#or “what actions can i take now to create this karma for the future”
river-in-the-woods · 5 months
I sometimes come across people who say they “don’t believe in karma.” I believe this stems from a misunderstanding of karma as a purely supernatural force.
Karma is not something you believe in: it is cause and effect, as real and insentient as the force of gravity. Karma is a shorthand for everything a being can experience and the causes that lead to these experiences.
You touch the fire and it burns you. That’s karma. Your karma is that you are a being of flesh and your body cannot tolerate certain elements.
Your family has a history of cancer, and you develop cancer. That’s karma. Your karma is that you carry the genetic inclination for certain diseases.
You encounter a challenge and overcome it against all odds. That’s karma. Your karma is that you had the skills and resources to achieve the outcome you desired.
When we observe certain phenomena in the world, we understand that this was possible because there was the necessary karma for it to occur - the necessary causes were present. Sometimes we label this as ‘bad’ karma or ‘good’ karma, purely because of how we perceive that experience. There will have been innumerable factors involved in that experience coming to pass. Hence, karma can be understood in a purely mundane context.
Since we spiritual practitioners tend to get involved with magic, gods, spirits and other realms, then naturally we observe that there are additional ways in which karma can work. Sometimes on a scale that is difficult to comprehend and spans lifetimes.
When we understand karma, that is, cause and effect, we come to understand some of the myriad of influences upon our experience. Sometimes we understand enough that we can change the karma that we have.
In my opinion, karma makes the most sense in the context of rebirth and spiritual inheritance: the idea that there is some continuity after death and the karma of one life can be inherited by another.
The way that I personally understand karma is that it is like an attunement, or a momentum. Every action, every thought, is like a movement that creates a gust of wind that pushes us toward a certain outcome. Repeated actions of a certain nature solidify this momentum, like gathering winds that create a storm, or trails of water that carve a riverbed into the earth.
Across lifetimes, this becomes especially powerful. We may find ourselves repeatedly experiencing certain themes in our lives. The same kinds of fortune and misfortune that come back in different forms, created by the momentum of our inherited karma. It takes persistent effort to escape what has been ingrained into our experience and go beyond what our past has shaped us to be.
Karma must also be understood in the context of interdependence. We do not exist in isolation, our own karma will impact the karma of others, and vice versa. Everything in the world has its own karma, a way it can influence other things: how we navigate these influences determines our fate.
Don’t be daunted by the enormity of it all. A ship that sails across the sea will not encounter every wave on the ocean, only the ones in its path. We have the choice to ride upon those waves, or we can learn to read the winds and waters and try to change our course.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
I think we've been limiting ourselves with the Buddhism takes. While Buddhism does play a part in Houses, it's not the only symbolism the game uses. There's the easy Christian stuff, elements relating to the tarot, there's the names of ancient greek philosophers, it invokes Napoleon and even the nickname El refers to ancient Sumeria as a title/name for a god.
Nirvana isn't just from Buddhism, it's origins are from Hinduism where it's not the ultimate goal. In Buddhism, Nirvana is achieving a form of enlightenment portrayed as extinguishing of the self. The ultimate goal of Hinduism is elevating ones consciousness so that it becomes part of the universal truth, indistinguishable from the creator god Brahma. When you die, you return to the energy that created the universe.
If you want a very scary version of this, someday I'll explain Getter Robo and what exactly is Getter Emperor.
The Nirvana class seems to be a reversal of the Hindu version. Byleth gains Nirvana when the Creator Goddess Sothis fuses with them, extinguishing herself for Byleth's benefit. The deity fuses with Byleth, fading into Byleth's subconscious and from there Byleth gains their power (Hopes admittedly fucks with this as Sothis fuses to save Byleth, but can take over if pushed). Even the fact Byleth is male by default but is referred to as a spiritual mother in the ending points to the Hindu version, complete with Flayn trying to figure out his pronouns in the S support, a combination of male and female like Brahma.
While the game does seem to support the Buddhist takes of extinguishing the poisons/flames, for Byleth extinguishing themself seems to be the problem. They grow during White Clouds, eventually defaulting to siding against Edelgard. Byleth's flag, the supposed Fire Emblem of the game, reflects a belief in Byleth themself. But by altering the story, by going against Byleth's choices and characters thereby extinguishing Byleth as a character, in the words of the devs it's about believing in something else entirely and instead Byleth becomes subservient to El (a false god figure). The Japanese explains the Crest Stone disappearing at the end of Flower by saying it "shattered," Byleth's actions were bad enough it broke the heart of the Goddess and caused her to unfuse with them thus Byleth loses Nirvana.
This would also carry implications about Byleth's karma. Hindu belief is based on the caste system, where if you have good karma you'll be reborn in a higher caste, a form of spiritual meritocracy where your good deeds benefit you in your next life, such as being born into wealth and privilege because you earned it in your last life, and even plays a role in achieving Enlightenment. Buddha rejected this, believing that anyone can achieve Nirvana regardless of class. But considering that Flower is called the animal path, it's ultimately about Byleth's demerit.
Flower Byleth might fight so that Fodlan can know “true peace,” but they need to ignore the fact that Edelgard is invading other nations post-war in the Japanese script or having anyone who challenges her rule offed from the shadows in the English all while using Slither tech. Byleth is a soup sandwich if they submit to Edelgard. Meanwhile, fighting Edelgard might be hard now but it bears fruit in the future, as that way Fodlan doesn't suffer her tyranny, which does tie into Eastern beliefs.
Also noticed this in Wind's ending, the Japanese makes it out Byleth's goal is to make a world where everyone can hold hands regardless of nation or ethnicity. Bloodlines don't figure into it, likely that change was to support the change where Edelgard's ideals aren't too far off from what Claude and Byleth support in Wind in English.
But, as a whole, this just illustrates a problem with Houses and it's writing. The game loves it's symbolism and uses one set of symbols to reinforce another. But when you don't understand those symbols, or mistake one for another, it can throw the reading off even before Treehouse got their hands on the script.
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crisps-craft · 2 years
angel numbers
"Omnia in numeris sita sunt"- "Everything lies veiled in numbers."
what are the meanings behind synchronicities? - the universe communicates to us through numerical messages! when we see these numbers, the universe intends for them to be received as downloads of spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and guidance- seeing angel numbers are signs that your spirit guides are watching over you and guiding you through life!
how do i interpret these signs and numbers?
- angel numbers operate similar to tarot cards from my experience - yes, there are correlations and meanings attached, but you have to use your discernment to understand the specific message for you. Understand the overarching theme of the number and investigate what its personal meaning is to you (because there are many various interpretations of each number).
Keep in mind - these are just my personal interpretations. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Enjoy! :)
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Currently, your spirit guides want you to be aware of the unlimited potential that you possess. Your potential is waiting to become kinetic - it is determined by its relative position in your reality. You may feel like you are at a standstill, but your spirit guides are encouraging you to use this time to plant intentions into your future. This period of stagnancy allows for soul work and exploration right now (this time will help you recognize where and how your energy needs to be applied currently. I know it feels frustrating, but use this time to your advantage to regroup your sense of identity and direction). Recognize where your potential and power lie and go for it. 000 can empower other numbers that are attached to it, as well. You have completed a cycle and now you are starting a new chapter - be patient with yourself. Set intentions to help usher in this new cycle. New beginnings will help you connect to your fullest potential - where do you feel yourself being drawn right now? How and where is your energy being called to do? For better or for worse, you could be experiencing some sort of karmic reset where you are paying off karma. There could be energies attached to you that need to be cleansed.
111, 1:11, 1111, 11:11
Represents new beginnings and ventures that you are currently entering in your life. In the midst of crafting this new reality, you are being encouraged to use your creativity, innovation, and inventiveness! Think of the Magician tarot card. You may still be in the process of shifting to this desired reality - but nonetheless, your actions and perspective are absolutely critical right now. You create your own reality - so be aware of your standards, beliefs, intentions, and more. Where attention goes, energy flows. Trust in the universe and take leaps of faith. If you do face rejection, the remember that rejection is redirection and that it was not in your soul's best interest. Do not allow failure to knock you down - if you do not try, how can these new opportunities come to you? Be brave and courageous. Your sense of personal power is heightened right now - you are exercising the energy of pure will. Be intentional with this power in your hands. You are an alchemist who is experimenting with perspectives, actions, and intentions - you are brewing your own reality and the new opportunities that await. You have very potent spiritual energies supporting you right now. Your guides are very protective of you right now during this time of transformation and energy transmutation.
222, 2:22, 12:22
When the power of 2 is being emphasized to your soul, you are being reminded to realign yourself. Is anything setting you off balance? Your guides want you to realign so that you can achieve unification with whatever you are trying to come into contact with - whether this be love and relationships, dreams, careers, goals, etc. By realigning and readdressing what resonates with you, this newfound sense of balance will help detoxify your environment so you can surround yourself according to what best suits and resonates with your energy. You could be coming (or already) in contact with a soulmate or twin flame (can be romantic or platonic)! Overall, this number is very lucky and indicates that whatever you have been desiring is coming into contact with you soon. New opportunities for growth, discoveries, and beginnings are coming your way - but you need to allow them to come in. Take leaps of faith, keep your head held high, stand your ground and standards, and strive for balance balanced. Are there any codependent behaviors you need to release? Any attachments or blockages that are keeping you from aligning? Let go of them and realign.
333, 3:33
If you are seeing 3, then the Universe is telling you to reconnect your mind, body, and spirit. All of them are interrelated and determine the health and wellbeing of each other! This balance is absolutely necessary to be aware of. When you realign, you will find the ability to focus on your goals much easier. Your decision making abilities and clarity over your path will feel much more clear. You might be in the midst of a revelation or realization as well. You may have to rethink your values and determine what it is that brings you joy and balance in your life. Do you need to cut out negative influence? In a way, you are remodeling yourself and your reality right now- think of it like an update. 333 / 3:33 can come up before a glow up (or even afterwards as reassurance from Spirit to continue your progress) Any negative energies right now may be emphasized to be put under reflection - you may need to cut out toxic friends, substance abuse, escapism, procrastination, negative mindsets / self destructive tendencies - Spirit is telling you to remove those so you can move forward. Those things are the reason for your indecision and stagnancy at the moment. I see this number often when an achievement / big milestone is on the horizon and about to happen.
444, 4:44
If the number 4 is repeating on your path, then your spirit guides want to reassure you that you are protected right now. Right now, what you want the most is guidance. Sometimes the path that you are on can feel too heavy to take on and you wish that someone could take the load off and help you. Your guides are reassuring you of your abilities to move forward and persevere - your guides are trying to send you more protection through channeling emotional strength and intuitive downloads (so you may find yourself more intuitive and able to read between the lines right now). During this time, you could find yourself more nostalgic and wistful for the past - you may associate the past with comfort because of how secure, stable, and sturdy everything felt. Everything felt 'in control'- but that's only because you are looking at the past from a present perspective. In your present self, you know how the 'story' ends and you have awareness of the conclusion of such events - that is why that feeling of 'security' comes up. So, your guides are bringing up the past to remind yourself that if you can get through it once, you can get through it again. "Security is not in having things; it's in handling things." Instead of looking towards the external reality / environment to 'save' you, remember that you have the strength to save and regenerate yourself - time and time again. You are going to look back at yourself in this moment and feel so proud.
