#or maybe it is a problem and they'll STILL tell me i'm worrying about nothing
genspiel · 4 months
i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth
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treeofnonsense · 10 months
So I'm going to preface this by saying: I am cis as all hell. I'm not any form of trans or nonbinary, I have never been any form of trans or nonbinary, and thus I tend to stay pretty quiet on that front over here. Ain't my place to tell people who know better what to do, and I'm not trying to do that here. However, after having made a lot of friends under the trans umbrella, after being lucky enough to have some of those friends share with me some of their struggles, their joys, their lives, and after noticing a couple of patterns in their journeys... I think there is one message I would like to share that may help some of you to hear, if you'll give me a minute of your time, and I think it may have to come specifically from a cis person.
The message is this: If your cisgender friends are good friends, you being your true self is not a burden to them.
For the people in the back: If your cisgender friends are good friends. You being your true self with gender. Is not a burden to them.
I didn't know my friend in high school was trans until he transitioned socially and I heard his new name. He didn't tell me first because I was raised fundamentalist Christian and probably did not look like a safe person to tell; when I pulled him aside in class so no one else could hear us, told him he could tell me to buzz off if he was uncomfortable, and politely asked for confirmation on pronouns, I remember the surprise and joy on his face. It took me about five minutes of chanting his new name and pronouns in the shower to get it to stick in my brain. That tiny amount of effort was nothing compared to seeing him pull himself out of the depressive funk dysphoria had put him in, of celebrating senior year when he legally changed his name, of drawing him a snowflake dragon for Christmas and hiding the trans flag colors in the shimmer of the ice so it would get past our conservative school's radar. We became closer friends after he came out because I knew him better and he knew he could trust me. He got me my first ace ring. I was not only supporting him, but learning from him, and sharing in his joy.
The genderfluid roommate in college took me a little longer to adapt to, I'll be honest, I was still learning, but hey - it turns out it's not really that hard to check the pronoun pins on a lanyard before you address someone. It's pennies when that person comes along to teach you the wonders of thrift shopping and takes you to meet a drag queen for the first time. I've met so many people online whose identities I do not always intuitively understand, but who I support anyway, and who have made me consider so many new things. It's not a burden to know about my friends' journey when it comes to gender, it's a privilege to know them more deeply and be trusted in that way. It's a new dimension to this person I already love, that's all.
Look, I am not saying that all your cis friends are going to be perfect, that we're not going to fuck up occasionally because we don't know better or we had a bad day, that we understand everything - we're not, we will, and we don't. I am not saying that everyone is a safe person to talk to either - god knows that's not true, unfortunately. But. If your worry about expressing yourself is of being a nuisance, of burdening someone with your problems or needs, of being too much or too out-there or too confusing, consider this: Your friends may not only be willing to learn and help you, they may be happy to. In a true friendship, both people benefit from one person's joy. If you're happy because you're able to be your honest self, they'll be happy too. Suddenly that weird shyness and sadness they saw from you but didn't know the cause of has gone away. Heck, maybe they'll learn from you and start following in your genderfunky footsteps. Or maybe you'll just have a cis friend who texts you celebration emojis when you have a good gender day, or is there when you wake up from surgery, or goes shopping for new outfits with you, or even brings over ice cream when you're having a hard time. And then you both get ice cream. Come on. This is what friends do.
Be safe, of course. Trust your judgment when it comes to sharing information. But if you're simply scared, try to balance out the fear of what you may lose with the thought of what you may also stand to gain. Don't let the anxiety beast turn your identity into a problem. It's not a burden, it's a part of you, and the people who love you will love to meet it.
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System error: android!reader x kyle gaz garrick
You had to get into contact with your engineer.
Something had short circuited when you were at the pub with the others. You had felt a little too warm when Sergeant Garrick had touched you and suggested that you stay despite having done what you were asked to do.
You didn't understand it. Not the way that they had continued to want to bond with you or the way that your processors reacted to it.
Something must've gotten corrupted when you researched how to act in a pub setting. You knew that if you didn't delete the information off of your hard drives, your engineers would be upset but it had to stay in order for them to figure out what the issue was.
They'll scrap you for it but it was for the best. Your job still needed to be done and if you were malfunctioning then you needed to be replaced.
You were on your way to your office to get into contact with them when you saw Gaz waiting outside your door.
You weren't sure what to do as he gave you a smile, one that made you stop what you were doing, and you watched him carefully as he came up to you.
"I was wondering where you went, I wanted to invite you to lunch." He offered and your processors froze. "Unless you already ate."
"Why?" You asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"Just trying to be friendly is all."
Friendly. You understood that the reason why he was trying to be friendly was because he saw you as a person and not a machine, an oversight on those who designed you, and now it was becoming a problem. They must've not expected any of them to be considerate enough to want to make a connection with you, which to you seemed to be a massive mistake.
These men made connections with everyone, you didn't need to read through their records to know that.
What were they thinking? What were you thinking?
You don't think. That's not possible.
You blinked a couple times, frozen in your spot as your processors raced to compute a response as well as make sense of what exactly was going on inside you.
Meanwhile Gaz stood in front of you with slight concern and confusion as you stared at him with the same wide eyed look you had last night at the pub.
"It's okay if you don't want to." He assured you and you blinked a couple times. "I'm not trying to put you on the spot."
For some reason you didn't want to disappoint him. He was making an effort to befriend you and it would be for the betterment of everyone if you were on good terms with them. It would make everything easier and yet his effort was frying your circuits.
Instead of telling him no you did the unthinkable.
You lied.
"I have already eaten but I will join you, Sergeant Garrick." You told him in a split second, unable to really understand why you said what you did.
"Great." He nodded for you to follow him. "And you can just call me Gaz, don't have to be formal with me."
You nodded and filed that information away as you walked beside him. You tried to pay attention to what he was saying but you were focusing hard on trying to sort out whatever was causing everything to go haywire within you.
It had to be a corrupt file. A virus maybe. Something was breaking everything inside of you and making you do things you weren't programmed to do.
After lunch you had to fix the issue.
"I'm glad you decided to join me." Gaz caught your attention again. "Was a little worried about you."
"You were worried about me?" You couldn't help but be confused.
Gaz gave you a sympathetic look. His eyes turned serious as he glanced back at your office and nodded.
"Yeah...you spend a lot of time in your office working. This job takes a lot out of you and I've seen it eat people alive." He explained and your eyebrows knitted together. "So I'm worried."
"But you don't know me." You pointed out. It's not like he could get to know you, there was nothing to figure out considering you were just a set of walking code.
Gaz shrugged.
"Well I'm trying to right now."
You felt something from that. You're not sure what the feeling was but you knew that you felt something as the wires and the fans inside your whirred to life. It sent something through you and you could feel everything inside become overwhelmed.
This wasn't supposed to happen and unfortunately it was because of Gaz.
"I have to leave." You turned around, hoping to get to your office before everything inside you combusted.
It was almost immediate that your processors forced a shut down. Your entire body slammed against the floor with a loud metal bang.
A/n: i too would breakdown if Gaz asked me to lunch (i still don't know how to write androids lol it might get better)
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eeulysian · 4 months
ha. ha. ha. since ur requests are open.. I'll be requesting a fic for my beloved, chelsea from path to nowhere. writer!reader who makes novels and chelsea is interested in reader's works hehejwheueh.. he.. heh.. ok neways ^_^ chelsea then gives reader an opportunity to make their works more popular!!!.. if tjat makes sense idk but!!! in exchange, chelsea gets to have reader for herself! then reader is tempted but they'll make money from it so.. yah. in other words, this is kind of like idk prostitution— but i promise if u word it in a different way, it's ok... this happened to me in a dream btw
(heh.. nsfw.. if that's ok.. idk im kinda down bad for chelsea since shes my gf)
summary: all in the request above!
cw: afab!reader, developing smut, oral and fingering (f!receiving), dom/sub dynamics, chelsea is a flirt, did i make it too long... chelsea is a squirter change my mind
a/n: i wouldn't call it prostitution? maybe compensation is a better word!! and i'm sorry if this isn't good enough, its my first time making smut 😞 and i think i went overboard and made it too long... soz i was too into it 💔💔
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WRITING used to be a hobby for you, you used to be that wattpad kid that would make those alpha vampire boyfriend and the sheltered white girl kind of fics. but as you grew older, you began to take your hobby seriously, and it became a dream for you to become a novelist. so of course, you were able to get yourself into a publishing house, making yourself an official author. the only problem is, the publishing house is really unknown, so none of your works were able to make it big. you only had about like what — 50 or so fans/readers? yeah, even though you were grateful that they read your works, a part of you still wishes for the numbers to magically increase by the coming days.
you thought there was no hope for you, your works and your dreams, so you decide to drown yourself in alcohol, hoping to forget all your worries. so you went to a bar to get yourself a drink. then a second. then a third. then a fourth. then a fifth.
when is this going to end?
oh you were soooo depressed, no matter how many shots you took, your worries couldn't get out of your head. "i'm about to lose it," you think. not until a sultry voice called out to you from your right. "hey cutie, you seem to be stressed. what's the matter?"
you hastily turn to your right to find the source of the silky voice, and your (e/c) orbs meets with ones that are as red as wine. not to mention, her hair was pink. oh fuck. pink. pink hair??? you had a thing for pink haired girls. and this girl made you weak to the knees. it's probably because you're a little tipsy, but right there at that moment you wished you could kiss her oh so annoyingly, attractive red lips. this woman was downright beautiful and it's amazing how only her voice made you forget your worries.
