#or like het jumpscare
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He's talking about cum
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 8 months
what would be the funniest duo playing a horror video game together and why would it be fabian and amber
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unresurgeance · 8 months
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skull-crusher · 2 years
I see a lot of talk about MM and sibling stuff, and I think the only bots that are supposed to be actually related are Rock, Roll and Blues, everybody else it all comes down to personal preferences i’m pretty sure.
Like me with the cossack line, I personally see them as siblings- but if someone else sees them as just coworkers or a group of the worst dads ever trying to take care of a single blonde child that’s okay too:) i think for some, it all comes down to which is the most fun dynamic for you to play with in your brains.
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Tried to fight Margaret. Casualties ensues
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callmearcturus · 7 months
ignore this if its a duplicate but: finally caved and bought slay the princess. my verdict? the most yuri het romance ever written, 11/10, i am the only bitch who likes the narrator and that is my cross to bear. (also you should try it, the gore is around the same level as magnus archives and it's more spooky horror than jumpscare "scary" also i would Love to see your thoughts on it)
Yeah I have a few asks saying pretty much this, which is good to know. I have it on my wishlist, can't justify it rn bc I caved and bought Star Ocean (WHICH: WORTH IT) and I won't pirate a game like that. We'll see!
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Billy is described as cool, and popular and I think that's a bold faced lie.
Billy is clearly trying to be normal but in every conversation he has, he tries to make it relate back to his horror movie special interest, he talks in autistic monotone, he's always in a weird position, or glaring, or t-rexing, or saying something really weird, or jumpscaring people.
Not to say that being autistic isn't cool, I'm the coolest person alive and I do most of those things, but William Eugene/Michael Loomis is not the person I would choose to be the poster boy for the Cool People with Autism Club.
We only see him talking to people outside of the main group once and that's it. He shows up at the party late (which, yes, is because he was murdering, but he really doesn't seem like the type for person to like parties.) He's always just ~lurking~ and being weird.
He's a greasy little murderous recluse and the only person that I think would ever think he's genuinely cool is Stu, but apparently they live in funky town and he happens to be one of the most popular kids in school.
My hot take? The script is wrong. It's one of those details that gets changed in the course of actually making the movie because I see no evidence of Billy being a cool kid. The script also describes Stu as a Billy wanna be who's failing and like... from what we see Stu is a lot more popular than Billy. Stu actually fucking interacts with people.
And like.... not judging Billy lmao I also speak in a monotone, contort my body, do the t-rex arms, bring everything back to horror, and have a resting bitch face. It's chill. I was not cool in high school but for the most part people didn't mess with me, I think because I was intimidating (this is feedback I received, which was shocking because I was frequently just terrified of everyone else lmao).
And I can't judge for greasy hair, I HATE having wet hair and I'm bad at washing it (even if I take a stim-shower every day to burn several layers of my skin off like i'm in the andromeda strain research facility). But yeah, he's a greasy little rat there's no getting around that.
This is what I think is going on with Billy. He's not unpopular/uncool or a target because he freaks people out enough and has popular friends. He doesn't get no bitches because he's pretty, but also for some reason cis-het girls are into no rizz sometimes, so like, they still flirt with him even if he mostly responds by talking about the exorcist.
He's a fucking recluse. I cannot imagine him being a center-of the party dude like Stu, he's a show up late disappear early kind of guy 100%, and Stu is realistically the only member of the group I can imagine him actually enjoying hanging out with.
Tl,dr: Billy isn't popular himself, he's only by association and no one is going to mess with him because he's got stabby energy. Also he's pretty and that helps his case a lot.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
ahem. i would like to share my opinion of the brief mary content we have received lately.
shea getting sexualized and i hate it.
as a woman who likes wearing bras as if theyre crop tops and such, i dont think it's inherently sexual for a character to. but, its just the fact that mary has never until recently (unless im failing to recall like 1-2 panels) worn anything but baggy clothes and it icks me that she suddenly is and during the point she is, we get a close up of her tits. it doesnt feel like a coincidence and maybe it bothers me more than it should but i pray this isnt a slippery slope and ptj wont end up ruining her too.
