#ooooooh mama
so aguni went from hot to hotter with the addition of that shirt in season 2, what if they give him a sweater in season 3??? are we just supposed to live with that???
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i forgot, isn't it like a thing for people to get really tired in October/fall or something or am i just misremembering something
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sgrspiced-a · 11 months
having crippling thoughts about young jordan actually wow
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vintake-ss · 20 days
"Boy. When's your tramp of a mother gonna pick a new husband"
Why is it giving High Schoolers going "ooooooh" after someone drops a yo mama joke 💀
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esoteriamaya · 4 months
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Hey, so I've been more focused on the nakshatras lately.. and love getting into how sensual, flirtatious, raw and powerful some of the nakshatras could be. I may start this off with just the nakshatras itself, focusing on the sign and its energy as opposed to the planets in each of these naks. So yeah. Lets get into it ;)
So first is up, Hasta. There the ones who really inspired me to do this so here we go.
Hasta - Delicate. Refined. Opened Hearts. Very sensual beings who know how to ease you into to their souls. They have a replenishing auras that could fulfill the desires of another. Oop, did I say that? They are indeed the temptress, the ones that will make you fall in love with, as they know you will never get anything from the in return. Having been hurt in the past, they usually carry themselves with a tight armor, only this time they know they wont have to... Because someone will always take the bait ;)
Hastas are truly amazing at crafting their hearts into the desires that they want. So much so, they'll utilize their sex appeal in order to get what they want. Very smart, coi and productive... Their like the jaguar you dont see coming. They always get what they want, because others are more than likely to give to the hastanian babe whenever they please.
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Rohini - Ooooooh! They are sooo seductive. They have a quiet temper that is aroused when the right soul meets into their arms. They're only lovers for the plot. If it gets too deep and on the wrong foot then their outta here. Sorry busta!If you don't give it to them the right way, then they won't be here for long. They are only here for one purpose, and that is to fulfill their desires in more ways than one. Like their hasta friends, they know how to go for what they want, and they'll get it by any means necessary.
There temptress powers they carry can attract an audience if they let it. There touch can last for hours, penetrating into the skin like magic. They are the doorway to salvation. Pleasure is their profound language. It is a blessing and a curse to be this type of delight. A special occasion, they keep anyone anyway who is not deserving of their love.
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Anuradha - I feel like this one deserves a round of applause ONLY because they do not share these gifts so easily. The people could want more but that isn't enough. Once they get a hold of your tempting magic people will definitely try and take you to the pits of hell. So its kept in a jar, locked away for a while until the anuradha babe is ready to go for the kill. When she wants it, she will. And when mama's hungry, shes gonna eat ;) Siren-like eyes that can penetrate into your soul. It can spook you ;) But all the Anuradha wants is to entice, it is how she gets what she desires. She has a flow that is naturally pulling like the Jyestha, we don't know what it is but its powerful, convincing, and its rare. The anuradha is the type to pull yu in, to the point that when she catches you in her spell.. she will eat you alive. Its better to stay away if you dont want to be bit, but her allure is just so damn powerful. It'll have you begging for more.
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Krittikas - Their raw sexuality will pour into your skin, and before you know it.. they've already gotten you into their mini web. Darling.. the ones who where this nakshatra on their sleeves use every bit of their power to seduce the right one.. sometimes it catches others too. There striking presence keeps the others wondering where have they been all of their life. The one who moves to the beat of their own drum, tameless. It is why so many try to focus on wooing you in order to make you into what THEY want you to be.. and you beat em at their game every time. The seductive prowess they carry show a reflective force from the moon down to the sun, with its rays being so powerful it has everyone looking at them.. waiting to explore what is deep inside the krittika, only to be found later in their dungeon. Taking their souls, and never to be heard of again.
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Shravana - They have a very powerful aura that pushes the narrative about themselves. They have the gift that keeps on giving. They know what to do with their seduction, its the one that gets them the highest bidder! What shapes you, is the power of the mind, the soul and the spirit. So they do themselves the diligence to create from within, and not without. They are hungry to learn more about their presence as their gifts connect to the souls of thousands.. What I mean is that these babes have a gift of opening up the godlike force that many try to emulate.. but many can't do. There seductive prowess inspires thousands to watch them as they watch to the shravana native, craving for their affection.. As they can be so very giving, but with a price. It all comes down to them wanting to be at the top, and they'll whatever they can to get it. It comes with a sense of ease, and they'll choose their favorite worshiper to teach ;)
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Mula - HOT HOT HOT!!!!!! They don't even know how deep this goes.. but they penetrate into your skin with no effort. There gift is in spiking you with their mind, and leading you in with their heart.. They know how to entice you into doing for them and fitting to their needs.. You wont even blink an eye and yet wont even care. You'll just be glad to be in their presence is all. They have a special aura that most find pretty enchanting, and their souls spark a conversation one what makes them so unique.. because most people are mystified by them and begin to take notes.. but they will never know what that is to be exact. Which is what makes their seductive prowess just that damn good. It exists for them and them alone.. if they decide to share this with you consider yourself LUCKY.. Because they like you more than the rest, and who they are and how they carry themselves is a gift you when they want to share it.. Whew.. they'll really touch you in ways you won't forget.
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I will post on the rest of them soon. Let me know in the comments how you feel about the nakshatras !!
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 11 months
The Homecoming - Round 1
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Overview - William arrives home after the longest road-trip of the 2023/24 season; you both can hardly wait to reconnect.  
Pairing: William Nylander x f!reader.  (Note- the reader is a globally famous musician/singer/songwriter)
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: 18+ only; pregnancy; smut (oral m & f receiving, intercourse; slight masturbation references); fluff; swearing. Be kind, this is my very first time writing/posting...I may not know what the hell I'm doing...just hope it all makes sense.