she waves her hand infront of your face, trying to get your attention "hello? earth to... what's your name?" she chuckles, and at that moment you realized you've been too lost in your thoughts so you look like you've been staring at her for quite some time now... how embarrassing. "oh, m'sorry i think i'm just a little tipsy right now hahaaa... i'm y/n. andddddd you? beautiful lady?" what the fuck y/n why did you say that you're WAY too drunk to be flirting with gorgeous ladies right now you could trip and laugh it off like it's nothing in this state what is wrong —
your thoughts were cut off by her honey voice yet again once you hear her laugh ring in your ears. she laughs at your attempt to flirt even in such a state, but she replies nonetheless. "just call me chelsea. so tell me, what has made you so stressed, that you have to take about 5 or more shots of alcohol at once? are you a divorcee or a widow? work problems?", she asks you, curious to see if she's able to help you. what a kind beautiful lady. "the last one you just said", you managed to let out, and averted eye contact to not look at her. "i'm a failed novelist... ugh. i can't even get any of my works to be a hit. it's always just a 2-digit-amount of people reading them. i'm not saying i'm ungrateful, i just wish it was more popular." you sounded so exhausted, so worn out, and so stressed. chelsea felt bad, and she was trying to think of a way to console you.
then an idea came in. "how about this", you turn your head around to look at her again once she said that. "i'm quite rich, and i have a big social media platform as well. i could promote your works for you so your works can do numbers", your eyes lit up at that sentence, "but in exchange, i get you." then your eyes widened. confused on what she meant. "you get me in exchange...?" you were baffled. "yes, meaning i get to have a one night stand with you... or you can even just be mine straight away~" she smirks, looking at you dead in the eye. at that moment you noticed her eyes are filled with lust and desire.
oh that sentence, that smirk, the way those eyes look at you, you were sobered up. the bustling sound of chatting and laughing of other bar customers goes deaf in your ears, you're only focused on this pink haired woman and the loud beating of your heart. why is your heart beating so fast do you have arrhythmia? "so, what do you say?", she asks you again, and all the thoughts are running in your head. this might be a bad idea... but your co workers don't have to know, right? i mean, you're tempted. tempted to make your works a hit, and tempted to spend a night with this beautiful, enchanting woman.
at last, you decided to go with the latter, and accept her offer. "... okay. i'll accept that exchange." you hesitantly said, and all you see is a wolf-like smile infront of you. you can't deny that the way she looks at you is kinda... turning you on. "good girl." you flushed at that sentence. you look like the equivalent of a tomato right now. she called you a good girl? oh fuck you could even get on your knees for this woman.
"give me a copy of one of your best works, and i'll read it when i'm home. after that, i'll tell you if i like it and promote it for you. but you'll have to give me your number first so i can let you know how it goes," she winks, she is a woman of her word indeed. "if it turns out to be successful, then i can give you my address and you can come over... after all, our exchange can't be one sided, right? ♡" you were still blushing, but i mean... popular works? money? pretty girlfriend? you were more than happy to comply. you two exchanged numbers, and luckily you coincidentally brought your best work in your bag to read it when you get home, so you gave her your book, which was about a highschool slowburn romance, the characters are too happy so expect them to be doomed by the narrative because you're evil just like that lmao. you told her she didn't have to worry, as this is just a copy and you have all your original works at home.
she took the book, and you said "i'll be waiting for the results then, tell me if you like it and if you're able to promote it", you laugh sheepishly, kind of embarrassed how a beautiful woman is helping you and not you helping the beautiful woman instead. "of course, i'll read it in my free time and tell you how it goes~," she says in a sultry, flirtatious tone. you could only laugh nervously. "get home safely now," she leans in close to you to give you a peck on the cheek, and it left a faint red lipstick stain. you couldn't even talk at all, you were left shocked, baffled, flustered, shy, embarrassed, confused. girlfailure moment
almost 2 weeks have passed, and you were procrastinating in your room because it was your day off. you were playing games, reading books and eating. at this moment you're watching a show of your choice on netflix on your laptop, but alas your peaceful moment was disturbed by a loud buzzing from your phone. "who the hell is calling me?", you said, clearly annoyed because whoever is calling you just ruined your netflix and chill time. probably your best friend or a co worker ready to bother you.
but the name you see on your phone is "chelsea", so you just had to pause your show because you just knew it was about your novel. you hesitantly answered the phone, and the first thing you hear is "hey cutie, i just finished reading your book", she says through the phone, and you swallow, scared of how she thinks of it. "... and i have to say, your writing is quite impressive, the way you organize the storyline and give your characters so much personality," you smile at the compliment, though she can't see it, so you say "really?", hoping she hears how happy you are.
"yes, so it's safe to say i can promote your name and your work on my social media. but even so if i ended up not liking it, my interest for you would have not gone away anyways." she says, followed with an attractive giggle that has your heart going crazy. but you're very ecstatic nonetheless, because you know your works are about to get popular after she promotes it. yes bitch get that bag
"thank you for helping me, i really appreciate it. i'm sorry i had to trouble you over my own work problems." you answer her, apologetic for dragging her into your personal matters. "don't worry about it baby, i'm happy to help. but please do remember..."
"that if you want to pay me back, then you'd have to pay back with you, and only you."
you remembered the exchange you had with her. and you become red, whether it's about the pet name, or the agreement you guys had. "oh, right... uhm, what do you want me to do then? come over?", you asked. "yes. that's exactly what i want. i'll text you my address. i'll be waiting, hot stuff~", and that's where you know you're going to have the time of your life. whew
you finally arrived at her house. damn it was a nice house. 2 storey, clean, shiny and modern, and you can tell theres a pool in the backyard. you check your phone, it's 8:32 PM right now. you knocked on the door 3 times, no answer. you knocked again, another 3 times. then the door swings open, and you're met with those red wine eyes and luscious pink hair again. and you notice that she's wearing one of those... dress-type lingeries. you were sure you were at your last percentage of sanity because of it.
"hey, it's been a while." she gives you a silent giggle. "it certainly has been. well uhm, how have you been? did you post anything about my works?", you asked her, i mean you were eager to know if your work is gonna do numbers and hoping you'll wake up to your works getting sold out by tomorrow. "oh, straight to the point... is your work more important than me?", she answers, clearly sarcastic with the way she immediately laughs right after. you panic slightly, but before you could protest, she talks once again. "don't worry, my post about your book is already going viral, so expect all your works to get sold out tomorrow and your publishing house flourishing overall~"
once you heard that, you were glad you met this woman by a miracle. but oh, you shouldn't forget the deal you made with her. "thank you so much, really. i appreciate it. but so um, about the deal...", you say weakly, heart beginning to pound fast in your chest and you try to avert eye contact with her. but yet again, she always manages to catch your attention, and she pulls your face closer to hers, making you look into her eyes.
"mhm, and you remember what you have to pay with, right?~", she says with her red blood pupils looking right into your (e/c) ones, by now it's obvious how eager she is to devour you whole. you swallow, sweat falling down your neck, and you look flushed. "yes... i guess i shouldn't make our exchange to be one sided."
and with that, she pulls you inside her house, shutting the door and crashes her lips onto yours. she pulls you slowly to her kitchen while sloppily making out with you, and you feel like you're on fire. you want to please this woman, and make her feel so good. you start taking the lead for a bit and push her onto a counter, continuing to make out tongue to tongue with her. she wraps her hand around your shoulders and hair, moaning in between your kisses and grinding on your thigh... and that was when you can tell that she's quite... damp.
"mmhh hah~", she pulls away from the kiss to look at you with hazy eyes, "i want you to... go down on your knees, and eat me out." she manages to let out breathlessly, "i want you to please me, and be a good pet for me." you could only nod quietly. even if it means getting on your knees and barking like a dog just to marry this woman, you would do it anyways.
you slowly get down on your knees while she sits still on top of the counter, spreading her legs to give you easier access. you reach out for the hem of her pantie lingerie, slowly pulling it down. by the moment her pantie reaches her thigh, her pussy juices made a thin bridge with the inside of her pantie, which was an erotic sight for you and turned you on even more. that thin bridge was cut off the moment you pulled her pantie down completely and threw it onto the floor. gripping her thighs and spreading them a little wider, you lean it to give her aching clit a kiss. you earn a shocked gasp from the pink haired woman above you, shuddering the moment you made contact with her pussy.
you lick her slit, going down then up to her clit again and start flicking your tongue on it at a pace that's not too fast, but fast enough to make her throw her head back. she takes ahold of your hair and grips it slightly and whimpering your name, letting you know how good you're making her feel. you decide to push your tongue inside her tight velvety walls, and she almost puts you into a headlock with her milky thighs all because it was too sudden. you thrust your tongue into her in and out, constantly hitting her g spot. "ahmm...! ughmnggh... y-you're doing so good, hah! keep goinggghhngg..", she manages to blurt out weakly, mindlessly grinding her hips to meet your tongue, you can tell she was close from the way her moans started sounding more louder, the grip on your hair tightened and her walls started spasming a lot more than earlier. but you only ended up pulling your tongue out last minute and you were greeted with a disappointed whine. "why did you do that?", she looks at you, face so fucked out, but she's still a little angry even in a state like this.
you smirked at her, and went back down to kiss her clit and flick your tongue on it. she went back to moaning and whimpering, but what she didn't expect is you shoving a finger inside her and slowly thrusting it in and out, receiving a choked moan from her. you added another finger inside, and curled them. chelsea lets out a loud cry and her breathing starts getting more ragged and unstable, her thighs starting to shake uncontrollably. "ah! mmpleaseeee pleasepleasepleaseplease— fasterrrrhngmnhhh...", and the constant chanting of your name was all you could hear until she started squirting all over, onto your face and to the floor. at this point, the countertop was dripping wet with her juices, and it's slippery. one wrong move, she could accidentally fall down and injure herself. you wait for her to calm down from her high, getting up and holding her by the waist to stable her.
leaning into her neck and giving her kisses, relishing in the her rose scented perfume, mixed along with the smell of sweat and sex. she snakes her hand up to your neck, and kisses you, soft and chaste. pulling back, she could only say "i didn't know you were skilled like that... you really did good, cutie ♡", and you give her a promising smile, one that made her heart flutter and look at you with hearts in her eyes.
