#or people just having other options as bashing
kaybreezy3000 · 2 days
You say five likes blonde women, I think five doesn't give a shit what color someone's hair is. Dolores usually has no hair at all, does that mean Five likes bald women?
No it doesn't, it just confirms that Five doesn't give a shit.
Dolores even has brunette hair in one episode and? Five doesn't care, if Five cared he would have said something about it.
Saying that Five only likes blonde women because he looks at a dancer and flirts with a woman who has blonde hair is kind of weird.
Dolores most likely had a blonde wig on at the beginning, which is why he imagines her like that.
Wow. There's some very anger laced 'shits' dropped in this one and I even got passive aggressively called a weirdo. This is me after reading this.
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Just kidding. I am not Ron Burgendy and I didn't get this unpleasant message while in a telephone booth.
(Added-6-21 I just want to say thank you to the kind person that did an ask to respond to this and the nice things you said. I don't want to reply to that through the ask option because it won't come to you directly, but just know that I got it and I really appreciate your words and support. ❤️)
This is not my first comment on here that's not all that nice, and I am not shocked by it at all. I figured there'd be people who would get bent out of shape by my reply, but this anon ask I received today makes me think about people I care about on here who have been hit with mean spirited comments. It's so sad that people feel the need to do this in this way, and it worries me because there are people of all ages on here just trying to chat and make friends with people who are into the same things as them.
My point in answering it is not to start a pissing match. It's to make note of what my real reply actually said because this person got it all sorts of wrong. I also want to make people aware that this stuff happens a lot on here and other sites, and it really shouldn't.
I think we all agree that this is not the place to spread hate and angry speeches at people. This fandom is a kind one that is full of enthusiastic people that love the show and the characters and just want to have fun talking about them and speculating all sorts of things. With that, many in the past have made fun intended posts pointing out that the Hargreeves men tend to have a thing for blondes, that being Grace is blonde, Sissy was blonde, Dolores was blonde in Five's trippy spit goober moment with her, and even Lila dyed her hair blonde. That said, we all know that Sloane is not blonde, and Harold wasn't either, but that was not the point, and it didn't even occur to me to blast them with shit bombs of anger about it. It was just an innocent musing, and I am assuming the person who wrote this for me would take issue with that innocent musing as well.
The point is, sending anonymous asks to people like this is not a cool thing to do, but I am guessing the person who wrote it is aware of that. People on here and A03 and Reddit get hit with this kind of negativity all the time on their ideas, stories, and art, and I wish those that feel the need to so bash others would think twice about it and look back at themselves and try to figure out why they are so mad about such silly things and if it really makes sense to feel that way at all.
That said, I seemed to have hit a sore spot with this person with my response on the original 'ask' someone gave me on Five maybe liking/or having a preference for blondes.
Link to the original post.
To the person upset, keep in mind that Five is a fictional character from comic books and a Netflix show. Five Hargreeves, in his mind, one that isn't even real, other than in what the actor gave us with his brilliant insight and the helpful direction of the producers, and what we individually like to imagine for him, may not as you said, 'give a shit what color someone's hair is or have any preferences when it comes to attraction.' But there is no need to be so upset or blow me up like this about it and I'm not so sure you even read my response because I myself fictionally see him with many other kinds of people.
You apparently by what you said above, have direct knowledge of what this fictional character would say or do, so maybe instead of posting this to me in your anon mad person style, you can do a post and speak your mind on the topic and give your reasons for your thinking and back it up with stuff from the show or comic or don't back it up with anything at all-anything goes on here, not sure if you noticed that yet.
I am sure you are not the only one who thinks I am 'weird' for what I came up with and my reasons. You are not the only one out there that thinks I am horribly wrong for my interpretations of these scenes. And maybe you are right that Five would 'say it out loud if he cared one way or another if someone was blonde or not.' Not that you agree based on your emotional statement, but to me, that really is neither here nor there because the show didn't have that happen and the topic didn't come up for Five to say anything like that. I was only basing my reply off things actually shown us, so that's why my response was stated the way it was. You can think and do as you please, just please don't fire your opinions so vapidly and maybe do it with your actual username next time. If you really feel this way, you will have no worry putting it out there for people to respond directly to you.
I'm not a beautiful blonde or a sexy club dancer and I don't feel called out by the show making it look like Five likes blondes and likes watching girly shows, so I am not sure why you'd be so miffed about the idea the show gave us or it being discussed between fans of the show.
Someone can have a liking to a certain attribute in others but not have it be the only way they like things. My intention in answering that ask was in fun and simply looking at the things that point to yes, based on the show and the parts it gave us with Five and him eyeing up women, it does give the impression that he likes/enjoys blondes. The dancer part doesn't really matter, but he was at a club with scantily clad dancers so... yeah again, try to chill out about that, it wasn't even a point in what I was saying, it was just what the show had him doing.
I never said Five only likes blonde women because he looked at a dancer and flirted with a woman who has blonde hair. It's weird to me that you read all that and that's the take on all of that you chose to get disgruntled about.
The main part of what I wrote that matters was that if Five didn't like blonde hair, he never would have envisioned Dolores as a blonde in season 3 when he had no reason to otherwise. That said, for all I know, he could have seen her with a different color of hair every other day or even as a bald piece of plastic like she really was.
Again, my reply is only based on the source material they gave us, not my own projections.
Dolores's wig was actually brown-ish auburn in the store when he found her there in season 1, so it's probable it was still the same wig she had on when the blast happened. Five may not have seen that though because it may have been ruined and it may not have mattered to him in what he later saw her as. I mention that in my post and in the comments on the original post after someone else pointed that out who seemed upset, and I also said many other things in regard to Five and his seemingly being into blondes on the show, and that I personally feel very flexible on that idea. I write and read about him with other types of people-not all blondes.
Five Hargreeves is just a fictional character, so we can all put our own take on him and his preferences and that is all good with me and I encourage it. The post I did was merely intended in good nature to chat with a fellow fan and to discuss the show's version of him based on the scenes they gave us.
Perhaps trying to look at it less seriously and go with kindness towards yourself and others, and perhaps doing some personal reflection next time if something so unimportant sets you off is a better place to spend your time.
Or...my suggestion to all of us on here would be that if you see something you don't like, ignore it. My ideas and thoughts and art and stories are nothing but jack-shit in the big scheme of things that matter. So, ignore the post I made like so many other posts out there that I am sure don't agree with you.
As always, ☮️&❤️ and long live TUA fandom-you are a uniquely passionate crew and I love you all,
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svtskneecaps · 4 months
here's how it goes:
everyone spends valentine's day in DEEP denial. tubbo isn't dead, he CAN'T be. when they die they come back, that's how it is, how it's ALWAYS been. the island is hell but at least fatalities don't stick, except in specific cases and all of them in the same white shells. of course philza jokes, he's thinking about tubbo, he can't stop. he's expecting tubbo to jump out at any moment, he's expecting to go to fobo and see tubbo hidden in the basement throwing darts at a picture of fit and pac looking at each other, he's expecting to go back to the dungeon and the body is gone (he hopes). tubbo's not dead. he can't die. none of them can, just the eggs.
(it never takes this long to come back; he knows something is wrong)
here's how it goes:
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life." the eggs have always had lives. i don't think some of them have ever understood that the players have infinite chances, with their insistence on protecting their caretakers from deaths like their caretakers do for them, charging back into the eye worker war, refusing to back out of a dangerous dungeon before their parents do, wanting to protect. i don't know if they understand that to the players, death is like spit in the face: unpleasant, sure, but no big deal.
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life" and of course they believe him. death is their constant companion, no more than two doors down. some eggs are used to it being a breath away.
here's how it goes:
tubbo is dead. the children mourn him. the players are scared. defiant. they always are. who among them has died? dan, missing; spreen, gone; maximus... well there was no body, no announcement, surely-
(how long did it take pierre to accept it? to realize it? to take down the missing person posters? not a day. not a day.)
juanaflippa died and there was a court case to save her. bobby died and the whole server journeyed to save him. when is the last time the players have taken death lying down?
here's how it goes:
tubbo dies, and he dies unloved (fit's arm is stretched out to save him). he dies without purpose (sunny is there, she's waiting, she knows he won't move). he dies and no one cares (chayanne refuses to leave, his godfather, he failed his-)
here's how it goes:
the valentine's party is so loud but too quiet. there's a name in the air, even when no one is saying it
"wow sure is good tubbo isn't here" phil says (he's said this before, he'll say it again, but isn't it strange how many times? perhaps even he doesn't believe it. perhaps he's trying to convince himself.)
here's how it goes:
a creature with too many faces comes. it tells them the truth they won't face. tubbo is gone.
quesadilla island says, "not for long"
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punmster · 1 month
having an existential crisis because I finally cracked and searched up a summary for Manacled and found out one of the DMSMG alternate endings (which I've changed before this) is like. kinda similar to it??
#i fucking hate every mention of Manacled when i go on inst*gr*m okay?#i insta block anyone who mentions it let alone dramione#despite writing about draco malfoy i think he is a little shit and refuse to read anything remotely dramione b/c he is VERY EXPLICITLY A#BIGOTED PIECE OF SHIT TOWARDS HER AND IF YOU HAVE TO KILL OFF/DEEPLY MISCHARACTERIZE OTHERS TO GET EM TOGETHER THATS...NOT GOOD#anyway the only resemblance was the handmaid tale and antimagic handcuff bit. i separately came up w/ magic-forced memory loss as a PTSD#symptom but thats for the main DMSMG story and not central to the plot#also pretty sure the way i was gonna use those elements was gonna be...a lot more fucked up. not just the typical forced breeding thing#i think you can read what you want but i WILL block you if i dont like it. lets stay separate please#that being said. Virgin Dramione dark romance enjoyer vs Chad Drarry neurodivergent crack writer#< on the mischaracterization thing i realize my own draco is completely ooc. i mean that bashing ron by making him a cheater or somethin#is not the way to justify any feelings. im sure you could somehow work out a way to make hermy like draco w/o making him the least shitty#option in comparison to others yknow?#also im not sorry about making draco ooc cuz 1) he actually doesnt show up much in the books anyway and 2) the main ooc bit is him not#being a bigoted brat and not being as self absorbed (about his family at least)#i have the vague impression that the people who enjoy manacled and those who read shit like the shatter me series or idk haunting adelein#placed on a venn diagram would be a circle
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getinthehandbasket · 2 years
Dear Youtube, When I tell you to stop recommending videos from a channel, I DON'T WANT YOU TO IGNORE ME 3 MONTHS LATER! I do not LIKE [Youtuber]. I think he's a giant asshole baby. I do not want to see his face. Anywhere! I don't want his first channel. I don't want his second channel. And I definitely don't want his third channel where all he does is react to other YT'ers reactions to his own videos. Sincerely, FUCK [Youtuber]
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sinofwriting · 5 months
Every Kiss Begins With Tabs - Max Verstappen
Words: 1,544 Summary: Max and her have a tradition that was born from their first kiss. Note(s): The idea for this fic popped into my head one night, didn’t know what driver to do with it, and then quickly realized Max is the only option with him driving for a literal energy drink company. Also, this features Max and Charles being best friends, because your honor, I love them. (and features a bit of Ferrari bashing, because of course)
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At the end of their first date, Max had watched as she shyly reached into her purse, fishing for something, before pressing a small thing into his hand and instinctively he held it. He didn’t even get a second to figure out what it was, since she kissed him as soon as it was pressed into his hand. It was small, barely a second, just a peck. But it had made him flush, staring at her with wide eyes before he murmured a quiet again.
Her bottom lip had found its way between her teeth for a second, before she nodded at his hand, the one she had pressed something into. For the kiss. He remembers her mumble, making her all the more cute to him, how she was shy yet bold in the same breath.
It had been near painful to look away from her, but he forced his eyes down as he uncurled his hand and saw a generic soda tab sitting in his palm. Her words rang in his ears and memories of watching girls in school give them to boys run through his head and he’s pressing their hands together, keeping it between their palms as he kisses her.
Max’s eyebrows are furrowed in concentration as he messes with the tab on his can of Red Bull. The sound of the press and his fellow drivers' voices washing over him. When it easily tears off, he pockets it, just as he’s asked a question.
“Over these last few months, you’ve been a lot happier. Many people thought it was you winning races making you so happy, but with Singapore happening, that has been disproven. Is there something other than winning that makes you so happy?” Max’s eyes darted over to his press officer, personal questions were on the no list for after races. She looks back at him with a raised eyebrow and he has to resist letting his brows press together. She clearly didn’t think this was personal and in nature he supposes it wasn’t, but it was leading. Raising the microphone to his lips, he speaks. “Well, I think I’d have a very boring, shit life if the only thing that made me happy was winning.” The reporter coughs, “Of course. But nothing new in your life?” “Not that I can think of.” There’s a frown on the reporter's face, but they don’t ask anything else, and the session is called to a close.
