#zhongli x gn reader
bbyseok · 2 months
genshin dragon men : calling him handsome
♡ pairing: zhongli, neuvillette x gn!reader
♡ a/n: this was originally supposed to also have wriothesley, dan heng, blade, and jing yuan, but i ran out of ideas. if you’d like to see something for them, please lemme know lol
zhongli — flattery, you swallow me.
the former archon is rather composed in nearly every waking moment you’ve seen him. he carries himself with an aura of calm confidence, whether he’s dealing with business on behalf of the wangsheng funeral parlor or spending his time leisurely alongside you.
he has a way with words; speaking oh so eloquently on a variety of topics.. from today’s weather to the latest tale of liyue’s history he’s been wanting to spew.
zhongli doesn’t get flustered often, if not at all. which makes sense for a man like him. having had many experiences in his six thousand years of life, it’s not really surprising.
but let’s just say that you’re feeling rather.. determined to see what blushing looks like on the funeral consultant. his stoic expressions do nothing to deter the handsomeness of his facial features, but you’re sure you can make him even prettier.
it’s like any other day in liyue harbor: bustling streets full of commerce, clear skies overhead, and calm waves from the sea.
zhongli had proposed to you earlier in the week that you spend a day with him. “i enjoy your company,” he had said without batting an eye and knowing that those words easily had your heart racing, “even if we are simply doing nothing at all.”
you have yet to see him so far, waiting beside a food stall and trying to catch sight of his presence amongst the crowd. you shift on your legs, moving to lean on the stall and crossing your arms. ah, there he is.
dressed in his usual attire of brown, gold, and black, he catches your eye quite easily and begins to approach you. his strides are long and he’s quick to almost reach the spot where you’re standing.
and here’s your chance!
before he can speak and greet you, you take a deep breath, flash up your own smile, and say right as he closes the distance in the most suave voice you can muster, “hi, handsome.”
you’re expecting a reaction of surprise from him, of course. he’s no stranger to compliments, but he’s not used to them as brazen and blunt as this—especially from you.
but you still certainly don’t him to stumble and nearly fall at your feet. zhongli’s footing stutters ever so slightly and he has to regain it as he stands in front of you, clearing his throat with eyes that seem to widen for only a couple of heartbeats.
and you were right: he looks even prettier with the faint pink dusting over his cheeks. it’s barely visible, but it’s there. and it’s there because of you.
frankly, he feels like a silly fool, fumbling like that. even though his current status is one of a mortal, he had stood boldfaced during countless events in the middle of wrath and destruction, and these mere words from you has him acting like some- some teenager!
zhongli clears his throat again, trying to confirm that he hadn’t misheard you. “pardon?” he coughs, amber eyes sparkling with curiosity and a hint of mirth.
your smile is the same as before, tugging at the corner of your lips subtly. “hi, handsome,” you repeat cheekily, speaking as if you just hadn’t witnessed him trip oh so elegantly. you straighten your form so you’re no longer leaning on the stall. “was wondering what was taking you so long.”
his eyes are watching you closely, and he seems to have regained his usual composure, even with the blush still lingering on his cheeks. “ah, i apologize,” he muses, “i failed to realize the time.”
and then, it’s his turn to flatter you. because the feeling is mutual, is it not? your boldness should be repaid. after all, flattery is an exchange that goes both ways.
zhongli grasps your hand within his gloved one, lifting it up to brush his soft lips over your knuckles with delicacy that makes your heart skip a beat.
“a beauty such as you should not have to wait.”
neuvillette — oh, how the water stirs.
the chief justice of fontaine is a man of an honorable reputation. your hear nothing but good—and sometimes mysterious—things from the people of the nation.
being an assistant of the iudex, however, does allow you to see other sides to him. while he is strict and stern, almost immovable, in the court, he is also kind and tender to those he seemed fit to receive such treatment from him. (the melusines are a prime example.)
whatever he seems to be doing though.. he nearly always wears almost an emotionless expression on his alluring features.
now, there are many words that you can use to describe neuvillette’s appearance with: ethereal, striking, breathtaking even. but the last thing you want is to overwhelm him and embarrass yourself.
so you’ll start small, you decide. a short and honest compliment because the iudex’s assistant is allowed to compliment him sometimes, right?
today’s routine is quite normal so far—you help sedene and any of the other melusines that have tasks around the palais memoria before preparing to greet neuvillette and help him out with his papers and any other duties.
you can tell he has arrived when everyone takes a look and hushes down; the entrance hall of the palais memoria is usually quiet in ambience but even more so with the chief justice now present.
“good morning, monsieur neuvillette,” you greet him as well as he approaches, and he gives you a polite smile in return, cane stamping on the floor gently.
he says your name softly and shakes his head. “ah, i’ve already told you before. you can simply call me neuvillette— i insist.”
you chuckle in response and nod. first name basis with who is essentially one of the most powerful beings of the nation is nothing short of nervewracking. you don’t let it get to you though, gesturing to the door. “ah, right. sorry. shall we head into your office?”
neuvillette nods and walks. you move to follow him, but there’s a sudden tugging on your clothing and you look to see sedene behind you.
the melusine giggles, perhaps in a knowing way. “monsieur neuvillette seems to be quite fond of you, if i must say!” she says in a hushed voice.
you flush, waving her statement off. “oh, sedene!” despite feeling slightly embarrassed, you’re flustered as well. eventually, you head into neuvillette’s office, hoping he doesn’t notice anything amiss.
you settle into routine easily; briefing him up on any upcoming trials and cases, smaller notifications from the people of fontaine, and of course—situating his seemingly endless stacks of paperwork.
after a while, neuvillette now seated at his desk, he emits a soft sigh and bids you thanks. “thank you. that’ll be all for now.” his ever glistening gaze rests on you. “i do wish you a pleasant rest of your day.”
okay, you can do it. it’ll be fine. just tell him he looks good and leave! why does it seem like his eyes are boring straight into you? they’re unreadable as ever, leaving you to simply wonder what will go through his head when you say what you want to say.
nonetheless, you take a quick, deep breath and go for it. “you look handsome today, neuvillette,” you tell him, a sincere smile tugging at your lips.
he doesn’t say anything, and the brief silence that hangs in the air is nearly startling as he simply continues to stare. you clear your throat quickly and look away. “well, you look handsome every day, but i just wanted to let you know now and well-”
you’re rambling, great. “um, i’ll be taking my leave now, monsieur!” you awkwardly dismiss yourself and hurry out of his office, missing at how the tips of his ear subtly burn with a different shade of color.
you don’t even bother glancing at a curious sedene as you usher your way out of the bulding. oh, archons! how are you going to face him now?
unbeknownst to you, all that is left is the hydro dragon in deep contemplation, papers still completely untouched since your departure.
it is only when sedene enters the room with her clipboard does he stir, and he blinks at her appearance. his brows furrow, still deep in pondering.
“monsieur neuvillette, is everything alright?”
there’s a pause. for a rare moment, the chief justice allows himself to be hesitant and genuinely curious aloud.
“sedene.. am i… handsome?”
(it’s safe to say that for the rest of the day, fontaine has nothing but a sunny sky.)
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i23kazu · 6 months
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characters. xiao zhongli diluc kaeya childe wriothesley x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. part 1 !!!! when someone else claims to be their partner / work wife. office!au. | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
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you're pretty taken aback by the gall of this .... intern? whoever even was she? to claim that she was your husband's wife.
yep, that's how irrelevant she is
xiao was disgusted, to say the least. horrified.
"get your hands off me." he looks her in the eye, the sudden fierceness emitting a gasp from her.
"i love it when you're strict," she purrs, tracing her fingers up his neck. you smack them away.
"perhaps you'll love it if the ceo was stricter with you," you smile sweetly. "i don't think he takes too kindly to homewreckers."
not again. not this ... piece of dirt? no, that might be an insult to his old friend guizhong.
she's a catty lady. beady eyes that went straight for his soul – her piercing stare seemed to always follow him.
he didn't like it one bit. his grip around your waist felt tighter, desperate even – a cold "let's go, dear," escaping his lips.
"so protective, suddenly?" you tease.
"i don't take kindly to those who try to insult my love, dearest."
oh, he goes red with rage. but he looks on at you proudly, because he knows you got it.
who even was she to claim that she loved him? a silly flowergirl who couldn't do her job right, because she was oogling him the whole time. she worshipped the ground he stepped on.
"who are you looking at?" you tap her on the shoulder, eyes wide with innocent curiosity.
"that man... he's mine." she gazes into his eyes, looking him up and down. you scratch your neck. she asks if you're alright.
"i'm afraid i'll have to correct you on that statement. that man is mine." you grin, turning your hand to show her your ring.
okay, you totally get it. your husband is hot. but literally the AUDACITY the lack of SHAME the the the-
"please, we've been put together for almost all our cases. isn't that right, darling? it's almost as if they know we're good for each other." they purr.
darling?? DARLING?? you'll show them darling
"is that so?" you chuckle. "perhaps i ought to write in, then. i'm not too sure if my husband takes well to that. a violation of his personal life, if you will."
they go white at the sight of the ring.
"that's my love." kaeya chuckles, watching then stomp away.
he's wildly uncomfortable. "your complexion is deeply concerning, tartaglia," the doctor chuckles.
"i wonder why." he returns it dryly.
he's too nice to avoid them – those longing stares, the notes slipped through stacks of his paperwork – he cant crumple them up and throw them away. he pretends that they're from you instead.
when that witch comes around to his desk, purring and grimy witch hands all over his papers; pretending to annoy him – 
he can't take it. it's disgusting.
"i'd appreciate it if you left me alone," he stares at her. "my partner and i would appreciate it very much."
oh, he's firm. he's firm, and he's strict about it. word gets around quickly in the meropide, and he sits back with his cup of tea and sighs at the thought of a work lover.
he doesn't stand for it, though. he hates the thought of that.
"get your hands away from me, please," he replies coldly, when they run up to hug him, first thing in the morning.
sigiewinne looks on with a proud smile. i raised that boy.
the girl turns away from him with disgust – from seemingly perfect to nothing but sludge beneath her feet. she slinks away, and wriothesley is satisfied.
he can't wait to tell you the news over a cup of your favourite tea.
perhaps some alone time with each other will do the both of you good.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @camvrin @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz @rin-nyrasti-writes @mxyarylla @starchivves (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
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moineauz · 3 months
જ⁀ 𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐒 , various !
synopsis: when you bring your friend to ikea to help you pick furniture for your new apartment. Pinning ensues amongst other flustering events.
including: zhongli, childe, diluc, kaeya, thoma,
side comments: pure fluff! also, please buy your furniture second-hand and support small businesses! avoid fast furniture when you can (ikea) and make mindful purchases. let's briefly imagine a perfect world where ikea is ethical and sustainable.
extra: mentions and implications of marriage, gn reader, favourites: zhongli & kaeya word count: 1,784
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Being the friend he is, Zhongli would happily accompany you.
He is the type to have his hands behind his back as he follows you around. Lingering close yet respectfully enough.
If you ask him for consolation, he will be honest in the most tender way possible:
"Ah... perhaps this colour will be more suitable considering the lighting."
"You did need a new couch, right? I believe you will like this one."
You blink and then your cart is full.
Zhongli's advice is acutely precise, however, expect to exceed your original budget by another ghastly $500.
Not that he suggests buying unnecessary items, rather, he suggests quality, material and construction.
Begins speaking a tad excessively about colour coordination and lightning.
He will help you lift any furniture parts if need be!
Gradually, the trip would become a joint effort by the two of you. As if you've been shopping and living together for years.
"Look at the dining table ( Name )," Zhongli commented. The lighting of the room glittered above, illuminating your face slightly as your hands glide over the wood varnish. "It's wonderful, isn't it? You'd be able to hold all the dinner parties you wanted."
You smile gingerly, and soon you are standing next to him by the kitchen sink. "Definitely, Childe would no longer have to sit on the floor."
Zhongli chuckles and you share a teasing grin. "At least we picked out a table already- much cheaper."
Zhongli raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Perhaps we can consider this one instead?"
"Personally, I think you should agree with him," spoke an employee- a soft-spoken elderly woman- "I remember when I first bought my fiancee's dining table- fun times!"
"Oh ma'am we're not-"
"Yes, my fiancee and I do agree," Zhongli gazes towards you're slightly flushed figure and smiles gently, "Yes dear?"
You blink for a few moments; gaining your footing before replying smoothly, "Why of course, how could I not love?"
You don't notice it, however, Zhongli shares a faint blush as he later pretends to cough in his fist.
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Childe has zero taste in furniture.
His mom would choose the furniture while he used his card.
Browsing through the showrooms and picking furniture is not how he would choose to spend his afternoon, however, he'll try for you!
In this case- it's the thought that counts.
If you need help reaching or lifting anything he'll do it readily.
Don't have a cart or bag? (There were lots) Childe will hold it all for you!
It becomes an inner competition to some extent to cover up for his obvious lack of skill in furniture and home design in hopes of impressing you.
“Excuse me young man, can you please reach the duvet covers for me up top?” asks a elderly man, an embarrassed smile gently plastered on his lips.
Childe turns his head towards the man and flashes a hearty grin, “Of course.”
With ease, Childe grabs the duvet set and hands it to him, “Ah, thank you,” the man pauses before speaking, his eyes in thought, “might I ask something?”
Childe blinks and replies, subtle curiosity beneath his lighthearted tone, “Go on.”
“Have you asked your partner out yet?
Childe fumbles a bit and the elderly man heaves a near boisterous laugh. "I'm taking that as a no, ay? Ah, young couples! I might not have the sharpest eyes anymore, but you've been lookin' at them since the kitchen showroom!"
Before Childe could express a response, the man pats his back and smiles. "Best of luck! I'm sure they'll say yes."
The man then ambles away and from a distance, Childe can see his small figure fade into the throng.
"Hey Childe! Are you alright?"
"Oh... um yeah!" prompted Childe, "Is there anything else you need?"
You shake your head, your fingers scrolling through the list you made, "That should be it. Are you sure you're okay? If you'd like I could hold the vase?"
Childe smiles while his bright blue eyes pool into yours, "No I'm good, let's head to check out."
The two of you saunter to the check-out counter side by side; bantering with each other. Childe's gaze never leaving yours.
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Diluc is not well-versed in design and colour. However, he has a keen eye for both style, price and functionality, unbeknownst to him.
You were hesitant to ask him if he could accompany you as it is without a doubt that Diluc Ragnvindr is a busy man.
Diluc himself shared hesitancy for opposing reasons.
Diluc has lived with himself and has found his dwelling to be dull in comparison to the liveliness and hospitality your former apartment held. Thus, Diluc wondered if he could be of any help.
Nevertheless, you reassured him that you wanted company regardless of his skills.
Contrary to his words, Diluc was quite valuable, especially when navigating the place.
"I found the blanket you were interested in earlier, do you still want it?"
"The colour is rather flattering... but it is your choice! Um... please don't mind me."
"Do you need help?"
Diluc doubted his opinion, however, you found yourself agreeing with him several times.
You and Diluc were currently sitting by the opposite edge of a bed, your hands inches apart.
"A comfortable bed isn't it?" you bounce on the bed a little, a smile reaching your lips, "And the mattress is only $200, a king too! I can't believe you found this deal-"
Diluc does not hear your voice, it faded just as the lights mellowed and the sensations of the blanket against his calloused hands grew fuzzy.
"... Hey Diluc?"
"Ah, yes," Diluc coughs before asking, "I'm sorry what were you saying?
You smile, "It's all good! I was just explaining how I wouldn't need such a large bed for myself."
Diluc conveys a slightly puzzled expression, "How so? If you're worried about how to carry it into the apartment then you do know that I'll assist you-"
You shake your head fervently before replying, "Well thank you Diluc! But really you don't have to-"
"Oh no, I insist."
You smile winsomely before carefully replying, "It's just... me in the apartment. I'd understand if I was living with someone- but it's not worth it in my opinion."
Diluc pauses, contemplating before replying steadily, "I believe you deserve the mattress..." There is a tentative gap between his words before he follows up, "Perhaps I... ah never mind, let's get going. You wanted to eat at Chef Xianling's restaurant for dinner right? My treat."
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So you invited Kaeya?
Expect relentless teasing and a carefree-complacent attitude.
However, as much as Kaeya is there for fun, he will readily assist you- not without a tease, however.
"Oh ho? Need my help?"
In regards to style and class... Kaeya can pull himself together.
However, similar to Diluc, there is a dullness to his home.
In fact, Kaeya rarely spends time in his own home: he bounces from place to place. Never lingering longer than is needed or comfortable. It is like an ever-present itch.
Yet, your home has become Kaeya's home too. Unbeknownst to you however.
It is natural for both of you.
