#oswald Cobblepot x y/n
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,045
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*This man runs cold and you can't convince me otherwise, and I personally am a walking furnace! So this popped into my head while reading fics with Oz, and this is the product of that thought. (Also just look at his stupid lil face, I just wanna smoosh his cheeks together and call him my dumb lil baby.)
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"I've missed you my darling." Oswald groaned tiredly as he nestled into (Y/n)'s comforting embraced. "And I've miss you my King." She cooed with a smile, knowing just how much he loved that title, pride swelled in her chest when he visibly shuttered. "You are always so warm." Oswald murmured, hiding his face into her neck, his skin practically ice compared to hers. "I'm glad you like that." She chuckled to herself, finding it oh so endearing how he cuddled into her. "I love it." He corrected, all but purring as he lay slack against her. He needed this, he'd had a rough day, like most days anymore. Oswald loved his darling (Y/n), and he was certain he always would. But he especially loved just how warm she always was compared to him. On long cold Gotham days, he longed for the end of the day to cuddle up with his love in their shared bed. All nestled together under the luxurious blankets, safe and warm. It helped to ease the tension in his body, and relax his frazzled mind. And it was a lovely way of showing just how much he not only missed her throughout the day, but also how much he loved her and wanted to always be near her. "Can't I convince you to quit your job, and join me in mine?" Oswald mused thoughtfully, wanting nothing more than to spend every second of every day with his lover. "Afraid not darling, I love my work." (Y/n) kissed the crown of his head, holding him a little tighter. "I know." He sighed sadly, but quickly kissed the side of her neck to assure her that it was okay. "Rest now my King." (Y/n) instructed before she started humming a tender melody, knowing it would help to lull Oswald into a peaceful sleep.
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r0tt3n-corpse · 6 days
Fandom: Batman: The Animated Series
Oswald Cobblepot x Gender Neutral Reader headcanons
Warning, story contains: No warnings needed, just some very short headcanons on how you two meet.
Author’s note: I LOVE OSWALD SO MUCH, this is probably one of my favorite versions of him because he’s such a cutie
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Meeting Oswald:
This story isn’t one of love at first sight, nor anything of the sort, because.. well, that’s not what happened.
You were just a worker, one at Veronica Vreeland’s manor. Maybe you were part of the waitstaff, maybe you were a cleaner or maid, the specifics didn’t quite matter.
Veronica threw parties often, as any rich person did, so you were at least used to it. You, admittedly, had been surprised to learn she was throwing a party for her new.. date, though.
Well, it wasn’t like it was something for you to worry about anyways. Your thoughts on your boss went only as far as your paycheck did.
You, of course, had to work the night of the party. It was a big thing, even for Veronica. Still, it wasn’t your job to care.
…but, you.. kinda did? It was weird, the way you felt as you accidentally stumbled upon Veronica’s new… err.. “boyfriend” as he was on the balcony. You’d never believed in fate, in fact it sorta made you anxious to think none of your actions mattered because fate would always make the outcome the same, but.. oh.
He was looking at you now. Wide eyed and stiff like a confused animal. Face, once scrunched up and scowling from learning Veronica was only using him, was now covered lightly by blush.
Okay, so.. it was only partially true. It hadn’t been love at first sight for you.
(I was originally going to write more but I can’t think of anything else to add so im going to just post it like this since I know Oswald lovers have seen starving for content 💔) (I’m the Oswald lover that’s been starving 😼)
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I just found....
I was going through my drafts and found a Jim Gordon (Gotham tv series) x reader, and I don't remember where I was going with it. But it was actually pretty good (in my opinion).
After reading it, I was like
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I'm thinking I am going to finish writing that x reader and post it. What do you guys think?
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fluffykiddosstuff · 2 years
Oswald Cobblepot x reader who is eddward's nygma brother headcanons
so, i absolutely love oswald with all my heart and i wanted to make some fanfictions about him (but first i'll try some headcanons lol maybe a story a little bit later here is nothing !)
you two first met when oswald was at edd's appartment (when he just had killed kristine), you knew about all that other side of him thing so of course your brother tried to protect you from his "ennemies" and other people who could use you against him
at first well it was awkard, oswald mostly was talking with edd and didn't even paid attention to you being here
but there was the time when he came back to the center of gotham after killing his step family and when edd was at arkham, oswald came to check on edd but when he only saw you in a pitiful and stressed state, he didn't leave so quickly that he was planning to at base
actually checks on you often even if it puts him in danger
one time he came injured, you took him inside and healed him the best you could and he stayed a week, you both had to sleep in the same bed btw
one day like the others, he looked at you while you were reading one of edd's book and said : "y/n, you are a very handsome man plus you are kind, why don't you have a girlfriend yet ?"
aouch how to explain to the penguin that..
"i'm homosexual mister oswald" you responded while putting the book away, while you were away of the bed, he took that as an advantage and took you by behind to make you fall on his chest
"o-oswald your injuries !" "fuck that i had worse" those were the last phrases before he kissed you
when edd got out of arkham, you didn't told him yet about you and oswald but one day he took you appart and make you answer at this riddle :
"i can make most of people fall, i can be happy, really hurtful, blind, sometimes i make people do things they wouldn't do usually, who am i ?"