“I fucking hate reporters.” Max murmurs as he walks out the room. Charles snorts, hearing him and gently bumping their shoulders together. “I couldn’t tell.” “Haha. Was a good race for you today, though.” “I feel like I need a fucking bodyguard. I’ve been getting threats like crazy.” Max winces, having seen some for himself and also knowing from experience how bad they could get. “Ferrari hasn’t hired any for you?” He scoffs, “No, too much faith, I suppose.” “Stick close, come to Red Bull’s hotel with me, I’ve got an extra room and security.” “Ooh.” Charles teases, poking at his side as they exit the building. “Look at the golden boy with his security.” Max rolls his eyes, but feigns away as he reaches out again. “Are you coming or not?” He scoffs again. “Of course. I’m too pretty to be killed.” It’s Max’s turn to scoff, “You're something, alright.” he mutters.
Entering Red Bull’s garage with Charles would feel weird if it weren't for the fact that for nearly all of this season Bradley, Christian, Tom, GP, or himself had all been sneaking the Ferrari driver in. Max knows that Christian is hoping with them allowing Charles access to their garage and helping hide him away from Ferrari that he’ll join their team, and Max isn’t too proud to say that he’s started to wish that too.
“I’ve gotta get something from Christian first.” Max murmurs when Charles makes a confused hum when they don’t immediately go to his driver’s room. “Also, might want to text something to collect your stuff.” “Andrea will get it. I just need the hotel and room number so he can send some stuff over.” “Don’t want to sleep in Red Bull branded clothes?” Charles sniffs, sticking his chin in the air, perfectly making a haughty face. “Of course not. I have fashion sense.”
“You want room service or something delivered from somewhere?” Charles stares at him, “Mate.” Max grins at him before returning his gaze to his phone. “Had to ask. We do have Brazil next weekend after all.” “I want all the tacos in the world right now.” “Margaritas as well?” It’s silent for a second, “why not. Just one though.” Max rolls his eyes, typing out the number ten before hitting send.
“Food has been ordered.” “Thank god. I’m starving.” “Not going to offer to pay?” Max jokes, even though he’d refuse. “God no.” He scoffs before grinning at him. “Thank you, Max, honestly.” “It’s no problem.”
“When will the food get here?” Charles asks nearly thirty minutes later as Max unlocks the door. “Already here.” He tells him, opening the door up and stepping through.
Tossing his backpack to the armchair, he doesn’t see the confused look on Charles’ face or how it grows more confused when Max fishes something out of his pocket and holds it out, a grin on his face as he stands just beside the suite's sofa.
Charles nearly stumbles when a girl appears out of nowhere, words gathering on his tongue, only for them to die before they can form when she takes whatever it is out of Max’s hand and kisses him. He knows his mouth is open, jaw dropped, as he stares at the two.
“Hello.” Max murmurs, pulling away after pressing another kiss to her lips. Her head is tilted up a bit to look at him, nose scrunching a little as she smiles. “Hi. Well done on the race.” He grins and is unable to resist kissing her again before finally separating from her, only to wrap an arm around her and pull her into his side as he turns them both to face Charles. “Charles, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.” The other driver blinks at them for a few seconds before smiling. “Hello. It’s lovely to meet you.” He tells her, stepping forward to greet her with a hug, giving Max a thumbs up when she easily goes along with it. Max snorts at the thumbs up.
“Congrats on your race as well, Charles. Always nice to see you on the podium.” “Oh.” He can feel his cheeks turn a little pink at the compliment. “Well, it is always nice to be there, even if he is always taking the top spot.” She laughs and then she’s ushering them both to sit down at the small table nearly overflowing with food. “Oh my god.” Charles breaths, staring at it all. “It’s beautiful.” “I think you're just hungry, mate.” Max remarks and Charles notices how she passes whatever Max handed her before they kissed back to the driver before giving him a peck on the lips. “Of course, I’m hungry.” His eyes wander over all the food, all the tacos, and he knows that Andrea will be pissed at their next session when Charles tells him what he ate, but he knows he won’t regret it. Even when Andrea makes the session a triple.
“Can I ask a question?” Charles asks, after they are done eating. The twelve tacos he ate and two margaritas he had in combination with pleasant company made him feel content. “Is it a stupid one?” “Max.” She playfully scolds, but there’s a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Of course.” “What is with the thing? The small thing you pass back and forth.” “Oh,” her eyes are a little wide and she seems to have stiffened and it has Charles' eyes widened. “You do not have to answer. I was just curious. You can of course tell me to shut up.” “No, it’s okay.” She shares a look with Max. “It’s just a habit, I don’t even really think about it anymore.”
Charles watches as she carefully extends her hand and opens it so he can stare at the thing the couple has been exchanging. His eyebrows furrow when he sees it’s a tab to a Red Bull can.
“Before I kissed Max for the first time, I gave him a tab from a soda can. It’s become a tradition of sorts.” His face softens at the explanation, and this whole weekend he has missed Alex, but now more than ever he wishes that she was able to come with him. “That is very sweet.” His lips then curl into a smirk and he looks at Max. “Must make sex uncomfortable though.” “You mother,” Max cuts himself off as he hits Charles with a pillow, his fellow driver howling with laughter. Hitting him with a pillow again, Max looks at her to see her laughing as well, face bright with joy and his hand is ducking into his pocket pulling out a spare tab he always keeps on him, pressing it into her hand before kissing her, ignoring the fake sounds of throwing up from Charles as he does.
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robitherat · 2 years
#vent bc im am angsty teen or w/e but#god. every fucking time i talk to my mom about school and classes or just. in geberal honestly#i want to bash my fucking head against the wall and die. she fucking. ugh#no i dont want to do an independant study instead of a normal art class. no i dont want something else on my schedule#no i dont want to take another semester of math because you think it gets me the honors deploma even though it FUCKING. DOESNT#no i dont want to take both english comp and AP. no no no no no fucking n o#no i dont know why the counselors didnt tell me this or that was an option. i dont fucking know what my friends class is like#shes trying to get a college art class bc the prof at the college saw her art at the school art show nd was like#yo youre good as hell come work with me#and pbviously she was going to take it#but now my mom is all like 'is she taking it alone with him or with a class?' WHY THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?????#all bc shes heard of him having like. affairs with college students or something??? which shes never like.#explained any further. or told me where she heard that or anything#and the friend hasnt even started with him because they still have to sort that shit out bc its never been a thing before!! bc shes a#prodigy!!! like thats so fucking cool and she is so so so skilled and talented and AMAZING#but everything is just. 'how can i make this conversation as difficult as possible to have with my child"#and that wasnt even fucking relevant to the conversation we were fucking having in the first place!!!!#like i was trying to talk about MY schedule and how *I* get to hang out with MY art teacher three different periods thru the day!!!!!!#byt she gets so fucking hung up on shit that doesnt even fucjing matter and then *I* get glared at when i dont know every fucking detail of#other peoples lives. sorry i dont know shit about the class that still isnt even set up yet that IM NOT FUCKING IN#amd then theres the whole 'oh YOU need to figure out what ceramics stuff ypur art teacher wants so we can give it to her'#and when i tell her that my art teacher ended up giving half of the LAST batch away to an art teacher at the priv catholic school its all#'well thats great i dont care you need to figure out what your art teacher wants for me.' LIKE??? OR WE COULD JUST FUCKING DONATE DIRECTLY#TO THE OTHER SCHOOL THAT COULD PROBS USE THIS SHIT MORE THAN THE TEACHER YOU ALREADY GAVE $1000 WORTH OF GLAZE THAT SHE DIDNT. FUCKING#NEED.#its like. 'i dont know' isnt a valid answer woth her even when the question is fucking ASININE.#or just. ugh#she doesnt fucking listen!!! she never fucking listens no matter what !!!!#its always 'oh you could do this' i like where im at. i have a plan 'oh but you could do this instead' i dont want to do that mom 'or this#might work better' OR YOU COULD SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR FIVE FUCKING SECONDS AND LET ME HANDLE MY OWN FUCKING SCHEDULE THANKS
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theemporium · 3 months
Thanks! My request, please, for Jack is with shy, new to hockey reader, maybe with him getting busted for spoiling her in ways she didn't know (I love every single dynamic you write). After the first game she attends Jack has to brush off Nico's comments that he got her a front row seat, claiming it's just because it was her first hockey game. Especially Luke teasing because Jack just so happened to give her his jersey from his best game, and the skates Jack got her are coincidentally top of the line. All the while he's trying to not seem to desperate to go all in with her bashful self. This is so bad tweak or ignore all of this please and thank you.
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Everyone had noticed it, yet it was none other than Ellen Hughes who pointed it out.
It was a somewhat surprise to the people in Jack’s life when he told them he had a girlfriend. Like a proper, ‘she’s the one for me’ kind of girlfriend. Ever since he had been drafted, Jack had been hesitant to dive into anything serious, anything beyond a fling or a situationship. 
He was the new face of the franchise. He had the weight of everyone’s expectations on his shoulders. He had to prove that he wasn’t just some pretty boy who was decently good at hockey. He had to prove he deserved to be in the NHL, that he deserved to be first pick of the draft.
And at his age, a serious relationship wasn’t exactly high on his priority list.
Until he met you. 
The boys had noticed a shift in his behaviour in the early stages of Jack’s relationship with you. The way he would be quick to check his phone after games and practices. The way he seemed quick to shrug off any advances in bars, more than happy to nurse a few drinks and giggle away to whoever he was texting before he disappeared early into the night. The way he just seemed…happier.
Luke was the first to notice something really odd.
“Yeah, my job means I travel around a lot,” he overheard Jack one day, when the boy hadn’t realised Luke had returned early from the option skate. “They are, uh, like road trips, I guess? We are heading down to Dallas tomorrow.” 
And then Dawson heard something weird after a game.
“You don’t have to watch,” Jack reassured the person on the other side of the phone, a giddy smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. “It can get quite long. It doesn’t last twenty minutes, just twenty minutes of actual playing time. It pauses when calls need to be made.”
And then it was Nico.
“No, not a suite seat. I need it beside the glass,” he overheard Jack asking one of the workers at the front office. “Preferably behind the bench. For the next home game.” 
It was easy to piece together that Jack was seeing someone. It was clear that she didn’t have much knowledge on the hockey world or how the sport itself worked. And it was clear that Jack seemed eager to teach you, splurging on you in any way he could without you really catching on.
But that plan quickly failed when you finally met Ellen Hughes. 
It was coming up to almost a year together when Jack asked you to come to the family skate. It wasn’t the first time you would be meeting his parents, but it would be the first hockey event you showed up to outside of the games. It was the first time you would really be setting foot on the ice yourself.
“Are those your own skates?” 
You lifted your head, finding Ellen standing a few feet away with a kind smile on her face. She was already laced up and ready to get on the ice, wrapped up warmly in a similar fashion to yourself. After all, she was the one to give you tips after Jack was unhelpful with his ‘I don’t know, my jersey is pretty warm’ response.
“Yeah, Jack got them for me!” You answered, unable to bite back your smile as you glanced down at your unlaced skates. “He said they were a good starter pair, nice to have a pair of my own so he could drag me out on the ice more.”
“A starter pair?” Ellen questioned, something quite like amusement in her voice.
“What? Are they not?” You asked, a hint of hesitation lacing your words as you glanced down at the skates with doubtful eyes. 
“I mean, they are hell of a pair to start with,” Ellen said with a gentle laugh. “Recognise the brand?” 
You glanced back at the older woman, shaking your head. 
“They are skates for professional skaters, quite a renowned brand too,” Ellen told you, still seeming like there was an underlying joke you weren’t understanding.
Your brows furrowed together. “Oh god, are they…expensive?”
Ellen simply smiled in response.
“Oh my god,” you breathed out, staring down at the skates with a conflicted expression. 
“I think I’ll let my son explain everything,” Ellen said before she wandered off, the silence quickly being replaced by Jack who approached with a huge smile on his face.
“Need help?” He asked, but never gave you a chance to answer as he kneeled in front of you, already reaching for the laces of your skates to begin tying them.
You watched him closely. “Jack?”
“How much did these skates cost?” 
The boy froze, his fingers pausing for a few moments too long before muscle memory began to take over. 
“Uh, I don’t remember,” Jack eventually blurted out, making a point of keeping his eyes on your skates. The swift movements were quickly slowed down, like he was purposefully dragging it out so he wouldn’t have to look up. 
“Jack,” you scolded, though your voice was softer than he expected. “You have to let me pay you back.”