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© 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗲𝗲𝘂𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗮𝗻. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗹, 𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁.
another a/n: finally i'm done!! one of my longest fics yet... let me know if i made any mistakes or my writing was too long, sloppy or rushed. once again it's my first time making smut, sorry if i disappointed you! :( i'll do better next time ❤
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capriciouscapsss · 2 years
meeting your future spouse ™
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today we're doing a first meeting pac with your future spouse
we have four piles; intuitively choose the pile you're most drawn to.
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now let's go ahead and start ♡
pile i. daffy duck rolling in money
[The hermit, 6oS, Knight of Cups, t.w.n.o.o.t.u, n.t.i.w.w., o.n.s]
This was my face as I was shuffling for you: 😲 you guys haven't been trusting the universe at all right now! the universe asks you to trust, to let go, to make sure that you're healing yourself before worrying about when you and your person will meet. they will come to you!! they will. but you have to let go. only when you let go is when you and your f/s will finally meet. only when you choose yourself over anyone else is when you two will meet. you know a lot of people say that they find love when they least expect it and I do think that will be the case for you, pile one. when you finally choose to put yourself first is when they will come into the picture. but for this you have to let go!! are you staying up late at night watching someone else's profile? seeing what they post and crushing from afar? yeah, let go of that rn😠 act like you need no one bc they'd all be LUCKY to even have a chance with you and this person will come!! when you retreat, when you put yourself first and detach from an unhealthy situation (crushing badly, toxic relationship, self isolation, ect) you'll see that this person will come rushing in. Now for the actual MEETING, well I do see that you meet this person from afar at first. they have a good reputation and they're seen as someone elevated. honestly i get the image of someone watching from afar, trying to act distant like they don't care (this is you btw😭) whilst still keeping an eye on them. you notice them first but that does not mean they don't know you. honestly they haven't heard very good stuff about you when you two meet sorry sorry bUT they still approach you anyways. again i get the image of you trying to act cool and collected, you probably don't even take them seriously. it might be somewhere crowded where you can (metaphorically or actually) feel everyone's eyes on you both. i do see people thinking like oh these two are about to fool around or like nothing can stem from the both of you talking but they're still curious enough to watch. + for some of you this can point to having a crush on them back then without knowing them, as in maybe a social media crush or something like that. like you KNOW them because you've been keeping an eye on them before but they don't know you; they've just heard mean things about you.
additional little notes: forgive, 9, the past, past crush?, problems, do we have beef?, the situation improves
pile ii. a stack of cash being flipped through
[6oS, the world, 9op, l.a.f.s, g.t.h, n.r, m.e]
Hellooo pile two! your first meeting is a weird thing. they keep pulling me to tell you about your second meeting and not your first. first off, I'm praying for you. the energy of your future spouse- wait no scratch that the alleged appearance of your future spouse??? yeah good luck. we got the oracle card "guy is too hot" like what else do we even need??? 😭 you're going to be so caught off guard when you meet them. i don't believe necessarily in love at first sight but it's so likely that it happens to both of you. you my dear lovely pile two, are somewhat of a romantic (this is my nice way of saying erratic in love) you seem to crush on people allll the time. you put big emphasis on the more uhm rated r side of love. like how it'll be, how they'll be and so on and so forth. BUT the crazy thing is, this doesn't happen with this person; you're stuck wanting to know more about them on a even friendship SOULMATE level. they're ridiculously attractive and yet you don't even want to connect bodies you want to connect with their SPIRIT. it's crazy because your way of meeting each other is almost like destiny. I can see you guys telling the story later on in your marriage and realizing that if xyz hadn't changed even just a bit then you two likely wouldn't have met. like true destiny type of vibes in your connection. i do think the reason as to why spirit doesn't want to talk about your first meeting it's because nothing really happens the FIRST meeting. most likely they're watching from afar, immediately in love. and they won't even ask for your name or nothing either, just watches from afar then goes home lmao. it's DESTINY intervening that has you two meeting again and that's when it starts. you SEE them now too. you want to speak to them and learn their name. honestly I do get the vibe that they're a bit more "refined" than you are. as in more polite and with better manners. you're gonna charm the pants off them though, just in a wilder way. def gonna surprise them.
additional little notes: the notebook but with noah as the girl and allie as the boy lol, fated connection, meeting by a friend, charity, travel
pile iii. person counting money next to their cat
[the high priestess, the hanged man, 8oC, remain positive, v.s, mm, s.b]
my dear pile 3s it's all going to get better. you'll see ♡ the energy in this pile is tired. take some rest, you need to sleep. you need to think, be alone with your thoughts and untangle the web that you take great care not to focus on. pile three, you and your f/s will meet in a period of trying to advance knowledge wise. so attending school, college, starting a class, or just in a library. it's going to be during a period that you do not want to be bothered. you and them seem to be on the same struggle boat; whatever it is you're trying to get doesn't seem to want to be gotten 😭 and you are so stressed out. you keep wondering if the dream you're even going for is possible of being accomplished. i do feel like at the time you meet they are not in that situation anymore but they can relate to these feelings. like it was like prior to meeting you they were going through your exact situation but they're better off now. as in like they already accomplished what you wanted to do first. they might see you looking lost in thought or just going through a hard time and approach you only to give you advice or help you in a sort of way. they don't mean anything romantic by it but you look so distressed that they can't help but WANT to help you. and help you they do, I'm seeing that they change your way of thinking. they force you to see things differently. like "hey why don't you try this" or "what are you so afraid of" making you relax and feel more sure and confident. + for some of you I'm getting that later you might find out that this person might've actually been someone who your friends or family tried to set you up on a blind date with prior but you always refused. silly uu <3
Additional little notes: riches, tired, 3, help, a year from now, intuition
pile iv. perfect pink stack of cash being presented
[9oC, 2oW, Knight of Pentacles, R.B, P, T.I.S.I]
my passion pile omg what!!! pile 4 i thought we were starting out cute and loving as we shuffled out the tarot cards then the oracle cards came out and my mouth dropped. one of you is so impatient!! like i can feel it from over here ngl. please be patient, this is coming to you, faster than you think. you see, your first meeting is so intense. like passionate. you might even raise your voice at them the first time you meet. omg okay so this might sound very weird BUT hear me out. this is someone from your past 😭 bUT i know no one likes hearing that but liSTEN. this is someone from the PAST past. as in you knew each other from childhood and maybe never saw them again as you grew up. ever wonder what happens to that one person you went to elementary school with and you just never saw them again. yeah, this is what this is looking like. the last time you saw them might've been since childhood and i know this is a first meeting reading but shush! childhood doesn't count. at least in this case it doesn't cause meeting them again is recognizing them. seeing them and feeling a flicker of the past. feeling like "hey I know you". seeing them is realizing that they've really grown into themselves and that they turned out to be amazing (attractive) people. like all their good qualities that they had when children seemed to have gotten better with time. this is a long gap of not seeing other again by the way. for ex. say the last time you saw them you had just turned 9/10, the next time you saw them you'd be 25 or just significantly older. they'd moved away and come back looking very different but with core characteristics being the same. I do think that at the time of your meeting you'd be getting out of a relationship. a bad one. you never felt yourself, you always felt like you were putting on a show. like you were lying, like it was all an act. and i do think you eventually end it. and when you do, this person pops us; and they have it all it seems. they're happy, successful, and confident. you both immediately want each other; it's intense. something filled with water AND fire. like I mentioned at first, you pile three might have heavy fire in your chart or on the flip side it could possibly be that coming out of that relationship has made you have to be mean and cruel at times. that's why I feel you're not nice to them at first. they're pure water, something pure deep and gracious. you on the other wand are trickier. as you see they don't get bothered by your comments or suggestions, I do feel that's going to make you pause like "huh"; it's going to intrigue you.
Additional little notes: run away, intensity, perform, mask, communication, no!
that was all for today; hope you all have an amazing day and that this pac reading resonated. blessings xx 💞💞
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
stuck by you from the glue ㅡ park gunwook (requested)
for my dear separation issue anon, i'm sorry it took so long </3
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park gunwook x gn!reader
genre : fluff
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hearing the multiple notifications on your phone, your eyes fluttered open. when you woke up earlier that day, you realized you were feeling too sick to go the school. you were so tired that you forgot to tell gunwook about it.
gunwook and you were friends. like, really good friends. the type of friends that are always sticking together at school. you two walk to school together, you share the same classes, you eat together, and you go home together. there is not a minute not spent together in the day and you even see each other on the weekends. really good friends, right? good friends can hold hands under the tables, in the streets, on the bus like you do...
good friends can crumble dramatically against your door when you tell them you won't be at school today because you're sick.