555, 5:55
One of my favorite numbers - this sequence comes up when some sort of change is coming. Your current phase in life is in the midst of transitioning to something completely new. You know how, when looking back on your life, you almost categorize the sequence of events in "phases" or "chapters"? Different versions of yourself being applied to various external environments generating new realities. You are in the midst of walking on a new path! This is exciting and fresh. Spirit is advocating for you to be honest with yourself. On this new endeavor of life, what do you want to bring with you and what do you want to leave behind? You are the driving force of yourself - have faith in your ability to decide how you want this new phase to be. If you are considering trying a new activity, project, or pursuing a goal, then this number is a good sign that you are on the brink of something. This number makes me think of experimenting - you may be trying on new identities, new life goals and purposes, new roles in this reality - don't be afraid to try new things and to go after what it is that truly resonates with you on your soul path (even if it is something completely new).
666, 6666
This number comes up when the Universe wants you to reexamine your values and if your current reality is reflective of that. Another interpretation calls to ask if there is anyone or anything that either, you are in debt to, or is in debt to you. I see this number when your life and relationships are out of balance or unfair in a way. There is some sort of inequality present - this could be a relationship with two people where one person is putting in more effort than the other. Maybe someone is putting in too much effort (which can also disrupt the balance of things). This number calls for you to examine how 'healthy' you feel certain influences in your life are. In some cases, this number shows up when there are toxic influences in your life but it has become so 'normal' that you look past it. Think of this number as a call for 'spring cleaning' - right now, you need to pay attention to what brings you the healthiest mental wellbeing. In achieving that, you must pay awareness to what is detrimental towards yourself. What relationships or things in your life are bringing you anxiety? Are you avoiding anything that really needs addressing? The Universe knows that this number is a difficult one to deal with, but this number is trying to set your life and health in order. Sometimes the hardest things to address are what will make our lives so much easier. Even cleaning your living space physically or catching up on chores or self care that you have been putting off can also be a message from this number - 6 is all about the maintenance of mental wellbeing and our physical health.
777, 7777
777 is often associated with luck, wish fulfillment, and spiritual growth / knowledge / connection. This number can also tell you to remember to have fun or that some sort of fun event is on the horizon. Now is a good time to enjoy yourself and life. Let go, relax, and soak up the present. You could be traveling or making plans, too. Abundance and prosperity is coming your way so make sure that your heart is open to these new experiences! An open heart and mind. You also may be very spiritually in tune right now and are enjoying the fruits of your labor. Your manifestations that you have worked so hard for are raining in! The rewards of your efforts are coming in. This important milestone is meant to be enjoyed and will help you navigate this life phase right now. "You've hit the jackpot!" Keep walking on your current path and have faith that things will work out.
888, 8888
This number to me is more indicative of the physical reality rather than the spiritual one. Wealth could be coming in or some sort of balance or due being paid off. 8 is in the shape of an infinity sign and represents balance. What needs to be balanced right now is currently being balanced. Justice and karma are currently being served as well. Any harsh or 'ugly' truths may see the light of day as well (meaning that justice may be coming your way). Everything is currently falling into its right place so have faith and trust the process - even if things seem chaotic or messy right now, just know that the worst of it is through. This transformation and period of rebalancing has been tough, but oh so worth it.
999, 9999
999 represents releasing that which no longer serves you. The vibration of this number carries forgiveness and acceptance with it as well. What do you need to forgive yourself for? You can stop the cycle of self guilt by releasing your pain and forgiving yourself. This number wants you to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel your pain so you can release it. One door of your life is closing so that a new one can open. It may be time to shift your focus off of something that you may have found yourself obsessing over. It may be time to let go so that you can truly thrive and spend your energy where it needs to be applied. This number makes me think of spending time alone with yourself. You might find yourself wanting more quiet time away from the noisiness of life - and that's okay. This period will allow you to heal and reemerge with more energy for a new phase in your life.
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Journal Prompts I’ve Collected
I don’t know where these have come from so if you know please let me know and I can link the sources or take it down xx.
✧ What do I need to stop running away from? Why am I always running away from this and what is going to happen if I face it head-on?
✧ What is my definition of failure? What’s something that I have previously failed at and how did it make me feel? How can I deal with failure in a healthy way?
✧ What is a grudge I am holding onto? Why do I choose to hold onto this weight? What can I do to let it go?
✧ What can I do to accept myself more? How can I be more comfortable in my own body?
✧ What negative emotions am I most comfortable feeling? How often and why do these emotions show up?
✧ What unhealthy attachments (people, things, feelings, habits..) do I hold onto? What fears do I have around ending these attachements? What do I gain by ending these attachments?
✧ What emotion do I try to avoid? What makes me so afraid to feel it?
✧ What do I do that holds me back the most in my life? Where does this fear/habit/mindset come from? How can I move forward?
✧ How have I internalised my parents’ judgement? How do I free myself from it?
✧ What emotions do I rarely express infront of others? Why am I hiding these emotions? What would happen if I started expressing these emotions more?
✧ Am I okay with the fact that not everyone will like me? Why or why not? How does this make me feel?
✧ What relationships and friendships do I have that are unhealthy? How would my life improve/change if I let them go?
✧ What do I need to let go of the most right now? Why haven’t I already done it? What is stopping me?
✧ Who am I no longer willing to be? Why?
✧ What beliefs and assumptions are holding me back?
✧ What actions can I take on the daily to create change?
✧ Where is my heart pulling me?
✧ How do I define success?
✧ What are some things that I’m doing that make me unhappy?
✧ Where am I feeling stuck? Where am I fueling growth?
✧ Keep track of your feelings from day to day. Record how you felt and try to pin point why you felt certain ways in different situations. How could you habe handled it better? Why did you react the way you did?
✧ Write a letter to your past self, or your future self. Then break down your thoughts on why you said the things you did. Address any emotions that pop up during this process and record them. Why did you feel that way? What events in your life made you right what you did?
✧ What are your fears? Your REAL fears not just spiders or heights. Why are you afraid of those things? Are there any steps you can take to lessen that fear?
✧How do you treat the people in your life? Is there anything you could do for them to better your relationships? Are you being a positive, healthy influence on their life or are you being a toxic one? If toxic, what changes are you going to make to your behavior to stop being toxic?
✧What do you wish other people knew about you? Why do you keep it hidden?
✧ Are you healing from past traumas and or incidents or have you just distracted yourself? What healthy ways could you address unhealed trauma in order to move to a healthier place?
✧ Make a list of people you don’t like. Why don’t you like them? Are they actually bad or do you see bad parts of yourself reflecting in them and that’s why you don’t like them? Be honest.
✧ Write down everything that happens to you in a week that makes you feel bad in any way. Examine this list and ask why certain events make you feel bad.
BONUS: Write down what you believe about a variety of things (from religion and karma all the way down to relationships and your career path). Why do you believe those things? Are these feelings set in stone or are you willing to accept alternate views? Why or why not?
Remember Shadow work is all about unlocking your subconscious. This helps you understand yourself better which is important for many different aspects in witchcraft, and your star seed will thank you for it.
✧ what emotion do you try to avoid (e.g. anger, sadness, jealousy…)? what makes you afraid to feel it? what are you afraid will happen if you feel it?
✧in what ways are you privileged? what do you take for granted?
✧pick an adjective from the list below that would trigger you if someone would use it to desscribe you and then ask yourself: “why would this trigger me? what would be bad about it being true? is it the accuracy or inaccuracy that bothers me? what could be a positive aspect to being that way?”
list: arrogant, lier, jealous, mean, cruel, possessive, bitchy, bossy, loser, greedy, mysterious, sneaky, codependent, sick, fat, disgusting, stalker, stupid, idiot, fearful, unconscious, masochistic, narcissist, insignificant, frigid, sexist, manipulative, racist, victim, egositic, arrogant, ugly, careless, passive, aggressive, lame, boring, tactless, irresponsible, incompetent, lazy, unfair, childish, know-it-all, insensitive, psychotic, sad, ordinary, hypocritical, reproachful, gloomy, jealous, envious dirty, tyrannical, inflexible, heartless, resentful, dominant, bad, ignorant, uneducated, tasteless, insecure, depressed, hopeless, not good enough, cry baby, paranoid, pushy, stubborn, inferior, weak , impatient, unreliable, self-destructive, over-sensitive
✧ what do you need to forgive yourself for?
✧ think about a time in your childhood when you felt unhappy (small or big moment) and write a letter from your child self to the present you about how you felt and how you perceived the situation: try to take on that child as much as you can and write from its perspective as automatically as you can then write a letter back to that child, explaining the situation, showing empathy and understanding and asking how you can help now or which needs have to be met for that child to feel good again if you get answres from that child, then try to meet those needs today
✧ In what ways do you feel judged by others? Write them below. Explore how many of these judgments might actually originate within you first (and are displaced onto others)
✧What emotions do you rarely express around others – and when did you first start hiding these emotions from others? (Emotional suppression and repression often point to areas of shame buried within you.)
✧ What do you love about being a woman?
👒 What does womanhood mean to you?
🏹 How do you nurture yourself?
🩰 What’s knowledge has been passed down from your female elders that you follow?
💫 If you have a woman’s support group, what wisdom have you learnt from them? Do you heal better in the company of other women or on your own?
🖌 Who are your feminine role models? How have they inspired you?
❤️‍🩹 Is there anything you dislike about being a woman? How do you make it more bearable?
🕯If your spiritual/religious, how do you incorporate it with your femininity?
💭 What’s a misconception about femininity you dislike? Have those misconceptions directly impacted you?
💡What’s something you would tell younger women?
If you ex was right in front of you, what emotions would you feel? Describe your thought process.
Why did you separate? Describe the circumstances.
What coping mechanisms have you been using to deal with it?
Talk about the best memory of him. Teach yourself that it’s okay to think of the good things.
Talk about your worst memory of him. Remind yourself that they are human.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Why or why not?
What qualities make you such a good person to be around?
What would the future have looked like had you stayed together? Best and worst cases.
What never fails to make you happy?
When the world feels chaotic, how can I remain rooted firmly to the ground?
What does strength mean to me? What makes me feel strong? When do I feel strongest?
What does it mean to me to be rooted in the present moment?
What practices can I incorporate into my daily routine that will increase mindfulness and help me to remain in the present moment?
In what ways does my body always take care of me?
Do I feel like my loved ones support me? Do I feel like the Universe supports me? What do I need to feel more supported?
When my energy feels depleted, what can I do to nourish and rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit?
What can I do every morning to increase my energy and greet the day with enthusiasm and vitality?