Your home has become the longest place he has spent in. He has his space in your home, he even has a toothbrush holder and resident blanket; removing Kaeya from your home would cause an ineffable void.
Regardless of the previous facts, you genuinely invited Kaeya to come for help and company.
Kaeya makes the process entertaining! Instead of contemplating the price tags incessantly, Kaeya will smoothly subdue your worries by toying with the utensils and playing hide-and-seek in the mirror section all while slipping the item you wanted in the bag.
The two of you let loose; unwinding like children who innocently play in the kid's bedroom showhome despite being strangers to each other.
"Kaeya... do we really need this mirror?" you question dubiously.
Kaeya shares a winsome grin. "Why of course," he then gingerly places his hands on your shoulders and leans in slightly, "It holds a rather charming reflection, does it not?"
You gaze at him and sigh, "Charming? You always find ways to flatter yourself."
Kaeya merely smiles. The two of you peer into the mirror: the reflection of two souls gazing back all while Kaeya surmises.
It wasn't himself that he was referring to.
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You're in for a treat!
You will (quite literally) get ice cream afterwards.
Thoma possesses all the skills in the "art of making a home."
Need deals or a lower price? Thoma already has a list. What about colour and style? He has a magazine and Pinterest board ready. What about functionality and material? Don't fret! He knows all the washing labels and what goes best with your lifestyle.
Tell him the night before and he is packed and loaded.
Thoma is absolutely thrilled that you invited him.
Shopping for any household items is delightful for Thoma, even more so when the two of you are browsing through all the showrooms and inspecting each countertop.
His favourite section is the kitchen.
If you have a specific budget in mind, Thoma will ensure that not a dollar goes beyond it and he will keep you accountable as well!
However, staying within the budget while scouring the store takes a significant amount of time.
Hence, instead of another $100 added to the receipt, expect another three hours.
The two of you will heave a big sigh when you finally sit down in the car.
Nevertheless, it is all lighthearted and relaxing as the two of you reenacting imagining a space together.
"We'd set the tables over there-" remarked Thoma as he pointed his finger towards the dining table, "And we can house our pans here- it would be so since to have them hanging instead of in the cabinet."
"Browsing through the kitchens is always fun," added a mother, her arms cradling her baby, "Are the two of you living together?"
You chuckle and Thoma's cheeks grow rosy. You then reply amused, "Oh no, he's a friend of mine who I asked to come along."
The mother then shares an embarrassed smile, "Oh I'm so sorry! That was so wrong of me... if the two of you are looking for a hanging pan rack then I remember seeing an installation piece down in the marketplace."
"Thank you," replied Thoma, a smile pressed on his lips, "We'll be sure to check it out!"
As the mother saunters ambles away, Thoma mutters under his breath, "Maybe we should live together..."
"What was that?"
"Oh ah! Nothing," Thoma scratches the back of his neck before responding brightly, "Do you want me to write the rack on the list now?"
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kiwicopia · 6 months
🔞MDNI | Neuvillette x GN!Reader x Zhongli (blurb) 🔞
TW: threesome, hybrid forms, Eiffel Tower position, size difference, throat fucking, stomach bulging, reader tied to a table, cum swallowing, some praise, m×m kissing, cumflation.
Note: based around an art piece by KiraShion on X/Twitter. 🤭
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"Look at that," cooed Zhongli. One hand firmly held your hip while the other slid up and over the bulge he caused. His thumb pressed down on the top, where his tip was, and he hummed in satisfaction before sliding his hand back down to your hip. His claws dug into you after he pulled back and slammed his hips against yours, bringing forth a moan that was muffled by the other cock that kept your mouth stuffed.
Neuvillette growled softly when you moaned, his dick twitching at the pleasant vibration that sent chills down his spine. His claws dug into the table the harder he gripped the sides of it, and he growled again as his hips snapped forward, sending him further down your throat. Your nostrils flared as your body squirmed in place, causing the geo dragon to huff as his claws dug into your hips a bit more. If the pair hadn't tied you down to the table, you certainly would have been moving more than you currently were, and they preferred you to stay still for them.
"Stop moving," Zhongli said. His eyes narrowed slightly, only relaxing when your body followed his order. He hummed softly before ramming into you again, pulling yet another moan from you that caused the hydro dragon to groan as he fucked your mouth. "Look at you, making such cute sounds." His eyes flicked from you and to Neuvillette, watching as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back in pleasure. Compelled by the pleasure, Zhongli reached out and slid his fingers through the man's ashen locks before tugging his head forward a little.
Neuvillette's eyes cracked open and, before he knew it, his tongue slid out to meet Zhongli's. You were too fucked out to notice, but you could tell what was happening based on the way the hydro dragon's tail whipped around. The geo dragon growled softly as his tongue wrapped around the other, and it wasn't long before his lips crashed against the man's. Neuvillette's hips sputtered as the taste of wine registered in his brain, and he let out a groan as his movements picked up. His cock tore through your throat repeatedly while Zhongli bullied your tight hole.
The wooden table creaked the harder the hydro dragon fucked your mouth, and your muffled moans served to bring him closer to the edge. His tail thrashed wildly from the pleasure that flooded his senses, soon sending him over the edge. Neuvillette broke his kiss with the other dragon as he came undone with a soft groan. His head leaned back and his tail twitched as his cum shot down your throat, and you instinctively swallowed when he pulled out. Your breathing was ragged, and the expression on your face when your head shifted to look at Zhongli finally broke him.
His hips slammed into yours one last time, letting you milk his cock for every last bit of cum he had. His own tail twitched at the sensation, and a low growl left his lips as he watched the way your stomach bulged further from how much he emptied into you. Zhongli then slid himself out and watched as his seed seeped out of your hole. Both dragons marveled at how you looked. Lips parted, tongue lolled out to the side, cum still present on the corners of your lips, and your body twitching slightly from the pleasure of it all. You were enthralling, like a small, blank canvas that had now become a delicious work of art.
"You did well," the geo dragon cooed, praising you. Neuvillette hummed in agreement, though both dragons knew you weren't listening. "The poor thing."
"They're all tired now," said the hydro dragon.
The two then switched positions, and your eyes followed each of them. "Shame," Zhongli sighed. "We're not finished yet."
It was going to be a long, pleasurable night.
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witch-hazels-musings · 9 months
this is what it feels like
warning: sfw, fluff, comfort | seeing them after a long time apart
includes: Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Thoma, Zhongli, Xiao
character x gn reader |  anthology | short read
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You could feel your heart, how it thrummed in your chest and fluttered slightly when you picked up the pace. The closer you got to your destination, the more painful the waiting became. You wanted to be there, wanted to see him with eyes you swore were growing cloudy and getting more challenging to keep clear.
You were ready, so you practically ran.
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Sounds of whirring machines spilled into the hallway. They mingled with the swift, drumming pace of your footsteps. A voice, his voice, slipped through the cracks in the door and you pushed forward, ignoring the kind strangers who greeted you.
There was only one thing - one person - on your mind.
"It may be that a miscalculation occurred; I would recommend we review more closely the --" Alebeo paused mid-sentence and lifted his head from the bent-back notebook he was previously reviewing. The student who was sitting in the chair next to him saw you as soon as you stepped through the door. They glanced at Albedo and tried to hide their smile.
Albedo twisted and your eyes met.
"Hi," you said with a small wave. Panting, focused on the man you'd dreamed about seeing for days. Now that you were here, however, it was hard to move again. Was it appropriate for you to be here, had you interrupted something important?
You let your one-track mind get the better of you again.
Albedo let the notebook slide into the ready hands of his student. His gaze locked, taking all of you in.
You laughed, relieved, "I'm home," you professed with a smile and opened your arms as Albedo left his work behind to greet you with a wanting embrace.
You better return to me - I promise
The promise you made over a week ago swirled in your mind. You'd let the scene play out so much that it was starting to twist and distort into fallacies and imaginations untrue to the source. However, nothing dared warp the feeling of his lips when he pressed them to your cheek and whispered, 'Don't make me wait long.' Those recollections lived on in destitute moments just before bed and the bittersweet seconds of rising from it.
But, now. Now the boat was pulling into port and you could hardly contain your excitement.
Would he be there? Would he be the first thing you see when you docked?
You were desperate, hopeful, but most of all, you were tired of feeling lonely.
The dock appeared slowly. You scanned the sturdy boards for him and rushed to the other side of the bow to get another view. No matter how hard you looked, you couldn't find him. You jerked forward as the boat docked and wasted no time making it to the pier below.
With your bag slung over your shoulder, you ran into the thick of the crowd. Eyes scanning, head on a swivel as you searched for him. People glanced your way but kept on. One woman looked at you with knowing eyes - eyes that lamented, 'You're looking for your lover too, aren't you?'
You turned to look down the stone harbor but couldn't see him. Disheartened, you let your bag fall to your side.
Then, like the whistling wind of the sea, you heard your name. Snapping your head to the left, you saw a man standing at the top of the stone hill, chest heaving, shoulders rising and falling, and eyes zeroed in on you.
"Ajax!" You called back, dropping your bag where it was and rushing up the hill to meet him. He did the same, and as you ran toward each other, you crashed into him like a wave. Childe hoisted you in the air. The momentum carried the two of you toward the water, but he never let you go. "I've returned. As promised," you told him, tears bubbling up in your eyes so you hid your face against his shoulder.
"So you did," he replied, kissing the top of your head and tightening his hold on you as if his hands were making their own vows to never let you go again.
It had been weeks since the two of you had seen each other. Weeks since you had woken up next to him or found him lost in thought in his study. Countless hours had gone by since you heard his voice or felt the warmth of his touch. You were desperate for it but also nervous to accept it again.
Distance was meant to make the heart grow stronger, right?
As you paced back and forth across the floor, you were starting to regret your decision to hide in the upper room of Angel's Share. Charle's assured you he'd send Diluc your way, but what if they got busy, what if Diluc realized he needed to walk back to the Winery? You should have gone to the estate instead of concocting some elaborate surprise - especially when you were terrible at them.
Shaking your head, you made for the door. Unable to keep the antsy tingling of your nerves from taking over, but the moment you grabbed the doorknob, heavy footfalls made you freeze and you were just fast enough to stumble back when the door swung open with immense force.
Your alarm was replaced by overflowing elation at the sight that greeted you. Diluc's hand gripped the doorknob, his eyes held pools of desperation as they looked at you, as they searched your face, pleading to reassure him that you were, in fact, not a dream.
"I'm home-" you started but he cut you off by pulling you into a suffocating hug. His body leaned into yours, his palm cupped the back of your head and his other gripped the back of your clothes. You returned the hug with just as much fervor.
Pulling back, you pressed your hands against his cheeks and found his lips like one finds a flicker of light in utter darkness. You heard the sound of the door slam shut but didn't care to pull away enough to look. Diluc's fingers tugged at your hair while he kissed you with famished lips.
"I hate when you leave," he professed when he let you finally catch your breath, his eyes heavy, lost in you.
"I'm not fond of it either," you admitted and let your fingers rest against his chin. "Did Charles tell you I was back?"
Diluc shook his head, his lips brushing over yours and placing several more heated kisses against them, "I heard you."
Furrowing your brows, you pulled away even though he tried to chase you, "Up here? That could have been anyone," you chuckled.
"No one else's footsteps sound like my dreams," he explained and you answered him with a trembling lip and a warm, forever, embrace.
It had been nearly two weeks since you'd been near Thoma. Since you'd received the comfort he was so keen on giving. Since he reminded you of the qualities you forgot when he wasn't around. Since you could caress his face and have him touch yours.
Each night was more challenging. Sending letters was too slow. Hearing updates from others felt impersonal. You wanted to see him, wanted to hold him, wanted to hear him. So, you picked up the pace and apologized to the attendants you waved off so you wouldn't get distracted.
Your chest tightened the moment you saw him. Even when you tugged at your clothes to create space, it wasn't enough to alleviate the pressure building inside your ribcage. Your heart ached. Involuntary tears ran down your cheeks. Taking a step toward him, the wooden boards beneath you creaked and, though it was small, quiet, impossible to detect even for you, Thoma stopped what he was doing and turned toward the noise.
Confusion shifted to disbelief until realization set in and the pounding sound of his footsteps made their way toward you.
Thoma wrung his hands on the towel tucked into his pants so that when he made it to you and slid his arms under you to lift you into the air before letting you fall toward him, against him, in his arms that felt so much like home, he made sure his hands were clean and void of any stain that could tarnish you.
"I missed you," he proclaimed, one hand flush against the back of your head while the other kept you as close as it could.
"I missed you more," you admitted and held onto him with no intent of letting go.
You pressed a finger to your lips to hush the receptionist whose eyes lit up at the sight of you. "He's in his office," they whispered with a smile. You nodded and crept further into the parlor. The halls were coated in familiar scents. Scents you associated with the resigned archon who walked them every day.
When you got to the door, you lifted your hand to knock, hesitated, then let your knuckle rap against the door one, two, three times.
"Enter," the voice on the other side said, so you did. "I have yet to sign off on the procession request. The contract is of issue, which I will review with careful consideration ..." Zhongli explained, and you stifled a laugh.
He was turned away from you. His elegant chair turned to face the window. A steaming cup of tea had been left abandoned on his desk - a clear sign he was lost in thought.
When you were close enough, you slid your hands around his face to cover his eyes. Without missing a beat, Zhongli said your name, ruining the surprise.
"How did you know it was me?" you asked as he twisted in his chair to take your hands in his and hold them tenderly against his lips.
"I would recognize the sound of your footsteps even if time had taken all my senses," he professed as if it were a simple fact, as he kissed the tips of your fingers in adoration. When he looked at your face you were trying your best to keep your eyes upward to stop the tears that fell because of him.
Because of the love of him.
"I missed you dearly," he added, his thumb caressing your cheek to wipe away the warm tears.
"I missed you. So much," you mirrored and wrapped your arms around his shoulders even as he rose to his full height to draw you nearer to him.
The marshland smelled just the way you remembered, the clinging warmth of it lingered on your skin. After being on the dry, salt-biting sea for so long you could feel yourself reacclimating to the climate.
It had been weeks since you last saw him.
You almost couldn't stand it.
The tower that was Wangshu Inn lingered in the distance but no matter how close you got to it, the further away it seemed. You were frustrated, anxious, ready to climb to the top and wrap your arms around the man who invaded your thoughts more often than you thought possible.
You imagined him, remembered the comfort of him, could recall the lingering presence of him - like something familiar was hovering in the edges of your view, but you could never quite place it. He was always there - or, at least, the intensity of your love for him felt that way.
"Almost there," you promised as you climbed one of the red bridges above the streams surrounding the marsh.
"Took you long enough," a voice answered, making you spin on your toes to see its owner.
Xiao stood at the bottom of the bridge, arms crossed, eyes falling to the ground while you stared at him in disbelief.
Was it really him, or was it another figment of your desperate imagination?
When his eyes met yours, you knew. You knew it was real, and so you ran to him. Xiao caught you like wind rushing through his hair, and you slid your fingers across his back to remind your hands what he felt like.
"Aren't you going to say it?" he asked, gruff and close as he pressed his forehead against your neck.
"Say wh--? Oh, sorry," you laughed, overwhelmed with love and joy, "I'm home."
"Welcome home."
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arborio00 · 3 months
sum: "what are we?" pillow talk between zhongli and gn! reader.
a/n: from the (very old) poll!! thank you again to all 315 of you who voted.
no cws : pure fluff.
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> you and Zhongli aren't quite together. in all actuality, you’re not sure if that concept exactly exists to him in the way it does to humans, your lover possessive and archaic.
> he holds you through the night without being asked to, a cuddly pillow of mortal love and affection. Zhongli prepares meals for you according to the ancient recipes they originated from centuries ago, and he barters expertly for fine perfumes to gift you. it’s better than you think anyone could possibly treat you, and the word ‘boyfriend’ just doesn’t quite suit it. the term feels elementary and a trivialization. it waters down what it really is.
> “you love me, don’t you?” you whisper, trying to laugh in case you must play it off in the end. but you know better, and so does Zhongli. that shyness, that fear in your voice, is perfect for his keen ear.
> such a question is hardly a joke to him. Zhongli pulls you further into him, flush, both bathed in the mixture of pitch-black and starlight, his nose bumping your head.
> “of all treasures, you are the most precious,” he murmurs slowly, pressing a kiss to your crown, breathing in your scent; the fragrance of local fruits and his own clean bedsheets.
> you huff. it shouldn't make you frown, you know, but it does regardless. curling against his chest, you mumble, “that’s not what ‘m asking…”
> his seriousness fades, becoming more smug. he laughs softly before relaxing into a slight smirk, amused by your cuteness, nearly lost in its purity. “ah, you want to hear it, don’t you? that I love you,” he muses.
