#orc mccree
hunahuna-un · 5 years
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Concept art for my OrcCree
One forever later... He is finally here to share. @sukuiddo made this again together with me months ago, we just took forever to finish the actual piece of him, and thus this got delayed so much! Check out OrcCree’s shameless flirting 101 here! *winks*
And again Suku didn’t just draw this beauty, we brainstormed it together as well. It’s been so much fun to work with you!  ♥
Thank you for joining me again on this trip to my Elfzo au! (SecretForestAU) 
And again, you are welcome to draw this, please link it to me/mention me if you do! I want to see it! ^^ 
links: Elfzo collab Elfzo concept art OrcCree collab
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tacticalvisor76 · 6 years
The want to write something short for an Orc McCree is so strong that I can't doze back off. 
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impalalord · 7 years
If the United Earth Government was known for one thing, it was the fact they had unquestionably the smallest standing army in the entire galaxy. Many would consider it a wonder to why the UEG hadn’t already been subjugated by another more powerful government, but one had to consider that despite the fact the UEG was only about two hundred something planets large, it still maintained a large police force of peacekeepers. While technically not an offensive military, it was common knowledge that the peacekeepers had plenty of military-grade arms and armor that would be used in case of invasion. That said however, a few foolhardy nations in the past had attempted to invade the UEG or claim some of their systems for themselves. This had ended with many invaders being sent home crying to their mothers much to the dismay of various invaders, though none of them predicted any great consequence. Whereas a stronger nation would use this as an excuse to launch a counter-invasion, those who had attacked the UEG reasoned that a civilization that kept only its police forces as its military would not make any great retribution. What they didn’t know was that Earth would exact powerful justice against any one dared to attack her, and that this would be accomplished with the galaxy’s smallest military of one man. How much damage could one man cause exactly? Well, only as much as necessary. Earth understood that most of the time, it was politicians and warlords who were responsible for aggression, not the people, not the soldiers following orders. It was those in charge. They were the ones who needed to be punished. To invade another nation out of revenge would only subject billions of innocent civilians to the horrors of war. It was not just, it was not fair, and it was not right. Instead, the humans would strike at the head of the snake. They did this not with thousands of troops coming down from orbit, but the sudden appearance of the UEG’s one man army. His name? Jesse McCree. His purpose? Ending the life of whomever was responsible for some unwarranted violence. It was well-known that Megraw was Earth’s best soldier. Most of the time, if he asked for something, you better damn well do as he says. But many people were incredulous as to how the UEG managed to have just one exceptionally skilled soldier with his big leather hat and his tattered poncho as their main means of putting down aggressive nations. Well. Truth be told. When you have two revolvers that fired tachyon particles, personal shields that could survive a planetary armageddon, a personal teleporter, the most sophisticated stealth unit in the known galaxy and a killcount in the tens of thousands all given to one person… you didn’t really need more than one person to be your army.
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gyrium · 7 years
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sketch dump of hermes + 2 extra things *__* 
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totallynotgayforyou · 3 years
Im sorry blizzard but I think we have to confiscate all your characters from you. All those handsome orcs from WoW? They're mine now, every single overwatch character also mine (Mccree is double mine) what are you gonna do about it? Sue me? A gay man? Homophobic too huh? I'm also gonna give them all lore since you couldn't do it while you had them, they're my babies now
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engineer-in-space · 3 years
so @talvenhenki tagged me in stuff! it’s been a while but i’m doing it!
name: February (or Mark, whatever is more exciting for you)
nicknames: Feb, Markimoo
zodiac sign: Virgo
height: 159 cm T_T
nationality: German
favorite fruit: Strawberries
favorite season: Spring!!!
favorite book: (more like several) The Hobbit, The children of Hurin by Tolkien, The Dwarves by Markus Heitz, Orcs by Stan Nicholls
favorite flower: Forget-me-nots
favorite scent: Vanilla, Cinnamon
favorite color: (dark) blue and red
favorite animal: Wolf!
