travelella · 5 months
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Puy de Dôme, Orcines, France
William Bout
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
tagged by @certified-anakinfucker oc tag game
i have been trying to post this for like thirty minutes I don't care anymore no more detailed answers I'm going to throw a fit tumblr stop being bad challenge impossible
favorite oc — I do not have one, I love and hate all of them equally (lying)
newest oc — Satori Luong, a Spider-'Sona' who also is known as "Kumo" or "Spider Hunter". They personally call themselves the "Average in Intelligence Spider" when put up against the wall with all the others as they're no genius in any field except for combat and observation. Unable to websling organically, they also never developed any tech to aid them nor can they stick to surfaces, and didn't even realize they were a "super' until Miguel O'Hara showed up. they just assumed their spider-sense was luck and their strength was because their parkour and strength training paid off.
oldest oc — probably a warrior cats or rainbow fairy oc? honestly, I can't remember anything earlier the end of middle school-start of high school era.
meanest oc — Orcin Nauta (SW) hands down. He's a gang boss based off of the Orca Whale, aka the bully of the ocean. He's mean and vicious and also 16 fucking feet tall with a gang family that spans the entire galaxy.
softest oc — Persephone "Seph" Spring (PKMN) probably. Very kind, very gentle, very patient. The perfect balance for her rough-and-tumble cowboy mining boss of a husband tbh
most aloof / standoffish oc — Emilia Lynx (COD, FMAB) without a doubt. It's the trauma babyyyy.
dumbest oc — Ajal Agni (BNHA). Have you seen your foreign-born janitor stick his hand straight into boiling water? WOULD YOU LIKE TO?
smartest oc — Kori Hayashi (Standalone). She's kept her organization at the top of the underground chain for a while, after all. She knows how to play the game, knows which cards to reveal, knows how to keep her men in line, and when to let them loose.
horniest oc — Hakra Dorgoa. I will not explain further than Man Is He Glad That He's Got Strong Mental Walls And Shielding As A Member Of The Temple Guard Or Else Everyone Would Know He's Down Bad For Eeth Koth
oc i’d bang — in reality, none because I'm AroAce, but metaphorically? Ban Sult (SW) because he'd treat me right. Someone had to give Plo Koon unwanted but appreciated and used romantic tips between teaching him how to blast lightning.
oc i’d be besties with irl — Gelaisa Kaliope and Miles "Millie" Shira (Fate). They are two of the most laid-back and chill characters in my folders and have a sick music taste. ngl, they'd probably also just let me nap in a pile of blankets and also under them. Can't have one without the other though.
no pressure tags: @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @alexeithegoat @hotshot9 @spacerocksarethebestrocks @gen-has-green-vibes
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bongbingbang · 9 months
Can you turn me into a sexy orc?
Let me check the system... Yes.
We have one orc in our database who has been waiting for a human-orc bodyswap request. He is sexy, some would say. He runs his own construction business, unsuccessfully, and likes blue-collar dudes, mostly.
To consent to the swap, you must reblog this post. Once your reblog is posted, @maletf32, your swap will be activated instantly.
No commentary is required, as some language skills are diminished during activation.
Caution: You may feel some slight discomfort as your humanity is replaced with orc urges and desires. Be careful with your new strength; it is limitless.
The swap will expire at midnight, but your new orcine nature, and lack of language skills, will be yours to keep on a go forward basis.
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This request will be marked as completed, and your customer service ticket will be closed. Additional requests will require additional sacrifices. Thank you in advance for your reblog.
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tickfleato · 2 months
i really should be recycling old OC designs more cause i had some really great fan*****s back in my day. i need to put them in my original settings. i need to make orcins a shark
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orcbardneeul · 5 months
Who up orcin' their bard?
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alain-keler · 2 years
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Vendredi 18 février.
Ballade vers l’impasse Pasteur à Chamalières. Je vais jusqu’à l’immeuble où nous habitions. Je crois que c’était au troisième étage. Les volets sont fermés, un peu abimés par le temps sans avoir été repeints récemment. Peut-être sont ils restés fermés depuis notre départ ?
