#orz but god do i need to not think for a while
aria0fgold · 1 month
The acid reflux is gone!!! YAAAY!!! That's one pain gone :3
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libraryofgage · 8 months
Life in Miniature (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedediah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One (you're here!)
There will be more Jedtavius in the next parts I promise, I just thought this would be a funner introduction to the AU lmao
I just love those little guy dudes from the museum so much hfjdks and now we get two pairs of them
Also, fun fact, I took Steve's Roman name from, like, an actual king of Rome. The actual sixth king. He seemed like a chill dude.
Anyway, there's a meme at the end and as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
When Robin took this job as a night guard, she didn't think the previous guard's words about history coming to life at night was, you know, real. She thought it was a joke, a predictable and corny joke, but a joke nonetheless.
But now, after being chased by a T-Rex, getting saved by Theodore Roosevelt, and almost being taken captive by fucking Attila the Hun, Robin thinks this job definitely isn't worth $16.50 an hour. Then again, this is the best paying job she's had in a while, and she was living a nocturnal life anyway.
Robin groans, leaning against a wall in the diorama exhibit, and slides down to the floor. She lets her head fall back against the wall, her eyes slipping shut as she slides. "This is crazy. This is insane. I need to find a fucking weapon or something," she mutters.
"Pardon me," comes a voice close to her head, "but might you be the goddess Diana?"
As pick-up lines go, it's not the worst one she's heard. And, based on what she knows of Greek and Roman deities, it wouldn't be too far off. Still, she does not want to be hit on by whatever weird historical thing is trying to flirt with her.
Robin takes a deep breath, opens her eyes, and says, "Do I look like a goddess to you?"
She looks to her left where the voice came from, blinking when her gaze falls on a figurine that would barely reach her ankle. He's dressed in a toga with a chest plate, wrist guards, a sword on his waist, and a deep purple cape over his shoulders. His hair is, honestly, the most impressive thing Robin has ever seen, made only more impressive by the golden laurels resting perfectly against his temples.
He's looking at her with wide eyes, more awed than anything else. "Yes," he says. "I have heard the gods are larger than life."
Okay. Fair.
"Why Diana, man?" Robin asks.
He tilts his head, studying her for a moment, looking her up and down. "You give me the same feeling as statues of Noble Diana with her Huntresses," he explains, pausing for a moment before adding, "A feeling of kinship, perhaps?"
Oh. This...this is like ancient Roman gaydar, right? Robin snorts and turns, resting her elbow on her knee. "I'm definitely not Diana. My name is Robin. I'm the new night guard."
His eyes brighten some, his smile growing wider and certainly charming enough to make the hearts of a few girls and guys flutter. "I am Servius Tullius, Sixth King of Rome, son of Vulcan, weapons master of the gods, and adopted son of Jedediah, Cowboy King of the Wild West, and Octavius, general of the Roman army."
Robin nods, letting all of the those words process in her head before saying, "Mind if I call you Steve? You look like a Steve."
The Sixth King of Rome blinks, looking slightly confused before his eyes light up with understanding. "Ah! A nickname! Yes, I am familiar with this concept. You may call me Steve, Lady Robin, as a show of our newfound friendship."
"Yeah, don't call me Lady Robin. Just Robin is fine," she says, hesitating before offering her hand to Steve.
"As you wish, Just Robin," he says, stepping carefully onto her hand and remaining steady as she raises him higher.
Robin blinks, frowning slightly and about to correct him again when she sees his smile and realizes it's a joke. "Okay, very funny, dingus," she says, carefully poking his side.
"Is dingus another nickname? It sounds like an insult."
"It usually is, but it's affectionate when I say it."
"Oh! Yes, like when Ockie calls Jed a philistine."
"Uh, sure," Robin says, nodding once as she lets Steve move to stand on her shoulder. He quickly sits, holding onto the collar of her jacket as she carefully stands up. "Hey, you know what I'm supposed to do about the dinosaur bones?"
"Rexy? Yes, he enjoys a game of fetch."
"Fetch. Of course."
"What's going on in that head of yours, little man?"
Steve blinks, looks over at Jedediah, and raises an eyebrow at him. "I'm taller than you," he says, gesturing to the good inch he has on Jedediah.
"As long as you're my son, you're a little man."
Doing his best to not laugh, Steve nods once and points to the new diorama set up in the middle of the room. It's a circular diorama, centered on an equally circular stage divided into sections. A cacophony of noise echoes from it, clashing as each slice of the stage fights for dominance. "I'm trying to figure out what in Jupiter's name they're doing over there," he says.
"Well, most of it sounds like music," Jedediah says, "I think."
"It's not any music I've heard before," Octavius says, coming to a stop next to Jedediah and frowning at the diorama. "I would have assumed it the unholy shrieking of the damned."
"Perhaps it would be nicer if they weren't all playing at once," Steve suggests, hands on his hips as he tilts his head.
"Oh, boy, there it is," Jedediah says, his grin audible in his tone. "He's got the King Face."
"What are your intentions, my boy?" Octavius asks.
Before Steve can answer, Robin strolls into the room, grinning when she sees the raving diorama in the middle. She walks over to Steve, Jedediah, and Octavius, crouches down, and says, "Hey, guys. I see you're checking out the History of Rock display."
"History of Rock?" Steve asks.
"What in the sweet hell do rocks have to do with that mess?" Jedediah asks, gesturing to the noisy stage.
Robin rolls her eyes. "No, like, rock music. It's a genre. Anyway, it was sponsored by some musician, so it's a permanent display now."
"And they will be...playing every night?" Octavius asks.
Steve frowns a little more and nods, rolling his shoulders back. "If they are a permanent fixture in our hallowed hall, they must be welcomed. As Sixth King of Rome, this duty falls upon my shoulders. Fathers, I shall return shortly."
"Woah, woah, hold your horses there, little man," Jedediah says, moving to stand in front of Steve. "You're not going anywhere near that snake pit without some back up."
"A few centurions, at least," Octavius agrees.
"I will have Robin. What better protection is there?"
Jedediah and Octavius glance at each other before looking at Robin. She grins and offers them a two finger salute. "I'll guard him with my life," she says, "It's literally my job."
With that reassurance, Jedediah and Octavius move out of the way. Steve steps onto Robin's hand and settles on her shoulder with practiced ease, ignoring the nervous flutter in his stomach at greeting the new museum residents. He hopes they'll get along, but he also knows the might of his Roman army and the railroad workers can crush any who stand in their way.
Robin stops next to the diorama, tilting her head as she studies it. This close, Steve can see the bands playing on each slice of stage, the instruments and fashion shifting as his gaze travels around it. "Uh, excuse me," Robin says, raising her voice.
The raucous noise from the diorama screeches to a halt, the feedback making Robin and Steve grimace slightly. "Uh, hi. We're the official welcome crew for the Hall of Miniatures here. So, I'll need someone to represent your, like, whole display," Robin says, glancing over the bands until she finds one she recognizes. "Okay, I know you guys, so I'll be designating you the spokesband. Now, could the lead singer step forward?"
Steve watches as someone on the "Corroded Coffin" (what an odd name for a band) slice of the stage steps forward. Robin offers her hand to them, carefully lifting it away once they step on. "Great, uh, carry on, I guess. But, like, maybe play some of your quieter stuff for a bit," she says, her words barely out before the music starts up and the crowds start screaming once more.
She sighs and just walks over to the bench, letting off the person on her hand before letting Steve slide down her arm in a move they spent nearly three weeks practicing if only because they knew it would look cool.
When he hops onto the bench, Steve walks up to the other miniature, a man his age with long hair and odd clothes with tears that Robin once said were fashionable. His instrument is still slung over his shoulders, resting casually against his hips much like Steve's sword. Steve suddenly finds himself thinking that the man looks a little like a warrior. An odd one, to be sure, but a handsome one nonetheless.