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gunwook put his phone in the pocket of his jacket, comtemplating the mess he was in (mind you, it was just a school day without you). but gunwook just hated when you were separated for too long, and it was the same for you. at least, you were in the comfort of your bed, but he had to go the school...
gunwook let out a heavy sight, getting up from the doorstep to make is way to school. he walked alone to the bus station, waiting for it. when it came, he find a place, once again alone, and he sat. his friend junhyeon got in at the next stop, making its way to gunwook with a genuine smile.
"where's your soulmate?" asked junhyeon teasingly. dramatically, gunwook let his head bang against the window.
"is this how life is supposed to be...?"
"what? y'all broke up?"
"we were never dating but i feel like they broke up with me today..."
"uh?? damn, i was saying this as joke and didn't expect it to be true. what happened?"
"they are...sick."
junhyeon, who was worried about his friend, was now wearing a straight face. gunwook turned to look at junhyeon when he didn't hear any reactions from him. "what?" he gently asked.
"are you kidding me? they are just sick they didn't give up on you!"
"i still come to school to see them when i'm sick..."
"and that's because you're a freak!" stated junhyeon.
gunwook didn't respond, letting his head fall on junhyeon's shoulder. he closed his eyes to try and get some sleep. junhyeon let him on his shoulder, but didn't stop talking.
"well. you can spend the day with me today."
"you will leave me once taerae comes around."
"no, i'm not like you and y/n... plus, taerae and i are actually just best friends."
"y/n and i are just friends!" said gunwook, pulling away from his friend shoulder.
"because you're scared to ask for more."
gunwook pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. he knew junhyeon was right. but it wasn't the subject for him! the problem here, was that he had to spend an exhausting day at school without you. he absolutly loved junhyeon, but it was not the same as staying with you.
that day went incredibly slow for gunwook. sure, he laughed a lot with junhyeon and taerae. the "you're in love with y/n conversation" didn't come back around because junhyeon tried his best to help gunwook think about something else. but during the lunch time, when gunwook realized he unconsciously looked for your hand under the table, the train of thoughts named you couldn't stop.
"what's wrong gunwook? you don't seem to be with us" asked taerae with an evident worry in his voice.
"oh, nothing. i was wondering if y/n felt better."
junhyeon sighed heavily, realizing his mission have failed. but taerae had a smile on his face. he just find you and gunwook so cute.
"maybe you should text them. they'll probably be happy of hearing from you."
indeed, you was wondering if gunwook was mad at you. how come he didn't text you at all and it was already lunch time? gunwook was actually thinking about texting you the whole morning, but he just didn't want to disturb you. if you were sick to the point you were missing school, he wanted to let you rest.your face lit up when you saw the text. you were craving to be with gunwook as much as him and you were glad he finally texted you.
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"why don't you go see them after school? just to say hi. i'm pretty sure it's gonna help them feel better." proposed taerae.
"you think so?"
"yeah! bring them their favorite snack or something."
gunwook saw this as an amazing idea. all the means were good to see you! he feels like he forgot your face since it's been so long... (24 hours he is just a dramatic ahh simp). so, after school, he rushed to the convenient store to buy you you're favorite snack and a little plushy he find there. he felt kind of nervous for some reasons. what if you rejected him? what if you didn't want to see him...
what are you on, gunwook? it's not like you're gonna confess, right? you're just... checking up on them.
soon enough, he ended up in front of your door. gunwook tapped on his own shoulder to give himself comfort, before knocking three times on the door. your parent came to open.
"oh! gunwook, you're here. how are you doing?"
"hello! i'm fine, i wanted to check on y/n, actually"
"this is gonna be such great news for them! they complained about not seeing you today"
your parent only nodded with a smile, letting gunwook in. no, he was not blushing, his cheeks were rosy because of the cold weather. that's it.
he made his way to your room, knocking gently with anticipation.
"y/n, can i come in?"
he heard a loud noise in behind the door, and loud footstep rushing somewhere. after a few seconds, gunwook dared to ask again.
"uh... you're good? i heard noise? can i come in?"
"y-yes you can!"
hesitantly, he opened the door to find your room completly in the dark. you were tucked in bed.
"were you sleeping?"
"uh, yes."
you were absolutly not sleeping. you just rushed to pull down the certains because you didn't want him to see the way you looked right now.
"i'm sorry to disturb you then, i just wanted to see you... i bought you something!"
he made his way to your bed, sitting next to you on the corner. gunwook gave you the back with what he brought for you. "you didn't have to..." you shyly mumbled as you took out the surprise. your eyes widened when you saw your favorite snack and the cute plushie he just bought you. "that's so sweet! thank you"
"y/n why are you still in the dark, it's too late for that!" your parent entered the room and went to your curtains, pulling them to let the light enter in your room. gunwook was glad to finally see the face you were hiding for him, while you felt the whole contrary. your parent didn't say much more, leaving the room and closing the door behind them.
gunwook could see you were sick and in bed the whole day. you were still wearing pajamas, your hair were messy, and you had dark circles. gunwook scrutinized your face with a tiny smile he was restraining, and you felt uneasy at the idea of him finding you ugly. to your surprise, gunwook took your hand in his.
"how do you manage to look good when you're sick" he sighed. "what?" you said.
"i said you look good."
feeling your cheeks warm up, you let go of his hand and lied back under the blanket, hiding your face up until your eyes. gunwook chuckled.
"you're all red. is it the fever?" he asked, taking his hand to your forehead.
"yeah, it must be it... anyway, how was today?"
"terribly long." he simply said.
"you missed me?" you asked in a singing tone.
"you wouldn't believe me! i was eating lunch with taerae and junhyeon and i was looking for your hand before realizing you're not here."
you laughed the nervousness away.
"oh, you're being dramatic." you stated.
"i'm not. did you not miss me too?"
you simply nodded to say yes, too shy to say it out loud. gunwook smile widened, and he dared to sneak his hand under your blanket to take your hand again. he gently pulled it out of under the blanket to drag it to his mouth, planting a soft kiss.
"you better recover soon, i hate it when you're not here."
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orginllazyblog · 7 months
Where Are You?
Summary: Yuu stopped showing up in the HoM mainly because of the canon story still processing. This took place before and during Book 7.
Note: Gender-neutral Yuu (can use your Yuu oc for this)
It has been an exhausting day in school for Yuu. They just dealt with Idia's and Ortho's overblot a few weeks ago, and now Yuu has started to gain awareness. They notice how each overblot resembles the Great Seven's by the vivid dreams they are having, and now worrying for the next one. 
"*Sigh* I need to get ready for work. Just need to rest for a while before dinner." 
As minutes went by, Grim woke up Yuu to remind them that it's about to be dinner time, well, mainly to remind them of his tuna. Yuu couldn't blame Grim for this one, he did get kidnapped and probably never eaten his favorite food. 
"Sure, Grim. Let's go to Mr. Sam's shop. Maybe get more than three this time."
"Fnagh? You will?"
"Yes, I have been saving up from my job. Remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"Well then, let's go in a hurry as I have to go to work in about an hour."
In the House of Mouse, Yuu serves the food to the great sevens as they are the only waiter who wasn't afraid of them. Also the fact they can handle it. Yuu also knows about their evil deeds from their vivid dreams, but after dealing with the OB boys, they kind of got used to them and see the similarities between them. 
After their work hours, they are on their break so they went to the seven's table to chat with them.
"So Yuu, how's your day in Night Raven College?" (QoH)
"Busy as the upcoming exams are coming next month." 
"If you need help, you can ask one of your classmates. Why not ask Azul? I'm sure he'll help you without paying any debt." (Ursula)
"I'm pretty sure they'll ask Riddle as they are not what they call "shady" Ursula." (QoH)
"Aren't you forgetting that Leona is wiser than those two. He's even older than those brats." (Scar)
'Oh boy, here we go.' 
"Oh wait! I forgot to mention that I won't be able to come back to work."
"So when will you be back from your exams?" (EQ)
"I would say about a week or two. I'm not sure how long it'll take considering it's a different school system from my home world, but I know it won't take long."
During the conversation, Yuu didn't bring up another overblot incident, which happened to be the shroud brothers. They didn't want to make them worried, but Yuu still needs to tell them about their vivid dreams and know the truth about them. They just need to wait until the time is right. 
After hours pass, the clubhouse is about to close. Yuu farewell to the great sevens and the other disney characters as they left. Mickey congrat them and gave them their paycheck of 5,000 thuamarks. 
"Thank you, Mickey."
"No problem, Yuu."
"By the way Mickey, I won't be able to work in the next couple of weeks. I have an upcoming exam so I would need time to study and a small break as well."
"Oh okay, thank you for reminding me, Yuu. Remember to take it easy. I'll have to tell the other staff about it."
"No worries, I also told the great sevens about it. I'm sure the rest will understand my situation."
"Okie dokie! Good night, Yuu." 
Little does Yuu know this might be the last time they see the rest of the disney characters again.
After a couple of weeks, Mickey and the staff were able to work knowing Yuu is busy with their education. There was some mischief going around, but it was only from Pete, and one of the great seven's shows up one time only. So far, everything seems normal. Nothing can go wrong… right?
It's been about a month, and the whole House of Mouse Club was panicking. Yuu should have been done with the exams. Where are they? Did something happen to them? 
Of course it wouldn't make sense, Yuu wouldn't just quit their job as they need money to buy their needs or send a message to Mickey or anyone to let them know. 
Even the great seven's were wondering what happened to them. Someone like Maleficent, who has access to travel to Twisted Wonderland world only to find out she can't.
