#open heart drabble
txemrn · 2 years
ethan’s reaction to tatum getting up in the middle of the night to get water or something & then coming back & giving him a lil smooch on his forehead thinking he’s asleep? what about if it was the other way around? im in a fluffy sappy mood lol 💖
Mal! 💜 I adore you and your kindness and that sweet fluffy sappiness of yours! Thank you so much for all of the Asks that you have been sending out! They have been so much fun. Sending you major hugs... and a drabble that NO ONE asked for, that did NOT follow the directions (what else is new?). 😘
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Word Count: ~1000
Summary: With baby Ramsey not sleeping through the night, Ethan and Tatum make a pact of who gets up with the little one.
Rating/Warning: teen; language; innuendos
AN: Huge thank you to my sweet, creative friend @sfb123 who helped me brainstorm banter! What is with us and Monday mornings? lol Love you! Our lovely broody doctor belongs to our friends at Pixelberry. Also, I haven't revealed Baby Ramsey's gender just yet, so if you see a random "he" or "she", don't get too excited. And last but not least: now that they're married, when they're being silly, Ethan and Tatum call each Mr. and Mrs. rather than "doctor".
"Goodnight, my little vampire," Tatum whispers, a smirk hidden in her exhausted eyes. Ensuring that the mobile above the crib is set on a timer, she tiptoes out of the darkened nursery. Leaning her back against the closed door, she exhales a sigh of relief before returning to her bed.
Ethan and Tatum were lucky to have a baby that started sleeping through the night at ten weeks of age. However, a little regression happened this past week when their almost five-month old started cutting their first few teeth. The couple agreed there was no point in both of them getting up to soothe their little one; so they made a pact that whoever woke up first would tend to the baby. It was a great idea. In theory.
Tatum found herself alone, waking up every few hours for the past six days. She was extremely fatigued, and her nipples were sore from the cluster-feeding. Ethan, however, was sleeping like a baby–better than their actual baby. How the hell was he resting through their child's high pitched shrills for comfort?
As Tatum sneaks back into their master bedroom, she stares at her sleeping husband, his eyes peacefully closed, snuggly tucked under the covers.
And her eyebrows begin to furrow as her lips twist. Is he really asleep? Like, is he actually sleeping through all of this commotion?
She carefully crawls between the sheets before leaning over to look at her quiet husband.
We'll just see about that...
"Are you awake?" Tatum barely whispers. He doesn't flinch, continuing to slumber. She sweetly presses her lips to his cheek before laying her head on his shoulder, cuddling against his still body. She runs her fingers across the musculature of his bare chest before undoing the drawstring of his pajama pants. But still, he remains motionless.
Oh, you are faking, you fake-ass faker…
Tatum scowls. She feels her pulse begin to race as she becomes more and more irritated by the minute. It was time to hit him where it hurt.
Let's see how well you sleep to this…
"Oh, baby," she mewls, "I don't know how we're gonna do this... with two babies in diapers in just a few short months."
"The fuck?"
Tatum feels the mattress dip next to her. She looks up to find a very stunned Ethan, anxiously pulling at his hair.
"Oh! Sweetheart," she feigns sincerity, sitting up in bed, "did I wake you up?"
"Tatum," he grabs her face tenderly, fear crashing into his eyes. "Are… are you really?"
Tatum shrugs before putting her fists on her hips. "Are you really fake sleeping so you don't have to get up with the baby?"
"Unbelievable," Ethan grunts, throwing himself back onto his pillow, turning his back to his wife.
"You know what? You're right, Ethan Ramsey," she snarls. "You are unbelievable." She roughly fluffs her pillow before throwing it down on the bed. Beyond angry, she begins to sniffle, turning her back to her husband.
Hearing her whimpers, Ethan glances over his shoulder to see her body tremble with each sob. He lets out a deep exhale before turning around to face Tatum. He clears his throat. "So… maybe I have been taking advantage of you, trying to get more sleep…"
Tatum turns around, the corner of her mouth turning up as she listens to her husband's attempt to apologize.
"But Tate," he scoffs, "what am i supposed to do?" He taps his chest, "You've got what the goods–"
"That's what the bottles are for, Rams–"
Suddenly they are silenced by the familiar scream of their tiny human, shrieking in the darkness. Ethan sighs, massaging his temple. "This doesn't last forever," he mumbles.
"This doesn't last forever," Tatum kindly grins, taking his hand and kissing the back of it. "Just hit the button with the picture of a bottle on it." Her words begin to slur as she relaxes, closing her eyes.
After a good twenty minutes, baby Ramsey finally settled down which finally settled down Tatum's mommy heart. Hearing Ethan's heavy steps coming back to the bedroom, she quickly shuts her eyes and pretends to be asleep.
Ethan crawls into bed and stares at his wife. And he snickers to himself. He brushes his lips across her forehead before whispering into her ear.
"I know you're awake."
Tatum remains still as Ethan raises an eyebrow, his eyes not leaving her still, peaceful body.
"You know how I know you're awake?"
Tatum remains silent, her eyes resting shut.
"Because you're not sawing logs." He notices a slight purse to her lips, trying to stifle her laughter. All of a sudden, Ethan lets out a giant snore, tickling his wife's sides.
She squeals, wildly kicking. She finally jolts up, grabbing her pillow and begins to playfully swat at her husband. "I… don't…. snore, you… asshole!"
Laughing uncontrollably, Ethan grabs a pillow to defend himself. "Now who's faking sleep."
Tatum stops, trying her best to look mad, but she can't help, but giggle.
"Do I know you? Or do I know you?" Ethan snickers as he fluffs up his side of the bed to go back to sleep. "You can't pull a fast one on me. I know when you're faking."
