#oooh yes i should comm you again
forest-falcon · 7 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 17
It's been a while since I've last updated this fic, but here it is - the next chapter of The Butterfly Effect. Hope you enjoy! And thanks for everyone's lovely support with this story. Hopefully it won't be as long before the next chapter is out 🤞
No major tags for this one - minor angst, whump and a bit of family fluff thrown in!
John was torn. Torn between all those who needed him. Torn between duty and love. But, in the end, the choice was easy. His place was on the GDF carrier headed for Auckland, at the side of his brothers and Grandmother.
The post-mission clean up (if it could indeed be called that), the press, and the rest of the world waiting on them, would simply have to manage. God knows, he was having to.
Hauling himself aboard, he gently touched the painted name of the carrier, before finding a vacant seat next to Tam.
"Welcome aboard!" Colonel Casey greets, over the sounds of the engines, and flicking of buttons.
Val had been good to them. As soon as she had a functional comms line up and working, she'd taken the initiative to pull strings with a number of contacts. Phoenix would be allowed the time off from their regular civilian jobs back home to help with getting International Rescue back onto their feet, if they so wished.
It was a unanimous 'yes.'
"We're here for as long as you need us," her words held a warmth befitting her honorary Aunt status. She'd squeezed his shoulder, before brushing a stray lock of hair out of Scott's face.
"Thanks," John sighed, with a gratitude that somehow furthered his exhaustion.
Although it was in the world's best interest to see International Rescue functioning again, as swiftly as possible; it was good to know that people had their backs when the chips were down.
Val made her way to the front of the carrier and a flutter of garish Hawaiian fabric filled the seat.
Gordon peered over the eldest brother.
"Hey there, Bird Bath! How's the head?"
A groan, but Scott's eyes remained shut.
"The one and only!"
Scott could hear his brother's Cheshire Cat grin.
"As your brother, I feel it's my duty to tell you that that landing was...*raspberry* stinko, awful...I've seen Rigby land better!" He gave a thumbs down.
"Ah, save it! Yours is the one Thunderbird that doesn't fly," Rigby deadpanned, from the cockpit.
"Make him stop," Scott's hoarse whisper is mainly levied at John, but entreats any and all who can hear him.
"Gladly. Just tell me how," John smirks, finally letting his shoulders drop a fraction.
"Ah, don't be like that... Hey, I know what'll cheer you both up!"
"A good ole sea shanty!" Gordon whips out his pocket device.
"Aww, really John? Not even, 'Leave her Johnny, leave her?'"
"Especially not that."
"Fine. I've got you..."
A moment passes as Gordon scrolls, then taps; and the hangar bursts into song.
Virgil reopens his eyes to the sounds of...wait, is that Conchita Wurst?
Oh God, Gordon - Rise Like a Phoenix...really? Phoenix. This was definitely Gordon's taste in music - and humour.
Virgil doesn't remember being hover-stretchered to the hangar, but it's good to hear the voices of his family once more.
"Stop your fussing. I'm fine,"
"I'll be the judge of that Mrs. Tracy."
"Matthew Eric Jones!" Grandma starts.
"She middle named me! Did y'hear that Mac? She middle named me!"
"Oooh! Now you're in for it!" Gordon's chimes in, clearly enjoying his inflight entertainment.
"I was a doctor-"
"-And now you're my patient. So, unless you're going to sign an AMA form, you'll sit back nicely, and let me do my job."
"Oooh, I like him." Grandma's voice concedes. "Fine. But if they keep me in, you're bringing the treats! And none of this basket of grapes rubbish. I'm talking chocolate and brandy - neat."
"It's a hospital, Grandma." John's voice reasons.
"And you should know - better than most, that they're not gonna let us bring that in for you."
Grandma goes to fold her arms, then winces, with a concealed hiss.
"John. Kid. I'm old! Just stick it in a sippy cup and call it apple juice - they'll never know the difference!"
"Stop tryna...get John...into trouble."
It's a wonderful sound, hearing the deep rumble of baritone. Sally can feel a secondary tightness - one she could not attribute to her injury, leave her broken ribcage.
"Eh. Twas worth a shot." She offers up a warm smile, knowing he cannot see it - both her eldest grandsons sporting large foam trauma blocks; but she hopes he can hear the sentiment within her voice.
"Nice to have you back in the land of the living, kid!"
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londiall · 2 years
SEAL Team S2 E2
And on to episode 2. Lets go:
S2 E2 - Never Say Die
Bio hazard? This looks like a not awesome way to start a show lol. Also, the name of this episode doesn’t help me any with the anxiety lmao.
Oooh. I like how the intro is them coming up out of the water from episode 1. Cool.
Congrats Jason, you figured out coffee.
What is Elmo though?
It doesn’t surprise me a million times over that Sonny got into a literal fight with a literal fucking tree lmao.
Ray, no sir. No. (Even if I know you’ll be back bc internet).
HIS HEAD IS NOT FINE. Why does no one know this?? 
OOOOh, we’re gonna meet the parents. (No - well, yes. I’m glancing over shirtless scenes from now on. All that really happens is staring and not really thinking anyway so it’s not really necessary........) This will end badly, I imagine. No parent wants that kind of pain for their kid. So they’re probably going to try and change Stella’s mind about being with Clay before something serious happens (also, wahhhhhhhhhh bc spoilers bc again, I have the internet) because of how dangerous is job is. Just my thoughts lol. 
I don’t care what anyone says, I really think Jason is a great dad. Home family and Bravo family can’t be easy to juggle. But then again, I feel like spouses or partners or whoever should understand what they’re getting themselves into marrying someone in the military. Especially a spec ops team member. Again, just my 2 cents.
Damn guys, 10 minutes into this show and I’m already getting wordy. That doesn’t bode well for the next 33 minutes of my life lol.
Oh good, they’re going into tunnels...I’m sorry, with ANTHRAX? Oh boy. Yep, worried about my boys rn. Nothing can go wrong? Sure. Then I wouldn’t have 31 minutes left of this show, huh?
So Mandy is in Mexico? Idk, I was writing a novel of a thought when she first came on. Didn’t pay much attention. Oops. Yep, that’s a body.
Oh Ray. I’m so sorry buddy. Of course Jason’s still being stubborn Adam.
I hate tunnels. Just saying. Lmao Sonny. Spiders. I’m sorry, no comms? I don’t enjoy this. Not good. Bad. Very very bad.
Hah. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Oml. Suckstart a pistol is a new one. Sonny, poor baby. It’s ok. Stinky boots and all, they still love you. Blame it on the dog lol.
Sorry, realized I watched into the tunnel scene without stopping to type haha. I’m still watching the tunnel scene. 
Oh good. An explosion. Because fucking TUNNEL. Jesus.
WOOOOOW that tunnel scene was intense. I also had to watch it 2 times bc my kid started throwing up while I was watching the first time. FUN STUFF. The eldest got sick first, about 4 days ago. Then the youngest started puking this morning. It’s fun having multiple kids. Anyway. That tunnel scene had me for a minute even though I knew they didn’t die in it lol. That play by Mandy and Blackburn was genius!!! I’m glad the boys pulled through lol.
I really need to find out how many nicknames Sonny has for Clay.
Ooop. Jason. Ray. Again, ooop.
Oooooooh, the parents!!!! Yep, I kinda had an idea how this was going to go. “I DON’T PLAN ON DOING THIS UNTIL I’M DEAD” I’m dead Clay. I’M DEAD. Dammit I HATE EVERYTHING RN.
Oh shiiiiiiiit Alana. Ok, for all the things on the internet, I must have not read up on Jason Hayes as I thought I did hahaha. Cause I was, indeed, shocked by that one.
Well, onto Episode 3!
All the love - A
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aberrant-webnovel · 11 months
Chapter 7.5 - Silva Dirge Part 1
Content Warning: Strained child-parent relationship
Chapter 7.5 - Silva Dirge Part 1
Dinner in this house is always great. I've had a lot of delicious meals, but mostly mac and cheese. That's my fav.
Ymir is usually the one cooking. He practiced really hard to be able to make lots of different dishes. All so he could do things for his mother. Whenever he's making dinner, it turns out fantastic.
Auntie Del is wonderful. Even though she's mute, we have conversations that last hours. She's always interested in my studies. I know she hears from my mom that I'm leaving to go to school, but she doesn't believe it.
When I told her I wanted to work with my father she signed to me.
[I'll keep your secret. Go make your dream happen.]
She's an angel.
I stay here pretty often whenever my dad isn't home. I even brought a bunch of my study materials here to leave in the spare room. I work on side projects a lot while I'm here. Right now I'm studying magnetic rail systems. I ride the tram often and got the idea that I could learn a way to apply the tech to our vehicles for desert travel. The Desert Sector has a mess of different magnetic fields, so I need to find a way to create a maglift able to ride various magnetic waves.
But that's just an idea. I need more resources to do testing. Good thing I made it into the R&D corps. I'll see what options I have for funding for personal research projects once I get oriented.
Right now, I'm sitting in the guest room at the desk. There's a few parts that I've got placed on the desk in front of me and I've been working on assembling them into casing. This casing is meant to house the power cells and charging system for my maglift project. It's going to need a lot of juice so I'm making this a fairly large housing.
Two knocks on the door.
"Come in."
The door opened and closed. A few steps approached me.
"Oooh! Which project is this again?"
"Magnetic lift for vehicles. We have something similar in the trams and in some road vehicles inside the Domain. Nothing that works right out in the sands."
"That's a…fun one?"
"I think so."
"Then it's fun. You staying here tonight?"
"Yeah, Auntie Del insisted. That's why I didn't leave after dinner."
"You gonna call your mom?"
"I was dreading you coming in here to say that."
"Auntie Fran is gonna flip if you say nothing at all."
"I'll call her."
"Want some leftover mac and cheese?"
"Yes please…"
"I'll be back in a few."
"Wait a sec."
I turned around and stared at Ymir. He's my super reliable younger cousin. He takes better care of me than my parents do, I think. Dad's distracted all the time. No matter how much he loves me and calls "his precious little girl" I don't really remember him trying to raise me into an adult. Mom works as a doctor in a civilian hospital. She isn't around a lot either and she'ss always yelling at me to be a normal girl and stay away from my projects. Ymir became the one who guided me through a lot of life.
"Yeah. Lots and lots, just the way you like it. Weirdo."
"You're the best."
We both chuckled. I watched Ymir walk out of the room. He closed the door and I was alone again. He was right when he said I should call my mom. Even though we don't have the best relationship, she deserves to hear about today.
I have a comm device on the desk. A sleek black rectangle with a touch sensitive screen. The display lit up as I grabbed it. I put in my lock code and opened up my mother's contact. With a sigh, I pressed the call button.
A few seconds of dial tone then I hear it connect.
"Hi mom."
[You left before I even woke up. You must have been out of the house early.]
"Yeah, I had something to do today."
[Something like enlisting with the Vault Breakers?]
"You knew?"
[Your father called me. He didn't know about it until he had to stop Harper from yelling at you. Told me you're an E-Ranker.]
"I can explain why I did what I did."
[You don't need to. You always do what you want and ignore what your family wants for you. Your father was happy you succeeded, but he was really upset that you snuck out to test without a word.]
[Stay with Del and Ymir tonight. Your father will be back in four days. Come home if you want to before then. Otherwise, I'm sure they'll put you up. Just be sure to come home when your father is here.]
"Yes, mother."
[Don't eat too much mac and cheese. You always complain about stomach aches.]
"Yes, mother."
The line disconnected. I heard the tone and then lowered the comm.
How is that the extent of her showing she cares? Don't eat too much?
She doesn't care….
I lowered my held. Tears fell onto my hands. I wasn't making any noise, but the tears wouldn't stop.
Two knocks. I wiped my tears and choked a bit trying to get words out.
"Come in."
The door opened. I was expecting Ymir, but it was Del. She closed the door and walked into the room. She sat on the bed and looked at me. It seemed like she was studying my face a bit. Then she lifted her hands.
[Were you talking to Fran? She was a mess with worry today.]
"She seemed pretty mad."
[She's bad at showing anything else. But she came over in the afternoon.]
"She came here?"
[Said that she and Varun didn't know where you were. She was definitely mad. But I think she just wanted you to be safe.]
"She doesn't ever tell me stuff like that."
[I don't think she can. Fran is difficult sometimes. But she works hard to watch over you and Varun.]
"…I know that. I do. Just hard to accept with how she acts."
[Stay with us til Varun comes home. Then have a talk with them both.]
"Yeah. I think I will. I love you Auntie Del."
[I love you too, Silva.]
While wiping away the moisture still on my face from crying, I heard knocks again. This household is so polite.
Del stood and opened the door before I could respond.
"Hey mom! I was just bringing Silva a bowl of mac."
She let him in and then slipped out of the door, waving to us as she went back to her own room.
"What were you and mom talking about?"
"Just stuff."
"Alright. Well here's your food. I'm gonna head to bed. Get some sleep tonight."
"I will. After I eat all this super yummy mac and cheese."
"It stopped being yummy when the ketchup was put on it. But I hope you enjoy it."
Ymir teased me a bit and left the room.
Time to enjoy this meal and then get some rest.
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Our Doll 8//fighting in the sky
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | the Sokovia fight ends a little...differently.
Warnings | violence, blood, bullet wounds, death, swearing
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Bucky was still on the floor, y/n crouched at his side with a hand cupping his cheek and a concerned look dancing across her eyes. She'd got him propped against a table leg nearby as he'd groaned and winced with pain, flesh hand covering the wound in his shoulder as his breathing got heavier.
Whilst y/n made a fuss, the argument continued and got heated. But she refused to leave him, so much so that when Steve tried to check on them she told him to deal with Tony and that she had Bucky. Or even when Thor arrived, ready to set her dad's plan in motion, of which he did. So now, there was a floating, living computer less than two meters away as Bruce tended to the wound.
They were going to find Ultron tomorrow. Save the world, etc etc. But for now, y/n was much to concerned for her boyfriend who she knew would've healed completely by the end of the hour. Steve knelt down beside her, taking a hold of y/n's free hand and placing a gentle kiss to it before offering her a smile.
"How're you doin', buck?" Steve said softly, looking into the super soldier's cerulean eyes. The brunet offered him a small smile, lips tugging up.
"I'm doin' okay, Stevie." He hummed, before his lips were smothered in a sweet kiss. Y/n still felt a tingle of warmth run down her spine every time she saw them kiss. It was passionate, despite lacking lust in the current situation, and still made a weak pang of arousal crawl down y/n's spine.
"I love you two, so much." Bruce had retreated by this point, so only y/n, Bucky, and Steve were left sat on the floor. Both men before her smiled widely, and Steve leant to give y/n a kiss to the forehead.
"We love you too." Bucky said, and y/n nodded with a tear in her eye. "We'll survive this; we always do."
When the cobbles began splintering, and the ground began shaking, and the buildings began crumbling, all I could do was gasp. Sharp and quiet, the sound barely reaching the ears of those around me as I froze in place from where I'd been ushering a group of children towards the bridge.
We'll survive this; we always do.
Then followed the screams. Shock, fear, pain. The beeping of cars, shattering of glass, clanging of metal, thudding off rubble. Even as those around me fussed - backed away from the edge - I stayed frozen. Eyes locked on the earth we were leaving behind, ears perked at the sound of snapping metal and breaking rock. We were going up, and there was nothing we could do about it.
"Sokovia's going for a ride." FRIDAY's voice echoed through the comm, but the words barely fell on my ears as I remained locked, paralysed.
"Y/n!" Sam's voice ripped me from my trance, his slender arms wrapping over my shoulder as he knocked me down just in time. We rolled onto the floor, his wings breaking our fall against the stone and cocooning us. The sound of an explosion pulled my head up, Clint stood facing us with his bow out - no arrow loaded.
My eyes drifted then, settling on the shards of metal around us and I figured out what happened.
"T-thanks." I mumbled, grabbing Clint's hand as he offered it.
"No problem. Now get you're head in the game, y/n. We're really gonna need all the help we can get." Sam replied, expanding his wings again before he was in the sky above us.
"You okay?" Clint asked, brown quirked. I brushed my arms off, nodding slowly to the man. "Okay."
I sighed out in relief, kicking at the metal before me before shaking my head and putting on a brave face. I took off, running towards a scream I'd heard.
"Stark you worry about bringing the city back down safely," Steve's voice rang in my ear, "the rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." I let off a laugh, pulling a knife from it's sheath at my thing and raising my arm, pressing the blade into the robot's head and smiling at the cracklings sound of it shutting down.
"Nice speech, Stevie." I chortled through a smirk and Bucky chuckled. The woman before me strangled away and I watched after her before taking off again.
"Is he always so bossy on missions?" Bucky pondered and Sam's laugh could be heard through my earpiece.
"Yes he is." The Falcon sighed, and I could tell Steve was rolling his eyes with that ridiculous, toothy smirk.
"Remind me to punish you when I get home. Both of you." Steve sneered playfully and Tony gagged. Nat laughed.
"Ew. Please don't talk about your sex lives through the comms." Clint jeered disgustedly.
"Whatever you say, Captain." I smirked and Bucky chuckled again.
It was awhile before anyone spoke again, all wrapped up in crushing the robots. By now I'd found Bucky, and we fought back-to-back as Sam and Rhodey cleared the skies. Bucky held a gun in hand, shooting mercilessly at the gadgets as I threw knife after knife, never even missing once.
"Hey, Doll?" Bucky shouted over the noise as I sent another knife flying into a head.
"Yeah?" I called back, letting out a grunt as I rolled out the way of a bullet.
"D'ya think your powers work on these things?" Bucky asked again, turning around and shooting the one that still had its sights on me.
"Thanks. And I don't know, I haven't tried."
"Well maybe now is about time!" I heard steve voice through the comm again. That when I started to hum, that unfamiliar, dangerous tune. Bucky froze in space, gun lowered at we marvelled at the convulsing robots around us. Their heads crackled as spurts of electricity danced around them, before they all simtaneously exploded, pieces of flaming metal sent spinning through the air.
Bucky pulled me into him, crouching down and shielding us with his metal arm as a few stray pieces were sent towards us.
"Well, I'd say it works." Bucky mumbled through a laugh and I joined him, both of us straightening up and running in the direction of where steve was.
"So it works?" Pietro called down the comm, and I shared a look with Bucky.
"It fuckin's works." Bucky smirked before I interjected.
"Kind of. If people are in the vicinity they may get hurt. I'd only be able to use it on a good enough scale if we evacuate this thing." I said and Tony scoffed.
"What do you think we've been doing?" There was a silence again after that.
"Hey Steve!" Bucky yelled, waving the to blonde super soldier as he turned around from where he was stood beside Nat.
"Glad you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get better." I came to a halt at the sound of Fury's voice in my ear. Bucky stopped beside me, both of us only a few feet behind Nat and Steve as the whirring of Bucky's arm filled the silence.
Then we saw it. The ship rose gracefully through the clouds, big and glorious and full of the promise of victory.
"Fury you son of a bitch." Steve clipped and I heard Bucky's low chuckle from beside me.
"Oooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I found myself laughing to at Fury's comment.
"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked, entranced as he walked up beside us.
"This is what SHIELD is supposed to be." Steve affirmed and Pietro's smile just grew wider.
"This is not so bad." The lifeboats began landing, pulling up to the edge of the rock before Steve was barking orders down the Comm again.
"Let's load 'em up." So that's what we did.
It was so close. We were so close. Barley any civilians remained, the last of them just getting onto the last of the lifeboats at the moment. The plan to take out Ultron was in play.
Me, Pietro and Clint were the only avengers in the area, about to get on life boats ourselves when a woman began begging and crying.
"Her son isn't here. We need to find him." Clint mumbled quickly as he walked passed me, hand wrapping a round my bicep and pulling me with him.
"Well where could he be? We've looked everywhere!" I explained in a whisper, eyes wide with fear. I didn't like the idea of anyone dying by our hands, besides those horrid, evil robots.
"I don't know, just-" Clint cut himself off, his jittery eyes landing on the boy as he struggled and shouted for help. "Wait here."
And with that Clint was sprinting off, leaving me stood only a few feet from the edge as Pietro made sure everyone else was safely on the lifeboat.
"Shit." I murmured, reaching for a dagger, but my fumbling hand couldn't find one as I say the robot stagger towards Clint and the boy. "Clint!" I shouted, finally finding a knife sheathed in my back pocket and letting it slide from my hand, the rigid metal burying itself in the thing's skull. It shut down immediately, dropping to the floor. Clint raised an arm in thanks, quickly turning back to the boy to lift him up.
I found myself laying behind a nearby piece of rumble before I could make sense of it, winded and groaning as I peered over at the sound of the gunfire.
Where had it come from? The last of them should be dead now. My thought were racing, horrified. But it didn't compare to my disjointed scream. The blood staining Pietro's back was seeping, leaking onto his shirt as he swayed, his faint voice making the sob catch in my throat.
"You didn't see that coming?" My eyes drifted to the sky, the ship nearly out of my reach and the bottled, bubbling anger surfaced again. Only this time, I didn't let it simmer back down again.
We'll survive this; we always do.
The sound that tore from me could barely be described as a hum, let alone a song as the pained sound channelled through me.
You didn't see that coming?
A burst of light, a spark that set fire into a rapid succession of aguish; agony. A wave that knocked everyone to their feet, pushing Steve back as he ran towards Clint, who was hunted over Pietro's limp body.
Don't turn your back on me!
Lifeless, the bodies that sunk into the seats behind me enticed gasps from Clint as he slowly stood, eyes locked on the sight over my shoulder.
I love you two, so much.
I turned with a horrified, disgruntled noise. One of shock, pain, fear, guilt, dread all mixed into one horrid, ugly noise.
Ultron has won.
And maybe he has, because the sight before me  was not one of victory. He had succeeded in some form, no doubt. The wing of grey soaring past me causing me eyes to narrow, and my heart to shatter.
This is what SHIELD is supposed to be.
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Bucky Barnes Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll
Steve Rogers Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 910: Fairy Dust:  Part I / III
Aurora walked passed Sarah at the comms. station and out onto the roof proper. Weiss and Yang were training. Weiss used a close-guard of her rapier to deflect Yang's strike, and the two stepped apart. Weiss saw Aurora watching them and saluted Yang before lowering her guard. "Aurora?"
"Mistress." Aurora greeted her, "I'm afraid we have not yet been able to contact Klein."
"Light Brother." an annoyed Weiss replied, "All of Atlas could strive against me, and I will not let them twart my marriage."
"While unable to get a message to him, we do have a location."
"Then we must head there, post-haste!" Weiss exclaimed.
"Post, huh?" Yang asked.
"With all due alacrity?" Weiss asked her.
"Like, A-S-A-P?" Yang asked.
"Indeed." Weiss fervently asserted.
"I'm in." Yang stated, and Aurora cleared her throat. "What's up, little, uh, bit?"
"I'm afraid the map of the terrain is... not favourable to your deployment."
Yang breathed in deep. "I can be a lot of a hot head. I mean... but..."
"And whom would you recommend?" Weiss asked.
"Flight would be ideal." Aurora stated.
"Taj?" Yang asked, and Aurora developed a bright smile.
"Yes and no." Aurora stated.
"You don't have to make fun of..." Yang tried to say.
"She adores you." Weiss simply stated as she looked at Aurora. She then turned to Yang, "I believe she refers to Penthesilea."
"OOOH!" Yang exclaimed, "That makes a lot more sense."
Weiss saluted Yang one last time before sheathing her rapier, "We should speak with our husband."
"Fiancée." Yang stated, "Right? Or is he more of a baby-daddy."
This caused Weiss to let out a long scoff, "HE - WILL - NEVER - BE - SOMETHING - SO - DEBASED."
"Even if we get off to it?" Yang asked. This caused Weiss to develop a mostly light blue flush with waves of dark. She breathed in deep and it evened out.
"Those are two completely different issues." Weiss uttered.
"Then what is he?" Yang asked.
"Our beau?" Weiss said assuredly.
"Too snooty."
"Too?.." Weiss asked, and paused for thought. "Benefactor."
"Benedictor." Yang said with a snicker.
"That does not..."
"Chill, ice queen."
"Chilling." Weiss simply stated, and breathed in deep again. "Benevolent chevali..."
"No." Yang stated.
Weiss paused for thought, and then again. If Husband was inaccurate, and Beau too snooty, then what middle ground would suffice?
"M'Lord?" Aurora asked, and Yang visibly shook.
"Perhaps too energetic for her?" Weiss asked.
"I hate... yeah..." Yang replied.
"Sir seems to be the only thing we have left." Weiss said, looking Yang deep into the eyes. "If Husband is insufficient for you?"
Yang stared into her eyes for a few moments before stepping forward to kiss her passionately on the lips.
* * *
Aurora elegantly walked down the steps into the first basement level, "M'Lord?"
Jaune stepped up from amongst the crates. "Bit?" he asked.
"A conclave of Huntsmen is required."
"Uh, yeah?"
"I will call it immediately." Aurora eagerly replied.
* * *
RWBY + NR + I + N + PC sat amongst the couches in the main floor lounge, with Jaune stood before them with Aurora and Sarah behind him. Taj was off in the background.
"What's up, Jaune?" Ruby asked.
"Well, it turns out seeds expire after like a few years, and pretty much everything in the basement is junk and compost."
"Is that really you brought us here?" Blake asked.
"What?" Jaune asked, "Oh, no, that wasn't me." He then stepped to the side as he looked at Aurora.
Aurora stepped forward with a brilliant look on her face. She breathed in deeply to calm herself down, "Now, we have had trouble contacting Mr. Klein Sieben."
"Who?" Nora asked, with her am in the air.
"The Schnee family butler, whom Mistress wishes to invite to the wedding."
"Gotcha." Nora replied.
"We have found a location." Aurora said, and touched her scroll. A large, holographic map appeared around her with a clearly market location, nearly the other side of Solitas from both Minas Levain and Atlas. "Mistress has expressed her strong desire to pursue this personally, and, with the lack of a proper landing area, another Huntress who can fly. Penthesilea looked around for a moment, before looking at Aurora and raising her hand. "Yes?" Aurora asked.
"I am afraid that I am not a Huntress?" Penthesilea asked.
"While you do not yet have the certification, you certainly have the skill." Aurora replied.
"I would love to accompany Friend-Weiss!" Penthesilea added.
"As I surmised." Aurora stated. Nora raised her hand again. "Yes?" Aurora said, looking her in the eyes.
"And the rest of us?" Nora asked.
