#original scp
droctaviolovecraft · 4 days
TW: Child loss themes
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ANM №: ANM-600
Identification: Ball Pit for Stillborn Babies
Danger Level: Nightmare 💀 | Contained ⭕️
Lead Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Anomaly Type: Location, Haunted, Child-related, Trauma
Containment: ANM-600 must be enclosed within a 2.5-meter high barbed wire fence, surrounded by a 500-meter perimeter around the playground. Motion sensors must be installed along the perimeter, and any unauthorized individuals attempting to enter the site should be detained, interrogated, and amnesticized as necessary. No personnel are allowed to enter ANM-600 between 19:00 and 06:00 hours.
Any personnel showing signs of pregnancy, recent child loss, or a history of miscarriage are strictly prohibited from entering ANM-600 under any circumstances. Psychological evaluations must be conducted bi-weekly for all staff assigned to ANM-600.
A remotely operated robotic drone (DRR) equipped with cameras and audio recording devices must be used for all exploration and documentation purposes within ANM-600. Under no circumstances should personnel physically enter the ball pit area.
Description: ANM-600 is a partially abandoned playground located in Alabama, USA. The playground includes a rusty swing set, a deactivated carousel, several deteriorated benches, and a large central ball pit measuring approximately 5 meters in diameter and an unknown depth. During the day, the pit is 1 meter deep, becoming anomalous along with the site at night. The playground was decommissioned in 19██ after a series of unexplained child deaths were reported in the vicinity.
ANM-600 exhibits a strong anomalous attraction to deceased babies and fetuses, specifically those who died within a 50-kilometer radius of the playground. Regardless of burial location or preservation method, the remains of these children will anomalously manifest within ANM-600. These entities, designated ANM-600-1 to ANM-600-5, appear as partially decomposed or malformed human infants displaying varying degrees of hostility and awareness.
Documented Entities:
ANM-600-1 is a severely disfigured infant with pronounced craniofacial abnormalities and fused limbs, believed to have resulted from complications due to high consanguinity between its progenitors. ANM-600-1 exhibits constant signs of distress, including high-pitched crying and sporadic twitching. It is often seen crawling erratically across the playground, leaving a faint trail of bloody mucus.
ANM-600-2 is an infant with pronounced cases of elephantiasis, its limbs and head grotesquely swollen to unnatural proportions. ANM-600-2 is notably aggressive, displaying superhuman strength and the ability to violently thrash and crush objects within its vicinity. Despite its slow movement, ANM-600-2 has been observed to launch itself at high speeds towards any foreign objects introduced into the playground. The entity is presumed to have gained these abilities as an extension of ANM-600 reality-bending properties.
ANM-600-3 is an unnaturally elongated, skeletal infant presumed to have been aborted in the second trimester. ANM-600-3 stands at approximately 1 meter in height and is covered in a thin layer of taut, semi-translucent skin. Its mouth is permanently gaping, emitting a continuous, faint wailing sound that is particularly distressing to human females. ANM-600-3 is primarily active during night hours, often seen silently pacing around the edges of the playground before disappearing into the slide.
ANM-600-4 is a stillborn infant covered in extensive third-degree burns. The entity's flesh is charred and cracked, 600 smoldering with a faint, acrid smoke. ANM-600-4 has been observed dragging itself across the playground, leaving behind a trail of blackened soot. It emits a low, keening wail interspersed with choking coughs, and is known to react violently to sudden noises.
ANM-600-5 is an amalgamation of numerous stillborn fetuses, their bodies fused together in a grotesque mass of tangled limbs and conjoined skulls. ANM-600-5 is almost entirely immobile, residing within the ball pit and occasionally thrashing when disturbed. Individuals approaching ANM-600-5 have reported hearing disembodied whispers, pleas for help, and unsettling laughter originating from within the mass.
Anomalous Properties:
ANM-600 has a pervasive auditory anomaly that affects all living beings within a 100-meter radius of the playground. Subjects report hearing the cries, laughter, and gibbering of infants, which intensify the closer they get to the playground. Females who have experienced child loss, including miscarriage or abortion, are particularly susceptible to these auditory phenomena, often experiencing severe psychological distress, nausea, and disorientation.
The ball pit itself, designated as ANM-600-A, is the epicenter of the playground’s anomalous activity. When an individual enters the pit, the multicolored plastic balls begin to shift and churn as if stirred by an unseen force. Within moments, dozens of small, decaying limbs and umbilical cords will emerge from beneath the surface, attempting to grasp and pull the intruder downwards. Once an individual is fully submerged, no trace of them has ever been recovered.
Exploration using DRR units has revealed that the ball pit is anomalously deep, extending far beyond the physical dimensions of the playground. At depths exceeding 30 meters, footage becomes heavily distorted, and the drone is inevitably lost due to mechanical failure or signal interference. Audio captured at these depths includes faint crying, distorted lullabies, and, on one occasion, a coherent voice stating, "We are not alone."
Incident Report 600-04:
On ██/██/20██, a P-Subject (P-2983) was instructed to enter ANM-600-A. Upon submersion, P-2983 began to scream incoherently, stating that "they're pulling me apart." Approximately 12 seconds later, all contact with P-2983 was lost. An DRR unit deployed immediately after recorded the appearance of a new entity, designated ANM-600-6, emerging from ANM-600-A. ANM-600-6 is a large, humanoid infant figure approximately 2 meters in height, composed of what appears to be the mangled remains of several fetuses. ANM-600-6 was observed moving towards the perimeter before spontaneously disintegrating into a fine, particulate dust.
