#osmanthus wine tastes the same as i remember but where are those who share the memory
ashlyns-general-blog · 5 months
SO, WHO WAS GOING TO TELL ME THAT THE VA FOR NAZEEM (upon countless other Skyrim Characters) ALSO VOICES ZHONGLI????
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and apparently that one dude from Jujutsu Kaisen (I have only seen two episodes, please don't kill me, I like it already, I swear.)
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artemisjpotter · 1 year
It’s kind of funny how Zhongli complains about Venti being a drunkard when he mentions osmanthus wine every. damn. second.
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afyerarchive · 2 years
Zhongli x Reader (Osmanthus Wine)
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● ————————— GENSHIN
→ ABOUT / Zhongli loves Osmanthus Wine; it just so happens that you are that glass of wine. "Osmanthus Wine tastes the same as I remember ... but where are those who share the memory~ "
→ DEMOGRAPHIC / gn ! reader (you are Osmanthus Wine)
→ CW / osmanthus wine + weird descriptions of him drinking wine (slightly NSFW???? idfk)
→ EXTRA / I'm writing this while my family is arguing about US Politics at 12:30 AM /srs
A fresh glass of Osmanthus Wine sat on the table ahead of Zhongli; to be fair, he couldn't afford it, so he had to borrow some money from Childe before Zhongli could enjoy his coming feast, but it was all in good favor, because admittedly, he'd saved Childe from a near death experience a few days prior.
However, this Osmanthus Wine was different from the other glasses; it had a consciousness. You looked up at Zhongli, though he didn't seem to notice your presence. We meet again, you thought, bracing yourself before he took the first sip with those magical lips of his. Years later, after our first encounter; I taste the same, I can assure you, but where are those who share the memory?
Zhongli sighed, "Osmanthus Wine is as beautiful as I remember," he wraps his hand around the glass you're situated in, his fingers almost trembling from how long he's gone without a glass of this magical liquor. The gloves felt soft lifting you into the air, as he tipped it in the air lightly, swirling you around in the glass confinement before finally raising the fine drink to his lips and taking the first sip.
Oh, Archons, it felt amazing. His tender lips sweet like getting your first kiss from him; that small part of your liquid state tingling as it slid down his throat, sighing a pleased sigh after swallowing. "And it tastes the same as I remember ... oh, where are those who share those memories?"
Zhongli closed his eyes, remembering back to a time with his comrades where he could enjoy fresh glasses of wine in a peaceful Liyue, untattered by conflict from the Rex Lapis Crisis and the Fatui's trade antics.
The city bustled with chatter and footsteps, and the trees glistened in the night air as orange leaves fell symbolizing the changing from Summer to Autumn.
He prepared himself for another taste of the delicious mixture; once more, you were raised to his lips and sipped on again, this time hearing the faint swishing in his warm mouth, before he swallowed yet again, enjoying the taste even more. You lingered in his mouth until the waiter came back, holding a clipboard and a stylish black and gold pen. "May I take your order for an entrée?" He asked, holding the pen to the paper, smirking underneath his big round glasses.
"Mm, yes, I believe I am ready. If I can, I'll take the... Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup, please," he continued to read the menu a bit longer, just in case.
The guy quickly scribbled down his order on the paper, before thanking Zhongli, twirling around, and heading back inside the restaraunt.
Hurrying to finish his drink so he could order another -- considering the bill wasn't on him -- Zhongli drank faster, enjoying every last sip of your taste.
Almost finishing the drink, you sighed in relief, as you swayed into his mouth, to be replaced by more Osmanthus Wine.
"Osmanthus Wine really does taste as I remember," he smiled. He'd have to get Childe in on this sometime.
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𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕄𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Childe
Next: Baizhu, Xiao, Thoma, Ayato
CW: Just good ol fluffy content tbh
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Someone who matches his snarky and flirty energy would be preferred
If you can’t snap back half as witty or make things interesting, forget about it.
Either someone like him or the complete opposite. The latter because he finds the idea of someone the polar opposite of him to be an intriguing change of pace.
Bonus if his interest happens to act like they don’t want him. He likes the chase.
Someone he can sit in The Angel’s Share with and talk with for hours over fine wine.
If flirtation is valued over all else, come get your man.
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This should be a given in any relationship, but Diluc absolutely needs someone who can give him space when necessary.
He needs a ride-or-die. Not a desperate person who will do reckless things for him. Someone who would do what is necessary for him, themself, and for the good of others.
