#oooooo these look so cool :0
amphibiahawks321 · 7 months
Paimon : Wow! So let Paimon get this straight you beidou and Ningguang were friends when you guys were kids?!
M!Reader : Weeeeeeeeeell sort of a friends it was tough making beidou and Ningguang get along as kids but they manage to learn to tolerate each other
Aether : And when you guys were still toddlers Your family had to move out to Mondstadt?
M!Reader : Yeah.... Mom and dad wanted to raise me in a town of freedom and peace you guys should've seen Beidou's reaction when she heard the news she was in the verge of crying like a river
Paimon : Wow did they think Liyue is a bad place?
M!Reader : Definitely no, they just think Mondstadt is safer considering the place looks very welcoming and comfy
Aether : Can't Blame your parents for that one
M!Reader : But now I'm back living on my own! And this place is still awesome just like in the past
Paimon : Wow so did Ningguang and beidou know you were coming back
M!Reader : Yeah they heard a certain someone is coming back to live in Liyue and apparently they just had to see if it was me and let me tell you I did NOT expect both of them to become so famous and rich
Paimon : must've been quite a shock for you
M!Reader : It really was finding out Ning is the tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and beidou being a cool badass pirate was just so shocking
Paimon : What did you guys did when you guys reunited?
M!Reader : We hung out for a couple of months I also got the privilege of going to the Jade chamber uninvited
Paimon&Aether : Cool!
M!Reader : But then one day Ning invited me and Beidou for a huge party in the Jade chamber she said to me it's okay not to wear anything fancy considering y'know..... I'm not as rich and she is 💧^v^
Aether : luckyyyyyyyy
M!Reader : [blushes] W-well [Cough] the party was pretty fun but then Ning and Beidou need to discuss something with me [Cough] i-inside a room........ [cough] privately
Paimon : Oooooo! They must've given you an awesome amount of Moras as a gift!
M!Reader : [Blushes even harder] W-well....
[M!Reader woke up feeling a bit deezy]
[Sits down]
M!Reader : W-wow what h-happened?
M!Reader : W-why am I on a bed?
[looks at himself]
M!Reader : And where the heck are all of my clothes!? 0//////0❗❓ And a-are these....
[Checks his entire body]
M!Reader : hickies and bite marks!? Jeez I'm covered in them!
[He looks around to see Beidou on his left side and Ningguang on his right side sleeping peacefully......Also without all their clothes on]
M!Reader : Oh.....my.....goodness we did a threesome💧0///////0❗❗
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tsams-and-co-memes · 3 months
Going with the Frank is Pisces theory, here’s a way I think they could reveal this.
So, imagine the day of the ‘final test’ finally happens, and one of the astrals is sent to judge Lunar’s powers.
While the test is happening, Frank is hiding at a distance, listening to the whole thing.
Once the test is over, Lunar is allowed to leave for the time being so the astral that was sent can report to the others.
But instead of leaving right away, the astral turns and looks in the direction that Frank is hiding. After a second of silence, the astral says, “I know you’re there Pisces.”
Then, slowly, Frank moves out of their hiding spot.
OOOOOO, that'd be super cool to see :0
I saw someone in my Frank is Pisces thread on tsbs discord mention that if Frank saves Foxy and FC from Stitchwraith (or probably any of the "big bads" at this point), it'd mirror the way Pisces saved Aphrodite and Eros from Typhon in mythology
So right there. We have two ways that they could reveal Frank's identity, and I'm very excited about it
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merakiui · 10 months
Might be a little controversial, but 6D* You're just so friendly and welcoming. I did put you with your beloved tako in the end at least!
Ignihyde, Kalim, and the board game club!!!! :0 why, thank you for putting me in the club my favorite tako is in hehe. <3 I would absolutely demolish him in a card game. >:) I feel like Ignihyde would be a fun dorm to stay in because it's so high-tech and the neon blue is pretty, but truthfully I am abysmally bad at handling technology problems. I would be at Idia's doorstep nearly every day just to ask for help LOL;;;;;; he would hate me for that.
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Octavinelle, Azul, and the mountain lovers club!!! This makes sense to me and I promise this isn't my love for the fish speaking. I understand Azul's grind!! He's annoying and so very persistent when he sets his sights on something, but then so am I and we're both dedicated to reaching our goals. I'm forever rooting for him. And the mountain lovers club vibes omg!! I will be the first to join Jade's club. I adore nature. orz we could enjoy so many nice hikes while admiring the flora and fauna. We are meant to be. True love is taking a hike together and stopping every five seconds to look at a cool rock or a pretty flower or a patch of moss.
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Pomefiore, Kalim, and light music club!! Omg I don't think you're off at all! Light music club is so fun because I think my vibes align similarly with Lilia, Cater, and Kalim. And Pomefiore is a fun choice. If I were sorted into Pomefiore, I would absolutely thrive. Every day would be fun getting to be around students who like fashion, and I think it would be interesting to spend a day just talking about fashion. And I'd do anything just to have a spa day with Vil or let him do my makeup omg!!!!
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Octavinelle, Riddle, and board game club vibes. OOOOOO the Riddle vibes... he's just like me fr. <3 I love my strawberry bf with all my heart!!!
