#or if the narrative sux
loudmound · 1 year
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i miss quake so bad you don't understand
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placeholdernameerm · 7 months
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ough man first sksx comic i ever made (u can tell bc they all still look essentially the same) i am a swords and sais fan foreva, if raph and leo have no fans i have died
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idk guys but i think "black lady making a parody campaign of an overrated kid's book written by a transmisogynist where they mock the original book and its writer at every given venue and it barely feels like the original" is not nearly equatable to "white guy making a joke about an asian trans woman having a dick in her intro, immediately calling attention to it by laughing at his own joke, and not developing that poor trans woman as anything more than a mildly antagonistic force/love interest for another trans person"
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sothischickshe · 10 months
talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Oh gosh, I feel like one or both happens practically every time! Beth & rio are both so like unequivocally lame that however I try to write them they end up fundamentally less cool. And, I know I've complained abt it a lot already but, I thought Shattering was gonna be relatively short (when did I start thinking of like 30k as shortish?! 🤯) and mostly smut but then the narrative spiralled and it's like 140k and there's (ew) kinda plot (???) bc i. they're not cool enough to just get to it but also ii. I'm blaming the source material for giving me so much I wanted to fix n heal bleugh
But OK a notable time... Idk if it's quite an example of what the question is asking, maybe more like the narrative of my life intervening but fun fact so let's allow it?
I was gonna take a chunk of the ~needy rio pov of Shattering (mm, maybe chapter 2 or 3, idk yet) out bc i was finding it tooo ott, but then I was at a comedy show and jamali maddix got on stage (don't think he was on the bill, and he did seem to genuinely be having a really bad day) & basically did that bit almost word for word (just less American & thus more like how I'd express it out of voice, if that's in any way a term) so I was like OK, this can stay!
writey asks
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
I will finish by saying that although King Charles is the Head of the Commonwealth, that gives him no constitutional power in any of the Commonwealth Nations, and if a nation of which he is not head of state, like Nigeria, choses to bring the Harkles over for a visit and (presumably) treat them like royalty, then there is little to nothing that King Charles can do about it outside of normal diplomatic channels…“
Celta, removing the Sussexes’ titles would do something about it! That would quash any royal-adjacent shine that nations like Nigeria may think they’re getting by romancing the Sux. I realize that the removal of their titles is Parliament’s domain, and not Charles’, but KC3 has great influence to make that happen, and even if he doesn’t pursue it, Parliament should move forward on their own. It’s the only way to end this ridiculous (and diplomatically dangerous) Sussex faux-royaling… interfering in Canadian/UK/First Nations treaties, nagging USDoD military officials, trying to bum free rides from POTUS on Air Force One, flouncing around Nigeria on a faux-royal "tour,” etc. Allies of the UK put up with H’s shenanigans merely out of diplomatic respect for KC3/UK. Even Nigeria would lose interest in the Sussexes if H/M were no longer “royal.” Let’s see them welcome their “good sister” Meghan when she’s just plain old Meghan Markle from LA once again! Nigeria will pull a Mariah Carey “we don’t know her” so fast Megs’ head will spin!
Hi Nonny,
It would, and it would be a very clear message. However, I think that would create other issues and feed into the Harkle victim narrative as well as giving them the chance to play the race card (they took away my titles because my wife is black). So the King would have to weigh up the consequences of that action and decide if it was worth it or not. It would be much better of the titles were removed because of some action where they can’t play the race card and have anyone with sense believe them.
What would help as an interim move is simply removing them from the website like all other non working royals, but the time for that has come and gone and it was not done.
I would love to see the Harkles reduced to Mr and Mrs Mountbatten Windsor, but I think it needs to be done in such a way that they can not play the race card - they would still try, but it would be so ludicrous that it would not stick.
Just by the way, I believe that Parliament has said the removal of royal titles is completely in The King’s hands and not something that they can do.
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world-of-wales · 7 months
I haven't seen the documentary (and I don't plan on it either) but from what I've read apparently Robert Jobson accused William of being jealous of Harry's success with Invictus Games, and they blamed Charles for not making enough effort to see Harry's kids yet having a close relationship with William's kids. And they played old interviews of Harry when he was promoting Spare and blaming William for everything. The documentary is supposed to be about Invictus yet they're just talking about the rift between Harry and William and blaming William for everything, even blaming William for not seeing Harry when he visited the UK after Charles cancer diagnosis. Also they were talking about how the slimmed down Monarchy is stressful for William without Harry and Meghan being there--trying to make it look like William needs Harry and Meghan. The documentary sounds like a smear campaign against William. I won't watch it.