> pouting, you don’t find his teasings nearly as funny as usual, as he may. you bury your face into his collarbone, feeling the warmth of his skin, the strength of the fine form he has settled on for decades. Zhongli purrs.
> “I do love you… not in the way I love my country, or the fauna it grows, but in a truly unique way. it is a feeling I have never experienced in all of my abundant years. not unless I am with you, my love.” his large hands adjust you just so he can press a kiss to the apple of your cheek. “I love you, and am sorry I had not made that more clear.”
> you grumble. curse Zhongli and his sly, poetic tongue and tender reassurance. you were supposed to be sleepy and upset, like all of the protagonists of all of your favorite short, Inazuman novels. but Zhongli soothes you without invalidating you, simply and shortly, a skill he knows well. you just had to be the luckiest person in the world. you snuggle him as if seeking warmth.
> he chuckles softly, wrapping you in his arms. you know he won’t be letting go.
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©2023 arborio  do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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nothirstonmain · 9 months
Dragons live much longer than humans. Archons are practically immortal. These two facts barely ever crossed his mind until you mentioned something to him one night. He'd wrapped his arms around you, and you'd hummed. He asked what was on your mind. "You'll outlive me," was all you replied with, before drifting off to sleep.
He didn't like that idea for obvious reasons. He thought about his mortality much more often after that. He loathed it. He despised how he was destined to live on without you. It was unfair. He loved you so much, more than anyone else before, and you'd only be there for a blip of time in contrast to forever. It was as if Celestia was laughing at him.
He began talking with Baizhu more, hoping against hope that his rumored searches into immortality could bring about anything to keep you here longer than was meant to be. He found nothing from Baizhu, so he began reading. He seemed desperate, suddenly putting more effort into extending your life than living his own. Hu Tao could only watch on in pity.
When you did pass, he didn't know what to do himself. All his reading, his research, his own experimenting built off of Baizhu's work. All of it was for nothing. He visits your grave everyday. It's surrounded by hundreds of flowers. Xiao tags along sometimes; he knew you were loved by Zhongli.
He said he'd never love anyone after you, and he was correct. He never even toyed with the idea. You were his one and only, and no others could ever compare.
[Requests open ! Rentry with info in pinned :3 also pls reblog if you like my shit likes just do not help]
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opultea · 1 year
Where's My Kiss?
Genshin men see you kiss something, and can't help but want one for themselves... ft. Dottore, Zhongli
Fluff - Romantic - SFW - GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Drabbles
Warning: Very slight swearing in Dottore’s part
Part 2 - ft. Gorou, Wanderer
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Your husband had been on his official trip to Sumeru for some time now, and before his departure, he naturally left you and the segments to continue the work in the lab. Although you had been working with Dottore for years in his experimentation and lab work, it still filled you with pride to know he trusted you enough to leave the work in your hands for a time, especially with how commanding he liked to be.
Dottore was due to return today, and as thrilled as you were at the thought of seeing him again, you thought it best to throw yourself into your work until his homecoming. After all, the more you could complete before his inevitable inspection of your progress, the better.
You called on one of the younger segments today, many of the older versions of your husband away in meetings or on official business. You knew that some of them were not as happy as you to know Prime was returning, so you let them take their time away. The younger segment, Theta, looked just like your dear lover when he was straight out of being expelled from the Akademiya on account of manslaughter and the propagation of unethical sciences. Ah, what cherished memories.
The two of you set to work, yourself constantly and eagerly glancing at the clock, anxious about Dottore's return. Theta sees this but makes no comment, that is until about another five of your time-checks.
"Ugh, will you stop that! I can't imagine why you'd even be so eager for him to come back, it's not as if he cares about us!" The outburst felt rather sudden, making you step away from the machinery in front of you for a moment.
"Whatever do you mean, Theta?"
"It's not as if you of all people would understand, he wouldn't say a thing against you if you decided never to pick up a beaker again! But we just get all his tasks that he can't bother with, and then a scrutinous comment about how it should have been done! He never cares to acknowledge that we are just as intelligent as he is, that bloody-"
Theta saunters around the lab, raising his arms and yelling in frustration. Before he went too bold with his exclamations, you decided to step in and calm him down. Theta’s situation with Prime would only worsen if he came back in to find him insulting his name.
You stepped around Theta's tense form, gently placing your hands on his shoulders to ease them, moving slowly as you smoothed his coat down.
"Come now, Theta. He's not so bad, and I'm sure he understands exactly how much you are truly worth, he was you, at one time, you know," Theta melts a touch at your soft voice and caress, but holds his grimace.
"Hm. As if the ancient bastard remembers,"
"Hey, that's enough of that," You pout, causing the segment to tense his jaw and look away, crossing his arms with a huff. "Theta?"
"I... apologise," he hisses, but you smile even despite the delivery. You cup Theta's face and press a kiss on his cheek, the clone's face reddening and his body tensing back up.
"What in Teyvat are you doing?"
The two of you turn to the door, where a bitter-faced Zandik stood, apparently just having entered, and just having returned to Snezhnaya.
You immediately separate from the segment to greet your husband happily, although his gaze did not leave Theta's unmoving form.
"You. Leave. Now." Theta huffed at the order from the Doctor, yet obeyed all the same.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Dottore turned to stand over you, his intimidating frame not quite so for you. How could you be frightened when the object of your affection was finally here?
"What was that?" he questioned harshly.
"He looked like he needed it."
A silence overtook you, neither of you needing to move nor speak for the conversation to continue across your minds.
"Do you need one too?"
"I do not need anything. Although I fully intend on taking what I want."
You hardly had a moment to process before the doctors hand firmly clasped the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his. You blinked, but eventually relaxed, allowing you and your husband to indulge in reuniting.
The two of you parted, and you smiled as you brushed his bangs away from his mask.
“Welcome home, Zandik,”
After leaving the Funeral Parlor for the evening, locking up and leaving behind a hard day's work, Zhongli's immediate first thought was to find you. His beloved partner, who loved him enough to step down from godhood alongside him, who had been loving him for centuries, and promised with a gold band never to stop.
There were only a few places you would be at this time of day, but Zhongli knew that with the bright sunset and cool breeze, you'd likely be gazing over the world at the height of Jueyun Karst. An old habit of yours that never died was to watch the world from above, especially as it turned dark and the stars took watch. As the god of clouds, it was natural that you had an affinity for the spires of rock that Zhongli had created in his youth.
You laughed bashfully when he told you many centuries after he’d made them that one of his motivations for doing so had been to impress you, and the other to have an excuse to be closer to your domain.
The memory made the former god smile as he walked through the plains of Liyue, admiring the scenery and the image of you in his mind. It wasn't long before Zhongli was stepping up the slope of Qingyun Peak, looking around expectantly, waiting for you to come into his view. And when you finally did, he couldn't help but stop to stare.
Zhongli let a sighing breath out through his smile, watching as you gracefully kneeled to inspect the bud of a qingxin flower. It seemed that the others around it were in full bloom, but this particular flower was falling a little behind. Zhongli watched with interest as your brow furrowed in worry before you leaned your head down, and gave the bud the lightest peck.
Even with your stepping down from heavenly grace you still held a great deal of power, and from your simple touch, the flower grew taller, its stem widening and leaves unfurling with its petals. Soon, the small bud had become a fully bloomed qingxin, shining pure white under the moon. Zhongli felt his heart expand in his chest at your action. It seemed that no amount of time spent with you could prepare him for how much he loved and admired you. His gaze was particularly attached to your lips, teasing him with the softness they portrayed when you blessed the flower with their touch.
It was at this time that you raised your head and spotted your husband, chuckling at his awed smile. You approached silently, head bowed but smile apparent.
"Hello good sir, what pray tell might you be hoping to gain by ascending the sacred stones of Jueyun Karst?" You tease, stopping just short of leaning against the man.
"Why, I had no intention of offending the kind, bewitching deity that resides in these mountaintops, although I simply had to affirm the legend of the god's beauty myself."
You hummed, taking Zhongli's face in your hands and caressing his cheek gently.
"Is that so?"
"Indeed," the former archon affirmed, bringing his arms around your back to pull you to him. "You are ever the most enchanting creature to have walked the skies, my love,"
You broke the flirtatious atmosphere with a snort, followed by a series of giggles, leaning against Zhongli's chest as he raised his eyebrow with a smile.
"Is there something you find funny, dearest?"
"I wasn't exactly expecting a pun, that's all."
"Ah, I had not intended..." Zhongli coughed into his hand to alleviate the embarrassed crackle in his voice. "Although it is forever true that you enchant me. Fully and truly. In fact, I would be honoured if you bestowed a blessing on me, perhaps the same one you have placed upon the lucky bloom?"
Your face warmed at the implication that he'd seen you kiss the flower. Somehow there were still moments of shyness in your relationship, despite its infinite length. However, you didn’t so much mind that your heart still fluttered around Zhongli. If anything, you found it quite comforting.
You placed your hands gently across Zhongli’s chest, leaning into him. In turn, the geo-wielder brought his hand to your chin to guide you into a sweet kiss.
Zhongli sighed into your touch, enjoying you thoroughly, yet smiling in the knowledge that neither of you would be satisfied with just one kiss.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
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Zhongli - With Gojo-like Archon Reader
You guys are killing with this spacing your asks thing, just make a paragraph, please! T^T
Anywho! Be forewarned! I believe that the character of Gojo Satoru is heavily intertwined with his physical appearance, so the readers will have his eyes and probably also his hair, but hair color is never mentioned. —Benny🐰
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🍵 Words cannot describe how he felt when you gave him a look of pity and disappointment after learning he made a deal with the Tsarista and gave up his Gnosis. Like, how can such a childish person give him such an ego crushing look? Ouch.
🍵 Zhongli found your carefree and childish personality to be, frankly, a nuisance. While yes, you help him wind down when he's thinking of his heartbreaking past; he doesn't need a Hu Tao at his residence too.
🍵 To say that this man was shocked upon witnessing your complete 180° shift in personality while you fight would be a lie. He was absolutely shocked, awed, flabbergasted and bamboozled... and a little turned on. You were so serious and held such authority and conviction in your voice that he couldn't help but swoon. (Subtly, of course)
🍵 Though, Zhongli did notice how cruel you can be with your opponents and he kind of wishes you would tone it down a bit. It reminds him of his losses during the archon war and he doesn't want to associate you with any painful memories because he treasures you so much.
🍵 Your confidence in your abilities and status translates to him as haughtiness at first. But upon witnessing you fight first hand and thinking about your reputation as an archon, he understands.
🍵 There has been many an occasion where you show up late to a scheduled meeting between the two of you because you were off buying sweets. Consider Zhongli annoyed. But you made up for it by treating him to some Bamboo Shoot Soup and a promise to let him tell you as many stories as he wants.
🍵 You once playfully teased (harrassed) Barbatos about how weak he'd become from being absent from his people; you also stole his wine, what a great day that was. It seems you enjoyed gloating to Barbatos and himself about your accomplishments as well.
🍵 Zhongli noticed right away that whenever you both were out and about, if he so much as glances at something, it's in a take away bag before he can even blink. It's to the point where he can't even forget his mora because you hid it from him just so he can't try and pay. He appreciates your generosity but let him pay you back, please.
🍵 There has been many times that he's had to drag you away from the Liyue citizens. You just can't help yourself, can you? He hopes to steer you away from that behavior by giving you his best disappointed stare. It never works...
🍵 Your constant need to fight people is giving Zhongli grey hairs! Why do you want to fight Beelzebul? He doesn't understand! And isn't this La Signora woman dead? That's what Childe told him, at least. How about the two of you just sit down and enjoy some tea together instead?
🍵 Why must you speak such romantic words to him in such a risqué manner all the time? Thank you, he's glad you think he's very attractive, but must you wisper it in his ears all sultry like. You're both in public, please don't feel him up so carelessly, it's embarrassing. Stop looking at him like that with those pretty blue eyes. He'll still let you do it though, so long as you don't do too much in public.
🍵 Zhongli finds it a bit funny how you look to him for praise whenever you do something 'cool' or complete a mundane task. He thought you were joking at first until you whined about him being cold hearted and cruel. So now, he usually gives you a kiss on the forehead and then the lips while saying he's proud of you.
🍵 He unfortunately found that you and that irritating, wine reeking bard are friends... great. How did he find out, you ask? He stumbled upon a very drunk you clinging onto Barbatos and murmuring about how "my boyfriend is so cruel because he won't tell me where mora comes from". Let's just say he gave you the first of many future biggyback rides that day.
🍵 You're like Hu Tao, Childe and Venti all smooshed into one person and it's killing him. But he loves you, so he'll put up with that bratty attitude of yours for the time being, but trust, he'll sort that out soon.
🍵 Speaking of Hu Tao and Childe, it's Zhongli 's top priority to keep the three of you from meeting each other. If you three meet, he'll never have restful sleep again and he knows it. Please give him a break and stop asking him to go to the funeral parlor and Northland Bank, he doesn't know how long he can handle it anymore.
🍵 Sometimes, when you're being too energetic for his liking, he'll sling you over his shoulder and bring you to his bedroom. Then he'll trap you in his arms and lay your head on his chest and just lay there and cuddle with you while you play with his hair. Looping it around your fingers, braiding it, combing through it with your fingers; he finds it very relaxing.
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atoriid · 5 months
You find me attractive when I’m jealous?
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summary: You were away for a while…Zhongli is missing you so badly and is marinating in his dark thoughts…
incl.: Is mostly following Zhongli, Zhongli jealous, dark-ish thoughts on Zhongli’s end, longing also on Zhongli’s end, you're implied to be an artist here (potter), Neuvillette’s name is thrown in the mix, Clothes sharing, pet names, reader is implied to be male but could be read as gender neutral
pairing/s: Zhongli x reader, Zhongli x male reader, Zhongli x gn reader
warning/s: talks of tying and locking you up, slight yandere themes
note: took me a day and then some to write this...hoot hoot…part 2?
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You were away on a business trip to Fontaine, overseeing the expansion of your business into the region, leaving your significant other back in Liyue. This marked the first extended separation for both of you.
As the days stretched into weeks, Zhongli found himself wrestling with unfamiliar emotions, the absence of your presence gnawing at him like an unrelenting hunger. Each morning became a battle against solitude, with the memory of your loving kisses at the start of the day serving as a constant reminder of your absence.
Lying on your side of the shared bed, mentally preparing himself for yet another day without his love by his side. He buried his nose into your pillow, unable to muster the heart to change the sheets. A lingering hint of your scent still clung to them, offering a faint reminder of you.
Once he deemed his morning ritual complete, Zhongli moved to ready himself for the day ahead. However, when it came to selecting his attire, he found his own wardrobe lacking in appeal. His gaze wandered to your side of the closet, “I’m sure Y/n wouldn’t object…”
Dressing in your crisp white shirt brought solace, as your scent enveloped him. He should’ve done this earlier, your scent lingered on your clothes, not too much but enough to make him be reminded of you just like the pillows.
Zhongli stood by the window, watching as the early rays of sunlight danced across the Liyue skyline. As he gingerly held the cup in his hands, marvelling at the intricate patterns adorning its surface.This particular set had been lovingly crafted and gifted by you to commemorate your fifth anniversary, he found comfort in your delicate craftsmanship, a testament to your talent admired across nations.
The demand for your team’s products surged in Fontaine, preparations for a new store were underway, drawing you to the region. While Zhongli brimmed with pride over your achievements, yet a tinge of melancholy gnaws at him due to the prolonged separation from you, accentuating the bittersweet nature of your success.
His thoughts wandered into a darker place. Image of you in Fontaine, surrounded by strangers and perhaps, other admirers. The mere thought twisted his stomach into knots, igniting a fire of jealousy deep within.
Zhongli’s eyes roamed, unable to ignore the lingering traces of your presence-subtle reminders of the life both you shared. The empty space echoed with memories of shared laughter and more…intimate moments, now replaced by a haunting silence that seemed to mock his solitude. His nails elongated into claws, digging into the table as frustration and longing intertwined within him.
In the depths of his heart, Zhongli acknowledged that his jealousy was irrational, stemming from fear and insecurity rather than any tangible evidence of wrongdoing. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t silence the voice of doubt that whispered poison into his ear, clouding his thoughts and judgements.
And so, the days turned into weeks and the distance between you grew daunting, Zhongli found himself trapped in a prison of his own making, his heart consumed by the flames of jealousy that threatened to consume him whole.
However, amidst the growing anticipation of your return, Zhongli’s heart leapt at the sound of your voice echoing through the halls of your shared home. “Zhongli~, I’m home,” you called out, your presence immediately illuminating the space. He perked up, turning to behold you standing in the doorway, your smile as radiant as ever, almost banishing all negative thoughts in his head. Setting down the bags you were holding, you stretched out your arms, offering a warm embrace.
