#or someone with tase
caspertheconfused · 1 year
Why are so many people in the Cinderella sequels hot? Like dude we got the baker, step mother, Anastasia, the prince, Cinderella, the queen, all of the guards, and godmother
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aardvaark · 2 months
parker being the one to voice concerns that nate is getting more sadistic is so funny to me. twenty minutes ago you poisoned someone & started giggling and kicking your feet when they passed out
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redstreetsahead · 1 year
How obvious do you think it would be to bruce? Because even if they're not a couple Damian's treating raven like a partner, I imagine they'd expect the other be treated with respect, ect. Plus he's get updates from dick. It's be enough to realise that this is serious I think.
Well first of all, you are so right obviously Bruce and Alfred facetime Dick every week to talk about any updates with the relationship. Sometimes Kory pops on to complain about how Raven is also completely transparent with her feelings, the two of them simply aren't able to confess. The four of them shake their heads at the teens, knowing that they would never do anything like that (neighbor has openly hit on Alfred and man didn't think she was into him, Bruce has fumbled the bag with Catwoman too many times to count, Dick and Kory's first interaction was literally making out and it took them years to confess their feelings)
It's completely obvious to Bruce. When Damian visits Gotham, his stories about the Titans are usually Raven centered. He'll give his thoughts on the book she's reading, wonder if Bruce has any new ideas about fixing the Trigon-sized problem in her head, and discuss her progress in her training.
Of course, Bruce is skeptical as to the extent of these feelings at first. After all, Talia might have loved him, but that didn't stop her from doing everything she did. But the more he hears about the small things Damian does for Raven (carrying her to bed after she fell asleep on the tower (Dick was stalking them), making sure her favorite tea is always ready before she wakes up, practicing meditation just so he can spend time with her), he realizes just how deep Damian's feelings run.
He is slightly unsure of Raven's feelings, and after mentioning this to Alfred once, Alfred decides (without consulting Bruce, Damian, or any other member of the bat family) to extend an invitation to Ms. Roth to join the Wayne household for dinner.
After that dinner Bruce is 100% certain of their feelings for each other. Alfred starts a wedding binder.
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passengerseatsam · 3 months
every so often i get those videos of police academy taser training on my tiktok feed and I am forced to remember that john winchester most definitely did that to his kids
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balladofthe101st · 1 month
Son of Hephaestus! Toye x Son of Hermes! Luz
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your-daily-snl · 1 month
Waffle House, starring two high school sweethearts (Jenny Ortega, Marcello Hernández) who have an emotional conversation about their futures...at a Waffle House.
Original Air Date: 2023
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slashersteve · 10 months
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5mind · 5 months
💞 + to Fivey in general, is there anyone that catches your interest that you might want to explore sexual stuff with?
In the spirit of Sexual Sunday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
"...well... what I may find arousing may not seem even remotely exciting to others. Whether it may even fall under 'sexual' is debatable..."
"But yes, there are those whom I trust and those who I want to trust enough to share moments of intimacy. Realistically speaking... I think approaching them about it would be pointless though."
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emmetrain · 1 year
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"Friendly announcement to all passengers who might be thinking of harming an Ultra Beast. We are sorry that your life will terminate here. Thank you for your co-operation."
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regqlia · 2 years
i have every reason to believe that every mf that has been within shidou ryuusei's proximity carries a portable taser with them EVERYWHERE
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
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[ID: Text that reads, “Generating women…” as a game loads. /End ID]
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miss-floral-thief · 2 months
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Dang it’s a cursed yeah huh
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headofocs-inklesspen · 5 months
Your high school theater teacher makes one joke about you looking like you want to murder someone after rehearsal and you receive at least 5 cast notes end of show about how you should smile more
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bandomfandombeyond · 11 months
I am home alone and sad about it -- but not with any conviction, I just have the lingering ennui attendant to knowing someone you love is having fun without you
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riverofrainbows · 1 year
Something i realised is a hard boundary for me for any future partner is that they must never make me feel left out about food. I have a lot of food intolerances, however they are accommodateable, and i expect my partner to do that. Always, no exceptions. And I don't mean they can't try a new restaurant that only serves food i can't eat, as long as this isn't the only type of 'let's try a new food' they suggest. But if the theme is 'let's invite friends and have cake' and they don't get one i can eat too, or something as a replacement that has the same value (and not sad prepackaged cookies), then i will not play nice to that. I might even just fucking leave, because i will not put a brave face on and be all "No, its fine, how is the cake? I hope you enjoy it".
And i also won't bring my own food to an event someone else organises, especially not my partner's. I used to go to an event where they had, until then, always accommodated me (and others), and then suddenly they stopped and said that it was too much money and effort, and i could write an email before what food they will have and bring a replacement myself. Like no fuck that, i will not pretend they accommodated me through my own effort, if anything i will bring a wildly different food and tell anyone who asks what i have that they were unable to provide accomodation. And yes I do bring my own food to something like going on vacation because I'd rather not starve, but a hotel is neither my friend nor my partner nor an event that prides themselves on inclusivity.
For the longest time i accepted this stuff, but since then i made friends that saw it as a given to accomodate me, and i have raised my standards.
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petalsandpurity · 1 year
i feel for whoever has to monitor my search history
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