Following this incident, all further experimentation with ANM-600-A has been suspended indefinitely.
Addendum 600-B: Audio Log Excerpt
Recorded at 22:47, 13/07/20██, by Site-██ monitoring equipment.
> [Background static. Indistinct whispers.]
> Unidentified Voice: "...come to play..."
> [Sound of faint giggling, overlapping with crying.]
> Unidentified Voice: "Mommy… where are you?"
> [Loud, sharp sound, similar to metal scraping against concrete.]
> Unidentified Voice 2: "They’re here. They never left. They’re waiting for you."
> [Silence for 5 seconds, followed by distant, echoing cries.]
Note: Any personnel found to have entered ANM-600-A without prior authorization are to be considered lost and reclassified as KILLED. No recovery attempts are to be made. ANM-600 remains under observation for further anomalous developments.
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shythalia · 6 months
{I'm posting this early draft I made of an SCP idea I've had for a few years here. I'll say more at the end.}
Camera Trap - an SCP-inspired concept
This anomaly is a multitude of cameras of any model that can 'capture' any living being (excluding plants & fungi). The captured being(s) disappear(s) from reality then reappear(s) in the photos & footage taken by the camera. When the photos or footage are viewed for the first time by a person, they will see when the victim(s) was/were first captured. When viewed again, the background stays but instead the victim(s) will change positions.
In the photos, the victim(s) will be seen in different still positions, like what you expect to see in photographs. In the videos, the victim(s) will be seen moving independently & normally. It has been noticed that victims cannot leave the area they were captured in, and time does not seem to pass for them. For example: If a victim was captured in daytime, it will always be daytime for them; and if they were captured at night, then it will always be nighttime for them.
Human victims are aware of their situation, as they are mostly seen facing at where the camera was placed during their capture. However, animal victims are not aware of their predicament. All they know is that they are somehow trapped.
As for when another person views the photos & footage after someone else has viewed them already, basically, seeing them for the first time will show you the day the victims were captured and then seeing them again will show you what they are doing currently at the time you are viewing them regardless if another first-time viewer is seeing the day the victims were captured even when that's not what you are seeing because you have already seen it. These rules also apply to when two or more people view them.
As of today, there are no known ways to rescue the victims nor even ways to communicate with them.
There can be any number of cameras in one place and they are found all over the world. No one knows whether someone or something has been placing these cameras there or if they just showed up there out of nowhere.
{Incredibly early draft of an article:}
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Taken instances of SCP-XXXX are to be kept at Storage Room XXX at Site-XX. The instances' hard drives separated from them on another table. Level 3 access only.
Description: SCP-XXXX is the designation for multiple types of anomalous security cameras & trailcams that are found at random locations across the world. The instances themselves are non-anomalous and have no distinguishable differences from regular security cameras & trailcams. Because of this, people normally pay no attention to them.
SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties manifest when an instance is on. When a living being appears in its field of view, the being stays in the camera's view and can never leave. The victims are then reported missing. There are no traces of the victims when visiting the areas where this had occur. Reviewing the contained SCP's footages reveal this. [See (insert Addendum something something here)]
It is still currently unknown who or what is putting these SCPs all over the world, or if they merely appear out of nowhere.
[Hypothesis: This SCP might be responsible for the creation of (the basketball game recording SCP).] -> this is just me wanting to connect my scp w another scp so pay no mind to this
{I definitely need to learn how to write a proper SCP article. They have all these different sites & rooms & stuff. I can't just make up my own, not especially now that there is so much lore in it. I don't know what proper shit to use for the Special Containment Procedures.
Idk if this would be Euclid or Keter. Probably Keter with how they just pop up anywhere in the world?
I also need to come up with the addenda stuff.
Man, I thought writing a technical paper would be easy. lmao I guess I'm more fit for creative writing, but I'm not writing a tale because that's too intimidating. haha And what if someone already wrote an SCP like this?
I'll figure this out eventually (maybe) some time in the future. I'll look up tutorials or how-to guides on this. If you have experience writing an SCP or two, maybe you can give me some tips?}
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Loony Tunes fan SCP
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-11949 is stored in a standard object locker when not in use in. All Testing of SCP-11949 is to be done at Site-1930, located in the deserts of Arizona, USA. Testing must be performed by d-class personnel.
Description: SCP-11949 is a cardboard box with a length, width, and height of 1 meter. Despite being made of cardboard, SCP-11949 appears to be indestructable. writteon on one face of the box is the phrase "[VARIABLE], brought to you by Acme Corporation!" where [VARIABLE] is the title of the current SCP-11949-A instance. When opened, SCP-11949 will contain equipment and instructions to build an instance of SCP-11949-A that corresponds to the current [VARIABLE] on the box. The [variable] phrase and contents of SCP-11949 change every 14 days on Tuesday, 6:00 AM local time. Any SCP-11949-A instance outside of SCP-11949 during a change will vanish. SCP-11949 can hold a volume of components far in excess of its external dimensions. There is no such organization as the Acme Corporation known to the Foundation.