So it is Robert jobson only. Someone mentioned this morning also that it was him, but yk, I'm not even surprised with the narrative he is going with. He's always been a master at stirring the pot, and most of these journos, including him, the so-called rr, are more Harry Fangirls than actual journalists. Like they are the ones Harry would be chatting to pre meghan when he was at the peak of 'hero harry' pr and hence was their media darling. It was quid pro quo basically, the press got their exclusive royal source. And in return Harry got shiny new articles and media for his image & pr.
Now, william, since then, has always been a press punching bag for all sorts of things. He didn't give then any access so they've always kind of took it out on him for trying to protect his own and his family's privacy. This is completely in line with the regular shit, jobson does. So not even surprised.
Also I don't think jobson would just go off script without the knowledge of Harry or his team like I mean....
Also this whole william was jelly theory is so bs like 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭😭 I'm sure he's crying about it rn in his place as the heir and his family around him. Also bold of jobson to assume that william who helped set these games up so that his brother had a side project to look after is surely jealous of the games. And tbh what's there to be jealous about, I hate to say it but nobody cares about these games outside of the sux stans, nowadays atleast and it all comes back partly to the fact that the world has shifted on their thinking axis a little and partly because invictus has become more of a H&M show post their engagement and them leaving rather than it being about the veterans.
One reason a lot of people don't really care that much, and it's sad that they don't is because at a time where we are forced to see the humanitarian effects of war all across the world in various conflicts, people have become apathetic towards the army personnel and the veterans. Because for the average person they have become an extension to the problem. And I'm not saying this because I want to, my maternal grandfather's whole family has been serving in the Indian army or the other defense forces post indepence and before that my great grandfather fought in the WWII in the British Indian army. So I would like to think that i atleast to some level understand the problems military personnel have to go through. And what I'm saying about the anti military attitude these days is what the reality of the world is. Because of the problems created by world governments, most of the injured veterans do end up being ignored and looked at suspiciously. So while invictus, started off as a noble project, it's not just a pr mechanism for two people.
This is what I was talking about this morning. Invictus nowadays is not about veterans, it's about 2 individuals and I as an organization would think about atleast chatting to them and being like please don't extend the family drama to this.
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sassyfrassboss · 10 months
Well I don't think anyone is going to come out and say it was other people and there is no way in Hell that Meghan is going to issue a denial at this point. She is the one who basically admitted it was Charles and Kate by her "she never intended on the names being released" so we really only have her word.
What could happen when things really get ugly in the eventual Sux divorce--could Harry set the record straight as revenge against MM? After all, he was actually the one who was involved in the convo and only told his fiance/wife afterwards what was supposedly said.
Oh she will beat him to the interview so she can set the narrative and if he does say anything it will make him look like he is attacking her.
Plus, if Harry is allowed to go back into the family fold (not as a working royal) I can see Charles and William making sure Harry is never allowed near a camera crew and mic.
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taptrial2 · 3 months
"tucker likes technology!! haha funny laugh!!" ok but why. why does he like technology. everybody likes stuff for a reason
we know in part that sam loves the goth subculture because it helps her express her disillusionment AND she finds joy in forging her own identity that is so distinct from her parents' attitudes and senses of style. she finds joy in the macabre because it is exactly what she needs to escape the bubble of her family and wealth. it makes her feel confident. and she (at least we're TOLD this...) cares about the world and wants to make it a better place while having Terminal Being 14 Disease that makes her short-sighted and selfish about it. that's neat.
we don't get a lot of that with tucker, though. he likes meat because sam doesn't and that creates arbitrary conflict for the sake of an episode or two. he likes tech because it's helpful for the plot sometimes. it doesn't feel like he likes any of the things he likes for character reasons, they feel like they're all there for the sake of plot seeds, narrative convenience, and cheap jokes. it sux.
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> Issues I have with you/occult / world < *long post* do not read if you don't want to waste your time < a subjective analysis of Astrology, numerology, manifestation, and a subtle exposé of my life
I got issues... but more importantly i got issues with you. I do a lot of research n i hate being told what to do/ and the occult gotta habit of telling me who tf i am.
and Im better at telling myself who tf I am.
