#original content by Astra
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I haven’t been in much of a drawing mood recently but it’s Phil’s birthday so here’s a little something! Happy 37th!
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sxmcomics · 8 months
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Interrogator Solas' new crew continue to traverse the dead planet, looking for a way off world, but a familiar face is not always a safe place...
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astral-cataclysm · 11 months
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Sometimes, for reasons no one can decipher, entire rooms of buildings vanish when no one's looking. Rarely they take people with them to the area known as
The Basement Basin
Located on the outermost edges of the Super-Sargasso Sea, it is mostly occupied by scavengers, looking for supplies that may be contained in the rooms dropped. This section of the Sea is widely considered too dangerous to live in full-time due to the fact that large sections of concrete fall from the sky. The sky of the basin is lined with the staircases that once led to these rooms, no way of reaching them has been found though.
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novahedron · 2 years
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-lures you in with fanart- oops, sorry! All OCs!
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unluckywisher · 20 days
Zayne's "The Snow King"
Content: The original fairytale, The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted to the LaDS universe, with Zayne as the Snow King. There are parts of the original story that have been cut/changed to better fit the narrative. Warning: Expect angst and darker themes than you might think for a fairytale. Word count: ~2.8k. A/N: Happy birthday, Zayne (I'm so sorry).
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Once upon a time, there was a demon called Astra. He loved to cause all kinds of chaos in the human world, and make people suffer. One day, in search of more ways to torment them, he created a special mirror.
This mirror had a special quirk: When something reflected itself on it, its negative traits would be increased, while its positive traits would be diminished. The same way, it could also reflect thoughts, twisting them. Astra found these effects very amusing.
In his travels to terrorize the world with it, he grew careless, until one day he dropped the mirror by accident, breaking it into many tiny pieces. The pieces got carried by the wind, lodging themselves into people’s eyes and making their reality distorted and miserable, or lodging themselves onto people’s hearts and making them turn ice cold.
Astra, despite his mistake, loved how the situation had turned out. He continued to watch humanity suffer due to his misdeeds.
This is the story of what happened to one of those mirror fragments.
This is the story of a girl, and her best friend, Caleb. Their parents were neighbors, thus they had grown up playing together, and they spent most of the day in each other’s company, even now that they were adults.
One winter, they cozied up next to the fireplace in the girl’s house, and listened to her grandma talk about old myths.
“See the snowflakes?” She pointed at the window.
They both nodded, holding warm cups of hot chocolate in their hands.
“They are actually white bees, sent by their King to scout the lands and make sure snow covers every corner during these months.”
“A King? Don’t bees usually have a Queen?” The girl asked, chuckling.
“It’s said that the Snow King has been looking for a Queen for a long time, but no woman could ever survive the cold Tower he lives in.”
Caleb, playing along, asked, “Is he nice and handsome at least? It would be a lot harder to get a wife if he wasn’t.”
“He is cold in every sense of the word,” she solemnly answered.
“Then no wonder he has so much trouble,” he laughed.
“Where is his Tower?” The girl asked with curiosity, since she loved her grandma’s stories.
“On Mt. Eternal, very far away from here. But sometimes, he flies through the air with the help of his blizzards, stopping in some towns, and looks through the streets for someone who could be suited to be his wife. When this happens, the windows of the nearby houses freeze and form interesting shapes.”
Neither of them thought much about the myth told by her grandma, other than it being a fun story to pass the time, but one night, as the girl got ready to head to bed, she heard the wind against her window.
Hugging her nightgown to keep warm, she opened the latch and peeked outside to check if a thunderstorm was brewing. Her warm breath could be seen dissipating into nothingness, until the sight before her made it hitch and stop briefly, her hand flying up to her mouth.
There, in front of her, floating as if carried by the snowflakes, was a man with a gaze as cold as ice. His robes looked oddly light for the season, and the girl understood. He was the Snow King. 
Their eyes met in a strange silence. Although he looked calm, she could tell there was something else about him, a restlessness that could not be masked by his attractive features.
In a split second, the moment was over. The wind blew again, slamming the window shut and making her jump back in surprise, her heart already beating fast due to the man. She opened the window again to check, but saw nothing.
However, she realized the window had frozen over in the shape of a flower.
The next day, both the girl and Caleb went for a walk to enjoy the beautiful day. As they walked through the streets, the girl suddenly felt a piercing sensation right on her heart. She doubled over, gasping and clutching her chest. Before Caleb could react, she gasped again, her other hand flying up to her now shut eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, moving closer and putting a hand on her back.
“Something… Something hit me. I felt it in my chest then- in my eye…” She slowly recovered from the startling pain.
“Let me see,” he gently took her face and looked in her eyes, but saw nothing, “maybe it went away.”
“Yeah, maybe… The pain is subsiding.”
They couldn’t have known that what had hit - and lodged itself - into her eye and heart was a piece of the mirror created by Astra.
Over the course of merely a couple of days, the girl started to see only the worst of everything, and her heart froze over. Caleb didn’t notice until one afternoon, taking care of some flowers in his house, he frowned at a dry leaf.
“Don’t frown, it makes you look ugly,” she stated, then pointed at the flower, “the leaf isn’t even the only thing wrong with them, the color of those petals is dull and their stem is crooked. You should get rid of them entirely, including that tacky pot you have them in.”
Caleb was rightfully taken aback. She had never spoken to him in such a way. He thought she might have been going through a tough time, and she didn’t truly mean what she said, but her behavior got worse, constantly interrupting people when they talked, imitating people’s peculiarities, making fun of the things they liked… Of course, it was all the mirror’s fault, not her real thoughts, but Caleb’s sadness at her continuous jabs was real.
Strangely enough, the only thing that seemed perfect in her eyes were the snowflakes, with their symmetrical shapes and original nature.
Another side effect of the mirror’s influence was that she became less prudent, resulting in her decision one particularly snowy morning, to ride her sledge down one of the most steep streets in town. As she did, another sledge, much bigger and controlled by an indistinguishable figure due to the blizzard, went past her.
