#oops forgot to tag Lamb
the-one-who-lambs · 8 months
When the Lamb holds him,
Narinder’s heart beats with the antithesis of pain. The unfamiliar rhythm batters his ribcage because this freedom, too, is a prison. The shackles, forged by his own debilitated hand at the threshold of opportunity, dance to someone else’s divination. He taught his Lamb this choreography: evade every absolution of your Odyssean carnage, crush their impiety beneath your cloven steps. Plunge your blade into flesh until it coats your borrowed claws, and eat of it. Collect the liquid life draining from their veins; this too is our blood, so drink from it.
Those curved horns and sharpened teeth, unforgiven enterprise beneath a woolen cloak, mark a beast of his own creation. To which stars does he owe his fate? He lives in the cracked space between the bars built to confine him. Loving like this rhymes with every broken promise he’s fallen for. Nevertheless, he buries himself into them and whispers back every lie. Now, he dreads neither the silence nor the truth. He weaves his reflection into this new god who, despite bearing his crown, makes him fall to his knees.
Neither of them need to sleep, but they make this communion a nightly ritual, if only to have tangible proof that– as their twisted horns meet fleece and his fur covers the ghosts of skeletal limbs– a hard-fought peace accompanies their coupled immortality, serene as the night that embraces them.
It is a mercy that his unspoken salvation passes his lips as a rumbling lullaby, purring a prayer known only to him.
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landwriter · 10 months
familiar faces of july, the wildflower seeds i sowed in late may edition!!!
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dragonnerd · 2 years
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chaotic-ourple · 1 year
" S H A M U R A H A S
F A L L E N "
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I made this kinda in a hurry for a Cult Of The Lamb roleplay on twitter lol
This is my character Amari after their fight with Shamura
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g0sts · 1 year
hit with tha "get to know me" tag game i love u guys! i was tagged by both @phasmama and @memosminifridge! im debby emoji fr, sorry it took me so long to get to it!
fave ships: well i apparently gravitate towards whatever the unifying thread of nandermo and jonmartin is (EDIT i fucking forgot about sted aka blackbonnet-but-i-think-im-hilarious, im in a fog today forgive me), but going further back we obviously had taakitz, preceded by destiel, preceded by johnlock, preceded all the way back in high school by tbh the blueprint of Feral Bitches Finding Each Other And Making Each Other Better And Worse All At Once... sophie and howlmovingcastle... oh wait but if we want a real throwback that still rips my heart from my chest a decade and a half later, kyo/tohru fruitsbasket. oof... gotta lie down... into the next...
first ship: well i hit on that in fave ships, but definitely kyo/tohru. back in fuckin middle school i could tell those two needed each other 😭
last song: i have spotify on right now so last one that finished was White Stripes - Icky Thump but the currently playing is yeule - Pretty Bones [EDIT from the bottom, Fleetwood Mac - The Chain is playing me out, so, that's fun for us, huh?]
currently reading: all i read is fic these days and i'll be honest i've fallen extremely behind However i'm extremely extremely invested in Alethophobia by @jay-auris and i am itching to catch up (smirk... u are not on tumblr to see this but im calling out thru the ether.... saturday.... read w me.... after pathfinder........) Literally fic of all time, yeah it's an AU but like. hear me out. it's phenomenal, it's an exceptional mystery, it's not even rly a slowburn imo they've just Been Thru It, jay is a wizard, the characterization is like. best i've seen tbh i'm Entranced and i think about it a Lot even when i fall behind
last movie: i . i think it was indeed glass onion lol
currently watching: i binged the first season of Only Murders In The Building earlier this week and am Obsessed, can't wait to watch season 2, show of all time. i'm having a mystery moment it seems
consuming: strawberry flavored water... barely... not a good food day oop im sorry
currently working on: alternating between two cross stitch projects (got one more coffin ornament Plus Another If I Am Not Out Of My Mind After This One, but my passion is in this rainbow quaker squares beast) AND in a new year's miracle, i have been Writing Again for [redacted] for an exchange (it has been literally like half a year since putting words to doc hasn't made me feel like clawing my skin off i am taking the W)
no pressure to do this if u don't feel like it! but tagging some folks i don't Think have been tagged: @wrath-of--the-lamb, @partiallyobscure, @fanfic-fugue, @space-jaam, @fivevotesdown, @nuclearparade, @gothwizardmagic, @2momsatbrunch, and tbh who ever wants to do it im tagging you too
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atmilliways · 1 year
Ao3 First Lines
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Thanks for the tag, @xirayn!