"correct dear brother ! i heard your little hum, relationship with my good friend oswald, i wish you the best for both of you but if he does anything to you tell me"
you nodded before joining your pair, at least he was supportive
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i-smoke-chapstick · 5 months
Request: I'm already back for more. As l've already told you I love your interpretation of a reader with dwarfism and since you are okay with me requesting more, can I get multiple headcanons of Gotham!Rogues x Dwarf!reader with just either simply day to day headcanons or their first reaction to meeting/seeing them? Rogues including jervis(obv Imao), Jerome, Oswald, Victor fries, Zsasz, and ra's al ghul!
The plot can be the reader being similar to the Cheshire Cat or Nightcrawler when it comes to teleportation powers. They're friends with Barbara, Selina, and Tabitha. The rogues always see photos on them on the news, newspapers, and sometimes in person but if they even get caught staring, reader teleports themself and whoever they're with away, so they don't really get a chance to talk or know them.
Like last time, only write this if you're okay with it and I'll understand if you can't or just don't want too!
Thank you tons again! - anon
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⋆ Characters ↬ Jervis Tetch, Jerome Valeska, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Fries, Victor Zsasz, Ra's Al Ghul
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; gotham villians with a cheshire cat!reader who has dwarfism!
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!villains x female reader. FLUFF! I love readers power SOSOSOSO much! Super creative <3 Also villians being whipped for reader just cuz they can. Protective Tabitha. REALLY protective Oswald. Jerome's a bit insensitive. Victor Zsasz is not immune to a pretty girls smile. Have never written for Victor Fries or Ra's, so fingers crossed their parts aren’t too bad! Ra’s and Fries parts got a little angsty
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♫ “Across the room, your eyes are glowin' in the dark." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Oh, the man is completely enthralled with you. How could he not be? You're the missing piece to his wonderland puzzle.
Similarly to Alice, he believes your powers go hand and hand with each other. He rules the mind, while you have complete control of your body. His first thought when he see's you in the newspaper is simple.
He must have you.
He will do anything it takes to track you down. He finds himself becoming more and more entranced with the prospect of you working with him, partners in crime, connected body and soul. Of course those feelings of admiration become obsession.
Before you know it, the man is going lengths to find you; just like how he was with Alice. Hiring Jim Gordon as a bounty hunter? Mayhaps...
When he finally finds you at the siren's club, he can't help but be in awe. You're so small, so fragile, so unique. He wants to kiss your flattened cheekbones that look like pure porcelain. Your his doll.
"My dear, Y/N!" He's calling when he finds you, his teeth spread into a wide grin. He finds your eyes quickly turning to meet his gaze, glowing underneath the club's light. His shadow towers over you.
"You look ravishing, I must admi-" He goes to speak, just before you disappear from thin air. His mouth is open for a few moments, eyebrows scrunched.
Where did his precious little Cheshire Cat go?
Oh yeah, he's pouting. He's never been a fan of the disappearing act. But he doesn't mind. He's determined. He's played this game with Alice for far too long, he will not take no for an answer.
You'll find notes, gifts, flowers, dresses tailored to your sizing. All perfectly crafted from Gotham's most professional hypnotized seamstresses or florists.
Barbara is smirking when she finds the gifts, cackling about how sweet small little Y/N has a loony admirer. Tabitha's less than pleased, throwing out any bouquet she finds before you see them. Selina agrees, the guy's a freak.
It's up to you if you want to give him a chance <3 He would be the most devoted lover and partner if you decided too...if not a bit overly infatuated.
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♫ “Nothing promised, no regrets." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Uh oh! Murderous clown on the loose, and he's also 100% fixated, just like a certain hatter.
Jerome brushes you off at first, don't get him wrong, he adores your work on the city. Nothing he loves more than seeing some horribles destroy Gotham! He's a fan, if you could call him that.
It takes him some time to warm up to the idea of being whipped. But once he is, you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger.
Similar to Jervis- he can't help himself. You're powerful. You're strange. You're a freak just like him and the rest of these bad boys in Gotham! You remind him of the circus, all different shapes and sizes of people around him. You belong with him. By his side. On his side. Maybe sitting in his lap... What?
Yeah, he's not sure where that came from either. But hey, he's not complaining! He likes to think he's a bachelor, a young beau waiting for his turn in the love game! Before he knows it, he's slicking his hair back, putting on his finest and most colorful suits, and making sure his face is stapled all the way. Then he's getting his cult to crash the Siren's club. Moment of silence for Tabitha who will have to clean it up after.
The place is a shit show, people in makeup dancing wildly and giggling manically. Tabitha, Barbra, Selina and you get tied up in the confusion. It's hard to fight back against a bunch of crazies when your expensive alcohol is being thrown at walls, and you four are simultaneously tied up together in one big rope. Barbra's throwing a bit of a hissy fit.