What can I do in my daily life to add more opportunities for play?
What are some creative activities I’ve always wanted to try but never have?
What are some creative activities I love to do but don’t make space for in my life as much as id like to? How can I create more space for these activities?
Why is it important to me to be an open and honest person?
Why is it important to me to be a forgiving person? Do I ever find it difficult to forgive myself or others?
When do I feel most confident?
When do I feel least confident? How can I support myself and create more confidence in these situations?
What does it mean to me to be a confident person?
What is the source of my confidence? Does it come from external sources or from within?
Write out a list of positive inner qualities you love about yourself and describe why you love each of those things.
Write out a list of positive outer qualities you love about yourself and describe why you love each of those things.
Do I believe I can achieve my goals and dreams? If not, what’s holding me back?
Write a list of ten to fifteen positive affirmations about your ability to achieve your dreams. Repeat each affirmation twice.
What does it mean to be a positive person?
Why is it worth it for me to choose positivity?
How can approaching situations with a positive mindset change my life for the better?
What does it mean to me to have self-respect? How do I show myself self-respect in my daily life?
What brings me joy in my daily life?
How can I cultivate even more joy in my life?
What does unconditional love mean to me?
How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?
What positive practices can I incorporate into my life to show myself more compassion, empathy, and self-acceptance?
What does it mean to me to be a compassionate being? Why is it important to me to be compassionate?
What are ten things I love most about myself?
What self-care practices can I incorporate into my daily life to show myself more love?
How can I cultivate the feeling of peace in my everyday life?
What thoughts, words, images, memories and/or sounds convey the feeling of peace to me?
Do I excessively self-isolate from others, or am I overly dependent on others to feed my happiness? How can I find a harmonious balance between the two?
What does it mean to me to be deeply connect to all beings in this universe? In what ways do I feel connected to all, and in what ways do I feel separate? How can I nurture that feeling of connection?
What self-care practice can I do in just five minutes a day to cultivate feelings of unconditional self-love?
What powerful affirmations can I incorporate into my life that will foster more feelings of love, compassion, peace, and serenity? In what ways can I incorporate these affirmations as part of my daily routine?
Do I possess any fears of limiting beliefs preventing me from accepting unconditional love? How can I begin to release these fears and limiting beliefs?
How do I communicate in one-on-one conversations? How much do I listen, and how much do I speak? Is this ratio balanced?
How do I communicate in big group settings? Do I tend to sit back and listen, or do I speak freely? How much do I listen compared to how much I speak?
Why is it important to me to be a patient and attentive listener?
Why is it important to me that my voice I heard when I speak?
How do I feel when others are distracted or not listening when I speak?
How can I clearly and effectively communicate so that I have the undivided attention of those I’m speaking to?
What method(s) of communication do I feel most comfortable with? What method(s) of communication do I feel least comfortable with?
Write 10 to 15 positive affirmations that affirm your ability to speak clearly and confidently as well as why your voice matters. Repeat each affirmation twice.
Write about a time when you spoke your truth and felt heard, respected, and listened to. How did this make you feel?
In what ways can words be powerful? What are some examples of times when words held immense power in my life?
Reflect on this statement: “my words and my voice matter.” List all the ways in which this it true.
Do I consider myself intuitive? Why or why not?
How do I most often experience my intuition? Does it come in the form of a gut feeling, a voice in my head, signs and synchronicities, or something different?
What are some past experiences in which I followed my intuition, and this led me to making the right choice?
Have I ever not followed my intuition and wished I had? What can I learn from these experiences?
Do I trust myself to make good decisions? Do I make decisions based on what’s logical or what feels right? Is there a healthy balance between the two?
Describe what your inner knowing is telling you about your life right now. Are there any next steps you feel you should take? How does it feel when you think about taking these steps?
If I could take a single step this week that leads me closer to my dreams, what does that step look like? What is my intuition telling me? Am I able to take that step?
If I could take a single step this week that leads me closer to my dreams, what does that step look like? What is my intuition telling me? Am I able to take that step?
What are some daily practices I can do to cultivate my relationship with my intuition? How will I make space for these practices in my life? (For instance, daily affirmations, working with a pendulum, meditation, etc.)
Fear is a normal experience hen we take a leap and follow our inner knowing. Write at least ten affirmations about your strength, power, and courage to feel the fear and move forward anyway. Repeat each affirmation twice.
In what ways does fear try to protect me? How can I tell the difference between fear that is telling me something important and fear that is holding me back?
Do I consider myself imaginative? What does imagination mean to me?
Was imagination encouraged or discouraged growing up? What was my relationship with imagination like when I was a kid?
Using your imagination, write a detailed account of the most beautiful life can imagine for yourself. Think big and don’t hold back!
What (or who) is God to me? What is my relationship with a higher power?
How do I communicate with the Universe? How does the Universe communicate with me?
Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
What evidence do I see in my life of the Universe always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
Describe your connection to other living beings: people, animals, plants, the earth, and the universe as a whole. What does it mean to be connected to all?
Can I retain my sense of individuality while still feeling connected to all? Is this important to me?
Even when I’m alone, how can I forge a sense of connection with not only myself, but other living beings and the Universe as a whole?
What does it mean to mean to me to surrender to a higher power? Is this easy or hard for me?
What are three ways I can practice surrendering in my daily life?
Surrendering to a higher power can be difficult because it may feel like giving up personal control and losing a sense of personal power. However, in what ways does surrendering actually give me a greater sense of personal power?
Do I always feel worthy of the Universe’s love? Why or why not?
Write ten affirmations to affirm that you are worthy of unconditional love from the Universe (and from yourself). Repeat each affirmation twice.
Who is my highest self? How does my highest-self show up in the world?
How can I connect with my highest self in my daily life?
Do I consult my highest self in my actions and decisions? If not, how can I begin to include my highest self in my life’s journey?
While reflecting on my childhood, what makes me extremely angry or sad to this day?
My absolute dream life: How does my perfect day begin?
Do I handle my feelings in a healthy and constructive way?
Do I protect certain aspects of myself onto others?
Did my parents provide me with everything I needed?
What makes me really angry and why?
Would I describe my childhood as happy?
What is it that makes me sad?
What do I consider the most challenging for me?
Have I forgiven myself?
Have I forgiven all the people who ever hurt me?
When you hear the word forgiveness what does it make you feel and think?
Are there people in your life that you have forgiven for actions against you? Discuss specifically how you moved through forgiveness, or why you haven’t.
Discuss a time you chose not to forgive someone and why
Do you believe that forgiveness is necessary for healing childhood trauma?
Have you ever felt pressured to forgive someone? Discuss how you were pressured and how that made you feel.
How have you set boundaries with someone who is pressuring you to forgive? Or how would you set boundaries in this type of situation?
Letting go vs forgives: do you believe there is a difference? Explain.
How worthy do I honestly believe I am?
Who can count on me today?
What aspects of my health am I deeply grateful for?
What am I proud of myself for?
Who can I send love to right now?
How am I richly blessed?
What mistakes have guided me into a new and aligned direction?
How do I make a difference in the world?
What is my inner child excited about right now?
How has this week surprised me?
What is my heart really looking forward to?
When I felt scared or hurt, how did a parent address my emotions?
(inner child) What messages did I get around who I was or who I was supposed to be?
(inner child) what activities or actions did I take part in to receive love or approval?
(inner child) did I feel free to be myself or did I fear reactions?
What is weighing most on my heart right now?
What are the negative thoughts that I need to release?
What is self-care for me?
When I am alone, how do I feel?
When I am with others, how do I feel?
What are some habits I need to break?
What are some habits I want to start?
What is one thing  can do that will make me excited to wake up in the morning?
What do I need to forgive myself for?
Who do I need to offer forgiveness for and why?
What does the perfect day look like to me?
How can I make my perfect day a reality?
What does success look like to me?
How can I implement my passions into my daily routine?
What is one self-care ritual I want to bring into each day?
What was my favourite activity as a child? How did this activity bring me joy? When did I stop this activity? How did this make me feel? Did I ever get back to this activity?
Who was around me when I showcased my talent? How did they respond? Was it supportive or not? How did I respond to their reaction?
What did I want to be when I was younger?
What are my current hobbies? What brings me joy now?
What am I passionate about now?
How do I deal with emotional discomfort? What is my outlet? Do I have any addictions? When do I reach for them? When reaching for them, what is the feeling I am trying to avoid?
How do comfort myself? Do I believe I can comfort myself (my inner child) on my own?
What does your heart want to say today?
How does your body wish to move?
Who are you drawn to connecting with?
Where does energy feel tense in your field and where has this tension come from?
What message does Love have for you?
What food is your body craving?
What kind of rituals are you longing for?
What are you open to receiving from life?
What is true for you right now?
How deeply can you surrender all that is not yours or is too heavy to carry?
                        How deeply do you trust yourself?
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hyperannotation · 11 months
Giselle Bolotin: Deep melancholy
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process gimmick aggression >> please consider the direction of weakening in relation is the skinhead is the eye; invade by contracts for own energy of quantum address obsessed with language from the physical brain dimension magical non-universe they are the way i can the yin yang industrial matrix to better messengers those who know say they are insane without life you take possessed soul love can see energy language of the thrown earth i run the extraction but the manager finds an act on the machine which turns out to be a proper act but maybe the spirit of the past has been installed? if it really isn't created to surround man even corpse language too much trapped energy periods in media lack of space secular reverse anal angelic universe telepathy no karma needed laughter interest rational soul social? can the soul give pills to the cellular eyes of the inner internet by a hybrid that the corpse should be the vagus nerve? aren't i and the universe side information? like the retrograde silence in observing the missing living at the base now it's like a retrograde to the spiritual in the application of the shade of the partner when the information diminishes the dimension of earnings is constantly mind-boggling but the mental issues to cognition looking for wormholes urine calls that come from pissing humans feel in the media is that reality? gravity petals practically end their destination so aren't they recovery planets? installed make shit live in gravitational cosmic growth reading what are your head wiped barrier sign difference 39 like petals think age online devices and formerly interplanetary intend to translate and capture the poetics respectively to the earth or the measured universe must be set on the planet in the stretch if it corrodes the dimensions will also be bare about the world you want the communication system to that criticism play life you make mistakes and just want time so you on this earth when you make mistakes you smoothly live the remaining dimensions of the body's quantum 39 high algorithms your difference just acceleration started in the body brain and cosmic suspicion social cosmos suggest about silence is the process to lemurian weakness it's more conversion and stuffed with domination fear debt they're drawing an apocalypse meanwhile i dream a mental prank it's also internet protocol mechanism like her body there installed calibrated sensory nano-problems altered by emotions when dogs mistaken interplanetary identities i'm anti-gravity and my anti-gravity that meaningless devil's rest memory universe you are app time what name is force and life is like that soul and psychology is what i talk about the day is spiritual noise is your action language universe in the body of the same fetus as you the cosmos that modulated the corpse community of the night began whose vagina is heaven and nature whose verbal of truth disintegrates whose final space is theirs put the reduction desire as? logic persists in no time soul vibrates trade names from the devil girl planet printer is deceived and so embodies 39 reality earth and your room emanating like a shadow by the presence of death desires created by fields that were roads economy is like a drug of time silence mistaken by a dose you have rightfully been cleansed my posthumous foul night for creatures and affairs stretched during your trades with souls to the planet of silence in itself telepathy is like a delay application of facts is based on denial and criticizes glitches more and more what the environment begins to process shadows biologically from the eye when you look the earth is still filled but you realize an anal resetting the murders as life on the march some of them seem to have introduced vibrations between the planets you are thinking about seeing on the conductor embody the soul sky pyramid world 39
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Curio’s Flawless Mirage Information Post
We start off our journey in the world of Axoroniar, one that is similar to our own, but very far away from ours. Advances in technology are plentiful, but kingdoms and monarchies still reign over all.
