#osbournes want to believe
drksydney · 2 years
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For the record - I believe in both!
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the-replacemints · 2 years
the trend of old musicians releasing shitty over produced albums is getting tired, but in this blight of the music industry we can still trust the red hot chili peppers to release consistently amazing albums that still sound like Them
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Someone To Love | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: Daryl treasured his friendship with you. You were everything to him, someone he could go to when he needed you. On his sixteenth birthday, you did something for him that made him realize that his love for you ran much deeper than he had initially thought.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre apocalypse.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1.8k.
A/n: I'm really sleep deprived, so this potentially sucks really bad. It's also not exactly like what was requested, but I went with my gut and this was born. However, I hope you like this! (Requested by @ddamm. I'm not gonna be home this weekend and won't be able to write something for your birthday, so I wrote this for you as an early birthday present!)
“Where are ya takin' me?”
“I can't tell you that. It's a surprise, Daryl.”
“Y'know I hate surprises.”
“This one you'll like, I promise. Now shut up and just follow me.”
Daryl rolled his eyes at you, a small, affectionate smile annoyingly tugging at the corners of his lips. He walked with his hands tucked into his jean pockets, carefully stepping over any logs and big rocks in his path. You were walking slightly ahead of him, a skip in your step as you lead him somewhere—to his supposed surprise or his death, he wasn't sure.
“Ya sure ya didn't jus' bring me out here to kill me?” Daryl questioned playfully, chuckling at the glare you threw his way over your shoulder. “Jus' askin', sunshine. No need to get mad. S'a valid question. Most'a those murder books ya read start in the woods, so m'jus' curious if yer takin' a page outta those characters' books.”
You looked at him over your shoulder. “Believe me, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't do it in the most common, boring way. I'm more creative than that.”
Daryl raised his eyebrows at you. “Should I be scared?”
“No, of course not!” you laughed and shook your head, reaching over to grab his wrist. You tugged him along behind you, taking off into a steady run.
Daryl stumbled over his feet for a moment before laughing, quickening his pace to keep up with you. “Jeez, girl! Ya dun' have to rip my damn arm off.”
You giggled. “Sorry, I was excited,” you apologized, stopping in your tracks. You turned to Daryl when he stopped next to you, releasing your grip on his arm. “We're here. Happy birthday, Dar.”
Daryl looked ahead and was surprised to be met with a small, intimate setting—a picnic basket resting on top of a blanket. You had really gone above and beyond, Daryl thought I'm surprise, trying to ignore the odd feeling of warmth that spread through his body when he looked back at you and saw an excited smile on your face.
“You said no parties, so I thought we could have a little picnic instead, just the two of us,” you explained, taking Daryl's hand in yours and leading him over to the blanket. You motioned for him to sit down, following suite and getting comfortable on the blanket you had swiped from your mom's closet.
Daryl eyed everything around him curiously. The two of you were in a part of the forest he wasn't familiar with. It was rather surprising, considering he spent most of his time either at your trailer or in the forest, so seeing that you were able to locate a spot he didn't know was rather impressive.
The movement of your hand towards the picnic basket instantly peaked his interest. He watched as you pulled out an old portable CD player that your mom had gotten you a year prior, settling it onto the blanket and fiddling with a few buttons before pressing the play button.
Daryl's eyes widened when the melody to Ozzy Osbourne's “Crazy Train” flooded the relatively quiet air. His eyes met yours and he let out a shocked noise. “Where'd ya get an Ozzy CD?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, leaning back on the palms of your hands. “Mr Jones owed my mom a favour. She finally called it in and borrowed a bunch of music for us for this.”
“Ya got other artists?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Guns 'n Roses, Dio, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Queen—”
“Ya got Queen?” Daryl questioned in amusement. “Ya know I dun' listen to 'em.”
“And you know that I don't believe that,” you countered, sending him a teasing smirk. “I've seen you quietly sing along when I play Queen in my room. There's no hiding the truth from me, Daryl.”
“Nah, yer only seein' things. Gotta get yer eyes checked out or somethin',” Daryl replied defensively, crossing his arms over his chest in mock annoyance.
You rolled your eyes and sat upright, reaching into the picnic basket to grab a sandwich to hand to Daryl. “Whatever you say, birthday boy.”
Daryl accepted the sandwich and took a bite from it, humming in approval at the taste. “Taste's real fuckin' good. Thanks.”
“Only the best on your birthday,” you mused, reaching into the basket to grab your own sandwich. “You deserve it. And as long as you have me around, we'll always celebrate it.”
Daryl gave you a small smile, taking another bite from his sandwich to avoid saying something that could potentially ruin the moment. As he looked at you, he couldn't help but admire you. From the beautiful colour of your eyes to the way your lips curved when you smiled, to the outfit you were wearing that day that hugged you in all the right ways. Everything about you in that particular moment was perfect, and Daryl found himself very confused at the feeling that entered his body. There was a strange knotting in his stomach when you met his eyes, and he froze at the weird sensation.
Thankfully, you started talking about some band you had discovered that snapped him from his thoughts, and Daryl pushed the strange feelings down. He wouldn't ruin a perfect moment with his best friend because of some stupid sickness he was getting. He would worry about his health later. For now, he would appreciate your company on a day that he rarely celebrated anymore.
“Stay right here. I'll be right back.”
Daryl looked up at you in confusion when you got up from the blanket, the Lynard Skynyrd song that was playing in the background forgotten for the time being. “Wha' do ya mean? Where are ya goin'?”
“Just wait here. I need to go grab something I put here earlier,” you explained, turning on your heel and walking off.
“Ya sure ya ain't jus' gon' get yer gun to shoot me? I knew ya were plannin' on killin' me.”
“Very funny, Dixon.”
Daryl chuckled and shook his head, watching your retreating figure in wonder. He leaned back on the palms of his hands, humming along to the song playing. He looked around at the wildlife that looked even more beautiful in the light of the setting sun, content for the first time in a while. The day had been uneventful; he had spent most of the morning and early afternoon in your trailer watching movies while you were busy setting up the surprise for him, then he had a calm picnic with you, swapping jokes and stories, and after that, he would go back to your trailer for the night.
Daryl felt calm, and it was all because of you. All because you refused to let him spend yet another birthday on his own, cooped away in his room.
The rustling of the leaves alerted him to your presence. He looked up at you, instantly noticing the box in your hands.
“Wha's tha'?”
You sat back down on the blanket and extended the box to him, giggling when Daryl only eyed the box in suspicion instead of taking it. “Daryl, it's just a box. It can't hurt you.”
“Las' time someone handed me a wrapped box, I found a bunch'a spiders inside tha' crawled all over me,” Daryl told you, still refusing to take the box.
You shook your head and laughed lightly. “Let me guess, Merle?” When Daryl simply nodded, you continued. “I promise there aren't any bad surprises in here. Only a good one, I hope.”
Daryl hesitantly took the object from you and lowered it onto his lap, slowly starting to peel the wrapping paper away. Once the simple brown box underneath was revealed, he looked up to you, but was only met with an encouraging smile. He opened the box at a snail's pace, but once the object inside was revealed through the small opening, Daryl practically ripped the rest of the box open.
Daryl carefully picked up the object, inspecting it carefully as his eyes widened in surprise. He looked over at you again, a shocked smile on his face. “A Walkman?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, a smile on your face at his obvious excitement that your best friend failed to hide. “I know you've wanted one for a while now, so I spared up some money to buy one for you. It's not new because I didn't have seventy bucks to buy a brand new one, but it works and it's not all banged up. I made you a tape as well. It's already in there.”
Daryl looked surprised. Unwillingly, a few tears started to well up in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. There was no need for tears in a moment like that. He sent you a small, unsure smile, feeling that same strange feeling from earlier creeping up on him again.
“Thank you,” Daryl whispered, moving the Walkman around in his hands. “This is the best birthday I've ever had. S'jus'... Ya gave me somethin' I've been wantin' fer so long, even though ya didn't have to. Yer amazin'.”
Not realizing the true, deeper meaning behind his words, you leaned forward and hugged Daryl tightly, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Anything for you, Dar. You know that.”
Daryl hugged you back tightly, lowering his head to rest on your shoulder. Daryl's feelings hit him with the force of a hundred freight trains—he was falling for you. He was falling for his best friend, and he didn't even realize it until that moment. The only reason he realized it was because of the gift you gave him. And it wasn't the picnic or the snacks or even the Walkman. No, it was something much deeper than that, something much more valuable to Daryl than anything else in the world.
You gave him someone he could trust. You gave him someone he could go to with his problems, someone who never judged him or belittled him for feeling emotional. You gave him someone he could love without the fear of being disappointed, someone he knew would be there for him.
You gave him you, and that was more than enough for him.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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Those Summer Nights, When I Look in Your Eyes
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Commonwealth (No France) Warnings: Sexual Situations; Vague Smut
Summary: Daryl's childhood had lacked so much and at the beginning of the turn, he had never known love beyond Merle's version of it. Now, he had it all and he would never let them wonder how much he cherished them.
A/N: For @louifaith, I hope this is close to what you imagined for our archer. 🩵 - Also, I have Daryl calling reader "pip" because someone suggested him nicknaming her "pipsqueak" in another story and it has just stuck with me. I was as vague as possible about reader’s age but let me be clear - she is above 18. I don’t write for huge age gaps. I don’t judge those that do and I do read them. I just do not write them but I have no control over where your mind takes you. Anyway, the song he hums is attached. ;)
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Life was good. 
For thirteen years, there had never been a point in time where Daryl had felt like he could say that and genuinely believe it. For an entire year, the Commonwealth had thrived. Not a single threat. The walls held. The governing unit was fair and compassionate. It really was like the old world. 
But not for Daryl. 
In the old world, he had been a drifter. A useless drifter walking in the shadow of his brother. No job, no friends, no purpose. And he had, at that time, liked it that way. 
Not anymore. 
Because now he had a job. He had friends. He had a family. He had a purpose. And he had everything he had lacked growing up. He had love, and not just Merle’s variation of it.
Carol had taken over Lance’s position when Ezekiel and Mercer had stepped up to govern. She had pulled Daryl aside and asked him if he wanted to stay in their reformed force, giving him the choice. His decision was to promptly decline. So they put their heads together to come up with something. 
Daryl possessed many skills, most of them learned by doing throughout the years. He had one condition that he would not negotiate on, however. 
Daryl’s time outside the walls was over. 
He agreed to train hunters to take his place and conceded to three weeks on the road with volunteers that he left up to Carol’s choosing. There was more than enough trust between them for him to be comfortable with who she would deem worthy to provide for the community. 
Then he was given the job of overseeing construction and structural upkeep, equipment maintenance, and of course, a seat in the governmental advisory council. He was nothing if not adaptable and took to his position quickly, finding that he liked it. He was respected and his suggestions for the good of the community were heard and considered. 
If he chose to hunt or ride, it would be for leisure but he’d hardly needed it in the past year. Domestic life had tamed the inner need to hide or escape that had been ingrained throughout the years even before the turn. 
Years ago, you had tumbled into his life. A hot mess that he had spent many a day battling the urge to absolutely throttle. You had a stubborn streak a mile wide that made his own nothing more than a small trail. He absolutely couldn’t stand you. 
Funny thing, time. 
Now you wore his ring and proudly carried his last name. You had wanted the ceremony, even if his proposal was lackluster. He had been seeking you out after the end of the Whisperers. 
“Where’s Y/N?” At first no one answered. He barely parted his lips, intent on asking again with a little more well placed ardor when a woman he recognized as a former Hilltop resident spoke up.  “I saw your wife! She’s over with the children!” He muttered his thanks and took a single step before you were finding him.  “Daryl!” Your body collided with his, knocking the air from his lungs. His heartbeat lowered regardless, feeling you there in his arms, alive and breathing and whole. “I couldn’t see you in the herd. I was about to come find you but Jude, she made me promise to stay.” “M’here. An’ they’re gone” He tightened his arms around you and rested his cheek on the crown of your head.  “So I’m your wife now, huh?” He felt the shift of your facial muscles against his chest, knew you were smiling.  “What of it?” He grunted. “Ya wanna be?” He felt his heart skip a few beats when you lifted your head to smile at him, beaming and beautiful.  “Of course, I do. Might as well be at this point. We sound like an old married couple.” Daryl snorted and then shrugged. “Then I guess we are.” “That simple?” “That simple.” When you grinned, he knew you would never let it be that simple. 
You got your wedding, simple and intimate, with only the few remaining people that were closest to the two of you. When Gabriel said the words, you got your ring, too. Oh, the hell and herds Daryl had gone through to get them. Matching bands, camelot black titanium. Crafted to withstand the way the world was. 
He was twisting the ring round and round as he walked home, tired from a full day’s work and more than ready for the weekend with his family: you, Jude, RJ, and his little River. His boy was nearly two years old, the spitting image of Daryl with a heaping dose of your attitude. 
You were younger than Daryl, still at an age where pregnancy and giving birth was not considered risky beyond the state the world was in and the lack of some resources. It was horrifying yet the best news he’d ever heard in his self-proclaimed useless life.
River Merle came along right in the midst of the unease in the Commonwealth. When they had taken you and River along with Jude and RJ, it had required all the power Carol possessed to stop Daryl from losing his goddamn mind. He was prepared to rip out entrails with his bare hands and use them to strangle each and every trooper that stood between him and his wife and kids. It was not a good time to support Pamela. 
It all worked out in the end when, bruised but alive, the people took back the Commonwealth.
And now, here he was. A husband. A father. A boss. A survivor. 
Life. Was. Good.
“Ya home, Pip?” The words habitually rolled off his tongue the moment he opened the door and stepped inside. Jude and RJ were watching a movie, the elder looking over with a hey, Uncle Daryl before turning right back to the television. It was the weekend. No reason to bug them about homework. 
“Where else would we be?” You called from the kitchen. Daryl unlaced his boots, was in the middle of pulling off the second one when you came out with River on your hip. “Someone’s cranky today.” 
“I ain’t cranky.”
“I’m not talking about you but assuming I was says a lot.” You smiled softly, passing off the baby while simultaneously stealing a kiss. “Hi.” 
“Hey.” He nearly melted, probably would have if you weren’t situating a small human right against his chest.
“Get a room.” Judith was rolling her eyes when Daryl shot her a harmless look. 
River’s little arms went straight around his father’s neck, his little hiccups and sniffles muffled against Dary’s shirt. “S’wrong, lil’ man. Mama houndin’ ya over veggies like she does me an’ RJ?” River pulled back, rubbing his left eye with a chubby fist, looking at Daryl with a scowl that he knew very well adorned his own face more often than not. Even being so content with his life, he couldn’t seem to rid himself of what you called his resting bitch face.
“Daddy.” Was all the boy said before burying his face back into Daryl’s shirt.
