#originally i wanted to do a comic and have reworked the sketch for the comic like 3 different times
art · 4 months
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Creator Spotlight: @mimimar
Hi! I’m Michelle (Mimimar), an illustrator born and raised in Venezuela, currently based in Italy. I enjoy making colorful illustrations that reflect the things I love: fairy tales, fantasy, tenderness and queer (especially sapphic) stories. Occasionally, I also make paper dolls, comics and animatics. I have a lot of interest in book illustration and I’m currently developing my own stories that I hope to share as an author-illustrator someday!
Check out our interview with Michelle below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I always enjoyed drawing when I was a kid, but it only became a hobby that I did almost every day when I was around 11. At first I only used traditional mediums, but I decided to make a serious effort to learn how to draw digitally when I was 15, and once I got the hang of it I never stopped!
I didn’t go to art school so all of my learning was done through studying the tutorials and resources that other artists generously share on the internet and lots of practice / trial and error.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I want to do many things but what I want to do the most right now is work on books! I want to make art for other authors’ stories and also my own stories as an author-illustrator. I want to grow as a storyteller and create art and stories that will really resonate with people emotionally. I’m always striving to improve my skills as well.
I also really love dolls, so working on doll box art or as a doll designer is something I would love to do someday. I actually have been designing paper dolls on my Patreon for the past few months, it’s been a fun project that is still ongoing right now!
What is one habit you find yourself doing a lot as an artist?
Probably using a lot of purple! It’s my favorite color so I find myself using it a lot. If I can find a way to sneak a little bit of purple into an illustration or a character design then I will.
Congratulations on finishing your Ivy Comic! Did the outcome turn out like how you expected or were there some unexpected bumps along the way?
Thank you! It’s a project that I worked on very slowly in between other art because I wanted to really take my time with every spread and make each of them a fully detailed illustration. I thumbnailed the full comic before starting but I kept changing the sketch for the final spread until the very end! Overall I’m really proud of the end result. I sprinkled a lot of hidden details in every page that I hope some of the readers will notice. For example: the meanings of the flowers in each page represent what the characters are feeling in that moment, and the colors of their wardrobe become gradually lighter as the story progresses to represent their emotions, as well as the changing of seasons.
We’ve noticed that you have created some amazing cover art for TGCF. Is there another series you would like to do something similar with? 
That was another passion project that took some time to complete. Initially, I didn’t intend for them to be specifically covers, it was just a series of illustrations based on the 5 books/main arcs of TGCF. But since they were well-received and I had people telling me they wish they could use them as covers for their books, I decided to rework them into dust jackets for the english translation of TGCF!
I haven’t thought of any other specific series but I love doing cover art so maybe I’ll do something similar again in the future!
What’s your favorite part of your style? Why?
I’ve heard from other people that there’s a delicate quality to my art, this is something that I like a lot! I like pretty things, fairytales and vibrant colors. I think all of these things probably reflect in the art I make as well.
If there is one thing you want your audience to remember about your work, what would it be?
I hope that they remember how it made them feel. Feelings and colors are the two things I give priority to in my work. Most of the time I like depicting tenderness, softness and emotional intimacy. If that could reach the viewer and stay with them it would make me very happy. 
I make a lot of art with queer (mainly sapphic) themes because they’re the kind of stories I personally like and want to see more of, so whenever people tell me that my art has helped them in their journey to discover and accept themselves, or that they see themselves and their partner in my art, it is always extremely meaningful to me. When art that I made to give myself comfort can provide comfort for others, no matter how small, it reminds me once again that despite any hardships art is genuinely worth pursuing.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
So many artists! To name a few:  I love @sakizo’s amazing eye for fashion and detail,  @paneeps’ gorgeous style and striking colors,  the sweetness of @bevsi’s art,  @vickisigh’s pretty colors and concepts,  @idledee’s warm and heartfelt art,  @littlestpersimmon’s dreamy wonderful art,  and @loish has been an inspiration for as long as I can remember.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, Michelle! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @mimimar.
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aufi-creative-mind · 4 months
Updates about what I have been up to.
Things that are in progress!
Currently, my main focus is on completing the LU Spirits series (Formerly known as Farore's Spirits). It is my most ambitious personal project - 9 (12) part series - that I am undertaking by myself. I hope to finally fulfill a 5 year long promise to myself to give this series the artistic glow up that it deserves.
I am also part of the upcoming Denouncement of War: A Hyrule Warriors zine. So do check this out if you are a fan of the OG Hyrule Warrior games!
Things that I want to work on.
I plan to shift more focus towards my BotW-TotK Family and Legacy series. I have a lot of stories that I want to show to you all about Link's family and their individual character stories, Pre-Calamity, Post-Calamity and even present day BotW-TotK events. That includes fan fiction stories, including one I have started - Getting to Know You. You can read the first two chapters on A03 and HERE on this blog.
Chapter 3 is slowly being written out with a potential Chapter 4 planned as well.
I also have three folders worth of other Zelda concepts and stories that I want to show as well. Such as the pre-TotK Zelink sketches that I had impulsively made in the lead up to TotK's release last year. I might release them as soft sketches rather than fully rendered pages.
Things that are put on hiatus...
I have been asked by several people about my LU: Sword's Reveal comic pages and whether I am continuing it. And unfortunately, I will have to put it on hiatus until further notice.
This is because I started that comic long before TotK's release. Specifically when Nintendo made that delay announcement with that teaser of the decayed Master Sword. And the hype that created. So I was originally running on that hype energy of the unknown then. And the other reason was that....I lost the original script for the comic. And what notes I was able to retrieve no longer reflects on what I now know from completing TotK and what have in mind for the story.
So I'm not abandoning the LU Sword's Reveal comic! But it will be some time until I am able to come back to it and rework on the script and the draft pages.
Things that I am thinking of doing...
For those who may not know, I work as a liasion officer in medical accommodation for families with sick children. And as such, it does take up a lot of my time and energy - physically and especially emotionally - that I am unable to dedicate as much time to making art as I wanted.
I have been considering opening a Ko-Fi or even a Patreon account, but still unsure on how to go about it. I would love to hear your suggestions or feedback on this one!
So if you've been able to reach this far into this update. Thank you so much for taking your time and wishing you all the good vibes!
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jesncin · 7 months
5 days long anon again. Yeah, it took a while because I kept reworking and trying to find the right words. words are hard. Plus anxiety. Constantly worrying if it would be right or sound right. Right now I'm riding the high of "it WAS fine!!" so I'm feeling more confident in sending this.
The whole "oooh superhero lied to someone how bad" when it's about their identity? One thing I clipped from the previous ask was talking about how of course a hero should not disclose their civilian ID because that would put any family or friends in danger. A reporter SHOULD understand that! Or at least a kind one. Of course Clark wouldn't be going around telling people if only because he wants to keep his parents safe. Yet you can't look me in the face and tell me that the Kents wouldn't be leery about telling people their son's origins as an alien regardless of when the story is set because technically? Illegal immigrant baby. Illegal immigrant alien baby, whom any spooky group (military/research/???) might want to get their greasy mitts on. I can see that kind of worry leaving marks on him too, even though he is trying to be kind and good.
Maybe it was "too soon" but Kal-el is talking to someone he's grown to know as both Clark Kent and Superman. Who he feels he can take that risk with. And with something... not small, exactly, but not as harmful to his life as he lives it on Earth? It's not quite a test of trust because that would be too calculated for it but it is something more honest and raw and the little voice in the back of the head going "do you understand? do I understand?".
"I've had to justify fanon to canon" is... odd. Have you had to with the Martians or is it specifically your take on Lois? I admit I haven't been able to read all the comics and random sketches yet but everything I've seen has been built on the trend of compassion and care whether it is for it or in spite of it. ...and sexy abs. (Rudy.)
Run out of steam/focus so hope you have a good night again.
Hiya 5 days anon (Here I am responding now after the strike)! And no worries, I appreciate people taking their time thinking of what to say.
Right! Even without any Superhero-level fantasy stuff- irl journalists write under pseudonyms or protect the privacy of the people they're interviewing all the time (Lois did this in Girl Taking Over!!). This notion that reporters are Kantian "Lying Is Always Bad No Matter What" people is frankly a caricature. Fun for silver age shenanigans, but not if you want your story to have any sort of depth. And yeah! Clark is an illegal immigrant baby. It shouldn't take much imagination to see why he and the Kents would want to keep that a secret (alas some stories think otherwise- I can't help but call the emotional intelligence of the characters into question at that point).
Yeah! I don't imagine Superman telling Lois his Kryptonian name as something pre-meditated, it's very spur of the moment trust. The idea is that he's not ready to disclose his civilian identity yet, but he is trusting Liando with something far more personal.
It's mostly been my Superman stuff. I don't post my Martian art on twidder especially since well. I've always gotten one or two racist comments on my Clois comics but the Private Interview comic just unleashed the floodgate for racist comments. If I get that much heat for a cishet interracial couple, you can imagine how gross people would be to my Martian stuff. There's a portion of cape fandom that just doesn't understand fanon or interpretations and are vehemently against any sort of change. So I get silly comments asking me to justify the change ("Why is Lois Black??") or backhanded compliments hailing me as "the exception to racebends". It's annoying, but in the end the comic really wasn't for them. It's for people like y'all who get it! (like Rudy)
Thank you and good day/night!
