#orange frill blouse
thestylesplash · 8 months
Orange Frill Blouse With Lilac Trousers + Style With a Smile Link Up
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an orange frill blouse that I didn’t like! When I found this one on Vinted for a bargain price I couldn’t resist it. As a frequent wearer of this zesty hue I was looking for a different colour pairing, so I set about going through the wardrobe for inspiration. I’ve teamed orange and green together many times (see some of those outfits here, here and here) and paired…
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foolishfoolsgold · 10 days
Been a slow art week but I did come out with a new OC
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The “cool old lady” of the story, she’s a hiring manger with selective patience and way too many voicemails to go through! I looked up “gastric epithelial cell” and there was like. Five of them so idk. She’s one of those. ID under the cut
[Start ID: fullbody of a cell character against a gray background with wrinkly dark brown skin covered in bright yellow-orange spots. Her ears are long and have frill-like lobes, the largest of which has a hoop earring on each side. She has brown eyes and wavy gray hair in a sort of ponytail. Speaking of tails, her actual tail is mostly yellow-orange with brown spots, opposite to her skin, and has many points, almost like a heavily stylized crocodilian’s tail. She’s wearing a green blouse, gray skirt over black leggings, and green wedge heels, and she’s holding a silver smartphone. End ID.]
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syensy-art · 5 months
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Time 2 skate!
[ID: A set of digital sketches of a character with pink skin, long maroon hair in a ponytail, a poet's blouse with pink frills, green glasses and ribbons, and black pants, wrist braces, and skates. In the top left drawing, it is a back view of him skating down a rail, the top right is of him jumping down with his skates, and the bottom is him skating backwards while smiling. Yellow, red, and orange backgrounds are behind the respective sketches. /end ID]
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daybringersol · 9 months
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Jaycharic !
[PT: Jaycharic ! End PT.]
A gender related to JRWI character Jay Ferin. Could be linked to a delusional attachment, being a fictive of her, a special interest, an hyperfixation or simply a connection to her.
[Flag ID: The first flag has 6 horizontal stripes, with the third and fourth being much thinner than the others. In order, from top to bottom, the colors are : slightly desaturated red-leaning orange, light slightly desaturated pink-leaning orange, bright slightly orange-leaning yellow, dark blue-leaning grey, light desaturated teal-leaning blue, desaturated teal-leaning blue. The second flag is the same as the first one, with an isolated png of the character Jay Ferin wearing a gothic victorian dress, gloves and hat superimposed onto it. Jay Ferin is represented in this drawing as a thin, white woman, with long orange hair in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. Jay Ferin looks confident in herself, and the artstyle of this drawing is anime-inspired. The third flag is the same as the first one, with another isolated png of the character Jay Ferin, this time, looking scared, in her usual navy uniform, with her white frilled blouse, navy coat with a thick white fur lining and her golden bird pin in her hair. The artstyle is still anime-inspired, tho more realistic. End flag ID.]
Art is by @paincake101 and @yuranegg (both on twt) respectively, and are available on the JRWI patreon.
I don’t mind my flags being reposted, with or without credit, but I would ask that if you repost the flags with the art on it, you give credits to their respective artist.
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deviljayman · 1 month
Darksider - A Vampire Story: Prologue
Rain covered the village, putting out the flames set during the battle. Each home that had stood there for decades was destroyed, now just splinters and ash. The fight went into Second Night, the stars retreating and giving way to the moon’s gentle light. A vampire loomed over a dying man, blood slowly draining from him as he succumbed to his injuries. 
“Any last words?” the vampire asked.
The man looked up, his red eyes fading to gray. He coughed up blood as his lungs gurgled out something. “He’ll beat you.” the man said with a wheeze. 
The vampire stared coldly. “I doubt that.” he said, plunging a thin black blade through the man's heart. The man could only manage a sharp gasp before his eyes turned gray. After a long battle, the man was dead. Thunder sounded off as his body sank into the mud, the vampire turned his head up to the moon. He prided himself on his composer, but the fight made him break that. His pale orange hair had come undone from its usual braid, now sticking tightly to his almost white skin. The rest of him was soaked, his white frilled blouse and black trousers were ruined. His yellow eyes glowed in the moonlight, almost flickering due after exerting so much magic in his fight with the man. 
“Lord Nero!” A soldier called out.
As soon as his name was uttered, he composed himself. His staggered breath now leveled out into its usual rhythmic hum. Two other vampires approached, both wearing the uniform of the High Coven’s elite guard. 
Nero approached the two of them. “Have you found the boy?” He asked them. 
“Yes sir, we found him hiding in one of the nearby buildings. We’re apprehending him now.”
“Good, this night can finally be over…”
One of the guards for a moment looked past Nero and to the man, now laying dead in his own blood. He quickly looked back to his superior. “What kind of man was that? He took out one hundred of our soldiers on his own.”  