 As if there is a barrier that she can't enter. That's when things are going downhill.
Mickey and his friends try to calm everyone down, but nothing seems to work. Until the lights went dim, the front stage, the screen went black. Then the loading screen started, which is not just any loading screen but the twisted wonderland loading screen. Everyone then quieted down as they sat down at their table as they watched how book 7 started.
* half an hour later…
With all there is, the screen went black again. With half of them, questions to what just happened and the sleeping beauty cast, now know what's going to happen next. 
Then again, 2 months later, the theater screen went black and the twst loading screen play. Now playing Book 7, chapter 2. 
"Hey Mal, do you know what's going on?" (Hades)
"How I'm I supposed to know? I can't enter Twisted Wonderland because the canon story is happening so I can't interfere." (Maleficent) 
"But do you know what will happen? This is where he will began to overblot." (Jafar) 
"Let's just watch it. There's no way my descendant won't-" (Maleficent)
*Malleus OB by end*
"..." (Maleficent) 
"You were saying~?" (Scar)
"Shut up." (Maleficent)
Knowing there's like 5 chapters in Book 7, I have no clue for how long will I continue writing. So I just stop at where chpater 2
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Imagine Darry calling you when Pony goes missing
It was late when you got the call, you lived with your grandma down the block from the Curtis brothers. 
When you answered it was Darry, frantic as ever, you didn't even get a chance to say "hello" before he started talking
"(Y/n) I messed up, Pony's gone and we can't find him anywhere I need your help."
"Where are you?" Is all you asked.
"I'm by the drive in right now I can be there in a minute to pick you up." 
"Darry, it's ok I'll meet you over there-Wait Where's Soda?"
"Absolutely not!" He said near to yelling. "It's too late right now, please just..wait for us, Sodas with me."
"Ok." You sigh out, "I better have a full explanation on what happened."
"You will, I promise."
Fifteen minutes later the two Greasers were at your front door looking sweaty as if they've run a mile.
"What happened?" You asked slinging your old school book bag over your shoulder. 
"We.." Darry began, "We got into a fight and.." he swallowed. "I hit him."
"Fuck." You breathed out, you covered your mouth with one hand and breathed, removing your hand you look grab Darrys hand and give a gentle squeeze.
"What about the others? Have you called them?"
"No." Soda said, "We figured we'd try and look first since it's so late."
"You two keep looking." You say, "I'll ring up everyone in this damn state if I have to."
"We'll walk you." Darry said.
"The more time you're with me is more time you're not using to find Pony." You say softly.
You reach up and give a kiss to Darrys cheek before letting his hand go and running off in the direction of their house.
You pulled out your phone book from your bag and started making calls.
Two Bit: Nothing but awake and alert now
Steve: Nothing but with your persuasion, he went out to look.
Johnny's house: his mother answered, he isn't home.
Tim Shepherd: Annoyed but did say he'd let you know if he saw either of them.
Buck Merril: Ain't seen any damn kids, but since their Dallys friends he might know.
"Dally I'll excused the attitude cause we've got bigger problems, It's Johnny and Pony they're missing."
"What do you mean missing?" 
"They're gone, Pony flew out of the house after a fight he had with Darry and I called Johnny's and his Ma said he isn't home."
"That's a dumbass idea to call over there."
"You and I both know that his dad's either out or too drunk to wake up to the sound of a phone so don't even start with me."
"And if he woke up?" 
"I would've played dumb that's what I'd do."
You two were silent for a moment before something clicked.
"Where are they?" You asked him
"How would I know? Look, give them some time, they'll come back, I'm sure they're just sleeping at the drive-in or something."
"Dallas Winston, you know where they are because you'd be jumping out of whoever's bed you're in to come help us and at the very least give them a bed to sleep in."
The line went dead.
You let out a frustrated groan then made other calls, some to your friends, others to a very few Soc girls you knew, and others to the middle class kids, all promising to keep an eye out but that was it.
By the time you were done the two older brothers were back.
"Nothin." You told them, "But Dally knows something but he ain't telling me."
Darry was up in a minute.
"Stop." You said, and he did.
"Bed," You ordered, "both of you, maybe Dally has them where he's at but if he does it's best to leave them be."
"Them?" Soda asked.
"Johnny's gone too."
Dallys shoulders relaxed a little, Soda still looked a little worried.
"It's late and y'all got work tomorrow, Soda go on in I gotta talk to Darry for a second."
"Yes ma'am."
When you two were alone Darry didn't meet your eyes, he looked frigid, carefully you stepped towards him and wrapped your arms around him. The reaction was instant, he buried his head in your hair and held on tightly.
"It'll be ok." You said quietly, and that's when he broke down. 
Every sob broke you and all you could do was hang on tighter.
"I'm trying so hard (y/n)." He said, "Mom and Dad would hate me if they saw how I was doing."
"No." You said fiercely, looked up at him and made him meet your eyes. "Darry they would be proud of you, maybe not the proudest right now, but you're trying and you're doing so good with them."
"I'm so hard on him (y/n)." 
"It's not because you're hateful to him." You said.
"You love him and it's unfair this is being put on you, but listen to me when I say they would be so proud of you Darry but they'd be more upset over you boys being thrown into this."
"Now, as for being hard on him, just talk to him, Darry, please. He'll be home soon and y'all can talk it out."
"I can't believe I hit him."
"Neither can I," You say, "but it will never happen again."
Darry nods and kisses your forehead.
"Bedtime." You tell him, "I'll take the couch."
"The hell you will, little lady." Darry says picking you up bridal style.
"Darrel Shane Curtis Jr you put me down right now!"
You squeal, Darry takes you into Pony and Sodas bed and throws you down in there with Soda.
"Lord you're lucky I love you." You say.
Soda laughs as Darry lays in between you and him.
"Yes I am." He says
"If y'all gonna be gushy, sleep in the other room, please!" Soda whines.
"Goodnight boys." You say kissing Darry on the cheek.
"I'll be here in the morning ok?"
Darry looks torn but nods, you lean down and give him a good kiss on the lips to let him know you love him, before leaving the two to some needed brother time.
You took off your sneakers and laid down on the couch, grabbing a blanket from your bag. They'd hear from the two of you tomorrow, at least you hoped so.
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fallenup · 4 months
[Long post!]
...Willow felt like he was going to explode. He had too many thoughts being kept at the back of his head. He needed to go back to the library now. Maybe that boy would be there early? ... He had to. Willow couldn't take it all anymore. He needed a distraction. It would be too much of a hassle to go through the front door. His parents would surely question where he was going, and when he said the library, they would ask why he was suddenly interested in the library so much and not bringing back any books and then he'll have to say that he's seeing the boy and then they'll ask what he's like and then they might think he's bad and then all I'll have are fake friends and- ... Window. Go out the window. They won't notice. He opened the window and climbed out, sprinting towards the library that's about a minute away. He got some stares, but he didn't mind. The thoughts threatened to enter into his headspace, but he managed to keep them locked away, going into the library with a now familiar ring. The worker was still on their phone. ... I guess they always do that. Where's the boy. Willow sees him at the same table he sat at when he first came here, with a Rubik's Cube of some sorts? ... What's "GAN"??? That doesn't matter. He needed interaction. Talk to him. Talk to him talk to him TALK TO HIM- "... Hello." Willow said weirdly. Oh my arc, you fucked it up from the first word. Nice going, dumbass. "Hi. You're early." The boy said, not caring that much. "Oh. Yeah. I just... Was too excited." Willow says in reply, his distress slowly leaking through. He decides to sit next to him. "... Can you solve that...?" "Yeah. My PB is 18 seconds. Not that fast." he says casually. "I could do lots of things better. F2L Isn't that good, and I'm not very efficient on some PLL cases..." He pauses. "... You don't know that stuff. Sorry." "It's fine, It's fine, don't worry. Please. Please don't." Willow said, with more distress. "What happened?" The boy asked Willow. "W-What do you mean??" Willow says, surprised. "Your voice is lower than last time. You're more antsy. More paranoid. You can talk to me. I'm a good listener." The boy expected Willow to spill all of his problems out of his mouth, but... He ended up breaking down and bursting into tears instead. Oh no. What does he do. He hasn't encountered anything like this. Fuck. "M-My life is a f-fucking mess.... I-I don't k-know what to do a-anymore... F-Fuck, I... I-I just..." Willow shakily let out, instinctually holding on to the strange boy. His smooth skin feels... Nice... "Nothing you can't fix. Just... Do what makes you happy. Unless it's illegal. Then don't do it. You'll get arrested." The boy says, being oddly defensive of his chest... "I-I know... I k-know... It's just I-I'm not a-allowed to be even a bit f-feminine anymore and i-it it felt like I-I was taking a step i-in the right direction but n-now I-I'm back to being a-a stupid regular b-boy with a deep v-voice and hairy legs and a-arms and a-a-and..." Willow stops, trying to breathe for a second. "... Do you want to watch me do solves? Better than worrying about things. Easier too." The boy proposes. Willow thinks, still holding on to him with tears in his eyes. "Y-yeah... Yeah, y-yeah, that's, t-that sounds good..." "Alright." He says, pulling his laptop out of his backpack. He opens it and pulls up 'cstimer.net' in his browser. "... My name is Leo by the way. I forgot to tell you that." "I f-forgot to ask..." Willow says. "People forget lots of things. It's fine." Leo assures. Willow didn't like admitting to himself his life isn't good. He wanted to just forget everything and think things were ok. But they weren't, and he found that hard to swallow... But... Maybe with Leo, her life would be ok. Leo starts to scramble.
