#oop yeah kevin day too
samthecookielord · 16 days
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(Intro) - (Previous)
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With a bit of convincing, Ivor gets Jesse to take a potion of eepiness! yay!
And with that, you get Jesse to take a goddamn nap already. You only realize after they’re already snoozin' that you probably should have kept them awake to teleport everyone back
Oops lol.
So you have to take them back on foot. ‘Cause they snooze for a while. Ivor and the entire redstone block he added to the potion <33
On the way, Jesse talks in their sleep! How cute and quirky of them. They say things like “we need to get rid of the sun, it’s bad for him” and “i gotta kill romeo” because they’re just so silly and quirky.
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The player regains control of Jesse. The first thing they see when they wake up is a picture frame. It’s the picture from before except they fixed it and jesse isn’t obscured anymore. Maybe there’s like notes from each of the friends next to it. insert another group hug here. We don’t have a ton of ideas for this episode lolll i guess it’s like a slice of life episode about repairing your relationship with the beacontown citizens? Also stella is there! Stella probably had a silly sitcom B plot while all the wacky stuff with the main cast was happening. Maybe she made up with Lluna too. We love to see it
Also you can show Twoben to the guy with the pigs. You know the one. You can show him Twoben. And Twoben’s little booties. Also maybe kevin from stampy is there because why the hell not. omg yay
Radar is now honest about being a zombie and you get him an umbrella so he can walk around during the day without overheating. Since you’re god you can just set the time to night if need be anyway. Provided you light up beacontown really good. Also you go to him privately and tell him that if he wants to quit his job on account of the manslaughter that would be ok
Jesse: Hey… Radar: Yeah? Jesse: Just so you know, if you don't... feel comfortable still working here, I get that, and it's okay. I can help you find someplace else, if you want.
Radar thinks for a moment.
Radar: Actually, I think I’ll be okay.  Jesse: Really? Radar: Yeah. It was… really scary, but we’re friends. I know you never wanted to hurt me, and it was scary for you too. It’d be kind of nice to stick together, I don’t know. Jesse: If you’re sure.
Radar goes to Romeo to help make sense of his notes on Jesse’s powers. He is the only one who can do this because he is really good at not immediately punching him for everything even if he really wanted to. He is so brave. Gold star for him.
and then uhhhh that's the end of the doc! aside from dedicated episode to oc shenanigans. theres probably a lot we missed simply due to forgetting to put it on the doc LOL but we hope you enjoyed!
it's not over yet?
(? You can now play as Radar)
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incarnateirony · 1 year
OH, YEAH. let's start with this wonderful grammar "There has been a number of reports regarding assistants and stand-ins that have been credited on IMDb a number of Marvel Studios projects recently including Halle Berry & Famke Janssen for ‘DEADPOOL 3’."
Then we click the thing:
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Everything else hidden, but sure. Okay leaky person cut on a discord background, this has NOTHING to do with how easy it is to edit IMDB, AMIRITE????????
THIS one was golden though, this one right here when any fact check was begun:
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A bunch of these just look like guesses, like back in like May Halle Berry was sporting white hair and everyone assumed it was to be Storm again in Deadpool and fans went everywhere speculating.
Jared's fans have been pitching 238492384 marvel things for him to be every year for ten billion years. Gambit off the top of my head as the most recent one I recall. A list of returning GotG members because duh. Several names like Froy Gutierrez that were floated for shit like Marvel's Young Avengers on fanpages. One of these is a guy with like, NO history WHATSOEVER beyond being on CW Charmed for a few episodes (6) and then a few on night court, and isnt even in the top 5000.
Stinks of fan wishlist passed as rumor, originating off of some cross Marvel/CW fan. I mean, if Talik is managing to rocket from bit actor obscurity in the 15,000 range to being some yet unconfirmed character, all power to him, but sorry, this smacks of lmfao. It's a bunch of like fan observations of the obvious from 2 months ago (storm), CW people (Someone was a Charmed & Supernatural fan), and shit the Marvel community went "OOPS LMAO THAT'S WRONG" like Janelle Monae already:
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Page was put up same time as the tweet according to google deleted in the last day, and the tweet was posted yesterday. Lmao bruh.
Like if Jared finally gets his first voice acting role of some rando XMan like 4 years behind the jackles curve, good for him I guess? Like marvel going, DC got jensen, who was That Other Guy? Given this is just a Special like holiday specials, so it'd be like one episode.
On the other hand you're going to need more than someone blatantly trying to run a list while anyone can edit the source. You think Marvel's gonna announce it like that? AH yes we hide everything even the title, and the stars, but leak the assistants. On multiple shows. NOTHING ELSE, NOT EVEN A TITLE THERE, NO RELEASE DATE GIVEN BUT WE GOT THE RANDO ASSISTANTS *SQUARED* cuz *LOGIC* But yeah, cool. Jared Padalecki As Knockoff Voice For Some Character In One Off Holiday Special Or Shortrun Webseries Some Shit For Character/Series Zero Of the Jpeg Stans Care About.
Please take your Fangasm induced and boosted nonsense out of my inbox.
Add in, be real careful holding your breath even if it IS real. Kevin Feige is listed as producting and Iger was just talking about him being "spread too thin" and dilluting their product. He's named streaming as the problem and opened fire purging products from Disney+ even before the strike. Just outright brake pump on output of Disney+ stream content. Now, they HAVE had problems with integral marvel stars recently
Why would this come out during a strike nobody is working, no less???????? Before the strike they hadn't even sorted directors or anything??????? Are you saying Jared, what, accepted the role during strike?????????? or... kept his mouth shut without a single hint for half a year????????? JARED????????????????
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Also??? Jared's supposed assistant is uh. well i mean. i support immigration. But it's Real Weird that if you google him and Force It To English Results, there's 3 mentions; one this imdb listing, one bot garble nonsense, and one his application to go to college in california this spring while listing also moving into the country this march (actually with how he fucked up the US MM/DD/YY format for his birthday... this april??). So like. IDK man. Smells real fuckin sus. He wouldn't pass marvel vetting to be a janitor with that status.
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Love the MULTIPLE errors on here. Class act
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breserker · 11 months
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
tagged by @healen you're so fucking cute but goddamn you tagging almost everyone i could tag echo chamber friendships FUCK
Three ships:
tserith (tseng/aeris, ff7): like i stumbled into this as a joke in 2020 and then oops 350k words of fic later. because i love their dynamic so much whether you read it romantically or platonically. they're both in their own cages trapped by rules they either did not set or convinced themselves they set. there's a deep dark knowledge that both separates them and binds them. most of all, they trust each other to be who they are. and that. that gets me. especially when aeris is the only person on the planet that sees through tseng.
henry/eileen (silent hill 4): yeah i know! throwback if you've been with me since high school. idk i've been thinking about them a lot lately, now with a fully formed adult lens. i think i really like that under any other circumstances they would've never have become an item. it's sad in its way too, how bitterly their lives changed and how deeply bonded they are because of it that being with anyone else feels impossible. but it's not like they hate each other. they've just been thru so much and they're the only other person who understands.
scully/clarice (x files/silence of the lambs): yeah i wish i did more with them but i just like to plug it every now and then, it was fun to play with! it was fun to put lesbians in horror situations And Also Mulder Is There
First ever ship: oh probably ulumi (ulrich yumi, code lyoko). i was a shithead 12yo about it too but they're still close to my heart. fucked up 12/13/14yos that feel So Much and yet have so much homelife trouble that it makes those feelings even harder to deal with.
Last song: Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day, it's practically guiding my hand for the most of book 2 of Jackrabbit Brujo. It also made me cry while driving the other day.
Currently reading: lots of research for Jackrabbit Brujo! The most pertinent right now are:
American Brujeria by J Allen Cross
Autobiography of a Yaqui Poet by Refugio Savala
Fun fact, the person I contacted in Tucson for culture help happens to be Refugio Savala's grand-nephew, and a lot of the Yaqui research and books I've been perusing go back to Refugio as a starting point and often not even that far.
Currently watching: I'm really bad at TV shows but I loved the first ep of Kevin Can Fuck Himself and I hope to finish it one day!!
Currently consuming: Just finished up a bowl of spicy ramen with tamarind jarritos
Currently craving: more of that warmed up marionberry pie i had the other day that shit was so good
tagging: @phantastus @chaotic-history @semie78 @a-queenoffairys @noshtsherlock @furmodernist @whippoor-wont @tangerinabina-de-archanea do it or don't yadda yadda
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obsessive-jan · 2 months
Underwear HC
"Guess" by Charliexcx Inspired headcanons for f0rmula
And when I say headcanons i mean what colour and type of underwear would look "best", in an entirely fictional and just for fun sense :}
(Some are less serious than others and sidenote: this is lengthyy)
M4x - r3dbull branded / dark blue boxerbriefs / trunks
bc he's basic and only wears things reminiscent of red bull merch
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C11eco - black thong, maybe jockstrap
Anything that shows more skin, not a crazy amount of thought on this one, im very much more focused on my love for his titties (maybe a bonus bra/bikini and it'd be very enjoyable to watch him squirm in it ^^)
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0scar - loose plain orange panties/lingerie 
I can only see the adopted leclerc in the iconic papaya but I think he would be too shy/embarrassed to do anything extra with it (maybe additional orange stockings at most?)
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L4nd0 - orange laced(or near transparent) panties / lingerie or nothing
Either he's rocking the papaya or he'd rather wear nothing and get straight to it ("no point if I'm gonna take 'em off anyways")
Debating if he would wear quadrant coloured but I think that would be a huge turn off for everyone involved...
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Ch4rles - anything , any colour panties, briefs, thongs, nothing etc.
Acts shy but a slut, he would probably wear something weird underneath racing gear just to get a kick out of it
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C4rl0s - briefs or thongs or trunks
Don't think he would be interested in wearing feminine clothing 
Kinda seems like the type of guy that wears just trunks to sleep anyways 
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L3wis - mainly trunks, maybe tries some plain panties a couple times 
He seems like the type of guy to genuinely like regularly wearing a thong but I don't enjoy imagining that, so, any old plain trunks will do (basic ik, but he shows off with the rest of his clothes for sure anyways)
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G30rge - towel
Okay this is only half serious but I think George would be insistent to shower before anything happens so he just ends up with a towel around his waist, no fancy dress up
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N4nd0 - nicely fitted black or green trunks or panties/lingeries
He doesn't shy away from anything fancy if you ask for it, but he doesn't mind simple either, a good middle ground (only strict rule is no light blue or red in the bedroom)
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Nepo baby L4nc3 - pink (extremely) laced panties/lingerie 
What can I say? He's a brat, simply put, and he likes his cute pink lace, bonus points if they're very clearly a luxury brand or expensive 
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7uki - fully clothed 
Yeah, he's either too shy or enjoys it better this way (no, don't ever suggest he wear a chef outfit in the bedroom, hard no)
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D4nny ric - open to anything (swim trunks or boxers?)
It's definitely more spontaneous with Daniel, usually after a long day, he comes home and sometimes he's just in the mood!
The "(swim trunks or boxers?)" is there bc I feel like he would get done in the pool or beach or working out and come over to woo you, idk it fits his vibe
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N1co H - trunks or thongs or jockstrap / strings
Again, very basic, he kinda just reminds me of a basic dad, so, idk
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Km4g - loose panties/lingerie or cage
I feel bad bc I know, like, nothing about the haas drivers so I put down Kevin as panties but not in a sexy way, I just think he would look kinda cute in panties
Oh and cage bc I think it would be cute too
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Pi3rre g4sly - trunks + blanket
Gives me the vibe that he really wouldn't want to try anything too feminine and that he does everything under a blanket
Some people like it vanilla under the covers with the lights off (ignoring the earlier pics of him and 7uki oop) and that's okay, he's probably makes for it with his god dang tripod anyways 
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0c0n - panties/lingerie and/or red rope/ribbon
Strikes me as a bondage (+blindfolds) enjoyer, no particular reason
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Al3x - skirt / dress
Legit no reason, i just think he'd absolutely rock a nice skirt
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L0gan - the American flag jkjk 
White laced Panties and/or ring (+clamps)
Panties just would look so nice
This man probably loves edging, looking cute for you and blushes a bunch and the added snug ring, and nipple clamps are a huge plus 
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V4ltt3ri B0ttas - g string, thongs or cycling/wrestling suit
Thongs/g string bc of the iconic bottas butt ass calendars, gotta have as much of that sexy bakery showing
And the skin tight cycling/wrestling suits bc he would be into that honestly 
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Zh0u - panties...? Maybe?
Gonna be honest, I don't really know or care too much about Zhou (no offence) so I'm not too sure what else to say
He seems like a guy that is agreeable to anything bc he truly doesn't mind and I think panties would look nice on anyone anyways
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Bonus drivers:
J3nse Butt0n - ONLY panties/lingerie (including lace) and sometimes thongs
he loves the more sexier types of underwear, even when he isn't horny, he just wears it out and about bc he genuinely likes it
Probably tries to rock the ones with goofy patterns/prints and still slays (he'll wear other stuff too but might get grumpy when he's forced to wear trunks/boxer briefs)
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S3bastian V3tt3l - anything but in a more low key sense and only a little bit in a slutty way
He'll wear the regular trunks and stuff occasionally but he's very very willing and open to wear more adventurous or feminine styles, he'll try anything once and will probably end up liking it, and if he finds out you enjoy something particular he'll flirt and tease about it ("guess what I'm wearing rn") for a very long time
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4rthur l3cl3rc - anything etc. but definitely in the slutty way
It runs in the family, both him and Ch4rles are sluts and would love a pair of panties to mess around in
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Nic0 R0sberg - mainly boxers, maybe thongs
Whole heartedly against anything feminine bc of the Britney nickname, even though he actually kinda liked the style (he's insecure)
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M4rk W2bber - idk???
I'm actually seriously stumped, no clue
Imma say a brown paper bag just to be goofy or maybe I'd just start stacking donuts on the thing
I live laugh love wet dog w2bbah tho
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And that's the grid + honourable mentions, tried my best not to go off rambling about stuff other than clothing (e.g. kink and bdsm hc) but it's really hard with my tendency to rant
maybe I'll do this again w the same list of drivers but with bdsm or aftercare or location headcanons (the usual stuff)
Wholesome Note bc I'm feeling nice: none of this reflects what the real drivers are like and what they wear plus clothing does not define gender or whether you're a top or bottom etc. be who you are and wear what you want (especially if it makes you feel sexy) 🫶 tc now, lovelies
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thebiggestmenace · 8 months
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we only got half way through this the first time, so we're officially on the new stuff!!
Cas isn't truly dead, right? he comes back at some point
Jack is so goofy
is Chuck the one to bring them back? and does he even bring them all back? cause I don't think Crowley comes back :(
wait, they burn Cas' body??
Jack's copying Dean 🤭
Sam is so good with him :(
gonna say it now, Dean is being an ass
are they just gonna kill everyone the boys know?
wait, is this the Empty?
hi, Sam, I love you
there's things in the Empty????
Cas!!!! you're back!!
Billie's not actually dead?? she's Death now?
the fact that Dean's all happy go lucky now that Cas is back?? 🏳️‍🌈
"he's an angry sleeper. like a bear."
is Rowena still alive??
of course Ketch is back smdh
and Asmodeus has Cas now
Kaia is so pretty
Dean, threatening her is not gonna go well
oh, no, they're in the Twilight world
not Kaia :(((
omg it's that one guy from tlou
oh, and she's all powerful? 😏
GABRIEL??? oh, what have they done to you?
is this even the right spell? *
* yeah, I did not think so
ep15 is so fun
the immediate "what" after Daphne said Dean had the ghost by his thigh? I know what you are
and Sam's been taken again
yk I think the only thing Ketch has going for him is that he's the one that freed Gabriel
and of course they're separating again smdh this never ends well
Sam, don't be mean to him :(
please tell me Sam isn't the one to kill Rowena.
how do they fix the angel problem?