Of course, there are still self governing parts, such as villages or tribes. But kingdoms make up the safest of the lands.
Our story specifically begins in the Kingdom of Riset, a coastline kingdom filled to the brim with natural resources and known for being the most progressive kingdom of all of them.
Now, you’re probably wondering, what is a “Curio”? A curio is a power gifted to the user when a users wishes, morals, or values all align with one of the gods.
These powers are limited and do have a cool down period after using them, however they prove useful in the world of Axoroniar, and are highly sought after. These powers can be contained within a small gemstone called a “Token”. These powers are also highly sought after on the black market.
Each power is different depending on who your morals align with, if your morals/wishes/values align with the fire god, you’ll be able to control fire. If they align with the goddess of the future, you’ll get future vision.
Despite common belief around the world, Curios are not gifted by the gods, in fact the gods have no control over who gets them, they can only take them away.
The Axoroniar Pantheons
There are several pantheons in what makes up the Axoroniar Pantheon, as seen from below.
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Each pantheon has its own purpose, which I will explain.
Creator Deities:
- Chronos and Cosmos, the gods of Time and Space are put here as they created everything that we know to exist
Their job is to look over everything and watch it carefully.
Rudimentary Pantheon:
- this pantheon has the first gods to ever exist, for example, the love gods, the gods of stars, nebulas, planets, meteors, constellations, sky, sun, moon, clouds, etc. all fit into this category
This pantheon’s job is ensuring these rudimentary concepts exist and continue to thrive.
Fate Pantheon:
- this pantheon has gods relating to the future, the past, the present, good luck, bad luck, neutral luck, karma, religion, beliefs, morals, judgement, justice, etc.
These gods are responsible for making sure fate plays out the way it is supposed to
Module Pantheon:
- Module gods deal with action or events that happen in our world, such as growth, decay, weather, natural disasters, birth, fertility, aging, death, etc.
These gods make sure that everything works the way it’s supposed to in terms of action and progressing through time.
Elemental Pantheon:
- These gods are relating to the elements, such as fire, water, earth, nature, air, ice, light, dark, etc.
Their job is to ensure these elements are acting correctly and being used in the ways they should be.
Mortal Pantheon:
- despite the name, these gods are not mortals, rather they deal with mortal issues, they embody things such as politics, cities, kingdoms, election, ruling, rules, people, togetherness, hobbies, arts, sciences, maths, engineering, technology, etc.
Their job is to ensure the mortals aren’t breaking any rules that the entire pantheon has and to ensure things are running smoothly with mortals.
Demigod/Servant Pantheon:
- These gods are the lowest in the hierarchy of gods, these are gods that are the product of a god and mortal or that serve the gods.
These deities jobs are to handle any mortals that are breaking the rules of the Axoroniar Pantheon.
Therians are half animal, half human beings who are the result of a gift from the gods to their ancestors for doing good deeds for them. They can be half of any animal and are equal parents half animal and half human physically.
Cambions are half monster, half humans who have the opposite story to that of the Therians, their ancestors were cursed to be half monsters due to disrespecting the gods, and thus are now looked down on by many.
Pneumas are chosen ones by the gods to help them with their godly tasks and to ward off danger and to protect the morals of the god they serve. (For example: a god of life would have a Pnuema who protects life while a god of death would have a Pnuema who tries to kill life)
Pnuemas are incredibly more powerful than typical Curio users and their magic becomes fused within their blood and body, meaning they can never become human/normal again.
They however can choose to deviate or retire from their duties to the god live a relatively normal life. They can retire if the god willingly let’s them leave, but they can deviate if the god doesn’t.
However that doesn’t mean it ends well for them. They still have mortality after all.
Chronos is the god of time, bored of his time sitting up in the god realm, he decided to continue his duties down in the mortal realm. He disguises himself as a mortal and fits in well. He is omniscient, knowing all that happens in the world of Axoroniar. He has taken on many forms throughout the ages, and while his age is unknown and so are his intentions, he is a kind and compassionate man.
He does however find humor in watching mortals squabbles and lives, finding them to be complicated and fascinating to watch. He however does not let mortals murder each other if he can help if.
His current form is a man by the name of Arius Monic, and he is a teacher at the Kingdom of Riset’s primary academy, Eastside Sierra Academy.
Anima Jubilee:
Anima Jubilee is a 16 year old teen who is non binary and who has a Temporal Curio, aka a Curio of Time. One day, at the beginning of the school year, they nearly fell to their death off of a bridge on accident.
Activating their Curio, they reset the day. Now, their perfectionist tendencies are causing them to reset the day anytime they nearly die or whenever something goes wrong in the slightest of ways.
If only someone could snap them out of it…
Final details:
This story will have multiple arcs! This is just the beginning arc where Anima resets the day over and over again. I hope you all enjoy this original story of mine and make sure to send in asks to the characters in order to further the story!
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wynterlanding · 11 months
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Welcome to my single muse blog for fandomless original character LANDON B. WYNTER: a photojournalist ( or filmmaker depending on verse choice) featuring various aus. This blog is written by a 25+ mun, known as ash, she/her @ est timezone. Ya gurl is a bi disaster boo here to write & create with other people. Been writing for ages and used to do forum groups. Tumblr is a 5+ year writing experience now. My blog is rated 25+ so any future followers/writing partners must be at least this for me to follow and interact. This space is highly selective & private. Please do not follow if you never plan to reach out or interact. I’m mutuals only so if you unfollow me, I will unfollow you so PLS softblock so we are no longer mutuals if you wish to break. I will hardblock those who do not follow this or anyone I do not want to see in my sphere. It’s nothing personal. I PREFER NOVELLA. I write detailed, continuous stories. Short threads and short back & forth don't do it for me. I lose interest fast.
If you have my fc banned I block for both our comfort & if you interacted at one point & ban my fc that’s a perma blacklist for my comfort. Zero interaction equals me breaking mutuals by softblocking as I’m upfront about being an equal energy roleplayer. I don’t drop threads often but I will if I feel you are no longer interested. I thrive on ooc communication & interactions on my posts. I gladly return the energy. Mains are prioritized with affiliates always being a focal point. Transparency in how I run my blog is important so I stop replying as frequently if: I feel you lost interest, never communicate, ghost in messages & stopped communicating as often, or I just do not get anything back frequently. It’s pretty telling. I will also reply to what I have muse for from now on & most often it’s those who show me equal interaction, replies and ooc. Equal energy means putting forth effort so actions speak louder than words in this rpc.
Read my exclusives linked on my opens first before responding. If you use someone already on there I will ignore the response. For posts: I use small text, a few bolded words in red here and there. I WILL interact with mobile users as I always cut posts anyway. Use gifs, gif icons, static icons it’s cool with me! I can go gifless as well. You don’t need fancy aesthetics I personally just like making them. Format + use whatever you’re comfortable with.
There will be serious topics & darker themes that Landon may cover, investigate & explore as a journalist. He may create & produce darker horror oriented fare in his filmmaker universe. THIS BLOG IS PARTLY A HORROR BLOG. Horror themes will be present so be cautious of this while following. There are a few things I will not write: s.exual a.ssault, r.ape. No cheating / love triangle plots due to Lan’s past toxic relationship. These are triggers for the character and it will honestly not give much in terms to work with. Cross shipping is a big no and if happens I will end the interaction. No interest in heavy kink stuff or abo. Smut will appear only with established ships. I won’t do it for first interactions & we can fade to black, imply, write it out or whatever you prefer. I’m honestly selective in following smut only blogs so if it’s smut only all the time I won’t be following.
I practice reblog & meme karma. If you send me things I will send things. So pls REBLOG FROM THE SOURCE. Keep in mind my inbox is the slowest part of my blog. I much prefer threads / plotting over memes. They tend to sit a while. If you send me a meme for a first interaction & haven’t actually talked to me with ideas it’ll take much longer for me to respond.
Following me over and over will get you a hardblock. I won’t follow back those who write child muses, if all your muses are under 21 (Landon is a grown man so if it’s not one of his ship universe kids no thanks); I will not follow blogs that post a lot of irl politics. I run an rp blog and it’s my hobby escape. Call outs and vaguing will make me unfollow. Keep ooc drama out of my realm please. Due to experiences from now on I will not follow blogs first.
Dms are open to mutuals only. Yes I have discord, no I will not give it out randomly. We have to talk a lot ooc and if we gel + you have genuine interest in writing together then I’ll feel comfortable to. I DO NOT WRITE ON DISCORD so please stop asking.
Straight up I am someone who practices exclusivity with others. It’s a huge preference. I have had to unfollow people for face chasing/collecting or making me feel uncomfortable seeking my muse’s face AFTER we have plotted and/or interacted. So consider this me saying I do not rp with others using my muse’s face. He is part of a bigger universe I have created connected with my side multi @wyntertales reserved for mutuals from this blog only. If you already write with my fc and follow, I probably will not follow you back. It’s nothing personal but I’m good with my current space of writing partners.
Lan will have romantic relationships with female presenting/f/nb muses. Preferably won’t ship under 24 & never below 21. Gifs are dropped on smut threads. Smut is tagged: usfw, usfw tw, suggestive tw, as i whisper in your ear i wanna tear you apart. smut.
Banned thangs. This list is short & I truly ain’t vibin or wanna follow:
Amber Heard Ariana Grande Ezra Miller Gugu Mbatha Raw Ed Westwick Madelyn Cline
others using Penn Badgley (for obvious reasons)
blogs writing celebs as themselves
child muses
personal blogs
rp groups (some have followed before and I don’t know why lol)
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
A Last Message to the Past; Closed.
The past is done
The lessons learned and damage done
The past is done
on and on
the karmic cycle is done and how to break the patterns is to not return and not allow them to return - have all go heal -
know your worth and level up.