A/N - this is part of a William Nylander x reader series that I am working on currently.  The following story is based on the present, whereas the WIP series spans the timeframe from when William and the reader meet up to the present day.  I’m sorry; I know this might be like reading the ending first, but it’s literally my very first fic post…there was something with this storyline that just flowed so easily.  I’ve been anxious to just get it out in the universe so I can get it out of my head...I need to be able concentrate on my actual day job again.
You lay in bed, sound asleep; two dogs flank your body, both resting peacefully.
Pablo’s head raises suddenly, followed by Banksy.  Each of the dogs leap off of the plush king bed and bolt out of the bedroom as fast as their legs will take them.  
You awaken with the sound of William’s voice as he comes through the door at the front entrance of your home, greeting both dogs with loads of love and affection.
“How are my boys?  How are you?  Were you good for Mama while I was away?  Eh?  Ooooooh…I missed you guys.  I missed your Mama too” William said, half whispering.
Normally you would get up with the dogs and watch the two wriggle and jump up to greet him at the door, smothering him in dog kisses.  You would patiently wait your turn and essentially do the same as Pablo and Banksy; you kiss him gently, wrap yourself around him, whispering to him how much you missed him, and how happy you are that he's home.  He in turn, would murmur a few things against the sensitive skin behind your ear, mostly naughty things that he’s been wanting to do to you.
But now, being 6 months pregnant, and between the aches in your back and hips and your ever growing tummy, William knew how much harder it’s been for you to get comfortable, especially in bed.  He lovingly told you the night before when you spoke that you were to stay put when he arrives home - and no staying awake waiting for him either, he said.
William walks into the overly spacious bedroom with Pablo and Banksy trotting behind him and drops his bags on the couch by the fireplace.  As he unbuttons his white dress shirt, he looks over at you and smiles.  It always catches you…William has smiled at you a million times over and still, each and every time, your heart expands with absolute adoration for him.  “Hi, my love” you say, longingly.
He walks towards the bed, tilting his head to the side to look at your face in the dim light.
“How are you feeling?  I forgot to ask you - did this thing help you sleep at all?” William nods his head toward the large body pillow that he brought home for you before he left on his trip. 
You break out into a grin.  Lately, your hormones have kicked into high gear, with vivid sex images with William being the only thing on your mind.  So while the pillow gave you the comfort and support you needed, the firm plush piece that was nestled between your thighs only exasperated your unruly libido.  “Hmmm, well…it helped once I actually fell asleep” you said, gliding your hand over the fabric, “but….it’s this thick piece between my legs…all it made me think of is the thick thing between your legs.  I feel like a dog in heat…so that part’s been fucking torture.”  
William laughs as he continues to undress. He throws his shirt and the rest of his clothing on the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed, leaving his shorts on.  You immediately stare at his package and bite your lip, unintentionally releasing a tiny moan.
“I mean it…I’m not  kidding.  It’s all I can think about…and William, I’m telling you….the thoughts I have about you are just fucking filthy”.  
You pressed your thighs together against said pillow to try to get some relief from the pressure that’s heightening around your core.  You really weren’t exaggerating; your hormones are raging and you swear you could fuck him into next week and it still wouldn’t be enough. 
“Seriously, you have to help me…it’s required as part of your husband/pre-DILF duties”.
“Didn’t you…you know…take care of ‘business’ yourself at all while I was gone?” a wry smirk appeared on his lips.  “You could have mentioned what was going on with you when we Facetimed…I could have…y’know - walked you through what I would have done if I was here…” William said coyly.
“Mmmmm…I thought about it - I thought maybe showing you how badly I needed you while you watched me...taking care of business.. that I would get some relief that way” you said, your voice soft with a hint of seduction.
“But I knew the minute I got going, no matter what I used - fingers, toys…whatever - the only thing that would completely satisfy me is a nice hard dick.  And not like my Willy’s cock clone that I have to break out when you’re away - I literally only want your dick inside me.  God damn, it’s so fucking good…” you smile up at him, gripping the pillow a little harder now.  Even just talking about his cock is turning you on.
“So, yeah…”, your eyes trail back down to his shorts, as you nod to his unwrapped gift “there’s that.”  You pause; there’s not many things you feel uncomfortable telling William but you’re not quite certain how he’ll react with your next confession. “There’s something else too.  Your joy juice - that’s the other thing I’m craving…fuck, I can’t stop thinking about it.  On my face, in my mouth….fed to me….”, you blush and giggle a little with your admissions, but you have no filter now as your desire for him was reaching a fever pitch. “This pregnancy has turned me from a respected musician to William Nylander’s personal cum slut”, you said dryly,
William’s mouth drops open a little but a wry smile begins to form on his lips.  “Oh really, eh?  You’re my personal cum slut?” he laughs.  “Well then…what wifey wants, wifey shall get”.
You watch each movement of his muscular body as he crawls up onto the bed, slides under the sheets and duvet, and shifts his body towards you.  He lay on his side, his gorgeous face close enough to yours that you can feel his breath.  
“Seriously….I missed you so much, William.  It felt like you were gone forever.  You looked amazing during the games though…as usual”, you said, bringing your hand up to trace his jawline.  You think to yourself, ‘God - you are so gone for this man’.    
“I missed you too - it was a long fucking trip....all I wanted was you like this, all... day... long,” William smiles and leans in, kissing you gently; his arms circle around you, supporting your body as he pushes the giant pillow out of the way and engulfs you in his embrace.  He slides his hand down onto your baby bump, hoping to feel a kick from your unborn son.  You scan his face as he does the same to yours; you gently graze his lips, wanting to breathe him in more. It’s not long before there’s a flurry of activity from your tummy, as though the baby wants to show off some tricks for his Dad.  
With you in his arms and feeling his baby kick, William’s turquoise eyes are fixed on yours; he smiles widely at the fluttery feeling from the baby’s movements…he finds himself completely mesmerized by you.  