Everyone is quiet when Jerome enters, dressed to the nines, with a loud and boisterous,
"Hey gorgeous! I'm sure you've heard of me," He speaks, bending down to your level, invading your personal space. He goes to continue, until the four of you evaporate before him. Teleported away. He's left staring at the loose ropes, smile unchanged- but eyes widened in surprise.
Oh. Okay. So that's how it's gonna be. Alright.
Jerome loves a game of cat and mouse.
He craves attention. He loves the center stage, and he will not be ignored. No no no no.
He will not leave your club alone until you confront him. Yeah, sorry Babs and Tabs. Barbara will start urging you to just "sleep with the damn clown!" while Tabitha is trying desperately to not have you anywhere near that creep.
But the club isn't all he'll do, doll! No, he'll get his cult to do more and more mass murders and sprees across the city, each one broadcasted on live television. Each time, he looks into the camera, blood on his face, professing his undying love.
"This is for you, Y/N!" He's showcasing the violence around, "Call me!" He gestures, ending the broadcast abruptly.
Well, kind of hard to ignore a man when your club is in shambles, Barbara is going batshit insane, AND you have Jim Gordon trying to find you; just in order to stop these massacres around the city in your honor.
Once again, you should give the man a chance! He doesn't think he'd make a horrible boyfriend, y'know, if you're into gingers.
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♫ “Take it now or leave it." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Ozzie's a bit harder to gauge, because I don't think he'd become infatuated with someone unless he got to meet them first. So for arguments sake, we are just going to say you two have meet previously on many occasions! Specifically when he's had some bad blood with Barbara and Tabitha.
At first, he detests you. He thinks you're a nuisance, and a powerful tool for the Siren's. You can escape from ANYONES grasp, and take them with you. His nose is scrunching up every time he thinks of just how he can get rid of you.
Well, if he can't get rid of you, he's well versed in manipulation. Perhaps he can convince you to join his team.
You're going about your day at the club, tending bar on a step stool, the usual. Oswald comes in, Victor trailing behind him. Tabitha and Barbara are instantly on alert.
"Hello." Oswald fixes his suit jacket, rolling his cane in his fingertips. He wears a faux smile, and Tabitha huffs.
"What can we help you with, Ozzie?" Barbara is smiling, just as fake as his. It's a weird Gotham crime boss stand-off.
"I was wondering if you, my dear," He speaks, suddenly nodding down to you, "Would like to accompany me for lunch tomorrow."
Yeah, everyone's jaws drop, including Oswald's at the silence. Oswald didn't necessarily intend for it to sound like he was trying to ask you on a date. He's flushing red under everyone's gaze, suddenly fidgeting. If you look closely, Victor's giving a lazy amused smirk in the back.
"Like hell-" Tabitha's about to answer for you, before you squint at the man.
"Sure." You scan him up and down, hesitantly. Before anyone has a chance to speak, Oswald's turning on his heel.
"Wonderful! 2:00 sharp. Don't be late." He's smiling, knowing he's got a one-up on the Siren's.
...Well, leave it Oz to have things never work out quite his way. One lunch turns into two, and two turns into three. He's forcing himself to remember why he's doing this; you are just a tool. This is all a charade!
Hard to focus though, when you two seem to enjoy one another's company. Like when you show him what it feels like to teleport, (He's closing his eyes in fear, only for it to feel like nothing.) Or when you two have a strangely intimate discussion about what it was like growing up not very normal.
He's opening up about his schoolyard bullies, about his mother. About the feeling of being taunted, teased for his nose or height. You tell him, you know the feeling.
He stares at you, eyes focused solely on you. He's enamored.
He turns viciously protective over you. Any snide comment made towards you by a henchman of his, or a frequent at the Siren's club, they are brutally stabbed to death, a bit impulsively, with a bottle shard.
When he realizes he's falling in love with you, similar to Jervis, he likes doing grand gestures to get your attention. If there's anything you desire, you'll get it. Which is why when he finds out you're avoiding him, he becomes sour.
What? Why are you leaving him? He doesn't understand. The intimacies you two have shared, did they mean nothing to you? He's hurt, he's angry, he's aggressive. He's more irritable than usual; and judging from the fact he's irritable ALL the time, it's pretty bad. If you don't explain yourself, this sadness will probably turn into anger. He already believes you two have some weird pseudo-romantic relationship, so he's taking this like a break-up. He's a vengeful ex.
Whenever he stops by the Siren's club, and sees you teleport away at the sight of him, it stings. It all comes to a head when he's breaking down in his mansion. You will have to be the one to confront him, because he'll be too busy sulking. He loves you. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. If you don't want to talk to him, he won't force you, even if he's going crazy trying to figure out why.
When he sees you, he's standing up in a hurry, fumbling over his words, sniffling. His blue-green eyes are puffy, and you'll have to sigh and talk to him.
Please, tell him why your avoiding him. Explain if you're insecure, if you're scared of loving. He'll be thankful for the explanation. He'll be angry on your behalf for anyone who made you believe you were unloved, whether for your dwarfism or your powers. He's promising to kill for you, tear down the city to avenge you.