‘Ooooh’, she thought, ‘I’ll fasten my sledge to the back of that one to go faster,’ and so she did.
The sledge took her through the streets, never slowing down, like driven by magic. Soon, it reached the edge of the town. She tried to untie the rope she used to bind the sledges together to no use, it was frozen solid. A bit of fear started to take over her. They were quickly getting farther away, and she couldn’t even hear her own voice over the wind, much less call for help. She couldn’t do anything but wait for the mysterious sledge driver to stop.
Much later, deep in the forest where the trees blocked the majority of the snowstorm, they slowed down and eventually stopped. The figure stepped off and held out a hand to help her stand up.
“Did you enjoy the ride?” Asked a very familiar face. “Are you cold? Come sit in my sledge with me.”
It was true, she had been trembling the whole way, but seeing the Snow King again almost made her forget it. He was just as she remembered, no, even better. He was as perfect as the snowflakes.
Taking his invitation, she sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around her to warm her up, his body temperature surprisingly comforting and pleasant, not as akin to ice as she would’ve thought.
“Do you still feel cold?” He asked, eyes on hers.
Before she could answer, he leaned and kissed her forehead. The kiss, however, was glacial. The feeling crept down her body and into her heart, already frozen over by the mirror, now made worse. For an instant she thought she had died, but soon she felt better, and the cold around her now wasn’t even noticeable.
He kissed her forehead a second time, and she forgot Caleb, her town, her memories… Her name.
“Let us go to my Tower,” he said, a soft smile on his face.
In a state of bliss, she nodded, and the sledge began to fly, being carried by the wind. She snuggled up to him, and he thought, ‘I have found my Queen.’
They traveled over woods, lakes, sea, and desert, making their way towards Mount Eternal. During the day, she marveled at the views that extended below her; during the night, she slept cozied up to the Snow King.
Back in town, no one could tell Caleb where she had gone. He had started searching for her when her parents came to him asking for her whereabouts, and neither him nor any of her friends or family members knew.
After some investigation, he encountered by chance some people who had seen two sledges tied together, speeding off out of town, and she seemed to be on one of them. It was true that she had been acting strange, but he didn’t think she would ever leave like that. Something else must have happened.
It was then he decided to embark on a journey to find her.
By the end of winter, she and the Snow King had reached his palace, the mighty Tower of Thorns. It stood at the very top of Mount Eternal, icy spires reaching into the ever-clouded sky.
They got off the sledge and walked inside. The main hall was mostly empty, a high ceiling room with ice columns on either side; at the back, stairs leading up to a throne made of icicles. She found it all beautiful, and felt a deep sense of belonging.
He showed her the rest of the castle, then led her to her room.
He left to let her rest after such a long flight, happy to finally have company, even if she wasn’t as close to him as he wanted - yet.
The next day, the snowflake-shaped servants of the castle, all called ‘Jas’, prepared breakfast for the two. They, too, were excited about her presence, and the happiness of their master. Task done, they dissipated into the air to wait for their next assignment.
They ate the meal, and he seized the chance to spark conversation.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, better than I ever could have. Can I stay here for as long as I want?”
“Of course. You can stay forever, if you wish. But, do you not find it cold?" He had to check, he had to make sure his assumptions were correct.
“No… I feel just fine.”
She could survive in the Tower. She wouldn’t perish like the others. He almost saw the end of his loneliness, but he had to take this slow if he wanted her to truly fall in love with him. Little did he know that she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and this wouldn’t take long to show.
Spring. Flowers couldn’t grow in such a harsh environment, yet the Snow King had managed to grow a patch of white flowers near the Tower. These looked perfect to her too. Not like the dull flowers with dry leaves that were in- Wait. What flowers? In where? She must’ve been daydreaming. She shook her head and sat near the blossoms. She didn’t know what they were called, but they looked familiar.
“Do you like the flowers?” Asked he, caressing a petal.
“Very much.”
“This year is the first time they have bloomed. They must like you. And they’re not the only ones,” a pause, “the Tower servants feel the same.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask, is there a Snow Queen?” She blinked repeatedly at her own question, a strange sense of déjà vu washing over her.
“No. There should be, but fate seems to be against it.”
“How so?”
“Every visitor has perished. These lands are too cold.”
“I haven’t,” she said pointedly.
“It appears so,” he smiled.
It didn’t take much longer before they realized the depth of the affections they both held for the other. The wedding was to be held on the first day of summer, when the Snow King’s powers were at their highest because most of the snow in the planet was condensed solely on his domains. 
He had proposed to her while they watched the aurora borealis, and she had agreed with excitement. Everything since she had met him had seemed like a dream, she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to be there, with him, and about to be married. He was in disbelief as well, that he would never have to be alone again, that this was real and happening. He finally found his soulmate, the love of his life, after many years in solitude. His Queen.
They smiled and he kissed her forehead once more, tiny snowflakes creeping up her skin.
The day of the wedding arrived. The Tower had been decorated accordingly, and all the servants and guards were busy making sure everything was perfect. The rings, two platinum bands with snowflake engravings; her dress, white layers of fabric made to resemble snow had covered her body; her bouquet, the flowers she still couldn’t seem to place.
Walking down the petal-covered aisle towards the throne, she couldn’t have supposed Caleb was standing outside the palace.
Beaten and bruised by the constant blizzards during his travels, lips purple, his gloves and shoes discarded long ago since they were doing more bad than good, ice forming on his eyelashes, Caleb didn’t give up. He had encountered many things along his journey; a witch that almost tricked him into becoming her servant, a kingdom at war, a group of bandits that took his food and water… But he never thought about returning home, only about saving his friend, who he had come to know had been kidnapped by the Snow King.
All of the guards were attending the ceremony, thus no one stopped him from entering and disrupting it. They didn’t expect anyone making their way towards the Tower to survive.
“...to love and cherish you for eternity,” the Snow King enunciated his vows with a gentle smile.
“I promise to love and cherish you for-” She got abruptly stopped by the front doors being slammed open.
