#ooooooof that’s so hot
becauseitsyouandi · 1 month
my personal jalex fic recs because fawk, jalex maaaaan
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Because you can never get enough jalex <3
♡ 𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕤 ♡
OTP by Save vs. Magic ✿ Season 3 ✿ COMPLETE ❀ 'With 'Charmed and Dangerous' set to become a movie, Alex is shocked to discover the books based on her life are wildly popular. Even more shocking is what some fans are reading between the lines. And most disturbing of all? Justin might be one!' ✿ OMG. I love meta and I love Jalex, but more importantly I love realistically written Jalex where they don't want to jump each others bones as soon as the fic starts, so this is my #1 recommendation in a multi-chaptered fic if you think to yourself, wait, how in the F do they even start to realize they like-like (lol) each other anyways? Soo well-written, Save vs. Magic is a stellar author who has wrote plenty of gems for the jalex comm <3 After you read OTP, I recommend reading the Easter special for OTP A Handshake With God. So funny and a cute taste of Jalex's after.
Reflection by TheWolfHourx, TwistedWizards ✿ Post Season-4 ✿ IN PROGRESS ❀ Woooo boy, what to say about this one--- it's sexy, incredible sexy. Risque and full of tension, Alex is stuck in the You-niverse with daaark, eeeeevil Justin, who wants to make her his. She is living my dream! It is unfinished, and I want to give a disclaimer that it ends before they do the deed, so if you're okay with mild blue-balling, this is an awesome read that's not juuust smutty goodness yum, but has well written Jalex that makes you root for our main couple (and sexy evil Justin is there, did I mention sexy evil Justin?)
'More Transparent Than Water And Thicker Than Blood' Series by pandorium ✿ Season 3 to Post-Series ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Ooooooof. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster ride, my heart! Sweetness, and heartbreak, and then sweetness. A series of one shots span from post-movie codependency to Jalex as adults. Don't worry-- a happily ever after awaits with this one, even if the journey to get there for our two siblings is a bit long.
Something like Forever by someryn ✿ Post-Movie ✿ COMPLETE ✿ Two-part series that has Justin's POV Leave The Ashes, it's a look at how Justin and Alex cope, well fail to cope with the traumatic events of the movie. Alex struggles to communicate her emotions in Alex fashion, Justin is her steadfast brother who looks at her for just a bit too long, and there is sweetness and the perfect amount of spice added in (just a pinch). Delicious Jalex awaits with this fic <3
Truth Spell by saveyou ✿ Post-Movie ✿ IN PROGRESS ✿ This is an AU where Justin runs away from home post-movie--and only Alex knows why. It's an interesting set up, but last update was in 2010 and it ends off sorely unfinished. But it is a nice read and I enjoy how Alex and Justin are written.
˚ʚ ♡ 𝕠𝕟𝕖-𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ♡ ɞ˚
Holding Back the Night by Nerissa ✿ Post-Movie ✿ More like hold back my tears when mentioning this fic! This is my #1 Jalex fic recommendation-- it holds such a special place because it fueled my Jalex obsession to unstoppable levels. The ultimate codependency trope fic for Jalex in my opinion. The conversations in this fic are so so cute, tender and emotional. This is the hot-chocolate-your-grandma-gives-you of a Jalex fic. Lemme re-read this fic now <3
so what if you catch me, where would we land by ladytahiri ✿ Child to Adult Jalex ✿ 'Justin and Alex's lives unfold like a butterfly in reverse' ✿ Starts off on an amazing hook with Theresa catching Justin and Alex in a compromising position, and traces back through the blossoming of Justin/Alex's relationship, to when they were just children. Mwah mwah a billion chef kisses!
reach out and touch someone by omens ✿ Season 4 ✿ “Careful, Justin; that almost sounds like ‘what are you wearing territory?’ there.” ✿ AKA Justin and Alex are horny teenagers, Justin is away at college, and late-night husky phone convos ensue. Sign me tf up!
Hands That Touch The Wrong Things by TheWolfHourx ✿ Season 3 ✿ 'This obsession. This painting. Something about this screams at her louder than all her other paintings. Something inside her rips and roars and howls.' ✿ Angst and pain in Alex's POV as she grapples with her feelings post-Puerto Rico. She uses painting as an outlet for her desires she can't express.