"Ah?" Aurora asked, pressed a couple of things on her scroll, and multiple marks appeared. Windows then appeared showing Huntsmen contracts.
"That seems like a lot?" Yang asked. "Are we sure T-Rex can deal with all of this?"
With this Taj stepped into the central space, "This is literally why you hired me. I'm not some fuckup charity case who used his connections to get a gig, I'm the best pilot there is when it comes to hostile extractions."
Nora once again raised her hand, "Then why did you quit?"
"Oh?" Taj asked, "That's pretty easy. I had a constant fear of being found out."
"About your claws?" Nora asked.
"Talons." Taj replied. "The General is a big believer in best man for the job, but the rest of the military is not so understanding. If I was a Specialist I could probably get away with it, but I was just a pilot, one a LOT of people felt like they didn't need. I can get you in, I can get you out, I can thread a needle, or tie it in a bow. Break into four groups, and I'll keep you all safe."
"I do believe our Bonhomme." Weiss said, and looked at Yang, "Chev... Our Sir and Darling should make up the teams."
"Works for me." Yang said, and looked Jaune deep in the eyes, "SIR."
Jaune had to step back from the shock. Ruby then appeared in a burst of rose petals beside him.
* * *
Arnold Swatzhoff sat in a chair. Ursa and Felicia sat in two of the four chairs opposite. Earnest stared into nothing while Sparrowhawk paced about frantically. Earnest turned towards him. "We accept your terms, but for now, we're not here to speak to you."
Ursa turned back to look at him, "Then why is he here?"
"Because." Arnold said, and she turned towards him, "While I'm here, you can speak freely. You have the right to remain silent, and the right to speak with an attorney in private, without delay. Ergo, while I'm here, you're free to speak freely." He gestured towards them.
Earnest walked up. Felicia and Ursa turned their chairs to face him while Sparrowhawk ceased his pacing, though still looked about franticallly. "I say we dump the Humans. They haven't done a single thing to help us."
"They've been helping us." Ursa said.
"And just what have we accomplished?" Earnest asked.
"The tunnels?" Ursa asked.
"Filled with Grimm, and our brothers and sisters, and let's face it, most of them were our sisters, as slaves, and we all know what our sister slaves were going to be used for. The Humans of Atlas might not care if we live or die, but some of them just get off fucking us when we're down. Let me say it again, how - did - they - help - us? Okay, yeah, if it got to the end, we might be able to tear down Atlas academy. That would just leave Shade in Vacuo."
"Then what are you complaining about?" Ursa asked.
Sparrowhawk quickly interjected, "It's almost as if they just used us to do their digging for them?"
"Despite how the Humans of Atlas are fucking them," Felicia added, "the Faunus don't want to fight back."
"They can thank their bright shining tinman." Sparrowhawk stated. "He gives them hope. We all know that he can't save them."
"But what would happen if Atlas didn't have him?" Earnest asked, "Would the Faunus be any better for it?"
"They wouldn't have false hope." Sparrowhawk nearly spat.
"And how well is our revolution going?" Earnest asked. "Huh? Not a single Faunus in Atlas wants to help us. They are either in gangs, fighting for scraps from the tables of their betters, or simply begging. We might not be much hope, but the General is, even if it is faint."
"So, what?!" Sparrowhawk asked, "We just roll over, and play dead?!"
"Just think, Sparrowhawk. What would they do if we weren't there?, huh? We're helping them, and their helping us. Do we really think they are still doing ANYTHING for the good of the Faunus?!" The other three simply looked at him. "I'm not saying we should roll over, I'm saying we should stab them in the back like we know they are going to do for us. No one in Atlas gives a damn about Faunus. The sooner we accept that, the better we'll be. Burning down the Huntsman Academies was always Adam's goal, and I honestly don't see how it will help the Faunus."
"But?" Sparrowhawk spat.
"But we've got dirt on the worst Humans in Atlas." Earnest replied.
"We could tear them down?!" Sparrowhawk excitedly asked, momentarily standing up properly. Earnest and Sparrowhawk started looking between the other two.
"I hate the idea." Felicia stated, and Ursa looked at her eagerly, "But it's the best one we've got. Let's face it, even if we didn't do anything, we'd probably end up here, in Atlantis. We can't burn Atlas, but we can tear down the rich fuckers causing most of the problems."
Ursa looked around before looking away.
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haravath0t · 4 years
A Christmas Heist Pt. III - Digging Deeper
Pairing: Bucky x Reader  
Warnings: another immense word count, some fluff, tension, implied smut (if you wince), and Brock being an ass again
A/N: Hello, everyone! Sorry for the massive delay on this mini-series! School and family just has been making updating so much harder, but I am happy to be getting the mojo back even if it is little! I am trying to get myself to post on the weekends so that way I can keep up my motivation to remain active on tumblr. Since I am slowly getting used to school, I would like to play around with my schedule to see if anything will work! This part is starting to have some more tensions and the mission is slowly starting to escalate! I hope you all enjoy! Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
A Christmas Heist Masterlist
Request: “Bucky X reader where a Hydra agent dressed up as Santa and Bucky has to fight him, but the only way he can get close enough to “Santa” is dressing up as an elf. Thanks!”
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You weren’t going to lie, this mission was a fun one to take part of. It’s been a couple of days, and it was quite funny to admit it was pretty fun and exhilarating. The places within the Apple Store that you three have rummaged through during these past few days are only making the options for where the hidden USB is more narrow. Besides the fact that you were after a hard drive that could possibly bring harm to many people if you didn’t retrieve it before the set date, you were happy that you were helping kids. However, this one would be a different one from the past few days. Your fellow co-worker, Daphne, brought in the next excited child to sit on Santa’s lap. It would be safe to say that from the viewpoint of the parent’s Mrs. Claus was doing most of the heavy lifting, for her husband was… focused on other things than Christmas.
“Alright. It’s break time for me. I’m going to the back. If we can’t find anything, I’ll see if I can get access to the lockers. Keep watch in case suspicious characters follow suit.” You hear Steve say into the comms. “You got it, punk. Be careful.” James responds back, eyeing Steve from his spot of the Toy Store. You and Steve make quick and subtle eye contact before he excuses himself.
“What’s your name?” You hear Brock say, unenthusiastically, forcing himself to rub the child’s back for comfort. “Brandon,” he replies, shyly biting down on his thumb. You tried hard to not let out a huff of frustration, for Brock clearly underestimated children and their ability to sense the energy of their surroundings. Like everyday you’ve worked here, you stepped in.
“Brandon! What do you want for Christmas?” You smile, reaching out your hand kindly as he shyly lets his small fingers wrap around your pointer finger. “Ummm… I want… I want a stuffed Mickey Mouse. Ummm… a puppy… and I… want… a big car! He finishes with growing excitement. “I want to drive in a car!” He giggles squeezing your finger as he starts to twist his upper body side to side. You couldn’t help the smile that grows on your face. “Oooh, just you wait, Brandon. You’ve been a good boy, I can tell.” An excited nod comes from the child. “Yes I am, Mrs. Claus! I’ve been nice this year!” You couldn’t help but laugh alongside the parents at the adorable nature of the kid. “He really has been. He’s been looking forward to seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus all year,” the mother remarks with a smile as she watches Brandon excitedly swing his arm with the hand that’s holding yours. “Ooh, then just you wait till you see the presents under the tree on Christmas, Brandon. I will make sure Santa puts a Mickey Mouse, puppy, and big car on his sleigh.” Brandon smiled from ear to ear, going up on his knees to reach over Santa’s seat to hug you. You gasped and giggled as you returned the hug, causing the parents to smile and take pictures of the lovely interaction. “Thank you, Mrs. Claus.” He replies with a cute smile before hugging Santa to thank him as well, only to receive a grunt from Santa’s end. “Time for pictures!” Daphne calls before she returns to the camera, counting down before the flash goes off, then another. The boy hops off excitedly, waving at you both as the parents whisk him away. Then you hear, “Rumlow, are you almost out yet? We have to discuss more of the Barracuda Project.” That wasn’t coming to your comm. “Yeah, yeah, in a bit, Agent Woodman. I’m still working.” You hear Rumlow grunt quietly into his comm. You had to do something. Steve was still in there.
“Thank you, Brandon!” you call out, nudging Brock slightly feigning innocence. Brock grunted from your nudge and followed suit. “Alright good job, guys. This was the last kid for the day. We’re free!” Daphne exclaims as she puts away the camera equipment. “Thank goodness, we’re done,” you smile, looking over at Rumlow, who was clearly in some hurry. You had to keep thinking fast. You watched Rumlow start to make his way towards the back of the bookstore. “State your status, Cap,” you say hurriedly into your comm.
“Still trying to look through the back room”
“How far back?”
“Quite far back.”
“Steve, you gotta get out of there ASAP. They’re planning to meet over there.”
“Stall Rumlow. I have to clean all this mess up.”
A groan leaves your lips as you swiftly walk towards the back, taking off your wig and glasses. You hated to do this. You plastered a smile to your face. “B-Brock?” You called innocently outside the employee’s men’s bathroom, causing Rumlow to open the door. Your eyes widened when you found him shirtless, still in his Santa slacks and boots. “O-oh, sorry. I-I’ll leave you-” You stutter, embarrassed, a bit of blush evident on your cheeks. A smug smirk starts to come on Brock’s face, cutting you off. “Oh, it’s not a problem, don’t worry, Mary or should I say…”
Oh no. Has he found out?
“Mrs. Claus?”
You let out a bubbly giggle and a coy smile, waving your hand. “Oh, stop. It’s my job. Ummm. I don’t really know my locker in the back. I was wondering if you can… help me find it?” You ask in a coy manner, eyes purposely staring at Brock’s figure so he can catch you staring.
“Y/N, what-” Bucky whispers in the comm.
A smirk goes on Brock’s face once again, biting his lip. “Oh, yeah, no problem, Mary. Maybe I can show you a few more things, since you’re new. I can change into the rest of my clothing in the back anyways.” It worked. You let out another annoying bubbly giggle and nod. “I’d like that, Brock,” You respond back, innocently batting your eyelashes up at the burly man. 
“Rumlow. Rumlow we are waiting-”
“Hold on, Mary, someone’s calling me.” 
In no time, Rumlow closed the door and locked it. Allowing a breath that was held in to be held out. 
“Status, Steve?” you whisper quietly, looking around to make sure no one was hearing you. 
“Still cleaning. Keep stalling.” Fuck.
“You kiddin’ me, punk? Hurry up. Y/N, sweetheart, what’s happening?” 
“Buck, honey I got this, gotta go. Steve, I’ll try to give you 10 more minutes allowance max. You’re gonna pay for this.”
You yanked your comm and turned it off, placing it in one of the deeper pockets of your Mrs. Claus skirt, right on time when Rumlow walks out, still topless with a smug smile on his face. “Sorry about that, sweetheart (yuck). Here lemme show you what the back looks like.” He says, walking ahead as you follow behind in. You eye his pants, you heard a little jiggling from his pants. Keys. You peeped to the side to see that indeed, you were right. You had to keep this cover up to be able to get those keys without suspicion. You kept biting your lip for Brock to see your “interest”, taking your set of your fake set of keys from your duffle bag and swooshing them around. You passed a few shelves before landing on the lockers. “Here, Mary, is your locker. You can feel free to leave your costumes here and your stuff-” Yeah, that’s it keep talking. Just keep batting your eyelashes at him, Y/N. Steve better get out of there quickly.  “And yeah. That’s it. You understood that?” Rumlow questions, taking you out of your thoughts. “O-Oh, thank you. I’m just going to put my bag up here, then.” You say, nodding. His eyes were still on you as you made your way in front of him. 
“Scanning the back area to approve clearance of the meeting place.” Oh no, Steve. 
If only you didn’t get to have such good hearing, the comm interactions between the Hydra agents wouldn’t worry you so much. You had to keep going. You dropped your duffle bag (rather loudly) on the floor. “Oops! Sorry, about that,” You say, bending down to retrieve your duffle, making it a point to put your hand on his thigh for stability. You knew this ought to have worked.
Brock couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to your hands and your bent figure. Oh, that comm was way past him now. You were so beautiful and attractive. It would be very nice to show off a girl like you next to a man like himself, right? Maybe, just maybe, he can get that asshole George to stay away from being the “defender of women”. No need to because you’re clearly attracted to him right? He might as well. 
His hands slowly helped you back up and put the duffle in the locker, catching your eyes looking up at his. If only you knew how he loved the innocence radiating off of your face alone. “B-Brock?” You manage to choke out. “Back room is cl- wait. I think I’m seeing something,” Woodman says into Brock’s comm. Your trip on your own two feet and stumble a bit before Rumlow catches you, hands on your waist, face much closer to yours. “Rumlow. We may have an intru-”
“Mary!” This George the “woman’s defender” calls, footsteps approaching to where you are. He sees the elf at the corner of his eye. Oh this is sweet. Maybe George can leave his pursuit of you alone this time.
“There is an intruder. Checking to see-” 
SMACK. Brock pressed his lips to yours causing your eyes to widen in surprise. Think fast, Y/N. Think fast. You played with the game, letting yourself close your eyes as you kissed him back in feigned surprise. He did nothing but deepen this kiss, ignoring the messages going into his comms. You just knew your boyfriend looked like he was fuming. You allowed one of your hands to guide one of his hands from your waist, placing them on your hair, wrapping your leg around his waist. You can tell he was enjoying this. If you timed, this perfectly, you can be closer to completing this retrieval mission. You initiated a deeper kiss, satisfied when Brock follows suit. 
3, 2, 1. 
You let your set of keys drop from your hands to get a believable shock factor, letting the fall of the keys give you time allowance to quickly reach into his loose Santa pocket. 
Your set of keys dropped on the floor, echoing the same time as you swiftly yank out Brock’s keys, tightly clenching them to prevent noises. Your hips start to buck, smirking as Brock let out a low groan and clinging onto your form and hair tighter. You allowed Rumlow to let his tongue dance in your mouth. You let him touch and kiss, for unknown to his knowledge, you extended your free hand, you and Bucky having a silent exchange before he leaves with a huff. Rumlow smirks and pulls away when he hears Bucky walk away, his want and lust evident in his eyes. “Didn’t know you wanted me in that way, Mary. Should have told me sooner so I could do more.” 
“False alarm. Checked the suspect and saw it was just another Apple employee. Meeting will take place when you arrive.” 
A smirk goes on your face as you unwrap your leg, bending down to pick up your keys. “Hmm, well maybe I like this game that we have here and we can see where we land. Say, why don’t I help you change, hm? So I can look at you a bit more before you leave your shift.” You suggest, brows raised with a sultry stare to feign infatuation. Brock was a busy man, but with what you had to offer? Maybe he can make some room.
A few minutes later, Rumlow walked out with his backpack in his casual clothes, sending a smirk to Bucky’s way as he fixed the toys on his shelf. Bucky scoffed, watching this good for nothing agent leave the facility. He saw you coming in another minute later, back in your Jovie get up with a smug smile on your face. His eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, at least satisfied that your comm was back again to your ear, hidden under your hair. “I hated going through that.” You groaned, helping him organize the toys. “Did you both do more than what I saw?” He asked in a low tone. “Other than taking off his Santa pants? Nothing really. I took it off so he wouldn’t know it’s missing. Made sure no suspicions were raised too.” You noticed Bucky quietly pouting as he attended to work. You would have laughed at his tight clad figure with his pointy shoes, but you genuinely felt bad. “What’s wrong Buck?” You ask a bit nervously. “Hated watching you get kissed by that guy. But you sure do know how to fool these guys,” He pouts, jiggling Rumlow’s keys that were in his pocket. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head.
“Trust me, it wasn’t as disgusting as you think it was.”
“Nice thing to tell me Y/N as if I-”
“He’s way worse, Buck.” “...I’m still better?”
“Of course, he is out of the question when I have you.” 
“I get that’s the usual tactic for most missions, but I still think you should owe me a bit of consolation for seeing that.” 
“Maybe we can dedicate tonight to do whatever you’d like.” 
A chuckle and smirk finally adorn Bucky’s face. 
“Well best be prepared, sugar, because I’m taking full advantage of that.” 
“Y/N, Buck, I’m in this comm too you know, geez let the old grandpa breathe.” Steve groans in disgust, causing you both to laugh as you finished your shifts.
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Part 4: A Plan Unfolds
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anakin-danvers · 4 years
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Rey x fem!reader 
Description: All your life you think you know what you like. Then came her. 
In an attempt to have you talk to a certain Resistance pilot, you end up realizing your wingwoman might be the one who you have feelings for. 
Word count: ~2k
Warnings: none, it’s pure fluff plus my personal love letter to Daisy Ridley’s face
A/N: Wow I never thought I’d be writing something like this. But I did it and it’s here. And honestly, I’m so happy with how this turned out. As always, please let me know what you think :)
P.S. reminder that requests are open!
“Look, he’s walking this way.”
You hold back an eye roll as your friends giggle beside you. As much as you want to ignore them, you look up, seeing the source of their teasing. Poe Dameron, Resistance pilot, is walking over to his X-Wing which is stationed conveniently next to your own. 
Quickly, you avert your eyes from him, instead looking down at the comm you are working on fixing. Your friends, Sav and Tess, were supposed to be keeping you company while you finished the maintenance of your X-Wing, but instead it seemed they were more focused on distracting you.  
Poe reaches his X-Wing, turning over to give you and your friends a greeting. 
“Ladies,” he greets, giving a small wave before turning over to perform his own maintenance on his fighter. You nod as a form of greeting, too embarrassed by Tess and Sav’s muffled giggles to do anything else. 
As his attention leaves from your group, your head swiftly turns to glare at your friends. 
“What the kriff was that? Can you two be anymore obvious?” Your voice is low, not wanting Poe’s attention again, but the annoyance is evident in your tone. 
“Oh c’mon Y/N. Half the base has a crush on Poe, just have fun with it” Sav says, waving a hand to try to calm your nerves. 
“That may be the case, but I don’t want him thinking I’m part of that group,” you say, glancing over to make sure Poe can’t hear your conversation. From the enthusiastic conversation he’s holding with his BB unit, it’s fair to say you’re safe. 
“And why not?” Tess asks. “You should shoot your shot, you never know what might happen.” She shrugs, going back to working on the small design you let her paint on your fighter after much insistence from her part. 
You hold back a scoff. “Please, we all know that’s never happening.”
“What’s never happening?”
Kriff, the stars really are plotting against me today. 
The three of you turn at the sound of the voice. When your eyes meet with a pair of hazel ones, you wish you would’ve opted for fixing your X-Wing on your own. 
Standing before you is Rey, lightsaber hooked to her side and holding a brown bag which carried a wonderful smell. Her hair is half up, allowing the bottom half to sit on her shoulders. Her eyes stay on yours, making the jumpsuit you are wearing suddenly feel very warm. 
“Nothing,” you quickly say. At your answer, her brows rise. 
“Nothing is ever going to happen? Seems like a rather...tragic way to look at life,” she says, a hint of teasing evident in her voice. 
Against your will, the corners of your mouth raise slightly, just in time for Rey to let out a small laugh. 
“I brought Wookiee Cookies,” she says, holding up the brown bag. 
“Rey, you angel,” Sav says, walking over to her immediately to pluck her pick of the sweet treat. 
Rey takes a seat next to Sav on the floor, looking up to where you were finishing up your comm work. 
“Cookie, Y/N?” She once again raises the brown bag.
“Yes, in a second. I’m about to finish working on the comm...” you trial off, your tongue poking out slightly as you focus on finishing the last wirings needed. 
While in your state of concentration, Sav, Tess, and Rey converse among themselves. You pick up a bit of what they’re saying, the conversation moving from the lack of variety in the dining hall’s menu lately to the recent supply relief trip Rey and Finn made to the Outer Rim. 
You finish the comm fix, wiping your hands on the rag you had draped over your shoulder. As you make your way to get off your X-Wing, you steal a glance to where Poe is. He catches your look, giving you a smile before going back to what he was doing. You’re sure the group can see your flustered expression once you join them where they’re sitting. 
“What just happened?” Sav asks, excitement lacing her words. 
Rey’s face is painted with curiosity, her eyes searching your face for an answer to Sav’s question. 
“Nothing. He just smiled at me is all,” you say, looking down at your crossed legs. 
“Poe?” It’s Rey who asks, and by the way her eyes widen slightly, you can tell she’s catching on to what’s going on. 
It’s as if they’re all in sync with each other, because at Rey’s small gasp as a result of your silence, the three of them get closer to you, Tess leaving her place on the stool where she had been painting to join in on the huddling. 
“Yes, now please keep it down,” you say in a whispered tone, but you know it’s futile at the way they’re all not-so-subtly holding back their giggles. 
“I didn’t know there was something going on there,” Rey says while holding the bag of Wookiee Cookies open for you. 
You take one of the cookies and take a bite, taking your time to chew before answering. 
“There’s nothing going on. And there won’t be. I’m not his type,” you say, taking another bite of the cookie. 
“But you don’t know that!” Tess grabs your arm closest to her, shaking it lightly. “You don’t know unless you try to find out.”
“She’s right. If you like him, you should try to see if it can go somewhere,” Rey says. 
You look over at her and find her eyes are already locked on you. Her hazel eyes, beautiful you notice, hold something in them you can’t quite place. Whatever that is, it makes your heart beat quicken, adding to the already flustered state you are in. You look away, your eyes jumping from the cookie in your hand to the laces of your boots to the green of Sav’s pants. Anywhere but back at Rey. 
“I don’t even know if I like him that way, is the thing. He’s cute, very cute, but first I want to know him more,” you explain. You really didn’t think your plan to fix the comm would end up turning into a relationship intervention session. 
“Well, then let’s get you two to start talking more,” Rey says, smiling at the terror that paints your face. 
Sav and Tess laugh at your expression, joined by Rey’s own laughter. You can’t help but smile at their teasing, and you swear the way Rey’s face lights up at your smile causes you to almost choke on your last bite of cookie. 
“Hey, you.”
You jump slightly at the voice behind you, dropping the data pad you had been reading. You squat down to pick it up, being beat by a hand that grabs it before you, another hand extending to help you up. Looking up to find Poe being the owner of said hands, you take the one he’s holding out for you, standing back up. 
“Sorry,” he says, handing you the data pad. “I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”
See how you were doing? 
The realization washes over you. He’s trying to have a conversation with you. And somehow, you know Rey is behind this. 
“No, you’re fine. I shouldn’t have been walking and reading I guess,” you say, taking the data pad from where he’s holding it out. 
Poe chuckles, putting his hands on his hips as he nudged his head to the direction you’d been walking. 
“Where were you heading? I don’t want to keep you.”
“Oh, I was just heading to the dining hall. Wanted to grab some lunch before a briefing I have with General Riekkan.”
“Then, if you don’t mind, I’ll be grabbing lunch with you. I have a training session with a few new pilots later, so lunch right now sounds great,” Poe says. 
You nod, smiling at him. “I would like that.”
The two of you have lunch together, talking about different things. The topic you two stay on the longest is, of course, X-Wings. He knows so much about them, and you’re always willing to learn more. The lunch ends in him making you promise that you have to share lunch together again to finish your conversation about how the sounds your fighters make indicates its problems. 
He walks you to where you’re going to have your briefing with General Riekkan, giving you a quick hug before running off to meet the new pilots. You still have the smile on your face when you see Rey come out of a hallway. The way she’s smiling at you lets you know you were right of her involvement regarding Poe approaching you. 
“So,” she says once she reaches you.  Her hands are behind her back and she’s swaying slightly as the excitement bubbles out of her. “How was it?”
You chuckle at her state. “It was nice. He’s a really nice guy.”
“Oooh,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows which causes you to bring a hand to your face. 
“But,” you say, removing your hand to see her smile falter a bit. 
“No, don’t tell me there’s a ‘but’.”
You’re about to answer when General Riekkan opens the door of the briefing room. 
“Ah, Y/N, please come in. Rey, if you’d like to join as well.”
The two of you follow him in, not another word spoken about Poe. You know that’ll change after the briefing. 
The briefing is quick, another supply relief that you were originally going to be doing on your own, but we’re now going to do with Rey, since she ‘seems to not have anything planned for that day’.
As General Riekkan gives some details on the supplies and the planet you’d be aiding, you feel Rey’s eyes on you. You look over at her, and instead of looking away, she smiles. Heat climbs up your neck, making its way to your cheeks and ears. You smile back, and see that something in her eyes again, and just like earlier, it causes your heart beat to quicken. 
The briefing is concluded, and Rey offers to walk you to your room. You’re walking to your room when she speaks. 
“So, what’s the ‘but’?”
“Straight to the point, I see,” you say, a small laugh escaping your lips. 
“Well I’ve been in thought during the whole briefing.”
You laugh again, this time followed by Rey’s laugh. Butterflies fill your stomach at the sound, and you have to take a small breath before talking. 
“He’s very nice, but I think I see him more as a friend. An attractive friend, but still, just a friend,” you explain. You reach the door of your room, and the both of you stop walking. 
“Well, I can’t say I’m disappointed,” Rey says. 
And maybe it’s the proximity or the fact that you don’t have the walking to distract you, but you can’t help but just admire the way Rey looks before you. Her lashes adorn her hazel eyes beautifully, and the little scar on her cheek seems so unique, so her. You’re shamelessly staring at this point, and she knows it. 
“You’re not?” you manage to ask. 
She shakes her head. “No, I’m not.”
“Because,” she says, moving even closer to you, “I have a type and he was about to take it away.”
“Oh?” you ask, taking a small gulp as your look trails from her eyes to her lips. “And what is it?”
“It’s you.”
Her lips touch your cheek before you process what she says. Once you realize what’s going on, you can’t help but close your eyes, only opening them again when you feel the heat her kiss leaves behind. 
She’s smiling at you, the same smile that caused her eyes to hold that something you couldn’t place earlier, only now you can. It’s a twinkle in her eyes that you’re sure is reflected on your own.  
You lick your lips, not realizing how dry your mouth is until you make an attempt to speak. 
“Then I’m not disappointed either,” you say, your voice just above a whisper. 
If it’s even possible, her smile grows, causing you to smile yourself, a smile that can only be attributed to one person. 
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 23: Duct and Cover
I stand by this terrible pun
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Pidge adjusted their eyeware, inspecting the Balmeran crystals Hunk had brought them. “Yes, these should do. Thank you.”
“Of course. Shay was happy for an excuse to call her brother.”
“The brother who hates you?”
“That’s the one.”
“Mnh. I’ll never understand that man. Oh! How is Shay? She's pretty far along now, right?”