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Coffee and hot cocoa
average sleep hours: 7
cat or dog person: Doggos!
favorite fictional character: WAY TOO MANY. current faves tho: Handsome Jack (back on my bullshit), Teague Martin, Hanzo Shimada & Jesse McCree
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: I guess visiting my friends that are all over the world!
blog created: 2015??? i think??
number of followers: like 270
I tag uh @done-personified @overseermartin @themaekinen  if you guys want to do it only tho!
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interestray · 4 years
brought to you by my hyper fixations
So the other day I was talking to a friend about Widofjord (a ship from critical role between a half-orc fjord and a human Caleb) and while talking I happened across some Mchanzo (a ship from overwatch between Hanzo and McCree) fanart and got deja vu. After thinking on it for a little bit I realized that the same appeal I saw in Mchanzo was in Widofjord not all of it but enough for me to write out a chart.
Before I begin SPOILER WARNING! I’m gonna be talking about critical role and the backstories of some of the characters from campaign 2 if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend its a great show I love it, I’m also talking about Overwatch lore (a lot less) so if you don’t know hanzo’s past you should watch the dragon short for context.
Note- neither one of these ships is canon and in the case of Mchanzo there are very few interactions between them. 
Lets start with the similarities
1. Hanzo and Caleb both hate themselves, both of them have done horrible things in their past that causes them to have very low (nonexistent) opinion of themselves. 
2. Caleb and Hanzo were both trained to be assassins (Hanzo by his family clan and Caleb by Trent Ikkithon)
3. Both ships have friendly banter on their interactions. In the case of Mchanzo they have only a few voice line conversations but none of them are angry ex- McCree:  You know, that sake's not half bad but... I prefer a little bite to my liquor.                                                                                                                   Hanzo:  How predictable! Such an unsophisticated taste.                                    Now with Fjord and Caleb they have had multiple moments of light affectionate banter (seriously watch critical role these two are adorable)
4. Fjord and McCree both having a father figure in a commanding officer, for McCree this is a little more blurry because Overwatch lore is nonexistent and we don’t fully know if the relationship between him and Reyes (reaper) was like father and son. Fjord on the other hand has made it clear that his old captain Vandran was like a father to him.
5. Hanzo attempted to murder his younger brother Genji (it failed but he did live ten years afterwards thinking he had succeeded) because of the manipulations of his clan, Caleb did kill both of his parents after being manipulated by his academy teacher into thinking they were traitors to their country.
6. Fjord has a pirate atheistic(and a Cowboy one at the beginning at the campaign), McCree has a cowboy atheistic they might not be the exact same but it does show how extra both of them are.
7. Though their pasts are a bit different (more on that later) McCree and Fjord are both trying to move forward from a couple wrongdoings. McCree was part of a black ops group that made some shady choices while Fjord almost released a spoiled demi god that would have fucked over the world so they both have some shit to work through.
8. this one kinda annoys me but people have a habit of assuming McCree and Fjord are idiots (in their respective universes) when neither one is. 
9.Both Hanzo and Caleb are great long range attackers (Hanzo with his bow and Caleb with his spells)  but are very fragile and squishy short range.
10. Hanzo has two spirits that are summoned when he uses his special attack, Caleb has a fey cat he summons for comfort and recon missions.
Both ships have a lot in common and I’m sure there are a couple more things I could have mentioned but I think this includes all the big things. Now onto their differences.
1. lets get the biggest ones out of the way the medium these two ships exist are very different, one is a mmo shooter game with only voice lines and the odd short to tell a story through so the only Mchanzo interacts happen with their voices. Looking through all the Overwatch events there’s a good amount of them talking but nothing else to draw from. Meanwhile Critical Role is a group of nerdy ass voice actors playing dnd and telling a story with their characters, interactions between Fjord and Caleb are plentiful and awesome to see along with all the other characters but that means we have way more info about them to compare.
