#or what is his deal
batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
[on the watchtower]
batman: ... the function of the communication devices is-
superman, looking at stuff in orbit around the earth: huh! that's the baseball my dad got me for christmas. you can still see neil allen's signature on it.
superman, tears in his eyes: i never thought i'd see this again
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qrbits · 2 years
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merrigel · 2 years
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AH HEY y’all remember that Six of Crows zine I got into?? Here’s my piece for it!! I’m still really, really pleased with how it came out- I love all these kids so much!!
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onebitart · 2 years
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VS Knights of White
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tls123 · 2 years
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thirty days of zewu-jun(e)  —  day one  /  insp credit
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memosminifridge · 2 years
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What We Do in the Shadows | Fav moments - Nandor being sad and Guillermo snapping, 1x08 “Citizenship”
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AU where the rage of seeing his brother with That Witch triggers his curse and Philip has a horrifying transformation that he can’t control. He does still very much try to kill Caleb but Caleb assumes it’s the curse and he and his wife and some townsfolk manage to subdue him.
Since Philip can’t figure out how to turn back yet and being a ten foot swamp monster does make it hard to carry out his wicked plans, he lets himself be soothed. Caleb explains that it’s alright, he’ll find a cure, and they’ll stay with his wife’s family in the meantime. Internally Philip is seething but he figures it’s best to play nice. He doesn’t have many other options.
It takes him decades to figure out how to temporarily reverse his transformation and in that time he gets 5 satanic nieces and nephews who are very fond of using him as a jungle gym. Caleb is constantly fussing and the Clawthornes, though wary at first, have accepted him as a sort of Family Beast. (Caleb didn’t mention the eating palismen thing.) “Yes, that’s our Philip! He’s a bit odd. Made out of grime and muck, can only communicate through deafening roars or by scratching words on the ground. Bit angry but I’d be too under the circumstances.”
The elixir he gets off of a traveling salesman works! But only for a day. And, he realizes rapidly, he can build up a tolerance to it. He needs to ration his use.
The first thing he does is go looking for the Collector, who he did his own research on while trapped with the Clawthornes (nephews are surprisingly useful for turning book pages). Caleb is distraught when he disappears, of course, he runs himself ragged looking for him. But Philip pops back up eventually (plus one mirror tucked in his mud flesh and a plan to kill all witchkind) and the Clawthornes just kind of accept that Philip disappears now.
Since he can’t overuse his new cure he instead sticks close to the Clawthornes, relying on their trust for him as cover while he enacts his plans more subtly. He gets money by murdering people on the road and then uses that to bribe agents. It takes some effort to hold a pen in his larger form but anonymous screeds and books about the purity of magic are almost as convincing as a preacher, especially when accompanied by attacks on border towns by a strange, indescribable monster. There’s a surplus of wild palisman around the Clawthornes, no one notices when a few go missing, everyone assumes that they found new people or new places to live. And when he really needs to make a scene he chugs a potion and goes to spread his message in person.
‘Belos’ is the name of a rabble rouser who won’t show his face, who keeps spreading unsettling stories about the Titan and magic itself. Philip is just a large, unfortunate, slightly sticky guy with eyes everywhere and deer horns. He’s good at lifting heavy things and has a seemingly infinite patience for small children and he sometimes goes into the woods to nap or chase rabbits or something.
Eventually Caleb dies (80, in bed, surrounded by children; it’s more than he deserves, the traitor) but Philip still stays with the Clawthornes. They make a very nice cover story and he does need one as pushback to Belos reaches its peak. Even when his message starts to win the war, when there are more adherents to his makeshift religion than nonbelievers, when his puppet monarch (he used Caleb’s bones, which he had such easy access to, to make a grimwalker and claimed the child was Titan sent) is actually crowned, he stays. The elixir really doesn’t work that often. He needs to save it.
He is, he’ll admit, passingly fond of some of the little mongrels his brother produced. Lilith, for example, is clearly willing to do what it takes to accomplish her goals. Edalyn, on the other hand, spells trouble. He can see it in her strongwilled glare, the way the Collector balks at the curse hanging over her, in that smile so like Caleb’s. Because she’s a very real threat to his rule (and because he could be closer to the castle, his latest grimwalker is getting rebellious and might need replacing) he accompanies her when she runs away from home. Cursed Clawthornes have to stick together, right?
He’s astounded when she stumbles on the portal—the actual portal! He’d thought Caleb destroyed it, guilty that they couldn’t go home. Instead it’s here and it’s whole and he steps through it with her, this little witch with his brother’s blood…
And then they go back. He’s not fit for the human realm, not yet. When all the witches are dead, when he’s cured, then he’ll let himself enjoy air that doesn’t smell like rot.
In the meantime he lives in the Owl House and waits.
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comradekatara · 3 years
ngl a big pet peeve of mine is ppl who think sokka was morally wrong for internalizing gender essentialist beliefs that men and women are naturally suited to different roles and that women can’t be warriors, when he was literally tasked with being the sole defender of his entire village when he was 13.
like, how else are you supposed to rationalize something like that, having able-bodied adult women left in your village who wouldn’t even pick up a spear to help a child having to prepare for war all by himself, abandoned by all the other men, who lost his mother in the last raid and knows that it easily could’ve been his baby sister, the target of this genocide?
how are you supposed to take that, unless women really can’t be warriors, and that’s why he’s all alone, facing down an enemy ship with fire nation soldiers carelessly crashing into his village, into the watchtower he spent so long building by himself, using it to wait for the next moment where he knows he’s going to have to give his all on the battlefield, readily sacrificing himself if it means katara will live?