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trinkerichi · 2 years
TEKVENTURES! I wanna ramble about Tekventures.
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if you remember them you qualify for a veterans discount
So they were Sgt.Frog ocs that my best friend SARAZA and I made on flipnote for edgy amvs and comics. I wanna say I wassss 13? give or take. But these little guys were my EVERYTHING. We thought of a billion stories about them. Then I got sick of drawing frogs eventually and wanted to make them more of an original thing. Our first sketches were of anthro goats, but over time with my style changes, an the fact that I hate spending more than 2 seconds drawing anything, they no longer resemble any specific animal and turned into fuzzy nondescript species of alien thing. ANYWAY I wanted to make them into a "real comic series" when i was 17. That's when I started the chapters that are still up on tumblr n webtoons! and a few other sites probably that I forgot about.
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I've been harsh on it in the past but honestly I still love it to bits. What's there is a solid little comic and i still think it's adorable!
The only thing is, that's judging it based on what's there. It's a basis for a cute episodic thing with low stakes! Like the early mlp fim episodes or the new care bears cartoon. But that's NOT what it was planned for in the long term. Oh no, I was so ambitious. I had at LEAST 50 episodes planned which would weave together into this massive arc that would introduce other space teams, wayward space travelers with secret pasts connecting to the main cast, sad backstories for everyone, ALL of the family members of the main cast, a villian team with like... 'anti-versions' of the main cast, and a dramatically foreshadowed final confrontation with robot clones that want to destroy their planet. OH AND ROBIN too! Besides all that, they ALSO have multiple side story episodes about crashing to earth and befriending a human girl named Robin who has to keep them secret.
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That might have been um. a lot.
But when you start writing a story with your best friend when you're 13 you most likely have NO CONCEPT of "too much". Who am I kidding I STILL have trouble pacing myself. But when you come up with a story it's hard not to think it's just GOLD! And that you've gotta keep it no matter what! Because that stuff is fun!
I went full force into the comic in my senior year of highschool and eventually I finished the first chapter! It took me a year. And then I looked at my plans for the other 49 episodes and thought "maybe I need to rework some things.."
I rebooted the comic once, tried making smaller stories, all that, but I wasn't quite feeling the same drive anymore. I realized I was comparing my work to high budget tv shows with like. a full team of writers and artists. and studio funding. and greenlit seasons and all that. And it was making me feel TERRIBLE about my art!
So I quit comics! I started hating comics! I hated how long they took and how restricted I felt (with my own expectations) and I lost my confidence in finishing projects because I was so sad about giving up on my big magnum opus. and I just kinda gave up and started only doing fandom art for a couple years. I did a jyushimatsu ask blog and kept it up for ages! And then a new season of Osomatsu came out and I realized when comparing it that I was basically writing an oc at this point. And that I CAN commit to long term projects if i dont get self conscious about it!
I still didnt wanna jump into comics again. But I thought of some new characters that I was becoming attached to. the very very beginnings of what could turn into a new idea.
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I thought "well i still love cartoons about space! even if im not making tekventures anymore maybe i could do another space story. a really tiny one."
so i started making an rpgmaker game! and it started taking forever. so in the meantime i made a really rough doodle comic about how the characters first met. as a little side story thing.
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and THAT was the key. I had to stop thinking about it like i was making a big cool tv show and starting my career and all that. its just a fun thing, off the cuff, not overthinking it, just for fun and personal expression.
so im still going with it! and its GREAT! Rocket chip has 12 planned chapters, and I'll be halfway done by the end of the year.
But BOY did it take me forever to learn that.
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emrrys · 2 years
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“There is an idea of a Zane Julien. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory.”
❄️ click for better resolution 
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vavuska · 4 years
Who changed Lola Bunny?
Malcolm D. Lee explained, “This is 2021. It’s important to reflect the authenticity of strong, capable female characters. … So we reworked a lot of things, not only her look, like making sure she had an appropriate length on her shorts and was feminine without being objectified, but gave her a real voice. For us, it was, ‘Let’s ground her athletic prowess, her leadership skills, and make her as full a character as the others.'”
(See the complete interview here: X)
So, gone are her curves, thigh-high drawstring shorts and midriff-baring crop top. Instead, Lola Bunny now takes on a sportier look wearing a more standard basketball vest and leggings under her track shorts.
But, let's see more deeply what determinated this choice:
1. Being mad at a fan art is sad, people.
Before, a sad 50 yo guy starts complaing about how "cancel culture" or "politically correct" ruined his life - Really? Changing a cartoon bunny from a movie you didn't see for a decade ruined your life? Wow. Someone should really review the list of their priorities -, let's see how really Lola looked in the 1996 original Space Jam.
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Here we have original Lola Bunny:
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(Here you can see all Lola's scenes in Space Jam: X)
Yes, Lola walked in a sexy way that show off her curves, or at least she seemed to have curves (a little breast, tight waist, long legs, bootie), but those are not big as in the fan art you are seeing around, and Lola's curves are not evidenced during the match or when she played. Is more her attitude and posture that made her look sexy. However, althought her curves clearly changes every time she is doing something different, from action to action, there are some scenes in which she is purposely made sexy, with saxophone music as soundtrack and male-gaze sections that ends in the same way, Lola surrounded by a bunch of horny and howling cartoon guys.
That's appropriate with Jessica Rabbit: she is purposely made and designed as a parody of the femme fatale from old hard boiler movies, in which attractive, mysterious women were portrayed as evil and manipulative gals who hide criminal intentions. Jessica, with her intentionally exaggerated body, subverted the misogyny of 40s and 30s detective movies: she is kind-hearted, truly loves her naive and goofy husband Roger and uses her powers (beauty and cunning) to protect him. Her body too is used for comic sketches, while this not happens for Lola, that's just a serious and indipendent basketball player. So, the male obsession for her body is out of place, expecially because she reacted with anger at being misconsidered only for being an attractive female bunny. “Don't call me doll” is her catch phrase. So, it seems strange she didn't react at all at the very sexualized presentation at the final basketball match: Lola simply shows her basketball skills, ignoring or accepting passively the reaction of the honey crowd of wolves around her. (Please, notice the association: Lola “admirers” are wolves, predators, while Lola, their object of desire, is a rabbit, a prey)
This is the cartoon version of cat calling: they are like a group of men who sit on their porches and whistle at girls everyday when they walk in from of them. A normal girl or woman would pass over this thing, even if they are bothered, unconfortable or embarassed, because they are more scared by a possible violent reaction of this whistling horny guys at their legitimate anger objections. But here, we are talking of Lola, a strong Looney Tunes bunny, and she could smash that damn basket ball on wolves' face, breaking all their teeth. That would be very a Looney reaction. But Lola doesn't react at all at this situation. Here, on my opinion, screenplayers missed an opportunity, but probably they thought to have already did too much with Lola's personality and “girl power”.
Remember also that Lola is the only young cartoon female character we see in the whole movie. So we can't do a proper comparison with other female relevant characters' rapresentation. (See here for a deeper analysis of Lola's origin and development: X)
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However, compared with Bugs, Lola looks more fit, more humanized than Bugs. Lola has clearly a definited breast and booty, but it looks like is more her posture that makes them relevant. Lola has clearly shoulders back to show the rack. Bugs is anthropomorphic but remains an animal, has no shoulders or pectorals more like a human and looks a bit over-weight (fat belly). And his posture don't keep that stomach in, chin up, and march forward.
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Lola, on the other hand, has a more human structure. That's why I say she has curves. An example are Mickey and Minnie who are two beans in the same way it is not that Mickey is a bean and Minnie has small tits, they are structurally alike.
Lola's body remembers highly No-Ribs-Jasmine from Aladdin (see the gif for reference). That unrealistic Barbie-like waist that was so popular in the 90s and 80s. (See here for references: X and X)
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Now, we are changed a lot from the past 24 years. Barbies didn't have that impossible, unrealistic waist-line anymore, Disney princess concept has changed (see Merida and Moana).
Lola concept is changed in 2012: her design for the new cartoons is totally different and her personality too. She wear a blue or violet dress, almost flat-chested and she was made annoying and silly, just to make a contrast with Bugs smarter. Just like Daffy Duck is dumb as hell and his new girlfriend, Tina Russo (no more dear old Melissa Duck), is way smarter than him. Tina is tough, street-smart, rebellious and feisty. But we will see this thing in the next point.
2. People on the upper floors hated Lola personality.
Lola Bunny had only few lines in Space Jam, but she definitely passed the first impression that she was draw only for make male characters fall in love. Lola was a good basketball player and show it off, in front of a skeptical and then astonish bunch of cartoon guys and also Michael Jordan. She also had a strong personality and said it clear to Bugs she didn't like being called "doll". Lola was beauty and curvy, but not a cheerleader. Lola was a basketball player. Remember this part, because we will talk about basketball in the next point.