Gabe is so flirting with Sam oml
WE GOT TO SEE JACKS WINGS????? AND HE WAS PROTECTING MARY??? oh, he is so fucking cool
"and if we die, we'll do that together, too." AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS????
and they're all back now? **
** nope, it's a weird ass dream
why does this have the vibes of the walking dead?
oops thought this was e22
is that our Cas or their Cas? oh, it's theirs
Gabriel, no
wait, I remember the big group at the bunker??? but like nothing else?
somebody give Jack a hug
wait, yeah, how does everybody get back??
Dean deserved that day at the beach with Sam and Cas.
how the hell are they already back??
is Jack gonna kill him?
what the fuck, how is that even allowed
don't you do it, Dean
just use it on Lucifer?
Jack, no
oh, they're fighting in the air now 🤭
please tell me this is the last of Lucifer
oh he looks so dapper now
what a season, holy shit. I have so many thoughts, but I can't articulate any of them. I have fears for the next season cause how exactly are you gonna get Michael out of Dean? we don't have Crowley anymore, so what's the other option? and what about Jack? is he gonna be okay without some grace? is it gonna regenerate like it does for the other angels, or is it a fixed supply? I also fear a lot of people will be dying for ✨️plot✨️ reasons. needless to say, this season was a time and I fear the last 2 (????????) aren't gonna be any better
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
something so will byers core about merlin in the dorocha episode
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maraariana01 · 6 years
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twowooheart · 3 years
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k.sw - “my heart went oops”
pairing: sunwoo x reader
genre: college au, fluff
warnings: player attitude, strong language, kissing
words: 4,800
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“
you wouldn’t say that you were obsessed with him. it was just the inconvenience that you probably have fallen in love with him from afar, without him even knowing you.
once in a while you had a crush. they came and go, nothing too serious. but sunwoo completely messed with your heart and you can’t explain yourself why.
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it all started when you leaned against the tree at your usual spot on the college grounds. it was a nice day. the wind played with the loose strings of your hair while you enjoyed the slight glimpses of sunshine that peeked through the leafs and fell on your face.
your friends and people knew not to interrupt you at this spot. if someone did, you would send them a death glare. you went to a prestigious college and as a member of your faculty and president a lot of work had to be done. this was the only time of the day where you had the chance to relax. it was a calm place where everyone knew not to talk too loud or listen to music. generally, everyone kept quiet.
after all this time of peace and harmony someone had to come to start a war. without opening your eyes you could clearly hear out one particular voice.
eric as in a loud student that often got on your nerves. you weren’t a grumpy cat or something like that. you are very liked by the students and laugh a lot. you like adventures and spending time with your friends. you also don’t mind loud or silent people.
the problem was the place. and that it was eric.
after a good ten minutes you decided to confront that chaotic group. first they didn’t even recognize someone approaching them. you positioned your hands on your hips and sent a death glare into eric‘s direction.
with a light cough finally the group and some girls that accompanied them turned to you.
eric‘s eyes widened and he was quick to get down from his sitting position on the table to salute in front of you. while the others laugh you let out a sigh.
„what could our pretty president want from me? a date?“ by now you’re confused why he would think such a thing and your confidence is slipping away at the compliment he just gave you.
get out of it. he’s a well known flirt.
eric pushes the boy next to him a little bit when kevin bursts out in laughter.
„w-what do you mean with that?“ the girls are giving you nasty glares by now not happy with the attention you’re getting.
„this place is reserved for silent studies and not a chat - “ you can feel your blood freeze in your body when suddenly another boy turns around that has black ruffled hair and round eyes. he’s wearing a mischievous smirk on his face and with a snicker he shushes you to be silent.
„you should be silent then.“
you’re completely astonished. just when you wanted to swoon over the boy and compliment his looks in your head he had the audacity to counter you with your own words. that boy had an attitude and he clearly enjoyed the ‚oh‘s and laughs by his friends.
you were too dumbfounded to utter another single word. usually the students respected you and it wasn’t only you who liked the peace here. you thought about the others that liked to enjoy the nature of this tiny place on the campus.
before you regained yourself the group was already back to their business. with slight embarrassment you trotted back to your spot and gathered your things to go to the library.
the next days weren’t any different. oh, but there were different girls. sitting on their laps and even flirting. the sight was so disgusting to you so there wasn’t any other option than leaving the place for good.
it wasn’t like you gave up without a fight. in your meetings you debated and brought up good arguments for setting up rules but no one seemed to listen to you or being interested in the topic. after asking other students and your friends you realized they were way too insecure to speak up to the popular students.
every time you encountered the boys they gave you funny looks and especially the boy, named sunwoo you learned, even winked at you. he was mocking you. unbeknownst to him and the others your heartbeat quickened it’s pace when he looked at you with those round dark eyes. you hated the feeling at first. but soon, what you hated even more, that you wanted to see him at campus.
was he here all the time?
he even sat in some courses with you. yet, you never managed to acknowledge his existence only until the day he made fun of you.
your slight crush kept only growing and growing until you decided to find out more about the irritating student. kim sunwoo was his full name. he was a soccer player and member of your university team. good grades and many friends. to the last part you internally cringed.
very popular with girls. typical heartthrob.
but one to never be in a relationship. he played and never stayed for too long with a girl.
great! you really fell for a playboy. worse: only by looking and speaking one time to him. you really had to get over with it as soon as possible. even if sunwoo would pay you a little bit more attention like with his other possessions it would soon fade and you would be left heartbroken.
and how to get over a crush and a boy you couldn’t have? have fun with another boy! you only had to find one...
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after a few weeks went by you were on your way to the campus garden where you found your new place of peace. it was even smaller and sometimes you helped the gardener club with their duties. fortunately the smell of roses and herbs did wonders to your mind and soul. you felt refreshed and happy everytime you spend your pause in the garden on a bench or on the fresh grass.
today was also the perfect weather to spend some time in the little paradise. while you joined the queue in the cafeteria to get a little snack you jumped when someone tapped you on your shoulder from behind.
„sunwoo?“ the boy stood tall in front of you hair messed up a little bit making him looking cozy and kinda cute. his heart shaped lips formed into a dazzling smile while you probably ogled him like an owl.
„you know my name.“
„w-what? I mean, yes I do. everyone knows you, right?“ your voice was slight shaky and you just wondered what he could want from you.
„yeah, but you, you know my name!“
„yeah, well... anyways can I help you?“ your body reacted on its own again. your palms became sweaty and you couldn’t look into his eyes longer than a second before finding the ground in front of you interesting again.
„I just wondered where you have been?“
you look up at him puzzled. oh, „you probably mean why I am not lurking around in your kingdom anymore.“ a scoff leaves you and before you register that you just said that out loud a hearty laugh brings you out of your thoughts.
„I didn’t mean that!“
„oh, the way you always look at me tells me you definitely meant it!“ then he notices your disapproval for his flirty looks.
„back to my question. where are you hiding from me?“ you’re nearly ready to order and think about a good answer for that. wait, did he just say you were hiding from him?
„I am not hiding from you! I just - “ the way he emphasized the word made you fuzzy in the head. it sounded like you were his prey or some sort of that. you turn around so he faced your back again and quickly placed your order. before you can finish sunwoo suddenly chimes in and places his wish, too. leaving you dumbfounded because the next thing he fishes out his money to pay for the two of you before you’re able to do so yourself.
you roll with your eyes when he walks behind you. a small ‚thanks‘ leaves your lips and you try to get away from him as fast as possible. you couldn’t think clear when he was around. his intense gaze brought goosebumps over your skin and you knew this wasn’t a good thing.
you can’t have him. he wouldn’t want you anyways so get over it. he was probably just bored and that’s why he wanted to tease you a little bit.
before leaving the cafeteria you turn around to spot the boy but he seems to have vanished out of the scene completely. not even sitting at his usual table with the popular kids.
your lunch was deliciously devoured between some big trees in the garden. you listened to the birds cheeping soft melodies while reading some lecture. unknown to you someone has watched over you for some time now.
chuckling to himself sunwoo leans back letting out a sigh. „so that’s where you are now...“
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a new week starts and while you are gathering your books in the opened corridor you can hear familiar voices nearing your spot. you’re chatting with one of your friends when the group stops in front of you and eric leans against the lockers to give you a flirty look.
„(y/n)...“ he sings your name in a cute voice while the others begin to laugh and you get yourself busy with ushering your friend away before they could annoy her, too.
immediately you spot sunwoo next to eric who sends you an interested look. back to eric you roll with your eyes.
„what do you want?“
„ah, ah! don’t give me an attitude. oh, did someone already tell you that your eyes sparkle in this light?“
„I am not asking again.“ you’re ready to leave before eric stops you by pulling you back with a strong grip on your wrist. your eyes lock on the spot he just touched you and again, you can’t see sunwoo shifting uncomfortably in his position.
„pretty please! can you show the new boy around? I swear he’s well mannered and good looking! an angel!“ ah, that’s why he’s acting like this.
„oh come on, eric. (y/n) probably has better things to do than that. for example arguing with people who enjoy life.“ you’re sending a death glare to sunwoo and your cheeks are growing hot at the laughter that erupts after that.
what an asshole...
„actually, no, I have time. where’s he?“ with that you stop the bickering and sunwoo‘s smile falls. he didn’t want you to show juyeon the university.
the new student came to the front and with a huge smile he introduced himself. what a good looking sexy god look at his arms and his lips and his eyes and his -
everyone was already gone leaving the two of you behind. juyeon fiddles with the hem of his uniform not knowing why you’re standing in front of him with an opened mouth and still, still clinging onto his hand. oh dammit quick react!
„I am (y/n)! (y/l/n) (y/n)!“ you let go of his hand and he sends you a smile that would bring girls to their knees.
„I already know.“
„oh, yes of course! I am sorry... I should show you everything!“ juyeon mutters a ‚cute‘ under his breath when your eyes indeed seem to sparkle when you start to drag him around the campus.
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after five days you were sure, you really liked juyeon. you spent a lot of time together and he was so easy to be around. he was funny, teasing (in a good way), polite, intelligent and when he had the opportunity to part ways with you he didn’t. that’s because he liked you, too.
he was the perfect definition of everything that kim sunwoo wasn’t and especially to you. a friend and a possible lover.
on the other hand he wasn’t fully able to get your mind off sunwoo. that boy seemed to made himself comfortable in a deep deep part of your heart laughing evilly down there.
you want to emphasize the word evil again. after getting closer and closer with juyeon you couldn’t ignore sunwoo‘s hateful gazes anymore. didn’t he like juyeon hanging around with you? you were probably way to much a loser for them and they wanted the good looking guy between their rows.
it couldn’t be helped. one time you even tried to smile at the boy but that only resulted in him turning around to flirt with the new chick of the week. there he was at it again. pinching your heart again. it hurt much more than you wanted it to. but turning in your seat to watch juyeon eating brought happiness to you.
it was already after another few days and a date with juyeon that you two were clear about your relationship. you could never be a couple. you two found each other attractive at first but now you realized you probably just found a best friend in each other. never having one before the two of you also didn’t know how it felt to find your other half but in a platonic way.
you laughed the whole night about your attempt to kiss. there was nothing. no sparks. no everything. juyeon even apologized for not feeling anything. sometimes it turns out like this. luckily you were now inseparable leaving others confused on if you were dating or not.
juyeon literally begged you to not tell anyone and just wait what happens. that boy turned you into a mischievous kitten that agreed to his evil plan. even your friends fall for it at first. in the end some girls can read their girlfriends better than anyone else and they noticed little gestures between you and juyeon that no couple would do.
there’s still one thing you didn’t tell your bestfriend about. your safe space in the beautiful college garden. it wasn’t a problem either but this place was only for you. (and the hardworking gardener club)
something stopped you in your tracks when you were just entering the herb part. kissing sounds could be heard behind a tree. you wanted to lecture the couple who thought it would be a good time and place to fuc-
it was sunwoo.
your eyes widened and your heart sank to the bottom. your mouth still open sunwoo catches your gaze and locks eyes with you. he starts to kiss the girl‘s neck while she whimpers out his name.
you closed your mouth knowing what he was doing. he knew you would come at this hour. he knew you would find him with the girl. he wanted you to find him with... someone that wasn’t you, again.
this time one the other hand you decided to be confident. you coughed out loud gaining that girl‘s attention who let out a little shriek in the process. immediately she put some space between her and sunwoo and started to correct her uniform.
„I will report this if you’re not leaving this instant.“ this was enough to let the girl take a run leaving a pouting sunwoo behind.
you walk up to the boy and sigh out before speaking up.
„I don’t care what or with who you’re doing something, kim sunwoo. I just wonder why you have to do it here, the only place I can relax.“
sunwoo leans against the tree and sends you a bored glare. he lifts one of his eyebrows and you watch his tongue poking his cheek from the inside.
„the university garden doesn’t belong to you.“
you scoff at his words.
„I’ve never said that. I - I just thought... you and your friends already won over my favorite spot on the grounds.“
maybe talking honest with him?
„look, I don’t want any problems with you. of course I won��t report this. I just want to have this little space for myself. could you please not come here again?“ you’re sending him a pleading look and when sunwoo starts to emerge your form with painfully slow steps you can feel your skin burning where his eyes land.
he leans down. so much that your noses are nearly touching. he’s so close you can smell his cologne and his breathing is tickling your face.
„I will come here whenever I want. I will bring here whoever I want. I will fuck here whoever I want. tell me, (y/n), aren’t you doing the same?“
you gulp. without much thought your foot collides with his shinbone. sunwoo cries out and clings to his leg sitting down in the process.
„oh god! I didn’t want to - ah, shit! here, cling onto me, I will bring you to the nurse!“ with a panicked voice you try to help sunwoo and the boy only curses out lowly while you and him slowly limp to the nurse.
„okay, sunwoo, look at me“ the boy is still in a lot of pain laying down in the hospital section bed. his eyes have not left you for once and you feel like the boy is planning on how to kill you in the most brutal way.
you’re nibbling nervously on your fingernails after the x-ray and the moment the doctor is out of sight your hands are on sunwoo‘s puffy cheeks. with a determined look you focus his face into your direction.
„you remember what I told you? I didn’t see anything! so you will say this was an accident, alright?“ his eyes darken at your words.
„why should I do that?“
„because! because I will tell them about you and the girl!“
„you kicking me is definitely worse.“ dammit, he’s right.
„o-okay! you can go to the garden whenever you want! I will not go there anymore!“
sunwoo chuckles at that. „a few minutes ago you lectured me and now you’re giving in again? but... no, that’s not helping you, too.“ out of anger you’re shaking his head by now and you don’t even realize how close you’re again.
the two of you flinch and immediately get away from each other when the doctor is coming back. „well, mr. kim. no game for you this saturday. your leg needs about a week to recover so no running and especially no sports!“ sunwoo‘s eyes open wide and after the two of you are left again you are at the verge of tears.
„oh, (y/l/n) (y/n). how do you want to make up for that?“ you’re now leaning down clinging onto him.
„sunwoo, please!“
„not only will you receive a punishment the whole university will be pissed off. I am an important player in the team.“ no, he was one of the best ones. if he couldn’t play that meant they would probably loose. your head is layed down facewards in the sheets while you rumble incoherent words. sunwoo on the other side has to hide a huge smile that’s growing on his face.
„we could say it was an accident.“ your head peeks up and you watch him with big eyes very interested in his idea.
„yes, I will do everything!“ sunwoo chuckles to himself.