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missredherring · 6 months
Babe, you gotta tell more people about all the filth (and sweetness) you're planning for Eddie and Bella
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...You're right, LJ. I've been tiptoeing around it cos I'm not confident in my smut skills and what if I can't deliver? (I'm going use our chats since it's already there.)
Tagging @perotovar @covetyou because they deserve to know the truth.
Discussion of smut below.
The idea I'm going for is overstimulation and premature ejaculation. Vampires have enhanced senses right? So could that also be applied to touch and in turn sex? Baby vamps have to go through another type of puberty where their genital's are just so damn sensitive and they have to work to get back to a place where they're not just coming from a stiff breeze all the time? In this case, yes.
I'm thinking of setting it up as now that Eddie feels safe in your household and not like, just surviving with Max, his body comes back online. And with constant Bella exposure? Boner city for Eddie.
He tries to take care of it himself, but it takes literally a minute and he goes to John for help. John says there's nothing for it except to "desensitize your dick." There's no way he's doing that in a house full of enhanced hearing. (THIS LEADS TO HIM BEING GAGGED IF YOU EVEN CARE. "Are you shy, darling? Don't worry, I've got something that can help with that. There, isn't that better? Now you can make all the lovely noises you want and they'll be quiet enough so only I can hear them. Just relax, you're doing so well for me.")
This is where their charity gala date is going to lead to: you inviting Eddie into your bed, and him accepting.
He brings up the problem when he's about to come just from watching you undress. You reassure him and talk Eddie through coming untouched(!!!), but it's more support talk, and Eddie is the one doing all the dirty talk. "What've you been thinking about when you touch yourself, darling? Tell me." "Pulling your shoulders back when I'm inside you so I can sink my teeth into your neck. Hearing you tell me to come for you."
And as you've said, Eddie is all big apologetic puppy eyes and he just wants you to feel good like he does. Maybe he can't control his dick yet, but by God he's going to eat you out until they're both satisfied, because 🎶he doesn't need to breathe🎶.
I want it to be messy and untraditional and soft and sweet.
(For those wondering, yes, Max did have the same issue, and was still dealing with it somewhat when he died. ((He's not that much older than Eddie as a vampire and this issue takes time to resolve itself.)) The difference between Max and Eddie is that Eddie is willing to be vulnerable with you and let you help him through the experience, where as Max just blustered it out and got mean to over his embarrassment.)
If this if formatted weirdly or doesn't post right, blame Tumblr. Something is going on with the app where it's not letting me edit my drafts?!
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fullstcp · 3 months
"The Last Five Years" Sentence Starters
"He/she/they is/are over and he/she/they is/are gone."
"He's/she's/they've decided it's time to move on."
"He/she/they has/have new dreams he's/she's/they're building upon."
"I'm still hurting."
"He/she/they arrived at the end of the line."
"He's/she's/they're convinced that the problems are mine."
"He's/she's/they're probably feeling just fine."
"What about lies?"
"What about things that you swore to be true?"
"What about you?"
"He's/she's/they're sure something wonderful died."
"He/she/they decide(s) it's his/her/their right to decide."
"He's/she's/they've got secrets he/she/they do(es)n't confide."
"Go and hide and run away."
"Run away, run and find something better."
"Run away like it's simple. Like it's right."
"Give me a day."
"Bring back the lies. Hang them back on the wall."
"Maybe I'd see how you could be so certain that we had no chance at all."
"He's/she's/they're over and where can I turn?"
"Maybe there's somewhere a lesson to learn."
"But that wouldn't change the fact."
"That wouldn't speed the time."
"I'm breaking my mother's/father's heart."
"If you had a tattoo, that wouldn't matter."
"Now I'm getting somewhere."
"I'm finally breaking through."
"I've been waiting for someone like you."
"The minute I first met you I could barely catch my breath."
"I've been standing for days with the phone in my hand like an idiot, scared to death."
"Well, nobody's perfect."
"It's tragic, but it's true."
"You are the story I should write."
"Just tell me what to do."
"I think that I could be in love with someone like you."
"I guess I can't believe you really came."
"See, I'm smiling. That means I'm happy that you're here."
"See, we're laughing."
"I think we're gonna be okay."
"We'll have to try a little harder."
"Who knows where else we can go?"
"I think you're really gonna like this show."
"I'm pretty sure it doesn't suck."
"I think we both can see what could be better."
"I'll own when I was wrong."
"With all we've had to go through, we'll end up twice as strong."
"We'll start again this weekend."
"I didn't know you had to go so soon."
"I thought we had a little time."
"Look, whatever, if you have to then you have to."
"We'll have tonight."
"You know what makes me crazy?"
"I'm sorry, can I say this?"
"And you are gonna choose somebody else to be with?"
"That's exactly what you're doing."
"You could be here with me or be there with them."
"As usual, guess which you pick."
"You do not have to go to another party with the same twenty jerks you already know."
"You could stay with your wife/husband/spouse on her/his/their fucking birthday!"
"I know in your soul it must drive you crazy that you won't get to play with your little girlfriend/boyfriend."
"You can't spend a single day that's not about you and you and nothing but you."
"I swear to God I'll never understand, how you can stand there straight and tall. And see I'm crying and not do anything at all."
"Did I just hear an alarm start ringing?"
"Did I see sirens go flying past?"
"I don't know what tomorrow's bringing."
"I've got a singular impression that things are moving too fast."
"I just expected it ten years later."
"I'm never worried to walk the wire."
"I won't do anything just half-assed."
"I found a woman/man I love."
"Some people analyze every detail."
"Some people stall when they can't see the trail."
"Some people freeze out of fear that they'll fail."
"Some people can't find success with their art."
"Some people never feel love in their heart."
"Some people can't tell the two things apart."
"Maybe I can't follow through."
"What else am I supposed to do?"
"I'm doing things I never dreamed of before!"
"My heart's been stolen."
"My ego's swollen."
"It's hard not to be sure I'm spinning out of control."
"I'm feeling panicked and rushed and hurried."
"I'm feeling outmaneuvered and outclassed."
"But I'm so happy I can't get worried."
"One day it's just a typical life."
"And then he'll/she'll/they'll smile."
"And I'm a part of that."
"Next day, it's just like it never happened."
"We're making dinner."
"We're making plans."
"And then he/she/they smile(s). His/her/their eyes light up, and I how can I complain?"
"Yes, he's/she's/they're insane. But look what he/she/they can do."
"I tend to follow in his/her/their stride, instead of side by side."
"I take his/her/their cure."
"True, but there's no question, there's no doubt."
"I said I'd stick it out and follow through."
"Then he/she/they smile(s) and where else can I go?"
"I didn't know the rules do not apply."
"And then he/she/they smile(s) and nothing else makes sense."
"If I only had time."
"You'll get to be happy."
"I give you unlimited time."
"Maybe it's just that you're afraid to go out onto a limb."
"Maybe your heart's completely swayed, but your head can't follow through."
"Shouldn't I want the world to see the brilliant girl/boy who inspires me?"
"Don't you think that now's a good time to be the ambitious freak you are?"
"Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you?"
"I could have a mansion on a hill."
"All things considered, I guess you don't have to buy it."
"He/she/they want(s) me, but he/she/they ain't gonna get me."
"I found my guiding light."
"Look at me, look at him/her/them."
"Son of a bitch, I guess I'm doing something right."
"I finally got something right!"
"The torture is just exquisite while I'm waiting for you to visit."
"So hurry up, schmuck, get unstuck and get on the scene."
"Will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes?"
"We can handle that."
"Just holding you might compel me to ask you for more."
"There are so many lives I want to share with you."
"I will never be complete until 'I do'."
"I am not always on time."
"Please don't expect that from me."
"I will be late, but if you can just wait I will make it eventually."
"Not like it's in my control."
"Not like I'm proud of the fact."
"I don't know why people run."
"I don't know why things fall through."
"I don't know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you."
"I could say no and goodbye. But why?"
"I want to be your wife/husband."
"I want to bear your child."
"I want to die knowing I had a long, full life in your arms."
"That I can do."
"Forever, with you."
"'Til the world explodes."
"'Til there's no one left who has ever known us apart."
"There are so many dreams I need to see with you."
"There are so many years I need to be with you."
"Isn't that the museum?"
"Can we go see the dinosaurs?"
"I mean, I'm happy."
"And I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine."
"It's not a problem, just a challenge."
"I'm the center of attention. I'm the grand fromage."
"Which is dumb - I shouldn't care what she/he/they think(s) since I can't fuck her/him/them anyway!"
"You know I love her/him/them."
"When you come home to me I'll wear a sweeter smile and hope that for a while, you'll stay."
"Soon, our love will rise anew."
"It's even greater than the joy I felt just missing you."
"Once again, I'll be so proud to call you mine."
"I swear I'll be there soon."
"Don't give up on me yet."
"I am so proud of you, baby."
"You're doing what you never get to do before."
"Don't lose faith."
"Don't get down."
"Don't despair."
"I'll be there."
"We're gonna make it through."
"And nothing else will matter."
"I'm climbing uphill."
"I'm up every morning at six."
"I am a good person."
"I'm an attractive person."
"I am a talented person."
"Grant me Grace!"
"Why am I working so hard?"
"I will not be the girl who gets asked how it feels to be trotting along at the genius' heels."
"I will not be the girl who requires a man to get by."
"But what's it really about?"
"Can we please for a minute stop blaming and say what you feel?"
"Did you think this would all be much easier than it's turned out to be?"
