey convinced it's a colour that works on everyone....
thank you!! i did have lots of fun : D i might've died on the bus ride back... but we don't talk abt it..........
yeahhh i have to get a masters degree for the profession im aiming for so... if everything goes to plan that's six years of university and i do NOT want it to be more 😭😭 hopefully your graduation doesn't get delayed too much ??
:LKFJDKFSJD:LFKJ oh boy languages and me... lowkey obsessed w learning them SO one set of my grandparents were german and didnt speak english so i know very basic german (my dad didnt think it was important to teach me. crying screaming throwing up.) and i got to be pretty okay at finnish at one point but i've forgotten ALL of it lol and i took 2 years of latin in highschool which was very fun but again i forgot most of it KLFJSFDLJK AND FINALLY i took a couple years of american sign language in middle school but i literally remember the alphabet and basic kindness' :'] ive also attempted swedish, norwegian, spanish, and french with ... immediate failure ! hehe
i get what you mean 😭for me its not that i dislike my stem courses but i actually love reading and writing essays and stuff and i just wish i could do more of that 😭 but the majority of my stem friends definitely would agree w you LOL
ugh for real it would be so nice to sleep outside in the sun i feel like ... living out that cat/dog life ... but id be too scared of being kidnapped LKJJFSKFJKS
that is definitely the way to do chem 😭 just gotta learn from your mistakes until there are none ! i had an exam last friday and ... i should be getting that grade tonight or tomorrow so im very anxiously waiting to see how i did ...
nooooo not the coat check money... i cannot even imagine how much clubs make in the winter just from coat check like 😭 some nights at one of my local clubs its literally more expensive to check your coat than to get in 😭
sadly i still havent figured out who/what to be... i think im gonna wait to dye my hair though so that it lasts longer ... so i really dk LOL im lazy tbh so i normally go for something i can just wear my normal clothes for... and since i just finished breaking bad im thinking maybe jane ??? i dress like her irl (though less 2008) and id just need a wig LKJFS:LDJKF BUT IDK !!! do you have any costumes in mind? or any plans?
hehe im glad you had fun but ... 👀 ... how ominous ... hehe i hope your week starts off nicely !! :]
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vinnybox · 2 years
my impression of you was gradually realising i’ve been seeing your art for YEARS without knowing it was the same artist(you). think of it as when there’s this family member you really like, but never get to know well because they aren’t around a lot, there are long periods of time passing from each time you visit/they visit again and you never recognise them at first—i don’t know if i explained that right so..
here, i’ll sum it up:
-first time i see your art, “they draw a lot of characters with shapes for heads, cool”
-second time, a year or so later, “ooo, johnny bravo, samurai jack, overwatch, lizards? nice!”
-third time, seeing your artfight, “wOOow, okay, this is—wait a damn minute, that name seems familiarrrrr..”
-fourth time, this time i see your DC stuff for the first time, “oh! this robin art is amazi- WAIT. WAIT. STOP EVERYTHING. THAT’S VINNYBOX?? ZAMN. now i gotta see more of their art! holy shit.” and from then on, i’ve been obsessed with your art. it’s gorgeous, man. :3c
sorry if i went on a little tangent, but you’ve influenced me and my art a lot for quite a while. and i didn’t even know.
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PLS!! I am enamored by how everyone has their own ways of describing stuff in a very specific way! I love when people go on tangents about something they're passionate about and I love reading/hearing them! c:
I do fluctuate a lot between styles and fandom as I go about on Tumblr, so I can see why some would be surprised to see I'm the OP of the post/art xD
I always like experimenting and wants to improve and have fun, so I'm usually a wild card, but I am so so happy that now I know people recognize me/my style or my art or at least feel some familiarity from them and even take inspiration or are influenced by them! c: Probably the biggest compliment fr fr <3
Since i jump to and from a lot of fandms, my oldest first fandom I was in I'm pretty sure was Nintendo Mario & Luigi related stuff xD You'd find even OLDER art there (And Deviant Art era if you dig through my DA). I even ran an ask blog for a while before I kind of stopped since I fell out of my hyperfixation with them. I had so much good memories as well from being in different fandoms and making friends through our interests at the time and some of my friends to this day wouldn't be here if I hadn't decided to join in on the fandom circle :D
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sleepyghostuwu · 3 years
Can u request h/c's for Chuuya, Akutagawa and whoever else you feel like writing for and an s/o who's ability is to copy other people's abilities and prefers to use their partner's over others when possible
Ooo this sounds interesting o_o I'll write about Akutagawa, Chuuya and Dazai ;) Enjoy~
BSD Headcanons: You can copy abilities 
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- Scary ability #3 
- The first time you tried to copy Rashomon, it was terrifying. That creature literally cuts through anything. 
- But for Akutagawa’s sake, you try to copy Rashomon as much as possible. It makes him feel that at least somebody thinks that his ability is cool enough to be copied ;D 
- It’s really powerful too. 
- Since Akutagawa is more experienced with Rashomon than you, he’ll teach you how to use it. (Might be harsh if you mess up really badly, but otherwise he’ll be nice towards you.) 
- He feels a bit jealous that you started off with Rashomon better than he did. Otherwise, he’s really proud of your progress.
- Now whenever Rashomon #1 is down, there’s almost always a Rashomon #2 to back him up. Almost. 
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- Scary ability #2 
- When it’s just gravity manipulation, you copy his ability very often. It makes fighting extra easy and it’s just satisfying to watch your enemies suffer in the ever-changing gravitational forces.
- Corruption, however, is another thing. Unless you really, really don’t have a choice, you’ll use it as well.
- As much as he feels honoured that someone likes to use his ability very much, Chuuya doesn’t like it when you have to use Corruption, so he tells you to copy someone else’s ability in such situations. 