If at the box office Space Jam was a success, at Warner Bros there were those who turn up their noses, and they are important people, from the upper floors, who accused the film with Michael Jordan of having completely distorted the philosophy of the Looney Tunes. They blamed Lola Bunny more than everything else. Producers of Warner Bros said she was too perfect for the moody group of Warner cartoons: she was too sensual, provocative and independent, totally alien to that core of crazy characters that act as an exaggeration of the vices of 'man.
And fans hated her too. Chuck Jones, creator of the Merrie Melodies said: "Lola Bunny is a character with no future, she’s a totally worthless character with no personality."
So, Lola Bunny was deleted. Lola would make only some brief apparitions in some comics edited by DC Comics, in Baby Looney Tunes, in which she was a toddler with a very similar personality and resemblance to Space Jam adult version, and also as playable character in some unsuccessful videogames.
Years passed and projects for a sequel of Space Jam never become reality, so in 2003 Warner Bros relased Looney Tunes Back in Action. But Lola wasn't here, because the movie purposely want to make a deep cut with what we saw in Space Jam, according to what said it's director Joe Dante. This movie was a totally failure, but it gave back to Looney Tunes their craziness.
Years passed again, but this time is 2011, 10th of May on Cartoon Network was relased the second episode of The Looney Tunes Show. The series aimed to strongly relaunch the Looney Tunes, long gone from the glories of the past, updating the stories of Bugs Bunny and associates in a sitcom key, with the rabbit sharing a house with Daffy Duck in a suburb of Los Angeles. All interspersed with sketches by Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner done in CGI and the updated return of the Merrie Melodies. But the big news of the second episode is that LOLA BUNNY RETURNED.
And Lola was a character with some relevance within the series, even if something didn't seem right with her. Lola looked different, she was no longer the rabbit version of the femme fatale seen in Space Jam: she was naive, talkative, with her head in the clouds, crazy to the point of becoming Bugs Bunny's stalker. Bugs after having fallen in love with her at first glance understands on the first date that he absolutely can't stand Lola. She is no longer the Lola we used to know, even if the appearance is similar and the name is the same. Lola is effectively a Looney Tunes now. And the fans like her, the public like her, Warner Bros like her.
(See Lola in The Looney Tunes Show here: X)
But this is a big walk in behind from the indipent character we used to know in Space Jam. Lola was turned into the stereotype of the crazy girlfriend for a while. And this is not a surprise, if we remember that in 2012 were popular the "overly attached girlfriend" meme template. (See here for references: X)
However, in The Looney Toons Show Lola has some very funny moments, while in Space Jam she was more serious and a little out of space among the other characters. (See here for references: X)
3. What women wear when they play basketball?
Women's National Basketball Association was only created in 1996. So, women's basketball were not considered - and still is not considered - as important as men's basketball at the time Space Jam was filmed.
In Space Jam 2 there will be WNBA players with a significant role, for example Diana Taurasi and Nneka Ogwumike.
Professional female athletes aren't that curvy because curves are determined by body fat and they have a little.
As a busty volleyball player, I can say, dear people, breats could be very annoying during sport activities: it could be a pain, when you run or jump. That's because a lot of women wear sport bra to compress and support their breast. Sports bra may also include layered cups or a high neck to keep everything in place and protect from painful hits, so women can be safe and comfortable during workouts.
Female basketball players didn't wear crop-tops and tight shorts to play. They wear exactly what Lola wears in the picture above: long sleeveless tees, large shorts and maybe protective gears such as knee pads, sleeves or braces to reduce chronic pain caused by the immense burden put on the knees in basketball, to prevent bruises caused by collisions and hard fall and to provide support after a significant knee injury like an ACL tear. They could wear also compressive arms sleeves to help muscles that are sore or overworked to recover faster. The sleeve enables your blood flow to circulate quicker to the heart, which helps you heal and recover quicker.
Wow. WNBA wears Exactly what wear NBA players. So surprising.
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4. This is only a promotional character sketch, not what Lola would look in the movie.
Space Jam 2 would be developed in CGI and there are a little preview frames going around, included one showing Lola jumping and you can see her breast shape. But she totally looks like a comic cartoon character. It's not humanized. It's not designed to be the sexy love interest. She doesn't look out of space among the others anymore, expecially because seems that there would be also Tweety's Granny and Melissa Duck or Tina Russo as players too.
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5. Reality.
Really? You want a human anthropomorphic rabbit? Well, Lola as a rabbit would have something like six nipples, but no human-like breast. And, also, real life girls have ribs. No one in real life is that thin. Oh, well, if you don't considered Pixee Fox, a model who had surgically removed six ribs and wears daily a compressive bust corset (yes, like the one that made Elizabeth Swan faint in the first movie of Pirate of the Caribbean) to look like a cartoon fairy (Tinkerbell, you are the one to blame for this).
(See here for references: X)
In conclusion, we can say that all this controversy is based only on a porny fan art and that Lola “new” graphic isn't change too much from the original Space Jam movie. It's just a little more cartoonish.
We can also firmly remeber that Space Jam 2 is going to be developed for children, to relunch Looney Tunes among new generations of children, who are the largest buyers of merchandising (including Happy Meals surprises) and consumers of new cartoons that surely would be developed, if Space Jam 2 would be a success.
However, we should admit that those kids probably know better the 2011 version of Lola than her original version and that 2011 version was more appreciated by fans and producers. Lola's voice actress, Kristen Wiin won BTVA People's Choice Voice Acting Award in 2012 and was nominated for that prize also about three times in the following years. Also Rachel Ramras, Lola's voice actor was nominated for BTVA People's Choice Voice Acting Award in 2016 for her role in Looney Tunes: Rabbit Run.
We don't know anything about Lola's personality in Space Jam 2, so we can't do a proper comparison or a prevision, but, according to what Malcolm D. Lee said, we can assume that original personality of Lola would be preserved.
The controversy is relevant only for Lola's body and not for her personality, and that's is highly rappresentative of what impressed more this bunch of grow-up kids. They grow up to be like the horny wolves and they are howling because their prey is not available anymore.
And, to be honest, being so obsessed with the breast and the body of a cartoon character (that is clearly made up for kids) it's not sane at all. Sorry to say that, but sometimes people need to drink from a bottle of truth.
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spicylief · 3 years
Enderal Four Lineup
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So with the development of the comic, I figured it was a good time to update the old character lineup from last year.
This time:
I wanted to add a more appealing SFW cover (the undergarments). There is a NSFW version running around somewhere.
I purposely kept their heads shaven (including Jespar’s beard), because I wanted to have the option of adding more/less.
Added first/last name, age, and height (in both metric/imperial)
I may or may not do back views, but now I really need to start designing outfits and stuff for the comic, I probably will only relegate back view designs to sketches and notes (which I will post with the front views). Aisa and Laches’ designs will probably fall under the same treatment.
Some notes:
I wanted redo this line up for MONTHS for a variety of issues stemming from the original image.
First and foremost, Tharaêl needed a complete rework. Being relatively new to the fandom and the character, my original drawing was completely off. His face was too square/round and I drew him WAY too muscular and top heavy for a guy living most of his life in the Undercity. Yes, I imagine he gained some strength over the years in the Arena and being part of the Rhalâta, but not THAT much. Now he’s more lean muscle and skinnier (also added a bit more scars because SURE WHY NOT)
Calia’s design is definitely headcanon than accurate to in-game. Largely because I feel she should definitely be fair more muscular as a Keeper of the Order, especially one who wears plate armor and wields a massive great sword no-less. This girl has to have a fair bit of muscle strength on her to carry around all that metal.
Jespar’s design is also more headcanon than accurate to his in-game version. Being the oldest of the four and given his history (of vices), I imagine him to looking a fair bit older and having gained a fair bit of weight (the man is in his 30s and I imagine not in the best shape yo...)
Maera is largely unchanged with the exception of the quality of the drawing itself. She actually looks like she has form and weight lol.
So yeah! Enjoy! :D
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theegreatpapychu · 3 years
So today (Sep.6th) marks the 5th anniversary of my Undertale AU, FURYTALE
I...Did not think I'd still be working on this AU for 5 years. Most projects I have don't even last a full year, tbh. This is the first longtime project I've ever had, and it always makes me happy to work on it or talk about it to people that tell me they're interested in this AU
It's not even an original concept XD. Its based off of DBZ Filler ._. Yet still, here I am still working on it
I've had my ups and downs in life, mostly downs, I've struggled in many ways and somehow always came through. I survived when the oddswere against me, heck, they're STILL against me. Yet here I am still working on it
This is more than just a hobby for me now. I plan to see this story till it's very end. I cannot wait to show you the culmination of all of my research, my storybuilding, my character developments. I really can't wait to show all of you the hard work I've put into this story
5 years without much info IS pretty dull ._. I've been trying to work on the Animation I announced back in 2018, but a lot has changed, especially my living situation (and the program I normally use also changed) so it's been a heck of a struggle. I did have a trailer ready to be finalized and processed with the wonderful VAs working with me on this project, but then during a stream I set up, my computer gave out and died. I got it repaired, but the cost was that I lost all of my files. Commissions, documents, and yes, the animation and its storyboard. So I get to rework that from scratch ._.