Diluc may push people away, but he isn’t stupid. It’s a test. He needs someone who will stay with him, no matter what the circumstance is.
He has an inner weakness for soft, simple and gracious people. Bonus for someone who is as sweet and pure on the inside as they seem on the outside. He thinks it a rare occurrence but loves it no less.
Acts of service is his middle name, so you better be able to handle him asking if you’d like his help with every task you’re handed.
Just let him pamper you dammit—
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This man needs patience. He’s kinda an idiot when it comes to money but a really kind and dignified one.
He’d also be more than welcoming to a curious soul, especially if they’re willing to lend an ear to a three-hour-long explanation of ancient battles and the many fruits and consequences of said battles. We all know he has stories for days.
Bonus if they actively participate in conversation on said topic :D
He loves getting you gifts or finding relics and explaining their significance to you.
He could care less whether or not his partner knows of his former role of Morax, just so long as they don’t treat him differently because of it
He needs someone with grace and resolve. Someone who respects the idea of contracts and will keep their word no matter what.
Someone he can live a simple life with is all he could ever crave.
ℤ𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕚’𝕤 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕥
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(I’m sorry, I just love bullying him. We all do. And after he unleashed that whale attack on us the amount of times he did? It’s justified.)
This guy is absolutely frightening. If you’re not walking up to him, most of the time he’ll brush you off.
You better be willing to spar with and flirt with him at the same time. This is his love language. Period.
You also better not be scared or sad for him if you of happen to know of his Eleventh Harbinger status.
Due to the above, he would honestly prefer someone who doesn’t know that he’s a harbinger.
He’d definitely fall for someone who doesn’t present as scary and rough but is quite the wild card. A smart one, not a stupid one.
Technically off topic but physical touch is also a big thing for him, give this asshole physical affection.
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zhongrin · 1 year
i miss my anons
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mynameis-a · 10 months
i got him!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
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sunsethw4 · 1 year
does osmanthus wine exist????? 😭
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followfire · 3 months
I wanted to boop some of my old mutuals from some years ago so I looked for them, only to be reminded that they haven't been on Tumblr for months... :/
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holy-yeosang · 2 years
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liamiya · 2 years
i think zhongli is the only thing keeping me going
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wispti · 2 years
Well hello there, I’m Venti!
No, I’m not a roleplayer, and I’m certainly not one of those idiots who claim to literally be a fictional character. I’m an introject in a DID system! It’s a pleasure to meet you, random traveller!
ENG & FR are ok!
Please use he/him pronouns for me thank you <3
Endos & proshippers dont follow me please, saves us both some time! I know DNIs don’t really work but this saves everyone involved a bit of time. Also I hate you guys and you make me uncomfortable.
Singlets are welcome here however some of my posts won’t make much sense to you… I’ll still make sure to have genshin posts everyone can enjoy though!
Feel free to ask me some questions!
See ya! Have fun wandering around Tumblr!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 6 months
I don't know if your request is open can you write Creator reader who favorites Zhongli, Venti, Nahida?
They need love ok 🙄
Yep yep, got it! Lemme see what I can pull off :)
Favoritism! With The Archons (Discluding Ei and Furina—)!
(Warning: Might Be OOC!)
She honestly loves the attention you give her! She's really happy to get to spend time with you, and really get to know you and who you really are despite your title as the Almighty Creator.
Loves it if you play with her—and especially loves to learn the kind of games that you played before you re-descended down to Teyvat. There's UNO...and that's pretty much all that I can remember but you get the idea—
Loves visiting you in your dreams to see what you dream of. The Almighty Creator would surely have dreams of all forms filled with creative and inspiring ideas!
Nahida would 100% try to ask you to hang out with her through the streets of Sumeru. She has no shame :D And, if anything, her people would see this as a blessing.
"Come on, Your Grace! I want to show you somewhere I found!" Nahida would also take you to the Aranaras, where you would eat fresh fruit, make flower crowns, and even play some hide-and-seek.
She loves making and meeting new friends, the Almighty Creator is no exception! Spend some time with her as much as you can, Nahida will cherish it!
Hohoho, you're down to hang out with this carefree bard? Well, the first hangout will definitely be inside the most extravagant tavern of all time!
Yes, he means Angel's Share. Or the Cat's Tail. Man has his standards and he ain't afraid to take you there. Prepare for the best wine you'll ever taste, because Venti sure as hell is proud of the wine of Mondstadt.
Loves to share ballads and songs with you. Some of them are even based off on you! Loves when you give him your feedback as well.