He flashes his most charming smile, lets his shoulders relax, and says, "My friend here is Robin, Guardian of Brooklyn. I am Servius Tullius, Sixth King of Rome, son of Vulcan, weapons master of the gods, and adopted son of Jedediah, Cowboy King of the Wild West, and Octavius, general of the Roman army. You, however, may call me Steve."
As far as Eddie was concerned, nothing mattered so long as Corroded Coffin got to keep rocking in an endless concert. The energy never waned, the set list never grew boring, and the music never stopped. He was ready to inform this welcoming crew of just that and promise Hell on Earth if they tried to disrupt the music (angry concert goers are a force of nature), when the words just died in his throat.
Because the most gorgeous man he's ever seen slides down that giant lady's arm, easily and smoothly landing on the bench. Somehow, his hair is perfectly windswept, the golden laurels glinting in the lights above them. His purple cape flutters softly as he walks closer, his toned thighs on full display with the toga hem that falls to the middle of them. There's a sword on the guy's hip, a chest plate that Eddie wants to pull off, a smile he wants to taste, and a pair of freckles right next to each other on the guy's cheek he wants to drag his tongue across.
He misses most of the introduction because he's too busy staring. He gets the important bits, though: Robin, a king, son of a god, adopted son of two dads. Eddie licks his lips nervously, a grin of his own tugging at his lips as he steps forward and playfully bows. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty," he says.
It's supposed to come out joking, a little poke at the guy's authority to see if he can be riled up. It actually comes out way too genuine, and Eddie has a sudden realization that he meant it. He absolutely will accept this guy as his king, actually. He'll fall to his knees before him right now if asked, and not just because it might give him a little peek under the dude's toga.
"Please, just call me Steve. There's no need to be so formal."
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek, hoping Steve doesn't realize that the things Eddie is thinking about (the things he wants to do to and with Steve) are just about the least formal things on this earth. "Good to know," he says, relieved his voice sounds normal as he stands up straight and offers his hand. "Name's Eddie Munson, uh, lead singer of Corroded Coffin."
Steve blinks, and his smile becomes a bit more genuine as he steps closer and clasps Eddie's forearm. "A fellow leader," he says, squeezing Eddie's arm. "Welcome to our museum."
"Y-yeah," Eddie says, his arm still tingling when Steve lets go. He clears his throat, idly tugging on a few strands of hair. "So, uh, what's the deal around here? I mean, giant women...Roman kings...cowboys, it looks like."
"Our noble museum is home to Pharoah Ahkmenrah and his tablet, which brings the exhibits to life each night," Steve explains.
"There's a few rules, though," Robin says, sitting down on the bench behind Steve. "One, no getting into fights. Two, be back in your display by sunrise. Three, no leaving the museum at night."
"What? Why not?"
"We have lost good exhibits to Sol Invictus's morning rays," Steve says, frowning slightly. "So, be careful."
Eddie stares at Steve with wide eyes as he nods, amazed at the fact that Steve seems to talk like that so genuinely. And the fact that Eddie is...kinda into it. Holy shit, that's not helping with Eddie's whole "fall to his knees" thing. He wouldn't mind some good old-fashioned worship if Steve would just smile at him again.
Maybe his prayers are heard, because Steve smiles at him again. "Wonderful," he says. "Now, Eddie, could I interest you in a tour of the museum tonight?"
"Oh, you could interest me in a lot of things, sweetheart," Eddie blurts out, his mouth running faster than his brain.
He snaps his jaw shut, relieved and horrified at Steve's slightly confused expression and Robin's "I know what you are" thousand-yard stare from over his shoulder. Before he can try to backtrack, Steve snaps, understanding in his eyes. "Ah! Sweetheart is a nickname, yes? I accept your offer of friendship."
Eddie clenches his jaw, stopping himself from saying that it's more than friendships he's offering, and smiles. "Yeah. A nickname. That's all. I'm just...a nickname kinda guy. I'll probably think of more, too, Stevie. Like that."
Steve practically beams, and Eddie feels his knees go weak. "I look forward to it," he says, turning on his heel to look at Robin, who thankfully schools her expression. "Robin, this is where we leave you for the night. You have my word that Eddie will be back in place before sunrise."
"Well, you two kids have fun," she says, grinning in a way that immediately puts Eddie on edge. "I'd better not hear about any funny business, though. Absolutely no bases should be reached tonight, and you'd better not do any conquering or pillaging."
She definitely looks at Eddie when she says that last bit. Eddie stiffens, doing his best to hold back a blush when Steve glances over at his, the confusion clear on his face. "Conquering requires more planning than this, Robin. I've told you before."
"Don't worry about it, dingus. Just have fun. Here, I'll even call a ride for you," she says, winking at them before turning, holding her fingers to her mouth, and whistling sharply.
Steve walks over to Eddie right as the ground starts to shake, easily catching him around the waist before he can lose his balance. "The shaking does take some getting used to," he says, his tone full of sympathy and obliviousness to the crisis Eddie is experiencing.
When his brain finally catches up enough to ask what he's talking about, a dinosaur skeleton slides into the room, its body wiggling excitedly as it growls. Eddie jerks back, the arm around his waist tightening some. "What the fuck?!" he shouts.
"Worry not," Steve says, leaning closer. His voice is a little softer now, his breath fanning over Eddie's ear. "This is Rexy, our steed for the evening. He's very friendly."
"Friendly," Eddie mumbles, letting himself be dragged over to Rexy and placed on the dinosaur's head by Robin. "The dinosaur is friendly."
"Many of the exhibits are," Steve tells him, grinning brightly as Rexy begins moving after a pet on the snout from Robin.
Eddie looks at him, feeling blinded by Steve's smile once more, and completely forgets about the living dinosaur skeleton.
Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
(Also I know there are like one or two upcoming parent AUs that people have asked to be tagged in and I tried to see if this was one of them but couldn't find anyone for the life of me hfjdks so I'm sorry if you asked on another post and I missed you orz)
And, finally, a meme for you
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the-moon-files · 4 months
Aaaaa, hi!! I'm the anon who sent in the fairly recent ask with the Guide!Reader ideas (martial artist mention, Dehydrated Ganon, strength possibilities, Ganon not being able to escape from Guide!Reader's voice, etc)! I'm really glad that you liked my ideas so much!! 😊 I was so pleasantly surprised to see you expand on my discombobulated thoughts, haha! Thank you so much! ^w^ I loved reading them!!
I said that I made memes for the Guide!Reader/Space Orc concept, and now I shall deliver them >:D Firstly, I'm super sorry that I took so long to share these with you!! Life decided to kick me in the shins for a hot second 😭 And secondly, I made a LOT of images for this one,, Fair warning, this is going to take up a lot of space 😭 orz
But anyway!! Here are the text memes first:
Guide!Reader: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Wars: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Guide!Reader: Not when you’re playing with Zelda, it’s not. She’s out here putting in words like “ephemeral” while I’m putting in “dog.”
Guide!Reader: *pointing out Magic Powder* Legend, look, it’s the good kush!
Legend: …This is the Rupee Store, how good can it be?
Ravio: Hi, welcome! Are you part of our Super Savers Shoppers Club?
Guide!Reader: No, I’m not.
Ravio: :D :) :| Oh.
Legend, looking into a banged-up Water Temple: …It’s trash.
Time, whenever Guide!Reader uses modern slang: We need IRL subtitles. What are you even saying.
Guide!Reader: My Furby died in my arms when I was a child.
Hyrule, has no clue what a Furby is: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Guide!Reader: It wasn’t a loss. I had never felt more like a god.
The Chain: *getting told off by Time*
Guide!Reader in the back: …
Guide!Reader: *starts playing the ukulele* 👁👄👁 🎸
Time: 🧍
Four, talking about Guide!Reader: So, I’m interested in someone…
Dot: :D Oooh! What do they look like?
Four: *slow realisation*
Four: I don’t know
Dot: Wh
Dot: What do you mean you don’t know?