They both finally quiet down into comfortable silence as they readjust their bodies in bed, becoming more relaxed–that is until Tatum opens her mouth.
"You don't know when I fake an orgasm."
"Tatum Ramsey!" Ethan roars, "are you fucking kidding me right now?"
She shrugs her shoulders. "Wouldn't you like to know..."
Tatum suddenly yelps as Ethan grips his large hands around her hips, jerking her body underneath his. "Wrong answer, Mrs. Ramsey," he nuzzles his thick lips into her neck, eliciting soft giggles and moans from his wife.
She cradles his head in his arms, firmly tugging at his dark waves as her voice turns breathy, flirty. "What are you going to do about it, Mr. Ramsey?"
He lifts her leg around his own waist before giving her ass a swift spank. "I dare you to fake it this time."
Tags (this is my new list as of 9/26; if you wish to be added/removed, let me know!):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @ao719 @charlotteg234 @harleybeaumont @issabees @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @tessa-liam
@alyshak92 @annfg8 @cariantha @lsvdw-blog @mvalentine @ofmischiefandmedicine @rookiemartin @starrystarrytrouble @youlookappropriate
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
#1 "Are you eating cookies right now? It's 3 AM!" "If Santa can do it so can I."
From the holiday prompt list (although all of the prompts sound amazing 😍)
this one took a little bit cause ive been busy but ty!! this was so cute i had to write a little something for them
Bryce woke up to a thud from outside the bedroom, blearily rubbing his eyes and sitting up from the bed. His first incoherent thought was some relation to Santa Claus—it was Christmas Eve after all—but one feel around the bed disproved that sleep-jumbled theory. Jensen wasn't pressed behind him like usual, Bryce checking over his shoulder to confirm that he wasn't there.
With a sigh, he debated on going back to sleep, but another metallic-sounding creak had him padding out into the hallway.
"Jensen?" he asked as he rounded the corner, squinting his eyes at the light over the sink. Jensen glanced over his shoulder as he washed out a bowl, offering a muffled hum. Adjusting to the brightness, Bryce looked up to see half a sugar cookie between his lips.
He blinked a few times, checking the clock to make sure it was, in fact, 3:14 in the morning.
"Are you..." he started but stopped quickly, trying to clear the tired fog. Jensen gave him a questioning look, taking another bite as he dried his hands on the towel. Bryce sighed before asking, "Are you eating cookies right now?"
"Mhm," Jensen replied easily, cracking the oven and casually adding, "Making them, too."
"It's 3 AM!"
Jensen gave a him a dismissing look. He picked up another cookie from the case, replying, "And? If Santa can do it so can I."
Bryce couldn't argue with that, just letting out a sleepy hum and walking over to see what Jensen was making.
"Peanut butter blossoms," he clarified, finishing off the cookie in his mouth and offering Bryce one from the Tupperware container.
He put the lid back on and set it to the side at Bryce's decline, resting his hands on his waist and pulling him in. Jensen pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, thumbing along his hip. Tiredly, he let his eyes fall closed, humming into him until he pressed another to his lips.
"Why don't you go back to bed?" Jensen offered softly, tucking Bryce's hair behind his ear with a smile. Bryce nodded, getting one more small kiss before stretching and heading back toward the bedroom.
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lumpywhump · 2 days
Whump idea I had.
Organ theft but Whumpee is awake for it. Bonus if they are afraid of needles or medical procedures
Tw: blood
"one two three all eyes on me! Okay kids," whumper clapped. "For our lab we got Subject 188236. Everyone say "hi Subject 188236!"
"...hi subject 188326..." whumper was the most insufferable professor on campus.
muffled cries called from the steel table. Whumpee squinted at the harsh lights, so they could see the people around them. Students in white lab coats and goggles watched them from every corner of their field of vision.
"Today you get no instructions. You'll tell me what to do, and I'll be your arms. We are harvesting it's heart." Whumper looked around, "Student A, how do we start?
"Like are we assuming everything is set up for us to just start cutting?"
whumper nodded.
"Then you need to make a 6-8 inch incision on the chest wall,"
Whumpee whimpered as whumper pressed their scalpel to whumpee's chest.
"Based off this subjects size, Student B, how big of an incision should I make?"
"Uhh, I wanna say somewhere between seven and eight?"
"Okay then, I'll go right in the middle,"
whumpee cried out as the teacher slowly ripped open their chest, blood collecting around the cut. Their breath quickened, but relief poured through them as whumper withdrew their tool.
"Oh no! Looks like our subject is panicking, I can't accurately open their chest like this. What do we do now?"
"Have someone nearby calm them down?" Student A answered.
"Student D, your turn,"
"The best way to calm them down is with assurance and distractions. May I?"
"All yours,"
Whumpee felt someone touch their head. They flinched, their chest throbbing worse with the motion.
"hey, it's okay, you're doing well so far, but it's going to hurt more if you don't calm down,"
All whumpee really heard was hurt more. Their eyes watered, stinging their dry eyes.
Student D retreated away, knowing they made things worse.
"it's okay, we all make mistakes. Student E? Wanna give it a shot?"
A hand covered Whumpee's eyes. They reached to pull the hand away, scared by the sudden darkness, but their hands were still restrained. Another hand began to massage their temples. And man, this was probably the nicest thing someone has done in a while. The newer people tended to be kinder. Whumpee couldn't help but relax, in fact, they almost fell asleep.
"good job," whumper whispered, making sure not to disturb whumpee. "Keep going,"
Whumpee whined as Whumper finished the cut, but they relaxed again when Student E begins trailing their nails along whumpee's buzzed scalp.