I just wanted to say Thank You for those who stuck with me through this crazy ride. To those who still support me to this very moment, to those who never stopped believing in me. To those who helped me when I was in a very dark place, and also to those who helped me through my emotional stumps. I really do appreciate each and every one of you
I do not plan to cancel this story. I've worked too hard to let it go now. I'll do my best to get something out for all of you to see, whether it be the animation or a comic. I'll continue to work hard and through the rough patches of my life. As for EOTM, that comic is not cancelled either. I've just been busy with other stuff lately, mostly commissions that I've yet to complete (I did have most sketched out, but you see, my hard drive went PBBTT...) So my apologies for taking this long to get them done. They ARE my priority and I refuse to go back to work on my comic until I've finished them all
Once again, Thank you for supporting me, and thank you for supporting FURYTALE. Without you, I probably wouldn't even be here, and neither would the universe I've created
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eternal-reverie · 4 years
notes of a kh au of both evil plans successfully getting a sora puppet!!
some context, this is a canon divergence idea inspired by this thing I drew a while ago.
ok im absolutely thriving with this fic idea but first, there was a painful hurdle in thinking about how to rework the Chain of Memories plot for Naminé to go along with Marluxia’s plan completely, and that naturally would change a lot of things. Especially regarding Riku’s story plus Axel’s role and a bunch of other characters. It’s actually so intimidating with all these characters and their conspiracies clashing with each other, scooping all that up to transform that into a (hopefully) coherent sequence of events;; in comparison, Days was pretty simple to deal with the change. 
Anyway what I have so far is this:
Roughly decided that Marluxia, Namine, Sora, and Xion are the main characters. Riku and Roxas are in comatose states but still influence the story. Xemnas is the main antagonist naturally. Aqua and Ven become key players towards the end. Saix, Axel, Zexion, and Xigbar are also important. Larxene will be a surprise element. Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and DiZ are there for the most part too.
The original event that pushed Naminé to tell Sora the whole truth was Axel letting her go meet Sora. So for this plot divergence to work, someone has to intervene here. I mulled it over and decided Larxene should be the one to to do it, resulting in her attacking Axel. They argue in the midst of the fray on who’s the real “traitor.” Sora arrives and defeats them both. Larxene learns of Saix’s plot before she fades. Axel then tells Sora to trust his instincts and to fight off Marluxia’s schemes, before cryptically telling him to not forget their appointment on the clocktower for ice cream. Axel then “fades” away.
Namine becomes more convinced with going through the deception (though not completely) due to interacting with the Angelic looking Specter. She encounters this figure and is given some revelation into some of Marluxia’s motives. i’ll have to think a lot about Namine and how her desire to end her loneliness comes into conflict with her integrity, in addition to how she is manipulated. She consistently guides so many characters through the series with her insight, so that’s a trait i want her to grow into. I think she’ll be the one pulling the strings in the end..
One of the biggest changes is Riku’s reverse/rebirth story. Originally, Riku doesn’t fall into Zexion’s trap due to Namine’s influence and advice dealing with darkness. However, in this AU, Naminé is going ahead with tricking Sora, being absent for Riku. So Riku would lose to Zexion, who’s desperate to use him as a counter to Marluxia’s command of Sora. Though it won’t work out for Zexion in the end because Ansem would finally be able to possess Riku fully...
Which has got me thinking there would be a clash between Ansem and Marluxia in the castle. I think it would be interesting for two of these characters who have a guardian behind them to fight!? Somehow Marluxia wins, adding to his arrogance when it comes to Xemnas.
DiZ is now stumbling over what to do and the mouse would get sad at these turn of events; both heroes of the keyblade now compromised...which leads to Mickey thinking, wait there’s someone in the realm of darkness!!! this is now a secret mickey redemption story
That will lead to Aqua returning to Castle Oblivion to do pest control and finds Axel and Zexion scrambling about trying to find the Chamber of Waking. She promptly decides that Ven is no longer safe there and gets him out. She finds Riku replica and recruits him (might change this detail, forgot to say that Marluxia told Naminé to power him down prior. Aqua finding a replica could be interesting, lest Axel or Zexion gets to him first,,)
Also forgot to mention that Riku is now the one placed in the pod for him to sleep and not turn back into Ansem. (role reversal with sora woo!!)
Sora goes happily along with Naminé but despite all the memory rearranging is still wary of Marluxia in charge (thanks Axel). Something that’s interesting in CoM was how Marluxia told Naminé to destroy Sora’s heart, finding this last resort a shame and rather having preferred him unmarred. So this AU is just that, the plan with Sora’s uninjured heart (but perhaps...breaking his heart could be point reached...in regards to Ven’s heart hidden in there..)
Mar’s character is actually one of the harder things to address. So I need to think more but I want this story to touch upon his hidden memories as so many things will remind him of the old plight of losing a loved one. Mainly observing the interactions between Naminé and Sora, Aqua and Ven, and maybe Xion??? I want Saix’s search for Subject X aka Skuld to be relevant to this too. there’s!!! so!!! many!! examples!?!?!
As he remembers more, the specter haunting him becomes more smaller and human-like. The specter will talk to Namine more for the most part. This will influence Naminé to turn the tables against Marluxia; so you could say she will manipulate and influence him with her memory powers along with her insight.
Will he gain a sibling-esque affection for Sora and Naminé? Yes. Vaguely... I think Sora’s going to lose against Xion... so Marluxia’s going to have to take up the protective role much to his displeasure. Being around Sora’s and Namine’s hearts for an extended amount of time will be a factor in his memory returning and regaining a heart.
Much of his story is taking control back of his destiny vs finding what his true purpose is and what method he choses. I feel like his time as a union leader could contribute to him feeling qualified taking over the organization. Plus him having a strong feeling that Xemnas’s plan is b.s. which is of course, spot on. Does Marluxia become a good guy in the end? im not sure yet, but I want to say no for the most part. (oh the appeal of tragic villain protagonists) who’s to say he wouldn’t sacrifice or destroy anything to recover what he’s lost?
in regards to Xion, I think she’ll be the one in most pain oh boy. Roxas was asleep through the Castle Oblivion events and Xion left seashells at his bedside during that time. The discarded Sora memories, as a result of Naminé’s interference, will pour directly into her mostly.  Xemnas sees this plan working and once Roxas wakes, forces him and Xion to clash resulting in Xion successfully absorbing Roxas and becoming the perfect sora puppet. sorta 
Xion is at this point, still in confusion on who she is. Everything in her tells her she’s Sora, but the dearest memories of her own life so far is of Roxas taking her up on the clocktower for ice cream, and she holds on to that. Xion also has the discarded C.O. memories including Axel’s last remarks to Sora. I want Xion and Repliku to meet in this story.
Xemnas discovering comatose Ven will be a main thing eventually. Which led me to this image of Xion!Sora thinking Ven is Roxas ;-;
Up to this point, I still need to address how real Sora and Xion!Sora clash. It’ll probably be in the throne room, not unlike what happens at the climax in ddd. the moment I’m most excited for is Marluxia’s humiliation at these turn of events LOL that’s why i drew that joke comic for the most part! someone commented on the post with ‘GET OFF THE STAGE MARLUXIA’ and i was GONE LMAO
there’s more stuff (from my 10 pages of notes i made yesterday. it’s a small square sketchbook so it’s probably more like 5 pages) but i think this summarizes the majority of my ideas. Idk if I’ll get this off the ground promptly since the scope is so big 😵 but it’s a start!
Here’s some sketches! lol i couldn’t resist.
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sorry if there some gaps or holes since this wasn’t an outline, i just jumped around with ideas. now to think about this more meanwhile i have other responsibilities to attend to @_@
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sarcasticscribbles · 4 years
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Hi, college is expensive Sarcasticscribbles Commissions! also available sketch commissions (Small sketch $ 5 big sketch (multiply characters + color) $10 )
I need some extra money recently starting college so I reworked my commission post. I’m used to drawing humanoid characters and I’m used to doing DND characters in any race or species. I can work with any fandom or oc, fic art or original stories, Im up for making comics but that would require some more work. I have no direct triggers nor uncomfortable with nsfw, so ask what you’re imagining and I’ll tell you if I’m up for it or not. The background will most likely be a square color unless we agree with something else (like if you want some scenery, although a detailed background will cost more!) I only accept paypal and expect half the payment after lineart and the rest after the piece is finished. If you have any questions or would like to commission me please send me a dm!
You can also find my work on Instagram @ sarcasticscribbles or check out my work on redbubble under the url sophscribbles!
If you can’t commission me but still want to help, reblogs are highly appreciated! Currently 3 slots open!
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vagrats · 4 years
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when i posted YINZ CITY #3 on patreon, i wrote a post-mortem to talk about the process of writing it. i’m posting it here now, but with certain parts cut out because i wanted to focus on the process of writing/drawing issue 3, and the context in which i was making it. you should read the issue before you read this.
