#op 940
ahkeb · 3 months
Rest in struggles,.Basil Hawkins, you would have loved owning a Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk
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sliceofrilife · 2 years
⚠️One Piece ep 940 SPOILERS⚠️
The townspeople and otoko just absolutely laughing through their sobs, because at that point if they stopped with all their laughter and joyfulness or if someone took that away from them. Who else are they? Just a bunch of sad/depressed people living in poverty, on the edge of dying from hunger.
I love seeing Zoro's confusion and i guess his bit of anger towards the townspeople, because it brings such a contrast that I just adore for some reason.
I loved seeing how Yasuie was connected to everything.
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corleonewrites · 3 months
La Vérité
AU: Anatomy of a Fall (2023)
Vincent Renzi x Original Female Character fanfic.
Summary: Two people connected by the same past. Two lawyers. And one tangled case which brought them back together again, giving them the opportunity to sort out their feelings towards each other, no matter how painful memories are to both of them can be.
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Chapter 5. Fantasie in F Minor, Op. 103: D. 940
“I’m celebrating my birthday this Friday and you’re coming, Camille”, Jean-Louis greeted me the other day in October, when the lecture with Vincent was about to begin.
For that moment my interactions with Renzi were longer and more frequent, and of course, Estella and Loise tried couple unsuccessful attempts to find out what happened between me and Vincent, how close we were and those kinds of things but I cooled their interest down: firstly, because it was none of their business, and secondly, those meetings with him outside the university walls were not romantic at all.
They didn’t leave to something more than just discussions about my degree essay, about films, art and books. We visited museums and cinema but never met in bars or somewhere more private. He kept his distance as I was keeping mine, not knowing what he wanted and what I wanted as well.
I was always not into relationships, I didn’t really believe in them in general, besides my parents and grandparents got divorced and for a long period of time it was my evidence that all relationships would crack.
Before I met Vincent and before our affair started, I never had close and deep relationships with anyone. Even when I went on a few dates when I thought to consider the idea of having a boyfriend – everything finished with the simple kiss, nothing more. It didn’t bother me, even when all my friends were talking about how great their sex with their boyfriends was and all this kind of stuff, because at least I knew that I was waiting for someone special, even though it sounded very old-fashioned but I was raised in old-fashioned style and was proud of it.
The first court hearing just finished and all three of us: Sandra, Vincent and I headed back to the woman’s place, discussing what could be done before the next hearing and what could be said during the process. My head was pulsing a little but it was a side effect of my job and I got used to it but with the help of headache pills.
The hearing itself wasn’t in the way of how I thought it would be: just a regular process, without any difficulties. But right when it started, I understood that not only the first one but all the other ones would be harder with every new one. Not only because of the harsh answers and questions from the prosecution, but also because of the evidence which we needed to collect. It would discover all the skeletons in the closet of our defendant.
During the process I pointed out how Renzi was glancing at me from time to time, but these glances were irritating me and I pretended not to see them, concentrating on the process. Even though it was exciting to work with him in the first few minutes – then I pulled myself together and the rest of the hearing ran smoothly. Of course I could still feel his eyes following my actions.
I checked my black knee-length dress and my loose hair in the mirror near the bar’s entrance and entered the dark room with bright colorful lights and disco ball on the ceiling, holding a present for Jean-Louis in my hand.
The table for our birthday company was in the end of the room, near the bar desk: I recognized some students from our class, Estella and Loise included, and then my gaze dropped on monsieur Renzi, who was sitting in the corner of a big sofa, taking a sip from his drink. He also looked at me, his glance was long and followed me, when I reached Jean-Louis to give him a hug and give a present:
“Happy birthday, Jean-Louis”, I said loudly and hugged my friend, but tried to asked him something on his ear, “You decided to invite all of our teaching staff, am I right?”
He just laughed and winked at me, and tried to reach Vincent, “No, only monsieur Renzi, if you don’t mind”
I glanced at him once again, but shook my shoulders and quickly looked at Jean-Louis again:
“No, I don’t mind at all, it’s your birthday. So let’s celebrate it with a glass of whiskey sour”
It didn’t take much time for me to start dancing on the dancefloor to the beat of old music from 70’s and 80’s: it was a thematical night at the bar. When with every second of the music were carrying me away to feeling of nostalgia that I never had, I couldn’t help myself but was glancing at Vincent, who decided not to dance, but to sit on the sofa. At one point, Estella sat near him and accurately placed her hand on his shoulder, whispering something in his ear, which made me angry, but during this interaction my tutor was thoughtfully looking directly at me, without paying attention to Estella and she quickly left him, looking pissed.