SCP-11949-A is the device or structure built using the contents of SCP-11949. When used in the manner directed by the instructions, SCP-11949-A will inevitably malfunction in a highly improbable and often highly destructive manner. No user of any SCP-11949-A instance has ever died as a result of these malfunctions, despite frequently receiving injuries that should be fatal. Any injuries received as a result of the use of SCP-11949-A will rapidly heal. Test subjects have unanimously expressed frustration at the failure of SCP-11949-A instances and frequently request to attempt to use SCP-11949-A again.
Abbreviated test log:
Item: SCP-11949-A-1
[VARIABLE] label: Rocket Skates
SCP-11949-A instance: A pair of 1950s era roller skates fitted with small rockets. Rockets had wicks to use for ignition.
Test results: Subject donned the roller skates and lit the wicks. The rockets fire, propelling subject forward. After initial difficulty, subject was able to effectively use the roller skates to move at high speeds. After approximately 100 seconds, the rockets burned out. As test subject attempted to remove the skates, the left rocket reignited, dragging test subject across the ground and off a cliff. Upon landing, both rockets exploded.
Item: SCP-11949-A-5
[VARIABLE] label: Giant Slingshot
SCP-11949-A instance: a large, thick Y-shaped wooden structure and a large elastic band.
Test results: Wooden structure was embedded in the ground so only the prongs showed. The elastic band was attached to each prong to make a slingshot. Subject stretched the elastic band as far as they could, placed a large rock in the band, and released their grip. Despite being released, the elastic band remained at tension and the rock remain motionless in the air. Subject became frustrated and began pushing on the rock to make it fire. When the subject stepped in the firing line, the band released tension, propelling the rock and test subject into a nearby cliff face.
Item: SCP-11949-A-12
[VARIABLE] label: Disintegrator Gun
SCP-11949-A instance: a metal firearm with no chamber for ammunition shaped like a "science fiction raygun".
Test results: subject was instructed to fire the item at a target practice dummy. When the subject pulled the trigger, the item disintegrated.
Note: this is the only test to date in which no injuries were received.
Item: SCP-11949-A-14
[VARIABLE] label: Tunnel Paint
SCP-11949-A instance: multiple cans of paint and paint brushes
Test results: subject followed included instructions and painted a rock face to appear as though a tunnel led through it and to the other side. Subject then boarded a bicycle and rode it toward the painting. Instead of impacting the rock, subject traveled through the painting as though it were an actual tunnel. Foundation security attempted to pursue in a car, but impacted the rock face, severely damaging the vehicle.
Note: test subject was found via subcutaneous tracking device in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA less than one hour after the beginning of the test. Subject was not able to describe how they arrived there.
Item: SCP-11949-A-22
[VARIABLE] label: Helipack
SCP-11949-A instance: a diesel-powered device intended to be worn as a backpack. Extending from the device is a set of helicopter blades attached via a long shaft.
Test results: despite the helicopter blades being too small to achieve lift, subject successfully took flight. After approximately 160 seconds, the shaft and blades disconnected from the pack, sending the subject falling. After the subject impacted the ground, the shaft and blades fell in such a manner as to reattach to the pack. Subject was once again lifted off the ground. The device then exhausted its fuel, causing subject to once again impact the ground at high speeds. The pack then exploded.
Item: SCP-11949-A-31
[VARIABLE] label: Atomic Bazooka
SCP-11949-A instance: unknown
Test results: N/A. Testing denied due to risk of causing a nuclear explosion. SCP-11949 remained closed until contents changed.
Item: SCP-11949-A-37
[VARIABLE] label: Roller Coaster
SCP-11949-A instance: a set of components and instructions to build a roller coaster.
Test results: Subject rode the roller coaster without event until reaching a section of track consisting of a hill following a loop-de-loop. While ascending the hill, the cart decoupled from the track and flew directly upwards. Upon falling, the cart re-coupled with the track and proceeded backwards to the top of the loop-de-loop. The cart then decoupled once again, falling onto the lower section of the track with enough force to cause the remainder of the track to collapse. Subject reported that the ride was otherwise enjoyable.
Note: this is the largest SCP-11949-A instance to date.
Item: SCP-11949-A-40
[VARIABLE] label: Loyal Customer
SCP-11949-A instance: one live coyote (Canis latrans).
Test results: upon opening SCP-11949, the coyote leapt from the box and began biting the throat of Researcher C. Jones. Coyote was then terminated via gunshot by a security guard. Researcher Jone's injuries healed immediately. Necropsy revealed the coyote was emaciated.
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SCP data entry 8569 and corresponding anomalies
Word count : 8.5k Warning : body horror, implications of bodily harm Fandom : SCP Foundation
Hey, hey down here! Break the break below me to read about SCP-8569 my first SCP I have truly put effort into writing
Item #:
Object Class: Euclid
SCP-8569 is an white Linen cloth wrapped around a brown wooden rod. Closer inspection shows it to hold a smoother feel compared to actual Linen. The fabric itself is 40 inches in width and unknown in length, see addendum 8569.2 for more details.
SCP-8569-1 is a pre-cut length of Linen cloth taken from the width of SCP-8569, it's three inches in width and unknown in true length.
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8569 is to be kept in a seven foot by seven foot square room. The room needs to be double locked at all times with a reinforced concrete door. The room while staff are inside or observing from outside the room will be properly lit. SCP-8569 is to be elevated in a manner that keeps it off the floor and easy to access unless in case of emergency.