“He had a nap?” Daryl was jostling his son as little as possible while ridding himself of his precious vest, tossing it over the back of ‘his’ chair at the dining table. His large hand covered a wide expanse of the small boy’s back when he rubbed soothing little circles, following you into the kitchen. You shook your head and took the lid off the pot on the stove. The scent of meat and herbs wafted toward Daryl and his mouth watered, but first thing was first.
“He wouldn’t go down. I think it’s a daddy day.” You smiled at the sauce but it wasn’t meant for the pasta topping at all. Daddy days were Daryl’s favorite. River wanted absolutely no one but him. The baby would fuss during meals, refuse to nap, and absolutely forget about bath and bedtime unless Daryl was there.
“I got ‘im then. See if I can get ‘im down for a bit.” Daryl was ducking and angling his head to catch River’s attention, finally earning a shy smile when blue met blue and the archer scrunched his nose and stuck out his tongue. Pressing a kiss into the mess of wavy hair, he noticed you standing with your back against the countertop, a certain type of smile on your face.
“Nothing. You’re just sexy.”
“Pfft, stop.”
“We are so playing chess tonight.”
Daryl arched a brow. “Yeah?” 
You nodded, your smile morphing into something else entirely; something sinful. “Oh, yeah.”
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Dinner done, older kids in their rooms after teeth brushing and goodnight hugs, Daryl sat in the nursery with a sleepy River resting his head on his father’s shoulder while the chair gently rocked. The baby’s hair was only the least bit damp but he smelled of the lavender lotion that you always seemed to have near the changing table, instructing Daryl to use it after baths and before bed because it was calming.
Bathed and in a fresh diaper and pajamas, mini-Daryl was beginning to drift off while his father simply rubbed his back or kissed his cheek or even held a little hand just to count the fingers over and over. Soon enough there would be potty training and pre-school—Carol had said that was still a thing in the world now and yes, they had one in the Commonwealth—so for now, Daryl just wanted to soak it all up, take it all in.
River would likely be the only baby the two of you would have, so not a single second was being wasted or taken for granted. You kept a daily journal of simple things that some might find trivial but Daryl knew he’d be reading that journal often enough to wear the ink right off the pages. Sometimes, he missed things because of work, but in the end, that’s what happened when you were a parent, he supposed. His old man didn’t care about milestones or daddy days, and his mama wasn’t around for bath time or boo-boo kisses. River would have it all. And as long as they were his to care for, so would Judith and RJ. In fact, since the baby had Daryl, you were currently reading a story to Rick and Michonne’s son before bed.
Man, if Rick could see Daryl now. Would his brother even recognize him? God, would his brother even recognize him? He let his mind drift for a moment to Rick and Merle, just long enough to keep them close and then he was back to River, pressing a kiss to a chubby cheek. 
You would always rock and sing to the little one but he didn’t need that from Daryl. There was just something about their bond that didn’t require words and hardly even movement. It had been that way since the moment you had pushed him into the world. He had cried, red-faced and angry and cold while Tomi leaned to put him onto your chest. You had your time with him, cuddling and nursing, his little sounds still expressing his discontentment with the change from your warm womb to a loud, bright world.
They had Daryl take off his shirt, which he didn’t understand until you explained better than any doctor or nurse could. The moment River was pressed against his skin, the connection was apparent to anyone who saw. The baby went silent, wide eyes mirroring the ones Daryl himself had. He had felt guilty for the longest time that River wanted you to feed him and then he wanted his daddy back immediately. He still had his mommy days and you said that was enough.
You were always supportive, never angry or jealous. You’d share the moments with him while he enjoyed them with you. 
It was all what he’d never had, so he’d make sure River, Judith, and RJ never went without it.
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His eyes were slow to open, squinting at the traitorous window that dared let the morning rays creep across the bed and to his pillow. It took a few sluggish blinks to remember what day it was and that he was free to go back to sleep until River required either you or him. With a deep breath, he stretched his arms above his head and looked at you, still wrapped around him with your head on his chest. Naked. Still so very, very naked.
He was barely in the bedroom door before you were pushing him against it, almost catching his fingers when he attempted to mute the sound of it closing at his back. You had his shirt unbuttoned and your mouth on his before he could even take a breath. “I told you,” you panted against his lips, “we’re playing chess tonight.” Daryl grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you easily, spinning you to press you against the door. “Goddamn right, we are.” The first round was a frenzied bout of moaning and skin slapping skin, hands covering mouths to keep the noise down. Your nails had left gouges on Daryl’s ass and back, clawing at him for more. You weren’t unscathed. A bruise was blooming on the curve of your right breast, a perfect black and purple bite he had inflicted at some point. It ended with you lying across Daryl’s torso while he was flat on his back with the pillow halfway over his face. Panting and sweating while the sheet covered neither of you where it mattered. Why it was anywhere near either of you was anyone’s guess. The second time was slower, every second savored. Your fingertips memorizing his face while his hips rolled into you, back arching to push himself deeper. His lips were on your forehead, your eyelids, your cheeks and mouth. His fingers danced down your ribcage and back up to your breasts, gentle caresses while he pressed his lips over the mark he’d left earlier. You didn’t have to try hard to roll him over. He went willingly, his hands going straight for your hips. You let your fingers roam his chest and stomach. His scars were yours to explore, he’d given that power over to you long ago. The marks no longer held him prisoner after you’d shown him how to be free. You were incredibly attracted to the way his body had softened with age and he worshiped each wrinkle and stretch mark that time and pregnancy had gifted you. You loved each other wholly, without condition. 
And you laid where you had collapsed, goosebumps on your skin from the cool morning air. Daryl didn’t want to go back to sleep, so he laid there, watching you and just enjoying the silence with the knowledge that his family was safe. That you had survived together and built something so precious.
When River began to fuss, it was Daryl that slipped out of bed and left you to rest a bit longer. He had no qualms with being the one to get up earlier to take care of the baby.
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The weekend went by fast, as it often did. Sunday night, he found himself sitting on the couch after the kids were all asleep. He had helped clean up after dinner and was contently watching you pick up toys and fold laundry. He didn’t step in to help because he had no intention of allowing you to continue for long.
“What?” You finally inquired, obviously catching him staring.
“Nothin’.” He smirked, huffing a laugh that came out as an exhale through his nose. You were still regarding him when he stood and beckoned you with a finger. “C’mere.” Your pretty eyes narrowed but you placed the unfolded towel on the top of the pile in the basket and stepped into his space. Daryl wasn’t romantic, truly believed he didn’t have it in him to be anything near it. Still, when he guided your arms to his shoulders and lowered his hands to your hips, he watched you melt.
“There’s no music, Daryl.”
“Don’t need it.” He shrugged, just swaying back and forth with you, pulling you closer until you rested your head against his chest.
“The formidable Daryl Dixon is dancing with me when there’s no music playing. This’ll make the papers. It’ll be the headline.”
“Stop.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss into your hair. He was smiling when you sighed, somehow pressing yourself closer to him. You didn’t react at first when he started to hum, whether you were in shock or just relishing the moment. Maybe both. You let him continue.
It was an old tune, one from a favorite album released more than a decade before the first walker rose from the dead. The tune was slow and deep, his chest vibrating with every drone. Finally, you pulled back just enough to look up at him, the corners of your mouth perked.
“What is that?”
“How dare ya! S’Ozzy, woman.” He feigned offense but was tenderly tucking your hair behind your ears.
“I’ve never heard it.”
Daryl scowled playfully before scrunching his nose. “Remind me why I married ya?” You wrapped yourself around him and with the fondest smile he had ever let cross his face, he held you tighter.
“Because you love me.”
“Yeah.” He breathed. “Yeah, I do.”
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fhrlclln · 2 years
Would you ever write for like rockstar!eddie and reader like maybe she's an actor or something or she's his high-school sweet heart and even after he got famous he stayed with her
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader
OMG, ok so you caught my attention. i’ve always wanted to write for rockstar! eddie. i also daydreamed a lot that the reader is his wife (and yes, his highschool sweetheart as well) you know like that bombshell wife that even his fans simp for her as well, gets featured in some magazines and shows. alongside tour interviews and such.
i can imagine the dynamic between them sort of like ozzy & sharon (without the major toxicity but the yelling is there) but overall, you’re just one hella of a wife to corroded coffin’s frontman. and he’s very proud to show you off every interview he gets.
this time they’re doing a reality tv one! like the Osbourne’s.
suggestive themes under the cut
another day in the munson household… 
“eddie!” you shouted amidst the large canopy of the munson LA mansion. the camera man swerves the camera to eddie munson’s face, eddie fucking munson, leader of one of the grossing rock bands alive in the 90’s. he lets out a sigh as he can hear your heels stomp against the hardwood large stairs as he looks to the camera with a smirk, counting in his head for your barge in as he speaks. it was another filming day for their own reality tv show, his manager urged him to do this, fans demanding wanting to know more about him and his darling wife. you.
“ah, and here comes my smoking hot angry wife—“
the door slams open inside the studio room, the camera whips to you. all dolled up, fresh from your make-up room, wearing a very tight dress that hugged your body nicely. he wasn’t even focused on the terrifying anger written on your pretty face, just that he’s very focused now on your chest. the camera man backs away, slightly scared, seeing as you had something in your hand. fan mail apparently! tons of it in your hand as the other was situated on your hip, very angry stance.
it was cute to him.
“baby, darling.” he greeted with a smirk, urging your hothead to come closer to him, he was sitting on his office chair, the one he always sat on whenever he would spend nights in this studio room to write or compose a song.
“send panties in the mail! panties? are you out of your fucking mind!?” you threw the mail at him, huffing and puffing with anger. the camera man captured this one moment they all knew would be another hit on mainstream. your fights with eddie were certainly a blockbuster for every corroded coffin fan, plus you were hot in it.
“sweetheart, chill! i meant it as a fucking joke, geez—“
another mail was thrown at him, this time he can clearly see the lace of some fan’s panties were peeking out. oh, was he dead. he is popular with the ladies, you were very hyperaware of that and you despised some groupies for getting a lil’ close during concerts or meet-ups, mainly the obsessed ones you couldn’t stand, but they’re not the wife. you are, so in perspective, you won when it comes to them. and you trust eddie, he’s not that stupid.
“baby, what did you expect? they’re fucking crazy.” he snorts, tossing the mail away. you crossed your arms, boobs squishing, eddie gawked at it with no shame.
“you’re laughing at this? i can’t believe you! you’re such an ass—“ you pouted, fuming red in your eyes. eddie shook his head as he grabbed your arm, knowing well you were going to calm down once he gets in you in his lap. you noticed it.
“that’s not gonna fucking work—“
“try me.” he hums, wrapping his arms around your waist as you sat snuggly. leaning your back against his naked chest littered with tattoos, your name tattooed above his heart. your face somehow manage to soften yet still annoyed at how it worked. munson charm. damn him.
“you okay, baby?” he asks kissing your neck, looking to the camera with a wink and a smirk.
“i will strangle you.”
“i thought that was for the bedroom—“
“i will shove this remaining mail up your ass if you open your mouth again.” you warned, pinching his arm. he yelped at how sharp your nails were as you sighed, simmering down now as he placed kisses on your bare shoulder. the expensive scent of your perfume and body wash making him buck his hips up a bit. so addicting. the camera focuses on the sweet moment as you rubbed your forehead, a headache coming in.
“oh, baby. ‘m sorry.” he cooed.
“don’t.” you huffed. “i don’t like this.” you emphasized to the mails on the ground.
“ ‘course baby, i haven’t even fucking opened them yet.” he place a sloppy kiss on your neck. “and i never will. if that makes up for it.”
“thank you, eds.” you sighed in relief. his heart bloomed as he winked to the camera again. mouthing ‘munson charm’.
“gotta remind them, sweetheart, you’re my wife. nothing’s gonna come between that, ey? not even fucking panties.” he reminds you, grasping your chin to look at him. reminding you how many years you two have been together, since highschool, since that incident back in the upside down, being each other’s first experiences and all. you are the love of his life.
his large thumb caressing your bottom crimson lip. you nodded silently, still a little annoyed, his handsome grin widen as he kissed you. tongue and all, still not ashamed he’s showing this intimate moment on camera then probably on television soon. you wriggled, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants form. you hummed on his mouth, liking the sloppiness as you pulled away, all shy now noticing the camera again.
“and stop sending me panties!” he pointed to the camera. “i’m flattered, but i got plenty already.” he joked, earning a smack from you again. the camera man eventually said cut as you both relaxed in each other’s arms.
“today’s film was great, mr. & mrs. munson. thank you so much.” the cameraman smiled nervously as you smiled back widely, still seated on eddie’s lap.
“no problem, lemonade’s downstairs in the kitchen. help yourself!” you kindly offered as eddie placed kisses again on your neck. hot and heavy he is, it was such a turn-on whenever you got mad at him. the door closed shut as eddie finally got a breather. focusing on you now and his ache in his pants.
“so sexy today, baby.” he mumbles, voice low and deep. “getting you all riled up.”
“mhm. if you ever say stupid shit to your fans, munson. i will kick you out.” you hummed tilting your neck to the side as he nipped your soft skin making you let out a quiet whimper.
“hey, they love you getting mad as well, can’t blame ‘em.” he laughs, squeezing your boobs. the fans were crazy for you as much as they are for him. you chuckled remembering the time you got featured on the front page of playboy magazine, everyone went wild. eddie was fuming at that time but he didn’t hide the fact that he bought at least numerous copies of it, supporting your fame. “you’re such a fucking bombshell. ‘m so lucky.”
“i swear, eddie!” you swatted his hands away as he whined.
“i promise!” he laughs heartily as you smiled again. a moment of silence transpires, you two have been together since ‘86, the large mansion was awfully lonely when he’s away on tour, leaving you here sometimes. you love him, really. since the day he clumsily asked you out by the bench in the woods. supporting him throughout, until his band got in with a label. signing them up. being his soulmate, sticking with him until now. something was just missing in the munson household. the thought a important one for you, and you knew clearly what you wanted next. knowing eddie gives you everything.
“what do you think about a little munson running around here, eds?”
wrote this in one sitting!
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stobinesque · 1 year
talking could, if we'd just dare (you know that i'll forgive you), pt. 1
@steddie-week day 6: misunderstandings / "You Lookin' at Me Lookin' at You" by Ozzy Osbourne | ~5.5k words | G or T inspired by this post from @inklessletter!
If Eddie was being honest, he’d never actually paid that much attention to Steve Harrington. Sure, it was impossible not to know of him. But for most of his life it had simply been…unimportant, to know about the various goings on of the Class of ‘85’s royal court. Harrington was rich, a bit of a bitch, and kept company with other rich bitches, and so Eddie neatly categorized him with all the other pretty, rich jocks, and went about his day. Life was easier when there was an order to such things. Keep the smalltown, upper-middle class heroes to one side, and the freaks and degenerates to the other, and everyone could live in an uneasy sort of harmony until they walked the stage and left this rathole behind.
Of course, repeating senior year thrice had put a wrench in that plan.