„then be my slave this week.“
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oh wasn’t that wonderful. sunwoo would cling onto you the whole week and by now you felt like his personal butler. of course the team lost so the students were in a bad mindset, too. after telling juyeon about the whole story the boy laughed for almost half an hour. he clearly enjoyed the view and gave you a thumbs up everytime you dragged sunwoo through the corridors or over the campus to his next lecture.
on the other hand... no one found out about what really happened. and as crazy as it sounds the boy smelled so good. you practically hugged him three hours a day. he only killed your joyful thoughts when you had to bring him a bottle of water again or only vanished out of his sight for only a minute to talk with a friend leading into him lecturing you.
you also would have found it cute to feed him but the gazes you received from the crowd in the cafeteria brought heat to your cheeks. sunwoo liked seeing you flustered and shy. he literally drank your reactions. he loved your reactions to every ridiculous thing he did or said to you.
the last day he insisted on you bringing him to the garden to have a picnic.
„I don’t feel good being here with you. the last time I got so mad I kicked you.“ he layed on the grass while you fed him with some grapes like he was a king.
„mh, I like being here with you. but, you’re probably going with lee here a lot anyways.“ you pause at his words. juyeon?
„why would I go here with juyeon?“ sunwoo‘s face turns sour.
„he’s your boyfriend after all.“ the boy locks eyes with you after you burst into laughter.
„what?“ sunwoo leans up on his elbows to get closer to you. „you’re dating him, right?“
„no? we’re friends. really good friends. but never would I date lee juyeon!“ you smile at him laughing again at the thought whereas sunwoo groans out annoyed.
„wait.. what is wrong?“ sunwoo had a weird feeling in his stomach after knowing you were still single. all this time he was so jelous and angered about the thought of you being together with someone else...
„nothing.“ sunwoo didn’t feel like it was the right time to tell you about his feelings. he messed up big. all this time of annoying you and being a dick... he liked you. he wanted to show you and fulfill your every wish before he saw you with juyeon.
it wasn’t a good move but he just turned bitter. he wanted you to recognize him. he couldn’t act different than letting out his frustration. it was just how he coped with things. but it was a mistake. with knowing he only managed to push you further away from him. you probably hated him by now. you would never like him, right?
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you fulfilled your service. and you missed spending time with sunwoo. again please can there be another good looking guy entering your college? but, still you couldn’t hold yourself back to steal glances at the dark haired boy. and everytime you did sunwoo already had his eyes on you. you couldn’t read him at all. there was no bickering anymore and no winking. he just looked deep in thought.
maybe he was not interested in you anymore. in no ways. not even to annoy you. it mad you sad. and that’s how the next two weeks went by with you slowly feeling more insecure.
it was at the next month‘s game that you decided to actually join it with juyeon and some of your friends. you couldn’t believe your bestfriend that dragged you to the lowest row where sunwoo‘s friends and their chicks were also sitting.
the girl next to you was a very beautiful brunette. she cheered so loud for sunwoo and when said boy turned around to glance into her direction with a confident smile your heart sank again. you stopped counting how often that happen by now though.
with an annoyed look you watched the game. when your team goaled the brunette jumped up kicking her drink onto your lap in the process.
„shit!“ while everyone claps and howls you poke juyeon to show him your shirt.
„oh no.“
„yeah, whatever. I am going to wash this out.“ juyeon‘s eyes widen at your words that are spoken loudly over the cheering crowd.
„no! ehm, (y/n), the game is finished in a few seconds you have to wait!“ you roll your eyes at him.
„god juyeon we’ve already won.“ he tries to hold onto your arm but you’re quick to leave the field and vanish into the building where your locker is located to change into another clothing. it takes you a lot of time but you smile when you receive a text of juyeon to come back to the field because they’re waiting for you there.
it was already dark and you wanted to change at home to get ready for the after party tonight in one of the huge mansions of the fraternity. when you emerge the field everything was already dark and you could only see a silhouette standing in the middle of the field.
„juyeon?“ you look around to see if there’s another person but knowing he would never ditch you in the dark you take confident strides to the person.
„juyeon, you know it’s really creepy after the horror movie we watched yesterday - “
suddenly the light is turned on and you shield your eyes with your hands before the person turns around and gets down on one knee in front of you.
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„s-sunwoo?“ you can’t breath. your heart hammers against your chest and you have to cover your shaking lips with your hands to prevent him from seeing your shocked state.
„I actually planned this to turn out different... you know the whole crowd was supposed to be watching.“
„watching w-what?“
he looks to the ground and then into your eyes again. a smile adorns his face and he coughs out to clear his voice.
„(y/l/n) (y/n), I want to tell you that, that... I like you.“ you nearly collapse at his words. was this a dream? was he joking around?
„you’re joking.“
he shakes his head. „I am not. I wanted to do this here on the field so when you’re giving me a corb the whole university would see.“
„that is... sunwoo that doesn’t make any sense?“
„it does. it is my apology to you. for being mean and teasing you endlessly. for taking away your favorite spots. I know you love them so much. I did what I did because of my jelousy. and for being a coward for not telling you about my feelings.“
you think for a few seconds trying to register if this was really happening. your head turns and in the far you can see all your and sunwoo‘s friends. with an unsure gaze your eyes land on juyeon. after the boy‘s stoic expression he sends you an honest smile. and a thumbs up.
you let out a shaky breath and turn to the boy in front of you again.
„this is really... surprising.“
sunwoo sighs taking your hand into his. „it is. so please tell me you’re not feeling the same and I can begin sulking.“
„sunwoo. it doesn’t make any sense because“ you push him up by his hand and look into his dark orbs.
„it’s doesn’t make any sense because I like you, too.“ a sheepish smile escapes the boy.
„ahhh, I wished you would say that.“ you raise one of your eyebrows.
„of course. you’re still a tease. you know, you could just ask me for a date and - “
„do you want to be my girlfriend? I don’t only want a date. I want you.“ you bite your bottom lip at his words. you nod and send him a beautiful smile.
„woah. (y/n), eric‘s right in the end.“
your face turns stoic.
„about what?“ sunwoo smiles at you and circles your waist with his arms. his hand glides up to pushes some strands of your hair out of your face.
„your eyes are sparkling. not only that, you’re really shining. you always have.“ your eyes water at his words because would’ve never imagine the kim sunwoo using them with you.
in the far you can hear shouts of ‚kiss‘ and the loudest are from eric and juyeon. you quickly look to the ground but sunwoo‘s quicker to pull your chin up with his index.
he places the softest kiss on your trembling lips and it is the first time you can fully enjoy the butterflies in your stomach.
why did the two of you needed so much time?
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ahtsumu · 4 years
atsumu: 1, kevin: 0 ; miya atsumu
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↳ pairing: miya atsumu x professional women’s volleyball player!reader
↳ synopsis: miya atsumu realises that he’s tired of keeping your relationship “low-key” with a little help from an overzealous fanboy.
↳ genre(s): fluff, humour!!
↳ warning(s): profanity
↳ length: 1.5k words
↳ a/n: surprise!!! lol i have way too many wips rn especially with requests but i wrote this as a little break from all the angst and stuff hence the cheesiness ☺️ enjoy!!
Miya Atsumu was caught in a kerfuffle.
Earlier that day, the twenty-three-year-old setter for the MSBY Black Jackals made the executive decision to come to watch you–– his Mario Kart player number two, his houseplant co-parent, the air-guitarist to his air-drummer, the Karaoke Night pink-lyric-singer to his blue–– kick some volleyball ass in the V. League Division 1 Women's Volleyball Tournament finals. 
The problem?
You played wing spiker for the Schweiden Falkes. 
There was nothing problematic about being a wing spiker on a Division One volleyball team. What was problematic, however, was that the Schweiden Falkes was the sister team of the Black Jackals’ sworn enemy, the Schweiden Adlers. To rub more salt in the wound, the Adlers had won every single game against the Jackals since Atsumu joined (not that they hadn’t prior to his arrival). And to make matters even worse, as one of the nation’s most sought-after athletes, he had to “appeal to both investors and the general population”. Miya Atsumu was supposed to be a marketable bachelor. And he was not.
Miya Atsumu was also not supposed to be at the finals of the women’s volleyball tournament. 
That was the biggest problem of them all. So maybe, actually, Miya Atsumu was mildly ensnared in a few kerfuffles.
The two of you had agreed to keep your relationship low-key from the start and were nearing two years of private, domestic bliss. Questions about each other in interviews were responded to with short and nondescript replies. Outings in public were conducted without physical contact. And despite how Twitter was almost a diary to Atsumu, he’d never once tweeted your name in his life. But as dull as your relationship seemed in public, the two of you were a different story in private. In private, he would find any way to touch you–– a hand in your back pocket, your legs draped atop his thighs, soft lips trailing up from the neck to each other. In private, sweet nothings were proclaimed and not whispered, laughter bubbled like a stream that never ran dry, and Atsumu said your name over and over again like it was habit.
But that didn’t change the fact that, right now, Miya Atsumu was not supposed to be in the nosebleeds of the Sendai City Gymnasium, even if he was hundreds of meters away from the nearest camera.
All the bigger kerfuffles fell quickly to the back of his mind, however, when a smaller and more irritating one presented itself to him. 
A snotty voice declared one row behind Atsumu’s hooded head, “Oi, you’re in the way of the view, jerk.”
Normally, Atsumu would have turned around with an equally cocky sneer on his chiselled features, “the fuck did you just call me?” locked and loaded behind clenched teeth. But when he turned around ready to deliver that exact line, he saw through his black shades that the owner of said snotty voice was none other than a scrawny prepubescent boy.
And that boy (along with the two equally snot-faced twerps beside him) was wearing your jersey number. Suddenly, all the irritation left Atsumu’s face. Was this your little fan club? A wicked cackle threatened to leap out his mouth. They were so annoying. But also, he mused, kinda cute.
“Was I?” he asked with an innocent expression on his face. It was the same one he used when Osamu would accuse him of stealing his clothes (he totally had), or when you would accuse him of eating the last slice of cake in the fridge (he totally did). “I hadn’t realised.” He really hadn’t. He just wanted to milk this for as long as he could.
“Yeah, you were.” The kid crossed his arms, glaring down at the shady guy one row below. “I can’t see the game anymore.”
“Oops–– my bad.”
“Shut up, Kevin, you were watching Y/N!” one of the brats exclaimed, punching Kevin’s shoulder.
Oh? “Yer a fan of Y/N, hmmm?”
“She’s pretty,” Kevin said immediately, shrugging. He just said it out loud like that? So easily? With a subtle wince, Atsumu thought back to the ridiculously long time before he’d admitted his ‘smidge of a crush’ on you. Yeah, unlike you, stupid. “I’m gonna marry her someday.”
At that, Atsumu’s competitive streak jolted awake. He felt himself sober up a little. Not if I marry her first, you little shit.
Bidding the trio goodbye with a bright grin, he turned around and strolled out of the stands. But he didn’t stop there. He stepped into the elevator and rode it straight down to ground level, sailed through the athlete’s entrance with a swipe of his card, and jogged his way to the side of your team bench, making it just in time to see you spike the setpoint past one of their player’s outstretched arms. 
It landed straight on the baseline.
The roar of the stadium scattered into hushed whispers. No one moved. “In,” Atsumu growled under his breath, tapping his feet against the floor. “In in in in in––” He clenched his hands into fists. If they don’t count that as in… 
Finally, the line judge pointed her arms down. The referee nodded.
And all around him, the crowd erupted into cheers.
As confetti fell from above and the Falkes’ victory song began to play, you ran from the court and into a celebratory team hug, screaming ecstatically in each other’s faces. Atsumu, beaming, ducked out of view, not wanting to steal that glorious feeling of a victory hard-earned from you or your teammates. But when the cheering died down, when the hug dispersed, when the television crews started slithering in your direction, he returned to his position behind the bench. And suddenly regretted all the decisions that had led him to that very spot.
Admittedly, Atsumu hadn’t considered the possibility that you wouldn’t want him at your game, but now, standing just metres away from you, he did. His hands suddenly felt very cold and equally moist.
As if on cue, your teary gaze landed on his figure. Your eyes were narrowed in what seemed like a warning. (Really, you were just trying to see better through your tears.)
Oh, no.
Atsumu spun around to make a run for it. At that moment, however, one of the coach’s assistants who’d been sent away to run an errand returned, barrelling through the same door he was heading towards. 
Colliding in a spectacularly embarrassing fashion, Atsumu’s sunglasses flew from his face and his hood blew off from the force of the impact. Disguise in tatters, he could only turn around sheepishly around his hands stretched out, palms up like a magician at the end of a trick.
Maybe it was the rush of victory still fresh in your bloodstream or maybe it was simply your brain going haywire, but with complete disregard for you and Atsumu’s original agreement, you ran towards him and leaped into his arms.
“Woah,” he wheezed, instinctively pulling you closer into his chest. “Was not expectin’ that.”
“You’re so stupid,” you murmured, nuzzling your face into his neck. “What are you up to, ‘Tsumu?”
“Unkerfufflin’ myself,” was all he said before gently setting you down. His eyes darted over to the place where Kevin and his gremlins had been and, when he realised that spotting them from here would be useless, lazily flapped a hand in their general direction.
“Some brat said he was gonna marry ya,” Atsumu explained after seeing your brows crease. “I felt I had the duty to save ya from that disaster.”
Atsumu blanked. “Er, I, uh, hadn’t thought of that part, actually. I didn’t think you’d be happy to see me here, y’know, considerin’ our agreement and that look on yer face ya had earlie––”
Rolling your eyes, you yanked on his hood, bringing his lips down to yours. His arms snaked around your waist as he deepened the kiss–– he couldn’t help it, it was a knee-jerk reaction by now–– without so much as a second's consideration for the reporters that had swarmed around you like ants to honey. 
You pulled away just a few beats later, both breathless.
“What was that for?” he asked with his forehead pressed against yours. Despite being doused in the blinding flash of cameras and deafened by the barrage of questions shot in your direction, the two of you continued to speak as if you were in your own little world.
“You were about to word-vomit on camera and give Osamu a lifetime’s supply of blackmail,” you replied, giggling. “I thought I’d save you from that disaster.”
Hearing his words come out from your mouth, Atsumu’s eyes waned into little moons. “Consider me saved, doll.”
The noise around you grew louder. You sighed, knowing that the two of you would have a lot to deal with later. As if reading your mind, Atsumu intertwined your hands. I got you. And the unease receded. You’d figure it out together.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you pregnant?”
“Y/N! Atsumu! When are you two getting married?”
“Can you tell us anything about that steamy kiss?!”
A shit-eating grin crawled onto Atsumu’s face as he grabbed the microphone from that last reporter. “Gladly,” he said, looking into the camera.
“How’s that for bein’ in yer way, Kevin?”
And for the next few hours that the world spent having a meltdown over Kevin’s identity, you and Atsumu remained blissfully tucked away in the comfort of your apartment, playing Mario Kart, baking celebratory cookies to the High School Musical soundtrack, falling asleep to the sound of each other’s heartbeats.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
rêveur | b. jacob
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☕ pairing: (shy) pastry chef! jacob x fem! reader (with barista!kevin) ☕ word count: 4.2k (。_。) (oops i got carried away) ☕ genre: fluff, sort of slow-burn (more like jacob and the reader rejecting their feelings) ☕ tw: maybe some occasional swear words and one (1) mention of the reader’s ex but nothing too crazy.  ☕ synopsis: you find yourself always coming back to the café down the street where you absolutely loved the pastries and befriended the barista, but you’ll soon discover the culprit of your sweet tooth. ☕ a/n: gosh it’s long but i couldn’t stop myself writing for him 🥺 i’m just too soft for him. ☕ requested: yes! i hope it’s not too bad!
No matter how hard you tried, the efforts you put to prevent you from coming back, you always found yourself going at the local café every single week. You didn’t understand if it was the atmosphere or the warmth of the place, but you always found yourself there. The fact that it was located just down the road gave you the excuse of hanging around there more often than you should.