For preservation of the fabric and unknown effects it may have if touched to bare skin, all personnel who come in contact with SCP-8569 must have on protective gloves and no skin showing on their arms.
Updated measures included but aren't limited to shoe covers, protective gloves, lab coat. Depending on testing more appropriate testing appeal is highly recommended.
SCP-8569-1 will be kept clean where it shows on its current host. Any changes in the state of the fabric are to be documented and photographed.
Addendum 8569.1: Discovery
SCP-8569 was first found in a sealed tomb in ███████, Egypt amongst other artifacts. The mummy in the tomb was found to be an almost perfectly preserved corpse with flesh intact but for internal organs and muscle replaced with white linen. On ██/██/████ it was discovered that 8569 was indestructible including the fabric that had made up the Mummy. It's believed that the mummy was 8569's first host marking it 8569-0. More information on 8569-0 is available in documents [REDACTED], [REDACTED], Data removed on 05-█ request.
Addendum 249.2: Observation log
Dr. Foster began testing on SCP-8569 on 07/24/████. After multiple attempts at causing physical damages to SCP-8569 with knives, fire, acid and water there was no observed damage of any kind. Later on, the doctor and two other assistants measured the length of SCP-8569, they stopped once they hit two hundred twenty feet. There was no sign of fabric being removed from the roll at this point.
Addendum 249.3: Behavioral changes
On the morning on ██/█/████ Dr. Foster as preparing for more testing on SCP-8569. Everything is observed to go smoothly like years prior. Once the set up for the experiment was completed Foster is observed to notice something wrong with 8569 that isn't visible on any angle of available recordings during the incident.
Upon grabbing part of 8569 and pulling some of the fabric away from the roll as seen done in previous recordings the doctor is seen to scramble away before being attacked by 8569-1 which resulted in the fabric imbedding itself into Foster's body forcefully.
Interview Log 1, Date: ██/█/████
Interviewer: Dr. Abigail Lavelle, site ██
Interviewee: SCP-8569-1
[Begin video log]
Dr. Lavelle: How are you doing?
SCP-8569-1: Bugger off
Dr. Lavelle: I just wish to speak with you 8569-1, you will be corroborative for me please?
SCP-8569-1: Again, like I have told the others my name is Dr. Mavrick ███████ Foster not that. Have some decency.
Dr. Lavelle: Understood Dr. Foster, Can you tell me what happened in your own words?
SCP-8569-1: Don't you have the recording? (Grabs wrist, expression gone pale)
Dr. Lavelle: Yes but we want to know what you experienced personally. We can only understand so much with an recording
SCP-8569-1: (sigh) Get me an actually good cup of coffee and I'll talk. I know we have better shit then what I have been given.
Dr. Lavelle: I will make sure it's made right, now go on Dr. Foster.
SCP-8569-1: I was preparing the cell for the upcoming experiment later that morning. The SCP itself was perfectly fine when I first came in and look it over same with what's holding it up. Once I had finished getting everything ready I was going to just double check, you know when you get those feelings that something isn't right? It (he goes quite for some moments before going on) it was like that. I looked back at 8569 and there was an cut on the side of it (8569-1 trails off here and stops talking)
Dr. Lavelle: Dr. Foster?
SCP-8569-1: (Visibility started) Ah, sorry what was I saying?
Dr. Lavelle: You were speaking about what happened.
SCP-8569-1: What do you mean by that?
[End video log]
Attending Researcher's Note: It was observed that SCP-8569-1 is missing parts of his memory or making the choice to act as if nothing has happened. This includes time spent working with multiple SCP's, the incident itself and other details.
Addendum 8569.4: Observation log
SCP-8569-1 can withstand higher amounts of pain compared to human D-Class and other researchers. Forcibly removing SCP-8569-1 from its host body results in SCP-8569-1 attempting to attack whomever is removing it while trying to protect its host.
SCP-8569-1's host gets visibly distressed when approached to attempt removal. Two D-Class outfitted in doctor uniforms have been killed by SCP-8569-1 and its host when forced into trying to have 8569-1 removed.
Interview Log 6, Date: ██/█/████
Interviewer: Dr. Abigail Lavelle, site ██
Interviewee: SCP-8569-1
[Begin video log]
Dr. Lavelle: Good afternoon Dr. Foster. Coffee as usual. (Sets down cup on table)
SCP-8569-1: (visibly distracted) Afternoon mate.
Dr. Lavelle: Are you alright Dr. Foster? You seem distracted.
SCP-8569-1: It's moving, it's nice.
Dr. Lavelle: (visibly disturbed) Moving?
SCP-8569-1: Yes! It's moving, it's such a lovely feeling.
Dr. Lavelle: (doesn't respond, her expression shocked)
SCP-8569-1: (grabs cup) You should get to experience it sometime. (sips drink before speaking) Perfect, thanks
Dr. Lavelle: (stammering) I have no questions today Dr. Foster. Thank you for sharing.
SCP-8569-1: not a problem, told you before I'll talk if you get me coffee. Are you alright?
Dr. Lavelle: (Leaves room suddenly)
[End video log]
Attending Researcher's Note: After this interaction Doctor Abigail Lavelle stepped down from her position due to mental health deterioration.
SCP-8569-1 might hold some form of autonomous control of itself and others, SCP-8569-1's host doesn't remember or isn't willing to tell researchers what they meant. Some form of psychological affects or ability may present as well.