“His identity doesn’t matter, he’s been dealt with and that will be the end of it.” Quickly, Nero began to make his way to where the child was located. The soldiers were congregated around the house but none of them were going inside. 
“Be careful men!” One of the soldiers shouted. “His powers could go off at any moment!” The group readied their spears, waiting for any signs of danger. They wait a minute, then ten minutes, then twenty minutes. 
Nero was growing impatient. “You’ll get nowhere if you just stand here waiting.” He looked around and pointed to one of the soldiers “You there, go inside and retrieve the boy.” 
The soldier froze. “But sir! If he really is the one then he could be extremely dangerous.”
“He is but a boy, it should be simple for someone of your standing. You should be much more scared of me than you are of a mere child.” Nero’s composed gaze turned into a glare. A spark of magic lit the air, as Nero’s eyes glowed brightly for a moment. A sheer force ripped through the air and knocked into the soldier, knocking him off his feet. With a grunt and clang he hit the ground, his armor now covered in mud.
“Go now before you further test my patience.” Nero stated.
The man staggered to his feet, almost slipping back into the mud. His attention shifted from Nero to the house, still deathly quiet. Spear pointed forward, he approached and slowly threw the door open. The battalion readied themselves as if something would jump out and kill them all at once. But seemingly, nothing happened. The soldier froze once again but after a moment quickly went inside. The silence returned once more, each moment feeling like an eternity. However, a sudden noise broke out from inside.
“AHHHHH!” the soldier screamed in pain. On the outside, everyone was on guard, readying their spears once again to face whatever threat was inside. A loud crack and a tear were heard, the snapping of bone and the ripping of flesh, as the soldier stumbled backward out of the house, now with his left arm torn off. Two soldiers grabbed him, putting him behind the spear line to shield him from the danger. 
And the danger was felt by everyone. They couldn’t see what was inside, but they could feel it, all of them could. A wave of fear slammed into everyone, like the tide crashing into a boat. It rocked through the soldiers, they stumbled back, some even dropped their weapons. It was if they had just uncaged a den of Beasts, ones that wished to be undisturbed. Nero stood tall as ever, seemingly unaffected by this strange phenomenon. However, even if no soldier or onlooker could notice, Nero’s left heel had ever so slightly shifted backwards.
He turned to his men “Get a hold of yourselves! You’ve faced worse haven’t you?” He asked. “Or are you unfit to serve the High Coven?” 
The threat of that indignity was far greater than any enemy, and so the soldiers steeled themselves and retook their formation. They waited once again, holding the line for any sign of movement. Soon enough, they would see something, but it was not at all what they expected. From the incredible aura they felt, they imagined some kind of fearsome Beast. Instead however, a small hand crept on to the door, with a small child revealing himself. He was a tiny thing, he looked to be no older than five years old. His hair was a deep black, long and in a ponytail. His skin was pale, his eyes were a deep red and his mouth and fangs were stained with blood. The only thing he held was a small fox plush, it looked to be sewn by hand. The soldier's stance slacked, they were expecting a Beast but all they saw was a boy. The child was shaking with not just fear but rage as well, his eyes were filled with tears. He couldn’t make out any words, just a mix of sobs and what almost seemed like growls. 
Nero stepped forward. “Apprehend him.” he commanded. The men stepped forward as ordered. The boy stepped backward like a cornered animal. And just like a cornered animal, that is when he bites. The shadows in the house began to come to life, the sounds of snarls and gnashing teeth spilling out. Behind the boy, the glowing eyes of animals now ready to pounce on the soldiers. The army stumbled back once again, their fears confirmed as the shadows began to move closer. 
Nero’s eyes widened and he immediately went into action. He stepped forward, raising his hand and commanding the shadows around the child. They rose up, transforming into solid objects, chains that quickly wrapped around the boy. They restrained him, the animals he had conjured now fading back to simple shadows. The boy struggled, trying to find some way to break out. 
“Once again I must do everything myself.” Nero said. He looked to the soldiers. “Your pathetic performances today will be noted, such cowardice is an affront to what the High Coven stands for.” The men looked fearful once again, some trying their best to stand at attention while Nero spoke. He pointed to two of them “You two, stay with me. The rest of you leave us.” The troops compiled and left as two of their soldiers stayed behind. Nero picked the boy up by the scruff, raising him to look at him eye to eye.
“Of all the Incarnations I’ve met, you are certainly the most troublesome.” The boy tried to bite Nero but ended up with nothing more than air. “Can you speak or are you more of an animal than I think you are?” Nero asked. 
“My name is Arlin!” The boy growled. “Let me go!” 
“As much as I would love to be rid of you, my mission concerns you.” 