Meanwhile, Dustin Henderson had thrown the whole damn toolbox into the whole not-paying-attention-to-one-Steven-MiddleName-Harrington plan.
And whatever the fuck was going on now had just blown everything out of the water. 
(Or into the water, as the case may be—except the freaky parallel hellscape they’d all dove into seemed to be utterly devoid of the substance, so maybe the original metaphor worked just fine.)
So now he had to contend with the fact that Steve Harrington was a) a pretty nice dude to recent victims of smalltown witch-hunts who had just been thrust into what was apparently a years-long government conspiracy involving monsters and mind-controlling wizards, b) a bit of a dork, c) friends with a whole bunch of dorks, most of whom were four or five years younger than him, d) admirably—though perhaps self-destructively—protective of said dorks, e) just as much of a badass as Henderson claimed, and, most distressingly: f) extremely hot while doing so. 
The being a protective badass part, not all the other ones.
(The other parts Eddie was retroactively filing under “adorable,” and “cute.”)
The expression Steve got on his face when Eddie lobbed his battle vest at him was also priceless, so at that point Eddie figured, fuck it. What did he have to lose from some harmless flirting? The chances of him making it out the other side of this both alive and un-incarcerated were dwindling by the second, and it’s not like he ran any risk of things going anywhere. (Harrington might be a good dude, and alternate dimensions and monsters and superpowers apparently existed, but Steve Harrington being anything other than a straight man with Traditional American Values™ strained credulity—and the Munson Doctrine—far past any acceptable limit.) 
After all, if there was one thing that Eddie had actually learned from D&D, it was that a little bit of flirting and fun could take the sting out of any TPK.
If Steve was being honest with himself—which he’d been making a concerted effort to try to do since fall of ‘84—he could admit that his…jealousy…of Munson predated Dustin joining Hellfire. His whole climbing-on-cafeteria-tables schtick was kind of obnoxious, sure. But up until he’d wound up flunking his first try at senior year, Eddie'd had this sort of dorky-but-cool aura that Steve wished he was apathetic enough about other people’s opinions to achieve.
For a man who seemed to genuinely believe he was a coward, Eddie Munson was so…loudly and unapologetically himself. In Hawkins, Indiana—a place that quite literally wanted to kill him for how much of a freak he was. And, sure, some of that came down to the whole wanted-for-murder thing. But the man had also spent the better part of the past twelve hours flirting with a former jock—whom Eddie himself admitted to thinking was a douche up until a couple days ago!—so Steve had the sneaking suspicion that there was probably a corner of the town that already had it out for Munson long before Chrissy Cunningham’s body was found in his trailer.
And it wasn’t that Steve wanted to get into metal, or that Dragons game, or start wearing hand-printed t-shirts and attaching his wallet to a chain. He just wished that even after all the years of monsters, and government threats, and Russian torture, he didn’t still feel the need to hold himself to standards set by other people. 
If anyone was a coward, it was Steve.
And there was something kind of…nice—reassuring, even—about the fact that Eddie seemed to feel the same way—but in reverse—about him. Like together maybe they could take the bravest parts of the other and make them their own.
And underneath it all, Steve could admit, was the fact that Eddie was…pretty. 
So. Steve was having a bit of a crisis
“Robin, I’m having a crisis.” 
“We’re all having a crisis, dingus,” she shot back, slapping at his shoulder with the back of her hand.
“No— no, not that.” Steve started emptying one of the bottles of vodka they’d procured into the half-dead grass. “I’m talking about the whole—” Steve waved a hand over towards where Eddie and Dustin were horsing around. “The Eddie thing.”
“Oh, you mean the fact that he’s been blatantly flirting with you since you got eaten by bats?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yes, Robin, I’m talking about the blatant flirting.”
“And…why is that causing a crisis?”
Steve fish-mouthed at her. “B-because…” He leaned forward with a finger held aloft, ready to waggle it in her face. He paused. Frowned. “Well, because…” Steve threw up his hands. “I don’t know! A few days ago the man thought I was a douche. Literally just yesterday he was, like, hot-and-cold trying to throw me at Nancy, while also ogling my chest hair, and now he’s calling me ‘big boy’ and trying to get into my personal space? It doesn’t make sense, Robin!”
“Welcome to the club, buddy.” She raised her brows at him pointedly. And, yeah, that was fair, he guessed.
“And,” He started again, “And– I’ve also got Henderson insisting that I win Nancy back—he does seem to have finally dropped the whole are-you-secretly-dating-Robin thing, though, which—”
“Oh, thank god.”
“Yeah. But, on top of that Nancy has also been making eyes at me, but she’s still with Jonathan so I don’t know what to do about that. And it’s all just a mess, Robs! I’m a mess.”
“Yeah, well, that’s been true for ages, Stevie.”
“Thanks, Robin. That’s very helpful.”
“What? I’m just saying, if you’re going to tell me that I’ve got to ‘be myself,’ and put myself out on a limb with Vickie, while you’re out gallivanting with Helen or Jackie or whoever—”
“Whatever.” Robin waved her hand dismissively. “My point is: you keep throwing yourself at all of these girls who only know the old you—even if you’re trying to give them the new-and-improved model—and you haven’t even tried to go after a guy, and I think we both know why. And now you’ve hit the jackpot of what every tragic gay teenager in smalltown America can only dream of: you’ve got someone blatantly, and undeniably into you, who you also like back, and you’re telling me that you’re having a crisis? Need I remind you of the tableau we were treated to back at The War Zone?”
Steve sighed. “I know, Robs. You’re right.” Steve jammed a funnel into the neck of the bottle he was working on, and the two of them kept building molotov cocktails in the dying evening light, as Steve tried to reassure Robin that she still had a chance with Vickie—which she did, and Robin took his mind off his own impending disaster. But, if Steve had even a shadow of a chance of getting to hook up with a guy, Robin deserved to have a romance of her own. As much as Robin was afraid to see it, Steve was pretty sure he recognized that conflicted look Vickie’d had in her eyes when she’d spotted Robin in the store. There was something there, he was sure of it.
But maybe Vickie was like him. Maybe she’d only just learned this new thing about herself. Robin—and presumably Eddie—had had at least a couple of years to sit with this knowledge about themselves and come to terms with it. But for Steve (and Vickie?) it was still so scarily and terribly new. With girls, Steve knew how to play the field. He knew what was expected of him—what role he had to fill. But with Eddie a guy, all the rules went out the window; all of his scripts: useless. He’d have to start from scratch, and build something completely different from anything he’d been taught to want or expect before.
Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, though. Because Robin was right: they had more important things—end-of-the-world shaped things—to worry about. His love life could wait. Eddie could wait.
They all just needed to make it out of there alive.
Eddie survived. 
They won.
Eddie survived, and so did everyone else, and they won.
Eddie kept repeating it to himself, because he couldn’t quite believe it. 
He couldn’t make heads or tails of the fact that in the end running away was exactly what he needed to do to make sure they all made it out in one piece—more or less. 
He’d walked right out of hell with nothing more to show for it than a few scratches up his sides, and a ring of bruises ‘round his neck. In the end, Steve was the only person other than Red who needed a hospital stay of any kind, because what would have been manageable wounds on day one, had become life-threatening after days of infection and improper care.
A future in a state penitentiary also seemed to be out of the cards. There was probably nothing any of them could say or do to convince the general Hawkins populace of his innocence, but Dr. Owens and his ilk had crafted a cover story believable enough to win over Powell and Callahan, at least. More to the point, though: all charges had officially been dropped, and the case was closed.
Now there was just the mortifying process of figuring out how to move on. Or at least forward. 
That was the part you didn’t see in movies. No one showed the recovery. Because what was so interesting about watching someone pull their life and body back together? As though healing wasn’t just as much a part of the story as the falling apart.
Eddie wasn't ashamed to admit that it was driving him a bit mad. Because these kids all seemed to be seasoned veterans at it. They hadn't just snapped back to their relatively-easy-going-but-bitchy baselines by any means—Lucas and Dustin especially seemed incredibly subdued in response to the extent of Max's and Steve's injuries, respectively—but they moved around one another with a care and familiarity that spoke to years of experience. 
“How did you do this?” Eddie scrubbed a hand through his hair, yanking at the roots. He and Robin were posted by Steve's bedside—he still spent most of his days semi- to unconscious. And while Eddie didn’t necessarily think it made a whole lot of sense for him to be spending more time at Steve’s bedside than the kids did, Robin was only ever dragged away from him kicking and screaming, and as the newest member of the apocalypse posse above the age of twelve, he was in desperate need of her guidance.
“How’d I do what?” Her typically-raspy voice sounded paper thin, and there were deep, dark circles under both eyes.
“I don’t know—!” Eddie flapped a frantic hand around, like he could manifest words and meaning into being. Something about it made the corners of Robin’s mouth twitch up. “Any of it? You–you dealt with a flesh monster, apparently, and you’re just...walking around on two feet, probably ready to graduate—which is more than I could guarantee for myself—”
“Hey, you will—”
“Not the point, Buckley! The point is, up until this new bout of freaky shit popped into existence, you seemed like you were walking around Hawkins without a care in the world. So how’d you do it? What’s your secret?”
Robin scoffed. “If you think I was walking around without being terrified every day, you either weren’t paying attention, or you’re a lot less smart than I gave you credit for, Munson.”
Eddie grimaced. “Sorry, sorry. That’s not what I meant, I just…you seem like you managed to pull yourself back together—whereas I feel seconds away from total collapse.”
“Yeah, that’s not just a you thing.” Robin twisted one of her rings around her finger. “But you wanna know what kept me upright? It was Steve. I don’t think I would have made it through the last eight months without him. And I know he’s gonna be alright, but I am still terrified that something will happen and he’ll get ripped away from me.”
Eddie frowned. He didn’t think he’d been picking up on those kinds of vibes between Harrington and Buckley, but the way she spoke about him… “Are the two of you, like, a thing?”
Robin barked out a laugh. “No! Not at all. I mean, he is the most important person in my life, and I would both kill and die for him. But, like, in a normal, platonic way.”
“...I’ll take you at your word for the ‘platonic’ part, but there is absolutely nothing normal about what you just said. You two are freaky for each other.”
Robin giggle-snorted, and it scrunched her nose up in a way that filled Eddie with warmth. Despite everything about his…everything, he’d never been short on friends—but it always felt nice to find another one. “Yeah, yeah I guess we are.”
“Mmm…Bobbie? ‘Zat you?” The beeping of Steve’s heart monitor picked up a little speed, and the man in question’s eyelids fluttered open. Robin immediately unraveled from the folded-up position she’d adopted in the hospital chair, and reached out to take his hand into her own. 
“Yeah, Stevie, it’s me.”
Steve squeezed her hand, before his eyes started scanning the room—going wide when they landed on Eddie. “Oh. Eddie.” A light pink flush broke over his face, and he averted his gaze almost as quickly as he met Eddie’s. That kept happening whenever Steve woke up, and Eddie didn’t know what to make of it, but it always left him off-kilter in a way he didn’t want or know how to put a name to. He always took it as his cue to leave.
“Well,” he started, with forced cheer, and a shit-eating grin. He pushed himself up from the chair and dusted off his knees. “I’m gonna leave you two lovebirds to catch up,”
“Not lovebirds—” Steve slurred, at the same time Robin exclaimed, “Ew, Munson!”
Eddie just cackled and sauntered off with a jaunty salute.
Steve felt like he was losing his mind. 
He'd been out of the hospital for a few weeks now, but he almost wished he was back there, because every waking second was just a never ending parade of pain and confusion. 
Fuck, why did almost dying always hurt so much?
The upside of being awake and ambulatory, was that Eddie had finally stopped running out of the room whenever Steve was awake for longer than two seconds. The down side—which was unfortunately directly connected to the aforementioned upside—was that Eddie was being weird.
And, okay, Steve had an admittedly shallow pool of evidence from which to draw his comparisons from. But the fact remained that Eddie’s behavior towards him pre- and post-Vecna-slaying were worlds’ apart. And he didn’t know how to fix it. He’d tried everything: playing coy, bringing him small gifts, finding excuses to talk to him one-on-one when the rest of the group was gathered together. But none of it seemed to work.
What Steve wanted was to just be able to rock up to the trailer with a bouquet of flowers and ask him out to a night at Enzo’s. But even without the whole recently-wanted-for-murder thing, the two of them going out on what was obviously a date in Hawkins was not only a bad idea, but actively dangerous. And without his typical romance rituals to fall back on, Steve was at a loss as to how to proceed, when the object of his affection was acting so damnably fickle.
“I just don’t get it, Rob. One minute he’s calling me ‘big boy’ and getting all up close and personal, and the next he’s looking like I killed his cat!”
“You have got to stop using other people’s trauma as analogies for your love life, babe.”
Steve waved a hand. “Mrs. Henderson’s not here.”
Robin threw up her hands. “And that makes it okay?”
“Uh, yeah.” 
“Fine, whatever.” Robin ruffled her hair in frustration. “Maybe he’s just nervous!”
“Nervous! Why would he be nervous?”
“I don’t know, Steve. Why are you nervous?”
“Because I like him, and I don’t want to get hurt again!” Steve shouted, startling himself by the force with which the words came tumbling out.
“Yeah.” Steve sighed. “I mean, it’s not just that, though, it’s…” Steve waved a hand into the open air between them. “I don’t know how to do this, you know? If this was a girl, I’d be thinking ‘oh, she’s playing hard to get—’”
“I can’t believe that’s a real thing people do,” Robin deadpanned.
“I mean, sometimes it really is just that they don’t like you—except that then they don’t keep trying to, like, hang out and joke with you—which Eddie does, he’s just hopelessly awkward about it.”
“Steve. Eddie is a hopelessly awkward person. It’s like a defining character trait.”
“Well he wasn’t with me.” Steve wiped a hand over his face and groaned. “I’m just nervous I misread the whole thing, you know? And if I did, and I ask him the wrong thing in the wrong way…what if he doesn’t want to see me again? Like, at all?”
Robin reached out and took his hand. “I hate that you have to know what that feels like,” she said, soft and careful. “But even in the wild event that Eddie is either a: entirely straight, or b: just not into you, I don’t think there’s any version of him that wouldn’t want to talk to you at all. So you should ask him out.”
“Okay, Rob,” Steve sighed. “Only on one condition, though.”
“Oh, no. Ohhhh, no you don’t—”
“You’ve gotta ask out Vickie,” Steve finished, holding out his hand with a smirk.
“Uggggh, fine. Deal.”
Steve was acting weird.
He’d been acting weird since getting discharged from the hospital—acting all shy and blushy one second, and then turning around and bringing him a new set of dice the next—but it’d really been cranked up to eleven for the past week.
And, look, Eddie knew he was new to the monsters-are-real crew. He knew that in order to make space for him they had to alter whatever their established dynamics were to fit him into them. But that didn’t account for the fact that all of a sudden Steve seemed to be completely unable to string two sentences together in front of him. 