THIs is who i am. <^> stop googly eyin me; foo
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This is a fkn mess of a post > try your best to read; it was meant to be a story but im incapable > I just want you to have headache (me after reading this shit 20 times or whatever it is) i;m tired. now go away. or read. or die in a hole. all the same to me. astrology is a subjective subject. IDGAF how many books youve read or how many people you speak too; we are literally looking at a planet in space and are saying shit liek " oh im dat type of pretty (venus), im dominant over here (mars), and thats why my life sux (saturn) " meanwhile, the planet still just rotating and we like acting like we apart of its orbit. Its objectively a subjective subject... > its objective only in your natal chart - where the planets are etc.... but interpretations > subjective Sidenote- Im obsessed with astrology.... because my life sucks. and i need to like feel productive somehow - stfu i know this isnt productive, but tell me what you doing? don't act all jiminy cricket on me, when your soundtrack is that of a cricket beginning of rant Also: the mythology and practise of intepretating planets and asteroids, and well the complicated drama that is greek/roman mythology. while there is plenty of overlap, the sheer concept of 2 different intepretations created upon from, 2 seperate cultures, creates different texts and slight differences inherent within each story. this initself creates a subjective intepretation of aforementioned stories > not to mention other cultures who likely put their own narrative of these mythos > it allows us to also intepret it in our own way > it is all just imagination at the end of the day. Whilst the themes are uncannily similar, the form is always different, and thats why I like to intepret it in my own way, and i recommend you do tooo (Alike everything in this subject) ; however we need some clear rules, and guidelines, to make this subject actually palatable, but i fear this community would rather keep it confusing so we can treasure the secrets of the occult on our own. and to that I do understsnd, however, anyone reading tumblr astrology, I believe to already be taking that leap into the occult and should be granted at least some introductory access. and here is (1) problem
Astrology signs are the how, and the houses are the where, > yet you all describe 2nd house a whole lot like tuarus, 10th house lot like capricorn. I mean Ik its similar but yall acting like its different yet your intepretations aint all dat different from each other..... but if the how for you is the where for me, then how tf is it so hard for me to see the differences?… if there is such a startling difference like yall always claim.. to me the themes are so fkn similar whereby > i think its the same > degree, house, sign; same shit diff smell
This however made 4 years ago me, very insecure.:.. 😢I couldn’t figure out the difference and I felt dumb 🤧 but That was 4 years ago - I was noob…. made me realize things like: we got an attitude problem today - we youngins always apologizing, trying to make others comfortable about our bullshit (Anxiety skill issue), yet the old fucks are hella comfortable telling us what to do (authority skill issue), like bro. you dont even know me, and im supposed to bow to you, just so your gonna bread crumb me with some bs self professed 'useful' advice??? if you talked to each other youd realize you all have the same advice... and you too old to keep up with my problems, so stop acting like you know.....
and so like uh, its not bold of me to say that; if your a legit astrologer you know you can just read people. yes everyone has free will, and other explanations to undermine the importance of astrology, but we know whats going on > try me > *sales pitch noise*<
Tumblr astrology is good but not proffesional, just: posts about random asteroids, random observations, random sexytime, and the occasional ‘official’ astrologers bread crumbing us to incentivize us to pay for a reading…. Now I got nothing better to do with my life (nor do you clearly) so we all on here fucking around> but I made da sacrifice > I spent real money
And these 'readings' > dog shit I tell ya > oh don’t worry none of them were from tumblr people. But people in my city and they knew less than what I knew (from reading your tumblr shits)
So it turns out you guys lowkey experts - we done a million random astrology observations - and if your a lurker, you lowkey know more than some pros; and da concept of analyzing people in your life with astrology has made you a *drum roll* > an average astrologer. your not average, if the experts are only 20% better than you (lets say). so with this in mind your not that far off their expertise.. oh you cant measure it? tell me what i dont know < (tell me more) IM HUNGRY, MORE POSTS, MY FEED IS FUCKInG HUNGRY
Now however wasting my money > pissed me off… but its a blessing, becasuse i became >.....> not depressed!!! Finally I got my energy back >>> legs go...