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Pomefiore, Kalim, and mountain lovers club! I have been assigned the Kalim vibes by many, so I think it's safe to say this is a factual truth at this point hehe!! :D
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Octavinelle, Vil, and gargoyle studies club!! Oooo I think the Vil vibes make sense! I'm not harsh on others like Vil, but I do strive to be my best possible self at all times. Also, I adore fashion and makeup. No matter what mood I'm in, I must always look my best in a nice outfit. I think Vil would understand that sort of feeling! :D and the gargoyle studies club!! I would love to spend hours in that club looking at gothic architecture and gargoyles with Malleus. I'll gladly listen to him talk about gargoyles all day if he lets me ramble about all things gothic and Victorian.
(assign me a twst vibes!)
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sin-content · 11 months
What would the dark world look like if it was created in your room 👀
Well if a dark world was created in my room, it wouldnt have a consistant theme, there would be areas like in undertale, the main theme would be something messy, one of the areas would defonetly have my drawings but in alive versions x) weather that is the paper being alive or each indicidual cherecter, I dont know!! Another bit would be a upper part in the world that has a wodden theme, that being some boxes with some old toys and random stuff, another part would be the closet, I dont use it by my sister does so a area that proabbly something to do with clothes and books but a nice peacefull area that has more lore stuff on it yk? And like a area that will be the end of the darkword where the fountain probably is near is my desk, its always full or random stuff, for example rn it was some blank appers, a chessboard, a pillow and my school books, some doodles and my headphone and my laptop is next to the desk ontop of a um.. idk the name but I think its a drawer? And like this part of the darkworld would have a few cool enemys I imagine like I have a ton of pens so probably that'd be a common enemy in that part of the world, and oooooo honestly if its up to me Id say there would be a mirror you can walk thro that would lead you to a secreat area mostly focused on giving ya hints to find the secreat boss!! And like there is a section of my room that the wall is broken abit so I think there would be a part of the darkworld where the background just breaks x) PFFFT
Oh!! And I know the secreat boss would befonetly be either the old as shit creepy clown baby plush/toy or my two purple and green bunny plushies :3!! Tbh I think there would be more then one secreat boss in the little darkworld in my room, I havent thought of the idea before so Ill actually try to come back to it and change some stuff so it could actually be a darkworld >:3!!!
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technologyvoid · 8 months
hey hey lotion you wanna hear about kolgros? im telling you anyway lmao
he has a prosthetic eye due to a butchered surgery to remove a mindflayer tadpole performed by a silly bard using a needle and then later with an ice pick :D spoiler alert his eye fell out
his right eye is a light blue with a bit of gold while his eyes normally would be red
which reminds me of icarus, because he has two different eye colours naturally. his right eye is red and his left eye is white. he also has a white smoke-fog-ish looking tattoo on the left side of his face so it looks very slaying i'll show you when i can :3
icarus also has a bit of scales on his body due to his draconic bloodline i need to map out where exactly but i just think its super cool
mm i need to play more as seth, but their hair is in a very fabulous situation i cant explain just know that it looks good
män guys i need to take pictures of everyone so i can show you i think i have am image picture of average i'll go find it for you my sweet 😌
Ow, that must've hurt
:0 different coloured eyes....
H. Hold on < (also used to have an OC with red/white eyes)
Hell yeah, images!!
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daz4i · 9 months
14 and 15 for the music asks?
thank you!!! ^o^
14. who is the most overrated artist in your opinion?
would saying taylor swift be an easy cop out or
15. who is the most underrated artist in your opinion?
oooooo from the ones i listen to at least semi-regularly, looking at like spotify plays (and excluding local artists and bands bc i understand why their numbers are low), i gotta say jack campbell :0 he's got a very comforting voice and style of singing imo def deserves better! (i also. just found out absentee was on wtnv. so that's cool)
send some music asks?
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years
Ok so shadow entity’s (idk if that’s already been done so they also could be protector entity’s)
So these guy’s, gals and non binary pals (eheheheheh-) Where made to protect other entity’s, they come in all shapes and sizes, even sometimes taking the form of animals, their job is to make sure entitys who may not be as strong but are still are important are safe. Say a object head kid gets their own room and they run a small little playground and just want to have friends, they’ll most likely get a shadow person or even known as the misty people as their body’s are normally completely black and seem like smoke, they’d mostly stick around the person or watch from afar to make sure their new friend is ok and unharmed, but now they’re hard to actually even find, most have completely disappeared without a trance once the person is able to look after themself of leave the entity’s life to search for others who need help, when they don’t have a person to protect they’re actually much weaker and where most likely killed off many years ago but sometimes you can see them still wondering around with a entity
What they mainly look like
Besides them being all black and appearing to look like a person made of smoke, they sometimes will grow eyes, nose, mouth and sometimes ears but very rarely in the right places, as they most of the time look like a child tried to draw a person and their eye is either on their forehead and the other is on their cheek, they’ve even been known to put stuff such as buckets, traffic cones, boxes and even just a mask just to hide their face incase they scare others. They’re normally incredibly tall roughly 6’6 to 9’10 with claws and fox like feet which have been known to make them somewhat faster, but on the rare occasions they end up rather short, they’ve even been made as the hight of a child and been known to age over time but tend to get stuck about 5’0 to 5’6. In terms of speech, they do take time to learn how to talk most of the time but sometimes can talk like they’re some type of English teacher
But the cool thing about these entity’s is they can actually glow rather bright pastel colours when happy, flustered or excited. But it also can happen if they’re just in the pitch black
oooooo :0 cool!!!