Slow and beautiful song Domani è un altro giorno by Ornella Vanoni suddenly started to play on the background and I glanced at Vincent again: this was the song we’ve heard in Indian Summer, it was playing at the bar scene, it was romantic and deep at the same time and it was one of my favourite scenes in the film as well and I caught myself in a thought that both Renzi and I were in the almost exact same scene at that moment, especially when Jean-Louis who was dancing near me before the song started moved to me and asked to slow dance with him. I didn’t say no, and I wanted to make Renzi jealous.
Probably it was a successful move, because during the whole song he didn’t move his thoughtful gaze from me, when I looked directly at him as well, the tension between us was in the air, with every second and every move it was becoming stronger and unbearable.
In one moment, almost before the song finished, Jean-Louis looked at Vincent then at me, smirked and whispered in my ear:
“I think monsieur Renzi caught an eye on you, Camille”
“She’s attractive, right?”, Loise asked Vincent, when he was watching Camille slow-dancing with Jean-Louis on a song from Indian Summer.
He stopped thinking about mademoiselle Cadieux only in terms of student-teacher kind of relationships a couple of days ago, before that evening, when surprisingly Jean-Louis invited him to his birthday. She interested him in everything, but most of all she attracted him as mysterious, attractive young woman with sad thoughtful glance. Renzi tried to take it out of his head at the beginning, but since those brief encounters with Camille outside university began to be more and more frequent – he stopped pretending that he didn’t care.
That evening at the bar must put all the dots on “I”. He was feeling it but he didn’t know how to begin. It was completely opposite than his regular court hearings. It was the matter of love and interest.
“Yes, she is”, Vincent didn’t turn to Loise, continuing following Camille’s moves on the dancefloor.
“But mind you, professor, she’s a tough one. She’s not like any other girl, she has her own secrets and she won’t open to anyone without trusting them completely. And she never did…”, Loise continued, moving closer to him, whispering on his ear, but he just moved forward, keeping distance from her.
“I’m able to figure it out by myself, mademoiselle Bisset.”
The birthday party slowly moved to Jean-Louis’ apartment. Right when everyone was inside, Jean-Lois turned on the music on his record player when girls helped to serve drinks to everyone. Vincent curiously was walking around the apartment, when I sat on the big sofa, slightly drunk and completely tired from bar’s dances.
“How about watching a film?” – Alain, Jean-Louis’ friend, asked, laying on a couch with his drink in hand.
“Oh, yes! Let’s watch something good and old-fashioned”, Estella agreed, when Jean-Louis looked at me and smiled:
“Let Camille Truffaut decide then, I have a big collection of good classics”
Vincent finally returned from his excursion around the apartment and stood behind me, when I thought for some moments, and said:
“Well, since I’m Truffaut tonight we’re watching Truffaut’s Jules and Jim”
“Just how I thought”, laughed Jean-Louis, and pulled out DVD with Jules and Jim out of his impressive collection of cinematography.
The lights went off. When Vincent finally sat beside me on the sofa, and only millimeters separated us from each other – I felt how my heart started to beat faster with every second. I didn’t move. When the film started, after a couple of seconds, I felt Vincent’s hand was slowly moving towards my hand, I didn’t hesitate and finally my hand was in his. It was such a slow move that we didn’t think that someone would notice it. We didn’t actually think that someone would care anyways.
“Camille? Are you asleep?”, I’ve heard Vincent’s voice from somewhere deep. Probably I fell asleep on our way back to town, as at some point I lost track of our quiet talks in his car and I didn’t even notice it.
“Had lack of sleep previous night, it happens to me recently”, I replied, looking at snowy road.
“Never noticed it, you was very active at court”
“Well, the hearing was tense and nervous, I didn’t have the opportunity to close my eye for a second”, I replied dryly, “And it won’t be easy for sure, not until the last one”
“And yet it feels like there’re going to be a lot more of them. I wonder how Sandra will handle this, I know that she’s very strong, but she can break under those circumstances”
Again, Renzi was talking about Sandra, and again I felt that strange feeling of jealousy inside me, I wondered if he ever was thinking or talking about me with anyone else, when we had our affair which I believed at some point, would last.