He leans in for a deeper kiss.  Your hand snakes along his jawline into his thick mane of blonde hair, pulling his mouth to yours.  That initial taste of his tongue against yours evokes a long, breathy moan from your mouth.  Your hunger for him now borders on animalistic.  You’re afraid that your need for him is wound so tightly that once he touches your engorged pussy, he might actually send you into orbit.
Every touch on each other’s body elicits extended drawn out moans that are untamed, as your mouths feast on each other’s taste.  
William’s hand slowly slides along the underside of your round stomach, and in no time, his hand dips under the band of your cotton panties.  You’ve told him of your desperation already, but when his middle finger reaches the top of your slit, he moans as slides his thick digit into your wet folds.  He watches you as you close your eyes and grip his shoulders at the mere grazing of your clit.  Your breathing has already become erratic and he has barely even begun working you over.  
“Fuck - please…William…..I need you inside of me…please…” you whisper close to his ear.
“I know - soon, min Ӓlskling…here, come up here, I want to see all of you…I’ve missed touching your body”.  William gently removes his fingers from underneath your panties.  
William kicks back the sheets and props himself up on his one forearm.  You sit up on your knees and William helps you slide your panties off.  His eyes darken as he glimpses at your exposed pussy; the sheen of wetness that he spread with his finger apparent.  
The road trip was long and despite his focus on the ice - which led to a number of stellar performances from him - when he could allow his thoughts to wander, he only thought about you.  Although he knows you desperately need a release, he wants to savour every moment of this homecoming too.  He planned to take his time with you, he just didn’t expect you to be wound so tightly with your pent up yearning for him.
His hands reached out to caress your pregnant belly again; William is completely infatuated with the way you look.  Prior to getting pregnant, your breasts were already one of his favourite features on you but in the past month, they have become even more full and voluptuous.  His hands move up from your stomach and they cup each breast.  You look down at his shorts which are fully tented now and you can hardly wait to wrap your hand, your mouth, your core,  in whatever order, around his thick member.  
William raises himself up and begins to kiss your neck, slowly and sensually.  His mouth feels so agonizingly good; you whisper how in love you are with him as you run your fingers through his hair.  William begins kissing your soft, round breast and with his tongue pointed, he slowly begins to lick your tightened nipple in a circular motion.  The intense sensation of his wet tongue and hot breath connecting with your nipple immediately rocks you; your body is so highly sensitive to his touch, everything he does sends a shockwave down to your core.  You can’t help but to grab the back of his head with your one hand, fisting his hair in order to keep his mouth latched to your nipple.  Seeing your reaction as he continues to lick and suck on one of your tits, he begins to manipulate your other nipple with the fingers of his left hand.  
His other hand begins to travel down from your stomach to your pussy, now drenched in your juices.  His middle finger toys with your clitoris, and he feels your grip tightening in his hair.  He inserts his middle finger deep into your core, and as he gyrates his hand, you cry out to him, grabbing his wrist as your hips begin to writhe around on his hand.  He begins to alternate between finger-fucking you and spreading your wetness around your highly sensitive bud.
William withdraws both his mouth from your nipple and his finger from your folds.  You whimper at their departure but the sound is muffled by his mouth as he kisses you slowly.  You lessen your grip on his hair as your mouths and tongues lightly graze each other.  Exhaling deeply and biting your lip yet again, you lean your forehead against his, trying to stabilize your breathing.  
With your fingers splayed wide, you run both your hands down his chest.  You don’t know how you’ve gotten to be so fortunate to be able to touch this man so intimately.  
“Climb on top of me, Y/N…on top of my face” William said in a voice low and gravelly, as he lay on his back.  “I wanna make you cum so hard for me”   
William knows in once sense that he might be tormenting you a little with not just fucking you into the mattress like he knows you want.  It might seem selfish, but he’s been needing you as much as you’ve needed him lately, and he’s looking to draw this out for a little longer to savour every bit of you. 
William helps you straddle him.  Having your legs opened up, allowing your pussy to connect with William’s muscular torso gives way to the urge to rub and grind your dripping cunt against him.  William’s eyes are transfixed on your movements; he’s completely engrossed watching you rock back and forth, while you cradle the underside of your belly for support.   You look ethereal, angelic even as your long hair sweeps across his forearms.  Your eyes are fluttering shut; waves of desire pulsate through your core.  You lean your head back and your long curls fall between his legs and start grazing his member.  
William’s hands move around your body, his desire for you on full display. 
“Come here…come up here - I need to taste you now, Y/N”.
You lace your fingers with William’s as he helps you move on your knees until your swollen entrance is hovering above his mouth.  The initial contact when his pointed tongue licks the entire length of your wetness has you clutching the headboard.  ‘You’re in trouble now’ you think to yourself.
William expertly swirls his tongue around your aching nub as he steadies your hip movements with his strong grip to the rhythm he has dictated.   He continues to alternate between sucking on your sweet spot and tongue-fucking you, driving you to the edge of insanity with the stimulation.  The vibration of each moan from William adds to the intense pleasure that courses through your body.  You match his moans with shrieks of delight, quivering whimpers, and his name falling from your lips on a continuous loop.  
Suddenly, your head snaps back as your cunt is flushed with heat, and instinctively you clench your inner walls.  You can feel your orgasm building like a tidal wave and you slam both hands against the headboard and grip the fabric for dear life.  
“Will! Will - Willi-um - I’m…fuck!!  Oh my GOD…please!  William!” letting out a sharp cry as your voice strains.
William keeps working his magic between your thighs, his hands still in control of your hip movements. 
You might end up tearing your upholstered headboard at this rate, your knuckles have turned white from your vice-grip like hold.  Your mouth is open but there is no sound, only heavy pants as your hips try to buck wildly against William’s restraint.  