Sorry anyone who followed me for Stranger Things content, I only have one published fic so far and I forgot how unhinged some of my Metalocalypse fics are.
1. The Five Noels
Fandom: Stranger Things | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson | 5 + 1 Christmases fic
“Said the night wind to the little lamb, “Do you see what I see?” What Steve saw, as he alternated holding the caroling book in one gloved hand and shoving the other into his armpit for warmth, was yet another drooping trailer with one sad string of lights dangling from nails jammed into gaps in the rusty siding. If it weren’t for Nancy dragging him here with a joint group of high schoolers and middle schoolers, he’d be at home seeing a cheerfully roaring fire instead. 
2. Hondaklok 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Explicit | Pairing: Nathan Explosion/Charles Offdensen | Sex pollen fic
The door to the office burst inwards with an excited bellow of, “CHARLES!” There had been a time, years ago, when the door had opened out instead of in. At the time, the band’s manager and CFO hoped it would afford him a little extra warning before interruptions; a few seconds more to steel himself against whatever or whoever was about to disrupt his work day.
3. The Other Threesome 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Explicit | Pairing: William Murderface/Pickles the Drummer(/Melmord Fjordslorn) | Starts with dick jokes and goes downhill from there
There was a rule in Dethklok that ran almost as deep as the No Showing An Interest rule, but deeper than the Call It Hamburger Time rule they would come up with later on. Skwisgaar had invented it. You didn’t get upset, cry, or sulk. You “got high.”
4. Hair of the Dog, Paw of the Monkey 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Mature | Characters: Magnus Hammersmith & Blues Devil, pairings to come | Possession fic, not finished
Twenty-two months after losing his band, his career, and the sight in his left eye, Magnus sells his soul at the crossroads under a stormy and thundering sky. The Devil has dark gray wrinkled skin and red eyes, and wears a black silk string tie and old man suspenders that hike his pants up past his natural waist.  “There,” Magnus snaps, carelessly stemming the flow of blood from the finger he just signed with on his jeans. “Now when do I get my revenge?”
5. Bridesman
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Characters: William Murderface, Toki Wartooth | Murderface can be a little GNC, as a treat
“Thisch whole thing schickensch me.” Toki rolled his eyes. “Don’ts know whats you expecteds when you makes a big cries-baby scene abouts beings in the weddings party.”
6. What Matters
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Lavona Succuboso/Trindle | Oops all side characters, amnesia, and angst
The late evening air of Paris is clear and crisp as the two women exit the small museum shop that marks the end of the Catacombs tour, arm in arm.  “Well, Liebling?” the taller of the two asks in German as they cross the street. “Did you like it?” “It was fantastic.” Her companion, who has a definite American accent, is absolutely beaming beneath her black, touristy beret. The studs in her nose and bottom lip glint silver in the streetlight. “I’ve never seen so many femurs and crania in one place before. Thousands of human skulls and bones. Skeletal remains of more than six million people. You could just . . . feel the dead, all around you.” She sighed. “This entire trip has just been perfect, Lavona. I’m so happy you were able to take the time off.”
7. Rorschach Kiss
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Abigail Remeltindtdrinc/Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Nathan Explosion | The last short thing I wrote at 707 words
The pen hadn’t been worth stealing, but Abigail has had it a long time now and she’s grown attached to it. She owns better pens—ones with those touchpad compatible squidgy ends on the top and one with green ink, her favorite color. This one has bite marks in the plastic from where she’s chewed absently on it while working on the trickier bits of high stakes projects, like this one. The cap is long gone and sometimes the ink (black) comes out a little gloppy. Really, she knows, she should just throw it away. . . . And yet she keeps it. 
8. Call Out Names
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Amber/Seth (Metalocalypse) | Oops all side characters again
“Why not? God, what’re you being such a bitch about this for?” To Seth’s credit, he actually looks like he regrets the word as soon as it’s out of his mouth, before she even puts down her phone. Because he knows the story.