- The last time you tried to use Corruption, it didn’t go well, and Chuuya had a hard time taking it in, so he pretty much banned you from using Corruption. 
- Whenever Chuuya randomly defies gravity on the ceiling, he sometimes ends up falling back on the ground because of that ability of yours. Otherwise, both of you would defy gravity together. 
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- Scary ability #1. Change my mind.
- You copy No Longer Human not only because it makes Dazai feel good about himself, but also because it’s really useful in battle and you don’t really trust Dazai with his life
- This is an OP ability you’re copying over here. 
- Some rat could try killing you with his touch and you’d still have the energy to tell him to back off.
- Whenever Dazai is busy holding off ability users, you help him out as well. Now your enemies are faced against two ability-cancelling people.
- There was a time when you wondered how it’d be like if you used No Longer Human against Dazai, so you asked Atsushi if he could go into his half-tiger form and ask Dazai to nullify his ability.
- Dazai did cancel Atsushi’s half-tiger form until you came and gripped his shoulder, much to his shock. 
- Later he kinda realised what was going on and just smirked at you playfully. 
- “Using my ability against me, (y/n)? That’s really smart of you.”
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Just In Case (Emily x Reader)
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Request: Emily x reader where the reader is deployed in to the military and got permission to video call Emily while she is at camp and something happens to the base while on the call and it ends the call with no goodbye and then like the team seeing news articles and trying to get in contact with reader but they can’t and Emily eventually gets notified that’s she’s in the hospital
There was nothing quite like waiting for the little green dot to appear next to your Skype name. The way excitement mixed with anxiety and impatience. How your wife never knew exactly what state you would be in, only that you would greet her with a wide (probably exhausted) smile. 
It was rare that Emily actually got to call you while you were deployed. You were the assigned medic to a forward operating special ops unit, meaning you spent more time in the middle of nowhere doing dangerous missions than you did on base. She was excited she’d get to see your smiling face after almost a month (a year since she’d actually seen you in person). 
She jumped when the little dot appeared on the screen (much to Lindsey and Kelley’s enjoyment) and clicked on your little icon. 
The screen blinked, and your wide smile greeted her. “Hey darling, how’s champ camp?” Your little southern twang came through the computer. 
Emily mirrored your smile (your accent always made her swoon just a little), Turning the camera so you could see your two best friends also waving at you. “Super fun. Me and Linds beat Kelley during the scrimmage,” 
You smirked at your wife, shaking your head. You knew how competitive they all were (it had led to some very fun game nights at your house- especially with your wife who adamantly refused to be competitive off the pitch). “Bet the squirrel loved that,”
Emily shrugged. “She’s not taking it so well,” 
She again pointed the camera towards your pouting sister. You cracked a smile at the woman.
“I’ll get her next time, don’t worry,” Kelley winked at the screen. 
You looked off to the side for a second, nodding to whoever was talking to you behind your computer.
Emily wasn’t upset, hell she was more than used to the two of you never really being alone (you were the team leader after all). Instead, she took the opportunity to take in your features. Every new wrinkle of your forehead or dark circle under your eye (that looked more like a bruise or black eye at this point). Was that a new scar you kept rubbing under your chin?
Emily shook her head. She didn’t even want to think about how you got that until you were back safe in her arms. Your job was dangerous, she didn’t need any reminders. 
“How are you holding up?” She asked, drawing your attention back towards her. It was a safe question, one she knew she could ask over a live feed. One that didn’t cross any “clearance” lines you had warned her about (though she was sure that your superiors knew you told her many stories deemed classified over the years in the safety of your bedroom). 
You shrugged, your crooked smile not quite meeting your eyes. “I’m alright. Super tired. We just got to base a little while ago,” 
Your vague answer didn’t surprise her. You didn’t like to worry her, and half of your missions were pretty secretive anyway. It was one thing to share your darkest stories, the things you had seen that you couldn’t un-see, while the two of you were pressed together, and another to try and explain from a million miles away. 
Your wife knew how your job weighed on you. 
“But you’re ok?” She pressed, unwilling to let you deflect the question. She needed to know. You ran a hand through your tousled hair (one of your biggest tells), leaning forward just a bit. “Just some bruises. Promise.” You paused, leaning forward, your fake playful smile reappearing with a wiggle of your eyebrows, “What about you? Kelley’s a beast on the field,” 
Emily cracked a smile, despite her worry. “I’m good babe, but Lindsey’s got a nice one,”
“Ooo let me see,” you said, leaning closer to the screen like a little kid. Emily turned the computer so you could harass Lindsey instead of her. 
“No,” the midfielder pouted, crossing her arms. 
“Come on, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” You wined dramatically as Emily turned the computer around and Kelley butted into the frame. 
“That sounds like some teenage boy-...” She started, only to be cut off by a loud crash and the blaring of an alarm. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, looking off-screen, as more yelling started, and the screen shook. 
“Babe-“ Emily said, and you glanced back at the screen as if suddenly realizing your wife was still there. 
“I love you Em. I’m sorry I gotta go,” you said quickly, looking directly in the camera. 
Then the call ended. The screen went blank and the three women sat frozen. Emily very slowly placed her hand over where your face had been mere seconds ago. “Love you too, be safe,” 
The “please,” was softer, almost breathless. And the sound broke Kelley and Lindsey’s hearts. All they could do was hope you would be alright. 
Emily had learned to not read the news reports a long, long time ago, on your first deployment (back when the two of you had only been dating for six months). 
As it turned out, most of the time they had no real information about what was going on. They just reported on the overarching bad thing that was happening, or whatever appeared to be happening, and tended to ignore the boots on the ground (your words not Emily’s). 
But still, she couldn’t help but stare at the articles rolling in about an attack on one of the bases near where she knew you were stationed. Especially after the abrupt end to your semi-distracted phone call. 