“She’s due in a few phoebs. And she’s well, thanks for asking. Chasing after Rosetta is becoming difficult. I might see if Lance wants to borrow her. Get his baby fix.”
“You people. Squirting your DNA at each other. So uncivilized. So underevolved.”
“Whatever you say, Pidge.”
“Keith agrees with me.”
“For now… So what are you gonna do with the crystals?”
Pidge rummages around their workroom, digging for their toolkit. “Well, I stumbled across some old research of Alfor’s. Before Lance was born, he’d been looking into whether Balmeran crystals are biocompatible. Things that are compatible for some other species, like coral or ceramic, are not compatible with Alteans, limiting the use of more advanced prosthetics and cosmetic modifications. Alfor suggested that due to its unique ability to absorb, store, and distribute quintessence, Balmeran crystal might be biocompatible.
“But after Lance was born, he just kind of… discarded it.”
“That’s brilliant, Pidge. Have you contacted Ryner back on Olkarion?”
“Yes. She’s fascinated by the idea. As am I.” Pidge finally found their toolkit under a pile of digital blueprints of a Galran barrow. “It’ll be tricky. There are so many variables. I’ve also requested samples from Balmera T-672 and B-43 for comparison.”
Hunk carefully clears a space at Pidge’s worktable so they can lay out the crystal samples. “It’s okay, right? To hand off Rosetta to Keith and Lance? I mean, it won’t make Keith uncomfortable or anything?”
“Pfft. No. He threw someone across the training room the other day because they asked why they should take orders from a ‘stunted little freak’. Apparently they forgot exactly who they were talking to. If you came onto him he might be uncomfortable, but other than that, I think you’ll be fine.”
“So what are we doing exactly?” Hunk asked, passing a small toolkit and a camera to Pidge. They climb up into the ducts, arranging supplies.
“I am sneaking into Alfor’s lab to eavesdrop. You are going to be my backup. I’d let you be my full partner in this, but if you get fired, your family will starve. If I get fired, I live here in the ducts and make Alfor’s life hell.”
“You say as you make me your accessory in this crime. Also, I thought you had a feed in there.”
“Eh, Lance’ll come through for you. I have faith. I did, but it’s gone now. Like, the entire unit has been removed and destroyed. He probably suspects it’s me, but I used a generic device just in case.”
“I suppose… Why specifically are you sneaking into Alfor’s lab?” Hunk passes up a coil of rope. They have more advanced toys, of course, but sometimes Pidge likes to go back to the basics.
“Because. Lance says that there’s a rumor going around that there’s still unrest between Altea and Daibazaal. He’s got his cronies, that is you, me, Adam, and Lanval, running around trying to find the truth in it. Alfor spends almost all of his time in there, but he’s in the training yard right now, so it might be our chance.”
“But…” Hunk twiddles his thumbs. “It’s just court gossip, right? Totally nothing.”
Pidge presses their long, long fingers to their forehead. “Hunk, gossip is never ‘just’ gossip. Like legends, there’s always some truth to it. Comms check.”
“Comms check,” Hunk repeats, adjusting the mic dangling from his earpiece as Pidge’s voice chimes.
“Comms are go.” Pidge gets on their belly in the duct, crawling forward with the rope slung over their shoulder, toolkit at their belt, a camera strapped to their head. They activate a tiny, holographic map set into a device on their wrist. “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about armor lately.”
“Could you think about it later? Y'know, when we're not about to get our asses court martialed?”
“And more discreet weapons. Teleporting, returning weapons? And like, better shields? Oooh, how about- oof!” Pidge rubs the top of their head, grimacing as their feelers trembled with the duct's reverb. They’d run into the wall of the duct. Hmm… do they go left, or right? They check their map. Right.
“How about you pay attention to what you’re doing right now?” Hunk mumbles. Pidge rolls their eyes. “And we can talk about armor later, after we’ve gotten away with treason.”
“‘Kay.” Pidge crawls along. “Found it,” they whisper, carefully popping out a vent like the one they crawled through. The gripping pads of their fingers cling to the metal, making sure it doesn't clatter to the ground.
“What do you see?”
“Hm. A ton of nothing.” There’s nothing. Well, actually there’s a ton of stuff. Alembics, beakers, flasks, test tubes, burners, scales, weird stuff in jars, a suspension chamber, quintessence capsules full of glowing blue liquid… It’s just an alchemy lab, albeit an incredibly well-supplied one. “I’m going to descend.”
Reaching the floor, there’s still nothing. Pidge looks around tilting their head so that their asymmetrical ears catch more sounds. Humming emptiness. “Something’s definitely off.”
“How so?” Hunk whispers, leaning forward to eye Pidge’s feed. The young Olkari runs their spindly fingers over a table. It comes up- “Is that dust?”
“Yes,” Pidge whispers. “Why? How? Alfor enters this room every day after breakfast and doesn’t leave until it’s at least time for dinner.”
“Maybe he’s using another table?”
Pidge hums skeptically, but checks around. Everything is dusty. They study the wear patterns in the floor. Too much wear. There's dust collected under the tables, but everywhere open is clear, thanks to the stupid cloaks these royals wear. Clearly, Alfor had paced and flitted all over this lab at one point. “No good. Hmm…”
Pidge pulls up their map of the ducts, notices a large space right next to the lab. “Hunk, can you check the castle map? I want to know what’s next to the lab on the east side.”
“Sure.” Pidge waits. “Pidge? Yeah, there’s nothing. Just space.”
“Yeah, right. I’m so sure.” Pidge shimmies up the rope back into the duct, replacing the vent one they’re back in. Negative space can be tricky. There’s no telling what’s in negative space. “Scanning for surveillance… Scan complete. No surveillance equipment detected, but I am detecting electronics. Okay so if I cut here-” Pidge indicates a panel in the duct. “I should be able to see something. If not, we’ll go from there.”
They pull out a miniature blow torch, cutting a hole in the side of the duct. They love this kind of work. It’s fun playing Lance’s spy.
“Okay, friend. Please be careful. And don’t do anything that’ll make Shay a widow, okay?”
“I will. And I won’t. I promise. As soon as I’m done, you can go back to your gross domestic life.” Pidge finishes with the duct.
“Uh-huh. Speaking of my gross domestic life, are you still coming over for dinner tomorrow?”
“Absolutely! It’s been ages since I saw Rosetta! Okay.” Pidge sticks the adhesive pads of their fingers to the siding, pushing it out so they can turn it to fit through the hole they’ve made. “Woah.”
“Woah,” Hunk parrots. “That explains the electronics you detected. What are we looking at?”
Pidge stares down at a large room of holographs and screens. In the middle of the room, there’s a particularly large table with a holographic top. Hovering, glittering in the dim room, is a perfect three-dimensional replica of Daibazaal. “A war room. We’re looking at a war room.”
Holding the panel of the duct steady with their sticky fingers, Pidge carefully seals the cut out section back into place. They lay on their stomach in the duct, thinking.
“Oh mother earth, are we still at war? Has this all been for nothing? What if-”
“Most likely scenario is that Alfor doesn’t trust the Galra. The one thing he’s very good at is killing people. He’s probably planning for just in case.”
“Okay, but what if he’s not? If we go to war again, the first thing that’s going to happen is that Keith will be killed! Not to mention Allura and Romelle in the fallout. Even Keith couldn’t fight off the entire Altean Army!”
“No, he couldn’t. We don’t have time right now to go in and see what’s up, so in the meantime, we’ll make plans of our own. Lance won’t stand for this. He, Keith, Allura, Romelle, and Lotor have already given up so much for this alliance, and every time Lance reaches out to Daibazaal for advice they’ve been nothing but cordial and helpful. He’ll likely side with them. At this point, the Galra are more likely to do well by his people.”
“And we’ll side with him, right?”
“Absolutely.” It’s not even a question for Pidge.
“We have to tell him, don’t we,” hunk murmurs, saying it more as a statement than a question. “Before we figure out what’s really going on?”
“He sent us here. He’ll expect a report today and knows we can deliver.”
“Keith only just started to feel safe here.”
“Yeah.” Pidge sighs, scoots backward, working their way through the ducts until they land feet-first in their workroom. “But if Alfor can plot and scheme, then so can we.”
“Uh-huh. But… Maybe we could…” Hunk fidgets. “Scheme tomorrow?”
Pidge sighs, smiles at their friend. “Sure, Hunk. We’ll scheme tomorrow. I’ll brief Lance myself. Thanks for the crystals.”
Hunk picks Pidge up in a tight hug. “You’re welcome. Let me know if you need more. And I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner. We can put the baby to bed and scheme over alcohol that's not nunvil.”
Pidge smiles wider, waves as Hunk leaves. Once he’s gone, they let their smile drop. Had they both really agreed to betray Altea so easily?
Quiznak, this place is such a mess.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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Icebreaking (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
Grif: Ugh... Simmons: Grif. Grif? GRIF! Grif: Wha- Mom? Simmons: Nope it's your old pal, Simmons. Grif: Oh man, I had the weirdest dream. There was this blonde chick who emerged from this crashed ship. She was hot as hell, you could've seen her! But then all the sudden she started sabotaging everything just to cover her tracks because she claimed that Command kidnapped her because they chose her to be a new host for O'Malley. Yang: Who's O'Malley?
That was no dream!
Grif: O-oh fuck... me.
He faints again.
Ruby: Not again! That's the third time he fainted. Next one might end up a coma. Sarge: Dagnabbit. Lopez, get a bucket of hydrofluoric acid. Water won't work this time. Lopez: Sí señor. Ruby: Wait won't that kill him? Donut: Nah I think he'll be alright. Probably with just a few bald spots. Ruby: Okay... By the way, Yang, what is Omega? Yang: Hey don't ask me, I only heard it from the guards. But from the way your team reacted, it looks like they know what it is. Ruby: Do you? Sarge: Of course we know him. He's our greatest nemesis. A crazed computer program that tried to kill all of us with his rockets and his laughs. Ah, those were the good old day. Simmons: No it wasn't! He made me call, Sarge a cocksucker!
Simmons: OW! Sarge: Still haven't forgive you for that. Donut: He tried to kill us with a robot army. Lopez: Incluso me secuestró y me convirtió en su asistente personal del mal. Ruby and Yang:... Huuuuuh? Simmons: Christ, let me tell you in detail. Long story short, he's an angry unstable megalomaniac AI used by a mercenary the Blues hired years ago. He went loose and started trying to kill every last one of us while possessing the body of conscientious objector with a rocket launcher. He was destroyed when he went into a Pelican with a bomb rigged inside it. Do you get the jist? Ruby:... Yang:... Ruby: I got lost when you said 'conscientious objector with a rocket launcher'. Simmons: Ugh... you know, forget what I said! Donut: C'mon, Simmons. You'll have to try harder. Give a story a little... 'pizzazz'. Ruby: I don't know what they're talking about, but I really wanna be in their world for five minutes. Yang: Totally. It must've been very fun here before you came. Simmons: Sigh, I don't understand. How did Command get their hands on him? Didn't the Pelican blew up with him and Tex inside? Sarge: Of course it did. I made sure he stayed dead by adding more payload inside the ship, strong enough to obliterate everything in a fifteen mile radius into space dusts. That explosion was a huge sight to behold! Lopez: Realmente no era tan grande. Simmons: And did you remove the ship's radio before that?
Both stared at each other for a moment.
Sarge:... Ah fiddlesticks. Simmons: HOW COULD YOU FORGET ABOUT THE RADIO?! Caboose: Hello! Weiss: Quiet!
Someone's calling from outside.
Yang: Who's that? Simmons: The Blues. Sarge: Captain Ahab's Barnacles, they must be here to salvage the ship for themselves. Damn vultures! Donut, Rose, go handle them. Donut: Wha- what about you guys? Sarge: One: Me and Lopez are trying to wake Grif up with EXTRA pain. And Two: Simmons' is needed here to find where O'Malley is being held at. The black box might contain information where did was being headed. Simmons: I would love to do that, Sir. IF YANG DIDN'T DESTROY THE COMM'S ROOM! Yang: I said I was sorry! Ruby: Why not call, Vic? Maybe he can ask you. Simmons: Oh please. He isn't that dumb enough to give us, O'Malley's exact location... unless... Sarge, permission to rip out the Warthog's radio. I have an idea. Sarge: Now wait a minute, you can't just rip out a piece of the Warthog! That's a penalty of- Simmons: I can do extra shifts. Sarge: Deal! Yang: Hey what about me? I can also fight those guys too. I really need to stretch this punching muscles of mine. Sarge: Punching muscles, hmm? I see why not. Permission granted. Alright, Lopez. Ready to pour that acid on him. Ruby: Yes! It's good to have you fight by my side. Yang: Hey, you're not going to let me miss out the fun. So, Donut. How many out there? Donut: Two. Yang: Two?! I expected more than fifty. Donut: Nah just two. There was suppose to be three more but I'm not sure why they didn't come along. Ruby: Hmm... maybe it's a Blue tactic. The two waiting outside are acting as a distraction while the other three are prepared to ambush us. Yang: That means we'll be surrounded. But that ain't a problem for me once I kick their asses. Donut: You against five of them? Wow, you're a bigger badass than I thought. Ruby: Trust me, she is. Back at basic, she destroyed an entire team all by herself without needing any help. It was awesome. Yang: Thank you. So what do you know about those two? Donut: Well there's Caboose on the tank and then there's Weiss. Yang: A tank, huh? That'll be easy once I throw my homemade... who was the other person?
Weiss: This is the Blue team! Come out with your hands up or be destroyed. There's no point in fighting 'cause we have a tank that outguns your pathetic little Warthog. But if do you seek battle, that's fine by me. That is all.
She turns off the megaphone and turns to Caboose, sitting inside the tank.
Weiss: Alright, Michael. We're just here to talk about the ship, no need to go all guns blazing. Caboose: If we're here to talk with the Red, why did we bring, Sheila here? Weiss: Just for precaution. Plus, I intend to see a shell liquifying both Ruby's legs. Caboose: Okay. Hi, Donut!
Donut appeared on the roof alone. Where is the rest of the Reds?, Weiss thought. Something's up and good thing she brought the tank.
Donut: Hi, guys! Hey where's everybody else? Weiss: Busy scrubbing the floors with their toothbrushes. That's what happens when you don't report anything important to your leader. (whisper) Keep an eye out for, Ruby. We're here to talk about the ship. Do you know what happened to it and where it came from? Donut: Didn't you guy's hear the crash yesterday? Caboose: Weiss didn't hear it because she was singing in the bathroom when it happened. Donut: Ooh can she sing Mordern Major General? Weiss: No. Donut: Sorry, guys. But there's nothing left to trade with you except ash and stuff. And it wasn't carrying anything too. Weiss: We're not here to trade. We got enough SMGs in the armory. How can you be sure it wasn't carrying anything? Donut: Yang told us. Weiss: I-I-I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said? Donut: I said... Yang: (offscreen) Shh! Not now. Donut: I should go back inside. We're quite busy today. Grif fainted not too long ago. Sarge and Lopez are trying to wake him up. Simmons' working on a pet project on communication and I was sewing silk for the winter. Weiss: Silk?! You don't use silk for the winter, you idiot! And winter isn't coming in another six months. Donut: I mean- Sangheili silk. It's a very nice alternative to wool... kinda Weiss: Really? And tel me, what is Rose doing? Donut: Making runs around the base. Weiss: Oh you mean... HER?
Weiss sticks out her foot slightly up in the air. Then a flash of red accident trips on the leg and crashes on the tank, head first. Ouch, that did not go as plan.
Ruby: Ow...! Weiss: Ah, poor old, Rose. Always forget that I've read every move she makes back at Beacon. Alright, Donut, enough games...
The sound of hissing caught her attention. It came from next to her and... oh no. A plasma grenade is stuck onto the turret!
Caboose: Why do hear a snake hissing? Weiss: MICHAEL, GET OUT OFF THERE!
Caboose quicky jumps out from the tank. They both ran away until the grenade explodes, blowing the tank into pieces. Bye bye, Sheila (or her body), you will not be missed.
At Blue Base.
Church and Tucker could see the mushroom cloud erupted on the field. Must be one hell of a fight out there.
Tucker: Man I'm glad we're here cleaning up the base. Hey, Church can I burrow your toothbrush? Church: No.
Back at Red Base.
Weiss: KUFF KUFF... Michael, are you alright? Caboose: Yes, I'm fine. But Sheila... sniff... is dead. Weiss: What the hell was that? There's no way a plasma grenade can create an explosion that big! Yang: Unless it was made by me, YOU WHITE HAIRED BITCH!
That voice, that tone. No it couldn't be. She turned to the direction of the voice and sees a Red soldier carrying the same weapon that almost split her head into a bloody mess. And the only one carrying it is...
Weiss: Oh no...
Yang Xiao Long.
Yang: Hello, Weiss. Long time no see. Caboose: Weiss, is that the angry friend you talked about? Weiss: Yes. Yes she is... RUUUUN!
Weiss grabs Caboose's hand and run away from Yang. However they were stopped when three more plasma grenades land in front of them and exploded, creating two large craters roughly about 12 meters in diameter, six meters in depth.
Weiss: Oh crap! This is Weiss Schnee to Blue base, we require reinforcements, NOW! Yang: NO ONE'S COMING TO SAVE YOUR FIRST CLASS ASS, SCHNEE! Just you, me and these two babies, Mr. and Mrs Fisty.
Yang cracks her knuckles as she approaches towards them, with raging red eyes focused on the one and only teammate who ran away.
Weiss quickly hides behind Caboose, cowering herself away from that golden monster that tried to kill her. Yang stopped as her path is block by Caboose who stood calmly between her and Weiss.
Caboose: Hello... big scary lady... with big boobs. My name is, Caboose. You must be,... Yang. Yang:... Caboose:... Yang:... Uhm...hi? Do I know you? Caboose: Yeah, Weiss told me that t you are the angry friend. She also told me that you and Ruby are sisters and were part of a team in the letters R, W, B and Y. Ruby: Actually it's pronounced... ow my nose!... 'Ruby', with a 'W'. Caboose: Oooh! Wait if it's pronounce Ruby, shouldn't 'W' be a 'U'? Yang: (whisper) Who is this guy? Ruby: That's Caboose. Dumbest member in the Blue team here. Yang: A mentally retarded guy serving in the Blue army, huh? I'll deal with you later.
Yang glares at Weiss.
Yang: So, Weiss. This is where you've been. Stationed in a desolate box canyon with nothing but sand and rocks. I thought you'd be in the Atlesian army by now. Weiss: GULP! Yang: What's the matter, still afraid to face me after all these years? Hmph, how pathetic. To even call yourself a soldier is just embarrasing. Caboose: Hey you can't talk, Weiss like that! She's my best friend. Yang: You... her friend? Caboose: Yeah she may be a little noisy. Weiss: Gee, Michael. Thanks. Yang: SHUT UP! Weiss: EEK! Yang: So you know who I am, that's something. But do you know what she did before she came here? Caboose: Yeah she told me that she was in a base with you during an exam. But it got attack by space pirates who want to steal things, arrrgh. She was then given orders by her teacher to escape because she had to bring back important dates before the pirates steal it. You know I like the Egyptian ones. They're very chewy like gum. Ruby: Don't you mean 'data'? Caboose: Yeah that too. Yang: And what else did she tell you about us? Caboose: Well I know is that Ruby disobeyed her orders to save everybody, leaving the pirates to take over the base. And you kicked a guy's balls because he ordered you to tell everyone to fight back despite the pirates winning. And... Weiss, what did Blake do...? Yang: TO HELL WITH ORDERS! Caboose: Mommy!
Caboose stepped back away from Yang's explosive wrath.
Yang: Those soldiers back couldn't stand a chance against them! I don't give a damn what our superiors ordered us to do, but me and Ruby won't stand idly to see them get slaughtered. And Weiss over there, just left us and those people to die, just for what? A PLACE IN ATLAS' MILITARY! Is that something you would consider her a 'friend'? Caboose:... Yep. Yang: Good... wait, what? Caboose: Uhm... because, no matter what your friends did, he'll always be your friend. Yang: That... is the most stupidest quote I've ever heared. IT MATTERS WHAT SHE DID... TO US! Now move aside so I can pummel her bitchy face! Caboose: Nope. Yang: Sigh... then you left me no choice. EAT THIS!
Yang raises her fist and strikes Caboose, only for him to catch it mid air. His quick reflexes surprised everyone. Yang's tries to yank off her fist from his tight grasps...
... followed by the sound of a metallic crunch. Caboose finally lets go of her hand. Yang looks at her right hand and was shocked to see her hand has been crushed.
Yang: WHAT AND HOW?! Caboose: Sorry! I squeezed it too tight. Weiss: Holy... shit. Ruby: Is... that normal? Yang: No. This was supposed to be made out of titanium and he crushed it... as if it was paper. That's so... metal... RETREAT!!! Ruby: RUNAWAY!!!
Yang and Ruby, run like hell from Caboose. Oh the sweet irony.
Donut: (from afar) Hey, guys. Why are you running, aren't you supposed to fight them? Yang: We're not running. This is the Xiao Long secret technique! Ruby, you didn't tell me he was that strong! Ruby: I didn't know, just keep running!
Weiss emerged from the safety of Caboose's back. She can't believe, they're gone.
Weiss: My God, Michael. How did you do that? Caboose: Oh it was nothing. I don't like bullies harming my best friends. And I like catching hands. Weiss: Nothing? I've never seen Yang run away from fight before. That's was... AWESOME. Since when did you do workout? Caboose: I just drank a lot of milk till my muscles grow strong. That's what they said in the commercials. Weiss: Milk makes your bones stronger, not muscles you beautiful dope. Now then, let's get the hell out of here before Yang come's back!
In the caves.
Vic: Hello, Project Freelancer Operational Command Center. This is your friendly neighborhood, Virtual Intelligence Computer, calling from Blood Gulch. ???: This is Command. What seems to be the problem? Vic: Finally, been calling for ten minutes. Hey listen, your drunk driver called me last night and asked if he can parked right next to the Red base. I allowed and now the ship's here, burnt up to a crisp and sitting there like it's nobody's business. ???: Copy that, V.I.C. Is it the ship, Sanctuary? Vic: That's the one. ???: And what is the status of the subject? Vic: She is hot as hell. Where did you guys pick her up, the Red Light Outpost? ???: Ahem. Vic: Sorry. The good news is, she's a-ok. The bad news, she told the Reds what happened. They're willing to hide that fine body to stroll around their territory, tsk tsk. Send in those Recovery people to pick her up. Also get aclean up crew for this mess. Seeing that ship here is an eyesore. ???: Acknowledge. We'll send in a Recovery squad. And one more thing. How's the Alpha? Vic: Still a hot head as always. Why do you ask? ???: Nothing. We just want to know its current status, that's all. Hehehe... nyehehehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU FOOLS! THE DARKNESS WILL CONSUME YOU ALL! NYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!... Command, out.
Vic: Hmm, must've said somethin' funny. Ah, oh well I'm sure it's nothing serious!
A/N: Sorry the is so rushed. My degree started and I've been busy lately
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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renwritesstuff · 4 years
we are family
Day 4: we are family.
Describe or draw a familiar moment. Are they close, or estranged? Are they blood relatives, or family found with friends?
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Two Traynors stared each other down, hands hovering over a small box. There were 5 empty shot glasses in a semicircle around them, flanking the pristine chess board between the pair.
Wiping her hands with a dish towel, Priya Suresh-Traynor pleaded with her family. “Dessert is almost ready, do you two have to do this now?”
“The fate of the galaxy depends on it, mum,” Samantha Traynor mumbled back, not breaking eye contact with her father.
“You heard the kid,” Geoffrey Traynor seconded with a lazy smile. “I need to know my little sprog‘s mind hasn’t gotten soft since she’s been away.”
“Soft?? Did you miss the part where I kicked Polgara T’Suza’s arse across the Citadel?”
“Vid or it didn’t happen.”
What are you, five??
...God, I wish I had a vid. Are there vids? I wonder if I can ask for one...
“I have a trophy proving it happened. And a witness.” Sam’s eyes flitted over to the witness in question, her gaze narrowing.
Commander Annelise Shepard held her glass of red wine in surrender. Her voice came out wet and shaky from her fresh sip. “She’s—” Shepard patted her chest from the cough. “—She’s correct. She electrocuted that asari good.” 
And got a shower as a prize.
That narrow challenge in her eyes switched to panic as Sam glanced back at her father, who was tsking in disapproval. “Neuro-feedback chess? ...Sammy. You didn’t.”
The Comms Specialist scowled. “I didn’t choose it, it was part of the tourney rules. Usually, yes, I have slightly more integrity.” Unless I really want to win, that is. “It was just a lark, father.”
“Well as long as it was on a lark you buried that smug asari, I guess you’re forgiven. ...still can’t top your Dad at 5-Shot Speed Chess though, I bet.” The older man blew on his knuckles theatrically and gave them a wiggle before resuming his position at the worn speed clock.
Oh, you’re on.
“Oh, you’re on.”
Priya gave an apologetic smile at Shepard, who had taken up perch at the kitchen counter partition. The bar seat next to her was empty, waiting for Sam to return from her tense game. The matriarch of the Traynor family was busy at the stove stirring the simmering pot of kheer on one burner while checking a boiling sugary syrup on another. The warm kitchen filled with the scent of Indian spices and jasmine rice bled over into the prefab living room area.
“I wish I could lie and say something like ‘they aren’t usually like this,’ but…” Priya shrugged and smiled fondly at her husband as the game began. The speed clock snapped with each hit as the older and younger Traynor dove into an intense exchange of pieces. “It’s actually a tradition when Sammy comes home.” She paused before clarifying. “A tradition since Sammy was proper drinking age, mind you.”
Annelise smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Is that right?”
Sighing, Priya tapped away her Omni-tool where a reverse countdown timer could be seen by Shepard. “I think it was One-Shot Speed Chess back then,” she admitted. “I swear we were a classy family at some point. ...I can’t recall when, precisely, but I assumed we had to have bumbled into it somewhere in the last 25 years.”
“I’m 26, mum,” Sam reminded loudly as she slapped the clock once more.
“We were definitely classy when you were one, sprog,” Priya snarked back. “I mean, you weren’t because you just ate and shat all day, but Geoffrey and I were newlyweds and still extremely classy.”
Oh my God do we have to talk about me shitting my diaper in front of Shepard???
Annelise failed to hide a staccato of exhale-laughs behind her wine glass, amused by the exchange.