You could be busy, studying for finals or hang out with friends, the café was always hidden in the corner of your mind. As soon as the street works ended, your neighbourhood became the most tranquil place you’ve ever lived in. All your neighbours were friendly and polite, sticking a little note in the lift to warn the other neighbours of a potential party or loud reunion, helping each other at any occasion. Some residents, including you, owned a pet, and you were grateful that none of them was a pain in the butt for the rest of the building. When you told your friends how quiet and different it was from your former apartment, they never believed you.
While some of them would have killed to study or sleep at a place like your current one, you always found yourself going back to this local café. This little, Japanese-like coffee shop became your new obsession over the months, randomly finding it once while you wanted to go to a flower shop at the end of this street. The employees were welcoming and caring, completely catching you off guard as you were used to going to Starbucks, where some baristas and waiters could use a good lecture about politeness and respect. In the small coffee shop, their goal wasn’t to make the most money possible, it was more to please people and make them discover new coffee or pastries flavours. Everything was homemade, and that’s what encouraged you to become their number one fan. The workers, especially one, started recognising you by dint of your regular appearances at the shop, remembering one of your visits.
“Morning Y/N! Caramel macchiato, as usual? Nothing else?” Kevin, the barista, greeted you with a smile, which you returned alongside with a nod.
This barista was a social butterfly, always striking up a conversation with everyone. And he didn’t care, he just kept going, even if the customers were rude or remained quiet. You were admiring because you were among the people that stayed reserved yet polite when he started talking to you, but his ease made you comfortable enough to joke and laugh with him, striking a conversation with him whenever you had the chance, quickly becoming friends over your many visits.
“Yes, please! I need a lot of caffeine today,” you murmured, and he sadly chuckled, understanding your great need for energy. “Rough night?” he asked, and you agreed again, chuckling as you realised how lame it was. “I assisted my dog being in pain while giving birth,” you explained, and the barista’s eyes widened, his mouth falling agape in excitement. “But that’s amazing! How many did she have?” he seized your credit card without even telling you the price of your purchase - in his defence, you were so used to coming here that you knew the price of your order by heart by now - and typed on his screen, closing the cash register in a slam as it randomly opened.   “She gave birth to four healthy puppies, they’re so adorable,” you replied, and the man in front of you smiled as brightly as you were.
“Those are great news! Oh, by the way, would you like to have a taste of the discovery of our pastry chef? You should have seen how happy he looked when he finished the batch this morning,” he explained, and you followed him to the window display, indicating with his finger what resembled a mille-feuille. “That looks nice, I’ll have one, then,” you stated as you were to hand him your credit card again, which he hesitantly took before looking at the back office. You asked him if something was wrong, but he shook his head with a smile and gave you a tray with your drink and the pastry. “Have a great day Kevin!” you thanked him while he washed his hands, head turning to you before shooting you a friendly wink. “You too, Y/N! And you can always tell me if you need someone to take one of the puppies, I’ll gladly adopt one. I only have to talk with my girlfriend first,” your eyes turned into crescent moons filled with joy at his words, and you lifted your thumb excitedly. He quickly waved before serving the next customer, his signature undying smile plastered on his face.
Comfortably sitting down at an empty table, you took off your coat and gulped a sip of your drink, your mouth salivating at the sight of the food. Grabbing the fork, you slid it against the pastry and brought it to your mouth, the sugary taste melting against your tongue. You ate more and more until you finished, almost tempted to go back to Kevin and ask him for another one. But you ignored your love of good food and started getting to work, getting a book and your computer out of your bag, touching up your project that you had spent a lot of time working on. It was one of the last things you had to do for university, and you were delighted to get it done to finally move on.
“Is everything okay?” You recognised the voice of your favourite barista, smiling as you watched him clearing your tray. “Yeah, thanks! Actually, can you tell the chef that it was amazing? I loved how incredible it tasted,” you explained, and Kevin smiled brightly, nodding. “I promise I’ll do it. Jacob gets so happy when he receives recognition, I’m sure it’s going to brighten his day,” nodding at you, he took your empty tray back to the counter.
Quickly saving your paper on your computer, you turned your head to the side to stare at the barista, smiling as you noticed him disappearing in the back as he called his friend’s name.
“Jacob!” Kevin spoke as he wiped his wet hands on his apron, his friend slightly flinching as the voice filled the silence he was used to working in. “Are we out of something?” the baker worriedly asked, and Kevin shook his head, a chuckle escaping from his mouth. “No, no, I’m just doing my job, being a messenger,” Jacob slightly frowned and stopped spreading yolk on the biscuits. “One of my friends, Y/N, came and ate the mille-feuille you made this morning. She said that it was excellent, and she wanted me to tell you,” Kevin explained, and the baker blinked a few times, the tip of his ears getting progressively red as he processed his friend’s words. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” the baker replied with a smile, peeking out of the back office to try and get a look at the customers. “Is she still there?” he asked, and Kevin peered closer, shaking his head as your seat was now found empty.
Jacob nodded and went back to work, a bit disappointed to not have been able to see you, hence the pout forming onto his face, but he was touched that someone complimented him on his skills. Of course, it was his job after all, but it always felt nice to receive compliments and validation that what you do is fantastic. Jacob wasn’t the most confident person in the world, so your words only brought him the daily dose of happiness and the credits he deserved.
You came back the next week, the atmosphere of the café had changed into something quite hectic, almost stressing you out when you came here to relax and chill out from your day at uni. Now that your project was done and submitted, you had some hours to kill before meeting up with some friends. Without even noticing, you arrived in the middle of rush hour, people jostling one another to get some pastries or a quick coffee before going back to work. You had to put back into place a businessman that tried to overtake you to place his order, feeling your heart hammering in your chest while doing so. The excuse of being in a rush didn’t persuade you, riposting that you also had to go somewhere so he went back behind you, breathing out of frustration to make you feel guilty, but it didn’t work. You only rolled your eyes and waited, smirking to yourself as the man behind you gave up and left, cussing.
A hand settled the pastries in the window display in a rush, people massing together to decide on their order. Kevin was all over the place but still an angel, a tired yet bright smile adorning his face. Once it was your turn, a man walked behind your friend and recognised the thin hands that placed the pastries in front of you a few minutes earlier. “Jacob? We ran out of chocolate chip cookies, we need a new batch asap, bro. We’re selling them like hot cakes.Y/N, hi, the usual?” Kevin said, and you looked up at the name, the baker stopping in his tracks and nodded, a tired look on his face. Kevin seized the opportunity to grab a chocolate croissant from the tray his friend was holding, wrapping it in a napkin.
Your eyes connected with Jacob’s for a second, his light brown pupils holding something warm and gentle towards you. He wiped the flour off his apron before quickly looking back at you, pushing the strands of hair away from his eyes before replacing his baker cap. He looked in great need of sleep, the bags under his eyes enhancing the empathy you had for him. He was handsome and adorable at the same time, your heart not being able to choose what side to fall for. The baker tiredly nodded at his friend’s request and disappeared, hearing him hastily get back to work.
“Oh uhm, yes, please,” you stammered, and Kevin smirked, humming in agreement, and typed on his screen. You shyly cleared your throat as your friend probably understood your train of thoughts since you weren’t so discrete in observing the baker, but thankfully, he didn’t raise it.
Once the rush hour had calmed down, and the coffee shop quieted down again, just like it was when you came last time, Kevin took his break with Jacob. The manager took over, leaving the two employees time to take a much-needed break and breathe for a while, gathering enough energy to make it to the end of the afternoon.
“It was her that complimented your mille-feuille,” Kevin revealed as he motioned to your table with a nod, where you were happily calling a friend and munching on the pastry the barista had placed on your tray.
Jacob followed his friend’s finger, and an honest, tired smile emerged on his face when he noticed how bright and sunny you looked. You looked so soft and nice to have around, making the baker wonder how it was to have a conversation with you. Eyes turning into crescent moons as you laughed at one of your friend’s joke, you failed to notice the employee looking in your direction, his colleague observing him out of the corner of his eye while sipping his iced americano.  
“She’s pretty, right?” Kevin mumbled, but Jacob didn’t hear him. “What did you say?” The pastry chef mindlessly asked, gaze trailing on your figure. “Y/N. She’s pretty, don’t you think?” Jacob’s eyes widened and stared back at his friend, who was giggling. “It’s okay, I’ll keep it a secret,” the barista nudged his tired friend in the ribs, finishing his drink. “You better,” his colleague finished his coffee, throwing the paper cup in a bin before going back to work, leaving a chuckling Kevin behind. “Why do I feel like cupid out of a sudden?” the barista mumbled to himself, a smirk appearing on his face as he stood up and went back inside.
The next week, as you hung around, you felt the same way of tension as soon as you stepped into the café as last time. Jacob was surprisingly serving customers, juggling between the coffees and the pastries baking in the back office. “H-hi!” you greeted Jacob, and he slightly froze at your word, greeting you with a bright smile. You were surprised when he didn’t even ask for your order, getting straight to work and wishing him a nice day as you walked to your usual seat. However, as you took your first sip, you felt your stomach churn and a disgusting taste landing on your throat. Shivers travelled down your spine as you swallowed the bitter liquid you recognised that belonged to the iced americano. A wave of memories invaded your mind as you remembered how terrible it tasted once you took a sip from your ex’s drink, who was addicted to this type of beverage.
Jacob got your order wrong, and you swallowed thickly several times, pondering if it were a good idea to add more stress to the poor baker’s shoulders by pointing at his mistake, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drink this no matter how hard you tried. You stood up and walked to the side of the counter, waiting for the people to get served before you caught the baker’s attention. You started to calmly explain the uncomfortable situation you were in to the barista, his ears became bright red as another customer came and seemed to have your drink in your hand. The customer got extremely mad as he was apparently in a rush, yelling and cursing at the baker.
“You are paid for doing this, how could you make an order wrong? It’s not that difficult!” the man exclaimed, and you noticed Jacob’s eyes darkening. You knew that he wanted to talk back to the customer, but he didn’t plan on getting fired, so he just listened and nodded. “Jacob, don’t worry I can wait, serve him first,” you said before walking back to the table after offering him a smile, noticing him nodding again and take the two drinks that you and the other man laid on the counter.
The baker cleared his throat as he arrived a few minutes later with your correct order and a slice of chocolate cake.
“I’m sorry for giving you the wrong order. I am the only one here because Kevin is on holiday and my manager was supposed to come, but he left me in the lurch. So… I’m a bit stressed out,” Jacob explained quickly, earning a reassuring smile from him. He swallowed thickly but felt a wave of relief crash onto him as you didn’t look mad at all.  “It’s okay, Jacob, it’s human to make mistakes. If it were another drink, I wouldn’t have said anything but I really can’t drink strong coffee. Thank you for the pastry, and uhm… good luck for today?” you said as he stood up, his tired eyes shining with thankfulness as he got back behind the counter. You quickly enjoyed your food and left after trying to wave at him timidly, but sadly, he didn’t notice you.
When you visited the café on the other days, he disappeared again in the back office, Kevin taking back the lead. There, with your caramel macchiato in hand, you started daydreaming about the pastry chef, his dreamy hands and beauteous face. You imagined romantic dates and activities you could do together, such as baking you new pastries before offering them at the coffee shop or even spending a day at the park together, a lost yet gentle smile on your face.
Everything about him made you dream. He exuded comfort, fondness, and warmth, his eyes always pearly with delight. Even a blind man would not have missed how amazing and passionate he is when it came to baking. You once overheard a conversation between him and Kevin, talking about a new receipt he found on the internet and how excited he was to try it out. His soft voice never failed to make you smile, his fluffy hair making you wonder how soft it was and how good it’d feel if you carded your fingers through his locks as you hugged him.
It was undeniable and inevitable, you had tried to deny those feelings during the past few weeks, but you couldn’t reject the fact that you had a massive crush on Jacob. Kevin gently teased you about this when his friend appeared, making sure to say his name aloud to catch your attention when you sat at a table, only to watch him quickly find a hiding place. You also wished you would see him more often, feeling quite defeated to see him escape your gaze as soon as he saw you. With the number of times you came to the coffee shop and saw your friend, your crush’s brief appearances weren’t enough to fulfil your little heart’s happiness. You wanted more of him, but, much to your dismay – and secretly Jacob’s – you didn’t know what to do.
“Ah Y/N! I talked with my girlfriend today, and I was wondering if I could adopt one of the puppies? I showed her the pictures you sent me, and she is all over the moon for this one,” Kevin said as he placed your order on the tray, quickly getting his phone out after checking whether some customers were waiting or not. “Yeah, no problem!” you smiled as you recognised the crazy, adventurous one. “I asked the vet, and he told me that they are old enough to be adopted. Is it okay if you come with your girlfriend within the next few days? I can’t wait for you to have one, they are precious!” you exclaimed but calmed instantly, heart hammering in your chest as your lovely baker appeared from the back office, visibly in a bad mood. He didn’t even glance at you, his attitude sent a pang in your heart, but Kevin just shook his head, winking at you. “Can we come tonight to your place? I’m excited to meet my future baby boy!” Kevin made sure that his friend heard, noticing that he was listening carefully yet discreetly, hence his movements coming suddenly to a halt. The barista gave you a knowing smile and kept on chatting with you as if nothing happened.
That night, someone knocked at your door, and you excitedly walked to the main entrance, happily greeting the couple, and welcoming them in, eyes widening as Jacob had tagged along.
“What a great surprise!” you awkwardly mumbled, and he nodded, his smile outshining the sun as you let them all inside. Kevin and his girlfriend were quick to follow the yaps of your dogs to her newborns, leaving you with Jacob, who was quick to grab your wrist gently to make you stay with him. You mindlessly smiled, but deep down, you were sure that Kevin did this on purpose.
“I couldn’t help but hear your conversation with Kevin, and I’ve always loved dogs, and since yours gave birth, I wanted to see them,” he explained, and you smiled, heart hammering in your chest. “Yeah no worries, you are welcome here! Let’s go see them before they steal all the puppies.” 
With Jacob on your heels, you went to the spare room that became your dog’s nursery, the couple already cooing at the black puppy as you slowly opened the door.
“Look how proud she is,” his girlfriend said, looking at you with twinkling eyes. Your dog walked up to you, tail wagging as she got all the attention on her and the puppies. Since your dog only allowed you to reach inside the box, you were quick to lift the only black puppy out of the four and placed it in your friend’s arms. “I named him Squishy, I had no inspiration for the names,” you giggled as Kevin pet its belly, the puppy trying to lick his finger.
You brought everyone to the living room, where you offered your guests some drinks and started talking together. Your friend’s girlfriend was adorable, over the moon with the dog, just like Kevin had predicted it. Jacob was more on the reserved side, just like at the café, your dog climbing up the couch to rest her head on his thigh, asking for caresses. You felt a sense of betrayal rushing through your veins as she preferred a perfect stranger over you, retrieving her head every time you tried to pet her. Your dog looked at you almost with a mocking look, as if she wanted to show you that she dared to go up to him, unlike you.
It was getting late, but you were having fun, the couple confirming that they adopted the puppy. You helped packing everything necessary for the puppy and got ready to leave, thanking you for your kindness and hospitality. You were happy but felt a bit sad that someone already adopted one of the puppies. It was hard not to get attached to those cute little creatures, but you were reassured that he’d be treated like a king by living with your friends.
Jacob, on the other hand, was stuck on the couch as your dog prevented him from doing the slightest movement.
“She is quite stubborn,” Jacob shyly giggled as he tried to move his leg, only to have the dog whining and yapping. “Luna, stop! Let Jacob go, now!” you walked up to the couch, and she fled, strolling away from you each time you tried to get closer to her.
After many unsuccessful attempts, you managed to lure her into the nursery, shutting the door shut and she barked, but the apartment was quick to fall in silence.