So I learned to read astrology. I just kept reading these websites and interpreting them and well.. I think they overcomplicate a lot of things, and they say it like a report card, when obviously you and I are multiple planets, aspects, houses, degrees, house lords, persona charts, midpoints, asteroids, not to mention composite, synastry, transits solar return , and all da other fkn ones that I cannot be bothered mentioning. Yet there’s a whole fucking essay about one aspect… like bro you couldn’t make a summary? and im supposed to read each of my other aspects? (ofc i did) but like this is just trying to make me spend money (too much reading) and well Im a greedy little fuck so imma drain your resources and not give you a dime >t > SWIPER NO SWIPING <
and i hate watching people trynna act like they know shit yet eat their own words n adjectives like you aint a professional; you just labeled yourself one > wheres your doctorate at bitch? Had enough shitty readings to not trust another 'tarot reader', but its cool the 'psychologists' aint did much better > thank you mother for the birth of my existence but shi dis place a fkn willy wonkin fsctory - and its foul - most places that try to help you that is.... ' you need to be able to receive help' bitch stfu yall underestimsting my problems and overestimating your ability to make me feel better; BITCH I STFG you dont know shiiiiitiittttttttttt > and yall look happy dont you > "dont trust a bartender who dont drink bitch" - KanYe. Numeroloy 'master numbers' > So many sites only use master numbers from 11 > 22 > 33... but wheres the 44? the 55? the 66?????? dont tell me yall didnt realize that every 'master number' still reverts back to each number (9). > 11 =2, 22 = 4, 33=6, 55 = 1, 66 = 3, 77=5..... bro god stsyed outta this mess clearly..... and its always the ones that be inventing new gods that fuck everything too 🤫 furthermore annoyances of numerofuckology - because they reduce the number back down.. .e.g. you have life path 89 > which is simplified to 17 > then to 8.... why not use 89? why we dissin 9 ????? let alone the complete number??? why not intepret both numbers together???? yall just wanna do 1 because your simple with it. and 9 getting left out fr... and yall always celebrating how special 9 is yet he always left out (magic of math - adding 9 - always reverts back to original) honestly - sometiems its so obvious why yall became numerologists sometimes...... Dont even get me started on ANGEL NUMBERS i could neva stfu
i mean yall still trying to test how true it all is, but if you throw a fish at a pisces they gonna go all googly eye on you. tell a scorpio that you intimidated and now your their favourite informant... read their life path number, and you know what they wanna be doing with their life.... i mean it really is a key, and yall locks are looser than you think... watch yo back.. i wouldnt trust someone who can help me (what do they even want), let alone get help from someone who is useless; why would you? dont act like you dont have trust issues, its like our way of relating to each other at this point. your good at sex if you have.... what about the other person? i mean if you masterbate to yoself maybe.... but if a composite chart / synastry have say - chiron eros? pluto saturn? mars dejanira.... how much are you gonna be fucking yourself when you fucked a dirty fucka..... rip virginity - and rip yo self esteem - dangerous game to value your sex appeal as much as you do...... or maybe your living a fantasy on the internet, and that is healthier, but thoughts are manifestations.... oh shit what da fuck have i manifested oh shitttttttttt IM BEING SUCKED IN A VORTEX OF MY OWN SHIT, SOMONE CALL A MANIFESTOR AGHJH AGJJGH please dont be offended, i do like this community; im just a devils advocate... sometimes 👹
you guys put too muhc importance on manifeststion, and i mean if you think its facts, look at what the people around you are manifesting.... OH thats why you isolate so much. so your manifesting loneliness.... oh you try to help people, so your just a trash can for a rubish person.... you see what i mean, manifestation aint so clear cut as you seem to believe. I believe in it, but Im so used to receiving crap, I learned to enjoy eating shit (we all did) and what is "one mans trash is another mans soap" - fight club Oh and Pluto my favourite - every curse a blessing and every blessing a curse.... stop complaining > he gave you the sauce and the only way to show you was to make you cry > lil bitch > pluto profile pic winking at you rn natal > persona > midpoint > composite > synastry > transit > return charts this is the offical order governed by me- so much more imporatnt to understand yourself over what the world got installed / what your partner doing - work on yo insecurities rather than be worried about something you have no control ova
hmmm thats all the issues i have for now.... just look at me as the boy who cried wolf. they aint a wolf here yet; but they gonna be, and im warning yall > why people dont get it...its because there are too many contradictions > but i fully believe, ive had so many spiritual experiences where if i denied them, id be drinking alcohol and pretending i aint a alcoholic. and i do love yall, but sometimes your an eye roll 29th post requires. 29 degree typa energy - YOlo MOfo
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marley-manson · 11 months
More on The Grim Reaper
-- I really liked the pointed contrast between Bloodworth's cold casualty stats and Hawkeye's hobby of knitting in the first couple scenes. I say pointed because the episode opens with Bloodworth dryly saying, "All right gentlemen, without interrupting your knitting," and after this scene Hawkeye jokes about stabbing Bloodworth with his knitting needles. So yk, attention is drawn.