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ohheyidothat · 1 year
MH4 notes for myself (will have spoilers about gear, and maybe other things)
Insect glaives
Sturdy Glaive - BEAUTIFUL final form. As good as your current weapon, if you have Monster Broth and Zinogre Claw+ for upgrades.
Shell Intoner - final form is purple 🥺 💜 wowm....,, Need it
Assault Glaive (sleepy lol) - looks neat fully upgraded, two slots, no violet sharpness tho, but sleepy >:3
Sect Happa - sharpness kinda meh unless you have the sharpness boosting skill, BUT has 899 damage! Most others are in the 700s.
Najarala is the weakest I've seen and it only has one slot and it looks like there's a silly face on it or something :3 RIP. I love Najarala but I don't like this weapon
Zamtrios - looks kinda silly, but THREE SLOTS, and 806 attack, and 300 Ice Element :0
Seregios - okay kinda eh sharpness BUT remember that it auto sharpens when you dodge. Only ONE slot but 899 damage. No element??? No effect???? Maybe that's wrong? I figured it would have the same as the seregios
Brachy - oooooo 390 blast.... 873 attack, one slot. Sharpness fair but no violet. Mmmmh!!! Tough decision. NO slots. 480 thunder element tho and 868 attack. Meh sharpness.
Kirin+ (Violin) - ohhhhh 😍 okay so only one slot, fair sharpness w/o violet, BUT 560 ice element. Only 744 attack, but +35 defense! No affinity. Looks like a unicorn put goth girl purple eyeshadow on its horn (looks cool)
Rajang/Metal Mauler - mmmmmm -20% affinity is blehh
Dalamadur - 😍😍😍 ohhhh. 930 attack???? NICE sharpness!!! 320 blast!!! One slot. I don't even know what a dalamadur is but ooooooo.. uh base name is direspike
Heavens Fire (Rathalos) - one slot, 20% affinity, damage is 868, okay sharpness, 370 fire. Kinda cool
Daora - whoaom it looks like a tentacle whirlpool on one end cool! One slot, 10 affinity, 320 ice, ehhh kinda pretty meh sharpness, tbh not a top contender except for the cool look lol.
Ukanlos - yeehaw motherfucker??? 1116 attack????? Ohhhh +20 def BUT -30% affinity YIKES. One slot and ice 120. Sharpness is....pathetic tbh, barely sharper than my regular shell intoner. Also looks like some weird spikey thing, not graceful like I would prefer :3 oof that attack tho
Fatalis - hmm ok visual vibes. Oh hot damn. 3 slots, +40 def, 837 attack, 520 dragon element. Sharpness is barely better than my regular shell intoner. BUT those slots might make up for it with a sharpness skill addition.
Medusa (Najarala+) - uhhhhh the vibes.... Not my style... No slots but 15% affinity. 837 attack, 320 water. Mmmm..... No..... Turquoisey and has the silly face looking thing. RIP again Najarala.
Color Var Zamtrios - nah. No slots, eh element, eh all around. Does have 150 para.
Diablos - attack 1054 but -10% affinity. Sharpness..... Huh. Well it has a HUGE blue section but no violet. Even with sharpness upgrade. Mmm no slots and fire 330
Black Diablos - eh there's better picks.
Stronger S. Magala - oh funky. -25% affinity unless ur frenzied, then +10% affinity. No slots, 90 dragon, 800s attack.
Caster (Chameleon?) - oh no it's pretty. 480 POISON WHOO. 2 slots, 837 attack. No affinity. Sharpness rather meh--DOES have white, but barely, and then blue isn't very long.
Stronger Eldaora - oh fuck that's sharp. Full sharp bar. Bit of violet, bit of white, then a long section of blue. 930 attack, ice is 200, and -35% affinity RIP. NO slots either. Oof.
Stronger Fatalis (Hellruin) - oh nice 2 slots 560 blast. Attack 837, affinity +15%. Mmmmm nicer than the other Fatalis. I do like the affinity and blast. Sharpness pathetic tho. Small strip of blue and that's it. DOES gain a tiny bit of white and violet with sharpness boost.
Messenger's Mark - oh no. Only ONE slot okay. 110 sleep. -10% affinity. Oof, violet sharpness with a decent white section and then a fair blue section. 899 attack. BUT OH MY GOD ITS SO PRETTY. Description claims it is made from darkness from the netherworld and indeed it has those vibes. Goddamnit I might need it. Its pretty.
Oh wait one more Fatalis (soldier/overlord) with a sopping wet meow meow sharpness and 868 attack and no slots or affinity and 450 thunder. eh.
This has not helped me narrow down my chosen weapon. This has only made me want to make a Frankenstein insect glaive by duct-taping my favorite ones together into a big bundle. My brain has a bad suggestion for a name. I could call it Kindling though lol since it is just a bunch of fuckin sticks.
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angelbvn · 2 years
OH OH I had a septum but i fell out :< so i’m getting my septum pierced, both sides of my nose (i forget what it’s called the classic nose piercing ig) and the top of my lip
also just you wait dearest
pfff, what’s your favorite kind of energy drink?