(i did not proof read this next bit because proofreading is not punk rock.)
Sage has been a difficult character for me to figure out for a lot of reasons. almost all the characters in Yinz City have been kicking around for at least 3 years (Nabokov has been around since 2010; i started writing Seti in 2013). Sage was originally a minor character who appeared for three pages in the original version of Yinz City, which entirely focused on Seti's story. when i started rewriting Yinz City late 2018, i remembered that character because i always liked their brief appearance, so I decided to go for it. Sage is actually the baby of Yinz City (i've been writing Kit since 2012), and the character i'm least familiar with. they are based off a couple people i love dearly but who i have come to realize i do not know as well as i thought i did... including myself.
this is to say, Sage has always been fucking absurd. i wrote them with the guide of "they do the things you would do if you could get away with it, but they never get away with it". writing this as a black queer person is freeing but also SOOOOOOO HARD because there are SO MANY THINGS that i would love to fucking do if there were no repercussions, but cannot! for many reasons! for yall who are queer and/or BIPOC... fucking imagine that! for one goddamn day! it's easy for me to get lost in that fantasy, so if i wasn't careful, Sage could become TOO MUCH of a fantasy. issue 3 went through the most rewrites because it was too over the top, Sage was too wild, etc etc etc...
i wrote the outlines/scripts for issues 1-4 at the beginning of last year; so far i've had to rework both 2 and 3, and i imagine i'll have to do the same for issue 4. when i went to review the script for issue 3 before drawing, a lot about my understanding of Sage had changed. i had to rewrite it a few times before i was satisfied. even as i started drawing, i kept thinking "is this too much? is this too absurd? shit shit shit"
i think i sketched one page before the video of George Floyd's murder went public and things went apeshit. i went to the first protest in Pittsburgh and then couldn't sleep or draw for a week straight. even typing those last two sentences made me so fucking emotional that i had to take a break lol. that's how fucking raw that shit is. i don't know what got me back into working on issue 3, but every day that went by i quietly put a little more and more of what i was feeling into it. a little more and more frustration and rage.
at one of the protests i went to during the last five fucking months, a speaker said something along the lines of, "Black rage is a form of Black dignity."
i think issue 3 is fucking hilarious and ridiculous. it's based on a true story of a friend who got worked up and tried to fight one of their friends over something meaningless and petty. i laughed as i drew it because it was such a relief to draw. but there's also a lot of bitter humor. Randy is based on real interactions i've had with white people, in particular with white friends of all ages and genders. music was an easy topic to reference, but it's not the only context for those conversations. Sage getting to beat the shit out of Randy is such a petty expression of Black rage as Black dignity, but it's also like... so achievable? and that's funny to me, but that's also sad that the attainable is such low hanging meaningless, petty fruit. but honestly to me, mostly it's funny.
the only people Sage (black), Fiona (korean), and Miller (Latinx) interact with directly in issue 3 are each other and three white characters: Randy, a total asshole with the confidence to loudly be a fucking piece of shit in public; Shelley, showing up blazed to a party and (in issue 2) comfortable enough to get even more blazed walking down the street; and Gloria, who relies on Miller, a person of color, to listen to and solve her problems regarding Seti, her black boyfriend.
i have known and been acquaintances/friends with the Randys, the Shelleys, and the Glorias. i've been friends with the white person in the "black lives matter" shirt who rushes to the side of the white person who was wounded (in body or in pride) after instigating shit with a black person (i hope you caught that little detail, because i cackled as i drew it). i wrote Shelley's part in the story last year, but his walking away from Sage, who is clearly in some kind of state, parallels my white friends who have (at times unknowingly) walked away from me during times i needed them in my life and in the last five months. i fucking love Shelley and i love my white friends, but there is always room to do better and better. don't @ me.
the rest of the white people in this issue are passive spectators to Sage's black rage... so here's a question: does the meaning of Black rage change depending on who views it? is it Black dignity? or Black spectacle? how does that function on a meta-level, regarding readers? what was your experience of reading this comic?
dont worry too much, it's supposed to be funny.
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clawdeeverproud · 4 years
Process update
Still working on the YOU’RE YOUR OWN PERSON PAGE, but I wanted to take a little break since I keep running into blocks. However, I think I did find some issues that I can now address. The following are using the characters Vinegar, from the Shantae series, along with Caesar and Doom, OC’s of a Shantae fan comic that, if you are a fan of the canon game, I would highly recommend checking out here.
Motivation is key to making art, as most of you know. But to some new artists, Motivation is only as important as Confidence; a source of imagination that can sometimes be as shaky and unstable as the San Andreas Fault. So it is vitally important that you do what you can to relieve yourself of as much unnecessary stress as possible.
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Some programs, like Clip Studio Paint, come with posable 3D figures. Now, I hear you ask “Oh, so I just pose them and trace?” Well, that is one way to do it, but no. At least not for every block you hit, Maybe if the pose is dynamic and extremely difficult. But in this case, I’m simply using the figures as markers. This way I have a reference to their proportions and I don’t have to stress my brain trying to get their poses just right.
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Keep the idea LOOSE and Simplify the shapes, so I used a relatively thin pen. You want to make the pen thin enough so you don’t feel required to draw a perfect line, but thick enough so that you can see it with just one stroke. Using multiple strokes leads to fixation on a single part. And that is a HUGE no-no here.
The whole point of a rough draft is to play around and see what works and what doesn’t. Such as I did with Vinegar. It maybe hard to see but I moved her lower torso around a few times. Don’t worry if the bones look broken, the whole point of a rough draft is to play around with the idea. And what’s the point of playing if you can’t have fun!?
Don’t think of broken bones as a sin, just figure out how to snap them into place. (in terms of art, at least. If you recently have had a broken bone please go see a doctor).
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Cleaning it up
On a separate layer, I drew over  the rough draft. Now that I had the rough idea of the concept on paper, I felt more at ease since I didn’t have to partition a part of my brain to remember every single details. Here I used a slightly thicker pen. The rough draft used around a 0.3-0.5, here I think I bumped it up a bit to about 0.7.
I also realized the importance of knowing which eraser to use.
HARD ERASER: This is what you use when you have a solid grasp of what you want to happen. Like if you know how long the arm is going to be but need to rework the line. I used a Hard Eraser to wipe out a section of the arm (such as the biceps or the forearm) and simply redrew the lines quickly. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look perfect, just remember that the Inked version will always look better then the sketch.
SOFT ERASER: This is an old gem I had forgotten about. The soft eraser is best used if you only vaguely know what you’re going for but still need a bit of tinkering. It’ll knock back a much wider range, but still allow the previous lines to be visible. This is good. You want to be able to rework your idea with using the marks you have perviously made.
A good example would be around Vinegar’s BELT. You can see where the original belt was going to be, but I decided it should be a bit lower. The Soft eraser is good if you want to tinker with proportions or smaller details. 
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This is a super important concept I recent discovered. One thing that kills motivation and confidence is the staggering amount of work that is left. But it’s like my dad always said; “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”. So, the concept here is to physically break down the work load by giving general thick outlines to the characters. You can see I also added a bit on young Caesar, this is because even though we are inking, There is always time to experiment and alter. Here I used a 40.0 pen. 
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Once that’s done, I went back and used a smaller pen (around 20 and 10) to add stuff in like the eyes and ears. using different pens gives the image more room to breath. You may also notices Doom the cat looks a bit off. I did this one in a bit of a hurry so I didn’t really look up a reference. Welp! Live and learn!
On top of that, I discovered something really important, When working in a different sized canvas, make sure to adjust your tools accordingly. I usually work in comics so I have my pens smaller. But here I should have bumped my 40 pen up to 60 or so for the BREAKING UP outline. Aside from that, and the hour it took me To do this. I still call this a win.
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All that was left was to add some gray scale and solid inking. It may not be perfect, but this was a warm up, it’s not meant to be perfect. It’s meant to put you in a good mood and motivate you to draw. So I still call this a major success!
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saline-coelacanth · 4 years
Fusion Au Scrapped Concepts Part 3
Oh boi we're finally getting into New Potential! Ok so before I get into any story stuff, I wanna talk about Vena. So I actually made Vena LONG before I made ANY of my aus. When I started rewatching Ninjago again, I wanted to make an oc and I didn't want to wait until I finished watching to design one, so I made Vena. She was still part snake and had pretty much the same personality, but she was never a villain. She was friends with the ninja, but she was kinda a tsundere about it.
I don't think she was originally part Hypnobrai, I think she was just part generic snake, but she was still turned part snake from a science experiment, which I reused this backstory for the early version of Corria, but the reused it again after Corria being half snake was scrapped. I stopped using Vena as my main oc when I thought of Asashi because I liked her more, but I still really liked Vena and decided to rework her into the fusion au. Oh also as a side note, Vena originally didn't use dark magic, she just used katanas.