2. McCree had a criminal past of being in the deadlock gang before joining Blackwatch that does affect him as a character, but Fjord’s past was the opposite completely boring (not a bad thing with how he is it would have been weird and not made sense if he had a complicated backstory) working on a ship.
3. Early in the Mighty Nein Campaign Fjord threatened Caleb with a sword to the neck if Caleb didn’t put back a scroll he wanted to take while escaping from a house they broke into, this has affected their friendship and been brought up a couple times months later. With what lore we do have for Overwatch McCree has not threatened Hanzo.
4. this one might seem a bit strange to include but it’s a major difference to me. In Blackwatch McCree actually worked alongside a recently almost killed Genji, I don’t know how friendly their relationship might have been but there’s a good chance McCree heard some version of how Hanzo tried to kill Genji. Fjord Has had to learn Caleb’s backstory from Caleb himself and he still doesn’t know the full story (not even after 103 episodes lol)
5.Redemption and the possibility of it is a big thing in both Hanzo and Caleb’s backstories and current actions but is different for each one. Hanzo did something horrible but he has a chance for complete (or almost complete) redemption for his actions as long as he works with and towards making it up to genji, except he doesn’t take it in his interactions with Genji in game he’s hostile, angry, and in denial (in the dragons short hes pretty much the same). Caleb on the other hand has a chance for partial redemption (there’s no way for him to bring his parents back without fucking up everything else but he can work towards stopping other kids from being hurt) and he is working towards it. Its worth mentioning that before learning that Genji is still alive Hanzo had his own way of earning redemption (and I think he did believe he could earn it) but Caleb has said multiple times he doesn’t deserve it and it’s impossible for him until recent arcs. I also don’t think one is better than the other they’re just different ways they’re reacting to possible redemption.
at the end of the day I love both of these ships and all the characters involved, they both have potential for angst and fluffy romantic shit. I’m happy to get this out of my system it was fun thinking about it but I have way too many thoughts to look at to keep thinking about this. check out critical role campaign 2 if you have free time or need something to play in the background while ya work and I’m gonna hope for more McCree/Hanzo interactions in Overwatch 2 goodnight! 
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kinsbin · 4 years
🐉🖊🎲 for any f/o of ur choice! (@softfuzzyships)
Let’s see we’ll go with - hmmm - McCree!
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🐉 Your F/O gets turned into a dragon through hijynx. What type of dragon are they? What powers do they have?
McCree would be an earth-based dragon! No wings but a shorter body than an Asian dragon. Like a European dragon without wings as a whole. Red with gold and brown accents and horns that kind of curl up on his head, and his mane/spikes would be brown and he’d have some on his chin as well! He’d be missing one arm as well, but makes up for it with the strenght in his tail. I’d say he’d have like... the power to make earthquakes and have really good aim? He breathes projectiles rather than fire or anything. 
🖊 If your F/O were to start a collection of things, what would they horde? What would be their most prized possession? (Besides you, obviously)
HATS. OR GUNS. OR BOTH? BOTH ARE GOOD. I’d laugh at McCRee with a collection of cowboy hats though (but also try them on so it’s fine)
🎲 You guys are setting up a campaign in DnD, what class/race do you play? What about your F/O? Who is more likely to be the dungeon master?
I’m ALWAYS a dragon born warrior every time. It’s my Combo. I’d see McCree as a dragon born also! Or an orc! Maybe a rogue class? It’d work well for him!
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rockcutter64 · 5 years
Overwatch as D&D?