“Em, reading it repeatedly isn’t going to change the words,” Kelley said softly, prying the phone from her grasp and sticking it on the chair beside her. 
Emily sighed heavily. “It’s just hard,” she mumbled, scrubbing a hand over her eyes. 
Lindsey, Kelley, and the rest of the table nodded understandingly. They may not have the same relationship with you that Emily did, but they loved you all the same. 
It was terrifying to not know where you were, or if you were alright, but they had to be strong for Emily right now. 
“She didn’t answer your text yet?” Lindsey asked, reaching across the table to grasp Emily’s hand tightly. You might not be able to call, but texting was usually a good way to get a hold of you.
Emily bit her lip, shaking her head tightly. “Nah uh,” 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. It wasn’t uncommon for you to go radio silent, especially when you were on a mission, but it had been 4 days since your phone call and You always sent her a little a-ok when you were finished with whatever you were doing. She was starting to get worried. 
“What about Kara, she’s always with her,” Kelley asked gently, rubbing her back, mentioning your best friend. 
The two of you were practically attached at the hip, but as you always said, experience in a war zone will do that go people. Kara was your right-hand man and always answered Emily, especially when you weren’t. 
“She hasn’t answered either,” Emily mumbled, shaking her head. The women at the table all shared a look. The last time Kara hadn’t responded while the two of you were away, you had been stuck doing emergency surgery on one of your guys in the field after an IED blew up one of the hummers in your convoy. 
“I’m sure they’re just busy. You know the news likes to make a big deal out of nothing. They always do,” Lindsey said reassuringly. 
“Yeah, and no news is good news right?” Kelley added, with a half-smile. 
A dark look crossed Emily’s features. She knew (and feared) what happened when things went wrong. She dreaded that phone call or god forbid an officer showing up with your “just in case” letter (one she knew you always carried with you, but she had never physically seen).
 “Only until it isn’t,” she said softly, her voice deadly serious. The women at the table sobered and nodded, equally as somber. It was a terrifying truth that was easier to ignore than confront. 
“I’m sure she’s just busy being a hero,” Lindsey said softly, leaning over to grab Emily’s hand tightly, as Kelley squeezed the woman comfortingly. 
“I hope you’re right,” Emily sighed. 
“She promised Em, and she never breaks her promises,” Kelley said, equally as serious, trying to hide just how worried she was. You swore you’d always come back to them, and she would kick your ass if you didn’t. 
It felt like Emily’s heart was going to beat out of her chest. It was hammering harder than it ever had, even after a full ninety. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the receptionist to find your room and clear her with the MP’s apparently stationed outside your room.
The second she got the 3 am call, it had been a mad dash to get here. The drive from Orlando to the hospital at the Jacksonville Air Force base was a blur, but she was pretty sure Kelley had broken just about every speed law there was to get her here faster (and to get herself here too, she was your sister after all). 
“I’m her wife. I have permission to see her,” Emily growled at the poor receptionist, who continued to rapidly type on her computer. 
“I’m sorry miss, but due to the circumstances I have to check,” She clicked her tongue, leaning forward to get a better look at the screen, apparently oblivious to Emily’s growing rage. 
Kelley placed a careful hand on Emily’s arm, trying to quell the brewing storm before the receptionist took the brunt of it. 
“Fuck the circumstances. Let me see my wife,”  Emily hissed, completely ignoring Kelley’s “calm down Sonnett,” (your older sister was worried too, but flipping out at a receptionist wasn’t going to help their cause). 
“I’m trying ma’am. We have protocols too, especially after a Rescue and Evacuation,” the woman behind the counter sighed, more frustrated than sympathetic. Emily’s eyes widened. Kara hadn’t said anything about a rescue mission over the phone, only that you were hurt and being transferred to Florida from a hospital in London. 
“A what?!!” Emily screeched, and Kelley grabbed the back of her hoodie to prevent her from launching herself over the counter at the frightened-looking receptionist. 
Before the woman behind the counter could respond, your very tired-looking best friend appeared around the corner. 
“Hey, Em. She’s back this way,” Kara smiled tightly at your wife, nodding towards the receptionist and gesturing down a hallway to her left. 
“Oh thank god,” Kelley sighed, practically shoving Emily into Kara’s arms. Kara caught her, and held her hand out to your older sister, carefully beginning to guide them down the maze of hallways. 
“I have to warn you, she’s in pretty rough shape,” Kara said softly as they approached the door, her hand pausing on the handle to look both women in the eyes. Emily and Kelley both nodded solemnly, steeling themselves as Kara gently pushed the door open. 
“Damn,” Emily and Kelley gasped as they stepped through the threshold and took in your sleeping form. 
Your normally strong form looked so small under the mass of tubes and wires surrounding you (but Kelley notes that you were very much breathing on your own). The whole left side of your face was bruised, and the left half of your chest and arm was wrapped tightly in gauze. 
Emily very carefully approached the bed, her fingers hovering over your right side, afraid to touch you and cause you more pain. 
“Oh baby,” She breathed out, settling into the chair beside your bed, finally grabbing your uninsured hand very gently and pulling it to her lips. 
She heard Kelley ask “What happened?”, but her eyes never left your face. 
Kara blew out a long breath, seemingly trying to steady herself. “Our base got attacked- retaliation for freeing a village probably,” 
Kelley raised her eyebrow at the woman. She wanted to know everything, not the edited version. 
Kara swallowed hard before continuing. “We split into teams. One to pull security and one to evacuate the hospital. We lost communication after one of our own went Rogue. In the chaos, an intruder slipped through us and went to attack the hospital wing. Y/n got ambushed trying to get an injured private to the helicopter,” 
Silence stretched between them as the soccer stars tried to take in the story. It was so you to do everything in your power to help someone else, even if it was dangerous or detrimental to you. 