Caleb didn’t have much, but he had warmth. Faded as it was, it was much more powerful than any coldness residing in that place. The guards and servants dissipated into the air, leaving the couple alone to deal with the intruder.
There, he saw the extent to which she had been affected. Her skin was almost blue with cold, and there was a constant tremble shaking her slow breathing.
“Who are you?” She asked, turning away from his fiancé, who now squeezed her hands.
“Don’t you recognize me?” He staggered towards the altar. “It’s me, Caleb. Your neighbor, your friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“You are not welcome here. Leave at once,” warned the groom.
Had the King erased her memories? No, there had to be something he could do. He couldn’t leave her here to believe she loved that man. He couldn’t leave her here to die.
With the remains of his strength, he threw his arms around her and did the only thing he could at that moment - cry. She was cold as death, and were it not for the fact that she had talked, he would have believed she had turned into an ice statue.
The tears, warm and full of hope, fell on her skin, seeped into her heart, and dislodged the mirror fragment stuck there. Like a switch being flipped, she gasped and burst into tears as well, which dislodged, in turn, the fragment in her eye. All at once, her memories returned to her.
“Caleb? Where are we? What happened? I- I’m freezing.”
The Snow King watched the scene with utter desperation. Everything he had been dreaming of, shattered. He stumbled back.
She hugged Caleb tighter, their body warmth returning in the shared embrace as they wept and smiled, happy to be reunited. He took the bouquet and tossed it aside, flowers she now could recognize because - they were hers, her name - Jasmine.
“Let’s go home,” he grabbed her hand, and she nodded.
Looking around, the Tower now looked empty and decaying, far from perfect, as she used to believe. The Snow King, cold in every sense of the word, like her grandma had said, far from someone she could love.
Hand in hand, without looking back, they left the Tower of Thorns, the warmth of their hearts the only thing they needed to make it back home. With each step they took, the events vanished from their memories like a painful dream, and it was summer - warm, beautiful summer.
The Snow King stood in silence, alone in the quiet hall, ring still in hand. He knew, in that moment, that he would never find love, because his heart would never grow less cold.
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moonjxsung · 6 months
Well… here we are.
Just about 1 year since I first saw Stray Kids in concert. Which marks nearly a year that I’ve been using Tumblr. Muses. I wanted to write about them.
This blog began with series of short blurbs, ones I sought to create in order to explore the depths of my sexual repression as a result of 5 years of antidepressants. Sex was almost foreign to me by the time I was 20. It wasn’t fun, pleasure was hardly attainable. And my religious trauma led me to believe it was nearly inhumane. What a healing journey it was, to have funneled all my curiosity and personal experiences into short little drabbles for you all. How well-received many of them were, and the requests were fulfilling, to know that I wasn’t alone in my thoughts. I’m thoroughly grateful.
Art theft, simply put, will be the death of this community. I have had 14 of my works stolen in the year 2024 alone. I have been ridiculed and taunted by wattpad bandits, and my shorter drabbles cease to feel like my own most days.
“What is it that you want, money?”
Profound questions from the wattpad bandits early this morning. No, I don’t want money. I wanted to provide a safe space for this community to safely explore kinks and scenarios as they pertain to our mutual attraction of 8 attractive men. I don’t request anything more, just your unwavering cooperation to not steal my work. And apparently, to many ghost readers on here, that’s too large of an ask.
All shorter drabbles have been thereby deleted from this account, my masterlist has been cleaned up, and though requests had been temporarily closed while they were being worked on, they are now indefinitely halted.
Thank you to all who consumed my shorter drabbles and/or requested something. My aim is that one day I can resume fulfilling shorter smutty requests. But I seem to be *incrementally* more respected when my work isn’t so easily digestible in a pornographic format. I am working on longer stuff in the meanwhile, and I understand if longer stuff just isn’t for you. This account was originally meant to be a little bit of both.
Thank you also to those who have helped me get any and all stolen wattpad content taken down. I love you and I appreciate you. If you see something, please do continue to reach out to me and I will provide evidence from my drive that I am the original author. The work still belongs to me and I am still capable of getting it taken down via a DMCA takedown notice. Wattpad thieves, I will continue to report your shitty actions.
Cheers, may their memories live on in your beautiful hearts (and probably also on wattpad until I find them). Ad Astra!
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dduane · 10 months
Just in case anyone was concerned...
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The MiddleKingdoms.com site will be down until Sunday or Monday for a theme change and other tweaks.
The maker of our original MKCom theme (called Stack) came off freelance status and went to work for Automattic a year or so ago. And they're lucky to have him: as a theme-maker, he did fabulous work. But that change also means that support for the MKCom site's old theme is no longer available.* When something goes wrong with it, you're on your own; you can try to fix it yourself, or sigh and change themes.
The Stack theme was already showing signs of having trouble with WordPress updates months back, in that the underlying "Variant" page-builder app that came with it was getting cranky about its ability to edit pages. Sometimes it'd work: sometimes it wouldn't. Newer versions of the app that were then available made no difference to this. So, seeing that the hand over against the wall was already starting to scribble the words MENE MENE TEKEL BETTER START SCOUTING FOR A NEW THEME DAMMIT, I started scouting.
And lo, the day came this week when a new update of WP (to v6.41) left the Variant page builder unable to even see the contents of a page made with it, let alone edit it. This caused me to go immediately into launch-the-lifeboats mode, during which I cut-and-pasted all the site's contents into Elementor-friendly pages. That work took me a couple of days, which is why my posting here has been a little on the sparse side this week.
So now I need to clean up the ensuing mess and reformat the site into something as closely matching the old one as possible, using the replacement theme Astra. ...Not that I can't now rework the site into something newer and glossier, but this week is NOT the time for that: got too much on the plate already.
I'm going to need at least a few days for this, as Elementor has changed the way it handles page contents from the box-and-column-based one I was already familiar with to a container-based one that's more complex and granular. An improvement, yeah, but one it's going to take more time for me to wrap my brains around. (eyeroll) Whoopee.