Zhongli did not hesitate to leap into your arms. Hand resting on your shoulder, he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin. He took a hearty inhale of your scent fully expecting to bask in you for a bit. However, amidst the warmth of your embrace he caught a lingering scent of an unfamiliar dragon.
He pulled away your hands still wrapped around his body. “Who were you with?” His voice carried a low growl.
“Ah, it's quite a story actually…the Chief Justice of Fontaine, sir Neuvillette saw me off.” You did not question why he was asking, too focused on holding him as close as possible at the moment.
Zhongli’s gaze intensified as he caught another whiff of this Neuvillette person. His hands curled in anger, nails digging into your back.
“You’re lying,” His voice still low and dangerous, his eyes fixed on you.
“Hm? No?” you countered, meeting his gaze steadily. “Sir Neuvillette merely bid me farewell on my way out.”
Zhongli leaned closer, his breath heavy against your skin, his eyes a blaze with jealousy, his disapproval of the Chief Justice becoming increasingly apparent.
“Was it a quick farewell?” He inquired, his voice laden with tension.
“It was brief and cordial,” you said in a steady tone, mind connecting the pieces together. He’s clearly jealous. You pulled away, your smirk betraying your amusement as you caressed his cheek gently.
The touch caused Zhongli’s breath to hitch, his body tensing momentarily. The scent of another man lingered on your clothes, fueling his suspicions despite your reassurance.
“Jealousy looks good on you my love,” you chuckled. Your playful words only served to deepen the ache of his burning jealousy, leaving him torn between desire and doubt.
His grip loosens and instead of anger an annoyed expression etched on his face. “You find me attractive when I’m jealous?” His jaw remained clenching, brows furrowed.
Leaning in, you whispered into his ear, “Absolutely divine, my love,” a playful tease dancing on your lips.
Zhongli questioned himself: Was his jealousy warranted? As he observed your nonchalant demeanour, every sign seemed to point to your truthfulness. Yet, a darker thought crossed his mind-what if he simply took you, tied you up, and never allowed you to leave the house again? All that you offered to the world would then be solely his…
It wasn’t such a terrible thought…He is a deity, he possessed the power to do it, and no one could stop him. Yet, he realised that such an act would inevitably alter the way his lover would look at him. And that, he couldn’t bear the thought of it.
“Love? What are you thinking?” Oh right Zhongli was still wrapped in your arms.
“I’m thinking of tying you up.” To his bafflement you burst out laughing.
“Zhongli, my love, you always have the most dramatic ideas.” You look surely amused but Zhongli is surely debating whether he should go through with it or not.
You both dropped the subject but Zhongli kept this thought in the back of his head just in case…
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word count: 1,120
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valeriele3 · 1 year
I want a Sagau/Imposter Au! Where the Reader “forgives” everyone but doesn’t trust them and always on edge/cautious around people especially the Archons. Then one day Reader finds their phone and manages to charge it, now they spend 24/7 on their phone and everyone thinks it’s a special holy artifact and are jealous on the amount of attention their phone is taking
Now add a crossover.
(Imma use Enstars(or maybe TWST?) since why not? Plus it’s Tori's birthday
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“Your Grace”
“Your Grace~”
“Ahem..Your Grace, I don’t mean to question or command you but..It’s been a whole week and you haven’t put that artifact down for even a second..How about a break? With me of course! Ehe”
“Do you have hearing problems Barbatos? Their Grace clearly said “No” to your foolish request”
“Oh shut up old man! Stop acting like you aren’t bothered or jealous.”
“I heard you crying last night saying things like “HuHu their grace doesn’t love me anymore huhuhu’”
“Stop spouting lies. I did not.”
Ring ring
Venti and Zhongli turn their heads to the sound
“Hello~? Ah..Ritsu!”
‘Who—’ Venti and Zhongli think at the same time
*Giggle* “How’re you doing? Have you been well? You didn’t have trouble sleeping did you?”
“..Couldn’t sleep well? What happened..?”
“Oh..Ah..I would love to cuddle with you right now to help you but I can’t. I unfortunately can’t go back since I don’t know how to open the portal”
“I promise I’ll try to get back as soon as possible! Oh right, are the others doing okay without me?”
“..Mhm..Okayy..Sleep well Ritsu..Love you bye~”
“Ahem..Your Grace who was that?”
Zhongli sends Venti a deathly glare
“Ah..I mean, can I please have a friendly talk with them? For uh research purposes of course..!”
“Wait— Your Grace..! Come back..!”
“You idiot! You scared them away!”
And so you leave them in that room unaware that a “few” people happened to eavesdrop “overhear” what happened a few minutes ago
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I picked Ritsu bc I was like “why not make the characters think Reader sleeps or cuddles with someone in their original world? Like a lover”
This could I guess also work maybe with Leona? Like him calling his lovely herbivore to idk complain or something about how Reader isn’t doing their job a.k.a being a pillow for Leona
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i23kazu · 5 months
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characters. albedo zhongli diluc alhaitham x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff + hurt/comfort. 1.6k words. an. part 1 , part 2 coming soon!!!! | to be loved by genshin men who appreciate art forms – where their favourite piece of art is you. ; reader is insecure + has low self esteem, and the men help them think otherwise. | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
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the painter
to be loved by albedo, the painter — people realise that the faces that he paints every day seem to resemble one person and one person alone. the high cheekbones, the crooked smile, the monolids — its either the artist has a case of the same face syndrome, or there is only one source of inspiration for him . . .
albedo sits by his artistry room, the window tinting golden light that shines onto your features. it highlights parts of you that you dislike, you argue, but he tenderly kisses each spot that brings you distaste. if you cannot love yourself, then let him love you extra. if you cannot see yourself the way he looks at you – with all the love and admiration and sweet infatuation in the world – then let him paint you in the way he so lovingly sees you so.
he motions for you to tilt to your left with a flick of his finger, not looking up from the blended paints on his wooden palette. you freeze – you don’t want to make him unhappy by not complying but complying also means seeing the ugliness of you. you don’t want him to see you ugly.
“i don’t like that side of me,” you whisper blankly. “it doesn’t make me look good.”
it is at these few words that albedo looks up from his painting.
“you are beautiful.”
he says the three words so matter-of-factly that you wonder if he even means it at all. they are so quick to fall out of his mouth – does he love you too little to properly regard them so, or does he love you so much that it requires no hesitation on his end to reassure you?
“albedo, thank you, but i am not-”
“you are so beautiful, my love,” albedo repeats. “and it pains me so because you don’t seem to believe it for yourself.”
“i am not-” you blink back salty tears.
“do my words hold no weight to you?” he asks, not unkindly. there’s an awkward stare that the both of you share before he lets a soft sigh part his lips, and he gathers you in his arms.
you look at him tiredly. this was not the battle you wanted to fight today, you think to yourself.
“i am beautiful.” you repeat after him. maybe, just maybe – if you say it enough, you can believe it just as wholeheartedly as albedo believes so. you can see the corners of his lips turn upwards into a soft smile – your lover smooths back your hair, planting a sweet kiss in the middle of your forehead.
“i love you, my muse. it’s alright if you don’t believe it just yet. you’ll have me to remind you that you are beautiful, every day.”
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the poet
to be loved by zhongli, the poet — the words he spins materialises out of his infatuation for you. at first glance, the words seem so bombastic – so huge, so big, that they don’t make any sense. but they are beautiful; his words are so sweet and lovely, endless love poems addressed to the one person he has fallen harder and harder for every single day. you.
“are you sure that’s a real word?” you laugh lightly, peering over his shoulder to glance at the newest word on his yellowed paper. eudaimonia, you read curiously.
“my dear, i would assume so,” he replies, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “i believe it means for a person to be of a flourishing, happy state. the thesaurus that tartaglia had obtained for me says so, but if you think otherwise, we can most certainly track down the author to contest that.”
“i trust the author.” you giggle.
“as do i.” zhongli presses a kiss to your forehead, and turns back to his pen.
you watch as he strings together sentences – sentences so lovely, you could never have ever imagined them to be about you. he describes the slight smile on your face when you reread one of your favourite books, or the fact that your laugh has two sounds – one like the tinkling of wind chimes, the other a boisterous, unbridled roar. his pen greets the paper once again, and you hear the gentle scratching of the tip against the sheet.
you are the reason i am able to rest at home with eudaimonia – my pillar, my rock, my lifeline.
“that’s beautiful. your writing is lovely as always.” you whisper, wrapping your arms tenderly around him from behind. he leans into the warmth of your touch, sweetly, lovingly, falling into your embrace.
“well, my dear – it would only make sense for my words to reflect the most pleasing of things to me.”
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the photographer
to be loved by diluc, the photographer — you are his model, day and night. he carries his camera when he can, and needless to say . . . more than three quarters of his camera roll is filled with pictures of you. they’re not perfect pictures, but they’re beautiful to him. and that is the only thing he cares about.
”diluc, don’t! i don’t look nice here.” you giggle as he, in a rare bout of unbridled playfulness, pretends to be your personal paparazzi.
“you look good in every photo, my love.” he chuckles, and runs you through the most recent photos he took.
it’s blurry. your cheeks look huge. your chin… “you look good” – was diluc blind, or lying?
you tighten your smile and turn back to your work, waving away thoughts that turn into jealous green monsters over others who would look good in his camera, no matter how imperfect their pose was.
“hey,” diluc sees the frown on your face. “i mean it. you look wonderful.”
“how?” you blink back frustrated tears.
“diluc, open your eyes. my eyes are uneven in this one. my cheeks look like a chipmunk’s. my chin.. i don’t even want to think about my chin. i don’t look good at all, diluc.”
he stays quiet for a moment, and you wonder if that was the right thing to say at all. maybe just keep quiet next time, (y/n). don’t insult his work – your insecurities are yours to hold alone, right? he tucks your hair away from your eyes and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“i urge you – look again, (y/n).”
“you didn’t edit anything, diluc.”
diluc thumbs away a stray tear as he cups your face – a betrayal to your plea to your body to keep quiet. just keep quiet, (y/n). your lover takes your shoulders and sits you down gently, kneeling next to you, camera in hand.
“you don’t look good, you say? interesting.” diluc has a placid smile on his face as he runs through his camera roll again – you are afraid of angering him, of doubting his craft – but how can you see those pictures and be immediately satisfied with what they are?
“why don’t you believe me? i’m the one who sees it.” you reply indignantly.
“i don’t believe so, not at all. you see it, but i see that you are smiling in each and every one of them, my love. you are happy and you are beautiful, my sun. undoubtedly so – for that is what the camera captures. is that not what matters the most?”
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the writer
to be loved by alhaitham, the writer — people often wonder who sparks these passionate feelings of infatuation in his writing; all they need to look at is the person he leaves his gaze to linger on for a little while longer. his smile seems to brighten a little when he’s talking with you . . .
he describes a love scene so tenderly. a man and his partner, dancing in the stillness of a living room in the witching hours of the night – sweet, loving words fall clumsily out of the man’s mouth – it’s obvious he’s infatuated with his partner. two words, my angel, stands out in the manuscript you read.
“hayi, why do you never call me your angel? ever?” you ask, a slight pout on your face.
“because you are not a metaphor for me to use,” he counters, not unkindly. “you are not someone who i want to compare a mere object to.”
you see the slight disappointment in his face, and you hate yourself for it.
“maybe being compared to something would be better.” you reply softly.
“you are so much more than that,” he cradles your face in his palm, so gently it hurts.
you don’t deserve this gentleness, do you?
“who am i to take that away from you?”
the silence that follows seems louder than anything else you have ever heard. he sighs softly, not with frustration, but with a tenderness that only alhaitham can muster. he gathers you in his arms – he is so, so much bigger and taller than you – he never wants to crush you. never with his anger, nor his fear, or his hurt or his sadness.
“i’m sorry for always asking that. i don’t want to be annoying.” you murmur, blinking away tears.
“you will never be annoying to me, (y/n).” he exhales.
another quiet moment is shared between the two of you – it’s healing. the silence seems to nod to a shared understanding of a love that need not be said.
“i love you, (y/n), most magnificently so. and if it would take a lifetime for you to remember that, i would like to ask for a chance to spend that lifetime with you,” he whispers these words with a quiet fierceness, burying his face into the crook of your shoulder.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @camvrin @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz @rin-nyrasti-writes @mxyarylla @starchivves (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
just for this post: @dailypenpen
reblogs w/ tags & comments are highly appreciated !!! <3 every reblog with a tag or comment gets a cookie from me hehe
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blissfullyapillow · 1 year
“Okokok” or “Lalala”
My interpretation of various genshin men being “Okokok” or “Lalala” 
notes: Trying a new format, ngl guys I’ve been going through it lately (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭, mainly fluff but Tartaglia’s part is mildly spicy 
wc: 5,365~
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。゚☾ ゚。⋆
Baizhu, Diluc, Dottore, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Xiao
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── ·
Baizhu ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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♡ Surprisingly a tease.
♡ He’s pretty and he knows it. He’s not afraid to use his looks as a means of persuasion.
“I promise I’ll rest soon. I’m almost done.” His soft voice betrays just how tired he is, yet the deep stare he gives you as his lashes flutter have the words “Okay, five more minutes” leaving your lips faster than you’d like.
As he finishes his work for the day you undo his braid. He makes a startled sound of surprise as he continues to work. He knows he won’t be able to extend his time any longer after successfully doing so twice already.
Your hands begin to braid his hair. He involuntarily shivers at the pleasant feeling of your fingers in his hair.
He manages to finish his work just as you're at the end of his braid. You help him clean up and close Bubu Pharmacy for the day, and as you’re walking home you ask if the two of you can take a detour tonight.
He’s tired, and he almost asks if you can go on this detour another night, but the stars in your eyes and the way you’re holding onto his arm causes him to say “Okay, but only for a short while.”
Looks like he’s not the only one who knows how to use his stunning looks to his advantage.
He follows you to a secluded area on a hill, and he looks to the sky in awe alongside you.
It’s a full moon, and the stars are clearly visible tonight without a single cloud in the sky.
As you continue to look at the stars he subtly shifts his gaze to your face. As your eyes glimmer with profound emotion, the truth reveals itself to Baizhu. 
He realizes he can see the stars anytime he wants.
“It’s getting late, it’s time we rest. Sleep is vital to your health, you know.” Baizhu ushers you away from gazing at the beautiful sky with a teasing lit to his voice.
“But I remember when you told me that you’re usually too tired to come here and see the stars at night. You said the other night when you had enough energy to come here it was raining, so you just went home…” He glances at you as he intertwines your arms together once more, and he chuckles at the adorable pout on your lips.
“Yes, I did say that. However, I recently came to the realization that I could see the stars whenever I wish since you’re always by my side.” He enjoys the way your eyes widen in surprise as you quickly decipher the meaning of his words.
Just in case you don’t come to the correct conclusion, Baizhu clues you in. He leans forward to press a kiss against your now closed eyelids.
Before you can open your mouth to speak Baizhu announces your shared arrival home. 
“Oh, would you look at that. We’re home.” You can only chuckle as he opens the door for you, and you follow him into the comfort of your shared abode.
Diluc ☆.。.:*ヽ
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
♡ This man is definitely “okokok”
♡Anytime it rains, he always has an umbrella for you to use. He doesn’t need one, but he always has one on him in case you need it.
♡ Whenever he makes a new drink he’ll have you taste it before he releases it to the public. If you don’t like alcohol he’ll make a virgin version for you to try if you still want to taste it.
“Diluc, rest your head here.”  He’s silent for a moment, openly contemplating whether he wants to do what you asked of him.
It isn’t long before he comes to a decision. He moves to stand in front of you, and you motion for him to sit in front of you.
His expression is absolutely adorable as he fulfills your request with a sigh of false exasperation.
“Honestly..” He begins to say, but he’s silent once your hands are in his hair. He visibly shudders as your fingers comb through his thick red strands. You get to work on your usual self care night time routine with Diluc. 
First, you comb through the tangled strands of his hair. You know he enjoys this part the most, but he refuses to acknowledge it whenever you ask him. Once you’ve combed out all the tangles, you usher him up to follow you to the bathroom.
“Do we really have to do this every night?” He asks this as he leans his face closer to you, allowing you to place the face mask on him. 
“Yup. Stop complaining when we both know you enjoy this. Now, come cuddle with me.” Diluc is happy you put the face mask on him already so you can’t see how flustered your words make him. He dutifully follows you to the area of your choice, which is the couch tonight, and he doesn’t voice a single complaint as you pull his body towards you.
He sighs in content as he rests his head on your shoulder, careful not to smudge the face mask. You’ve scolded him countless times for resting his head there with a face mask on, but somehow he always manages not to smudge it so you let it slide.