Give him apples. He'll be happy—that's not saying a lot. Any apple dish, he will eat. Even if the apple is very little.
"Yahoo, Your Grace!~ Wanna hear a ballad this amazing bard has made for you?" Would absolutely perform these ballads during Windblume Festival, so please praise him :D
OSMANTHUS WINE TASTES THE SAME AS I— *Aggressive Truck Noises Driving Pass*
Take him out for food, buy him any gifts, ANYTHING. This man loves anything you'll give as well (trust me)
Just take some time to spend with him. Strolling through the area, the market, it doesn't matter—he cherishes all moments with you, as you are a friend (and more cough cough)
Osmanthus wine. Yes.
"Ah, Your Grace. I am blessed to know that you have the time to spend it with me. Please, allow me to pour you a fine cup of tea." If you're a tea lover, you both are gonna have a really good time.
Zhongli loves to share stories, so if you like to know more about Liyue's history, you came to the right guy :)
He's also a good listener, so you can also share stories and he will be rapt with attention. He loves every single story you tell.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: My procrastination is impeccable. I'm on a living streak, clearly. Welp, I hope this satisfies you—hopefully, the next request doesn't take too long (watch me eat those words).
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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albeducks · 1 year
he's an okokok and don't you dare disagree with me
i think he could be a lalala too but he prefers hearing you talk and rant about your day
voice kink?? question mark??
no matter what situation, hearing your voice just makes him melt
he's giggling, kicking his feet, going feral, running a marathon, screaming, creaming, crying, whimpering when you're in his sight
"and then she just-" you talked and talked, flinging your arms around exaggeratingly, making the conversation more dramatic and of course, fun to hear.
by conversation, you mean you rambling about your day while he stays silent, occasionally humming and chuckling
when your hold on his hand slightly faltered, he was quick to turn to you, hoping you didn't take his silence for annoyance.
but those thoughts were swept away as quickly as they came when he saw your eyes glowing from the dim lights, lips nonstop moving as you go on about the girl in your class.
he enjoys these moments, where you're comfortaby talking and he's comfortably listening.
SUCH a lalala, ugh
this old man may take time to warm up and chat alot, but over time he's sure to talk your ears off
if you're a lalala too, then you will definitely have a good time with him.
if you're an okokok, then you will also have a good time.
he doesn't mind leading the conversation, as long as you're accompanying him.
"osmanthus wine tastes the same as i remember, but where are those who share the memory?" he questions, even though it's not exactly directed at you.
he places the cup down, clearing his throat before continuing his opinion on, well... political things. cough archons cough
you look down at your full cup, his short talk about the wine and the people he drank with spooking you a bit.
what a lonely old man.
a talkative one, at that.
but after many years, having someone who doesn't mind your quiet self is rather nice.
maybe you should visit him more often.
an okokok
he looks like he's reading his book and not listening to the bs ur saying but don't u dare stop talking
cuz he's listening
and he's enjoying it
cutie frfr
"then it just exploded out of nowhere-" you rambled and rambled about the explosion in your science class, while al haitham is leaning back on the chair, eyes focused on the book he's reading.
"and all of us were like-" your eyes passed al haitham for a split second, but they settled back onto him when you catched a very concentrated al haitham, eyes boring into the thick paper.
your shoulders tensed for a moment and you sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
5 seconds went by.
"why'd you stop talking?" his stern voice surprises you, and when you look at him, his face expression is a mix of confusion and concern.
"mm. nothing."
"and what happened after the class just erupted into flames?" he asked, placing his book down onto the table.
your eyes widened for a second, and you had to blink a few times but you slowly grinned.
with him, you shouldn't worry about not being heard.
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sena-shi · 2 years
SAGAU but with Scheming Creator!Reader Imposter AU
PT. 1
You were going about your day as usual when you decided to read some SAGAU Imposter AU fanfictions on the internet. The plot does not provide you with as much satisfaction as you would want, and the readers' ability to exact revenge seems too — in your opinion, quite lacking.
On the other hand, you consistently maintain a nonchalant attitude about it. You are still going to go ahead and read it, then continue scrolling until you discover another fanfiction.
A retribution in the form of exile? You probably won't find this interesting. Taking your newfound powers and using it to wipe them off as payback? That is quite thrilling; however, wouldn't it be preferable to make them regret and bear the sins of killing their one and only creator for the rest of their lives?
The shame and remorse that would slowly consume everything within them until there was nothing left.