"Okay, Oz, I'm not dead yet."
Cuties <3
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♫ “Now is all we get." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
Forgive him, he’s trying his hardest not to care, and failing miserably.
Similarly to Ozzie, I can’t see him becoming infatuated or obsessed like Jerome and Jervis so quickly, not since what happened with Nora. So, I’m imagining you’ve also met him once or twice; using your powers for the sirens, just like he and firefly have done some hitjobs for you four in the past.
He’s in love with the idea of having a family; of being accepted, of leaving this life behind. It’s made him bitter, cold; but the man will do anything for love. Anything.
And it’s hard not to notice the small woman running around on her toes in the club, parts of her body vanishing here and there. You’re gorgeous to him. Those small cheshire-like smiles you send him when he’s supposed to be working. They break his hard exterior. He doesn’t know if he loves or hates it. He loves it.
Even a small pit of jealousy fills him, whenever he sees you in the news. Or when he watches silently on the sidelines, while you talk with Barbara and Tabitha and Selina. You do it so effortlessly. How could anyone not be entranced by you?
He thinks that he’s a freak. Firefly’s a freak. Just like Jerome and Oz, he definitely finds solace in the idea you are just like him. You’re one of them; a freak. Pushed out by Gotham’s careless inhabitants, forced into this life. He remembers being driven out of town by Penguins army. He wonders if you’ve expirenced the same treatment at one point in your life. He wants to show you, he’s here for you. He loves you, every part of you. No matter how unconvential or mistreated. He just wants to take care of you.
Just like Oz, he’ll be ready to kill anyone for you. Freeze em’ to death in one single sweep. Just give him the go ahead.
Victor is terrified of hurting you, as well. Not only your tiny stature, but he’s sure he’d get ice burns from his fingertips. He imagines a life where it’s just the two of you, without the cold, back when he was just himself. He dreams of cooking for you. Owning an apartment. Even having a family. He swears, he’d be gentle. But he’s too uncertain. He isn’t good enough, and he certainly isn’t good for you.
You’ll have to be the first person to talk to him, warm up to him. He might not state it directly, other than a nonchalant nod here and there, but it makes him feel special. It’s the little interactions you two have that make him fall helmet over heels.
You two will spend hours, at the club, watching from the sidelines. Barbara and Tabitha out on business, Selina doing…Selina things. You’ll poke fun at the passerby’s to get a reaction out of him.
“Oh god, I just saw that guy kissing that girl- what’s he doing with that other chick?…Oh- they are making out. Oh, okay, he’s taking him to the back. I’ll give you $20 if Barbara kills this guy for doing it on her desk.” You’re snickering, gossiping. Every now and then you look over at him to see him already staring at you, the hint of a smile on his lips. It’s all you’ll get for now…until he responds.
“…Guess you’ll owe me $20 then.” He’s firing back, voice low. It’s the first time he’s spoken. The first time you’ve seen him do something other than brooding. It’s sweet.
These little things will become routine, and he’ll find solace in them. Eventually you’ll even play some tricks with your teleportation on the clubs costomers, scaring them, bumping into them. All the while you’re watching him in the corner, smiling, exhaling through his nose. He playfully scolds you sometimes, other times he chuckles. Either way, it’s a sight to see.
God, please don’t dissapear on this man. I don’t think he could take it. Gotham be damned, if you ever find yourself scared of him, he’d be broken. He’d think it was his fault, he’d think he lost his second chance at love. If you ran away from him, he might just up and leave Gotham.
But even if you did try to avoid him for awhile, I think he’d let you go without a fight. He’d just be more sulky than usual, more prone to picking petty fights with Firefly. You might find the room uncomfortably cold, even when he’s not occupying it. (He froze the AC to the club, he was upset. Sorry Barbara.)
I think he’s the only one on this list of characters that Barbara, Tabitha, and Selina might all actively approve of. Barbara wouldn’t mind having a henchman dating her bestie; soldifies his loyalty to them. Also, he’s good eye-candy. Tabitha doesn’t have any personal issue with the man, other than previously working with Penguin, of course. Selina will still make fun of him for being a walking freezer, but hey, what can you do. You have their blessing.
If you caught him before he decided to up and leave, explain to him why you run away, why you’ve been avoiding him. He won’t just understand, he’ll practically worship you. He’ll explain himself too, why he’s terrified of touching you. It’s not because of your dwarfism, or your powers. It’s just how he’s afraid of hurting or loosing you. Loving people is hard.
If he could cry, he would. But his tears will freeze when they touch his cheek. You’ll have to show him you aren’t fragile. He’ll believe you.
You guys can heal eachother.
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♫ “The girl means business, so I'll offer her a drink." Voulez-Vous by ABBA
THIS Victor, on the other hand, is much more brash in his approaches to courting you.
He’s heard about you on the radio, from his boss, seen you in the newspapers, on the tv, watched you from the window in your apartment.