His head snapped up. “Baby, no—”
“You can’t just spend insane amounts of money like that on me!” You argued before he had the chance. “Especially on skates I’ll hardly be using!”
“But we could make you use them more?” Jack bargained with a bashful smile.
You shot him a look.
“Baby,” he sighed as he placed his hands on your knees, squeezing them softly. “I want to splurge on you sometimes. I just wanna show you I care, you know? And I wanna share my love for hockey with you. Help you love it just as much as I do.”
“You don’t need to spend stupid money to make me love it,” you retorted, but you melted at his admission as you placed your hands over his. “No more big purchases without telling me, okay?”
He sighed deeply before nodding. “Okay. Promise.”
“Good,” you smiled as you leaned down to quickly peck his lips whilst you had the chance with no cameras on you. “Now, c’mon. Teach me how to actually use these skates and make them worth your money.”
Jack snorted. “I’ve got you, baby.”
“Good because I haven’t even stood up and I still think I’m about to fall over.”
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lesser-mook · 4 months
Footage of Texas STANDOFF With 302k Migrants on US-Mexico Border Has Gon...
(shitty *melodramatic thumbnail aside- and brace yourself this is finna get deep, 90% of this is lore)
This is like The Walking Dead Season 4, but the Zombies came with bags and are given free resources after they invade. Literally a zombie horde forcing their way in, to consume resources that should've been going to Americans. 
But this sudden surge of resources given to these aliens shows that the Gov. had the means to help Americans the entire time but chose not to, which we all knew already but it's confirmed by the same people that left us to burn.  
(To clarify, this isn’t on the illegal aliens entirely, like ‘let’s dehumanize these people’ because of the dumb policies our “leaders” made
Yeah some of em are coming here not for some Dream but they want free shit because Biden is an agent, ie. Who allowed them to come in here in the first place? The Illegals aren’t actually taking anything by force--  they’re being GIVEN the motherload by your own Administration)
 What a joke. 
Every Empire has it's fall. America. Your turn.
And how we got here starts with the simple things, like relations, tensions between the power-houses of society. 
The dichotomy, Man & Woman. 2.Two forces of nature, two pieces of an incomplete entity that is the “Hu-man” 
The agenda is simple, it wasn’t quick, it was a slow burn: If these two pieces fit so well together that when they are getting along, things are great, community is stronger, the culture is healthy, values/norms/standards intact- Traditional family works...but the problem is
A civilization united like that well? is a lot harder to fool/control/manipulate.
 So the agenda is simple:
Keep people fighting, invent more labels, enable toxicity/ hostility in the culture, propagandize with stronger signals in the music, movies, political spectrums = Separate men and women on a cultural level. Plant a disconnect and keep it intact.
Drive the sexes apart in the intangible sphere, thought, norms.
Propagandize & overstimulate girls with a crap-ton of unrealistic expectations of themselves and men. 
Give women every incentive not to be responsible with their reproductive powers, to the point young men are stuck with grown children who are looking for Papa at Ages 19-35 to pay for everything and offer next to nothing of their own accord. 
The world owes you for being born female
 And when every woman is a special snowflake & pandered to, womanhood is trivialized, accountability becomes an option. 
It’s why your culture worships “Girl bosses”, you call your adult females “girls” so casually, it’s casual condescension. Patronizing.
It is so casual- WOMEN call each other “girls”. Reinforcing a state of infantilism.
So a bunch of girls and yet you have no “Women”, America has stopped raising women years ago. 
Castrate, degrade, bash and shame men to the point where young women are now stuck with Sub-Males who are out of touch with their balls. 
America doesn’t make men like they used to, they’re too busy neutering them.
And then develop fetishes wanting giant women (aka a hybrid construct of mommy/female authority issues & Gynocentric society) to castrate, degrade, bash, and subjugate themselves- They developed a fetish where they castrate themselves in the exact same fashion society does except they depict actual violence happening. Manslaughter even.
Now, what do you call a condition where a victim normalizes the abuse as a coping mechanism?  Stockholm Syndrome.
Macrophilia is just an advanced/tragic case of mass Stockholm Syndrome.
See psychologists aren’t allowed to say that, they stay very neutral because that’s what keeps them employed. 
But I’m not getting paid for this- so there you go. Macrophilia and it’s mother: (toxic-gynocentrism/ not Women having opportunities-- but TOXIC Gynocentrism/Female Privilege) & it’s father (misandry) are all connected. 
One big inbred family of dysfunction and societal collapse (which if you pay attention that’s what a giant woman mainly does, collapse civilization, cause pain, destroy, evil-
Something women are not, just to put that out there, because I feel it’s necessary or we’ve fallen so hard as a species, that HAS to be said now. Women are not the enemy, so it’d be a good idea to stop emulating the hatred that’s implanted in us. 
Macrophiles/ or Macrocreeps as I lovingly dubbed them- are literally/indirectly/ & repeatedly communicating that women will cause or are the collapse of civilization, women being empowered means women are enemies of humanity, women are evil- the same narrative on repeat)
NOW THAT- is misogyny, 100% learned, 0% nature. 
If you were raised in a small town like Black Forest (Germany): 
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or a Mongolian Steppe Nomad life. Healthy upbringing, healthy-equal community for men and women, away from misandry & gynocentrism, unplugged from the Matrix/ aka The HATE-trix
-you’re not going to have this crap living in your head. 
You just might even have a life.
It’s why this movie (The Red Turtle) is so poetic, simple and beautiful. it displays simply what life is without the bullshit:
Every time I watch this movie, I’m reminded what the “human experience” boils down to, as repetitive as it is, it really boils down to having each other, family.
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See people were freaks back in the day, but within reason, this macro-cancer wasn’t really popping back in the 70s when men and women were for the most part in an okay place. 
You get more of a rise of this kind of thing when things are bad between men and women, it’s really a mirror of HOW bad it’s gotten in society or in your own childhood, your mind, your subconscious where seeds are planted.
Fact is, you don’t get this phenomenon when things are good, when men & women are happy on mass. 
You get an infection in the body when there’s a problem, not when it’s healthy, plain and simple.
See you don’t simply feel the need to replace women with a demonic sociopathic mile-high she-beast or in a neutral sense you need to have Mommy looming over you to feel secure when you have actual healthy relationships with women throughout life here in reality or a society that doesn’t tell you you’re less than dirt or outright communicates you are stupid, inferior, and something that needs to be fixed or stamped out by a more competent woman presence-
Hollywood definitely hasn’t been doing that.
Water seeks it’s own weight, one does not simply feel compelled to project that they see women as Anti-Human psychopaths, if there isn’t already something wrong in the head where one possibly perceives women in a negative light or possess some kind of resentment or repressed emotional complication.
An  ugliness so repressed that a few instances isn’t enough, it becomes a community, a cult. A career, a devotion.
One just can’t help but share that misery with the world & await a “congratulations” from fellow cult members for posting the exact same thing for the 15′000th time for the 13th year in a row.. an example of misandrist propaganda birthing a mini-industry of misandrist propaganda. (Though women are victimized as well in the fantasy)
The compulsion comes from the fact that it’s a generational conditioning operation. 
A normal person gets tired of watching the same movie, playing the same game, hell- some people break up from boredom. 
Most fetishists (especially macrocreeps)- DO NOT evolve, grow up or move on, they will stay on the same radio channel for- EVER. I repeat: FOREVER. 
The same horror, the same scenarios but from new artists (so much talent wasted on nonsense it physically hurts me), the same-
“me male, me insignificant, yes goddess” 
disrespect/Misandry narrative on repeat and repeat and repeat. 
It’s literally a case of an internet economy where nothing changes, like it’s recycling the narrative that their culture convinced them to be true.
And most will eat it up for years to come- as if following an installed directive, robotic. If only that level of commitment was shown to marriages or idk actual women? 
But nobody tryna have that conversation.
And it’s even more hilarious that American birthrates started the drop just around the70s to 2020, now that is very interesting to me. Seems like the 70s was just around the tipping point for everyone over in America. Including Biden, because his stance on borders was verrrrry different way back when:
Funny how the media has all the resources to ride Trumps D 24/7 but they conveniently leave out this little gem. 
.Biden In 2007_ “No Great Country Can Say It’s Secure Without Being Able To Control Its Borders”
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And so, again, women are now stuck with a good chunk of  house broken Man-children or live in a culture that cultivates this attitude where some men  in a bizarre sense want to worship women to a disturbing degree and want their mother to domineer over them and tell them how insignificant they are as society successfully programed into them (rarely is it from one experience), thus women are shipwrecked in this generation with a good number of American males-
-who don’t know how to be or afraid to be men (not men’s fault). And yet the consequence is they turn to fantasy, Anime, fetishism- escapism any escapism where they condition themselves to have unreasonable expectations of girls and women’s behavior, bodies & themselves.
All to overcompensate what they couldn’t or CHOOSE not to step up to be in reality as men. 
Keyword: They choose fantasyland over choosing to be better, which is 100% in their control. They’d rather play victim in a fantasy where they lose control instead of growing a goddamn pair.
Modern day wars on masculinity is what happens when we are taught women have a right to say “no” (True) but as a society we never tell a woman “no”. (A problem)
A woman happily serving the husband is toxic, but “Happy wife, Happy life” is normalization of men suffering in silence as long as their domestic adult-baby is pacified.
Either way you slice it (and yes, it does go both ways) on either side it’s not efficient nor sustainable, as we’re now seeing. Everyone actually, because the Americans aren’t the only one’s suffering dropping births.
But it’s only okay when women get the better end of the deal. But the punchline is, women aren’t receiving anything good from an atmosphere like this.
Do women today feel safe? Do they trust the men of their country? (that is a big one),  Does their culture prepare girls or pander to them to keep them in a box? 
Some society shame the egos of men  because they are afraid of what men are capable of. When all that  needs to be done is to teach boys & men to regulate and channel their ego instead of snuffing it out, abusing boys & smothering masculinity  because the result is that a lot of  men now think they have no power and some believe & revel in the narrative they should have no confidence or power and only women should be allowed to have an ego & overwhelming advantage (Gynocentrism).
When it's just another perpetuated narrative (harming women & men) that men should be nerfed because they're a threat and not women because-
 women aren't a threat. Apparently only in a fantasy are they anything close to a danger.
  Exacerbating a woman's ego because you presume they won't ever do anything about it, zero threat. 
Misandry  is when the village fears men
Gynocentrism is the result of underestimating women's egos, underestimating women.
Then we wonder why so many ladies are infantile and panic whenever asked “What do you bring to the table?”, this is not women’s fault, mind you. 
How are women supposed to answer the question, when they’re taught they have all the answers, they’re bosses, they’re in charge, they run the world, the future is female, girlpower, #girlpower, #GIRLPOWER, empowerment, ass-kissing-
WOMAN WORSHIP culture. (Macrocreeps anyone?)
That’s what’s pumped into them like crack, like being reliant on the world to tell them they’re awesome. And then they grow up (physically), trained to be reliant on external validation for life.
That’s the sick joke: It comes off as America’s boner for Female Security when it’s female subjugation/pacification, on top of male subjugation/castration. Both parties are trivialized as a result. Nobody wins, nobody. 
A giant 5′000ft tall woman destroys civilization, kills everyone. She laughs about it, gets off on it, and then what? She’s left stuck as a giant, no grocery to shop from, no one to love her, no one to talk to, no dental care, no resources, no infrastructure, no friends, no home, no support system, she’ll starve, she’ll dehydrate, she’ll get lonely, she’ll die. No fucking point,  that’s the part of the fantasy they very conveniently leave out, reality.  
Nobody wins, nobody. Not even in fantasy.
The common theme? Nobody wins. It’s so closely similar  in both fantasy & reality, the parallels are blood related. Propaganda is scary like that. 
We underestimate the power of what children internalize & regurgitate and the fact that we don’t stop doing that when we become adults.
We see, then spread the message. Whether it be school, a cool line from a movie, a song stuck in your head, an insult that sticks with you, a compliment etc. 
No different. 
We need less female empowerment, and more Respect to them as humans and womanhood as a principle, and more accountability. America panders to female ego but does not respect womanhood. 
Society failed women and men by convincing us women are the exception when they actually deserve less- until  they’re willing to contribute something beside an open hand in a relationship.
You don’t get to win by just showing up.
women need to learn what earning a man’s time, money/ His life, His sacrifice, 
What earning his LIFE for hers really means.
Women need to learn what it means to earn that shit, I swear to god, a man’s life is so trivialized now women don’t even think about what a big deal it is for man to just pay his life as a toll for hers to go on 5 more seconds.
 It’s disgusting how overlooked that is, but I keep hearing “As he should”, WHOO buddy. Americans are beyond lost baby.