"If I didn't believe in you, we'd never have gotten this far."
"If I didn't think you could do anything you ever wanted to. If I wasn't certain that you'd come through somehow. The fact of the matter is, I wouldn't be standing here now."
"If I didn't believe in you, we wouldn't be having this fight."
"Don't we get to be happy?"
"Don't we get to relax?"
"And, if I'm cheering on your side, why can't you support mine?"
"Why do I have to feel I've committed some felony doing what I always swore I would do?"
"I don't want you to hurt."
"I don't want you to sink."
"But you know what I think?"
"I think you'll be fine. Just hang on and you'll see."
"But don't make me wait 'til you do to be happy with you."
"No one can give you courage."
"No one can thicken your skin."
"I will not fail so you can be comfortable."
"I will not lose because you can't win."
"If I hadn't believed in you, I wouldn't have loved you at all."
"My best friend had a little situation at the end of their senior year."
"I thought about what I wanted, it wasn't like that at all."
"I gave up my life for the better part of a year."
"I'm starting to feel like this maybe might work."
"Just love me."
"You don't have to change a thing."
"Just stay with me."
"I want you and nothing but you."
"Finally I'll have something worthwhile to think of each morning."
"Nothing but you. No substitution will do."
"Nothing but fresh, undiluted and pure top of the line. And totally mine."
"I don't need any lifetime commitments."
"I don't need to get hitched tonight."
"I don't want you to throw up all your walls and defenses."
"I don't mean to put on any pressure, but I know when a thing is right."
"It feels like my life led right to your side."
"Think about what you wanted."
"Think about what could be."
"Think about how I love you."
"Say you'll move in with me."
"Think of what's great about me and you."
"Think of the bullshit we've both been through."
"Think of what's past because we can do better than that."
"You look like an angel."
"I don't remember when we fell asleep."
"I made a promise and I took a vow."
"I wrote a story and we changed the ending."
"Hold on, facts are facts."
"Nobody needs to know."
"All right, it's over, it's done."
"No one will understand."
"Then I start making conscious, deliberate mistakes."
"All that I ask for is one little corner. One private room at the back of my heart."
"Come back to bed."
"I promise I won't lie to you."
"I won't let you go."
"And since I have to be in love with someone. Since I need to be in love with someone, maybe I could be in love with someone like you."
"Don't kiss me goodbye again."
"Leave this night clean and quiet."
"You want the last word."
"You want me to laugh."
"But leave it for now."
"All you can say, all you can feel, was wrapped up inside that one perfect kiss."
"Goodbye until tomorrow."
"Goodbye until the next time you call."
"I will be waiting."
"Goodbye 'til I recall how to breathe."
"And I have been waiting. I have been waiting for you."
"Goodbye until the rest of my life."
"It's not about another shrink."
"It's not about another compromise."
"I'm not the only one who's hurting here."
"I don't what the hell is left to do."
"I could never rescue you. No matter how I tried."
"All I could do was love you hard, and let you go."
"All I could do was love you. God, I loved you so."
"So we could fight. Or we could wait. Or I could go."
"I didn't see a way we both could win."
"Goodbye until I'm done thanking God."
"Just close the gate. I'll stand and wait."
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betweenthings2 · 2 months
13 for the one word prompts!
Thank you for the ask!! The list is here if anyone else wants to see it =)
One word prompts- Dancing
Matty stops, shaking his head and laughing, and says, "Dancing involves not tripping over each other, ya'know."
George frowns, his hands on Matty's waist feeling far less sure. "Maybe you should lead," he suggests.
Matty shakes his head. He could lead, he supposes, but he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to worry about being in control of everything for once. He wants to follow. "You'll get it," he promises. "There's a learning curve."
"You should lead," George repeats. "You know what you're doing."
It suddenly dawns on Matty how nervous George really is. He doesn't see George nervous very often--he's usually very level-headed and even, a realist. "Are you nervous?" Matty asks, taking his hand from around George's neck and cupping his jaw, thumb running over his cheekbone.
George isn't the problem, Matty knows. Sure, Matty is the one with any kind of dance training between them, but slow dancing really isn't all that hard. The problem is more that they haven't come to an agreement on what they'll actually end up dancing to and the fact that they're both a little bit tipsy and trying to dance in the kitchen in their socks.
"A little bit," George admits. "I don't wanna get it wrong. Not something that matters to you."
"Aw, love, you're not gonna get it wrong. I promise you that," Matty murmurs. "'s just dancing."
"I know," George agrees, "but it matters to you."
Matty stands on his tiptoes and leans in for a short kiss, then says, "You matter to me. I could take or leave dancing. It's just what people do. We don't have to do what everyone does. I mean, tradition isn't really that important and nothing about us is traditional."
"It is tradition," George echoes.
"That doesn't mean we have to. You know how I feel about tradition. We could stand there and make out and I'd be happy. We could sneak out for a smoke and I'd be happy," Matty counters. "It's our wedding. Do you even want to do a first dance?"
"Do you?" George counters.
"Only if you do. Like I said, we could leave after dinner and I'd be happy. We could leave after the ceremony and I'd be happy. I mean, you should let me know if you wanna leave after the ceremony sooner rather than later 'cause I'd change the wine pairings and you'd have to buy me dinner eventually, but I'm happy as long as I'm with you."
"You'd doom our friends and family to subpar wine?" George teases, hands a little more firm on Matty's hips now.
Matty nods, shameless. "I'm not paying for it if I don't get to drink it."
"God, I love you," George murmurs. "I can't wait to marry you."
"I love you, too," Matty responds. "We're gonna be a horrible old married couple."
"I can't wait," George repeats. He resettles his hands on Matty's hips and says, "Let's try again."
Matty drapes his arms back over George's shoulders, and agrees, "'k."
He lets George take the lead again, murmuring quiet instructions and suggests as the need crops up. "Am I gonna distract you if I tell you how much I like this?" he asks quietly.
"Maybe," George answers. "Tell me anyway?"
"Ok. I really like this," Matty says. "It feels," he pauses, "intimate, like there's no one but us. I like just being close. I like loving you. Loving you is the best thing I've ever done. If I did nothing else with my life, I think it'd still be a life well lived."
George stills, quiet, then tugs Matty close, into a proper hug.
"Was that the wrong thing to say?" Matty asks after a few moments of quiet
"No," George murmurs. "I love you. I love our life and I'm really glad you said yes."
Matty smiles and moves so that he can kiss George. "Did you think I'd say no?" he asks.
"No," George admits. "I'm just glad you said yes."
"Me too," Matty agrees. "Me too."
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memestockpile · 5 days
american war from the 2017 omar el akkad novel. feel free to change as needed.
this isn't a story about war. it's about ruin.
i was happy then.
what did i tell you about wasting what's not yours to waste?
get your butt to breakfast.
didn't i tell you not to go opening my dresser?
don't you ever say that, you hear me?
you're a beautiful girl.
where's your good tie?
if you say it then they have to check one of the boxes on the form and take you into another room and ask you all kinds of questions.
it's like we aren't human, aren't animal even, like we're something else entirely.
you'll make friends your first day there.
we got some sandwiches left, coffee too.
i know it in my heart.
well, hello, darling, don't you look pretty today.
life's not worth living alone.
i'm old enough to know.
you got mud everywhere.
you don't know what you're talking about.
honey, it all happened so fast.
you got some balls talking that way.
go on to your room and pack as many clothes as you can get into your backpack.
waste of goddamn time.
got a full long day ahead of you.
there's nobody left here but me.
you gotta eat a little shit to get ahead.
i don't expect you to understand
nothing as sad as a lapsed catholic.
i don't know your story, and i don't care.
stay mean if you want to.
stop rolling around in the dirt.
screw you, [name].
you've got to stop talking like that.
try not to give anybody reason to make fun of you.
think we're gonna die here?
you never told me that before.
time buries time.
may as well show me whatever it is you got under there.
no matter what they tell you, some things are just wrong.
relax. have some fruit.
i'm telling you, it won't work.
you know we're not supposed to.
i'll give you fifty bucks.
stop being so scared of everything.
you think we don't have enough problems?
you're a good friend.
whatever it is you're looking for, i doubt you'll find it here.
don't worry, i won't tell on you.
come down from there.
i have a business proposition for you.
good girl.
i'll see you around, i guess.
make yourself at home.
that's what an empire is: an orchestrator of gravity, a sun around which all weaker things spin.
we forget, sometimes, that there are still beautiful things.
the only truly stable profession is blood work—the work of the surgeon, the soldier, the butcher.
i think it's only fair that i, in turn, share a secret with you.
maybe you're one of the special ones.
the first thing they try to take from you is your history.
i think you'll make a place for yourself in this world.
war is movement.
you haven't been home in four days.
how can you go and do the one thing you promised me you wouldn't do?
i want to introduce you to a close friend of mine.
it's a very beautiful part of the world.
there's nothing quite as tedious as old farts droning on about the days of their youth, is there?
we have a habit in this country of deciding the wisdom of our wars only after we're done fighting them.
do you know how to use a knife?
all it takes is resistance and stress.
this doesn't concern you.
you've been saying that for years.
you gotta hide. they'll come after you.
i have one more thing for you.
i can't lose everyone i love.
i want to kill them.
having a bad day?
you really are too old to have fun.
how did you sleep, honey?
i'm so glad you're home.
enough small talk. let's eat.
at least you made it out alive.
keep your voice down. you want everyone in the place to know?
you poker-faced bitch.
we ain't a church—we don't need their charity.
this is my last year in this place.
how you feeling, boss?
it's not victory, it's one man dead. they got plenty more still living.
so you're the one that caused all that mess.
darling, we're all a part of this.
there's a whole great world out there, little girl.
you should be asking me for help, not the other way around.
you're here because i like you.
i'm not afraid to die.
what do you want me to do, then? crawl in a hole and wait?
they think they can just tell you what to do and you gotta listen like you got no say, like you got no thoughts.
we're young, and we ain't bound by what they're bound by.
i just wanted to be something.
it's going to be alright. just stay with me. it's going to be alright.
we know exactly what you did.
all you have to do is be honest with me.
you believe any of that stuff about coming back as a toad or an ant or something if you were real bad in your last life?
you should be in bed.
we've got a room for you all ready. it's a nice room.
i want to sleep on the soil.
don't ever come in here again.
it does the soul good to see you.
take this. it'll make the pain stop.
you really are your father's son.
i'm sorry i looked at your things.
i don't know what it's going to take for you to see that.
if you want me gone, i'll go.
i forgot how to sleep in the dark.
i can't imagine what you went through.
i'll love you anyway. that's what family does.
you're the only one still living who never once wronged me.
i won't let nothing bad happen to you.
i don't owe anybody a single thing.
it's strange, isn't it, what sticks with you and what doesn't.
i want you to forgive me.
hey, you want to go on an adventure?
you keep squealing like that and i'll break your jaw.