The child began to cry. “I don’t like you! I don’t want to be here, I want my-”
“Silence!” Nero yelled. He waved his free hand as darkness muted the child. “My mission requires you alive but it does not require you to be uninjured, you will quiet yourself or I will do that myself. Are we clear, boy?” Arlin sniffed back his crying, now hiccuping out of fear. 
“Good.” Nero stated. With another wave of his hands the darkness around Arlin’s mouth disappeared, he set the boy on the ground as well to begin. “I will only explain this once so be sure to listen closely. You are the Shade Lord, an eternally reincarnating soul that acts as the king of the Umbra Valley. Once you come of age, you will take the throne and lead Monsterkind to conquer the Kingdom of Man. I believe that should be clear enough.”
“What? But I’m a kid, I'm not a king!” Arlin yelled.
“You’re right, a Beast like you would make an improper king, that is why you will be taken in and trained to become a proper Shade Lord. I only wish we could have started sooner, now we must fix whatever you have become.” 
“I don’t want to do that! I’m just a kid, I don't want to be a king!” 
“Unfortunately your compliance is not a factor. This is the law of the land, and you do not have the will to change it.” Nero placed his hand on Arlin’s forehead and in an instant the child was now unconscious. The wild thrashing and biting now stopped as he fell into a deep sleep. 
“Sir.” One of the soldiers asked. “What do we do with him now?” 
Nero looked back. “He’s unfit for the capital, we’ll need to take him somewhere no one can reach him.” 
The other soldier stepped forward. “Sir, if you would allow me, may I speak freely?”
Nero sighed. “I’ve allowed more than enough today, good ahead.”
“Well it’s just, this boy is strange. Not just because he’s the Shade Lord. The place we found him, the man he was with, do you think he may be a-” 
“I suggest you don’t finish that sentence, I won’t entertain that idea.” 
“But sir, you have to admit the circumstances are strange enough as it is, don’t you think it’s at least slightly possible.”
“A possibly like this, even if it is ever so slight, is dangerous. You all should know how dangerous that knowledge would be if let out.”
“Then, do you believe it could be true?”
“I would hope not.” Nero fixed his hair, beginning to braid it once more. He looked to the moon, a supergiant mass that illuminated the Second Night sky. “If it is true, then it could lead to the end of the Umbra Valley as we know it.”
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regexkind · 1 year
Do-Mi-Do Binge (Guest Article)
In 1953, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T was released to American audiences. They did not want it, and that reflects poorly on them. If released today, I'm confident that it would electrify the soft, sad freaks on this unprofitable website.
Near the conclusion of the film, our villain, Dr. Terwilliker, sings a number where he implores his tailors to dress him up for his glorious triumph:
It's an...incredible song. My wife Lal is stepping in as a guest writer here and has shared her thoughts:
The outfit Dr. Terwilliker has planned for his villainous denouement is probably composed of the goofiest sounding phrases Dr. Seuss could come up with. After all, most kids would have no idea what half this stuff was! But let’s take the song seriously and see where it leads us:
Dress me in my silver garters, dress me in my diamond studs.
We’re starting off reasonable here. Garters hold your socks up, studs keep your collar down, and diamond and silver are perfectly normal fancy materials.
Cause I'm going do-mi-do-ing in my do-mi-do duds! I want my undulating undies with the maribou frills!
And here we’re already taking a turn. We are not going to discuss the “undulating” part, but maribou- you see that on old-timey rich widow robes. Those are those sheer robes with feather trim- so Dr. T’s underwear are probably boxer-brief sheer mesh with matching rows of feathers, at minimum at the waist and legs, but as this is a Dr. Seuss movie, probably continuing in stripes over the whole surface of the underwear. Not practical.
I want my beautiful bolero with the porcupine quills!
A bolero is a short jacket, originally associated with bullfighting, but later an article of women’s clothing. Surprisingly, Dr. T is quite hip and with it! Five Thousand Fingers came out in ‘53, and boleros only came on scene in 1950, apparently with the arrival of strapless dresses (via The Gundron, 1954). As you can see from this picture from ‘56, the historical bolero is longer and looser than its modern equivalent, but still, the porcupine quills pose… a problem.
We have also embarked on a theme we will be hearing a lot of in Do Mi Do Duds: women’s clothing!
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I want my purple nylon girdle with the orange blossom buds
A girdle is the modern version of the corset, and while occasionally worn by men, is mostly associated with women. Nylon would have been rather a new fabric at the time, so very modern! The orange blossom buds could pose their own complication. Unless they are a print, they would prevent the outer clothing from lying smoothly. But as we will see, Dr. T. intends to wear so many layers that the point is probably moot.
Note that orange blossoms, as in the blossoms of orange trees, are white, so the color combination is not as garish as one might expect, but don’t worry, we’ll more than make up for it later.