Now that that's out of the way, I can talk about actual wtory stuff, which the story was originally REALLY different. First of all, there was no True Potential stuff. I thought of that later. Originally, the plot was going to explore how fusions could be very dangerous and instead of true potential forms, they had this sort of enraged state they would go into where their eyes would glow and they would just be radiating their elemental powers. During this state, they weren't really in control of themselves and just sort of destroyed anything in their way. I decided against this conxept because at the time, I couldn't see characters like Chip or Techtonic going into a rage like this (although now I can totally see it if the circumstances are right). Also I started to get ideas for True Potential forms and went with that instead.
So I didn't have a lot of the story planned for this "rage mode" story, but what I did have was that Corria was gonna come back and... I didn't actually come up with a plan for her, but she was gonna do not good things. The only scene I really had planned out was Corria causing Fleet to go into rage mode to try and get him to get rid of Techtonic, but Techtonic hugs him and snaps him out of that. This was also when I came up with the idea of Fleet being able to use blue fire and I decided to keep that idea because blue fire is really cool.
Another small idea I had for this story was that when Vulcan went into his rage mode, he reverted back to his old self, which I just really wanted a scene to happen where Vulcan was reverted back to his old self so yeah, that inspired the part in True Potential where Vena hypnotizes Vulcan and makes him fight Chip.
For the actual designs for the TP forms, pretty much all of them looked the same as how they do now because I'm not really the best at sketching out multiple ideas. I usually just go with the first thing I think of and I really need to do more sketching. The only one that looked slightly different initially was Ridge. Instead of his skin looking like the outside of a geode, it was just gonna be entirely made of crystals. But the design was way to complicated and I decided to tone it down.
Similar to the first fic, I sketched out some comics of big scenes, but there were also a lot more of these. Some of the scenes I drew as comic first were Vena recruiting Techtonic, Chip finding Vulcan when he got captured by Vena and then the fight scene, Techtonic and Fleet talking after Fleet almost died, Fleet being emotionally distressed after Techtonic betrayed him, finding the portal stone (which I never finished that one), Swift's mental breakdown/true potential form, and Techtonic's betrayal/Fleet almost dying. So yeah that's a lot.
As for everyone discovering their true potentials, all of them were basically the same, except originally Techtonic's arc wasn't about him figuring out who he is as a person, it was gonna be about him learning to not take everything so seriously, but I liked the new idea better so I went with it.
Oh also Chip didn't originally go completely apeshit but I just wanted him to go apeshit.
I guess I can talk about Separation next, but I don't know how much I have about that fic since it's a shorter one so I might lump in s11 with it.
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light-of-valentia · 5 years
Black Eagles Boys + Sylvain Meeting and Greeting a Fan
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hello anon!! sorry if this stinks, i had a draft going and tumblr, as usual, deleted it grrrrrr....anyways, i did my best to rework what i lost, and i hope this has as much charm as my original!! i will also use she/her pronouns and assume that the reader is female since you used she/her pronouns in your ask~
-admin belle
Headcanons for Ferdinand, Hubert, Caspar, Linhardt, and Sylvain reacting to a fan asking for a hug/hug headcanons!
Ferdinand von Aegir
When you ask him, he is absolutely ecstatic
He has a fan and they want attention from him???? He isn’t surprised at all, but is incredibly excited nonetheless
His eyes light up, but he quickly recomposes himself and greets you
“Oh! Why, hello madam! I am none other than the famous Ferdinand von Aegir, the oldest legitimate child of the prior Duke Aegir, and it is a pleasure to be your acquaintance.”
With this, he bows to you, folding one arm neatly over his chest, the other taking your palm in his as he places a soft kiss to the top of your hand
He immediately asks you if you have a spare moment to converse, and the subtly hopeful look he gives you makes you feel like “yes” is the only response
He talks with you before/during/after your hug, and he would talk to you all day if he could, but eventually someone pulls him aside and reminds him of something he has to attend to
Before you begin your conversation, though, he takes you in a full-body hug
But unless you’re done with hugs, he isn’t either
As you continue talking, he gives you a hug from behind, folding his hands over each other as they meet at your abdomen, his arms otherwise encircling you
If you’re too short for a normal hug or you just wish you could reach him better, he will offer to pick you up and hold you at his hip/waist, or hell, he isn’t too shy to hold you bridal-style!
His name is Ferdinand von Aegir, and treating women, commoner and noble alike, with the highest standard of respect and care is his game
He does not mind being seen being “personal” with you or any of his fans- he loves the attention, and he genuinely cares for his fans!
If you’re comfortable with it, he’s also game for cheek kisses!
Also, if he has an artist or anyone with a good drawing hand nearby, he will probably ask them to sketch out a few quick drawings of you guys hugging each other and kissing the other’s cheek
He requests that they do so in ink so that it can bleed through a sheet of paper and make two copies, one for each of you! If this is unable to happen, he gives the finished item to you for you to “remember him by”
When it’s time for you to separate, he asks you for your address and he gives you his so that you can be pen-pals!
Bonus: In his letters, he doesn’t really discuss himself or political affairs of any sort; rather, he talks briefly about how he feels that day, or he describes to you something that he saw earlier that was beautiful, comical, or noteworthy. Each letter is different from the last, and it’s easy to tell that he puts thought into each one! Sometimes, he encloses a few flower petals, a neat coin or small trinket, or some tea leaves
Hubert von Vestra
If he’s doing a meet-and-greet, it probably wasn’t his choice
Edelgard suggested that the two of them as well as a few other Black Eagles do one to “improve public relations and image”
When you approach him, he gives a weak smile, thinking to himself that “well, this was bound to happen, could I really expect to do this and never be approached?”
He quickly chases this out of his mind and greets you, giving a small bow; “Good day, miss. I am sure you are already aware of who I am, but might I ask you for your name?”
You tell him your name, and he shakes your hand, and this is about the extent of physical contact that you both have for a little while
It isn’t that Hubert is adverse to the idea of hugging someone; he’s just not very used to it, and it takes him a bit to warm up
You both chat for a little while, discussing a common interest you find you have or something more impersonal, and eventually something you say reminds him of something that happened with himself and Edelgard or Ferdinand when they were students back at the Academy
What this story is is up to you to decide! (A/n i know it’s cliche but I had too many ideas to narrow it down to one for this!)
After he opens up to you a bit more with that, you finally ask him for the hug, and he looks confused for a split second, but quickly goes “Ah, well why not.”
He gives you a hug from the side, and if you want something from the front, he either has to bend down or pick you up because he’s super tall and probably taller than you
When you go to depart and thank him, he gives you another short bow and gives you a smile, this one looking a bit more natural and relaxed than his previous ones
Caspar von Bergliez
When you first walk up to talk to him, his face is almost sparkling with awe
He knows that he’s a cool dude and he’s aware of how much he has done to get Fódlan where it is now, but a fan??? of HIM in specific???
that’s just beyond awesome to him
Before you even have to ask for a hug, he stretches his arms out and envelops you in a full-body hug, pulling back quickly once he realized that he forgot to ask first
“Oh, sorry! I got a little carried away there, heh... Well, hi! As you probably already know, I’m Caspar! What’s your name?”
You giggle a little bit at his sudden outburst of enthusiasm, caushing him to blush sheepishly before you tell him that you didn’t mind it
He gets over that little stumble he had there quickly and moves on to conversation with you
He asks you a LOT of questions
He’s never been approached by a fan before, nor had he ever really thought of it someday happening, and he already treasures you!!
You spend a while answering each other’s questions about the other and Caspar is beaming with enthusiasm the entire time
Note that he isn’t wearing his usual suit of armor, not that he was expecting an impromptu meet-and-greet, but because he just wants to look approachable to the public!
After a while of this enthusiastic conversation, you ask him  for another hug, and he gladly obliges
He hugs you a little bit tighter this time, knowing that you want it, and if you’re shorter than he is?? Not problem, he’ll just pick you up
If you’re ok with it, he’ll lift you up to sit on his shoulder(s), with your legs hugging his neck and sides
He absolutely cherishes this moment!! It gives him a less metaphorical feeling of being a protector of his people, and he loves watching you smile and laugh while you guys talk!
After he realizes how long he’s spent with you, he sets you down/lets you go, and tells you that he needs to go find Linhardt, since he promised him that he’d meet up with him
He does, though, offer to take you with him
“I don’t mind at all! I’m not in a rush, and I doubt Linhardt is either...though, he’s never really in a rush for anything except his bed.”
Linhardt von Hevring
You approach him and wave at him, and he gives you a confused look complete with a small head-tilt
He points at himself as if to ask you “Who, me?”
Once you nod to confirm that yes, it is him whose attention you are seeking, his expression softens to a small smile
He takes your hand and holds it up a bit, tilting his head toward the floor but still looking to your eyes
“Good day, milady. I am Linhardt von Hevring, crest scholar to-be. It is most wonderful to meet you, though I fail to see how I drew your interest among my...”flashier” colleagues.
 You have to explain to him that you’re a fan of his, and that you admire him and all that he did to contribute to the war and to bring Fódlan to where it is now
He’s a blushing mess by the end of it
Are his eyes...watering?