…What? Who said that?
He studies your every move. The man is calculated in his methods, what can he say? He’s not obsessed! (loud incorrect buzzer)
He just wants to size you up a little, see who the newest danger is in Gotham. He’ll convince himself he’s doing it for his boss, whether it be Falcone or Penguin. But it definitely goes deeper.
Unlike the other villians on this list that see your dwarfism as something to empathize with, Victor doesn’t really pay it any mind. He’s been around the block a few times- he’s been with women of all ages, heights, race, etc. The man really doesn’t have a type. What he’s attracted to is strength, independence, someone who will laugh at his dry humor with him. He’s stalked you at the club. He sees the way you banter with Tabitha and Selina, the way you make Barbara dissapear when she’s being too annoying with a flick of your wrist.
He’s incredibly attracted to a woman whose witty and good at what they do. Just like him.
Victor’s more subtle in his approach. He’ll make it casual.
So when you’re at the bar in the club, sitting around, watching the passerby’s, he’ll make his move.
“Now, what’s a girl like you doing here, alone?” He sneaks up behind you, giving you a start. You flush red at the man in front of you. Victor Zsasz. The words are spoken as he drums his fingers on the bar, cocking his head at your short frame. He towers over you, caging you in.
When you don’t speak, it doesn’t phase him. You’re about to teleport away in an instant, until he drawls your attention back to him with a lazy smile.
“So…” He whistles. “What’s your drink of choice? Wait- Let me guess.” The man doesn’t stop talking, listing off drinks that are most definitely not your drink of choice.
He watches you all the time. He knows exactly what your favorite drink is. But he wants you to stay.
It’s a bit awkward, a bit intimidating, and strangely charming. He speaks with an inflection that borders on sarcasm and curiosity. It’s intriguing, coming from Gotham’s most dangerous hitman.
“Can I ask-“ You squeak, now nursing a drink he ordered for you. It’s a Vodka Cran, and it could be worse. “…Is there a hit on me?”
He stares at you expressionless for uncomfortably long, before it forms into something quizzical.
“…Nah,” His voice is slow. He clicks his tongue. “Just an admirer.”
There’s an awkward scilence. He shrugs.
“Y’know. I’m a big fan of this place. Like the ambience.” He sips his own drink, you don’t know what it is. Just as his words sound out, you swear you can overhear a gunshot in the distance, probably from Barbara’s meeting with some other underground boss. Somehow, the sentiment makes you laugh.
He perks up at the sound.
You aren’t used to this. Someone being so casual about you, your powers, your small stature. He’s a bit flirty from time to time, but between the alcohol and his quips, you don’t seem to mind. He seems oddly genuine in his demeanor with every compliment or joke that slips.
You two keep the banter going for the rest of the night. Mostly chatting about how tiring your respective bosses can be. He does a poor drunken impression of Penguin, and you do one of Barbara. It’s a relaxing night in comparison to what you usually expirence living in Gotham.
You think you only see him every so often. Coming by the club whenever Penguin comes, or when a job is sent out, and his target is there. He’ll always send you a wink when he leaves, blood on his face.
But he sees you every day.
Yeah, the stalking only worsens. If you find your phone in different places throughout the day, or your window reopened, he’s the reason why.
He’s fine like this. In his head, the two of you are going steady. He’s pretty committed. You’re his girl, and that’s that.
Until you start avoiding him like the plague.
Zsasz WILL find a way to confront you. He doesn’t care if you teleport away each and everytime. He’ll find a way to get the message clear, through other means.
If you find a “talk to me.” with a smiley face, written with some poor saps blood, on your mirror, I apologize. He’s gotta get the message sent somehow.
Yeah, he won’t give up. He’ll go great lengths to get you two back together. He’s also listening to disco break-up ballads to cope. He’s getting the zsaszettes to stalk you when he can’t. If you still won’t budge, yeah, Tabitha might end up with a gun pointed at her head until you talk to him.
He’s not necessarily angry, but chasing after you is certainly taking a toll on him. Give the guy some credit.
Tabitha, still with a gun pointed at her, will be barking at you to not talk to him. He’s a creep, he’s an asshole, and you shouldn’t compromise your honor! (His eye will twitch at her words, trigger finger itching.)
Up to you what you decide to do! Explain the situation, talk to him, make things official, or…bye bye Tabitha. And that still won’t stop him. He doesn’t take rejection very seriously.
When you tell him exactly why you teleport yourself away, he’s the only one on this list who might think it’s stupid. He’ll understand, don’t get me wrong, but this is Gotham! Why would you be insecure? He garuntees you he’s met at least ten other people with far worse skeletons in their closet. You’ll have to teach him that’s not the issue.
Yeah, our little sociopath has a hard time with feelings. But I think you two would maybe be good for eachother! Teach him to listen more, whip him up into shape, and reap the benefits of having Gotham’s number one hitman as your personal bodyguard and lover. He’ll take you to stakeouts, make fun of Jim Gordon, crash your place. You two can watch Netflix under the blankets. He loves your size- cuddling into you like his own personal pillow.