Louder than sirens by popsongnation ✿ Post-Movie ✿ 'The feeling stays with her as time goes on, the need to touch him as often as possible. She knows he feels it too.' ✿ Uuuugh author why must you slay me! Codependency trope done so so well it hurts! Secret handholding and rapidly tangled feelings, my heart squeezes in pain for our two sweethearts.
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fluloa · 2 years
Am I the only one who wants to be bitten and fucked hard by Jake Sully? His little fangs are so cute and hot at the same time NJKSBCJSIXJSICS HELPPPPPP
• fucking his cock into you, as feral as an animal with rabies as he ravages at your neck, teeth digging into you hard.
“aah—” you squeak breathily when his fangs pierce at your now sensitive skin, creating little dints and marks and bruises because he just loves marking you up.
“markin’ you up all nice, let everyone know who you belong to— mmph..” he rushes out, tightening his grip on your hip as he roughens his pace in your pulsing pussy.
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watchingspnagain · 6 months
Rewatching When the Levee Breaks
Welcome to “Sam’s Got the DTs (Dimples, Tortured): A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e21: When the Levee Breaks
Dean and Bobby keep Sam locked in the panic room, trying to detox him from the demon blood. Sam’s pleading and screaming clearly bother Dean, but they agree that they don’t really have other options. Sam hallucinates all manner of things, including his mother, himself as a teen, and his brother who calls him a monster. Dean calls on Cas for help, who says that Sam likely could kill Lilith but he’d have to drink so much demon blood that he’d no longer be human. He tells Dean that he’s the only one who can stop the apocalypse, and Dean reluctantly swears loyalty to heaven. Cas then, unbeknownst to Dean or Bobby, lets Sam out of the panic room. Bobby catches Sam trying to leave the property, but can’t shoot him. Sam knocks him out and goes to find Ruby, who tells him that there are only a few seals left and Lilith is the only one who can break the last one. Anna comes to Cas to berate him for his actions, but he protests that he is acting on orders before more angels arrive and capture Anna. Sam and Ruby are ready to leave to meet up with a demon Ruby says is close to Lilith, but Dean finds them and tries to kill Ruby. He and Sam fight, and Sam nearly knocks Dean out. As Sam is leaving, Dean tells him that if he leaves he should never come back.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
"if it smells like a duck"?
Sam is so hot when he’s mad
he IS
your Dean is being a butt
aw but lookit how tortured he is about it
is he though?
i think we’ve seen him much more so
well. that's probably true
the self-righteousness is helping with it
he's in a mood
ew gross this dude
ooof, Sammy. your mind is being so mean to you
"oh wait. no one ever wrote one" BOBBY
"suck dirt and die" HAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
"he knows"
"you look just awful" SNORK
christ he’s hot
right? he's all sweaty and tortured
look, MARY
yeah she’s the worst
he could just…embrace the evil? I’d still love him…more prolly
Look, Cas, don’t confuse Chosen One with One You Want to Bone
"if it gives you comfort to see it that way" ooooooof
“say it” oooo, dom vibes
omg the LOOKS they are giving each other
guys, stand a smidge closer, why don’t you
"i'm sorry. you prefer sucker?"
“the angel’s bitch” a little on the nose there Bobby
"that's a little too much nothing"
toddler parent speak
well i think Bobby may actually have been born in a barn, so
yeah, dean, quit hurting Sammy
omg Dean, your face
Sam's hallucination of Dean has a collar that is VERY popped and real Dean's collar is not at all popped
Cas, what are you up to
poor nugget. doing what heaven tells him to
yeah Anna, go away
Oooh, I don’t like that she calls him Cas. Only the boys get to call him that
oh honey
"i am on call, in my car on the way to murder the bitch"
sigh simmer down, dude
oh sweet jesus that was hot
“I know that kid”
I love that he thinks of him as a kid, always
and that he really does know him that well, even though Sam thinks he doesn't
like, Dean HAS been a dick to him, but he does really care
mmm slicked back hair
not my jam
not on him at least
that's why he wears it all loose and luscious most of the time
yeah, Dean, stop being a dick
ah, we’ve entered Bigot Dean era. Awesome.