“How bad is it,” The words left Emily’s mouth barely above a whisper, muffled slightly by your hand still at her lips. 
“She got hit 3 times. One was a through and through to the shoulder. It chipped her collar bone, but mostly just got some soft tissue. The other two were worse. The through and through in her leg nicked an artery, and the other one in her chest did some damage. Luckily she was able to drag herself back to the hospital wing and they could get her stable. The PJ’s got her to London and they did emergency surgery,” Kara listed off, rubbing the back of her neck and closing her eyes tightly. 
Emily didn’t doubt that seeing you like that was probably one of the most difficult things Kara ever had to do, and she felt bad for making her relive that.  
“Is she gonna be alright?” Kelley asked after a few seconds, cracking with emotion. 
Kara nodded. “Yeah, Lena looked over the X-rays. Said that she would need a lot of rehab, but she should make a pretty full recovery. Right now she’s just sedated to help with the pain,” 
Emily felt her heart unclench at the news, made even sweeter by the mention of Kara’s own wife. Lena was a straight shooter, someone who was brutally honest and equally deft at her job (which was part of the reason the two of you got on so well). She wouldn’t bullshit them and give them false hope. 
“Thank you,” Emily croaked. Kara snorted and shook her head. 
“Wasn’t me. She promised you she’d make it and she wasn’t about to let you down,” 
You had dragged yourself nearly 800 yards to the hospital wing, and the only thing they said you said was that you couldn’t die because you swore to your wife you’d come home. Kara was convinced that you had survived purely on adrenaline and stubbornness (that and dumb luck). At least she hadn’t had to deliver your just in case letter. 
Emily smiled softly at your sleeping form, allowing the steady beep of your heart and your warm hand to comfort her “I know,” 
It was easy to relax now that you were here safe in her arms. Sure, you would have a long road to recovery (and getting you to actually follow the doctor's orders was bound to be a fight), but you were alive with no imminent threat hanging above your head. 
She would be there for you every step of the way.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1
Welcome to “Yeah, AVA: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!”
 Up today, s2e21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1
  Sam gets disappeared away to a ghost town along with a handful of other people on the Azazel's Kids roster, and while Dean and Bobby frantically look for him, he and his demon-blood siblings frantically try to figure out how they got there and why they're dying off one by one. It turns out that Yellow Eyes has pitted them against each other in a Last Man Standing type contest to see who is best suited to be his general in the upcoming war. Also, we find out that Ava is a bit of a turd. Oh, and Ellen's bar gets asploded with Ash still inside. Dean and Bobby finally find Sam, just in time to watch him get well and truly ganked in the back and then die in Dean's arms. Then comes one of the most agonizing "SAMMY!"s Dean ever utters.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
oh The Road So Far with the WRONG MUSIC
this is the only genuine two-parter in the whole run, I think?
I have no idea. Maybe?
 Dean just sitting in the car = gorgeous
mmmm baby door creak LOVE IT
 his stupid ripped jeans and his stupid bowed legs and how he holds that stupid gun (*@&^#(*@&^)#(*&
 the scared little boy look on his face with that last SAM
oooo that SAM! reminded me so much this time of the SAM! he yells at the end of S3 when he's in hell
 Ooooh YES
 this is one of my favorite Sammy shirts
ooo it is a good one
this has never occurred to me before, but do you think we're supposed to wonder for a second (or wonder if Dean is wondering) if Sam DID that?
 (my god, there’s blood and dead people and sammy’s god knows where and we’re just lowkey chatting about how adorable they are)
(I mean yes. that's the show)
 oh SHIT. No, I never thought of that!!
okay, I know that's the wrong cobbler but now I WANT COBBLER
 I bet it’s there under the surface, at least
i was just thinking about how Dean is really pretty calm when it’s just dead people and lots of blood but he only panics when he finds the sulfur, so yeah, very definitely maybe
(I, too, want cobbler)
 (but that’s just sort of a general MO for me)
"Andy. also freaking out"
omg the little head tilt and the “…well"
 I do enjoy Andy
 I forgot how cute he is
he is so LOVELY
 the uniform doesn’t hurt either
it does not
what IS it with uniforms?
 no idea but it’s real
aw Andy has ear cuffs. adorable
omg he DOES
 these people do not appreciate Andy’s Andyness
they do not
it's okay I do
 pats his head from a slight distance because I suspect he smells heavily of pachouli
aw Dean and Bobby working together. I just love their father/son relationship so much
there's a lot of background water in this episode
becuase US
"are you lost?" I love him
(too bad he turns out to be a murderer)
 how many times has he done something similar in Afghanistan I wonder
I was thinking that
of course you were
that very cautious because of course but also trying to help
nice casual queer rep....
 ope the gay girl is gonna die I AM SHOCKED
....and in three minutes she's gonna die horribly
I'd like to say "welcome to 2007" but it's not like they didn't do exactly the same thing in 2020, so
oh RIGHT. the roadhouse gets torched
just, Welcome to SPN
 oh dang i forgot about the roadhouse thing
welp, bye cowboy
 poor little hottie
poor Ash
he lived up to his name
runs away
am just little
a little shit, I think you mean
 i love the twist in this ep so much
it also just occurred to me that it's the queer person whose "gift" is that she killed the person she loved by touching them
 YUP that awful little point was not lost on me either
oh Dean in pain mmmmrrrrggg
BOBBY. with the info
he’s the best
 god, i love this guy
 but he’s black, so of course he won’t last either
and he can see what's really up with Sam
"doesn't matter if we believe it. only matters if they do"
he knows all kinds of things you don't AVA
aw lookit Sammy all puffed up
 to lead WHOM, Sam. COME ON
it's all that Latin in there crowding out his English grammar
 yeah i love him but i really don’t think that’s it
poor Stringbean
 he has other qualities so it’s all good
I forgot this is where we learn THAT twist
 poor Sammy
he also doesn't know how digestion works, poor little muffin
"does this mean i have demon blood in me" makes me NUTS
I know it's a handwave we're supposed to roll with but HONESTLY
 she’s pretty good here
the SWITCH on her face. really very good
that switch
 omg YES
 oh Ava, don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re not a heavyweight
i forgot exactly how she gets killed
 i like that Sam doesn’t do it
yeah I'd forgotten too
oh Sam
oh Sam
at least tie him up COME ON
 how is it that it’s sam who gets ganked but its dean who makes us cry here?!?!