The vivid memory of them using the blessings that you bestowed upon them to dishonour your divine existence is particularly satisfying.
The effort that you put into everything to get them to the position that they are in right now.
The memories that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives of how they used everything you blessed them with to get rid of you. 
The SAGAU AU fanfictions you've been reading have somewhat convinced you that the characters in the game can actually hear your voice, so occasionally you open the app, play the game, and talk to each character as if you think they can hear you.
The characters with the most heartbreakingly repetitive lines would receive your highest praise and reassurance.
You would hear Zhongli speak his infamous voice line, “Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?”
And you would always reply with, “If the universe permits it, I would be delighted to share a drink with you and listen all about the wonderful times you and your loved ones have had together over the years.” In the warmest, and gentlest voice you could muster.
It's possible that you've gone insane because those are only fanfictions, yet you still find amusement on doing it.
And then, all of a sudden, it was as if the heavens had listened to your thoughts and made the decision to send you to the world of your creations, directly in front of the divine statue they had sculpted just for you.
Specifically designed with you in both heart and mind. The very statue that they would bow down to and pay respect to, something that they would look upon with reverence in their eyes.
You, the one who brought them into existence. You, the one who gave them life. You, their one and only creator.
Who would have the audacity to imitate the appearance of our Diving Creator and to step foot on the sacred ground!
Our Goddess was right; now that she has chosen to descend to our humble plane, a great number of people will attempt to copy her and steal her divination while her body is still adjusting to the conditions of our realm.
“Ah,” A sound like a gentle whisper was coming from your mouth. You did not move from where you were seated on the ground, keeping your attention fixed on the floor below you, which featured the most exquisite carvings you had ever seen. A smirk grew on your lips as you tried to stifle the chuckle; perhaps it was a maniacal laughter that was threatening to break forth. Fortunately for their sanity, they were spared the trauma of seeing it.
The fake, as one could have anticipated, displays an excessive amount of caution.
You were familiar with those lines. Where they would straight out deem you as fake. Imposter AU, huh? Then you guess that there’s no need to negotiate. After all, all of them will act like rabid dogs and probably decapitate you.
You slowly lifted your head, revealing long, wavy, glittering white hair that had fallen to the ground and was streaming down your back. The color of your hair was the most pristine that any human being could ever hope to witness. And your eyes. If one were to stare into them, they would be as dark as the abyss, and upon doing so, they would reveal the universe that is contained inside themselves. It appears to be a reflection of the night sky, where stars would shine brightly in honor of the one who nurtures the world, one whom they would always protect and one whom they would always look after.
As their attention was drawn to your face, those who were entrusted with the responsibility of guarding the sacred grounds began to tense up. The eye that had the most loving gaze was staring at them, as though the person they suspected of being an imposter is connected with them.
The imposter observed them in a manner like to that of a mother observing her children.
Despite their threats, they saw how you continued to lovingly glance at them with a hint of curiosity, perhaps wondering why they are so hostile to you.
Seeing them come to a complete halt makes you feel amused, but you keep up the act as if you are a compassionate and forgiving divine entity. However, at the bottom of your heart, you secretly wish for them to be ashamed by the way in which they regarded you as a fake.
Are you too vicious with your thoughts? Maybe.
Are you meant to ignore all of it simply because they are completely devoted to you?
Then why aren't they able to recognize that the imposter, who you believe was probably seated on the throne and bearing the title of God of the Gods, is the one who is being deceitful?
Is it because of your appearance?
You maintained your position on the ground, staying perfectly still as you watched them patiently while keeping your amusement well veiled in your eyes.
The only thing that can be seen by them is a stunning woman who is smiling warmly in answer to their presence. Simply the fact that the woman was watching them caused them to increase the pressure they applied to the grips of their spears and swords.
The wind that was not intended to enter the enclosed place unexpectedly caressed their bodies as if it were talking to them—
Do not hurt our Creator.
The grounds trembled, as if enthusiastic and pleased to be blessed with your presence, that their Creator was willing to dirty their feet to step on the land. The grounds were evidently happy that their Creator was willing to bless them with your presence.
It's not even an exaggeration to say that the entire Teyvat, the first child of the Creator, is likely experiencing an incredible amount of joy just from recognizing your divinity.
The big and broad doors swung open with a bang, and the glances that your beloved and wonderful acolytes gave you as they heard that someone was copying their dear God seared deep holes into your skull. In all honesty, you would prefer to stay and witness how they will act from that point on.