“Finally,” you said as you went back to the living room, where Jacob was quietly admiring the photos on the wall. He gave you a quick smile and went back to his observations, you standing next to him with a slightly embarrassed smile. “It was nice to come here, but I’ll still reconsider my choices. I don’t want to decide on a whim, I wanna make sure that I’m settled and ready to welcome a puppy.” You nodded at his words, throwing him a reassuring gaze. “I completely understand, Jacob. You can take all the time you need. I’m planning on keeping one anyway, so if you change your mind, you can always come and visit,” you said, and an awkward silence installed around you two, Jacob scratching his neck as he avoided your gaze.
“Y-you know. I enjoy… what you bake, really, and I can’t wait for your next pastries,” you shyly mumbled to the man in front of you, who looked up with red adorning his cheeks. “I’m touched by what you’re telling me, thank you so much,” he said and quickly looked outside before inhaling and turning back to you.
“I’m going to go, but… I was wondering Y/N… y-you know, you’ve been friends with Kevin for a while and come around the café regularly, so I was wondering if we could also hang out, but you know… only the two of us? Maybe without Kevin?” Jacob was finding his words, thickly swallowing as he tried his best to tell you what he wanted. You giggled at the way he said things, imagining Kevin on his own while you were together. “Sure! Sure thing! You probably have a hectic schedule, but we can find something that works for the two of us?” you suggested, and he smiled, taking out his phone from his jeans pocket, holding the device with a nervous grip.
“Can I get your number, then? It’s gonna be easier to communicate rather than you coming around the café all the time. I- It’s not what I mean though, I really like having you around the shop, but you know, it’d be easier for the two of us,” you both shyly giggled as he messed up, the tip of his ears glowing bright red.
You were quick to enter your number in a new contact, confirming it before returning the phone to its owner, who gave you the warmest smile you had ever seen on his face.
“I’ll call you tomorrow then,” Jacob said as you walked him to the door, him thanking you just like your friends did. “Drive safe,” you whispered, and he nodded, giving you a soft smile before getting closer to you and softly pressing his lips on your cheek.
Your eyes widened at the sudden display of affection but smiled, feeling a wave of embarrassment invading your body. You waved at him until the elevator arrived, closing the front door with your heart pounding in your chest, doing a little dance of joy in the corridor as something concrete was starting to form between the two of you.
And the best was still yet to come. ♡
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter nineteen
A/N: just like the previous chapter, this one took so long to write. mostly bc, yet again, it is a lot of dialogue. but this chapter was super fun to write. i love anything to do with max, even if i kinda hate him lol hope you guys enjoy this one. let me know what you think. and please, if you do like this chapter, feel free to reblog it. that way, more ppl can see my work. i appreciate you all and thank you for all the love and support <3
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: cursing, mentions of cheating, blood drinking, vampire biting, mentions/showings of manipulation, max is a little shit and he ain't even physically in this chapter irl lol
word count: 4339
My emotions were all out of whack, and I stayed by Colby's side the rest of the night after my ‘date’ with Max. Colby kept me close, cuddling me any chance he got. By the time we both went to bed, I felt calm for the first time in hours. I didn't tell him that I knew about Max's powers; I didn't need him to get more upset. My dreams remained calm that night, and I was able to sleep deep for the first time in a while. I woke up well past two P.M. the next day, deciding to shower and then go to my apartment quickly to get more clothes and do some laundry.
In the daylight, I felt safe. But the darkness of night allowed the true monsters to come out.
A slight positive was that I had an early shift at the bar and instead of closing, I was going to be coming in for the dinner shift. This was usually mine and Ronnie's favorite time; no one really came in so we would just fuck around and do whatever, usually playing pool or darts. I wasn't too excited about the idea of seeing Ronnie though, since every time I saw her, she asks about my vampire escapades.
How am I supposed to explain to her that I have two Elder vampires weirdly infatuated with me and one of them threatened me into going on a date with them?
My only option anymore is to lie, and I hate doing that, even if her questions were annoying.
As I got ready for work, I realized that Colby was still asleep from the night before. Before I left, I tried waking him, but all he did was groan and roll over.
"Don't worry about him. He does that sometimes." Sam spoke, appearing in the open doorway.
I replied. "What, stay asleep for over 12 hours?"
"Yeah. Apparently, he used to be like that when he was human too. He usually only does that when he's stressed out." Sam informed.
"And what could he possibly be stressed from?" I joked dryly.
I left the Trapp Haus after that, getting into my car and driving to Vampiro. When I got to work, Roger greeted me.
"Wait, I thought Ronnie was supposed to be in today?" I puzzled.
Roger shook his head. "Nope, she called out last minute. So, I guess you won't be lazying around today."
I scoffed dramatically. "I never lazy around, I'm just... thoroughly finishing my tasks."
He squinted his eyes at me, smiling bitterly. "Right. Start by thoroughly restocking the bar, please."
My shift went by painstakingly slow. Only about fifteen customers were in the whole time I was there, all of which nursed their drink to the point of adulthood. I texted Colby, wondering if he had finally woken up yet. He saw my message but didn't respond. That wasn't totally unlike him, but I decided to call him since I was bored and on my break. My call went straight to voicemail.
"That's strange." I mumbled to myself.
Two hours later, I was finally done with work, getting off at just before midnight. I was excited to finally get back to the Trapp Haus and see Colby again. I drove home as quickly as I could, parking my car in the back lot behind the club. The usual line to get into the Trapp Haus was there, so I went to the back and banged on the secret door, waiting for Kevin to open it.
A different pair of eyes stared down at me through the slot, the caramel color turning red once he noticed me. "Password."
I stared blankly back. "Mike, just let me in."
He rolled his eyes hard, slamming the slot shut and ripping the door open, but not wide enough for me to come in. "You didn't say the password, I can't let you in."
I groaned. “Mike, stop playing around. I just want to get upstairs and change.”
“Why? Do you have somewhere else to be?” He accused.
I furrowed my brows. “No...? I just want to get out of my work clothes.”
“Don't you have an apartment you can go to? You don't live here.” He grunted.
I hummed, placing my hands on my hips. “Right, like Colby would let me go back to my apartment while Max is still in town.”
Mike pursed his lips. “I don't think he cares about you anymore.”
I scowled, stepping up to him. “What the fuck are you talking about? Just let me in.”
I tried to push past Mike, but he pressed me against the doorway, trapping me between his arms.
“After everything he has done for you, you went out and betrayed him? You're disgusting. I knew the moment you came into our lives you were gonna be trouble, I just didn't realize how much,” Mike sneered, glaring down at me harshly. “Just know, the moment he says I can... you're history. In more ways than one.”
“Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?” I hissed.
He growled into my ear. “A bitch.”
“If you don't move your arms this second, you're gonna find out what it feels like to have a stake through your dick.” I threatened, staring into his eyes.
He smirked, sucking his teeth, and letting his arms fall loosely to his side. I slid through into the club, looking back at Mike with an angry glance. As I traveled up the stairs into the VIP section, I saw Kevin behind the bar making drinks. He didn’t notice me until Mike slid in next to him, muttering something. They both looked up at me, Mike’s eyes glaring with intensity. Kevin’s weren’t as intense, but his emotions showed through his body language: glancing away hastily and lowering his head. I huffed, confused, walking through the VIP section and into Kevin's office. Closing the door, the music thumped off the walls making the room feel like it was vibrating as I went to the apartment.
What the fuck is up with them tonight?
As I entered the apartment, I locked eyes with everyone; their conversations coming to a halt at my arrival. Jake and Sam's eyes fell to the floor, Tara turned away awkwardly, and Kat stood up but didn't move towards me.
“So, what's going on?” I commented.
No one spoke as the muffled music from the club downstairs filled the silence.
“Okay...” I whispered awkwardly.
I strolled towards Colby's room and opened his door. I dropped my bag, my eyes widened, at the scene in front of me.
His room looked ransacked. His mattress was flipped over, all of his clothes were on the floor, and his night table was on its side.
“What the fuck happened?” I squeaked.
“Colby... trashed his room.” Jake stated quietly.
“Why would he do that?” I questioned.
“Don't act like you don't know.” Sam answered, his voice bitter.
I retorted. “Okay, I'm seriously done with everyone giving me the cold shoulder today. What the fuck is going on?”
“You cheated on him.” Kat revealed.
I gasped. “What?”
“You... cheated on Colby. That's what he told us.” Tara responded.
“When the hell did he say that?” I asked.
“An hour or so after you left for work. He woke up and... went off,” Sam added, standing up and walking towards me. “He told us how he watched you leave when everyone went to bed and he followed you to Bloody. That's when he saw you and Max on the dance floor and-”
I cut him off. “Hold up, you think I would cheat on Colby with Max?”
“He watched you cheat. You let Max drink from you... among other things.” Jake muttered.
“So, when do we plan to kick the cheater out? Can I help her pack?” Mike grinned, sauntering into the apartment with Kevin.
I ignored him, replying quickly. “I slept here last night. I didn't go anywhere! I was here when we all woke up. Sam, you would know.”
“We were all tired after yesterday’s events. You could have easily left.” Sam remarked.
“Without you noticing? And if Max drank from me, where’s the bitemark? Do you see one?” I showed off my neck dramatically.
Sam gulped. “Well… maybe Colby just thought Max bit you.”
“Plus, Max could have healed you.” Mike shrugged.
“So, you’re saying that either Colby saw me get bit but didn’t see me get healed, or he didn’t see that happen at all? Which one is it?” I exhaled, continuing. “Also, let’s be honest, Bloody’s line is crazy long. I would have had to wait all night to get in.”
Mike disagreed. “Max could easilyget you in.”
“But then how did Colby get in then?” I inquired.
He shrugged, scoffing, then getting closer to me. “Who cares? Why are you trying to beat around the bush? Just be honest and admit that you cheated.”
“I didn't cheat! I would never cheat on Colby. I lov- I care about him.” I choked out, feeling tears well up in my eyes.
“Well, you obviously did something with Max to upset him. Maybe that's why you so easily went on the date with him yesterday.” Mike quipped.
“Mike, you weren't even here! It was not an easy decision to go on a date with Max. I only went because he threatened to kill Sam and Colby. You think I like having two different Elders up my ass all the time and putting you guys in danger?! How heartless do you think I am?!” I sobbed, my heart pounding as tears streaked down my cheeks.
Mike’s eyes glowed crimson as he stepped up to me, chest-to-chest. “Enough to cheat on Colby.”
“Woah, Mike. Relax.” Sam grabbed Mike’s arm pulling him back, Kevin following suit.
I paused, catching my breath and wiping my tears. “I didn't cheat. I was asleep the whole night. I wasn't bitten by Max, and if I was, do you really think he would let me waltz back home? You do remember what happens when vampires drink my blood, right? They get crazy powerful. You’d think he would let me leave?”
Mike exhaled. “Okay, so maybe Max didn’t drink from you. But you two definitely did something. Why would Colby lie?”
“I don't know. But I know for a fact I'm not lying,” I spat. “Where the hell is Colby anyway?”
Mike snickered darkly. “We're not telling you.”
“Good, because that solves all our problems.” I deadpanned.
“Cameras.” Sam murmured.
“Cameras? What cameras?” Kevin chimed in.
“When Max and Rinaldi came into town, Colby told me to install cameras in your apartment and here as well. Just in the living room, of course,” Sam continued. “That way we would know if they tried to break in.”
“Check the cameras. It'll show I was here the whole night.” I assured.
Mike rebutted coldly. “Or show you left.”
Sam grabbed his laptop, scrolling around until he found the footage from last night. He placed it down on the kitchen counter, all of us crowding around the screen.
“We went to bed around midnight. So I'll start from there.” Sam explained.
The clock at the bottom of the screen started at 12:10:08, fast forwarding at 4x speed. The lights in the apartment were out, casting dark shadows in the living room. By the time it got to 2:13:56, that's when Colby's bedroom door swung open.
Mike chuckled. “See, I knew you-”
Kevin interrupted. “Shut up, Mike. It's not Jade.”
Stumbling in the dark was Colby, eyes closed. He walked into the middle of the living room and then stood in between the couches.
“What the fuck...?” Sam uttered.
My mouth fell open as an orange glow appeared around him. No one else reacted, the aura only visible to my eyes.
Someone was controlling Colby last night. The same person that tried to control my dreams.
We all watched in awe as Colby stood in that spot with his eyes closed for three hours. He didn't move, except a slight swaying back and forth. Finally at 5:34:48, Colby slowly stumbled back to bed. Not a moment later, Sam came out of his room and went to the bathroom.
“It was Max…” I whispered, breathless.
“How do you-?” Sam began.
I interjected, leaning against the counter. “Yesterday, way before Max came over, I had a dream about him. It was overelaborated and unlike anything I've ever dreamed of before. Max tried to drink my blood in that dream too. The thing is, it wasn't me he was drinking from. It was like a version of me. Like I was supposed to be experiencing the dream, but I wasn't. I was just watching it happen.
“Because his powers don't work on you. So instead of being forced to dream, you watched it.” Sam guessed.
“Colby had an orange aura around him for three hours. That's the same aura I had around me when I woke up from that nightmare.” I remembered.
“But how did Max get Colby to dream? He wasn’t in the apartment.” Jake argued.
I shook my head. “I don't know. He could have been buildings away from us. But he was controlling Colby, I know that for certain. Who else can do that besides him and his brother?”
“So Max made Colby dream about you cheating...” Kat trailed off.
I assumed sharply. “To break us up. To cause a problem. Who knows? It’s all a game to him anyway.”
Kevin announced. “Colby's at the abandon warehouse. The one you learned to fight in. It’s a couple blocks away if you want me to drive.”
“No, I'll go by myself. I have to talk to him alone anyway.” I dissented, walking towards the door.
“Wait, Jade.” Sam called, stopping me in my tracks. “I think I speak for everyone when I say, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have thought that way about you.”
“It’s okay. I understand. Colby is your family first. Of course you’re gonna believe him.” I smiled sadly.
“It still doesn’t make up for what we did to you…” Sam turned his head towards Mike. “Don't you have something to say to her?”
“What?! You just apologized!” Mike exclaimed.
Tara corrected. “Yeah, but you were the worst, so you need to do a separate apology.”
“Um... okay then.” Mike stepped up, clearing his throat. “Sorry you're not as terrible of a person as I thought you were.”
Kevin groaned. “Mike-”
“No, it's fine.” I raised my hand at Kevin, glaring at Mike. “I don't really care what you think of me, Mike. You obviously dislike me, regardless of this situation. Why pretend you're actually sorry?”
I strutted out of the apartment without hearing another word. I rushed out of the club as fast as I could, leaving out the back door. As I jumped into my car, all I could think of was how terrible Colby must be feeling. I saw what happened to him in the past. How he wasn't comfortable trusting people. I know how difficult it was for Colby to trust me, to let me in. Now, Max ruined it all in one fucking sitting. Like this was some sort of game to him.
Because it was.
Going over the speed limit multiple times, I got to the warehouse in five minutes. I swung the warehouse door open, noticing one light on in the whole place, all the way in the middle. I saw a dark figure moving, knowing it to be Colby.
As I got closer, I could see he was on the worn-out mat, the one I had fought on before. He was hitting the single punching bag over and over again. He was shirtless, sweat dripping down his back and chest. His hair clung to his face, his usual light blue streaks now a dark navy. His breathing was short and harsh. The headphones on his ears were playing loud music, sounding a bit like screamo.
I stayed outside the square mat. “Are you picturing that punching bag as me?”
Colby stopped abruptly, ripping his headphones off. His eyes flashed red as he saw me, glancing away quickly.
“No,” He inhaled, placing the headphones down on the table next the mat. “I would never hurt you. Max, however...”
“I'm surprised you heard me through that music.” I marveled sarcastically.
He bit his bottom lip. “I knew you here the moment you pulled up. I could smell you.”