But you see in 15 years or less that’ll be considered “hate speech” or a thought-crime, or perhaps this entire rant would be worth an insta-trip to ban world.
 because #MenAreTrash is trendy that’s fine 100% males don’t have feelings right? #MenNeedToStepUp we can agree on, but #WomenDoBetter or #WomenNeedToEarnAMan is misogyny
Everything is misogyny when name calling or witch-hunts aka “Cancel culture” (how it’s called today)- doesn’t work.
Right, keep that up. Doing a good job so far, lmfao.
But gee, I can’t figure out why the birthrates are falling & men are flocking to other countries for real women? 
All we wanted to do was just treat men/husbands/fathers like second class citizens- so horrifically mistreated that the goofballs went & created a fetish/Cult where they actually enable each other to want to be treated like second class citizens.
ZERO connection, all coincidence!
Wanting Women to be their gods and mistreat or destroy them and the whole of civilization: um wow.
You know, ZERO red flags there. Nothing to see here. Everything is fine. Go back to deviantart, enjoy.
No btw, I AM NOT shitting you, this is real. And if you didn’t think that group’s issues weren’t that deep? (because naturally, they’re just minding their business beating off/worshipping human genocide- until you realize how comfortable they’re getting, too damn comfortable, normalizing the most anti-human shit it makes you question if you’re even awake sometimes)
Trust me, a good majority of them don’t even know where their obsession came from--- AND that is the point of propaganda, subtle, like a virus. 
That is how propaganda works, it’s a social virus, a weapon, neurological malware.
I repeat: Neurological/Socio-Cultural Malware for your mind. A prison for your mind. It used to be heroin, still is for some, but now fantasy is the new drug- and to no one’s surprise (Brain mappings show fetishism, sex is parallel to addictive habits like drugs, alcoholism, etc.)
Nobody knows exactly when a virus gets in your body or your machine, but when it’s in, it’s on you to do something about it or cope with it by not coping at all.
Even if it’s a gentle scenario or the cringe “unaware” crap (where the appeal is more manslaughter but the excitement is she’s doing it unintentionally *yes, society failed this hard*)
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The visual point of a woman being bigger by that much is “superiority”, female supremacy, gynocentrism. Males being lesser, weaker, vulnerable, under control, a security/self-esteem/ ultimately a Life-skill issue- that is the point.
It’s no accident that what American society (from movies to articles) is pumping into you guys, is exactly what these cats worship with a level of dedication that makes Christians look like amateurs. 
They could legitimately begin a religion, I’m actually genuinely surprised they haven’t by now.
In this context though, in Fantasyland where genocide is a goddamn game, that’s the entire appeal, #SizeDifference #Macro #Giantess #GiantessCrush #Sizeplay SizeSIZEsizesizesizesizesizesize, it’s really unhealthy. 
Hence Fetish hence “Obsession”, that’s what fetish means = You have nothing better to do.
This is why macrophilia is so unique though, solely because of how relevant it is to this era, the socio-cultural relevance.
And the reason for that is this toxic gynocentric era in the west enabled it/ birthed it/ cultivated it in the first place.
Hear me: Macrophilia (One obsession) didn’t cause the problems between men and women, it is simply one of many manifestations/ & ultimately a spawn of these problems. It’s literally an example of what your civilization did horribly wrong whilst trying to empower women, you left men behind. 
Worldwide issue btw, Macrohphilia is not exclusive to America, neither is toxic-Gynocentrism. But America is Gold Medal champ in making their Men are 100% aware they are expendable to society. 
A lot of Japanese are into MacroCultisms, to no one’s surprise. 
Not in the 50s to 70s, but during the 90s, post-Internet 2000s era, now all of a sudden we got a huge influx of goofballs wanting women to commit mass genocides on entire cities (Which involves children & babies- #ThisIsFine) or men the size of germs shrining women for existing...Kind of like the narrative society will push with #FutureIsFemale 
Or articles propagating that men are “Falling behind”, anything & every excuse to plant seeds of disconnect and potential resentment, always negative.
The goal is to propagandize female supremacy to either frustrate men into resenting women (some of MGTOW), turn them paranoid (Anti-Woke Tards that complain about any movie with a female lead), or straight up break them like dogs & the victims will ask for more (Macrocreeps)
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A lot of Men have been whipped & brutally trained by their own culture to be and somehow want to be second/third class citizens in some respects. and you’ll have attention seeking narcissist women infiltrating these communities garnering a following calling themselves “Goddess- [insert name]” , absolute silliness, just the most infantile stupid crap you’ll ever see. 
The strongest degree of secondhand embarrassment I’ve ever experienced, it’s like watching younger siblings just ruin....everything they touch for no reason.
These women banking on the insecurity of thousands of men who just need help or a fucking hug. Heartbreaking stuff.
And the simple chemistry of men and women boils down to: SEX, connection, life, be happy. That’s it. That’s really all people want.
How do you complicate that, this badly? And it NOT be an artificial catalyst that caused it. 
How does genocide correlate with sex. Vore? You can loosely correlate that with oral sex, digestion (psychotic) but believe it or not it’s wanting to be in the womb. (Male or female), yes brains are stupid like that. This is why what you ingest through the eyes to your soul is important, most people don’t even know where the impulses are coming from but WELP *wank wank
KNOW THYSELF. FREE THYSELF. Ya’ll better watch The Matrix again and really listen to what it’s telling you, not “was” telling, what IT IS telling us, still today. 
“A prison for your mind.”
 How does being abused/bullied/destroyed/digested/ all of this crap by women- relate to sex and making love and NOT be related to some psychological struggles. 
Propaganda, abuse, societal/generational neglect. That’s how. Genocide ain’t it boi, something upstairs went sleep mode & it needs to wake up.
“The sleeper must awaken.“
I’m not smart at all, I just know what shit smells like and I’m more than willing to step on toes, and happily brave a ban or 2 if it means saying what apparently no one wants to say because we have this unspoken rule that all kinks are sacred & immune to judgement.
HA!, I don’t know what planet you came from, but that’s not how life works buddy. Whenever I tell fetishist this, they shut down completely.
Because they rely on the world saying “Sorry, carry on.” Nope! That’s not how life works. 
Really, all we have to do is pay attention to the world in real time and the rest sorts itself out. But our everyday can muddy & blur the lines, I get it, and that’s part of the game. Blue Pill baby, it was never about being asleep, it’s about being distracted.
“You need to see.“
Some of these hombre’s aren’t even abused as kids, sometimes all it takes is one awkward moment with a girl overpowering you verbally or physically, a moment of vulnerability, or you get yelled at by an adult woman, or you see abuse or a woman having an overwhelming advantage in a movie and society does the rest with crap like #GirlsRunTheWorld over and over and over again-
No strong male role models to build up a healthy ego, or no dad at all, or a competent father, then when your confidence isn’t properly built (by your parents or environment) in time when you see something that makes you feel inferior or put-off and your mind can’t register it properly.
Like psychological indigestion and or in layman’s terms “Intrusive thought” that manifests into something it shouldn’t.
So it doesn’t bounce off as it should, or make you mad & you reject the negative experience.- instead it actually sinks into you, you internalize it. And it sits there, and sits there, & you keep seeing things in shows, feeding that seed.
And through a coping mechanism post-puberty where your hormones turn off your intelligence entirely (Yes, Sex chemical actually make you stupid by design),  where you then normalize the toxicity because it’s women doing it, and women are attractive.
You’re horny now + the epic scale of giant women having near omnipotent control over your fate provides unrivaled excitement & dopamine levels that no woman could or would even want to measure up to (Cause it’s goofy af, Gulliver’s Travels #headass). 
Then the newborn fetishist propagates #Giantessisms over and over and over again with the unbridled freedom of the web- ready to act a fool.
And the ever so convenient echo-chamber of fetish spaces where everything you do and say came straight from Christ himself, where you’ll receive ZERO challenge. 
Indulge comfortably until someone, eventually goes against the grain, roasting it- and then your defenses activate.  Because how dare they amiright?
But my oh my, I don’t know where it came from, I guess it’s always been there but It’s pretty much my personality and ”a part of my identity”....it’s a “hobby” 
-some say this crap, of course on threads where the likeminded are & will upvote everything they say, naturally naturally.  
Challenge is their Kryptonite. Questions make everyone queasy.
Painting women as inhuman psychopaths is a HOBBY. Riiiiiight, Okay then.
Pretending in make believe land that you’re a tyrannical burden to the society that would bend over backwards to protect you at the expense of men, any day of the week. You actually want to be an evil & mortal danger to people if means your fragile ego getting a stroke from being a couple meters taller than everyone else, for a sense of control you obviously can’t manage to obtain as a competent adult here in reality. That’s part of your “identity”? Oooooooookay then.
Definitely not overcompensating for anything.
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But don’t judge them though, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s fee’s fee’s now do you? You don’t want to be a meanie.
Because saying nothing & pretending “This is fine” has worked out so well for mankind thus far right? Just ask Japan 2023 (Age of consent raise in that year, look it up. *If I talk about it, that’s going to be another essay, let’s stay focused: 
Sexes Disconnect/Gynocentrism/Gynocentric-Fetishism/Birthrates/Illegals/Decline )
Cycle of toxicity birthing more cycles.. 
The biggest woman you see first/imprint on in life is ideally your mother-figure. 
These cats just want mommy, thus from the place of a child (thus small like a child) so macrophilia has some PeterPan syndrome-isms in it’s core, thus to no one’s surprise this is a very cringe case of some suspended development because for most, all of this started when they were at their smallest & VULNERABLE to begin with.
“Vulnerable“, something they want to feel. That’s part of the high. “Helpless“, you’ll hear that term a lot in their subtext, it’s like a religious mantra next to “insignificant“, they LOVE that one, holy shit.
I’m telling you, all you have to do is pay attention. How our brains work is not that complicated especially when what these innocent goofs choose to share with us is literally spelling out their issues- How can I tell? Consistency and the fact that they NEED the world to know, like a cry for help:
Except they’re getting likes & money, and not a fuck to give to provide a solution vs exacerbation
The repetitive nature of the “content” is too consistent, Artwork evolves it’s narrative. Art changes.
But this? It stays the exact same, same narrative, same bloodshed, same dialogue, all that’s different is the production value and who it’s coming from.
And yes, all of this & others mentioned prior contributes or related to the birthrates issue (China, Japan, Russia & others suffer this too), thus this illegal invasion in America.
All of it is connected, all of it, this isn’t the usual rambling session or tangent. There’s a point to this entire lecture, this is actual lore for the movie you’re living in.
The Twilight Zone episode that will not end even after you do.
These are real people, it’s not doing America any favors pretending these clowns/more-so the implication and subtext of their issues don’t exist.
It’s the same with Japanese men and their infatuation with Anime culture & how that mega industry and so many other factors are causing Japan’s own falling births.
We can’ just ignore this crap because no one wants to be “that guy”, screw that. Nothing’s gonna get done if we’re stuck in our own little worlds. 
Doesn’t make sense to have the Internet, and be this connected & still be so distant at the same time.
We gotta at least address the roots of the issues while having fun-
That’s the operative concern, what caused the phenomenon in the first place, how do these obsessions work, why, and where is it coming from?
And why is it almost prophetic? Like a warning.
Living breathing red-flags/reminders that your culture is failing and it’s failing everyone.
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Woman is god, male subjugation good, women destroy civilization (including killing kids & babies apparently, so marcocreeps are indirectly beating to slaughter of children, yaaaay) and yes, they also sexualize children too, casually. Japan would be proud or as of 2023, maybe not? Lol. 
Wash rinse repeat, it’s never enough. Men need to be red paste on the bottom of a woman’s feet or else the itch isn’t scratched. 
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Click “upvote” on the psychopath content (”content” lmfao, more like commissioned propaganda) comment for more, make video games repeating the same exact, and I do mean SAME EXACT narrative. 
(Yes, these goofballs make games & comics *they’re shit storytelling btw, absolute garbage, it’s not even appropriate for ironic cringe, it’s just bad*, 
I 100%  would bet 1k$ they wouldn’t & are not putting all that  effort in their relationships or their goddamn kids though.) 
further internalize male self-hatred as you were programmed to do so. Follow the script. Question nothing. Consume. Consume. Consume. Indulge, sink, drown.
You’d think they’d get bored of it, or maturity would fight it’s hardest to tame that beast of a brain in one’s cranium, and fit some sanity in there. God forbid
The American Culture state has weaponized women against men for decades now- so the fetish itself is not surprising.
Men or women wanting to give up “control” for a sense of security in being ruled or abused in every way possible by a giant entity (male or female) sounds ideal for a tyrannical (giant entity) state/society/government that literally would love love loooove for men (aka the first & last line of defense of civilization) or women (also the second to last line of defense, the only natural threshold of new life) to bow down, and want to be slaves.