He gives you a light chuckle before adding, “For someone who never wished to be a part of that war to begin with, I guess I really did do something wonderful then...”
You give him a smile, and give him a small kiss to his cheek in an attempt to validate him
He feels so blessed
Like he’s only just met you but he just doesn’t understand what he did that was so great to deserve a FAN
“Please don’t take this the wrong way, miss, but I already appreciate you so much; thank you.”
When you ask him for a hug, he is happy to comply
He first gives you a long full-body hug, hugging you tightly but not enough to be uncomfortable
You feel his hands behind you gripping your shirt a little bit
He’s just way too happy and surprised
After you both pull back from that one, he leans in again and tilts his head a little bit, silently asking if another hug is ok, and you nod/giggle as a “yes”
This time, he slips his arms around your waist and hugs you pressing his face slightly into your neck, and you can sort of feel his breath along the hairs at the back of your neck
To complete this hug, you sling your arms around his neck, reciprocating where he placed his head
He smells like a mix of dewdrops on grass and lavender
Right before he pulls back, you feel him grumble and whisper into your ear/shoulder- “you’re cute”
As you’re pulling back from the hug, Caspar approaches the both of you
“Wow, Linhardt. You’re certainly in a better mood than usual.”
Linhardt lets his friend’s comment slide off of him as he rolls his eyes and reaches for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze
“Caspar and I were about to pay a visit to the marketplace- would you care to join us?”
Sylvain Jose Gautier
You don’t approach him. Actually, he approaches you.
You were going to approach him either way, so he’s just making the task easier on your end ;)
“Well,” he began to greet you, relaxing his arms behind his head and swaying his body a bit, “what have we here? Pardon me for intruding on such a breathtaking young woman as yourself, but my name is Sylvain. Pleasure to meet you.”
He takes your hand and presses a kiss on top of it, winking at you
You smile at this, and he gives you a flashy grin in return
His flirtatious attitude is secret to none, and you knew what you were getting into before you even waved hello
 You begin to explain that you were actually going to approach him before he beat you to it
He almost laughs at this, and places a hand on your shoulder/hip
“Why on earth would you ever need to approach someone for their attention? At least from how I’ve experienced things, you draw eyes from anyone who can see you.”
You both chat with each other a bit, you further explaining to him how you are a fan of his and that you admire him and his heroic deeds
He gives you an almost quizzical look, before laughing and shaking his hand a bit
“Well, call me flattered! To be honest, most women only ever approach me to try and get a date with me for my noble status, so thank you for your kind words milady! They mean a lot to me.”
You smile back at him, and ask him for a hug
In response, he throws his whole body a bit, acting shocked
“Woah there, frisky! No need to get hasty with things!”
He winks at you again
Your eyebrows raise in surprise before he dismisses his prior reaction as a joke, and asks you if it’s ok for him to hug you
He may be a flirt, but he’s a flirt with standards- even a hug with a girl in his eyes requires consent
After you approve, he picks you up and hugs you
It’s kind of a sloppy hug, but a great one at that
The way he hugs you is energetic and playful, and after he sets you down, you get up on your tip-toes and throw your arms around his neck for another hug, and he hugs you around the waist to reciprocate
Once you both release from the hug, Sylvain latches his arm in yours
“You know, now that that stupid war is over I have a lot more free time. Are you free this evening, at about...right now?”
Bonus: If you accept his offer for the date, he gives you a piggyback ride the entire way there, and if you’re ok with heights, he seats you on his shoulders while you talk on your way to wherever you want to go
bonus that nobody asked for: how likely each of them are to develop a (lasting) platonic or romantic relationship with you after these interactions
 on a scale of 1 being not likely to 5 being most likely
Ferdinand: 3/5
Hubert: 2/5
Caspar: 4/5
Linhardt: 5/5
Sylvain: 4/5
AAA thank you anon once again for this request!!! it was really fun to write, and you have lowkey turned me on to writing Linhardt...he is so much fun to write!!!
also sorry i’m bad at writing Hubert
~our askbox is still, as always, open to requests, prompts, and ideas- they don’t need to be like this one, either! we/i will write for the girls, too!~
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Negaduck Headcanons! (Pt.1)
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This is probably the most ambitious that I will get with exploring a character like this. Not only because I really like Negaduck (More than I talk about him. I generally do this with a lot of characters because you guys got your thing, and I don’t want to damage that character for you because of my portrayal or showing you all with my love for them. Yeah, I hold my feelings back, but I have good reason for that.), but because with all of the weird fluidity his story and character has backing it up. 
This isn’t going to be like the definitive version of him, I’m not sure if there will ever be one, but this is just how I see him and want to explore some of the less thought about concepts with him. There’s been stuff about him doing things because of NegaGosalyn or NegaMorgana, but this one’s going to be different. Consider this just a rework to make him more... realistic? (Sounds like a terrible idea since he doesn’t seem to work well with that, but just give me a moment.) At this point, I just want to share or project some things that could work once given good thought and consistency to his background.
I might have to split this into parts like the others since this one’s gonna be preeety long.
The best place to start off is with the concept of the Negaverse in general, which is supposedly everything nearly turned upside down compared to the common universe (I guess Primeverse but it’s hard to say honestly?) we see, the Disney Afternoon universe. Given that, heroes are villains, villains are heroes, ordinary people are grunts or the street trash would actually be good people, or dead, that too. It’s a place where evil or bad prevails over good, and while the good does stay strong, so does the evil that maintains the universe. Maybe it’s a boring concept, but to me at least (Though that doesn’t instantly make it good because I like it.), it allows for more interesting debates on morality, what doing the right thing is, and how should consequences work. It’s a glimpse into a world dominated by bad and the good thing there is to be bad, do bad, instead of being good and to do good like it is over in the regular DA (Disney Afternoon) universe. I wanted to touch upon this with Nega Fenton and eventually other counterparts of the muses I have, but since this whole guy is that concept personified, might as well do it with the one that started the whole mess.
Granted, Negaduck’s first appearance in the show is Just Us Justice Ducks, it kind of just skimmed over who he was an just got to the point of him being a villain, something that can really confuse others as most villains usually have an origin story to them or are already pre-established in the world before the hero does. It does give some mystery as to who he was, but since his origin of becoming Negaduck, of even finding the cake that had a dimensional rift inside of it and allowing for him to traverse from dimension to dimension. However, since there never was an episode to explore that and the comics were close to getting to his origin, it seems like he does have some potential to explore several avenues depending on circumstances. 
It could be like a situation where he lost NegaGosalyn (And while that seems more likely for Darkwarrior Duck to happen and we see she’s alive in Life, The Negaverse, and Everything, you can chalk it up to this being the mallard that was in the Negaverse, not the common verse, he could turn this way, so that’s an option.), or where he loses NegaMorgana like it was going to be seen before the comic got cut (Similar circumstance to NegaGosalyn, but it also wouldn’t feel right given that he doesn’t seem to have an attachment to common universe’s Morgana, while Darkwing felt empathy to NegaGosalyn. Sure, you can say that when Negaduck was trying to get Gosalyn to be his little partner during the latest comic run of Darkwing Duck, the Jailbreak one [Orange is the New Purple?], but that could have been some remnant of Paddywhack, you know, that interdimensional demon that did show interest in her in the show?) 
Anyway, it just doesn’t seem likely for him to lash out at everyone when NegaMorgana dies or disappears, and the same for Gosalyn since in the show he knows she’s alive, and just doesn’t seem to bother with her much anymore. She’s like a gem that’s lost it’s luster, a used up toy, something that he barely comes back to anymore. And if it’s because he lost her due to a custody battle, it wouldn’t make sense since the Friendly Four explain it upfront that he is Gosalyn’s carefaker, her parental figure, her father. Not only that, but he had to have been doing this this for a while since Darkwing Duck was Darkwing for some time before he met Gosalyn. Of course, he was a minor vigilante, but after meeting Gosalyn, Launchpad, Taurus Bulba and his henchmen, he did get more recognition from there on. Given the idea of somewhat polar opposite universes, it would mean that Negaduck was Negaduck before meeting NegaLaunchpad and NegaGosalyn and ultimately his first encounter with NegaTaurus Bulba.
Another point to address is Negaduck’s real name. You can think of his name as just Negaduck or Jim Starling, Jim Sterling, but for me and this rp blog, the OG Negaduck is Drake Mallard. For everyone else in the Negaverse to go by the same name and respond to that name like their common universe counterpart, and for Negaduck to be the exception? Doesn’t really make sense, and given how he is an evil Darkwing Duck, it only makes sense for him to be Drake Mallard. There have been other series and franchises to do this sort of thing where the character would actually be different like Owlman to Batman from DC Comics. Owlman from Earth 3 isn’t Bruce Wayne, and some characters like Superwoman of Earth 3 is actually Lois Lane. It works there but that’s because it fits that franchise. To fit Disney’s, Negaduck would most likely be Drake Mallard. 
