yuriinadress · 2 years
hey yurriii
stephanie brown and cass cain for the ship bingo ask game??
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I like StephCass platonically for sure. They've honestly always given me best friends who would die for each other vibes.
They really need a better batgirls book. I would love that for them.
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fawnseer · 1 year
n*ll crain is so elaincore
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lina-studen · 7 months
"something floral": literature student blabbering about the usage of flower symbolism in "nevermore", how it ties to the theme of insanity and a little bit (a lot) about shakespeare.
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from lenore's perspective, flowers are closely associated with isolation caused by her trauma and supposed "hysteria". floral pattern wallpaper accompanied her loneliness for days, months, even years. image of the flowers signaled that lenore's position would remain unchanged, that she was stuck, that she would continue to slowly loosing the clarity of her mind.
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having torn the wallpaper off the walls, lenore believes that she will never see this image again, but flowers continue to accompanying her. lenore sees them again during her first meeting with annabel lee. and during the last one, too. she may have managed to get out of her lonely room, gain more strength in her legs, find a new friend, but lenore is still trapped. she's the daughter disowned by her parents, a stain on the family reputation that must be hidden forever. the image of flowers doesn't let her forget about it.
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similar symbolism is also not alien to annabel lee. episode 66 is interesting in particular, because it directly quotes ophelia's monologue. I'm a big fan of shakespeare, it was he who instilled in me an interest in floral symbolism. a year ago, for a conference on foreign literature, I wrote an article about flower language of "hamlet". it's not available in english, but I'll list down some points that I considered relevant regarding "nevermore".
• rosemary can serve as a keepsake between lovers and also between the dead and the living. it could be seen at both weddings and funerals. in the old days it was also believed to be helpful in mental illnesses treatment.
• pansies, just like violets, symbolize innocence and devotion. ophelia doesn't consider the people around her worthy of violets, since she blames them for the death of her father.
• rue is a symbol of eternal suffering; grieving over her murdered father and the loss of her beloved hamlet, ophelia leaves some of the flowers for herself.
• the image of daisies has a close connection with the concepts of innocence, fidelity and eternal love. in shakespeare's tragedy, this symbol is overshadowed by the fact that in the world around ophelia there's no place for these beautiful things. for "nevermore" the symbol is also not so positive, since the readers are already familiar with daisies. they were on that wallpaper in lenore's room.
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it's impossible not to note that annabel lee recites the monologue while in the bath, in the water. ophelia decides not to resist the river flow. her life turned into a tragedy: she was left without a father, her lover has seemingly lost his mind. her own sanity is also called into question. ophelia sings cryptic songs, goes into the field to weave a wreath, gives flowers to other characters. in the eyes of those around them, hamlet and ophelia seem crazy, while being the only sane and honest people among them. there's no place for tender, innocent ophelia in a cruel, deceitful world, so she drowns.
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annabel lee also reflects on how both she and lenore are considered madwomen. her meeting with "leo" is accompanied by floral pattern on the annabel's dress. their madness is contextual, they both are perfectly sane, but don't fit into the system that could be leading to real madness with time. "all madwomen die twice. at least twice".
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now about the arboretum. it obviously has a lot of flowers, but in my opinion this place is interesting in a different context. lenore and annabel visited the arboretum twice to discuss upcoming plans and such, and there are many parallels, both visual and narrative. not much time has passed since last time, but their situation has changed. they seem to look on their past selves from the upper level, having their conflict more acute now. I'll make a more detailed post about it later.
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and now I'll just focus on how the characters in this arboretum full of roses behave as lost and confused as in the phobia-inducing flower labyrinth from earlier episodes. “the closer you get to beautiful flowers, the closer you get to their thorns,” says duke in episode 38. the flower imagery haunting the main characters doesn't let them forget that their sanity is always on a verge of slipping. and once a flower falls from its stem, it cannot be fixed.
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p.s. guess which writer’s works I chose for a new article this year?
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randomishnickname · 11 months
Must-read Destiel fics - my superduper Nov. 5th rec list
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Three years ago, on the blessed day of November 5th, 2020, I had:
never seen an episode of SPN,
only had a vague inkling of what the two pale coconuts were on about,
and I hee-heed and ha-had with the rest of Tumblr about the love confession scene and the Internet errupting in an unparalleled craze
At first I thought, that's it.
Then ... I got curious. I watched some YouTube Destiel supercuts. I read some fic (I think @andhumanslovedstories beautiful Cas/OC fic was my entry point?). I read meta. I watched some more YouTube scene packs. I read even more fic. I watched some of S4, some of S1, some random fan fav episodes. And then Destiel lodged itself so deeply, thouroughly into my brain that it took over and hasn't relinquished control in the last two years. The most tenacious, pervasive brain worm to date.
This ship got it all, and this fandom got it all, and there's such delightful, powerful, batshit crazy, romantic, expertedly crafted fanfic out there, it's like being a starving child in the world's biggest candystore.
So without further ado, here's some of my very favorite fics from this infinite trove, with all my thanks to the wonderful writers who keep delighting and awing me with their dedication and craft. There'll of course be some recency bias at play but you can browse my bookmarks over here to chose from over 100 excellent and well-curated SPN stories.
Wildly romantic fics that warm you up from the inside.
It Won't Be Perfect by someonetoanyone (10K words) Summary: Dean daydreams about what it'd be like to let himself love Cas freely.
Why I love it: the humor, the spot-on characterizations, and the quintessential late season Destiel-ness of being so deeply love with your best friend that it's too big to actually do anything about. Just. So warm.
Rock Lobster by Ginger Fail (13K) Summary: Cas decides that the lobsters Dean planned to cook need to get back home. Impromptu beach vacation ensues!
Why I love it: This road trip story is fresh and invigorating like a sea breeze! Fun, entertaining and full of deep, deep fondness.
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston (32K)
Summary: On a road trip, Dean and Cas play the 36 Questions That Lead To Love.
Why I love it: They’re so deliberatedly, carefully starting a relationship here. They try so hard to bridge the gaps and meet each other halfway. A very mature take on love that feels nourishing.
Fics that make you go BARK BARK BARK.
samson went back to bed by piesexuality (9k, @twoheadedcas) Summary: Cas strikes a deal with Chuck - keeping his family together comes at the price of their free will.