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On the good side, this is going to be useful practice for when I have to do the same thing to the Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms site (which is also still running Stack, though without the Variant builder) and DianeDuane.com (which is running a different theme by the same maker, with some of the same problems). Whoopee again.
...Anyway, that's my whinge for today. Herself willing and the crick don’t rise, normal service will resume over the weekend sometime. Or Monday at the latest.
*He handled this responsibly, BTW, by notifying the theme’s users and also by withdrawing it formally from the online marketplaces where it appeared. I’ve worked with themes where the makers simply vanished without a word or a trace, and it’s no fun.
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pumpkinpatxh · 2 months
tell us about your hms please :]
Rubs my hands together like a devious little insect
OKAY SO. First I'm gonna start this off by saying that this IS kind of a cccc au so when I talk about my goobers, expect some of the same cccc typical content warnings.
For this post specifically, CW for death, implied self sacrifice/su*cide, and general mental health issues
Their story is pretty similar to the original HMS's story, except that at the point of their timeline that the album takes place, HMS's Whole has already passed away.
Whole, or Harmonia, was a goddess facing similar issues and internal struggles as the canon Whole, which caused her to split herself down into three parts. The three continued to fight each other, even after no longer being contained to Harmonia's headspace. This went on and on for weeks, months, years until eventually , FINALLY, they were able to come to understanding, to see eye to eye. They were able to work and communicate together in harmony.
But Harmonia had already given up. She felt herself far too broken and far too beyond repair to keep going, even with the dispute between her parts finally coming to an end. She saw the new, flourishing relationship between her thirds and made a final decision.
Harmonia and HMS could not exist physically at the same time, so Harmonia gave up her own life, giving (Heart), [Mind], and {Soul} humanity, as well as their new identities in (Selena), [Cyrus], and {Astra}. She hoped the three could continue to live together in peace.
She was wrong.
Soul mourns but eventually pins the loss of Harmoina onto Heart and Mind, causing the start of Cacophony. In the next few decades is when major parts of the cccc album take place in their story (The Juno incident, Astra deafening theirself, Selena getting her eyes taken, Cyrus getting his voice taken, Light, etc.) After this they're in their state of Concord, though things still aren't perfect. The three still fight and argue and Souls still mourns the loss of their Whole (and what they feel is the loss of who they really are.)
Eventually they're pulled to earth but can't seem to figure out why, until they soon run into Eve, Harmonia reincarnated.
HEHEHE sorry is this is poorly written I'm just quickly typing this all out and I am VERY tired but here's some of their story! There is still more that I'd love to share in the future but I think this is alright for now :3
(Also while I'm here I'd like to add that I was inspired to finally start posting about my goobers after seeing @coelacanth-designs's lads so go check them out! They're very silly and VERY well designed I love them sm)
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demigod-of-the-agni · 15 days
agni nation, i've got an important question to ask you:
Description: Seven teenagers, realising they are the demigod children of the Hindu deities, must band together to stop an ancient evil from reincarnating and bringing ruin to the land. To prevent the end of days, the group must find the astras, powerful weapons belonging to the gods and capable of ridding darkness from the world. From Sydney's shores to Mount Kosciuszko's highest peak, it's a race against time, death and the powers-that-be to kill god-kings, restore reality, and rewrite destiny itself.
History (TLDR): I'm a clown looking for clout, and I want to post a story I wrote back in seventh grade
History (for the english girlies who need the sociocultural context behind the book to write their essays 💅):
when i was a child in the seventh grade, i wrote a book (300+ pages !!!). I was very proud of it, and I showed it off to everyone (read: no one). then, when i was in the eleventh grade, i found out there was a movie called BRAHMASTRA coming out, and it was ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THING I WROTE ??? and i got so very pissed and swore vengeance and became an avid hater of that movie
but now i am older and wiser and not in eleventh grade anymore, and looking back on it, it was funny. i think i did pretty good for my age, and Brahmastra as a movie is pretty solid on its own, but now i am more mature and working on other personal things (aheem heem like #kalkichronicles and hating on the abomination that is the kalki 2898 movie- like seriously fuck that movie !!) anyway i am older and wiser now, and i thought it'd make past-me happy for ""publishing"" something i put a lot of effort into. let her live a little of her dreams, yk
so anyway. yeah. that's it. i'm going to post a 300+ page novel onto ao3, and you can all read it. also it'll be proof to me that i have indeed improved a lot of the years and i can stop clowning around thinking i'm a clown for writing at all. i know you might be thinking of a few questions like-
what if someone steals your work? like ai?? honestly let it be stolen, the book is quintessentially percy jackson wearing a salwar kameez, nothing is original about it
what if you want to rework the story in the future?? my mind is being plagued by kalki and co. i don't have time to worry about what i want to do with seven of these twinks
why post to ao3 of all places, why not your blog or something? THE FORMATTING, BABE, THE FUCKING FORMATTING !!!!
anyhow it'll be fun talking about something that was, in that era, completely mind-consuming for me. i might as well pull up some lore things if i can find them, but ehhh we'll see we'll see
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Y’all are so fire with your 2024 predictions. I’m gonna try not to repeat ones I’ve seen so here’s some filthy ones from me:
- Another furry adjacent photo from dan like the catboy one except this time the tail is a distinctive one that someone finds online and is undeniably one with a plug
- Sponsorship from a sex toys company. Idk if bad dragon do sponsorships but 👀
- Dan and Phil react to The Urge and The Hand. This is a thinly veiled excuse to reiterate that they’re totally fine with us writing about them and making phanart and is actually them asking us to write and draw more filth for them
- Dan in a leather harness and choker. ‘For fashion’ (I don’t think they’re anywhere near this kinky but I think Dan likes to imagine he could be!)
- More Phil ass content. Specifically Phil in tight underwear candid from dan bc I think he’s moving past ‘this is mine hands off’ possessive to ‘look at my man’s amazing ass aren’t you jealous’ possessive
- Video of dan sucking something phallic (the ice lolly pics but up a gear. More like the old banana clip)
- Phil in something like the cat maid outfit but better quality/ a better fit. Maybe in a vpmo3 on AP? (A girl can dream)
- Something I can’t even begin to predict to one up the onlyphans nude on april 1st. I’m already scared.