Dude, I KNOW. Although 'received lately' was like 200 chapters ago 😭
I completely agree though. The latest panels that she was in (that I can recall) are just peak male gaze. Which, I don't necessarily mind - because you gotta give something to the teenage boy fans. But coupled that with how they like to write female characters... I am equally dreading and excited to see the return of our queen.
+ Before we jump into other asks. I'm still working through requests ...still in May omg. There's a few I removed such as request for explicit smut. Because 1) There are much MUCH better smut writers in the fandom 2) You'll be waiting forever 3) I don't really wanna 🥹 NSFW hc are much more fun for me.
I also find it difficult to write for canon characters that only appeared in 2 panels or whatever. We're up to our eyeballs in hot characters. I just need something MORE to build on, yknow what I'm saying?
++ responses to 6 asks below cut! (and a jumpscare loool)
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I strong STRONGLY believe in the kinsey scale, and also don't believe anyone is completely het so... With most of the Lookism guys, they are definitely somewhere along the scale imo.
Thank you for being so sweet! I've started to add in whether my fics are G/N, M, F moving forward so hopefully that makes it a bit more accessible. I'm a little too lazy to go back through the older ones though, sorry!
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LMAO. You really got me googling johnny cage ass. Yeah man has got cake.
+ Any excuse to post this.
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... and also this. Sorry for the jumpscare (+ eat the rich!)
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I AM EXCITED TO READ IT! @simpingforlookism has opened up my eyes to the throupling so... let's see what else people are cooking up. (Smutless cooking for me, yum yum).
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Heyyyy from the UK! Ahhhh Taehoon and Goo. What fantastic taste you have. Thank you so much for reading my brainrot and look after yourself too!
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YES. THANK YOU. Mary and Gyeoul are really queens. I love Gyeoul's attitude and Mary's platonic relationship with Vin (sorry Mary/Vin shippers).
I have read Questism up to about... chapter 50? But was pretty impartial to the characters and only wanted to see what the level ups were. I can't even name anyone from the manhwa (apart from Haru).
I don't mind the sexualisation with appearance - up to a certain POINT. I responded to anon above that you gotta give something to the male fanbase. Truly, saying that through gritted teeth though. Because the proportions, the angles, the outfits are ridiculous. However, sex sells.
But coupled that with their lack of personality and traits. It's pretty toxic, yknow. I don't wanna start ranting about patriachy and all that on a pretty light hearted blog. You know my feeling on this🫠
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minimutty · 6 months
Minis FE Awakening Blind Playthrough Chp 11
I'm a bit late but we back! Back to plot and more marriages! And apparently a time skip I suppose. First up: Gank Gangrel in what was the most anticlimactic revenge ever, but Emmeryn's been avenged, so that's already been squared away, woop woop.
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First up, suppports marriages. Maribelle and Ricken. Idk they seemed to be around the same age range, so I just went with it. Also Ricken and her interacted in story so that's more than enough inventive for me. Still continuing with the theme of just marrying as opposed to like dating or getting to know each other. It's a miracle any marriage in this game lasts more than a year.
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Next, Lonqu and Cordelia. Honestly I'm just gonna marry em off bc Lonqu wasn't like, violently sexist to her. He actually was pretty nice and teaches her lance stuff, and he blushes in like their C support, and in a FE support game this is more than enough. They should get married soon.
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Back to plot plot plot. Gangrel is backkkk.
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Typical dumb villain stuff. Shoulda just killed us when we were 10 levels lower. He's so dumb. Uh, anyway, he is being evil and so evil that eventually the mook soldiers realize how evil he blatantly is, so they all leave.
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This soldier probably died for saying this lmao
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For some reason the game and plot try to make what Emmeryn did like a super impactful thing, but she literally said one thing about "war is bad" and then chucks herself off a cliff and its portrayed as this super moving and motivational thing? I really don't get it. I've seen people do a lot worse and it not move people, but I guess this is a kid's game so welp welp. Good enough contrivance.
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I guess it's good enough to make our lives easier.
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We finally get our dancer! Wooop best girl is here by factor of being dancer! Dancer important!