Then your orgasm hits, crashing into you like a tidal wave making you cry out for William.  You grab a hold of the pillow that William’s head is resting on; your breath is shaking as your body slows its writhing, twitching with your final release.
You lift yourself up so you could scooch down a little further back onto his torso; up until now, your pregnant belly obstructed your view of William’s face while he worked you into delirium.   
“Oh my God….William….” you said as you looked down at him.  You smooth his tousled hair from his face and using the side of your thumb, you start to gently swipe your lady juice from around his mouth and his dense five o’clock shadow.
His eyes are locked on yours and as he sits up, he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss.  “See how fucking good you taste?” he said, smirking.
“You are fucking incredible…absolutely amazing, my husband…” you said breathlessly, lips still connected with his. 
You remain straddling William and you reach behind to gently touch his fully erect cock.  You feign surprise as though you had opened up the best present of your life, letting out a gasp followed by a moan.  Your gaze returns to William’s face and in a voice thick with desire, you simply say “Mmmm…my turn…”
You are desperate to quench the insatiable urge to taste his cum.  You slide off William’s lap and he lets himself fall back onto the mattress.  You start by kissing and running your tongue down his flesh towards his cock.  When you reach his treasure trail, you take your time stroking his path with your tongue.  You work your way down until his flawless member is directly in front of you; his above average length and supreme girth makes your mouth salivate and pussy throb simultaneously.   The head of his dick is coated with pearlized liquid and you waste no time by running your tongue along his tip, dipping your tongue into the hollow spot at the top repeatedly which encourages more precum to leak from the smooth head.  
Grunts and groans, followed by your name fall from William’s mouth as you accept the full length of his firm cock toward the back of your throat.  Your senses are going wild; the feel of his dick in your mouth, the faint smell of his body wash and cologne, the salty-sweet taste of his seeping arousal.  You try to shift your body to find a more comfortable angle as you continue to suck and deep-throat his member.  You love giving him head, but the discomfort from leaning over with a baby growing inside of you is creating a lot of pressure around your abdomen and back.
“William - I’m so sorry…I don’t think I can lean over like this…the baby…”
William sits up, a slight look of concern on his face.  “Are you ok?? Do you want to stop?”
“NO!!  God - no…I just need to find a better position” you said, rubbing your belly.  
William leans over the side of the bed reaching for the large pregnancy pillow he bought you.  You watch this dream of a man shift the other pillows that have been strewn around on the bed to make room.  He’s kneeling as he guides you towards the pillow, his leg muscles showing every contour and his magnificent cock juts out, still rigid from what you were doing to him with your mouth moments ago.
“Let me hear how much you missed my cock fucking you,” William growled as he kissed your mouth.
You crawl over to the pillow, your round ass up in the air, on display for William.  You look back at him, flip your hair to the side and smile sweetly as he stares at you, his mouth slightly agape.
You manipulate the pillow so it supports your entire midriff comfortably.  Conveniently, it also allows you to arch your back a little more; it’s a clear invitation to William that you want whatever he’s offering from behind.  His dick starts to twitch - William knows exactly what you want from him in this position.
Your pussy is already wet, but William’s cock is substantial and needs extra lubrication before he enters you.  His fingers deftly caress your clitoris and as you moan his name, and it’s not long before he knows you’re primed and ready for him.  He gives you a kiss on one of your ass cheeks and then gives you a little spank.  He lines the tip of his dick up to your swollen folds, running it through the wetness that has pooled at your centre.  He begins to push his dick into your entrance slowly; his strong grip on your hips helping him slide in.  
You moan loudly as his cock stretches your walls; the initial pain quickly gives way to pleasure as your eyes roll into the back of your head.  William buries his cock deep into your core and when he’s fully inside of you, he holds you in position for a moment.  You clench around his cock and you give into the urge to rotate your hips just to feel his dick move inside of you.  
You glance at William over your shoulder as your pent up desire gives way to full desperation for him to fuck you hard.  William’s gaze meets yours; a crooked smile starts to form on his face.
William begins with slow movements - he is torturing you in the best possible way right now.  He knows the build-up will be more satisfying for you in the long run rather than just pounding your pussy mercilessly straight out of the gate.  
“William…oh my god” you whisper breathlessly.  “Please….you feel so fucking good…please, I need you to fuck me…” you beg.
You try to satiate your need for him to rail you by rotating and bucking your hips as he presses his cock deeper each time he enters you.
You hear a faint chuckle from William followed by a low moan as he increases his speed.  
Your face falls and is now buried in the pillow and your words are muffled as he begins his firm and rhythmic thrusts.  
“Oh my God William….oh my god…fucking….please….fuck me…” you wail.  As he moves in and out of your cunt, he can feel the hard grip of your walls around his shaft    
“Fuuuuck me…you are so fucking tight Y/N…” William grits his teeth as he continues to bury his cock inside of you, thrusts becoming more rapid; the erotic sounds of grunts and moans from both of you collide with the sound of skin slapping against skin.  
You clutch the sheets as he continues to ride you hard.  He grabs the meatier flesh at the top of your ass and continues to pound you, your moans sound more like a siren now…continuous cries reverberate off the walls.  
He gathers your hair into his one hand as his other hand moves up and grips your shoulder, allowing him to penetrate you deeper.  You feel like you’re descending into insanity, your mind is overwhelmed by pure ecstasy and all you can do is succumb to your body’s state of bliss.  
William looks down at you as his fast and powerful thrusts are making your legs start to quiver.  He watches as your toned muscles in your arms and back constrict, covered in a light sheen of sweat as he fulfils all of your desires.  William growls as he reaches the height of his arousal; his hips move erratically and his fingertips indent your flesh ever further.  He looks down and sees your own arousal decorating his cock with opaque streaks as it pools around his base.  He grunts at the sight of your slickness and is so close to relief but he wants to make sure you cum first.