Mairie de Chamalières, dans le parc Mont Joly. Giscard a été maire de Chamalières et maintenant c’est son fils.
Je descends l’avenue de Royat vers le centre. Il fait très doux. Un léger vent me caresse le visage, comme pour me dire « tu te souviens comme la vie était belle ».
L’après midi nous allons à Orcines. Je n’avais pas eu de réponse du maire à mon mail du 15 février. Je peux le rencontrer dans sa petite mairie. Il me reçoit dans son bureau. Je lui explique mon projet. D’abord prudent, il est sans doute rassuré par mes propos. Il me parle des estives sur les flancs du Puy de Dôme. Elles commencent fin mai, et début juin je reviendrai.
Je commence la parution de mon projet BNF. Au final il y aura un rendu de dix photographies, choix qui se fera cette semaine. Beaucoup de photos, que j’appellerais « intermédiaires », non choisies mais importantes dans le cadre de mon histoire paraitront dans ce journal. Elles seront le ciment de ce projet personnel qui dépassera la commande. Néanmoins chaque parution sera précédée de cette mention :
"Cette photographie a été produite dans le cadre de la grande commande nationale "Radioscopie de la France : regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire" financée par le Ministère de la culture et pilotée par la BnF."
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I'm writing a practice essay about The Free Orcs of Cascadia from Margaret Killjoy's We Won't Be Here Tomorrow and it reads like a tumblr shitpost. It's a great story but I'm trying to be serious and it looks ridiculous. I promise I'm taking this seriously but it's not my fault that a free orc named Golfimbul killed the Orcine Rick Green in the middle of a musical show with a sword. It reads like I'm high and there's no way I can capture the beauty and complexity of the actual story but I'm giving it my best shot
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anoceanofbeauty · 6 months
Cea ce ne spune Sf Serafim de Sarov este ca numai cateva milioane de oameni pot sa ne salveze pe toti. Numărul creștinilor, la nivel mondial, este de 2.432.007.000, dintr-un total estimat de 7.875.465.000 de locuitori ai planetei. Dar mesajul lui Serafim de Sarov este unul universal pentru ca orcine indiferent de religie ar trebui sa poata sa faca pace in sufletul lui. Atlasul de EEG considera ritmul alfa, asciat lnistii interioare, starea de normalitate a SNC. “84% dintre oamenii de pe pământ aparţin unei religii” ne spune Doxologia. Intrebarea este: Se vor gasi cateva milioane de oameni din cateva miliarde care sa salveze planeta? Desi toate religiile sunt centrate pe mesajul pacii si toate spiritualitatile descriu metode de a o atinge, cel putin pacea interioara, cea pe care se bazeaza pacea in societate, oamenii se vor intreba firesc si daca exista argumente stiintifice, rationale pentru ceea ce ne spune Serafim De Sarov. Putem cauta deci argumente stiintifice? Da, Sf Grigorie Palama, spre a da un singur exemplu, considera filosofia, alături de ştiinţă, ca unul din darurile naturale ale lui Dumnezeu, astfel încât ea trebuie cinstită şi folosită ca atare. Acest lucru este intarit si de Parintele Dumitru Staniloaie. Sa o folosim deci. “In sistemele coerente, sa zicem laserii, elementele de coerenta din sistem au o influenta care este direct proportionala cu numarul lor la patrat, pe cand elementele incoerente au o influenta proportionala doar cu numarul lor. Ca rezultat, cand un subgrup proportional cu radacina patrata din totalul elementelor creaza o influenta coerenta, atunci aceasta depaseste influenta incoerenta a tuturor celorlalte elemente si coerenta este exprimata în întreg sistemul. Dintr-o perspectiva a teoriei campului, suma coerenta a amplitudinilor conduce la o situatie în care sursa individuala contribuie non-liniar la o influenta totala, pentru ca puterea totala sau intensitatea campului este direct proportionala cu patratul amplitudinii” (Hagelin, 1987).