it KILLS me that the last thing we get before this episode is the djinn episode where we see JUST how much Dean cares about Sam
because it's starting to be Dean's story
which is ironic given he's barely IN this episode
yeah. slays me
 and another "SAM!!"
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Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
659 notes · View notes
tellerluna-stories · 4 years
Chuuya and Ranpo with a S/O who plays videogames:
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nakahara chuuya:
• okay chuuya has definitely played his fair share of videogames (against dazai lol), so he isn't exactly unfamiliar with the world of gaming.
• that being said, he can't help but be a bit confused when you play, throwing around what seems to be words from a completely different language from the one you both speak.
• ".....what's a..... pogchamp?"
• "you are. c'mere, my little pogchamp."
• the look on his face is very much a scowl (with a little hint of red in his cheeks) but he seems happy to run into your open arms anyway.
• on his days off chuuya likes to watch you play games while he sits behind you with his chin propped on your shoulder or on the back of your chair. his favourite games to watch would probably be fps games or games with a lot of action in general, because he likes the adrenaline rush!!
• prepare your ears pls. no matter how loud you are when playing, chuuya is going to be at least 2000% louder than you. whether you make a clean kill, get good loot, or carry your team, chuuya is going to broadcast it to the heavens whether you like it or not. he cheers louder than you and rages even more than you do and he’s not even the one playing
• "chuuya, dear.... I love you, but please don't ever use gaming lingo again"
• your neighbors have sent ten noise complaints already, please be considerate
• does chuuya care? no
• and so the gaming screamfest continues
• one really nice thing about chuuya is that he will always listen to you, so go wild!! he doesn't mind if you ramble on and on about your favourite games, your woes about grinding to make your characters stronger— he'll listen to it all, even if he doesn't understand it.
• he pays attention to what you say, too; mention a game you want to try, that your gear needs replacing, or perhaps a character or skin you really want to get— later on you'll find the game on your shelf where the rest are kept, a package delivered to your door with brand-new equipment inside, and gift checks tucked into your coat pocket.
• of course, when asked about it, chuuya will only turn away and deny having any knowledge about it. (however, the tips of his ears turn noticeably red, which says otherwise)
• eventually, you convince him to try playing with you, and while he isn’t as avid a player as you are, he can certainly hold his ground in a fight.
• (he lowkey loves watching you when the two of you play in co-op- seeing you take down gigantic bosses like it’s nothing fills him with a mixture of awe and pride.)
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edogawa ranpo:
• when he finds out you play video games he goes ":OOO!!!!!!!!!"
• ranpo grew up in a sheltered environment so he doesn't know too much about video games
• so he’s very very curious!!!
• the minute you bring out your console or phone he immediately zooms and takes a seat next to you. he doesn’t care about personal space at all and just snuggles as close to you as possible so he can watch you play comfortably.
• (he has that ‘do you have any games on your phone’ energy ngl)
• ever since then, it has not become uncommon for the members of the detective agency to see ranpo practically glued to your side as you play games during your break.
• this goes on for quite some time until one day you cave and ask him why he doesn’t try playing for himself.
• "I don’t know how to! and besides, I don’t wanna play alone :D"
• so you decide to play animal crossing with him, on the condition that he helps out at the agency and not spend 24/7 glued to you (not like you minded or anything, it’s just that kunikida had made so many complaints)
• ranpo agrees enthusiastically!!! 
• so when you go home after a long day’s work, you and ranpo will build a pillow fort and snuggle inside with snacks and your console, ready to play animal crossing.
• he’ll lean his head on your shoulder, smiling as the two of you catch butterflies and plant flowers- and if he falls asleep, well, that’s a secret for only you to know.
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The bots are all fixed!!! Well, they are physically. Mentally is another question which we’re not covering hahahahahaHAHAHA! also wack, no smp members. @petrichormeraki @helleborusangel
“There, that should do it. We might want for someone to test it out in the near future, but it does look like it’s fixed.” Xisuma spoke as both of the bots powered back on. “I can see why we had trouble before. It looks fine if you’re not actively looking for that problem specifically.”
“Thank you very much Xisuma.” Mumbo said, checking both of the bots over for his own peace of mind.
“Of course. I also got a response from Biffa in the middle of it all, and while he’s not willing to share all the details of his past, he was willing to give a few notes. As these two are player entities, natural world magic is going to help them adapt more to that. He’s willing to come visit in a few weeks to see the two of them if you’re all okay with that.”
Mumbo looked over to Grian who nodded. “That’s more your guys’ call. You both knew him much longer than me. I mean, we interacted of course and he seemed nice, but you know better.”
“Well X, I think that would be lovely.” Mumbo replied, looking back to the admin.
“You know, is it just a family thing to like people in pink, or is it just coincidence.” Grifter spoke up, making everyone look over at him exasperatedly.
“Did you have to follow us in here?” Mumbo groaned, and Grifter just nodded, feathers coming off of him as he moved from stray ones sticking to his clothes.