Oh my God why did we come here?
...Oh shit Dad almost had me there.
Oh shit are they doing this on purpose? Working together against me??
Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!
Sam had to do a few lazy blinks to push back the swimming in her head and vision. Those shots were creeping in fast aided by a full stomach of naan and saag paneer. But she resumed focus on the game at hand, giving the clock another slap as she nudged her white bishop in an offensive position.
“So, Comm—Annelise,” Priya fumbled slightly. “What are your parents like?”
Mum. Did you not watch any ANN profiles? 
Shepard’s sip of wine was casual, unruffled by the question. “Couldn’t tell you. Both gone. Mom when I was four from eezo poisoning, Dad when I was thirteen. Fire in our apartment building.”
What could have been a very awkward silence was instead filled with Priya’s empathetic tongue cluck (honed from years of practice as a registered nurse). “You poor thing. Too much life experience forced onto someone so young.” Her vigorous stirring motion never wavered. “Not to mention the life of a marine on top of all that. What a hand this universe deals us, hm?”
“Indeed,” Annelise agreed. She smiled sadly, her eyes inward as though weighing something. “This reminds me of the dinners I had with my brother and dad.”
Oh? Samantha’s head tilted so she could hear better. Her father was closing in on one corner of the board, but her queen sprang into a hole in his defenses.
“Oh?” Priya asked, echoing Sam’s own curiosity.
Nodding, Annelise rotating the now empty wine glass in her hand. “Dad wasn’t much for cooking, but John loved it. He loved grilling and barbecue. He’d usually save some of his courier paycheck for a good cut of meat at the store and try out different seasonings.” She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “I bet he would have loved your cooking.”
“I fear I know the answer, but where is ...John?” At Shepard’s nod, Priya continued. “Where is John now?”
Oh no.
Should have given your folks some notes, Traynor.
I didn’t think it was my tale to tell!
How are you this bad at relationships, Traynor??
“Also gone, right before Dad. Car accident.” Annelise chewed her cheek a moment. “You know, before the Skyllian Blitz, I thought I was pretty unlucky based on all that.”
“And now?”
“Well, everything’s kind of a shit show, so jury’s out on that.” Annelise looked over at Sam, who was getting louder and more erratic with her clock taps. “But lucky in other ways.”
“Oh good answer, love!” Priya crowed, snapping the towel in Annelise’s direction. “A for effort, superbly charming response.” Her Omni-tool started beeping, signaling the woman to pull the pot of rice milk off the burner and set it aside to cool before turning her attention to the syrup. “What were three favorite things your brother cooked?”
An exhale deep through Shepard’s nose as she held her chin in her hand. “Oh God, I haven’t thought about that in ages.” She nodded at Priya’s silent pantomime offer to refill her wine glass. “He loved ribeye steak. Kind of fatty for me, and too damn expensive, but… I dunno, I liked it because he liked it so much.”
Aw. Sam felt a pang of longing for Shepard. There was a fondness to the woman’s tone that didn’t come up often. 
How often does Commander Bloody Shepard have a moment to think about her family? Or talk about them?
We should work on that, Traynor.
Geoffrey piped up regarding one of his favorite subjects. “Good man! Good cut of beef. What temperature?” He pointed a finger at Annelise as though calling on a student in one of his classes.
“Medium rare.”
“Good man indeed,” Geoffrey agreed as he slapped the timer one more time. White and black sides pieces were dwindling as lines of attack thinned out.
“Let’s see, what else… He actually did a spiced mutton I really liked. Sometimes lamb. Both were dirt cheap for awhile in Seattle before the drought, so he made a lot of it.” Annelise smiled as she accepted a small round poor of kheer, a sprinkling of ground nuts on top. “Oh, and his ribs were to die for. John had this dry rub mixture he spent months tinkering with. Took damn near eight hours to cook, but worth it.”
Geoffrey exchanged a look with his wife before cutting back to the game. Priya nodded.“Oh we love lamb in this house. One of the many reasons we applied for colony life. No more ration stamps from those artificial trade wars with the Volus, and all our farming sustainable and available direct to the colony first.” Priya fired up her Omni-tool. “I have a lot of great lamb recipes if you’re—goodness! I haven’t asked how your cooking chops fare?”
Nudging a pawn over to take Sam’s knight, Geoffrey jibed. “A loaded question, dear. We all know our Sammy is completely dependent on Alliance-provided cafeteria food. How she survived four years at Oxford is a complete mystery. She should have either ended up three hundred pounds from eating rubbish or died of scurvy.”
“You talk a lot of shit, old man, for someone who just got checked. And it’s called a dormitory meal plan, I’ll have you know. I had three square meals.”
I just probably didn’t drink water the entire time. All booze or energy drinks.
“Of cafeteria food, further proving my point. Also, check.”
Ugh. Also, what?
That exhale-laugh from Annelise almost pulled Sam away from her last ditch strategy. The Commander extended her own Omni-tool. “I’d love the help. While I can survive on a remote moon with just a knife and a canteen, I don’t prefer to. I did undercover work for a year after graduating N7, so we had to learn how to be human again. Cooking included. Some of it even some fancy five course meals meant to impress targets.”
“So you know where all the forks go and what they do?” Samantha asked, slapping the timer. “Check.”
“I definitely do.” Those green eyes glittered with mirth.
“Oooh, be still my heart.” Sam shot a finger-gun at her girlfriend.
Priya made some flicking motions with her fingers before an answering ping from Shepard’s wrist. “Well, here are some of Sammy’s favorites. Someone should have them, since the pride of my life can’t make toast.” 
“I also made note of some of the ones with Sammy’s allergies.”
Annelise flicked through the holo screen, studying the recipes. “Curry, shellfish, and peanuts, right?”
You forgot public speaking and losing at chess to my father.
Sam’s mother clutched her heart theatrically. “You know! Oh Geoffrey, did you hear? Sammy trusted her with shellfish, darling!” Priya poured a ladle full of the syrup over a small pyramid of large cake-like balls that had been chilling in a dish. She brought the dish over to the pair of competitors whose game was nearing completion.
“Check! And I did, love! It seems our Samantha is serious about this one! ...or her commanding officer looked at her file.” He grinned at his daughter before reaching for one of the gulab jamun.
Scowling, Sam slapped his hand away from the bowl before slapping the speed clock again. She could feel a heat rising in her neck and jaw (hopefully it was just the alcohol). “No dessert til we finish the game! And check!” 
After a tentative bite, Annelise dug into the bowl of sweet kheer with enthusiasm. “I mean, you’re not wrong, sir. But I had the decency to act surprised when she finally told me. How was that again, Samantha?” 
Oh sonabitch.
“When we went out on a date in public for the first time and I stole a bite of your lobster roll and my throat closed and we had to go to the med center.”
Both of her parents barked her name at the same time. “Samantha Karuna Traynor!” Her father added, “You always were a sucker for lobster despite never learning your lesson. And check.”
“It was worth it!” Sam squawked. “It was delicious! Also: check mate!” The pawn she’d been nudging forward that her father ignored got promoted to a rook and was now perfectly positioned to box in his king. 
Geoffrey stared at the change of fortune, dismayed and swaying a little in his chair. The shots were clearly taking hold. He tipped his king over in surrender, bowed his head at his daughter, and grabbed the topmost gulab jamun. 
Samantha joined him with a second ball, the syrup coating dripping slightly. They raised their desserts in salute before taking a big bite.
Mouth full, Sam grinned up at Shepard who was standing next to her chair. “I had you there to rescue me, darling. I knew I’d be all right.”
“I hope that’s always the case,” Annelise smiled back as she kissed Sam’s forehead. 
Before she slowly dropped down to one knee.
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pinecone5678 · 4 years
Wildflower-Reylo Quarantine Fic
Quarantine Multi-Chapter- Reylo- After Last Jedi because yay angst and also I’m still not emotionally handling ROS very well. But yeah a pandemic hits Naboo and apparently, Kylo is down there. Leia sends Rey to try to turn him to the light one more time. But oh no they get quarantined together and oooh what if there's only one bed later.
A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23606656/chapters/56649211
Chapter One
“I know everything I need to know about you.”
“Oh you do? Oh, you do.”
It had been months since she’d heard from him since they realized what they were. What they could be.
She saw a change for the galaxy, for everyone, for good.
He saw her as an empress, someone to rule with.
Neither were getting what they wanted.
But it wasn’t that interaction that kept her up at night. The face she saw in her dreams, in her fantasies, was the small piece of Ben Solo she’d seen in the elevator to the throne room. Rey knew that Ben was in there, fighting to get out of the mask of Kylo Ren.
Rey only wanted to take his hand.
“Rey, you with us?” General Leia Organa was leading the latest strategy meeting for the Resistance and Rey couldn’t concentrate anymore—a fact Leia knew well.
“Yes, General, of course.” Rey nods, wrapping her fingers tighter around her staff.
Finn nudged her politely, forehead creased in worry, a silent question.
Rey gave a small grin back, hoping it would reassure him so they could get back to the topic at hand.
Leia was briefing them on a small outbreak of plague that had recently ravaged Naboo. The General’s eyes pricked with tears for her mother’s home, her birthright. Naboo’s leadership had confirmed with Leia that none of the fighters they’d just sent to the resistance were infected and they were going to close their ports, but Leia wasn’t sure.
Chewie grumbled.
Rey agreed, it was unlike Leia to be unsure. “Shouldn’t we separate them from the rest of the base? Seclude them?” Poe was anxious, his hands gripping the control panel of the ramshackle headquarters was enough of a tell. “We are fighting a war here, we don’t need to be checking our temperatures every hour on top of it.”
Leia shook her head, “Secluding them will spark fear in the rest of the resistance. We don’t need more fear.”
Poe slammed his hand down hard, “Damn it to hell!”
The small group of those closest to Leia barely flinched, only BB-8 and Finn reacted to his outburst. Things on the base were so tightly strung Poe lost his temper three to four times a day.
“Do we know where this plague came from?” Rey asked.
Leia’s eyes narrowed and Rey knew. If this plague wasn’t natural then only one person could be vile enough to plant it on Naboo.
“I’ll kill him.”
Finn’s head snapped up from where he’d be whispering to Poe, clearly trying to keep him calm. “Who are we killing?”
Leia shook her head, a ghost of a smile on her face. “No one Finn, you aren’t killing anyone and neither is Rey. If this plague continues, we’ll need to refocus our resources on living.”
“It’s a good thing we have time then.” Rose, ever the optimist said. Rey wanted to believe her, wanted to think that this was a small sickness they could wave away, but something, maybe the Force, told her there was something deeply wrong about this plague. That the worse was yet to come.
Rey put a hand on Rose’s shoulder, “Exactly, and we should use this time to prepare.”
“No,” Poe interrupted. “We need to use this time to strategize, the First Order is going to find us with our arms full of med supplies with our pants down. We need to mobilize the fighters and get a squadron out of here tomorrow.”
Rey rolled her eyes, “Poe this isn’t the time! There’s a potential threat out there that will take us all out.”
“Don’t be overdramatic Rey. Leia just said it’s still on Naboo.”
“Yes, where thousands have died!”
“Guys can we-“ Finn started.
“They’re going to close their ports.”
“Going to? Are we at the same meeting right now?”
Rose moved between the scavenger and the pilot, “Listen, let’s just-“
“I’m at this meeting Rey, you’re clearly somewhere with your head up Ren’s ass“
Chewie bellowed, silencing them both.
“This meeting is clearly over, everyone get a good night’s sleep. Poe go cool off. Rey, come here.”
Everyone dispersed from the large tent. The think canvas of it was dense enough to hide the bright lights of the comms systems but it was hard to tear down when they needed to vacate whatever refuge they’d found most recently. Finn held open one of the flaps for Poe to storm through with BB-8 on his heels, he cast a sympathetic look in Rey’s direction before following the little droid to wherever Poe had decided to go.
Rey followed Leia into her tent, fuming. “If he could just listen to me during those meetings we wouldn’t have to end them so suddenly every time.” Rey fiddled with the wraps on her arms, angry he’d even suggested she was up Kylo Ren’s ass. What an arrogant, foul-mouthed, fly boy. “Am I right?” Rey looked up to see Leia leaning against the small cot. Leia always kept her tent sparsely furnished so when Leia gestured for Rey to sit, she chose the floor.
“I think he’s partially correct.”
Rey’s mouth fell open.
“What were you thinking about during that meeting? It was obvious you weren’t really there.”
“I-I don’t really know.”
Leia raised an eyebrow.
Rey looked at her arms again. “Okay- I- I was thinking of Ben-er, Kylo. I can’t help but think it’s my fault he’s not here with us. With the light.” When she finally felt brave enough she looked up to face Leia, afraid of the disappointment.
But there was none, merely a sadness Rey still can’t fathom. She often forgets how heavy this all weighs upon her. Luke had just died months ago and Han not too long before that.
“Han and I have blamed ourselves, each other, and everyone and everything you can think of for what’s happened. Don’t join that fight, Rey.” Those tears pricked the General’s eyes again. “Just don’t.”
“I have to know-did he start this sickness?”
Leia merely shook her head.
“Then who did?”
“That’s what I wanted to speak to you about. We don’t know if it was him but I have intelligence that he is there. He’s looking for something that he hasn’t found yet.”
What could he be looking for? There was nothing on Naboo for him except for his heritage.
Of course, his heritage. The one thing that’s always conflicted him, the past. It could never die, no matter how hard he tried to kill it.
“They’ve taken his ship but they don’t know where he is and all outgoing ports are closed except high ranking officials.”
Rey snorted, “He could kill them with a blink of his eye to leave.”
“He hasn’t done that yet. So, I’m sending you to Naboo.”
“Naboo! But Leia, I won’t be able to leave, to serve the resistance!” Rey leaped to her feet, indignant.
Leia crossed the small tent and took Rey’s hands in her own. “Rey, you almost brought Ben back once, you can do it with time. Being locked in together on a planet of my family, of his family, might be the key.”
“I can’t do this. I failed once, I don’t want to do it again. I’m-I’m not a jedi, I haven’t completed my training and there’s still the books and-“
Leia patted her hand, “Right now, this is something we have to take a chance on.”
“What if he’s not alone? What about his knights?”
“I doubt he’d let anyone see who he was, who he might still be.” Leia released her hands and moved to open a trunk. “Take this.” She handed Rey Luke’s saber. “You might need it.”
Chapter 2 up now!
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Ostinato: A Tale of Sotto Voce
Oooh, look what I finished :D
Title: Ostinato
A Tale of Sotto Voce
Author: Gumnut
Aug 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: Why the Hood didn’t currently have him under his thumb, why he could now see and speak to John without innate terror, why he hadn’t thrown himself into Thunderbird Three’s silo and why Thunderbird Five was still mostly in one piece. But most of all, why he was still alive.
Word count: 8400 ( that is not a frickin’ ficlet!)
Spoilers & warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, family, science fiction
Timeline: Shortly before the last scene of ‘Il Mago’, as they don’t know the identity of Il Mago, definitely before ‘Father’.
Author’s note: Nutty’s Fandomversary Fic Ten – Prompt: ‘I’d still love to see a brother (maybe Gordon while healing from injury) sleepwalk to five or John sleepwalk down to TI.’ for @melmac78
I’m afraid I don’t think I answered your request ☹ Because Eos monitors the space elevator, it would only be with her permission that the prompt could happen. So, to get as close as possible, I delved into Sotto Voce. I hope you enjoy what resulted anyway. Sorry I couldn’t answer correctly.
Also, it is midnight here and I will admit that I haven’t re-read the last bits of this as thoroughly as I should, but I’m tired and just want to post this. I’ll probably curse it when I discover some horrible error in the morning, but I need to go to bed. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for their help on this one.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
“Virgil, you there?”
“Hmm? Yes, John?” He let his fingers dance over the piano keys seeking reassurance. Today wasn’t one of his better days since the Maggot and he was doing his best to turn it around. Piano was good. Piano gave absolution.
The ivory was smooth under his fingertips.
“I’m sending the elevator down. Could you pack me some Y-345 and T-3245 process rods? Brains needs to replace six of each in the computer core.”
Virgil arched an eyebrow. “So, I’m allowed in the hangars now?”
It had been a long recovery. Since the attack, he had been plagued by headaches and an awful narcolepsy that had kept him down and barred from the hangers for safety reasons. It had gotten to the point that Virgil was surprised he was allowed on the balconies without a chaperone.
But then he had one anyway, didn’t he?
I wouldn’t really call myself a chaperone, Uncle. More of a supervisor?
Supervisor implies you can tell me what to do, Eos.
I can. Not that you’ll listen.
You’ve got it in one.
John, unaware of what was being said, but suspecting something was afoot, glared at him from his little hologram on top of the piano. His hair was still blond, though the red was starting to show. “Have you two finished?”
Still playing, Virgil hid a smile. “She’s your kid, bro.”
“And you are still a bad influence.”
The smile broke into a grin. “Glad to be of service.”
“That’s fabulous, but could you be of better service and pack me those process rods?”
The grin faded to be replaced with a frown. “What’s wrong?” John was uncharacteristically on edge.
Virgil’s frown deepened. “Do I have to speak to Eos?”
John glared at him, and Virgil swallowed. Something must have registered on his face because John was immediately contrite. “I’m sorry, Virgil. It’s just with Scott, Alan and Gordon on rescues and TB5 not fully up to par. It is a little frustrating.”
Virgil cursed himself for his reaction. When the hell was he going to get over that?! Most of the time he was fine, but on the now rare occasion, John’s expression would trigger him and he couldn’t help himself. John scared him, but it wasn’t John who was the cause of his fear. It hurt the both of them and he hated it.
“No, it’s not your fault. Never your fault.” A sigh and the music came to a stop. “I’ll hunt down your rods and meet with the elevator.”
“Thank you, Virgil.”
“Not a problem.”
His brother signed off and Virgil pushed himself back from the keys. At least he could be marginally useful. He was still banned from working on his ‘bird. He was getting better, but there were still moments.
A roll of his shoulders to loosen up his muscles and he stood.
Grandma was the only person on the island with him at the moment. Kayo was with Penelope, continuing their hunt for his assailant, while Brains was up on TB5 with John. It was so quiet, it was lonely.
He shook himself. God, the self-pity was ridiculous.
Eos didn’t remark at that thought but there was a wash of indescribable emotion.
He ignored it and headed for the elevator. Process rods were one of the many spare parts stored in the lower caverns. The network of caves below the villa was massive. It was the reason his father had chosen this island and it served them all so well. Cavecutters had ground out the spaces not naturally provided and International Rescue was able to operate solely because of all the automatic machinery these caverns housed.
The elevator hit the hangar floor and Virgil walked past his beloved ‘bird to the cavern access on the far side of the bay. The module train sat snug in its niche and he found himself blinking at the familiar sight.
More self-pity.
He was on a roll today.
Another sigh. Calm, keep it calm. No need to trigger one of those blasted headaches again.
Maybe this was a basic reason to keep out of the hangers. Too much temptation and memory. Here was where he had kidnapped Brains. Here was where he had nearly shot his brother with Thunderbird Two’s laser. Looking up, he could still see the scorch marks on the massive hanger door.
Self-pity shifted to hate for a man now dead.
He grit his teeth.
The storage cavern was full of neatly organised and labelled resources. Virgil, of course, knew exactly where to find what he needed. The process rods were light in his grasp. He threw in a few extra and with a further thought, grabbed a trolley and threw on some of the standard supply run items that his brother might need, plus a few extra processors for Eos.
Thank you, Uncle.
Are you watching everything I do? It was both annoying and reassuring.
Of course, I am. You’re in the hangars.
And I can’t be trusted. His shoulders slumped.
You know that is not the reason, Virgil.
Yeah, well, it sucks anyway. He shoved a few more components into the trolley.
You are getting better.
It is taking forever. So he was being petulant.
Another sigh. “I’m fine, John, just gathering your stuff.”
“You okay?”
“I’m fine!”
The line fell silent and he knew his brother didn’t believe a word. Another wave of disappointment in himself hit. Man, he was in the dumps today.
A dozen LED spots landed in the trolley with a clunk.
Okay, this was getting ridiculous. He grabbed the spots and checked them over visually for damage. Maybe he shouldn’t be in the hangars if a depressive mood had him breaking things.
Another sigh.
For goodness sake, get the hell over it! This wasn’t him. This wasn’t how he thought. Where was the positive? Where was his strength? He leant over the trolley, his elbows on the handle and rubbed his face.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming. Be at the elevator asap.”
Focus, for crying out loud.
He shoved the trolley ahead of him, darting among the shelves.
There was another trek across the hangar past his ‘bird which he purposefully ignored, into the elevator and up several levels to the space elevator’s dock.
The cavern beyond was so empty it hurt. TB1 and Shadow were absent and the space echoed his loneliness back at him.
For Christ’s sake!
A sudden roar as the elevator fired its thrusters, slowing its descent. At least the noise filled the vacuum.
A clunk and she docked solidly. “Elevator secure.” Eos’ voice echoed over the comms.
“Thank you, Eos.”
“You are always welcome.” There was a smile in her voice.
He placed his palm on the hatch control and it blinked in recognition, the airlock opening. He strode in and found a stash of recycling in the freight containers. A little component juggling and he had the necessaries loaded and the unnecessaries lined up for the recycler. “Okay, John, she’s almost ready to haul up. Give me a sec for a pre-flight check.”
Virgil paused a moment, staring at the controls of the elevator. A breath and his fingers ran through the checks automatically.
It was good to know that the knowledge had survived the frying of his brain.
His shoulders shifted under the weight of the depressive emotion that followed.
Definitely a bad day.
He needed his piano. Or paint. Or something.
Something shifted in his head.
Oh, shit.
He suddenly knew what was going to happen. No, not here! He turned towards the hatch. Get off the elevator. Get off-
He was on the decking, his hands barely catching him as his body succumbed to the sudden forced sleep cycle.
His head hit his forearm, and the world faded.
Eos knew the moment her uncle lost consciousness. She brushed electronic fingers across his interface and was reassured that he was simply asleep, victim of his narcolepsy. The fact he was asleep on the floor of the space elevator was the challenge.
John was in conversation with Scott on the far side of the planet, the Eldest struggling with a plane that was determined to fall out of the sky. Thunderbird Two’s presence would have been preferable and the man’s profanity proved that. However, neither Two nor her pilot were in any condition to go anywhere.
Current situation more than enough proof.
“Yes, Eos? Is the elevator ready to return?”
“Yes, John, but-“
“Please launch it, Eos. Scott, I am sorry, but my scanners are not at full capacity. This is all the information I can give you.”
Eos flicked back down to the elevator and checked again on her uncle. A number of calculations, safety variables. A glance in her father’s direction. A decision.
She fired the elevator’s thrusters and it launched from the island.
For the next eight minutes she hovered over that elevator, micro-firing adjustments, protecting her uncle as he was not fastened securely. She got him through the jet stream, up through turbulence until he was finally free of the atmosphere. Braking started early, the elevator slowing incrementally in order to prevent Virgil from being slammed into the ceiling at speed.
“Eos, what are you doing with the elevator?”
Her father had finally noticed. “We have a visitor.”
That drew his full attention. “What? Who?”
“Virgil fell asleep in the elevator.”
“He did what?!”
“His narcolepsy flared as he was doing pre-flight checks.”
“And you launched?!” The frown on her father’s face was volatile.
“You asked me to.”
“He is safe! I would not risk him.”
“But why?”
The elevator was travelling so slowly by this point it was hardly moving. It slid into dock with barely a vibration against its moorings. “Father, his thoughts have been somewhat depressed. I thought company would help.”
The worry on John’s face spiked. “What thoughts?”
“Father, I respect his privacy, however, today his emotional status has been poor. I don’t think being alone is in his best interests at the moment.” She paused. “You can do things I cannot.”
He looked up at her camera, expression thoughtful. “Monitor my brothers while I attend to Virgil.”
“Yes, Father.”
John propelled himself towards the airlock.
It had been a hell of a day. That was the only excuse he had and it was a poor one. He had thought offering his brother that simple and urgent task would have helped him.
Apparently not.
And now he was asleep in their space elevator.
The seal hissed as he released it and floated through.
Virgil hovered just above the floor, his open red-checked shirt moving as the man breathed. His eyes were closed and shadowed, his whole body limp.
His brothers had commented often on how Virgil fell asleep all over the house. It had stopped happening so frequently, but not completely.
Virgil was going to be so pissed when he woke up.
John reached out and touched his brother’s cheek. Whispered. “C’mon, bro, let’s get you secured.”
It took John activating his suit’s attitude adjusters to create the momentum to get both him and his much heavier brother moving through the airlock. Some careful manoeuvring through the comms module and he almost ran into Brains as he entered the gravity ring.
Fortunately, the engineer overcame his surprise enough to help catch Virgil as the gravity caught the sleeping man.
“He fell asleep in the elevator.”
Brains’ eyes were roaming over the prone engineer assessing his condition.
“Eos, has been monitoring him. He is okay.”
“I-I will be happier w-when this in-voluntary sleeping c-ceases.”
“Won’t we all.”
They carried the man down the length of the ring to John’s quarters and secured him in his brother’s bed. Virgil’s boots landed on the glass floor.
“He packed our supplies before collapsing. Could you alert Grandma of Virgil’s location and ask her to send up some of his things once the supplies are unpacked?”
Brains nodded and took the gentle request for what it was and left.
John turned back to his brother and sighed.
So much fear and so much anger was wrapped around his big brother. John had done his best to help, but due to the situation, he was often part of the cause. He had run out of profanity to aim at the deceased Hood and the energy along with it.
All that was left was the need to help his brother recover.
And protect him as much as possible.
Il Mago was still out there, somewhere.
Scott...Scott was volatile. Their big brother was struggling with his inability to protect Virgil. John, at least, had tools at his hands to set up digital wards and Eos patrolled continuously. Scott was after the perpetrator like a man possessed. They still didn’t know who it was. Kayo and Penny were desperately looking for clues. Virgil had managed a drawing of the man’s face, but even the artist wasn’t happy with it and facial recognition had been unable to connect any dots. Eos had also seen the man, but she saw things differently in the virtual world and the concepts didn’t quite translate.
It left Scott fighting an unseen foe and so much broken gym equipment. Today’s rescue had at least been a break from the confines of Tracy Island for his eldest brother.
With that thought came the sad irony that someone had to be in danger for the Tracy family to catch a break. Their lives defied logic at times.
Reaching over, he brushed a stray hair off his brother’s forehead. Virgil snuffled in his sleep and began to drool on John’s pillow.