"what's next?"
"ethh ate," whumpee mumbled with the gag tied around their head.
"what was that?" Whumper asked. Whumpee moved their jaw, referencing the gag.
"Now," whumper returned to their normal speaking volume. "You really shouldn't ever do this, because sometimes subjects are prone to biting or saying things that they really shouldn't, but 188236 tends to be good. When you all work in this industry, you'll learn when it is and isn't okay to do this."
Whumpee felt hands grab the gag and pull it down.
"what did you say?"
"Next you open the breast plate, then the ribs, disconnect the heart from the arteries, blah blah blah. Please, I'm tired, just please get this over with." Their tears wetted Student E's hand. the hands released whumpee's head.
"Whumper... I don't think I can do this,"
Whumper sighed. "And this is my fault. This is another reason we don't normally remove the gag...... why don't we stop for today? We can do this again next class." Whumper smiled at their students.
Once whumper was left alone with whumpee, they turned to them. "Looks like you get off easy today huh?"
whumpee didn't respond.
"Let's wrap your chest so you don't get blood everywhere,"
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thosehallowedhalls · 6 months
The Taco Constant
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick
Rating: Teen
Category: Angsty Fluff
Word count: 669
Summary: Ethan is struggling after almost losing Casey. And Tobias, well, he didn't save her life just to have Ethan keel over instead.
A/N: Day seven of my 30 days of drabbles. Prompts from @jerzwriter (Ethan, Tobias, Tacos) and @ladylamrian (“Well, would you look at that? You’re not entirely stupid after all.)
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Ethan rests his elbows on the desk, his head in his hands. He wishes he had something pressing to do, something to drive his attention and keep his focus on the things he can control. But right now, with Edenbrook all but silent around him, only the muted sounds of the on-call staff moving quietly through the halls, there’s nothing left for him to do but think. And thinking is a dangerous game. If he lets himself think, he’ll come back to one terrifying actuality.
He almost lost her.
His mind, usually so good at facing the bare truths, at grasping even the most complicated of concepts with ease, can’t wrap his mind around this one simple fact. Casey was almost lost.
A movement catches his eye, and he looks up in time to see Tobias walk up to the Diagnostics office. He gives the door a perfunctory knock before striding in, making Ethan jump to his feet.
“Has something happened? Is Casey…?”
“Valentine is fine. As is Aveiro, from the looks of it,” he says pointedly.
A rare blush creeps onto Ethan’s cheeks. Embarrassment and shame battle it out within him. He’s barely given Rafael a thought in the past few hours. “Right, of course. I only meant…”
“I know what you meant. Your girl is fine.”
“She’s not…” He clears his throat. “She’s not my girl.”
Tobias snorts. “How long have we known each other, Ethan? Your poker face doesn’t work on me.” He tilts his head. “Actually, I think your poker face is broken. Better work on that before HR catches on to the fact that Valentine is more than a resident to you.”
“What are you doing here, Carrick?”
“Careful, Ramsey, or I’ll start to think you’re not happy to see me.”
“Well, would you look at that? You’re not entirely stupid after all.”
“That’s the best insult you can come up with? You really are losing your edge.” He peers at his old friend quizzically. “Although I suppose it’s to be expected when you look like something that’s been recently scraped off the pavement. When’s the last time you slept?”
When was the last time he slept? “Yesterday.” Probably.
“And when’s the last time you ate?”
“… Yesterday.”
“Yeah, that won’t work. I didn’t swoop in to singlehandedly save Valentine’s life for you to keel over before you could have your sappy reunion.”
“Is that how you remember it?”
Tobias waves off the sardonic tone. “I mean, your team assisted, certainly. But in the interests of keeping you alive long enough to reunite you with your resident, I brought you something.”
“What do you…” His eyes fall on the takeaway container that somehow escaped his attention until now. “Are those…?”
“Tacos? Of course. The one constant of midterms, finals, and other stressful times of yore.”
Ethan’s throat closes up. Memories of all-nighters, laughter, and friendship wash over him in a bittersweet wave. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Sure I did. If you die now, I’ll never get the chance to one-up you again. People are so terribly quick to idolize the deceased, after all.”
His lips twitch. “One-up me? You always did have an optimistic streak.”
“Only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
“Wait,” Ethan says when Tobias turns to leave. “You should… you should have one.”
A smile breaks out on Tobias’ face. “Ethan Ramsey, as I live and breathe. Are you asking me to share a meal with you?”
Ethan rolls his eyes. “No, I’m offering you sustenance before you drop dead on the floor. You look as tired as you seem to think I am.”
“Same difference.” Tobias pulls out the chair across from Ethan’s. “But hell, I’ve never been one to say no to tacos.”
Ethan reaches for one before pausing, his hand freezing in mid-air. He looks up, directly into Tobias’ eyes. “Thank you. For the tacos and for…”
He can’t finish the sentence. He doesn’t need to. Tobias just smiles. “Any time, buddy.”
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creative-heart · 6 months
I'd like to request something cute 😘
I'm extremely insecure (that's why I request anonymously 🫥), especially when it comes to deserving to be loved and my body 🙄 and I'd love to read something that kinda "fits my personality".
Two ideas, love to read both but feel free to choose one.
Happy ending desperately needed! 😭😍
1. She's just a normal girl and loves Enzo (maybe they're friends or neighbors or whatever you'd like) but is afraid to tell him because she's too insecure, self doubting, overthinking, thinks she'll never be "good enough" for him because she's not like the perfect model he may be following in Instagram or the beautiful actress he was filming with... rest is up to you.