“I’m so close, baby - fuck….fuck….you feel so fucking good” William groans.  
Your cheeks are blazing hot as your orgasm takes hold of your body.  It’s a feeling so intense that your body feels like it’s short-circuiting.  “I’m right there - right there….oh my God William!” you shriek, grappling with the mattress from the sheer force of your release.  Your thighs try to close together and you buck wildly as your pussy clenches William’s cock so hard that you push him right out of you.  William quickly grabs his dick and with a few firm pumps, he unleashes his load onto your ass.
“Holy shit Y/N….” William said after a few seconds, trying to catch his breath.
You lie there, body still trembling as the aftershock of such a forceful orgasm travels through your body.  You remain in the same position with William still behind you.  You shift your head so your forehead is resting on the pillow as your breathing begins to slow.   
“Y/N?” William’s voice is soft and low.
“Mmmm-hmm” is all you can muster.  He senses you smiling into the pillow.
“You still have that craving?  You know…my - what’d you call it….joy juice?
Drawing out the same sound, you respond “Mmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmm” while giving your ass a little wiggle. 
You hear William chuckle slightly as he runs two fingers through the streams of his cum on your skin.  You manage to find the strength to push yourself back up onto your hands, flipping your matted curls to the side as seductively as possible.  He stares at your mouth as you accept his coated middle and ring fingers, your tongue swirling around his digits, making sure you’ve licked every single drop of his cum from his fingers.  You hold onto his hand, placing open-mouthed kisses on his palm and then place it on your still hot cheek.  He responds by placing gentle kisses along your shoulder-blade and murmurs how much he loves you.
Gingerly, you both begin to move; he comes along to your side and helps guide your body back in between the arms of the pregnancy pillow.  He peppers you with kisses and you lazily run your fingers through his hair, unable to stop smiling.  He manages to squeeze in right next to you and as he pulls you into his chest, you exhale deeply.  This is your favourite spot in the whole world; wrapped in William’s arms, your face against his broad and beautiful chest.
“You feel better now - you got what you wanted?” William quietly asks, chuckling into your hair.
“I think I’m still cumming, if that’s even possible…so fucking good”, you mumble into his chest.
After a few minutes, William kisses the top of your head and starts to get up out of bed.  
“I’ll be back in a second…do you need anything?”
You moan and exaggerate a pout followed by a smile….never wanting to leave the warmth and comfort of his embrace.  You smile and shake your head ‘no’ while sliding towards the edge of the bed, holding your belly and trying to look somewhat graceful.  William offers both of his hands to help stand you up.  You grab William’s white dress shirt from the end of the bed and put it on; his natural smell mixed with his cologne almost makes you weak in the knees.
William pulls you back into him, his hands roaming under his dress shirt as he presses his lips against yours.  “You have to let me take a picture of you in this…you have no idea how fucking gorgeous you look right now”.
You smile against his lips.  “You can do whatever you want with me when you come back to bed”.  Your hands slowly descend to his ass; you gently rub yourself against his member, now cloaked under his shorts.
William groans against your lips and apprehensively breaks from your embrace.  He summons for the dogs to come.
“I’m taking the dogs out so we can sleep in a bit tomorrow.  Get ready for Round 2” he purrs.
You watch him walk away with the dogs in tow; the view of his muscular stature and his tight round ass as he exits your bedroom has you clenching your thighs, needing him all over again.
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beloxiia · 2 months
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WHOA MAMA! HUMMINA HUMMINA HUMMINA! BAZOOOOOOIING eyes bulge out of head and shoot forward at 120 mph AROOOOOOOOOOOOGA jaw drops to the floor, tongue rolls out a foot forward HAWT MAMA! punches self in face with boxing glove five times HOOLEY DOOLEY pulls on train whistle that has appeared beside head as steam blows out EEE-AW EEE-AW pulls out comically large carton of milk, drinks all of it spilling it everywhere GUHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUH wolf whistle AROOOOOOOOOOO AROOOOOOOO tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart ARF ARF ARF ARF rubs ass on ground like dog WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF eyes turn into slot machine slots WOWZA! tapdancing sounds, running in a circle JEEPERS HEEPERS pants like dog, rips off pants, heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM slams fists on table rattling any silverware or plates DUUUUUUHHHH bashes own head with hammer 5 times BONK BONK BONK BONK BONK slams chair on table BWOOOAAGHHHH old-timey car horn sound, tongue straightens out like wooden board, eyes go out of skull and back in like paddleballs CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA fireworks shoot from top of head PHWOAARRR sniffs air loudly, nostrils become comically large HONKA HONKA HONKA HONKA sound of mouth harp as body is straightened out, floating a foot above the ground JEEZ LOUISE propeller spins on hat comically WOWEEE gets massive erection, tries to aggressively push it back down into pants OINKA OINKA pulls out massive drum, starts beating it excessively HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA jumps on table, smashes through table and ground, springs back upward at an incredible velocity HOOOLY MOOOOLY pupils fly away from eyes, eyes snap forward towards them OOOOOOH I'M DYYYYYYYYYYIIN' fucking dies, ghost goes out of corpse with a lyre, body pulls ghost back into body WHADDA DAAAAME starts foaming at the mouth HUUUUUUUURRRRRR furiously turns crank on machine that hits hands on table GRRRR BARK BARK BARK head unscrews and starts rotating BUH-DOOIIOIOIOING starts rattling like a jar of coins, suspended half a metre in the air DING DING DING DING DING DING starts bouncing up and down at a high speed, starts boiling like tea kettle and turning red HAAAHEEEEEE
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susan-enthusiast · 1 year
I watched the directors commentary of Monsters Vs Aliens last night and now it's one of my favorite things ever. I absolutely love hearing about things that I didn't know about the movie.
Here's some of my favorite things that I learned from the commentary:
There was a completely different script for the movie, the monsters where originally going to escape Area Fifty something. (This version is on the PS2 game I believe.)