So (in general) if your protectors are too busy kissing the ground, who’s protecting you? 
It’s why so many women are wondering what happened to men? Where did the men go? Why aren’t men performing? 
To put it simply (fetish or no fetish), a lot of western men:
They’re broken. Tamed. Clipped. Sterilized. 
Because there’s a lot more men committing self-termination than women, look it up. They’re suffering.
So most, not all- But all in all, women need better “uplifting” messages and the men are in serious need of society giving a crap about them.
  It starts in the home, both the solution and the problem starts at home and the village/society. Because parents can do everything right and society will undo 70% of that work.
I’ve said all this before, and I will keep saying it until I’m dead & probably still talking from beyond the grave.
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If I personally wanted to "RIP” a country, “If.” Theoretically
I would convince the men that being a man is toxic, that they shouldn’t be men, to the point where they actually want to give up their manhood. 
Enable a superiority complex in the women regarding the men, to keep them in a constant state of resentment & entitlement and they don’t even know why. And the men are so passive & broken, they won’t challenge the women unless pushed, and when pushed, they will be frustrated, & what could result in a solution will just deepen the resentment on both sides.
And while one group is insufferable and the other one is groveling and pathetic and angry, or they just fight each other- The children are now exposed.
 Corrupt the children, you take that country’s future. Checkmate. 
Same with race. 
Not a nuke, not poisoning the water- but poison how the people see each other. 
Corrupt what they believe until they believe in nothing at all, not even in themselves, let alone their Gov., let alone their Homeland. Poison the culture. Keep them fighting, so when I do pull up on their doorstep, it’s too late.
 [Destroy the traditional family first, trivialize values until you stand for nothing: Destroy the country]
Convince the Protector Class/Men they should want to be destroyed by the group of people they should be protecting in the first fucking place: That is the power of propaganda people, corruption of the natural instinct. 
This is psychological warfare in real time. Brain-Malware, this is not a joke.
And trust and believe, I actually do have better things to do,  I only talk this much because I actually give a hoot.
 It’s just a crime that professionals with lengthier credentials WILL NOT tell you any of this. 
Propaganda is CONTROL, and will convince you to give yours up. 
Propaganda hurts you and conditions you to want to be hurt by the other half of humanity who’s entire instinct is community, birthing life, emotional propensity strength & nurturing. Things that build civilization. 
 Hear me out, women are physically softer, designed to be more pleasant and lovable to appeal. 
But somehow the popular obsessive scenario in the cult is women destroying everything, with a smile, with pleasure, and satisfaction. Absolute demon-spawn who’s birth is a mistake.
Sooooo the overtone being, again, that a woman with any power- is a threat to civilization? A threat to men. 
Wow, that’s how you feel? Lmfao!  Again, smells like misogyny.  Smells like an implanted narrative.
See, majority of the “GTS” (Generic Typical Silliness) -producers just conjure their content to receive likes, and most importantly validation for their Misandrist-macabre & maybe money from the fellow members.
The actual overtones of what they’re spreading out in the Human races digital continuity (Inter-Nets) and how that insults/slanders women or what that says about them because that’s coming from their own heart & mind about women- that  will never sink in for them. Too much dopamine addiction to the validation to properly think about the subtext or what they’re actually communicating by drawing the same crap over and over again.
A beautifully implanted rotted seed (on part of the powers sabotaging men & women), twisted, horrifically sick joke. 
Completely Anti-Human narrative, because who even portrays women like that, all women wanted was Equality. Why do we absolutely need them to loom over us like overlords when they actually just want someone to love them, listen to them, and see them? Flaws and all.
That’s all women want. Women are not a mystery, they’re just made to be complicated by the media because women being complicated helps the disconnection. It romanticizes it.
Tell someone a lie enough times then it becomes true.
Some bro’s propagate “Woman with power is a man’s undoing” for a living and sleep at night without considering “Why is that coming from inside me” ? 
This is why accountability, judgement, criticism is necessary. 
It helps prevent society from becoming a mass asylum. It never “hurts anyone” until it does-
Just. Ask. JAPAN. 
(’2023 Japan Age of Consent Law change’, look it up and look up why they changed it)
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Some commenter said something simple yet true on a video where some goofy attention seeking woman who sells videos of herself stepping on plastic toys & sells said footage to mouth-breathers, she ultimately claimed “I’m a Giantess” (*nice job parents, good to know where my Tax dollars went)
And the commenter didn’t insult her, they didn’t say anything wild, no essay, no lecture, not even something I personally expected, they said simply:
“The west is derailing.”,
 that’s it.  It’s not profound, but that stuck with me.
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Because that’s the plan buddy boy, that’s the plan.
And then if you’re not dealing with human footstools who want to be literal pets for giant-women, you have the other end of the spectrum: Man-Boyos who are actually toxic, the kind that grooms, unwanted advances persist then calls you a “bitch” because the situation didn’t play out how it did in his head.
Plenty of confidence, but misplaced, no humility, no maturity, nothing intelligent to say but talking the loudest. Can’t tell you how many times I almost threw hands with those types of dudes.
And in-between, you have the normies just trying to keep their heads down, live out whatever’s left of the “American Dream/ Theory”, racking up 50 exes every 6 months trying to figure it out because the only legacy society has to pass down to you is failure. 
Consider this hookup culture where women are expected by a lot of men to be LVL99 Sexperts but if she’s had too many partners she’s considered damaged/used up/monkey branching by MGTOW groups...who in concept should be a good thing, some good messages, but overall just boil down to divorcees & bitters bashing women while sprinkling “male empowerment” on top of it.
She hits 30, she’s over the hill when actually 30-35 is physically prime time to have babies. 20-30 should be young women figuring it out (mentally, existential), as with any adult.
Or women told/encouraged to “experiment” or made to think they can have the swingers life at 19  and then settle down when it’s convenient. 
Which they can, however, consequences don’t take a break because you’ve been taught to think is having fun- Then they’re worn & torn before they’re 25, just way too eager to sleep with 70% of America, like slow the hell down, jfc.
Have a laundry list of expectations for a man, but who you are doesn’t match half the good things you expect from him- How is that a recipe for success?
Just having your cake, eating it, and choking on it on both sides.
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Both sides have podcasts asking “what happened?” or pointing the finger to the other side, when in reality--
 We’re not enemies nor meant to fight in nature, powerful women are not a threat, and proud men aren’t something to keep caged, broken and exercised.
We’re not even designed to fight each other. This is precisely the point as to how forced this all is.
We’re set up to be fractured and wedged from each other in a cultural sense. (because obviously people are still bumpin hips & having kids but some not raising em worth a crap or training them to be useful or struggling to give them something good, or raising them up right just to be corrupted as soon as they leave the house, sometimes even earlier. some sects of Society are not even hiding that they are “coming for your kids”)
 “Everyone knows  what sex is, a lot of people know how to fuck. Nobody ‘makes love’ anymore.”
SO point being, finally: Propaganda is POWER. Propaganda is control. It creates delusions/& apparently fetishism. It creates false realities, conflict, disconnect. Lies. Lies. Lies. Propaganda is CONTROL. 
“power & control“, two words macrocreeps obsess over in fantasyland- same two concepts that propaganda is meant to take away from you. That is NOT an accident.
Drive the American sexes apart, division makes for a weaker people, weaker people are easier to control, birthrates dropping since the 70s (Not an accident, look it up & it’s got nothing to do with women going to school and getting jobs) and now Biden or the powers above him are making up the difference with an influx of illegals to compensate for what Americans are not birthing because of the disconnect and all the various side-effects of that and the propaganda.
American Feds has always been lacking, but this level of incompetence is not accidental. It’s sabotage. And it’s not new, it’s no different from how dope is implanted in Black communities so the community eats itself alive, remaining behind and seemingly primal.
Think about it, why would we need a New World Order, if one of the most iconic Empires on the planet  is successful, healthy and thriving economically?
The answer is, you wouldn’t need a NWO if the U.S. is King or a threat or taken seriously. (Even if you’re not the biggest fan of American history, or the current reputation they have with their poor wokeness & political embarrassments. Do not underestimate just how many countries look to America for reinforcement and an example)
So to fix that, you prevent The United States of America from EVER becoming a threat again.
And instead of picking a fight on the outside- infiltrate their political parties, infiltrate their culture, their pop-culture, propagandize what they watch, what the masses internalize, break the family down, drive apart men & women, promote alternative lifestyles, make truth an “insensitivity”, speaking truth punishable by legal persecution or being banned from social media (which is akin to erasing your existence in the modern age), and plant agents in the Senate that will (by vote) prevent any progress for the American people:
(Think in Newspeak or be banned for ‘violating community guidelines’, you vulgar swine) aka 
“Social Media” aka 1984: The Prototype
“there is no war in ba sing se”
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Pay off the leader to literally allow illegals (that coincidentally involve a good number of your own nationals) into their country and make the legal citizens who are already desperate for better healthcare to then pay for the toilet-paper the illegals wipe their ass with.
The illegals aren’t the problem, we are letting them in here. Look up what one of China’s border installations look like, it’s a FORTRESS out of a James Bond game. 
Russia’s doesn’t play either so why is America expected to be the fool?
Blatant sabotage. It’s all connected. Biden himself in ‘07 said a great nation can’t have weak borders (paraphrasing), now he’s changed his tune when what he said was 100% true.
Birthrates resulting from the disconnect, the disconnect resulting from propaganda, the fetish being the manifestation of the culture’s climate & hostility toward men and boys & trivialization of women & girls, dehumanizing humanity; As well as a symptom that the propaganda is working way better than intended.  
OR? the scary part? It was calculated.
PROPAGANDA is power!!! Control how people perceive reality & themselves, you control the direction of that society.
And because it’s working, Americans are likely past the point of recovery.
If it took this long to decline, imagine how long it will take to repair it, and Americas will never be allowed to fix anything, not before another tragedy conveniently strikes or another reason to fight each other conveniently arises, more distraction.
The problem starts where the solution is, in the home, in your culture.  
We need more people, but the world is rotting, the times are going in a direction not suitable for children, or even having/affording children is smart. You have a newborn that needs formula, you can’t afford insurance but your taxes are feeding an illegal’s kids. 
Who in their right mind would reward a society with another mind to corrupt, another slave to bleed dry and it won’t even help you raise the child before trying to feed other people kids- who trespassed to begin with and our own homeless are being exiled from cities like the trash you walk on?! *ERROR404*
But we have 50MIL+ for trespassers.
 It’s lose- lose for the modern Americano.
And don’t think Trump is the answer- these people will fight & debate on TV then have orgies on islands while you’re arguing with people you don’t know online because you think your political tribe is the answer to the world’s problems. When it’s all just manufactured chaos.
Make promises about things you can see, like “build the wall”, but bringing the country together? Bringing men and women together? Better healthcare WITHOUT subtext loopholes to fund backdoor deals in other countries? These antagonist corporations causing this disconnect in advertisements & movies, will they be falling in line to help your people?
If that isn’t the argument in the Presidential debate, you’re voting for an agent. (And I keep saying “Agent”, because I repeat: WATCH THE MATRIX again. Hiding in plain sight baby, in plain sight.) 
They do not care, they’re reading scripts, on orders.
Help the culture maturing, growing up (pun intended, headass) , it will never happen. 
Why would Americans want that, why would Americans ever want the only real progress that will save their country? Unity. 
Apparently everything’s going great in America, why would people want actual progress that would fix everything, why would you ever want an actual solution when you can keep being promised one by people who don’t live in your community and own Islands to hand down to their great great-grands and yours live off of tips.
But you have 50 million+ big ones to spare for illegals? Hm, you cats got yourselves a paradise eh? Ready to fight everyone’s wars & fix everyone’s problems but your own.
Let them all in to keep families together, and drive your own people apart.
Your Gov. (and the powers above them) are giving Palpatine a run for his money when it comes to this Chess game play, my lord.
Ya’ll have been getting played, and played hard.  
That’s the only “Domination” happening here, the powers playing the uninitiated, broken, lonely & longing and above all: distracted. 
Subliminally training so many to submit, hunt for likes from the collective, obey TOS or be erased (prototype martial law), and ironically want subjugation ie. train people to want what’s coming anyway.
All they had to do was slap a woman on it. Genius.
Life was not meant or designed to be like this. This is why there are problems. 
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Reverend Mother from DUNE PART TWO said it best: 
“-there are no sides.“
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rboooks · 1 year
The Adoptive Son. Part 2
Dick tries his best to keep his smile as Danny Crowne fumbles with his laptop, attempting to show Dick all the fantastic features he programmed onto it.
Don't be wrong; he enjoys new software, and the stuff Crowne made was awe-inspiring. He just wished it wasn't being used for one of his most disgusting crimes.