A fond smile was all the astronaut had for that.
All he wanted was for his brother to recover...well, as much as he could. That thought lay embedded in a darkness reeking of a need for revenge that could never be sought as the perpetrator was already dead.
A sigh. He had to get back to his other brothers. “Eos, keep an eye on him.”
“Of course, John.”
The astronaut returned to the comms module and the business of saving people.
“Virgil? You awake yet?”
The fog of sleep stifled his response, but he did open his eyes.
“Hey, Virg!”
Blink. Alan?
Try again. “A-Alan?” Ugh, his throat was dry. Air conditioning parch. The pillow under his head had an interesting smell.
Another blink. This wasn’t his pillow. Focus. Hell, this wasn’t his bedroom.
“Three to Virg, are you reading me?”
“Go away.” He swiped a hand in his brother’s direction.
“Do you have any idea where you are?”
“I’m in hell and you’re my penance.” He rolled away from his brother and face the wall. A very wrong coloured wall. What the-?
“You’re on Five, bro. John says you sleep-rode the elevator.”
The elevator?! He shot up in the bed, the lower gravity sending him almost bouncing off the ceiling. He caught himself at the last moment as his head spun and sprouted a whopper of a headache. “Ah, shit!” He dropped his head to his hands and gouged his eyes out with his palms.
“Hey, Virg, take it easy.”
A hand landed on his arm and Virgil forced down a flinch. He groaned. “Alan, what do you want?”
“I was in the area and thought I would check in on you.”
A long drawn out sigh and he forced himself to sit up straight. Alan had been on a rescue. “Status?”
The astronaut’s response was habitual. “All three passengers and the pilot accounted for. Brains is checking them over.” A breath. “Now what about you?”
“Just fabulous.”
Alan peered at him up close. “Tell that to the red roadmaps on your sclera.”
An irritated blink. “How do you even know that word?”
“Did the same first aid courses you did, bro.” Alan sat on the bed beside him. “Headache?”
He gave in. “Yeah.”
“I’ll grab you some pills.”
Whispered. “Thanks, Alan.”
His brother squeezed his shoulder and left the room.
Virgil took the moment to centre himself. A breath and he levered his feet off the bed and onto the glass floor.
Far beneath him the world spun away.
Starlight danced on his skin.
The world spun back into view...Australia, New Zealand...Tracy Island...
The world spun away again.
He closed his eyes against the stars.
Alan’s step was quiet on the glass, his uniform boots designed specifically for this kind of environment. Virgil became abruptly aware of his own lack of uniform. Breach of regulations, breach of safety.
Alan must have picked up on his thoughts. “Don’t worry, Eos had Grandma fetch some of your things. Apparently, John doesn’t think you’ll fit into his.”
Alan’s smile was a little infectious and Virgil found his spirits lifting just a little despite himself.
Quietly. “Thank you, bro.”
Alan’s smile broadened as he handed over the tablets and a bottle of water.
Virgil downed the medication in two quick gulps. The water was lovely and cool on the back of his throat. it loosened tight muscles.
Alan sat down beside him on the bed again. They sat together staring out through the floor.
“I have to say, this view never gets old.”
Virgil blinked. “No, it doesn’t.” Admittedly, he could probably list on one hand how many times he had been up here without a mission. The brothers were happy to call John down, but few of them, except perhaps Alan, came up here much. “It has its own beauty.”
“John said you’ve been having a bad day.”
He darted a glance at his little brother, his head not appreciating the abrupt movement at all. Eos!
Father was concerned! What was I supposed to do? You were asleep in the elevator. You were having a bad day. You were frightened by John at least once. You spent all morning at the piano attempting to chase away negative thoughts, which is probably why you crashed in the elevator. I was worried. John was worried. Youngest was worried. Eldest is currently pacing the comms room, worried. Only the second youngest isn’t worried because Scott ordered me not to tell him.
That is why you don’t tell everyone when I’m feeling like shit, Eos! They worry. I don’t want them to worry. They’ve worried enough. I’ve hurt them all too much already.
The thought hit the core of the matter and he found himself caught in the concept. He hitched in a breath and fought to keep himself in one piece. His brain hammered on the inside of his skull.
“I’m-“ He closed his eyes. “Alan, could I have a moment to myself please?” The words were tight and parched.
His little brother stood up. “Uh, yeah, sure. Call if you need anything.” The brush of Alan’s fingertips on his shoulder nearly broke him.
The door slid closed.
He could hold it all back no longer. It was everything. It was what had been done to him. What he had done to his family and the simple fact that he was no longer the Virgil Tracy he wanted to be.
Head in his hands, he let go.
John swung around, sonic screwdriver in hand. “Yes, Eos?”
“Virgil is...upset.”
John’s eyes widened. “What happened?”
“The youngest spoke with him. He has a headache and the youngest gave him medication. Virgil admonished me for telling you of his ‘bad day’. His mood shifted to one of despair. He excused the youngest and now he sits with his head in his hands. He is in pain. Please, Father, what do I do?”
John swallowed and wished Scott was here.
But wishing was useless, as his Dad used to say. Work with what you have. And Virgil had John.
“Leave him to me.”
As he moved to leave the comms hub, Alan barrelled in. “John, it’s Virgil. Something’s up.”
A squeeze of a shoulder. “I know.” he handed his brother the screwdriver. “Here, comm relay to Brains and do as he asks. That panel over there.” Without another word, John pushed himself through the airlock and onto the gravity ring.
A sigh as his feet touched down on the floor.
A matter of steps and he was opening the door to his room.
Virgil sat on the edge of John’s bed. Elbows on knees, head in hands. He didn’t react to John’s presence at all.
On soft feet, John crossed the glass and sat quietly beside his brother.
Virgil’s shoulders were shaking.
A moment of hesitation and John reached out and gently dropped a hand on flannel covered shoulders.
The muscles beneath immediately tightened, a shudder echoing through Virgil’s frame.
A whisper barely more than breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
John’s throat knotted. “Not your fault.”
“No, it never is.” A ragged breath. “But it always is.” Another shudder and his brother straightened, obviously attempting to throw the emotions off. The face that emerged from his hands was pale and tearstained. A sniff and Virgil rubbed a hand across his eyes. “Sorry I worried you again.”
“Virgil.” His brother’s name fell from him in a rush. The man was emanating pain and John felt so inadequate.
Work with what you have.
His arm snaked around Virgil’s shoulders and he drew him closer. Virgil looked at him, a frown on his face.
A sudden dread that his brother might be triggered by his closeness and the anger flared in the back of John’s mind. But Virgil’s brow only crinkled in query.
So, John did something that he had wanted to do so many times during recent events. He wrapped his big brother in his arms and drew him close, bringing his head to rest on his shoulder.
The bigger man shuddered again. “John-“
“It’s okay.”
“I’ve got you.”
John bit his lip and found his own eyes wet as his brother shuddered again in his arms.
Virgil’s voice could barely be heard, its baritone strength whittled down to nothing. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
“I-“ And it was replaced with a sob. “No. I can’t-“
“You can.”
His brother groaned in pain.
“‘S not fair.”
“Never is.”
What would Scott say? What were the magic words to release the family rock from his self-imprisonment?
“We love you, Virgil.”
The next sound was a broken sob, followed by another, and finally his big brother was crying.
He wilted in John’s arms, his massive shoulders, depleted by his illness, became frail under the emotional onslaught. John blinked away his own reaction and simply held on.
All the pain, the anguish, the torture, the arguments, the fear, the accusations...his brother had been through so much. It would be foolish to think a bout of tears could fix it all, but the release was a start, a chance to give the man a little healing.
It was a complete shock when his brother suddenly went limp in his arms.
“He is asleep.”
“Again? So soon?” Virgil’s head lolled on John’s shoulder, tears still tracking down his cheeks from beneath wet eyelashes.
“He was emoting heavily. I suspect it triggered his narcolepsy.”
Damnit, the man could not get a break.
Awkwardly, John lowered his brother’s head back down onto the pillow. Standing, he dragged Virgil’s feet onto the bed and wrapped him in the thin blanket.
Once he was secure, John left the bedroom and approached the nearest holographic comms terminal.
“Thunderbird Five to Tracy Island.”
The smell of hot coffee woke him.
Virgil screwed up his face and let the muscles go, his eyes blinking. What the hell? He had been...speaking to John. Another blink and memory surfaced of what exactly he had been doing to his brother.
“If you start kicking yourself for what happened earlier, I’m going to ask Eos to play some Neo-Boney M on loop.” John’s tone was firm from the end of the bed.
The threat was solid. Virgil hated the revival group. There were certain things that deserved to stay buried.
“Do that and I’m torching your ABBA collection.”
A snort. “You’d have to find it first.”
“I have an AI in my head.”
A pair of turquoise eyes pinned him to the pillow. “Really? You want to test my daughter’s loyalty?”
Virgil sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, hoping to god his brain would spare him the headache if he moved.
“Do that and I’m joining the circus and moving to Venezuela.” Eos’ voice was light over the comm system and a laugh echoed somewhere in the back of Virgil’s head.
John sipped his coffee. “Then I guess we won’t be doing that.”
Virgil frowned. “What’s in Venezuela?”
“Oh, they have been doing some very interesting AI experiments down there. Joe 23 is quite charming.”
Both brothers stared up at her camera in astonishment.
“You’ve spoken with other AIs?” John’s voice was strangled.
“Of course.”
“I hope you have considered the security risks, particularly considering recent events.”
Virgil’s heart froze. If Il Mago got his hands on other AIs...
“None of them have my capability. None could reach Thunderbird Five, much less endanger Virgil.”
Virgil’s eyes widened and his heart hit the floor. “Reach me?”
“Eos!” John’ voice was sharp.
“What? They can’t hurt him.”
“Eos! We will discuss this later!”
He hadn’t known there were other AIs. It made sense. Eos was unique, but experts had been experimenting with artificial intelligence for a very long time. The thought that he might be vulnerable to other intelligences....
Voice parched. “There better be more coffee where that came from.”
John didn’t answer. He reached behind and pulled out a sealed thermos and handed it over.
Virgil sat up in the bed and accepted the drink.
I’m sorry, Virgil. Are you upset about the other intelligences? They can’t reach you. Some of them can barely speak. None of them are capable of what I am. A pause. Are you okay?
He didn’t answer, not wanting to think at all. The coffee was scalding hot as it hit the back of his throat and he was ever grateful.
Please, Virgil. I’m sorry. I won’t speak to them again, I promise. She was getting agitated and it vibrated his mind.
The breath rushed out of him. “It’s okay, Eos. I’m fine.”
You’re lying! I can tell. Please, Virgil. Forgive me?
“It’s fine, Eos!” Just...just give me a moment. Please!
She backed off immediately.
He sighed, took another swig of coffee and closed his eyes. Just breathe.
“I’m fine!” It was a shout and it was loud.
John raised a hand and backed off as much as his daughter.
And Virgil felt worse.
“Shit.” He rubbed his face with his hand. “Sorry.”
John was staring at him, thoughts darting back and forth behind his eyes. A drawn in breath and his brother’s expression became firm. “Virgil, I want you in the infirmary.”
He blinked. “John-“
“I’m fine.”
“You are not fine!”
Virgil jumped. John rarely raised his voice. It was his turn to stare.
“You’ve been to hell and back. You can’t possibly be ‘fine’.” That last word was snarled. “I need to check you over.”
“I’ve spent most of the last couple of months in the infirmary, John!”
“Then a few more minutes won’t hurt. You can visit mine for a little variety.”
“Don’t argue with me, please. You will go to the infirmary even if I have to wait you out until you fall asleep again and I will check you over then.”
Virgil froze, lack of choice and power slapping him in the face.
Virgil cut her off. “Eos, shut it.” It came out sharp and nasty.
Well, that convinces me that Father is right. You need an examination.
“Leave me alone!” It came out as a desperate plea as far from his usually calm self as it could be. His head spun. “Leave me alone, leave me alone, please leave me alone, I can’t, I can’t, please, god, please, no more, please no more, make it stopmakeitstop, please make it stop, please, please...” Part of him sensed that something was very wrong. The rest of him was lost in a maelstrom.
An alarm sounded somewhere. Eos was calling his name. There were hands. He fought them, but more hands appeared and he was trapped.
That only made him fight more.
There was yelling. A young woman with flame red hair and a white dress caught his face and held him still. Uncle!
Hands held his body, but her eyes held his mind. Eos.
Green, aquamarine, turquoise, so deep he could fall into them.
So he did.
It happened so quickly, John was slow to react.
One minute he was verbally wrestling a stubborn brother to submit to a medical examination, the next that brother was pleading, heart wrenchingly desperate, tears in his eyes.
Eos was alarmed, reporting anomalous brain activity. Virgil’s coffee hit the floor and the hot liquid ran along the gravity ring.
His brother’s anguish drew him close in a need to comfort, but the moment his hand touched a shoulder, Virgil started fighting him.
It was uncoordinated and hysterical, but Virgil was a big man. An alarm sounded in the satellite and John vaguely registered Eos calling Alan and Brains. John was too busy avoiding getting his head handed to him.
A fist caught him on the arm as John grabbed a wrist. “Virgil!” That wrist yanked and John lost his footing almost immediately. He was dragged a couple of steps, but Alan grabbed Virgil’s other hand and the panic was deflected.
Neither younger brother was strong enough to tackle their tank of a brother at his usual fitness level, but the last few months had taken a serious toll on his health and the strength just wasn’t there anymore.
Brains grabbed a first aid kit. John and Alan struggled to hold Virgil...
Virgil dropped like a ragdoll, John and Alan staggering to support his sudden weight.
“O-on the floor. L-lay him on the floor. Vitals.”
John’s heart was in his throat as they ascertained that their brother was breathing, heart beating, alive.
His own respiratory reflex shuddered and let air out between his teeth.
Alan grabbed a collapsible hover gurney from the tiny medbay and moments later their brother was ensconced in the tiny room.
“What happened?” Alan’s voice hit a high pitch of worry.
“Th-that is w-what we will ascertain.” Brains worked with the tiny facility, connecting Virgil to an array of monitoring equipment. The reassuring beep of a regular heartbeat was a beautiful sound.
“Eos?” His daughter was unusually silent. When he got no response, his heart rate jumped a notch. “Eos!”
It wasn’t another attack was it? Please, no!
“John?” His heart missed a beat as she finally answered him.
“Eos? What can you tell us?”
“I...” Her voice trailed off.
“He overloaded his system and forced a shutdown.” Her voice was puzzled. “Why?”
John glanced at his prone brother. So pale, so hurting, so wane. “Was there any incursion?”
“No. His...thoughts grew more and more distressed until he shut down.”
There was a mutter from the bed. Virgil’s head moved first to one side and then to the other. His eyes scrunched up and he groaned.
Another groan and he opened his eyes. “Brains?”
“How are you f-feeling?”
Those eyes blinked slowly. “Like crap. M’head...”
“Pain level, one to ten?”
It took Virgil a moment to answer. “F-four. Where am I?” Brown eyes peered slowly around the room until they latched onto John. They widened for just a microsecond before relaxing. “John. Thunderbird Five.”
So, his pain level was probably closer to eight if his previous report record ran true.
“H-have you eaten today?” Brains consulted a readout on his tablet.
Again with the slow blink as Virgil turned his head towards Brains again. “Umm...”
“He hasn’t eaten since he arrived here and that was a good five hours ago.” John mentally kicked himself. Busy was no excuse regarding his brother’s health.
Virgil was staring at him. “Five hours?!”
“You’ve been asleep for most of it.”
“Asleep?” The word was whispered and those eyes closed and didn’t open again.
Soft breathing and John realised that was exactly what his brother was doing. “Brains, what the hell is going on? He’s fallen asleep again.”
Brains was muttering to himself, fiddling with a hypodermic. He strapped up Virgil’s arm and drew blood from a vein. Shoving the sample into the blood analyser unit, his fingers danced over the controls. “I have my suspicions. I-if it is w-what I think it is...” There was an uncharacteristic anger in Brain’s voice. A blink and John realised the engineer was glaring at the analyser.
John’s hand drifted down to rest on Virgil’s leg. His brother didn’t notice.
There was a solid moment of silence punctuated by Virgil’s soft breathing before the analyser pinged its readiness.
Brains hit a few more buttons, muttered again, before hitting more, drawing further information from the machine. Another moment and it pinged again.
“Brains to Tracy Island.”
“Brains? How is he?” Scott had returned to the island half an hour ago, but he was still in his uniform, his expression predictably worried.
“Virgil is experiencing a dangerous deficiency in several crucial minerals, mostly iron and magnesium. I will send you a formula. I need you to visit Wellington and pick up some supplies.”
Scott paused a split second before moving. “FAB.”
Brains cut off the connection, turned back to Virgil and activated the bed’s holographic interface. A hologram of his brother’s body flickered into existence above the bed. A twist of his wrist and Brains focussed in on Virgil’s skull, bringing the image to a larger size and higher resolution.
The metallic filigree of the interface spiderwebbed across his brother’s frontal lobe.
John shivered.
The engineer continued to mutter to himself, focussing as close as the equipment would allow. “I have a th-theory. Virgil is showing a depletion of his mineral stores well into a serious d-deficiency range. This would explain his d-depression and ir-rationality. However, it does n-not give us a c-cause.” Brains frowned. “I had s-suspected this w-would be a problem and Virgil has been given sup-plements, b-but even if he m-missed one, the d-deficiency should not be this bad.” Another frown and the engineer returned to muttering.
John stared at the holographic portrayal of the device that had caused so much pain.
“Yes, John?”
“Are you able to check on the condition of the interface and the nanites in Virgil’s system?”
There was a silence. Virgil began to snore. Another moment.
“Interface is fully functional. Virgil is asleep, however his mind is somewhat chaotic. Nanites...count is higher than previous.” There was a frown in her voice.
“There are more nanites? How?”
There was silence for a moment. “Father, they have reproduced. System logs report...the interface was damaged and required repair. More nanites were needed, so more were made. Checking....redundancy code was activated and enacted. Resources were required.”
And Virgil was the resource. It was left unsaid, but as Brains straightened, his expression grim, it didn’t need to be.
“Damn.” It came out as a single whispered breath. “Eos, we went through that code with a fine-toothed comb, where was this redundancy code? We rewrote the majority of their programming to prevent something like this from happening.”
Brains shifted where he stood and frowned. “W-we were more concerned with stopping the growth of the in-terface, J-John. We kn-knew there would b-be a m-maintenance cost. Unfortunately, it c-caught us un-awares.” A sigh. “We can c-correct this and m-monitor closely. It is j-just a m-matter of b-balancing between wh-what the nanites n-need and levels of toxicity in relation to the r-rest of V-Virgil’s body.”
On the bed, Virgil snorted in his sleep and rolled over, curling up as if cold. John grabbed one of the medbay blankets and, reaching through the holograms above his brother, draped the thin covering over the sleeping man.
As if to be particularly endearing, Virgil immediately snuggled up under the warmth. Another snort and soft snoring echoed through the room.
John swallowed. “Brains, are you saying that the levels of minerals the nanites need could be toxic?”
The engineer sighed again. “I d-don’t know yet. I need to run further tests. Extra supplements as w-with any m-medication have their limits.” He shifted where he stood. “W-we will start with an increase and see how we g-go.”
The expression on Brains’ face wasn’t giving John the greatest confidence.
Virgil snorted again, muttered something in his sleep, and began drooling on his pillow.
Soft piano music began playing and he couldn’t help but smile. Chiddi’s sonata, a light and lively dance on a Sunday afternoon. It always made him feel like dancing. He swirled around the wooden floor of the comms room and found a young woman in his hands. Red hair, green eyes and a flash of white dress as they spun around together.
It was nice to have someone to dance with.
Uncle, are you going to wake up? She was smiling up at him and while the room continued to spin around them slowly, they had stopped moving. Who?
A sparkle in her eyes.
Time to wake up, Uncle. Her hand was in his.
She took a step and he had to follow.
Pain crashed into him. Voices. God, his head.
“Pain c-count, one to ten?”
Eleven. “S-six. Brains, what the hell?”
“His estimate is actually much higher, Hiram.” Eos’ voice danced all around him. Don’t lie about your health, Uncle.
“I will do what I damn well want to, Eos!” Augh, he clutched his head. Damn, that hurt.
Fingers fumbled at his wrist and something cold shot up his arm. He groaned, but then the pain started to fade. Oh, thank god. He melted into the bed. Yes, he was lying on a bed.
“Better?” The soft voice came from near his head. He blinked and a blue and gold blur slowly resolved itself into little Johnny.
“Better.” It came out little more than a sigh. A blink. A frown. “What happened?”
“You fell asleep again.”
“Again?” Another blink. “I was dancing. Around and around.” He smiled. “With Eos. She looks so much like you. Lovely long red hair, eyes aquamarine like the ocean in the sun. So young, so old, so amazing. We need to protect her, John.” He reached out and grabbed his brother’s arm. “Promise me we’ll protect her.” His brother’s eyes, that same aquamarine, widened and stared down at him. “Promise me, John, we can’t let him hurt her. We can’t.”
His brother nodded slowly. “We will protect her, Virgil, I promise.”
He believed him. If anyone could do it, Johnny could. “Thank you, thank you.” He squeezed his brother’s arm and John’s fingers wrapped around his, tightening in return.
Virgil’s eyes were glazed by the haze of necessary medication, but he was awake. Three times he had awoken and fallen asleep almost immediately.
Brains actually swore. It was something John had never heard the engineer do, and in his native language no less.
Eos had been worried as much as John and Scott...Scott was only on the Island because Grandma ordered him to stay put. Consequently, John was on a five-minute update rotation for his eldest brother.
Speaking of which...count down....
Scott’s hologram flashed up beside the bed. “Thunderbird Five, report!”
Virgil jumped, his eyes going wide. “Scott? Is that you? Really you? Please be you. Eos? John?” His brother’s eyes latched onto him and widened even further before darting back to Scott, to John, to Scott...shit. “Not you, too, Scotty, please no.” Fear crumpled his brow.
“Virgil.” John squeezed the hand on his arm, holding it close. “It is Scott. I promise. Eos, tell him.”
Virgil’s frown deepened for a moment, his eyes going distant. A soft smile spread over his face and he closed his eyes.
It was John’s turn to frown. “Eos? Tell me what’s happening.”
“I’m sorry, John, but he’s slipping into sleep again.”
“Sleep?” Scott’s voice was worry itself. “Are we any closer to working out why?”
Brains, who had been absorbed in a readout from the EEG woven into Virgil’s hair, suddenly spun and grabbing a hypodermic needle, quickly drew some blood from the tap in the crook of Virgil’s elbow.
Virgil didn’t notice. He began to snore again.
John sighed.
The blood sample was shoved into the analyser and Brains stabbed the machine. “Eos, I-I need a nanite activity r-report. Access their logs and send to m-my t-tablet, p-please.”
“Yes, Hiram.” The tablet pinged.
For a few minutes there was only the sound of Brains muttering to himself and Virgil’s soft snores.
The expletive that shot out of Brains’ mouth a moment later was enough to curl even John’s toes.
“What’s wrong?” Scott still hovered beside the bed, his gaze caught between his brothers and the once again muttering engineer.
“They are p-putting him to sleep.”
“What? Who?”
“The nanites. When m-mineral r-resources drop too low, they stimulate a sleep cycle so Virgil’s body shuts down.” There was an untranslated mutter. “This cannot stay this w-way. They cannot have control.” He turned away again, stabbing the analyser with his fingers.
He didn’t have any answers. Not yet.
Virgil snorted and rolled over in his sleep, dragging cables and IV. John gently untangled him.
“I don’t know, Scott. As soon as I do, you will, too.”
His brother’s expression reflected the frustration in his own. “Understood, Tracy Island out.”
The hologram dissipated.
John sighed. “Do we have anything, Brains?”
“It appears the interface m-may have been damaged during the encounter with Il M-mago.”
“We didn’t detect any damage.” Both John and Brains had scanned their brother thoroughly after the incident, desperate to make sure he wasn’t hurt further.
Brains looked down a moment. “I’m afraid we m-must have missed something. The n-nanite logs definitely show a sudden increase in activity.”
“They didn’t at the time.” John’s stomach twisted. He hated this. The not knowing and his brother’s life in the balance.
Brains sighed. “No, they didn’t.”
John straightened. “Eos, I need a complete listing of all the nanites code. I want all their logs. I want everything.”
“Yes, John.”
He gently squeezed Virgil’s hand and placed in on the bed beside the sleeping man. “Brains, I’ll be in my office.”
“I will monitor him.”
“Thank you, Brains.”
The image of their genius engineer leaning over his prone brother kept him company for the following hours of writing code.
Do you like dancing?
I love to dance.
I’ve never seen you do it.
It is much more fun with a partner.
You have your brothers.
He laughed. Not quite the dance partners I had in mind.
What about Kayo? She has a great deal of control over her body.
Virgil frowned and stared at his niece. To be honest, it has never occurred to me.
You should ask her. I’m sure she would love to dance with you.
He shrugged. Grandma has danced with me in the past.
It was Eos’ turn to eye him as they spun around the room. While Mrs Tracy is quite capable, I don’t think she is quite the partner you have in mind either.
Virgil led her into another twirl across the balcony of the comms room, reality intruding on fantasy. It doesn’t matter now.
She drew them to a stop. What do you mean? You said you loved dancing. Why don’t you find someone to dance with?
If you are going to use the interface as an excuse, I’m going to pull out that Neo-Boney M recording.
Don’t you dare.
A quicksilver smile and his niece danced across the balcony by herself, her arms outspread, dress twirling. I agree, this is fun. You should do it more often.
He sighed. Have you finished updating the code yet?
She spun again while staring up at the sky. Oh, that. I managed that in the second before you realised I was even here.
I wanted to try this dancing again. It is lovely.
He searched his memory looking for any change or difference and found nothing. Is it working okay?
She stopped spinning and faced him. Everything is fine, Uncle. I promise.
We will make this better. She approached him slowly. Hiram, Father and I will make this work.
I hope so.
He backed up and sat himself down on his piano stool. This place was so real, but so not home.
Can I wake up now?
She stared at him, her head tilted slightly to one side. Hiram, has started a regime to replace your mineral stores. He has given you several injections and is monitoring the results. There have been more blood tests.
He would have complained about being a pincushion, but to be honest he had had so much worse. Can I wake up?
You don’t want to dance anymore?
Okay, okay. She reached for his hand and he let her take it, following.