yeeeeeah he sure has some trouble with his grayness sometimes
oh Dean. do NOT say that to Sammy
Dean, don’t draw lines like that. not cool
i mean. Sammy, don't choke out Dean, either. but.
for real, Dean. you know what that means to Sam. don't say that
he had it coming
squinty eyes
i know you love him, but it’s really hard for me to like Dean right now. so self-righteous and I-Know-Best and hypocritical
oh, Sammy’s the monster? Who loves torturing people in Hell, Dean? Huh? WHO?!
yeah, he loses me at the monster bit. it's like, is this an addiction or isn't it? cause if you're gonna be all "addiction intervention we have to help you bc you are not capable of helping yourself right now" you can't turn around and be all "you're evil" 12 hours later
(I also kind of don't buy it. it feels like bad writing for Dean. I don't think he ever gives up on his little brother Sammy, and this turn to "you're the monster" feels like giving up on him)
OR - hear me out - it IS in line with what we know of Dean: He’s not giving up here on Sam so much as he’s giving up on himself and his ability to save Sam. “Sam is a monster” = “I’m a complete failure as a brother and human garbage because I can’t save Sam from whatever is happening to him, which is just further proof that I’M the monster, but I’m not self-aware enough to understand all this, so I’m taking it out on little bro because Dad never taught me how to figure out feels.” See? It all comes back to John being a Major Bag O’ Dicks.
HA! I am HERE for all interpretations that make it John’s fault. That dillweed
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Would you be able to write a little smutty piece about Carson and Auston? Like maybe him coming home at 2 am after a roadie and he's on one and just needs to have Carson. And she's lightly sleeping but wakes up to him coming home and can't resist how hot he looks in his suit with the top buttons undone & gets in her own mood over how much he wants her! ☺️
Ooooooof ok ok
maybe Carson was waiting up for him but he took a little longer than usual to get home and she started falling asleep because she was way more exhausted than she thought she was BUT the only thing was the leafs lost and she knew Auston wouldn’t be in the best spirits when he got home and that he’d want to blow off steam a bit so she figured maybe they could shower then relax together once he was home so she put on the silky little pj set that she knew he loved because it’s easy to take off then scurried down the hall to check on Mia before crawling back into bed and waiting for Auston to come home. The only she wasn’t expecting, though, was to fall asleep. When Auston gets home, he lets Frank outside for the last time of the night and waits for him to be done before letting him back inside and heading up to bed for the night. He wasn’t expecting Carson to wait up for him because he was late but he sees the fait glow of a light coming from their bedroom and knows she must’ve stayed up so he quickly dips into Mia’s room to give her a quick kiss goodnight even though she’s already sleeping before going to his and Carson’s bedroom. When he enters the room, the lamp on Carson’s bedside table is on still but she’s passed out on top of the blankets wearing her silky pyjamas that always get him in a mood. However, he doesn’t want to wake her up. Clearly she’s tired so he carefully tries to lift her so he can pull the blankets out from beneath her then cover her with them but as he’s doing that she stirs awake and immediately sits up and asks him if he’s ok, completely ignoring the fact that she had been sleeping and gets him to sit down on the bed and talk to her about it all.
As he’s talking, he checks in with her too, wanting to know how the night went with Mia and then they just continue talking about other things and gradually Auston rests his hand on Carson’s exposed thigh then starts rubbing soft circles with his thumb which starts getting her all riled up because he just looks so good but also she still really wants to make him feel good. They gradually become more touchy until Carson finally closes the gap between them to kiss him. That kiss leads to making out as Auston pulls Carson toward him and she swings one leg over his lap so that she’s straddling him as they continue going at it. His hands start roaming, sliding up her middle until he reaches her boobs and gives them a squeeze while she starts grinding against him and moving to help slide his suit jacket off. Soon all clothes are discarded and they make their way to the ensuite to shower but the shower sex isn’t enough, that continues with Auston carrying Carson to their bed from the ensuite, his dick still inside of her as they go and going at it again once they fall onto the mattress together. Once they’re done Carson is so blissed out and beyond tired, fighting to stay awake as Auston gets her cleaned up and tucked under the blankets then once he’s back in bed too, she snuggles right up next to him and asks if he’s feeling better and once he says that he is and how he loves her, she places a soft peck to his chest and mumbles how she loves him before falling asleep and Auston does the same soon after
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
The Valentine fic featuring Sukuna and Yuuji is so perfect!!! I love the date that Reader went with them and ooooooof the outfits our guys wearing is so hot!!! And the cherry on top was when they got back home, ready for the steamy, spicy, sweet romance!! I loved every detail of it!!! It's a dream to be with our ray of sunshine and king!! - ☀️💖👑
AAAHHH I AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!! Thank you so much <3<3 Yuuji and Sukuna in a suit are always so sexy to me! It drives me insane! I am waiting for a selfship art I commissioned for this date, where they wear that outfit :) I hope the artist will soon have time to work on it. I am so excited!!