I didn’t look at him. I didn’t want to look at him or be around him now. All I wanted was to get out of the car and cool my head by visiting hotel’s lobby bar. At the same time, I was thinking about that difficult case almost 24 hours a day with some pauses for bits of sleep, I wanted to be good and professional, it began to be a huge matter of my personal career. I wanted to beat my tutor. I wanted to beat Vincent.
The film and the birthday evening were over. It was half past one and everyone began to leave Jean-Louis apartment. Vincent and I were the last ones, the door closed behind us and now we were standing alone in the hall, waiting for the elevator to arrive. Just as the elevator was slowly going up to us, Vincent’s hand was slowly raising up and when the elevator’s doors opened, his right hand was on my shoulder. I couldn’t resist no more. I turned around and we stormed into the elevator, kissing each other deeply.
For a couple of seconds, when the elevator was slowly going down, we were finally alone and we couldn’t hold ourselves back, the feelings that were circling around inside us were finally coming out.
We exited the building, the cold wind of late autumn night greeted us when we reached Vincent’s car. I got inside, and the door of the passengers’ seat closed. No words were spoken between us, it felt like we understood each other just by the way of how we looked at each other, it felt surreal, I couldn’t believe that it was my real life and I wasn’t in the film. The engines started and the car led us to the night full of opened deep feelings and things that couldn’t be said and done in the daylight before that particular evening.
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milleroptimism · 1 month
I just spent $940 on photo ops with Jensen, Jared and a group photo op with both of them for next year AND I DON'T EVEN CARE.
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David Fray - Fantasia for Piano Four-Hands in F Minor, 
Op. Posth. 103, D. 940
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ayusaurus · 1 year
I literally keep thinking about Ep 940 and 941
Like of all the episodes I have seen in Op, I think the reveal of the SMILE fruits and the effects just absolutely drop kicked me. I don’t think there has been another episode or media that has made me feel the same kind of rage and the pit of your stomach sense of fucked up which is saying A LOT. And from a psychological standpoint, it worked horrifically well.
But god, seeing everyone laughing at Yasui dying had me feeling just as pissed off as Zoro felt. I remember just sitting there like “what tHE FUCK?!” Like these were ppl who knew him and liked him and they were just laughing.
I know how easy it is to just focus on Zoro, but Brook coming in to see everything hit on another level too.
And when the explanation of the SMILE fruits happened, the absolute rage I felt was so palpable. I also felt for Sanji because he KNOWS what it’s like to starve. To not waste food and would have done the same.
And then on top of that seeing Kid reacting to Killer??? That hurt too. Followed by Luffy’s reaction and him perfectly encompassing how I’m sure we all felt in wanting to kick everyone’s ass that was responsible.
Like idk man, those episodes just sit with me and I have to commend Oda for the way he played it. Like up until that point, the smile fruits felt more of a background element that was only one small key in Law’s plan. But then this episode just made everything so damn surreal and harrowing.
I loved it.
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angeryed · 2 years
Music recommendations with famous characters 🎶
Author’s note: this is shorter than most of my posts, but I hope y’all like it (:
Do tell me if you want more of this! Much feedback is appreciated <33
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Dorian Gray
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In his downfall of sin, lust and desire, how could he object to snobbery and opera?
exchange of souls with the portrait, Devil and self
discovery of his portrait’s corruption
deluge in sin. Half-eaten forbidden fruit in hand, juice staining Basil’s handkerchief
his charm masked his true form; draped in the cellar below his ballroom of lies
life returns to normal; it was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was.
Victor Frankenstein
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He touched the blood on his scalp, weeping of a scholar’s doom
a short lived childhood of ill-fated innocence
the death of childhood heralds reason’s lacrimosa
Victor’s wedding march, sincerely played by the monster
a flicker of an end, his journey of discovery lost because of knowledge’s curse
Liszt: Faribolo pasteur — Love, Robert Walton
Beth March
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Could things have been different?
Liszt: Apparition No. 1 — her birth breathed a gentle lullaby. Even in life, moonlight blanketed her for heaven’s coffin.