Cause I'm going do-mi-do-ing in my do-mi-do duds!
Yes, we know.
Come on and dress me! dress me! dress me! In my peek-a-boo blouse With the lovely inter-lining made of Chesapeake mouse!
“Peek-a-boo blouse” is one of those terms that means different things to different people. It can refer to a great many cuts and styles, but in general, a peek-a-boo blouse is either made of a sheer fabric or has flirty little cut-outs. We’re going to go with the second option, because “sheer” doesn’t work well with “mouse fur lining.”
So… Cleavage windows. Dr. Terwilliker wants cleavage windows.
Let’s back up to that mouse for a minute. Fur was a lot less controversial in the fifties than today, but think about how many mice it would take to line a blouse, even one with cleavage windows, and the kind of casual cruelty involved in suggesting such a thing. Also, Chesapeake mouse isn’t a real thing. It doesn’t refer to any variety or species, it’s just mice. From the Chesapeake region.
I want my polka-dotted dickey with the crinoline fringe For I'm going do-mi-do-ing on a do-mi-do binge!
Everyone laughs at this part, but it’s a real thing, I swear! You may have seen a dickey, particularly in an old movie or cartoon, and not known what it was. It’s a false shirt front, generally fabric and occasionally plastic- God knows which Dr. T wants- worn with a tuxedo or formal suit, neither of which Terwilliker at any point asks for. Possibly he intends to wear it under the peek-a-boo blouse.
Dickeys are traditionally mens' clothing, but once again Terwilliker is queering the binary because crinolines are women’s clothing- fluffy tulle underskirts to make your dress stick out all nice. Dickeys also made a foray into women’s fashion about ten years before Five Thousand Fingers was produced. I blame WWII fabric rationing.
So, does Dr. T. want a man’s or a woman’s shirt front? I don’t know, and neither do his tailors, and that’s why they’re ignoring him! Either way, it‘s going to be hideous, with polka dots and tulle ruffles sticking out from the sides, looking worse than an eighties prom tux and making it obvious just how fake this whole thing is.
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This, only worse.
I want my lavender spats and in addition to them I want my honey-colored gusset with the herringbone hem
The lavender spats are about the only thing in the song we actually see Terwilliker wearing! Spats are just decorative shoe covers. You’d see them towards the end of the dickey era, maybe late nineteenth century to the early forties. 
A gusset… You can’t wear a gusset. Like, it’s a part of clothing, but you wouldn’t ask to wear a bell bottom cuff, would you? (Well, if you were Dr. T. you would.) A gusset is a feature of a garment designed to improve fit, like a dart- one of those little tuck-and-release jobbies especially common to well-made women’s clothing because ladies have curves. 
Herringbone is a very fine, detailed pattern you see on nice suits and business clothes. Theoretically, you could cut and fold some herringbone fabric to make a border for a gusset, but why would you? They’re supposed to be invisible, to blend in! Once again, Dr. T.’s tailors are (wisely) ignoring him.
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This little rhombodial-diamond thing in the armpit is a gusset. Useful if your expensive blouse has gotten just a bit too tight!
I want my softest little jacket made of watermelon suede
This is two jackets at once. And a fur-lined shirt. Where is that giant piano, the Arctic?
I am just going to assume watermelon refers to the color. I don’t even want to think about how you make suede from a melon rind.
And my long persimmon placket with the platinum braid
A placket is like a gusset in that you can’t just wear one! It’s part of something else, for God’s sake! And you have to specify where you want it! A placket is a slit. Just a slit. Generally at the neckline, in a sleeve or in the top of trousers or a skirt. Whatever Terwilliker is paying his tailors, it’s not enough. Especially since it’s in pastoolas.
We’ll assume the platinum braid is a trim. It has an eighteenth century military vibe. Persimmon has to refer to the color. This whole outfit is tending kind of pastel, and, dare I say, it, pretty fruity.
I want my leg of mutton sleeves and in addition to those
What are the sleeves attached to, Terwilliker? Do you care to share that? Or do you just want them flapping around?
Leg of mutton sleeves are, again, very nineteenth century and very femme. They’re these things, named because they have the same shape as a cooked sheep leg:
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(Not always this big, but since when does Dr. T. do subtle?)
I want my cutie chamois booties with the leopard skin bows
They’re booties, so they’re short, and they’re booties, so they’re femme. 
And again with the casual slaughter of endangered animals! We’re going to have to be careful to put the bows low on the toes to avoid getting in the way of the spats.
I want my pink brocaded bodice with the floofy fuzzy ruffs
Finally, something we can attach those sleeves to. It goes well with them: it’s ornate, old fashioned and extremely feminine. Granted, I tend to think Baroque rather than Victorian when it comes to brocade, and furniture or waistcoats rather than dresses, but we’re queering the gender binary, so why not the timeline too?