Maybe the two of them weren’t quite friends yet, but he missed the ease with which they’d been able to talk and be honest with each other only a couple of weeks ago. Hell, they’d had more chemistry together down in the Upside Down.
Oh, fuck. 
Maybe that had been the problem all along. Maybe Steve had finally clocked his doomsday-flirting for what it was, and was trying to establish boundaries. Eddie thought he’d pulled back since they'd all crawled out of hell—broken, but alive. As soon as the danger was clear there was no reason to play the bit anymore, right? It’s not like his flirtation attempts had ever been more than a way to liven up what had been an unmitigated shitstain of an experience. Sure, Harrington was pretty, and nice—and there was clearly more to him than met the eye. Eddie had really enjoyed getting to know him over the course of the past few weeks. He wouldn’t mind getting to know him better, if he was being honest. But it looked like the door was closing on that chance if he didn’t straighten things out.
“Hey, Harrington?”
“I thought I told you to call me Steve, Munson.”
Eddie smiled his ‘malicious compliance’ smile and clasped his hands behind his back, rocking onto his heels as he said. “Alright: Steeeve.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but there was a little smile on his face that belied the general bitchiness of the rest of his demeanor. “What do you want, Eddie?”
Eddie spread his hands out in front of him like he was unfurling a map into the air between them. “Just figured I ought to clear the air.”
Steve frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“You know—the whole reason you’ve been all weird around me lately? I figured it’d be best if I put all of my cards on the table.”
The frown dropped off of Steve’s face—replaced by an expression that Eddie couldn’t decipher. It wasn’t…bad? There was no apprehension to be found there. Steve looked almost expectant. Hopeful, maybe. Which didn’t make a whole lot of sense—but Harrington didn’t make a whole lot of sense, so maybe Eddie was just misreading whatever he was seeing there. 
“You know it was all just in good fun, right? That it didn’t mean anything?”
The frown returned. “What are you talking about?”
“Back in the Upside Down. You know I was just messing with you, right, man? Just a bit of good ol’ fashioned I’m-about-to-die flirting, you know? Nothing to get all worked up about.” Eddie kept a wide smile fixed in place, tried to really lean into the whole ‘non-threatening gay guy’ vibe—an uphill battle for him, specifically on one of his best days. He’d do jazz hands if it’d help sell the performance any better. But each word out of his mouth felt more like a lie than the one before.
A thin fissure appeared on Steve’s face—a crack that Eddie could almost see through, but not enough to be able to make any sense of what was on the other side. “Oh,” Steve said. His voice was shaking and Eddie couldn’t figure out why. It set off alarms in the part of his brain that was always primed to run at the first sign of danger. “So you’re…not gay?”
Eddie frowned in confusion. Of all the ways he thought Steve might react, that was not one of them. So Eddie forced a laugh, trying to disarm the question. “Oh no, I am a flaming homosexual. I just want to make sure you know that doesn’t mean I’m interested in you.”
The frown slid off of Steve’s face, and the fissure smoothed itself away like it’d never been there. The Steve standing before him was blank-faced as a statue, and it made Eddie want to puke. In all his worrying about Steve being uncomfortable with the idea that Eddie was hitting on him, specifically, he’d entirely forgotten to be worried about Steve being straight up homophobic. At least he wasn’t throwing punches. That was something, right? But Steve was looking at him with such a totalizing coldness behind his eyes that Eddie felt like he’d been left out to sea. 
Steve gave a stiff nod. “Right, of course not,” he said, but the words came out wooden. He threw a thumb over one shoulder and twisted on his heel, back toward the beemer. “I’ll just…I gotta go.”
And then Harrington turned his back to him, and walked away.
Eddie didn’t have a crush on Steve.
So why did it hurt so much to watch him leave?
Robin sped down the stairs when she heard the banging at the door. There weren’t many people who would bother turning up on her doorstep unannounced. Even fewer who would make such a concerted effort to try to knock it down with the force of their pounding fists.
She swung the door open to find a tear-stained Steve standing before her.
“What happened?” She gasped out. Was it back? It couldn’t be back. El and Will had both sworn on pain of death that it was over. Maybe there was a new horror in town? Maybe Nancy had gone missing? Or Dustin? One of the other kids? Maybe Eddie? 
Steve cut off the racing of her thoughts with a sobbing gasp. “Nothing, Robs.” Somehow, he looked worse than he had after the Russians. His head was hung low, and Robin could swear there was a shadow of phantom-bruising around his eyes. Like he’d been emotionally decked in the face. He took a step forward to come inside at the same moment that she took him by the wrist and yanked him across the threshold.
“What do you need?”
“Bathroom,” was all he said. And then Steve swapped his-wrist-in-hers for her-wrist-in-his and he pulled her further into her own house, toward the second-floor bathroom. When they reached it, Robin plopped down on the floor with her back against the tub while Steve took up his position with his back pressed up against the toilet bowl.
“What happened?” She whispered.
Steve was silent for a long stretch of time. He turned his head to the side, as though he was trying to look out of the small frosted window high up on the wall beside him. “He doesn’t want me.”
“Who? What? What are you talking about, Steve?”
Steve turned back to face her. “Eddie. He doesn’t want me.” Steve no longer sounded sad—he sounded vacant.
Robin’s nose scrunched up like she’d smelled something wrong, because that didn’t make sense. Robin might not be good at clocking other gay people—she wasn’t that good at reading people, period—but it’s not like Eddie’s flirting with Steve had been subtle. And even beyond that, he was always looking at Steve while he was asleep in the hospital bed, in a way that Robin thought meant something… There was just no way that Eddie didn’t have at least a little bit of a crush on Steve, right? So what had he said to make Steve so certain about that he didn’t? “How d’you know that?”
Steve laughed, half-hysterical, as he tipped his head back onto the lid of the toilet. “He said it didn’t mean anything—the flirting.” Steve wiped a hand clear across the length of his face—chin to forehead—before digging his fingers into his hair. He laughed again. Or—it was more a puff of air, than anything else. And there was definitely no humor behind it. Just a bitter kind of resignation. “And then—he said—he told me he was gay, but that he just wanted me to know that it doesn’t mean he’s interested in me.” Steve covered his face with both hands and let out a broken sob. “God, he and Nance should compare notes.”
Robin could feel the lines carving an angry space between her eyebrows, and a fire in her heart. How dare he? Maybe Robin had misread Eddie's whole vibe toward Steve—but how dare he just trample all over and discard his heart like that? It didn’t make sense—but it was happening, and she had to fix it, because no one was allowed to break her other half. 
“Hey Stevie?” She asked, trying to keep her tone light.
“Where do you keep your little nail bat nowadays?”
Let it not be said that Eddie Munson didn’t know how to pull off a top-tier wallow. Ozzy’s pleading vocals were pouring out the speakers, while Eddie was laid star-fished out on the mattress, staring at the ceiling like it might give him answers, and torturing himself with the memory of Steve Harrington biting into the tail of a hell-bat.
Is it me or is it you?
Things are so much different now
But nothing lasts forever
He really should have known that whatever kind of rapport he and Harrington had going was too good to be true. Once a rich dickhead jock, always a rich dickhead jock, right? He almost felt bad thinking that. But what else was he supposed to think? The second Steve Harrinton had found out he was gay he’d turned his back on him. That was pretty cut and dry.
A loud banging at the trailer door cut through his thoughts and over the sound of Ozzy singing looks and glances can't repair, talking could if we'd just dare.
Eddie had half a mind to just ignore it, but there were even odds that it was one of the UD Crew as it was a member of Hawkins’ resident angry mob. So Eddie peeled himself off the bed, leaving Ozzy blaring behind him, and yanked open the door. “What—?” He started, but came up short when he registered an absolutely livid Robin Buckley staring back at him.
Eddie hadn’t thought to take into consideration the idea that the person at the door might be a UD Crew member taking up the role of angry mob members. But Robin Buckley was standing on his stoop looking half-ready to commit a murder. The second the door was open, she shoved past him and into the trailer.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Munson?”
“Wh-what are you talking about, Buckley?” Covering his face with a piece of hair wasn’t enough—he wanted to melt into the floor. Had Steve really sent Robin to beat him up for being gay? That was some next level gymnastics in avoiding making physical contact with another man so that you don't seem gay.
Robin yanked at her hair and started pacing around the common area, glaring daggers into the floor (but thankfully not at him). “What am I talking about, he asks! You really are a medical grade idiot, aren’t you?”
“No, shut up, I don’t want to hear it.” Robin abruptly swung around on her heel to rush at him and jab a finger into his chest. “You broke Steve’s heart. And I don’t care if you were never into him—because I know that you can’t help who you like, or love—but you had no right to be so fucking cruel about it!”
A penny dropped.
“Robin. What are you talking about?”
Steve was heartbroken? That didn’t make any sense. He should have been relieved, he should have—
Robin laughed, hysterical, and threw her hands into the air. “I am talking about the fact that you told my best friend who has been pining over you for fucking weeks that all of the very obvious flirting you’ve been doing ‘didn’t mean anything,’ and that you just had to let him know that you weren’t interested in him specifically.” Robin paused to take a deep breath and kept barreling on. “And I get not wanting to lead someone on, Eddie—but even I know that was the least tactful way you could have gone about letting him down.”
Eddie shook his head, backing up toward the nearest wall like a cornered animal, because what Robin was saying didn’t make any sense. “I— I don’t—I mean, I do like him. I thought he didn’t like me! I thought he was straight!”
That brought Robin up short. Her shoulders remained set into a tense line, and her brow was still furrowed in distrust, but some of the unrelenting ire slipped away. “You didn’t—? Did he not—? What the fuck, Stevie!” The last part Robin muttered under her breath.
“Did he not, what, Buckley?”
“He didn’t ask you out?”
“No. What? Was he planning to?”
“Yes, numb nuts! Steve’s been trying to ask you out for weeks! I mean I guess mostly this past week—but that’s because before then he’d just been trying to beam the knowledge directly into your head through your thick skull.”
“Oh, shit.” Eddie’s heart dropped into his stomach as the full ramifications of what he’d said caught up to him.
“Yeah, ‘oh, shit,’ Munson.”
“Buckley—” Eddie rushed over to clap both of his hands onto Robin’s shoulders. “Robin. I’ve gotta fix this.”
Robin rolled her eyes. They were still creased at the corners, but the rest of her seemed to have softened a bit. “Yeah, you do,” she said—all low and serious. “You’re gonna have to fucking grovel.”
Eddie nodded. “Can you help me?”
Robin narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “But let me make one thing fucking clear, Munson: I am doing this for Steve, not you, capiche? You put one toe out of line and I’ll go to the Wheeler house and grab one of Nancy’s guns.”
Eddie held up his hands in placating surrender. “Message received, loud and clear.”
Robin nodded, satisfied.
Eddie grinned back. “Let’s go get my man.”
there is now a part two!
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belokhvostikova · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Swearing and playful mentions of religion.
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In truth, Eddie Munson does not care if you're not into the metal scene. Though it wasn't until instances like last Friday, in which he truly realized just how little you knew, and he had a fucking field day.
It all began when you were propped on sore elbows and laying on your tummy, as his rough carpet scratched your skin, and you attempted to do your homework. Heavy on the "attempt" because Eddie Munson situated himself right next to you, and made it his life's mission to steal your attention.
Lifelessly, he'd plopped from his bed, a heavy grunt following, and landed right next to you. "C'mon, sweetheart, you've been doing that shit for hours." Ten minutes. It'd only been ten minutes. "It can't possibly be more entertaining than me." He pouted.
You merely giggled. "Eds, I'm trying to finish so I can hang out with you."
"Can't you just hang out now?" He huffed. "I mean, isn't that the whole point of, you know, coming over?"
You could only scoff with a smile. "Uh, if I'm not mistaken, it was you who said I could finish my work here." You stated matter of factly.
"Puh-lease." His dramatic sass always kicking in. "You and I both know, sweetheart, that I just said that to get you to come over." He spoke such truth so highly, it made you laugh. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be doing something romantic, like making out with your smokin' hot boyfriend while listening to music?"
"Oh, right, because your little punk music is so romantic."
It was then you heard the most conspicuous gasp ever uttered by Eddie Munson, as he sat up, hand over his heart, like he was in a corny soap opera. The way his large eyes grew even bigger had you reeling back your words to see where you went wrong.
Now, to any normal person, the obvious would have been the clear insult of calling his taste unromantic, but to a metalhead? Yeah, it was something completely different.
"'Punk music?!'" He reiterated with such bewilderment. "I do not listen to punk music!" You've never seen such offense and disgust consume his dramatic antics. It had you dying of laughter. "You think this is funny?!"
"Yeah, I do." You unabashedly answered with a giggle. "It all sounds the same, what's the difference?"
Your rhetorical question left Eddie Munson's mouth agape. "You are walking on thin ice here, missy." He pointed a finger, as if discipling you. "I am a metalhead! Not punk. Metal! C'mon, say it with me, me-tal-head."
You laughed incredulously, with a playful slap to his arm. "Shut up!"
"C'mere!" You squealed, as he manhandled you onto his lap, ready to teach you a lesson and because you were infuriatingly cute, gushing his insides with happiness, even if you misjudged his choice of music genres.
"Look." He redirected you to a peeling poster on his wall with a point to his finger. "You see him? You know who that is?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Eddie, I know who Ozzy Osbourne is." You mocked with a bored voice.
"Good, because he's lesson number one." He put on his stern face, one that was used to mimic Ms. O'Donnell. "Me and Ozzy are a package deal; you date me, you date him."
"I can't date Ozzy Osbourne." You laughed at the obvious.
"That's right, so you worship him instead." He nodded his head in complete seriousness. "Right before you go to bed, I want you on your knees and praying to him. He's your god. An Ozzyist, if you will."
You laughed with pure joy, because, my god, you couldn't believe you got the bragging rights of dating Eddie Munson.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 4th: Rejection | Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier | Lost a/n: pre-steddie post-s4, angst with soft, happy ending because I'm a marshmallow. un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to series on ao3
All Eddie Munson has ever wanted to do is play music. 
That’s it. There are other hobbies, of course, other things that bring him joy– D&D, fantasy novels, art– but ever since he was a kid, whenever a teacher would ask what he wants to be when he grows up, it’s always the same answer. 
I wanna play music. 
As a kid, it seems less daunting. He just has to practice, he just has to play, he just has to have the passion to make it big. To be the next Kirk Hammett, or Eddie Van Halen, or Ozzy Osbourne if he can teach himself to carry a tune. 
Making friends is hard, but he manages to find a few in middle school who can play the instruments he can’t– drums, bass. Eddie takes the role of frontman, not exactly a singer still but he’s charismatic enough to get away with it at their school talent show.
High school comes, and Corroded Coffin is revamped. New vibe, new members. He’s older now, a little more jaded with each rejection. 