Addendum 8569.5: Attempted surgical removal
First attempt resulted in failure. With inspection of internal organs and the site where SCP-8569-1 first went into SCP-8569-1's host body there was show of slight damage to muscle tissue. Attempting to remove SCP-8569-1 where it had been resting within its host proved futile with the surgeon who grabbed SCP-8569-1 getting there hand sliced and SCP-8569-1 moving to another area of it's hosts body.
Second attempt resulted in failure. While opening SCP-8569-1's host SCP-8569-1 blocked the surgeon's path and any other attempted areas for first incisions. When removing tools SCP-8569-1 wrapped itself around the areas that had been cut. The host was woken up from anesthesia afterwards and ordered to bed rest due to not knowing what would happen. On later inspection the areas SCP-8569-1 had covered healed without any scar tissue visible.
Third attempt was successful. SCP-8569-1 was unable to correct internal bleeding and damage to some organs. The surgical team were able to repair such things but again SCP-8569-1 kept them from closing up SCP-8569-1's host. The host has no memory of this ever happening, they denied SCP-8569-1 hurting them at any given point as well.
Addendum 8569.6: Present
SCP-8569 or any counterparts will now remain or be classified as Euclid after the incident with SCP-8569-1. Testing is permitted with caution.
SCP-8569-1's host is to be watched for any systems of organ failure or internal bleeding. It's acceptable to use force to capture SCP-8569-1'S host if it's visible and they are denying the need of medical attention.
Any further testing on SCP-8569-1 or its host is strictly prohibited on O5-█ request. SCP-8569-1's host is a fully functional human being with only some anomalous properties, further testing isn't required.
Note: Requesting testing is permitted on SCP-8569-1 within reason.
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S.c.p 00000. The cartoon man
Objects class euclid
Special containment procedures
S.c.p 00000 is housed in a standard humanoid containment cell at site [redacted]. The SCP is to be provided with internet access as well as regular food and water it is also to be provided with internet access and all other things it requests unless they are a threat to the foundation or the scps containment.
Objects description
SCP 00000 is a humanoid SCP approximately 6,5 in height the SCP resembles a middle age to man in his late forties or early 50s and is friendly in temperament the only difference is that instead of being made of usual organic human material like bones and muscles he is made entirely out of graphite and coloured ink identical to the kind used to make cartoons. You also has the appearance of a classic true drawn animated cartoon but is in freedimentions and is capable of interacting with the world around him. When asked to identify himself he Mike Johnson a animator working for DreamWorks in 2010 before going missing. When interviews were carried out he remembers everything about Mike Johnson's life before going missing with the years in between 2010 and his current obtainment by the foundation. He also possesses the ability to change and form his body in always he requires and is also impervious to all forms of conventional weapons with the only thing found to cause damage against him being rubber and this is only used to when applies directly to The Entity.
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rottingraisins · 1 month
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girl + her pet mysogynist (homage to one of my fave posts ever)
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banesberry-anomoly · 5 months
You don't need to be a wizard
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Original image under cut
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zealthewhatever · 4 months
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They have a big ass problem
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vortexbatt · 8 months
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My designs/style for SCPs! <3
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bitedownme · 20 days
Ehem, One dude wants to marry you, but nah mate, I will carry your children ~~~ 😏😏😏🫦 Imma be gudddd for youuu as your love queen~~~
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: WAIT- :
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droctaviolovecraft · 4 days
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Prisoner #: ANM-608-P
Name: Lee Ray
Nickname: "Lee Ray's Secret Santa"
Crimes: Mass murder, corpse concealment, identity fraud
Number of Victims: 489
Subject Class: Anomalous | Darlig 🔴
Description: P-608, formerly known as "Lee Ray," is a 32-year-old Caucasian male with red hair, American descent, standing 2.10 meters tall and weighing approximately 150 kilograms. P-608 was originally incarcerated as a convicted serial killer before his anomalous nature was discovered during routine medical examinations.
P-608 exhibits a unique and highly unusual physical anomaly, a sentient entity resembling a conjoined twin embedded in his upper back, designated as P-608-1. This entity manifests as a distorted and darkened face on the left side of his back, surrounded by several protruding red veins that appear to pulse and exhibit small independent movements. P-608-1's facial features resemble a grimace; it is capable of limited facial expressions and speech.
Psychological Evaluation:
P-608 shows symptoms consistent with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), with P-608-1 assuming a separate and malicious personality that influences P-608's primary consciousness. P-608-1 has been observed exerting control over P-608, forcing him to perform violent and erratic actions. It is believed that the twin has a parasitic relationship with P-608, deriving sustenance from his psychological torment and physical suffering.
Anomalous Properties:
1. Telepathic Manipulation: P-608-1 has a limited form of telepathic manipulation, allowing it to influence individuals within a 10-meter radius. Affected subjects experience intrusive thoughts, usually of a violent or self-destructive nature. Prolonged exposure leads to symptoms of paranoia, hallucinations, and, in extreme cases, psychosis.
2. Enhanced Strength and Resilience: Under the influence of P-608-1, Lee Ray demonstrates increased physical strength and resilience, far beyond that of a normal human. He has been documented enduring injuries that would normally be fatal or debilitating, seemingly without pain or loss of function.
3. Regenerative Abilities: P-608's anomalous biology includes rapid regenerative capabilities, particularly around the conjoined twin area. Injuries inflicted in this region heal at an accelerated rate, preventing attempts at surgical separation or incapacitation of the entity.