his tribe has certain traditions, but more than that, they won’t even buck tradition for the sake of defending a child. so it must be biological, right? why else wouldn’t they fight? sokka grew up knowing that his role was the Protector, the Warrior, a pawn to be sacrificed, the final line of defense, rather than a full human being to be valued. and the war not only dehumanized him, but also isolated him.
so yeah, it’s only natural that he thinks that katara’s role is in the domestic space and his role is in the battlefield. so yeah, when he first meets the kyoshi warriors, of course he wouldn’t be able to process the notion that they are the defenders of their society. of course he’d be a teensy bit defensive at first. because that realization would be devastating for him. that he’s not naturally, ontologically better suited to being a warrior. but he was forced to be anyway.
but it’s also incredible how readily he accepts the proof of his beliefs being challenged, how he sincerely apologizes and changes his belief system. how quickly he realizes that his previous rationalization for why he alone was left to defend his tribe was wrong. how readily he is willing to accept this paradigm shift. how willingly he can absorb the fact that there is so much of the world he has not seen. how he has been exposed to so much brutality and injustice, and yet he already knows, with so much clarity, that there is more unfairness yet.
#when ppl call sokka a misogynist I get soo grrrrrrr#like first of all he never believed that men were superior to women#just that they had naturally different roles in society#which yes is obviously sexist and wrong#but the only indication that he doesn’t Respect Women#was when he said to katara ‘leave it to a girl to screw things up’#which is like. idk. not that big a deal actually???#because I think we all know had sokka been the one to crash their canoe#katara would’ve said ‘leave it to a boy to screw things up’#like had he said it to anyone but his sibling I’d be like ‘excuse me???’#but that’s just the kind of thing siblings say to each other#had katara also been a boy he’d have been like ‘leave it to a 14 year old to screw things up’ or smth#my brothers are always talking about how women are inferior in front of me just bc they know it’ll rile me up and they’re trying to get me#to rise to the bait#that’s just what brothers do!#so no I would not say that sokka is a misogynist lmfao#like. does the sexism of his tribe benefit him in any way?#ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT#he is literally the greatest victim of their gender essentialism#sorry katara but doing laundry is not actually harder than knowing you have to die for your village because no one else can#I get that it’s frustrating having to wash your brothers socks#but a) girl is literally a waterbender....#b) he is busy training BY HIMSELF for a fight he knows he cannot win#to protect YOU#sokkas sexism is fine actually#esp bc he is SO READY to reevaluate his beliefs#he meets ONE GIRL outside of his tribe and he’s like ‘oh shit I’m sorry for disrespecting ur culture’#and that’s it!!#sokka#has literally never done anything wrong in his entire life ok thx byeeee
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shrikeicee · 2 years
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simgerale · 2 years
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miyah (mee-uh)
(n.) a princess from another world that somehow convinced her father to let her visit earth on summer holiday (but isn’t sure how she’s going to break the news that she enrolled in human university for the fall) 
inspired by @lamatisse’s new skins 🌸
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
We all make fun of Pryce and Carter's Deep Space Survival Procedures and Protocols Manual for having off-the-wall nonsense tips such as "679: Eating celery always, always leads to the start of an adventure.  Don't believe us?  Go ahead, try it out.  We'll wait." and "231. DO NOT INTERACT WITH ANYTHING YOU SUSPECT MIGHT BE A LEPRECHAUN."  When will those ever be useful and relevant survival tips in space?  How can Minkowski swear by something like this?
However, Minkowski and Eiffel's Deep Space Survival Procedures and Protocols Manual, 1st Edition (2017) will absolutely have tips such as "293: If aliens contact you, use plain and direct language when you answer them.  Do not speak to them in pop culture references.  It will make everything so much easier later." and "384: The terrarium might appear and disappear from your vessel sometimes.  You don't need to worry about it.  It's nothing you did." and "577: Try to avoid bioengineering angry plant-animal hybrid horrors beyond mortal understanding.  578: If you ignore the previous tip and you do bioengineer plant-animal hybrid horrors beyond mortal understanding, be nice to them.  They're your crewmate now."
Future astronauts are gonna squint in confusion at their shiny new DSSPPM that’s advising them ��Always keep a harpoon handy.  You never know when you’ll need one.” and go ??? this has got to be a prank, right
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quilfish-swan · 2 years
major major major op manga spoilers (1043) please please block the necessary tags or get caught up w the manga before u look too closely !!! close the app now or risk it all !!!!!!
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Luffy... Luffy... no, no, no, nonononono, Luffy, Luffy, Luffy, no, please, Luffy, no, no, no, no...
[image IDs:]
[first image: 3-panel one piece comic. the first panel shows sabo from a low angle looking down at a burning vivre card in his hands. he has a small beard, a slave collar around his neck, and burns scars on the entire left half of his body. the second panel shows sabo's hands, holding the vivre card which is now significantly smaller. the last panel shows the vivre card completely burned up, sabo's hands shaking and more tense. below the panels are three speech bubbles that say "...", "...", and "...Luffy?" /end first ID.]
[second image, below the cut: discord screenshot. the first person says, "WAIT WAIT i just thought of something awful: luffy's vivre card. everyone who owns a piece of his vivre card just. saw it go up in flames." the second person says, "OH" (with many crying emojis) and "sabo..." the first person says, "sabo. ...sabo." /end second ID.]
[end IDs.]
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@mugiwara--ya 😃
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author-main · 2 years
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Y'all want the colors to beat Wild up. Okay. But what do you expect after that? How is that gonna help anything?
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“...are you Lian?”
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slashermary · 3 years
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1x01//15x18 insp. by @autisticandroids post about cas’ death being mary-coded
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shivroy · 2 years
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been thinking very much about if colin was ever human... naturally he would be as much of an astronomical irritant, just with slightly less baldness 
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