No one wants their EP, recorded by hand in Gareth’s garage onto cheap cassette tapes. 
No venue will let them play, and Eddie knows that it’s probably because they’re in high school but hadn’t The Cure started in high school? 
No one believes in them, trying to push them– especially Eddie– to consider more successful careers, safer paths. 
But eventually, they book a regular gig at The Hideout and Eddie’s certain this is it. This is their big break. Until they play week after week, staring at the same five plastered faces every Tuesday. If they can prove themselves though, the owner will have to let them play on a Friday or Saturday.
He never does. 
The final nail in the proverbial coffin comes after Eddie’s final senior year. Being accused of murder should have beefed up his credibility if nothing else– he’s already been traumatized, terrorized, and hunted like a goddamn dog, nevermind almost killed via hoard of angry mutant bats. Surely, he’ll catch at least one break. 
And then the owner at The Hideout tells him he can’t play there anymore. 
The hoards of people who still blame him for Chrissy Cunningham’s death are too much for him to manage himself and, in his words, Eddie’s driving away good business. His heart shatters, his breath catches, and Eddie leaves without a word because if he were to try to speak, all that would come out is either an enraged scream or a choked sob and Eddie doesn’t want to risk either. 
He drives around aimlessly for an unknown amount of time, just circles around the outskirts of Hawkins. Maybe I’ll just leave, he thinks. Indianapolis might be far enough. Maybe Chicago. Fuck it, maybe Argyle and Jonathan can put me up for awhile in California. Eddie wants to go somewhere that makes him forget just how lost he is, how unwanted and forgotten he’s become. Being the social pariah is only fun when he’s making speeches on cafeteria tables, not when it boots him out of his one and only career path. 
Somehow, he ends up in Loch Nora. He can’t face Wayne right now, he doesn’t want to bother Robin or Nancy, he’s already let Jeff, Gareth, and Freak down in the worst way imaginable, and if he goes to his mom’s or Chrissy’s tombstones with one more sob story, he’s afraid they’ll start haunting him. Steve’s become a friend over the last year or so it makes sense. Process of elimination and all of that. 
He doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to realize that he’d started driving that way before he ruled everyone else out. 
Steve welcomes him like he always does and offers him a beer, sitting with him in companionable silence on the couch as they watch Monty Python and The Holy Grail and laugh at the same parts. Eddie knows Steve can see that he’s upset but instead of asking questions Eddie isn’t ready to answer, he just sits a little closer with their thighs touching and one arm strewn over the back of the couch, just barely grazing Eddie’s shoulder. 
The movie ends and Steve moves to switch the tape when Eddie finally speaks up. 
“The Hideout kicked us out. Can’t play there anymore.” 
Eddie sees Steve freeze from behind before turning, his eyebrows knitted together above his nose. “Are you fucking serious?” 
He nods and sighs, lifting one hand to chew on this thumbnail as he looks at the wall beyond Steve. 
“That’s bullshit, dude. Why? Because of the protestors or whatever?” 
He nods again. 
“Want me to go down there? I’ve still got my bat around here somewhere. It might be nice to swing at something that’s not trying to like, eat me.” 
Eddie huffs a small laugh through his nose and meets Steve’s eyes, their righteous anger blending with his own as he sees Steve cross his arms over his chest. It’s hard not to stare. 
 “Well, then at least I wouldn’t be the only guy in this town wanted for murder.” 
Steve shakes his head and just chooses another movie, Howard the Duck this time, before returning to his spot on the couch. It’s one of Eddie’s favorite movies but he can’t focus to save his life because Steve is even closer now, his arm draped fully across Eddie’s shoulders and creating a space for Eddie to easily just… rest. So he does. 
The title sequence starts and Eddie’s head drops to the side, resting on Steve’s shoulder. It’s one of his favorites but he can’t follow the plot to save his life. All he can focus on is the way Steve’s fingers trace symptoms and shapes against the cotton of his tee shirt, and the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the feeling of Steve’s head leaning against the top of his. 
“I had a new song and everything,” Eddie whispers, surprising both himself and Steve. 
Steve hums and tightens his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, a ghost of a hug. “Play it for me sometime?”
All Eddie Munson has ever wanted to do is play music. And maybe he still can.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 8 months
The Munson Twins – Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
The Munsons were always a strange pair of twins. For one thing, they were polar opposites of each other. Eddie was into weird role-playing games. Y/N was into volleyball. Eddie is in danger of repeating his senior year. Y/N graduated early. Eddie is into rock and roll. Y/N plays the classical violin and the piano. Eddie loves black leather jackets. Y/N likes flowery sun dresses. Eddie is kind of a loner. Y/N is more popular than me.
Since Y/N graduated early, we spent our senior year in some of the same classes. That being said, we barely spoke to each other. The most we ever talked was congratulating each other after one of us won a game. All through high school, Y/N and I ran in the same social circles because of our sports so we often went to the same parties. Just because we went to the same parties doesn't mean we were friends.
Not to say I didn't wish we were friends. I've gone to most of Y/N's games and she's gone to most of mine. Whenever I looked in the stands and saw her, I became more self-conscious of my playing. I even went to her orchestra concerts. I usually sat in the back and left before anyone noticed I was there.
Throughout high school, I couldn't get Y/N Munson out of my head. It seemed like everywhere I looked, she was there. Even when I was dating Nancy, my mind often wondered to Y/N when I was alone.
When Vecna started killing teens and Eddie was blamed, my thoughts focused even more on Y/N. I wanted to talk to her about all of this, to make sure she knew her brother wasn't what the town thought, but I also didn't want her involved in any of this shit.
I had to force Y/N to the back of my mind as we tried to help Eddie. When we got stuck in the UpsideDown, I allowed my mind to go back to her, hoping she was safe back in Hawkins. We were walking to Nancy's house and I kept glancing at Eddie. If he knew that my thoughts were constantly on his twin sister, he'd kill me.
"Eddie," I said, clearing my throat as I caught up to him. "Hey, man. Um, listen I just umm. . . I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there."
"Shit," he laughed. "You saved your own ass, man. I mean that was a real Ozzy move back there."
"When you took a bite out of that bat," he tried to clarify. "Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath. He bit a bat's head off on stage. You really don't know who that is?"
"No," I chuckled. "Sorry."
"Well, anyway, it was very metal, what you did, is all I'm saying."
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Henderson told me you were a badass," he continued. "Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Wait, Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah. Shit. That kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but I guess I got a little jealous." Eddie sighed before continuing, "I guess I couldn't handle the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents. Popular. Chicks love him. And not a douche? No way. It goes against all the laws of the universe and my own personal Munson Doctrine. Then again, that's worth shit because even my sister talks highly of you."
"Y/N talks highly of me?" I tried, and failed, not to stutter.
I looked over to see Eddie smirking at me. He leaned in a little too close and whispered, "Very highly of you."
"Okay," I said awkwardly as I used my elbow to push him away from me. I cleared my throat and rolled my shoulders back.
"All jokes aside," Eddie said, "my sister does think highly of you, dude. Whenever people would start to talk shit about you, she'd instantly stand up for you. I never understood it, but she's always talked about how people should give you a chance. She believes that there is more to you than meets the eye."
"She really thinks that?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Hell yeah," he laughed.
"I guess I always thought. . . I mean, everyone else saw me as a dick. I figured she did too."
"Nope," he teased. "She always sees the good in people. It's extremely annoying."
Eddie walked away, but my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. I thought over the few, very few, interactions I've ever had with Y/N. We walked a few more miles, the others talking amongst each other while I walked behind the group.
"Alright," Eddie sighed as he joined me. "Enough of this. You've been in your head since I mentioned Y/N. What's the. . ."
He didn't finish his thought. Instead, he turned toward me with a smirk on his face.
"Ohhhhh," he elongated. "I get it now."
He playfully pushed me before continuing to walk through the woods.
"Wait," I called out as I chased after him. "You get what?"
"Come on, Harrington," Eddie sighed. "Please tell me I don't have to be the one to point this out to you."
"Point what out?"
"You have a thing for my sister."
"What?" I scoffed. "I don't. . . Why would you. . . That's so. . . No."
"No?" Eddie teased. "You sure about that?"
"I mean. . . That would be. . . Crazy."
"No, it wouldn't," he said simply. He saw the look on my face and sighed. "Look, Harrington, as much as I may not understand it, Y/N's right. You're a good guy. You'd be an even better guy if you'd grow a pair and tell my sister how you felt about her."
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I asked before I could realize how weird it was to have this conversation with Y/N's twin brother.
"She does."
My heart jumped into my throat at those two words. Eddie didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. He sent me a wink before jogging and catching up with the others.
"She does," I repeated under my breath. "Holy shit. She feels the same."
* * * * *
Three months later, Hawkins was barely rebuilding. After Eddie's death, there were two people I was worried about; Dustin and Y/N. Dustin was doing what he normally does - pretending to be okay so no one would worry about him. I checked in on him almost every day. He was getting better, especially since Max was improving.
Y/N, on the other hand, barely leaves her uncle's trailer. Every single one of us has tried to visit her, but her uncle keeps telling us she doesn't want any visitors. Y/N won't even talk to the kids.
"Hi, Steve," Eddie and Y/N's uncle sighed when he opened the door.
"Hi, Mr. Munson," I greeted. "Is Y/N here?"
He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Look," he sighed, "I really appreciate all you kids have been trying to do for Y/N, but I think it might be best if you give her some space."
"But. . ."
"I'm sorry, Steve," he continued. "I'll let her know you stopped by."
My heart sank as he closed the door. I couldn't get myself to move as I heard Y/N's uncle saying something to her. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I forced myself to leave. I turned around and slowly started walking back to my car. As I drove home, I racked my brain trying to figure out what I could do for Y/N.
Just when I had lost all hope, I noticed someone pulled over to the side of the road. As I got closer, I recognized the driver as Y/N. She was looking at her engine.
I didn't hesitate to pull over. I got out of my car and started walking toward her.
"Need a hand?" I called out. I instantly cringed when she jumped. "It's just me, Y/N."
"Sorry," she stuttered.
"It's okay," I tried to say lightly. "So, you need any help?"
"This stupid thing won't start," she grumbled. "And I have no idea why. Eddie usually. . ."
My heart sank when she stopped talking. One look at her and I could see the tears building.
"He usually handled the car," she forced herself to continue as she cleared her throat.
"I could take a look," I shrugged. She looked up at me, her eyes softening.
"Of course."
I walked over to the front of her car and examined the engine. The longer I stared at it, the more Y/N giggled. She was laughing at me, but I didn't care. At least she was laughing.
"You don't know anything about cars, do you, Steve?" 
"That obvious?" I chuckled as I turned toward her.
"Little bit," she said, showing me how much with her fingers. She cleared her throat and wrapped her arms around herself.
"I could still help," I said quickly.
"How?" Y/N asked, her voice softening.
"I could give you a ride," I offered.
"Steve. . ."
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "I can take you home or wherever you were on your way to."
"You don't have to," she said quickly. 
"I don't mind," I tried again.
"I can call my uncle."
"Come on, Y/N. Let me help you."
She looked up at me and held my gaze. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice soft.
"Of course," I shrugged. I held my hand out, not entirely expecting her to take it. When she did, my heart jumped into my throat. Ignoring the circus in my stomach, I led her over to my car. She smiled as I opened the door and held it for her.
"Thanks," she said as she got in. I took a shaky breath as I walked around and got in the driver's seat. I started driving to the trailer park, my nerves jumping all over the place.
"So," I cleared my throat, "how have you been doing?"
"Fine," she shrugged, looking out the window.
"Are you. . ."
"Please don't, Steve," she cut me off. She looked over at me and I could see the tears building.
I nodded before turning my attention back to the road. We went through the rest of the drive in silence. I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure how to start a conversation with her. Before I would've liked, we pulled in front of her uncle's trailer.
"Thanks for driving me, Steve," she said softly.
"Y/N, wait," I said as I grabbed her hand before she could get out of my car. When she looked at me, I forgot what I was going to say.
"Steve," she said softly when I didn't continue.
"I just wanted to say," I said slowly, "if you ever need anything, the group and I are here for you."
"Thanks," she said, clearing her throat. She started to get out but realized that I was still holding her hand.
"There's something else," I forced myself to say. I looked into her eyes and gathered all the courage I could before saying, "I'm sorry about Eddie."
She turned away from me but right before she did, I could see the tears building. With the hand I wasn't holding, she covered her mouth. My heart sank when I realized she was hiding her tears.
"Y/N," I whispered. I pulled on her hand and she let me bring her into my chest. As I wrapped my arms around her, she sobbed into my chest.
"I wish we could've done something," I whispered. I pulled out of our embrace and held her shoulders as I looked deeply into her eyes. "I wasn't able to keep your brother safe, but that doesn't mean I can't keep you safe."
"Steve," she said under her breath.
"I promise, Y/N, I will always be here for you," I said. "If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, all you have to do is call me. Day or night."
"Day or night?" She teased. "That's a little creepy, Steve."
"I didn't mean it like that," I stuttered. "I just meant that if you needed me, I'd. . ."
Y/N cut me off by leaning over and pressing her lips to mine. I didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. I gently grabbed her face as our lips moved against each other. When we were both out of breath, we broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"You know," she whispered, "there is something you could do for me."
"Anything," I said instantly.
"I'm starving," she started. I smiled when she didn't continue.
"Y/N," I said softly. "Can I take you to dinner?"
I smirked as I leaned in and kissed her again. I felt her smile as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss and pressed my nose to hers.
"If it's not too much trouble," she whispered.
"Not at all."
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armored-angel4798 · 5 months
Eddie was excited. It’s hard not to be when you get to hang out with your best friend who you hadn’t seen for TWO WEEKS. Steve had been clocking a lot of overtime at his new vet tech job. While he loves that Steve is doing something he enjoys now, he misses his beautiful face. Robin was coming much later in the day because unfortunately, she still had to work. Eddie was so excited to get some alone time with Steve. He could hear the stereo playing from the front door. Not really Eddie’s music, but if it makes Steve smile he’ll listen to anything. The scene Eddie was met with when he walked into the house turned his brain into mush.
Steve was dancing through the kitchen in his briefs that left NOTHING to the imagination and using a spatula as a microphone. Eggs were frying on the stove, almost seeming forgotten as Separate Ways played. Eddie officially loves Journey, in fact, he needs to go buy their tapes right now. He’s frozen. Looking away from Steve being happy and free (read: in tight little briefs) is the most monumental task he has ever attempted. He failed. Much like his first two attempts at senior year. He was debating on clearing his throat to let Steve know he was there when he pointed the spatula right at him. Steve froze. Eddie, still frozen, gulped and kept staring. Really, what else was he supposed to do? He has been in love with his best friend for the better part of a year and he walks in on this? His brain is gone. It has leaked out of his ears and been replaced with his dick. His dick that had very much chubbed up without his say so.
“Eddie!” Steve sounds shocked.