Babs, who was recently super into coding, had been all but foaming at the mouth when she got access to the new writing application Crowne Industries put out.
Yes, she got access a bit earlier than most since she hacked into the system attempting to find evidence of criminal activity, but she had tested it out and wanted it for herself.
"This writing program has an automatic save option after a certain amount of time goes by." Crowne blushes a little, looking bashful when Dick sends him a winning smile. "I-ugh, I forget how often computers crash, taking with them hours of work, so hopefully, this will help tired college students. It even has a way to retrieve lost files, just in case something does get deleted."
"Wow, you made all this by yourself? That's so impressive." Dick purrs, allowing his hand to land on Crowne's knee. The other man jumps slightly, looking down at the hand like he's never seen one before. At least this mission was easy.
Crowne's had plenty of people flirt with him over the years of his adoption. Dick had watched him at galas, sidestepping any courtship attempts like a well-practiced waltz. He charmed so many would-be suitors simply by his prince-like mannerism, silver tongue, dripping good looks, and of course, very large wallet.
He had thought it meant that Crowne was experienced in this sort of thing. Imagine his surprise at the beginning of the mission; Crowne fumbled through his flirtations and seemed so awkward it was almost endearing.
Danny Crowne didn't make much sense to Dick in this way.
He quickly became one of Gotham's most eligible bachelors and one of the first openly bisexual ones. Despite his adoptive parents less than ideal views on the gay community, Crowne never hid that part of himself. Once he had taken over the company, he had even gotten charities set up to support the gay youths of Gothams. He practically funded the Pride Celebrations, even more than Bruce, which showed how he became the new head of Crowne Industries
In four short years, he had snatched the company from the jaws of bankruptcy and dragged it to the top again. Everything they made was so revolutionary, even Bruce had been tempted to ask Crowne to join him for the first two years.
Back then, Dick had thought Crowne was weird.
All the guy did was talk about tech, and when he wasn't, he was staring into space or attempting to get into different equipment so he could take it apart and figure it out.
Crowne had been invited to his birthday party a few months after his adoption. Dick had seen him arrive, but he vanished from the room not long after- at the time, he didn't blame the other. The rest of their classmates were snobbish and a pain to be around- he later found Crowne pulling out one of his light sockets to check the wiring in Bruce's house.
It may have been the cheap light he was using, but Dick swore he had seen the guy's eyes glowing while he muttered to himself in an unknown language.
The Crownes had been mortified, forcing Crowne to apologize profoundly for ripping Bruce's things. Bruce had to play his part of Brucie, so he had laughed it off, asking the boy why he had done it in the first place.
" I meant no offense. I apologize for allowing my curiosity to cross a line. I was only interested in how advanced your home is. I figured the Wayne's would indicate where the world's leading systems would be." Fourteen-year-old Danny Crowne had told Bruce with a sweet smile that was far too wide and eyes that were far too bright.
It creeped fourteen-year-old Dick out so much he actively avoided the adoptive son of the Crowne for the last four years.
Now he wishes he had paid a little more attention. Maybe then he would have caught on to Crowne selling street kids on the black market.
"It's nothing, really." Crowne laughs nervously, flushing read as Dick gently rubs his knee. He smirks inwardly as the other man fumbles. "I couldn't have done it without Tim so-"
"Tim?" That's a new name. Dick quickly pressed the recording device that Bruce had installed into his bracelet. He hated that he was working with his ex-mentor again, but this was too big of an issue to allow his hurt feelings to get in the way. There were so many kids at stake.
"Tim Drake. His parents are out of the country a lot, so I started babysitting him when he was eight. He's thirteen now, but I got temporary guardianship of him when I turned eighteen. He's my pride and joy. " Crowne clarifies with a growing smile. Dick wanted to punch his teeth in for acting so loving, so caring, so fucking kind when it came to children.
He swallows the urge with incredible difficulty. "He sounds great."
He did know Timothy Drake, actually. The boy was his neighbor for years but didn't stand out much. He always looked like a little doll at the galas, vanishing from sight once his parents' backs were turned.
Dick often thought the boy was out of the country with his parents, primarily when they enrolled him in homeschool when he turned eight.
To think the Drakes were working on making a good relationship with Crowne since he first showed up, and no one within the Bats noticed. It was a little troubling.
Were the Drakes involved with the trafficking ring? Were the world trips just a means to smother out poor victims? Were they using their son, or was Tim Drake part of the scheme?
More questions and not enough answers.
"Y-you could meet him if you want," Crowne coughs, playing with a specialized keyboard- it was so flat. Dick had never seen a slimmer design- his face was a lovely red hue. "I have him for this month, so he's back at my apartment with his babysitter."
Perfect an opening.
"Mr. Crowne, are you inviting me back to yours?" Dick asks, allowing his voice to turn husky with sinful promise.
Crowne face turns even redder. "I didn't mean to assume, but...ugh, are you hitting on me?"
Dick almost laughs.
"I am." He says even as he thinks If only you weren't a scum bag. You are not ever going to get this lucky, you disgusting pig.
"Thank the Ancients. I was worried I may have interpreted your intentions. I would be honored if you accompanied me home-but, not for sex! I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to sex at a later date-just dinner? I can cook." Crowne closes his eyes as if pained, and Dick wishes he was the person he was pretending to be.
Oh well.
They all have their own masks.
Dick just happens to be someone who was bestowed with a criminal. He slips it on as quickly as his NightWing one, throwing an arm over Crowne and placing a tracker on his neck. The bastard didn't even notice. Good.
"I would love that Crowne."
"Danny." The man says with a warm relieved smile. "You can call me Danny."
"Then you can call me Dick"
Dick will have this man rotting away in a jail cell soon. He swears it.
(Part 1) (part 3)
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redclercs · 1 year
iv. you and me would be a big conversation
— the one where both of you have big reputations.
warnings: this one got a little long sorry, bashing towards charles and y/n (i love them ok), taylor swift references,2.6k words.
masterlist ✢ next
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[female voiceover]: ❝(...) while it is true she has a contract with Elix the new MAJOR sponsor for Ferrari—horrible drink by the way—rumor has it y/n's actual goal is to get the monegasque driver to spare a glance her way... Like, okay girl, but you left a 3-year relationship five minutes ago, chill.❞
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IN pure Taylor Swift fashion, y/n y/ln has found her own ‘Getaway Car’ in none other than the 25-year-old Monegasque Formula 1 pilot, Charles Leclerc.
While nothing’s been confirmed, (come on now, what celebrity will just confirm rumors of their own free will in this day and age? Screw you, PR agents) the actress has been seen at two Grand Prix and the Elix contract gives her good camouflage for being constantly photographed with her new beau.
No matter how much sex-appeal these two exude, let’s not forget that we have a victim here: Aidan Kim. How can you leave a three year relationship with the man that gave you everything and not even two months later you’re already with someone else?
Is it a rebound or are we looking at something serious? In your humble writer’s opinion it’s most likely the former. And let’s not forget what Taylor Swift, in her infinite wisdom, said: “Nothing good starts in a getaway car”, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Ferrari.
→ Aidan Kim buys new home in Sherman Oaks.
→ Every celebrity present at the Miami Grand Prix.
→ Is y/n y/ln really done with RomComs?
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May 13th, Los Angeles, California.
“ARE you sure this is who you want as your rebound, babe?” Victoria places the magazine down and turns her head to look at you, using the precise force and tilt for her sunglasses to slide down to the tip of her nose.
“Stop reading that garbage,” you warn, not bothering to change your position in the chaise-longue, you don’t even look away from the script in your hands.
The day started pretty well, sunny Los Angeles made you feel hopeful for the first time in a while as you opened the script Mildred sent you when you got back from Miami. A drama about a young widow. You can work with that.
“I just mean—” Vic shifts her whole body in your direction, “—You have options, what about Timothée? I’m pretty sure the Kylie thing is fake. And he wouldn’t say no to you.”
“Stop that, Vic,” this time you do look her way for emphasis, you mean it. “I’m not looking for a rebound, or anything else for that matter. I want a job.”
“Fine,” Vic makes a show of capturing her lip between her teeth to pronounce the “F” and lies back in the chair. “I’m just saying…”
You’re glad to be wearing sunglasses, so she can’t see the way your eyes rollback. To be fair, you’re at Vic’s house so she has every right to occupy the same space as you at any given minute. Which is all the time.
After the breakup you ran to Vic’s Los Angeles home and left the SoHo apartment to Aidan. Vic's house is amazing, with eight rooms, five bathrooms, a black granite kitchen and of course, the pool. But you miss New York, even if you can fit your own room two times in one of Vic's. At least, according to rumors, Aidan is moving out of the apartment so you might be able to return to it soon.
“I think it’s bullshit that they see me breathing near a guy and suddenly we’re dating,” you drop the stack of papers on your legs, startling Vic with the sound. “Bullshit.”
“It’s just tabloids, babe.” Vic goes quiet, knowing she’s annoyed you and now you feel guilty about that too.
“I know,” you sigh, picking the script back up. Suddenly you don’t like it that much anymore.
Of course you know it’s just tabloids. People talk shit just for fun, but you’ve been their main target for a few weeks now and you cannot wait for them to move on. Which seems unlikely.
You've never been more glad about turning down a Yankees game invite.
Following Ferrari’s disappointing Sunday and the respective mandatory Elix pictures, you hung around the Suite a little longer in aims of gathering your thoughts and the will to leave to meet Vic at another after-party.
“Hola y/n! I thought you’d left,” Carlos carried his bag in one hand as he struggled to put his sunglasses with the other.
“I’m about to,” you smiled at him, locking your phone. “You too?”
“Yep, going straight to the airport. See you in Italy?” he asked, running his now free hand through his black hair, all set.
“See you there, Carlos.” you waved him goodbye before leaning back on the couch.
Vic had apologized for the shenanigans she'd pulled the previous night, saying she knew she should have asked you instead of just running with things. So you were looking forward to the after-party, it would be fun to hang out with your best friend after making up.
It wasn’t even five minutes before Charles came out too, hanging up a call in his half-destroyed iPhone.
“Oh hey!” He greeted cheerfully, the bad aftertaste from the race wasn't evident in his demeanor anymore. They had their debrief and Charles was willing to let go of the negativity momentarily.
“Hi Charles,” your not-as-cheerful tone didn’t bother him one bit. “Are you flying back today too?”
You couldn’t picture yourself in an eight hour flight after everything they’d done today, but they’re not really regular humans.
“We’re driving to New York, actually,” his hand hovered over the refreshment table, until he picked one of the leftover Elix. Charles examined the black can he chose before speaking again, “We’re going to a Yankees game tomorrow.”
“That’s very nice, Charles.”
He hates Elix as much as the next person so you can't help but wonder why he drinks them even when the cameras are off. Carlos and you never do.
“Would you like to join us?” He offered, the last word deafened by the click of the can as he opened it.
You took a few seconds to process the question, long enough for Charles to down about half the can in one gulp.
“Thank you, but I’m flying back to L.A. tomorrow.”
Charles' mouth went down in one corner and you were uncertain whether it was your answer or the taste that caused it. He tilted the can making the remaining liquid dance.
“Maybe another time,” he added, downing the rest of the blueberry flavored Elix. “Don’t worry.”
“Thanks for asking me, though,” you smiled, grabbing your purse from the couch. You had recovered enough energy already, and you didn't want to miss the DJ set at the party. “I hope you enjoy it.”
“Thanks y/n,” his mouth was still frozen in that slight wince and you shook your head gently at the sight of the empty Elix. “I'll see you in Italy, right?”
“I’ll be there.” you assured, although you hoped not. But a week didn’t seem like enough time to secure a gig.
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YOU land in Italy the day the Grand Prix gets canceled. Which is very much just your luck. It’s for the better, though, safety must always come first.
It makes no sense to run back to America when you have nothing else to do, so you resolve to stay in Rome and catch up with a few friends you have around. Matilde Bassi being the best among them, and she would rather die than let you stay in a hotel instead of her house.
"I said no," she repeats, and her accent—although barely even there— reminds you of Charles for a split second, before your brain lets go of the image. "I've told you a million times to come visit, I won't let you stay in a hotel."
You give up after that because you don't want to annoy her. Matilde has quite the strong character, which is the reason she got to Broadway in the first place. After years of being in New York, where you met her, she decided to move back to Italy. Mati, still pursuing her passion, is currently the European public's favorite Juliet.
The fact that all of this goes down in a phone call gives you time to pick up what little stuff you've gotten out of your suitcase and check-out of the hotel before Matilde gets there to take you to her house.
"So, how are you doing?" she asks, refilling your wine before moving back to the stove, where she's cooking your favorite Italian meal.