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Close up of brocade from Wikipedia. Gold brocade is the most familiar, but sure, let’s go with a pink ground. 
And my gorgeous bright blue bloomers
Essentially, Terwilliker is asking for two pairs of underwear. What does he think is going to happen today? 
With the monkey feather cuffs
I have no idea what this is.
I want my organdy snood and in addition to that
A snood is a fancy, old-timey hair net. Organdy is a stiff, sheer fabric; you could do worse. 
Dr. T. has short hair. Why does he want a snood? What is he going to do with it?
I want my chiffon Mother Hubbard lined with Hudson Bay rat
Bag. It’s a bag. More specifically, a Mother Hubbard is another nineteenth century creation, this time long and shapeless and designed for house cleaning. Chiffon is a fancy, light party dress fabric. It would be like Dr. Terwilliker asking for his “silky satin sweatpants.” It just makes no sense.
Again: imaginary East Coast rodents. With all these layers and furs, he’s got to be roasting. We keep seeing Dr. Terwilliker asking for fancy things in ways that make absolutely no sense, and along with the “poison ivy walls” in Victorious it seems like he’s reaching for the trappings of wealth and prestige without really understanding what makes them fit together.
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Dahling, you are so new money.
Dress me up from top to bottom, dress me up from tip to toe
Yeah, uh-huh, we get the picture.
Dress me up in silk and spinach for today is do-mi-do day!
Now you’re just being silly. Stop being silly.
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DO-MI-DO DAY! So come and dress me in the blossoms of a million pink trees!
I’ve never seen a pink tree, and now I know why. (Note: the trees are pink. What color are the blossoms? Who knows.)  That’s a whole generation of seeds that simply won’t exist. And you thought the Onceler was bad!
Also, a million bottle caps is enough to fill half a school gym. If each blossom has three times the volume of a bottle cap and cannot be compressed for fear of damaging it, and if each tree has three or four hundred flowers… We’re gonna need a bigger piano room.
Come on and dress me up in liverwurst! and camembert cheese!
Liverwurst is a soft, disgusting sausage. It might be wearable in links, as a sash or garland. Camembert cheese is similar to Brie. How Terwilliker intends to wear it I don’t know.
Come on and dress me up in pretzels, 
If they’re large, soft pretzels (those are the good kind anyways), we could maybe hang them off Terwilliker’s ears like earrings or Bronze Age ear ornaments?
dress me up in bock beer suds
No. Just no. Absolutely not. The foam will dissolve and soak all the other clothes and ruin everything and stink something awful.
Cause I'm gooooo-ing-- do-mi-dooooooooo-ing-- in my do-mi-do duds! 
In conclusion, Dr. Terwilliker’s proposed outfit contains 23 elements, all but two of which are roundly disregarded by his tailors. He lists them off in no discernible order, but when they are sorted:
11 are articles of women’s clothing or components thereof
5 are at least a decade out of fashion, and often from the last century
6 aren’t even clothing and 5 of those are actually food
If Terwilliker’s instructions were followed, he would wind up wearing:
A fancy hair net
Two blouses
A third, fake blouse
Two jackets
A dress
Two layers of rodent fur
A corset lite (™)
Two pairs of underwear
No pants
A weird charcuterie board
A bunch of flowers
Boots with boot protectors
Every single element of this mess is *fancy*! Fur! Feathers! Flowers! Silver! Chiffon!All the luxury of wealth with none of the discretion! A complete lack of practicality! Do-Mi-Do Day is meant to be a triumph, not just over piano-hating little boys, but because it forces the world to recognize Terwilliker as Elite and his Academy as an Institution!
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houseofkurrif · 2 years
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The Tavern Worker
Killian / Kas / Kali ( he/him - they/them - she/her) 22
( !| Protective /  Friendly / Judgmental / Impulsive) 
K has been working for The Frozen Siren for as long as they can remember. Dealing with people and difficult situations comes easy as breathing to K. They’re not known to watch idly as someone gets tormented, and seem to worm their way into less than ideal situations just to be that shining knight they aspire to be. K may be the most friendly face you’ll see in Downtown Lostgrove amid the swarm of criminals and pirates that lurk in the area. Despite being sweet and helpful, no one is without their vices, and that doesn’t exclude K - they’re human after all. K takes unnecessary risk and is quite quick to judge before fully accessing the situation  - for someone living in Downtown Lostgrove, those very two things can mean your death.
 K has shoulder-length light blue hair that is usually tied up into a ponytail when they're working, any other time their messy curls are sprawled across their back. Their eyes are close to an amber shade , while their skin tone is ivory. They stand at 5’9 and have an athletic build. Who else is going to intimidate the drunk and throw them out when they get too rowdy? K dresses in less constricting clothes but still likes to look nice; they like to wear blouses with frills and formal pants - which is basically their work clothes.