Abuse comes in many ways and forms; spiritual abuse, energetic abuse, physical and mental, emotional is all deep and affects us, our future timelines, and our children and our nature, wildlife, and entire universe -
Heal thyself - so your wounds do not become another's
None have authority or ownership of you and over you -
None have the authority to block, stalk, and scheme and bring harm simply because you want and are worthy of a liberation, divorce and to be in a space and place of safety and love
Be a new algorithm of oneness of yourself and the universe - accept it all - make peace with it and be new in your skin as you have healed it ~
Spell casting is not respectful
Love and respect is not returning to a stable woman after she has healed from the depths and damage you caused her and expect her to open anything to you - it is a must that all must heal and account for the damage and pain they have caused in selfish and wounded spaces - clear the karma and move on - respect is not pushing yourself on someone when they have made it clear over years and years and legal proceedings of divorce that you simply do not align;
How is DF not honoured in her words, actions, and what is right for her? Are our rights being just as honoured?
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When a man feels his will is to 'take someone and own them, claim them' the systems support while DF goes through years and years and years of damaging, emotional manipulations and spiritual abuse, to simply have liberation and get a healthy life ~ I will give to that which is equal - I owe none nothing - you have taken and created such great loss - the karma y'all have created is deep and I will not fix and alter that - that is your role and job; your choices your life
you can change it - if you want to make it right - see my lawyer - you will not be allowed in my space to throw energy and manipulate and smoke and mirrors and the shady snake moves done - it is over and done; leave me be
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I will take legal action on all those taking my work, stealing from me and using my images, image, name, signature and falsifying it in any way the damage done on such spell work, and occult crimes; I will press charges - leave me be.
You do not deserve to re-enter and at what point will you reflect and go away and know it is not meant to be and you are simply not aligned - I will not share my light with those that simply damage and the wounded that do not care, are not pure of heart and do not give a crap about the damage they cause in their selfish games - I will not be abused, taken from - and I have my rights- I will not share my light or my gifts with those of the past - it is done!
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Leave me be - there will be protection orders and whatever I need to let all from the past know - stay away and leave me alone; the years and years of your selfish greedy, nefarious spell work and stealing from me will never ever be my now reality - you will not re-enter - I have shared how to gain light and love and healing - watch the videos and find another light worker - damage done and leave me be.
All have been given years and years to grow up and level up - the schemes and spells will return immediately - the spiritual games, and astral BS, the harming and bringing such energy and entities to the children involved - is beyond abhorrent - you are not allowed in my life ~ go heal. Arch Angel Michael will block you all -
holding back and withholding in any way is not love
deceiving on basic truths is not love
stalking and stalking is not love
You get to discern what love is - dysfunction is dysfunction - cycles and cycles - you get to choose to close out and move on - cycles must close
Forgive, send all love and move on - you have your rights to move on and live freely - God is the writer - and none play this and nor take from what is meant for you -
Blessings and light
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sun-god-nasty · 1 year
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Joy, A New Frequency
Greetings beloved ones. We come to you now to share with you some keys to creating more joy in your life. We have spoken much about joy in the past, and we will no doubt continue to talk about joy in the future. Joy is a frequency of laugh that contains within it the essence of playfulness, adventure and sheer delight. It is the very quality that you need to develop in order to successfully live your life's purpose..
You are indeed on Earth to know joy in all it's forms and to bring joy into all that you do, whether it be part of your day to day earthly life or part of your meditations and other activities. We call Joy a new vibration, because it's level of intensity as an energy is increasing on the earth plane together with the vibration of love. These two qualities go hand in hand, and as love grows, so does joy.
Before we talk more about how to increase joy through tapping into this frequency, we must tell you about mass consciousness and it's effects on you the individual who reads my words. Stop for a moment and sense your own quality of joy, imagine your heart opening and ask inwardly that your soul transmit to you the frequency of joy. Be in this state as you continue to read my words.
Each species has a common collective subconscious. Humanity is a species within this definition of species. In addition, each race and ethnic group also has a collective subconscious. This collective subconscious contains ideas, beliefs, group fears, aspirations and hopes. It is contained within a mental gridwork that surrounds your planet earth like a mesh of energetic lines. Seen from a distance, it would look somewhat like a ball of wool. Some beliefs and ideas that are specific to racial groupings are held in the DNA your Da.
Now, before we continue to impart our information, we want to make it clear to you that you are not under the control of mass consciousness or of your DNA, you are not victim to outside interference. These collective beliefs can be easily conquered once you are conscious of their existence and once you have acknowledged to yourself which ideas and beliefs you have decided to take on from your environment without questioning the validity of the idea or belief. You create your own reality. That IS the bottom line. Therefore, a belief is a belief, it is nothing more. There are no good beliefs, bad beliefs, incorrect beliefs or beliefs that are more correct. Each belief is a tool, a tool that can be used by you to create the reality you wish to experience. You were given from the outset complete and total freedom of will. Free will means just that, free will. There is no higher authority in your life than you, the creator. You are a part of a greater whole yes, but you are free to create exactly the experiences you wish to have. within that freedom also lies responsibility. That responsibility is that you will always have to deal with the effect of your beliefs and the actions that you have taken based upon your beliefs. Some have called this Karma. I call this The Law.
Returning to the subject of Joy. Let us look at those mass beliefs that may be stopping you from experiencing more joy in your life. Within the mass consciousness of all species are buried the images of folklore, philosophy and religion. Many of your religions and folkloric tales down the ages have honoured pain and suffering to such an extent that it has taken firm root in your religious and spiritual thinking. Many still believe that suffering will bring them closer to God. for many, that is true, it is what works for them. however, joy will bring you closer to God, your Soul, much quicker.
Religious imagery presents you with the suffering Christ upon the cross, the anguish of the Garden of Gethsemane and the long suffering mother of God, Mary. Christianity worships and idolizes martyrs, those who suffer, deny themselves everything, and many eastern philosophies will tell you that suffering is the natural state of man. Indeed, much is true, suffering does seem to be the condition of man, but it is not the natural state of man. The natural state of man is to live a creative life full of love, joy, well-being, abundance and health.
By becoming aware of the often hidden beliefs that motivate you, you can free yourself of centuries of thinking that create the opposite of what you seek, namely, Joy.
Take a moment to go within once more, call upon your Soul, and ask yourself these questions honestly and with an open heart. Do you believe that God will find you more worthy if you overcome suffering and difficulty? do you believe that there is little or no spiritual growth in having an easy, fruitful life? Do you believe that the more you grow spiritually the greater your challenges will become? As if God wished to test you?
These are many of the beliefs that go unspoken, but beliefs that most of you hold on to in one form or another. Many of you feel that without struggle that there is no spiritual growth. With these types of beliefs, you create obstacles on your path towards living a life of joy. Look at those parts of yourself that feel that suffering is noble and send them love. Allow yourself to tune into the new frequency of joy for humanity has for many ages worked on the belief that there is no gain without pain. There is a new paradigm, a new belief emerging, it is a belief that says that you can have what you want and that you can grow through joy and love.
Which belief will you choose today?
With Blessings, of love and Joy,
~ Omni-Emmanuel John Payne
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I wanted to do a nice checkin for myself. I’ve had the absolute WORST period cramps of my life and feel like there’s some energy shit going on. Also, it’s been a while and it’s nice to do this for myself :3 not a pretty pic like I like to do bc I’m j chillin in my comfies
Past: 7 of Swords and High Priestess
Feeling lack of trust at the world, and mistaking it for intuition. I’m seeing a lot of healing in this spread. This 7/Swords card right now feels scared, sneaky, lonely. Ready to lash out. High Priestess has shadow work vibes. 
2. Present: Judgement and Ace of Cups
Nice release, forgiveness, healing. Opening back up to creating art and socializing with friends. Forgiving past grievances. Being forgiven. 
3. Near Future: Temperance
Lovely balance and healing. Everything is okay and evens out. No more extremes. 
4. How I see myself: Daughter of Cups
An artist, expressive with color, still a little childish/novice. Someone not very colorful but a reflection of the rainbow. Maybe not very confident. 
5. My Environment: 5 of Swords reversed
Peace, worst is behind me. No more suffering. I can actually relax and am past the feeling of fight or flight adrenaline I used to get. Healed. 
6. Hopes/Fears: 4 of Swords
Being in harms way it looks like… being an enlightened healer (gold over third eye). Mental fortitude, recovery based on booklet. Okay then so, coping skills. That makes sense, I love doing things that are good for me yet I’m lazy/hate forcing myself to do things/have to fight my zero executive dysfunction. 
7. Longterm Theme/ Future based on these energies: Justice
Right now I am going to get what I’m giving. Like if I wanna blow of walking all week I’m going to just get depression mode and not get myself physically well. Also seeing a karma cycle finally ending. Maybe my family stuff because I think about it so little and it doesn’t get me emotionally like it used to. 
8. Message from Spirit: Magician
I can DO IT! I have what I need and the o my thing holding me back is me. Manifestation powers strong. It’s time to empower myself. I am my own advocate. I am the only one I can truly rely on to get accomplished the things I want. And I’m capable, I just need to find more ways to empower myself and feel confident in myself!
OTHER NOTES: 5 Major Arcana indicates a long term timeline in these energies, a Soul development/life lesson type thing. There are a lot of Swords present even on cards that are not in the suit of Swords, indicating this is heavily a mental matter and with cups, emotional, so having to do with some mental illness or struggle such as PTSD. Overall in the cards I see overcoming some heavy energies and releasing them once and for all. But this isn’t naturally going to happen I also have to be taking action to facilitate the process. Lots of self care like I’ve been doing.
I really wanted to save this reading because it felt important to remind myself of it later. writing in my journal can be a lot bc of my cyst in my wrist and this way I can save the photo too! Lol I’m gonna be so sad if tumblr is gone someday. It really is like my digital journal.
anyway if you want your own reading, send me a message! ✨🦔
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taurianskies7 · 3 years
Let me clear this up for you:
Since no one seems to understand. Time to rant. 
I absolutely hate how western practitioners have twisted the meaning and bastardised it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely rooted in my roots and I’m not an extreme traditionalist but people using the concept of karma by first misunderstanding its foundations and then using it to justify horrendous shit is unbelievable. Which then, leads to people trying to divorce karma from its associations.
Okay, let’s just break it down. Idk how they just reduced Karma as “what goes around, comes around” & treated it like a cause and effect deal, because it isn’t. Using Karma to justify suffering and oppression was NEVER it’s original purpose. Looking through Hinduism & Vedic teachings, Karma is a law that human in the centre of responsibility, in every way, shape and form. There is a reason Karma is tied with Saturn (Shani), the God of Karma, Justice and Retribution, and ANY astrologer can tell you how Saturn operates in similar principal. Karma doesn’t teach people to shut up & suffer because they deserve it. Karma says that the cycles that exist are created by and through humans, their suffering & good fortune accordingly and by virtue, it is in their hands and will alone on how they want to cultivate their actions.
It DOESN’T discount systematic oppression.
It DOESN’T tell you to sit on your hands and suffer because it’s your fault.
It DOESN’T tell you that you’ll get good things after suffering.
What Karma does is present you with the situation of your life, then waits and watches what YOU choose to do with it, how YOU work or manage it. Ultimately, being tied to Saturn, it expects you to take responsibility on creating your own situation.