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highermagic · 2 years
thoughts from Neverafter as they're happening (light spoilers honestly mostly just reaction)
fuckkkk me Brennan don't do this to me in the intro!!! Lou I fucking love you coming in swinging you're best boy <3 Brennan as the evil stepmother is so fucking hot I can't stand it oh my god. Evil stepmommy I adore you. Lou does such an endearing child, his character is so good and Lou and Brennan's chemistry is so electric all the time I love how they play off each other. I literally can't concentrate on the story because I'm so enamored with their performances jeebus xmas. SENATOR!!!! SHOUTOUT TO SENATOR!!! Lou is always so sassy I love him. Brennan you need to CALM your VOICE and EYES okay I can only be so Normal about this. fdadlsf the nat20 oh my god what timing. that was fucking wild WHAT DOES IT MEAN BRENNAN WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT ALL MEANNN.
oh my god. it's infinite stories. infinite chances, as long as you're willing to sacrifice all the potential happiness of other versions of yourself oh my god. how many versions of yourself must you kill to get your happy ending. THAT'S POETIC AS FUCK BRENNAN OH MY GOD.
why do they have to do all these things individually my poor babies /sob curiosity killed the cat Pib pls my boy do not I believe in catboy Zach supremacy o7 Zach is so funny I can't stand it. I love this sort of surrealist comradery shit so much ahhh Fox & Rabbit & Cat adventures when. PIB GETS REINCARNATIONS BC CATS HAVE NINE LIVES I'M!!!! This is so pure I love them so muuuuuuuuuch /sob ZACH BRO YO??? THREATENING KITTY CAT??!!! YOOOO??? I love themmmm I'm going to lay down on the floor and cry, Zach is the best <3
breaks my heart they're doing all this separately though I know why, I feel like Emily is probs the only one watching everyone's to keep things separated.
NO NOT THE GLASS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU GLASS BITCH. tho I will admit that glass armor idea is metal as fuck so I love that. ooooooof the lore of princesses who get a perfect happy ever after and cinderella's bitterness and OOOOOOOOOOOOF subversion is so delicious omnomnomnom Rosamund is so precious I love her <3 Brennan choosing to expose the entire multiverse to the character least equipped to understand it is such a Brennan thing to do I cannot with this man. I retract my complaint about Cinderella I love her now lmao
I fucking love existential dread fuck me up with that good shit!!! Scream at destiny question everything rewrite the stories and examine everything!!! Fuck me up!!
"Just because you were lied to doesn't mean everything is a lie. Do not take the crimes of those who manipulated you and lay them at the feet of the world. We write the story." ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE FREE THERAPY D20!!! <3
big bad wolf Brennan is also very very hot I can't help myself and I won't apologize, it's the Calroy voice too it's just, oof, monsterfucker card presented and ready. fdsjdlsfs Emily you're so cute stop it right now 'I'm sorry I said freak at you' stop <3 BRO??? 'the only time you'll accept to make your life worthwhile is forever' ????? WHAT THE FUCK BRENNAN JESUS. you can't just 1 hit K.O. philosophy like that without warning jesus FUCK that is so attractive I'm going to die. morally neutral predatory monster is my fucking WEAKNESS GAWWD. Emily is so chaotic oh my god I love this so much. her commitment to a bit is god-like <3 "You're my princess" PLEASE I love them ahhhhhh
This is so fucking cool as a premise honestly like. Every time I get so blown away by Brennan's lore and storybuilding he one-ups it again I can't fucking deal with it.