I like it for the easy symbolism lol, knitting is constructive and represents surgery, and here Hawkeye is raveling a ball of wool to reuse, so yk, it's emblematic of Hawkeye repairing bodies that Bloodworth injures. And I also like it for the effeminacy in contrast to Bloodworth's military man vibe, which is not particularly made a point of in this episode, but when I sees it I likes it. Plus Hawkeye jokes about Bloodworth being "cute" if you take away [list of cold blooded evil things], so there.
-- It's a little weird that only BJ and Hawkeye are there to hear his schpiel, but I guess we can assume that Hawkeye's there in his capacity as head surgeon and BJ's there because Hawkeye's there, and Hawkeye needs a wool holder and joke exchanger.
-- I hate the fucking shove lol, I just do not buy it. I don't think it's in character, I don't think Alan Alda sold it, it just comes across as awkward. And it's not that I think the violence is ooc - if Hawkeye punched him I would've 100% believed that, if he'd thrown something at him I would've believed that, if he'd jumped him and started a whole fight, I would've believed that. What I don't believe is Hawkeye holding someone threateningly by the lapels and manhandling them lmao. Come the fuck on, that's just not adherent to the Hawkeye vibe.
-- I love Hawkeye's eagerness when the patient he talks to tells him he's from Toledo, he's so looking forward to telling Klinger so they can be friends <3
-- A big Potter sux episode for me lol, but to the episode's credit the narrative treats him a little like a buffoon. He blames Hawkeye and yells at him after the shove, but then when he talks to Bloodworth about it he tells him "Pierce shouldn't've pushed you, he should've decked you!" showing his own temper. Then at the end he takes credit for smoothing things over after Bloodworth's already agreed to drop the charges after getting injured and watching Hawkeye work. It's mild but it's nice when Potter is made fun of, even gently.
-- That said I still hate that Potter frames Hawkeye's shove as "This is the army, you don't push commanding officers around!" in what sounded like an offended way to me. Like, if it was Henry, he'd just be bemoaning the stress Hawkeye caused him, not defending the sanctity of chain of command.
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charlotte-of-wales · 7 months
This is the same man that invite H&M for the Windsor walk, just a reminder
That was for the death of a long reigning monarch and they had to head off the cowboy actions of the Sux going out on their own and potentially causing even more problems. Christmas Walk comes every year so it's not as important.
I don't think there was a single chance H&M would go out on their own lmao also regardless of the occasion it was seen as an olive branch by the media. That's all to say that I don't think this narrative that William would neveeer accept Harry back or is soo pissed off he can't even be under the same roof as him is as extreme as y'all made it out to be.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
IMHO Nanny Lorren hasn't violated any Harkle NDAs, but in fact has been encouraged by MM to speak out and has been given the narrative as well. Megs is trying to disparage the Wales and their Maria as a mere Norland "nanny" v the Sux who hired a real "nurse" as Archie's nanny. As an RN tho', I don't believe for a second that she's an actual NICU "nurse"/RN...v, perhaps, a non-professional (ie non-degreed, non-licensed) nursing assistant. Note also that she praises MM's beauty and H's hugging lol
Oh I am sure she only spoke out with Meghan's express permission. But you understand my point about the hypocrisy right? We are talking about the same people who get mad at the British press for even publishing pictures of their children (not making this Harry actually sued the DM over this).
Also, the fact that they hired a nurse for a nanny job makes them dumb and selfish. Talk about privilege, they took away a qualified nurse away from patients in the UK during a nursing shortage.
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asmo-cosmetics · 6 months
i forgot one of the things i hate most about the arcana is how openly hostile every single fucking character is to julian. it's so stupid. every other love interest besides julian and lucio are besties or at least like each other, but julian is despised by the others and the narrative itself past the point that it even makes sense.
sure at first they can hate him, that's fine, they think he's a murderer, but even past that it's STILL constantly "oohhh julian's stupid julian's childish julian's work and interests and passions and sexual preferences are all so funny and silly and worthy of ridicule by everyone despite his discomfort and without his consent but also we're going to frame it as 'good-natured ribbing' narratively even though it's objectively just bullying" biting and clawing and maiming and killing. i hate these writers so fucking much.