It broke Eddie out of his brainmushdickhardfrozen state, and he panicked.
“I’ll go, um, I should leave, yeah. I’ll leave and you can call me, uh, when you’re decent. NOT that you aren’t decent. You’re the most decent man I know and I really respect you so much. So I gotta go.”
“Eddie! Eddie! Wait don’t go.”
“You’re…. IT’S really fine, Steve. I can come back later I’m sorry to interrupt your morning.”
Eddie convinced his cinder block feet to turn so he could walk away. A hand wrapped around Eddie’s wrist before he could take a step.
“Eddie, please stay. I’ll.. I’ll put on some clothes and we can hang. I just didn’t realize you’d be up so early.”
“I would rather you didn’t put on clothes.”
Steve’s eyes widened and Eddie slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Oh, really?” Steve asked.
“Oh my god!” Eddie shrieked not hearing Steve’s seductive tone. “I can’t believe I said that out loud! I’m so sorry Steve, I will go. I’ll just go. I don’t need to be here today. I’m just making a fool of myself. I’m…”
Eddie was shut up by a pair of lips pressing to his. Operation brainmushdickhard was back in full swing as he was pressed against a wall.
“Shut up, Eddie.” Steve whispered when he pulled away.
“You, uh, you are really good at making me.”
“I gotta get my eggs, but then we can discuss further what our plans are for the day.”
Eddie has died. This is the only explanation. He’s dead and this is his heaven. The only thing that would make this better is if Ozzy Osbourne burst through the door asking him to join his band. He stared at the door waiting for it to happen. Then he realized looking at the door was making him miss Steve’s ass jiggling. Can’t have that. Steve was turning back towards him. Plate of eggs abandoned on the counter, pan in the sink. Eddie imagines that this is what it feels like to be a prey animal stalked by a lion. Steve kissed him again and Eddie was helpless, his knees weak as Steve ran his hand down Eddie’s torso. Steve nipped at his ear and Eddie /whined/.
“What do you say we see what we can do about this, hmm?” Steve whispered in his ear as he palmed Eddie through his jeans.
“Is this real?” He asked
“If you want it to be.”
“I want it. I want you so bad.”
“You have me, baby.”
Eddie melted. When Robin got to Steve’s house they were clothed on the couch (thank God). Eddie was practically in Steve’s lap.
“Oh, you finally got your shit together.” She said when she saw them, “also, I’m not staying over if you didn’t change your sheets.”
Eddie blushed and Steve laughed opening his other side for Robin to join them.
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suckerfordylansstuff · 2 months
New Journey (S.H.) Chapter 7 Season 4
Pairing: Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: Back to Hawkins for spring break. Y/n believed it would just be a quiet time to cherish with her loved ones, but one day in and another mess had already began.
Warnings: cursing, blood
Notes: Another day another chapter. Tomorrow I'm leaving for vacation for about a week. I will try to get all the chapters ready and scheduled for uploading but if I miss a day or two please don't come for me. Please enjoy the chapter and stay safe!💕
Chapter 6 << Masterlist >> Chapter 8
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You’ve settled into two groups while you were walking. You, Robin, and Nancy were in the front, and Steve, and Eddie were in the back, though a few meters apart.
It was quiet at the beginning. Everyone was trying to calm down their nerves, always looking where you were stepping in fear of alerting the bats or Vecna of your whereabouts.
“Hey, Y/n?” your head turned to the left when you heard Nancy’s voice call you “You had a big hit, huh?” she pointed to your back looking at the scars that were more visible now that you had ripped off the torn pieces of your shirt.
“Oh, yeah, but they’re surface wounds, I can barely feel them.” that was a small lie. You could feel them with every step you took but you weren’t bleeding so you felt no need to alert anyone “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just… wondering.”
“About?” you questioned.
“What did you mean by Jonathan being scared?” she got straight to the point and you let out a sigh.
“Nancy, I really don’t think you want to hear this from me.”
“When did you speak with him?” her voice was strong, obviously in need to find out what her boyfriend was hiding, terrible scenarios already filling her head.
“A couple weeks back. Look. This is not my place to intrude, alright? You’re both my friends and I made a promise to him not to tell anyone.” she was ready to argue back but you were faster as you stopped walking a put your hands on her shoulders “But, I need you to put all your trust in me when I say that he loves you, and you have nothing to worry about.” her eyes were uncertain. However, the hug you shared right after told you everything you needed to know. I trust you. You smiled at one another once you pulled from her arms, just when Robin came rushing to you.
“Glad you’re having a moment, but you’re not leaving me alone to walk in these woods.” she grasped your arms and pulled you along.
Steve’s eyes followed your figures, glad to see you in good moods even after everything. Then his gaze falls to the only other guy in the group and he decides now is the best time to tell him everything he needed to. He calls out for him, Eddie slowing down to match his pace “Hey, man, uh… Listen, I just, uh… I just wanted to say thanks. For saving my ass back there.” he knew how scared and confused he must have been feeling because he was like that not three years ago. So, he wanted to make him feel welcome, as welcome you could feel while in a place like this.
“Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.” Eddie replied, raising a question inside Steve’s mind.
“When you took a bite out of that bat… Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat’s head off onstage.” Eddie explained, quite shocked by the fact Steve didn’t know what he was talking about “It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.” now it was Steve’s turn to be shocked.
“Henderson said that?” he knew the kid loved him, just like he did. He didn’t wanna pick favorites, but Dustin hadn’t really given him a chance. With his toothy grin and crazy mind, it was hard not to love him. Not that he’d ever say that to his face, especially now that hormones were taking control over his body making him the snarkiest teenager he’s ever seen.
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kinda annoying, to be honest.” Steve scoffs, even though he’s feeling himself fill with pride “I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way man. No way.” Steve wanted to tell Eddie how wrong he was. Those weren’t the things that made him good. They were everything that he most despised in himself “That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as hell, by the way.” he admitted his face coming close to Steve’s, making him a little uncomfortable, and not sure how to respond “Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh… normal circumstances.”
The sound of a branch snapping and growling in the distance startled them for a moment before moving on.
“Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.”
“Give yourself a break, man.”
“See?” Eddie pointed at the three of you ahead before stopping to look Steve in the eye “The only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you.” Steve let his gaze fall on the girls ahead, his eyes landing on your figure “Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Henderson, right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. You better hold on to her, because that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
You weren’t sure what it was, but something told you to turn around. You continued walking but looked back finding Steve’s gaze already on you. His eyes were soft, full of love, bringing a smile to your face and making him return it when he realized you were looking at him. It was nice having a small moment to yourselves especially when the earth began shaking again.
“Okay, second on my least of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I’m unsteady enough as it is.” Robin joked, but her tone completely changed when Nancy took off, not waiting for the rumbling to stop “Nancy! Where are you going? Nancy!” you all went after her, finding her standing, looking out in the open. You follow her gaze and see a house up ahead, her house.
“Come on.” she said and began walking again.
You finally arrived at the house, the street bringing a familiar feeling inside you, almost a weird one. Nancy decided to go through the side door, the one from the garage as the staircase there was closer to her room. You’re in the back of the group, waiting your turn to walk into the house but before you could, something else catches your attention. Three bikes parked on your left, and at first glance, you wouldn’t think anything of it, but you quickly realized that you knew one of the bikes quite well. The black and white one with the used tires looked exactly like Dustin’s old one did. Last summer your mother had gifted Dustin a brand-new bike, a blue one. So, what was his childhood bike doing here?
Your eyes inspected the other two and you recognized them easily. Lucas and Will’s. This confused you even more. Will’s bikes weren’t even supposed to be in Hawkins anymore.
Your brain started doing spins, trying to understand why these were here and what they meant. Maybe, you thought, that weird feeling of time being still here, almost frozen, wasn’t just a feeling after all. From the moment you entered this street, you’ve been getting a constant feeling of Déjà vu. At first, you had decided to ignore it, because you figured it was just your tired brain, but now you realized it was yelling at you to remember. Remember that you have existed in this moment before, three years ago, when you picked up the kids from their campaign after work. The night Will got lost and this nightmare began.
You gasped at the realization, rushing inside to find the rest “Guys!” you yelled out as you got inside. The first person you saw was Steve, standing still in the living room “Steve! The bikes outside, I think they’re-”
“Dustin!” he screamed from the top of his lungs, sending you back a couple of steps in shock.
“Yeah, one of them is Dustin’s, but-” you tried explaining after a moment but he interrupted you once again.
“No, can you hear him? Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin!” you stare at him with big eyes and mouth open, not understanding what was going on “Du- Hello? Hel- hello?” you see the rest outside of the living room, rushing to get here after hearing Steve’s yelling.
“Maybe he really does have rabies.” Robin whispered, meaning it as a joke, but right now even the thought of that being true scared you.
“Hello! Hello!”
“Steve, what are you doing?” you asked him, desperate to understand why he was calling for your brother.
“Hello!” his flashlight points at your faces, making you squint by the harsh light “He’s here. Your brother. That little shit, he’s here. He’s like… He’s in the walls or something. Just listen. Listen.” he doesn’t even give you a moment to listen before he starts shouting his name, making you think he was crazy.
However, before you could grab his arm and stop him, try and calm him down, you heard it. A soft mumble resembling your brother’s voice. You turn to look at the rest who had heard it as well, and you all started calling Dustin’s name.
“All right, either this kid can’t hear us or he’s being a total douchebag. Sorry.” Steve said the last part to you, but you shook it off.
“If he doesn’t answer, he really is.”
“Will found a way.”
“What?” you asked when you heard Nancy speak.
“Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights.” you watch her move to one of the lamps, trying to turn it on. Steve goes with her and points to the light switch on the wall, telling her to give that a try. He turns around to check if it lights up, but something else intrigues his interest.
“Guys?” he points his flashlight at the ceiling light “You seeing this?”
Your eyes look up and see it not lit up with actual light, but a small glow covers the entire thing, the mumbling becoming stronger. You go under it, Nancy on your left and you all watch her as she raises her hand, making the glow lit up as if you’ve thrown glitter at it.
“It’s like fairy dust.” you said and let your own hand play with it.
“It… tickles.” Steve commented, followed by Robin’s take on it.
“It… kinda feels good.”
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Nancy suddenly asked, pulling you out from your trance.
“I do.” you say, when the rest responded negatively.
“You’re definitely Henderson’s sister.” Eddie comments, making you smile.
“Thanks. He and I learned it so we could speak through the walls when our mom grounded us. The tapping sound drove her nuts.” you positioned yourself better under the light and brought your hand up. You start ‘tapping’ the glow to let the message get through to the other side.
“What are you saying?” Robin asked you.
“We always started our conversation by tapping the word ‘H E R E’. It showed the other person that we were ready and wanted to talk.”
You hoped Dustin would remember. After you had grown up, those secret, descriptive conversations stopped, both you and him had other stuff to deal with. Right now you missed those small moments. You feared you two had grown too much too fast. After everything that had happened with the Upside Down, you only had one goal, to get out of Hawkins. But it only occurred to you after you left, what and who you were actually leaving behind. Those moments with your brother were gone. When you get out of this alive, you make a promise to yourself to have a conversation with him and try to find stuff you can do together when you’re away, communicate through the big wall separating Michigan and Hawkins. Just like when you were kids.
On the other side, Erica has noticed the lights flickering and tells Dustin that Vecna is here. This alerts the boys and they get up, staring at the light. Lucas is scared, not understanding what was going on, but Dustin, he recognizes the rhythm. It’s a pattern he’s known ever since he was seven and you were twelve.
“H… E… R… E…” he reads the code “Hey, uh… Remember when I said they wouldn’t be stupid enough to go through Watergate?”
“Yeah?” Lucas answers.
“I overestimated them.” Dustin said and turned to look back at the light asking “Y/n? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” you giggled and tapped ‘Y E S’ so he could read it.
“Can you hear us?” you repeated the answered and you hear him chuckle “Holy shit. Okay, uh… Go upstairs. Go to Nancy’s room. We’ll meet you there.” you do as he said. You walk up to Nancy’s room and wait for them to arrive. You can hear them moving around, their voices a big mumble before the same glow as before appears on top of Nancy’s bed.
“Okay, you guys seeing this?” Nancy lets her hand move freely through the shiny dust, the light becoming brighter. Dustin’s laugh was so clear it almost brought tears to your eyes “Uh, we’re not moving it, but we’re gonna unplug it. Stand by. Yank it.” the glow disappears “Okay try it now.” your brother instructs and Nancy writes the word ‘HI’ with her finger.
You wait silently waiting to see if their plan would work. You were using Holly’s game that let you use light to draw out pictures. Dustin believed it would be a good way to communicate without using code.
“That worked!” he announced making you all cheer. You hug Steve out of excitement while you can hear the rest laugh and scream enthusiastically.
“Okay, um…” after calming down, Nancy focuses again and starts writing on the glow. You watch the letters go by one by one, while hearing the kids try and understand what you were writing.
“S… T… U… Stupid? Stupid?” Dustin suggested, being a little too familiar with the word, but they quickly saw you were spelling out “Stuck!”
You nodded your head at their words.
“Okay, okay. They’re stuck in the Upside Down.” Lucas said.
“Okay. Uh, you can’t get back through Watergate?” Dustin asked you, making your brows scrunch in thought.
“What the hell’s Watergate?” Steve asked and you connected the dots right after, your eyes rolling.
“Cause it’s in water and it’s a gate.” Robin explained for you and the rest ‘oh’ed in realization.
“This kid and his nicknames.” you shake your head with a small smile on your lips.
“That’s cute.” Eddie commented.
“Um, no. It’s…” Nancy thought out loud before drawing out your answer.
“G… U… A… R… D… E… D…”
“Okay. Uh, Watergate’s guarded.” Dustin said.
“Perfect. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Steve said and you sighed in relief at how well this was going.
“Okay, we think we have a theory that can help with that.”
You smiled at that “Of course.”
“Genius child.” Robin said under her breath.
“We think Watergate isn’t the only gate. That there’s a gate at every murder site.” you listened carefully at his words.
“Does anybody understand what he’s talking about?” you all said no, so Nancy drew a question mark on the glow.
“Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?” you shook your head at your brother’s annoyed echo.
“Jesus Christ. This kid’s gotta get his ego in check.” Steve said and Eddie agreed completely.
“It’s his tone. Right?”
“I know.” Steve nodded, but you stepped in getting you back in track.
“Okay, so, I bet he’s right, because somehow he always is, if there’s a gate in every murder site…”
“How far is you trailer?” Nancy caught on your thought and asked Eddie.
“Seven miles.”
“Nancy?” Robin brought all your attentions to her “I- I know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven’t you always had bikes?”
“Not enough. In ’83 we only had mine and Mike’s bikes. Holly was too young and my parents too… busy.” she said with a shrug.
“This is the day Will disappeared. The kids were here all-day playing D&D.” you stepped in “I saw their bikes outside. That’s how I realized we are in the past. We have bikes, just small sized ones.”