When Derek broke up with Susan, she was originally going to go on a rampage in Modesto in a rage. GOOD FOR HER GIRL!!!
The porage in Susan's opening scene in the prison? Yeah that was Shreks swamp mud.
The cows you see taken into the facility, they use those in the Bee movie
Paul Rudd (Derek), cringed saying some of his lines because he absolutely hated Derek
The directors where really proud with Susan's hair, it took a while to perfect
Speaking of her hair, she originally was going to wear her hair up but the directors said that costed too much money so they kept it down
That scene where she was kinda hit with the meteorite, and she goes 'OUUUGH' wasn't Reese, they had a separate woman do that.
On the topic of Reese, she was shown the scene where Susan's being chased by the robot and they asked her to do grunts, yells, and groans for the scene, so as she was watching the clip, she was doing the sounds as the scene played so they just have a 60 minute what they called 'Reese Witherspoon workout' lmao
Mama Dietl is voiced by one of the directors, I forgot his name, but he actually has one thumb shorter then the other, which I thought was funny
The grandma playing the piano? Yeah that was an unused male Shrek character they just put hair and eyelashes on
The scene where Gallaxhar is drinking the coffee or tea in his ear was originally going to be him lowering the cup of tea/coffee below the camera then he spits it out. The directors watched that and where like Ooooooh, uh, no I don't think we should do that.....
Well, those are the ones I remember! Enjoy these, if you didn't know some of them.
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yolyoola · 13 days
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WHOA MAMA! HUMMINA HUMMINA HUMMINA! BAZOOOOOOIING *eyes bulge out of head and shoot forward at 120 mph* AROOOOOOOOOOOOGA *jaw drops to the floor, tongue rolls out a foot forward* MAMA! *punches self in face with boxing glove five times* HOOLEY DOOLEY *pulls on train whistle that has appeared beside head as steam blows out* EEE-AW EEE-AW *pulls out comically large carton of milk, drinks all of it spilling it everywhere* GUHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUH *wolf whistle* AROOOOOOOOOOO AROOOOOOOO *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* WOZARADOO!!! YEEEEHHHAAAAWWWW LADYYY *eyes turn into slot machine slots* WOWZAAAAA! *tapdancing sounds, running in a circle* JEEPERS HEEPERS *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM *slams fists on table rattling any silverware or plates* DUUUUUUHHHH *bashes own head with hammer 5 times* BONK BONK BONK BONK BONK *slams chair on table* BWOOOAAGHHHH *old-timey car horn sound, tongue straightens out like wooden board, eyes go out of skull and back in like paddleballs* CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA *fireworks shoot from top of head* PHWOAARRR *sniffs air loudly, nostrils become comically large* HONKA HONKA HONKA HONKA *sound of mouth harp as body is straightened out, floating a foot above the ground* JEEZ LOUISE *propeller spins on hat comically* WOWEEE OINKA OINKA *pulls out massive drum, starts beating it excessively* HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA *jumps on table, smashes through table and ground, springs back upward at an incredible velocity* HOOOLY MOOOOLY *pupils fly away from eyes, eyes snap forward towards them* OOOOOOH I'M DYYYYYYYYYYIIN' *fucking dies, ghost goes out of corpse with a lyre, body pulls ghost back into body* WHADDA DAAAAME *starts foaming at the mouth* HUUUUUUUURRRRRR *furiously turns crank on machine that hits hands on table* GRRRR BARK BARK BARK *head unscrews and starts rotating* BUH-DOOIIOIOIOING *starts rattling like a jar of coins, suspended half a metre in the air* DING DING DING DING DING DING *starts bouncing up and down at a high speed, starts boiling like tea kettle and turning red* HAAAHEEEEEEEEEEE
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gretavanlace · 8 months
Mama lace, I was wondering if you could write something just based off this line “Sir? May I call you that, sir? Or do you prefer daddy, sir?” Cause I need it👀👀👀
Ooooooh this is delicious! On the list it goes
Who are we thinking? Sir, so Jake, right? Or maybe jake? I guess we could always go with Jake, or perhaps jake
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icegirl03 · 2 years
Ooooooh a fluff event!! Do you think we can maybe get Jake x Rooster’s sister?
You're cold,let's take you home.
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Author's note: hello dear anon! Thank you for requesting and OF COURSE YOU CAN!
Summary: you're having a little party at the Hard Deck and you suddenly feel cold. How will Bradley react when Jake will be there to warm you up?
Warnings: kissing? Idk
"Bradley,you're scaring the hoes" you wiggle out of your brothers grip as you joke.
"You mean THE hoe,THE man whore?" You knew exatly who that was for,you just rolled your eyes at him and go towards Penny to get the usual.
You always knew that Bradly wasn't very happy about your relationship with Jake,knowing what a cocky arrogant ass he could be sometimes,but Bradley had no idea how Jake took care of you, and how you always bring the best of him(even though Jake won't accept it in front of everyone)
"Hey there mama" Jake came from behind putting his big hands around your waist and kissing your cheek. "Is my best girl having fun?"
You just nodded and gave him a hug, getting an annoyed look from Bradley.
The cold breeze from the September night went through the place,and a shiver ran down your spine. You tried to ignore it by having a sip of your drink. You had forgotten your cardigan that night. You didn't want to tell Jake because you knew he would get worried. Bradley was already somewhere with Phoenix chatting about some plane nonsense that you never understood.
"Sweetie,are you cold?" Jake ran his hands through your arms,noticing how your hairs went up. You just shook your head,trying to bear the cold.
"No babe,I'm fine"
"Nonsense,shit I don't even have my jacket,let's go home instead"
That was the last thing you wanted,you guys had just arrived there,and you didn't want Jake to stop having fun because of you.
"No Jake it's fine I promise,it's not even that cold" you said but your body didn't listen to you, and you shivered again.
