organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Morrocan Green Tea which is either served as #GreenTea or #mint is washed with hot water and prepared with #sugar in beautiful silver Teapots In cut glass often #decorated with #gold or #silver or beautiful coloured #glass #SugarCubes are added for a sweet tea And #diabetic or people needing a #sugarfree duet or reduced sugar #diet can use #honey or omit it entirely #Italian #Japanese #Korean #Latin #Maltese #Nepali #Polish #Portuguese #Punjab #organiciMaroc Romanian (at Rabat Agdal)
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organiciltd-blog · 5 years
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Good Morning from Morocco, Love our little honey wands, raw unfiltered honey without sugar traps , organe voisin , Zakoum, carob, thyme, Forrest & blossom - we love it all and only take limited amounts per quarter from bee keepers with natural hives in various locations to avoid damaging the bees habitat. #Honey #raw #unfiltered #bees #natural #nosugar #inmorocco #madeinmorocco#ethical #sustainable #handmade #noplastic #wood #handcrafted #OrganiciMaroc #organici (at Morocco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzA39Nyp6-u/?igshid=1rd7lzv07ige5
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organiciltd-blog · 5 years
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Do you like our new cooking utensils? #inmorocco #madeinmorocco#ethical #sustainable #handmade #noplastic #wood #handcrafted #OrganiciMaroc #organici #kitchen #utensils (at Morocco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzA5f2nJy4L/?igshid=y8xldj2jncjp
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organiciltd-blog · 6 years
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ce poppy was inspired by the World War I poem "In Flanders Fields". Its opening lines refer to the many poppies that were the first flowers to grow in the churned-up earth of soldiers' graves in Flanders, a region of Belgium Remembrance Day is 11th November annually. #fall #autumn #leaves #socialenvy #falltime #season #seasons #instafall #instagood #instaautumn #photooftheday #leaf #foliage #colorful #orange #red #autumnweather #fallweather #nature #organicimaroc (at Salé) https://www.instagram.com/p/BotCiMoH1Ai/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mtbxzypzpb02
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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يحتوي عسل النحل على العديد من الفيتامينات المهمة لبناء الجسم، وللبشرة والشعر، كما أنه يحمينا من الأمراض المختلفة، لذا من المهم التعرّف على فوائد عسل النحل على الريق للرجيم والجسم والبشرة وللوقاية من أمراض المعدة والقلب. فوائد عسل النحل على الريق للرجيم: يقلل من السمنة المفرطة. يحمي الجسم من تراكم السكر. يقلل من معدلات الكوليسترول الضار في الدم. يساعد تناول عسل النحل على الريق على إنقاص الوزن. يحتوي العسل على سعرات حرارية أقل من السكر العادي، لذا فيمكنك أثناء اتباع الرجيم ، استبدال السكر بالعسل. فوائد عسل النحل على الريق للبشرة: يرطب البشرة وينعمها. يعالج حب الشباب. يكسب الجلد المرونة ويحسن من شكل الجلد ويظهره أكثر شباباً. يحتوي العسل على مضادات للأكسدة، مما يكسب البشرة النضارة والحيوية اللازمة لها.#العسل#العسلالطبيعي #الامارات #ابوظبي #الدوحه #طبيعي #الرياض #الرياضة #التغذية #التصوير #المغرب #كمالالاجسام #طبيعي #organiciltd #organicfood #organicimaroc #food #casablanca (at Casablanca, Morocco)
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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إقرأ أسفل ⬇️. 1 في خضم الإقبال على المستحضرات الطبيعية الآمنة صحياً، يعتبر الصابون المغربي المسمى في المغرب بـ"الصابون البلدي" واحدا من أحسن الخيارات التي يمكن للمرأة الإقدام عليها في العناية ببشرتها وجمالها. فهذا النوع من الصابون ليس فقط مصنوعا من مواد طبيعية 100% وآمنة، بل أيضا له فوائد تفوق تلك التي في المنتجات الكيميائية الباهظة الثمن، والتي عادة ما تكتسح الأسواق بقوة الدعاية وتأثيرها. 2-  مميزات وفوائد الصابون المغربي للبشرة والجلد: 1-  إزالة الجلد الميت. 2-  يساعد على تفتيح البشرة ويعطي لها نضارة.  3-  تنظيف المسام من البثور السوداء والشوائب. 4-  تنشيط الدورة الدموية. 5-  يقي من التجاعيد. #التجميل #البشرة#العنايةبالبشرة #زيت الأركان#الإستحمام#الصابون#طبيعية#organic #skincare #skin #makeup#abudhabi #التنضيف #تنضيفالبشره #cleanskin #sona #swim#healthy #vegan #organic#organicimaroc (at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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1. marquer un ami 2. Partager cette image 3.Comment ci-dessous: #organicimaroc #gift #moisday #love #valentines #giftsforher #heart #valentinesgift #giftideas #valentine #valentineday #valentinesday #gifts #handmade #instagood #happy #février # love4love #valentinegift #giftideasph #valentinegifts #cadeaux pour lui #giftsformom #giftvoucher #gifttime # february2018 #lovenails #giftcards #giftforme #giftaway #fashion LINK IN BIO ⬆️