“They’ll have to do.” Steve said and you stood up after informing the kids you’ll be heading at Eddie’s.
“We’ll meet you there!” you heard Dustin yell and you smiled, exiting the room and heading outside.
You grabbed your brother’s bike and started riding it towards Eddie’s trailer with the rest following.
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On your way there, you were able to catch a glimpse at the house Vecna used for his attacks. It was filled with the bats that had attacked you. You remembered their claws on your back. You gulped and rode faster, wanting to leave this place as fast as possible. It didn’t take long after that to arrive at your destination.
“It’s right here.” Eddie pointed out and you got off the bike, setting it on the ground.
“That’s gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally.” Robin said and you heard Steve cough.
“Just inhaled a bunch of that crap.” he coughs again, taking the flashlight out of his back pocket “It’s stuck in my throat.” you bring a hand to his back, patting it softly as you headed inside the trailer.
The moment you get inside you decide to never underestimate your brother again. The gate was right there, just like he had said.
“Goddamn.” Steve said in shock.
The gate was just like the one at Lover’s Lake. Small with a red layer separating your world with the Upside Down. It illuminated a red glow, lighting the trailer.
“This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died.” Eddie informed you.
“I think there’s something in there.” Robin told you and you were all able to see what she was talking about. Something was trying to break the barrier of the gate.
“What the hell is that?” Eddie asked, and you stayed silent to see what was going to happen.
Suddenly, the layer broke, making you jump in surprise, your yelps filling the room. Substances from the gate were falling to the floor as the stick that was sticking out was clearing the gate’s hole. The moment any kind of movement stopped, you decided it was time to investigate and see what had caused this. You moved forward, behind Steve who was leading the group. When you were able to have a clear view through the gate, your whole face lit up in a smile.
“No way.” Steve said from beside you, looking up at the kids, now including Erica, who was also staring at you. The weirdest thing however was the fact that you were looking at them upside down.
Dustin chuckled when he saw you and waved “Hi there.”
“Hey, Dusty.” you and the others waved back.
“Holy shit, this is trippy.” Robin said and Dustin laughed even more.
After you had calmed down, it was pretty easy to form a plan for your way out. You decided on making a rope by Eddie’s tied sheets and place his mattress on your world’s floor, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself as you climbed up and down. Max and Lucas place the beg mattress under the hole and you stare at it.
“Those stains are, uh… I don’t know what those stains are.” he turns his head upward, ignoring your gazes with an embarrassed look on his face.
Your eyes fall on Dustin who had just stepped on said mattress showing you his work on the rope “Not quite sure how these physics are gonna work. But uh… here goes nothing.” he throws the rope in the air and you watch it in awe as it stands still between the two dimensions “There we go. And if my theory is correct…” he lets go of the rope and it stays in the air “Abracadabra.” you let out a chuckle at the sight.
“Holy shit.” Max says and Dustin addresses you.
“All right, pull on it! See if it holds!” he instructed and you held out your hand, pulling on the rope. You let out a surprised laugh when you see it not bulging. Robin also comes forward, pulling the rope with her entire weight. Nothing happens, the rope stays perfectly still.
“This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen some crazy shit.” Erica told you and she high-fives your brother.
One by one you climb up the rope. First was Robin, then Eddie, and then you. You pull on the tried sheets and the moment you cross dimensions you can feel the gravity pulling you to the ground. You land on the mattress letting out a huff, the force making you feel the bruises on your back. You feel two arms pulling you up and you open your eyes to see Dustin above you.
“Welcome.” he sent you a smile and the moment you got up, you engulfed him in a big hug.
“You’re okay.” you whispered into his ear.
Dustin was shocked for just a second before returning the hug with just as much force as you “You too.”
You didn’t know what it was, maybe the universe hated giving you moments to relax, but before you could stop the embrace on your own, you heard Steve’s voice yelling.
“Nancy? Stay with me. Nancy! Hey! Nancy, wake up!” you look through the gate to see Nancy frozen, while Steve was shaking her shoulders.
“Vecna.” Max said and you felt your heart pummel to your stomach in dread.
“What do we do?” you asked the rest, and you quickly began looking around for something that could help Nancy. Music was your number one solution for this kind of situation so you headed to Eddie’s room, searching for music that Nancy could like.
“Steve says you need to hurry!” Erica informs you.
“Yeah? No shit!” Dustin yells.
“We’re trying. We can’t find anything.” Max was searching with Dustin and Lucas on one pile, while you focused on another across the room, but wasn’t at all successful.
“Eddie, do you have anything?” you said in exaggeration.
“I mean, what are you even looking for?”
“Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!” Robin held up some of the tapes you had littered across the room.
“This is music!” Eddie said annoyed at her words as he holds up one of the tapes she had on her hands.
“It’s not good enough right now!” you yelled back.
Luckily, before you could waste more time, Nancy was able to wake up on her own. Steve helped her get through the gate and you guided her gently on one of the chairs in Eddie’s trailer. She looked exhausted and before you could ask her anything, her body went limp against yours, fainting. You looked around the room, searching for some kind of answers as to what you should do next. Max sprung into action and told you, you could stay at her trailer. She said her mother would either be too drunk to care or at work. Turns out it was the latter, making the situation much easier for you.
Steve took Nancy into his arms, and you settled her in Max’s bed to regain her strength. The rest of you decided to also relax and have someone stay on watch for an hour each time. Steve offered himself to be the first one to start the shifts and then it would be your turn. Max handed out some blankets and pillows you could use. She also said it would be okay to sleep on her mom’s bed, so you told the kids to go lay there. Robin took the couch, Eddie situated himself on the floor and you were curled up in the armchair.
You closed your eyes, fighting to get the images out of your mind and get some sleep, but you failed to win. After half an hour you got tired of pretending to be asleep. You opened your eyes and let them roam around the room. You looked at Robin sleeping, her body in a position that only she knew how to sleep in. Then you looked at Eddie, sleeping on his back on the floor. His eyes were moving behind his lids, and you hoped he wasn’t seeing nightmares.
Lastly, you let your gaze fall on Steve. He was sitting on the small table in the kitchen, his head turned to look outside the window.
Steve’s peripheral vision saw something move, and his senses heightened. However, he relaxed when he realized it was you. His eyes followed your body as you made your way to the chair next to him. You made yourself comfortable and placed your hand on top of his on the table, caressing it. He felt butterflies in his stomach that only increased when he looked you in the eye.
“You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“You know I can’t sleep without you.” you said sweetly but he didn’t seem to believe you at all “Well, I can’t sleep in general right now, but let’s focus on the first reason.” you chuckled together.
Steve wanted for you to relax and get some sleep, but having you here felt great. You were the only one who could make him forget even for just a moment what had happened today “This day was crazy.”
“Yeah… I never thought we’d ever fight our way through the Upside Down and survive.” your eyes wandered to Steve’s torso, your bloody shirt your main focus “How’s your side?”
Steve looked down and touched the place where the bat had bit him, scoffing “It’s not bleeding anymore, so I guess that counts for something. What about your back?”
“Oh, I’m fine.” one of his eyebrows shot up, clearly not believing you “Really. Just a little sad about the shirt. I really liked it.” he quietly laughed at your ‘sad’ face, bringing both of his hands now on top of the table and taking yours in.
“I love you.” his voice was now a whisper, making you soft.
“I love you too, Steve.”
“Thank you for coming after me. Thank you for saving me and taking care of me.” this caught you off guard, not expecting this type of kindness.
“You’d do the same for me. You don’t have to thank me.” you told him, shaking your head.
“I don’t have to, but I want to.” you smiled at his words and you immediately returned the gesture.
“Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for protecting us and the kids. Thank you for being here with me.” he smiled and leaned forward. He grabbed the side of your face with one hand, bringing your lips to his for a soft kiss. It may not have lasted long, but it was perfect.
“I just hope what we’re doing is enough this time.” he confessed to you after the kiss, his hands now playing with your fingers. You could see the worry in his eyes. It must have been scary for him to see Nancy like that in front of him, shaking her awake and yelling at her but getting nothing in return. Not knowing if he could keep someone safe isn’t easy for Steve.
You brought your hand on his cheek and guided his eyes to look into your own “We’re surviving this together, Steve. You told me that.” you recalled the first promise he had ever made you, one of the only things that could bring strength to you even in moments like these.
“We will.” he agreed and stayed with you until your turn to watch them ended. You woke Eddie up and Steve took his place on the floor. You returned to your original sleeping place, finally able to get some sleep, feeling safe with Steve next to you.
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allwormdiet · 16 days
Interlude 3½
Nazi capes fuck off
Kayden automatically gives such awful vibes, ~ooh my daughter is still pure and uninfected by any of the things wrong with society, not that I contribute to that in any way by being a fucking Nazi~
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So obviously this is my second go-around on this chapter so I know who Theo is in context, and can I just say, poor fucking kid. Truly what a nightmarish situation to be born into and have no control over
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Good kid.
Fucking rancid adult. I'm glad it hurts you that he doesn't want you to have any luck, Kayden, you fucking dirtbag
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Frankly I wish she would have a moment of doubt or hesitation, maybe it would mean she stops being a fucking Nazi. Or maybe she wipes out after taking a fifteen-story swan dive, either way that's a problem solved
And oh yeah, of course she just happens to be targeting the ABB, not like she could pick a fight with Coil or something
...The description of her realizing that they're closing ranks and getting stronger is a neat instance of showing Bakuda's influence from another perspective, at least, get something out of this rotten POV
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It's been one week of mediocre results and you're going back to him. What a pillar of moral strength you are.
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So the leader of a neo-Nazi street gang is, like, the CEO of a company that's big enough to have its own building with a logo on it.
...Does that feel a little small potatoes to anyone else? I feel like if you're an evil CEO with superpowers and Nazi sympathies you could do a lot more damage than that. Like I know Green Goblin basically only terrorizes New York City but that's because the city is outrageously dense with superhero bullshit, it takes a fucking escape velocity to leave for even an issue, and even then Norman Osbourne still found time to do the Thunderbolts thing
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God this man's vibes suck so hard. Like obviously they suck, he's a fucking Nazi, but clearly that wasn't enough for him
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Quick q, what does the CEO of a company need with the profits from extortion and theft? He makes more money by sitting in a board meeting, and you can't tell me that there's no way to launder money available to him
And yeah fucking, of course she's still only beating up nonwhite criminals, she's a fucking Nazi
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Excuses excuses, Kayden
And yeah of course you can't shake the perspective that "the same kinds of people" are all the worse criminals, you spent a decade believing that and haven't really challenged yourself on that
Honestly I'm willing to believe that her split with Max here wasn't even a matter of ideology, just that she didn't want him to fuck up their kid
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And here we see why Kayden fell into becoming a fucking Nazi, I suspect: it's that she's also a goddamn sucker. Max is playing her like a fiddle, and she knows full well that he is, but she falls for it anyway. I'd almost feel bad for her, if she wasn't a fucking Nazi
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Cry me a fucking river, Kayden
Current Thoughts
Let's get back to the characters worth anything
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joe-spookyy · 6 months
nothing makes me more evil than seeing someone misinterpret daniel “oz” osbourne of buffy the vampire slayer fame. this is deeply unfortunate because it seems to be all everyone knows how to do. the amount of people i’ve seen dogging on him for things he did not even have control over is crazy. if you have issues with him read on. he’s the best character and i will die on that hill, so fight me on this one. i dare you. season 4 spoilers under the cut sorry to my friends. also him and tara could have been best friends but this isn’t really about her. just had to say it.
FIRST of all. he did not cheat on willow. veruca took advantage of him. i don’t even get how there’s grey area there - it’s clear that in both situations the wolf has control over oz, but not over veruca. so not only was HE not choosing to have sex with her or even aware that he was doing it, but SHE was aware and was taking advantage of him. this is not in ANY way his fault??? now yeah. he coulda been a little more defensive about himself when he was talking to willow and buffy but it’s oz. he’s already worried about hurting people when he’s a werewolf. if everyone’s telling him he’s bad and wrong for this he’s gonna believe it even if it isn’t true. and he didn’t have to scram and go full no contact after that. but again. he was SCARED! he didn’t wanna hurt willow any more than he already had. he made a snap decision based on what he felt he HAD to do. and if you’re one of the people who says just because he brought veruca into the cage that means he Wanted her to do that to him. i am going to get you. that’s victim blaming. he just wanted to make sure she didn’t KILL anyone. it makes sense that he would pick risking her taking advantage of him again over letting people die. did he handle it perfectly? no. that does not mean he wanted her to do all that. he loves willow and says that so many times explicitly. literally left to make sure he was good enough for her. he did not want veruca. jesus.
and SECOND. even worse is the people who are saying he comes across as homophobic for having a negative reaction to finding out about willow and tara. like. hello. did we watch the same scene. not once does he say anything negative about the fact that they’re both girls. he’s clearly just upset that willow didn’t tell him she was involved with anyone else, and with his whole new controlling the wolf thing, there’s gonna be a lot of pent up emotion and probably anger. so when he got extra upset when tara wouldn’t tell him anything more and eventually ended up wolfing out, it’s clear that it’s because he’s upset that he trusted willow but she didn’t give him all the information about where she was at and whether or not he had a chance with her again. which makes sense from her perspective of course, and tara’s reaction was valid too, but we can’t act like he suddenly hates gay people just cause he got mad that someone he cares about wasn’t totally honest with him. and he warns tara so he doesn’t end up hurting her by accident. and at the end of the episode all he wants to know is whether willow is happy. and she is. and so he’s happy for her and accepts it. i don’t even know how people are getting any other perception of the situation. god. sorry.
big idea is if you think oz is in the wrong for either of these i am going to hunt you down and beat you up evil style and maybe sit you down and have a talk about media literacy.