Tabitha’s very dissapointed.
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♫ “I'm really glad you came, you know the stars, you know the game.” Voulez-Vous by ABBA
May god have mercy on your soul, reader. Ra’s is a sight to behold when he’s in love.
He heard whispers of your name all around Gotham. He sees you on the news when he’s absentmindedly listening. A girl who can teleport herself and others, to any location? Even the power to control which body parts you maneuver. Extrodinary.
He’s immeadiatley infatuated with your power. He wants to covet you. Possess you. Have you close to him. He needs to see your power for himself.
He’s similarly calculated in his response to tracking you down. He will appear at the club, slinking into the shadows, whispering a quaint,
It makes you jump, and as if on instinct, you teleport yourself away. He marvels at the way in which you do so right infront of his eyes. How rare it is, for him to be so easily confounded.
He must see you again.
You’ll feel his presence every now and then. Maybe even catch a glimpse of him watching you. You’ll turn back, eyes squinted, only to find he’s not there anymore. It confuses you just the same.
Though, you eventually get used to him watching. It turns into a little game between the two of you. If he can catch you, if you can catch him. It’s strangely endearing.
He’s also becoming increasingly more attentive to your daily habits. He memorizes your schedule. He sends members of the League of Shadows to observe you, to take notes on how you use your powers.
If any member insults you, or pokes fun at your dwarfism, Ra’s will spare them no mercy. Yeah…he’s making it a big deal. He’s ruthlessly insulting them for their ignorance, before killing them without a second thought. In a way, you belong to Ra’s already. He will not stand for disrespect among his order.
Ra’s is a gentleman. Just like Ozzie and Jervis, you’ll find gifts littered around your apartment. Little notes from him, written in the most exquisite cursive, expressing his admiration of you. Beautiful, rare, and expensive jewelry, tailored to the size of your wrists and neck.
You’ll see him exiting Barbara’s office sometimes, when he needs her for the demons head. He’ll send you a smile, half-way gentle, half-way playful. He’s unsure where the lines between love and facination blur; but he’s slowly realizing he loves you. He hasn’t felt such a way in decades. He’s been alive for very very long. No human woman has made him feel so helpless. He enjoys it thoroughly.
He’ll confess, the night before Gotham is meant to be blown to the ground. He’ll turn up, before the events are set in motion. You won’t have a clue in the world what he’s up to.
“My dear.” He’ll drawl, and you’ll go to teleport away, as you always do. It’s tradition for you two at this point.
Before you get a chance, he’ll click is tongue at you.
“Wait.” He speaks, voice sounding strangely desperate. It makes you freeze. “Come with me. Leave the city. Get somewhere else. I’d like to show you my home.”
Your choice, if you choose to leave with him. He’d make for a very attentive lover, and would protect you at any cost. But if you choose to do so, you’ll leave Tabitha and Barbara and Selina to their own fate <\3
Not that it matters if you decide to reject his offer. He’ll have you, one way or another.
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
let us live, for we must die.
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Oswald Cobblepot x Male!Reader Summary: you only had minutes left Word Count: 1,358
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What a fucking mess was you can think as you look down at yourself. Your shirt was fucking ruined. There's no way the stains will ever come out.  
As if you would care - you're too familiar with blood anyway. Then again, this was different, this time it was your blood. You wish you could kid yourself into thinking you'll be throwing another shirt out, but you know full well with the amount of blood seeping out of you that this was the shirt you were dying in.
You'd hope you'd go out in nicer clothes, but it seems like God had other plans for you. You wish you were a better person, but trouble comes finding you and you seek out trouble - it was a complicated relationship.
Complicated relationship? You know of another relationship dear to you.
You groaned as tried to sit up, hastily fishing out your phone in your pocket. You ignored your hands, shaky and covered in blood from when you tried blocking it from rushing out of the gaping wound in your abdomen, foolish enough to think you could make it out.
You blinked a few times, when did you get so dizzy? Is this what it feels like? All those innocent people who died because of Gotham's villains felt like this before dying? You heaved a heavy breath, you've been injured so many times before, you know how to calm yourself down in times like this.
Once your vision returned momentarily, your shaky hands hover over your phone screen. It takes you two attempts at your password before it unlocks, and you were straight to recent calls.
Oswald is fourth on the list, after the two detectives and Zsasz. You coughed out a chuckle, Oswald is fourth? He was so much more than a fourth-place spot.
You manage to hit his name, smearing your screen with blood before placing the phone near your ear. With that out of the way, you slowly drag yourself onto a lying position, your non-dominate hand landing back on the wound. It won't do much, but it gives you peace of mind.
The ringing takes a little longer than usual, ultimately, you like to think that Oswald cared about you. But, you know Oswald is usually busy, if he doesn't pick up then he'll call you back within the hour.
Pick up Oz.
Finally, the call is picked up, it felt like a lifetime and in those mere seconds you realise dying is so much better when you're not alone.