Dar si creerul nostru in stare de liniste are ritmuri EEG coerente deci am putea spune ca cineva in aceasta stare coerenta ar putea influenta cu starea sa, o stare de pace interioara, mii de oameni. Cand vorbim de pacea interioara neglijam faptul ca o parte din uriasul potential neuronal, avem neuroni cate stele sunt in galaxie, sunt in stare de coerenta. Sa vedem în continuare cum descriu fizicienii sistemele coerente. Prigogine spune ca unul dintre aspectele cele mai interesante ale structurilor disipative este, fara îndoiala coerenta lor. Sistemul se comporta atunci ca un întreg, ca si cum ar fi amplasamentul fortelor cu raza mare de actiune. În ciuda faptului ca nu ele nu depasesc o sfera de ordinul a 10 la -3 cm, sistemul este structurat de parca fiecare molecula ar fi ‘informata’ despre întreaga stare a sistemului.” În aceste sisteme “portiuni ale sistemului separate prin distante macroscopice, devin corelate”, “evenimente locale au repercursiuni de-a lungul întregului sistem. Fiecare parte a sistemului devine astfel capabila sa “simta” ce se întâmpla în alte parti. Sistemul se comporta ca un întreg. Sistemul se comporta ca o retea am spune noi sau ca un sistem perfect caci definitia însasi a sistemului este de suma de elemnte între care exista cel putin o legatura. În articolul “Coerenta ca ordine” din volumul Filosofia fizicii, Ed Politica, 1984, Victor Geiculescu, dînd exemplu fenomenele de sperfluiditate si superconductibilitate spune ca la coerenta materia capata uimitoare proprietati ondulatorii. “Functiile de unda ale tuturor particulelor care participa la aceasta stare “s-au asezat” in faza si materia dobandeste la scara macroscopica proprietati uimitoare tipic ondulatorii”. Autorul spune ca aceasta “coerenta a functiilor de unda la nivelul microscopic poate fi dobandita si in sisteme care lucreaza la temperatura ambianta.” deci in organismul uman.
Partea frumoasa este ca arhitectura liturgica este deja structurata astfel incat nu va fi nevoie sa fie schimbata nici macar o virgula ci doar sa aducem cateva argumente din stiinta pentru a adanci spiritul liturgic. “Sfânta Liturghie este un organism spiritual viu, în continuă evoluţie şi nu o relicvă a istoriei. În decursul veacurilor ea a evoluat de la simplitatea originară la bogăţia de azi.” https://www.dervent.ro/liturghia.php
Indemnul la pace se repeta ca un light motiv pe parcursul liturghiei. Cuvantul pace apare in Biblia ortodoxa de 369 de ori http://www.bibliaortodoxa.ro/cautare.php?text=pace&carte=-3
Vom chema in ajutor neurostiintele, textul Evangheliei si scrierile Sfintilor Parinti pentru a sustine ca acestor momente invocate prin indemnul :”Cu pace Domnului sa ne rugam” nu trebuie sa fie doar o invocare ci o lucrare. „Fericiți făcătorii de pace că aceia fiii lui Dumnezeu se vor chema” ne spune ca pacea e lucrare nu ceva de invocat doar. Rugaciunea de pe Tabor, modelul Isihasmului, nu a fost doar o invocare a pacii ci pacea experimentata indelungat. Deoarece pacea este expresia coerentei a miliarde de neuroni care presupune o modificare metabolica, linistea interioara este o stare hipometabolica, ea nu poate fi obtinuta in cateva secunde sau minute, va trebui ca aceasta reculegere interioara sa dureze cel putin 15 minute. Nu stiu un termen optim dar neurostiintele ne pot spune care este acesta ca sa-l adoptam deoarece a trece simbolic prin pace nu este acea pace a sufletului de care Serafim de Sarov spune ca poate salva mii in jurul tau. Si avem aceasta dovada.