John was tired, but determined.
“Eos, how is he?”
“Memory response is good. Knowledge retrieval fast. The interface is working well. Nanite response in minimal. He wants to wake up.”
“Give it a moment longer.” He turned to Brains. “Are his levels responding.”
“Slowly. It will t-take some t-time to b-bring them up to healthy levels. He will n-need m-monitoring for some days p-possibly weeks. I r-recommend we r-return him to Tracy Island for his own comfort. Mrs T-Tracy, Scott and G-Gordon are fully c-capable of r-retrieving the blood samples n-needed. I can m-monitor from here and continue r-repairs to Thunderbird Five.”
“Virgil is far more important than Five.”
Brains stared at him calmly. “He will be well, J-John.”
John let his shoulders drop. He hated this. Hated this powerlessness.
“Virgil is becoming insistent.”
“Okay, Eos. Wake him up.”
His brother lay on his back, face pale...which wasn’t surprising since he was actually anaemic. Eyelashes on pale cheeks fluttered. Brown irises sought his.
“Hey, Virgil. You with us?”
A blink. A frown. “I think so.”
“Are you in any pain?” Brains hovered beside the bed.
Virgil turned his head towards the engineer. “Headache.” Another slow blink and he turned back to John. “Eos likes to dance.”
It was John’s turn to blink.
Brains interrupted by relaying Virgil all the necessary medical information about his condition. His brother nodded once before once again latching his eyes onto John.
Somewhat unnerved by the intense but silent stare, John shifted where he stood. “You ready to go home, Virgil?”
“Back to Tracy Island.”
“Oh, yes, sure.” The stare continued.
His brother didn’t answer immediately, still staring at John. He opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly appeared at a loss for words. A blink and then, his voice rough, “You should be proud. Very proud.”
It took John a moment to connect the dots. But when he did, he straightened.
“I am.” A dip of his head. “Of both of you.”
Virgil returned home. He was quiet, but his mood appeared to be stable and possibly improving. Brains and John sent him down via the elevator, Scott at the other end to help his brother out of the seat and harness. Between Grandma, Scott and Gordon, he wouldn’t be alone at all. It was thought best that considering his induced depression and possible mood swings, that he should not be left unattended.
Virgil grumbled, but complied.
Of course, his blood tests would continue and Eos was monitoring the nanites closely. Virgil couldn’t sneeze without someone taking notes.
It was necessary. He had to be saved.
That bastard was still out there. Somewhere.
John floated in the hub, eyes scanning the code output of the nanites in Virgil’s blood. He watched their reactions to Virgil’s reactions. His brother was currently grumbling at Scott. Eos had rolled virtual eyes at that, throwing several exasperated questions at John as to why his brother was such a stubborn ass.
“Because that is one of the reasons he is still alive.”
And why the Hood didn’t currently have him under his thumb, why he could now see and speak to John without innate terror, why he hadn’t thrown himself into Thunderbird Three’s silo and why Thunderbird Five was still mostly in one piece.
They all relied on that stubborn.
John sighed.
The code scrolled past.
His eye caught something. “Eos, can you pull up that secondary function on the third tier?”
“This one?”
The code lines appeared midair and he re-read them. “I didn’t write this.”
“I’ve never seen this. I thought we pulled all the code.”
“One moment please.”
John waited.
“Please hold.”
His shoulders grew tight under his suit.
A breath.
“They are capable of writing their own code.”
“What?! How?”
“They are reacting to certain situations. When one gets triggered another will respond and alter the code of the first to assist its needs.” The AI paused. “It is rather an intriguing concept.”
“How does this affect our code? And how did we miss the code that initiates this process?”
“I don’t know, John.”
“Then we need to find out. This is Virgil’s life!”
“I know, John. I will do my best.”
He sagged where he floated. Damn. “I know you will, Eos. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
His eyes returned to tracking the code, now picking out the small differences that weren’t there when he input the code. “Eos?”
“Yes, John.”
“Do you feel hate?”
“Are you referring to the people who did this to Virgil.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Then most definitely.”
“He is still out there. He could attack at any time.”
“I know. I have put up as many defences as possible.”
“You know they won’t be enough.”
“I have to protect him.”
“But you can’t.”
“I can try!”
A swallow. “So can I.” He straightened, determination and his own version of Tracy stubborn setting in. “I want every piece of information we have about the interface, how it functions, what it is made of, everything. I want it here now.”
“We are going to find a way.” His lips thinned. “Virgil shouldn’t have to stand alone.”
“I’m going to stand with him.”
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askthesadscout · 6 years
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chapter one “No TALONT.”
“WATCH YOUR STEP!” Tracer called. Winter followed Reaper sneakily, figuring out what he was up to. “Is that your best stealth?” He sighed. Winter froze and tried hiding. “I know you’re there.” Reaper sighed. “NO I’M NOT!!” Winter snapped. “WAIT OH SH-“ Winter whimpered. She tried to scramble away before she was grabbed.  “LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO!!!” Winter whimpered. “You did not think this plan through, did you?” Reaper asked. “I-I did!” Winter stammered. “A newbie. Interesting.” Reaper hummed. “I-I’m no newbie!” Winter stammered. “Then why did you pursue me?” Reaper asked. “Uh…….” Winter thought. “Well?” Reaper asked. “SHI+.” Winter gulped. “I wouldn’t put it that vulgar, but, yes.” Reaper said. “Well…….Let’s stall for a few seconds, huh?” Winter smiled nervously. “Why?” Reaper asked. “Just-Ya know! I wanna get to know ya better!” Winter stuttered. “Why do you want to do that?” Reaper asked. “Cause I know you’re a nice person and I know that there’s a person in there and that you’re very kind and sweet and cherished!” Winter stammered. “Am I?” Reaper asked, raising an eyebrow. “Y-Yeah! J-Just a rough exterior is all!” Winter stammered. “You’re an idiot.” Reaper sighed. “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.” Winter grumbled. “Of course. After all, it’s in an Overwatch agent’s oath to tell the truth.” Reaper smirked. “That-That was unnecessarily rude.” Winter whimpered. “Suck it up, buttercup.” Reaper growled. “And I, quite frankly, do not CARE.” He growled. Winter heard a familiar noise and looked up to see Tracer following above the rooftops. Tracer made a “stay quiet” motion and Winter nodded. “Now then, where were we?” Reaper purred. “Actually, buddy, couldja step a few inches back?” Winter asked. “Why?” Reaper asked. “Please?” Winter asked. “I suppose.” He said, stepping back. Winter looked up and nodded. “Wait, why did you-“ Reaper started before Tracer jumped onto him. “Get going, love! Jack wanted to see you!” Tracer said. Winter nodded and bolted off. 
Winter kept going until she reached the others.  “Winter! There ya are! You worried Jack SICK!” Junkrat scolded. “I know, I was just following a lead.” Winter lied. “Whatever, mate. Just go over to ‘im. He’s been searchin’ for ya.” Junkrat said, pointing to a small makeshift base, barely able to fit three people. Winter gulped and slowly headed in. “Report, Winter.” 76 said. “W-Well, sir, I-I was following a lead and-“ Winter stuttered. “Were you really?” He asked. “…………N-No….” Winter said, lowering her head in shame. “What were you doing, then?” He asked. Most people would assume that he was calm due to his tone of voice, but Winter’s been with this team long enough to know better. He’s not calm, just holding everything in. Heaven help your soul if he releases everything on you. Mercy will work too. “I-I……I was following Reaper….” Winter said defeatedly. “Of course you did. How did it go?” He asked. “N-Not as bad as the other times……..Then again, those other times were with Sombra, Widowmaker, Doomfist-“ Winter started. “10-3.” He ordered. Winter stopped dead in her tracks. “You went after Reaper. PLEASE tell me you took somebody with you.” He sighed. “……………..10-74…….” Winter sighed. “Winter, I get it, you wanna try and improve, but to improve, ya gotta SURVIVE to show that improvement!” He snapped. “I-I know, but-“ Winter started. “No buts. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but you’re getting stuck with the buddy system until you know better.” He sighed. “Bu-“ Winter started. “That’s an order.” He said. “B-“ Winter started. “AN. ORDER.” He snapped. Winter sighed. There was no winning. “FINE.” Winter sighed heavily. “Good. I’ll notify everyone about this. And you’re going with Team Wreck for another mission.” He said. “WHAT?!?” Winter gasped. “What? Can’t handle a measly mission?” He asked, a bit of a sing-song tone. “I can’t be on a team with them-I CAN’T be on a team with HIM.” Winter stammered. “Well, too bad, buckaroo, cause you are.” He said. “Ya gotta be joking. I can’t do it. Not with HIM by my side!” Winter stammered. “Why not?” He asked, tilting his head in confusion. “Have you MET him?!” Winter asked. “Besides, I’ve had enough missions with him to know he’ll try and take the credit for it.” Winter mumbled. “Winter, we’ve talked about your mumbling. When you mumble, nobody can understand you.” He sighed. “I know he’ll try and take the credit. I’ve had enough missions with him to know that.” Winter sighed. “Like it or not, ya gotta work with him. Now, everybody’s at the ship, and they’re waiting on you, so hurry up. They don’t like being kept waiting.” He said. “Bu-“ Winter started. “That’s an order.” He said. Winter huffed and walked over to the ship with her team waiting for her. “Winter! Small world, ain’t it?” Mccree smiled. “Don’t talk to me, Jesse.” Winter growled. “Uh oh, spaghettios! Somebody’s not in a good mood!” Tracer joked. “Lena, good to see you’re okay.” Winter smiled weakly. “You too, love!” She smiled back. “How’re you doin’, lass?”  Torbjörn asked. “Could be worse.” Winter shrugged. Then she looked in Mccree’s direction. “Oh wait, no, it couldn’t.” Winter grumbled. “What’s with her and Jesse? I know they have some beef, but I don’t know why!” Tracer asked. “Bad things happened and he was at fault for it.” Winter growled. “My fault? Never!” Mccree said. “Guys, guys, guys, come on! We haven’t even started the mission yet!!” Tracer said, standing between the two. “Right. THAT.” Winter growled. “So, who’s gonna be yer babysitter?” Mccree asked teasingly. “CERTAINLY NOT you.” Winter snapped. “Arright, that’s fair.” Mccree said, holding his hands up in defeat. “I can be!” Tracer said, waving her hand around. “That sounds good. Thanks, Lena.” Winter smiled. “No problem, love!” She grinned. “Wait, you’re all here, then where’s-“ Winter started. “Who, Hammond? He’s the pilot!” Torbjörn smiled. “I suddenly feel unsafe.” Winter said. “It’ll be fine! He’s a licensed pilot!” Torbjörn reassured. “Good…I don’t wanna die.” Winter sighed. (Timeskip because I’m lazy! ^~^)
“-And they’ve teased me about it ever since!” Winter scoffed. “Hah! I would, too, love!” Tracer laughed. “Betrayal!” Winter joked. “Move it, or lose it, team!” Mccree ordered. “Right.” Winter said, following everyone out. “We need to get in there and get everyone out safely, but first we need to get past the gate. Winter, that’s where you come in.” Mccree said. “Why?” Winter asked. “There’re some vents that lead through the gate, but yer the only one of us who can fit through.” Mccree said. “Why not have Hammond do it?” Winter asked. “His mech. Duh.” Mccree said. “Right.” Winter sighed. “Tracer, you’ll go in first and stay with Winter. Torbjörn, Hammond, yer with me.” Mccree ordered. Winter smiled as a joke sprung to her mind. “What are ya giving out?” Winter asked. “Orders…?” Mccree responded, confused. “One could say they’re a……MCCDECREE?” Winter joked. “Heck you.” Mccree growled. “Same to you, my cowboy compatriot!” Winter grinned, climbing into the vents. When she got in, she slowly opened the gate, making sure not to make any noise. “Good job, love!” Tracer whispered, sneaking in. Winter followed the instructions she was given and snuck into the security office (which was surprisingly empty) and disabled the cameras. “*Okay, now just wait there till we give ya the all clear to come out.*” Mccree said over the comm. “What?! I’m supposed to wait for ya guys to get everything exciting done and then I can leave?!” Winter whispered harshly. “*That’s an order, young lady.*” Mccree said. “Fine.” Winter sighed heavily. Winter sat back in the chair and sighed heavily. “Come on, love! It’s not so bad!” Tracer smiled. “Yeah, but it’s boring…..” Winter sighed. “I’m sure it’ll be fast! You know Jesse!” Tracer grinned. “That’s the problem. I know Jesse.” Winter grumbled. “Why’s that a problem, love?” Tracer asked. “He’s a pain….I know this from past experiences. Not to mention that he likes to risk the mission just for a bit of glory.” Winter scowled. “Love, I know he can be a bit cocky, but he’d never do that.” Tracer said. “No, he would. Trust me on this.” Winter sighed. “And others have gotten hurt by that.” Winter sighed. (Timeskip~!)
Winter woke up a few hours later, to find that Tracer was gone. “Lena?” Winter called. Winter ran out to find everyone left her behind. She scowled and sighed heavily. At least they left a miniship behind for her. She got in and started the ride back to Overwatch headquarters. As she walked through the door, she heard someone clearing their throat and tapping their foot impatiently. “And just why didn’t you come back with the others?” 76 asked. “I would have, had they woken me up.” Winter mumbled. “You’re mumbling again, Winter!” 76 snapped. “I WOULD HAVE, HAD THEY WOKEN ME UP!!” Winter accidentally snapped. 76’s face visibly froze and Winter realized what just happened. “Oooh~!” Mccree grinned. “Jesse-“ Winter growled. “Excuse me?” 76 asked, with that false calm tone again. “He didn’t wake me up when he should ha-“ Winter started. “Then MAYBE you shouldn’t have fallen asleep on the job!!” 76 snapped. “I-I tried-“ Winter started. “NOT HARD ENOUGH, APPARENTLY!” He snapped. “S-Sorry, sir….” Winter stuttered. “GOOD. NOW GET TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY IN THERE UNTIL YOU’RE EITHER CALLED OUT, OR TRULY SORRY.” He snapped. Winter trudged off to her room. “ooh~! Someone’s in trouble~!” Mccree sang happily. “SHUT. UP. JESSE.” Winter growled. Winter made it to her room and slammed the door shut and locked it. She tucked herself into a corner as tightly as she could.  (Timeskip~!)
Winter slowly got up as she was called out. “What?” She asked sleepily. “I came to check up on you. I heard Jack lost it last night with you.” Mercy said. “I’m fine now. I shoulda kept myself awake.” Winter shrugged. “Look at me.” Mercy said. Winter slowly looked her in the eyes. “No you’re not. I can tell.” Mercy sighed. “Mercy, I’m fine.” Winter sighed. “No, you’re not.” Mercy insisted. “What tells ya that?” Winter asked. “I asked Tracer about it and she told me that you were absolutely shaking.” Mercy said. “So?” Winter asked. “You still are.” Mercy said. “Oh……That’d be the anxiety attack still working.” Winter sighed. “Why didn’t you say something?!” Mercy asked. “I didn’t wanna seem weak…” Winter sighed. “Asking for help doesn’t make you weak! It shows that you’ve reached your limits and can’t push anymore!” Mercy assured. “Try telling my anxiety that.” Winter chuckled darkly. “Well, I can’t do that, but-“ Mercy started before hugging Winter. “-I can do this!” Mercy smiled. “Feel better?” Mercy asked. “Much….Thanks Mercy…” Winter smiled weakly. “Good! We wouldn’t want one of our strongest soldiers down, now would we?” Mercy asked. “You’re too nice to me, Mercy.” Winter smiled. “I do try!” Mercy smiled.
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tinsnip · 6 years
Thinking of your warm skin/While I touch cold steel (Wild Sex - Oingo Boingo) (for the lyric prompts)
    A turn, a click, clumsy in the suit gloves and – yes, all right, he’s in, and that means he just has to wait three seconds, breathing recycled air, while the playing-dead station pretends not to be scanning him…
    Well, he’s not dead. That means it worked. 
    A quick moment now, by himself, moving into the station, and he looks around. Empok Nor is dark beyond dark; still, the lighting is much more comfortable than Deep Space’s blue-tinted glare. It’s almost restful. Ah…
    His suit UI blips at him. Oh. There’s breathable air.
    He shouldn’t… but it’s untouched air, and it’s mixed for Cardassians.
    No one is here to see him be stupid.
    Whhhshhhh seeps the air from his faceplate as he lifts it slowly, sipping air, too cold but tasting right. Dead air, but air and still flavoured as air should be. Hmm: hints of Cardassians, old and stale. Property claims, mostly. Yes, yes, this is not my place; he knows that already, he doesn’t need some long-dead Glinn arching at him. 
    Not his place… but strangely closer than most. 
    He twists the suit gloves, releases them, holds them in one hand while he rests the other hand against the bulkhead. It’s cold. Amusingly, that surprises him: he’d almost been lulled by sight and taste to believe, for a moment, that this really was a proper place. The cold steel reminds him that it’s still wrong.
    If the environmental systems were brought fully online… mmm. He toys with the thought for a moment. The air would warm quickly; the metal would take its cue from the air; cool would warm and soon everything on the station would feel… 
    Mmm… no. Dead things shouldn’t feel warm. Disrespectful to consider it.
    Another moment to rest. He’s aware of how he feels in the suit. He’s comfortable. It’s almost a pleasure. He can, for once, dial his own micro-climate, and so he’s resting in warmth, slightly too dry, hands now cool in the outside air, face braced against chill, but the rest of him… warm.
    His memory flickers, places past against now, and he sees both:
    “What do you mean, you’re going too?”
    “I only meant to reassure you that no harm will come to your good friend the Chief with me along—”
    “Garak, I don’t want you anywhere near that place! Anything could happen—”
    “Your worries are baseless, my dear. The only reason I’m needed at all on this little excursion is to be Cardassian long enough to turn on the lights. After that, I’m sure the Chief would prefer that I simply rest in the runabout and knit.”
    “Oh, don’t glare like that. You’ll hurt yourself.”
    “…be careful. Don’t be stupid. Don’t be brave.”
    “I should hope I’m not known for either of those things.”
    After that, reproachful eyes, and mollification; then, soft hands, thin bones, delicacy and gentleness and the eliciting of warmth, and he’d pressed himself against and into that warmth until he was warm too; until, afterwards, Julian had laughed quietly, stroking his skin, feeling how warm matched warm: “Why, Elim, you’re positively cozy.”
    His hands, his fingers, his lips, his centre, all now warm to the touch with heat pulled from his lover, and he’d basked…
    The present re-asserts itself, more real, as memory fades to gossamer, and the suit’s inorganic warmth reasserts itself in his senses.
    It’s funny. None of the ways he finds warmth now are the proper way. But they are as close as he’ll ever come to proper warmth again, most likely.
    Mmm. Strange thoughts on a cold, dead station, and by now they’re probably wondering if he’s dead too.
    It’s tempting to go on a brief wander, explore a bit, be himself in a place just for him… he could say he was being brave, he could say he was checking for traps…
    Now, now. We don’t want to worry the Chief, do we?
    No, indeed, no bravery, no more stupidity, and so he sighs and triggers the comm, and soon the quiet half-warmth in darkness is driven quite away by Starfleet handlights.
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
The Horn of Recompense (Chapter Two)
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The Magistrix and the Shal'dorei Rogue, Valteia Sindal were now in the Dalaran Hq. "Ilyea, I am giving you the co-ords to the Dalaran Office. Do you think you can come over. I have more to speak about that map. Remember to look at Draumr in the eye."  
"Be right there in a flash.......just need to uh, .....figure out something. Aurora will be there with me as well...hold on hold on." She sounds rushed but there's a faint whirling click in the background.
Valteia stayed in full stealth as she listened to Lady Emberfury speak on the comms device. She watched the door to the Dalaran office intently, ready to intervene should things go awry.
Ilyea hesitantly walked into the area and fumbled with the bandages on her hand as she walked over to the door "Okay....the thing with the eyes. Looking something in the eyes, maybe. maybe? Maybe." She seemed to be more reassuring herself.
Valteia watched as the Sin'dorei walked through the doors of the Dalaran office, her periwinkle hues narrowed. She eyed the woman's bandages and studied them, pondering as to why the woman possessed them in the first place.
As the Guardian, Draumr, sensed the presence of the Red-haired Clandestine, the runeforged Sentry would liven up, letting out a stony grind as it did so. Blue runic bolts shot from its eyes as it scanned the Sin'dorei. "Gree...tings.....Cole...Ilyea." It would clap its hands together and open the door on the walkways for the Mage to come in. "Elu...meniel....mal...alan..."
"Oh !Shit!" Ilyea exclaimed loudly with a small jump to her steps. "A security system, well that makes sense....kind of like the other one in Stormheim maybe?" Another fiddling of the bandages as she tilted her head seemed to look to something else. No matter. The woman took a faint smirk as she finger gunned to the guardian. making sure to look at it within its eye, or wherever it was. Ilyea looked all over. Better to be safe than sorry. "Elu menny benny boo to you too." She chirped as she walked further into the office.
Valteia watched and listened carefully as Draumr confirmed the identity of the fiery-haired Sin'dorei who had entered. "Ilyea Cole." Valteia thought to herself, making a mental note.
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Nimuehdra would be perched over a large round table as Ilyea walked inside. Her white tresses would cover her features as she hovered over w leather object over the aforementioned table. The Map was all inscribed in runes and ancient elven. Being a reliquarian, Nimuehdra hoped Ilyea would help solve her problems. Nimuehdra looked up as she spoke back to Draumr. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she did so. "Welcome, Ily." said the Magistrix with a gentle smile upon her lips.
Valteia watched as Ilyea approached Lady Emberfury at the table, her eyes never leaving the woman. Because she was unfamiliar with the fiery-haired mage, she was wary of letting her guard down.
"Eeeeeyyy you two." Ilyea murmured once more shooting finger guns. "Just had a hard time with the portaling thing, doing some hard training and lost a bit of track of time. Going from bashy into smarty brain...yeah.."Ilyea figured she had said too much and she could practically hear Aurora rolling his eyes. Ilyea hopped up onto the table where the map was, not taking care one bit. "Oh yeah! The mappity map! Right.....anything you figured out before hand, is this where the Horny Horn is or...just seeming in general for things?"
Valteia lofted an ebony brow at Ilyea's words "you two." She looked about her person with a bewildered expression, wondering how the woman could see her under her cloak of stealth. Realizing that she could be seen my the mage, Valteia dispelled her concealment. She approached the two Sin'dorei, her footfalls light against the office's flooring. She continued to peer at Ilyea, her glowing hues narrowed.
Ilyea was actually surprised to see another person pop up. "Oh %^&*, another person. I was referring to my husband." The mage answered dumbly. She gestured to some invisible space but to say the other rogue was around that spot, she really wasn't showing.
Nimuehdra smirked and returned the gesture back with Ily's signature finger gun with a single gloved hand. She grew concerned as she learned that the Mage was not able to portal to Dalaran. "Ily...Is everything quite alright?" Snowy brows furrowed at the woman. "Auro and Ily, this thing..." A single gloved digit pointed at the map before her. "It's all gibberish to me. Valteia here," She gestures with her chin toward the stealthy Shal'dorei. "Helped translate a while ago that it led to a Cave of sorts. Perhaps this Horn of Recompense as the Vrykul called it, is what the creature guards." She sighed. Her gaze was affixed on the Shal'dorei agent.
Valteia opened her eyes wide at the revelation, feeling a bit embarrassed. She gently scratched by her ear in her humiliation. She remained silent, wishing to pretend the exchange had never happened. As Lady Emberfury addressed her, she glanced over to the Magistrix, giving a nod as she acknowledged her words. "Aye. I share these sentiments, my lady. Considering such an artifact gives one the chance of acquiring one wish, it's only natural for it to be heavily guarded by a powerful creature." continued, averting her gaze from Lady Emberfury, her periwinkle hues falling upon Ilyea's features. "I am unable to fully translate the map I read at the Vrykul settlement as I am a of a newer generation of elves. However, I -did- manage to create a broken translation based off of similar words and phrases shared between ancient Elvish and Shalassian. From what I was able to translate, Odin placed a curse upon Helya, allowing the Jotun, Fafnir, to be freed from her service. He was able to repent by guarding the Horn of Recompense. The map mentions that should someone seek out the Horn and successfully complete its trial shall be presented to him or her one wish." She paused a moment and glanced over to Lady Emberfury. "This horn is what the Magistrix seeks and the promise of a free wish."
"Wish...?" Ilyea's lip pressed together as she thought about it for a little while. "Is it some kind of time magic.....perhaps?" Ilyea asked but was unsure of exactly what was meant by it. There had to be some severe kind of draw back regarding it, and to receive a map that contained it. "Creatures, traps, puzzles....all of the like. Incredible..."Ilyea mused as she confirmed her seat upon the edge of the map. The Mage was of the Magistrix’ concern "I'm sure it's just because of my training. I recognize the lines a bit, just been training more with my fists than with my magic if you catch my drift.."The mage mused. "You should worry exactly kind of wish you may be looking for? Sometimes the price of such may be too great..."Ilyea moved her fingertips across the battered leather and the runic whouls with soft trepidation. A dot of blood would fall where Ilyea would touch but bare enough that it wouldn't hold any weight. Ilyea closed her eyes and seemed to spread her *aura* over the map speaking to the arcane links within the instrument. As she breathed in her eyes would flutter a soft blue as it began to soak up the links and patterns of what was before her. The mage would move her hands letting each runic link flutter and disappear as she moved her hand past, it glowing now softly blue as did the mage. "The magic feels pure, kind of like the wards.....titanic to a fault. The link is there. The runes....while Valkyr are almost Kaldorei in response, nothing that I recognize but then again I didn't do much research into that. Titan though....that would make sense, if it was very heavily guarded....especially considering the spike in old god magics...."The mage shook her head letting the blue drain into green of her eyes. "That's as far as I was getting."
Nur'kuhzal gave a knock to the door frame, before lifting her arms in a large yawn. Bones and joints were popping like a crate of fireworks over there. "Oooh...I should have taken a nap -here-, instead of on the ground..." Nur'kuhzal yawned sleepily.
Draumr greets Nur'kuhzal as a Scion. "Elu...meniel...mal...alann...Duskrune...Nur...kuh....zal...."
Ilyea turned her head recognizing another Clandestine member and giving her a brief nod. She was sprawled herself over the map upon one corner itself, her fingers tapping across the page.