“Oh. Guess I can't sneak up on you.” I joked, nervously smiling.
He sighed. “Did you want something?”
“Colby,” I shuddered, wringing my hands. “I need you to know I didn't-”
His dejected laugh cut me off. “Please don't tell me they told you where I was so you could come out here and lie to me. You wasted your time.”
“I'm not lying. Colby, I didn't-” I started again.
He jumped in. “You know, with how much you freaked out after you came home from your date, I figured you were scared of Max. That you hated him. But I guess you were just pretending and waiting until you could go back to him.”
My voice quivered. “I am scared of Max. And I hate him just as much as you do, if not more now.”
Colby’s words boomed off the vacant walls of the warehouse. “You have a weird way of showing it then! Letting him kiss you and drink your blood in the middle of-”
I exploded, stepping onto the mat. “I didn't cheat Colby! He's manipulating you!”
“How?! How is he doing that?!” He belted, his face close to mine.
“His power is dream manipulation.” I confessed.
His breath hitched for a moment. “How do you know that?”
“Yesterday. He made me dream about him.” I admitted, looking down at the ground.
“About him doing what?” He questioned.
“He made me dream about him drinking my blood and dancing with him. But it wasn't me. It was like a movie.” I mentioned, “I can only imagine if his powers fully worked on me, maybe it would have felt real…”
“So, he made me dream about you cheating on me? Right.” Colby crossed his arms tightly, turning away from me.
“You said he bit me. Colby, where did he bite me?” I asked desperately.
“On your neck.” He stated.
“Okay, then where is the mark? It wouldn't have healed in less than 24 hours.” I contended.
He scrunched up his face, his eyes falling to my neck. “Well, maybe he healed you.”
“Did you see him heal me?” I queried.
“No. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have.” He disagreed, a slight whine in his voice.
I rolled my eyes. “Okay Colby, how did you get into Bloody? The line for that club is long as hell.”
“I… I got in, why are you questioning me about it?” He complained.
I frowned. “Well, then how did I get in?”
He slightly shrugged. “Max... I guess.”
“Did you see him get me into the club? How did you know I was there?” I expressed, moving closer to him.
“…I must have followed you. I just don’t remember.” He insisted.
I breathed, holding back my frustration. “Alright. So, you woke up and saw me leave.”
“Yeah.” He nodded.
I requested. “How did I get to the club?”
“What?” Colby scowled.
“How did I get to the club?” I repeated. “Bloody is far away from the Trapp Haus. Did I drive? Was I picked up? Did I walk?”
“I-I don’t remember.” He stammered.
“Then how did you follow me? How did you know I was sneaking out to go to Bloody in the first place? It’s not like I would have told you I was leaving.” I interrogated, my voice unwavering.
“Stop,” Colby barked. “I-I know what I saw.”
“What exactly do you remember?” I commanded.
“I woke up to see you leave. Then, I was at Bloody. You were there with him. And then he kissed you. And then he bit you.” He recited, pointing on his fingers.
“So you don’t remember leaving the apartment, following me, or how you and I got into Bloody. And you don’t know why I don’t have a bitemark on my neck,” I addressed, treading closer. “Why don’t you remember anything else?”
“W-Why does it matter?” He stuttered, his voice rising.
“Max made you dream about me cheating to break us up. I don't know why, but that's what he wanted!” I protested, staring into his eyes.
“It couldn’t have been a dream!” He exclaimed.
Colby clutched his head abruptly, his knees buckling under his weight. I dropped down, following him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” I plead, my voice trembling.
“Fuck, my head! It’s pounding. It’s like someone threw a cinderblock at my skull.” He moaned loudly.
“Colby, let’s get you back to the apartment,” I suggested. “We can get you help, and there’s proof I’m not lying. The cameras that film the living room... I never left the apartment.”
“But I know what I saw! You. Y-You cheated on me.” He whimpered, glancing up at me.
I shook my head, tears threatening to spill. “I didn't. I would never, Colby. I know you. And you know me. I would never do that to you.”
“It feels real. I can feel myself being at Bloody. And seeing you with him…” He panted, his eyes lost in thought.
“Colby, if Max really did drink my blood… why would he let me go? My blood makes any vampire more powerful. Why would he let me leave?” I emphasized.
Colby stared at the mat, wide-eyed. Suddenly, he let out a loud yelp, gripping the sides of his head firmly and squeezing his eyes shut. I bent down, bringing my face close to his and lightly rubbing his shoulders. He inhaled deeply, veins popping out from under his eyes as they sprung open, glowing crimson. His fangs extended as we both jumped back.
“I’m so sorry, Jade. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I haven’t drank in a while and your blood is too much.” Colby warned.
I exhaled. “Why?”
“I… don’t know. I just feel like I can’t, that I’m not allowed.” He hesitantly spoke, confused at his own words.
“Colby, it’s his powers over you.” I blurted, crawling to him, “Drink my blood.”
He stuck his arm out, urging me back. “What? No. Absolutely not.”
“Colby, you need to drink. And maybe my blood will break his power over you.” I shoved his arm out the way.
“No, baby. I can't drink it.” He shook his head aggressively.
“Yes, you can. Drink my blood, Colby.” I demanded.
He hissed, the veins under his eyes darkening. “Jade, no.”
“Just drink my blood-”
Colby grabbed the back of my head, pulling me in and biting into me forcefully. I winced and gasped, the pain of his bite stinging for a moment. But suddenly, it melted away, a light, dull pleasure forming in its wake. I gripped his forearms, trying to keep my body upright. His hold on me tightened, bringing me closer into his mouth. A soft moan fell from my lips.
“Colby...” I whispered.
He pulled away quickly, keeping me in his arms. My vision was a bit cloudy, everything moving too fast for my eyes to keep up.
His aura appeared, brighter and larger than I had ever seen it before. It stayed entirely around himself, however, never encompassing me. His eyes closed for a moment as it faded out. “I... should have never doubted you, Jade. You were right.”
He brought his wrist to his mouth, biting into it and pushing it near me. His blood oozed down his wrist slowly. “Take some of my blood.”
“Whaaaat? Nooo.” I grumbled, shaking against his hold softly.
“Do you wanna keep bleeding and feeling light-headed or not?” He deadpanned.
I half-shrugged, allowing his wrist to connect to my lips. I opened my mouth and let his blood slip in, the metallic taste making me gag. But that taste only lasted a second, changing into a sweet, unknown flavor. I sucked his blood down, my hands pushing the back of his wrist further into my mouth. Suddenly, he pulled his wrist away, his bite wound healing up immediately.
I blinked my eyes, my vision returning to normal and the light-headedness dissipating. “Woah, your blood is fast-acting.”
“I could say the same for yours.” He chuckled quietly.
Colby stood up, helping me to my feet as I sighed. “So... you saw that it was a dream?”
His tone dripped with disgust. “Yeah. It felt like... Max was in my ear, telling me what to dream. And I believed it to be true.”
“Max never set foot in the apartment. He did all of it being somewhere else.” I noted.
“It's terrifying to know he can possibly do this again.” He snarled, his fist white knuckling.
“Everything about this day has made me sick.” I croaked.
He cupped my waist and pulled me in, making our eyes meet. “I'm so sorry, Jade. I should have believed you. I should have never doubted your loyalty to me. I know you would never cheat.”
“He’s an Elder, Colby. You didn’t have a choice. It's alright.” I reassured, placing my hands on his shoulders.
Colby shook his head. “No, it's not. I know who you are as a person. You're my girlfriend, and I should have known-”
“Girlfriend?” I choked out.
“Yeah. I-I mean, I would be honored to be your boyfriend, if you would allow me.” His voice falling to a low tone, “I should have asked sooner, to be honest.”
I remained silent, still shocked at his words.
Girlfriend. He wants me to be his girlfriend…
He cut in. “I understand if you don't want to be-”
“I never said that.” I giggled.
He raised his eyebrows gently. “So...?”
“Sure. I guess.” I teased, biting my lip.
Colby smiled, his dimples appearing briefly, as he leaned in and kissed me deeply.
<< CHAPTER 18 || CHAPTER 20 >>
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
Bad blood
Warnings: racism, hate crime, cannon type violence, kinda but not really smutty so like 16+ as always if I missed someone pls tell me !
A/n the girls of Wattpad really liked this one so I hope you all enjoy as well!
"Y/N you and Reid are going to lead this interview even though you are together make a great team and I think you can crake him are you guys okay with that?"
Spencer and I looked and each other and smiled in unison we replied.
"Yes we are more than okay with that"
Spencer and I have been together for 2 years 324days and 6 hours well that's what he said to me when I woke up next him laying of his bare chest, even though we basically spend every day together we still needed uno special time together and oh was it special. Before we told hotch about our relationship we were able to be in the field together until one time I thought Spence died and then I started crying and it was a whole big thing but now are months not working together we got to do what we both love and with each other.
Before we walked into the interrogation room together Spence turned to me and said.
"Are you sure your okay to do this, you don't have to if you don't want to this case is close to you even if he didn't hurt your family"
This unsub was committing hate crime murders for the last nine months pretending to go on dates with balck women then brutally murder them, Garcia found his manifesto online called "the eradication of all unpure women" it took Kevin who was with her at the time to calm her down as she had to read it out loud I felt bad for her but everyone else felt bad for me. Was looking at me in that moment I wished more than ever to be where Tara was right now, interviewing a child rapist.
I replied to Reid whilst plastering on a fake smile,
"Spencer I'm gonna be fine if anything these women looking like me being like me makes me wanna catch this motherfucker even more"
He smiled and gently kissed me before we both walked in.
"Tyler Walker do you know hey your here"
He ignored my question then Spencer asked the same one only then did he reply.
"Tyler if I'm going to be in here you need to speak to both of us" I sternly replied
"Well if your gonna bring you boyfriend in here since you clearly can't do this on you own them I'm gonna talk to the man here if you'd don't mind"
Spencer interjected saying
"Tyler we found the hearts of all the women murdered in you home why were they in there?"
I don't know I didn't touch them"
He didn't ask if you touched them we asked what you did to those girls" I sternly said.
"You know what If you want to know what I hypothetically would have done to those women I tell you, but only little miss chocolate in the room and only her."
Before Reid could protest I said "yeah sure let's talk"
Spencer's POV
As I walked to the door I gave y/n a reassuring smile she turned and gave me one back but her face was filled with anger and fear, she would never tell me this but she was scared. We didn't shy away from the topic of race within our relationship I read of lot of books and educated myself before I even started dating her I would never understand but I will always try my hardest to be there. And sometimes she just wanted to come home and cry let her emotions out about what it was like being black in American and that was okay as well because I love her.
"How do you think she's gonna do in there?" JJ asked reluctantly
"If I'm being honest I don't know"
I sat down trying to make myself look bigger and take up more space within the room than I actually did to encourage my self but in my head I was fucking shitting it.
"Okay we are alone now tell me"
"Just remember sweetheart this is all hypothetical I never did anything if the thing I am about it say" Tyler replied in a menacing tone
"Yes I know get on with it then"
The next 15 minutes felt like a blur, 15 minutes 900 seconds that's how long I heard Tyler speak about all the torcher he wanted to our women like me through half way he started to refer to the women with my name making me imagine him doing these Haines and despicable things to me. I think what was the worst part was that he was smiling whilst he describe these disgusting thing to me he smiled I felt violated and felt used and felt like he had infested my personal space chipping away at the emotional armour I developed whilst having this job.
Once he finished I was on the brink tears but I never going to show him that I left the room being met only by Spencer's face he was seething but I didn't care I just wanted him to hold me to tell me everything was going to be okay.
"Y/N it's okay your okay your other now" he said whilst soothing me.
"I just don't think I can get back in there-"
As I said that Derek stormed in took one look at me and brought me to his arms even though it wasn't Spencer it just felt right in the time to hug him he would understand the most out of the team what I was going through.
"Y/N I know you said you don't want to go back in there but he got him his prints were all over the bodies we found and he had the hearts of the victims he's going to go away for a long time but now you can tell him that take back your power Y/N"
"Ok I'll do it"
"Y/N are you sure you wanna do it this you don't have to?" Spencer said whilst searching my eyes for any fear I had.
I smirked at Spencer whilst he looked at me in confusion I replied.
"Nope I'm okay and I know just what I'm gonna talk about"
By this point the whole team was in the room
"Y/N are you okay love I heard what happened"
"I'm okay Emily but right now you get to watch me drag a white supremacist to filth."
I barged into the interrogation room not letting Tyler speak.
"Okay listen Up bird brain your already done for we found your prints all over the body and that were at your house so now this is just a formality"
"So if you think you've caught me why I am not in a jail cell right now? Hmm"
"You were so nice to me and described the rape, torture, murder and the disfigurement that you would do to me so now I'm just going to repay the favour"
"You know you were right about him being my boyfriend you know"
"so the lanky white one is you boyfriend, I've always said that pure breads shouldn't mix with you people"
"Tyler your going to prison for a very long time you racist rhetoric means nothing to me,but since you I have been so kind to me I am going to spend the next 15 no 20 minutes going in full detail about the amazing sex I had with my white boyfriend last night if we can fit it all in 20 minutes. We will just have to see won't we?"
Spencer's POV
My jaw had dropped to the floor when y/n said that I mean yes it would be hot for her to describe every single we did last night both of us have an eidetic memory so I know she remembers it all but in front of a racist unsub I had I was weirdly impressed and terrified at the same time.
"You don't think she's actually gonna do that?" I asked to the team in complete and utter shock
"Reid when was the last time y/n has ever lied to us?"
"Once JJ but she couldn't even go the whole day telling the lie she ended buying hotch a dozen of his favourite donuts even though she only ate one"
Derek and Emily started chuckling and said.
"That means she's not lying"
The unsub was seething with anger when y/n carried on speacking
" Tyler I didn't a little digging on you and I found out form you pervious girlfriends that apparently you can't put it up in one of you girlfriends exact words she says no matter how hard I tried he could never get hard"
"You don't know anything you slut"
"oop Tyler your using big words especially with someone who only has the education of a 5th grader"
But you know what Tyler lucky for you I have and eidetic memory I don't think you know what that is so I'm just gonna tell you... that means I remember everything so we're gonna have some fun together hmm"
20 minutes, 1200 seconds that's how long y/n spoke in detail about about sexual escapades from last night throughout these 20 minutes Derek started recording so he could send this back to Garcia. Light  chuckles and laughs were heard here and there then oos and ahhs, then total shock was the look on everyone's face and a gasp coming from Garcia who Derek had patched in a phone call so she could listen too when y/n got to the last bit.  I guess they just assumed because I'm the youngest apart from y/n and .... well I'm me that we would have a boring sex life but I guess we surprised them.
After I finished I wasted no time in leaving but before I did I said one more thing.
Tyler you are going to prison for a very long time you probably get life or even the death penalty so I want you to remember what I spoke to you about every single time you try your hardest to get it up every. Single. Time. I hope you know after your manny years in prison never getting to see the outside again and you die I will be sleeping soundly knowing you are burning in hell"
I walked out and the whole team was silent in utter shock of what I said then i realised I probably shouldn't have said any of that too an unsub.
" omg hotch I am so sorry that was completely inappropriate and unacceptable what I did in there and wasn't right at all I-"
"I'm sorry y/n I don't know what your talking about what did you say in there"
"What I just spent the last 20 minutes-"
Seriously y/n what are you talking about you went I told him what he was being charge for and you walked back out hun what are you talking about?"
Im what I'm so confused what?"
Then Spencer finally said
"Babe I know I can be dumb sometimes but please read the room"
I looked around still so confused until I finally realised.