[name] told me you were a sweet boy.
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hi cas, 👋🤗
so i have a problem. its about my group of friends and im getting really worried at this point
ok so i have this group of friends me and four others ( i go to a school where all the classes have more then one grade) so two of these friends are a year younger. as of this year the two younger ones have started to fight
ok i got to back track a little, last year our group was me (i will give my friends nicnames to respect their privicy), M, S, E, & Z over the summer Z moved away and so this year their was a new kid who was a quick addition to our friend group (H) 🙂
now back to what i was saying S & E (who are the younger ones) so they have been fighting i guess, nothing physicle but still. S thinks that E & H are as they said "conspiring agenst me" and that seems true to them some of the time because E&H sometimes hang out without S
but i feel like there are TWO perspectives that i see this from: one is from S perspective which they think they are being left out of everything and that E doesnt really want to be in this friendship and the second point of view which is from E: E thinks that S is overreacting because "i hang out with you the same amount and somtimes you can be alot" 😶
from where i see it yes S can be a little much SOMETIMES (not alot) but i would too if i thought my friends didnt care me and E does tent to exclude S from some things they do with H 😕
honestly its getting to be a bit much for ME because im the one who has to sort out all this drama (M helps but its mostly me) and its really overwhelming because it hurts me to see to of my very close friends fight in a way that is really more emotional.
the first thing i think of when i think of these fights is one time at recess the two had fought over something and i had tried to sort it out but they were both mad. S was trying to fix it and asked if H & E wanted to silent read in the hallway (we had now just come back inside) and they both said they WOULD but they NEVER did instead they sat at my table (i had read in the hall yesterday and you cant two days in a row🙄(i would have sat with them)) and the whole time they were TRASH TALKING S and i tried buting in but they just said "its none of you business" 🤨(at this point it kinda is)
during that it made me think of that quote that is like "bruises and cuts fade eventually but the things you say never heal" 🥲
but i dont know. i just dont know how to fix it. i HAVE TO fix it. but its exausting.😮‍💨
i dont want to star yelling (which tends to happen when i get overwelmed) 😕but its been really damadging to my mental health, so bad to the point that i had a mental breakdown and i couldnt speak, the only things going through my head were "they need to stop fighting its to loud why cant everyone be quite" 😫i had to stay home from school that day because i COULD NOT talk (when i tried i would just start crying again) 😭
so what should i do PLEASE tell me if what is happing is normal and im just overreacting??? but if not how can i help them????
i will write again if that ok because their fights happen randomly 😅
(also sorry about all the emojis)
Hi hon!
Well, what's happening is pretty normal. Friends fight, especially when they can't quite figure out how to communicate their feelings.
But honestly, this is NOT your problem to fix. E and S need to work this out. And I truly think that if you stop being a part of it, that might force them to work it out on their own.
And here's the thing: this is becoming an issue for YOU. And that's not fair.
So when it happens again (because it will), just walk away. Tell both of them you can't be a part of it. Tell them you care about them, but you need some space. And maybe they'll realize they need to get their shit together.
You need to prioritize your mental health <3
I'm naming you emoji anon. Write back with updates!
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certaincolorglitter · 1 month
[SMG6's POV] i was walking in the forest as my boyfriend, mr. puzzles, was gonna take me on a date, i was in a graveyard since i couldn't be seen publicly with mr. puzzles since he was a villain, and if my friends ever saw me with him, they'll probably kick me out of the group, and i didn't want to happen, i love my friend's, but i love my boyfriend too, and it's not like i can tell them, oh hey guys so um, you know that TV man who literally brainwashed us and forced us to perform in shows? yeah, i'm dating him now! i heard footsteps from behind me, which stopped my sudden train of thoughts. "oh my darling star has arrived! i thought i was gonna have to wait for you!" mr. puzzles said as he wrapped his hands around my waist, pressing his head against the top of my head, pretending to give me a kiss there, i giggled as my hand gently on one his hands that was on my waist "sweetie, your so adorable! how did i catch such a charming devil like you?" i giggled as mr. puzzles lit up in enjoy as he picked me up and spin me along as he tightly hugged me. i laughed in joy as he slowly stopped spinning us around and gently put me down. he felt dizzy, so i helped him sit down on a tombstone, i giggled as he was patting my head. "so, what did you plan for this date, my charming devil?" i asked his hands in my hair as he played with it "oh nothing much, my shining star, i thought we stayed here, maybe go on a stroll or something, " i watched my boyfriend rambling on and on as he thought of stuff we could do in the abandoned graveyard in the forest
[axol's POV]
i was floating through the forest as it was very peaceful there, i heard people speaking, and i was curious to see what it was, i saw two people, one sitting on a tombstone, and the other putting their head on the other person's lap, maybe they were out on a date, i thought as i kept watching, making sure no one can see me
[SMG6's POV]
mr. puzzles kept on rambling and rambling on and on as i smiled while watching him do so, i looked down a bit since i wanted to get more comfortable with my head on his lap, i frowned again as i thought about my friend's and them founding out about me and mr. i puzzles dating, i think mr. puzzles noticed me frowning because he rubbed my head. "shining star, is something wrong? your not smiling?" he asked, gently grabbing my chin and making me look at him."i don't know, i just can't stop thinking about my friend's finding out we're dating. i mean, i care about them, yeah, but i get scared of what their gonna do to us if they find out about us dating, i just don't want them to hurt you again......" i said, looking away. he started to rub my back as he picked me up and put me in his lap. "don't worry dear, they won't find out!" i got upset, "but what if they do? then what will we do? " i said, putting my head against his chest."i wished loving you wasn't a problem......." he was still rubbing my back. "can i stay at your house tonight, mr. puzzles" i asked, looking up at him "of course, darling! stay as long as you want!" he said excitedly, but even i could hear the cracks in his voice, but i chose to ignore it, i was really tired, and it was getting late. i could just tell my friends that i stayed the night at another one of my friend's house
[yay more angst, also appearance of axol]
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mr-cosmic-11 · 1 year
Here's a story of Earth having some problems with her Earthlings. This story turned out much better than it was supposed to be. It's not about solarballs, it's about my own version of the planets :)
And I translated it on google so maybe something is wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Earth angsts
Earth, a rocky planet and the third planet away from the Sun is the only one that can support life. But lately she hasn't been feeling well with her earthlings, more specifically the humans. They pollute, destroy and kill everything they come across, they make her feel pain, a lot of pain. But still she loves them. She could just get rid of them and end her suffering but she doesn't have the courage because she knows they have feelings too. "It's going to be okay Earth. They might be slowly killing you but they'll figure it out... Right?" Earth thinks to herself, but lately she doesn't even believe her own words. "What if they killed each other in some war? What if they killed me? What if..." She was starting to have more and more destructive thoughts. They were a threat to her, to other animals and even to themselves. She didn't know what else to do. All she could do was suffer in silence and let them slowly kill each other and killing her in the process. She starts to cry. "Why did I have to develop life in myself?" she thinks as more tears fall down her face(?). Until Mars calls her. "Earth? Is everything okay?" he speaks with a worried tone. She quickly wipes away her tears and turns to him. "H-hi Mars hehe... I'm fine!" He knew she wasn't doing well. Mars already knew about the problems Earth has with her Earthlings and he was very concerned about her mental health. "Earth... I know you're not well. I know you." "Nothing hehehe... I'm just... A little tired..." Mars knew she was lying. "It's your Earthlings, right?" "uhh I don't know what you're talking about..." Earth always hid her problems from the other planets because she didn't want to worry them. She wouldn't even tell her sister Venus. And Mars didn't like that she suffered all that alone. "Earth, I know they do terrible things to you and to themselves. You don't have to hide it from me, after all, I'm your best friend." She was shocked by what Mars said. She hadn't expected him to care so much about her. At that moment the tears come back and she starts to cry. "I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean to worry you! I can't get rid of them!They are MONSTER!" Mars then hugs Earth and she hugs him back. "Don't worry, Earth. I'm here with you, okay? That's what friends are for :)" Earth stops crying a little and looks at him. "Thank you Mars! You are the best friend anyone could ever have!"
End! :D
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