Schumann: Kinderszenen — her life glazed by like a memory.
Chopin: Grande Valse Brillante Op. 18 — she plays for you, Jo March. And Amy and Meg and Marmee. Like a springtime cricket in the dead of summer, reaching the coda on the last of its strings.
Schubert: Fantasia for piano D. 940 I. Allegro molto moderato — she waved farewell to Jo, waiting for her.
Chopin: Valse de l’adieu Op. 69 No. 1
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A consumption of rage, fury and insanity; fuelled from the woodland of a foreign Wuthering Heights
Chopin: March Funèbre — he lived, died and dreamt alone
Chopin: Op. 10 No. 3 “Tristesse” — a short-lived romance, the closest thing to love he felt
Chopin: Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1 — Maturity takes away a lot of things
Tchaikovsky: March Slave — All he wanted was Catherine. Even in death, there is her corpse
La La Land: City of Stars — Maybe in the afterlife
┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
I hope y’all liked it <33
Much feedback is appreciated ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
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srltappap · 2 years
Just send me a duet partner from above
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odedmusic · 22 days
Fantasie in F Minor, Op. 103, D. 940
#OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic
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vxridis-quo · 2 months
New PPG Verse!
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The Codename: Kids Next Door Verse
This universe reimagines the girls as operatives within the Kids Next Door, and organization of kids who have dedicated their lives to fighting adult tyranny and the forces of evil grown-ups.
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are 8 years old in this verse. And thus are 3rd graders instead of kindergarteners. They attend Pokey Oaks Elementary School.
The girls are members of Sector PPG, which is situated in their home town of Townsville, New York. In universe, the sector name was chosen at random.
Obviously, the girls do not have superpowers in this universe (otherwise they'd be OP as hell). They're just normal girls...well, as normal as you can be when you're an operative for a international agent organization that is.
Blossom is Numbuh 941, Bubbles is Numbuh 942, and Buttercup is Numbuh 943.
Fun Fact: The reason for 94 being the prefix number is because that is the atomic number for Plutonium (You know, like "Utonium"?).
Blossom is the sector's leader, Bubbles is the sector's medic and in charge of diversionary tactics, and Buttercup their combat expert.
Bubbles is also the caretaker of the many squirrels that power their treehouse (their equivalent to Sector V being powered by hamsters in wheels).
Their father, Professor Utonium isn't aware of their exploits as operatives, but he was a part of the KND in his youth as the scientist Numbuh 940, before he was decommissioned.
The girls were adopted by the professor instead of being created by him. They are still triplets, but they don't remember their old parents. For as far as they know, The Professor is their only dad, their real dad.
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mohammadhapidin · 2 months
ATA 34-61-02
Urutan update harus OPS dulu baru yang lain,biar gak hilang data2 yang lainya
Software DEU ( OPS,OPC,DUDB )
ATA 31
Software terbaru PN BP2015A
Urutan update harus OPS dulu baru yang lain,biar gak hilang data2 yang lainya
Ada 2 jenis DEU -930 dan -940
Keduanya tidak bisa di gabung dan softwarenya pun berbeda.
CCN ( Compare Configuration Number)
Software WX RADAR
ATA 34-43
Aslinya -001 di update jadi -003
Update nya pakai 2 CF Card
Download fault history cukup card nya di masukan ke processor,maka akan otomatis terdownload
Resoftware reff terbaru SB 34-2637
Software yang terbaru -22
ATA 22-11-33
Klo mau liat pesawat Hard landing bisa di liat di ACMS ketik PTCG maka akan muncul ,klo lebih dari 4G makan di pastikan itu terjadi Hardlanding,
Klo mau liat degre stab trim lewat ACMS ketik PTRM maka akan muncul
0 notes
pazaryerigundem · 2 months
Klasik müziğin yıldızları Gümüşlük’te buluştu
Klasik müziğin yıldızları Gümüşlük’te buluştu
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Bosfor Turizm’in ana sponsorluğunda ve T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın destekleriyle düzenlenen 21. Gümüşlük Müzik Festivali, Macar kemancı Kristóf Baráti ve Türk piyanist Tuna Bilgin’in tarihi taş ocağında verdiği konserle yaza merhaba dedi…
MUĞLA (İGFA) – Bu yıl da “Avrupa’nın en seçkin festivalleri EFFE2025” ödüllüne layık görülen Gümüşlük Müzik Festivali, Macar – Türk ikilisinin açılış konseriyle kapılarını müzikseverlere açtı. Bu yıl 21. yılını kutlayan festivalin açılış törenine ve hemen ardından gerçekleşen Baráti & Bilgin ikilisinin konserine, Bodrum’un tanınmış simaları ve sanatseverler katıldı.