As a reward I'm gonna try to marry her off to Libra idk. I actually haven't checked if he can.
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Gameplay-wise I was a dumbass and didn't see Gangrel's range and he killed Chrom with the leven sword, which I recognize from Smash! Be glad there's image limits bc it cuts out a lot of my stupid deaths because playing as many FE games as I have doesn't stop me from being an idiot. I think that's just a given for my life I think.
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Anyway we win, I try to get some more lvls for Virion, and we finish the Plegia arc! At least that's what I think this arc is.
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Chrom lampshades that the credits screen didn't show and we have a temporary happily after after where all the hets all get married and have kids asap, which I think is historically accurate to the end of irl wars.
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Actually this does explain why Chrom didn't call himself this. Coulda sworn FEH said differently but I'm actually surprised they explained it, props.
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Apparently ppl who play this part blind get jumpscared if they don't know Chrom gets force married here to whoever has the highest support. I knew this thanks to the power of FEH and memes, so I just married him off to first girl.
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TIMESKIP. Chrom asks what his eugenics kid's stats are still looks the same but now he has a kid. Isn't he like 19 now? Did he have the kid at 17? Well I guess medieval times idk. Sumia, Chrom's wife doesn't want to bother mothering and demands to join Chrom in I think the next bad thing to happen.
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Suma dgaf about the kid it's time to more fight. Who cares about postpartum recovery. Also Lucina's eye automatically denotes her as a main character. The benefits of royal wet nurses I guess.
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The Roommates(tm) have married banter that's more emotional than any interaction between Chrom and his wife, and then we get revealed to the next Bad Thing plot.
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Apparently this place called Valm is attacking us bc some guy named Walhart (?) is being mean and evil, I sure hope his motivations are like 2% more interesting than Gangrel's.
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Virion is back and acts like he wasn't part of our army like 2 years ago, and comes with what I think is his retainer, Cherche, whom I recognize from FEH.
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Anyway Viri here says that he was from Valm and came back bc Walhard and wants to help stop before he invades the world or whatever, so I guess that's our next plan!
Agh, I ran out of images again, but anyway Virion is being a weird womanizer so in response I probably will just keep him single, and then I get Donnel & Lissa support, Lonqu & Cordelia, and Virion & Miriel. More supports, more plot!
Conclusion: I think that's the end of Arc I. Gangrel existed to kill of Emmeryn and make Chrom exalt, and I'm guessing this next guy Walhart will probably do something similar? For now I'm focusing mostly on trying to get as many ppl married off as possible, but I'm looking forward to whatever happens next bc I honestly have no idea.
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Watch - Rewatch Drama List
AIRING Shows ->
• Bed Friend:
I was intrigued by the show, especially since I was promised a high heat office bl and while i have gotten glimpses of it, i absolutely have fallen in love with King's and Uea's characters! While Jade endears me more with every episode (I'm don't easily like hyper characters) and I'm loving his friendship with Uea and I'm endeared and yet worried about his tendency to do like 10 ppls work by himself.
Plus KingUea gives very PrapaiSky vibes so that's always a plus i feel!
And Net and James have sizzling chemistry together and gods Net is so handsome 😍😍
• Destiny Seeker:
I'm so sad that not only is this show NOT available on youtube, but worse, it doesn't even have official eng subs 😭 Fansubbers are gods here and I'm so grateful! I have to go gray for this one
The show has university hostels rivalry, jock vs the beauties dorms, a pining boy! (it might be requited?) and is absolutely a pulp bl that is so nice so far! Plus it gives me lots of Hana Kimi aka To the Beautiful You manga / jdrama vibes with all the hostel stuff which i always love!!!
• Midnight Museum:
Off Attaphan, the things I watch due to you being in it 😭 While i definitely like the show a lot, i REFUSE to see it when the Sun is down especially with all the jumpscares. It's also very sus between Gun's character and the Museum owner right now.
• Love Syndrome III:
I started this because i saw a post where it had the post about the actor who apparently did kick boxing irl and also has some ok fighting scenes.
I'm still confused what exactly this drama is about though as I'm still on ep 1.