The Librarian 
Morgan (he/him) 23 
( !| Intelligent / Observant / Know - It - All / Workaholic ) 
Morgan has taken over the position of Librarian from his grandfather, and takes pride in his work. Aside from working in the library, he tutors the oldest child in the house. Morgan isn’t the most sociable person in the house, and is known for locking himself away in the library - but he isn’t a horrible person. He works extremely well with the other workers in the house; the only problem is that he can come off as extremely arrogant and aggressive to people he isn’t quite used to. It’s very hard getting close to him too; he doesn’t make anything easy and one slip up will lead you right back to where you started with him. Another vital thing is Morgan doesn’t trust mages; his hatred is anything but silent and he makes it known with the new addition of hands around the house, this hatred runs deep and roots from his childhood.
Morgan has ash blonde that stops at the back of his neck; it’s always styled neatly. His eyes are a blue-green color and he has eye bags from the all-nighters he pulls. His skin tone is warm beige. Morgan stands at 5’5 and has a lanky build; he thinks it's impossible for him to get any sort of muscle - he kind of hates it too. His clothing of choice is a formal blouse and vest; he has many many frilly shirts and vest in his wardrobe; he long black pants, but every once in a while he doesn’t mind wearing shorts
The Maid 
Ophelia (she/her) 21
(!| Extroverted / Bold / Stubborn / Rowdy) 
Ophelia is the youngest maid in the house of Kurr; she’s quite the free spirited young woman. She brings a new breath of fresh air to the normally gloomy house, the lighthouse, among the fog. Despite being very extroverted, she can be quite snippy with anyone other than her employers, and getting in an argument with her isn’t ideal - she can drag it on for a while. she’ll never settle until her point gets across. This rowdy maid is also known quite well in Downtown Lostgrove for performing at different taverns - she’s quite skilled at singing, not only singing but also bar fights - it's all quite fun, though she’s not entirely sure getting denied entrance to The Frozen Siren isn’t as funny as it was a month ago…
Ophelia has long peach hair reaching down her back , she tends to tie it up in twintails if it gets a little too much to deal with when working. Her eyes are orange, while her skin is a warm ivory tone that’s decorated with freckles just about her entire body. Ophelia stands at 5’2 and has an hourglass figure. Her clothes consist of her uniform that’s literally just a maid dress, but on her days off she’s seen roaming in simple sundresses.
The Friend
Vilda ( they/them) ???
(!| Easy going / Charming / Lazy / Manipulative)
Vilda is a very famous mage who was formally known for working at the clock tower and then aiding in the war; they’re well respected in Rosenward. When people think about Vilda, it sounds as if they’re talking about someone with high status and power, well, they’d be right. Vilda to the public and your Vilda are two different things; your Vilda is known for cracking absolutely horrible jokes and doing just about anything to get out of a task they don’t deem interesting. Public Vilda seems cold and distant, nothing like they are when they are with you. You wonder which one is the true one?
Vilda has long blonde hair that reaches the small of their back; it’s never styled and falls into place without needing much taming. Their eyes are a dark brown, while their skin is a warm ivory tone. Vilda stands at 6ft and has a slender build. For fashion they don’t think too much about it, but they are very fond of trench coats.
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Namik panic is tall, slightly taller than ikkan
she has two jumbo short length tentacles on the left side of her head in three slimmer longer ones on her right kind of resembles Nami's hair
she has bottom eyelashes also similar to Nami but more exaggerated with rhinestones at the tips besides her eyelashes everything else is very simplistic her makeup is a light shade of yellow and orange fade with a soft pink blush swooping down her face and a nude lipstick
her eyebrows are just similar to any inkling boys she was planning on shorting them similar to Nami's but it gave her less exaggerated expressions
Outfit composed of a white blouse with frills and a red tie and depending on the venue she's either wearing a black mini skirt or black Daisy dukes she also has a suit that was similar to what Nami wore during an award show except hers has sequins
And her signature timberland boots (rockenberg) except hers are high heel boots
She knows how to play the keyboard and synthesizer and great dancer and singer
drawing with undried nailpolish is horrid anyway i HOPE i got her right <\3 im major artblocked rn
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vnvyb · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cabi Stevie Printed Flutter Ruffled Cap Sleeve Blouse Top Size Small.
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bellasignorasworld · 4 months
How to Look Like a Star in a Celebrity Saree
Do you want to dazzle everyone with your stunning style and elegance? Do you want to turn heads and make a lasting impression wherever you go? If you answered yes, then you need to buy celebrity sarees. These are the sarees that are worn by famous Bollywood stars, TV personalities, and fashion icons. They are designed by top-notch designers and crafted with exquisite fabrics and embellishments. They are the epitome of glamour and sophistication, and they can make you look like a star too.