“Too many chickens outside. Inside’s safer. Besiiiiiiides it’s less boring in here. And I’m the one who even knew what was wrong with your kids. Also yeah, you fixed it, no need for testing.”
“You’re not lying, are you?” Grian asked, crossing his arms.
“Of course not. What would I get out of lying about it?” Grifter shrugged. “They also look like my little pumpkin rolls, so why would I want to hurt them?”
“Didn’t your version of Jrum try killing ours?” Mumbo said with a frown.
Grifter just scoffed. “I told him about the bug! He was going to make sure your kid respawned correctly. I just needed some help and for you not to know. It worked out in the end, didn’t it? It only didn’t work out for those asshole admins and me.”
“Speaking of, Tommy’s old world has a console now. Well, a console other than Grum. Is the hels version the same?” Mumbo asked, genuinely curious, though the smile that Grifter gave worried him.
“Weeeell, the short answer is no, it’s got a new admin. The longer answer is that the new admin is meee!”
“I’m sorry why you?! I’m not the admin here! I’m not even opped!”
“I know you’re fucking not.” Grifter rolled his eyes, pulling a stray feather off of his sweater. “Our worlds are parallel but they aren’t one to one equals, dumbass. And we’re not just influenced by the shit that happens here. May I remind you that I was a Listener when Deevo and Evo started while you only became a Watcher when it ended. Or at least close to the end. And my boys were born before you built these two. The worlds sometimes force themselves together, like NPG staying around when I was gone and my boys not functioning until yours were around or… you know… Tommy being pulled to Hermitcraft after Theseus ran off to Helscraft.”
That got everyone’s attention. “Wait, is that why Tommy doesn’t know how he got here?”
Grifter smirked. “Yeah. After Nightmare got killed, Thee got the admin powers. He was pissed over things and ran off looking for me. Of course I was imprisoned and Dad wasn’t letting anyone near me, so the best he could find was season five. Member changes are always a forced thing, so I guess something pulled Tommy here to fix it that way.
“But wait, won’t that…” Grian trailed off.
“Shove you into the SMP? Fuck no. I’m admin, but I’m not gonna live there. I’m a Listener, I can check on things while living in Helscraft. Besides, things are different with NPG around. I mean, unless I kill him-”
“Don’t you dare!”
Grifter huffed. “I wasn’t gonna! Despite how much I hate him, he was the one person caring for Sense when he was all alone, so I’ll give him that. So no death, maybe just some torture. Anyway, I’m sure you’re visiting, so it balances out. Probably.” He finished with a shrug.
“Oh joy of joys.” Mumbo groaned while Grian looked so done with the world.
While all of this had been going on, both of the bots had completely powered on. At first they just took in their surroundings, staying quiet since it was clear others were in the middle of important conversations. Then they saw each other.
With everything that had happened, the two bots had barely been in each other’s company, and when they were, they were at each other’s throats. Jrum was the first to look away in shame as he could remember most of what happened clearly, but Grum was a bit fuzzy on a number of details. He hesitated, reaching out towards his brother a bit, before just pulling his hand back.
When it seemed the conversation was coming to a close, Grum got Jrum’s attention and used his screen and hands to signal something before looking over to their dads. “Um, Dads?”
Mumbo and Grian both looked over to Grum when he spoke up. “What is it Grum?”
“Could… Could Jrum and I have a bit of time alone? To… talk with each other?”
The pair looked to Xisuma since it was his place. X nodded before helping to lead them as well as Grifter out of the room and to somewhere else.
For a few moments, both of the bots were quiet, just sitting there, unsure what to say. Then Jrum started up the conversation. “I’m sorry for being mad at you. I got all upset at Dad getting upset at family, but then I was doing the same thing.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I was the one who started things. You reacted to my actions and were influenced by those red plants.”
“Yeah, but Dream was messing with you and made you be mean!”
“No he didn’t.” Grum replied, which confused Jrum for a few moments before Grum elaborated. “I started realizing something was weird and I panicked. I was worried I would do something really bad and hurt you. I didn’t know what exactly, and I also wasn’t sure if I could safely tell you. I knew if I said something kindly or nicely asking us to distance ourselves, nothing would work until I explained more. And I didn’t want to have to deal with you asking to stay because I didn’t want you to go either. So I just sort of… let myself be mean. I can’t even blame it on someone else. It was me and only me.”
Jrum was quiet, just processing what his brother had said. Then, after a few seconds, he scooted closer and hugged Grum. “Then that’s not your fault! You didn’t know what was safe to say, and that’s because the admin was - don’t let Daddy know I said this - Dream was a piece of shit!” Grum paused before giggling a bit, not expecting his brother to say that. “What? It’s true!”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just… nice to be with you again.”
Jrum smiled and hugged a little tighter. “Yeah, and now we’re gonna be closer because we went through trauma together! Speaking of which… how long do you think we can milk this?”
Grum pulled away from the hug to rub his ‘chin’. “Well, Dad is more likely to notice we’re up to something, so only a week or two with him. But if we play our cards right, we can keep things going with Daddy for a month. Maybe even more.”
“What? That long?”
“Well, we sort of got stuck in a time displacement bubble for a month all by ourselves and got controlled by different things. We would need to be careful and not make it seem like we’re having a relapse, but if we have a, quote unquote bad day, we can definitely get a lot out of it.”
“I’m going to build a new shop.”
“Good idea, so many people will want to support us. We might even get a discount on some land in Aquoo town. From Scar and not Bdubs of course.”
“Of course, we have more sway over Scar.” Jrum nodded.
“The question is what to sell.”
“Yeah, that part’s gonna be a bit harder. Hmm, maybe a gardeni-”
“Nope! Absolutely not!”
“Ugh, rude. Hmm… Odea two?”
“Ooo, good idea, good idea. It also sounds like we could get some interaction with the SMP after this, we could outsource there. I mean, we already have the connections.”