"(Y/n), dear?" Oswald's voice rang through, you smile to yourself, relaxing under his voice, "Aren't you busy? I thought you were out on a case with Gordon and Bullock?"
God, you just wish he was there. You wished your goodbye wasn't some phone call with shitty reception and even shittier timing. Because you hadn’t thought to say goodbye sooner, and now you have minutes at most. Because maybe you had this coming.
"Yeah, found a dead end so we're back to the drawing board," You lied, and you felt dirty - why are you lying to him in your last moments? Couldn't you just let your guard down for once? "Thought I would check up on you before I get pulled away."
"Oh," Oswald hums, and you can hear him smile, "I'm alright, Zsasz is out at the moment, you know with stuff."
"Yeah, stuff."
That's how your relationship was, complicated, not telling each other the full story because you two were on opposite sides, you weren't supposed to be his companion and yours his. You don't use him for information and he doesn't do the same back. Perhaps, the relationship wasn't that complicated.
"Found anything of Nygma?" You ask eventually, out of curiosity, might as well get all the information before you die.
"No, manage to hide again, I was hoping you could point me in his direction," There was a tease in his voice, and you can't help but chuckle.
You cough, moan then adjust your position, "Sorry, I can't help, Jim doesn't tell me anything about stuff like that."
"Worth a shot," Oswald says, you can imagine the little man shrugs his shoulders. You can hear soft banging on his end, you know that it was him with a cane moving, "Are you okay? I did hear you moan, and not the good kind."
"I'm okay," Liar. "Sparring with Zsasz is rough, I have a few bruises here and there." Half lie.
"Maybe ask if you can get the rest of the night off while it's still young?" Oswald suggested, his voice laced with worry. You closed your eyes, knowing full well if he knew what state you are in - it would be more than worry within his words, "Or, just go home without asking. I could spend more time with you - it feels like a long time ago when we spent a full night together."
"Yeah, that'll be nice."
Your vision starts going black around the edges, and your hand feels numb in its grip around the phone. You consider passing out, but Oswald’s talking again, and there's no way you're missing that.
"Just us two, no distractions."
A wave of dizziness hits you and the black spots in your vision return. This is it, you know it, but why are you still clinging on? That's right, you haven't really said your final words, meaningful words to a person you care for.
"Hey, Oz," You softly speak, a cough managed to escape, "I was just wondering, you know I love you right?"
"Of course I do," Oswald snaps, though his tone is different with you when he snaps. He has the slight undertone of 'why would you doubt me?', "Why did this come up?"
"Curiosity, I know I haven't been the best with emotions and speaking about it, but I'm glad you know that I love you. That you mean the world to me, you know? We've been busy with a lot of stuff, we barely see each other, so I had to make sure."
"You're rambling."
Right. It was the panic that set in as you close your eyes, you know you're crying but you can't let Oswald know that. You sucked up a big breath, trying not to choke on your tears or blood for that matter.
"Tell me all about it when you come home later, okay?" Oswald's voice returns to soft and caring, "I don't want to hold you up in your little detective cases."
"Right, yeah, I'll see you soon, I love you."
"And I love you too."
You hear the beep of the phone call ending, and you lie there still as your phone drops from the non-existent grip. You felt the panic wash away with a sense of peace.
You breathe out your last breath, a soft smile planted on your face with the thought that Oswald loves you.
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It was the dead of the night and you still had not returned home. Oswald considered coming to your work but only stopped himself to respect your boundaries.
Oswald does not expect Jim by himself at the front door. His face is a mask of sorrow and whatever it is, Oswald doesn’t want to hear it.
“I’m so sorry."
But, Oswald can’t hear him. His mind’s replying to their last conversation, with your coughing and adverting the topic of calling it a night, and he should have known. Should’ve kept you on the phone, gone to you, anything.
"I almost didn't pick it up," Oswald managed to utter, Jim tiling his head before continuing, "He called me while… while he was—injured. While he was dying, and I almost didn’t pick up.”
Now, he sees it, replaying your final words. You used your last energy to talk to him rather than calling for help.
"He used his last minutes with me."
"He loved you, Oswald, he made sure he said it before he died."
There was a stabbing pain in Oswald's chest, it felt like his world was falling apart. Oswald swallowed his grief for a mere moment as he grips his cane tighter.
"Who killed him?"
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dauntless-gothamite · 2 years
Master of Shadows [1/?]
Fandom: DC (Nolanverse; Batman Comics) Pairing: Bane x Fem! Reader Summary: You are a tailor that works for Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin, who tasks you with making clothes for the abnormally large man who has recently arrived in Gotham, Bane. While working with Bane, you see an opportunity to escape the Penguin, something you have wanted for years, and if you play your cards right, you may just gain your freedom and bond with the handsome man in the mask along the way.   A/N: working on another series before finishing Prove Them Wrong is a terrible idea, but I haven’t been able to get this story out of my head. In later chapters I may attempt to write smut for the first time (chapters will be marked as such if there is smut included and I may add *s so people can skip over it, but I’m still undecided on that at the moment).