MURPH C'MON BABY BOY LET'S GO. I love when they come in and sass Brennan, bestie behavior <3 oh feck off you fairie bish fdsjkdls cutting from Murph's hysterics to Brennan's hands to face thing was so goddamn... the drama, the vibes of this interaction is so fucking good omfg it's giving 'diva and overworked PA' energy Gerard 'keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth' Greenleigh my beloved <3 hhhhhhhh Brennan does such good subtle shit and inflection I can't, it's got big priest character vibes right now oof also pretty gold sparkles in the background love that for Murph, v flattering. ummm that origin story??? o.o
Brennan is going to get his PVP before he dies calling it now.
HYONK HYONK MOTHERFUCKER LET'S GOOO I hope Nat King Cole is the running joke of the seasons pls. such geese slander lmao but consider: they are delicious pls confirm my book theoryyyyyyyyyyyyy probably not but like. god. imagine if that's how it has to end. the perfect ending is the one immortalized in the books. I M A G I N E. OH MY GOD IS IT?? AM I??? WAS I RIGHT omg oh that's so cool, the multiverse trippiness is the best thing ever golden goose really said no notes lmao fdhasadsfs that beanstalk retelling I love it so soft omg goose hugs <333
I'm so fascinated by this world building and I love it so much, 1000/10 Brennan no notes.
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racingtoaredlight · 10 months
I can't remember if I made a post about this or not but...just listen to the first minute.
This is fucking terrible. If this were a sophomore classical guitar student, the teacher would tell them to hit the practice room and don't come out til the next lesson. But this is Eliot Fisk, Andres Segovia's last famous student, and the guy who built the guitar programs at Yale and the University of Salzburg's Mozart school or whatever it's called.
Reputation can take you a long way in academia, even if you're doing shit like this.
This guy's a millionaire and one of the few famous classical guitarists, so my opinion doesn't mean shit but...fuckin' A that is some hot garbage.
Slop all over the place. Just straight slop. My favorite moment was when...in this flurry of 80% notes...he feebly goes to "retune" a string, because yea that was the problem. Nevermind his hand never actually makes it to the tuner...it was a feeble grasp of a musician rapidly drowning in quicksand. Quicksand of his own making.
If Andy Dick played classical guitar...
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rosicheeks · 2 years
I’m probably the sleepiest girl you will ever meet 😴
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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earthingoddity · 4 years
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Me? Anxious? NOOOOOOO
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morethanonepage · 6 years
god i’m reading smutty nonsense fic for my guilty pleasure ship and it’s ‘the boy’ this and ‘the boy’ that and i am UNCOMFORTABLE
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Move that hand one more time and find out what’ll happen. *he sees you sneaking* *you’re more desperate than he is, but he’s firmly interested and ready for more* *he smirks knowing he’s getting closer with you and you’re probably almost there* Yes, that’s it. These thumbs just have to move a tiny bit. How I’d love to stroke you. Up and down. *he knows he might have to keep your legs apart* Oh! *as soon as you move your hand he grabs your wrist and pins it to the bed* Don’t you dare. -Tobi
*oh, I wasn't expecting that from him. I wasn't being too sneaky and I'm sure he's been watching. I make a noise. He is so hot like this. In a different situation I probably try to be sassy, but definitely not now. I'm more turned on, but yes, I know I'll need more too. I moan and whine more between the panting. I can't help wiggling and moving my hips. Yes, i definitely won't take long. And that makes his hands free to do other stuff. After his warning, I knew that I won't make it but it was an act of desperation and of need to see what will happen. I make a sound when he takes and pins my hand, i don't move it or resist. Hot. But oh, after his words I shiver and a whimper escapes me. How is he so hot? I enjoy his total control of the situation so much*
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lihikainanea · 2 years
I don’t know what I did to my shoulder, but the pain every time I move it makes me feel like throwing up 🤢😭 What if Bill and Tiger were a little rough in bed the night before. Tiger’s shoulder is in pain but she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t want Bill to feel bad. So that night in bed, when he grabs her and pulls her arms over her head, Tiger screams in pain and tears and Bill is just like “oh kid, what did I do? Talk to me…” 🥺
ooooooof baby I hope you're okay!