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Aceite de rosa  El aceite de rosa es un aceite natural, que se caracteriza por el dulce aroma refrescante de las rosas damasquinadas marroquíes, se extrae de las rosas, como uno de los aceites más importantes, y menos frecuente debido al alto precio, y que tiene muchos beneficios estéticos, extracto se toma sin calor, usted aprenderá que los beneficios más importantes de Rose Oil son para el cabello, y cómo se usa para obtener los mejores resultados: Beneficios Rose Oil para el cabello Rose Oil le da al cabello un aroma fresco y bello, de larga duración. Reduce la pérdida de cabello, masajea el cuero cabelludo con aceite de rosa dos horas antes de lavar el cabello. Da suavidad al cabello y aumenta el brillo y el brillo. Para el cabello quebradizo y dañado, los expertos en belleza lo usan con resultados mágicos. Aumenta la longitud del cabello y hace que el proceso de crecimiento sea más rápido. Elimina la caspa del cuero cabelludo y al masajear el cuero cabelludo antes de ducharse y mantiene una sensación más suave en el cabello con el uso regular. Nutre el cabello, ya que es adecuado para todo tipo de cabello. #morocco #damaskrose #roseoil #raw #organic #halal #vegan #glutenfree #wheatfree #dairyfree productos de #organicimaroc #translation #Spanish #espanga (at Salé)
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Rose oil Rose oil is a natural oil, characterized by the sweet refreshing scent of moroccan damask roses, it is extracted from the roses, as one of the most important oils, and least prevalent due to the high price, and that has many aesthetic benefits, the extract is taken without heat, you will learn the most important benefits of Rose Oil is for the hair, and how it is used to get the best results: Benefits Rose Oil for hair Rose Oil gives hair fresh and beautiful, long-lasting scent. It reduces hair loss, massage the scalp with rose Oil two hours before washing the hair. It gives the hair softness and increases the brilliance and luster. For brittle and damaged hair, the beauty experts use it with magical results. It increases the length of the hair, and makes the process of growth faster. It removes dandruff off the scalp and when massaging the scalp before showering and maintains a softer feel to the hair with regular use. It nourishes the hair, as it is suitable for all types of hair. #morocco #damaskrose #roseoil #raw #organic #halal #vegan #glutenfree #wheatfree #dairyfree products from #organicimaroc
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Huile de rose  L'huile de rose est une huile naturelle, caractérisée par le doux parfum rafraîchissant des roses damas du Maroc, elle est extraite des roses, comme l'une des huiles les plus importantes, et moins répandue en raison du prix élevé, et qui a de nombreux avantages esthétiques, le extrait est pris sans chaleur, vous apprendrez les avantages les plus importants de l'huile de rose est pour les cheveux, et comment il est utilisé pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats: Avantages Rose Huile pour cheveux L'huile de rose donne aux cheveux frais et belle, parfum durable. Il réduit la perte de cheveux, masser le cuir chevelu à l'huile de rose deux heures avant de laver les cheveux. Il donne de la douceur aux cheveux et augmente la brillance et le lustre. Pour les cheveux cassants et abîmés, les experts en beauté l'utilisent avec des résultats magiques. Il augmente la longueur des cheveux, et rend le processus de croissance plus rapide. Il élimine les pellicules du cuir chevelu et lors du massage du cuir chevelu avant la douche et maintient une sensation plus douce pour les cheveux avec une utilisation régulière. Il nourrit les cheveux, car il convient à tous les types de cheveux. #morocco #damaskrose #roseoil #raw #organique #halal #vegan #glutenfree #wheatfree # produits sans produits laitiers #organicimaroc #translation #france #francais (at Rabat Agdal)