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sxmcomics · 7 months
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Part 5.
Recaf and power weapons make the Imperium go round...
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corvusspecialartist · 8 months
How to take Care of: The Caracadon
The Carcharodon breed of Space Marine or formally known as the Carcharodon Astra are unknown. Testing of the Marines' gene-seed has been rather... inclusive. Most owners, think that they are a hybridization between the Raven Guard and a Night Lord descendant, while others think that they do have some World Eater within their gene seed. However, this breed appears very sporadically and their true numbers are unknown. First recording of this breed happened around M32, however this data is fragmented , and blurred.
Personally, I believe that their geneseed is chimeric between the Raven Guard, Night Lord and World Eater. This breed is almost a unicorn in rarity, almost like a Salamander hybrid breed. Since, it has taken multiple breeders, MANY attempts to get all three of these breeds into a room and making them procreate.
Appearance & Habitat:
The Carcharodon appears in its current form wearing grey armor with a black and white shark pauldron on its shoulder. However, there are two major exceptions to this rule. If an owner has an older breed, they will have yellow and black power armor with the same pauldron. The other, whom we have captured... has lighting claws and is one of if not the largest Marine that we have seen. Ever. Currently, attempts have been used for him to try and use him for breeding purposes.
The habit that the Carcharodons are the content in are low gravity, and silent places. They are a breed that somehow manged to gain the ability to communicate with themselves in complete silence. Autopsies of dead Carcharodons have shown that most of them have their vocal chords intact... but they don't use them. They will however speak if necessary to interact with others.. but otherwise... they will be ignored.
Carcharodons, temperament wise, are very stealthy, and blood thirst almost takes them... it will not end well. Carcharodons if housed with Marines that are not with themselves will treat them with hostile indifference. However, if you have more "questionable" breeds, that are not outright illegal (though illegal can vary much on where you are) , depending on who they are.. they will take on an antagonist role.
They are very curious, and resourceful. In fact, many of the Marines have been seen wearing mixed and rare power armors that were somehow out of print. In fact, one of the Carcharodons we have was so large that his Marine armor was a mixed of many different types.
Carcharodons are not for the novice owner. They are a highly specialized silent breed of Marine.. that if they do not respect you will at best ignore you and at worst, kill you.
Carcharodons should be housed with other Carcharodons. If done so, they will establish a strict hierarchy. In fact, it is SO strict that if a lower ranked member touches a higher rank's armor... it is seen as a death sentence to say the least. Most Carcharodons, when they were hear speaking are very tact and formal.
Do NOT see this as weakness however, as many times when a owner tries to use this Marine for hunting, they will eviscerate their foes all while without making a single noise. They are stoicism to the extreme.
They are best used as a tracking or as a working breed.
They have the ability to spot and gather lost technology, however this translates in captivity to having the issue of hoarding. If you have rare archeotech available, I would hide it from your Characdon lest they get their hands on it.
They are very very much not a big fan of Xenos, seeing them often attacking many a Xeno owner. This had led to many of them unfortunately being put down.
While all Marines are in the peak of trans human shape, their minds can still vulnerable to certain issues. Some examples would be the Blood Angels breed with the Red Thirst, Black Templar with their zealotry; the breed has the Chill of the Void which happens in three phases.
Withdrawal: The breed at this state will start to become more cold both to you and to the Battle brothers. They will start to speak to High Gothic to Marines.
Merciless: This is where if the breed is used for tracking, will start to use his loose. They are harsh and merciless to anyone who is not loyal to either you (if you trained them well enough) nor the Imperium. If you need any form of interrogation, the Marine will execute them, even if they have surrendered or have crucial inflammation.
Silence: At this point, this breed is gone. The Marine will withdraw and become as silent as the grave. If they are working with other Marines they will refuse, and will try and complete missions on their own.
In Conclusion:
If you are looking for a silent, hunter with a tenacity unique to the Imperial Fists, then this breed is right for you.
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mazarinememories · 1 month
About the Blog & the Author Behind It
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The Blog:
This blog's primary focuses include: Star Trek (The Original Series and TOS films), the Spirk ship (Kirk/Spock), other variations of ships of the triumvirate (Spones, McKirk, and McSpirk), and anything regarding Leonard Nimoy, the actor who portrayed Spock in Star Trek: TOS.
The blog was created to showcase the blog author's creations and contributions to the Star Trek fandom (coming soon, I promise). It's also to record other important contributions to the fandom; such as artwork, fanfiction, music, zines, memes, edits, behind-the-scenes facts and photos, as well as TV show and movie screen caps and scenes.
The blog was first created on November 20, 2023, but not revamped until July 16, 2024 for the Star Trek fandom.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog occasionally features text and images that are NSFW, so minors be warned (you can still interact with me, but just be wary of any adult-themed content you might see on my blog). It's also not spoiler-free -- proceed with caution!
Reason for the URL:
Mazarine: being one of the names of the author of the blog, meaning "deep blue color".
Memories: the author has always had a fascination with psychology and memories. This is also a nod to the many decades of hard work, passion, and dedication from many of the cast, writers, filming crew, and fans who kept this series alive; the legacy of multiple forms of art left behind; and the inspiration of many people to pursue STEM careers and further the advancement of human society.
The words put together: the memories of the blog's author that give them a reason to live, to be strong, to be logical, to never give up despite the hardships of life, and to leave the world a better place than when they first entered it. The URL also has a nostalgic feel to it, as the series is a source of nostalgia for some.
The title:
Ad Astra Per Aspera is Latin for "through hardship to the stars". Not only is it a personal favorite motto of the blog's author, it's also a most fitting quote for Star Trek's philosophy.
Tag system:
#about mazarineasc: Anything about the author. ('About' on site.)
#mazzy's logs: The author thinking aloud in the form of a Tumblr post. ('Logs' on site.)