And oh man, maybe it's with all this newfound strength Bill has, right? Rough has a whole new meaning, and suddenly it hurts in a not-too-good way.
And to tiger's credit, she would have told him it was too much, she would have told him it hurt--if she felt anything. But she was pumped so full of endorphins that even when he yanked her wrists behind her back, even when he pulled as he slammed in deep--all tiger felt was pleasure. That delicate precipice between pain and pleasure that, when he big dude is hittin' it just right, always errs on the side of pleasure.
but the morning after, it was the exact opposite. Her right shoulder throbbed, aching with a stabbing pain that was enough to wake her up. She grimaced, trying to move it but wincing when she felt it grind and pop in its socket.
"Oof," she grumbled sleepily, and she felt Bill start to rouse behind her.
"Ow," he mumbled into her ear, "Goddamnit, I think you broke my back."
"You did that yourself bud," she chuckled with clenched teeth, trying to subtly rub at her shoulder as searing hot pain shot through it.
"I feel like I got hit by a truck," he rasped, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Tiger just guffawed.
"Poor baby," she said sarcastically, "As someone who actually got railed by a fucking 6'4 Swedish truck, my heart bleeds for you. Truly, it does."
"Mean," he grumbled, "Throwing you around is a lot of work."
"Taking you is a lot of work."
"But you do it so well," she felt his mischievous smile in her neck, his sudden bite there, as his hand flattened against her stomach and trailed down--but the paining her shoulder was enough to still have her clenching her teeth, and she tried to shrug him off without moving it too much.
"Veto," she grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles instead. "My lady bits need time to recover, bud."
He chuckled, kissing the shell of her ear and giving her behind a small pat as she eased out of bed. She tried to keep her movements normal despite the throbbing pain, and Bill just flumped back on the bed.
"You're okay though kid?" he asked earnestly as he bent an arm behind her head, "I went a bit hard."
"A bit?" she laughed, but she stopped when she saw the concern etched on his face. "I'm good, bud. Just the usual soreness. Nothing a hot shower and coffee can't fix."
He smiled at that, throwing the sheet back and jumping out of bed--but tiger just put her two hands on his chest.
"But shower?" he whines.
"Coffee," she emphasizes, and he pouts--but he leaves the room to go get it ready, and tiger can shower in peace. Under the thrum of the scalding water she tries to move it a bit more--tries to lift it, rotate it--but everything is excruciating. She can barely lift her arm past her waist, and trying to roll is to the front or back is met with agony. She pops three Advil as she gingerly wraps a towel around herself.
Bill thankfully has a shit ton of meetings for the rest of the day, so she's able to just ice it, try and work out some kinks, rub some muscle relaxant on it. But it's a losing battle, and it's excruciating. The pain is tolerable if she doesn't move it, the minute she tries--it feels like she's being stabbed. She keeps popping the Advil all day and tries not to move it.
Bill is really none the wiser, thankfully, and once he's home they cook dinner together and chat and tiger is able to mask it well enough. She delegates chopping to him while she putters around and stirs things with her good arm, cleans up as they go along.
It's not until after dinner as she's tidying up that Bill sneaks up behind her, and puts his lips to her ear.
"Round 2?" he purrs--but then he grabs her wrists, wrenches them behind he back--and tiger screams. It's a horrible sound that makes bile rise in his throat, and it's something he doesn't ever want to hear again. He releases his hold on her immediately and takes a stumbling step back, his eyes wide in shock. She groans in pain, grabbing at her shoulder.
"I'm okay," she hisses through clenched teeth, "I'm okay."
Bill feels the pit of his stomach twisting, her scream still echoing in his ear, and his own heart is racing.
"Tiger--" he stammers.
"I'm okay," she whimpers, and reaches her good hand out to him, "Come here, bud."
He steps towards her tentatively, but she grabs hold of his shirt and just kind of folds herself there into his chest.
"Talk to me, kid?" he asked gently.
She takes a deep breath.
"It's just...my shoulder," she mumbles.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No," she says, "....Maybe. I don't know."
"It was last night. I don't know when it happened. But this morning I woke up and it really, really hurt."
"Why didn't you tell me kid?" he sighs, pulling back so she's at arm's length. She shrugs with her good shoulder.