Why I love it: What if Cas got his revenge for the Mala'ak box? What if love came at the price of everything you've been fighting for? What if a story twisted the knife oh so sweetly? Each word of this one lands a punch. Made me insane in the best of ways (cue pinned fanart).
In sickness by @saintedcastiel (41K) Summary: S4 redux but Castiel has a fetish: giving Dean the sniffles.
Why I love it: This one is soooo. Can barely find words for it. It taps into Cas' early season alienness and psychosexual obsession with Dean, brilliantly demonstrates Casdean vs Samruby parallels, and each word is just. Perfect. ARGH!
so much smoke in a hall full of mirrors by AreYouReady (6K, @autisticandroids ) Summary: Godstiel is losing his heavenly war. Crowley provides a compliant Dean-doll for him to release his frustrations upon.
Why I love it: Urgh, this one is sooo dark. Taps into the scary, intimidating and alien aspects of Godstiel so well. Gore, consent and psychosexual issues galore. Delicious.
Special mention: In a Parked Car, Exhuming Ophelia by @an-android-in-a-tutu (17K). Still need to comment properly ;)
Angsty fics that tear you to pieces to remake you better.
What Used To Be Mine by someonetoanyone (48K words) Summary: Dean never makes his apology prayer in Purgatory - Cas dies, Dean mourns.
Why I love it: Oh god, this is a heavy hitter. Just, straight up insurmontable grief, packaged in poetic, raw language to make you shed tears and tears. Loved it so much.
Ignite your bones By ilovehowyouletmefall (67K, @angelinthefire) Summary: Dean accepts Chuck's deal: killing Sam to save the world.
Why I love it: Cruuuuel cruel premise for a story that doesn’t pull its punches. It gets dark in Dean’s head and everyone around him suffers. Wonderfully written. The ending set my brain on fire.
Right Where you Left Me by outdean (93K, @armandgender)
Summary: Cas comes back from the Empty after 10 years to find Dean married to another man.
Why I love it: This one is a riiiide. When grief has become a part of you but your love comes back… When you return from the dead and have to carve a new space into the world for yourself... nothing is easy here, but the emotions are INTENSE. Also, autistic!Cas for the win.
Special mention: Who Ya Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel (50K) and Clear skies in spring by enochianprayer (WIP)
Expansive, wild adventures with lots of ups and downs
Spirit of the West by teen_dean (140K, @urne-buriall)
Summary: An 18y old Dean grew up on a horse farm – cue veterinarian Castiel. The summer of a lifetime ensues.
Why I love it: So this is one of my very favorite stories, ever ever, and I cannot recommand enough to immediatedly suscribe to the author’s Substack to be able to follow it in „real time“ next summer. It’s cinematic, rich, full of darkness and light, it’s everything a story can aspire to, I’m just. I just really love it.
Second Verse, Same as The First by LaLaCat1 (135K)
Summary: Endverse!Cas is sent back to the start of S1 and is determined to make things right this time round.
Why I love it: a desperate and badass Cas, unfridging everyone, a thrilling plot, moments of awesome for the entire cast, gripping action scenes, a romance for the ages… this is a genuinely amazing story.
back road, black road by eden22 (167K)
Summary: 18y old Sam gets kidnapped by Hell on his way to Stanford. Dean tries to deal.
Why I love it: So this one’s not Destiel-centric but does have wonderful Destiel moments. It’s also very heavy on the gore and the angst (NOT for the faint of stomach), but expertly crafted, fascinating and frankly it deserves more love. Held my breath for half the read and never knew where it’d take me.
Special mention: It's The End Of The World (As We Know It) by tiamatv (140K)
Uproariously funny stories about the intricate rituals these two weirdos get up too.
Life Skills by ilovehowyouletmefall (26K)
Summary: Dean teaches a newly human Cas how to be „a real man“.
Why I love it: Dean coming to Big Self-Realizations while trying to have platonic threesomes with Cas is so perfect. Very endearing, tender and funny. Also, smoking hot sex.
the cheapest room in the house by biggaybenny (89K)
Summary: Dean downloads Grindr for Cas
Why I love it: Just. Late season Dean being deranged about Cas’ sexuality while everyone watches on in utter confusion. Equally hilarious and deeply moving
according to all known laws of life by @sobsicles (29k)
Summary: Cas comes back from the Empty to a Dean who won’t stop playing gay chicken.
Why I love it: They are both such petty, insane weirdos in this one. They said „can every situation be turned into a squabble“ and didn’t wait for an answer. So funny, so tender
Special mention: Wedding Vows and Negotiations by GingerFail (6K)
That's it, enjoy and leave your writers some much-deserved love!
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 7 months
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Blind Boy 🥀
(An Ominis Gaunt friends-to-lovers playlist)
A/N: Please listen in order. There's a method to my madness.
Ominis Gaunt fell in love slowly...
It began, he thinks, when he started hanging out with her. Without Sebastian that is.
Young folks - Peter Biorn and John
Lake Shore Drive - Skip Haynes
She makes him rather happy. It's odd...
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine
Sunshine Lollypops and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
She understands him like no one else. And even if she doesn't, she never pretends to. Just listens.
Wow, I'm Not Crazy - AJR
He really likes his time spent with her. He thinks about her when she's not around. She occupies his thoughts rather a lot. Her time feels like a currency and he fears running out. He's never had to be afraid of any sort of lack before.
putting a spin on Ophelia - Egg
What is this warm feeling? A dream - a wish, certainly. His parents would hurt him if they found out... Besides, he's just the blind boy. Who's he kidding?
One Last Wish - Casper
If I Could Ride A Bike - Park Bird, Chevy
Creep - Radiohead
It's impossible... but what's the point of it all if he doesn't at least try? It could be so beautiful. He doesn't have to be brave about it.
Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane - Gang of Youths
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
He starts to try.
Passing Papers - Egg
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows
Please Notice - Christian Leave
Feelings Are Fatal - Mxmtoon
These feelings are deeper than he thought. He can't help but indulge them.
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis
Amazing - Rex Orange Country
Golden Hour - JVKE
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Can I Call You Tonight? - Dayglow
I Couldn't Be More In Love - The 1975
It's so wonderful. It's beyond good. And she's always so kind to him. So perfect.
Infinitely Ordinary - The Wrecks
Remember When - Wallows
Ratisim - The Suicide Squad
One night in the Undercroft, he plucks up a little courage. And then... then he asks that girl to dance.