Given that, it is safe to say that his life obviously is not like Darkwing Duck Drake’s as his whole universe is built around the concept of being bad is actually good. So his experiences with his childhood of him being bullied, clowned on, getting wrecked in high school for the first half of it were out of him just being overall bad at being bad. He did some nice things here and there, got punished or bullied for it, and still somewhat had want to do it again. Though over time, and especially around his junior year of high school, the general consensus or the norm of being bad finally clicked. He’d done it before several times, yes. It was what he was being taught at school, besides other useful things that would be needed later on in life. Pretty much, he snapped after being ridiculed for his soft personality, and out of defiance, was willing to kill everyone there. He didn’t get to take out everyone, but he did for the first time fully embrace how good it was to be terrible, to kill, the satisfaction of getting what he wanted or most of it. That day, he was forever changed, and ready to create some mass carnage and despair for his own personal enjoyment.
Knowing that his little prototype outfit for the event where he was ridiculed from wasn’t exactly going to make him look menacing, he sketched up some drafts as to what he would really want for himself to be seen as. Some had overly large fedoras, others had torn clothing, and some had on so much black, belts, and zippers that it just seemed too silly. Eventually, he would come out with his well known attire, and also acquired some orange-scarlet contact lenses to complete his change from Drake Mallard, the one cerulean-eyed wimp that couldn’t do much and was seen as a nobody by society. Instead, he was going to be remembered, he was going to feared, and he was going to be the one thing people worry about most. After all, being remembered was the only thing of value in life, and those that were remembered were the nasty, vile, ruthless, terrible, and just plain malevolent people. They were great because they brought forth a force of fear and anxiety with them, and he was going to be the next one.
After that, Negaduck would out in the streets of St. Canard, terrorizing the people, stealing money and valuables away from banks, stores, and factories, all of the while trying not to get on the radar of some of the superheroes that would clearly want to stop a low level villain like him. After all, he had no powers, was considered barely above a common grunt, but that was to give them a false sense of security. Whenever he wasn’t constantly planning his heists, having “fun” with the civilians, or just doing evil, despicable stuff just for the fun of it, the thrill it gave him, he was furthering him study of different martial arts, techniques, and overall strategies. Sure, the opponents he managed to rack in against their own free will weren’t nothing much but living body bags for him to test out his moves on and not much else, but whatever he could memorize, the real test would come when he was out in the field. With that, he gained some more firepower and artillery so he could slowly increase his status to the well known criminal overworld. 
It wasn’t too long that his face became somewhat well know around St. Canard, and by this point, he was bathing in that recognition, that glory, of being noticed as a menace to society. Of course, he’d have to scram whenever some of the hero chumps like Megawatt (Mega Megavolt) and Harlequin ( Nega Quackerjack), but he was doing better, getting better at being such a blight on the planet. Though his feats before meeting a certain girl and guy on a fated day were small, they were elevated to new heights afterwards. On another casual routine of giving the police a hard time, he saw some goons trying to take some sweet looking young duckling. She just looked so perfect in the sense of the ways on how he could ruin her day, make her cry, the works, and with that in mind, he went and fetched her from those men, but not before dusting off his knuckles on them. Yet he could feel something unusual about this girl as she seemed to appreciate him “saving” her from the strangers. Whatever they planned to do with her wasn’t going ot be nearly as bad as what he had, but she seemed to be somewhat thrilled at how cool and badass he was taking those guys out. It was... kind of charming to see someone actually compliment him out of genuine interest instead of fear.
While driving the young girl back to his home on his customized motorcycle, he wondered if he should indulge himself by keeping this little one around, to show them the ropes, and eventually see them become about as bad as he was? No one was going to be worse than him, but he was fine with them being second place onward. He was only worthy of number one. But as he continued to think about it, it started to seem like he was getting soft. Some of those small traces of Drake Mallard were trying to crawl their way out of what he was, and he couldn’t let that happen. He was no longer that person and definitely didn’t want to be associated with that name. It was by now the girl had asked him his name, and he responded with only, “Negaduck.”. After all, she didn’t need to know much else about him, and certainly nothing of his past life. Once arriving at his home, he let her off of his vehicle and they entered the house and took a break from all of the action that waited outside. Negaduck then decided to ask this girl for her name in return, and learning that it was Gosalyn, he kept that in mind so he could call her by that name. 
For a while they talked about different subjects, like what the other was going to do, and for Negaduck his case was simple, just continue destroying and tearing stuff up, while Gosalyn, she seemed to not really have a set goal in life or after their meeting. This came as a good opportunity for him to propose making her his protege so she could actually get on by in the world, though she’d probably have to ditch the cutesy looking garments she had on. He was astounded to see how quickly she accepted, though it seemed to have been influenced by her not having any parents or adult figures to take care of her. It did tick him off with the potential idea that she might be just putting up with what she could get at the moment, but given how her innocence seemed, it could be that she was just relieved to have someone to take care of her. He’d file in some adoption papers in the morning, but he’d have to know what orphanage she was from. With some more talk to continue on that note, he got the answer he was looking for, and a little more, some information about someone trying to take her, but for what reason? She thought the guys that he knocked out earlier had something to do with this person, and it seemed like a time slot just opened up on his schedule to go ruin this person’s day, or perhaps their life. 
Now that he had some time to relax and get a better understanding of what happened to Gosalyn, Negaduck took her along with him since she would know who he was talking about. Zooming through the streets and past the other vehicles that were in the way, the villain was still assessing himself. Why was he doing all of this besides pleasure? It’s not like the guy Gosalyn knew was going to get him any more famous, but he was wrong, as there were some of the same guys he let live and more on motorcycles with guns, ready to fire and probably willing to kill too. Now this was some action he’d been waiting for, the cops wouldn’t give him this type of attention. Drifting a bit and holding his fedora with one hand to make sure it wouldn’t blow off of his head, Drake grinned out of excitement as he continued to drive, but now he could get some better information out of these goons. Pulling off some close quarters saves and near fatal stunts, the two were able to make it out of the chase with one or two fellas still in pursuit. That was good. It meant his competition would be rough.
(End of Part 1!)
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jaigeyes · 5 years
10 Fanart Question Tag Game
tagged by @splendidnothings​!
(the original questions were about fanfic so i’ve reworked them a bit!)
1.) What’s your favourite subject matter to draw?
I really love drawing portraits, and I love drawing superhero comic book characters; I first got into it (and into the superhero genre in general) via drawing superhero movie fanart, but I’ve found that I like drawing the comics versions of characters a lot more. It’s really fun to take a character who’s been drawn and interpreted by so many artists and try to work out exactly what their features look like in my own relatively realism-based style. And I find that when I’ve been reading a lot of character’s appearances I get a fairly specific interpretation of what their face would look like if they were real, so fanart is a perfect way for me to pin that down (and show it to others!).
i also love to draw... kisses
2.) Do you get inspiration from real life, or do you get inspired by other art/fanwork you’ve seen?
well, a nice thing about drawing comics fanart is that I’m spending a lot of time looking at (sometimes very nice) art when reading comics, so I get a lot of ideas from comic covers and interiors. I also like to look at portrait photography for inspiration
3.) Do you tend to post doodles, quick drawings, or pieces that take longer (days/weeks) to complete?
I tend to spend a long time on my drawings; I’m working on producing them faster, but most stuff takes me at the very least a few days to finish, and my most complicated and detailed drawings can easily take 30+ hours total.
4.) Do you prefer to stylize or draw realistically?
I definitely prefer to have my art be pretty realistic; I’ve never been able to develop a very stylized way of drawing that looked any good
5.) Do you ever do art for fandom events/zines/similar projects?
I drew Impa for a Nintentdo zine a couple years ago, and I did a couple of drawings for Spideytorch Week last summer. I really like these kinds of projects, and I’ll definitely be doing more in the future! I also keep meaning to put together a solo fanart zine of my own, so hopefully I’ll make some progress on that in the next couple months.
6.) Favourite element of a drawing to work on?
I love drawing faces and hands (my 12-year-old self would be shocked lmao) the most! I also like dramatic lighting and rim lighting; most of my art is in black and white and I like working a lot with light and shadows. I also really like when I’m mostly finished a drawing and I’m just going back in and rendering all of the details and textures.
7.) Are you the kind of person to work on more than one wip?
oh god don’t ask me about my huge pile of wips that i SWEAR i’m going to get finished one of these days
8.) How long have you been making art for?
My parents say I was drawing for hours every day ever since I learned how to hold crayons, but I started focusing more on realism and portraits when I was about 14 (i’m 23 now). Started out drawing quite a bit of Doctor Who fanart lol. Before that I was really into drawing dragons and fantasy stuff
9.) Do you tend to do art more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Almost everything I draw gets done between the late afternoon and around 2am; the later it is, the more productive I get until I’m too sleepy to keep drawing.
10) Do you prefer to post sketches and WIPs as you work, or do you prefer to wait until your wip is 100% finished before sharing it?
I sometimes post WIPs on my twitter! If it’s a piece I know is going to take a long time I like to post a bit of the process
I Tag:  any fanartists who see this and want to talk a bit about their own art!
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