2. They're together and she believes Enzo deserves someone better... more beautiful, smarter, thinner, someone who's perfect like he is. And he reassures her that she IS perfect for him.
Awe my sweet sweet Nonnie! I feel honored that you've sent these requests my way, I'm happy to write both!
First of, I'm sorry to read you feel this way, we're all deserving of love! and I know and hope that you'll find the love you deserve soon enough! 😘😘🥰🥰
Here's the first prompt! I really hope I've made it justice and that you enjoy reading it! keep your eyes peeled for the second one! will be posted right after this one 💞💞
Drabble for prompt 2 Here
"Hot summer days"| Enzo Vogrincic
T.W: Just a whole lot of fluff with a tiny reference to something shmexy.
Word Count: 581
Y/N and Enzo have been neighbors their whole lives, and with your moms being close friends, you’ve grown up together, spending almost every single waking moment together, practically the same time you’ve been in love with him. Specially on summers like now, when the families usually go on a beach trip together. Even with him being all famous and well known now, he always takes the time to come on these fun times.
As you sit on one of the lounge chairs by the pool reading your current romance novel, third one on this trip alone, swim cover still on -you’ve always felt insecure about your body being slightly curvier than the magazine covers say it’s on trend, not like you’re not absolutely gorgeous inside and out, your curves are all placed on the perfect places, making your body breathtaking, you’ve never believed your mom and Enzo’s when they said so-, you take your eyes off the book for a brief moment seeing the tall dark handsome man, climbing out of the pool and you can swear he’s moving in slow motion like on those perfume ads. He shakes his hair trying to get the excess water off it and makes his way over to you “Hey chiquita, you’re not gonna get in the pool? it’s so hot today” The older one says as he’s a few years older than you.
You look back up at him as you had gone back to pretending you were reading just before he looked at you “I don’t think so En, I’m good here, reading my book in the shade” you smile softly a light blush covering your cheeks, really not feeling comfortable with being in your swimsuit around him, believing he’d just laugh at you as you’re nothing like those gorgeous, tall thin models he’s been surrounded by as of late. As you’re about to go back to your book you see the cheeky devilish grin plastering across his face, same one he had when he was a boy coming up with his next mischief. 
“None of that bullshit” he puts your book down and picks you up in his arms with extreme ease walking to the pool.
“No! put me down Enzo, please!” you plead kicking your legs and taking a go at his back as you shriek being over his shoulder, holding your breath just as he jumps into the deep end of the pool. He gently puts you down from where you rest, still holding you close to his body as you can’t reach the bottom on this end of the water. Your eyes find his deep chocolate eyes and you smile softly saying quietly “You’re mean Vogrincic, you know that?” the blush a deep read staining your cheeks.
He looks down at you smiling a smile you had never seen on him before, as he leans down to join his lips to yours in a soft, long awaited kiss. You can tell by the way his lips feel on yours there’s been anticipation and longing for this moment, as he pulls you even closer to his body if that’s humanly possible, your hands wrapping around his neck. When your lungs burn for a new breath you pull away just enough as he rests his forehead against yours whispering “you look real nice all wet chiqui”, the once playful smirk much darker and promising. And then you understand, sometimes, you need to let your guard down in order to be seen.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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Thank you to @kyra75 for the suggestion: Ethan, Kaycee, tissues from this ask. I'm not even giving the speech about it being over 100 words anymore. lol I hope you enjoy this!
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan) Rating: Teen Words: 530 Summary: Ethan has a mancold. (That's all you need to know. lol) A/N: Participating in @choicesoctober - partners and @choicesprompts Flufftober - forehead kiss
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Kaycee grabbed her purse and took a final look at herself in the hallway mirror. Already behind schedule, her hand was nearly on the front door when Ethan called out from the bedroom. Rushing down the halls in her high heels, she was nearly out of breath when she reached him.  
“Hey!” she breathed. “You OK? You need something?”
“Yes. I needed you to wake me,” he said as he stepped out of bed. But as soon as he was on his feet, dizziness seized him, and he nearly tumbled to the floor.
“Ethan!” Kaycee yelled. “Get into bed right now! There’s no way you’re going to work today!”
“Why? I’m not... I’m not... I’m nahhhh....ahhhhh-chhhhooo.” He sneezed so loud that the sparrow perched on their windowsill took off for the heavens. But he remained adamant. “I’m not sick!”
Kaycee shook her head, arms crossed defiantly in front of her chest. “You know, when they said doctors make the worst patients, you were exactly who they had in mind.”
“But I’m not....”
Kaycee smiled smugly when he couldn’t complete his sentence. Sneezing once, then twice... they just kept coming. Walking toward him with a box of tissues, she teased.
“Yep. You’re the picture of health."
“This is ridiculous,” he complained, crawling back into bed. “I never get sick!”
“Honey, everyone gets sick sometimes. Now, you’re staying home and getting some rest today! Trust me, Edenbrook will still be standing when you return.”
“Yeah, and I can work on cases from home.”
“Really?” she asked. “Do I need to call Tobias and tell him I’m taking the day off, too... to babysit?”
“No,” Ethan sighed. “If you leave Tobias alone to run things, Edenbrook may not be standing when we return.”  
“You can’t stop yourself, even when you’re sick,” she laughed.
“Hey, if I praised Carrick’s abilities, I’d tell you to consider calling a priest for last rites.”
“Ethan, you’re an atheist,” she smirked, pulling the blankets over him.
“Do you need anything before I go?”
“A hug?”
“A hug..." she cringed. "I'd love to, but... cooties.”
“Cooties?” he asked with a raised brow.