=^^= me too ;-;
oooooo i bet you’ll look super cool ;3
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jaxhol · 2 years
Bro I don't fuck with this
It just happened, and I think I'm over reacting. But bro, instant bad feeling the second it happened. But I was texting Ash, just laying on my bed. It’s late, so I’m just watching tiktok between responses, and she texts me “I made a new friend :0” and she’s a little introverted, so I’m always excited when she does something like this. So I go “Woah!” “Tell me about it!” And she’s a little slow with responses all of a sudden, like responding one at a time. And I don’t know, I was honestly probably looking way to into it instantly. But she says it’s one of her best friends friends. And says his name is Cooper. Seeing his kinda hit me right away. But it’s okay, I have girl friends, and she has guy friends. And all I responded was “Oooooo very cool” cause, I don’t really like talking about dudes with her. It’s definitely an insecurity. But I always get jealous, and I feel like that comes through in texts supper strong, and I hate that. So I tried to end the conversation right away, cause I don’t want to feel all jealous. But for some reason I asked “Does he have blond hair and is kinda short?” Cause I know this kid named Copper like that, he’s honestly super chill, and if it was him it’d be all cool. But she goes “Noooo” “He’s an upperclassmen” and that got me, I don’t know why, but it did. And I tried to end that right away right away. I said “Oh very cool” and she goes “Yessss.” And I hated that. 
I partially feel like she’s just telling me this to make me jealous, because she got jealous that I liked on of my girl friends Instagram posts. And all it was was like “happy easter” I didn’t even fully look at the post, but she’s my friend so I liked it. And She said something about how she felt jealous because I liked it like right when it was posted. So I unliked it and talked to her about it. 
But I found the dudes Instagram. I should’ve thought about how it would make me feel either way before I did. But I didn’t. I acted on impulse, and I looked. And it seemed like everything she wants in a dude bro. Like all edgy, fluffy hair, and emo, and “ooooooo deep quotes” and I was like fuck that. And another bad decision, I look at his posts to see if she liked them, and she had like the last two of them. One of them was from an hour ago, and the other one was from like 2 weeks ago. And if he’s a new friend, why did she like a post from 2-3 weeks ago? I can tell I’m overthinking it. But oh my gosh, is it hard not to right now. 
But like 15 minutes ago, I texted “Hey, I’ll be back.” I really needed to write this so my jealousy wouldn’t come out on her. And every couple minutes I’ll check my phone, and she hasn’t said anything. Bro writing this all out isn’t helping me like I thought it would. But she is probably on tiktok or getting ready for bed. I keep thinking she’s texting him, and I know that’s probably not it. But oh my gosh did my insecurity come out real quick. And bro I’ve been so good about not getting jealous for like 2 weeks. And today was huge hit. 
She just responded, and said it was just a joke and asked if she did something. And she knows she did bro, and I really shouldn’t show it. And I think doing this is way better than telling her. Cause this just destroys the thought, and I don’t have to worry that it will be used against me. I know she wouldn’t do something like that, but I read something, and now I worry no matter what I tell to anyone it might come back. (HOLY FUCK RIHANNA IS HITTING RIGHT NOW). But I also think writing it down, and posting it puts the problem out of me, and isn’t my problem at all anymore. That why I like to record my thoughts, because if I want to register to them, I can. I know for almost certain I won’t, but I can if I want. (JT GOT SOME NICE ASS DRUMS) 
I feel better, but I did add two bullet points at the bottom that I do want to get out. Just to destroy the thought all the way. 
I can’t talk to my friends about this sort of thing. Every time I bring a friend into any relationship endeavor, they make it worse. I know they don’t mean too, but my mind is always wilding. And they’re really bad about propelling that in the wrong direction. Like my girlfriend was literally talking to her friends, and Ross and Kavi asked where she was, and I was like “I don’t know, probably with her friends” and they were like “she hasn’t been with you all lunch, she’s probably mad at you” LIKE BRO WHAT???? That fucked my mind, it had me thinking I messed up for like 10 minutes till she came over. But that doesn’t happen too often anymore, and I really think it’s because of what I wrote out last Friday. I had been holding it with me for a little bit, and I realized holding good thoughts for too long can spoil them making them not good to hold on, but I realized a bunch about me and how people are. And writing that out, has helped so much, it’s insane. It helped me in ways, I really didn’t think it would. But I also try not to talk to my friends about anything relationship related, and when they ask I just say “good.” I know we’re doing good, and that’s all they need to know. I know better than anyone about my relationship, so I don’t and shouldn’t take anyone else’s input. 
Writing this out helped, it always does. Leaving it in my head makes spoils a lot of my brain. I always try to write out bad thoughts to get them about and prevent the spoil from spreading to other things, and it helps more than anything else. I’ve been really good about it since Bella broke up with me, that’s really when I learned how much it helps me. I’ve always done it because my grandma says its good. But I really had to learn on my own for it to really register. Usually when I have a good thought I keep it in my head, because maybe it will help spread good to other thoughts. But I don’t think it really has the effect I want it too. But last Thursday or Friday I was in a super good mood and I don’t know why I wrote it out, but I did. And It’s had a crazy nice effect. I saw someone talking about the “Law of detachment” a year or so ago, and I truly believe in it. And now especially after writing things about, I really believe in it. So I gotta remember to do that more often. 