Containment Procedures:
P-608 must be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell, reinforced with non-reactive steel alloys and electromagnetic dampeners. The cell must be equipped with continuous audio and video surveillance, with monitoring staff rotation every six hours to prevent P-608-1's telepathic influence.
Interactions with P-608 require authorization from at least two Level 3 personnel, and direct communication should be limited to necessary interviews. Any personnel entering P-608's containment area must wear psychotropic protection helmets and be accompanied by armed security.
Incident Report P-608-Alpha:
Date: ██/██/20██
Details: During a routine psychological evaluation, P-608-1 exhibited unprecedented levels of control, temporarily overriding Lee's primary consciousness and initiating a violent outburst. Three staff members were severely injured, and one succumbed to injuries before P-608 was contained.
Following this incident, containment protocols were revised to include electromagnetic dampeners and increased psychological screening for personnel assigned to P-608.
Lee Ray was apprehended by authorities after a series of murders in which victims were found with their spinal columns surgically removed. During his trial, Lee Ray exhibited calm and controlled behavior, which changed dramatically when describing the murders, frequently referring to himself in the third person and attributing the crimes to a "voice on his back."
After initial examination under institutional custody, the presence of P-608-1 was confirmed, and it became clear that the entity had been influencing Lee Ray's actions for a long period. It is theorized that the conjoined twin has been part of Lee Ray since birth, possibly a result of an unseparated twin absorbed in the womb and later manifesting in this anomalous form.
Test Records between Lee Ray and Other Anomalies:
Test 608-T01: Interaction with White Death Agent
Objective: Assess Lee Ray's susceptibility to cognitive risks when influenced by P-608-1.
Procedure: Lee Ray was exposed to White Death, a cognitohazardous agent known to cause severe psychological disturbances after exposure to its visual stimuli, used as a memetic effect against MOTHRA targets. The influence of P-608-1 was actively monitored.
Lee Ray exhibited a notable increase in agitation when White Death was presented. Despite P-608-1’s attempt to mitigate the impact, Lee Ray showed signs of extreme paranoia and confusion. 608-1 tried to exploit the effects of White Death to induce more chaos, but Ray’s increased aggression proved difficult to control. He displayed temporary spikes in strength and resilience, making containment challenging. Post-test evaluation showed no permanent cognitive damage to P-608, but manipulation by his conjoined twin was observed to be significantly heightened under cognitive stress.
Conclusion: P-608 is highly vulnerable to cognitive risks when under the influence of P-608-1, which can potentially amplify the effects of such anomalies. Caution is recommended when conducting similar tests.
Test 608-T02: Interaction with ANM-506 "Angel"
Objective: Determine P-608's ability to interact with ANM-506 and the potential impact of 608-1 on ANM-506’s behavior.
Procedure: Lee Ray was introduced to the containment chamber of ANM-506, with the influence of 608-1 monitored actively. Personnel were instructed to observe from a safe distance.
ANM-506's behavior remained consistent with previous observations, displaying aggressive movement toward any targets not making eye contact. Under the influence of 608-1, P-608 demonstrated an abnormal ability to predict ANM-506’s movements. Lee Ray was able to evade ANM-506's attacks with what appeared to be supernatural reflexes. ANM-506 showed no abnormal response to the presence of P-608-1. However, Ray’s enhanced abilities made the interaction highly unpredictable and dangerous.
Conclusion: Ray’s enhanced reflexes and prediction abilities make interactions with ANM-506 extremely volatile. 608-1 does not seem to directly affect ANM-506 but increases Lee Ray’s ability to evade the statue’s attacks.
Test 608-T03: Interaction with ANM-122 "Calyx"
Date: ██/██/████
Location: Base 12, Secure Test Cell
Subjects: P-608 (Lee Ray and P-608-1), ANM-122
Lead Researcher: Dr. Gaines
Security Personnel: Foxhound
Objective: Determine the interaction dynamics between Lee Ray and ANM-122 and assess any potential anomalous or synergistic properties that may manifest during the encounter.
Both P-608 and ANM-122 are contained and placed inside the reinforced test chamber. ANM-122, contained in a specialized hydraulic cage, growls while observing the prisoner, who is several meters away.
P-608-1: (Laughing) Well, well, well, what do we have here? A big, rude alien lizard! This is going to be fun.
ANM-122: Who the hell is talking?
(Lee stands up and turns his back; his parasitic twin watches, smiling.)
P-608: (Remains silent, staring tensely at the floor)
Dr. Gaines: P-608-1, please avoid provoking ANM-122. We are here to observe interactions, not to escalate hostilities.
P-608-1: Oh, come on, doc! You brought us here for a little fun, didn’t you? Besides, I have some presents to give.
ANM-122: (Growling, shaking its restraints) Do you think your pathetic words will affect me? Your filthy parasite. I will devour you and that weakling you hide behind.
P-608-1: Ha! Aggressive! How about a little lesson in humility, big guy? What language would you like it in, hmm? Let’s see… (switches to French) Tu veux parler français, mon gros lézard? (Back to English) Or maybe… (switches to Mandarin) 你想说中文吗?
ANM-122: (Eyes narrowing as it growls louder) Your tricks won’t save you.