Guide!Reader/Ganon, about hearing Guide!Reader every dang game: The universe has a sense of humour, and I respect the commitment to the bit, but girl please.
Guide!Reader, to Link once they reunite with the Chain: Now… *puts hand on his shoulder* We’re back on our bullsh*t.
Guide!Reader and Wild, meeting Sidon for the first time:
Guide!Reader: …Would.
Wild: Would what?
Wild: (Name)? Would what?
Wind: When you become famous you’re called a legend because your leg ends.
Guide!Reader: What? 
Wind: Your leg. It ends.
Guide!Reader: I’m not a linguist, but I think you’ve got it wrong.
Wind: Are you saying your leg doesn’t end?
Guide!Reader: I mean, at some point it does, yes.
Wind: Then what’s the problem?
The Chain, waking up at dawn to get ready:
Guide!Reader and Sky, just trying to process being alive:
Guide!Reader/Time: You need to get out of bed faster than this.
Sky, struggling: I’m giving it all he’s got, boss
Guide!Reader at Ganon: Your anger amuses me. Please don’t find inner peace. Please.
Guide!Reader, playing through LoZ game: *at an annoying NPC* Let me ask you a very fair question. What do you do successfully? Quickly. :|
Link, trying not to laugh:
Hyrule, probably: I hate it when a recipe tells me to add two cups of onions. They don’t come in cups. They come in onions.
Guide!Reader, head in hands: Please
Hyrule/Twilight, looking at two NPCs: Are they lovers?
Guide!Reader, who knows the lore: Worse.
The Chain, enjoying Guide!Reader’s affections:
Legend: 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
Legend, defending himself from the “You like him” allegations from Wind: 🤸🤸🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
And now, onto the images- I hope you don't think the sheer amount of these memes is too excessive or anything!! 😭 /gen
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Aaa and that's all the memes I've got! I hope you like them,,! orz
I'm also still pretty new to Tumblr, so I'm sorry if the format looks a bit weird,,
Oh, but also?? That last point you mentioned in your most recent post about the cultural differences between humans and Hylians on physical affection/touch?? I am VERY excited to see that,, 👀 👉👈 
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BRO u got all the energy, and the dynamics i was pushing ilysm 🥺🫶
like the Hyrule = beloved agenda ive been pushing, bc i need more underrep links content, the way u carried the ganon eternally getting haunted by guide reader voice?? 10/10 ahdsfkhadl
AND WIND’S CONSTANT ENERGY OF A YOUNGER BROTHER LOOKIN U DEAD IN THE EYE LIKE “u kiss the homie (singular not even plural) goodnight?? Brother, that’s GAEY.”
u have no idea what this means to me, the impact, the understanding u have to have of my bs to make these, and how many posts youve read of mine?? im so sorry for ur loss w/my rough writing lmao
thats how you know youve made it tbh is if someone makes memes of smth u made, anyway day brightened, complexion clear, depression medicated, by this post
Peace out my beloved <3,
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tunamayuuu · 13 days
I've seen a little bit of your Kny!bsd au through a rb from one of my mutuals, and I think I'm being sucked into a rabbit hole/pos
I love your art sososo much, and I would see it on my dash on occasion (it brought me happiness, but I never really kept up with the account, and I honestly high-key regret it), so when I saw your alt cast art, I remembered rbing the Kyōkenji x Inokana sketch you drew a while back, but I had no idea it was associated with an entire au!! I was estatic since I love the au concept, and I love both ships so much!!
Then, trust me, I was innocently scrolling through the tag when I came across rengokunikida... This man has no right being so jdbdjdbd
My thoughts immediately went to Murata when I saw TecchōGiyū, like yes he's such a pretty man, but my brain really likes to digress from the main point lmao.
Urokodaki as Fukuchi feels a little weird, but it's accurate dynamic-wise with Teruko, and Tachihara. What is Jōnō's relationship with Fukuchi in this au anyway?? It could go in so many directions I'm curious djehdhbd
I love this au sm and your art of it is delectable, so I just felt the need to send an ask your way. I hope you have a great day (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
–Anon you could call 'Grace'
I might come on here from time to time, so I might as well give myself a name.
this was the first grace ask i never got to answer oh my god anyway.
thank you so much!!! i actually stopped being into bsd for a full ass year and ever since that shin soukoku doodle i made, it comforted a big part of me that felt horrible everytime i'd post bsd onto socmed knowing my more passionate works didn't get as much engagement as shitposts ahaha...
the kny-ified bsd au was and still is an au project i want to keep working on!! i have a looong list of the full cast, it's just that i always get side quests and wanting to draw OTHER things and getting into OTHER new medias i wanna draw and yeah that's why it's taken years for me to complete anything orz (i have plenty of files of the au that i never posted because they're all unfinished or uncolored and i thought i won't do my au justice if none of them were colored yk?)
i'm not an inokana fan myself but i'd love to hear your take on them! i just wanted to draw kyokenji at that time ehehe
i will always say that rengokunikida was def not my idea. it was an idea from a bsd friend! they even explained to me how it could work and i never looked back
i'm actually not sure who would take murata's role in the au because we know next to nothing about canon tecchou. michizou already takes sabito's role so.....?
ALSO I FINALLY GOT TO ANSWER THIS BECAUSE! fukuchi is not urokodaki in this au! fukuchi takes kokushibo's role
jouno and fukuchi unfortunately do not interact in this au..
i'm so happy to see my au still getting love even after the years i've been on and off in activity! comments like these fill me with so much motivation to upkeep this au!
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merakiui · 8 months
Hi Mera!! I am a bit late to the party but I finished reading tdmg and my God it was soooooo good!! As always your writing is so, so beautiful I ascend every time I read something of yours. I really enjoyed a lot of the metaphors you used to describe things(sorry for being vague, I read tdmg when it was first released but held off my gushing bc I had assignments due so I don't remember as much😵‍💫) I will definitely be going back to write down some of the beautiful metaphors you wrote because goddamn what you write is straight up poetry🔥🔥 you characterise everyone so well and the back-and-forth between the characters is always incredibly fun to read. It is also clear how much research you do for the fics you write(like finding out sea creature behaviours, for example) and it gives so much depth to what you write.
Respectfully, if I was a rich CEO one of the first things I'd do is hire you to write fics full-time🫡(100k per annum+paid leave+company credit card)
I had a question regarding something that happened earlier in the fic but I don't know if it's been asked yet.... Has Jade used invisibility magic to spy on the main character? When Floyd, Jade and the mc were at the garden, it seemed like Floyd could detect that Jade was there but our MC couldn't because she didn't have any magic... I feel like you were hinting that Jade had used invincibility magic to spy on the mc before but she hadn't noticed for that reason. He did admit that he watched her a lot but she hadn't noticed it(though that could also be bc he's a slippery eel!)
Hi, anon!!!!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) aaaaaaa thank you so very much for reading tmdg and writing such a kind message! I'm happy you enjoyed it!! <3 and I'm immensely flattered to receive such praise!! :O to say it's like poetry,,, and to say you'd hire me to write fanfic full-time,,, uuwuwaaaa that's so sweet of you. ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ I think one of my favorite things to do when writing fics is research so that I can add another layer to the plot (you may have to pry the octopus and moray eel biology facts out of my cold, dead hands; I love it too much. orz). I also like being able to incorporate real moray behavior into my Jade and Floyd stories because it adds a touch of marine realism to their actions. >w<
As for your question, I like to imagine he may have done so!! But then it's also fun to picture Jade hiding behind a tree and blushing so shyly while he's spying on you from afar because he is just an eel in love. 🥺 you can trust him. 🥺🥺🥺 he can do no wrong; he's just swept up in romantic bliss. Perhaps he didn't need to use invisibility magic at all, considering Reader was so blindly obsessed with Floyd and thus failed to notice Jade on numerous occasions. ;;;
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
If you're still taking requests...what was the spa day with Karla like? Where did they go? What did they do?