I also realized I’ve been very pessimistic about our relationship. I don’t know how it went from that to that. But I realized I was paying more attention to the things she wasn’t doing, more than the things she was doing. So the last week or so, when I get a moment to myself, to think, I try to think about 3 things she did that day, that I really apprishate. Weather its, she stood with me talking till she was late to class, or her saying good morning with a lot of g’s at the end. Just something I apprishate that she did that day. And that has also helped so so much. 
I have calmed my thoughts about this Cooper guy, that doesn’t mean I want to hear about him. I don’t know him so I don’t want to say I don’t trust him.  But, I kinda don’t trust him. So I either want to get to know this guy, or never hear about him again lmao. And if he ever tries to do something to Ash, I will kick that fuck’s ass lmao. 
Thank you, I feel better, this was very good to write out. 
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eeveethehyena · 3 years
I am bored so here is
how the Kindergarten characters would react to somebody putting cat ears on them
Kidd : "thanks?"
Ozzy : "ACK GeT AwaY FroM Me YoUr HaNds ArE filThY"
Buggs : *pulls out knife*
Jerome : T-T
Cindy : "oOoooOoo Cat ears!!!"
Penny : *dial up noises*
Felix : "Teddy! Get this street urchin attire off of me!"
Ted : "o-oh thanks"
Carla : "...what"
Monty : "these are pretty high quality... I'll give you 5 dollars for em"
Nugget : "Nugget likes the kitty ears"
Lily : "are you giving these to me? That's sweet of you"
Billy : "lily! Look at what I'm wearing! They are so cute!"
Madison : "were these from ozzy?"
Alice : 0-0
Ron : "Oooooo cool!"
( this is my first time doin so take this with a grain of salt )
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dollsonmain · 3 years
That Guy’s been sort of obsessed with traveling and vacations lately and he’s been watching this Netflix show about traveling and I don’t like the show.
I find the hosts annoying, but that’s normal for me. They’re way too enthusiastic because they’re paid to be.
I have a weird relationship with travel. I’m not into it for reasons other than traveling hurts a lot.
But I got annoyed when they went to this stupidly expensive ski place in Japan and it wasn’t until the end of the segment that there were any Japanese people. Like... Why would you go to Japan, to go to some white Australian folks’ ski chalet and hang around in a place that you could just as easily find in like.... Canada.
Kind of defeats the purpose.
But also, back to my weird relationship with travel, I think it’s kind of gross to look at a place where people live and be like “Oooh how EXOTIC and OOOOOO and....”
Like..... People live there. Just because they might do something a little different or build their houses a different shape or eat foods that are not the standard where you live due to environment shouldn’t make it like “OH WOW HOW WEIRD HOW SPECIAL” like... that’s a gross kind of othering to me.
At it’s core, people everywhere do their work, feed their families, take care of each other (except people like That Guy who hate everyone but themselves but that’s neither here nor there). People are just existing.
It feels different when someone says “Oh, hey, here’s how my family in this place likes to keep cool in the summer, here’s where we like to hang out, come see my grandpa’s place it’s on the river it’s nice” you know? I guess it’s different for me when it’s something given and not going to someone else’s hometown and gawking at things.
But I also have basically no interest in history at all, so cultural differences that stem from historic events and historic landmarks don’t do anything for me.
That show in particular doesn’t do anything for me, either. They focus on amenities in the places they go and they’re always like “Full bar! Hot Tub! Private Theater!” and I give 0 fucks for any of that.
If I go someplace, it’s not to hang around in my hotel room.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Someone took a candid of Salem! :0
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Oooooo that looks so cool!
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evolsinner · 3 years
with the moment past {definitely not mentally}, i make my way to the lounge.
“hey, rosé?”
i see him seated on a 3 seat sofa.
a, i hope he didn’t see the way i shaved my hair down there into a love heart... b, he def saw my boobies!!
“y~yes, mr killian?”
“you hungry or something? i can order you some pizza.”
hell, i’m famished, can’t remember the last time i ate.
“no, aha…”
“you sure?”
“actually, yeah, i am, a little... sorry if that’s an inconvenience.”
“no, not at all! don’t be silly. i’m starving.”
i restrict a smile.
“here,” he shifts to the side, patting the middle seat, “make yourself comfortable. i’ll order some now.”
i place his hoody on the armrest and sit on the other end instead; don’t have it in me to sit right next to him. we would be like idk touching and whatnot. amongst the remote and his wallet, he grabs his phone from the middle seat, dialling a number.
“pineapple on pizza?” he faces me, holding the phone to his ear.
i fucking love pineapple on pizza.
“100%,” i reply confidently.
he grins.
i have just found my soulmate.
i admire how laid back he looks: his white untucked dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal thick veins and a dark tan, tie tossed on the table. is this how every male teacher looks after work?
‘cause, yummy!
“takeaway. one large vegetarian and one large hawaiian...with extra pineapple, please,” sir glances at me adorably. “cheers, sweetheart,” he hangs up after giving his number and address for the order. “should be here in 40 mins,” he informs me, “catch,” and tosses the remote at me. “pick a movie. make it a good one. i’m gonna go freshen up quickly.”
can i come?