But how do you choose the right celebrity saree for yourself? How do you style it and accessorize it to create a flawless look? How do you wear it with confidence and grace? In this article, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to look like a star in a celebrity saree. Read on and get ready to shine!
Tip #1: Know your body type and choose a flattering saree
The first step to looking like a star in a celebrity saree is to know your body type and choose a saree that flatters your figure. There are different types of sarees for different body shapes, such as pear, apple, hourglass, rectangle, etc. You need to find out which one suits you best and enhances your best features. For example, if you have a pear-shaped body, you can opt for a saree that has a heavy border or embroidery on the pallu (the loose end of the saree that drapes over the shoulder). This will draw attention to your upper body and balance out your lower body. If you have an apple-shaped body, you can go for a saree that has a light or plain border and a contrasting blouse. This will create an illusion of a slimmer waist and highlight your bust. If you have an hourglass-shaped body, you can choose any type of saree that accentuates your curves and shows off your waist. If you have a rectangle-shaped body, you can add some volume and shape to your figure by choosing a saree that has pleats, ruffles, or frills.
Tip #2: Pick a color and fabric that suits your skin tone and occasion
The next step to looking like a star in a celebrity saree is to pick a color and fabric that suits your skin tone and the occasion. You want to choose a color that complements your complexion and makes you glow. For example, if you have a fair skin tone, you can experiment with bright colors like red, pink, orange, yellow, etc. If you have a medium skin tone, you can opt for warm colors like peach, coral, beige, gold, etc. If you have a dark skin tone, you can go for deep colors like navy, maroon, purple, green, etc.
You also want to choose a fabric that matches the mood and theme of the event. For example, if you are attending a wedding or a festive occasion, you can choose a silk or chiffon saree that has rich embroidery or sequins. These fabrics are luxurious and elegant and will make you stand out in the crowd. If you are going for a casual or formal event, you can choose a cotton or linen saree that has simple prints or patterns. These fabrics are comfortable and classy and will give you a chic look.
Tip #3: Accessorize wisely and add some bling
The final step to looking like a star in a celebrity saree is to accessorize wisely and add some bling. You want to choose accessories that complement your saree and enhance your overall look. For example, if your saree is heavily embellished or has a lot of colors, you can keep your accessories minimal and subtle. You can wear a pair of earrings or a necklace that matches the color or design of your saree. You can also wear a bracelet or a ring that adds some sparkle to your outfit. If your saree is simple or plain, you can amp up your accessories and make them more prominent. You can wear a statement necklace or earrings that contrast with the color of your saree. You can also wear bangles or cuffs that add some drama to your look.
You also want to add some bling to your hair and makeup. You can style your hair in different ways depending on the length and texture of your hair. You can leave it open or tie it up in a bun or braid. You can also adorn it with flowers or pins that match your saree. You can also experiment with different makeup looks depending on the occasion and time of the day. You can go for a natural or nude look for daytime events or a bold or smokey look for nighttime events. You can also highlight your eyes or lips depending on the feature you want to emphasize.
Looking like a star in a celebrity saree is not as hard as it seems. All you need is some knowledge of your body type, color, fabric, and accessories. You also need some confidence and attitude to carry yourself with grace and poise. Follow these tips and tricks and you will be ready to rock any event in a celebrity saree. Happy shopping!
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thestylesplash · 9 months
Craving Crochet - August's Style Not Age
Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. It’s a Bank Holiday here in the UK so it’s technically a three-day weekend. Not that it makes much difference to me as a freelancer! It’s hard to believe that it will officially be autumn at the end of the week; the summer holidays have flown by. Quite fittingly, I’ve chosen an outfit comprised of autumnal colours for August’s Style Not Age prompt of…
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cathyellisonacosta · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FARM Rio Fruit Lovers Frilled Shirt Yelllow with Oranges L NWOT.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Loukia Relloulis
Loukia Relloulis
Name: Loukia Relloulis
Gender: Female
Height: 3’9” (114.3 cm) [Child], 5’4” (162.5 cm) [Adult]
Birthday: December 7th
Residence: Nomadic, the Ellivos Caravan
Relatives: Tassos Relloulis (father), Sibylla Relloulis (mother), Alexis Relloulis (older brother by 2 years)
Occupation: Student (Child), Landlady (Older), Fortune Teller
Appearance: Loukia has long curly platinum blond hair and golden (or cyan) eyes. She has a ghostly pallor complexion. Her hair is either braided or has a headscarf. If she was not an experiment, Loukia would have black hair, green eyes, and a tan complexion. 