“Oh definitely. Speaking of, I kinda said Fundy could come visit Hermitcraft a while ago. Do you think that would be allowed?”
“Oh easy. We can even get Michael and his dad to come too.”
“Yes! I’ve always wanted an actual playdate! And this time I won’t be almost killed by a clone!”
“Let’s find our dads and ask?”
“Definitely!” Jrum nodded, and the two bots jumped off of where they were sitting and went looking for their parents.
“Leave me alone Lynn.” Grian grumbled, wings puffing up.
“Not until you tell me what a Listener is doing here!” The other Watcher gestured to Grifter, who was giving her a smirk.
Grian sighed. “Basically I’m making sure he doesn’t destroy everything by keeping an eye on him. Unfortunately that means he needed to come here while I change some records.”
“Really? You changing records? I thought I’d never see the day.”
“Oh shut it. Remember that Watcher I asked about? You couldn’t find anything but I kept looking into it and found two unknown Watchers.”
“And let me guess, you figured out who they were. Was one of them Eyes?”
Grian half shrugged. “Yes and no? Uh, so both of them are my kids and Eyes is like… part of my one kid?”
“Oh you’re an idiot.”
“Hey hey hey! He’s not just an idiot, he’s also a dumbass!” Grifter spoke up, getting glares from both Watchers.
“But seriously. You used Watcher magic to build them?”
“I didn’t think I did! I mean, I guess maybe? But Mumbo was in charge of the redstone and the redstone was the mayoral reservoirs and that’s what was technically using magic.”
“I’m going to have to tell someone about this.”
“Okay. Can you just try to make sure it’s someone that’s not going to completely freak out?”
“Hmm, no promises.” Lynn replied, and then walked off before Grian could say more.
“Oh I like her.” Grifter smiled. “So how do you know each other?”
“She’s the Watcher that was in charge of at least part of the world I grew up in.”
Grifter nodded. “Well I would love to hear the stories she got from there. But that can wait. Where are we going now?”
“Records room. I need to officially list my boys as Watchers and then get their data transferred to their names.”
“Ughhhh that sounds boring. Where’s the cool stuff?”
Grian just groaned and led them to the records room, needing to give excuses to a few Watchers here and there on the way. He was able to quickly grab the needed files since he already knew where they were. Correcting the names was easy enough since they were currently unknown and waiting for the answer. Correcting other forms was harder though. Normally a Watcher had their name officialized before doing much work. Maybe once or twice based on the situation, and that was the case with Jrum seeing as how his only real use of magic was when Grian himself had triggered it. But Grum had a lot more.
Every time Grum accessed the mayoral reservoirs, he was really looking into all the political data that the Watchers had gathered over the years. That alone would be a hassle, but the fact that there was extra paperwork for accessing certain sub categories was causing more issues. Normally you needed permission for data on destroyed worlds, but of course Grum managed to bypass any blocks and get right into the data. And since he was unlisted, it had caused some more logging errors.
Grian half contemplated just flipping the table he was at. It would send paperwork everywhere, but a quick bit of magic would fix it, and it would feel gratifying. But then again, Grifter was here, and who knows how he would react. And Grian expected a worse case scenario there. “Okay, can I trust you for like three minutes to go tell Mumbo it’s going to take a while here?”
Grifter’s eyes lit up a little and he nodded. “Three minutes! Got it!” Grian immediately regretted it, but before he could say more, Grifter was gone.
Mumbo glanced at his communicator for the time. He expected Grian would take a while, but he also hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long. Plus, he was also worried that if the bots were left alone too long, they could get into trouble. He was just about to go check on them when he heard the sound of them running in his direction. 
Mumbo couldn’t help but worry about why they were running until he actually saw them. With everything that happened the past few days, his mind kept trying to jump to the worst outcome, but the moment he saw the boys smiling, it calmed him down.
“Daddy! Can we invite people over to play?” Jrum asked, looking hopeful.
“Even with everything that happened, we managed to make some friends. It would be nice to thank them by letting them get to visit here.”
“And I kinda said someone could come visit and they’re kinda our cousin and he knows Auncle Iskall so please please please can they come visit?”
“And Michael was nice too. I didn’t get to interact too much, but he seemed rather nice.”
Mumbo tried to get them to calm down. “Alright, alright. I’m sure the two of you could use some time to relax and have fun. We just need to wait for your dad to come back so he could get them. It may also be a while since I’m sure he wants to wait for Tommy to want to come back too.”
“Okay! We can wait!” Jrum agreed. “Can we go check the shopping district until then?”
“I’m not sure. I should wait for your dad to come back.”
“But we are perfectly able to go on our own.” Grum pointed out. “And even if something were to happen, the shopping district is so commonly filled with others that another hermit would assist us should there be trouble.”
Mumbo hesitated, but then agreed. “Alright, but see if Iskall is home and then ask them to take you there. I don’t want something happening on the way there.”
Jrum was happy to agree, but for a moment, Grum hesitated, their screen changing a bit. “Could we possibly ask Uncle Scar instead?”
“I’m… not sure he’s around. Grum are you sure you should be going?”
Grum nodded. He didn’t want to leave Jrum alone again. “No. It’s fine. W-We can go see Auncle Iskall.”
Mumbo didn’t look completely convinced, but Jrum’s pleading look got him to look away for just a moment. “Alright, alright. Go on before I change my mind again.”
“Thank you!” Jrum smiled and started pulling Grum away. Grum followed behind, though he still looked reluctant, so once they were in the air, Jrum looked back to his brother. “Oh come on, we’re not actually gonna go get them. We’re just going to say we couldn’t find them and since Daddy didn’t give us a second option, we’re just going on our own.”
Grum nodded. “Thanks.”