"I'm fine, I've told you," you chuckle, sipping the drink. Her house is beautiful too, and spacious, but it feels homey compared to Vic's. "Taking it easy."
One thing you tend to forget about Matilde is how she is able to see right through your bullshit, and that's exactly what she's doing now.
"You never take it easy, y/n. And I mean how are you really? How do you feel? A lot has changed for you lately." she flips her head back to remove a stray curl of hair out of her eyes, "You can be honest."
"I'm fine, seriously, Mati," you know drinking so fast will make the wine go straight to your head but you'll do anything to avoid really talking about this. Which is unfair, Matilde is being genuine.
"You moved from one coast to the opposite and you're fine? What are you working on right now?"
You sigh, managing to smell your own alcoholic breath. "I'm with Victoria, and I've lived in Los Angeles before, while filming, it's not a big deal. As for work... I'm just– picking some stuff out, seeing the best options."
Matilde nods and turns around to grab two plates from the sky blue cupboards behind her. "Are you planning on going back to New York?"
"Yeah, hopefully," you get up to help her and she gestures for you to take a seat again. "My name was on the lease and Aidan is moving out of the apartment, according to People Magazine, anyway so..."
"Your apartment was amazing," Matilde smiles, reminiscing the girls' nights you spent together while she worked in New York, it was always so much fun to be with Mati. "I hope you can go back. If that makes you happy, that is."
She manages to carry both steaming plates and the bottle of wine to the table, and finally sits down. "Well, enjoy!"
"Thank you, Mati, this smells amazing," you missed Mati's cooking so much because no matter how many Italian restaurants you visit, nothing compares to hers, and you're also glad to have something on your stomach that will make the effects of the wine go away.
Or that's what you hoped for anyway, because you're halfway through another cup of wine, almost done with your food, when you drop the grenade you've left unpinned in your brain for 2 months.
"I don't miss him," you whisper, resting the fork gently on the edge of the plate, between two of the yellow flowers painted on it. "Am I a horrible person because I don't miss him?"
You gave it a lot of thought ever since you took the plane from New York to L.A. the night you said no. You thought—still think—there's something wrong with you because the feeling that something was ripped out of your life and the hole that it left would never be filled never even appeared. There was no hole, it was a scar already, and you picked at it trying to make it bleed. But nothing happened. Nothing ever happens.
"You're not a horrible person, y/n don't say that."
You're glad Mati doesn't let silence fall between you, it would have made you regret everything that left your mouth, but she's already reaching for your hand and you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Mourning the idea of someone is worse than mourning their absence. And you had missed Aidan for a long time, even when he was with you.
"I just feel awful for leaving and not wanting to go back, I hate myself for being okay."
The rejected proposal is something you keep close to you still. You love Mati, and you trust her, but you cannot bring yourself to touch that subject.
Mati squeezes your hand, her food forgotten as well. "I'm glad you're okay. I liked Aidan, too. But you're my friend, and I love you and all I want is for you to be better than okay."
"Thank you Mati," it's her words that actually get the tears flowing, and you wipe them quickly with your free hand. "Sorry for dumping this on you so suddenly." you give a choked laugh before clearing your throat.
"I did tell you you could be honest," she laughs, giving your hand a last squeeze before letting it go. "How about we just go straight to dessert?"
You nod, grateful that she leaves to get the tiramisu you bought on the way home from the fridge so you can pull yourself together.
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MONACO welcomes you the Sunday before the Grand Prix. Which you are excited about, for the first time in a while.
Matilde proves to be the best company once again, knowing her way around Monaco like it's her own home. You're glad she's attending the Grand Prix too and you were able to get her into the Ferrari Suite with you, unlike your failed attempt at Miami with Vic.
One thing you find out about Monaco pretty soon, is that they're obsessed with Charles Leclerc. He's in buses and billboards and you can see people waiting to catch a glimpse of him outside grocery stores. It warms you up inside that he's so loved in his own country, not many people can relate.
You don't love, however, that the articles online have brought attention to your presence in Monaco too. And although it’s far less than the one Charles gets for obvious reasons, the heat that comes from it is closer to ire than affection.
Still, you take photos with those who ask on your way back from dinner with Mati and ignore the “you’re here for your boyfriend, huh?” Questions that come from people with their cameras millimeters away from your face. Saying “it’s not like that” isn’t worth the effort because it won’t work.
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May 23rd Montecarlo, Monaco.
Mati is introducing you to other celebrities that attended the All-Stars game, when Charles comes back from signing autographs to the part of the stadium where you are. He's messy, dirty and all dimples—again— which you start to find annoying. Although it's mildly sweet how he always smiles at you when your eyes meet, you cannot allow yourself to think of that too often. He's a nice guy, he's being nice.
"Hi y/n, I thought I'd see you until the weekend," he greets you, still drying off the sweat from the back of his neck.
You shrug, making way for a couple of guys who give Charles a bro hug, joke about the several mistakes he made during the match and then leave, acknowledging you in the form of a quick scan.
"Good game," you can't help the small laugh that follows the compliment, but Charles only smiles wider.
"I'm a natural," he replies, but takes his hand to the place he hit when he face planted. "Don't you think?"
"Definitely," you laugh again, raising both eyebrows. "I'm just glad you stick to racing."
"Me too," it's his turn to shrug, and run a hand through his damp hair.
“How was New York?” You look over your shoulder to Mati, who’s holding her own conversation a few steps away. “Did you have fun?”
“It was really fun, noisy, big. It’s a shame you couldn’t come.”
“Thank you again for inviting me. I do miss New York, but i had things to do.” You let the air out of your lungs hoping, albeit stupidly, he can’t see in your face that the things you did was read stuff on the internet about the two of you together.
“Oh you live in New York? That’s wonderful, so you know your way around. Lorenzo and I got lost.”
You chuckle gently. “It happens to the best of us.”
“Ready to go?” Mati puts an arm around you, smiling. “Hello, Charles.”
So it is true everyone knows each other in these circles.
“Hello Matilde,” Charles smiles back at her, “I won’t keep you any longer, y/n.”
“No worries, it was nice seeing you.”
“I’ll see you soon, maybe I can show you a place or two in Monaco.” Charles is very casual, but his eyes don’t leave yours for a heartbeat.
Matilde tilts her head and her ponytail falls into your shoulder, the small hairs tickling your ear.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks Charles.” You shake your head away from Mati’s and wave Charles goodbye as he walks by you.
“My advice,” Mati is still holding you by the shoulder. “If I may be nosy… You don’t want to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Charles Leclerc. You don’t wanna do that, y/n.”
You roll your eyes but Mati is unbothered by the gesture. “I’m not doing anything, Mati. He’s being nice, we see each other every weekend.”
“He is a homie hopper, trust me, run don’t walk.”
You tsk, making her shake her head this time. “If it makes you feel better, I’m not doing that, never, ever.”
And although you intend to keep your promise, the first thing you do once your phone is hooked to the hotel’s wifi, is google Charles and his reputation.
Even if you know better than anyone that the internet is full of lies.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hello! i really enjoyed creating this chapter, especially the fake media so i hope you've enjoyed it too. thanks for reading!♡❞
✰ paddock club members: @majx00
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
I love the crossover between first lady reader and real celebs that you make sometimes!
Can you expand on that a little and give me a crumb mother 🧍‍♀️
What would the reader wear to the oscars and oscars after party (i have no idea if that exists) and what would be the peoples rections and her reaction to other celebs ?
Hmm maybe something like this:
Because I feel like First Lady Y/n would like full sleeves and arm gloves, and the backless part too but that's mostly to piss off Kai. Pair it up with am elegant updo and the most precious jewels (and u must wear Kai's wedding ring. That is non negotiable. Your stylist may have also given you a diamond necklace with a huge sapphire in it- courtesy of AFO ofc)
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And for the after party, I feel like the above dress was a safer option for PR reason. But I think reader would still go for a somewhat "safer" option for after party because people are always watching and she has to maintain Kai's reputation.
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But I also think that now that reader has been tk so many parties and galas, she really doesn't care anymore if people think she's slutty or something (if anything, the public will probably bash the designers for making something so inappropriate for the first lady. Poor you were just pressured into wearing it), so she might even wear something like this to the after party:
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Kai is absolutely foaming at the mouth because on one hand, "YOU LOOK DROP DEAD GORGEOUS OMG HOW DID HE GET SO LUCKY. THIS FAKE MARRIAGE AND BABY TRAPPING U IS SO WORTH IT. HES NEVER LETTING YOU GO NOW!" But on the other hand, everyone is staring at you and he doesn't... like that. You can bet that he has the secret service pushing away celebrities so that they don't hog you, he definitely had Katsuki body slam Ryan Gosling away because Kai knows you're a fan. To everyone's surprise, Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan were having a long, interesting conversation with you, I mean- once that picture of all 3 of you was posted on twitter, fans went nuts as they pointed out how the two stoic men had the faintest twinkle in their eyes as they talked to you. Who knows what in the world you were talking about?
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millysastroblog · 1 year
# unpopular opinion !!!!!
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🤦🏾‍♀️Venus in Libra, Venus conjunct Mars, are u guys talking to me or flirting with me. Because HONEY it is hard to differentiate, with yall charming asses. You all make my heart and mind hurt , chile. #Stop it 😏😍!
🤦🏾‍♀️Moon/- Lilith hard aspects = sexsist in WORST CASE (extreme ,out of ordinary views on females, womanhood, and female roles)
or the complete opposite being a hard core (feminist) but bashing men for literally existing.🤥 ! # In Worst case ,have seen it in many ppl charts!!
🤦🏾‍♀️Jupiter in the 3rd talk aloooot to the point of making my ears hurt, like 1000 words in 1 min is to much for me girl! # chiiiiiiiillllew
🤦🏾‍♀️Uranus in the 11th switing friend groups every new season of the year. These are the friends that you wont see that much because of how unpredictable they are ! like can yall settle down for once and not flake on people!
🤦🏾‍♀️Same with Uranus in the 7th in parterships they come and go like the wind blowing !
🤦🏾‍♀️Cancers placements and their victimization complex,
🤦🏾‍♀️same goes for pisces placements !
🤦🏾‍♀️cancer mixed with libra not showing ppl that they dont like them at all, holding a lot of resentment, and anger towards people # babes this is not helathy!
🤦🏾‍♀️the award of the attention whore of the zodiac goes tooooooo leo and LIBRAAAAAAS
🤦🏾‍♀️libras can sometimes rely to much on other people to the point of codependence! Wanting their friends partners pick and choose everything for them # i aint your mama babes!
🤦🏾‍♀️Opposite goes for Aries and Taurus placemenrs SUPER independent avoiding and rejecting help from others. #Hating to ask People for shit!
🤦🏾‍♀️Aquarius placements and their sometimes ultimate, god complex, wider than the univers EGOS , everytihing i say is and must be right (mixed with gemini, virgo, or mercury dominance) , get on my motherfucking nerves# somebody needs to check yall asses 🙄 !
🤦🏾‍♀️mars - uranus/mars- jupiter harsh aspects men are so fucking reckless , two steps away of putting yourself in a sticky situations #be carful, dont be breaking no windows, doors and unless u want to go to jail,
🤦🏾‍♀️12th house stelliums/Pisces Stelliums not living in the Moment at all. These are people u gotta call their names 5 times until they´ll catch up and wake up from lala land!# Practincing midfullness might solve the maladaptive day dreaming, # i suffer from ths shit to !! 🫤
🤦🏾‍♀️Virgos having this inner need to be perfect, babes u are fine just the way u are !!
🤦🏾‍♀️Down side of their internal perfectionism is that they mirror that back on to others. Being very critical and nitpicky about the smallest things !
🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in the 5th/ Leo are over board scary party animals 🤠☠️ literally wanting to party and be drunk every fucking day #yall need to slow down and chiiiiiiiiillle
🤦🏾‍♀️Saturn in the 5th you guys despise children. Children for them are these scary little monsters !
🤦🏾‍♀️Venus sqaure Uranus/ Jupiter, Jupiter / Uranus in the 7th have or had a lot of suitors, relationships but sometimes they take them for granted, not taking them seriously because they have lots of options, Thinking it is all games ! # LUST before actual LOVE ! #beginning stages, # underdeveloped
🤦🏾‍♀️Venus- Mercury are dangerous charming motherfuckers hyponotizing you with their words, can use this power to take advantage of other people if not evolved, like manipulating, scamming, lying especially with Pluto and neptune prominence in Chart # siren voices 🔊
🤦🏾‍♀️Chiron in the 1st house, Chiron - ASC hard aspects are prone to pay a lot of attention to the physical appearance of others . Like having a pimple, thin hair, etc, theyll analyze your whole body and you wonder WHY??? # mmmmmhh, y’all guess? 🤔😐
🤦🏾‍♀️DARK: Mars in the 10th, Lilith in the 10, Pluto in the 10th, Neptune in the 10th, Chiron in the 10th, 10th house stellium if afflicted might be addicted to fame, success and high social status, selling their souls/ authenticity, exploiting other ppl, doing the most random insane shit , only for them to be at the top. #power greed, politicians, social media, celebrities!!