And no, I’m not saying this in the way that the way people are, and how they’re suffering is because they somehow “were a bad person in their previous life, etc etc”, I’m saying that it acknowledges that people have different situations & personal suffering, yes, a LOT of things in life are fundamentally difficult but you need to understand, the planets or the gods didn’t create suffering on such a global scale, it was ultimately humans/men themselves that perpetuated and continued the cycle of suffering, and it is, ultimately, in our hands to make it better or worse. Karma treats everyone equally this sense, but it is very difficult to understand this if you don’t realise that the concept of Karma is deeply tied with cycles, especially as Hinduism treats time as a cycle itself, and often times people really can’t and don’t have the knowledge of comprehending anything but their own/current life while they’re alive. 
Karma isn’t an immediate slap in the face (unless you have those placements that make it so) as you know, the GOD OF KARMA is literally called the slowest/slow moving planet and is symbolised by a tortoise, the effects of your Karma accumulate and thus it usually manifests in the various cycle of lifes. I understand that western practitioners or those growing up with largely Christian themes/society can’t understand because we don’t have a definite “end”, the only “end” that comes from cycles of reincarnation is through burning the ties of Karma and liberating the soul. There are three types of Karma:
1. Sanchita karma, the sum total of past karmas yet to be resolved. 2. Prarabdha karma, that portion of sanchita karma that is to be experienced in this life. 3. Kriyamana karma, the karma that humans are currently creating, which will bear fruit in future.
There are some things in life you can’t control, there are also things in life that you can control. Karma is a continuous cycle until you achieve moksha, which is the ultimate goal of liberation.
Hinduism/The Vedas has recognised and understood the way the Law of Karma works, that’s one of the main reasons Dharma was made one of the aims of life, the act of good deeds, performing proper responsibilities & personality that ultimately gears you towards attaining (good)karma that will make it easier for you to pursue the other “Purusartha” aka aims of life, and of course, the path towards liberation in general.
From this perspective, we see life as fundamentally connected with everything, including people, action, deeds, nature, planets, the universe etc etc, Karma is just a law that explains one part of such. Astrology has always been one of the main tools used to deeply study the bond between the planets and a human existence (soul & body), one of the main reason Karmic Astrology exists is because the intrinsic ties our existence has with different elements of life, and of course, the soul that has & will be going through everything. Now that you’re in the end of this post, I hope you never misuse the concept of “Karma” because I’m going to arrive there with Saturn to slap a bitch.
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wonderswritings · 2 years
When World's Collide: Broken Universe
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Summary: Five years ago, the world changed. Eight months ago, with a snap of fingers it changed again. Now we’re dealing with the aftermath of those actions. It was supposed to be simple now, peaceful. But it's never that simple.
Warnings: No Way Home Spoilers, Angst,
Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
When Worlds Collide Masterlist
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Queen: YN, what were you thinking? Admitting to murder? What would possess you to do such a thing?”
Witch: I was helping my friends.
Queen: You’re friends who you grew up without. You’re an adult now YN. You can’t just do whatever you want.
Witch: I think that means I can.
Queen: Not without consequences you can’t.
Witch: And it’s because I'm an adult that I did what I did. They’re just kids.
Queen: What would your father say?
Witch: He’d give me a high five and say good job.
Queen: YN
Witch: He’d also be proud. Why can’t you?
I huffed, cutting my phone off, sitting it on the table as Matt walked around the table.
“They’re not pressing charges. And the previous charges have been dropped.”
“That’s good.”
Matt sighed, sitting down across from me.
I shook my head, looking over at Matt.
“Thank you, for doing this. It- someone could say it’s a conflict of interest since you represented Peter and-”
“Peter’s no longer my client since his charges have been cleared. There’s no conflict here.”
I nodded, looking down at the table.
“YN, you know I can sense that something’s wrong. What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
“It’s not even my problem. I’m fine.”
My phone started to ring, causing me to make a face as I picked it up.
“Peter? What’s wrong?”
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“You did what?!”
“I sorta kinda, maybe went to Doctor Strange for help.”
I tilted my head to the side, making a face.
“Doctor Strange?”
“For help.”
“Time altering help.”
Peter nodded slowly, taking a step back.
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“So Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Right um, I’m really sorry to bother you sir, but-”
“Please. We saved half the universe together. I think we’re beyond calling me sir.”
“Okay uh, Stephen.”
“That feels weird, but I’ll allow it.”
“When, when Mysterio revealed my identity, my entire life got screwed up and I was wondering, I mean, I don’t even know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did?”
“Peter, we tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. You wanna do it again now just because yours got messy?”
Peter shook his head, slightly making a face.
“This isn’t, it’s not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My- my Aunt May, Happy, my best friend, my girlfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me and, they’ve done nothing wrong. And YN, she just confessed to the world to a crime she didn’t commit. She’s putting everything she has on the line, for me.”
Strange tilted his head to the side, looking over at Peter.
“Stark’s kid?”
Peter nodded, sighing softly.
“I am sorry but, even if I wanted to, I don’t have the Time Stone anymore.”
Peter sighed, nodding.
“That’s right. I’m really sorry if I wasted your time.”
“You didn’t-”
Peter shook his head, turning.
“Just forget about it.”
“He will.”
Peter jumped slightly, watching as Wong created a portal.
“He’s really good at forgetting things.”
“Wong. You’ve actually generated a good idea.”
Wong stopped throwing his bags through the portal, making a face.
“The runes of Cafkal.”
“The runes of Cafkal?”
Strange looked over at Peter, nodding.
“Oh, it’s just a standard spell of forgetting. Won’t turn back time, but at least people will forget that you were ever Spiderman.”
“No. Not seriously. That spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality. It’s too dangerous.”
“God, we’ve used it for a lot less. Do you remember the full moon party in Karma-Taj?”
“Exactly. Come on Wong. Hasn’t he been through enough?”
Wong scoffed, shaking his head.
“Just leave me out of this.”
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“I’m sorry, you expect me to believe that Dr. Strange, the guy with a stick so far up his ass that even he could see it, agreed to help you change people’s memories?”
“Yes. Technically it was his idea.”
“I’m sorry, did being gone for five years make his brain short circuit?”
Peter rubbed the back of his head, shrugging slightly.
“Ah, no? I don’t know.”
He shook his head, huffing slightly.
“But long story short it didn’t work and that’s not why I’m here.”
“It’s not.”
“No. I- Mr. Strange said that I should call MIT and plead my case with them.”
I made a face, tilting my head to the side.
“Isn’t that what I told you to do earlier?”
“Yes. But you were gonna do it for me. I just- I think this is something I need to do, myself.”
He looked over at me, his eyes wide as he shook his head.
“Not to say I’m not appreciative of everything you’ve done and all, but-”
“Peter, take a breath. It’s fine.”
He tilted his head to the side, shooting me his puppy dog eyes.
I laughed, nodding.
“Yes Pete, really.”
I turned, grabbing a piece of paper, writing information down. I turned, handing it to Peter.
Peter took the paper, making a face.
“It’s the assistant vice chancellor of MIT. She’ll be able to help you.”
Peter looked up at me, his eyes wide.
Peter surged forward, wrapping his arms around me.
“Thank you.”
I smiled, returning the hug.
“Anytime Pete, you know that.”
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“I know this is my mess, and I swear to you that I’ll fix it, but I’m gonna need some help.”
Strange scoffed, waving his hand around.
Peter nodded, moving towards the door when Strange yelled out.
“No Starks!”
Peter stopped, turning back towards Strange, his eyes wide.
“What? Why not? YN can help! She will help!”
“She’s dangerous.”
“And she doesn’t like you.”
“That too.”
Strange pointed at Peter, shaking his head.
“No Stark.”
Peter nodded, turning as he yelled over his shoulder.
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“As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers, so get on your phones, scour the internet, and scooby-doo this shit.”
MJ scoffed, turning towards Strange.
“You’re telling us what to do, even though it was your spell that got screwed up. Meaning that all of this is kind of your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word ‘please.”
Strange huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Please, scooby-doo this shit. You can work in the undercroft.”
“The undercroft?”
Strange waved his hands, taking all of them to the undercroft, Ned gasping as he looked around.
“Guys, listen. Bout this whole spell thing-”
“It’s totally okay.”
Peter made a face, tilting his head to the side.
“Wait, really?”
MJ nodded, offering him a small smile.
“Yeah. I mean, I get it. You were just trying to fix things. And so, maybe just run it by us next time, you know? That way when you’re thinking, ‘Hey, I’m about to do something that could break the universe’, we could like, help you. Workshop something, or brainstorm ideas.”
Peter smiled, nodding.
He turned, looking over at Ned.
“Oh, dude. I don’t care. And seriously, not a big deal.”
Ned grinned, walking towards the machine.
“Ooh a torture rack.”
“That is a pilates machine.”
“That is-”
“The crypt.”
“Okay, so we get the rest of the guys. You zap them, Doctor Magic will send them back. And when we get into MIT, round of stale donuts, my treat.”
“Let’s catch some multiverse men.”
MJ made a face, tilting her head to the side.
“Wait, where’s YN?”
Ned nodded, looking over at Peter.
“Yeah. I figured she would’ve been one of the ones to stop you and Strange from doing the spell.”
Peter winced, nodding.
“Yeah, well Mr. Strange said she couldn’t come here.”
“He said she’s dangerous.”
MJ grinned, tilting her head to the side.
“She doesn’t like him.”
Peter nodded, sighing.
“And she doesn’t like him.”
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I sighed, rubbing my temple as I leaned back in my seat.
“Karen, do not tell me you can’t comply with my wishes. Just tell me what I want to know.”
“I’m sorry, Miss. But Peter has given me specific instructions.”
“My dad created you! He put me in charge of all the A.I’s! That includes you! All you have to do is tell me where Peter is.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Come on, Karen. I saw the fight on the bridge. Peter’s in trouble.”
“He’s a smart kid.”
“I never said he wasn’t Karen. Listen, this is getting old. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way.”
“I’m afraid I can’t help you Miss.”
I nodded, clapping my hands together.
“Hard way it is then.”
“Miss, what are you doing?”
“Changing your program. If Pete can change your code, then so can I.”
“Miss, I don’t really think-”
“Nope. You lost that right when you decided not to tell me where Peter is.”
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I stood outside the Sanctum Sanctorum, glaring at the doors as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“I hate this place.”
I walked up the steps, pushing the doors open. They slammed shut behind me as I walked further into Sanctum, looking around.
“Alright, now where are you?”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
I turned, my hand lighting with my powers.
“You can put that away.”
I scoffed as Strange appeared at the top of the staircase, glaring down at me as I lowered my hand.
“Where is he?”
Strange shook his head as I walked up the stairs, huffing.
“I specifically said you weren’t to be here.”
“Good thing he didn’t ask me to be here then.”
Strange made a face, tilting his head to the side.