Valteia watched as the Mage began to run her fingers against the map, spreading her aura across the etchings within the leather. The glow emitted from Ilyea's aura reflected in Valteia's periwinkle orbs, creating flashes of blue within the assassin's irises. As the hue of the mage's eyes fluttered into a pale blue, Valteia watched the scene with curiosity, though kept her own eyes narrowed should the incantation go awry. Once Ilyea's hues faded back into their natural, green state, Valteia's body eased, her eyes no longer staring daggers into the fiery-haired maged. Noticing Nur'kuhzal Nur'kuhzal enter the Dalaran office, Valteia nodded at her with respect, acknowledging her existence.
Nur’kuhzal offered a lowering of her head, as well. The most prominent thing in -Nur'kuhzal's- eyes was confusion. Had she really -just- woken up, this late at night?
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Nimuehdra watched as the drop of blood fell upon the map. Emerald obrs studied the Mage's movements as she worked. The Blood Mage listened intently, raising a gloved hand to her chin as she spoke. "Of titanic make...yes...that makes sense...the runes are old even the newer Vrykul have forgotten some of their usage as well. The tribe we...acquired this from. Were using it for wealth and prosperity. Something about it...seems a miss." Nimuehdra, being a Scion for a while was used to the red-haired mage's eyes flickering to blue every once in a while.
"Eh, you know what they say. Don't judge a book by it's cover, and all of that business." Nur’kuhzal said.
Vamine blinked, hearing the conversation inside, she stops knocking and pressed her ear to the door. She listened in on whatever was taking place.
The Sentry, Draumr greeted the teenager and whirred. A stony hand would grind away from its body to open the door. "Young Emberfury.....Elu....meniel....mal...alan...."
Nur'kuhzal yawned, and stretched, again. A smoking pipe was brought out--crafted from a smooth, black rock--was procured, glancing to the others with questioning. As if to ask, if it was fine to smoke in here.
Vamine meeped loudly as the door sprang open and she fell forward, looking at Draumr. "Yeah, yeah. Aluminum Mental Mal'Ganis to you too.."
Ilyea tilted her head as Vamine fell forward and chuckled, but then again she hadn't seen Vammy since she got older so her eyebrow rose again. "You got another kid?" The mage asked but simply brushed her fingers across. "Wealth and Prosperity....perhaps, but a wish. You don't understand Nims. A wish...to be able to boast that is some realty breaking power. Is it really meant for that, or is it even pure? Is it corrupted? There's so much to be said here..."The mage offered biting her thumb. "Magic that powerful must has some kind of fall back....typically. Does it mean it can be re-done or is it a one or done? Whoever is protecting it might know this....or something is looking to you to figure it out..”
Vamine rubbed her arm, peering around to all the people. She pulled her hood back to reveal her matured features. She was quite the beautiful young lady, but it was clearly still Vamine.
Nur'kuhzal fiddled with her boot, flapping the loose end that was barely holding on. There were holes in her socks, too. "Oh, feet! Toenails!" Blink, blink. "What about uh, the cave thing?"
Valteia smirked to herself behind her leather face mask, fondly remembering the night when they acquired the map. The discussion between the two Vrykul was colorful, to say the least. At hearing Ilyea's concern, however, Valteia ceased thinking of humorous thoughts. She listened to the mage's words carefully, letting them sink into her mind. She glanced between the fiery-haired woman and Lady Emberfury before chiming in. "If Lady Emberfury deems acquiring this Horn to be of utmost importance, then it shall be done. However, madame Cole -does- seem to make a good point. Perhaps we should look into this 'wish' and the possible repercussions that could arise from obtaining it."
Nimuehdra thinned her lips into a smile to Vamine. She pointed at her as she entered. "Vamine has...uh...had a growth spurt of sorts. She is seventeen years old now." She informed the Red-haired mage, shifting the emerald gaze to her. "I don't....desire anything but the artifact, Ilyea. There is something amiss. So much that is incomplete about the information we have. And for a whole village of Vrykul to so horribly desire it..." She she raised her hand to massage her right temple. "There is more to it, Ily...I just know it. Dangerous it may be...but I am no fool. I won't ask for anything. I have learned that you must be careful what you wish for." She wrinkled her nose at Nur'kuhzal. "Yes...the Horn...it points us to a Cave. We were hoping the Clandestines would help us locate it. Maybe Auro can go scout for the coordinates. I know there is a portal summoning involved." The Magistrix looked toward the group. A heavy sigh would escape her lips as she averted her gaze and folded her arms deep in thought.
Valteia furrowed her brows in confusion as Vamine entered the room. When she last saw the young Sin'dorei, she was a mere child hiding behind the skirt of her mother's gown. She eyed the girl curiously, pondering how one could grow so rapidly in such little time. At hearing Lady Emberfury's sigh, she averted her eyes from the younger Emberfury and spoke calmly. "What do you know of the Vrykul's history that could indicate why they would desire such a relic? Is there something sinister afoot in this village, perhaps?"
Nimuehdra sighed and shrugged at Valteia, "It is an artifact that can cause potential unrest among people if not safely guarded. Maker knows what they would have accomplished if we had not whisked it away from the village's possession." She raised both her arms and played her fingers. "Imagine, an entire village, Valteia."
Ilyea pressed her lips together in long thought as she considered the information to herself. "I'm wondering if the Vykyul are cursed? Or...I mean, they give you this in order to figure it out as well....? I wonder if they are stuck to the village because they failed the riddle....I don't like this." The mage's words were soft. "I don't like this at all. We could be walking into a trap for a powerful artifact or something similar. Always look to see if the worst will outweigh what it means...and please don't mean this any disrespect each other....I don't mean any disrespect at all."Ilyea frowns as she looks over the map tilting her head to the side. "Aurora is saying that he is sure in his adventures in Northrend that he may recognize it, or his network does. Somewhere within near the border of the Fjord and Dragonblight.....that's what least from what he sees from all this time treasure hunting."The woman took in a sigh and didn't seem too concerned about Vammy. It happens in this world.”
Nur’kuhzal spoke up, saying "There's always something 'bad' happening. Whether it's corrupt elders making everything seem fine, or warping people's views of something that "doing this thing will be better for everyone in the end", when the elders know it isn't. Heck, Hydra hasn't even told us what she wants to do with it. We could be aiding her for some sinister cause as well; not even knowing it ."
Valteia did as commanded, imagining an entire village of riled Vrykul. "It would be a formidable scene, my lady, though I'm sure Kirilovos and I could dispatch such nuisances with relative ease." she remarked with a hidden smirk, her fingers drumming against the hilts of her blades.
Vamyine remained quiet, peering around to the remaining group. She had no idea what this meeting was about. She however began rummaging around the office, opening footlockers and peering within them.." She knelt down and let out a small sound. “Hrm…”
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Nimuehdra nodded and approached the fiery-haired Mage. "I know how you feel about such shady artifacts, Ilyea." She returned in a calm voice. "If it is a trap, we will try our best to withdraw before it gets too dangerous. I know you mean no harm..." Nimuehdra would recall the time with the bracelet of coercion and how when the Magistrix informed her that it originated from a dark druidic hazing ritual, Ilyea had decided to destroy it. A sigh escaped her full lips as she turned once more to Nur'kuhzal. "I assure you I am not cursed. Not at all. I only wish for this.....artifact to be studied and stored away. It could be potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. I...." she bit her lip as her voice trailed off.
Nimuehdra saw Vamine from the corner of her eye, "What are you doing, child?" She shook her head and then looked back to Ilyea. "If Auro thinks he recognizes the place...then let us prepare and at least...at least check if it is indeed dark in nature."
Vamine had found a really pretty dress in the foot locker. She subtly pressed it into a bag on her hip and nodded. Standing and peering to Nimuehdra. "O-Oh nothing...heh.." She stretched and let out a grunt. "Mmm.."
Ilyea bowed her head "That's all really and I agree with you in putting away such a dangerous artifact. We have several within the deep vaults that we study from time to time. If it's a means of procuring it and putting it there to study as you say would be fine. The only thing I caution is why exactly regarding it....tis all." The mage offered as she rolled her shoulders. "He does. He pointed it out to me."
"Whatever happens, happens.” Said Nur'kuhzal, continuing, “Everyone ends up doing what they want, eh? When are we going to shove off? I didn't even flab my gums this much to my psychiatrist."
Nimuehdra gave Vamine a look as she stood next to her. Shifting her gaze back to Ilyea, she nodded. "Such is the job of the Scions as well, I believe. Let us...pursue it." Her orbs averted to Nur'kuhzal for a moment as she spoke. "Nur'kuhzal, we need to prepare first. Like Ilyea said, we can't just be walking into a death trap."
Vamine blinked at the look Nimuehdra gave her. "What?" She then shrugged and looked over to Ilyea and Nur'kuhzal, she smiled very softly. Her purple and green eyes brightened quite a bit. "Hmmm.."
Ilyea bowed her head "That's, I mean, the least we can do. Though some times death traps seems awfully fun, they are not fun when you actually encounter them." The mage mused with a lift of a smile. "And you are correct, that's what the Scions do. If anything, we'll learn a bit."
Nur'kuhzal's arms crossed softly, hefting herself up and heading over to the map. "Well, one thing's for certain." Nur'kuhzal, stepping up to the plate since things were moving at a snail's pace. At least she had motivation, now. "I've seen this sort of thing, before. We used similar to reach access to our dead and speak with them. The only difference is a larger sacrifice in order to make it appear in the -physical- realm, instead of the -spirit- realm." She grunted.
Ilyea frowned to herself more so and pressed her lips together in long suffering silence. "So even necromancy.....or a kind of necromancy. Do you think dark titan magic like with Heilya or something similar then?" The mage was unsure as more information was thrown her way.
Vamine looked at the map, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Hmm.." She blinked. "If you are wishing to speak to the dead..without bringing them into the physical realm..Why not just ask the assistance of a strong Shadow Priest.. I would offer my services..but the dead kind of scream too much..”
Nur'kuhzal responded, "I don't think it's too out of the question to think such a thing. I used to do that sort of thing, before we got picked up by the Legion. Well, help the others with that sort of thing. We still practiced a variant of it, with the Legion. Even -I- practice a variant of it today. Elemental spirits, rather than.... gods, though. A big project like this, would definitely need more than one person involved. Demigods? Giant toenail clippings? Whatever."
Vamine blinked at Nur'kuhzal. “I am worried about you…”
Ilyea slipped off the map and moves over to where Aurora re-appeared as reaching her bloodied hands up to take some of his hair. She smiled as it colored it pink and kissed the ends. "So.....that would perhaps be what the village maybe is doing? Or am I off?”
Nur'kuhzal gave a wheezed chuckle, filling the chamber of her pipe with a strange, ground-up crystal that had been purple in origin. "Welcome to old age, little one."
Vamine looked at Nur'kuhzal. "Yeeeah, here is to praying I never get that old.."
Nimuehdra nodded to Nur'kuhzal, emerald eyes shifting to Auro as he appeared momentarily. She nodded a greeting to him even though he was present all along, acknowledging his presence. As the fiery haired Mage moved away from the Map, the Blood Mage would take a deep breath and began, "Ilyea, while Necromancy is a dark art, they are somewhat what Warlocks like Nur'kuhzal are adept at, I would briefly point out that I was trained to do so as a Blood Mage. I don't believe you recall our conversation from when I first joined the Scions...but I am not unfamiliar with this kind of magic. We might as well have to offer a sacrifice for this Jotun to appear...according to what Valteia translated, he was named Fafnir." She nodded once to herself. "These crystals can possibly be at the Village...they may have doubled their guard however. I may have to request Auro to pilfer them, if that is the case,"
The mage gives Nimuehdra a look as if saying "the hell?" The mage indeed was not present during the whole initiation thing or whatever the Scions do. "I wasn't....there..."Ilyea softly re-counted to the mage and shrugs "I didn't know blood mages could do that..."The mage was tapping her lips but merely shrugged. "I don't mind Aurora going as long as he won't be in too big of a trouble...."She studied her husband for a long moment.
Aurora pursed his lips, giving a long pause.. Turning to Ilyea he smiled softly then to Nim inclining his head in a soft nod in response.. The rogue rolled his shoulder " Aye.. If you're needing help, I can definitely be of service…” He smirked “Besides, Ilyea should be with me.. So I'm sure it won't be too big of a deal.." He turned back to his wife.
Nur'kuhzal grunted once more, mostly after the two had taken so long to speak their piece about their lover. "Come on. Let's get our shit and get out of here."
Ilyea smiles happily to Aurora and nods. "Just as long as that's the case, then I can definitely help in that regards as well."
The pale-haired Rogue turned to Nur'kuhzal watching silently behind his mask.
Vamine still had not the slightest clue as to what was going on, so she opted to remain silent, peering around. Her hand flicking at a trinket on her bag tied to her hip. "Hmm."
"It was back when we were discussing the Void once in Erudition. Never matter, it was several months ago." Nimuehdra smiled and looked to Auro, bowing her head in gratitude. "Thank you two so much for lending aid. If all is well, I believe I can hand the Map to Auro and he can lead us to the Cave after we revisit the Village for a bit of....shopping." She pulled her lips sideways, giving the group an enrapturing smirk. The Magistrix raised her hand and twirled two gloved
digits. The leather map would float toward Aurora and into his hands. The Mage would wait for everyone in the room to prepare their belongings before weaving the portal. "Let me know when you're all ready."
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The fiery-haired Mage eyed the map as it floated near Aurora and ran her fingers down her robe. Her hands seemed a bit cleaner now, as she rubbed more of the blood stains into her robes. I mean that’s what they are there for. A bloodied rag would also be in Aurora's hand from cleaning them earlier and she took in a small sigh to herself, steeling herself mentally.
Aurora Cole looked back to Nimuehdra giving a sharp nod.. He reached up snatching the map from mid air and slipping it into a bag he held with his supplies.. " As soon as Ilyea and I retrieve some provisions we will be ready.. it wont take too long.. " The rogue turned to his wife.. " Unless there is something more pressing you can think of?”
Ilyea shook her head back and forth smiling to Aurora. "Not that I can think of. I'm following your lead regarding that. Something to ward perhaps a few magics I think would be wise, but other then that. Fate of the Gods it would seem."
Nur'kuhzal gave the leader of the group  a, 'really?' expression. Arms out and everything. "If I don't have the reagents we need, they will no doubt be somewhere in the cave." With a flick of a finger, a green flame ignite upon the end of a finger. Bringing it to circle about the rim of the pipe, to light it's contents. That -definitely- wasn't smoking tobacco; it was something more off putting and unhealthy looking.
“I was thinking the same exact thing, considering wards.” Aurora smiled, “I like to think our fate is with in our own hands…”
Ilyea spoke, “I already have enough of my blood upon us both, I could fashion up something pretty similar. It's titans but with necromancy. So....Shadow magic, what else do you think?”
While everyone prepared, Nimuehdra would change into her Div armor. Robes always got in the way of fieldwork.
Vamine peers around. "So...what exactly are we doing?"
Nur'kuhzal suddenly woke up, from a trance. "Wait, what? We're finally gettin' goin'?" ...Was she sleeping again? "No one's gone to look around in my head; poke my brains. Although I think that'd hurt. Eh. Even with the military companies, they wouldn't get me seen by anyone before I joined. I guess they thought I'd die before I saw any field action."
Vamine spoke frustratedly, “Mother come open your silly, Aluminum Mal’Ganis balls door?"
Nur'kuhzal wiggled her fingers at the door. "Openus the dooriosus!"
Ilyea gestured to the group "Follow us!" Auro finished for her, “We are headed out.”
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Upon arriving, Ilyea spoke first “I remember this spot, don't you love?” Auro nodded with a smile “Aye, that I do love.” Ilyea used some of her blood and made a small rune upon herself and then upon Aurora's arm smiling to him.
Nur'kuhzal chimed in "Oh, hey. This is where I met you folks." She seemed much more coherent, after her smoke. What was that stuff, anyway?
Nimuehdra said "Aye, remember we flew from here, down into the village, Nur'kuhzal?"
Vamine peered around, her hood hiding all but her mouth, her lips curved up to show her fangs, clearly she had an angered expression being back on this continent..
Aurora smiled. " Up down up.. " He turned his gaze out to the town below.. "
Ilyea responded“I don't remember this myself… Unless you met somewhere else all I remember is Orgrimmar.” She grinned to Aurora smiling gently "Up down up indeed love. I'm glad you remember."
Nur'kuhzal looked around, "Someone brought the translations. Right?"
Aurora pursed his lips, he reached down for the map once more.. He slowly began to open it, his hand gripping either side.. he looked to Ilyea.. " Seems we are at the correct spot.. " He glanced around, then to everyone else.
Ilyea eyed Aurora as he had the map "Well he has the map itself right now. As far as anything else, it's here say. I think Nims mentioned something about crystals." Auro responded, “Aye.. It seems we need to make our move.. There should be a cave near by..”
Vamine moved away from the group. She sat down and overlooked the area. She clearly disliked being here.
As the group chattered away, the Magistrix would raise her hand and extend it, palm facing upwards. A translucent holographic map would flash before the other four. There would be a white spot on the map that would blink, easing in and out as it did so. "That, if you remember, Miss Nur'kuhzal...is where the village is located." She would let the four observe before dismissing the image she conjured. She nodded at Auro. "We must first gather those...crystals or whatever aids us in the summoning."
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“If it's titan in origin, and is as powerful. There usually should be some traps nearby unless they were disabled. That could be the case....Always seems to be the case.” Ilyea paused before adding, “And that would be where you'd have Aurora sneak in to gather them, exactly how many crystals do we need?”
Nimuehdra nodded, "You are right, Ilyea. Titanic ruins are almost always full of those pesky traps. I do believe however that the Cave the map speaks of is Vrykul...and ancient."
“Well.. We have two options really... A cave to the north.. and one to the east..” Closing the map Auro looked to Ilyea and gave a nod “Easily.. They should be blue in nature, emitting a purple hue.. if I'm correct..” he glanced to Nim.
Ilyea teased Aurora gently,"That's the magic that I channeled but you are correct. Nur'kuhzal, Vammy, how many crystals do these certain rituals need?”
Nur’kuhzalresponded, "I can set up the crystals and reagents in the manner that we use when calling upon the spirits. There's a different way--and different reagents--to call upon the elements, compared to people and other creatures. We should probably use the latter formation, aye? Usually, it all boils down to things that relate to what you want to summon. Summoning demons usually required something from the Twisting Nether. I am guessing here, we'll need the 'sacrifice', as well as something related to this Horton---Jo...Jotun, thing."
Nimuehdra thinned her lips at Auro and nodded. "Blue...with a purple glow..." The Magistrix's eyes widened. "Ymirjar..." she quietly murmured to the four.
Vamine held up her hand. "Why not just use one bigger crystal?”
Nur'kuhzal added,"The area has to be 'purified' of sorts, we usually mark off which areas we want to use with the smaller stuff, aye?" She nodded at Vamy’s question.
Ilyea quietly shrugged at the mention of the name, all of these names just kind of sailed over her head. She glanced back to Aurora and smiled to him.
Aurorar looked to Vammy, "Suppose on how big that crystal needs to be. "
Vamine stood up, her golden eyes peering around, then looked back at the group. "I would say, for what you want to do, maybe one about the size of my leg?"
Nur'kuhzal broke in, "Anyway. We'll focus on the summoning portion later. For now, I can use my peeper to check the place out, aye?"
Auro blinked, haltingly saying, “...your... Peeper?”
Ilyea snapped her fingers and motioned to the air. Sorenar appears seemingly out of thin air to the mage, floating alongside her. "Why'd you wake my from my nap, Ilyea... geez! I was doing some cataloging and things” Ilyea responded “...I need information on Ymarsomething or other."
The masked Rogue gave a very long, sustained sigh in response to Ilyea.
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Sorenar,  lazily spins his small head around and glares at everyone present. "Someone obviously hasn't been reading the new fashion catalogs..."Ilyea waved her hand "And you mean Ymirjar....ancient runic soul magic...my mistress studied that quite a bit while she was here." Ilyea simply sighed into her palm.
Nimuehdra was grateful for her mask as her eyes glazed over from containing her laughter. She somehow managed to do so. "A larger crystal is probably more convenient idea." She nodded. The Magistrix would cloak the group in an invisibility spell. "Alright, you know how this works. There's no direct sunlight here so no one should be able to detect our shimmer. But careful about spells, the enchantment would fail should you cast any."
Vamine shook her head. Vamine falls flat onto the ground, upon making contact she dispersed into the shadows. A much easier form of invisibility for the girl. "I’ll stick to the shadows.."
Sorenar peered to Aurora "I didn't touch her… She is my new mistress, I wouldn't dream of it!”
Auro responded, “Aye.. You didn't... Watch your tongue, or you'll find yourself in a coffin...again... This time, I won't tell anyone where you are.”
Sorenar responded,  “Urrrgggh, macho husband a…” Ilyea let him talk mid sentence, almost seemingly like the two exchanges were nothing new to the mage. The skull disappeared and Ilyea took in a sigh. “ ...I don't like this...Runic soul magic…” She said.
Nur'kuhzal made a fist, beating on the back of her head. A sickening, wet 'pop' sounded, as the Eye of Kilrogg fell into her other open, waiting hand.
Nimuehdra shuddered at Nur'kuhzal. The Warlocks had advanced since her time. Must she always have to use her actual eye for this? A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she dismissed the thought. The Mage's attention shifted to Sorenar, she recalled him from a few months prior. "Aye, runic soul magic was a common theme among them, wasn't it? The Ymirjar...what are they even doing as of late. Surely they lost their purpose after the fall of the traitor Prince Arthas." She maintained a furrowed brow as she asked the floating skull.
Ilyea shook her head "Well runic soul magic I mean I don't know enough regarding it. Is it mostly with warlocks, would it be with mages. What kind of things are you asking for when you pull that out of you, just a lot of different questions. When you use the summoning, and the sacrifice part, are you using something else or a part of yourself or your own soul?”
Nimuehdra nodded she would raise a gloved hand to rub the back of her index finger to the tip of her masked nose. "I would defer that question to Nur'kuhzal..." She would pause for a moment before continuing further. "Though, hopefully, we don't actually have to sacrifice ourselves for the ritual." Though, should it be required, the Magistrix wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice one of the villagers to acquire the artifact. She would however, keep this to herself.
Aurora gave a soft nod.. “Sometimes you must take extreme action for the better good..” He smirked  “I’m sure a lowly villager won't be missed.”
Nimuehdra lofted a snowy brow at Aurora as he said so. A smirk grew on her features behind her mask in turn. A nod followed, "I suppose not, Auro."  She then shifted her glance toward Nur'kuhzal, "Can you lead us back to the village?"
Ilyea slowly crossed her arms over her chest and took in a small breath. She would simply observe for now, her eyes glancing to the rogue and then everyone else in tow.
Nur'kuhzal's hand touched her chin. That smoke break had really helped. "Only the uninformed use their actual souls. What we tend to do, is take them from our opponents and store them away for later. It's the same thing we'd done to our dead that didn't have any great knowledge to share or use for later. We'd use them to help with our rituals, or to power our attacks, or the like." A hand waved in explanation; her words eerily....clear. "Aren't the two--the Ymarjar and Scourge--different, though? The Scourge hasn't been around for a long while, but the magics used by the people here have been set in place for much longer. We -should- be able to... persuade any lingering souls around here to help us with any of that sort of thing, should we need it, though."
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Nimuehdra nodded. "Aye they are older than most. Though, the Kvaldir are older, the Ymirjar possess the knowledge we seek. The Jotun in question, Fafnir...we need our questions answered first." She looked toward Auro and Ily. "Let's get the blue crystal first, then capture a couple of the villagers...hopefully someone who can answer our queries." She would then shift her attention to the senile Warlock. "You know the way from last time, we are already cloaked as I explained. Lead the way, Nur'kuhzal." She awaited the trio's response.
"Well, before we shove off.... you get more with honey, than you do with vinegar. If you have to show off how big your penises are, challenge them to honourable combat. Not going around slaying them from the shadows without saying something first. You'd like to be told before someone's gonna whip it out and piss on your face, too, right?" Nur'kuhzal beckoned Nimuehdra over.
Nimuehdra approached, saying "I don't think that is necessary, Nur'kuhzal. We'd rather handle this stealthily,"
"You can't get questions answered if you're nowhere to be seen to ask about them." Nur'kuhzal responded with a nod.
Ilyea bit her lip "It also depends on how different we wish to or how much in stealth we wish to be as well. Yeah what Nims said. So we have to capture the blue crystal, would it have the same signature as the map?”
Nimuehdra looked over to the Coles. "And what do the Clandestine have to say about this? Honorable combat or swift stealthy action? I do so prefer the latter. I bet we've made a bit of a ruckus since we killed off two of their men last time. Insignificant as they were to us, we are still unclear what role they once played. I am unsure where they hide the crystals, I suppose we'll just have to find out."
Aurora rolled his shoulder.. " We are very skilled with the shadows.. and do prefer to do things within the vale of the dark... But.. Honestly, Magistrix... Either way you point the blade.. We will make do.. It's up to you and the Div to make the choice.. We will find away to bend the shadows to favor us.. don't worry about that.”
Ilyea pressed her hands together considering everything in tow. "They hide the crystals and get angry at us killing yes. But if there's an easier way perhaps with trial by combat to get both, but depends how well we are for combat really. I agree with Aurora upon your decision. It's the Divs mission though it doesn't involve artifacts."
Dusrune interjected, "How about this. We do the sneaky sneaky stuff. And if we get caught, we show them proof that we've killed two of their men. They wouldn't challenge us if they'd known that we'd taken them out. The best way to show proof, is to show their armour, weapons, or scraps of clothes they'd worn. Or…”
Ilyea asked quickly, “Do you still have something similar to that? I think that's.....A good way of going about it, yes.”
Nur'kuhzal continued, "Two groups could go. One of them of less-than stealthy people, like myself, to talk to them. The guys will be distracted with us newcomers.The second group is the stealthy people, going around to look for the crystal if we can't 'earn' it through diplomacy."
Ilyea added, “If the crystal is the same as the map, I could try and track it. We have the map, it'll just be keeping with the signature.”
Nimuehdra raised a gloved hand to her masked lips and thought for a moment. The Clandestine were flexible in their suggestions she would be silently contemplate. Her eyes averted to the Orc as she spoke to the trio. However, the clothes of the artifacts the men Ingvar and Torsten possessed has rotted away because of the Ebon Chevalier's unholy magic. The Magistrix shook her head. "We have no physical proof of their demise."