D.Va- (Cavalier Fighter) gnome
Orisa- (Ancient Oath Paladin) warforged
Reinhardt- (Devoted Oath Paladin) tabaxi
Roadhog- (Totem Warrior Barbarian) orc
Sigma- (Dream Circle Druid) firbolg
Winston- (Berserker Barbarian) bugbear
Wrecking Ball- (Underdark Land Circle Druid) centaur
Zarya- (Vengeance Oath Paladin) goliath
Ashe- (Arcane Archer Fighter) human
Bastion- (Moon Circle Druid) warforged
Doomfist- (Long Death Monk) goliath
Genji- (Assassin Rogue) dragonborn
Hanzo- (Gloomstalker Ranger) dragonborn
Junkrat- (Wild Surge Sorcerer) half orc
Mei- (Evocation Wizard) human
McCree- (Gunslinger Fighter) human
Pharah- (Champion Fighter) half elf
Reaper- (Hexblade Blade Warlock) air genasi
Soldier 76- (Battle Master Fighter) earth genasi
Sombra- (Arcane Trickster Rogue) drow
Symmetra- (Abjuration Wizard) aasimar
Torbjorn- (Artillerist Artificer) dwarf
Tracer- (Thief Rogue) wood elf
Widowmaker- (GOO Chain Warlock) tiefling
Ana- (Alchemist Artificer) high elf
Baptiste- (Celestial Tome Warlock) triton
Bridgette- (Forge Cleric) dwarf
Lucio- (Glamor Bard) halfling
Mercy- (Life Cleric) aarakocra
Moira- (Death Cleric) eladrin
Zenyatta- (Tranquility Monk) warforged
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katieskarlette · 5 years
Here’s a post in which I will ramble about and/or quasi-liveblog the livestream of Blizzcon Community Night.
Yay, Laura Bailey is a judge!  Hi, Jaina!
And Matthew Mercer is in McCree cosplay?  LMAO that is amazing!  You better believe if I was the VA for a major character, I would cosplay as them when I got the chance.
Jackie Craft is the other judge, which means Laura is the only one of the three who isn’t in costume.  Aww.  She says she “missed the memo” but “at least I can sit down.”  LOL
“Artisan Crafting” category of cosplay is first.  There were two non-Warcraft characters, a warlock in vanilla pvp armor that must have taken forEVER to put together, a gorgeous Elune complete with glow-in-the-dark armor details, and a great Sylvanas who won the category.
Defending talent competition champions Have No Fear are back with a rap number.  Not the kind of music I normally listen to, but I can appreciate the care put into the clever lyrics and they obviously have a blast doing it.  Great energy.
Bwahaha, just as I was typing that one of them said “No matter if you like rap or not, we’ll still kill you in STV.”  LMAO, fair enough! 
Next up is an entry in the movie competition.  It’s well-done but as someone who doesn’t play Hearthstone it’s kind of lost on me.
Second round of cosplay:  Large scale fabrication category.
A fel reaver cosplay!  Never seen that before!  Cool!  LOL
Next an Overwatch thing I don’t know about.
Then a really cool arrakoa outcast.  I love the feet!
Oh, sweeeeeet Alexstrasza!  It’s a foam-sculpted suit of a kind of anthropomorphized dragonform Alex.  So cool!  With glowy eyes!  And a cool dragonheaded staff!  I love it!
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa, Ragnaros!  Full of lights!  That’s crazy!
This is a hard call.  These are all freaking amazing!
The judges picked the Fel Reaver as the winner.  They all deserve a standing ovation, though.
The first artwork was Starcraft.  The second one was an awww-inducing picture of Thrall and baby orcs.
Oh hey, it’s Sharm!  I’ve watched her on YouTube for years!  Cool!  This isn’t my favorite number by her, but it’s full of emotion, I love the concept, and the presentation was well-done with the Sylvanas Warbringers footage behind her.  So glad to see her make it to Blizzcon!
Starcraft video.  Not my thing.  *shrug*
Next costume category:  Weapons & Armor.
A stunning Anduin, followed by an amazing Arthas!  It’s kind of funny to see them standing side-by-side.  Blondes in blue and gold/silver armor.  ;)
Night Warrior Tyrande is great,  I love the bird!  It moves and the eyes light up!
(The other two are Diablo people.)
Anduin won.  Well deserved!  
Next art piece is a gorgeous piece of Jaina with the ghosts of Daelin and Arthas around her.  