-ˋˏ ༻🍷༺ ˎˊ-
i struggle to find a goddamn movie!
sir’s phone vibrates and i look across at it. why does that thing be buzzing and ringing all the time? i mean... hmm… i lean all the way back, peeping down the hallway. i listen to see if the shower is still on.
oh good, it’s still on. i sneakily pick up his orange google pixel 4 xl mobile phone. okay, let’s see, what’s his passcode? says his pin contains at least four digits. hmm...
1 2 3 4
incorrect pin entered
4 3 2 1
incorrect pin entered
6 9 6 9
incorrect pin entered
his birth year, maybe?
1 9 8 1
incorrect pin entered
it’s definitely mine, then.
2 0 0 0
try again in 30 seconds
fuck, what is it?!
now i’m adamant.
a while later, i listen for the shower again. no sound. fuck me! i also haven’t even picked a movie yet! i grasp the remote and quickly flip through the movies. in ‘newly added’ a film that goes by the name ‘barefoot’ {2014} appears. this’ll do. i haphazardly click on it, put his phone back in the middle seat and swiftly bring my knees up on the sofa.
bathroom door opens and mr killian returns, setting himself down.
and ohhhh boy, oh jesus h. christ, he is wearing grey sweatpants. grey. sweatpants. oh my goddddddd!!!!
🎵dun da daaaaa! dunda dunda da dun dadada oo oo oooooo dun da da
i cringe, really should have skipped the first 10 mins or something.
sir looks at me with an amused expression, “just started?”
i nod, embarrassed.
then he cracks up a little, “how long did it take for you to pick a film?”
“i paused it, was waiting for you.”
“alrighty then,” he slumps down, letting me get away with the white lie. “this better be good or else you’re held accountable.”
the professional teacher’s vibe is disappearing and transforming into a perky one.
he’s wearing a loose t~shirt with long sleeves and it’s even rolled up. his hair is damp and floppy, making him so much more attractive. he runs his hands through it, flipping it back as the stray droplets of water roll down his neck. i would gladly lick them off for him if he doesn’t mind...
“why’s my phone locked for 60 minutes?”
“huh?” i snap out of my daydream.
“my phone, why’s it locked?”
*ding dong.*
“maybe...you put the wrong password in?”
“pretty sure i didn’t, and you’re the only other person in this house, no?”
*ding dong!*
“aha..ha,” i giggle nervously.
“does it look like i’m laughing?” he asks me condescendingly.
my smile disappears.
*ding dong! ding dong! ding dong! ding dong!*
“ight, i’m coming!!” sir shouts, grabbing his wallet. “..jesus christ, break my damn doorbell, will you..” he mutters under his breath angrily.
bit hot...
-ˋˏ ༻🍷༺ ˎˊ-
i only ate 2 slices of pizza so i wouldn’t look like a fat bitch in front of sir. he, however, didn’t even eat any. so much for being ‘starving’. he was just casually watching me eat. i could feel his eyes on me each time i took a bite and the odd olive or pineapple went rolling down into my lap. it was so awkward!
we’re halfway through the movie and i felt the need to say something because jay, the character, was such a jerk.
“i mean, it’s actually rather heartbreaking. daisy was locked away for most of, if not, her whole life. and now she is finally free, finally able to experience the pleasures of the real world. she put all of her trust in him and he abandoned her. that’s so not cool.”
as i’m analysing the film, i feel his eyes analysing me.
“well, you can’t blame him,” sir counterattacks. “jay had his own life, his own problems to deal with. she was just another added problem to that.”
“then he should’ve led her back to the hospital again instead of taking her on this joyride purely for his own greed.”
“remember, she chose to take part.”
“he was being selfish.”
“he was lending her a hand.”
“which is what ultimately made her fall in love with him in the first place,” i state like a full stop.
sir’s whole face just speaks wow. “so why didn’t you do my analysis homework then, huh?”
“because it’s boring,” i look him boldly in the eyes, his slicked back hair has me feelin’ oozy and woozy.
“oh, it’s boring?” he emphasises, raising his eyebrows. “is that so?”
“yup,” i purse my lips.
“what was it again?” he grabs my arm, pulling me into his lap. “‘boring’, did you say?”
i’m trying to escape and he’s trying to hold me still. gradually, our laughter dies out and we become aware, so much more aware.
“got some on your mouth,” he says in the heat of the moment, running his thumb over my bottom lip.
there was definitely no pizza sauce or whatever on my mouth, but i play my part. somehow, his thumb finds its way inside my mouth and i instinctively wrap my tongue around it. his green eyes glimmer like shiny marbles as he watches me
on his
i feel pressure underneath me, something building up in stiffness. i shift his hand away, glancing down and then back up again. his marble eyes, they just look at me. look through me.
no way in hell did i imagine this moment to actually happen. i mean, most of us girls had these insane crushes on teachers, but never did i think it’d unravel like this.
he firmly places his hand on my lower backside and pushes me closer to himself. “what, you scared now?” he whispers, dominance combined with confidence, topped off with lust.
i gulp, trying to sound brave, “and why would i be scared?”
“you should be,” he replies.
i am lost for words. this kind of intimidation is seductive. all i wanna do is kiss him! though i won’t make the same mistake of glancing at his lips twice.
he speaks in a soft tone, “has anyone ever told you how captivating your~”
“my eyes are?” i finish his cliché line off for him.
“...your lips,” he corrects, casting his gaze down at them.
i bite my bottom lip, flustered for acting like a smartass.