Jake laughed out loud,looking how cute you are,trying to deny the fact that you were cold. He pulled you into his arms to warm you up.
"We are so going home,and I'm gonna get you warm and cozy" he kissed your lips.
"But Jake,I don't want you to leave your friends just because im a bit cold" you said as you tucked on his shirt.
He cupped your face and kissed you again.
"Sweetie,you're the most important person in this room for me,I'd rather stay with you than with them. I don't want you to catch a cold"
You knew that you couldn't change his mind,so you just agreed. Jake spinned you so you could face the door,he didn't even let you say goodbye to the rest of the squad,until Bradley stopped you.
"What's going on here? Jake where are you taking her?"
Jake just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"She got cold,ill take her home and keep her warm,nothing to worry about"
"No really Bradley,he's not lying" you said and grabbed Jakes arm.
Bradley was defeated and just sighed,he gave Jake a death glare.
"Remember she's my little sister,don't even think about..." he couldn't finish his sentence,the thought of that alone made him cringe.
Jake just winked and gave him a big smile.
"Not today Rooster,but i can't promise you anything "
You two left before he could say anything. He drove you two home and covered you in kisses and hugs. You two spent the rest of the night in each others arms and you slept on top of his chest,warm and comfy.
Maybe Bradley had nothing to worry about...
Thank you for reading! Hope you liked it!
Taglist: @deanscroissant
-mama cherry 🍒
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chrissdollie · 7 months
chris junior, richard, and joshua were all playing tag in the kitchen. you were trying to bake and was beginning to get aggravated at the fact that they’re running around like wild animals. you sigh, grabbing your pan full of cake, seeing that the oven is done preheating.
your husband walks in, frowning at the sight. he folds his arms in the entryway of the kitchen. "whaddya guys doin? ya see ya ma's got the oven open, ya wanna get burned?"
the boys stop the game for a moment. "sorry mama." josh speaks up first. the other two follow with apologies. you smile sweetly. "it's okayy, why aren't you guys playing in the back?" you shut the oven as you speak.
priscilla is sitting quietly at the table, coloring in a page of her coloring book. she hasn't said a word up until this point, but she does before anyone else can. "richard's scared of angie." she teases, her eyes not leaving the coloring page.
richard's eyebrows immediately furrow in frustration. "no! i'm not scared, liar!" he crosses his arms and chris lets out a "hey" in warning. angie or angelina is your guys' next door neighbor. richie hates going outside when she's there, but he never really understood why.
you raise an eyebrow, taking off your pink hello kitty apron. you smile, "do you like her?"
his eyes soften, thinking of an answer. he's not really sure, so he simply shrugs. "yeah, man, you like her." chris smacks his back as he walks over to you. joshua grins, poking his shoulder. "ooooooh"
chris' arm goes around your waist, pulling you close as you watch the scene unfold. richard is bashful and flustered, joshua's teasing him, chris junior's hyping him up to talk to her, and priscilla is holding up her coloring to you and chris.
tags: @leah-loves-lilies @latinasforchrizz @stargirlsturniololover @junnniiieee07
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bisayawa · 2 years
mama & friend ; alejandro vargas/fem! reader
― fluff
desc: crush shenanigans through the eyes of a dog.
note: there is a first part.
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most days, alejandro vargas exuded an air of poise & grace ― as expected of a rising commanding officer of the special forces.
however, this was not one of those days.
"what do you mean it went well enough?"
today, like the day before, his insides felt like scrambled eggs.
"we only just met a few times. what would you like me to say?"
"you met a wonderful, beautiful woman in the park & it only went well enough?" rudy went on, the silence of the barracks bringing his voice louder. "you don't expect me to believe that, hermano."
at that, alejandro sighs. there was one thing.
"well..." his voice splinters until he picks it back up. "i ― i don't think her dog likes me that much."
rudy almost laughs. almost. he swallows it down & brings his voice to an even tenor.
"her dog, hermano?" says he. "that's what you're worried about?"
"no, listen. her dog goes with her everywhere. that dog is her best friend, and if he can't... you know, feel okay around me then how would she feel?"
alejandro takes a pause, looking away from his friend, mulling it over in his mind. "maybe i am over reac ―"
" ― then i guess you gotta start reading up!"
"huh?" reading up? "what do you ― ?"
"read some books about dogs, watch a video, try to understand him." rudy adjusts a buckle on his chest, shrugging. "i don't know, maybe something will come out of it."
the man, alejandro, feels a light switch flick on in his chest.
"...rudy," he says. "you're sharp as a tack, you know that?"
― ― ―
"what do you think, bruno? do you think alejandro actually likes me?"
your place on the sofa quickly slides down to the cold hardwood floor. your hand is on bruno, combing through short-cropped black fur.
bruno huffs.
alejandro again, mama? always talking about him! it's getting so... so much. his name is too long, too! a - le - jan - dro. so many sounds in one name. my name is better. bru - no. just quick sounds, not long.
"hm? bruno?" you rub into the fur of his stomach, the spot he likes most.
in a second, he's kicking & preening.
well, mama, i think he's a big... hmmmmm... yeeeee ― hey, what? what, huh.
just as quickly as you started, you stopped rubbing the soft circles onto his tummy, choosing to lie down on the floor altogether. your hair billows out under your head. you're staring at the ceiling, a tight frown upon your lips.
"how do you feel, boy? am i thinking about it too much?" you say into the air. "hm, i don't know."
...mama? are you sad?
i will... move, closer. yes, that will help.
"big boy bruno, bruno boy." his ears perk up, eyes staring back into yours. dark pools of loving brown, affection in one colour. it makes you smile, and your heart sings.
mama is saying my name. mama usually keeps saying my name until she focuses. maybe she needs to unfocus today. too much thinking about the alejandro upset her maybe. all about if he likes her or not, if he is true about it or not...
well, for me, i think mama has nothing to worry about.