I'm always taking requests. Whether or not I ever fill them is an entirely different matter ... :P
That being said. I don't know shit about spas. orz Never been to one. My understanding of spas comes from My Little Pony and that one episode of Avatar where Katara and Toph go on a girl's day out and random comedian bits about how "undressing to my comfort level means I take my shoes off," which is where I imagine Renfield would be even though he's getting back up into the human realm, if you will.
THAT being said,
Karla's exuberance startles Renfield out of his anxious stupor. He had been standing in the lobby of "Bayou Bliss," an establishment Karla had recommended, quite highly, for their spa day. He had been fidgeting with the collar of his Old Navy polo- it had been so long since he had new clothes that this new collar felt too stiff against his neck. He straightens up and smiles shyly. "H-hullo, Karla. Nice to see you outside the gym."
"Same to you! You look great," Karla says happily. Karla tamps down her urge to hug him. He's tall! He never looked this tall before, and he had taken Carol's teasing about a hairbrush to heart. He looks good- really pale, and skinny, but good! Karla thinks briefly about what she wants to do to Renfield's boss if she ever meets him. Anyone who made this wonderful, cute guy feel so low, gosh- someone should rip that boss into little pieces. Yeah.
"So, um," Renfield pulls his phone from his jeans pocket, "I am a bit overwhelmed, and had to look up some of the items listed at the counter..." He taps the screen and furrows his brow. "I don't think I would like this, um, 'goo-ah shaw,' or cupping, unless you think I'd like them?"
Karla gives Renfield a soft, sympathetic look. "I can't tell you what you'd like."
He nods, feeling foolish. "It's been a long time since I got to make choices for myself," he says quietly.
Karla gives his narrow shoulder an affectionate squeeze and tells the girl at the reception counter that they need a "first timer's" package. Renfield fumbles to get his wallet but Karla waves him off. "No no no, first one's on me." She grins. "You can get the next one."
Renfield smiles and nods.
Karla goes with Renfield for a message and giggles as he keeps asking for more pressure. "You can't see this Karla but I'm making a very bored face" he says while his face is in the weird pillow hole and three masseuses do their best to undo a muscle knot in his shoulder. When they entered the massage room they had been told to undress to their comfort level; Karla ducked behind a folding screen to tale everything off. Renfield removed his shirt and explained "I think I carry all my tension up her" while shyly looking at the floor, even though Karla had emerged in a spa robe. If he had been alone he wouldn't be doing any of this, newfound lease on life be damned. A fellow DRAAGster... a friend? being beside him and explaining what each thing was really helped.
"So we just sit in here and sweat?"
"Yup! It's like a detox, really good for your skin."
"Huh. How do we know when it's done?"
"I try to get out before the old dudes with no sense of modesty come in."
"Good call."
Karla squeals at the sight of Renfield wrapped in a fluffy spa robe, his hair wrapped in a fluffy spa towel. He's even wearing fluffy spa sandals.
"Oh my god, you look amazing," Karla says, clapping as Renfield gives a little twirl. She hands him a water bottle, which he happily takes.
"I feel amazing," he admits. "I really like this self-care thing." He opens the water and sips, then makes a face. "I don't like this, though."
"Oh no," Karla agrees, "cucumber water is, like, super weird. But it's really good for rehydrating, so-" She raises her own bottle and Renfield taps his against hers.
Renfield thinks his bones might be turning to jelly. It's a wondrous feeling. "Is this what 'relaxed' is?" he asks, but gets shushed by a lady applying mud to his face. Karla gives his question an affirmative "mm-hmm."
Upon exiting the spa, Renfield blinks in the sunlight like he's seeing the world anew. He feels almost like he's been reborn and he smells like lavender.
"So?" Karla asks, leaning into him. "Not terrible, right?"
Renfield grins. "Oh, god, no. This was incredible, and I think we need to make it a regular thing."
Karla hugs Renfield tight, a move that surprises her tall and now much less tense friend. "Yes," she agrees, "and you're gonna grow to full power!"
She lets go and sees the confusion on his face.
"What you said at DRAAG, right? I want you to grow to full power! You deserve it!"
Renfield blinks and chuckles. "Oh, right, I forgot I said, um, that." He nods. "We'll both get to full power. We deserve it."
Karla beams and pulls him in for a selfie. She doesn't post it at his request ("I'm still working on my hair") but she sets it at her lockscreen. She's totally going to show it to everyone at the next meeting. With Renfield's consent of course.
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cadriona · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @hua-fei-hua! Thanks for the tag lol
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
46 works! ...yall only see 39 because 7 are anon'd aoeighaoieh
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
537,345 so far!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Predominantly genshin, although I've also poked at trigun, and naruto lol.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5 times Ningguang saved Beidou and the 1 time Beidou returned the favour, (Genshin), 1447
A Mora for a Myth in a Land filled with Legends (Genshin), 1146 kudos
[anon'd fic] (Naruto), ~630 kudos
Beidou walks off the gangplank (by accident, really) (Genshin), 454 kudos
Yelan: Spymaster, Gambler, Self-proclaimed matchmaker (Genshin), 384 kudos
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I TRY TO!! haven't been able to recently because brain too tired and it's gotten so long that it uh. might be awkward if i randomly responded now, but i try to!! I love talking with readers and seeing what they think of the fic, and also sometimes it gives me an excuse to infodump worldbuilding or character building lmaooo
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Err, either one of two of the four MCD fics i have?? Two of them have ok, sorta hopeful endings, except two are just me waving a knife and cackling in the background aoieghoaiehga
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm tempted to say *most* have happy endings?? some take a bit to get there, but most should be happy! if they were to duke it out for happiest tho? i have no idea lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not really no! Or at least, none that stuck around in my head lmao
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
*points at a few of the anon'd fics* what kind? uhhh, depends??
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Yea! I think I only have two up and one's anon'd because it was from way long ago, only had one chap and i don't want to look at it anymore, so i guess the default prize goes to the genshin x atla one where i yeet four liyue ladies into the elemental nations via reincarnation after teyvat gets murked by celestia and watch things go boom ehehehe... gods i need to actually finish writing that one orz
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not????
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! I think there were two translated into Russian?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lol nope, might be interested tho!
14. what's your all-time favorite ship?
BEIGUANG (they've had me by the throat for like, 3 years at this point)
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My first fic, aka the anon'd naruto one because i also want to rewrite it and orz (yes it was an si-oc and it recently did a little resurgence in my brain so. Ha. feel free to ask about it because i have so may Thoughts but its uh, its been a while and my writing style has completely changed since)
16. what are your writing strengths?
I'd like to say worldbuilding and fun metaphors/analogies! or maybe action scenes? and if i know the character well enough (*cough*beidou*cough*) then maybe characterization
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO STOP RAMBLING. brain starts yapping and it doesn't stop, and then i don't know what details to cut because everything starts looking important ahhhhhh (so probably pacing??)
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends! full dialogue? probably nah, since it sometimes breaks the flow, but a word here or there because it works better and people presumably know what it means? then yea! Might need to do some translations/linking shenanigans in the AN if i ever end up doing that tho
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'd like to say mora for a myth, because its been a while since ive had that type of productivity and motivation? but honestly im not that sure lol
tagging: @yuniemaki, @lisascumslut78, @fishareglorious, @mireillexy, @bardigrade if yall feel like it, and anyone else that wants to give it a go :D
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mintytealfox · 10 months
Oooo food headcanons lets go owo. Not Nortalice, just nortnort stuff
I imagine Norton probably heavily savors food. Especially super good food. Yeah, yeah in Ashes of Memory 2 he is scarfing down bread like its his last meal, which i mean given how he grew up, that may be a mindset he sort of has carried his entire life. But I imagine like maybe 80 to 90% of the time, Norton savors food.