In plus pentru adancirea spiritului liturgic toate liturghiile pe aceiasi zona temporala trebuiesc sincronizate eventual via, Radio sau Trinitas TV sau un mobile app creat special pentru asta. Etimologic asta inseamna Liturghie, a sluji impreuna. Impreuna inseamna efectiv sincronizarea momentelor principale ca si cum toti de pe acelasi time zone ar participa impreuna la aceiasi liturghie. Oricum clopotele, care acum in multe biserici sunt electronice si se sincronizeaza cu ceasul atomic asta faceau, ele sunt un sincronizator social si acum nu ar mai fi nevoie decat sa le sincronizam intre ele.
Mai mult rugaciunea de dimineata si de seara trebuie sa urmeze modelul Sf Liturghii. 15-20 de minute de reculegere in liniste si apoi rugacine in cuvinte pentru ca asa ne-au invatat sfintii, linistea este maica rugaciunii si neurostiintele confirma faptul ca o stare alfa, de coerenta EEG favorizeaza gandirea pozitiva in care gandurile de timp rugaciune, gratitudine, recunostinta se nasca spuntan. Patriarhia poate recomanda niste ore exacte dimineata si seara dar la numere mari tot vor fi impreuna in pace un numar suficient de mare pentru a produce o schimbare.
Ceea ce ar mai fi de mentionat este referitor la cum vom obtine acesta reculegere interioara, cu ce metoda ne vom ajuta practic. Ar trebui sa vina natural dupa Calist Catafigiotul. “O cat de propriu te are mintea, stapane… Numai vazandu-te pe tine se bucura de pace si de odihna proprie ei” dar daca nu, traditia bisericii ne ofera ajutor. Vom face o sugestie din traditia Bisericii care sa fie simpla si usor de abordat pentru oricine: procedeul de constientizare a respiratiei care conform lui Nichifor Monahul de la Muntele Atos ”duce repede la nepatimire si la vederea lui Dumnmezeu”. Aceasta are numeroase temeiuri in Biblie deoarece Ruach, care insemana Duh Sfant dar si respiratie apare in Biblie de 389 de ori, https://ziarullumina.ro/teologie-si-spiritualitate/theologica/sufletul-si-duhul-6192.html putin mai mult decat pacea dar atributul Duhului Sfant fiind pacea putem spune ca pacea apare in Biblie de 758 de ori.
Avem suficiente temeiuri teologice si stiintifice sa credem ca pacea ar reveni in acea zi in care aceste sugestii, pana la urma ale Bibliei si Sfintilor Parinti, ar deveni virale, urat cuvant, si ar ajunge la si ar fi aplicate de un nr de oameni apropiat de cel sugerat de cuvintele lui Serafim de Sarov?
Pe termen mediu sau lung ar trebui sa cercetam aceasta stare de liniste interioara care pune mintea noastra intr-o stare similara laseului, care poate transforma societatea umana intr-un sistem unitar, “ca sa fie una”. In Biblie a cerceta, cercetat, cercetare apare de 222 ori si ceva susceptibil de a slava omenirea ar trebui cercetat disciplinar, interdisciplinar, transdisciplinar si intercultural.
Acesta este un text deschis, cer feedback si modific. Unde mai pot aparea completari voi adauga.
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tgirlbeautymedia · 6 months
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deadlinecom · 8 months
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ngage2003 · 8 months
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
> Hello! Welcome to the Nokia Conglomerate.
> Welcome to our Tumblr Page!
We are a system with a variety of interests, changing between alters, and this is our pinned post! We will be listing alters and their tags here, if they want to participate in the blog anyway.
You can typically reblog whatever posts you want unless a post says “dont rb”!
This post mostly exists for organization! And this blog is mostly just for us. Please don’t ask us invasive questions about ourselves or our sys. If you’re unsure about an ask you can send it, but please try to keep in mind what you’re asking :-P
Tagging System/Alter Tags! (Subject to change)
@divinemackerel | Mack/Amphi, the host. I’ll be using this blog the least! My tag will be #fungi.txt, and my pronouns are on my blog.