#mazzy's asks: Any asks sent to this blog or any asks the author sends to other blogs. ('Interactions' on site.)
#mazzy's oeuvre: Original work by Mazarine, including: fanart, fics, vids/edits, audio, etc. ('Oeuvre' on site.)
#mazzy's posts: Original posts by Mazarine. ('OG Posts' on site.)
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And the author makes their entrance...
My name is Mazarine A.S.C. (Mazarine Alcine Severen-Cress). I also go by Mazz, Mazzy, Mazzy Star (like the band), and Masc. (Someone once called me 'Mezzanine' and I accept that too, I like Massive Attack.) I'm a fic writer as well as a fledgling vidder and archivist. I'm also an active participator of KiScon as well as their Discord server as of July 2024.
I'm 22 years old, genderfluid/nonbinary, and a certified lover of women and enbies. My preferred pronouns are they/them/theirs.
About my name: I chose this moniker to identify myself because I wanted a unique, debonair, gender-neutral name that had the same vibes as Yves Saint Laurent or Christian Dior (not that I shop those brands but it's to give you a good picture of what I was trying to go for).
The meanings of each name are as follows:
Mazarine: Deep blue color. Feminine and French origin. The hex code for the mazarine color is 273c76.
Alcine: Strong-willed. Gender-neutral and Greek origin. (I found it when trying to look for 'witchy' names.)
Severen: Stern, severe, austere. Masculine and Latin origin.
Cress: From atop of the hill. Gender-neutral and French origin.
I like to think that when the names are put together, it means: "The stern witch from atop the deep blue hill."
My profile picture is a cropped image of one of the pictures displayed in the New York Times article regarding the death of Leonard Nimoy. (Note: the article is paywalled.)
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About Mazarine the Trekkie
How Mazarine Got Into Star Trek:
I was first introduced to Star Trek like many other people have been: their relative putting on a few episodes of The Original Series or The Next Generation on TV during childhood and watching in awe as the characters solved problems in a futuristic time on a weird and wonky planet and learning a lot about themselves along the way.
I didn't truly pursue an interest in Star Trek until 2020, however. But months before I started watching the series, I stumbled upon an interesting fanvid... that's right: "Closer". Because I had no clue what exactly it all meant ("What if they never returned to Vulcan in time?" and all the spicy clips of two men going at it), I was very confused, but fascinated! I was already quite interested in mlm and yaoi content and had harbored such interests for years before encountering that video. I didn't know at all that Kirk and Spock were shipped, let alone of how much of a legacy and impact it had left.
It wasn't until the night of September 1, 2020 (I theorize that's the exact date), that I started watching TOS. I'm someone who prefers to watch in release order because I believe that's the best way to understand a franchise. This was back when Netflix carried all of the Star Trek shows and movies. It was in the midst of the pandemic and I was starting college. I had plenty of time on my hands apart from online schooling and freelance work, so why not start watching shows and movies I had been meaning to try? I decided to start with Star Trek. I was in my living room and I found The Original Series, and selected the very first episode: "The Cage". I found it cerebral, but interesting; I kept watching despite how cheesy the 60s production value was.
Never in my life had I seen a single show from the 60s at that time, except for The Twilight Zone. The production style was completely new to me: it was colorful, the sounds were softer than today's TV shows, and it had so much more dialogue. It was engaging even for my bad attention span. The writing of the characters was so intricate and life-like, it was no wonder the show caused such a mania and cult following.
I mostly used it as background noise whenever I did work, chores, or creating art. I was still able to pick up what was going on thanks to the frequency of the show's dialogue. In time, Spock and his suave ways began to grow on me. I noticed the way Kirk and Spock interacted with each other and began taking a liking to their friendship. Eventually, I began shipping them a little bit.
One night, I was doing some scrapbooking and I had Star Trek on. Dr. McCoy was voicing his concerns about Spock to Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel was running out of Spock's room while he was yelling at her. The Vulcan stormed out, and his face looked so angry. I snapped my head up from my journal and my eyes were instantly glued to the screen. Now this, I HAD to watch.
My art abandoned, I watched with great interest as Spock reluctantly explained to his commanding officer that he needed to take an early leave because of a fatal condition that came every seven years and could only be satiated via coitus. I gazed with anticipation as T'Pau approached, as T'Pring declared Kal-if-fee, and when Kirk was then made to battle his first officer and best friend to the death. I leered at the screen as they fought, their theatrical movements and bodies rolling in the sand putting me in a trance. Kirk's shirt tears in a place I had no idea I needed to see. I watched in horror as Spock eventually, and inevitably, delivered the final fatal blow.
"Well, what the fuck are they gonna do now? Kirk is dead!" I thought to myself.
T'Pau bade him Live Long and Prosper. Spock forlornly responded, "I shall do neither."
My heart palpitated with an indescribable feeling upon hearing that. In sickbay, Spock was about to relinquish his authority, then I smiled like an idiot as Kirk came up right behind him.
"Don't you think you better check with me first?"
"Captain... Jim!"
And thus, a trekkie is born.
I literally GASPED out loud, hands covering my mouth, eyes going wide as saucers. He smiled. He fucking smiled. And a real smile this time -- not one caused by drugs or one of those slight smiles of amusement! A real, motherfucking smile! Oh, it was beautiful. Thank you so much, Nimoy!
The episode concluded with McCoy's sarcastic remark, and I'm left sitting in my chair giggling like crazy. Spock became my favorite character that night; and Nimoy, my most favorite actor of all time.
A moment later, it hit me like a truck: the "Closer" video! My eyes went wide as I suddenly remembered the video and then I pieced the puzzle together.
"I ship it." I whispered happily to myself.
Then, came the falling down the rabbit hole: the 3 AM fanfiction readings, the hours of perusing Tumblr blogs, hunting down rare Star Trek paraphernalia, cosplaying, discovering KiScon, and eventually joining the KiScon Discord server and making a lot of wonderful friends there, on Twitter, and Tumblr. Now I'm here, writing this About Me page to pin at the top so you can groan at how long this is. Thanks for putting up with me.