As you two sit in silence, enjoying the warmth your bodies provide, Diluc quietly begins to tell you about his day. You comment when he pauses to hear your thoughts, and you pride yourself on getting a chuckle out of him when you tell him a joke. 
It feels like hours pass before the timer goes off. When you tell Diluc to get up, he groans as he begrudgingly follows your command. “Can we go to bed after this?” Diluc’s voice is unusually soft as you lead him to the bathroom. You giggle at how cute he sounds.
He’s perfectly still for you as you follow the instructions for removing the face mask. As Diluc washes his face you return to your shared bedroom to hand his clothes to Adelinde to be washed for tomorrow. 
When he returns from the bathroom he looks refreshed and ready for bed; his eyes are noticeably droopy, and he yawns into his hand. 
Diluc joins you in bed, and he wastes no time in cuddling up to you as he places his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Goodnight, love.” His whisper, combined with his lips pressed against the skin of your neck, causes a shiver to go down your spine. You run your fingers through his hair as you reply, “Goodnight, my love. Sleep well.” He’s asleep moments after you wish him goodnight, and it isn’t long before you follow suit.
You’re both asleep in each other’s arms soon after.
Dottore * ੈ♡‧₊˚
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♡ How did you get this man to be in a relationship with you? Are you sure it’s him and not one of his clones?
♡ Well if you weren’t sure before, you are now. After all, he wouldn't stop grumbling over the inconvenience of losing his clones due to ‘a fair trade with the dendro archon’ for weeks. 
Will gives you crumbs of kindness to keep you hooked.
That is, until he finds himself buying your favorite treat for you at the nearest grocery store. You ran into his arms crying after a bad day, and he has to do something to cheer you up. He was disgusted by the tears streaming down your cheeks, and aggravated that the source of your angst was another human being. 
As he quickly makes his way back to you, your favorite treat in hand, he suddenly stops walking as his anxious thoughts of you come to a halt. He’s come to the unfortunate realization that you’re not the only one in love. 
He’s a busy man with things to do and places to be, yet he finds himself content holding you in his arms as your tears slowly subside upon his return. 
He hates the way his cheeks warm when you finally smile as you eat the treat he most definitely did not go out of his way to retrieve for you. 
He silently contemplates if he ever felt this way for another person before as you make yourself comfortable in his arms.
He decides it doesn’t matter as he sneaks a picture of your sleepy face, with your cheeks squished against his chest and droopy eyes struggling to stay open.
Maybe he enjoys your company more than he lets on.
♡ He will begrudgingly happily go along with whatever you ask of him. His annoyance and snarky comments are only for show.
“Dottore, hold my hand.” “And why should I waste my precious time heeding your childish request? I have research subjects I need to test on, and I need both of my hands available to do so.” You roll your eyes as he slips his hand into yours, even as he continues to complain and ridicule your request. 
Good thing a kiss never fails to shut him up.
You relish the rare flustered look he gives you when you pull away, and you internally swoon when he chases after your lips.
Speaking of expressions, has he ever shown his face to others beside you?
Zhongli * ੈ♡‧₊˚
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺
♡ You’re still struggling to solve the mystery of where this man gets all his money from.
♡ There’s no way Zhongli has the funds to be buying you all the extravagant gifts that he does, but somehow your room is full of gifts. All of the finest quality.
He’s a calming presence beside you wherever you two go, and you love to close your eyes as he tells you facts about something that has caught your interest.
You may or may not go out of your way to think of things to ask him, things that you know only he’ll know being the Geo Archon. 
Just so you can hear his voice.
As you two are walking side by side around Liyue Harbor, you decide to ask him something so you can listen to him talk. You slip up and ask him something that’s virtually common knowledge to the people of Teyvat. His eyebrows rise in question. You anxiously hope he doesn’t catch on as he remains silent.
It takes a moment before his facial expression changes, almost like something registered for him. You realize he’s finally caught on to the truth behind your endless slew of questions. You can only hope he isn’t offended by your actions. 
Zhongli starts chuckling, and soon he’s hunched over and slapping his knee in amusement.  
You start laughing at the sight of Zhongli bent over and slapping his knee like an old man, but you don’t tell him that.
Zhongli literally has tears in his eyes as his laughter continues. Since he’s bent down, you move closer to him before you press a kiss to the unshed tears on his pretty lashes.
He awkwardly coughs as he suddenly stops laughing; your actions clearly fluster him. His face is as red as a Jueyun chili, and you adore the sight of him in this state. Oh, the tips of his ears are red too. Wait, is he.. shuffling his feet?
His hand searches for yours, so you waste no time in fitting your hand in his. He squeezes your hand as he straightens himself. 
You squeeze his hand back as he begins to tell you everything he knows about your very obvious topic of conversation.
You take note of the way his eyes soften as he looks at you, and a warm smile presents itself on your lips. His eyes follow the curve of your lips with a gentle smile of his own. 
Oh, he loves you more than you’ll ever know.
Tartaglia ✧˖°.
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⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
♡ Surprisingly really serious??
♡ Once he’s closer to you he drops his whole ‘happy go lucky’ act since he feels he can be himself around you without judgment.
♡ He’s still friendly and silly at times, but it’s significantly less than the front he puts on for others.
He almost hates the way his heart lurches as you finish getting a bath ready for him.
He’s silent as he obeys your command. He sits on the edge of the tub as you do your usual scan of his body for any new cuts, bruises or scars.
“Has this one always been here?” You suspiciously eye a cut that, yes, has been there for two days now. He recalls you scolding him when you initially discovered it.
“Actually, it has-“ The rest of his sentence gets caught in his throat when he feels the press of your lips against his skin. You mindlessly trace the scar with your finger as your beautiful orbs stare into his.
“Are you okay, Ajax? You seem a bit.. out of it tonight.”
A lump forms in his throat at your question. His emotions threaten to spill over as he gives a shaky exhale. He’s not sure how you can tell he’s had a rough day today, but he’s thankful for your keen eyes.
“Join me tonight?” It’s almost as if your clothes magically come off as you usher him into the welcoming bath. 
He steps in first, and you’re right behind him. Your arms wrap around him as your fingers locate the scar they were previously tracing.
“Want me to wash your hair?” You reach over to grab the shampoo bottle, already knowing what his answer will be.
As you gently rub the shampoo into his hair he closes his eyes in bliss.
He always appreciates your doting.
So it’s no surprise that once you two exit the bath, you open your shared bedroom to an overflowing pile of expensive gifts ranging from clothes to a physical copy of the newest video game, if that’s something you’re into.
“Ajax.” Your stern tone only causes his grin to grow larger. “I have to show my appreciation for you in some way.” His playful tone is quite adorable, but you push that thought to the side. 
“Ajax-“ He stops your scolding with a passionate kiss to your lips as he wraps his arms around you to bring you closer. 
“Well, there is another way.”
He loves the knowing look you give him. “Oh really? You might have to show me, I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”
He loves the way you shiver as he presses a kiss below your ear. “Gladly.”
Xiao ༺♡༻
Reader is implied to be afraid of heights. If you aren’t afraid of heights, imagine it’s high enough to make you feel a bit nervous. 
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♡ Bro’s touch starved.
♡ King of hand holding and innocent touches.
♡ He loves to caress your thigh as he rests his head on your shoulder, watching on with whatever you’re doing.
If you happen to be on your phone and you scroll past a cute couple video, he tells you to scroll back to it so you two can watch it together.
Will shyly suggest you two do whatever couple trend is going on, but make it seem like you were the one who asked.
“I know humans love their silly trends. You don’t have to look at me like that, we can do it. I’m only doing this for you, you know.” He even sighs as he says it, making it seem like you’re really forcing his hand when he’s the one taking the initiative.
You honestly don’t mind and find it adorable.
Although some trends he’ll hesitate to do, especially if they’re a bit more hands on.
“Do I really have to guess what flavor this is?” He’s asking this as he leans in to kiss you, his cheeks blossoming into a hue that’s as red as a rose.
Despite his obvious hesitance, he enjoys any and all “incomprehensible” fun human past times you two do together.
Cue going to an amusement park as Xiao somehow wins all the rigged games and all the oversized stuffed animals you could ever ask for.
When he rides roller coasters with you his face becomes more expressive the more intense the roller coaster is. You love the subtle wide eyes he’ll make or the clench of his jaw as you two go barreling down the coasters’ track with the other riders.
Your favorite part of the whole day is when you two go on the ferris wheel.
I know, cliche, but it’s the feels good warm butterflies in your chest cliche.
When you two reach the top it stops, and as much as you’d love to enjoy the beautiful orange and purple hues of the sky your heart is pounding in your chest.
You look anywhere but down, eyes darting left and right.
Xiao huffs in annoyance, and when you turn to look at him he’s walking over to you from across the small pod.
“How could I forget? Humans and their weak minded fear of heights.” Before you can retort his comment with a snarky reply, he’s beside you and pulling you into his arms.
You muffle a weak “sorry” against his chest, and his response is a heartfelt sigh. 
When he presses a sweet kiss against your hair, your heart pounds for a different reason. 
“Be quiet. I like holding you like this. I don’t need the sunset with you here in my arms.” Although he probably wasn’t intending to be romantic, your cheeks warm and a giddy giggle escapes you.
Que the adorable sight of two idiots holding each other as the ferris wheel makes its slow descent down, the orange hues of the sky faded long ago, as the stars glimmer and wink in the romantic night sky.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Alhaitham, Kaveh, Ayato, Wanderer, Albedo
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Alhaitham ✧˖°.
Listen, I know Alhaitham would be an “okokok” person in a relationship. Just let me indulge in my delusions for a moment, okay?
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
♡ Alhaitham has never been in a relationship before; he’s a busy and productive man who has things to do. He goes home early to be alone and read in relative peace.
♡That is, until he got to know you.
Alhaitham doesn’t see himself as the romantic type, yet he finds himself doing simple acts of service for you without a second thought.
Do you wake up completely exhausted after studying all night? A steaming cup of coffee is gently placed into your tired hands as soon as you greet Alhaitham. You don’t like coffee? Alhaitham substitutes it for something that’s more your taste.
You’ll find fluffy blankets draped over your previously slumped figure on cold nights, your papers neatly organized after a quick bathroom break, and even little note cards placed on your belongings with encouraging words.
It took you multiple instances of these caring acts of kindness before you realized Alhaitham was the one behind them.
The notecards are what gave him away.
You thought you were being delusional as usual when you recognized Alhaitham’s handwriting on one of the note cards, despite sparsely seeing it. You confront him about the little note cards you've been seeing despite your apprehension of him behind the person behind these kind acts. 
Lo and behold, a few conversations and a study date later, Alhaitham is your dedicated boyfriend. Although he’s different than you thought he’d be in a relationship. 
In a good way, of course!
During a late night stroll in Sumeru, Alhaitham gently intertwines his hand with yours. When you look at him in surprise, he looks away with an obvious redness to his cheeks.
In another instance, Alhaitham walked in on you dozing off over your study notes. “I thought you said you were going to study all night, no interruptions?” Alhaitham’s teasing voice against your ear catches you off guard, but what really surprises you is the lingering kiss he presses underneath your ear.
With your study partner Kaveh gawking at him from the other side of the table.
This time around, Alhaitham’s head is resting on your chest as his tall figure is basically sprawled across your lap. It’s honestly adorable, but if anyone were to see this scene with their own eyes they’d probably think they’re hallucinating. Surely there’s no way the Akademiya’s scribe would behave this way, right?
Well they’d be proven wrong, and quite quickly.
Alhaitham reads his book without a care in the world as his head rests on your chest, flipping a page to continue reading out loud to you. “Honestly Alhaitham, I didn’t expect you to be so… openly affectionate like this in a relationship.” You hope your words don’t come across as offensive, but this is Alhaitham you’re talking to; You're not worried.
Alhaitham’s silent for a moment before he looks into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat at the swirling emotions you see in them, a rare sight for a man like Alhaitham.
“I feel at ease when you’re around, and I love many aspects about you, including your flaws. Why should I be bothered to conceal these feelings? Doing that won’t get me anywhere. Only a fool would hesitate to show how much they love and care about their partner.” Alhaitham’s words are concise and brutally honest, yet it’s as if he’s serenading you with a romantic ballad.
In a trance, you hardly register the way he presses a sweet kiss to your lips before he continues to read out loud to you, distracting you from your many assignments as he originally intended.
“Okay.” Is the only breathy response you’re capable of. 
You don’t miss the smirk on his lips when he hears your response.
This time, you’re the one who kisses him.
Kaveh ♡˗ˏ✎*. ˚
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺
♡ Putting Kaveh anywhere other than lalala wouldn’t feel right.
♡ Kaveh, the hopeless romantic who smothers you with affection like it’s his job.
♡ Kaveh, who’s somehow always up before you to make you breakfast and ensure you have everything you need for the day.
♡ Kaveh, who pepper's your face with sweet kisses before you walk out the door in the morning and when you return home for the evening.
♡ He was a blushing mess when he asked you out, and his face was an adorable display of elation when you happily agreed to be his partner.
Now, Kaveh rests his head on your shoulders as he peers at the video you’re watching on your phone. “Honestly if that were me I would have broken up with him by now. Did you see the way he rolled his eyes as he let go of their hand? How disgraceful.” Kaveh clicks his tongue as he criticizes the male lead. 
You burst into a fit of laughter when Kaveh begins to cheer the male’s partner on for dumping a glass of wine over his head.
“He doesn’t understand how lucky he is to have someone care for him so deeply and intimately.” Your words strike a chord in Kaveh, and he reaches over you to pause the video.
“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Kaveh’s worried tone reaches your ears. You’re quick to turn around and press a loving kiss to his lips to dispel his worries.
“What I mean is, I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re a ray of sunshine on my sunniest and darkest of days. I can only hope I make you feel as loved and cherished as you make me feel Kaveh. I’m the luckiest person in the whole of Teyvat to be able to wake up to your pretty snores.” Kaveh blushes as he scoffs in indignation. “Snores? I do not snore. Even if I did, you're wise to realize they’d be the prettiest snores you’ve ever heard. They wouldn’t be as obnoxiously infuriating as, say Alhaitham’s, would sound.” 
You chuckle at Kaveh’s indignation, before your chuckles quickly morph into uncontrollable giggles as Alhaitham chooses that moment to return home.
Unfortunately for Kaveh, Alhaitham heard his name being said. As Alhaitham questions Kaveh on your topic of conversation, Kaveh's fingers trace imaginary hearts on the back of your hand.
You enjoy the sound of surprise Kaveh makes when you grasp his hand to place a kiss against each of his fingertips.
Thankfully Alhaitham takes the hint to leave the two of you alone, and you two spend the rest of the day in each other’s arms, enjoying the irreplaceable warmth your bodies provide each other. 
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
♡ To be the partner of Kamisato Ayato is a blessing in and of itself.
♡ Waking up to his pretty face resting beside you is now your favorite way to start your day.
♡ You love the way he’s always one step ahead of you. When you suddenly remember you forgot to bring an important item, Ayato’s calming you down with hushed whispers of love as he hands you the item in question.
You groan in annoyance as you put the paper in your hand down. You’ve been craving your favorite snack since this morning, and it’s getting harder and harder to resist the craving. You come to the conclusion that it’s worth putting your work down to get it, and at that moment Ayato enters the room.
It’s almost creepy how Ayato walks into your shared room with said food item you are currently craving.
You love how Ayato’s not afraid to kiss you in front of his retainers, and how he often brags about your achievements to others in front of you.
“Thank you for your hard work. Oh, speaking of hard work, my partner successfully completed that assignment I told you they were so worried about. Haha I know, they were worried over nothing. I’m quite proud of how far they’ve come. They even- my, what’s got you so riled up?” Ayato knowingly teases you when you approach him with a flustered expression, dismissing the retainer's soft chuckles and fond expression as they watch the two of you.
Ayato’s not one to shy away from cuddles and spending time together. No matter how busy his schedule is, he always makes time each and every day to spend with you.
 Whenever you’re together Ayato always has some part of him touching you. Whether that be his hand against the small of your back, his chin on your shoulder, or even his hands tangled in your hair, he’s always touching you.
When asked about this habit of his, he’ll simply respond, “It brings me a sense of comfort.”
Whenever Ayato’s seen with you, he’s the physical embodiment of  “…and all of the stars and infinite galaxies could be found in the vast beauty of their eyes. All it takes is one look at their partner, and their eyes shine like the sun's first rays of dawn.”
Wanderer *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ─── ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
♡ You fell first but he fell harder… and when he did fall, oh boy.
♡ He’s severely touch starved.