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25 asırlık Antik Taş Ocağı’nda “Taşta” başlığı ile düzenlenen konserlerin ilkinde, Macar kemancı Kristóf Baráti ve Türk piyanist Tuna Bilgin, izleyiciye unutulmaz bir gece yaşattı. Dünya çapında olağanüstü nitelikte bir müzisyen olarak ilgiyi üstünde toplayan keman virtüözü Kristóf Baráti, festivalin yurtdışı eğitim bursuyla desteklenen, son iki yıldır ise festival kapsamında verdiği konserlerle dikkat çeken genç piyanist Tuna Bilgin, Romantik Dönem bestecilerden Beethoven, Brahms ve Franck’ın sonatlarıyla izleyici karşısına çıktı.  
Kusursuz tekniği, geniş ifade yelpazesi ve kemanına kattığı şiirselliği, genç piyanistimiz Tuna Bilgin’in mükemmel performansı eşliğinde sergileyen Kristóf Baráti, açılış konserinde programa L.V. Beethoven’ın, “Keman ve Piyano Sonatı No. 5 Fa Majör, Op. 24 “Bahar Sonatı” ile başladı. Kristóf Baráti & Tuna Bilgin ikilisi, daha sonra J. Brahms’ın, “Keman Sonatı No. 2 La Majör, Op. 100” adlı yapıtını seslendirerek büyük alkış aldı. Programda son eser, C. Franck’ın, “Keman Sonatı, La Majör” başlığını taşıyordu. İzleyicinin yoğun alkışlarıyla tekrar sahneye gelen ikili bis yaparak geceyi sonlandırdı.
21. Gümüşlük Müzik Festivali, Portekizli piyanistler António Silva & Tiago Nunes’un 14 Temmuz Pazar akşamı verdiği konserle devam etti. Klasik müzikseverleri Bitez Aktur’daki Zefirya Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi’nde buluşturan
Portekizli piyano ikilisi Silva ve Nunes, konser sonunda ayakta alkışlandı. İkili, 2019 pandemi döneminde geliştirdikleri eserlerinden oluşan dört el piyano ‘H4NDS DUO’ projeleriyle beğeni topladı.
Farklı coğrafyalardan bestecilerin eserlerini içeren ve sınırları müzikle kaldırma fikrine odaklanan H4NDS DUO projesi ve aynı adlı albüm; Schubert, Grieg, Dvořák ve Gluck gibi bestecilerin eserlerinden oluşuyordu. Coğrafi çeşitliliğe ve özgürlükleri kısıtlananların dayanıklılığına övgü niteliğine sahip olan proje dışında İkili, List, Debussy, M. Tokuyama ve A. Piazzolla’dan eserler de seslendirdi.
Zefirya Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi’nde gerçekleşen “Dört El” piyano ziyafetinde Portekizli ikili ilk olarak; F. Schubert’ten, “Fantezi Fa minör, D.940” adlı eseri seslendirdi. Sanatçılar bu eserin ardından E. Grieg’den, “Norveç Dansları, Op. 35; A. Dvořák’tan, “Slav Dansları: No.2, Op. 72 “Dumka” No.8, Op. 46 “Furiant” ve F. Liszt’ten, “Funérailles – Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, S.173, No. 7” adlı yapılarla izleyiciden alkış aldı.. Program ikinci yarısında C. Debussy’nin, “L’isle Joyeuse, L. 106” başlıklı eseri ile açıldı. Daha sonra M. Tokuyama’nın, “Musica Nara op.25” adlı eseri izleyici ile buluştu. Gece A. Piazzolla’nın, “Invierno Porteño”, “Nightclub 1960” ve “Libertango” başlıklı yapıtlarıyla son buldu.