"Who knows? The map might be a reagent for later on, too." Nur'kuhzal pondered aloud.
Ilyea adds, “Well, we could even do one easier. You have your poisons on you right love? We poison their drink. Sleeping potion. Wait a little bit, go in and take what we need.”
"Well, whatever we do is up to Nom-Nom Hydra, so..." Nur'kuhzal frowned with disappointment at Nimueh.
Ilyea asked, baffled, “Nom nom Hydra?”
Aurora gave a nod.. He looked back the group.. " Is there a river? We could poison that to infect the whole place.. " He looked around.. " They must be getting their water supply from there. "
Ilyea said, “I was thinking their brew, any kind of warrior race needs to have their alcohol so...I don't know.”
Nimuehdra raised her chin to the trio, her hands folded across her chest. "There is a river over yonder, they do have it running through the Village."
“Aye.. But they make it from something.. The issue with the river.. it will take time.. While going directly to the source we will be in danger and it will be faster.” Auro observed, continuing, “We won't have to kill them.. We can put them to sleep.”
"I prefer that idea, too." Nur'kuhzal agreed.
Ilyea added “Then we take whatever we need for the ritual to work and get the crystals.”
“At least.. We can do that from afar.. I can call for a Scion envoy to come by air..” Auro added.
Ilyea said, “Not to mention that, if they have anything else interesting in the village we can pick it up too for later.”
Aurora nodded... " Fine.. I’ll send word back to Maggie to mix a concentrated version of the sleeping mixture.. A barrel should work.. It should be here within the hour.. "
Ilyea smirked to Aurora and gave him a little elbow. “He's used it on me before so it doesn't take too long for it to work.”
"They're a lot bigger than us, and more hardier from working and living in the cold." Duksrune pondered aloud, "Will have to give them a lot. But not too much to kill them."
Nimuehdra's brow furrowed for a fleeting moment. "Drug them and then capture a couple of them. While going and pilfering the crystal too..." She nodded. "Yes..." she added. "That sounds like a plan. No need to charge in and potentially endanger ourselves. They are no Orcs, while they value honor, they also once served the Lich King..." she reminded them. "It's best we use the quieter approach."
“Despite times..” Aurora gave a nod to Nur'kuhzal.. “I agree.. It will need to be adjusted..” he glanced to Nim listening to her words.
Ilyea slowly nodded, "Sometimes the smarter approach works  especially against a full village. We take what we need but we have our back up plan, which is potentially not to die or kill them or whatever we need." She chuckled softly.
Nimuehdra smirked at Ily and nodded. "Very well, Nur'kuhzal. Lead us to the border of the village." She would whistle and summon her Spellwing ready for flight.
Ilyea would climb aboard Aurora's mount and follow. She gave Aurora a kiss upon the cheek and smiled to him. "Good luck love." She whispered as they came down from their mounts and the barrel of Aurora's potion was made.
Nimuehdra nodded and thanked Nur'kuhzal for escorting them to the Village border. "Alright, Auro and Ily. Let's begin."
Auro nodded, “Aye.”
Ilyea agreed, “I am surprised maggie even made this, but I guess there's been stranger requests. She gave me a horrified look when I asked for the undercity candied spiders...But now it's not too bad.”
Aurora sighed softly.. The barrel of poison sat exactly where he had marked for Maggie and crew.. He pursed his lips and spoke softly to Ilyea.. " Come with me love... If you can, use some arcane to carry the barrel.. I’ll shade us in the shadows to the water..Then toss the barrel in.. After that..we wait.. "
Ilyea nodded to Aurora and smiled "Feather fall to make something move at least." The woman smiled to Aurora and casted the spell upon the barrel lifting it with ease as she moved closer to her husband. "As you will love."
Aurora smiled softly.. He gave a sharp nod.. He looked to Nim.. " It's going to take about an hour for the water to mix well with everything.. After that it's up to the people.. It usually takes a day or so... But.. What I'll do.. Is go in personally.. and burst the barrels they have of alcohol and water.. it'll force them to drink it.. At least you three will be out of harm’s way.. "
“Aurora is very very good at what he does on the shadows, I easily think with those provisions that they will drink and we can go in and take what we need. Just a bit of time.” Ilyea added.
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Aurora sighed softly listening to the natural noises of the forest about him.. The clacking and flicking of fire could also be heard, while the village was very much alive and breathing like it’s own entity of the forest.. But, alas..this wasn’t a time to enjoy the sounds of Northrend.. Aurora pursed his lips looking back to Ilyea.. Her arcanic magic seemed to flow about the area, as aurora turned, the crunch of grass beneath his feet… He looked to nim and gave a nod.. “ We will return shortly, my friend.. “ Aurora motioned to his wife and they both walked towards the water… Aurora’s eyes flickered black as he began to vale the two in shadow and out of the sight of everyone… Nim could possibly feel Ilyea’s magic.. But all else would be seemingly invisible due to the darkness. They were in the shadow lands now.. It was like a vast ocean of emptiness.. Structures stood, shadows leaped back and forth and sounds seemed to be muffled.. As the two approached the water, Aurora could see the reflection of himself.. His essence.. He turned to his wife and gave a sharp nod.. The mage lowered the barrel upon the ground with no sound.. Dark shadows seemed to traverse once more.. It was the village’s guardsman it seemed.. Any closer and they would be caught.. He looked to Ilyea and gave a nod.. Her que to leave…
She reached over placing a hand upon his cheek and spoke through their bond.. “ Be swift, my love.” And with that she cast her own arcanic shadows, hiding her from sight… Aurora reached down, unsheathing his dagger and stabbing the bottom of the barrel and the top… then lowering it upon its side.. The slashing and splashing of liquid could be heard as aurora softly rolled the barrel into the river.. It was beginning to be infected.. And now aurora, needed to dry out the very village they seeked to fill… Aurora began… He looked around noticing the shadows walking in patterned.. The chopping of wood, the dinging of metal.. There was work going on.. The clanking of cups told Aurora they were getting definitely drinking their fill.. ‘ Should be easy
then.. “ He smirked.. Aurora did what he did best.. He’d leap from shadow to shadow, entering into each house, tavern, and supply barn. Using his dagger to cut holes in each of the wooden barrels, leather bags, and containers holding their fresh water and mead… The rogue seemed to be complete.. As he walked out of one of the barns to get back to his wife and crew he bumped into an unsuspecting villager.. It was a swift death for the commoner… a thud echoed around him as the body fell to the ground.. His neck slit open, and the blood pooling around him.. Aurora growled.. Reaching down, to lift the man.. And vanishing within the shadows once more and making his way back to the group.. tossed the body in the center of everyone... " A small casual.. " He sighed softly, giving a nod.. " Give it time.. They will drink.. "
The waters of the shadowlands parted away like a ripple within the pond as Ilyea stepped back. It was only a few moments or what seemed to be like that as the mage faded back her arcanic shimmer like a dizzying array. She tilted her head to Aurora and smiled to Nimueh "We wait and watch." The mage murmured. Gesturing to her side, a void covered crow seemed to appear by Ilyea's side just like the skull before. "Keep watch Rose, let me know once they get sleepy." The small thing let out a small caw of "fffiiinnnee" and seemed to poof into the shadows. "She'll let us know when they get sleepy. I doubt it should take long."
Caèryssa scoured the skies above on her dragonhawk, searching for the arcane signature of her sister. The trail of arcane essence would lead the spellblade into a vrykul village, although something felt...different. In her armored form, she would be unable to sneak as effectively, not realizing that fact as she jumped off her dragonhawk, landing on a nearby roof and crushing the tiles beneath her feet. The echoes of the tiles would cry out into the valley, yet no guards seemed to notice her entrance. Spotting her sister in the distance, she would begin to make her way through the shadows of the buildings, before revealing herself to the group. "Bal'adash, sister, Ilyea, and Aurora." She nods nonchalantly, trying to skim the fact that the loud crunching sound of tiles earlier was not caused by herself really.
Aurora smiled softly to ryssa he gave a respecting nod. " Bal'adash. "
“Ballydeshhydiggerydoo.” Ilyea responded.
Nimuehdra glared at Ryssa as she landed. The resounding crash upon the rooftops did not go unnoticed by the trio. "Greetings. Had the villagers not been drugged by Auro, you would have caused a -lot- of trouble for us, Ryssa...."
Caèryssa nodded, ears wilting slightly as she took the surroundings in. "And I am thankful that they were. T'was out of habit that I landed on the roof, forgetting that I was clad in armor. Was preparing to draw my weapons when I realized the alarms were not sounded." She would nod, shifting her gaze towards the village once more. "So, sister. Do tell us of the next phase in your plan."
Nimuehdra nodded. She would look skyward and then to the Coles. "I believe our plan may have worked already." She would then point toward the Village. "It's best if we act now, grab the damn crystal and then make off with two of the villagers." The Magistrix then looked toward the group.
Aurora gave a soft nod.. "Do you know where the crystals are?” he pursed his lips.. “Perhaps Ryssa and myself can grab a townsfolk each.. meet you somewhere?"
Ilyea's eyes glanced towards the horizon as Rose came through the sky line popping through the shadows back to the group. She let out a soft caw and Ilyea gave him some jerky on the side. Nodding her head, "Keep me informed if any are waking up." She told the bird and Rose once more disappeared. "If you give me the map, I can use its essence to find the crystal. Shouldn't be too hard with everyone sleeping no?"
Caèryssa nodded to Aurora, before shifting her heterochromic gaze back to her sister. "I shall follow Aurora and snag one of the townsfolk for further...questioning then, if there is no objections on your end, sister dearest." Lips curling slightly into a faint smile, Ryssa would rest her hands idly on her hilts. "Is there anything else you would like for me to do?"
The Magistrix shook her head. "Let's get the crystal and and the two men." She nodded. Two guards were heard talking about the treasury in the distance.
Clearing his throat, Auro looked around.. “It shouldn’t be too difficult, Ryssa.. I’ll sap m. I suggest you do the same with yours..” he smiled… “Let's move..” Aurora took a step forward and leapt into the shadows… Again he glanced around as dark figures seemed to walk the realm in which he hid in… Approaching a dragonflayer Run-seer.. Aurora seemed to glide towards his target.. Like a wolf on the hunt.. He leaped forward once more and out of the shadows, saping the man… and once again, a thud as the body hit the floor. Aurora sighed softly, looking to see if Ryssa completed her task.. The rogue pursed his lips, picking up the snoring giant best he could and making his way back towards the group… He looked to Nim.. Sweat beading his forehead.. “ You know how to work us, Nim.”
Ilyea pressed her lips together and glanced to Aurora for the map or at least what it could be. The mage went quiet as the two rogue's went about their business in quiet contemplation. Her eyes moved over the various actions as she quietly watched to see where she could step in, if anything.
Nimuehdra let out a soft chuckle as the red-haired Emberfury and the Pale-haired leader of the Clandestine returned once again to the two Mages. Nimuehdra Emberfury raised an armored foot and swiftly pinned the Vrykul down to the ground which he already lay upon. "Great work, you two."
Caèryssa would follow suit, listening intently to the two having a conversation in close proximity to her. She was still rather agile, and as she hung from a wall over them, she would continue to listen in on their conversations. It wasn't too clear, as they spoke in Vrykul, but the names Ingvar and Torsten had been repeated several times. Once their idle chatter had ended, Ryssa would release the grip she had on the wall decor, swooping down and giving a swift kick to the head of the first guard, knocking him out cold. The second would turn around as he heard the thud, but before he could react to the spellblade, he would find a crimson plated boot aimed straight for his face. Two down. With the guards out of the way, she picked up the communicator and dials it back in. "Sister? Entrance is secure, although I overheard them mentioning two names, over and over. Could you please send Auro my way? I'm in need of a bit of muscle to drag this guy back."
Aurora could hear Ryssa’s voice out of Nim’s comms..” I'm on the way,... “ He made his way to the other rogue and stood impressed as he approached.. “ Nice work.. “ He gave a nod, leaning down to pick up one of the men..Aurora began to move back to the group.. ‘ Seems like you made short work of these two.. “ He smiled..
Caèryssa smiled, nodding to Auro's words. "I had the element of surprise, would've been harder if they..well..heard me in my armor just fumbling about." She spun around, beginning to fumble with the locked gate leading into the treasury. Moments later, the lock would fall to the ground, having been cracked open. Ryssa quickly pried the gate open, making her way into the vaults to search for the crystal her sister had mentioned earlier. It rested on a pedestal in the center of the vault, making it rather difficult to miss, and as she approached, the blue orb begins to hum, turning a deeper shade of violet, and causing Ryssa to back away slowly, awaiting the rest of her companions to arrive.
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Ilyea would walk over to where Nimueh was placing her foot along the fallen comrade. It seemed that the plan didn't go as well as she thought before but it was thought up on the fly. More projection for things in the future, she supposed. It seemed....messy and clinical in some weird way. Mechanical and broken. It shifted and shimmered and whirled together like a storm of blood and chaos. Typically she thrived on it, but it just seemed calm to her. The man was already scared, that much was certain with the way his eyes upturned and his chest heaved in and out as she approached. The mage lowered herself towards the Vrykul and simply brushed her fingers across his chest, his face and his hair. She didn't need to say anything, there was nothing that needed to be said. Dirt echoed from his feet as he thrashed violently at the completely relaxed way the mage that alluded fear and pain approached him like prey. The dirt was gathered upon the tips of her gloves and put into her mouth. It crunched against her teeth as she stood up. Her eyes flashed blue as she considered the taste. "...Seems similar. He might know something..."
Aurora gave a soft nod, reaching behind him pulling out a small flask mixture, crimson in color.. He took in a deep breath taking a few steps towards his wife... " Here love.. " He reached out handing her the canteen.. " To wash the taste from your mouth.. " Aurora stood next to his wife, then kneeled down over the vrykul.. he tilted his head to the side looking over the man.. He could taste the fear in the air, as Aurora's eyes flickered.. He gave a soft nod.. " Aye... Perhaps so.. " He turned his gaze up to his wife.. he pushed himself up off the ground and turned to meet Ilyea.. with a smile he leaned forward pressing his lips to her forehead.. " Be gentle.. "
Nimuehdra watched as the fellow Mage worked, her method was strange and unusual to her. As the the man started thrashing she would, remove her foot. Her lips formed a smile watching the interaction between the Coles, though, it would quickly fade. "Aurora, I thought you were with my sister. Where is she?" The snowy-haired Magistrix lifted her head, emerald eyes would scan for her sister. Then, the Mage would pull out her comms.
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Nur'kuhzal held fast to "Hydra's" shoulder, as if she had been a guide of some sort through a dark area. "Not all of me is here, at the moment, but--" That much was obvious. Lips curl and twist in confusion, grumble-mumbling. "I'm not feeling anything here." Hands reached blindly--though with a sense of precision as well, as one whom had navigated an area many times in their life and could do so even in complete and utter darkness--reached for the hefty mace upon her side; cracked and splintered with the same Decay energy she oh-so-often used in her magics. Nur'kuhzal could wield the mace with one hand, but for the more frail Nim, she might have to use both hands. Was Nur'kuhzal implying something? Finally, she explained, with a wheezed chuckle,"One or two whaps won't hurt....us. Maybe aim for his balls, if he's got them."
Caèryssa remained in the vaults, unsure if she should approach the ominously glowing orb that was seated snugly on the pedestal, a couple of feet from where she stood. She looked around the room still, watching and awaiting the arrival of the rest, if they were even coming, that was.
Ilyea smiled at Aurora's nature and took the flask sipping in the mixture and swishing it in her mouth. "Depends how quickly we want the conversation, I may need something else to take the taste off soon." She teased and smiled up to him. "I'll try not to kill him." She offered and took one of Aurora's daggers from his sheath. It gleamed white like bone and seemed to hold spidery fllagree. The woman went down to her knees and took the tip towards the corner of his eye. "I'm going to move this around reeaaaaalllllyyyy slowly, if you want your eye, you better tell us where that cave is for the horn! If you do it fast, you keep your eye. Won't that be fun." The mage chuckled and sloooowwwlllyyy moved around the man's eye sockets as the man started to SCREAM and thrash and wail. It was kind of funny actually that caused the woman to chuckle. Slowly the knife bleed over in rotation, vicious fluid and blood drained from the socket until the eye was almost completely out where the man began to spew "Towards the north! Towards the ^&*!ing north. Just follow the @#$%ing runes you ^&*!ing hell bitch of north! " He choked and Ilyea quickly finished off the eyeball causing the man to scream. "Maybe seal it up with fire? I don't know..." She mused and popped the eyeball into her mouth with a crunch. Aurora's red potion was chugged again as she licked his knife clean and handed it back to him.
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Auro smiled softly " That's my girl.. " Aurora reached over taking the vial form his wife.. "go ahead and hold onto the dagger love.. I like the way you hold it. "
Ilyea smiled to Aurora and put the dagger into her belt upon his insistence. "Ryssa Ree wasn't around you....or...hm? Did she get lost?" Once more the guy was thrashing about and sighed. She unhooked her gloves and conjured a little fire upon the eye socket searing it to keep further blood. The man yelped again but fell silent in shock.
If Nimuehdra's features were unmasked, she would have a bemused look upon them. A smirk was well hidden behind the mask, she looked in Ilyea direction, clearly impressed by her work. The violence was something she was used to, so the Magistrix was not phased. She raised the comm to her lips. "Ryssa. Did you find the crystal?"
A staticky voice would come through the comms. "Aye, sister. Vault is secure. The orb is glowing now, but I'll take the risk and bring it back to you, in case more guards return." She quickly slammed the chest shut, lifting it from the pedestal as she left the vault behind, making her way back to the group. She would notice the Vrykul on the floor, opting not to question their methods of inquiry as she gently placed the chest by Nimuehdra's feet. "Here it is, sister. But I'll be wary of it. It was glowing awhile ago." She spoke, keeping a wary and watchful gaze over the object. If Nimuehdra opened the chest, she would see the orb resting within. However, the glow emitted from before was now absent, the orb merely resting within the confines of the enchanted wood.
Nimuehdra wrinkled her brow. "It was glowing before? Are you certain, Ryssa?" She would defer to Nur'kuhzal. "What do you have to say, Nur'kuhzal?"
Caèryssa rolled her shoulders, shrugging to her sister. "Perhaps it was from the light outside, it might've been a mistake on my end, but...exercise caution nonetheless, sister." She would warn, keeping her attention away from the vrykul as he laid still.
Nur'kuhzal took the orb, holding up a finger, and holding it gingerly. After a long moment of turning the bit upon its sides, there was a rather sickening crack, as the woman bit down upon the orb. Smacking lips together, before shaking her head. "Nothin'." It was tossed off of the side of the cliff , tapping the empty eye socket. "Peeper's got something deeper in the cave. I'm certain that this is the right one." Well....'certain' was quite a strong word. Judging by those crossed arms, and straight back, she was telling the truth. Nur'kuhzal probably believed herself too old--or simply didn't care enough--to deal with lying about this.
Ilyea carefully chewed upon the eyeball or what was left on it, giving a faint swallow as the rest of the salty imagery went down. She was content. Her eyes glanced over to the crystal that Ryssa has brought in as she rested her head upon Aurora's chest "Well we have the crystal, where the cave location is ....all that's left is to actually do the ritual..."
The rogue would give a nod to everyone quietly as he slipped into the shadows "Aurora will be spending the rest of the time in the shadows but let me know how to have him help us."
Nur'kuhzal grunted, "Good. In the meantime, we can gather our reagents."
The Magistrix nodded and weaved a portal for them to return home to Silvermoon. “Very well done. Let us reconvene once more in a fortnight.”
 @scions-of-antiquity @mercutiomalache @lledwynlomeriel @roewyn @thebuildingcacophony @iamauroracole @the-clandestines @seilune
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jhelenoftrek · 7 years
Imagine - Something Smells Off
This Imagine is for @emmikamikatze who gave me a fantastic prompt a few hours ago (not listed so as not to spoil.)  Thanks hun!
You drag yourself into the lift at deck eleven, grimy and gritty and covered in sweat.  Once there, you realize that the pungent smell which has been permeating your nostrils for the last hours – the unmistakable stench of contaminated gel packs – has leeched into to every fiber of your uniform, not to mention your skin and hair.  With a silent prayer, you ask for a straight shot to deck five so as to not subject anyone to what amounts to olfactory torture.
The lift whirrs and you’re moving upward.  Deck Eleven, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven - almost there.  
And then, you come to a stop.
You curse under your breath and shift awkwardly to the back, praying harder than you’ve ever prayed in your life that it’s not the cute ensign from Astrometrics about to enter your little garbage car.  
Both to your relief, and your chagrin, it’s not that adorable person with the blonde hair and freckles – it’s the Captain.  
You greet her with a smile, hoping that if nothing else the current state of your clothing will earn you a merit point.
She smiles back, nods and stutters something akin to “Lieutensign” and then orders to the lift to take her to “Deck Fun.”
When the computer bleeps a request to repeat that destination she swears under her breath and says, more carefully this time, “Deck One.  Bridger.”
Something is very wrong.
You clear your throat and realize that the most pungent smell in the lift is no longer you.
“Captain?” you ask, hesitantly.  
“Mmm?” She leans against the side of the car.  “Oooh,” then she snaps her fingers.  “Stop.”
With one eye, you regard her.  “Stop?”
“Halt,” she says, more harshly this time.
“Computer, halt lift,” you clarify.
“Thank you, Lieuten…” she cranes her neck to see your rank insignia.  “Crewperson.”  So much for those bonus points.
“Is something wrong?” she asks.   The way she’s weaving is starting to make you feel like you’ve had a couple of whatever she’s quite recently shot back.  
“You ordered the lift to halt, ma’am.”
“Oh.  Right.  I forgot something.”  She looks to the floor and begins to tilt hard to port, so you take her by the side of the arm and right her again.  
Then, she turns, looks you straight in the eye and says.  “You.  Do not smell good.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Sorry, ma’am.  I was repairing the contaminated –“  And she’s lost all interest in what you’re saying.
“Bridge!” she orders again. “Time to get going home, isn’t it?  We’ve been out here much too long.”
“Computer, belay that,” you say.  The lift stops again.  “Captain, I can’t help but notice that you don’t seem to be feeling very well.”
“I feel fine-tastic,” she spits.  
“How was the party?” you ask, hoping to stall for time.  Though you’d need all night for her to sober to the point that she would be in an appropriate state to enter the bridge.
“Good, good.  We closed the deal with the Bavarians.” She slaps you on the shoulder.  “You were there.”
You bite your lip.  “I believe they’re call the Bahra’veen.”
“Fine group of people, just fine.  Make a really good punch.”
“You entertained them on the holodeck, right?”
“Mm.  Are we on the bridge yet?”
“Captain, I’m going to say this as nicely as I can.  You’re very drunk.  I can’t let you go to the bridge. And you might reprimand me in the morning, but I’m willing to take that risk.”
She sticks up her hand, points a crooked finger at you and then pokes you in the chest.  “You know what?  You’re right.”
“I am?”
“I just said so, didn’t I?”
You can’t argue with that.  “Okay, then let’s just get you back to your quarters and into bed, shall we?”
“Smart.  You’re smart.”  She taps her own forehead.  “Bed is what I need.  Remind me to promote you.”
“Oh, I will,” you say.  “Computer deck three, no stops.  Engineering override Alpha-four-six.”
She’s leaning on you now, swaying gently again and you keep your eyes plastered forward.  Mercifully, when the doors open there is no one around to witness the display that will be getting her down the hallway.
“Fafter you,” she mumbles.
“How about we go together?” And thankfully she takes your arm without further argument.
It’s another thirty meters or so until you reach her door at the end of the corridor. That’s when you realize, she’s going to have to be coherent enough to remember her access code.  Again you find yourself in silent prayer.  But this time you have a backup plan.  Commander Chakotay is just two doors down.  If need be, you can comm him for help.
“Okay, Captain.  You have to put your code in so we can get you to bed.  Do you remember your code?”
“This isn’t where I sleep,” she says with an odd amount of confidence.  “I thought you were taking me to where I sleep.”
“These are your quarters,” I say, double checking the nameplate and your sanity.
She grins and you think you’ve never seen a better impression of the Cheshire cat in your life.
She leans in close and whispers with a giggle, “I have a secret.  Promise you won’t tell?”
“I sleep down there.” And she points two doors down and across the hall.
Oh. God.
Before you have a chance to come to grips with what this really means, she’s darted away from you and is rushing for Chakotay’s door.  When did she become so agile?
“Captain, wait,” you shout. But it’s too late, she’s begun tapping on the entry pad.  You reach her and pull her hand away as gently, but quickly, as you can.  “I really think it would be best if you –“
The door slides open.
“Commander,” you say, jolting to attention.  Your nose has chosen this very moment to remind you that you still stink like a pile of dirty diapers.  “The um, the Captain here…”
She brushes past him, into his living room and disappears.  He barely acknowledges that she’s gone into his quarters.  Instead, he’s focused in on you and it’s all you can do to ignore that he’s shirtless and in pajama pants.  “She’s not feeling very well.  She was trying to go to the bridge after the party with the Bahra’veen and I just thought –“
“You did well, Crewman,” he praises softly.  
“I didn’t want her to make a –“
“Chakotay!” You hear her shout from deep inside his quarters.  “Your bed is so cold!  Come keep me warm!”
“- scene.”
The commander bites his bottom lip and nods, then chuckles.  “Thank you for taking care of her.  I knew I should have stayed at that party.”  
You’re now aware that you haven’t blinked, swallowed, or quite possibly breathed, in at least two minutes.
“I, um…” he motions awkwardly back inside.  
“Yes.  You’d better.”
“Please –“ he begins, softly.
And you raise your hand, stopping him mid-thought.  You’ve seen enough for one night and you know better than to talk about it.
The door swishes closed behind him.
You let go of a heavy sigh, shake away whatever the hell it was that just happened, and head back to the turbolift.  
“Deck five," you say, now completely drained of all your faculties.
At deck four, the lift stops.  You curse that you didn’t use that override again, or better yet, a site to site transport.  That’s how you’re going to travel from now on you think, just as the cute ensign from Astrometrics with the blonde hair and freckles joins you.  He flashes you a smile, takes a whiff and tries not to gag.
“I know.  I reek.”
“It’s, uh.  It’s not that bad.”
You shake your head.  “You should have the Doctor check your nose.” Then you leave him, and finally, mercifully, reach your destination.  
I forgot how much I love writing these things.  If you have an Imagine prompt for me, my ask box is always open!
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