He’ll make any excuse to cuddle and be physically close to you. “This pillow isn’t fluffy enough and it’s hurting my neck. Move closer so I rest my head on your chest.” “But my chest isn’t fluffy???”
“I’ve never been in a romantic relationship before, and I need practice.” “Practice holding hands? That seems pretty straightforward to me-” “Silence.” You only watch in amusement as he averts his gaze, shyly holding your hand.
He looks so cute like this, you know you have to take a picture. As he’s preoccupied with avoiding your gaze, you deftly maneuver your phone in one hand and open the camera app. You snap an adorable photo of him.
Unfortunately for you, your phone flash was on.
You talk your way out of deleting the picture by agreeing to take a selfie with him.
When the alarm on his phone wakes you up the next morning you tap his phone to turn it off. You stare at his phone in shock as it lights up. His lock-screen is the selfie you two took together a few hours ago.
♡ Will literally do the sweetest and most heartfelt gestures without being asked, and then get defensive about it when it clearly makes you happy.
You wake up to a bouquet of flowers and breakfast in bed. Wanderer’s silence as you stare at him says all the tender words he struggles to voice.
When your eyes water and a wobbly smile presents itself on your lips, he clenches his jaw and rolls his eyes.
“I returned home late last night and missed the opportunity to fall asleep beside you. I figured you’d appreciate this sweet gesture, but clearly your mind is too addled with sleep to properly thank me. ..Wipe those tears away, they’re unsightly.”
He’s the one who gently wipes your tears away without complaint. 
As he presses a chaste kiss against your lips, you tell yourself you chose the right man to be your partner.
Bonus: If you ask for him to pray with you to whichever deity you follow, including the archons, he will. Despite believing in no deity or higher being, he’ll happily pray with you since he knows it’s an important aspect of your life. He’ll respect that and pray with you. It’s no big deal; he enjoys the thankful expression you have anyway. Don’t worry, he knows he doesn’t have to, but he chooses to do so with you because he wants to. Plus, he gets a free favor out of it every time. What he uses that favor on differs each time, but it’s always a good result for the both of you. 
Albedo 。・
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♡ Albedo is known to not be the most.. expressive individual, yet he has no trouble expressing his love for you, consistently and with the same amount of fervor every time.
♡ Overall he’s the best partner you could ask for. He's your safe space, and you’re his.
♡ Albedo’s experiments are of utmost importance to him, so when an emergency arises that you need assistance with, it warms your heart when he stops his experiment mid way through to help you.
“I’m sorry I asked for your help while you were in the middle of an experiment. I couldn’t reach anyone else, and-” Albedo stops your hysterics with a tight hug and a kiss against the crown of your hair.
“You’re just as, if not more important to me than any of my experiments. Please, don’t hesitate to contact me at any given time, even if it’s not an emergency. I’ll always welcome the opportunity to hear your lovely voice, although I’d prefer if you didn’t sound so distressed.”
“Hey, ‘bedo, you’re zoning out again.” “Oh, my apologies. Here, I’ve completed it.” He hands you yet another sketch of yourself. Your features are beautifully depicted to be looking off into the distance, with dragonspine serving as a mystical background.
“You could sell these you know. You’d make a lot of Mora.” Albedo looks at you with clear offense in his eyes. “The day I sell my drawings of you is the day I stop loving you, and that’s a day that will never come to pass. Come, the temperatures are dropping and I’ve gathered enough starsilver for my next experiment.”
Your heart skips a beat as your hands effortlessly find each other’s. Albedo’s flushed cheeks are prominent as he presses a kiss against the back of your hand.
“Oh, there you are. I made you hot chocolate, the temperatures are lower than normal… Do you want to cuddle?” When your response is an immediate “yes” Albedo wastes no time in guiding you to a comfortable area and tangling your limbs together.
Don’t worry, you’re still able to drink the hot chocolate. 
529 notes · View notes
Version 1
Version 2 [you're here]
Warning: SFW/slight NSFW
As the Creator and God, you can clearly hear every prayer for you. You even hear some gods pray to you, too. Although you've had some...certain prayers said to your name...
Morax/rex-lapis praying to support him in wars and etc. Morax/rex-lapis under a tree, trying to get friction, resisting the urge to close his legs as he palms his bulge while chanting your name. Zhongli, on his knees. Praying that Liyue will be safe and protected by your blessings. Zhongli on his bed, twitching, saying prayers to do things to him, asking for forgiveness, saying that he deserves your punishments for being so shameful. Edging himself since you would've done that to him as a punishment.
Childe, praying for power and strength and to protect his family. [Might also pray for bloodshed-] Childe, leaning against the wall, biting his lips to refrain noises and kept saying your name over and over. Head thrown back as he came.
[That's all I have for now, so please down hunt me down and hurt me 🥲😅]
678 notes · View notes
nariism · 7 months
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a/n: fwb zhongli who catches feelings for you and mopes when it's time for you to part ways bc me and art said so. suggestive obv but nothing blatantly nsfw
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You've become sort of a sore topic for Zhongli.
No, not because you've rejected him in any way. Not even because he's trying to avoid catching feelings for you. Quite the opposite, actually.
He doesn't know what you are. He doesn't know if he means anything to you below the surface.
Sure, the flings were fun—distracting, even, when he was stressed from work. You were only meant to be a good time outside of work which Childe so earnestly encouraged him to find. And you were for the most part wonderful company even when he wasn't tangled in bedsheets with you.
The problem is that he was falling hard and fast, and he's almost positive the sentiment isn't shared.
"You're going out again?" Hu Tao asks as she peers into his office. He's packing up his belongings and shoving your favourite snacks into his bag.
"Yes, does that concern you, Director?"
"Yeesh," she hisses. "Cold. Haven't you two made it official yet?"
"And that's because...?" She trails off, awaiting some sort of explanation. It's been months after all. Months. Frankly, she's tired of watching Zhongli do this back and forth without making any actual advances outside of... well.
She coughs when he doesn't provide any answer. "Are you going to?"
The man only sighs, frustrated with himself or with the Director, he can't tell anymore. And again, he tells her:
She shakes her head. He's utterly hopeless.
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"My, you sure do know a lot about Glaze Lilies."
Zhongli's fingers twitch and he recoils from you. The flower he placed behind your ear shimmers in the glow of lanterns, sparkling like diamond itself is sprouting from your hair. You look so breathtaking, he thinks. Could he tell you that? Probably not.
Ah, he must have been rambling without realizing. A bad habit that he has yet to kick. It must bore you to death.
"An old friend of mine used to love them," he tells you. "My apologies for going off on a tangent."
"No, no," you wave him off, a smile spreading across your face—warm and welcoming. For a moment he believes that you're looking at him with something more. "It's alright. I like listening to you talk."
"You... do?" He questions.
"Why wouldn't I?"
He opens his mouth like he has an answer but it quickly snaps shut. Yes, why wouldn't you? He's surprised that you haven't lost interest in him yet simply because he's a talktative walking history book, yet simultaneously relieved that you haven't left his side.
There's zero dishonesty evident in your expression, nor is there any sign that you genuinely want him to stop blathering. But the time has come to leave you anyway. If only the night could be as lasting as his growing feelings for you.
The winding streets of Liyue have lead you back to your front porch. It must be well into the night—hardly anyone is around. The shops have all packed up and closed down for the day and even the croaking of frogs has quieted down.
You turn slightly, glancing at the welcoming entrace of your home. "So... this is it."
"Home," you echo.
"When will I see you next?"
You laugh, seemingly amused by his formality. "Whenever you'd like, Zhongli."
A long silence settles over you as you watch each other. Your eyes bore into his intensely, as if searching for something in them. With the distance between you, he can't make out exactly what it is that you're thinking.
You turn to leave and it's a familiar, gut-wrenching feeling. The sight of you leaving him: sometimes draped in nothing but his bedsheets and others like this. And for some reason, this version bothers him infinitely more.
It's pathetic that he mopes about it, feels like a kicked puppy now that your date (if you could even call it that) has ended. The uncertainty of having you means that it could be the last time he holds your gaze, or it could be just be the beginning of your story.
He wants you. He knows he does. Would it be selfish to ask you to be his? Does he have that right?
Just as he's about to leave you at your door, once he knows you've gotten safely there, your voice calls out to him.
"Actually, do you want to walk around a bit longer?" You freeze, looking surprised at your own suggestion before continuing. "I-I know it's quite late but..."
He holds his breath. But?
"But... I just want to hear your voice a little longer."
It's a silly reason, he knows. It's even worse how giddy he feels inside, acting like a child having a crush on someone. He's certain you can see the melting of his expression, eyes impossibly soft.
The realization strikes him down like lightning. Oh. How could he have not realized? Had he been so busy worrying about how to move on from you while you were still in his bed that he missed the way you purposefully lingered around a little longer? That you were always the one asking him when he was free?
He chuckles—to you or at himself, he isn't sure. "Of course."
When you close the distance between your bodies, he offers you his hand with a blooming smile. He can't help admiring you under the warm lights of the harbour. You take it without question and don't let go. He doesn't either.
"Where was I?"
"You were telling me about why they only blossom under moonlight," you ponder. You're not very subtle with the way you scoot your body closer into his side and how you try to nimbly interlock your fingers, but he doesn't mind.
He had been blind this long. He would be remiss if he were to let the opportunity slip.
"Ah, yes." Zhongli squeezes your hand as you walk. "I should tell you of this old legend."
There's an uncontrollable joy in his heart when he realizes that, indeed, it is only the beginning of a long tale.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
276 notes · View notes
warning: slight angst:comfort | sfw | sharing a bed | pre-relationship | reader has anxiety in the middle of the night and asks to share a bed with character
includes: Ayato, Alhaitham, Childe, Diluc, Keaya, Thoma, Zhongli
character x gn reader | headcannon + short narrative |  anthology
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“We’ll have to stop here for the night,” he said as you followed him into the small inn. It appeared well-kept, even if it was tucked away in the rural landscape off the beaten path. Perhaps he felt this was safer, you were trying to stay off the beaten path after all. 
The host lead you back to the room and you wondered how you got here in the first place. The request did say you’d be working with someone, but you never expected it to be him ... and you especially never expected to have to sleep in the same room with him because, of course, the inn didn’t have enough for the both of you.
When the door opened you held your breath. This was certain to be one of those, ‘sharing the same bed,’ situations, but you weren’t ready for that. Not at all, nope, not ready for ... 
“Here’s your room,” the host said, bowing as passed by to enter the room, “two beds as requested.” 
... oh ... 
... that’s good then ...
“Thank you,” he said, arm extended between you and the host as you stepped past. He was ready to close the door but stayed cordial until the very end. When it was just the two of you, your heart was beating faster, you weren’t sure what to do so you just stood there. “Take the bed furthest from the door.” 
“... okay,” you agreed but felt locked in place. This was going to be a long night.
You could hear Ayato asking for several things from the host but his voice was washed out. impossible to understand through the thumping in your ears - your hand moved to your chest, pushing hard against your sternum to steady your overactive heart 
“i’ve ordered everything they have, do make sure you eat some once it arrives,” he hummed as he passed by you, scanning the room. his face didn’t show any expression, but you couldn’t imagine this would be good enough for him - why did he pick this place to begin with? “come, let’s withdraw,” he said but you didn’t move 
after the gluttonous meal, you contemplated what was coming next - you desperately wanted to clean up, but should you let him go first, would it be improper to offer? you’d only ever been in a room with him when his attendant was there, Thoma, or his sister needed your assistance. you’d grown rather close to the Kamisatos but this - this was too close even for you 
Ayato on the other hand didn’t seem bothered by the situation. He was just as relaxed as you’d ever seen him, even taking the initiative to get comfortable while you wondered if you should put more clothes on - what was the right thing to do - you were starting to feel sick 
he excused himself and you took the opportunity to retire to bed in the hopes that you could fast-forward time and silence the pain in your chest 
You woke up so suddenly. Like a clap of thunder every inch in your body crashed into alertness. Hot lungs took in air, an unsteady heartbeat pushed energized blood through your limbs. You rolled onto your back hoping the pressure of the world would calm it all down but it only made it worse. Thoughts ran through your mind so quickly you couldn’t process it all, not even when your stinging eyes looked toward a soft light and fell upon a bent over Ayato scanning something you couldn’t make out. 
“ ... A-ayato?” you croaked, confusion laced in your voice. Was this still a dream? 
He lifted his head to look at you but you couldn’t make out the expression on his face. He seemed surprised to hear his name but also unaffected at the same time. “Hello,” he hummed. 
You sat up only to find your hands were trembling, a hot shiver running up your arms making you shake. You weren’t cold, in fact you could feel the sweat cling to your chest and lower back, but you shuddered anyway. Worry climbed up your chest, tightened around your sternum so you pressed against it to alleviate the pressure. You clenched your draw and tried to take in several deep breaths without much success. Ayato was staring at you, you could sense his eyes, but you couldn’t look at him. 
This had to be a dream, a bad one. 
“Why don’t you join me,” Ayato proposed, catching you off guard. 
You looked at him and tried to breath some more before answering, “what?
“You’re more than welcome to take up the place at my side,” he explained.
“... I-I’m okay.” 
“No need to be timid. It’s apparent you are experiencing distress. I have seen it before.” His eyes narrowed but the corner of his lips curled upward. Was his statement general, or was it pointed. This wasn’t the first panic attack you caught early on. Normally you’d excuse yourself if you were in public, try to find a more secluded space to steady yourself. A few had occurred when you were visiting the Kamisato estate but you were alone ... weren’t you? “I believe it will be easier for you to return to ease at my side. Of course, I’d order you but seeing as you’re not one of my attendants ...” He trailed off as if the notion was distasteful, his eyes drifting to the bed before returning to you. 
The sharpness of his gaze pierced you. Honestly, it would be easier to relax next to someone. Your friends often gave you their hand to help steady your spinning irrationalities so, there wasn’t any harm in taking him up on his offer ... right? 
“... if you’re alright with it,” you restated hoping for an affirmation, hand still gripping the center of your shirt as if that would give you more room to breathe. 
“I’ve extended the offer, I’m not one to go back on my word.” 
“Yeah,” you hesitated, but seeing as this would take a while to dissipated anyway it would be better to not have the man you were attracted too stare at you until you submitted to his request, “Okay, but I’ll just sit on the edge.” 
Slowly, you made your way out from the covers so you could crawl onto Ayato’s bed. He was sitting in the middle, one leg up and bent while the other rested against the plush mattress. His clothes covered most of him except for the large gap in the center of his chest. You were sure that was on purpose. 
It took you a minute, but you finally settled near him. His fingers could touch your leg if they really wanted so you moved to give him more space. “Is this okay?” you asked, shifting on the pillow against your back and glancing at him from the corner of your eyes. You felt the need to keep your head lowered out of respect. 
“It is,” he commented, a soft smile on his lips. You nodded and tried to relax. 
In an attempt to focus, you closed your eyes and let your head fall back against the headrest. The hard wood dug into you so you adjusted until it was comfortable. Slow, shaky breaths passed through you. Your fingers pushed, tapped, massaged your chest to work out the anxiety. It was likely you’d get a bruise. To give your arm a break, you switched to your right hand and let your left fall to the bed, palm up. 
Another deep breath, the sound of a scratching pen against paper, wood creaking. warmth
Another breath, soft fingers lacing into your own, a gentle pressure, reassurance. comfort
Another breath, head lulling to the side, body jerking as the tug of sleep pulled at your limbs, weight leaving your chest 
Another breath. sleep -- finally 
Ayato flipped the page, eyes scanning the words and trying not to frown. The report was annoying, if they had just done what he told them days ago this problem wouldn’t even be on his plate. He picked up his pen to jot down another irritated solution when something pushed against his side. 
He glanced to his right and found a head resting against his shoulder, the owners face was relaxed as they breathed deeply. The hand in their lap twitched but otherwise didn’t move. He must have been so lost in thought that he didn’t realize you were falling asleep but he didn’t mind, it was his plan to begin with after all. 
Careful not to get ink on the bed, he placed the pen in between the pages of his carefully organized notebook so he could grab the robe resting beside him. He didn’t like sleeping in much to begin with but because he wasn’t alone, he had to accommodate to what was proper. It took him a few tries, but soon the fabric rested over your legs and waist. 
When he was done, you adjusted your head on his shoulder making him worry he had woken you up but you settled quickly, swallowing and making a soft hum before returning to slow, steady breaths. He held in a chuckle but couldn’t stop himself from running his fingers over your ear. 
I guess I got my way after all, he thought, thinking back to the conversation he had with the inn owner. If it had been up to him, this would have been the only option but, ah, it worked out in his favor in the end. 
With renewed energy, Ayato picked up the pen and scribbled down his thoughts while, in his other hand, he held his one and only weakness. 