The show gave me a sense of optimism during the heavy turmoil of 2020 as it did for those in the 60s. Like many others, it inspired me to get into STEM, so I changed my course of study years after starting college and began teaching myself statistics, programming, and medicine.
I love being a Trekkie. I love that the fandom still persists to this day despite it dwindling, but I thank the internet for keeping it alive and well and warmly welcoming new people with open arms. I enjoyed watching my brother get into Star Trek, and now we can't stop quoting the original films to each other. The impact it has even to this day is timeless and unreplicable. It's art in itself. Gene Roddenberry claimed he was no guru, but it doesn't take anything less than a genius to create what he did.
Character: Spock (TOS version)
Show in the series: The Original Series
Films: The Motion Picture, V: The Final Frontier
Favorite episodes: "Amok Time" (S2E1), "I, Mudd" (S2E8), "The Corbomite Maneuver" (S1E10), "The Menagerie" (S1E12/13), and "Assignment: Earth" (S2, E26)
Ship pairing: Spirk (Kirk x Spock, or K/S, or "The Premise")
Show tropes: the way Kirk looks at Spock, Spock and Bones bickering
Fanfic tropes: old married Spirk, pon farr, domestic life (living together in San Francisco or the flop in "The City on the Edge of Forever")
Quote: "Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few." "Or the one." "You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours." (The Wrath of Khan)
Scenes of all time: When Spock Realizes Kirk Isn't Dead, Spock Motivates Kirk to Take Command, Spock's Arrival on the Enterprise, This Simple Feeling, It Gives Me Emotional Security
Favorite fanart: I Shall Do Neither by Nox Zaiden
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Favorite fanfiction: And Filled With Tomorrows by Android_And_Ale (Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Rated: E, Words: 5,886, Published: March 22, 2024)
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About Mazarine Themselves:
Star Trek: TOS
Wong Kar Wai films
Portishead (90s band formed in England)
60s gogo dancers
Geisha and maiko (Japanese culture)
Psychology and mental health
Art history
LGBTQIA+ history
Writing (poetry, plays, and fanfics)
Documentaries/docuseries of literally anything
Favorite Things:
Colors: mazarine blue, sky blue, indigo, lavender, mauve, jade green, seafoam green, ivory, black, and vermillion
Singers/Bands: Portishead, Fleetwoood Mac, Björk, Massive Attack, Mazzy Star, Röyksopp, Daft Punk, The Flaming Lips, David Bowie, Garbage, Nirvana, The xx
Song: "Glory Box" (Portishead, 1994)
Music Genres: house, trip-hop, electronica, jazz, classic rock, industrial, k-pop, alternative/indie, lofi, vaporwave, 60s garage rock, and anything 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Actors: Leonard Nimoy, Michelle Reis, Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Lauren Bacall
Authors: Franz Kafka, Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood, V.E. Schwab, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe
Films: Fallen Angels (Wong Kar Wai, 1995), Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, 2013), 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968), American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973), World of Tomorrow (Don Hertzfeldt, 2015), Deathwatch (Vic Morrow, 1965)
TV Shows: Star Trek (TOS), Arrested Development, Parks and Rec, Nathan For You, Community, Better Call Saul, The Sopranos, Squid Game, The Good Place
Directors: Don Hertzfeldt, Wong Kar Wai
Art: Ballet Rehearsal on Stage (Edgar Degas, 1874), The Brooch. Eva Mudocci (Edvard Munch, 1903), Fireflies on the Water (Yayoi Kusama, 2002), Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow (Piet Mondrian, 1930)
Interesting Facts About Me:
My astrological signs are Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, and Taurus Ascendant.
I'm an INTJ-T on the MBTI scale. (I know the history of it, but I still found it interesting.)
My ancestral research has linked me to Irish and Scottish druids, as well as Nordic vikings. It's quite funny, because their blood now resides in an anxious shut-in obsessed with a fictional show.
My hobbies include writing, poetry, journaling (regular journaling and bullet journaling), listening to music, learning languages (currently Japanese, Mandarin, and Arabic), collecting CDs, reading fanfiction, doodling, and people-watching.
My ultimate goals in life: to become a psychiatrist, a published author, a playwright; to live in Massachusetts, travel the world, and see every Star Trek show and film.
I'm older Gen Z, born in 2002.
I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder (MDD).
I own a first edition copy of Killing Time by Della Van Hise and a signed copy of Leonard Nimoy's autobiography I Am Spock.
My Socials:
Discord: mazarinememories (Please, feel free to friend me there! I love making new Trekkie friends and just any new friends in general. I think I'm pretty cool.)
Email (for artistic inquiries): mazarine.asc @ gmail.com
By all means, friends: be well to each other. Live long, and prosper.
Ad astra per aspera.
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calluna-of-the-grey · 3 months
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Aughhhh the turmoil of last session definitely hit us all - player and dm alike - as Alaric sacrificed himself to save his sibling Astra, who he pushed off the broom they were both on with a feather token pressed into their hand, and to make sure the shadow dragon that had chased them and almost killed them both in one crystalline beam would be denied the chance to get the sword he sought after. He sliced the bag of holding that kept it, sending the contents into the void. The dragon Anvarwel was enraged. He burned away all that Alaric was, down to even his soul and rendered him nothing but a shadow, under Anvarwel's control.
Alaric's last thoughts: "I gave them a chance."
Astra landed in the water after witnessing their brother be consumed by dark fire. They were still clutching that feather token - so tightly that it was digging into their hand, threatening to draw blood, their willpower mere embers against the waves of grief that clutched at them, trying to keep them under the water. And yet they could not give up. They resurfaced and the only thing on their mind after a moment to let everything out was that they needed to get away - they still had a task to do. For Ariawyn, for the territory. Grief would have to come later. For now, they would push the limits of their body as far as it would go and run for as long as they could.
The one who was bonded with the shadow dragon - Ariphena, who had created him from a dark ritual that used her original dragon as both sacrifice and vessel, was banished in an absolutely heartbreaking confrontation between her and Ariawyn when Anvarwel returned.