My, my… You thought. Have their IQs decreased dramatically in the span of a single night as a direct result of the arrival of the real fake?
The holy grounds are far too little for a game of "hide and seek," despite how much you love to have fun playing with them. You can't wait to discover how they will deal with someone they have identified as an imposter like yourself. You are patient, and you will embrace everything they will give you.
You would counteract any evil intended for you with acts of kindness. You, in turn, wish they wouldn't let you down as the shame destroys them from the inside out.
After all, it's hard to see a mother being the source of any kind of harm to her children.
If they wish to hurt you, then so be it.
You wonder.
Who will kill you first?
Or yourself?
You heard them running after you as you escaped the place, which you didn't find particularly difficult. Your lips formed an unconscious sneer as you ran, not too fast, and not too slow. You want them to catch up to you so that everyone may play together.
And perhaps, if they decide to give you the performance you want to witness, you would forgive as any other benevolent being would.
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thefellomen · 1 month
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Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?
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You quietly open the doors to the Wansheng Funeral Parlor, slipping inside without a sound. It's after hours, actually it's an ungoldy hour of the night, but this is where you were to meet your old friend. Your footsteps are noiseless on the wooden floor as you walk along the hall, looking for the door that would lead you to him.
'Consultant' read the nameplate on the second to last door in the hall. You come to a stop and raise your fist, but before you can knock a deep but gentle voice calls out "Come in." You may be an Adeptus, but you'd never be able to sneak up on him. Stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you look into the face of the Archon you hadn't seen in over a century.
"Y/n," Morax, or as he signed his letter to you, Zhongli says with a smile. "It's been a long time. Please, have a seat." He gestures to the empty chair across from his desk.
You graciously bow to the Archon before sinking into the chair. "So…." you start, wanting to get your most pressing question out of the way. "I'm really confused as to what I should call you." You tilt your head to the side as you study him.
He chuckles before answering. "Rex Lapis is what the people of Liyue call me now, however if we are together in public, I ask that you refer to me as Zhongli. But whatever name you prefer to use is fine by me."
You mull his words over for a minute before answering. "I prefer Morax, I always have. But to avoid any potential slip-ups, I'll use your modern name. Zhongli does have a nice ring to it."
He lets out another small laugh. "So be it." He stands and opens a cupboard on the wall behind him. "Care for a drink?" He asks as he pulls a bottle out of the shadows. You smile as the faint light hits the amber liquid encased in the glass.
"I'll always say yes to a glass of Osmanthus wine." You tell him. Smiling, he sits two glasses on his desk and slowly fills each one. He hands you a glass, yet you wait till he lifts his to his lips before taking a sip of yours. "Mmmm," you hum softly. "Tastes the same as I remember…" The last time you enjoyed this liquor you were also enjoying the company of the Archon. Back then, you had more companions to drink with, but most of those companions have since passed.
Zhongli smiles softly down at his glass. "But where are those who share the memories…" He whispers softly. You know the words aren't meant for you, they're more a moment of self reflection, so you stay quiet. Finally, his golden eyes raise to yours. "It has been quite a long time, hasn't it?" He asks you softly.
"It has." You respond as you take another sip of the wine. "We've each gone through a lot since the last time we saw each other." You think back on your own recent dark history and shudder. You can only imagine the things that Zhongli has gone through since you last saw him.
The two of you sit in silence as the clock hanging on the wall chimes midnight.
Finally, you speak up. "There must be a reason you've summoned me, Zhongli. Other than to drink with you, I mean." You swirl the contents of your glass, letting the scents of the wine dance around the room as you stare at the being across from you. Adepti in human forms don't age unless they choose to, you know that from experience, but you can't help marveling at how little the brown haired man has changed. His formal posture, his kind mannerisms, the smooth way he speaks. All of it has been unchanged by the years.
He is still the same man you remember.
"You are correct, dear y/n," he says, smiling across at you. "I was actually wondering if you would consider making a contract with me?" He asks.
"Ahh… I haven't heard those words in quite a long time." You muse. The last time you signed a contract with Morax was over one hundred and fifty years ago. While it was advantageous for the both of you, you knew entering into a binding arrangement with the Archon of Contracts was no minor undertaking.
"Do not fret, my dear," he reassures you as he refills your wine glass. "It should not be quite as daunting as last time." He pulls a stack of papers out of a drawer in his desk and slides them across to you. He sits in silence as you quickly read over his neat handwriting. The contract laid out a form of companionship that you would have never thought, in all your years as an Adeptus, the Geo Archon would request of you.