Alhaitham closed the door and moved past you as if you weren’t even there. You watched as he scanned the room before walking over to the bed in front of you and taking a seat. His long legs crossed so he could work himself out of his muddied boots, “are you going to just stand there?” he asked you, eyes focused on his shoes, hair falling around his face. for a moment, you wondered if it would be better to sleep outside. “I’ll shower first,” he commented, leaving you alone in the room contemplating your life while the sounds of water drifted from under the door 
when he was finished, you practically pushed past him so as to avoid seeing his, ‘just out of the shower’ look. you weren’t sure how long you stood there with the water running while you gripped the counter and tried to calm the irrational thoughts bubbling in your chest, but eventually you made it into the shower to clean up
in most peoples world, this would be a dream come true but, for you, it was a nightmare, a torture. luckily it was only for tonight - anymore and you would fade away into existence
when you exited the washroom you froze at the sight of him standing there, shirtless, by the side of his bed. he twisted his neck to look at you and when his eyes met yours, you rushed away, shoved your old clothes in your bag, crawled under the sheets and gave a very curt, “goodnight” before hiding and praying sleep would take you soon
Out of all the nights to be restless, this was not the one. The bed cried out every time you turned to the other side, the sheets scraped against themselves as you shifted, moved, repositioned to find something more comfortable. Your normal sleeping position was compromised - your legs tingled when you laid on your back so you turned to your side only to find your hips unhappy with the weight. You twisted your body but your shoulders sent pains down your arm. There was no reason for any of this but it appeared your body had it out for you. 
Frustrated, you let out a sigh and tried to fall sleep for the tenth time. Except now, on top of all your other problems, you were starting to get anxious. Tomorrow was important and you needed rest but every passing minute you couldn’t drift away made your mind run down all the possible bad outcomes you were likely to encounter. 
Overthinker? But, you always think of everything, I wish I had your brain -- you could hear the narrow-minded complements speckle every blinding thought and swore the next time someone told you that they’d hear about it from your fist. 
You turned on your side and wondered if you should open the window. 
Something tugged at your sheets but before you could investigate, the bed dipped and you slid toward the middle. Panicked, you shot up only to find a body settling down next to you. There was only one other person in the room so it had to be -- by the archons it was ... !
“Alhaitham!?” you shouted in a loud whisper, careful to not make too much noise to wake your neighbors. “What are you doing?” 
“That’s a rhetorical question I’m guessing,” he answered with zero amusement in his voice. You twisted even more toward him, unsure if he was facing you or not. 
“No. I’m serious ... what are you doing?” 
He sighed but stopped moving, “Huh, I was under the impression you were anxious. Perhaps my terminal malfunctioned.” Alhaitham lifted his arm and you heard the sheets move as he fiddled with his ear piece. You would have expected him to take it off while he slept. “Ah, well if that’s the case then.” The bed creaked as he rose to get out. Something inside of you reacted and before you knew it, you were moving. 
“W-wait,” you held onto his arm, hands shaking more than they should be. “Don’t ---” don’t go, you wanted to say but were too nervous to finish the sentence. The pressure in your chest strained against your pounding heart, your cheeks were so warm and you were glad for the darkness to hide the desperate, embarrassed expression on your face. 
You’d known your feelings for him for a while but did your best to keep them hidden. Alhaitham was an attractive man, he was certain to have plenty of more acceptable suitors than you. In your fantasies you imagined him choosing you over all the rest, but in reality ... 
There was no way ... he would stay if you asked him ...
“Not yet,” you ended up confessing, head drooping toward the bed, hair brushing against his arm without meaning too. He didn’t say anything, and for a moment he didn’t move, but eventually you could feel him adjust until he was laying on his back. So you moved to follow him, resting on your side, facing him. “Just until I fall asleep. I think -- I think it’ll help,” you mumbled. 
You bit your lip in the hopes it would overpower the mixed feelings in your chest. The anxiety, the worry, the happiness and the guilt. You were using him in your own way and that didn’t sit well with you, even if you kept reminding yourself that he offered himself first. Why would he do that? The question kept rolling around in your mind until it sounded like a broken record. 
Eventually you felt the weight of your eyes grow heavier and heavier until they could no longer stay open. You could hear the steady rise and fall of his breaths, matched them with your own and let the elusive grasp of sleep finally take you. 
Alhaitham wasn’t sure when he fell asleep. He didn’t intend to but it took so long for you to pass out that his own rest caught up with him. 
What surprised him more than waking up in your bed was the way he did so. He wasn’t keen on prolonged physical contact, so why was his arm draped over your waist, why was his arm under your head so his chest could be flush against your back? Why was he breathing in your scent as if you were a book he couldn’t stop reading? And why, why did he not want to let go. 
You moved but didn’t wake and he, confusedly, wondered why that made him happy. 
Childe seemed to be having more fun than you were. his energy bounced off the walls and you hoped it would overshadow the growing pit in your chest. For the longest time you’d had a crush on Tartaglia - the way he held his head up, the confidence he had, the charm - it swallowed you up until no one else could compare anymore. it was him or no one. 
he was so calm, so at ease that it hurt. no matter how strong your mask was, no matter how much you wanted to admit it, you were miserable and his indifference to the situation made it worse 
i guess he really doesn’t see me, you thought as you cleaned yourself up in the small washroom. archons, why did that hurt so much 
when you told him you’d be going to bed he seemed disappointed by the news but adjusted so quickly you thought you’d made it all up. he watched you slip under the covers as he stood by the window and though you were sure it was nothing, you couldn’t help but notice how he kept his eyes on you until you turned away from him and slipped into a restless sleep 
You awoke with a sense of dread. Like there was an alarm blaring in the distance you couldn’t place. Your heart was racing, stomach turning, beads of sweat ran down your spine. Something was wrong but when you scanned the dark room, listened for danger, you couldn’t find any. 
Somehow through the fog, you had the rational thought, ‘this is just anxiety,’ a thing you’d experienced many times before. Though, it had been so long since you panicked in the middle of the night you were sure you’d gotten over it. If they were anything like before, you were in for a long and restless one. Sighing, you turned to your side. Curled into a ball to squeeze your body and, hopefully, return your nerves to their steady state. You closed your eyes while strange flashes of light pried them back open again. One more time, but your overactive brain sent terrifying images as if to taunt you. A soft sob creeped out of your throat so you pulled the blankets tighter to muffle any more. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed this way, wrapped in thin sheets, blanketed by an unfamiliar darkness, waiting for sleep to find its way to you. It felt like an eternity and you couldn’t take it anymore. 
Spurred on by desperation, you flung them away so you could crawl off the bed and head to the sleeping man next to you. Childe’s soft snoring drew you toward him; you bumped into the corner of his bed and froze. Was this really the best thing to do? To ask your companion to wake up and help you - ‘how selfish,’ you thought. 
You wrung your hands together, bit the inside of your lip and contemplated your next moves. If you crawled up next to him, would he think you were being to forward? If you didn’t, would you get any sleep? You were conflicted, but it seemed one was winning out over the other as you slowly made your way to the edge of the bed, hand extended to touch the sleeping fatui.
You trembled, “Childe ...” but after a moment of silence, you took it all back. Spinning on your heels, you made a leap for your own bed only to be stopped by a hot hand as it gripped your wrist. Twisting back violently, you stumbled toward him. It was dark, but you could see his eyes pierce through the shadows. He looked terrifying so you tried to pull away. “I-It’s me ...” you whispered and pushed against the tightening fingers around your arm. “It’s me ...” 
Childe’s grip loosened, the creak of the bed told you he was moving even if you had a hard time seeing it. When he spoke, you heard his questioning tone wrapped around your name. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you lied. There was a warmth rippling off him that drew you in. Your eyes felt heavier than before. 
“What’s --?” he mumbled, and pulled you closer to him. Even as he adjusted, he didn’t let you go. 
There was no way you could tell him the truth, he’d absolutely make fun of you. So, instead, you made up a plausible lie, “I thought I heard something and ... um .. wanted to check on you.” 
Childe didn’t respond, but he didn’t let go either. You wished you could see his face, could assess what he was thinking. Maybe then you could know how best to respond. 
“There’s nothing --” you began in his place, “I checked and everything’s okay so, um, let’s just go back to be- wait, what are you --?” Your body pitched forward, Childe pulled on your arm so hard it made you fall into the bed. A blast of his scent rushed around you making you gasp. He tugged again and before you knew it, you were flush against him, “Ch-Childe--” you didn’t know whether to be shocked, confused, excited. All you knew was your heart was racing and your skin felt so hot you wanted to peel it off. 
“Better,” he mumbled again, his lips pressing against the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you. Was he still ... asleep? 
You pushed against his bare chest, moved your legs but jumped when they touched his. This was so close ... too close ... 
“I --” 
“I’ll keep ...” he whispered, making you freeze and look up at his shadowy jawline, “the nightmares away--” it was like he breathed into the words, as if he’d said them many times before. His arm pushed against your head as he slid it further under the pillow, his hand went slack against your back and soon his steady breathing filled the room. 
Your heart was still pounding but the anxiety you felt before was definitely gone. At least, for now. So, you laid there, wrapped in his arms trying to steady yourself. It was comforting being surrounded by him, nestled against his chest, draped in the sheets that held his warmth. You’d dreamed of this, wondered what it felt like but now you were living it and it was more than you could have ever wished for. Of course, you were sure he thought you were one of his siblings - a child who seeks out their protective brother after a bad dream. It stung your heart a bit, but you couldn’t find the strength to pull away from this misunderstanding.  
Your head started to feel heavy, your fingers twitched against his skin. Instinctually you pressed your forehead against his collar bone, breathed in rhythm to his. 
Inhale -- exhale -- inhale -- exhale -- 
Try to wake up before him ... you told yourself before your eyes closed and the world went still. 
Childe felt hot, really hot, and heavy. His fingers tingled, shoulder felt tense as if it hadn’t moved all night long. He breathed in and became overwhelmed by a scent he’d only caught in passing waves. When his eyes opened, he could see the strip of sun creep through the shades. It was blurry so he moved his hand to rub them only to feel something soft tickle the edge of his arm. 
“Wha--” his words caught in his throat when he saw you pressed against him. Confusion washing across his face, he looked at your bed then back down to his which answered none of the burning questions in his mind. Last night you were over there, he was very well aware of the fact, but now you were here, sleeping beside him. His heart began to pound, he shifted so you wouldn’t accidently hear it but that only made you stir and move closer. He thought about what to do next, wondered if he should try to slip away from you but as his eyes scanned your face, as they landed on your parted lips, his mind went foggy. 
He took this job when he heard you were the one who accepted, actually he stole it from the real owner out of jealousy, worry. If anyone was going to be spending their time with you, it was him. He didn’t expect this particular turn of events though. Childe wasn’t complaining but he most certainly was praising himself for yesterday’s actions because the thought of anyone else holding you, being able to see you so vulnerable -- if anyone else had slept beside you he wouldn’t have been able to take it. 
I guess I can sleep in a bit longer, he thought and placed his hand against your back, relishing the sleepy hum you rewarded him with. 
For so long you wanted to be alone with him, to talk to him without interruptions, to get to know him, but this was too much. too much to find out you’d be working with him on your own, too much to walk beside him in silence because you were too afraid to strike up a conversation, too much to be stuck in a room with him - especially knowing your feelings only went one way -- it was too much, so you bit the inside of your cheek to hold it in 
Diluc carefully examined the room while you stood there, fidgeting, uncertain if you should help him or not. The room was small, with a washroom you desperately wanted to use but were terrified to. Already you could feel your anxiety spike 
He instructed you to freshen up first so you did, even if it felt like you were going through the motions. Diluc was on the other side of the wall - you were hyper aware of that fact, but just as overwhelming as it was when you cleaned up, it was even worse when he did. “how unfair,” you mumbled to yourself as you dried your hair on the fresh towel 
nervous, you figured it would be better to feign sleep instead of be awake and watch him emerge ... yeah that seemed like too much
so, you fell asleep but that didn’t last very long ... 
You weren’t sure what time it was when you woke up. The sun had set, the lights were off, and you could hear the quiet of the night blanket the room. It was still - too still. 
Turning on your back you tried to go back to sleep but found it difficult. Something outside bumped into the window making you to jerk. You turned onto your side and curled into a ball. Closing your eyes made your heart race so you opened them only to be greeted by the still darkness. You took several deep breaths to still your racing heart, to slow the speeding thoughts in your head but it hardly helped. You knew what was happening, sleep wouldn’t find you now. 
The anxiety rippling through you forced you to sit up. If you were alone, you could find something to distract yourself but you weren’t alone, and that made it worse. You wanted to move, wanted to walk around the room but didn’t want to wake up the sleeping man next to you. So you sat at the edge of your bed, leg bouncing uncontrollably, contemplating in your anxiety, ‘what do I do?’  
A soft creak from in front of you caught your attention. When you heard your name, you froze. It came again, so you answered, “mmmhm.” 
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Diluc’s voice was cracked, groggy from sleep. You felt unbelievably guilty for waking him up. 
Should you be truthful or should you lie and hope you could ease your nerves on your own. You’d done it before, but now it was laced with guilt and shame - not a good combination. The bed creaked again, Diluc’s shadow grew in size but you still couldn’t make him out in the darkness. 
“I ... I can’t sleep,” you confessed, defeated. 
“Was it a nightmare?” 
“... no ... I just ...” I can’t get my mind to settle down. There was no way you could tell him that. Diluc had real problems to worry about, real nightmares, and here you were, plagued by nothing. You wanted to cry. How childish could you really be? “I’m being a burden," you lamented under your breath.
You could hear Diluc shift. It sounded like he got out of his bed which made you hate yourself even more for waking him up over this. In the dark you saw his shadow move around the room until the familiar creak of the bed returned just before a warm glow of light washed over you.
You looked toward it, making eye contact with the man who held your everything. "Come here," Diluc said, his hand extended toward you. The light illuminated his broad shoulders, seeping beautifully into his untied hair as it sprawled over his chest. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants but nothing else. You were glad for it because you were certain he was the type to sleep in very little clothing. Nevertheless, your heart clenched at the sight of him sitting on the bed, offering for you to join him.
"Diluc, I ..."
"It's just sleep." He was right, but somehow those words hurt more than you imagined. "Tomorrow will prove difficult if you aren't well rested, and you cannot sleep the way you are now."
“I don’t want to impose.” 
“I’ve offered.” 
Shaking your head, you spoke in a whisper, "I don't want you to think I'm ..."
"I don't.” You looked back at him, realizing he knew what you were implying. You feared he would be disgusted by the thought, or uncomfortable at the very least. Diluc Ragnvindr didn’t willingly touch people; wasn’t fond of that type of contact so to put him in this position, you felt ashamed. However, the expression on his face was kind, understanding. He didn’t look annoyed or irritated, he just looked at you with those eyes, those eyes that were hiding something you couldn’t quiet make out. "It's just sleep." He said again. 
You wished your anxiety hadn't appeared. Wished you could fade away and hide, but none of that was going happen. You were so exhausted, "just sleep," you repeated as you stood up from your bed and made your way toward his. The edge was the first hurdle you had to overcome, the first step to see if he would back out at the last minute. When he didn’t, when he pulled the sheets back for you, you crawled beneath them. He lifted the sheets higher, making it easy for you, but stayed on top himself. "Do you want a blanket?" you asked upon noticing.
"I'll be fine," he reassured you, his arm moving to drape over your shoulders as you settled next to him. "Are you ..."
"Comfortable? yeah."
"Good," he coughed and crossed his legs.
You were engulfed by him. The weight of him with his arm draped over your shoulders, the heat pouring off him in waves, the proximity of his legs to your own. You’d stood beside him, but never this close. It was hard to breathe. 
“You’re ... warm,” you mused, tucking the sheet under your arms so your hands could rest on your chest. 
“I’ve been told,” he reached toward the light and turned it off with a soft click. Darkness came rushing back and though you weren’t sure why, you jumped. “I can leave it on.” 
“No, it’s okay. I guess I’m just jumpy.” 
“Mmm,” Diluc went quiet so you followed his lead. What was there to talk about anyway? Everything you thought of seemed so silly, so unnecessary. You wished it were easier to talk to him. 
“... thank you for this. It’s helping,” you added after a long silence. It was true you felt more collected, more at ease. His breathing was steady so you met his pace, his heart was distant but you could hear it in the stillness of the night. Everything slowed and you were close behind. “... feel safe ...” you mumbled before drifting to sleep.
Diluc’s chest felt heavy. He opened his eyes, squinting at the bright sunlight peeking through the shades. He shifted, moved to push the sheets off his body when he ran into something more solid and when he looked to find out what, memories of the night came rushing back to him. 