Ariphena no longer had a home in this territory and was later forsaken by her patron, who had been pulling the strings behind this. She and Anvarwel left, to search for the sword that held a shard of him and that she had been attuned to.
Ariawyn returned to a quiet and empty castle. She has her moment of pain and agony as she screams into the night air - she failed. Again. But she can't stop, can't give up. She has a duty to her people, and that must come first.
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superwingshine-world · 4 months
Super Wings Birthday by their Zodiac
Start from today, I won't make "Happy Birthday" content anymore because I'm very busy (also lazy af) so I will make this to sum up all Super Wings birthday by their zodiac with the day and month in order (I'll add S8 characters too)
1. Jett: March 23th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Poppa Wheel: April 1st, 1979 (45 years old)
3. Marc: April 2nd, 1999 (25 years old) (Earth age)
4. Tony: April 5th, 2004 (20 years old)
5. Tino: April 15th (3540 years old)
(Tino doesn't know his birthday so Super Wings decided to take the date he was found are April 15th as his birthday)
1. Scoop: April 25th, 2005 (19 years old)
2. Jerome: April 26th, 2004 (20 years old)
3. Crystal: April 28th, 2004 (20 years old)
4. Roy: May 6th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Bello: May 27th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Leo: June 1st, 2004 (20 years old)
3. Sally: June 5th (3540 years old) (I don't know exactly her age but in a episode of S8, Sally said that her birthday are the day she was found in this place by Jimbo and in an episode that Tino and Sally team up, she said she born along with Tino so I think she same age as Tino)
4. Badge: June 20th, 1986 (38 years old)
1. Mira: June 27th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Sky: July 5th, 1997 (27 years old)
3. Taki & Tiki: July 8th, 2008 (15 years old) (cuz they're from parallel universe so they 3 years old younger, if they're in original universe, they're 19)
4. Sunny: July 13th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Zoey: July 29th, 2003 (21 years old)
2. Chase: August 5th, 2002 (22 years old)
3. Big Wing: August 12th, 1987 (37 years old)
1. Dizzy: August 26th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Remi: September 2nd, 1998 (26 years old)
3. Shine: September 11th, 2002 (22 years old) (Earth age)
4. Lime: September 17th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Donnie: September 23th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Marty: October 10th, 2007 (17 years old) (20 years old in original universe)
3. Ellie: October 15th, 2004 (20 years old)
4. Jimbo: October 17th, 1981 (43 years old)
5. Rover: October 19th, 1979 (45 years old)
1. Swampy: October 29th, 2002 (22 years old)
2. Traver: November 10th, 2005 (19 years old) (22 years old in original universe)
3. Todd: November 12th, 2004 (20 years old)
1. Paul: November 29th, 1986 (38 years old)
2. Willy: December 5th, 1973 (51 years old)
1. Grand Albert: December 22th, 1946 (78 years old)
2. Neo: December 29th, 2002 (22 years old)
3. Golden Boy: January 4th, 2004 (20 years old) (Earth age)
4. Bucky: January 7th, 2004 (20 years old)
5. Narae: January 12th, 2000 (24 years old)
1. Astra: January 22th, 2004 (20 years old)
2. Sparky: February 17th, 1994 (30 years old)
1. Storm: February 27th, 2001 (23 years old)
2. Lucie: March 5th, 2008 (16 years old) (19 years old in original universe)
3. Kim: March 10th, 2006 (18 years old)
4. Golden Girl: March 14th, 2005 (19 years old) (Earth age )
(Golden Girl also from original universe like Tino and Golden Boy so I will take her age in original universe)
5. Flip: March 20th, 2005 (19 years old)
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Oh, my god. Seriously, Jaiz? Locking a reskinned version of the original Sonic.exe fangame behind a paywall? You can't just do that and expect the Sonic community not to notice what you're doing.
I mean, look at what happened to Sonic Omens; one of its worst points of criticism was locking stuff behind Patreon, and the game itself stirred huge amounts of criticism for its high difficulty, narm-y content, rough voice-acting in places AND a piece of content that's borderline nauseating and disgusting (in that game's case, something rude hidden in the model of Maria, who's 12 years old).
The Nightmare Universe Jaiz has made is absolutely plummeting down to that level, and this is THE most recent of Jaiz's atrocities. He's literally repeating history with his nonsense, frankly;
Disrespecting the original source of what inspired his work and making it worse
Making his newer games more difficult (and not caring about nerfing it, to the point of mocking others for "skill issues")
Making lore for his series that's getting more and more convoluted to follow (especially when OG NB had more basic lore)
Actively revelling in including a paedophile character despite this stuff being wrong in society
Refusing to accept any criticism of his work and claiming those who criticise him are "social justice warriors"
Earning the ire of all FOUR of Sonic.exe's past AND present owners (JC and Shannon for Exetior's current state, and Joe and ASTRA for Jaiz's behaviour)
Grooming a minor (at the time) into voicing for a character FULL of sultry lines (and then later deliberately misgendering said minor behind their back)
Making a TRULY awful "parody" game comprising of adult content and the like (including that GOD-AWFUL Bench Tails as Tails's dialogue portait, alongside suggestive and disgusting dialogue)
Making a fucking MOCKERY of NotSoDevy solely to spite him (and disabling comments on the video he showed that on)
Stealing MY5TCrimson's work, reskinning it and then putting it behind a paywall (as stated above)
Causing his best friend (Kostas) AND his ex-girlfriend (Diana Game) to turn away from him and pursue other interests away from the NU
Resorting to VERY cheap tactics (like brainrot-based Easter eggs and dead memes) just to stay relevant
Believing him being the one to "revive" Sonic.exe in 2016 makes him more relevant than everyone else
And that's seriously just the surface of his problems. Jaiz, you're screwing yourself up more and more as the years go on, and you'll pretty much dig your own grave AND what's left of your support, just like Ouroboros Studios had simply by stating that they did Omens out of spite for the franchise.
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