• LCK LoL Spring season: I mean it's not a drama so does it count? I mean i sit listening through 2+ hours of league of legends matches each day especially with playoffs so close so it's pretty fun, especially with the eng commentators! Plus watching T1 stomp their competitors with the whole team just cooking, especially Keria and his support picks and Oner with his Lee Sin and Faker with his Azir is just 😍😍 and SO much fun to watch!
None actually, surpringly. I'm saving them for later.
• The King's Avatar:
This isn't a bl, but a really good cdrama with the lovely hot Yang Yang that is based on the hot chinese novel of the same name! Definitely a good watch if you're interested in esports or mmos in general!!
Also if you like gamers romancing each other in an mmorpg (het romance) i highly recommend watching loveo2o it's a pretty sweet watch, also having Yang Yang in the lead role, available on youtube with eng subs! Also has a movie adaptation of the same name.
• My School President:
Ah my beloved. I went in expecting a generic high school bl, but got a new comfort show instead. Which honestly is rare because till now I've only had 2-3 comfort series and movies because I'm VERY particular about me having something as a comfort show.
Plus the ost is a banger and i listen to it everyday. The casts voices are so good!!!! Rock and Star and Healing and Once Upon a Time on spotify WHEN
Gemini and Fourth have absolutely stolen my heart in their roles as TinnGun and LimingHeart and I'll definitely be following their careers for a long while.
• SOTUS the whole saga: It was my first BL so while i may acknowledge it may have it's faults but it's always close to my heart especially Arthrit my tsudere sweet pink milk loving man!
Looking forward to: (in no particular order)
• 23.5: InkPa in Bad Buddy had me cheering for them and MilkLove were the initial reason for my interest in this show, especially since I LOVE the concept of unknown texters to lovers, because of the sheer SCOPE!! And now I'm equally excited to see gem and fourth as north and night!!!
• Only Friends: WHEN WILL I GET MY MESSY GAY DRAMA. I need messy relationship drama and my Forcebook, Firstkhao and Neomark! Get Mark a leading role asap!
• Our Skyy 2: I'm excited for ALL of the couples that will be shown, a nice change from the first season where I only cared for KongArt. Though do have a better script for all of them because the ones in last one were kinda eh, you know.
• Delusions of S2 of MSP and Heartliming focused MLC post ep 8 episodes???
• Enigma: Possibly unhinged and tattooed and leather pants wearing Win Metawin? SIGN ME TF UP
• Double Savage
• Hidden Agenda
• Cooking Crush
• Punk Spy
• Wednesday Club (I know this one is being shot right now, based on mix's ig)
• Last Twilight
• The Jungle
• The Interest
• Love Upon a Time
• Middleman's love
• The Next Prince
• Zomvivor
Yep I'm looking forward to a LOT of thai shows!
Thanks for tagging me @solana-ceae !! It was fun doing this and i had a great time!
Anyone who wishes to do this is free to do so I'm not tagging anyone, just tag me if you do!
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like at least gender conforming hets don’t have to worry about accidentally buying identical shoes to your ex and you don’t realize it until you get jumpscared by them the next day
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talkingbl · 1 year
KBL v. Thai BL: My Two Cents
So, I see the Thai BL v. KBL discourse on twitter and thought I'd chime in on it.
Most common KBL stan arguments I've seen:
Thai BL is bad. Bad acting, bad direction, bad editing, etc.
Most, if not all, Thai BL actors and stories are problematic.
Thai BL is just porn with no plot.
Thai BL actors are 70% jumpscares.
Most common Thai BL stan arguments I've seen:
Most KBLs are boring.
KBL stans are xenophobic and/or fetishize the Korean look.
Even if some KBLs are good, they're not all that much better than Thai BLs.
KBLs are just het kdramas w/2 men instead of a het couple (i.e., little actual LGBT representation).
Arguments I see from instigators who're pretending to take the high road:
Taiwanese BL better than them all.
"Only good LGBT content out of Thailand are the ones starring [insert their favorite femme actor here]."
My Take.