“Yes, cooties.”
“This is what happens when I marry someone who went to Perelman instead of Hopkins,” he smiled.
“Oh really? Keep this up, and maybe your second wife will be from Hopkins. But trust me, she’d never make you as happy as me.”
“You can say that again.”
“She’d never make you as happy as me.”
“I didn’t mean literally,” he groaned.
Kaycee leaned over and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll run home on my lunch break to check in on you, OK?”
“You don’t have to...”
“No, I insist. You’re the only patient I’ll make house calls for.”
“And you know,” he winked, “if I’m feeling better....”
“Oh no!” she replied, rushing away from him. “No way, because...”
“Cooties,” they said in unison.
Ethan’s heavy eyelids began to shut, and he was already sleeping when Kaycee turned out the lights. She looked at her watch; she could just make it to work on time, but her mind was already on her break, eager to give her favorite patient a house call.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 5 months
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Here's a potential little prompt for Casey! Use as you see fit, or delete if you don't see fit! lol :)
Who am I?
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Ramsey
Category: fluffy angst
Rating: PG
Word count: 401
Warnings: mentions of mental health
Summary: Casey is due to have baby Hudson in about six weeks and she is already starting to feel some of the loss of identity that occurs when a child is born. As a pre baby Mother’s Day present, Ethan tries to ease some of Casey’s concerns
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Author’s note: thank you to @jerzwriter for not only sending me this prompt but for also hosting a Mother’s Day event for which this is a submission for.
The identity change that happens when we welcome a young one and the changes around that are real and it affects people differently.
Mothers Day 2025
It was six weeks until they were due to meet baby Hudson. The pregnancy was a wanted surprise and thankfully, aside from some morning sickness, the pregnancy had been relatively trouble free. Casey had clearance to work up until 36 weeks gestation. Casey had already begun handing over some of her duties to Aurora Emery, who was going to be the team leader whilst she was on leave. Tobias was also helping out where he could also.
Despite everything going well, Casey could not help but start to feel the gravity of the changes that baby Hudson was going to bring to their lives, especially hers. It was humbling that she soon there was going to be this tiny human who will be completely dependant on her. She was looking forward to being a mum but the thoughts of the loss of identity that came with that were starting to haunt her. Despite reassurances from her friends, the team, Harper and Ethan, she could not help but feel that who she was now, Dr Casey Ramsey would be lost.
Ethan was already at a lost with what to say or do, at least without coming off as condescending. So he got to searching. Even though Hudson was not born yet, he still wanted to do something, to celebrate the upcoming milestone for them. He was looking at coffee mugs, he did not know fully why, they both had several anyway but one caught his eye.
“It’s Miss, Ms. Mrs
Written on the side. He ordered it thinking that it would be a cute and useful reminder that she will always be Dr Casey Ramsey.
Mother’s Day came and Ethan made her breakfast. He brought it to her in bed. He then gave her the box with the mug inside. Casey opened it, having no idea what it was and she the mug, chuckled and then hugged Ethan.
“No one can take away the title of Doctor, not even our son. You will soon be a mother but you will never stop being a Doctor.” Says Ethan.
Casey kisses him sweetly.
“Thank you Ethan, I am sure I will need reminding of this but thank you.”
They spent a lazy morning in bed before heading out to lunch and both were excited that this time next year they would have someone else to celebrate Mother’s Day with.
Authors note: hooray I was able to keep it to Drabble length for the Mother’s Day Drabble event.
Casey did need to be reminded several times in the first year of Hudson’s life that she was still a doctor, not just a mum.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @alj4890 @zealouscanonindeer @youlookappropriate @tessa-liam @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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storyofmychoices · 7 months
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Love in the Afternoon
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~500 Rating/Warning: General/None (all the fluff)
Synopsis: Tobias and Casey enjoy an afternoon dance.
This adorable art of Casey and Tobias is by the lovely @liiyaan!
Happy birthday, Elsa! I hope this day brings you all sorts of joy and things to celebrate. I hope you enjoy this little art and drabble of your babies!
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The midday sun bathed the living room in its warm embrace, casting a golden amber glow across the floor. Casey lounged on the couch, enjoying the sun's radiance after brunch with Merida and Olivia. She strained her ear, captivated by the distant sounds of Tobias humming Sammy's favorite lullaby as he settled their daughter down for her nap. Her eyes closed, a lingering smile spread softly on her lips, a satisfying hum slipping out as she sunk further into the couch's cushions.
Tobias stood in the doorway, mesmerized by how the sunlight turned his wife's blonde hair into a honeyed cascade, creating a warm and enchanting glow around her. He shook his head gently, mesmerized that this was his life. It wasn't what he had ever expected, but that was before Casey. Casey changed everything, and now, he couldn't imagine any other life.
In a few strides, he moved across the room. Gently pulling her up from the couch, he twirled Casey into an impromptu dance, the sunlight seemingly dancing along with them as its soft rays shimmered around them.
"Oof," Casey laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, steadying herself on her feet. "Why the sudden dance?"
"Do I need a reason to dance with my beautiful wife?" Tobias teased, his eyes glimmering with mischief and affection.
Casey raised an eyebrow, her playful smirk demanding an answer. "Spill it, Tobias. What's the occasion?"
He chuckled, holding her a bit closer. "No grand occasion. Isn't thinking my wife's beautiful reason enough?"
"You're not getting off that easy. What'd you do?" She pressed further.
Tobias shrugged, a grin playing on his lips. "Maybe I just like admiring you. And, well, maybe I just wanted to dance with you in the middle of the day because I can. No other reason."