"I didn't want you to worry," she says pitifully. Bill sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"Tiger, you and I are going to have a long talk about how I keep finding out you're hurt by accidentally hurting you more. It's not okay," he says sternly. Tiger has the wherewithal to look a little guilty.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles, "I didn't think it was a big deal."
"You in any kind of pain is a big deal. Understand?" he asks. And when she doesn't answer, he tilts her chin up and taps her nose.
"Understand?" he prods again.
"Yes," she whispers.
"How bad does it hurt?"
He takes a few moments, poking gently, moving it very gingerly, as she describes the pain and what makes it hurt more. He gets her some ice, some more Advil, and spends the evening rubbing it gently to try and ease some of the discomfort. But maybe after a day or two, it's not really getting any better and her mobility is getting worse--it's just getting more stiff and more painful everyday. Bill is mortified, god he wants to kick his own ass for hurting her, and he's still upset that she tried to hide it from him--but all that needs to wait. it needs to wait until she's back to feeling okay. So maybe after a day or two, he books a physiotherapy appointment for her to get a professional opinion.
And like, the two of them in the room, right? When the physiotherapist asks how the injury happened. And the two just exchange awkward glances.
"We were playing uh, tennis--"
"And a raccoon came in--"
"NO raccoons tiger--she just went to swing and it--"
"The raccoon--"
"I'm telling the story--"
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Victoria De Angelis
words // around 1k
warnings // obviously this is nsfw, very badly written really but ooops
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x reader
author's note // this was so hot to write but i also felt so intrusive writing this omg 😳😂
request // yes, can't find it right now
summary // NSFW guide to miss Victoria de Angelis
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Vic is even more like a puppy after sex (i swear this woman will be the death of me). She seems really caring so I feel like she would try to take care of you, and you would have to force her to let you care for her. Cuddles are an absolute must!
like “here, drink this love, you need some water.” “oh, come on, you need to get up a go to the bathroom, love, just go” and then you sit down again and she just sits there waiting for cuddles “victoria, did you drink any water after we got done?” “no, ill drink later, its fine” “no its not fine, im getting you some water” and she would just argue with that until you threaten with no cuddles
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On her self Victoria really likes her lips and fingers (i mean she would loooove devouring you.... stop me)
now, on you, for some reason feel she would either have a chest or arm thing hmmm. i can imagine her just practically drooling any time you wear something low cut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i feel like cumming tends to make her hornier sometimes. would def like to cum on your face no hesitation, but other than that nothing crazy
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hmm can't think of something really crazy here but she could possibly like teasing you in public.
or there is something she hasn’t told you… wears your shirt to masturbate when you cant be with each other, but again nothing crazy
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i wouldn’t say she is insanely experienced but she knows what she's doing. if there’s something you like and she doesn’t know how to please you she is glad to learn from you. there are surely things that you both explore together
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i don’t much about sex position names and shit but i see Victoria as being decently dominant so I’d say anything that gives her the leverage of being in control. maybe riding you…..
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
considering her personality, she is quite goofy but can be really serious if she is really concentrating (no but like her eating you out and just being so focused her eyes never get away from your heat ooooooof)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
she is really loving, really. whether she is dominant or not does not matter. she will always just hold your face tenderly every once in a while, lots of sweet kisses afterwards
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
just from the whole image the band puts out, i think, victoria is pretty comfortable with masturbation. she looks like she would be into mutual masturbation a little bit..hmmmm
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
she’s into hair pulling (her doing the pulling omg), i’d say she is dominating but not really into the whole “mummy” thing. would maybe prefer mistress.she’s into leather accessories if that could be considered a kink. maybe a bit of voyeurism, she would be into you seeing her masturbating
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
prefers the more comfortable places, that way you can both have the ultimate fun
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
lingerie is a big turn on for her. for some reason i get that she would get turned on by photos of you all blushy and stuff, like after the gym.