Gaudium Quartet is performing with strings and keyboard.  Judging by the video behind them I guess this Overwatch-related.  Very talented musicians, even if I don’t understand the context.  The violinists, especially, have good stage presence and look like they’re having fun.  It was fun to watch, too!
Movie contest:  A haunting, beautiful machinima with an original song “Ode of the Widow,” about a nameless Alliance soldier who marches off to war and doesn’t come back.  
Costume Contest:  Group category (i.e. costumes made by multiple people)
None of these were Warcraft people, so I can’t say much except they all look impressive.  The Protoss won the category.  (At least I know enough about Starcraft to know that’s what it’s called.  Heh.)
Art contest first place winner:  “Thrall in the Tavern” is pretty much what it sounds like.  Thrall drinking and pigging out on food in a tavern, Hearthstone style.  I liked the Jaina one better, but this is cute, too--especially the reactions of other characters in the background.
Bah Ram You is the next (and final) act in the talent competition.  Pirates doing a “Classic WoW” sea shanty.  I love the touch of having Pepe instead of a parrot on the captain’s shoulder.   
“A tale so old it must be told on its 15th anniversary”  Cute! 
 “Take 40 men in one dungeon and wipe it constantly.”  LMAO
“Where I shan’t get bored screaming FOR THE HORDE in a week-long Alterac Valley”
OMG that was great!  LOL!  
Movie contest winner:  “The Lich Steve”  (WTF? LMAO)
Guy finds the Helm of Domination at a yard sale for twenty bucks.  Shenanigans ensue.  I giggle a lot.
Final costume category:  “Outstanding Creation”
Two Overwatch ones and two Diablo ones that mean nothing to me, then Ruthless Gladiator Tier 10 as modeled by a Forsaken warlock.  Again, all very impressive, even if I’m not too familiar with the originals. 
The winner is the Diablo lady, who brought that crazy getup all the way from France.  Grats to her.
Talent contest winner = Bah Ram Ewe!  They would absolutely have been my choice, and the cheer they got from the audience when they first came back on stage tells me I’m not alone.
Costume contest grand prize winner = the Diablo lady.  It is an amazing costume, even if I was personally rooting for Anduin.  ;)
And that’s a wrap for Community Night--and for my frantic typing! 
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chipper-smol · 6 years
dnd update with gun for those who follow me for kenku plague boys
Last dnd session i forgot to bring my character Guts because I left him at home. Guts is my half-orc fighter who is the main damage dealer of the group, however I had Gun’s character sheet on hand.
AFter some quick leveling up he was good to go.
Note: The majority of the party in this campaign is in the good alignment.
Gun is chaotic neutral.
Context: The party just finished off an assassin (kind of paralyzed her but she was still alive) who was sent to do the dirty work of the tiefling in our group who failed to do his job. They planned on healing this poor lady and to figure out why she was doing this shit and to possibly redeem her.
Gun shows up.
Proclaims loudly that he’s a doctor.
Party is like <.< ok
They take him to the room where she’s crying on the floor
and Gun 
like how a chaotic neutral aligned character always acts
goes and
destroys pages of DM notes
with the self prescribed medication of a bullet
(another note: Gun is voiced by McCree. I have his audio up in a web browser to play clips.)
“Just what the doctor ordered.”
Everyone screamed.
Gun is a bad doctor.
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dangerousyako · 5 years
I don’t know what Mercer was aiming for when he made Wise Mentor Blacksmith McCree Orc, deep voice and abs and all
but now im in love with Wersh the Tapper and so is the entire party
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tacticalvisor76 · 6 years
Is it a McCree sized orc or an orc sized McCree
I wanna say an orc sized McCree is what I’ve been seeing in my head rn. Could change tbh, Orc’s come in so many shapes, sizes and I love all of them. 