"Admiring me, huh?" She teased, a twinkle in her eye. "Well, lucky for you, I'm not one to turn down a dance, especially when it's with my handsome husband." Her grin matched his, and she pulled him a little closer. "But I'm keeping an eye on you. If you've got a surprise up your sleeve, you better spill it."
"Well, in that case..." Tobias grinned mischievously, his arms looping around Casey as he effortlessly scooped her up from the floor. Her laughter bubbled up, blending with his, and he twirled her in the air. The sunlight held them in its embrace as their joyful sounds spread through the room. Gently, he lowered her to the ground, never breaking eye contact with her. 
Their laughter quieted as they swayed together, letting their bodies find a rhythm of their own as they enjoyed the quiet moment. The warmth of their breath tangled together as they whispered words of adoration. So much had changed once Sammy was born. Their lives were increasingly busy but moments like this reminded them that all they ever needed was right here, the love between them and the love they shared for their daughter.
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cagcdlxve · 8 months
Winter Prayer ★₊˚⊹✧˖°. Open
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" I fear deeply for the worlds we live in... " she spoke quietly. Eyes scanning the horizon of snow-covered hills and the village in the distance. Early morning was when she was awake. As she watched the dawn rise over the trees, there was a sadness in her heart.
" I believe we have more power than we think to heal the world. Often I look into someone's eyes and see a whole unique life and experience... it's beautiful. " Her skirts tussled lightly in the winter wind, causing her to shiver ever so slightly. She pulled her coat tighter around her shoulders.
" They live in their world, and I pass by in mine. I could choose to grow their wounds, as much as I could choose to heal them. " She knelt in the snow, her trembling hands clasped together tightly ( the cold was intense for her, but she would choose her duty above all else ). Her wet skirts clung to her knees, the snow and mud absorbing through the cloth adding to her coldness still.
And yet as she spoke in the tongue of the forest, a prayer to those who were ill, to those in need, and those lost in a darkness without hope of escape, she endured all the same. Her voice was quiet, it was almost a song. And the longer she went on the more numb her body became ( was it just the doing of the winter wind? )
After a quiet pause, she spoke again. "If I only ever see someone's world once, I hope they have a good memory of mine. " There were many worlds she never remembered at all. What a fear it was to be forgotten by time as nothing at all.
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
When Husbands Become Prey (Tobias x Casey, Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia)
Thank you for all you do to support writers and creatives in our fandom. Thank you for participating in this little event and sharing your stories with us! Don’t at me for the title! I told you I used it and I just couldn’t help myself 😂
Warning & A/N: Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices. Only warnings would apply to anything said and written about Tobias x Casey. And while I don’t title my drabbles I had to for this one after seeing this. So shout out to @ladylamrian for making this title, and by extension, this drabble possible hehe
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“They look bored,” Olivia said, taking a sip of wine, as she looked out across the room at the three standing near the bar.
Merida and Casey followed her gaze.
“Agreed that Tobias and Bryce do,” Merida laughed. “But that’s just Ethan’s face.”
Casey choked on her drink as Olivia hid her giggle politely behind her hand.
When Casey had recovered with a few pats on the back from both Merida and Olivia she asked with a smirk, “Want to liven things up for them?”
“Oh I’m in,” Merida matched her smirk.
“You don’t even know what she has in mind,” Olivia glanced around Casey between them to smile at Merida.
“It could only be one thing.”
“Rhys, I’m insulted!” Casey said mockingly. “Get your head out of the gutter.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” Merida challenged.
“Okay, you’re not. But still, pretend. Occasionally. For my sake,” she smirked at Merida. “You in, Liv?” Casey asked turing to face her.
“I want to hear the plan first.”
“Nope. Decide now. In or out,” Casey smiled.
“I think it’s in AND ou-“
“Merida!” Olivia gasped.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“How much have you had to drink?” Olivia asked.
“A glass. This is just me, darling. Anything to keep me entertained at these snooze-fests.”
Olivia smiled brightly at her friend, “In and out?”
Merida nodded with a grin.
“I think that’s what Tobias has in mind right now judging by the look he’s throwing Case.”
“That’s just his face around her,” Merida responded between giggles.
“Okay, fine. I’m in,” Olivia gave in.
“Excellent,” Casey broke off looking at Tobias and clapped her hands. “I have a little wager. Point system as usual. Chaste public kiss, one point. Less than chaste public kiss, two points. Bit of public action, three points. Other behind closed doors action, four points. Anything that could or does get you arrested, automatic winner. Tally points at the end of the night and lowest buys dinner next group date night. Deal?”
“You’re on!” Merida clasped Casey’s offered hand and both looked to Olivia.
“Oh you’re both going down! It’s a deal,” Olivia smirked and clasped both their hands.
“May the best woman win,” Casey said as she squeezed both their hands and they broke for the three men across the room.
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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patchwork-crow-writes · 6 months
62 - Unfinished
You begin as a faint outline, gentle strokes traced upon ghostly white. A familiar face taking shape amid a fluffy blizzard, and a smile that exists just for me.
I'll dress you up in your favourite colours - a dash of pink here, a cascade of green there. But let me leave a space where your heart will go, and I'll fill it with nothing but boundless light and love.
Your horns shall gleam red to match my own, but these ones can't be taken off before bedtime. You are fully your own creature, and shall stand proudly among your friends. All who see you shall adore you, my prince - for you there shall be no misery.
I've coloured you in so much that the green's been worn to nothing. Your flourescence shall light my way in dark times, a beacon of joy and comfort that I'll always follow home.
And now for your heart - but oh! The lesson is at an end, and you've been taken away by hands bigger than mine. I cannot call your name before you're put away with all the other drawings, lost and afraid with a black space where your soul should be.