And not in the "I must savor the delicate flavors of this refine meal" more like "holy fuck this may be my last PROPER, FILLING, meal in ages, I'm treating every bite like it was handcrafted by the gods themselves." So he takes slow, maybe small bites (if you seen Tim Burton's Charlie and Chocolate Factory, think the chocolate bar scene with Charlies and his family but replace it with Norton maybe eating anything that isn't bread and boiled roots and weeds he could find). Just savoring ever morsel he eats until his plate is fully cleaned.
That said of course, on the subject of food still, I can lowkey actually imagine, if Norton had the time and energy, he hunted and maybe gathered things to eat. One of Norton's skill is literally called "Outdoor Skills" i.e probably link to scavenging and survival skills, the man knows how to do things. Downside is, he may just not have had a lot of time and or energy to do them since he was working to the crack of down to maybe the brink of midnight to support himself. But I like to imagine, if Norton did get the chance to hunt or gather, he could probably whip up a lot of good stuff. Like rabbit stews with wild herbs and veggies. Fried, crunchy wild greens with wild berries and quill eggs. Stuff that seems fancy but a miner trying his best to survive made them. Although knowing Norton's luck as well, the stuff he hunted or gathered may have either A.) Gotten stolen from him by his fellow miners or B.) Destroyed because god forbid Norton try to spoil himself with what skills and what little he has.
Oh yes Oh yes Oh yes!!
I totally AGREE! I bet he also savors when he knows he is completely alone and can take his time without worry of anyone interrupting or something suddenly happening and needing to act fast (like stopping for a second to eat some lunch while in the caves only for a cave-in to start threatening to happen and him just scrambling to grab everything he can and run)
YES YES YES THE OUTDOOR SKILLS!!! He totally knows what is edible out there and had to learn fast as well ;;
and gosh I wonder if he was ever given hospital food as well when he was helping with Benny. I was chatting on Twitter and I was reminded of Christmas Oranges and how special those were back then and wondering if the nurses were able to get their hands on a few to give to their patients and hopefully Norton as well ;; He needs something special even if it wasn't every year ;;
And the Outdoor skills reminds me of the offical art of Norton in the wild and watching a deer! gosh I need to find it Ah here it is:
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surrounded by berries ;;
Gosh Norton is capable of so many things except when it comes to protecting himself from his bullies orz Until he snapped orz gosh and I 100% believe he developed something like Bipolar as a result to just absolutely everything that he has been though so throwing mental illness (in a world/time that mental illness 'isnt a thing' and got thrown in a looney bin uhg orz) on top of everything gosh, I feel for him so hard ;;
GOSH all of this is 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 and gets the brain thinking!!
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Kia Ora! I was just wanted to ask if we are gonna get any more content on Deimos, the eldest demon brother. Art or fanfics of him?
Ah! Hello, hello! Greetings from. . . New Zealand is that correct? (。´◉ ꒳ ◉`。) Heya!
Ahhhhh Dei-Dei my jolly intimidating boy!
You know I have not done anything recent but! I do have a work in progress lying around here somewhere! Let me go find it for you! I can't remember if I forgot it existed or didn't like it for some reason =//7//= ;;;; )
Since he lives in the middle of the other Brothers territory and is the scary big man who typically appears when you know you're screwed and you gotta pick a god and pray-- I was trying to write a different kind of story for him since he is the hardest to interact with.
One that was centering around the only hooman that was allowed to live in his territory.
I can send you what I have for that-- but since I have been working on this whole story and realm for a while now, the ideas or motivations behind the story may not be canon anymore. ^^; )
It's true that I also need. . . to make him a ref sheet orz
I remember being hesitant / a little nervous about drawing a proper ref of him, but I shall see what I can do (ง ​。꒦ິ∇꒦ິ。)ง
As for the story -> It's unedited, unfinished and it's pretty old. It has a female reader pov, this was even before I changed my writing pov to be more inclusive I think. x///O
I will send you as much as I have solidly written and who knows! Maybe I will try to tackle this again or finish it ^//-//^ )/
Demon (Deimos) x Female Reader
You were the only human who lived in the large cathedral that sat in the middle of the Kingdom. It's dark spires stretch upwards, protruding into the clouds, as if attempting to spear the very heavens. It was quiet as you walked along one of it's vast empty hallways, with only the sounds of your steps echoing around you. Panels of golden light streaming across the floor. It was golden hour, almost night. 
 Your feet come to a halt as you turn to look at the high arched crystalline windows. Gaze drifting out to the world beyond the glass, beyond these walls. You could see the faded outlines of different cities in the distance. From your limited knowledge you recognized the tall ornate buildings of the business district, and the small rounded structures that composed the Mystic one. During the many rounds you have taken walking the grounds you had been slowly able to tell each place apart by their architecture. You wondered about what it would look like if you were able to be up in one of the spires, looking down at the cities. If being up so high, you wondered if you would be able to see them all, like a patchwork quilt spread over the land.
You knew very little about these places, so you let your imagination wander from possibilty to possibily. From time to time you would catch glimpses of the large beings who ran each district. They were very different from one another, though all of them would appear to be tense or nervous when they came inside.
You stayed out of the way when they would come, skirting behind banisters or corners to hide, but not going far enough away that you couldn't watch them. You wished to know what they were like, but the biggest question you had was about the one who saved you.
You don't remember the details, but for that you feel blessed. Something traumatic had happened that left gapping holes in your memory. You don't remember the people who had scared you so much, but you remember someone vividly. Anger that radiated like roaring waves from a dark figure that rose high above you, towering over the small group of people. 
And after that it all went black, the next thing you know is that you were here. Clean, safe, with wounds carefully bandaged and treated.
Terrified at first at the unfamiliar place, and there was a sickening dread that sank deep into your bones. You didn't have anywhere else to go, and the fear that sooner or later something bad was going to happen haunted your every waking hour. Your mind had been rampant with fear, the thoughts would tear you apart at night, and you would fall asleep with tears spilling down your face.
But each day was as quiet as the first, no one came after you, and you were taken care of with hot food outside your door, placed on a silver tray. The empty halls still and silent, your things tended to as carefully as they had been when you had first arrived. You were given clothes and other necessities, though whoever was truly caring for you. . . you did not know. There were only a few other creatures that would come and go. With orders to check on you and make sure that you were well.
Unless they came to visit you, you mostly had the place to yourself, it was all yours to explore. And once you had become braver, you did so with starry eyed wonder. Learning the vine covered windows and the cobble stoned path in the garden, memorizing the nooks and crannies, the quiet places that sunlight painted over with warmth. The places you could hide in, whisking away books to read, or places to have picnics in. Though you were very much alone, the single silhouette of your shadow trailing after. 
You were given solitude and sanctuary, a place to heal in peace, but you had been left with loneliness in its wake.
Your hand falters to your neck, alighting upon a small silver necklace with a black stone embedded in the middle. It was something that was given to you when you had first arrived, you had been too scared to take it, but now you wore it with a feeling of thankfulness.
All you knew was a name, Deimos.
Deimos was the person who lived here with you, the person who kept you safe. 
But you had never seen them, there was a place with large dark doors that sat in the middle of the cathedral. The place you had watched the other leaders go in and out, you had never been close enough to take a look inside. And the time that you had been quick on your feet, and were brave enough to take a peek. . . well. . . the room was disappointingly empty.
Once in a while, you could hear something, something that would make the very timbers underneath your bed creak. It sounded like footsteps, but you couldn’t have been sure. Your mind trailing back to the shadow that loomed up, blocking out the moon in the sky.
“There you are,” A voice makes you jump and turn, looking up to a little figure hunched up in the corner, their wings tucked around them as they hang upside down above you.
You smile up at them, "Hello Ivan. . . do you have a message for me?"
“Yeh-- It’s too bright out here,” The creature complains, scrunching up before they drop onto your shoulder, adjusting their leathery wings and rubbing their eyes. You laugh lightly, “I’m sorry, it will be dark soon,” You can feel their spaded tail lighting flicking back and forth, across your back. 