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captain-doubleday · 6 years
Overwatch Heroes as DnD Characters
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Background: Soldier
Lawful Good 
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Battle Master)
Background: Soldier
Lawful Good
Race: Protector Aasimar
Class: Cleric (Life)
Background: Sage
Neutral Good
Soldier: 76
Race: Human
Class: Ranger (Hunter)
Background: Soldier
Chaotic Good
Race: Fallen Aasimar
Class: Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Background: Soldier
True Neutral
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter (Arcane Archer)
Background: Noble
True Neutral
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter (Samurai)
Background: Criminal
True Neutral 
Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Cleric (Forge)
Background: Guild Artisan
Lawful Good
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Entertainer
Neutral Evil
Race: Lightfoot Halfling
Class: Rogue (Mastermind)
Background: Criminal
Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Gunslinger)
Background: Criminal
Chaotic Neutral
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wizard (Conjuration)
Background: Acolyte
Lawful Neutral
Race: Warforged
Class: Monk (Tranquility)
Background: Acolyte
Lawful Neutral
Race: Human
Class: Paladin (Devotion)
Background: Knight
Lawful Good 
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Cleric (War)
Background: Folk Hero
Lawful Good 
Race: Tiefling
Class: Warlock (Undying)
Background: Sage
Neutral Evil 
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian (Zealot)
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Chaotic Evil
Race: Human
Class: Artificer
Background: Outlander
Chaotic Neutral 
Race: Orc
Class: Barbarian (Berserker)
Background: Outlander
Chaotic Neutral 
Race: Firbolg
Class: Fighter (Champion)
Background: Soldier
True Neutral 
Race: Rock Gnome
Class: Druid (Land)
Background: Sage
Lawful Good 
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Bard (Glamour)
Background: Entertainer
Neutral Good 
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Paladin (Vengeance)
Background: Entertainer
Lawful Good 
Race: Human
Class: Ranger (Gloom Stalker)
Background: Soldier
Neutral Good 
Race: Centaur
Class: Paladin (Crown)
Background: City Watch
Lawful Good 
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (Order)
Background: Guild Artisan
Lawful Good 
Race: Goliath
Class: Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Background: Sage
Lawful Good 
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Honestly Sooo disappointed in warcraft/overwatch/starcraft fanfiction fans
Heroes of the storm has infinite universes. Any AU could exist . Furthermore any crossover can exist. Want to write something about Mccree and his boyfriend James Raynor teaming up with the Diabolical Dominion Ashe and Zerg queen Jaina? U can do that and its canon . Want a fluff piece about garrosh marrying Orc Jaina to spite Jaina but orc! Jaina tells Jaina that onstead of consumating their marriage shes going to kill him and wear his skull? You can do that too.
There is infinite potential
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nitewrighter · 6 years
If you had to give each overwatch hero a D&D classes and/or races which class/race would they be (if all is a lot could you do a few and why)
*cracks knuckles* Okay a bunch of these are homebrew but they FIT, okay?
Zarya: Orc Barbarian
Genji and Hanzo: Tiefling Rogues (both fluent in Draconic, though)
Mercy: Aasimar Cleric
Pharah and Ana: Human Warrior and Human Alchemist
Widowmaker: Drow Rogue
McCree: Human Gunslinger
Ashe: Elf Gunslinger (Bob is a Golem)
Junkrat: Ratfolk Artificer
Symmetra: Tiefling Wizard
Zenyatta: Ifrit Monk
Moira: Fetchling Warlock
Doomfist: Oread Fighter
Winston: Vanara Mage/Berserker Dual Class
Roadhog: Human Berserker
Torbjörn: Dwarven Artificer
Brigitte: Half-Dwarf Paladin
Reinhardt: Human Knight
Soldier:76: Revenant Champion
Reaper: Revenant Gunslinger
Sombra: Arcane Trickster Halfling
Hammond: Ratfolk Barbarian
Bastion: Mimic
Orisa: Centaur Paladin
D.Va: Gnome Artificer
Lúcio: Half-Elf Bard
Mei: Ice Elemental Hybrid Wizard
Tracer: Sylph Chronomancer
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