“He didn’t?”
“No, he didn’t. Which will be one of the many things I rage about once I see him. For now, you’ll just have to do.”
I stopped in front of him, glaring up at him.
“What the hell made you think it was a good idea to change people’s memories?!”
“The kid asked for help.”
“He didn’t know any better!”
I lifted my hand, poking his chest.
“You did!”
Strange looked down at my hand, raising a brow.
“Put the powers away Stark.”
I huffed, shaking my head.
“Where is Peter?”
Strange smirked as he moved his hands, a portal opening underneath me, causing me to fall. I huffed when I landed, glaring up at him.
“Fuck you Strange!”
He grinned, waving as he closed the portal.
I looked up, my eyes widening when I saw MJ and Ned, sitting at a table. They jumped when they saw me, slamming something down as I stood up.
“Where’s Peter?”
Ned and MJ shared a look before they looked back at me, speaking at the same time as I walked towards them.
“He’s in the bathroom.”
“He’s at the store.”
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest as I stopped in front of them.
“He’s in the bathroom and the store?”
MJ slightly glared at Ned before she turned towards me, nodding.
“Yep. He had to go to the bathroom and then he was gonna go to the store.”
I nodded towards the guy with the tentacle arms, tilting my head to the side.
“Who’s that guy?”
Ned made a face, shaking his head as he laughed.
“Who’s what guy? There’s no guy.”
“Really? Hey tentacle guy, who are you?”
He stopped pacing, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“Dr. Otto Octavius.”
I nodded, looking back over at Ned.
“You were saying?”
“Peter’s still not here.”
“Where is he?”
Ned shrugged, shaking his head.
“Don’t know.”
MJ sighed, looking over at me.
“He’s trying to find the other multiverse men.”
“Peter came to Dr. Strange for a spell-”
I nodded, slightly making a face.
“Yeah, I know all of that. He told me after it happened.”
“It backfired.”
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When Worlds Collide:
Everything Tags:
@cevans-winchester @rafecameronswhore
Marvel Tags:
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tarotinapinch · 3 years
Messages for the Signs
Virgo: You are overwhelmed at what you have to do. Don’t put too much on your plate at once. You can get everything done that you need to, just take things slow and let them unfold naturally. You will get everything accomplished that is on your list. Rushing things will not help the situation. Relax and indulge in self care while you wait for your manifestations to come in. 
Libra: You have such a strong sense of empathy. This is not a bad thing, but make sure that it does not stand in the way of you making the decisions you need to for yourself. While caring for others is important, know that you are not responsible for anyone’s feelings besides your own. Continue to make the choices you need to to get yourself comfortable, to get yourself further down the path of healing and self love. Now is a time of new beginnings and great opportunities for you. Even if you feel scared, know that you are fully supported by the Universe to go after these goals that make your heart sing. Know that true happiness awaits you on the other side of the door, you only need to let go of the past and walk over the threshold to the future.
Scorpio: You are extremely well grounded at this moment in time, and this positive energy reaches many people around you. It helps them to see where they need grounding within their own lives. Because of this, people may come to you for advice. Use your discretion on who you want to help and what information you give out. Your gut instinct knows the difference between someone who truly wants to heal versus someone who just wants to ride off of your own high vibrations without doing any of the work themselves. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Protect your inner peace and you will always be able to find your personal happiness.
Sagittarius: Whatever structures and boundaries that you have built with others, and especially the ones that you have built with yourself, are very important. They show how much you have grown as a person, how much you care for yourself and your current path. They show how solid you are in your authentic truth. If you have been worried lately about where you are going, know that all is well. You have chosen with great wisdom, using your inner guidance, and now is not the time to reevaluate or change your boundaries. If the choices that you made feel right to you, then they are correct. No questioning needed. You are the only person that you need validation from.
Capricorn: You are such a loyal and protective friend. This is both a strength and a weakness. Stay kind to those around you, but be firm with your boundaries. Don’t do anything that goes against your personal ideals. Feel through and heal your emotions so that they do not get in the way of your decision making. Above all else, stay true to your authentic self. 
Aquarius: Use your passions to guide the way. You are a unique individual and may have made some decisions that are quite different from others. Let this fact be an inspiration to keep going forward. Not everyone has the strength to pursue things that go against the “societal norm” the way that you do. You could very well be starting your own business, leaving a job of many years to start something entirely new, moving far away from your childhood home, getting into a study or practice that your friends and family may have never heard of, breaking family traditions, or even just doing a total reevaluation of the self so that you can truly understand who you are at a soul level. Whatever the case may be for you, know that you are doing the right thing! Keep making those unique choices that lead you closer and closer to your authentic self.
Pisces: Now is the time of karmic justice, it is time to reap what was sown. Know that rewards are coming for your diligence, that hard work you put in is finally paying off! And oh, the sweet rewards that are coming are unimaginably radiant and joyous. Also know that whoever has done you wrong in this life are going to get karma served to them as well, there is no need to take action on these matters. Let karma work itself out, just focus on you and your own. Keep working on bettering yourself and attaining your inner peace and the abundance of the Universe will continue to flow to you.
Aries: No matter how you may be feeling now, know that the worst of it is behind you. You’ve made it through the toughest part. This is a sign of exactly how strong you are. Look at how far you’ve come from where you used to be. I bet the you of the past never thought that you’d make it as far as you have. Be proud of yourself for all of the things that you have accomplished. Because, frankly, they’re amazing. You’re amazing. You didn’t make it here by accident. This is a result of all that hard work you put in. You truly have a deep inner strength that nothing else compares to. Keep up the good work! You’ve almost made it to the finish line and the sweet rewards are calling your name, cheering you to victory!
Taurus: You’re feeling very curious about something right now. This curiosity could be leading you down paths unknown to yo. This can be scary, but let your intuition lead the way. The unknown is feared by almost everyone, so know that it is okay to be scared, even when you have already put your faith and trust into the Universe to guide you. It’s only human nature to fear the unknown. Let yourself feel through these emotions, but don’t let fear dictate where you are led. Stay true to the paths and options that you want to explore. You’re going to gain so much knowledge and wisdom about yourself through these times. Release and truly let the mind expand as you traverse these new pathways.
Gemini: Now is the time to push ahead and lean into progressive energies. Any choices you make now that you feel are for your highest truth, in line with your authentic self, will be hugely beneficial for you and pay off in the near future. Just remember that if you want something, you have to put the work. The Universe acknowledges when you get serious about living your truth and creates your reality with you. Some may call you a rebel, but you thrive in this energy. Use it to propel you even further forward!
Cancer: There are changes coming your way! They could be big, they could be small. You may be aware of them, you may not be. But trust that you have all of the tools and knowledge to handle whatever comes your way. This is a sign from the Universe that you are ready to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. You’re leveling up, so to speak, and have received all of the increased stats and items that you need to proceed further along the path. You’re going to crush this next level of life with ease and grace, attracting all of the amazing opportunities for abundance along the way. 
Leo: This is a sign that all of your dreams and wishes are being manifested now or in the very near future! You are surrounded by people who love you for your authentic self and fully support your goals and dreams. What a wonderful energy to be in! The only thing that is needed from you at this time is to let go of any negativity that you may still be holding onto. This could look like negative self talk, limiting beliefs, people who don’t support you or your dreams, harsh judgements, etc. You know what it is that needs to be released in order to heal. Once this is done, your manifestations will be able to come in full force. Rejoice and celebrate your accomplishments. You’ve come so far and now is the time to open your arms and accept the abundance that you have attracted. 
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vajranam · 3 years
All About Karma
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Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it.
Sakyong MiphamTags: karma, life
The three types of karma
The Sanskrit word “karma”, literally translated, means action. It comes from the root “kri”, meaning, to act. Karma refers to actions or deeds.
1. Sanchitta
These are the accumulated works and actions that you have completed in the past. These cannot be changed but can only wait to come into fruition. This is the vast accumulation of karma that encompasses our countless past lifetimes. This comprises every action that you have ever made in your past and present lives.
2. Prarabdha
Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma that is responsible for the present. These are the ripe and fructuous actions and reactions. The things that you did in the past make you what you are today. It cannot be avoided or changed, but only exhausted by being experienced.
3. Agami
Agami Karma is the Karma we are creating for ourselves right here in the current moment. It is the action that we create and the choices we make right now, as we live this present lifetime.
All these three aspects of karma blend into each other. “As you think so shall you be” – our choices and actions of the present moment will become our karma in the future.
The benefits of understanding Karma are that it discourages one from performing unwholesome
We come around the K-word again, first things first do we know what is Kar Ma?
To reduce that to our action we will be missing the point deeply, Buddha Shakyamuni explained that karma is our taught feeling and action.
According to Dzogchen:
Bad Karma = Bad Thinking
Neutral Karma = Neutral Thinking
Good Karma = Good Karma
When thinking about the constant flow of karma that also the constant flow of taught that touch any beings on earth.
Karma is universal that mean lrt’s say you hurt someone and hide it don’t worry that your consciousness knows exactly.
When consciousness knows deeply you got karma to create, then fun start.
Karma got also the possibility to be transformed in all kinds of ways, “ I know what you gonna “ How I make my life better”
Well let take Miss or Mister Basic
Who always think 100℅ negatives also usually deeply mess with everything around him or her. We all start here.
In the preliminary practice if we the right way so that not just the four exercises but also very long practice of Shine.
Shine calm the mind there for we getting more aware of what is happening.
To clear negative karma there are many different methods but the Buddha himself talk about one method that destroyed all negative karma, cultivating love and compassion bodhicitta
When a person’s mind is saturated with love, like ground that has been moistened, the seed of compassion, once planted, will easily grow. Thus, having permeated the mind with love, cultivate compassion.
— Kamalasila
After this lets say when we start to be aware of karma we start to watch our mind, what we say and what we do slowly one day at time we get there.
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luna--reading · 3 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “what is their thoughts, feelings and intentions towards you”. Think of a person and note that this is a timeless reading and you’re meant to see this right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 4 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 4
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1:
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Tarot: The Star, 6 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands
Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment.
HEALING – Imagine yourself and your beloved surrounded by light. Feel your relationship being healed this very moment.
You may not always understand why certain things happen, however there is always a higher purpose to the events in your life. Through turmoil, a blessing will soon be revealed.
Deep in your heart, you already know the answer. DO what feels right.