Not About Angels - Birdy
Once Upon A December - Anastasia
The Princess Diaries Waltz
And oh... oh he's fallen so far. He's hopeless.
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Line Without A Hook - Rick Montgomery
First Kiss.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
And things just get better from there...
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
I Feel Good About This - The Mowgli's
Darling - Christian Leave
Love - Lana Del Rey
the world could end with you - Llunar
After graduation, he proposes. The ring doesn't come from a distant ancestor - it's not plucked off his family tree. It's just for her. For that lovely muggle-born girl and nobody else.
Until I Found You - Steven Sanchez
His first night with her is better than he ever could have dreamed.
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
He elopes with her two months later. And married life with her is perfect. Utterly and completely perfect. Away from his family and his high-society upbringing... it's lazy and soft and simple.
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Waltz for Sweatpants - Cody Fry
Would That I - Hozier
You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
Photograph - Cody Fry
Love theme:
Hearing - Sleeping At Last
Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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waayfo · 1 year
bluelock boys describe their feelings for you through songs !!
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## 💬💬. . . characters list : nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi, itoshi sae, itoshi rin, mikage reo, chigiri hyoma, bachira meguru, michael kaiser x reader
Tw : contain spoiler(s) for the manga, ooc, angst (for some character), fluff, songfic, lots of "i love you"
## 🎏 . . . kaizen 's notes : hii I ended up making something longer, but I felt cringe reading it. I'm so afraid of your response on this (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)
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You know I'll do anything you ask me to
But oh my God, I think I'm in love with you
— (Sofia - clairo) Mikage Reo
You always loved his bright purple eyes always looking at you gently. You can see how much he loves you just by looking into his eyes when your eyes meet. His bright purple eyes always stare at you with awe, love, and happiness.
Because of his love for you that turned him into a fool, he always does and gets whatever you want– if he can do it. He just doesn't want you to leave him, so he always hugs you tightly, and kiss your forehead when you hug. Sometimes sinking his head into your neck and enjoying every moment spent together.
Every day, nagi have to hear reo talk about you; how beautiful you are today and every day, especially when you smile, and the various compliments that reo gave about you that made him fall in love with you again and again. Reo will not get tired of looking at you even though he has done it many times. Because for him, your happiness is everything.
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You know you make my world light up
When I was down, when I was hurt
You came to lift me up
— (Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay) Itoshi Sae
"Thank you for always being with me," is the sentence he wants to say to you many times every time you encourage him and spend time with him. But his ego and prestige are too high to say it, so he never said it. But he always held your hand tightly and looked at you gently when you did that, as if he was saying thank you to you.
Even though he was cold to you sometimes, you always patient with him and asked, "are you okay? is there anything I can help you with?". He is always haunted by guilt, doesn't know how to repay your kindness when all he does is hurt and burden you. But you always say it's okay. He couldn't help but hug you tightly when you answered like that. In his deepest heart, he feels happy and relieved to be with you.
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Oh, Ophelia You've been on my mind girl like a drug Oh, Ophelia Heaven help a fool who falls in love
— (Ophelia - The Lumineers ) Nagi Seishiro
No one thinks, not even his teammates, that nagi is always thinking about someone. Every time he daydreams or just stare down, he always thinks about you; what are you doing today, did you miss him, did you have a good day, did you like your menu today, did you meet new people. All those things keep running through his mind, making him always think of you.
Somehow sometimes every time he sleeps, he dreams about you. Either when you spend time cuddling and playing games, or when you both feel the sweet memories of school. Making him think he has turned into a fool who is crazy about love and the one person who made him that way. But it doesn't matter to him, because you always manage to keep him motivated to keep going to school.
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Just a second we're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again
— (Just Give Me a Reason - P!NK) Michael Kaiser
Countless times he has broken your heart, but you can still accept and forgive him–at least just this last time. He also said the same reason to you many times, never remembering your tears every time he hurt you. Never tried to understand you even once. Never remember your struggle to make him really love you. Although in the end all of it was destroyed by himself. He betrayed you again and again. While you can only survive with the sweet memories that have passed.
But this time, he realized all his mistakes. This time– for the first time, he is begging you to stay. For the first time too, he tries to understand you, and promise you that he will fix this relationship from the start, so you don't have to be hurt and tired anymore. For the first time, he always hugs you tightly and whispers, "I'm sorry. I love you."
Maybe this will be the last time you give him a chance, before you leave him, leaving all the memories that have passed. Let him be able to realize his mistake, so that when he is in a relationship with someone again, that person will not end up the same as you.
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And you know, you know I love you so
And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry
— (Yellow - Coldplay) Isagi Yoichi
Everyone knows that he is an ambitious person, trying his hardest to achieve his dreams. The same goes for his love for you. He's trying to do whatever it takes to keep you together with him. He will not hesitate to repeatedly say, "I love you". He always loved when you held hands, he felt warm, his stomach was filled with butterflies. Even though his ears are a little red. He has always liked touching you without sexual intent. Don't be surprised if he suddenly hugs you or holds your hand. He did it because he missed you.
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I just can't take my eyes off you Tell me anything you wanna do
— (Eyes Off You - PRETTYMUCH) Bachira Meguru
In his heart, he always screams loudly every time your eyes meet. His heart was beating fast and it felt like a warm summer. His hands always move on their own to hug you subconsciously. His always shining eyes shine even more when he sees your presence. Not a few times he tells his friends about you until they get tired of hearing it, but from there they can conclude that he really loves you.
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Tell me pretty lies Look me in the face Tell me that you love me Even if it's fake
— (idfc - blackbear) Itoshi Rin
He always feels he can't be the best for you. He didn't want to lose the person he loved again. It's okay for him if you don't really love him, as long as you are by his side, he can forget all that bitter reality. You can immediately erase all the bad thoughts running through his mind just by saying, "I love you." Even if it was a lie, at least he could forget all the bad thougts for a while.
You can tell hundreds or even thousands of lies to him, he didn't mind. Even if you don't actually love him, even if you always hug him and whisper that all that is not a lie, even though you always other people about him and always exclaim, "that cool person is my boyfriend!". Even though you have been with him patiently until now. Those bad thoughts still haunt him, but he still wants the phrase "I love you" to always come out of your mouth. Maybe he still can't trust you completely.