“you know, on some occasions, i’ve noticed that you bite your lip when you’re nervous. it’s cute,” he grins, “i like it more than i should,” and waits patiently for me to fall into his devilish trap.
believe me when i say i’m trying goddamn hard to not sink my teeth into my flesh! which is why i replace it with a mere innocent gulp.
“but on most occasions, you gulp,” he says as i’m gulping.
he removes the hair from my neck.
i get hella anxious, hella aroused so i..
“nuh~uh,” he shakes his head and pulls my bottom lip down with the pad of his thumb. “‘nough biting from you, sweetheart. those are mine to bite now.”
am i dreaming right now?
i try to reposition myself by moving a little back so that i’m not directly on him. as i do this, his erection rubs further into me and i slightly moan kinda too evidently. my eyes open super wide and i instantly shut my mouth. it surprises me that it doesn’t faze him one bit.
“your t~t~thing is p~poking me..” i gesture with my eyes to his manhood.
his orbs shine like someone has stabbed an apocalyptic emerald sunset multiple times. it’s glorifying. magical. the stuff dreams are made from. and instead, he pushes me further down onto his sculpture. he leans his head in, his mouth millimetres away from mine.
“and do you like it?” he questions seriously.
our noses touch, our lips brush...
“answer the question.”
“yes,” i squeak. “i like it.”
i try to remain as calm as possible, but it’s impossible due to the nerves causing havoc inside me, particularly the nerves between my thighs. i don’t know what to focus on. that mouth? his eyes? or down below...
“may i let something be known, luv?” sir requests politely.
i nod.
“i can see your tits...through that shirt...” he whispers sexily.
my breath hitches up.
kiss me! why won’t he kiss me? just fucking kiss me! shit, it’s impossible not to look. i give in and look at his lips. the corners curve slightly into a wayward grin. i see... he wants me to initiate it.
welp, sorry, no can do, mister.
he literally places my bottom lip between his teeth and lightly tugs at it, his breaths hitting my mouth like rose petals. this act is enormously enticing, but i know he’s teasing me.
my turn.
i purposely grind in his lap and he suppresses a hoarse groan. then he scoffs. very conceited. he’s so gonna lose. i keep my lips impossibly close to his for when he forfeits which should be right about...now.
he shakes his head smugly.
i frown, pouting.
he half~smiles adorably.
fine, i have a better idea. one he doesn’t see cumming coming.
i lift away the waistband of my borrowed sweatpants and grip his hand. his body automatically tenses up. i can feel him getting harder from just the thoughts i’m giving him. i bring his hand closer to me. he’s losing and it’s hella entertaining to watch.
unexpectedly, a phone goes off and i jump in fright. i rapidly get off him and he returns to his usual, rigid ways. he aggressively clears his throat before answering that stupid device.
whilst pacing up and down and holding his forehead, he stares at me intently like i’m that fucking maths problem again!
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Oh no
Travis my man
You cannot
What is happening with this ad xD
I loooove that they’re able to do this foundation!! That’s amazing and I know they’ll do so much good with it
Oh huh no episode next week wonder why
Ohhhhh my godddddd???
Did he make them a TOWER?
"Dunemancy" first mmmmmhm
Oh this is super neat I love it
Awww everything is so pretty!!
Did you give Beau a kinky sex mirror xD
Yasha: "that’s gonna be useful" AJSLAJDKAJSBS FUCKING WHAT OMG
Ashley you can’t just say things like that
Liam finding a way to slip his narrative telephone story in. Very nice.
Oh damn her little art studio awwwww!!
This is all so SWEET
Yussah they saved your butt they can use your circle whenever they want chill out
Luc is so hecking CUTE
I love watching Taliesin like... learning backstory things for it Molly alongside the rest of us
Oh wait shit did she mention something about a city??
Pumaaaat! Awww he’s so happy to see everyone!!! I’m emotional
Man I’ve missed him
Another item mysteriously not picked up huh
I’m very interested to know what it is
Fjord do you even have
You still have money??
Goddamn, he’s been hoarding all that gold huh
That’s so cute
Jester is sad about Luc getting the cool top ring xD
Teaching him to scam people now smh
Fjord: “I bought you this cool rock”
Caleb: “how much?”
Fjord: “5000 gold”
Caleb: *choke* “I don’t think I can pay for that”
Fjord: “just take it you dumbass” *throws it at him*
Caleb: “here’s 180 platinum”
Fjord: “Oooooo!”
Caleb: “don’t you oooooo me! You just spent more than twice that!”
Fjord: “....True, yeah. Thank you.”
If I still shipped Widofjord I’d be very pleased rn
I’m still pleased I’ve always liked Fjord and Caleb’s relationship no matter what form it takes or how often they interact
Poor Yeza, seeing all his wife’s weird shifty day to day activities lol
Jester babe, be subtle xD
Oh damn she’s GONE gone
Veth y’all leave the poor man alone it’s not sweat
“A hug... for your favorite daughter.” oh Jester xD
TG: “If she comes back with but a scratch, I will destroy you all.”
Cad: “That’s fair.”
Y: “We will destroy anyone who puts a scratch on her, so...”
TG: “Good.”