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scp230kinnie · 2 years
pls do music tastes for stardew valley bachelors🙏🙏
- someone you definitely don't know
Before we begin I want everyone to know I did see the requests for other fics/hcs and I’m working on them but it has been a little hard cuz of exams 😭 will have them finished as soon is I can
I love shartstew valley omg 😻😻
I definitely don’t know you or anything 😻💪
May I introduce to you all
Characters: Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane
Warnings: cringe
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Modern music
Not Harry styles or anything I think he would hate him
He probably listens to imagine dragons and rap music
He secretly listens to country music
His favorite songs are believer by imagine dragons and high hopes by panic! At the disco
He probably listens to pierce the veil secretly tbh
Emo music is his guilty pleasure
He listens to Eminem while he works out
He also probably doesn’t listen to music very often
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So obvious but classical music
Like if it has piano or violin he loves it
He also listens to opera
Like he won’t watch it but he likes hearing the voices
He has his music going when he’s writing or he’ll have it playing quietly while he does stuff in his shack
His guilty pleasure is EDM music
He swears he hates it and insists he’s a man of culture
But he does listen to EDM
Not very often tho
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I like to think he doesn’t really listen to music that often
But if he were to I think he would like smooth jazz
He has it playing quietly in his little hospital sometimes along with the elevator music that’s probably playing
He also listens to 80s rock music
Not very often tho
Usually just when combing his moustache or reading
Not really music but he also likes to listen to ocean noises
Usually only when he REALLY can’t sleep
Which isn’t very often
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Rock music
Of course
He also probably listens to whatever music his own band makes
His favorite artists/bands are måneskin, Paramore, Ozzy Osbourne, and Metallica
He also listens to ABBA
His all time favorite song is dancing queen
He secretly listens to KPOP
Specifically the girl groups
But he totally fanboys over Felix from SKZ
It’s not really a secret because I can guarantee Sebastian knows
He also tries singing along but he doesn’t know Korean so he just says gibberish and hopes it’s close
He also likes listening to whatever openings are from his favorite shows lol
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My one true love
Listens to emo music duh
Jk he likes metal, rock, and nu metal
His favorite bands are being me the horizon, Pierce the veil, motionless in white, evanescence, and asking Alexandria
His favorite Song is dark passenger by motionless in white
He is not open to new music
He’s the typa guy to go “come on turn on something good instead of this trash” when you’re listening to anything that’s not within his music taste
He insists his music taste is better than everyone else’s
He doesn’t say it out loud, but when he sees someone in public wearing merch from one of the bands he likes, he really wants to ask them to name 3 songs
I still love him tbh
Late night K-POP karaoke with Sam
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He listens to SoundCloud rappers
He doesn’t make any but he kinda wants to
His favorite band is Green day
His favorite song is Superman by Eminem
I feel like he would put in headphones on the way to work every morning and listen to music
Aside from that I don’t really feel like he listens to music that often
His guilty pleasure is country music
Claims it’s the worst thing he ever heard but secretly shazams any songs
Probably sits in silence with his own thoughts most of the time
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Okay that’s it lmk if y’all want the bachelorettes lololol
I hope you enjoy person i definitely don’t know
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batwritings · 2 years
Brainrot time! I cant shake this scenario off my head:
Its spring, something in the air changes, flowers blossom, animals seem to be more active, all colors become brighter and senses seem to sharpen. There's almost an electricity in the air... and the hybrids of the smp feel this change. Of course they know what the season means, afterall spring is for breeding, as a matter of fact, most of them start to act... different. With more energy, some of them become particulary territorial, some of them become snappy. Some of them become extra clingy and some seem completly unaffected, until something makes them snap, the further into the breeding season, the more feral some thoughts become.
Everyone is deep down, waiting, holding their breath, the luckier hybrids have a partner to get through the season, but what about those unmated?
Feel free to add your thoughts if you want! About any hybrid you feel like it :]
[Ill probably add a more filthy follow up of this, if i muster up the courage]
I honestly am just gonna compile a list of people into this because I have MANY thoughts on this subject (partially from experience...um...don't ask unless you want to know ^^; ))
Dream- Starting strong, I fully believe this man is a hybrid of some kind, usually a ram. Usually would go to George and Sapnap for help during his ruts until he meets you. He was always incredibly meticulous about watching the days before his next cycle. Being in the prison was hell for him because he had no way of tracking the days and no you to help him through it. He'd rut against his pillow and whine your name, desperate to feel your touch to help his overheated, understimulated body.
George- A cat. You can't tell me this man wouldn't be a god-blessed cat. Now this does tend to mean a spiky cat dick, but he does do his best to make that process as painless for you as possible. During his ruts are about the only times he's not an absolute pillow prince and will fuck into for as long as you'll let him.
Sapnap- His touch can be rather dangerous if not monitored very closely during his breeding cycles. He has burnt you before during sex and he will absolutely tear into himself about it after. Think "I was too rough with you during my cycle and now you don't wanna be my mate," to the tune of that one Ozzy Osbourne TikTok. Honestly being with him during a rut is how you probably discovered your love of temperature play.
Awesamdude- Almost doesn't want you around during his ruts. Sam can get a bit violent, namely with his mating marks. In the early stages, he's more prone to exploding, which is part of why he doesn't want you near. But he knows better than most what it's like to go through a rut alone and eventually relents. He learns to to let off tiny explosions over one big one and both loves and hates the scars he's left on your skin.
Eret- I see her as a wither hybrid of sorts, and yes, Withers do go through mating cycles. She tries really hard not to touch you during this time as you WILL get withered. While it might not kill you, Eret still worries about hurting you in a state where he's not really in a position to help, brain too foggy to think of much but how you good you feel.
Foolish- The most violent honestly, namely because of how much he bites. And then, y'know, shark hybrid. Shark smell blood. It can...cause a bit of a frenzy. He will often try to breed you with both members because that's how he gets the most pleasure. He really enjoys the sight of you wearing his cum though as well, all stuffed full and carrying his scent.
Karl- Remember! Karl isn't human, so I would wager he does go through a form of mating cycle. He's more liable to showing his true form in this state, despite how he may have tried to hide it at first. He really likes to wrap you up in his arms and hold you close, both in and out of that form. His cycles don't last super long, but he's so foggy during them he doesn't always remember.
DreamXD- This absolute menace. XD will suppress himself for as long as physically possible before his body says "Look if you don't fuck right this second? We're gonna have a problem >:(". He knows he's allowed to let himself go with you and will honestly probably fuck you relentlessly in the days during his cycle. If you're okay with it, he'll probably go even if you pass out, but if not is more than okay with separating himself from you while you recover. You'll find him in the corner of the room, watching you with darkened green eyes as he waits for you to come to.
Schlatt (saved the best for last /hj)- Absolute menace number two. Schlatt however, is just endlessly horny. He will fuck you no matter where, or when in front of whoever if you're cool with that. During his ruts though? He's far more tender, far more sincere. While normally Schlatt can be pretty demanding and domineering, he shows his soft side during this time, how he craves to feel you take him and how desperately he wants to mate you and make you truly his. Maybe even start a family.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 12
Woohoo!! I managed to get it done today. Again no promises on tomorrow, but it’s coming along great. I think I have another couple chapters to go, but I’m not sure exactly how many yet. 
RIP Eddie’s poor little mind.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Eddie leaned into the mic and said, “This is for Chrissy and the victims of Hawkins.”
He sat down on the stool and Kirk gave him a thumbs up and then ran to stand next to Steve.
“Just how good is your friend here?” Kirk yelled for Steve to hear.
Steve just grinned.
Then Eddie started the opening chords. It started slow and then gradually ramped it up.
Steve started to bob his head. This was even more incredible than Eddie’s performance in the Upside Down because he had the bass and rhythm guitar to back him when he started. Then the drums hit and Eddie was in his element.
Steve hadn’t seen how hard he went to town on his guitar that day. But Dustin had. He had told Steve that it was the most metal thing he had ever seen. Watching Eddie now, wounded and hurting, putting all his fear and anger into that song, he could believe it.
Kirk looked over at Steve and raised an eyebrow. Steve smirked. It was only going to get better.
Eddie hit the solo and Kirk’s jaw dropped. Steve could see Eddie raise from the stool to standing. He was shredding away and the crowd was eating it up.
Steve let out a piercing whistle and Eddie smiled.
When the song finally came to an end, the roar of the crowd was deafening.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Eddie Munson!” James screamed into the microphone.
The crowd lost their god damn minds.
Kirk came back out and got the crowd cheering again. “I’m worried for my job,” he said getting a laugh from the audience.
“You can keep it for now,” Eddie said with a grin. “I’ve got my own band.”
The crowd oohed and stomped their feet.
James looked over at him. “So what your saying is not get to comfortable or your band will come for us?”
Eddie laughed excitedly. “That’s the plan, man.”
“Let’s hear it again for Eddie Munson!” Kirk roared into his microphone.
The crowd cheered. Eddie reluctantly handed back the guitar and went back to stand next to Steve.
“I’m not sure if I want to kill you or kiss you right now!” Eddie growled into Steve’s ear.
Steve laughed. “It’s not over with yet!”
Eddie gave him the side eye but turned his direction back to the concert. The rest of the concert was a smashing hit and Eddie loved every second of it.  
Afterwards they had pictures taken with the band and Ozzy Osbourne who was well on his way to be sloshed as fuck. But he managed to stay upright for the photos.
Eddie could feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins and was on top of the world. He was sure that he was the highest he could possibly go.
Until someone came up to Eddie and handed him the guitar he had used on stage. Signed by all the members of Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne.
“Holy shit!” Eddie said looking down at the instrument in his hands. “Thanks, guys. Thank you so much.”
Lars patted him on the back. “When we were told that you lost yours in the earthquake, we knew that we had to do something for you to replace it. We know it’ll never be your sweetheart.”
“But we hope it’ll carry you to wherever you decide to go,” James agreed.
Kirk put a hand on his shoulder. “When Corroded Coffin gets famous, hit us up for a tour, yeah?”
Eddie nodded, too afraid to speak or he’d start crying.
“They absolutely will,” Steve said confidently.
They stayed for a couple of drinks with the band before they set off again for the hotel.
By the time they got back, Eddie was swaying on his feet, still clutching that guitar to his chest. Steve had been given a soft case to keep it protected on the way home, but he didn’t think Eddie would let go of it long enough to use it.
Once they got up to the hotel, Steve gently maneuvered Eddie over to the couch and sat him down.
Eddie looked up at Steve, tears threatening to fall. “Stevie...”
“Hi, there, beautiful,” Steve said, kneeling in front of him.
“This was too much,” he insisted.
Steve shook his head. “Nuh-uh, do you remember what I told you?”
“That it was the perfect amount of awesome for me?” Eddie whispered.
“That’s right, sunshine,” Steve murmured. “You didn’t deserve to be pulled into the Upside Down because you wanted to you wanted to go to a concert and selling drugs was your only option. You didn’t deserve to be dragged into hell because you saw a girl who needed help and did you best.” He rubbed Eddie’s thighs reassuringly. “This was something we could do for you because the nightmares are going to come if they haven’t already. Because you’ll jump at strange noises, because the sound of something snapping will bring it all back. But you didn’t deserve that, sunshine. Any of it.”
Eddie set the guitar down for the first time and brought Steve’s face up to meet his. They kissed softly. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he breathed.
“You’re welcome, Eds.” Steve stood back up and held out his hand to Eddie. “Come on, let’s go get that bath, babe.”
They both laid in the tub, Eddie with his back, pressed against Steve’s chest.
“Hmm...” Eddie purred as the jets massaged away the tension that had built up from the excitement. “I’ve decided when I get rich and famous, I’m going to have one of these in every bathroom I own.”
Steve’s chuckle rumbled against Eddie’s back. “Yeah, this is nice. The company is better though.”
Eddie splashed him gently. “Softy.”
Steve kissed the top of Eddie’s head. “Only for you, sunshine.” He looked down. “You want me to wash your hair?”
Eddie just hummed again, which Steve took as a yes. He had put the soap and things nearby because he worried Eddie might fall asleep in the bath. It was the most intimate Steve had ever been with anyone. It was a rush. He thought sex was height of intimacy but this? This topped sex.
He washed Eddie’s hair and then ran conditioner through it. He massaged Eddie’s scalp, and Eddie let his head droop lazily against Steve’s shoulder.
“Feels good, sunshine?” Steve asked into Eddie ear.
Eddie hummed happily. “So good.”
After Steve had worked in the conditioner, he grabbed the pitcher that he filled with warm water and gently poured it over it Eddie’s head, rinsing out the suds.
Steve scrunched his hair in his fingers to make sure that all the conditioner was out.
“You ready to get out or did you want to stay a little longer?”
Eddie rolled a little into Steve’s arms. “Just a little longer. This is so good.”
“Okay, babe,” Steve murmured.
They woke up the next morning snuggling together in the king size bed. Steve woke first. He looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled. This weekend had turned out even better than he even dreamed. At best they would be heading back to Hawkins full of potential of something new. At worst, Eddie turned him down and they would have an awkward ride back. But having waking up the second day in a row in each other’s arms? Steve’s imagination wasn’t that good.
Eddie stirred. “I can hear you thinking from here, babe. Go back to sleep.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Whatever you say, love.”
They snuggled closer and drifted back to sleep.
Eddie woke up first the second time. He had been so sure that last night had been a dream, but he was lying in Steve’s arms and from here he could see the guitar on the sofa reminding him that no, it hadn’t been a dream. This was his life now.
Once they were fully awake they decided to skip breakfast and just stop for lunch on the way back. They packed up all their stuff, plus all the loot they had gotten last night. In addition to the guitar Metallica had gotten Eddie, they also gave Eddie and Steve goody bags filled with band merch. T-shirts, posters, tour pins. It was quite the haul. They packed the car, the new stuff going on the backseat.
Eddie wanted the guitar up front with him but he couldn’t get it to fit safely, so he was forced to put it on the backseat with the rest of it. He looked back at in longing before he face forward, allowing Steve to drive away.
They merely bought some fast food and ate in the car. But it was Steve and not Eddie that insisted they stay near the guitar.
“I think it’ll be okay for twenty minutes, sweetheart,” Eddie said when they stopped.
Steve shook his head. “Things have been going so well this weekend it would be just my luck that something happens the second I look away. Nope. Can’t do it.”
Eddie chuckled and pulled him close. “If it’ll put your mind at ease, babe, then we’ll eat in the car.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged with relief. This had been a first test of sorts, if Eddie could handle Steve’s little anxieties. And he had passed. At least this time.
Steve banished that thought. He wasn’t going to sabotage this relationship before it even got off the ground.
Eddie pulled his arms around his waist and held him tightly. “Just breathe, Stevie. You’re okay.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Sometimes it becomes too much.”
“I’d be more concerned if it didn’t, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured into Steve’s hair. “You have been fighting an unseen, unsung battle for years. And even though Vecna’s dead and his hold on the Upside Down is destroyed, there is still a chance that something else might happen. That could be tomorrow. Next week, next month. But maybe not for decades and you’d have no way of knowing. It’s okay to freak out about little things. Because you can control those, yeah?
Steve nodded.
“So why don’t I go grab us something to eat,” he continued. “And I’ll be right back. Then you can keep an eye on our stuff, while I’m gone?”
Steve let out another shuddering breath, this one seemed to dislodge whatever fear he had bottled up inside him. “Yeah. I can do that.”
Eddie was in and out in no time at all and they sat happily munching on their greasy burgers and slurping their sodas. Slowly Eddie got Steve laughing and relaxing.
Once they were done with their food they through away the garbage and made the last leg of their journey to Hawkins.
They needed to go to the hospital and see Dr Hathaway, but they stopped by Eddie and Wayne’s new house first.
They dropped off all of Eddie’s things and put Steve’s loot in the trunk. And once he had successfully done that, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.
Eddie gave his shoulder a squeeze in support. And then piled back into the car for the drive to the hospital. Steve had called them from the house and let them know they were on their way.
 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20    
Tag List: @anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly
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