P-608-1: Oh, lizard brain can’t appreciate a good show. Fine, how about— (switches to Russian) Привет, ты чудовище! Готовься получить по заслугам. (The accent is heavy and the tone remains mocking)
ANM-122: (Momentarily surprised, then roars violently, charging against its restraints) Enough of your chatter! I will end you!
P-608: (Visibly recoils but remains silent. His fists clench, and he seems to struggle internally.)
Dr. Gaines: Lee Ray, could you communicate with ANM-122?
P-608: (Softly, in English) I… don’t think it’s a good idea, doctor. He’ll get angrier. He always does…
P-608-1: Lee, Lee, Lee, don’t be so pessimistic! We’re just getting started! (Switches to Spanish) ¿Por qué no intentamos un poco de español, eh?
ANM-122: (Growling deeply, trying to free itself from the restraints, the hydraulic restrainers creaking under pressure) Your attempts are futile. I will crush you and that parasitic excuse of a being you cling to.
P-608-1: (Laughing loudly, a harsh and irritating sound) Ah, I love it when they get all riled up. But tell me, big guy, have you ever received a present like this? (The veins around P-608-1 start pulsing with an intense red glow. The individual quickly turns, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.)
Dr. Gaines: Security, prepare for immediate re-containment. P-608-1 is getting agitated.
ANM-122: You will be eradicated! (Begins to struggle more violently, the sound of metal creaking filling the room.)
P-608-1: (In Arabic, still with a mocking tone) تريد اللعب، يا كبير الزواحف؟ (Back to English) Come on, Lee, let’s show him how we gift people at parties!
P-608: (Shakes his head vigorously) No, no, I don’t want to do this. He’s too strong. I can’t—
P-608-1: Oh, but you will! (Veins pulse faster, and P-608’s eyes briefly glaze over while his body tenses, clearly under the influence of his parasitic twin) Let’s party, right?
ANM-122: (Roars, eyes fixed on P-608, as if recognizing a significant threat) I will make you suffer for your arrogance!
Dr. Gaines: Enough! Initiate sedative gas! We need to end this now!
[00:05:12] The chamber is filled with a powerful sedative gas. P-608 and ANM-122 react, ANM-122 struggling less violently, and Lee Ray falls to his knees, struggling to stay conscious.
P-608-1: (Slurred voice as it fades) Ah... party poopers... but I’ll be back, Lee... I always come back...
P-608: (Gasping, weak voice) Please... just make him stop...
[00:06:30] Both P-608 and ANM-122 are unconscious. Security personnel enter the chamber, securing both entities back into their respective containment units.
Post-Test Analysis:
Dr. Gaines: The test revealed that ANM-608-1 is capable of communicating in multiple languages, though it consistently maintains a mocking and provocative tone. Lee Ray himself speaks only English and generally remains quiet and hesitant, showing reluctance to engage in confrontational behavior, especially under the influence of P-608-1. ANM-122’s aggression levels increased significantly when exposed to P-608-1’s provocation, indicating a possible recognition of P-608-1 as a legitimate threat.
Conclusion: Further tests are necessary to determine the full extent of P-608-1’s linguistic capabilities and to assess whether P-608 may ever act independently of P-608-1’s influence. Additional security measures are recommended for any future interactions involving P-608 and other aggressive ANM entities.
Test 608-T04: Interaction with ANM-021 "Dr. Oswaldo Cruz"
Date: ██/██/████
Location: Middle Zone, Secure Humanoid Test Chamber
Subjects: P-608 (Lee Ray and P-608-1), ANM-021
Lead Researcher: Dr. Leonard Matthews
Security Personnel: Shock Troop
Objective: Analyze the interaction between P-608 and ANM-021 and observe any potential conflict or cooperation between the entities, focusing on 021’s perception of Lee Ray’s anomalous nature.
The test chamber, equipped with reinforced observation windows and security measures, contains ANM-021 sitting at a small table. P-608 is escorted by two guards with his arms restrained. P-608-1 is inactive, showing no immediate signs of agitation.
ANM-021: (Rises, making a slight bow) Ah, a new patient, I see. And what affliction troubles you, I wonder? [Examines Lee Ray from a distance] A rather robust specimen, but appearances can be deceiving, can't they?
P-608: (Nods cautiously, looking at the chair but avoiding sitting)
P-608-1: (Laughs quietly, dark veins pulsating gently) Oh, doctor, you have no idea what you're dealing with. But do proceed with your examination!
ANM-021: (Slightly surprised by the voice, then recovers, speaking in a calm, almost curious tone) Fascinating! You are affected by a secondary consciousness, aren't you? A rare condition, no doubt. Tell me, my dear patient, how long has this… creature been with you?
P-608: (Stares blankly, hesitant) He… has always been here. I can’t get rid of him.
ANM-021: Indeed, such a parasite is a clear sign! A very severe case. But fear not, for I am well-versed in curing such ills. (He slowly extends his hand, ready to touch P-608)
P-608-1: Whoa, whoa, whoa, back off, you ass! Hands off the merchandise. You think you’re going to “cure” me? Pfft, good luck! (Laughs)
ANM-021: (Pauses, withdrawing his hand) A belligerent host, I see. The plague has taken deep root. This will require more drastic measures. (Turns to his leather bag, retrieving a set of surgical tools)
Dr. Matthews: ANM-021, remember, you are not to perform any procedures without explicit permission. This is just an observation test.