The worry that gripped him when he found you sitting on the edge of the bed, the hesitation he felt when he invited you to his own. Would you accept him, would you believe him to be to forward - how surprised he was to find you were having the same thoughts. He could hear the soft sounds of your breath and it drew him back to the words you uttered before sleep took you - how unfair were you to affirm what he desperately wanted to be for you. A security, a safety, a place for you to be at ease. 
Diluc took in this sight. Your hand on his chest, arm crossed over him so you could rest your head near his neck. The soft tickle of your hair brushing against his jaw, the closeness of your body as you held onto him. Of course, he couldn’t stay this way - he needed to get up but by the archons he didn’t want to. 
With a sigh and a clench jaw, he slipped away from you and never felt so cold. 
It was just sleep. That’s what he told himself but his heart didn’t know the difference and now that he’d experienced holding you in his arms, how was he ever going to return to normal. 
He said you could have the bed furthest away from the door but that didn’t stop him from trying to convince you to share his. even with all your protesting, he continued to tease you until the only reprieve you found was in the small washroom with the door closed 
as the night drew on, you felt more and more nervous. you’d only ever slept in the same room as your dearest friends - this was too much, too stressful, and, to make it worse, Kaeya didn’t seem to be effected at all
you were warned, cautioned not to fall for someone like him. he was a master at shapeshifting his emotions to his advantage, an expert at manipulating those around him so he could get what he needed - you knew this, but you also knew his kindness, his worry, his willingness to help other succeed, to grow, and to believe in themselves - he did all those things for you and because of that, you fell for him ... 
how stupid ... 
luckily you only had to spend one night here ...
all you had to do was sleep - that’s all you had to do ... 
You jumped awake, heart pounding, a cold sweat running down your back. Was it a noise that woke up you? A nightmare? You couldn’t remember having any, but something caused your body to stir and now it was on high alert. Every sound, every sensation was amplified until it was deafening. It was hard to breathe so you sat up to take in shaky, uneasy breaths. 
Twisting your neck, you saw Kaeya still asleep in his bed. His head turned so you couldn’t see his face, but his hand was exposed. Even in the dim light you could see it rise and fall so whatever startled you awake was all in your head. Great. 
Carefully, you crawled out of bed and made your way to the bathroom. You were careful not to turn on the light until the door was closed; perhaps a splash of cool water would calm you down. 
It didn’t.
“You just have to go back to sleep,” you whispered to yourself. Just settle down again and breathe slowly, but when you made your way back to the bed, slipping under the cool sheets and resting your head, you found that task impossible. Your mind was on overdrive, your body racing to keep up. Even when you tried to stretch to relieve the tension it was impossible to slow down. 
Frustrated, you covered your eyes with your hand only to throw it off again when the bright lights in your mind started to overwhelm you. You were spiraling and all you could hear was the same phrase, ‘don’t be shy about crawling into bed with me later.’ 
Kaeya’s joke swirled in your head like a taunt. He threw it out as a joke but right now you were wondering if it would help. At this point you’d tried everything else. It couldn’t hurt ... right? 
Biting your lip, you slipped out of bed and stood beside his. You rocked back and forth, clenched your hand, turned to look back at your own empty bed, wondering if you just tried again could you calm down yourself. Your mind was screaming and you just wanted it to quiet down. So, with trembling hands, you pulled at the sheets and slid into bed with Kaeya. 
At first he didn’t move, but as the bed dipped he awoke and you apologized as soon as he did. “I’m sorry,” you whimpered, embarrassed.
“y/n?” he questioned, taken aback by your sudden closeness. You stayed on the edge of the bed but still felt his heat from under the sheets, felt his hand as he reached to touch your arm and confirm you were doing what he thought you were doing. Apparently the flirtatious Calvary Captain was capable of becoming speechless.  
“I won’t get closer than this,” you started to explain as you pulled one of the pillows more around your face in an attempt to hide. “I just ... you said I could ...” nothing seemed to be the right thing to say so you gave up, “please.” 
You waited for a tease, waited for a denial, waited for the negative consequences of your actions to appear but they never came. Kaeya didn’t ask you to leave, didn’t become disgusted by your sudden presence. Instead, he said nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
Kaeya turned onto his side so he could face you, his hand resting in the space between. In the dim light you could make out the silhouette of his arm, his shoulder. What kind of expression did he have, you wondered. 
Your heart began to settle but not much. The anxiety was still there even if it was replaced, only slightly, by the knowledge that you were laying next to him. The man you loved. Your body heat up so you pulled your arm out from under the covers, bumping into Kaeya’s hand. “S-sorry,” you apologized and pulled it closer to you. 
This was such a terrible idea, you thought to yourself. 
You were about to retract everything you did, even if it would mean Kaeya was sure to tease you about it the next day but before you could make a move, cool fingers caressed the back of your palm until they slid over and pulled your hand back to the middle of the bed. You went stiff, opened your mouth to question his actions but paused when you felt the slow, soothing caresses of his thumb against your fingers. For a moment you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t understand what was happening. After a short while you found yourself breathing with the movement. Slow, steady breaths in and out. 
A cool wave washed over you, calmness spread across your chest until the burning tightness became a dull, hardly noticeable thump. You relaxed, moved closer to the source of your comfort and let sleep take you. 
Kaeya’s dreams were filled with images of you, acts that he could only imagine in the confines of his mind. To him, sleeping was bittersweet - a way to have what he wanted if only in fleeting waves. 
This time his dreams felt even more intense than normal. A warmth covered him, pleasant scents made it all so much more real. He fought against waking up, but, as he always does, he lost. 
However, as his senses started to return and his body began to move, he found it uncharacteristically difficult. Furrowing his brows, he looked down to examine himself only to find the top of an unexpected head resting on his chest. He shifted to get a better look but in the back of his mind, and the desire of his heart, he knew it was you. 
Your hand rested on his stomach, the other pressed against his side. When did you get here? A dream resurfaced in his mind of you crawling into his bed but .. that was just a a dream ... it was just a ... 
Your face scrunched, a soft groan burned his ears before you relaxed with a smile touching your lips. Kaeya’s fingers hovered over your hand, sensing the warmth coming off them. This was real - that dream was real! 
Nervously, he let his hand rest against yours while he gazed up at the celling hoping beyond hope time would freeze. Just this once. 
you glanced back but returned your gaze to the ground as soon as Thoma turned around. He seemed hesitant, nervous? but maybe that was just your own feelings clouding your judgement
Thoma meant so much to you - not just as a friend, but someone who you trusted completely, loved unabashedly, wished the world for - but your feelings for him were all your own and though you wanted more, you’d rather have him be your friend than not at all. so, you kept those thoughts to yourself, even when they bubbled to the surface or threatened to spill off the tip of your tongue - you locked them away, it was safer that way
It didn’t take him long to put on the sunshine and try to reassure you, try to make light of the situation with that positive spin. it was nice of him, as always 
after the two of you got cleaned up - though you couldn’t work up the nerve to do much more than wipe off the dirt and change your clothes - you had a small dinner with Thoma - he on his bed and you on your own - before turning in for an unexpectedly restless sleep 
Pressure woke up up, an uncomfortable, heavy, tight pressure that stole your breath away. You sat up to breathe but it didn’t help. The dark, oppressive, unfamiliar room set your senses on high alert and made you imagine things that weren’t really there. A noise crept out from the corner and you shot your head toward it. Shadows spread across the wall. You couldn’t make out if anything was there and that made your hands shake. You wanted to investigate but something seemed off. Fear gripped your legs, made it hard to breathe. Something was wrong --- 
“... thoma ...” you called out, voice strangled. A shadow moved across the floor, capturing you. “T-Thoma--!” you cried out again and suddenly a hand touched your shoulder. 
Thoma spoke your name with worry laced around every letter, “you okay?” he asked, breathless. 
“I think -- the corner,” you tried to explain as you leaned further into his touch. It took less than a second for light to flood the room and for you to see there was nothing there. Your mind was playing tricks on you at the worst possible time. “I swear something was there ...” you whispered, embarrassment slowly replacing the fear once gripping you. 
You watched Thoma examine the space but found nothing. He was thorough, sliding his hands over the wall and checking the windows to see if they had been recently opened. “I can’t find anything,” he reassured you but it felt more like a dig than anything else. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, hiding your face in your hands and hoping tears didn’t make their way to the surface. It was so humiliating, you wanted to disappear. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Thoma’s voice drifted closer to you. A pair of warm hands touched the back of you own but you didn’t let them fall. “Our minds play tricks on us sometimes, but there’s nothing to worry about. See?” He tugged on your fingers so you pulled them away, just a little, to see what Thoma was motioning too. “Nothing at all. You’re safe,” he assured you with a smile as he pushed back the strands of hair falling against your face. 
You nodded but couldn’t help but stare at the corner behind him. It wasn’t just what you saw, you felt it. Even though he checked it out, there was little hope you’d fall back asleep tonight. 
“I’ve got an idea,” he said, interrupting your thoughts. You tracked his movements through the room but found yourself looking back at the corner over and over again. You were distracted when Thoma returned, but instead of reappearing where you thought it would, the bed creaked behind you as he slid under the sheets. 
“I’m sure you’re still on edge. I hope you don’t mind - I mean ... I don’t want to be too forward, but I thought you’d sleep easier if I, well --” his voice trailed off and you swore his cheeks flushed pink, “Maybe this was a bad idea after all, haha,” he rubbed the back of his head, eyes closing as he tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, I’ll --” 
“No!” You shouted, surprising even yourself how loud you got. Thoma paused but his cheeks continued deepen in color. “I mean,” now you were feeling hot, “y-you can stay. Please stay,” you flashed your eyes up at him before looking back at your fingers. Was it possible to accidently break your own bones just from squeezing them? 
Thoma cleared his throat, unsure where to look. Nodding in confirmation, he slid further under the covers while you did the same. It was difficult, but you turned your back to the corner so you could look at Thoma. For a while neither of your said anything, moved. When you made eye contact, Thoma smiled before looking elsewhere. 
“Should I - ahem - turn off the light?” he asked, hand reaching backward toward the small lamp. When you responded, he twisted to better reach the light and after a soft *click* the room when dark again. You felt the bed dip, heard it creak as he adjusted and though it was dark, you could make out the edge of him. 
The room was so quiet. The moving wood sounded like it was screaming compared to before. The unease in your chest began to return and you wondered if, even with him here, would you manage to fall asleep. 
“Um --” Thoma’s voice cut through the night like the strike of a match, “Here. You can hold onto my hand if you need to,” he explained. Though you couldn’t see it, you knew exactly where to find it. It was intimidating, the thought of touching him, you braved yourself to take it. 
“No problem,” he replied, his fingers tapping against your own before relaxing. It was as if he weren’t sure if he should close them or not, so he didn’t. 
You focused on the pulsating warmth from his palm, felt the connection between his heart and your own until your eyes became heavy and the darkness behind you felt less intense. At first you thought you’d never fall asleep but now you were fighting against it so you could live just a little longer holding Thoma’s hand. 
Tomorrow the two of you would have something to talk about - as long as you were brave.
You stood quietly by Zhongli as he bowed to the host before closing the door. When he turned to see inspect the room, respectfully he offered the bed the furthest from the door; of course you couldn’t object - you couldn’t really do anything other than shuffle around the space while he got settled 
he seemed so comfortable, so unaffected by the situation. slowly he started to remove his coat and over-vest, placing them neatly on the back of the chair, rolling his beige sleeves up his toned arms. you nervously looked away and excused yourself to the small washroom to catch your breath 
when you returned, clothes changed, you saw him sitting at the table, head tilted slightly as he jotted down notes in his book. it reminded you of the times you’d visited him while he was working - perhaps if you tried hard enough you could imagine this was just one of those situations except this time the two of you were on the road ... alone ... at night ... 
yup - you definitely weren’t going to get any sleep 
You tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. Inside your chest a war was raging on. A battle over your heart and breath with you fighting back against it. If you could, you would have screamed into the pillow in frustration, but that would have woken up the sleeping man in the bed next to you. If Zhongli had gotten another room, or if you had been alone in the first place, you could handle this in the ways you normally would. Of course, you weren’t annoyed that Zhongli was with you - his company was perfect, what you wanted, but right now it seemed like a horrible trick someone was playing on you. 
You turned onto your back and sighed. 
Reaching your limit, you slipped out of the bed and tried to refresh yourself in the washroom with little success. The clock was ticking but you swore it stopped hours ago. You splashed water on your face before giving up and trying, for the fourth time, to fall back asleep. 
When you opened the door you were surprised to see Zhongli sitting up, the lamp next to him humming in a soft, orange glow, illuminating his face. Startled, you quickly closed the door behind you as if someone were still in there. 
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” You apologized, hand resting on the doorknob and your palm pushing against the wood to ensure the door closed with little to no sound. 
“Are you alright?” he started, not answering your initial question, “I could sense you were restless.” His eyes calmly gazed at you, even after just waking up he looked as regal as ever. 
“Wow, you really are perceptive,” you let out a amused sigh. Even if you wanted to lie there was no way you could now. Tugging at your thumb, you told him the truth even if though you played it off as nothing, “I can’t sleep, but it’s alright. I’ll go on a walk or something-” 
“It’s the middle of the night.” 
“Yeah, it’s alright.” 
Zhongli got out of bed with ease. Before you knew it he was by your side, towering over you. It didn’t matter how tall anyone was, Zhongli was always taller. You took a step back but there was no where to go. 
“There are benefits to walking, it eases the mind and relaxes the body,” he started, voice slow, calm, ethereal, “however, it is unwise to do so in unfamiliar territory. I will accompany you.” 
“Oh no!” Throwing up your hands you waved him off but he was already moving toward his belongings. This was too much, you were putting too much on his shoulders. Without thinking, you rushed toward him and grabbed his wrist to hold him still, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I do not mind,” 
“yes but ... I do ...” He stopped and turned to you, an eyebrow raised. “Let’s not go for a walk, okay.” 
“If it will help aid in your rest then I will -” 
“Zhongli, please.” You tilted your head to plead with him. Honestly, you didn’t want to go on a walk, you just wanted to sleep but how were you going to explain that to him.
“Hmm,” he contemplated the situation, wrapping his finger around his chin as he scanned the room. “How then would you feel about talking through your worries?” 
“... huh?” 
“If there is something plaguing your mind, I will listen,” he start to walk so you released him, eyes tracking him until he settled on one side of his assigned bed. “Please, sit,” he indicated with a wave of his hand at the empty spot next to him. 
“Oh - I couldn’t ...” 
“I insist. Feel free to discuss with me anything of importance.” His gaze never wavered, nor would his intention. 
“You aren’t going to let this go, huh ...” you mumbled, rubbing your face with your hands. It couldn’t hurt, Zhongli was an excellent listener and he always made a point to offer his ear when you needed it so why was this any different. 
Because you were going to be sitting in the same bed -- duh. 
“Okay,” you relented and made your way to the empty side. 
The bed was the exact same as yours, except for the fact that one of the most attractive men in all of Teyvat was sitting on it. Your heart skipped a beat when you glanced at him so it was better to focus on your bent leg and let the other sway back and forth as it dangled off the side. 
You weren’t sure where to start. Honestly there wasn’t any place to start other than letting him know you were feeling anxious for no reason. It happened sometimes - you just had to work through it. Zhongli just sat there, listening while you settled into the bed without thinking and let your words flow without abandon. After a while, it was starting to get difficult to follow your own train of thought. Every few words were interrupted by a yawn, your eyes watered and felt heavier the longer you kept them open. You shivered and glanced back at your bed. 
Zhongli filled in the empty space with his voice. Asked questions you could hardly answer anymore, discussed the complexities of your worries with reverence and poise. You nodded, let your head fall toward him and floated on the sound of his voice until, without warning, you drifted away from him. 
Zhongli stopped talking but only because you stopped listening. He wasn’t sure when, but it didn’t matter much to him - you were asleep and that reassured his weary heart. 
Truthfully, he wasn’t planning on taking action. His heart heard you struggling but the nature of your relationship wouldn’t allow him to reach out for you. It wouldn’t have been proper, wouldn’t have been in your best interest. It wasn’t until you slipped into the washroom and he heard your soft sobs that he put his reservations to the side - his heart had developed a terrible weakness. 
It would have been the better move to carry you back to your own bed, to return you to the solitary sheets he couldn't touch, but he couldn’t do it. Longing and restraint tore at each other in his chest as he watched you sleep beside him. You looked so peaceful, and he desperately wanted to protect that. 
In the end, one had to win. 
Since breaking away from his immortal thread, he had changed considerably. The separation he was able to cultivate between his world and the mortal one was always so clear, but now - now, as he placed a loose blanket over you, moved closer to watch you, that wall blurred and drifted like mist over his skin. 
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