One of the few creatures that would come here was a messenger who traveled around to the other districts named Ivan. He was some kind creature who had a lot of bat-like features, large ears that thinned into high tapered points, and a snubbed triangular nose. He had large wings on his back, and had taken to crouching on your shoulder with long crooked fingers that ended in delicate claws. His entirety reminds you of a rather furry gargoyle. He was normally about the size of a child, but in the sunlight he would shrink back to the size of a big house cat.
His wings stretched overhead, shading both of your heads from the sunlight. He keeps his snubbed nose turned towards his shoulder until you are past the large gothic windows. Ivan was who told you the most about the outside world. The person you exhausted with questions. You peek back at them, once you are back into the darker corridors of the Cathedral, Ivan sighing and lowering his wings in relief. 
"When may I see him?" You ask patiently, and he’s blink, "Uh, who?"
"Deimos," You reply, then blink in surprise as 
Ivan just about falls off your shoulder. "Deimos--?!" They splutter, "Why-- who-- what has gotten you on about this all of a sudden?? Whatcha wanna see him for???"
Your lips quirks into a smile, "So his name is Deimos?" Ivan's mouth snaps shut but they look guilty. "How come I'm not supposed to know about him? This is his home right? He was the person who rescued me. . . right?"
He looked begrudging, "Nu-huh, I told yeh too much already!" They cross their wings and snub their nose up into the air.
"Please? What's he like? Can you just tell me that?"
Ivan glances at you dubiously, "I don't think you'll like the answer to those questions. It's safer if yeh don't know."
"What do you mean by that?" You feel a twinge of annoyance, "How come?" but Ivan shakes his head, shifting from foot to foot. "Jus' don't want yeh hurt that's all! You really shouldn't nose around! He isn't the easiest to get along with--" His eyes bulge and he pulls at his jowls with his clawed hangs. "GUUUUUHHHHH-- Didn't I tell yeh not to pry?" He jumps up, flapping around your head agitated, and you close yours eyes, "You're gonna get me in trouble!!" He squeaks at you indignantly.
"I'm sorry--" You start but Ivan cuts you off in a rush, "Dinner's gonna be done soon so I'll see you in the dining room!! Andbegood!!" And with that, he swirls down the corridor and out of sight.
You fix your windswept hair pouting, anytime you ask about your rescuer, Ivan gets like this. All fidgety and nervous, you love Ivan but he can be so secretive. This whole place is one big secret, but you live here too! You huff faintly before your fingers fiddle with the necklace. At least you were able to learn a little bit more, fully knowing Ivan can be a bit of an accidental blabbermouth, you like to use this against him. You giggle faintly at your poor batty friend. You are sure he was told to keep an eye on you, and you make his job difficult. You do feel bad for that, but this is the only way you can learn about the world around you.
It’s a dark place that Ivan settles into, a dark place with high walls, far away from the dinner table, and the sunny skylight. He sighs, and scratches his ear in annoyance. “You know she’s asking more and more questions, yer not going to be able to keep her in the dark for much longer.” Ivan gulps and shuffles awkwardly as two purple eyes open, to stare steely daggers at him. “It’s for her own good too!” Ivan squeaks nervously, “I’m just s-saying, what if she thinks she’s held captive or something?”
“She could leave at any time she wanted,” Came a deep rumble, the voice dark and sultry. “I’m not keeping her here.”
Ivan shuffles from foot to foot, “Well I- uh- I don’t think she knows that--” The blazing purple eyes narrow, “What?” Ivan flutters his wings, gawking, his jaw working up and down as he frantically tries to form words, “W-w-well I-- m-maybeee. . . didn’t-- s-say anything a-about that yet?” Ivan grins wide as he shrugs helplessly, The gaze boring down at him narrows to slits before they open wide and roll in annoyance. “Then I shall do it myself.” A dark hulking figure raises from his seat, Ivan flutters eyes wide. “W-wait n-now?” Ivan squeaks, “B-but I th-thought you wanted to wait and--”
The deep voice sighs, “Not if she feels as if she is trapped here, I would never want that for her. . . after what she went through. . .”
You were in the dining room, picking up your dishes and carrying your tray back towards the kitchen, your head turning just as the huge dark doors start to slowly open. Your eyelids fluttering open wide, as your tray tumbles from your hands, falling in slow motion until it crashes onto the floor. Your dirty dishes burst into a million pieces.
Blazing purple eyes and dark grey skin, almost as tall as the ceiling itself. Deimos arches his eyebrows, as you stand frozen in time. Your lips parted as your head raises to look at him fully. “It’s you,” You manage to breathe.
Deimos gives a snort, the big man reaches you in only a few steps,
“You broke your dishes sweetheart,” His deep voice makes your ears reverberate, his eyes trailing to the mess on the floor, you gasp and quickly become animated, reaching down to grab the pieces of broken china. “I’m s-sorry! I’m so sorry!” Deimos eyebrow twitches, stopping you as a dark clawed hand traces over the shattered pieces. The pieces shivering before reforming back into the whole objects once more. “Don’t be.” He murmurs softly, “It’s an easy fix.” 
You look up at him with wonder, “H-have you eaten?” You ask, keeping yourself from letting all the other questions in your mind run rampant.
“I haven’t, but I will get something later. I want to know about you right now,” Deimos smirks as you fluster, you heft the tray into your arms. “How have you been feeling?” Deimos purrs softly, “Happy?” Your eyes brighten and you nod. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to sweetheart, I can get you a new home, would you like that? I unfortunately can’t take you back to where I found you.” His expression darkens as his lip curls in dark satisfaction, “That place doesn’t exist anymore.” When you visibly shrink back his pupils dilate and round out, “It wasn’t a good place for you anyway.” He growls quietly. “But I can get you a new home, a little bat has told me you spend a lot of time looking at the different cities, was there anywhere in particular that you would like to go?”
You think about this, about his proposal to leave the grounds. “Would I be able to come back. . .?” You ask slowly, “Would I be able to see you again?”
Deimos blinks, “Me?” He smirks in amusement, “. . . No. I don’t think so.” Your expression falls, “That’s very cute of you, but it’s much too dangerous to let you wander in and out of here.”
“Then may I stay?” Deimos expression is quick to turn sour as he scowls down at you, “. . . . . . . . .And tell me, why would you want that little girl? Aren’t you lonely here?”
“I’m s-safe,” You stammer, “I l-like. . .” You bite your tongue and meekly bow your head. “I like it here, I may be lonely. . . but I am safe. It h-has been my sanctuary.”
Deimos’ eyes widen, staring at you intensely before his eyelids droop. “If. . . that is what you wish.”
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
(Since i already did reveal myself, i'll just send asks without being an anon lol)
Oh! That's easy, actually. Although we won't be available when we leave tomorrow, we contacted a certain someone that can run this blog and inform us of any messages you have for either me or Eros ^^
Navina? 👀
Speaking of, Eros wanted to tell you that he appreciated your presence, Mochi! Every time we talked about you and the others, I've seen him smile and mutter something about getting a calico cat and naming her after you. It was so cute! Eros never had any close friends other than me, so seeing her talk about everyone and you like we were all best friends warmed my heart.
SJNSKSJDJD- THAT IS SO CUTE??? Naming a calico cat after me, awhhh 🥺 cupid, can you tell eros that i appreciate knowing her too?? Tell her i said she's very cute too- (and yk there's something funny about your words. I also have a calico cat roaming around my house lmaoo, why is my life so full of funny coincidence-)
Aha... Anyways, before I go on rambling, that's all I can say. We'll see what we can do to make things easier and so we can speak to you all again, hehe! I hope you'll still be around when that happens :D
Oh yeah, i forgot to copy the sentence, but uhh, about that interesting thing in next month, i'll be sure to keep my eyes on it! Whether it'd be another event (i doubt it would be this one, please rest navina 💀) or anything else, i will be enthusiastic about it :] AND YES, I WILL STILL BE AROUND 🙆🏻‍♀️ you can't get rid of me, i'm like that small mistake when you're drawing and you just can't seem to erase it unless you get to the layer who has it-
Hehe, whoever it is will be a surprise, but I'll tell Eros that you appreciate the sentiment as well! She's out right now to get some last minute groceries (and also snacks, we'll be having a small movie night to celebrate our resignation!), so she'll definitely be pleased to hear your message.