ANM-021: Ah, but Dr. Matthews, this is a critical case! A swift intervention could save this man from his torment.
P-608-1: (Veins around his face start to glow more intensely, tone becoming more severe) Save him? Ha! He’s mine, got it? Want to take me out? You’ll have to go through Lee first!
ANM-021: I must proceed with the cure! The plague cannot be allowed to proliferate!
P-608: No, no... please, don’t...
P-608-1: (Shouting) Do it, brother! Show him what happens when people try to mess with us!
ANM-021 moves forward, attempting to grab P-608. Lee Ray suddenly breaks his restraints, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. ANM-021 recoils, shocked by the display of strength.
ANM-021: (Holds his surgical tools defensively) Ah, quite a violent reaction! The plague has corrupted you deeply!
P-608: (Roars, voice a mix of his own and P-608-1’s) Want to cure us? Try your luck!
P-608 advances on ANM-021, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him off the ground. ANM-021 struggles, trying to stab P-608 with a scalpel, but Lee Ray’s increased strength and pain tolerance render the attack ineffective.
P-608-1: (Laughing uncontrollably) Is this what you call medicine, doctor? Come on, brother, show him how we deal with doctors who overstep!
ANM-021: Let me go, you caveman!
P-608: (Throws ANM-021 against the table, destroying it) Want to cure me? I’ll cure you!
P-608-1: (Mocking) That’s right, big brother! Make him beg for a certificate!
ANM-021 attempts to grab P-608’s arm with his hand, aiming for his neck, but P-608 twists, snapping ANM-021’s arm with a sickening crack. ANM-021 screams, but the damage does not incapacitate him.
ANM-021: (Desperate, voice tense) You don’t understand! I’m trying to save you!
P-608: (Roars, lifting ANM-021 and throwing him against the wall) Save me? I’ve been trying to get rid of him forever!
P-608-1: (Hissing with pleasure) Oh, but you can’t, Ray. You and I, we’re forever. And this charlatan doesn’t stand a chance!
ANM-021 collapses against the wall, his spine cracked from the impact. P-608 approaches, fists clenched, breathing heavily. ANM-021 tries to get up, but P-608 hits him again, breaking his nose.
Dr. Matthews: Okay, Troop, intervene! We need to end this before Dr. Oswaldo is permanently incapacitated!
Eight members of the Troop enter the chamber, armed with tranquilizer guns. P-608 turns to them, still under the influence of P-608-1.
P-608-1: (Glaring angrily at the guards, veins glowing intensely) Want to play too? Come on, Lee still has plenty of presents!
The guards fire several tranquilizer darts at P-608. Lee roars, pulling out one of the darts, but his movements begin to slow. ANM-021, still conscious, tries to crawl away.
P-608-1: (Growling, voice weakening) No... no! We’re not done yet!
P-608 collapses, unconscious. ANM-021, breathing heavily, manages to get up, holding his broken arm. Security personnel immediately move to contain both entities.
ANM-021: (Glaring at P-608-1 with anger, voice trembling with fear and rage) This... abomination... is unnatural. It must be purged...
Dr. Matthews: Security, take Dr. Oswaldo to the medical ward for treatment. Ensure that prisoner Lee is fully restrained before transport.
Post-Test Analysis:
Dr. Matthews: The interaction quickly escalated into a physical confrontation, with P-608 overpowering ANM-021 with ease. The influence of P-608-1 amplified Lee’s strength and aggression, allowing him to withstand Dr. Oswaldo’s attempts to administer his "cure." ANM-021’s perception of P-608 as a manifestation of the plague indicates that he considers P-608-1 a significant threat, although the exact reasoning remains uncertain.
Conclusion: Additional tests involving Lee Ray and humanoid entities should be postponed until a reliable method for neutralizing P-608-1’s influence is established. ANM-021 requested no further contact with P-608, considering the entity to be "beyond my capacity to cure." Additional psychological support was recommended for Dr. Oswaldo to cope with the ongoing mental trauma caused by Lee Ray.
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gyrr0wy · 6 months
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rhobeta-and-epsilon · 12 days
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Just some silly masks I hope none of them are cheating on their wife
You only get faces and names cause that’s all i have the will to draw
What I didn’t steal these names from The Marriage of Figaro I don’t know who Moe’s Art is
I finally fixed that weird continuity error that made Reine the Red Lord and they’re separate people
Ignore how the Lords’ masks are so much more bland than the others the designs aren’t actually the masks it’s like makeup for them (this doesn’t include Reine he’s just basic asf)
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leafybnuuy · 6 months
Dr. Jack Bright : Honey, you forgot your lunch~
Dr. Jack Bright : So I thought it would be, like, cool if I break a rule and deliver your lunch!
Y/N : Aww and I’m here with YOUR lunch! God, we’re cute
Dr. Jack Bright : So damn cute!
[Gunshots sounds]
Dr. Jack Bright : Shit— more guards are coming. Didn’t think they’d be here this fast.
Dr. Jack Bright : Okay good luck on your first day, I love you so much. I’ll see you later tonight!
Y/N : Love you more! Byee! *makes kissy noises*
Fellow researcher, stares judgingly :
Y/N : What? 🤨
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aronaax · 7 months
oc and canon shitpost bc im too tired to make anything high effort ok baiii
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notsoediblefruit · 23 days
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💌SCP art (Dr. Glass and dr. Hat)💫
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