Both sides have some decent points and some completely idiotic takes. I agree with KBL stans that a lot of popular Thai BLs feature terrible acting and plot. Not all, but maybe 7 out of every 10 Thai BLs I've watched (mostly popular ones) either lack significantly in the acting or the editing department (with some lacking in both). Few are outstanding pieces of cinema (though I don't think those ones that aren't are meant to be).
Not only are so many Thai BLs just poorly made (and no, I'm not talking about looking expensive, I'm talking about hiring looks/nepotism/name recognition over talent), so many of them are just ill-conceived to begin with. Most popular Thai BLs are adapted from light novels which are just straight up erotica. And when you take the sex out, there's nothing of substance left. Nothing wrong with that (IMO). But I do see the argument from KBL stans as I, like many others, watch media to immerse myself in an entertaining and sometimes profound story (not necessarily just to get my rocks off). Obviously, a story can do both but it needs to be done well and be well-balanced.
Next, relative to actors in other industries a lot of Thai BL actors have been exposed for being homophobic/rape apologists/colorist/etc. Thai BLs also feature harmful tropes such as making darker skinned characters the bad guys all the time (while pale-skinned characters are innocent angels who can do no wrong), or actively shun darker/less eurocentric features. THAT BEING SAID, there's a couple of caveats I want to point out with this line of thought:
Thailand is by far the biggest producer of live action BL content and is simultaneously the most visible. Of course, there's going to be more instances of abhorrent behavior that make it to the twitter trends than that of any other industry.
Korean men are also not angels? Lol. Like did we learn anything from all the one hundred eleven million times kpop idols have been exposed for racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, and all the other -isms and phobias out there? Just because your fave KBL actor isn't hitting the media circuit like the Thai BL actors are (thus, giving more opportunities for them to expose themselves/be exposed), doesn't mean it's not happening or that they don't think that way.
Point is, both can be horrible with regard to the problematic aspect lol.
As for the Thai BL stan arguments, I agree that most KBLs I've seen are not that interesting beginning-to-end. Many of the ones I've watched are either just as bad as the worst Thai BLs plot-wise or horribly mid with no camp/kitsch factor to save it. Very rarely do I come across a KBL that gets me hooked either due to outstanding production or outstanding story (or both, ideally). A lot of this, I think, is because I hate the kdrama-style of production/directing that can suck the soul out of a heartwarming story.
Now, don't get me wrong, I hate the Thai rom-com style of production/directing with the heat of a thousand suns but the rare saving grace is usually its camp "so bad it's good" value. Either way, both take many Ls in the production department, regularly.
That said, I agree with a lot of Thai BL stans that a lot of KBL stans are reformed kpop warriors who simply prefer the Korean look (which is where we get so many KBL stans calling non-kpopified Thai actors "jumpscares"). I want to be clear here that I don't think all or even most KBL stans are xenophobic, but I said this a long time ago that many KBL stans who talk about the superiority of KBLs and the "inferiority" of Thai BLs move weird to me. You can like something and not use xenophobic dog whistles basically calling Thai BLs (and, come to think of it, even Filo BLs) poverty content and Thai actors ugly for looking too non-Korean.
Please understand, I'm not saying folks can't like what they like. It's about how you express that that changes things (e.g., saying X actor is not attractive is very different than roasting a certain skin tone or virtually unchangeable physical feature across swaths of people). Also, I hate when Thai BL stans use this argument as a way to get out of addressing poor quality we get from Thai BLs that prefer a marketable face/name over good acting/story. Exposing latent Korean superiority complexes is not the way to win the argument about Thai rom-com quality being piss poor.
Finally, the so-called bench riders who are really just anti-Thai BL (rather than pro-KBL): Taiwanese BLs are not magically superior to all just because you want to pretend to be better than the other KBL stans while also simultaneously hating on Thai BLs. Don't get me wrong, I love some Taiwanese BLs but 1) those folx using Taiwanese BL as a crutch are usually not being genuine, and 2) Taiwanese BLs have the most suspect incest relationship-to-socially acceptable relationship ratio of all time lmaoooo. Taiwan is not stranger to terrible concepts and questionable acting. We cannot continuously pretend that all non Thai BLs are the Citizen Kanes of our time whilst this fact persists.