Baby: Loukia wears a white frill dress with golden embroidery. She also wears a golden bracelet and a pair of golden earrings.
Child: Loukia wears a pink and orange sundress, a pink headscarf, and brown sandals. She has a pair of gold earrings, an orange bead necklace, and several pink and orange bracelets. 
Uniform: Loukia has two uniforms. The first one is a long sleeve white shirt, a navy blue pencil skirt, a pair of black stockings, and a pair of Mary Janes. The second one is a short sleeve cream summer blouse, a navy blue bubble skirt, a pair of white ankle-length socks, and a pair of black flats. She also has a navy jacket with a badge. 
Teenager: Loukia wears a red shirt, light blue pleated skirt, and a pair of black flats. She has a red cloth around her waist that has small gold plates on the side. She has a pair of gold earrings, a long necklace, and a charm bracelet.
Young Adult: Loukia wears a blue shirt with a black bodice, a long green skirt, a navy blue sash, a green headscarf, and a pair of black boots. Her jewelry consists of a pair of big gold earrings, four rings, a long necklace, and two charm bracelets. 
Abilities: Hive Mind, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Super Intelligence, Fortune Telling (via Cartomancy/Tarot Reading, Palmistry, Tasseomancy), Divination/Seer (Retrocognition, Syncognition, Precognition [Intuitive Precognition, Precognitive Speech, Flawless), Clairvoyance, Lie Detection, Navigation Mastery, Supernatural Vision, Path Sense, Serenity Manipulation (Inducement, Tranquil State, Tranquil Fury, Empowerment, Augmentation, Tranquilizer Breath, Detection), Sleep Manipulation (Inducement, Personal Sleep, Hibernation, Replenishment, Negation, Sleeplessness), Dream Manipulation (Inducement, Recall, Searching, Empowerment, Reliving, Lucid Dreaming, Walking, Sharing, Prediction) 
Personality: Loukia is an introverted and wise young girl. She is very observant as she easily sees certain traits and behavior that is easy to miss. With her fortunes, she gave advice to people to improve their lives and what they can do to help their families and communities. She is, however, not willing to do things for free as she demands payment for each fortune telling. When she is with all of the other Cuckoos, Loukia’s mind went into “sync” and joins their collective. She is more in tune with the hive mind and their shared abilities.
Key Moments:
Loukia is the de facto leader of the Romani tribe due to her accurate fortune telling and navigation skills.
Loukia’s parents had been accused of kidnapping her due to racism. They have to take DNA tests to confirm on four separate occasions.
She likes to collect precious stones and jewels and make Macramé scarfs and blankets for winter. She made a small fortune from the latter.
Many had asked Loukia’s hand for marriage with several of the richer ones when asked for an arranged marriage from her parents. She has shown very little interest.
When she’s an adult, Loukia starts smoking with a pipe. It is determined that tobacco has no effect on her, and by expansion, the rest of the Cuckoos, as tests and x-rays shows that she is still very healthy.
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zoesrepository · 4 years
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the-ventriloquizt · 2 years
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[ image: two drawings of vera sweet, wearing two different styles. the first drawing has her wearing a pink pinstriped dress over an orange, frilled collar blouse, with brown platform boots and orange tights with a wobbly texture. she has her hair down and covering one of her eyes, and is wearing heart shaped earrings, with an orange polka dot beret hat with a white ball on top. she looks happy, playful. the second drawing has her wearing a more business-like outfit, with her hair put up in a messy bun on top of her head. she is wearing a straight blue skirt with a blue shirt and belt between them, under a green blazer. she also has grey tights and white and brown open-backed, strapped shoes. she looks annoyed, holding a hand up. in the corner is written 'vera sweet', like a logo. ]
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magicapandora · 2 years
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“Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood
I’ve always loved fashion since I was little and I guess it seeped into my own characters, haha! Rosie is always meant to be fashionable and stylish, but also her style is supposed to show her progression and also who she is as a person.
The reds and pinks and obvious Parisian influence on the first outfit shows her romantic side, embracing her love of everything love and romance, with the poofy blouse, high waisted shorts, and simple heels with bows on the straps.
The blues and almost purples and almost night like outfit for the second shows a more playful side, you could say. The light blues are covered by the darker azure cardigan, still keeping the girly aesthetic but turned up a little, with the ribbons on the dress and the tiered frills on the dress.
And the more casual side is more prevalent in the last outfit, the oranges and yellows combined with the complimentary dull purple tights and brown boots. The skirt is made of a jean material, with custom embroidery and the off the shoulder sweater gives off a more comfy look. Even the orange rose earrings and flowers in their hair seem more toned down because of the more cheerful colors.
[Individual outfits under the cut!]
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Charmed ❤️
A Night to Remember 🌟
Pushing Petals 🌼
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