EVERY OTHER CHARACTER is allowed to be portrayed as competent at their job and hobbies, even lucio to an extent. but not julian!!! julian sux lol!!!!! julian a Medical Doctor puts more trust in science than magic? omg BIGOT! julian who does not like, trust, or have any interest in magic, and has never studied it, can't tell when something is ""obviously"" magic to experienced magicians and assumes its effect to be medicinal? wow he's so STUPID OMG... julian uses strange methods in his practice like leeches? a common old-fashioned treatment in a old-fashioned setting [nevermind that it's a FANTASY setting and leeches may very well be effective in broader applications than irl (and yes there are modern irl instances of medicinal leeches why does everybody act like leeches are so wild and crazy medicine-wise?) in this universe? like they might literally just work? we don't know?] he must be a total hack lol i bet he gives patients cocaine too!! he was a pirate? bet he was bad at it! he's an actor? bet he's bad at it!
not to mention how WEIRD they are about his identity. like for a game that supposedly takes place in a world with no identity-based bigotry julian suuuuure faces a lot of what looks a lot like homophobia and bottom-shaming. don't worry you don't have to be threatened by him he's not a REAL man... no no he's cis we just mean he's submissive. but that's something everyone's allowed to tease him about, also, even though that's obviously inappropriate and mean as fuck. just. GOD. i fucking hate these devs. it's so fucking gross and stupid and weird. it doesn't even make sense, it just makes the other characters seem like assholes for how they're treating him, and especially when they write portia to bully him it doesn't even sound like her. i'm in hell. i'm in hell.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
"what personally bothers me about the current treatment of the HP books is how the current narrative is "they were always bad/mediocre" and literally everyone acts like they totally always thought that and never liked them."
anon can we trade internet experiences? at least in part? because what I'm hearing nonstop is nobody thought anything but the world of the HP books until JKR showed her entire ass. which is obviously not true, I got sick of people saying "Book Sux" like that's clever well before 7 came out. but equally obviously, you're entirely correct that nothing gets nearly as popular as HP if nobody actually likes it, and there were entire books published dedicated to picking apart how good the storytelling and foreshadowing were in hopes of figuring out what was being foreshadowed in upcoming volumes. nuance, people. and maybe less revisionist history.
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emmashouldbewriting · 2 years
I understand Charles, this is his son, his grandchildren. But what about William, his children and the future of the monarchy? Before, I was reassured by the fact that not fools are sitting in the palace, we don’t know much. But now… I'm not sure about that. I don't understand why they don't snap Andy and Harold. Over the last few months it has become obvious that people are VERY tired of this. The rhetoric of "why the monarchy at all" has intensified, at least among young people (those I know). And it's terrible. Meh, about the fact that no one is looking forward to the coronation, I am completely silent…
i have seen a LOT more 'why the monarchy at all' narratives being thrown around, and my circles/news platforms/etc are not republican at all, so there's a real issue going on. the fact that the sux eviction and the rent thing is being buried by the media (because they're the ones dropping it) is very suspish
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monstrouscrew · 11 months
(some shower thoughts of the celestial entities aboard)
a reminder: all of it is just personal experience, interests and memories, and having a personality, being self-aware sux. also we technically cannot worship.
the latest photos add an interesting twist to the tons of chr*stian imagery ST use. our personal pattern recognition system had identified something very close to a fallen star/angel/powerful being who was heavily burnt when they fell from the sky (skin painted charcoal black and stage vibe we register). at the same time, we have the imagery of being expulsed from Eden, quite directly used in you know where, and it's more about mortal humans. now, the photos put Vessel in Eve's role, and it's very interesting to see (also fuck gender conformity as we see it). the image of Eve fuses with the image of Lucifer (who is one of our most favourite fictional - yes happened after reading the Bible for children when the first i was a child - character), so we have an image of someone who cannot blame anyone else except themselves for the sins and mistakes. others mentioned the mirror effect of ST songs and, if it exists, the narrative - yes, it fits, from our pov.
tl;dr: we have reasons to like Vessel and his bandmates and not to worship, and we can put them into some subjectively formed word sequences.
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