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And I will love you, baby, always And I'll be there forever and a day, always I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine 'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
— (Always - Bon Jovi) Chigiri Hyoma
He loves it when he hugs you by the waist, letting everyone know that you are his. He loves kissing your face; his favorite parts are lips and cheeks. No matter how many times he did it, his stomach filled with thousands of butterflies, his body felt warm, his face would be a little red with embarrassment. Not only that, he likes every time you stand on tiptoe to reach his face, then give a short kiss in the face area, then say, "I love you." Oh you could have killed him by doing that many times.
He always smiled subconsciously when recalling those memories. His hand is raised to hold the part that you often kiss. While his heart wants to stay and spend time with you for a very long time– if possible and allowed, forever.
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philaet0s · 3 months
So I decided to start posting my social media AU here, in parts, and without the few bits that happen off social media that will be on the ao3 version <3
As an introduction, here’s a little bit of context:
Baz is an world-famous singer. At the beginning of the story, he’s about to go on tour for his 5th album
He and Simon are in a relationship but it’s not public. Simon asks Baz if he can make a twitter account where he claims to be Baz’s boyfriend because he thinks it’d be fun to see how people react
Baz’s albums, because I’ve thought about them a lot —except for the first one— lol:
Ergo, - 2019
→ he just wanted to be pretentious with a latin word honestly + the word “ergo” has this intrinsic meaning of consequence. for something to have a consequence, there *has* to be a something, but there’s nothing that comes before the album. it’s his first. it’s a sort of oxymoron with just one word, something contradictory at its core, Baz likes that
I don’t really know what Baz’s first album is like. the themes would probably be rather dark, but I don’t have a clear idea of what the album would represent like i do for the others. and yet i know there’s an album before those others. something that started it all
Flowers in the Water - 2020
→ a reference to Ophelia from Hamlet, who drowned surrounded by flowers. in this album baz explores his feelings after his break up. he was the one to leave his boyfriend who he was in a pretty toxic relationship with though he still had love for him. so he never had much agency during the relationship (as Ophelia doesn’t have agency during most of the play and her life) and the one time he acted on his own, he ‘ruined his life’ -the feeling of despair after a break up, when you think you’ll never find love like that again, even if it was bad (as Ophelia did when she killed herself). Cliché image of the break up as a sort of death, but you can be cliché when you’re heartbroken
baz’s ex used to buy him flowers, so there was this vase in their flat that for a long time always had flowers in it. after a while, towards the end of the relationship, baz noticed that it had been a moment since there had been flowers in the vase, and that was one of the things that made it hit that his bf didn’t care about him anymore
BUT the ‘vase’ is replaced by ‘water’ in the title of the album – a nice metonymy – to better fit the Ophelia reference.
Portrait of the Artist as a Madman - Feb. 2021
obvious reference to james joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Baz reread the book during lockdown so he had that title in mind. he used Madman instead of Young Man because we all went a little crazy during lockdown so that was his state of mind when he wrote the album
his most reflexive album, in which he writes very personal things about who he was and is, but also his persona as a singer and the way the music industry impacts him and his life
The Prophecy - Sept. 2021
baz really wanted to use the word prophecy in a title. it’s his favourite word in the english language. it’s a very meaningful word, prophecies were a huge deal for ancient civilisations, prophets are important figures in the abrahamic religions + he likes the idea of a prophecy, something being foretold, an inevitable end, no matter what one does. it’s very tragic, he likes that
this album is about his new relationship with simon, a romantic piece about how when they met, he felt like their story had already been written and all they had to do was play it out, he felt this inevitability that he associates with prophecies. simon is the love that was foretold for him
Metamorphoses - 2022
in reference to Ovid’s metamorphoses. Baz reuses some of the stories in the Metamorphoses while also applying them to his life, creating songs that are a blend of mythology and personal. (his fans love trying to guess what is merely his interpretation of Ovid’s stories and what is personal elements he added to the songs). the songs are ordered in a way that shows how baz was transformed throughout his life to become the version of himself he is at the time of writing the album. a sort of memoir told through a dozen songs
Paroxysm - 2023
paroxysm: a sudden sharp attack (of pain, rage, laughter, etc)
the meaning of the word is why baz chose it as a title. he thought it fit the album, which he wrote very differently from his previous ones –in bursts. his creativity was renewed after Metamorphoses, which was a project that felt to him more like writing a book than songs, and it expressed itself differently. in this album, the topics he writes about are all different, with nothing to give a coherent theme to the album… which is the theme in itself. all the songs are little paroxysms
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whoiwanttoday · 6 months
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So here is Sydney Sweeney again. I didn't really want to post her again so soon because I always hate doing that. It feels somehow boring but also what am I going to say? I have no clue but it would also be insincere to do otherwise because as she promotes her new movie she is just knocking it out of the park. I think so at least. I saw a comment online saying her dress is "vulgar" and she needs to, "get some class". Which is sort of wild to me that people are so obsessed with how much boob she is showing these days when she always has. Except it's not wild, because I have been alive more than five minutes and know how the world treats women. Still, I get this special sort of mad when I see someone telling women how to dress, either more or less conservatively because it always seems to come from this place where the person just cannot conceptualize that woman doesn't exist for their pleasure and consumption. Anyway, in a fit of pique I said outloud, "Get thee to a nunnery!" I was pretty pleased with myself there but there was no one to high five me. It's just me and the loaf of bread I made this morning because my lunch guests aren't here yet. It's a little disappointing to pop out a multilayered joke and get no love for it but it works on multiple levels guys. Cause see, Hamlet was basically calling Ophelia a whore there but also Sydney Sweeney's new movie has her playing a nun. What I am saying is once you realize I have read Shakespeare's most famous play and I know about horror movies I am sure someone will want to build a statue of me. Back to Sydney Sweeney, she is showing a lot of boob in one of these dresses but I have to say vulgar never crossed my mind for it. I think it's an attractive dress and does a good job of being elegant and sexy. What the fuck do I know though, other than I have long noticed if large breasted women show any cleavage they are whores and sluts and if they are cover up they are prudes. Crazy how that works. Today I want to fuck Sydney Sweeney.
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chaos-pers0nified · 1 month
Random ophelia facts(I gotta use her name more it's pretty)
Loves figureskating
And swimming, and anything in water
She was the most physically affectionate person and then stopped bc people took it as flirting
she loves Shakespeare(surprise suprise)
She loves musical theater
She literally steals whatever.