I cry for you on the way home. I feel a piece of myself is missing, the life and love I poured into you wasted and discarded. Mom says you'll be hung up on the classroom wall tomorrow, but I don't know if I believe her or not.
I hope I'll see you again soon - perhaps then I can finally give you the heart you always deserved.
The Dark Menagerie No. 62
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catharusustulatus · 9 months
After everything, Steve and Robin go camping. He packs the beemer to the brim with their sleeping bags, their brand new tent, the food tote, the stove and cookware they borrow from the Sinclair’s, the giant duffel Robin refuses to leave behind of “extra bits and bobs, you never know, Steve.” They take turns picking the music, Robin tapping her fingers on the dashboard as they both sing along to Cyndi Lauper, traveling forever.
They’re in the woods somewhere in Ohio, and the new summer grass is warm and soft around them as they hike, as they picnic. The air is fresh, like a cough in Steve’s lungs has cleared. He can’t stop smiling, talks Robin’s ear off about all the places he’ll take them when he’s got the money, when he’s got the trailer. “I think I’m gonna do it, Rob. I want it to be for real. We can go all the way to the coast” he tells her over the heat of the camping stove. Prepping bacon and eggs, the coffee kettle.
Robin nets a fish the second night but they release it back into the river, done with killing, they eat pancakes for dinner. They make shadow puppets in their tent to fall asleep. Robin pretends her shadow is Dustin singing NeverEnding Story and Steve laughs so hard he snorts hot chocolate out his nose. They’ve never done this before; fun outside the confines of Indiana, of passing the time post survival.
She’s transferring from Roanne County College to Northwestern in the fall, and it’s an unspoken assumption he’s coming with her. He wants to, he does, he’ll be there, but he also wants to see the ocean. He wants to feel what it’s like to be in California. Who he’ll be if no one knows him, how he got the scars, what his next move will be.
They fill their T-shirts with wild berries. Robin knew the duffel would come in handy (nature manual, binoculars, extra tissues, rope, her teddy bear). The berries are ripe and juicy, tart and trickling down their necks, a purple sticky tickle. They eat them for hours, wash clean in the river. Wash themselves clean and new.
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cynosfunnyjokes · 1 year
Navigation Post ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Hello! I am Sunny, and welcome to my Tumblr! I'm 20 and use they/he pronouns. While I've been writing since middle school (gross, I know), I've only really just started posting my works about a year ago on both here and AO3!
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Basic Links!
Basic Rules!
Will Write...
NSFW, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Character x Character, x Reader Anything that isn't below.
Will Not Write...
Hard Kinks (Piss, Scat, Etc.), ProShip/ComShip, Incest, Rape.
I will update my rules as I go if I find anything I have missed!
Characters I will write for...
Blade, DanHeng, Caelus, Kafka, Imbibitor Lunae, Jing Yuan, Nanook (The Destruction), Boothill, Dr Ratio, Aventurine.
Genshin Impact...
Albedo, Xiao, Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Thoma, Diluc, Gorou, Neuvillette, Lyney, Baizhu, Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Venti, Aether/Lumine, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Lyney, Navia.
Hunter x Hunter...
Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Feitan.
Heaven Official's Blessing...
Xie Lian, Hua Cheng.
Black Butler...
Sebastian Michaelis, Grelle Sutcliff, Undertaker, Joker, Snake, Ronald Knox.
Final Fantasy (Any)...
Reno, Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Vincent Valentine.
Call of Duty…
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” Mactavish, Captain John Price, König.
Other shows/books I will write for...
Alice in Borderland, Attack on Titan, Diabolik Lovers, Demon Slayer, Gorillaz, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, Maximum Ride, Mystic Messenger, Persona 5, Resident Evil, Studio Ghibli, The Arcana.
Just because it isn't listed, doesn't mean I won't write it! Feel free to request anyway! :) This is just a general list of everything that comes to mind as I type this!
Additional Notes!
Please be kind and patient with me as I am a working adult who tends to take a lot of time on requests. When it comes to actual requests, I tend to take longer just to make sure that I am satisfied with what I wrote and I send it to my lovely friend who proofreads and edits for me!
Please remember that I have every right to reject/ignore a certain request if it violates my rules, discomforts me, or simply doesn't interest me. I will absolutely do my best to answer everything! <3
Please do not send requests for sequels to my older works, as I've received plenty and most of which are under work.
And lastly, please don’t hesitate to send an ask now or whenever you feel! I have no limits per person so request as many times as you want! I adore meeting my readers and fellow writing blogs so don't be afraid of sending me messages! I don’t bite (...hard.)(jk), and am always happy to meet fellow simps for the series I’m into!
That's all for now! I hope you all have a lovely day~
-Sunny <3
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thosehallowedhalls · 5 months
An Awkward Interval
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~550
Summary: Before leaving Miami, Casey knows she has to talk to Ethan.
A/N: For @jerzwriter, who gave me the prompt Ethan, Casey, Elevator. Drabble 17 of my 30 days of drabbles.
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The silence echoes around them.
All right, technically, it isn’t silent. There are other people in the elevator, half of whom are talking with no regards to the fact that others can hear them discuss their plans for the day, what they did the day before and, in one particularly loud case, who they did the day before.  But as far as Ethan and Casey goes? The Pathology Department at Edenbrook is livelier.
She supposes she should have seen this coming. Ethan’s reaction to their kiss did foretell in giant neon letters that awkwardness was incoming. But she hasn’t felt this awkward since middle school.
That is not an age she wants to relive, thank you very much.