For several minutes you read and reread the paperwork, your face flushing slightly at several of the conditions. Sitting the papers back on his desk, you drain your second glass of wine. Wordlessly, Zhongli refills it for you. You lean back in your chair, sipping the wine as you contemplate everything you just read.
After a few minutes, you finally speak. “You’re looking for a partner?”
He has his elbows resting on the desk, fingertips pressed together in front of his lips. “Well,” he says softly, “I was hoping I had found one, hence the contract. Were my presumptions incorrect about your feelings towards me all those years ago?” You blushed once again and shook your head. Of course he noticed your attraction to him back when you were a young Adeptus. “Ah, then perhaps those feelings have changed since we were last together? If that is the case, then I sincerely apologize.”
“It’s not that, Zhongli. It’s just…” You trail off, trying to find the right words to convey what you’re feeling. “Never in my entire time of existence would I have thought that you would want that kind of relationship with me. I guess I just assumed that you viewed me the way you view Alatus, as if I was your child.”
He smiles softly and stands from his seat. Walking around the large wooden desk, he kneels down in front of you and holds a gloved hand out. You instantly place your hand in his, feeling the warmth of his palm through the leather. His long fingers gently close around your hand and he squeezes gently. “Y/n,” he whispers. “You are so special to me and I care for you deeply. The love that I hold for you is not the same type of love that I hold for Alatus. I’m… slightly embarrassed to admit this, but when I first began thinking of this contract, you were the first person I thought of proposing it to.” His free hand raises to his mouth, as if he wants to catch the words he just spoke. Instead he covers his eyes, embarrassed.
You look in awe at the Archon in front of you. One of the oldest beings in existence, he holds the power to destroy monsters and topple nations. Yet here he is, covering his eyes and blushing, as if he were a young mortal confessing to his first crush. The fondness for him that swells in your chest is almost painful. You honestly never thought you could love him any more than you already did, yet here he was, proving you wrong.
“Zhongli,” you whisper, squeezing his hand. Once he finally moves his hand and meets your gaze, you smile at him. “I’ll do it.”
His eyebrows raise in shock. Apparently this was not the answer he expected. “So, you agree to the contract?”
“Yes, Morax, Archon of Geo. I, y/n, the Adeptus known as Ravine Dreamer, agree to the contract you have presented to me.” The second the words left you mouth, you could feel the power of the contract fill your body.
Standing, Zhongli pulls you out of your chair and against his body. He raises your hand that’s still in his and kisses it, saying “You belong to me now, and I to you.” The fingers of his free hand trail down your cheek as he stares into your eyes. He slowly leans down to kiss you, giving you plenty of time to lean back. But you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.
His lips were firm yet gentle against yours. His arms slide around your body, one hand stopping on the small of your back while the other slides up until it’s tangled in your hair, gently gripping the back of your head. He pulls your body closer to his, his arms as binding as the contract between you. Your arms are pressed against his chest, pinned between your bodies. You grip the lapel of his suit and tug as you deepen the kiss. He lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a moan. “Eager, are we?” He whispers against your lips before pulling back and looking down at you. “I am surprised you’re not more reserved about this.”
You smile up into his face. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time, Zhongli.” You tell him as you greedily pull him back down for another kiss. You slide your tongue into his mouth, which he eagerly accepts. You’re able to slide your arms up around his neck, attempting to pull him even closer than he already is. Your arousal for the Archon is growing with each minute you make out, and you can tell it’s the same for him.
He walks you back until you feel his desk pressing against the back of your legs. Pulling back, he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, letting his lips travel languidly up until they’re pressed against your ear. “It seems that kissing me isn’t the only thing that you’ve been wanting.” He growls in a husky voice as his teeth nip at your earlobe. You can’t help the shudder that wracks through your body as his teeth continue to nip at your skin.
“Ah, Zhongli,” you moan softly, and you hear him growl again as he bites down harder on your neck. Grabbing you by the shoulders, he quickly spins you around and pushes you so you’re bent over his desk.
Leaning down over you, he nibbles on your ear once again before whispering “I want to hear you moaning all of my names tonight, y/n.” His hands slide up under your shirt, the leather of his gloves sticking to your bare skin. He bites your shoulder before pulling back as he begins to rid you of your clothes. Once you're bare before him, he begins shedding his own clothes.
You can see the shock and excitement on his face when you look back over your shoulder and give him your only command of the night. "Keep the gloves on."
He was going to have fun with you.
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