Has been on government records for thievery
Knows so many people on the mortal world it's crazy
Scared of heights
Not a big kisser
abandons people the second she thinks they're better without her(talking about her feelings? what's that?)
i trust yall will find this but tags anyways
@demigod-jack-hearth (tysm for the idea)
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sunflower-lilac42 · 4 months
☼ 𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒂 + 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌 ☼
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about ophelia zegras' and jack hughes' friendship - walking on sunshine
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➺ jack is another older brother to her
➺ jack loves to convince ophelia to do crazy things (which sometimes gets on trevor and luke's nerves)
➺ their friendship really solidified when they all had a nerf gun fight at the lake house and she and jack teamed up against trevor and cole, and luke and quinn
➺ ophelia is the nicer of the two of course, so when they go out in public together she always apologizes for his actions
➺ they do gossip together however, it's fun times (jack knows all the drama on the softball team)
➺ they are just like a weird brother sister relationship that means the world to each of them
➺ jack picks on her every chance he gets tbh
➺ he's secretly kind of the reason the two of them realize their feelings (that's a story for another time)
➺ ophelia defintely helps jack get a girlfriend, she's his wing woman
➺ that idea comes from how i met your mother where barney plays "have you met ted?" its basically the same and when she turns 21, jack takes her to a bar and that's how it started "have you met jack?"
➺ dare i say, star wars/harry potter fans? jack makes phi watch them all and now they have a little summer tradition together
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respectthepetty · 11 months
Background Noise in Shadow
The three books near the dad:
Richard North Patterson's Protect and Defend
The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call For Crazy Organizations
Guía del mal padre - Guide of a bad father
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The dad plays Makruk (Thai Chess). It does not have checkered boards and the pieces have different names.
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For instance, the piece the dad moved across the board at the beginning of his conversation with Dan . . .
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it's called a Rua which translates to "boat"
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Like rowboat
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And when the dad plays it on the hospital floor, he plays it with oranges and water.
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Dan and his father talked and played Makruk while sitting in water.
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Water is a recurring motif that represents change and serves as a transition between the waking world and the dreaming one or being alive and being dead. Which is probably the reason the mountain people floated the bodies on the river and why the school serves as a hub for activity.
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Hamlet deals a lot with the idea of water, sleep, and death. Hamlet believes death is a long sleep, and the famous "To be, or not to be" question is him contemplating suicide. The opening scene of the play actually questions drowning in particular because if the man goes into the water, he has caused his death, but if the water takes him under, he is not at fault (Scene 1, Act 5).
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The opening scene is of the gravediggers discussing if Ophelia, Hamlet's love interest will receive a proper Christian burial. Ophelia drowned, and although never explicitly stated within the play, the assumption is it was intentional; therefore, due to Christian doctrine, she committed a sin. This conversation is repeated for Dan's mom.
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However, Hamlet's father was murdered by poison, and he haunts Hamlet to avenge his murder. We saw Trin vomiting and holding his heart when running through the woods as well as his head bleeding.
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The ghost of Dan's father appears when Dan is acting out the scene in Hamlet where the ghost of his father appears to Hamlet, and the shadow appears on stage when Dan is acting out the scene right before Ophelia drowns. However, in the play, Hamlet is cruel to Ophelia telling her he is not a good man, yet he is honest. In the show, Dan messes up the line and says he is NOT an honest man, which is why the teachers look at each other.
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This is the bust of Laocoon in the art class, who was murdered by sea serpents with his two sons for attempting to expose that the Trojan Horse was a ruse. The Greeks gifted a huge wooden horse to the city of Troy, yet Greek soldiers were hiding inside, so once the horse was accepted inside the city walls, the Greeks snuck out of the horse at night, attacked, and won the war. Laocoon was killed for being honest.
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Hamlet is usually presented with a skull due to the opening scene depicting Hamlet realizing a skull he finds in the cemetery belonged to a former and favored court jester as he realizes death is unavoidable.
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And the drawings in the art class show a skull in water and someone with orange hair drowning (which orange seems to represents rebellion).
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Yet when Dan slips into the dream world, everything else is crossed out or scribbled on except for those two drawings and now the skull sits in a pool of blood and the person in the water is no longer drowning but bleeding in the water.
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The show seems to be combating the idea that Trin simply drowned intentionally or even unintentionally. The shows seems to be stating that he was murdered. Probably poisoned.
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But it'd be odd if Brother Anurak did it, mostly since his name means "angel of protection."
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Perhaps it has something to do with all those students lying on the ground appearing to be girls, and where the blood is coming from.
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Maybe Trin found out what happened to the nurse's daughter? And maybe it has to do with that book near the dad, Protect and Defend, which is about an abortion case.
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But it's all just background noise . . .
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for now.
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whatharrysang · 2 months
Harry Styles & little
Harry Styles
Fine Line
To be so lonely - I was just a little boy
To be so lonely - Not even a little bit
To be so lonely - I just hope you see me in a little better light
Treat People With Kindness - And we can treat people with kindness (just a little more kindness)
Harry's House
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - Just a little taste
Little Freak - Little freak, Jezebel
Little Freak - Stay green a little while
Songs Harry wrote for other artists
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - Just a little bit is all I'm asking for
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - I heard a little love is better than none
Change Your Ticket - Why don't we take just a little more time?
One Direction Songs Harry wrote on
Perfect - And if you like having secret little rendezvous
Unreleased Songs
Lay Down - But we need a little time alone
Ophelia - Why don't we get a little high and crazy?
Ophelia - Why don't we get a little higher?
Ophelia - I wanna get a little wild, baby
Ophelia - I know that you're a little liar
Ophelia - Why don't we get a little higher, baby?
Part of Me - A little in between
Part of Me - But you took a little piece
Pop Tart - (All you needs a little) Good conversation and a drink in your hand
Spanish Girl - If the world would turn, if we'd like to burn, would you be my little bird?
Spanish Girl - If we start the one, and in another world, would you be my little bird?