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Rose oil Rose oil is a natural oil, characterized by the sweet refreshing scent of moroccan damask roses, it is extracted from the roses, as one of the most important oils, and least prevalent due to the high price, and that has many aesthetic benefits, the extract is taken without heat, you will learn the most important benefits of Rose Oil is for the hair, and how it is used to get the best results: Benefits Rose Oil for hair Rose Oil gives hair fresh and beautiful, long-lasting scent. It reduces hair loss, massage the scalp with rose Oil two hours before washing the hair. It gives the hair softness and increases the brilliance and luster. For brittle and damaged hair, the beauty experts use it with magical results. It increases the length of the hair, and makes the process of growth faster. It removes dandruff off the scalp and when massaging the scalp before showering and maintains a softer feel to the hair with regular use. It nourishes the hair, as it is suitable for all types of hair. #morocco #damaskrose #roseoil #raw #organic #halal #vegan #glutenfree #wheatfree #dairyfree products from #organicimaroc (at Salé)
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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最后是发生了 - 继续看下几天产品正在添加完成选择#organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #naturalmade #madewithcare
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Por último, está sucediendo: sigue viendo los próximos días que se agregan productos para finalizar la selección #organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #madewithcare #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Finally it's happening - keep watching the next few days products are being added to finalize the selection #organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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L'acqua di rose Organici Maroc e l'olio di rosa sono naturali al 100% e puri. I marocchini che visitano la Mecca nel decimo secolo sono tornati con le rose damascene nella valle di Hdida e hanno usato i prodotti Rose per i loro benefici per la salute e la bellezza. L'acqua delle rose in Marocco non è costosa e varia in termini di qualità, profumo e gusto. SÌ puoi mangiare e bere acqua di rose, la usiamo in cottura, succhi e cioccolata calda. Organici Maroc acquista acqua di rose e olio di rose da persone che tradizionalmente lo fabbricano, autentici marocchini in Marocco. Non acquistiamo rose a buon mercato, esportiamo dal Marocco o estraiamo meccanicamente o chimicamente i nostri prodotti. Stiamo costruendo un business che fornisce reddito per tutte le aree della catena di approvvigionamento. #RoseWater #RoseOil #AtlasMountains #Raw #Organic #distilled #Natura #Traditional #Values ​​#History #farming #growing #trade #labor #distinzione #quality #holistic #holistichealth #holisticbeauty #skin #scent #flavour #vegan #halal #kosher # Giovedì #Organicimaroc #Rose #Damask #Ouarzazate (at Milan, Italy)
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Organici Maroc Rose Water and Rose Oil is 100% natural and pure. Moroccans visiting Mecca in the 10th centuray are said to have returned with Damascene Roses to the Hdida Valley and have used Rose products for topical and internal health and beauty benefits. Rose water in Morocco is not expensive and varies in quality, scent & taste. YES you can eat & drink Rose Water, we use it in baking, juices & hot chocolate. Organici Maroc purchase Rose Water and Rose Oil from people who traditionally make it, authentic Moroccans inside Morocco. We do not purchase cheap roses, export them out of Morocco or mechanically or chemically extract our products. We are building a business that provides income for all areas of the supply chain. #RoseWater #RoseOil #AtlasMountains #Raw #Organic #distilled #Nature #Traditional #Values #History #farming #growing #trade #labour #distinction #quality #holistic #holistichealth #holisticbeauty #skin #scent #flavour #vegan #halal #kosher #Thursday #Organicimaroc #Rose #Damask #Ouarzazate
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