Worst of all are those who stan ITSAY/BkPP (claiming that it's not BL and they're ~serious actors) but roast every other Thai BL (and hell, all BLs in general). Like girl sthu, ITSAY is a BL and BkPP are full time singers now. /j but forreal, I have a lot to say about this group of stans that I'll save for another post. (a/n: I adore ITSAY and am seriously impressed with BkPP but some of their stans are just...yeah)
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 10 months
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epic-sorcerer · 2 years
Sorry, huge rant about biphobic lesbiasn in coming(sorry for misspellings)
You know what? I fucking hate political lesbians. I hate radfem lesbians. I hate lesbian sepretists. I hate that I’ve been traumatized(big T and little t) by these groups as a biseuxal woman. I hate how they act like all lesbians are like this. I hate how they planted this horrible seed in my (then) baby gay mind that all lesbians are like this. Taht biphobia is normal and bi women have to pick up the slack to be “better”.
I hate how normal, loving, accepting lesbians are being thrown under the bus so political lesbians can self validate their faulty arguments. I hate that baby gay lesbians who having gotten a chance to learn our history are being Brian washed into believing biphobic rehotric. I hate that I believed that shit too.
I hate that an ex toxic friend used his lesbianism as an excuse to be openly bipobic and trigger me to such an extent I didn’t feel safe in the community any more. I hate that they fucked me up so bad I actually believed them when they acted like they were “fighting” for “true lesbians” and that “normal lesbiasn” belive in all tagt biphobic shit he said. I hate that Wheb I finally got out of that friendship and realized how fucked up it was, I still believed them when he said that a lot of lesbiasn belived in it. It took me so much time to realize how much I was still under his fucking thumb. Indirectly isolating me as a bi women from queer and wlw specific spaces. I hate that I got so traumatized by them that all aspects of their profile picture became triggers. It was a character in front of a lesbian flag. I hate that it’ll be aome time before I can finally watch that movie the character is from. I hate that I was genuinely triggered by the lesbian flag, and it felt fucknig awful. It’s such a beutiful flag, belonging to such a beutiful group of people. But it took me weeks to be able to look at it again.
I hate how everytime I interact with lesbains, i feel like im playing Russian rulet. I hate how I never know who is biphobic, and even though I also experience it with hets, it hits harder when lesbians do it. Because I trust them, inharently for some reason. I hate that fear of the unknown, even if 9/10 lesbians are actually very sweet. I hate that red fems ruined fucking everything. I hate that rush of anxiety whenever I refer to myself as bi in queer spaces. Yes, it’s all been fine so far, but that means the worst is onyl coming closer. 9/10 lesbians are cool, but that means 1 will fucking expload at me with pure fury. I time when Vocal Minorty is most obvious, they fucking scream taht shut to whoever listens. Pro bi lesbians are chill about their support usually. But anti bi lesbiasn will tear your fuckibg head off. And I’m just waiting for the next one. Even after many chill lesbains, I’m just waiting for that jumpscare of a radfem lesbian.
Also to be clear, this isn’t like me being lesbophobic. If it was lesbophopbic, I would jsut act like every lesbain was awful, but because I know they are not, thtas hwat makes it scary. Because there is a mix of good and bad ones, witch is a kind of nueance I don’t think I’d have if I was lesbophopbic(adhd black and white thinking, even if some lesbophopbes see that sort of neuance, I’m definitely woudlnt have, especially if my mind was clouded with bigotry
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trickarrows-bishop · 7 months
every time i read a fic that wasnt tagged right and get jumpscared by trini liking men i Nope outta there rq
like. it wasnt explicitly stated (most lesbian rep isn't) but like. what part of "boyfriend problems?" "...yeah. 'boyfriend problems'." don't you understand bro!!!!
het trini sounds like something from my nightmares im so serious what
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
July 30th, 2023 - ProSeka, ITG
first off; egoist jumpscare
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second off; sudden burst of ITG scores!! just really felt like playing today, but then my baby sister decided to come in and mess up my session (just kidding i just let het dance to one LOL, videoed below)
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BONUS: the videoed in question
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