*******{NEW ! ⬇️} Solar Return Chart Series: PT. 1/PT.2 *******
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jedi-enthusiast · 5 months
Something that’s literally insane to me is the amount of hypocrisy that anti-Jedi people have in regards to the Jedi adopting Anakin.
(or “kidnapping” him, as they’d phrase it—as if Shmi wasn’t literally saying “take Anakin with you to become a Jedi” every other line in TPM, but whatever-)
The Jedi: *adopt Anakin*
Anti-Jedi people/Stanakins: they kidnapped him, abused him, brainwashed him into suppressing his emotions, trapped him so that he couldn’t leave, and told him love was evil!!!
The Jedi: *say they probably shouldn’t adopt Anakin since their lifestyle wouldn’t be a good fit for him*
Anti-Jedi people/Stanakins: How dare they not immediately accept him into the Order!!! How dare they actually have criteria for someone joining like any other religion!!! How dare they have valid reasons for thinking that being a Jedi wouldn’t be a good fit for Anakin!!!
And it’s usually the same people saying both arguments, depending on which one better fits their argument.
Like…pick a side, for the love of god.
Should the Jedi have not taken him in or should they have taken him in? You can’t have both.
And if you think they were wrong to adopt Anakin, why aren’t y’all getting pissed at Shmi? She’s the one that kept pressuring Qui-Gon to take Anakin and train him to become a Jedi!
And you can’t say- “well, she just wanted to get Anakin out of slavery, she can’t be blamed” -because Shmi could’ve asked Qui-Gon to do anything with Anakin! Take him to an adoption agency, make sure he finds a good home, get him away from Tatooine and make sure he’s safe, etc.
But she told him to take Anakin to the Order and train him to become a Jedi.
And, even if Shmi didn’t know of any other options for Anakin, did y’all want Qui-Gon to fucking lie to her? Say he’ll train Anakin and then just give him to an adoption agency while flipping Shmi the bird?
Or would you have rather Qui-Gon left him in slavery with Shmi? Because remember, Qui-Gon tried to free Shmi but Watto refused to sell her, he would only sell Anakin.
Trick question! Y’all would bash the Jedi no matter what they did!
Like, what was the other option that y’all apparently have in mind? Since you keep shit talking Qui-Gon/the Jedi for literally every decision they could’ve possibly made.
It just…the hypocrisy amazes me.
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aangarchy · 6 months
My friend is watching ATLA for the first time and was complaining about "Katara's many boyfriends." I had to stop and remind her that not only is Katara 13 and going through puberty and hormones, she's also never interacted with a male her age besides her brother. She never really thought romance could be an option for at least a long time, with how small her village is
Ugh, i genuinely have a deep rooted disgust for people who complain about Katara being a normal teenage girl in this show.
I also really wonder where they get the idea that she has many boyfriends, because the only guy she truly had a romantic connection with besides Aang was Jet. I'm assuming for the other "boyfriends" they mean Haru and Teo, both of whom were literally just friends with her and happened to help her with something. It's also not even about "suddenly romance being an option", it's not like she threw herself at every handsome boy she happened to stumble upon after leaving the south?
Haru and Katara bonded over lost parents and Katara did Haru a great service by inspiring him and his dad to get out of prison, and Katara never did any of that because she had a crush on Haru. She did it because she has an incredibly strong sense of justice and hates standing by when people are suffering and families are torn apart. A crush on Haru was never even implied, except for when Haru told Toph that Katara inspired him and his people to break free, and Katara blushed. But even that, she could just be bashful bc Haru gave her such high praise. With Teo, yea he literally just helped her get on a glider for the first time, i do not see a romantic connection whatsoever. Jet was truly the one guy that Katara fell for, because 1) he's older, 2) he saved her from fire nation soldiers and showed up her older brother, and 3) he's a good manipulator that knew Katara found him attractive and used it to his advantage.
It always seems like Katara specifically is being held to such high standards. She's a skank bc she has too many boys around her, she's annoying bc she brings up her mother a few times, she's bossy bc she tells Aang and Sokka not to do anything dangerous, she's overbearing bc she told Toph to help out while setting up camp.
It's misogyny 101. Sokka is allowed to be loud and obnoxious, Zuko is allowed to act out of anger and grieve his mother, but Katara apparently should just sit down and be quiet. People say all of this when Katara is easily one of the most fleshed out female characters of cartoons in the early 2000's, but because they're not used to women being fleshed out suddenly she's "too much".
Sorry for going on such a tangent but ppl like this truly do piss me off lmao.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You give Andy a call, but may have more questions than answers. Word Count: Over 1.3k Warnings: No major warnings. Reader is broke (is that a warning?), Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Follow up to Keep the Change and building this world! Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you!), but any and all mistakes are my own. Moodboard by yours truly, divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics, and warning banner by the wonderful @sgt-seabass. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are welcome!
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You weren’t sure how you made it through the rest of your shift when all you wanted to do was call Andy. It was late by the time you got home and refused to disturb him at that time. You couldn’t sleep though. Not when your mind raced with the possibilities of what the potential job could be.
Maybe he needs a personal assistant. Could I handle someone that handsome being my boss?
Researching Andy on the internet didn’t calm your thoughts. From what you gathered, he had practiced law before he invested in a friend’s real estate company. When that took off, he invested in additional real estate and a range of various businesses and companies. He did well for himself, but you refused to look at his speculated net worth.
It’s not like he’s going to hand any of his cash directly over to me.
Andy was also single. At least, he wasn't married anymore. A quiet divorce before he made his money. You could only imagine how difficult it had to be for him to date. How many people wanted his money and nothing more?
A man as handsome as him, you couldn't picture him sleeping alone. Was it wrong that your gaze lingered on a few photos of him in his suits? Was his beard as soft as it looked?
You decided to call him the next morning. Normally you would have had your first cup of coffee consumed by then, but you didn’t want to be jittery on the call. Your fingers drummed nervously on the counter anyway as you waited for him to answer. Maybe it was too early. Or maybe he was like you and needed caffeine before he conversed with others.
“This is Andy,” the deep voice rang through the phone once he picked up.
“Hi,” your voice cracked. Cringing, you pulled the phone away to clear your throat. “Sorry about that.”
“Hi, honey. Don’t be sorry. I was expecting your call,” his voice softened, a bashful smile forming on your face when he recognized your voice.
A smile that quickly shifted to a yawn.
This call is off to a wonderful start.
“You didn't just wake up, did you?” he asked. "Did you sleep okay?"
“I'm fine. I just haven’t had my caffeine yet,” you tried to joke.
“I know that feeling,” he chuckled. “I hope it wasn't rude of me to ask. I just want to make sure you’re getting enough rest.”
“So you overtip when someone stiffs me, you want to make sure I’m sleeping enough, and you have a possible job for me?” you asked.
You didn’t want to sound suspicious since he was nothing but kind to you. The question is why he’s so nice. You weren’t naive enough to ignore that he was somewhat of a powerful man. Probably liked being in control. Money could get people like him far. You, on the other hand, didn’t have any. Power, money, anything.
You didn’t want to be a charity case.
“You don’t trust my intentions,” he mused.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you thought of how to respond. Saying the wrong thing could cost you whatever he had to offer. On the other hand, transparency might be the best option.
“I want to trust your intentions. It’s just that most people today don’t display kindness without expecting something in return,” you said carefully, keeping the device at your ear as you grabbed a coffee mug out of the cupboard. “I don’t want to lump you in that category and I hope it doesn’t sound like I am. I think part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop because my luck hasn’t been so great. I guess I’m being cautiously optimistic.”
Andy hummed on the other end of the line, but didn’t say anything.
You closed your eyes, an apology on the tip of your tongue as your stomach sank. Why did you have to say what you did? It didn't matter. Beneath the nerves, you were proud of yourself for answering truthfully.
Though at this point, you waited for Andy to tell you to get rid of his card and not call again.
Would it be a blessing if he stopped coming into the diner so you could save face, or a curse that you pissed off a great customer and might never see him again?
"I appreciate your honesty."
You opened your eyes and pulled the phone away for a second to look at it. Surely you misheard him. "You do?"
"Yes, I do. You wouldn't believe how many people tell me what they think I want to hear instead of the truth. Maybe they do it to spare my feelings or avoid confrontation, but it's a hindrance more than anything."
"So you prefer honesty?" you asked. "Even if it's something you don't want to hear?"
"One thing you'll learn about me is that I value honesty," he said.
You wondered how many other things you'd learn.
"An ex-lawyer who likes to hear the truth."
"You did your research on me," he said.
"I may have a little," you admitted, your cheeks hot when he chuckled again.
I can't think a laugh sounds sexy if I work for him.
"Research is a good thing. I would expect anyone to do so before switching jobs."
"Speaking of that," you began, eager to shift the conversation to work and not about looking him up on the internet. "You still haven't told me what this job is all about. I'm not even sure which business it's for."
"Do you have your resume ready?" he asked.
Why isn't he answering my question?
"I do," you answered, glancing at your printer where your recent copy was sitting. "Though I can't exactly tailor it to the specific job if I don't know what it is, Mr. Barber."
"Call me Andy," he said. It was more a command than a suggestion, but somehow made you feel at ease. "I'd prefer to discuss the details in person."
You took a chance by calling, now you could take it a step further and meet him.
"And where would you like to discuss the details, Andy?"
"Are you free for lunch today? We can meet at The Courthouse at 12pm."
The Courthouse was one of the nicest restaurants in the city. The tip Andy left you the night before could maybe cover the price of an entree. Thankfully you still had a couple of decent outfits from when you had an office job.
"I'm free," you said. Luckily you had the day off. "I didn't know they were open for lunch."
"They usually open at 4pm, but they make exceptions."
What's it like to have that kind of sway over anyone?
"I don't want to go to the trouble of doing that."
"I already did," he said confidently. "I told you I was expecting your call."
"What if I had to work today?" you asked.
"I would have had to find a way to convince you to call in. And if I have my way, you'll be quitting there very soon."
"That's if I accept the job," you said, smiling as you leaned your hip against the counter. "But I'll be happy to discuss the details over lunch."
"I can send a car to pick you up," he offered.
"I'll take a cab, but thank you."
A car was too much for a job discussion and you didn't want his driver to see where you lived.
"I'll cover the cost of the cab and lunch," he said, leaving you no room to protest. "I look forward to seeing you."
You tapped a fingertip against your mug when he hung up. His businesses looked legitimate, so you didn't believe he would ask you to do something illegal. He also didn't seem like the type to waste his time and play games.
You had nothing to lose.
Here's to being cautiously optimistic.
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Are we excited to meet Andy for lunch? Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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I just want to talk about Daemon’s first marriage for a moment.
I have seen people left and right shitting on him for how he treated “poor Rhea Royce”.
Let’s get something straight. There is no “poor Rhea Royce”. This woman was spiteful and cold. She wasn’t happy in this marriage, anymore than Daemon was, and yet she didn’t do anything about it. She just persisted in this false union, with no other objective than to torment Daemon. She could have demanded an annulment anytime during those years, and she had a good chance to actually get it.
Daemon had been asking Viserys for an annulment for years, for very good reasons: there were no children which resulted from this union and they didn’t even live together. Not to mention that Daemon never said his vows (Queen Alysanne did it for him). This marriage was basically on parchment. Nothing more. But because Viserys knew how Daemon was, he chose not to give him what he wanted. However, had it been Rhea herself who demanded an annulment, Viserys couldn’t have outright refused her.
There was no reason not to grant an annulment. The relations between the Crown and the Vale wouldn’t have been affected in any way, since Aemma Arryn was Queen.
Daemon’s marriage to Rhea Royce didn’t bring much to the table. He just got the short end of the stick because he was the youngest of Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s grandchildren and there weren’t many options for Valyrian spouses.
Viserys got Aemma (half Targaryen) and the Crown. Rhaenys got herself a love match with a powerful Valyrian lord (Corlys), and Daemon…well…
We all know how Daemon is. Upfront, rude etc. Yes, he lashed out and bashed Rhea Royce in public. It’s not nice, but you try being chained over ten years in marriage to a woman who’s your wife in nothing but name (and who refuses to let you go out of spite). Daemon was in his thirties and he had no children born to him. He wanted heirs of his own and both Rhea and Viserys were denying him that.
Daemon was a Targaryen Prince of many talents, who deserved a better wife from the start. Alysanne did him dirty.
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