Anyway, its nice to see you'll stick around even if we won't be here, then :D hope you enjoy what else will go down while we're busy settling some last minute plans.
(note from yours truly: HELPAIDSRFHUI NOT THE CALICO CAT... dwdw, Im gonna rest for after the main story + maybe writing the dlc fics. on hindsight, they might not be guaranteed to be all posted because bro, my brain needs a huge reboot when this sht is all done and dusted. orz.)
(tbh the next one wont be abt OLC anymore, thankfully, but! it will also reference this + make small cameos. Dont know what I'll do this time around when I get the chance but we shall see kek)
(Istg though when Im done Im gonna limit whoever I'll write. I love writing all of these characters and thinking abt them but God do I now resent how many I have to research. fuck THAT.)
(anyways!! I shall go eep for a good while on writing + maybe post dlcs. I will say that some fics will most def not be published even after the week for dlc stuff/extra fics because my brain just. isnt braining. orz orz im gonna cry. i'll prolly post them randomly idk HAIUHDUFSI anyways ill shut up now goodbye—)
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cruddyart · 1 year
🌌milky way, 🖍️crayon and 💐bouquet or 🪤mouse trap for Camila if you want :3с
💐 Create a bouquet for them! What do these flowers mean? Are any of the flowers their particular favorite?
Most of them are things she needs. Like Bluebells for humility, Begonias for caution, communication and consideration. Borage for courage, (it was sown into scarfes for knights and stuff), white Camelias cuz it sounds like her name but also because it means ' you're adorable' and lastly Iris.
Iris has many meanings. It has symbolism in Christianity, it looks like a sword (she loves fencing) , it's the flower of her blorbo Joan of arc. What's not to love?
🌌 What's the inspiration behind your ocs? What was the first thing you decided about them?
I actually had the concept of what would eventually turn to become Camila in my mind for a while. The very early starting concept was actually an antagonist who genuinely believed vampires are transcended beings. That they are something more like angels following Gods will to protect humanity but only if they submit to them.
There's no specific influence I can point to but the general idea that started her was 'cult leaders' and later on the trope of 'looks cute but is actually batshit insane' got added onto it. Nowadays Camila has actually mellowed out a bit, having gone trough a crisis of faith. She's still nuts tho, just in a different direction. Having leaned away from cult leader into something more like 'haunted doll' .
What will always lure them in certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they were always searching for?
Tbh? There's actually a lot. The most dangerous aspect are her own emotions. She's impatient and doesn't think in advance, she simply wants to walk up to the problem and either talk it out or kill it.
Last time she walked off into solving a blood plague because she wanted to make it up and protect her pack mates who she was abandoning to join the Camarilla (after also insulting and hurting them!) In this instance there's multiple factors at play such as a genuine desire to help, a sense of moral superiority but also moral duty, a need for redemption and community and because someone in charge told her to.
The last factor is a desire for knowledge but only relating to her specific fields of interest. All in all the main danger ends up being her own emotions and desires. She greatly benefits of having someone to keep her on a metaphorical leash to keep her from acting on her impulses.
🖍️ What advice would you give them?
Move on from the past. Your existence is not inherently a danger, stop abandoning people to protect them. Slow down and think.
Thank you for asking! I love her orz
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renarys · 1 year
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just a little compilation of the plethora of custom doll stuff i've been making in the past several months :D currently featuring: Rani (Soom R.Breccia), Rinshi (Soom Onyx), and Yeomra (Withdoll Margery)
and so, here's a longass detailed ramble on my current state of progress so far:
fully modeled & printed rani's new body (not shown here) and dragon parts! but still need to do sanding/clean up and reprint her forearms with adjustments. also should reeeallyyy make her custom hands and feet since i'm just using some spare super gem ones rn and they just look WAY too tiny for her lmao.....
dye job for rinshi! she still needs a faceup badly though...! also i really wanna wipe rani's face, dye her properly (she's currently airbrush tanned), and then redo it at the same time i paint rinshi, but i also like her having a face still while working on styling her wig... and i know the whole process there is gonna take me quite awhile so.... mrrrr. (continues procrastinating on it)
modeled & printed horns for rinshi and yeomra too~ still brainstorming how i wanna do rinshi's dragon tail, though, which is going to be super long and also Quite An Adventure. orz
wigs! i've been slacking a bit on putting together the part for yeomra even though she has the simplest hairstyle of the three by far. meanwhile rinshi has some partially swept back bangs with her hairline showing and i'm going to try ventilating a lace front for her and that'll be Yet Another Adventure lmao... but at least in the meantime, i DO really love how her hair streaks containing multiple shades of pink came out. it makes me think of candy... and lesbians. and I Love It. (i've also started attempting styling on rani's wig and i'm also very much procrastinating on that too, lord, help me)
and finally, my most recent work, accessories for rani's outfit!! this isn't everything, either - some things still need sanding, some reprinting, and the stuff for her shoes aren't even ready to print yet - but oh my god LOOK AT THOSE TINY CHROMED BUTTONS AND THE SUPER NEON PINK CRYSTAL PARTS. I'M OBSESSED WITH ALL THIS STUFF. SO COOL!!!!! sooo cool..... girl i just love shiny things and transparent things and pink things.... wowie. wow. i made all that......? wow............
but man. it's been years since i've been this motivated to actually make stuff for my BJDs and now that i finally have the 3d resin printer i've dreamed of for years... it's so crazy guys. it's magical. now i just want to make ALL the dolls...!!!! (whether i actually FINISH any of them is another story entirely, but hey, i'll at least MAKE them. ...maybe!)
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@dcwnthercbbithcle | i lost the post orz
🎵 EXCEPT, do it for YOUR muses and explain a bit about why you chose each song! I’d be okay for any of your muses but Thoth and Candyman are my preferences cause I just think they’re neat! Haha
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Nobody that's around you seems to get it right-
How hard is it to follow just a few guidelines,
And smile while you do it?
If you want a page written 'bout you in the book,
But you need a food tester 'cause you cursed the cook
I'll take some wine, but you can dine, without me
Without me
Who would let you play God
And make-believe that all the blasphemy
Is coming only from me?
[ hi for the love of god hello I'm always willing to yell about my Thoth Music™️ fjjfjdjsks. No clue why, but I've been thinking about them and this one a lot recently- specifically the way it exemplifies his feelings about Ra and serving his reign towards the end. Very bitter, disillusioned, experiencing the petty urge to refuse providing help and just let everything go to hell if it meant Ra couldn’t blame him for a catastrophe he had no hand in- except Thoth knew he would be blamed regardless, no doubt tried and punished as a traitor (which a few netjer had already begun to suspect him to be, including Ra), so he had no choice but to continue on as normal. Albeit with less input offered, and ultimately helping Isis to overthrow Ra. (Despite all their anger and bitterness, Thoth was still hesitant to assist Isis when she first propositioned for his assistance, but that's a whole other can of worms-) ]
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henryisalesbian · 2 years
tagged by @trainpalsforthawin !!! TYSM and im SO FKN SORRY THIS IS LATE ORZ
Rules: make a new post and copy the text from this post and fill out the questions with your answers. Then tag five or more people you want to get to know better. Have fun!!!
1. Favourite colour(s): Dark, cool colors (e.g. black, blues and purples, etc), anything brightly neon against dark colors ; think northern lights or neon signs, do cool gradients count as colors??
2. Currently reading: I actually need to get back reading shit but I do plan to continue Animal Farm by George Orwell :0-)
3. Last song you listened to: IIIIIVE BEEN LISTENING TO A LOT OF WITCH HOUSE. a song that pops into mind is Lost by CRIM3S (Sidewalks and Skeletons Remix). Very good for when you are writing soul crushing angst !!