Too Much Sauce - You're a dirty little monster
Too Much Sauce - A coked up little Pop-Tart
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barkskins · 14 days
hello angels ! i'm coming back into the writing world. it's been a crazy while, but i'm finally able to come back and start making a dent in my drafts. i don't think i need to drop any threads ( i'll let you know ) but i'll probably start rounding things off/pushing them to a close. here are the replies i have drafted/i'm working on. crossed out are completed & i'm just waiting until i catch up to post them. please let me know if i've missed anything !
caston & briar
striker & norah
mari & ethan
ada & jaden
jade & jaden
juni & jaden
gaten & jasper
napoleon & jasper,
daisy & nolan
connor & jasper
lara & leonard
jasper & ophelia
jasmine & sterling
aj & vale
evanie & karenna
naomi & jaden
sanem & fletcher
matthew & evanie
striker & rosalind
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igotanidea · 2 years
Attention: Wednesday Addams x f!reader x Tyler Galpin
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request: Hi could you do Tyler galpin x reader x Wednesday Addams. Where Tyler and Wednesday both have a crush on the reader so they basically fighting over the readers love.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long, hope whoever asked wil enjoy it. Oh, and there;s also a bit of plot twist at the end.
„ENID!” I spotted my blonde friend in the middle of the quad and came rushing into her direction
“Y/N? What is happening? You look like you’ve seen a ghost and in this school that would be perfectly normal”
“Quick! Hide me!”
“Just do it!” I squealed and duck behind her in the poorest attempt of becoming invisible
“What is going on…..?” Enid started but I forced her to turn around and shield me behind her back “oh, oh….” Her eyes grew wide upon seeing small, dark figure appearing on the other side of the quad “what did you do to make Wednesday chase you?”
“Nothing! I swear!”
“Enid. Y/n.” Addams approached and greeted us with a low, dark voice, acting so in-style “you both realize that your poor attempt to avoid me is futile, right?”
“I’m starting to comprehend that now” I hissed stepping from behind. I was only embarrassing myself after all. For a moment we were just standing in front of each other, Wednesday’s eyes fixed on mine, as I was desperately looking everywhere but on her. At the same time, Enid was just turning her head left and right, assessing the situation, wide smile slowly creeping on her face.
“Girls? Is there something going on? Should I know about something?”
“Like what?” Wednesday narrowed her eyes at the she –wolf
“Dunno” Enid shrugged casually, her hair bouncing “just suggesting there may be something going on.”
“NOTHING is going on” I insisted, now shaking a little bit.
“Precisely. I have no idea why you would think otherwise.”
“Very well then” Enid jumped a bit “I got places to be, so I guess I’ll leave you two alone for the time being. See you later, girls.”
“Don’t you dare……” I started but she already turned on her heel and disappeared in her little rainbow cloud, probably off to meet with Ajax. Holy shit!
Word of explanation. 
When Wednesday Addams first step a foot into the Nevermore walls she got the attention of the whole school. Most of the students listened to those crazy rumors, ranging from her being an alien (like, really?) to her releasing piranhas on the boys who dared to hurt her brother. No matter if you believed them (I didn’t) you had to participate and have an opinion. Well, the subject of those information couldn’t care less about anything or anyone. Constantly in her own world, her own mind. A lone wolf. Except for Enid, who was chosen to be her roommate in the Ophelia Hall.  Sinclair was just being herself, cute, wonderful, emotional ray of sunshine, giving Wednesday a tour around the school, acknowledging her with the rules and cliques. And, much to my bad lack I happened to cross the quad the very moment they were walking down the stairs. No one was watching, so yeah, you guessed it. The crash, a bruise and a bit of blood. And what’s better way to bond with a person who apparently eats human flesh than share some blood. We both ended up in a hospital wing, just eyeing each other in silence, both curious of the other. However, what I didn’t know that this very moment I miraculously happened to catch the attention of the dark-haired girl. It only grew when she learned I was a descendant of one of the most renounced killer of the times. Great-great-great-great granddaughter, so really, not much of a connection, but enough for her. She believed it was something admirable (although she called it “worth exploring”, not that is sounded ominous at all) and more often than less I caught her, observing me during classes or lunch, just feeling her eyes on me. That was a bit creepy, but also…. weirdly flattering. As much as I hated that family tree, I was also a psychic, so sometimes, rarely¸ my ancestor spoke through me (talk about a channeler tendencies) causing a lot of trouble. Like one time when she asked me, what kind of torture would I choose to use as an act of revenge.
“Torture? Wednesday, that is ridiculous… I don’t…. Play pop music for the whole day.” Yeah, I guess my great-great-great-great-grandfather had a sense of humor. And in some crazy way it attracted Addams to me.
At first, she was just watching from the distance, like I was a riddle to figure out, but now she got far more direct. I suppose the hyde problem only accelerated it. In a few week time she had no problem in making me join her in her crazy adventures and ideas. Ok, I admit her moodboards, the one that creeped Enid was actually nicely prepared and well-though. Damn my blood, but slowly I started to get interested in Addams as well. We were sharing, for god’s sake.
There was one problem,
And his name was Tyler Galpin.
Normally, Nevermore students weren’t allowed to go to Jericho and interact with normies. I guess there’s always an exception to the rule. I suppose I forgot to mention how and why I ended up in Nevermore.  It definitely wasn’t because my parents wanted me to explore my inner self and grow up (like Enid’s mother wished for her), but also not because I was an obstacle and a liability (like Xavier’s father apparently thought). Nope. It was because I was going crazy with all the voices in my head, getting tired of being a medium and my family murderous attempt to make me a legacy to the hurting spree tradition. I never wanted that. So, one day I just simply run away. Having done my research I learned about Nevermore and the way It worked, knowing exactly where to go, but on my way I took one wrong turn and instead of ending up on the school ground I found myself in Jericho, exhausted, dirty and looking like a complete freak after three-day journey. On. My. Feet.  How surprising that my family never looked for me, simply writing me off (having said that – maybe my situation wasa bit similar to Xavier’s). Anyway.  Due to all the adventures I nearly passed out in front of Weathervane. And that’s when Tyler stepped in, almost forcing me to come inside, getting me a snack and a drink, just smiling and sitting there watching me closely, making sure I was getting better. Good thing it was late and every decent habitant of Jericho was in home, getting ready for a night’s sleep. Tyler’s nice attitude somehow made me tell him everything. About me being  a freak, searching for Nevermore and all the sad, sob, story. He never judged, never really freaked out.  Quite the opposite, he pointed me in the right direction, making sure I got to my destination safely. And then, principal Weems took good care of me. Having in mind, all my history and the mental problems my family caused, she made sure I got professional help, embodied in dr Kinbott.  And that was when I reunited with Tyler. In same way as with Wednesday.