Ohhhhh ok yeah yeah I get it now"
Okay but when are you are pretty boy releasing the sex tape cause I would like to pre order"
The whole teams was laughing including me and Spencer I replied simply with
"in your dreams Morgan in your dreams" 
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
yeahhhh you get me you GET me (i'm about to word vomit at you so i'm sorry in advance)
- i too have no romantic/sexual feelings towards seungkwan, he's simply My Boy i wanna be his best friend and fight people for him and peel him tangerines
- wonwoo is. *deep breath* he sure is. the joker performance. i-
- skz minho is just so CHAOTIC and i love that in a man, but channie is perfect bf material and hyunjin is so pretty and soft and talented???? and the long hair????? girl help (gender neutral)
- seungmin is like that... he seems so innocent and sweet until you notice how much he teases both stays and the members and let me tell you there was a Specific vlive where i went OOP 😳 but i can never find it ;w;
- PLSS hongjoongie was my bias until (and this is so shallow and hilarious) he cut his hair before kingdom. i don't like short-short hair on men like, attraction-wise (short-short hair's not really my thing unless it's a woman doing it) but black cat nero hongjoong had me in a vice grip and seonghwa with the curly longer black hair deja vu era is climbing up the ladder.
- if u didn't notice i really like long haired pretty boys. this may have been the catalyst for gyu coming dangerously close to toppling junnie as my txt bias during lover loser era. HE WORE A SHORT PLEATED SHIRT AND HAD LONG HAIR WITH HIGHLIGHTS AND I AM WEAK. I LOVE A PROUD ANDROGYNOUS LOOKING MAN SECURE IN HIS MASCULINITY
- also when hyunjin cut his hair i was devastated i went through the 5 stages of grief and invented 2 more (denial 2, astral projection)
- oh god, iu. iu is SO. god. my friends still make fun of me bc the day after i binged half of hotel the luna i spent the entire time explaining the plot but had to stop every 2 minutes to inform them of how Pretty that woman is. like. she is SO PRETTY AND TALENTED I CAN'T
- and yeah i know sunmi's song tail (moreso the mv than the song itself, but the choreo SLAPS you should watch the studio choom dance) is a representation of the way that women are cast aside and seen as "garbage" after they're "ruined" or "spoiled" because they were used by men!!
- i love eaj!!! love that he's more free and able to speak his mind now, love his music, love his dynamic with other idols (his podcast with aleXa, who is a sweetheart, is adorable and hilarious)
- dpr music is SO GOOD
- eric nam is hilarious and i love his music i would die for this man. i would've bullied him in high school (affectionate).
- seori's vocals in txt's ikily and her own stuff are so pretty! her collabs with eaj were *chef's kiss*
- what are your opinions on jay park swoony i'd like to hear them
- lisa in how you like that slammed me into the ground and stepped on me in high heels jesus fuck
- THE SUNWOO LINK I- 👁️👄👁️ he's one of my ult biases he's like. a whiny baby who wants attention. but also he could 100% top me. ultimate cutie boyfriend and actively encourages deobis to see him like that????? gets jealous when deobis watch other idols???? incredible performer???? just wants affection???? would fuck me into the mattress but also want headpats afterwards??? what a switchy nightmare of a boy. i want to tie him up but i also want to sit in his lap
- not gonna ask u to get into the boyz bc i know you are Overwhelmed enough by ur own new boys, but just a little taste: sangyeon has daddy energy similar to chan, kevin is an unprecedented meme queen named after the kid from home alone, jacob is a Sweet Boy, new and q are chaotic and incredibly pretty besties, and younghoon's nickname is bread.
WHEW ok im done the word vomit is over <333 sorry its a million words long
xoxo honey 🍯
holy shit, this is SO LATE, i'm sorry you got buried in my drafts, boo 💀
Seungkwan is Best Boy, absolutely!! i just wanna sit in the stands with a camcorder while he murders people, he's precious perfect son
god, JOKER, i simply cannot—i had no idea that was Wonwoo when i first saw it, i didn't know his voice well enough to recognize it yet and also just wasn't expecting THAT to come out of HIM????? so i was losing my mind trying to figure out who it was and then lost it even more when the mask came off 🤡 the entire HHU is fucking insane honestly, we gotta talk about a HHU gangbang one of these days now that Vernon's on his hot bitch shit 💀
there were SO MANY weird anecdotes i heard about stray kids before i got into them that i found out later were ALL Minho—him telling Stays he hoped they’d fall into a toilet, stuffing tissue into Hyunjin’s mouth, the terrifying snow filters 😂 he was honestly making me fall in love with him before i even knew who he was, it's absurd. and i think i get what you mean by teasing—i remember that one fancall where he was very slyly 'are you into younger men?', plus the way he was shamelessly flirting with Eunkwang during kingdom 👀
ahahahaha, i get you with the short hair!! when i was just getting into them, i also definitely thought that was Unfortunate 😒 but haircut/style can become a nonissue for me if i like someone enough and Joongie very quickly reached the point where he’d be attractive to me no matter what his hair looked like 😭 like, if he shaved his head, i might cry but id still want to peg him 😭😭😭 BLACK CAT NERO HONGJOONG MAKES ME DOWNRIGHT FUCKIN FERAL, THO, THE PONYTAIL??? WITH THE WISPIES????? PLEASE RAIL ME IN A GRAVEYARD, SIR
LONG-HAIRED GYU IS TOP TIER GYU and i literally only know one stage of grief when it comes to Hyunjin's hair and it's denial 😌 has it been cut? 😌😌😌 i simply do not see it 😌😌😌😌😌
IU is wild to me because. if i try to explain what makes her stand out, i literally cannot???? like, she's beautiful and talented, but there's something beyond that that just drags your guard down and want to use big dumb words like 'insouciant' and 'vivacious'—she's just so goddamn charming, that woman has a +15 to charisma i swear 😭
the tl;dr on Jay Park is that i find his habit of yoinking artists who seem to have had a rough time with other, bigger companies very amusing, and i think the way that these artists seem to be thriving with him probably says quite a bit about who he is as a person. his biggest sin seems to be saying dumb, problematic bullshit, and when that doesn't get followed up with more serious allegations, i'm more inclined to believe you're just an asshole with no filter rather than like. an actual menace to society. (caveat: i absolutely do not keep up with scandals or really go digging into past ones, so like. do with that what you will.) is the bar very low here? absolutely. but i'm still gonna write about pegging his scrawny ass, and i'm probably still gonna drag my ass up to Seattle to throw a bra on that stage when he gets that ass back on tour.
i'm so glad you enjoyed the fic!!!! i rlly enjoy that particular writer, and when they popped up with a fic about one of the boys who just KEPT catching my eye during kingdom, it felt like an awful, hilarious trap 🤡
i appreciate you not trying to get me into a new group 😭 i am definitely wavering on The Boyz, tho—i don't know how but @tmrwxtg ruined my youtube algorithm and i mainlined a bunch of their mvs today. so far it's still only Sangyeon and Sunwoo who really have my attention, but we'll see how long that lasts 🥴 but also, for someone not trying to get me into a new group, you are SELLING me on Sunwoo—i love a bratty dom, love a boy who's jealous and needy and soft, sign me the fuck up?? 👀👀👀👀
also, i think i remember Kevin!! wasn't he the one who was twerking during the sports episode of kingdom? wait was he ACTUALLY named after Kevin Home Alone????
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 1:
-        Butcher has said approximately 5 words
-        I’m already dead
-        I should not be this turned on by such a fuckin maniac
-        Oh ok so Homelander digs a mommy domme
-        Ok no but Annie needs a hug. She needs to be protected at all costs
-        Why is Hughie only hot covered in blood?
-        Deep needs to choke on a bag of dicks but also he’s an insecure baby who wants to feel important
-        I love Frenchie. I have nothing else to say about him I just love him
-        Butcher needs to stop saying things. Every time he opens his gob the fanny flutters get worse
-        I like this Mister Milk guy
-        Oh ffs Homelander is legit jealous of a baby
-        This subby bastard needs to go on fetlife or the femdom subreddit and get himself an actual mommy domme
-        Poor Hughie in the middle of this domestic between Frenchie and the Milk guy
-        FUCK Butchers chest looks good in this episodes shirt
-        Frenchie you perv no of course no cameras in toilets
-        OH his name is Mothers Milk not Mister Milk
-        The Maeve actress looks really familiar imma have to google to find out what else I’ve seen her in
-        Ohhhh Homelander is insane insane
-        I mean he’s pretty, and he’s hilarious, but WOW
-        He’s a lil off on the crazy/hot scale
-        Ohhhh no Atrain is a using BASTARD GIRL BEAT HIS ASS
-        Welp imma be listening to Butcher say “we’ve gotta get some” on a loop for days
-        Maeve is so sick of Homelanders shit
-        Yup I’m shipping Hughie and Annie hard. They’re so adorable and they both really just need a hug
-        Well episode 4 is officially my favourite:
He said my name
He sleeps nude
-        Oh ok so Deep is actually just a soft baby
-        He’s in therapy omg
-        He needs a hug
-        And he loves dolphins and he’s lonely oh man why am I feeling bad for this douche he assaulted Annie
-        Hughies phone beeps and immediately the guys are like “he got texted by a girl, look at his face, has to be”
-        Oh Frenchie is a subby boi too apparently
-        Kevin and his soft spot for dolphins is melting my heart this kid just wants to do good things and he really needs a cuddle
-        They’re on a bowling date oh my god they’re too precious
-        Oh dude I’m such a slut for Butcher this isn’t even funny
-        Homelander is insane and I adore that but also I’m LIVING for Maeve’s facial expressions when he’s on his bullshit
-        Frenchie is such a sweetheart with his lil home cooked meal and setting her cutlery properly
-        I feel bad for the female
-        Why does Hughie only have one jacket
-        Oh boy the Jesus nutters festival
-        Ngl the stretch Armstrong fella is kinda attractive
-        “You’ve done a murder, comparatively speaking, blackmail is a piece of cake”
-        Girl help I’m in love with a fictional unhinged angel muffin
-        Shapeshifter? Some kind of Antman type person??
-        More importantly how do I find a genie to make Butcher real cause no joke I love him
-        Oop Toni’s kiwi accent slipped out when he said mayonnaise
-        Homelander is the neediest little subby bitch boi I swear to fuckin god
-        Ooooo something shady with Becca…tenner bets it’s something to do with Homelander somehow
-        Ok so I adore Kevin the Deep. He’s comfort eating junk food and looks like he’s been crying cause of the dolphin
-        Aww Annie standing up for herself
-        Oh wait no ok she didn’t actually say who it was
-        I don’t know why I feel protective over Sad Kevin but he’s so sad and he’s so bad at doing good but he’s trying and dear lord he needs a cuddle
-        Hughie clapping Annie after she basically told them all to fuck off  😂
-        Butcher just weaponised a baby. What. Like it was a little gun
-        Homelander is NOT getting horny cause Stillwell called him a bad boy and started mommying him OMFG
-        And now she’s calling him her good boy with her shirt open
-        Subby boi and his mommy domme I FUCKING CALLED IT FROM THEIR FIRST SCENE
-        Bitch got gutted then just like eh no big lemme just knit my internal organs back together
-        Awww Kevin tryna do good again he’s so cute
-        Kevin is so bad on camera oh dear
-        He’s trying to apologise and he’s so bad at this
-        Who and what the fuck is Black Noir
-        Awwwwwww lil baby Homelander
-        They need to stop making me feel fuzzy over dickheads
-        Kimiko trusts Frenchie this is precious
-        Jamming out to the end credits song is one of the best parts tbh, the soundtrack is boss
-        I feel so bad for Kevin
-        He’s been exiled to Ohio and he’s sad
-        They didn’t even give him a plushie dolphin to cuddle
-        I’m rooting so hard for Hughie and Annie, this had better work out for them
-        Oh what I’d give to have Butcher stalking menacingly after me in a train station
-        Sixth sense guy doesn’t know how lucky he is getting cornered in a bathroom stall by the hottest psychopath on tv
-        Yeah I’d let him smash me on a sink any day
-        Oh no not more Sad Kevin
-        Traumatised baby needs someone to mind him
-        BUTCHER SHOT ANNIE?!?!?!?
-        Oh god Homelander in Syria this can’t be good
-        Aaaaaand more Sad Kevin
-        Yeah I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s doing the full breakdown shave
-        Oh no sad Annie
-        Atrain is gonna do himself an injury
-        Black Noir is hilarious even though they don’t say anything and have no face
-        Soooo he admits to creating supervillains behind her back, and she tops him? As reward??
-        This bish does remember what happened to Becca, right? Demon spawn clawing out of her
-        Frenchie and MM bonding in captivity 🥰
-        Ooooh conflicting stories re Homelanders baby
-        Not Hughie going in all badass and immediately getting creamed 😂
-        The retainer! Hughie is a genius
-        I mean he’s a dumbass
-        But so smart
-        Hughie: *firing machine gun* I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY
-        YES ANNIE!!
-        Uh oh
-        Roided up Atrain
-        Oop heart attack
-        Oh fuck he melted her face
-        Butchers hurt little face nooo
-        Oh ok season 1 is over
-        …it’s 5am
-        Aaaaand I can see daylight
-        I’m very tempted to just pull an all-nighter and watch season 2
-        But bed also sounds nice
-        I think bed
-        Dream of Butcher
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jessbakescakes · 4 years
@twwobsessed​ asked for either 89. I noticed or 90. you can tell me anything from this post..
I accidentally deleted the ask, sorry! 
This one spans across the series... it also got way longer than I anticipated. Oops?
“Want some chips?”
Donna looks to her left to find Josh holding out a bag of barbecue potato chips he insisted on getting from the store across the street before they loaded up the bus to South Carolina. “Thanks,” she says, taking a couple from the bag. 
“Take as many as you want. It’ll probably be a little bit before we can stop to get something to eat, and we didn’t get a chance to eat lunch.” He places the bag between them, but doesn’t so much as reach for the chips again.
“Pizza’s here!” CJ announces, dropping several pizza boxes on the table in the center of the room. 
Josh tosses his pen on his notepad. “What did you get? I’ll grab it for you.”
Donna looks up from her note cards. “Oh, no, I didn’t get anything.”
“What? Why?”
She thinks back to the intern who came around asking for everyone’s orders about an hour ago, and the excuse she gave him. The Massachusetts Democratic Party catered a lunch with a sandwich spread; she told the intern that she was still full from lunch, but Josh would see right through that. He sat right next to her while she ate half a turkey sub and a just-this-side-of-stale oatmeal raisin cookie before they were ready to head to their next meeting. 
The truth, of course, is that she’s made a pretty big dent in her already modest savings account since rejoining the campaign. Her parents, in an attempt to impart some financial wisdom upon her during her teen years, had declared that half of each paycheck from whatever after school or summer job she held at the time was to be deposited into a savings account. She managed to make it all this time without having to dip into it; selling her car and sleeping on the floor had made it easier to stretch her limited budget. But it won’t last forever.
Before she can answer, CJ interrupts, calling out everyone’s orders. “Looks like we have some breadsticks on top, here, and some wings… here’s a cheese pizza for Kevin McCallister over there,” CJ says, motioning toward Josh as she opens the box, places it beside the stack, then closes the lid. 
“Hey now, Donna and I are splitting this pizza, I wanted to make her feel at home,” Josh retorts, grabbing a plate and handing it to Donna before pulling two slices of pizza out of the box CJ just abandoned. 
Donna turns to Josh. “I’m fine, Josh, really.”
“Donna,” he says, grabbing her hand and pulling her up from her seat.
“I don’t want to eat your food.” Josh gives her a pointed look, and she lets out a sigh. “How much do I owe you?”
Josh laughs. “What’s mine is yours, Donnatella.” He places his hand at the small of her back and ushers her toward the pizza box. “Eat.”
They manage to find a 24 hour diner in Little Rock two weeks before the convention. When their server approaches, everyone’s either staring blankly at their menus or engaged in subdued conversation. They were already tired, but they were pulling hours even longer than normal due to what should have been a minor PR snafu turned media beast that just wouldn’t die. 