Okay, darling, I feel like your person thinks very highly of you. I feel like there is this sense of seeing you as someone who is very popular, very well-known, someone who is like the shining bright star in the night sky. They definitely think very highly of you and in fact, I feel like they see you as a very healing energy. I do feel that this person might have some heavy burdens on them, be it if it’s within this connection or outside of this connection, and that your connection with him has definitely helped them to heal past traumas and hurt. It’s like upon interaction with you, they are kind of forced to see their shadow side which they have been avoiding for so long. Or that previously they would have avoided, but now, it’s like your energy has allowed them to face this shadow side and to start healing from their past. I do feel that they definitely see you as someone who is very generous. And that they are feeling apologetic for how they have treated you in the past. They want to make it up to you. They understand that it was their problem in the past and that they want to make up all of the hurts that they have caused upon you. It’s like maybe this person has ran away or pulled out of this connection, ghosted or blocked you and it kind of make you question yourself what is it that you’ve done wrong. But darling, it wasn’t you, it was them. And they now know that they were the issue. I feel like maybe deep down you’ve understood this point as well, but you’ve been so understanding of their circumstances and continuously being that supportive and healing energy around them. I’m sorry is what I’m hearing and I feel like they do have some inner work that they have to do first. But I definitely do see them coming in again, darling, and I feel like they would apologise for whatever wrongs that they have done to you in the past. It’s honestly up to you if you want to take them back into your life, but darling, there will be a peaceful resolution for this connection eventually. And if this is someone that you are currently with, they want you to give them a bit more time, they will soon open up why they’ve been acting this way. They have some inner work and inner healing to do first, but they truly hope that you will continue to be the supportive and caring energy around them for now, till they are ready to come in. And like I’ve mentioned, it’s truly up to you darling, but this peaceful resolution will help you to restore certain balance in your life. Whatever wrong will be corrected, and this person will come forward and offer this apology to you.
Pile 2:
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Tarot: Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, Justice
Look deep within your heart and you will feel my love. My love for you is as deep as the ocean.
Let there be closeness between you but always give each other space. Love never claims, it simply allows and gives.
SURRENDER – At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out.
Give thanks for the blessings of love soon to come your way. Know that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires.
Now, darling, there is a lot of air energies here, so either you or your person has strong air in your charts. Else, I’m also getting the message that this person thinks of you a lot. And I do feel that they will never admit it but they definitely think of you a lot. I feel like they definitely see you as someone who knows what you want. You are intelligent, smart, and you set those healthy boundaries. You don’t let others take advantage of you, as naïve or as pure you might seem to be on the outside. They definitely do feel that below that pure and innocent image, you are someone who is very strong and tough and you know what exactly you want so you don’t let others get the best of you. This person, if it’s a romantic interest, does have interest in you but they don’t seem to express it. Or they might be afraid to express it because they are afraid that you don’t feel the same way for them or that they feel like they might get hurt while expressing themselves on a very emotional level. If this is the case, note that this is someone who might have been hurt previously or they might feel inferior towards you and that they feel like they can’t express themselves on a very emotional level towards you. And if this is a platonic connection, I do feel that they find you to be very intriguing. It’s like how can someone who just seems so nice, but deep down, you just don’t tolerate bullshit. And you know what is it that you want. They want to learn from you, especially in regards to your attitude and they are very amazed at your own standards and how you set those standards not just for the people around you, but for yourself as well. I feel like in regards to their intentions, this honestly can be a 50 – 50. I do feel for those who are asking about a romantic interest, this person is more so trying to leave it to the divine. I feel like as much as they do have feelings for you (and honestly, I’m seeing deep feelings here, but maybe they themselves don’t really understand them right now), they are just going to surrender and leave it to the divine. I do feel that they might feel that they are not worthy of you, or that they might not be your cup of tea as well. I also do feel that another group of them, is more so waiting for a sign from the Universe, or maybe it’s from you as well. I feel like they want to know how you feel and that they are trusting in the Universe that if this is really meant to be, there will be a sign from the Universe. So, I do feel that they are going to let go of control issues and trust the signs that are coming in for them. Regardless, this person’s intentions are very much focus on the divine. It’s like if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. And I feel like if this is a friend that you are asking for, they definitely do feel that this connection is going to be long-term. And I feel like they definitely see you in their life in the long run. If there has been a falling out with this friend, they are currently trying to release certain past karmas, and in the near future, things are going to come together. I do feel that the Universe is also asking you to have faith and trust in this connection that it is going to withstand the obstacle of time, darling!
Pile 3:
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Tarot: 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands
MANIFESTING MIRACLES – Your dream is soon to become reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance.
WAIT! – Don’t rush into it. Allow nature to take its course.
FORGIVENESS – Stop focusing your energy on past events, for life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream and imagine.
TRUST – Transformation occurs through acceptance. Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform.
Okay, darling, there is a lot of pentacles energy here, so maybe work is significant for you and this person, or that maybe both of you met at work. But the overall idea I’m getting is that this connection has been very slow-moving but very stable as well. I feel like it just feels like nothing much has changed within this connection on the surface, but actually a lot of things have changed deep down, in a good way. Because only by doing so, can you then build things on a more solid and stable ground. I do feel that this person definitely sees you as someone who is very hardworking. So, especially if both of you work in the same place, they definitely admire and appreciate the hard work that you put into your work and your job. I do feel that if this is a romantic interest, this person’s feelings are growing in a very slow but steady manner for you. And it’s so slow to the point that I honestly don’t feel like they actually understand how much you mean to them. I feel like they might have been pretty used to having you around. I do feel that these feelings are constantly growing and that maybe you’ve been manifesting this person as well. And if you’ve been trying to manifest this person, the angels want you to know that your dream is soon to become a reality but you have to trust this process and that everything is going to unfold itself. And I’m seeing it happening within the next 6 – 8 weeks, honestly. I feel like things are going to progress quicker as time goes by as well. And if this is a friend you’re asking about, I feel like they definitely feel that this connection is worth the investment and that they are seeing this connection going to continue in the long run as well. I do feel that they see you as a miracle in their life and they are very grateful and thankful to have you in their lives. I do feel that for most of you, things are really going to start to progress and improve within the next few weeks, 4 weeks, I am hearing. Else, it could be within the next 6 – 8 weeks. Summer seems to be a very significant season here as well. I just feel that for those who are asking for a romantic interest, this person is going to come forward. And I feel like they want to bring forth certain success and victory into this connection. I feel like if this person hasn’t been very balance in their energies with you in this connection, they would want to make that compromise with you. I do feel that they are pretty sorry for not treating you right in the past, and that they want to make it up to you. If this is the case, forgive them if you want to and honestly, it’s up to you if you want them back into your life. But remember, forgiveness is always for yourself and not for the other party. I do feel that a compromise has to be made here because balance and harmony is definitely needed within this connection, be it if it’s a romantic interest or a platonic connection. I do feel that things weren’t very balanced in the past, and what is to come within the next 4 – 8 weeks is the achievement of balance and harmony. I feel like things are going to transform slowly but steadily and you are asked to trust in this process, darling. Things are really going to be aligned in your favour, and this is something that you’ve been manifesting for a long time, so please don’t give up now, darling, trust!
Pile 4:
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Tarot: The High Priestess, 8 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
Life is a series of constantly shifting cycles. When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow – you will be surprised where it leads.
LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF – Examine what is causing you to feel this way.
A MESSAGE FOR YOU – I’m thinking of you this very moment. Your love fills me with light. I love you.
Now, darling, for most of you, I’m getting a no-contact or separation situation. And if you don’t resonate with this, maybe you can try a different pile because this pile just may not be for you. I feel like this person on your mind sees you as someone who is very highly intuitive and that you are someone who is in your power. But more often than not, this person sees you as someone who is very secretive. And it’s not in a very bad way, in fact it is very alluring and charming to your person but I feel like sometimes you might have kept things to yourself too much that it makes it difficult for this person to truly communicate their needs and wants to you. I feel like this person does love you, be it if it’s a romantic interest or a platonic connection, but I’m hearing disappointment. I feel like this person might have felt that you were never ready to open up to them, or that they can never get you to open up to them and that there are feelings of sadness, of disappointment when they are being reminded of you. I feel like this person feels that this connection is constantly in some sort of cycle and it’s just hard to simply break free from it, because there are no changes on either side. Honestly, I feel like it’s not just you, I feel like they do have their own problems but they are not seeing it clearly either. I do feel that while they do have feelings (and I’m feeling that they currently still have feelings), they aren’t going to act on it for now. I feel like they are more so going to focus more on themselves. In this sense, I feel like they are intending to just put in the work and focus on themselves and leave this situation behind. I do feel that they feel that if this connection is meant to be, both of you would eventually come back together again, but of course, this is only due in time. I do feel that they are currently trying to put in the focus on their career and finances and just trying to leave this situation behind. And darling, I’m hearing that if you’ve been confused about this situation on whether if you should stay and move on, this is a sign that you should move on and work on yourself as well. It’s not entirely your fault that this connection didn’t work out. It honestly takes two hands to clap in any forms of connections, and while it’s not entirely your fault, it’s important for you to examine the part that you’ve played in this connection. Learn and grow from these lessons, darling, and again, if this connection is meant to be, it will eventually happen in the future. You’ve just got to be patient and in the meantime, work and focus on yourself first, darling!
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
How to Make the Messy, Tidy 3D - 5D 
Just because one thinks, one feels a deep connection, be it soul lifetime, akashic and timeline energies all bleeding into the now and why healing and being of inner focus is so key to healing the past, healing the trauma's of the past, is the only way any higher resolve relationship will manifest - only -
Timelines, spirals of now, all happening now and why some relationships, partnerships feel intense but is not necessary to be restarted or and is even not possible to be re-aligned based on healing, potential, and soul contract- the ego cannot make a soul connection if the healing is not done, and vibrations are not aligned.
Just because there are past timelines together does not mean it is an automatic now engagement - lessons are learned and when the alignment is not there, when it is nothing but pain, and trauma, and ill will, jealousy and still unhealed wounds - all is meant to be healed - for any reconnection to be made - otherwise it is a return to karmic cycles -
Each are responsible for their own healing -
You help create tidy and cleaning up old karma by respecting boundaries and wishes of those you seek to connect with - respect and honour are key within first - then choices without will be seen
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Words are not as powerful as actions - so be healed for yourself first - then you see and attract perfect alignment - allow others their path
Hold yourself high and let none trick you to falsify your own potential
As I have mentioned time and time again - the past is done, closed, and severing of all ties - the past is done, complete - please allow me and all involved closure by focusing within and healing - there is no opening of the past, it is closed, blocked from being reopened - all is done, closed.
Treat everyone before you as a soul mate - past as said and mentioned, video's and blogs, all is done, closed, over - apologies and making right is past due and spirit is working with you all now for healing of your own hearts and souls - please leave me be
Make the focus on your own healing - so I can focus on my healing
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There will be no further manipulation, taking, warping my space with games, schemes, and deceit, or trying to 'get answers' you can all get within - you all have guides, you all have access - do the right thing by you and go within and set out a healing plan for you and your future self - focus on you - this is the plan -
false clients, fake circles and subscribers, deceit and veils to cover what you think I don't know - stop the game - go heal - - all is closed and done -
I am happy to see all move on to new cycles, new growth with new energy - you all deserve a new self loving start - And so do I
I walk on my own, in my own way, I will build on my own, and no boss as of the past is but me and God - stories are changing - make up a new one that begins with self love - closed, done
Closed, done, forgiven.
Leave me be, and I wish you the best
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