Gümüşlük Festival Akademisi (GFA) tarafından 2006’dan beri düzenli olarak gerçekleştirilen masterclasslar kapsamında bu yıl ilk sınıf mezunlarını verdi. 2024’ün ilk ustalık sınıfına katılan Keman Masterclass öğrencileri, keman sanatçıları Kristóf Barati ve Erkin Onay’la bir hafta boyunca müzikal bilgi ve enstrümanlarında ustalık kazandılar. Yoğun etüt programı ve derslerin sonunda geçtiğimiz akşam festivalin Gümüşlük sahilindeki sahnesi Toprak Ev’de izleyici karşısına çıkan GFA Keman Masterclass öğrencileri, keman için yazılmış eserlerden derledikleri bir repertuvarla sahneye çıktı.
Yaşları 12 ila 21 arasında değişen, Bilkent Üniversitesi Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Fakültesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ankara Devlet Konservatuvarı, Bakü Bülbül Müzik Okulu, Mimar Sinan İstanbul Devlet Konservatuarı gibi farklı eğitim kurumlarında gelen 9 genç yetenek, Toprak Ev’in sahnesinde hünerlerini sergiledi. C. Saint-Saëns, Fritz Kreisler, Joachim Raff, Henryk Wieniawski, W. A. Mozart, N. Paganini, Antonín Dvořák ve Béla Bartók gibi sevilen bestecilerin keman için yazılmış eserlerini seslendiren öğrenciler, konserin ardından düzenlenen törenle, sertifikalarını eğitmenleri Erkin Onay’ın elinden alma şansına sahip oldu. GFA Keman Masterclass öğrenci konserinin geliri önceki yıllarda olduğu gibi bu yıl da bir sonraki yılın öğrenci fonunda kullanılacak. GFA fonu, ihtiyaç sahibi öğrencilerin yurt içi veya yurtdışı eğitim giderlerine aktarılıyor.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
April 17th, 2024 - PIU Phoenix, DDR A3, SDVX EG, CHUNITHM
today was a special, long-awaited day for me! after letting them settle in and finishing up some of my homework, i finally took my cousin from Mexico to Round 1 to check out all the fancy dancing games available there!!! and to show off, I got a 1-good 1-bad SSS on Simon Says, EURODANCE!! S18!!! (this would be an old-ranking S)
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shortly after this set though, my sister and other cousin would abduct her and take her out shopping through the rest of the mall, leaving just me and my friend to play the dance games there on our own. forever alone... but instantly wiping away those feelings with this super quick FC on Megalovania ESP-16!!! first (DDR) song of the day!!
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played a bunch of SDVX against my friend and alone simultaneously, trying to play as many 17s as I could to get sorta used to them. it worked i guess?? i was able to get consistent 940+s and clears on them, something I couldn't have imagined myself doing at all. not only that, but i revisited one of my favorite 17s (One More Lovely EXH) and managed to get a 970/AAA with hard clear and all!!!
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briefly goofed off in chuni and got a co-op clear on Oshama Scramble Master with me and my friend using one hand each LOL
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lots more SDVX than where that came from!! more 17 clears of course and a few miserable fails, but i kept grinding out the BPL event on my own and eventually... finally... DID IT!!! NEMSYS ARENA -WORLD HEXATHLON- UNLOCKED JUST IN TIME!!! celebrated again by playing a set with my friend where i cleared the 17 i use as my menu music, upscored 2 MINUTES FIGHTERS just barely, and got locked into this gorilla song for which i wasn't able to buy the INFINITE before i got locked in
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i was about ready to leave after that, but the DDR cab opened up as i was recovering and i gave it a few tries, which was absolutely worth it!!! an FC/AAA on I'm so Happy CSP-16 with a local player, and an AAA on Illegal Function Call ESP-16 on my own!!! i left after that to catch up on homework and relaxed, but i really enjoyed the experience nonetheless :] (i say, as i write these posts to avoid doing homework i have right now)
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dilperisanimmmm · 7 months
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actuelekamers · 10 months
  Prijs: 940 per maand oms... #Nieuwegein #Utrecht https://actuelekamers.nl/appartement-in-nieuwegein-940-eur/?feed_id=110013&_unique_id=65796edb71142
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Schubert: Fantasia for Piano Four-Hands in F Minor, Op. Posth. 103, D. 940
David Fray · Jacques Rouvier
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