“My head…. I got to stop meeting people this way” I hissed getting up from the floor
“It was entirely my fault, Y/N” strong arm reached towards me and lifted me up ”Hi, again.” he smiled again, and damn, those dimples…..”How about I make it up to you with a coffee?
So, I hope now you get the problem. I got two people interested in me.  And neither Wednesday nor Tyler liked the competition.
And that’s how we end up back in the quad with Wednesday’s eyes fixed on my face.
“I swear if she keeps looking at me like that I’m going to turn into ashes” I thought to myself feeling the blush showing on my cheeks
“Wednesday.” Shit, be smart, be smart “is there something I can help you with?”
“I don’t need your help. Nor anyone else’s. Though I was wondering whether you were going to attend the fair?”
“Doesn’t everyone?” I shrugged, but couldn’t help a little bit of blush. Damn it was hard to understand if she was trying to flirt in her specific way or trying to find out if I was going to be an obstacle in whatever crazy plan she had in mind.
“Not quite the answer” she retorted
“Yes, Wednesday, I am going. Why are you asking?”
“No reason. But you might be a bit useful for me. I have a plan and your skills can be complementary to mine.”
“Complementary, huh?”
“Yes. I’ll see you at the fair than.”
Did you hear me say, that everyone was going to be there? That included Tyler as well.
*** “Y/N.” Tyler smiled in the happiest way possible when he saw me walking around the fair. “Addams.” Just a nod in her direction.
“Galpin.” She responded with her coldest, most focused tone, eyeing him like she was trying to get inside his head. Well, maybe she was…..
“Are you having fun?” the boy asked
“We are way above such mundane attraction as this. Only came because we were forced to. And fun, as you put it is overrated” yeah, Wednesday did not hold back.
“I see. No surprise Y/N is a bit bored. It’s always about the right company.”
“Maybe you should leave then?”
“Oh, I only just came. And I am going to enjoy the evening .”
“So are we. Nevertheless, we have something different planned….”
“We?” Tyler raised an eyebrow “it seems like you have a plan and you are just dragging Y/N along. Did you even ask her if she wants so?” he turned towards my direction
“I…..” I tried again, but didn’t manage a word
“I am far from forcing people to do anything. I believe in free will.”
“Oh, I bet you do. But you have outstanding tendency to get people involved in your matter.”
“Maybe.” Wednesday smirked at Tyler’s annoyed expression and since for a second silence fell between them I saw that as my chance to chime in.
“Um, Tyler, Wednesday, can’t we just…..?
“Would you like to have some ice cream Y/N?” Tyler smiled taking a step closer to me and Wednesday tensed a bit
“Ice cream are so primitive. How about we go investigate?” she suggested looking me straight in the eye.
“Oh, for god’s sake” I hissed and turned on my feet
“Investigate? You are trying to get her in trouble, aren’t you?”
“Just creating some good memories. I guess that’s a thing in your world. And being useful, unlike you…..”
“You know Addams, taking care of people’s emotional needs is useful. Not that you would understand that, right?”
“come on, Y/N, we don’t have to …..” my creepy female friend shifted slightly to me, only now realizing I just walked away, joining Enid and Ajax and watching them from a distance while actually enjoying some ice cream.
“See what you did?” Tyler muttered
“I did?”
“Yeah, if you just stepped out of this and…..”
Ok, now Wednesday was walking towards me and I got a déjà vu from the situation at the quad. Clearly she was done dealing with Tyler’s bullshit.
“Wednesday” oh, thank you Enid for stepping in “you decided to join us?”
“I did!” Tyler gasped outrunning the girl.
“Since when are you hanging with the freaks?” Xavier hissed. “If he’s here than I’m out” he stood up abruptly, bumping into Ajax by accident and causing his ice cream to end up at the front of my T-shirt leaving a nasty stain.
“Dude!” Ajax whined
“Shit…” I muttered, reaching for a tissue to at least try to clean it, but instead of the paper touching something soft and warm. Tyler’s hand. He was reaching for the same tissue.
“Let me help you” he searched for my eyes, caressing my palm gently and my eyes grew wide and cheeks went red in an instant. Again, before I could even say a word, Wednesday was by my side handing me another piece of material for cleaning, glaring at the boy. I felt like screaming at this point.
“Xavier?” I smiled turning to him with a smile, but my eyes were literally screaming for help and hoping he got my message. “Are you heading out? Can I join you?” please, please, get me out of this love battle. Thorpe looked at me, a bit taken aback but nodded slowly, not even realizing how much relief that brought me. If I even suggested going back to school by myself, Tyler and Wednesday would start that whole it’s dangerous etc. Xavier was my best shot, since if I joined him neither of my wooer would want to be near him.
“What is going on with you and Addams and Galpin?” he asked when we were out of the earshot
“Oh, fuck, don’t even get me started on that” I rolled my eyes, looking behind. Tyler and Wednesday was sitting in front of each other, in silence, eyeing each other like it was some sick stare battle, Enid and Ajax on the side looking absolutely helpless, but still trying to talk the silence away. “I’m sick of them acting like children. This was nice at first, you know, being noticed, but now….”
“Now, what?”
“It’s like I’m a prize in a competition between them.”
“Are you even interested in any of them?”
“I don’t know now! I’m confused to say the least. And tired. And a bit worried what may come from this.”
“Have you ever considered choosing someone else to be with?” he stopped and I almost bumped into him
“I…. Wait, what?”
“I’m just saying.” He shrugged and it came out a bit awkward “stepping outside that triangle might be beneficial for you.”
“I’m just saying.” He repeated and smirked at me with gleaming eyes, before resuming his walk.  
Oh shit…….
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doomed-prophetess · 3 months
My teachers explanation of Ophelia makes me so sad. "In a book caused by Hamlet's inaction, it's tragic that one of the biggest actions actually taken is Ophelia taking her own life"
Hnnzbssheo, is your Hamlet au of Lleu gonna go insane like Ophelia?
I don't know. I'm constantly going back and forth between Hamlet-Medraut and Ophelia-Lleu and Claudius-Medraut and Hamlet-Lleu.