9. It's Not A Lap Dance If It's Christmas & You're In A Santa Suit 🔞
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Mature | Pairing: Charles Foster Offdensen/Pickles the Drummer | Exactly what it says on the tin
The dreaded Dethklok Inc. office Christmas party was coming up—dreaded not by the band or most of the employees, who typically had a blast, but by the CFO who had to arrange and organize everything before and after, up to and including the inevitable handful of resulting funeral arrangements.  Charles was looking forward to it even less than usual, because the band had thrown an absolute shitfit to get him to agree to play Santa this year. He didn’t know why they wanted him to do this. The party didn’t even normally have a Santa.
10. Mistle-No
Fandom: Metalocalypse | Rating: Teen | Pairing: Magnus Hammersmith/Pickles The DrummerNathan Explosion/Pickles the Drummer, William Murderface/Pickles the Drummer, Pickles the Drummer/Skwisgaar Skwigelf | Four counts of "pretend to be my boyfriend so this lady stops hitting on me"
The open road is great for thinking. Pickles has composed entire songs in his head with the exact heaviness that he’d been craving since before Snakes N Barrels had gone down in flames.  He can’t play them (not enough instruments) or sing them (voice couldn’t go low enough) or write them down (had to keep both hands on the wheel, or at least one on the wheel and one on his beer), though. 
Well that was a journey.
If you wanna be tagged, be tagged! Fly, my pretties, fly!
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sarahlevys · 3 years
Oops! We totally forgot about ship/character tags. So here I am posting about @sctropefest day 1 AGAIN, to highlight the WLW fics from today!
heaven is a place not too far away; T, 8267, Alexis/Twyla, Ted/Alexis (previous), Alexis/Mutt (previous), Alexis & David, Alexis & Moira
"Oh, but soulmate marks are real." Her mother's expression softens. "Always one-sided, unfortunately. So difficult to know when you've truly met your soulmate without a matching indicator on the part of the other person, or other persons, if you're following." Her mother winks, and Alexis makes a face. "Your father was the exact same way. The poor little lamb couldn't carry a tune until he met me!"
"So you and Dad..." Alexis' head is spinning. "You guys are, like, actual soulmates."
"Very much so." Her mother appraises her carefully. "And you must have met yours, too."
"Yeah." Alexis blinks, stunned to find that she's short of breath. "I guess so."
OR: Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
(read on AO3!)
i always felt i must look better in the rear view; T, 13,152, Alexis & David, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, the Rose family
“I have everything I need right here,” Twyla says, and something very fond stirs in Alexis’s chest. “I don’t need to wish for anything else. But you… You have big dreams, Alexis, and… If anyone deserves to have their wishes come true, it’s you. I want you to have it.”
OR: When her family's past stands in the way of a career opportunity, Alexis makes a wish that completely upends their lives all over again... but is it really what she wants? For the 'Fantasy & Fandom' prompt in SCTropefest.
(read on AO3!)
If You Could See The Other Side Of Me; T, 3473, Stevie/Alexis, Stevie & David, David/Patrick (background)
Stevie has a teeny, tiny little celebrity crush.
It doesn't mean anything.
(read on AO3!)
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alabama-metal-man · 5 years
Oops! I Did It Again
I forgot to do Positivity Monday yesterday! So here’s Postivity Monday (✨Except On A Tuesday✨)™️!
So here’s how it works. The internet and life in general can be dark and depressing places. Sometimes it’s easy to get swept up in the negativity in our world or in our lives and we lose sight of good things and start to despair. So every couple Mondays, I try to share a post asking for good stories, happy memories, positive things that happened recently, etc... all in hopes that we remind ourselves and each other that there is good out there and that we must keep sight of it.
So share good thoughts, good experiences, and good vibes!! Good things happening in your life? Fun times, being with loved ones, a kind and heartfelt compliment towards you, a funny joke? Or maybe you just have thoughts or ideas or things that make you happy? Share them on this post! Reply, reblog, tag, whatever you want.
Let’s share the positivity! I’ll start:
I got ALL of my work caught up last week! After having a steady stream of 4-7 large bins of files to sort and work every single day for a week (and countless errors and malfunctions with my machines), I got the last of it done at 10 minutes to closing on Friday and it felt really really good.
It’s my last week at my job! Since announcing my plan to leave, I’ve already noticed a huge uptick in my mood and attitude, so I’m VERY eager to finally get away for a bit.
I’m meal planning again!!!
I babysat my 10-month-old niece and 6-year-old nephew all day and night on Saturday and had the best time. She was a darling and he was precious. There’s been a lot of tension between my brother and I the last few times I’ve babysat, but this time it was such a good experience all around. Everyone was just happy and feeling good. Then I helped their mom set up for the Leprechaun’s visit to their house, which was v sweet.