Josh had gotten Leo to agree to bring Donna on as a salaried member of the campaign once the Governor was no longer the presumptive nominee, but the official nominee; all Donna needed to do was make her last few dollars stretch as far as possible for just a little longer. Her stomach growls loudly as the server moves next to Josh.
“I’ll have the chicken and waffles,” Josh starts, handing the server his menu and sliding Donna’s toward him. “She’ll have an omelette with spinach and feta.”
By the time she opens her mouth to protest, the server’s gone and Josh is listening intently to whatever it is Sam is saying to his left.
“I’m just saying,” Josh starts, putting his half-eaten box of Chinese food on the table in the Mural Room, “if Thompson thinks Braun and Miller will pull out, we need to plan for that now.”
“You really think they’ll do that?” Toby asks. 
Josh nudges the container toward Donna. “I do. At least, that’s what Braun was hinting at earlier. I don’t know what the hell that guy’s up to; he’s harder to read than any woman I’ve ever dated.”
Donna reaches for the food and peeks inside, noticing that it’s honey garlic chicken - her favorite.
“I think you’re not giving theoretical physics enough of a chance,” Josh insists. “I think you have some weird, unfair bias against it.”
Donna holds out her hand and takes the wrapper to Josh’s chicken sandwich. “Well, considering physics was the only class I ever came close to failing, I think my biases are perfectly fair.”
Josh laughs. “Donna Moss almost failed a class?”
“I stayed every day after school for a month and pulled it up to an A minus. But for a little while there I was in the mid-C range.”
“Painfully average,” Josh teases. 
“Shut up and eat your salad,” Donna sighs.
“I’m full, you can have it.”
Donna rolls her eyes. “Josh, you ordered this salad. You said you wanted this salad, and I didn’t question you…”
“You’re about to go back to work, and I know you won’t have time to stop and grab something for another… seven, eight hours? Eat the damn salad.”
The Hawk and Dove is nearly empty; it’s just CJ, Sam, Donna, Charlie, and Josh in the late hours of the snowy evening. 
“Toby was mentioning that earlier,” CJ says. “I don’t buy it.”
Donna pulls Josh’s untouched tray of cheese fries toward her and begins to eat, expecting a grumble or a whine from him. It never comes.
She’s not invited to this particular State Dinner. She could have gone home an hour ago, but she decided to take advantage of the rare opportunity to catch up on some filing while Josh wasn’t around. 
Donna works through the last stack of files and returns to her desk to find two plates full of hors d'oeuvres.
Donna opens her eyes and stretches as much as the hospital bed will allow. Josh hears her stir and stands up from his chair. “Hey,” he says. “How are you feeling?”
“Been better,” she says, her voice a little hoarse. 
“They brought you some breakfast. Looks like you’ve got some fruit and eggs. They’re probably a little cold by now, though. You hungry?”
“A little, yeah.” 
Josh extends his hand and offers her a small package of mini muffins. “Don’t ask me how this works, but apparently there’s a vending machine down the hall that has some American snacks in it. I thought these would be chocolate chip, but… they’re blueberry.” 
She takes the package and notices that the word blueberry is written in bold, blue font across the front, directly underneath the logo. He hasn’t eaten any of them.
“If anyone asks, the Congressman won’t be commenting on the situation with Senator Stephens,” Lou says. “Donna, do your best to make sure they don’t ask.”
Donna nods. She walks back to her seat to find a small bag of chocolate covered pretzels sitting in the chair. She looks across the room at Josh, staring at an electoral map, eating a bag of the same pretzels. He turns to grab a marker and makes eye contact with her from across the room.
Donna’s stomach nearly ties itself in knots when he gives her a small smile before returning to the board.
Josh takes his seat next to Donna, leaning in for a kiss. “Hi.”
“Hey,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Everything okay?”
He nods. “Yeah. I was just getting the ‘don’t you dare hurt her’ talk from the President.”
“Which one?” Donna asks, taking a sip of champagne.
“Either. Both. They both like you better than me, anyway, does it really matter?” 
Donna laughs. “No, I guess it doesn’t.”
Josh looks down at his empty plate, then at Donna. “You ate my slice of cake?” He’s saying it in a tone of incredulity, but he’s grinning.
She shrugs. “You left it; I assumed you didn’t want it.”
“Donna,” Josh whines. “I was going to eat that.”
“There’s still plenty left,” Donna reassures him. “Don’t worry. You can get another slice.”
“Why, so you can eat that one, too?” Josh sighs. “At what point did you start stealing my food, anyway?”
Donna moves her arm to rest on Josh’s chair. “Probably around the time I noticed that even though I was on salary, you still continued to feed me. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that, by the way.”
Josh turns to face her. “Wait, you knew?”
“Of course I knew, Josh,” Donna says. “It was your way of taking care of me. It’s really thoughtful, actually. One of the many reasons I fell in love with you.” 
She looks at him for a moment, studying the smirk on his face. She’s still in awe that she gets to call this man her husband - this incredibly caring, ridiculously sweet, wonderful man married her. 
“I’m going to start putting my name on my leftovers,” Josh declares
“I’ll just eat them anyway,” Donna says, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah. You will.”
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somestansomewhere · 4 years
Frank’s Dementia in 11a
Points to discuss:
Moments where Frank forgot.
Things he might be able to remember.
Other characters finding out.
So to start of, I made a list of every instance in SEASON ELEVEN A, where Frank’s memory seemed a bit off, I’m not gonna analyze the whole series for this but I’m sure there’s more there. Now:
Moments Where Frank Forgot
1. Frank’s History of Chicago
While this does appear to imply just the opening monologue, there are actually several moments throughout the episode where Frank is talking about the Gallagher’s running Chicago to Alan. And while this seems like typical “Frank being drunk nonsense”, plus a spectacular opening to the season... I now see it in a different light especially after:
2. Frank’s Memory Elixir
Frank LITERALLY has a line asking for “memory elixir”, meaning booze, which Alan hands him. Ironic since he has ALCOHOLIC DEMENTIA. You can’t tell me that wasn’t intentional!
3. He Forgot Bars Were Closed
Now, I may be reaching here... BUT when Frank enters The Alibi for the first time this season (what a grand enterence btw) he says “I heard somewhere all bars were open again”. V responds by saying something along the lines of “three weeks ago maybe” and that the mayor shut them down again. Frank says “Well who the hell can keep track”. And okay, yeah maybe Frank genuinely didn’t know... but this is the bar he goes to EVERYDAY. Not to mention if they shut down less than THREE WEEKS AGO, Frank should know... idk this one might not count but I added it anyway. Kermit is unaware of bars being open/shut down in 11x03 so moving on:
4. The Alibi’s Secret Enterence
Okay, again REACHING! However, when Frank entered The Alibi through the Keg Zone door he forgot to use the “secret knock” and Kev had to remind him about it. Now in 11x01 he used the front door (and I’m not sure he knew to use the other door in that ep) but still at least he remembered to use the correct door in 11x02.
This is where it got noticeable.. strap in, here we go:
5. Taking Franny to School
He took her to the wrong school. This is the same person that knows the Southside perhaps better than his kids (lol), like the back of his hand! He not only took her to the wrong school but a middle/grade school. Franny is in elementary/preschool school. You can see in WHM’s face here that Frank was confused...
6. Uncle V and Aunt Kev
Maybe just a comedic slip up, but Frank calls Kev and V “Uncle V and Aunt Kev” as opposed to what they really are. Maybe he forgot? I’m reaching LOL.
7. Debbie Is Not Fiona
Frank talks about one of his favorite MEMORIES with Franny’s mom: Debbie, but “oh no, maybe that was Fiona”. Small moment, typical Frank but... nonetheless, poor memory. The writers are smart by mentioning Fiona in this scene... it’s “a Fiona mention”, we’re going to remember this, and that’s probably why they did it.
8. The Paper Store
Yeah, this was the first red flag for me and if I can recall, the moment EVERYONE knew something seemed off. Frank, walks out of the paper store with Franny and cannot remember where he is, or where they are headed. Once he is reminded of their “goals” for the day (by Franny, a five year old) he proceeds to head to the paper store... Franny once again let’s him know that they already went there and Frank notices the paper already in his (Franny’s) backpack. Ouch.
9. The Nation of Islam
Ooo this one hurt! After Frank suggests to visit The Nation of Islam in an attempt to get their help to get rid of the Milkoviches, him, Kev, and Liam do. We SEE them go there. It’s a whole scene, so later in the episode when Frank suggests to go ask them for help AGAIN as if it were a completely new idea, we as an audience know they already did that. As Kevin says they “JUST did that”. Frank forgot. Shit.
10. Mrs.McCurdy
Frank discusses with Kev about murdering Mrs.McCurdy, later he tries to murder her. We see it, we remember it becaue she grabbed Frank’s dick. It was funny, the scene evoked laughter, it forces the audience to remember it. Frank mindlessly walks into The Alibi and Kev asks Frank if he “did the thing”. Now at first Frank is confused. They were using “quotation talk” earlier so yeah I get it, but then when Kevin is more direct with Frank, Frank thinks Kev is implying that he had sex with Mrs.McCurdy... Frank is clearly confused. Only then does Kev point out that he meant MURDER. Frank takes a second, again if you watch he does not know what Kev is talking about, but then it hits him, and he remembers. Thus continuing the convo like nothing.
11. Monica
Now this one REALLY hurt. Frank’s first scene of the episode is a sex scene between him and Letty. She’s blonde, and Frank calls her Monica. He truly believes he is sleeping with Monica, only Monica is dead, she been since season seven. When Letty mentions that she isn’t Monica (thinking Frank calling her that was only a sex thing), we see WHM’s brilliant preformence once again. Frank doesn’t know what Letty means, he thinks she’s Monica. Then when he realizes she isn’t, he gets this lost dejected look on his face. He’s confused and knows that he keeps getting confused.
Frank says “I gotta get to work”. Letty asks him where he works and Frank is left bewildered.
12. Seven
Okay so remember Frank and Franny’s adventure in 11x03? Frank visits a dry cleaners to get some weed. They make a point of Franny saying that Frank will pay SEVEN for the weed. No offer is made and Frank must get it somewhere else. Throughout the episode Frank refterences SEVEN to Kev & V as the asking price to sell. We as an audience are forced to remember SEVEN. Also in 11x03, as Debbie frantically looks for Frank/Franny, she visits the dry cleaners where they were (retracing their steps). We as an audience have been there twice.
Now, in 11x06 Frank goes to pick up an order but like, we already saw him go there episodes ago. When the woman behind the counter literally tells him she has nothing for him and he argues with her, WE KNOW she is right. Once again, Frank forgot. I’m so sad. Not only that but Kev and V don’t have Frank going on runs anymore. Ian & Mickey are doing it... Frank is legit lost and forgot that he’s not doing that anymore, Kev tells him he’s not in 11x04.
Ms.G even says to Frank that she doesn’t need to write anything down to remember it because the “Mind’s a steel trap”. She doesn’t owe him... she can use her mind to remember where Frank cannot. The irony.
13. Pedestrian, Blue, Handlebar (abc)
a) Frank getting hit in the head results in him having a visit to the hospital where a nurse discovers that Frank has no clue how he got there and more specifically, how he got hit in the first place.
b) The saddest part, when asked his name he remembers FRANK. But has to look down at her sheet to know his last name is GALLAGHER. This is the man who walks around saying “It’s up to Frank Gallagher to save the neighborhood”. He forgot his last name.
c) The scene goes on, the nurse asks him to remember three words: pedestrian, blue, and handlebar. They discuss other things, then she asks him to tell her those words. It’s so abundantly clear that Frank just cannot. He doesn’t remember. He was told like 30sec ago and gets, for the first time ASHAMED. He’s the most shameless person ever (hence the title of the show) but now the tides have turned. He “doesn’t wanna play this game anymore”. Frank can recognize AGAIN that he is confused, only now he is forced to face it. The nurse noticed, she runs some tests and Frank learns that he has early stages of alcoholic dementia. This isn’t his liver, he can’t get a new one, this is his brain.
14. + 15. Letty & Terry
Just two bonuses, Frank wanders aimlessly into the Alibi again (like in 11x05) because it’s routine for him. Letty calls him over. Frank forgot they were supposed to meet there. :(
Frank and Terry on the porch: Maybe it’s just bad writing or they were trying to make a point but like a “Gallagher-Milkovich War” never happened??? We watched the show for 11 seasons... Also are the Milkoviches actually from Poland Frank? I’ll excuse that one cuz Ian mentioned it too, but I thought they wer Ukrainian. These seem like writing mistakes tho so oops.
Things He Might Be Able To Remember
Frank has his and Franny’s name tattooed on his body... he literally forgot his last name at the hospital. And if he forgets a bunch in 11b then that’ll be the payoff for the tattoo... he might not know why the tattoo is there or who the people are listed on his arm, or even what it means exactly, but he will know that Frank loves Franny.
Where he lives. Frank never threw out the paper with his diagnosis. He might remember his home, however the conflict comes in the fact that the Gallaghers might be selling it. He needs to be around people/places that are familiar to him. This could jeopardize his memory.
The Alibi is where Frank seems to just walk to or go to whenever he has no clue where he is or going but it’s subtle. I could see him getting lost and no one knowing where he is and Frank just being at the Alibi beacuse idk muscle memory? He’s on autopilot.
Early stages of ALCOHOLIC Dementia can improve. Like if maybe Frank were to tell someone and if he wasn’t removed from the Gallagher house, and oh I don’t know if Frank STOPPED DRINKING, he could remember. But I don’t think we’re heading in that direction, especially if the house is sold, and let’s face it... it looks that way.
Fiona? Will he forget her... this all feels reminiscent of 4x11.
Other Characters Finding Out
Franny, Kevin, and Liam, are the only people who have REALLY been subject to the possibility of noticing... but think about it. Franny is too young to notice anything, Kevin is not the brightest bulb, he doesn’t seem to realize it either, and Liam was exposed to it once, but at that time he was so scared about the Milkoviches that he didn’t notice it. Maybe if he saw it again, he would. Liam is smart enough.
I wonder if the Gallaghers will just find out the hard way (,like those stills from 11x08 are making me think,) or if anyone will begin to seriously pick up on it. I intially thought they would show Frank forgetting in front of each character until someone was able to notice but scratch that. They seem to be setting Lip up on the “alcoholic path” this season, (and I may go more into depth about that one another time, it’s another big post if I do get into it). But what will the Gallagher’s reactions/feelings be towards Frank’s diagnosis? Mickey and Ian had many Terry/Frank discussions in 11x06 literally setting up for it. It hurt when they all kept dismissing Frank because yup, they don’t know yet. They would have to help him in order to keep his memory maintained, but that’s the thing... Frank’s pride. He might deny their help even if they actually were to give it to him... Either way, I’m “looking forward” to see how this all unravels and how everyone finds out and what their reactions will be, which brings me to my final topic:
So what happens? Will they sell the house, potentially causing Frank to forget? Will he not know his kids, his history? Will he die? Will Frank finally stop drinking... yeah I doubt that... So what WILL happen? Will the Gallaghers be left to take care of Frank? Will they even do that? Will he remember them?
What if in 1x01 Frank’s narration IS his memory? We see him talking about his kids to someone? It circles back? I don’t know, but either way I expect this whole thing to pull on our heartstrings. When the rest of the regulars find out... it’s gonna get real, and rough.
Interesting stuff coming up in 11b I’m sure. Let’s see how this plays out for our Protagonist and Patriarch: Frank Gallagher.
Omg, if you read through this, you are so cool and I really really appreciate you! Please send me an ask or write a note, I would love to get your take on the matter. 💙
Hope you enjoyed this analysis and I hope it didn’t go on too long.
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