The elevator makes one stop, then another. People begin to filter out until they’re the only two occupants left. Ethan has been steadily stepping away from her, step by sneaky step until they’re on two opposing ends.
Right. She can’t handle another two and a half years of this.
“Aren’t we going to talk about it?”
Ethan continues to stare straight ahead. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Seriously? You know exactly what I mean.”
“Eth- Doctor Ramsey. You can’t pretend you don’t know what I mean. Come on, you can’t even look at me.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn't it? Then why are you staring at the control panel like it’s one of your patients?”
He shifts on his feet, and if she weren’t so frustrated, she’d find the gesture adorable.
Okay, maybe she still does. Just a little bit. But not enough to distract her from her mission.  
“We kissed.”
His throat bobs. “And we agreed it was a mistake, so I don’t see the point in talking about it.”
“Because if you keep being weird about it, everyone will know something happened. That’s kind of the opposite of why you walked away, isn’t it?” She puts a hand on his arm and… does she imagine the slight shudder that rocks him? “Ethan.”
He exhales. “You are… correct.”
“Oh, wow. I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say those words out loud. I didn’t know you were capable of thinking those words.”
“Casey.” With a strangled laugh, Ethan turns to look at her. “Don’t push it.”
“Can’t blame a girl for having a little fun.”
He ignores her. “You are correct, of course. My behavior towards you needs to remain the same as… before.”
“Perhaps not quite the same. I wouldn’t mind if you forgot to chew me out now and then.”
“I thought you wanted me to act normal.”
“How about normal-lite?”
He laughs. She tries not to melt at the sound. “Let’s go with normal and see what happens.”
She smiles at him. He smiles back.
After a moment, it occurs to her that they’re just… staring at each other, their smiles having fallen without her notice. Her eyes drop to his mouth, and she can tell from his soft inhalation that he noticed.
“Casey…” Their faces are inches apart, and she vaguely wonders which one of them leaned in first. “I…”
The elevator doors open again, and four people walk in. Ethan jumps back, his back firmly against the wall, his gaze falling anywhere but on Casey.
She runs a frustrated hand through her hair.
So much for normal.
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gingerpeachtea · 2 months
AIRPORT CRAB HIIIII AIRPORT CRAB!! six sentences :) once again from my 1am mikecharlie polyverse drabble
Charlie blew out a drifting string of smoke. It hung in the air, [something something words description], and she watched the wind carry it away, watched it dissipate. Met his eyes with a [adj] look over her shoulder. “We’ve just been through a lot of shit, y’know?” She sniffed, and flicked ash on the ground, her eyes following the fading embers down. Mike’s lips twisted.
(make me write!!)
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jerzwriter · 1 year
What's Cooking?
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Thank you to @tveitertotwrites for the suggestion: Any pairing, Cooking from this ask. Of course, I completely crapped on the 100-word thing, but hey, it's short for me :)
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 timeframe) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan) Rating: Teen (suggestive, but nothing explicit) Words: 523 Summary: Ethan wakes up to an unusual surprise. A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 16 Cooking
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Sleeping in had never been Ethan’s thing. He believed being in bed any longer than eight a.m. was indulgent and non-productive. But as the small hand on the clock struck ten, he was blissfully smiling without a care in the world. Until the scent of cinnamon wafted into his room. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen.
“Kaycee,” he asked nervously, “What are you doing?”
“I’m cooking,” she said with a crooked smile before flipping a slice of French toast over in the skillet.
“What did we discuss last time you attempted... cooking... in the condo?”
“We decided my brand of cooking was best left to other rooms.”
“Mmm hmm,” he grinned sleepily, “and if you were to attempt cooking in the kitchen?”
She rolled her eyes with a sigh. 
“Then you needed to be present with a fire extinguisher.” 
She plated two slices of French toast and placed it before Ethan. He was astonished, but it looked absolutely... edible.
“Here, wiseass,” she teased. “I know my culinary skills are... nonexistent... but I can make a decent French toast. I think I sustained myself on it for my first year of college.”
Cautiously, Ethan cut a small square and lifted it to his lips. His eyes widened in pleasant astonishment as he cut another slice.
“I have to admit, this isn’t bad. It isn’t bad at all.”
“Would it kill you to say it’s good?”
“You should know I’m not about to give you that great of an endorsement before a second bite,” he teased.
“Hmm. That’s not what you said the first time we...”
“Kaycee...” he interrupted as she giggled.
“Just tell me how the French toast is.”
“It’s dewicious,” he muttered unintelligibly, now easily on his third bite.
“So,” she smiled with satisfaction as she straddled over him on his chair. “Can we now admit I can heat things up... to some degree... in every room in the house?”
“Is that what you were going for?” He smirked. “Because my answer to that would have been yes, even before I sampled this.”
Kaycee lifted a strawberry off the side of Ethan’s plate and shoved it into his mouth. “Would it kill you to say I can actually cook breakfast... well... one specific recipe... unless, of course, you want Cheerios, then it’s two.”
“I already said it’s delicious, so yes, I can admit. You are officially the master of French toast in this relationship. In fact, leave lunch and dinner to me. You’re our designated breakfast chef. Just remember... I’m usually up by five.”
“Ha!” she laughed, jumping up from his lap and grabbing a familiar yellow cereal box from the cupboard before placing it on the countertop. “In that case, I’ll leave this out for you each night before bed. But, Ramsey?”
“I assure you, now that you’ll be sleeping with me... your up at five a.m. days are going to be a thing of the past... after all, my best cooking does not take place in the kitchen.”
“On that note,” he grinned, “shall we return to bed?”
“Of course,” she winked. “I’ll race you there.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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