Wojtek (VOY-chehk) | #anarkhia.txt He/him.
Morris/Lovebug | #W0RM.TXT he/it
Ori/Cece | #getkiller.txt or/orca/orcin/orcinus/orcaself ce/ceta/cean/ceans/cetaself and they/it xD
Cent | bug.txt He/it! But I am fond of neos! Feel free to use any for me.
intros will be under #intros.ng!
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𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝: orcine islets have been proposed as an alternative islet source for islet transplantation in #patients with #type1diabetes. Our focus on pre-weaned porcine islets (4-11 days old; PPIs) has shown that this model of porcine islets is a cost effective and viable mean to isolate and culture islets for transplantation. Exendin-4 (Ex- 4) could improve islet viability, islet expansion, and #insulin secretion.
View more here @ https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/endocrinology-diabetes/endocrinology-diabetes115.php
#symbiosisonlinepublishing #endocrinologist #Endocrinologia #endocrinesystem #endocrine #diabetes #diabetesawareness #type1diabetic #type1diabetesawareness #diabeticfriendly #diabetesmellitus #journal #journals #pubmed #medicaljournal #openaccess #openaccessjournal #peerreviewed #peerreview
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kikaymom · 9 months
▶️ Watch this reel
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gamekatz · 1 year
Fire and Ice
Pt. 3
The beating of wings drags you from the darkness. You open your eyes to see your sister, her eyes burning, her fists clenched as she rises up against a radiant figure. You aren’t sure how much time has passed, but her cheeks are still wet with tears. Turning your eyes from her and looking up, you see the gaze of a great white bird, around ten times your size, piercing the two of you. Fierra continues to stand in shaky defiance against the beast.
"Who are you, insolent child, to desecrate an object bearing my likeness?" The voice reverberates across the forsaken village, its icy tone freezing the girl before it. The words cut through Fierra’s resolve like a knife, dropping her to her knees.
“Solara! Why have you forsaken your people? The Orcs have razed our homes and killed…” her voice trails off as a sudden realization hits her, she collapses to the ground, tears tracing down her face as she begins retching from the gruesome memory. The phoenix's talon descends, almost gently guiding Fierra back to her knees as she continues to sputter in the depths of despair.
"Child, you do not grasp the intricacies of divine matters. For me to directly meddle in the wars of mortals would beckon the ire of Orcin themselves. Unlike Orcin, I am unable to infuse my followers with facets of my being without their demise, which would gravely enfeeble me." The phoenix looks upon you; you feel your weakened breath go still under the weight of its gaze.
“This one is dying; you were calling upon me to heal her?” Fierra’s head bows in resignation, the question drawing a sigh of relief from her lips.
“Please, she’s the only family I have left,” Fierra whispers.
"Then you have displayed a profound misjudgment." Your heart sinks in your chest. "I am the coalescence of elemental magics, each exquisitely balanced against the other. To channel one demands an expenditure from another. Yet, there exists a fragment of possibility. While none of these elements can directly mend the ebbing life of a mortal, the intricate harmony might be harnessed for restoration, but it may just as easily cause the end of both of your lives."
“I don’t care…” Fierra responds in hushed resolve. “If there’s even the smallest chance to save her, I’ll take it. Without her, I’ll have nothing.” The phoenix looks upon both of you; its gaze softens in understanding.
"Very well," Solara's voice resonates, "then I shall bestow upon each of you an aspect of my power, facets that counter and harmonize, upholding equilibrium within me. Should survival grace you, the power infused in your beings will mend your wounds and forge resilience. But should the embrace of death claim either you or your sister, the delicate balance shall shatter, bringing doom upon the other." With this, a talon reaches down and violently rips the arrow from you. You thought you had known the full extent of pain these last few days, but that was nothing. The world around you is empty except for this agony.