I’m writing (or trying to) more regularly again!!! Very exciting.
My mother now loves My Favorite Murder and wants to listen every time we’re in the car so god bless America.
I have a really terrible impression of Clarice Starling (and other Silence of the Lambs characters) that I do and it annoys my mom to no end but it always cracks me up. I keep hearing other people do these impressions too lately and idk. It just makes me instantly happy.
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Get to know us ~
- Admin ratedM Edition -
1. Nickname: Moni
2. Star Sign: Gemini - Cancer cusp
3. Height: 5′0′’
4. Time: 6:55
5. Last thing I googled: Careers from home
6: Favorite music artists: 
Red Hot Chili Peppers, EXO, GOT7, BTS, The Pretty Reckless, Marina and the Diamonds, Panic! at the Disco, Paramore, Avril Lavigne, P!nk
7. Song stuck in your head: Lu by Luhan & The One by EXO-CBX
8. Last movie watched: Pulp Fiction
9. Last TV show watched: The Legend of the Blue Sea
10. Outfit: Baggy jeans, and baggy grey v-neck - i wear baggy shit.
11. When did you create this blog: sometime last year, don’t fucking remember
12: Do you have any other blogs: Yes -- freebird1786 -- my personal/studyblr
13. Do you get asks regularly: we get requests, but not asks
14. Why did you choose ur @: i don’t know admin R chose it, lol i just went with it
15. Gender: i don’t know ... i think i’m a girl, that’s what people have told me, lmao cx -- Female
*sense the sarcasm*
16. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, all the way!
17. Pokemon Team: I think it was Valor. i don’t remember, i don’t play anymore, i got lazy lmao
18. Favorite color: dark grey, black and maroon -- and i’m fucking weird
19. Average hours of sleep: 4 hours on a good day, because i can never fall asleep
20. Lucky number: 4 or 6
21. Favorite character(s): Jessica Jones, Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural) Zack Addy, Lance Sweets and Vincent (Bones), Hanibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs), Reddington (Blacklist) aka my dream husband, even though he’s 30 years older than me... he’s the only older man that i’ll love!
22. How many blankets do you sleep with: i technically sleep with three, but i only use one at a time -- she went on to explain to me her whole sleeping process but i already forgot everything, lol oops, she was talking to fast -- love u M! ~~R
23. Dream job: to own an animal rescue and a pet store!
24: Followers: 565! I can’t wait ‘til we get to the thousands so we can post all of our imagines and scenarios that we have saved up
like admin R’s fluff scenario with Chanyeol that almost broke me! i can’t wait for her to post it, bc i remember reading it and it broke me and i almost cried because it was too much for me. i almost cried a first a time because it was so fucking sad and i almost cried because it was too much fluff. but i didn’t because i’m still hard as fuck... oh wait... i’m sorry i’m hyper.
I tag: @exowolf-reactions @chokemejimin ... and anyone else who wants to because we weren’t tagged in this, we just wanted to do this! 
Admin R’s post
** hii~  it’s me Admin R typing exactly what M is saying, so sorry for all the cursing lmao. this is us. love us! **
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pka42 · 7 years
20 Questions
@victorineb tagged me a while back, but I totally forgot about this thing! Oops! Thank you!
Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people who you’d like to know better…
Name: PKA Nickname: PKA ^.^ Zodiac: Taurus Height: 170cm Orientation: Bi Ethnicity: German Favorite fruit: Bananas Favorite Season: Autumn is nice. Winter is nice, too. As long as it’s not too hot I’m good. Favorite Book: I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb Favorite Flower: Snowdrop Favorite Scent: Was, and forever will be, my ex-ex-boyfriends’ scent. My nose is the thing that falls in love first. Favorite Color: Black and purple, preferably the type of purple Bryan Fuller hates ; ) Favorite Animal: Harpy Eagles Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Hot Cocoa is the winner by far. I hate coffee and sometimes drink tea. Favorite Fictional Characters: I made a whole other meme post about that Number of Blankets You Sleep With: One, a thick or a thin one depending on the time of year Dream Trip: Italy and the Kingdom of Bhutan Blog Created: May 5th, 2014, started posting (regularly) in June 2016 Number of Followers: 384
Not tagging people, because I’m a dick as usual ^.^
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