“Oh don’t worry! To be completely honest, I completely agree with Grifter about chickens right now and feel like I’ll strangle and turtles I see! I sort of don’t even want to see Professor Beaks any time soon!”
“Is that about the-”
“Yeah it’s about the flipping egg!”
“Sorry.” Grum apologized and Jrum made them land so they could hug each other.
“It’s fine. We already went over a bunch. Life sucked, but apparently that’s like… a family thing. I kinda want to give Daddy trauma though just to make it equal.”
“I think he has enough from dealing with us all.”
“Hmmmm you’re probably right. Okay let’s go scam Scar!”
The two of them eventually reached the shopping district and Aqua Town. It took a little bit of searching, but they eventually found the mayor. He already wasn’t the best and giving good prices for his land, but the fact that he was also up against two traumatized children, one of which he slightly feared, didn’t help his case. In the end, he got seven diamond blocks from the bots and Grum happily started building the new shop. 
Jrum went back and forth between the plot and Odea to figure out prices and stocking the place. He was glad to see Grum was happy, and then even more when he saw their dad flying their way. “Dad! Dad! Over here!” Grian heard Jrum and flew down, landing next to the bot. “Look! We’re making a new shop!”
“Oh really? What are you going to sell?” Grian responded, and Jrum had to keep from frowning. The tone of Grian’s voice sounded off. Jrum’s best guess was that something bad happened with whatever he had been doing and he was upset at that, but Jrum also couldn’t be sure.
“Well, it’s going to be a branch of Odea. I’m hoping that if we’ve got lots of people visiting that aren’t all amazing builders and redstoners like everyone here that they’ll want to buy Daddy’s designs! And since everything is moving to Aquway Town, we’re having a place here so it’ll get noticed!”
“Oh, that sounds like a great idea! And it looks like someone’s gotten really far with building already.” Grian looked up to where Grum was standing on the scaffolding, placing blocks down.
“Yeah! I’m glad he looks so happy! Oh! By the way! When you pick up Tommy, can you also ask if Michael and Fundy want to visit? I kinda said Fundy could and then I think Michael would like it too. If his parents have to come along, I wouldn’t mind. And they’re Tommy’s friends so that way he can have people visit too!”
Grian smiled sweetly. “Oh of course we can do that! I’m sure Xisuma would be fine with it all!”
“Yay! I can’t wait!”
“Welp, I’m going to go check on the rest of Aqua Town!” Grian said, starting to walk off. “I don’t want to get too far while I wait for Tommy’s message.”
“Yeah oka- wait. Dad, what did you call this place?” Jrum asked, catching that Grian used the real name of the area.
“Uh… well I better check on Barge Co.! Eep!” Grifter started to back up, but then jumped as an egg was thrown down next to him, followed by another, and then yet another. “AHH! It’s Poultry Man! Run away!!!”
Jrum looked up to see that the eggs had come from Grum, who quickly signalled a sorry to Jrum, which the bot quickly accepted. Grum ended up gliding down to join his brother and the both of them dealt with Grifter, somehow managing to send the helsmit back to Grian, unintentionally making their Dad groan as more paperwork appeared for him.
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Wait I knew I should've gone back when I thought I maybe recognized a guy in the car in the promo o.o
Ohh gosh y'all I'm stressing xd
Lol bro's just in his pj's xD
Real lol
Oop though
Ummm O.O
Soo they're making sure he doesn't talk xdd
Or something like that anyway lol
For a second I thought she was gonna walk away and I was like why the car lol
. . . is he dead
Ayy love me a good dramatic intro :D
Like the not normal one :))
AYY bro's turning the same thing back on her xD
Hi Bailey :))!!
Hi Nolan :D
Lol nudged a bit xD
Awww y'all :'(( :')
Or fostering anyway-
Yep adoption :D!!
Why are you so shocked lol
And like this is how you got into it anyway xD
Yeah of course
Once again love the him turning this back on her (not like purposefully but yk the parallel)
Probably not lol
Bc yk. The drama
Why you just spreading this around 💀
I mean I trust Bailey but yk xd
Hi Gray :)!
Hi Nyla :DD!
Hi Garza :DD!!
Nice to see you, been too long 🥰🥰
I hope we get mentions of the others since Feds was cancelled :))
Ahh okay secure cool
And y'all are on a roof xD
Ahh wife 😬 so that's why they did it like that
Yep xd
Ahhh I see
Yep, most likely can't be them unless they were seen by her
Hi Wesley 🥰🥰!!
Oop o.o
Girl you sold police secrets 👁️👄👁️ XD
LOL yeah exactly Wesley XD
Stop meeting with criminals in your home Wesley lol
I'm not saying you do often but xD
Unless this is just some house xD
Yeahh he's right
You're gonna get kidnapped or something lol
Or that guy
Carefulll girlll xdd
You're at the very least being watchdled
Ahh those guys again o.o
Okay wait no so it was that shot I think so not Jason lol, I couldn't have known
Huh Scottish accent :o wait no Irish :)?
Idk interesting though
Oope o.o we're very chill with this xdd
LOL go off Ange xD
Hi Angela 🥰!!
Hi Aaron :DD!
XD all the old asbestos
Hi Tim :))!!
"What 👁️👄👁️" "Breathe shallow" SLDKFJS??
LOL Smitty xD real
Hi Celina :D
Oop she figured it out :O
Dang kindergarten xD
Oohpe o.o
NICE Celina :D
Lol real Angela xdd
Hmm yeah
Oh that's good :o!
Ahh yeah 😬 stressing me outtt xdd
Lol the other guy like "D: come onn"
Hi Lucy 🥰!
Ahh mom nice cover
Okay nice nice
Careful y'all 😬
Ahh oof o.o
At least he kinda seems to trust her
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