“what are you doing, babe?” “oh nothing, I was just working out a bit” *sends pic* “how are you?” “oh...uhm, you know… busy… gtg”
also finds extremely hot when your face is a bit red during the summer from the sun…. I don’t know why i get that vibe i just do ok? sue me lol
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
she's pretty open to most things, hasn't exactly encountered something she would say no to. exept feet fetishes! i might be projecting cause i hate that but she finds it kind of... well, to put it nicely, uncomfortable
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
she loooves giving you oral. I mean, I get the vibe that she specifically likes eating pussy so maybe this isn't the same if you have a dick. like I see her as a service top 😶
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
she is quite sensual and goes at a middle pace; not too fast or too slow, simply quickly enough to make you both enjoy it but also tease a little
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn't love them, but if she is very insatiable due to how horny she's gotten she will be open to the idea. otherwise she believes quickies don't give her the opportunity to love you as you deserve
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
as i said before, she's willing to try most things, except fucking feet
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
def a few rounds, but gets really tired after maybe 5 ?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she loves using toys when teasing you. vibrating panties, cock rings, even vibrators that connect to an app so she can control it from afar, anything and everything shes got it!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
she is in general a loud person so def moans a lot. she speaks all the time, especially when teasing you, mostly throwing encouraging and taunting phrases like "come on, baby, is that all you can do? be louder". she gets really hot and bothered by your sounds
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i mentioned it before but I trully can not get the idea of victoria eating pussy out of my head. like I can imagine her being so concentrated on the task at hand, unless she is teasing you she is very quiet and just ooooof drowsy eyes and all... s t o p m e from thinking
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
id say on a balanced medium (lol sounds like a steak). like on a week scale, 4/7 days a week
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on her day. usually she tries to wait till you fall asleep as you are cuddling but especially if you are the big spoon she's asleep in seconds i swear
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Can I ask for like a tiny little sub! Chan description..? I rarely see anyone talk about it, but he's 100% a switch- and I'm sad so I literally think about babying him to make myself feel better-
warnings; sub!chan, overstimulation, riding, orgasm(m), cum, nicknames, praise kink.��
just the sweetest??
a giant baby that hates to misbehave
he just wants to be your precious little babyboy :((
his favorite thing is when you ride him
because then you can overstimulate him by not getting off eventhough he’s cum like 3 times and is all fucked out underneath you
he pokes his tongue out when he cums because he’s so focused on not trying to scream in pleasure :((
red ears and neck 
face all flushed because he always feels a bit naughty and dirty 
cant help but to repeat your name along with the words “i love you” when he’s about to cum
and then when he does cum ooooooof
his moans get more and more high pitched, finishing with a broken moan and his entire abdomen contracting
so tired and weak after cumming multiple times and you cant help but to stroke his hot blushing cheek with the back of your hand
his cock still buried deep inside of you, keeping the cum inside of you
“is my babyboy alright~? you did so great, channie. im so proud of you”
loves loves looooooves the praises you give him after sex
even if he’s sore and it hurts to cum that many times its all worth it because he gets to snuggle up real close to you and get called a good boy
loves to be your and oooonly yours!!
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dykrophone · 2 years
Hi random question but what's one good and one bad memory you have?
Also i love your blog!
HI thank you!
good memory: mm very random but i think this was like (almost exactly, now that i think about it) two years ago, i was rewatching the journey episode of glee and my dad came home really early from work with samosas as a surprise:D i distinctly remember eating mine while quinn fabray was having her baby and harmonizing her screams to bohemian rhapsody and it was so iconic. and then i watched audition right after that and the scene where kurt got slushied made me really want a slushee because it was HOT so I looked up "how to make a slushee" and made a watermelon one. my parents went out for some reason?? after that so i had their room to myself and I decided to have a me-party. so I stayed up till like 3am drinking slushees straight from the freezer and reading final draft (by riley redgate) with my carly rae jepson/alicia keys playlist in the background. that was a really really good day and i think i remembered it because i was watching journey again like a week back and really started craving samosas kjsdfhjsgh
bad memory: ooooooof. my go to answer for this is that time i stabbed a girl in the head with a compass in the third grade because i wanted to be her friend and didn't know how to approach her and didn't understand why she was mad at me after. yes this really happened. eight year old me was REALLY dense socially speaking. then i realized id. fucking STABBED her and spent the whole weekend hating myself over it and thinking i was evil but she suddenly became super friendly to me on monday?? like we'd barely talked before but were suddenly best friends friendly?? so i must have been onto something i will never understand eight year olds man. but YEAH I successfully managed to get compasses banned for the entirety of the junior school so that was. something
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