4. Last thing you watched: Season 18 TTTE or was it like. a Thafnine lets play oh my god my memories shit
5. In school? (fart noise) yeah. I SUPPOSEDLY HAVE LIKE A COUPLE YEARS LEFT TILL I GET TO MOVE TO THE UNI IM MOVING TOO BUT that shitll take a While.
6. Thing you're looking forward to: I ACTUALLY PLAN TO TAKE EITHER A PAINTING CLASS OR A FIGURE DRAWING CLASS and its in the art building i absolutely love and adore . art building 9(?) my beloved <3
7. Thing you're working on right now: ME WHEN ME AND A FRIEND ARE WORKING ON AN ANGST AU FOR TTTE (that i miiiight talk about here soon WHOOP-) along with like. concept art for a rhythm game and a webcomic :0-9
8. Can you cook or bake? YES I DO!!! i havent baked much but i have been cooking up pasta and soup dishes !!
AGAIN OH MY FOD I AM SO SORRY I GOT TO THIS SHIT LATE ITS BEEN ROTTING IN MY FUCKIN DRAFTS but i tag @canary-birdie and anyone else who wanna do dis lol
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disanthropi-art · 2 years
Semester Long Project Production
My Part of getting a degree in art is learning self management (and depending on your degree, group management) on major projects. These major projects can span semesters or years, and the management of these endeavors will be one of your most marketable skills when searching for any employment (out of the arts or not).
This exploration is what gets very exciting as you gain more experience and get further along in your degree. Unfortunately much of university is focused on individual exploration and projects (not the very best for a medium like animation!- my focus). Knowing what a nightmare (for me) doing an developed animation on my own is, I decided to focus purely on asset production for my major work this semester. This is great because I would love to work in asset production of the animation pipeline.
My plan: Design, Build, Texture 2 animate-able characters, an Environment Space, and props/creatures
HOLY SHIT - it was actually a lot orz
ART development (just some of it)
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Asset Production
Pipeline I went through ->>>
-> Character Turnarounds
I make these turnarounds to ensure the stylized proportions remain consistent when transferring them into the 3rd dimension. It;s difficult translating a flat style to something very much not while still maintaining the original feel.
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-> Box Modeling
It is very important for models to have animate-able topology if you want your models to be of any use. There needs to be more information (geometry) around bending points. I also model in this manner because I learned to model on a tablet so I am very used to modeling low-poly (which is great for render times!).
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This is an example showing how I use turnarounds as reference. You can see poly modeling in a making of video!
-> UV Unwrapping
I got good at this from doing this project. Yay! UV unwrapping is basically cutting apart your model so you can put flat images onto a 3D object. Think sewing patterns! The process is much the same where you “mark seams” and “cut” and “sew” them together.
This was something I used to dread but I’ve done It so much I’m like “WOW, this is the easiest part of the process!” As long as the program is working well and the model being unwrapped is a character or object (not a weird interior), It only takes like 30 minutes.
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This is actually a boot
-> Rigging
God, what a nightmare! I spent like 6 weeks rigging. I rig and do production in Maya, which means that there are not auto-rigging features that I can use. The rigs Maya give you are not complex enough for what I would like to make. I am much better at this skill now, but, God, at what cost?
Pipeline of rigging from scratch ---> Building the Skeleton -> Building a Control Rig -> Constraining the Skeleton to the Control Rig -> Weight Painting (an artsy interface to tell the bones of the rig how much they are allowed to affect each point of data on the model)
-> Texturing
For this I mostly painted the UV patterns I got from the unwrapping stage. It was a nice break from the highly mathy and technical process of rigging.
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An example of the horrifying stretching you must do to flat images to make them look normal on a sculpture.
-> Posing&Lighting
Once I had colors I was able to start lighting everything to make it look pretty, so yay! I discovered very late that Blender’s lighting system management is poopoo garbage. I had to scramble (AKA spend 30 hours) converting things so they will work and render well in Maya.
Posing is definitely easier than lighting, where I just move the “dolls” that I made. I am still in this stage, EEP! I am working my ass off haha
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Process Video
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hismercytomyjustice · 5 months
If I had to guess, I’d say I’m writing at about 50% my usual speed because of how much research I’ve been doing for this fic. orz
More fic stuff below:
So far today it’s been research on Lolth and her former boo. And looking at maps trying to figure out what to incorporate in the two chapters I’m having to add closer to the beginning.
I’ve had to go back twice now, which has been super weird for me because I’ve always been a hardcore linear writer. I start at the beginning and go until the end.
Tbh I didn’t know if I could even DO that. Go back and add something, I mean. It’s just not how my writing brain has worked in the past.
I wound up going back twice before already, I think when I was at chapter four, to add a whole other scene to chapter two because it felt too abrupt.
I know it’s discouraged to edit while writing, but this was more so adding than editing?
I tend to write short, I think. I more often find myself having to add things rather than remove. Maybe that’s why the concept of “killing your darlings” has always been a little foreign to me. I don’t have enough darlings to kill. T_T
It’s kind of funny to think about though. Apparently ADHDers tend to have more divergent thinking than convergent thinking, but I think I’ve always treated what little outlining/brainstorming (bullet points of ideas for scenes) I do divergently while I’ve treated my actual writing convergently. I’m also a pantser, though I don’t love the word.
The second time, I was on chapter nine and realized not enough had happened between chapters eight and nine, so I added two new chapters there too. Or at least I think that’s where it was?
This time around I was on chapter 10 before I realized my already heavy Astarion story needed more Gale focused bits. I’ve gone back to add two new chapters after chapter four to fix this.
Who even am I anymore?! 💀 I don’t write like this. This feels illegal. 💀💀💀
It’s been nice having tumblr to externalize my thoughts on the whole process and on my writing in general though. More often than not, I’m hyperaware of all the little things I’m experiencing but I struggle to see the big picture. Journaling has always helped me with that. I wasn’t intending to journal about this in particular, but it’s helped me learn a lot about myself.
I feel like my writing has come a long way too, even if I struggle to see it most of the time. Like, I can’t believe it’s been seven years since I wrote my Cardcaptors fic.
I’ve actually been rereading a lot of my older fics recently. Having a terrible memory helps, lol. Feels like I’m reading something someone else wrote. Haven’t delved back into my original works though.
For me, with my fics I feel like the main thing I notice is that I could use more description of everything. Meanwhile, in my original stuff I feel like I struggle with description, writing strong side characters and villains, and overall story structure. This is probably true to a degree with my fanfics too, but I can rely more on the fact that, if you’re reading one of my fics, you’ve probably already got a good feel for a lot of that stuff because you already have an interest in the media I’m writing them for.
Right now, writing fics for me feels kind of like having the training wheels back on to a degree. I’m trying to use them to learn in a safer space than in my own head (lol). I am not nice to myself, though I’ve gotten considerably better over the years (yay therapy!). Being able to play in someone else’s world is a lot less fraught with things like “oh god I’m a failure, I’ll never be published, no one will ever like this, you’re wasting your time, what makes you think you can write, etc.”
Welcome back Pure O, it’s been a while! 💀 My OCD thought spirals combined with my perfectionism make my brain a not fun place to be, which makes me freeze up, overthink, and struggle to make any progress. I have spent so much time over the past few years just trying to get myself to write again and to not be so critical of my own work that I never create anything. Lol good thing I have therapy tomorrow because I think I just realized my OCD is probably a big part of what’s been causing that. In addition to good ol’ ADHD.
It also helps that you get immediate feedback with fanfics, at least on what’s working well. It’s hard hammering away at something day after day with no dopamine checks to cash. Especially if you have ADHD. I can spend just as much time on an original work that may never see the light of day, but with fanfic I am bound to get at least some people clicking the little heart icon and feeding the Netherese orb of self-doubt inside me!
Yaaaay self-reflection.
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