“Asril!” Fierra lunges towards you before being wrenched back by Solara. Your hand gravitates towards her, but you can barely move. Suddenly, her entire form is enveloped by flames. Her screams pierce your ears as she drops to the ground. The flames are so bright you can’t see anything but an agonized silhouette.
Solara moves to you, slow and lethargic. You can’t move away, blood chokes your every breath. The phoenix’s talons pierce your shoulder, and freezing cold floods through you. Ice begins growing on your skin, and the world begins to grow dark once more. The last thing you hear are your sister’s screams.
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viajero2000 · 2 years
Auvergne. 4. Clermont-Ferrand, la capital.
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Clermont Ferrand, la capital, es la unión de dos ciudades Clermont y Ferrand. Desde el siglo XVII, tiene entre sus habitantes muchos apellidos españoles, pues en una guerra que perdió España, se trajeron muchos soldados aragoneses y catalanes prisioneros. Ciudad Universitaria y muy agradable. Su Catedral, negra, por ser piedra volcánica y una Iglesia románica, es lo más importante. Rodeada por la cadena volcánica del Puy de Dôme, tiene un funicular para llegar a la cima.
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Thuret, con su iglesia.
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Orcines, aquí se toma el funicular que va al Puy de Dôme.
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dentinho2310 · 2 years
Espiritualidade x Religião
Nunca li nada tão genial!!!!! Texto muito bonito de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Nascido em Orcines, 1 de maio de 1881 — Falecido em Nova Iorque, 10 de abril de1955), que foi um padre jesuíta, teólogo, filósofo e paleontólogo francês que tentou construir uma visão integradora entre ciência e teologia: "A religião não é apenas uma, são centenas. A espiritualidade é apenas uma. A religião é para os que dormem. A espiritualidade é para os que estão despertos. A religião é para aqueles que necessitam que alguém lhes diga o que fazer e querem ser guiados. A espiritualidade é para os que prestam atenção à sua Voz Interior. A religião tem um conjunto de regras dogmáticas. A espiritualidade te convida a raciocinar sobre tudo, a questionar tudo. A religião ameaça e amedronta. A espiritualidade lhe dá Paz Interior. A religião fala de pecado e de culpa. A espiritualidade lhe diz: "aprenda com o erro".. A religião reprime tudo, te faz falso. A espiritualidade transcende tudo, te faz verdadeiro! A religião não é Deus. A espiritualidade é Tudo e, portanto é Deus. A religião inventa. A espiritualidade descobre. A religião não indaga nem questiona. A espiritualidade questiona tudo. A religião é humana, é uma organização com regras. A espiritualidade é Divina, sem regras. A religião é causa de divisões. A espiritualidade é causa de União. A religião lhe busca para que acredite. A espiritualidade você tem que buscá-la. A religião segue os preceitos de um livro sagrado. A espiritualidade busca o sagrado em todos os livros. A religião se alimenta do medo. A espiritualidade se alimenta na Confiança e na Fé. A religião faz viver no pensamento. A espiritualidade faz Viver na Consciência.. A religião se ocupa com fazer. A espiritualidade se ocupa com Ser. A religião alimenta o ego. A espiritualidade nos faz Transcender. A religião nos faz renunciar ao mundo. A espiritualidade nos faz viver em Deus, não renunciar a Ele. A religião é adoração. A espiritualidade é Meditação. A religião sonha com a glória e com o paraíso. A espiritualidade nos faz viver a glória e o paraíso aqui e agora. A religião vive no passado e no futuro. A espiritualidade vive no presente. A religião enclausura nossa memória. A espiritualidade liberta nossa Consciência. A religião crê na vida eterna. A espiritualidade nos faz consciente da vida eterna. A religião promete para depois da morte. A espiritualidade é encontrar Deus em Nosso Interior durante a vida.
"Não somos seres humanos passando por uma experiência espiritual… Somos seres espirituais passando por uma experiência humana…" Julian
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