I think the plot would go as follows: Artos actually dies of an illness but malicious tongues claim that Medraut must have poisoned his father in order to seize the throne and marry Guinevere. Lleu is blindsided by the engagement, his father's corpse is not yet cold and his wife is already giving her heart away to another. Understandably, he is confused and hurt. He cannot accept that his half-brother has taken his father's place and is trying to undermine his authority by bringing up his bastard status and embarrassing him at court.
Medraut thinks Lleu looks down on him, because of his low birth when in reality Lleu is terrified at the prospect of losing his brother and mother to one another and desperately trying to revert their family dynamics back to how they used to be. His father's death gave him the feeling his whole family was fractured and incomplete. He was seeking a sense of safety in the world and acceptance of his feelings and grief, but what he got was instability when Guinevere and Medraut found comfort in each other seemingly uncaring about anybody else but them in their selfish love, the wound then closed itself without letting Lleu in, leaving him to deal with his pain on his own.
Lleu develops anger management issues and at some point, I think at Medraut's coronation when he sees him wearing Artos's crown Lleu lashes out and attacks him. Medraut drugs him up upon Guinevere's request who is scared Lleu might hurt himself during his seizure, but Medraut cannot help it and gloats as he restrains him. Their relationship changes, warmth and closeness replaced by iciness and distance. That's when other nobles take note of Lleu's emotional vulnerablity and attempt to take advantage of him. Lleu starts to believe the rumors that Medraut has poisoned his father and every night he is visited by Artos' ghost (who is actually an hallucination because Morgause is poisoning HIM) beseeching him to avenge his father and take back his birthright. He's pretending madness but feels his grip on reality little by little slipping away. One time he wakes up in the cemetary after sleepwalking and witnesses Medraut digging up his father's body and talking to his skull (because none of the siblings cope healthily with their father's death) and he thinks he's gone crazy for real. Medraut on the other hand is the only one at court who doesn't believe Lleu has gone mad and suspects him of simulating. When Lleu arrives at his door at night half-undressed with wildflowers in his hair, he decides to test him. Lleu skillfully parries every question until Medraut has him pinned on his bed (because only someone crazy would lie with their own brother). Of course Lleu can't go back now, he'd risk being found out, so they have sex :))) and enjoy it way too much.
Meanwhile Goewin had been send to her marriage to an ally is shipwrecked on the coast of Africa where an epidemic has broken out (the same illness that had killed Artos). She disguises herself as a young man named Lleu and enters the services of prince Constantine, where she has her Twelfth Night Arc (I haven't read the sequels duh).
I imagine the story reaches its climax when Lleu challenges Medraut to a duel, but Medraut fights with a poisoned blade and is stabbed fatally after he had managed to cut Lleu. Goewin along with the army gathered with her allies enters the palace and announces dramatically that Artos had died a natural death and everything Lleu did had been for naught. The brothers die in each others arms forgiving one another and the story closes with Goewin being crowned ruler of Camelann.
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musicboxmemories · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @viola-ophelia <3 Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 58 on my primary page, 38 on my trash page, and 5 on my catch-all.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? LOL if you think I'm going to add up the word count of 101 total fics, you're crazy! So instead, I'll just say my longest fic on my primary page is 96,771, my trash page is 34,787, and my catch-all is 11,722, for a total of 143,280. So with that being for just three fics, I shudder to think what my actual word count is for 101 fics lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Lately, TURN: Washington's Spies, though past fandoms have been H.annibal, E.mma 2020, and The M.agicians, to name a few.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I'm just going to stick to my main page for this:
Wake-up Call (From D.usk till D.awn: the Series) (438)
Changing Winds (S.tranger T.hings) (384)
Lost in the Dark (S.tranger Things) (284)
Anyone But You (That 70s Show) (265)
To Thaw and Burst into Bloom (S.tranger Things) (235)
^^The funny thing is, none of these were fandoms I was overly into/participated in much, but they're way more popular than my favored fandoms, which is why none of what I'm TRULY proud of is listed in my top kudos ranking. Ah well.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! In the past, I've always made friends through reviews/reviewing, so I always respond to comments and leave comments on works I've enjoyed. :) I really wish engagement/fic friendships were more encouraged these days.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhh, probably Folie a Deux (H.annibal) or To K.iss, to Consume (Turn). OH, and Let the Weary Rest (Turn), where I killed off Ben lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After 2020, pretty much all of my fics had happy endings. The World is Made Wrong made me happiest though, I'd say.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I'd rather not jinx myself, but I haven't since I was a kiddo! And that hate was deserved tbh, cuz they were just telling me I wrote xyz wrong since I was a child/didn't bother to research.
9. Do you write s.mut? *gestures vaguely at my trash page* Uh. Yeah. lol I don't really have a specific type I write, beyond M/F, if that's what you're asking -- the specific scenarios are typically a case-by-case basis.
10. Do you write crossovers? I used to write quite a few! Nowadays, I save that more for things like RP and edits, though I do still enjoy them. Sometimes, crossovers work better than canon, I said what I said.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have! But I was like 13 at the time, and the person posted it in the same ship/fandom, so Idk what their plan was lol. Fortunately, they deleted it the day I reviewed.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A few times, actually (all for the H.annibal fandom).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sure have! They're all RP-turned-fics though, cuz I've never actually asked someone to write something who wasn't an RPer themselves.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Probably David/Maddie from Moonlighting. They're timeless! <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I suppose my time travel romcom. It's basically me rewriting a book I've already created, but altering it for the Turn universe. Even though it's fun, it's kind of boring repurposing my old work, and most especially when there's so little engagement. I flourish on comments, alas. Other than that, I mostly tend to finish my works!
16. What are your writing strengths? An editor once told me my strengths are my dialogue and humor. She equated the first 20 pages of my book (a recent work) to a Shakespearean comedy, which really tickled me, ngl.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? World-building! I've improved with this by a lot, but I genuinely do think fic writers are conditioned to stop describing settings/appearance thanks to our audiences already KNOWING, and thus, our OG works suffer for it. Mine certainly do!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I wouldn't do it personally, since I doubt it'd translate well, but I encourage others to do it! I'll still read!
19. First fandom you wrote for? C.owboy B.ebop.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Probably The World is Made Wrong, since I've since reworked it and I'm still very proud of how that second run-through turned out (not the one available on AO3 -- that version is in all its heinous first draft glory lol).
Tagging: @retrograderesemblance @pagetreader @ms-march @culper-spymaster and whoever else wants to!
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