Oh boy
Look I know I’m probably in the minority and this is definitely an unpopular opinion but I don’t care: I don’t want Mollymauk back
For a lot of reasons which have to do with him, which have to do with Caduceus, and which have to do with Molly fans and the constant erasure of the shitty things Molly did
Not that I think he will come back because I don’t think Taliesin would just cast aside Caduceus like that but still
That said I’m interested to see where this leads but I hope to god he can’t be brought back
Anyway if Cree is heading the same way they are then all the paths are going to converge and it’s gonna be amazing
Beau really is against messing with Molly either and I support her
Beau putting the pieces together go Beau!!
Goddamn how does Marisha even remember all this?!
A side note but it’s so fucking wild to me that 9 became like... the THING for this campaign before any of the gang even knew it was gonna be an important number
Caleb WHAT is your hang up with talking to dead Molly
I can see this going 2 ways: 1) they go, talk to Molly who doesn’t know anything, and it’s not worth it. 2) they get Lucien instead who either won’t tell them anything OR whose soul is trapped in the astral plane so he helps them as a way to try to escape
Either way I feel like Caleb really just kind of dismissed all of Beau’s work here and it’s pissing me off a bit
THANK you Jester he needs to chill tf out
(Everyone please understand that my annoyance is 1000% with the characters and 0% with the cast. Not that I should have to say it but you never know.)
Yeah y’all are acting like there’s still likely to be a proper body even
It’s been MONTHS
I really get the sense they def didn’t run any of this by Taliesin beforehand? Like I got that from the “I have a conversation in me, I’m not sure I have a reunion.”
Aaaaand he’s gone
Fuuuuuck :/
If he is back, they left him with a note. If it were Molly who came back then he would have looked for them.
Oh my god
It’s definitely NOT Molly
It’s Lucien holy shit
I think Taliesin knew, look at his face
Molly wouldn’t go with Cree, he’d go look for the M9. Lucien would go back with his cult people.
Holy shit my mind is BLOWN
I straight up wish they hadn’t gone to look at the grave because imagine if they’d gotten there and BOOM suddenly they’re faced with the body of their dead friend
Anyway I’m pretty convinced it’s not Molly now so I’m EXCITED again like holy shit this is gonna be amazing
And a two week cliffhanger AH
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
The K-List: Day #37
Kaptain K's K-List Pride Event: #11
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Hey look! I'm actually talking about a b-side again <3 today I wanted to go back and pick something from Gatcha! since I ended up going with a ONEWE track back on the actual double comeback day, didn't wanna leave my other beloveds out!
I actually had the opposite problem that I usually have! A lot if the time I'm like 'ooooo! I like this song!' But I don't really know what exactly to say about it to like express in words what I like about it, this time there actually was at least something that I felt like I could say about all the songs on this release (as opposed to, 'I like all of the, but which one do I actually have something to say about'), so trying to pick one was a little hard for that reason, plus I had a lot of thots (tho still not very eloquent and coherent thots...) so this time it was a matter of trying to organize those thoughts and word them properly which was my challenge, as opposed to trying to wrack my brain for things to say
Anyway, here it is 😌:
I am a Strings Loving Bitch so ofc I fell in love with LUCY and ofc I always have to keep my ears open to pick up all the good good violin bits when I listen to their music. I always have to have a listen when I sit and Just Focus on the violin.
And this track of course does not disappoint 😌
(GOD am I bad at using words to describe the things that I mean, but damn I sure am gonna try huh? <3)
The part in the first chorus where Yechan is holding a note and then as it rings it gets really unnatural? Like an alien sound?? (Idfk what I'm talking about. just go with me agdhahs like. 0:22-0:28 (same thing happens at 1:46-1:48)) idk. It sounds cool 🤷 The violin part in the second prechorus when it picks up and helps drive it? <3 the part that supports the bridge(? I think the section I am thinking of is a bridge, but I am also An Idiot <3 so who knows?) <3<3 and the lil extra flavor helping to finish out the last chorus <3<3<3 (ahdkahdj okay. We get it Kjersten, there are multiple violin parts in this song by a band one quarter of which is a violinist)
The part at 0:33 where everything drops out and it's just very minimal drums and bass under Sangyeop's voice? <3<3<3 (as a side note: the bass and drums in general in this song?? Oooooo yummy yummy yummy, Wonsang, Gwangil, u really outdid yourselves kings 😌💗)
The completely unaccompanied "time to wake time to wake me drop(up)"
That, and the distortion on the "U N ME A N D I N U N US W E N I N U N U N ME" section
(Something something about electronic influences and also violin, a classical instrument, both being used in the same songs, something about modern technology and traditional classical sound coming together, new and old, combined on a track. I am not a coherent intellectual person but there is Something to be said here, even if idk how to say it... please chew on this with me..... 👀)
Gwangil's B-section(? Is that what it is?? It's not a bridge because it's Too Early (before the second chorus) and there is Something Else later that I'm pretty sure is the bridge.....is it just part of the second verse?? But it has a completely different melody from the first verse... 🤔 who knows?) It is very pretty! We love tasty bits of Gwangil vocals in this house <3
This song just gets me very hyped up, I love how it builds
In the words of Choi Sangyeop: Oh feel like vibing feel like vibing
!!!!! He's right!!!
The vibes of this song are immaculate <3
Please do yourselves a favor and go check it out, along with the rest of this 'single album' and LUCY's entire discography
As always, ily all 😘
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