― ― ―
i'm worried for mama. humans are always weird but today, she's even weirder.
it started when she came out of the shower. her legs were suddenly so bare, not full of fur like mine. i wonder what happens during their wash because that doesn't happen to me when i do it. hopefully it wasn't painful for mama's fur to get washed away.
the next was mama putting some... grey? brown? on her face. some on her mouth, some on her cheeks. she looks... like mama but now with grey.
maybe this is another human thing that i do not understand. i know the doctor said dog eyes are different with the colors.
ah, well, mama always looks nice, with or without the grey.
ooh! mama is wearing the frilly blanket now, the one with pretty flowers on it. ooooooh, mouth on the frilly blanket. mouth on the frilly blanket.
maybe mama won't get so mad if ―
bruno! no chewing on my dress, please!
ah, well, i tried.
ay, wuh ― hey! mama's using the funny blue bottle again, the one that sprays stinky water everywhere. she sprays it on herself & the big smell clouds around her. i do not think i should get near, or else my nose will get funny.
now mama is wearing the tall, clicky shoes. the shiny ones. not good for chewing, too squeaky & sharp on my tongue. i do not see colors the same as mama but i think it matches her blanket.
mama is in front of the... looking window thing ― i do not know the name. it is a window, but it looks like mama when she is in front. whenever i go near, another dog just appears ― i cannot hear them or smell them. they just appear!
now, mama is turning around & around, looking at the window. she has the blanket, and the grey and the shoes.
she looks like mama, and mama is always beautiful.
huh, mama?
mama is going to the door now, with a bag and a jacket. it is too late to go to the outside for a run day. are we going to play?
or... no, is it work day again? work is for morning.
what is happening, mama?
you turn around before you reach the door. the dress dances around your knees.
bruno sits in front of the hallway, darling & dear with a curious tilt of his head. your best friend has no idea what your plans are. you wilt for him.
"bruno," you kneel & he pads closer. "i'm going on that date, remember? it will just be for a few hours, okay?"
mama is using slow words, soft words. she is leaving for a few hours.
not forever... but a few hours.
is a few hours a long time? hm, mama...
"you'll be okay. you won't be alone. mister arrañeta will come by & check, hm?"
you do not know if he can understand a smile but you do anyway. upon seeing it, his tail thump-thumps on the floor, a hopeful sign.
his eyes are wide. you stare before you kiss him on the forehead.
rising to your feet, you look to him one more time. he's sitting still, obedient as ever.
a little dismayed, you open the door & step out.
― ― ―
mister arrañeta comes by once or twice. he gave me water & sat down with me on the porch for a while. it was nice.
i hear mama's shoes before she arrives. she's laughing, too, that weird but nice mama sound. there's a window by the front door. maybe i can sit there to see her come close.
there she is!
the alejandro is with her? he is talking with her, walking with her to our door!
woh, did he keep her safe? is she hurt? what did they do? ooh, maybe mama will tell me all about it.
mama sees me & she shows her teeth. it's not a bad sign when she bares her teeth. mama shows teeth when she's happy.
she saw me, and she's happy.
they're at the door! mama is home. why isn't she opening it though? huh?
they are speaking. mama has hands on the alejandro. her little nails are holding his, kneading them together like a cat.
wait, haah? their mouths are on each other now?
it's a strange way to clean someone... the inside of the mouth? weird place to lick but eh, maybe that's a human thing i do not know about.
it happens quickly. must be a fast kind of clean but mama is inside the house again, and the alejandro's heart is too fast when he walks away from our door.
mama is squeaking to me. i do not know what she is saying, but i think, if mama had a tail, it would be wagging right now.
― ― ―
mama & the alejandro are friends now. mama goes on more of those dates. sometimes i do not join, sometimes i do.
the dates i like are the ones to the outside. sometimes it's a run day. sometimes it's a sit down day. sometimes it's both!
mama likes the sit down days but friend likes the run days. he likes running around, likes having me chase him. sometimes the wind makes a mess of the fur on his head. he looks funny like that.
we take turns rolling in the grass. he pats my head, just like mama does. it feels the same. he feels like a friend to me, now, too. he gives me treats, and when he is happy, i notice that he shows teeth, just like mama.
now, mama has two friends to keep her safe.
today's run day is finished, and mama & friend are sitting down at the tree. must be tired from the running. they look like little dots from here.
the wind is cold now and the sun is going down. it will be night soon, and mama likes going home before night.
they are leaning back and... staring down each other? is this a bad stare down or a good stare down? oh, they're baring teeth. that's ― i need to get in there. i gotta ―
wuh ― hey! they're putting their mouths on each other again! nobody told me we could clean each other in public!
don't leave me out!
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catgirlforeskin · 11 months
What would be the most exciting new halo megablocks set to release?
Most exciting set for me would be something Halo: Reach themed based on a building from the game. We’re so desperately in need of terrain and structures, and we haven’t had explicitly reach troopers with the new articulation, only the olddddd sets.
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Something based on Overlook or Beachhead would be perfect, scaled like the Floodgate Firefight set or ideally larger, with fewer figures
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but reach army troopers would be swag as hell, we’ve gotten distinct models for Infinite, 4 and 5, CE, 2, AND 3, everyone but reach now. We could get away with a recolor of the infinite stuff honestly but ooooooh mama new molds that have the ammo pouches….🤤
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squidoodless · 30 days
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ooooooh mama. mama marmar
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
Angel since everyone’s showing their cats lemme show mine 🤭
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Her name is mamas, she’s 7 and she’s actually super tiny because she was born with a birth defect, she’s still healthy though!!! Regular check ups!
ooooooh my gosh..... she's kitten sized forever.... how precious 🥹 LOOK AT HER BIG YAWN!!! WHAT A SLEEPY BABY!!!
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