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“Shit,” you swear under your breath as blood pools in a bubble on your skin, painting the finger you’d just pricked with a needle a warm red. You weave the needle into the fabric and leave it dangling before standing up to search for a bandage and curse the Penguin for the millionth time that day. You walk across the room to where the first-aid kit hangs on the wall from an old, rusty nail, take it down, and rifle through the supplies, tossing aside painkillers, tweezers, a thermometer, and sterile gloves, heart sinking as you realize you didn’t replenish the gauze and band-aids after the last time you’d accidentally hurt yourself. With a groan and much internal dread, you exit the room and descend the creaky wooden stairs to search for a band-aid. 
At the bottom of the staircase, just as you’re about to dart into the bathroom down the hall to the right, the doorway to Oswald Cobblepot’s office swings open, revealing your boss, dwarfed as he stands beside someone you had never seen before. The first thing you notice about the unfamiliar person is how big they are; their arms are bulging with muscle and you could see his thigh muscles straining against his cargo pants. The second thing you notice about them was the mask covering the lower half of their face and the slight metallic hiss it seemed to make.
You’re about to tell your boss you’re only down here to get a band-aid, but he speaks first. “Aha! If it isn’t just the person I was hoping to see!” He beckons you over to his office and leads you to one of the plush velvet chairs in front of his desk before walking around to sit behind it. “Take a seat. You too, big man,” he says. The man he’d been standing with before you’d entered the room sat in the chair next to you, and the chair creaked with the effort of supporting him. “This is the tailor I was telling you about!” Cobblepot says, pointing to you with a wide smile. “She makes all my suits, which is why I’m the most dapper man around!” You immediately freeze in your seat. If Cobblepot is acting excited about anything other than a visit from his beloved Edward Nygma, it was most certainly bad news, and as much as you want to stay far away from whatever “it” is, it seems like you’re right in the middle of it. 
“Y/N, meet Bane,” Cobblepot says with grandeur. You look at the man sitting next to you warily. “Bane only just arrived in Gotham last week, and as the king of this city, I like to know who the big players are, and I think this man is going to bring something new to Gotham that can benefit my circle of friends and colleagues greatly…well I suppose it would be more accurate to say he is going to remove something from Gotham.” Bane nods curtly and crosses his arms, clearly growing tired of the Penguin’s little speech. “Alright, so now to the point of you, little tailor. Well you see, Bane here is a large guy, he has some trouble finding comfortable clothes. So I need you to take his measurements and make a few things for him; I’ll let him specify what they are exactly.” Cobblepot stands and makes for the door to escort you and Bane out of his office, but you don’t move. “Y/N, don’t keep me waiting!” Cobblepot snaps. 
Crossing your own arms as you rise from the chair, you take a step towards your boss. “Before I begin working on this…special project,” you start, eyes darting over to Bane before sliding back to Cobblepot. “I want to address the matter of compensation. Making clothes for Bane will require significantly more material as well as more time than your clothes do. With an increased cost of production, the pay should be higher, yes?” you ask, raising a brow as Cobblepot’s own eyebrows slant in anger. 
“You are in no position to be making demands, you little-” he snaps before cutting himself off, remembering he has company. 
“I also need more band-aids for the first aid kit,” you say, refusing to back down. Cobblepot nods and sends you a withering glare that tells you you’re going to regret opening your mouth before escorting you and Bane to the bottom of the stairwell you had descended not long ago. 
“Go take his measurements and compile a list of anything you need that you don’t already have; I’ll have it picked up this evening. And remember my navy and purple suit with the yellow accents needs to be done for tomorrow evening’s function!”
“Yes, boss,” you sigh as he makes his way back into his office and you lead Bane up the stairs. 
“Stand here please,” you direct Bane as you grab a stepstool, measuring tape, notebook, and pen from around the room. “So, what will I be making for you?” you ask as you flip to a clean page of the notebook. 
“The first thing I need is a coat,” he answers, and you take in the sound of his voice for the first time. It has a slight lilting quality but sounds menacing all the same, and the mask gives it a tinny undertone. 
You nod and step onto the stool to begin measuring his muscled back over the tight black shirt he wears. “Can you tell me more about the kind of coat you want while I measure?” you ask, using his back to support the notepad as you write down his measurements. He looks over his shoulder at you, glancing down to where you’re writing, but he doesn’t comment. 
“I care about functionality,” he starts. “It seems it can get quite cold here in the wintertime,” he continues, and you move around to his front side and ask him to hold his arms straight out to the sides and measure his chest. He looks down at you as you work, and you write down more measurements. Pulling the stool around, you kneel to measure his waist, listening as he finishes describing the coat he wants. You can’t help but notice his stomach is a bit softer than the rest of him, though there is still certainly muscle there, and it brings you a sense of comfort, reassuring you that the man you’re alone with is human. A very large, strong human who could probably kill you faster than you could blink, but human nonetheless. 
You stand on the stool to measure his height; he’d mentioned wanting a bit of a longer coat, and just as you’re about to write the measurement down–using his body for support, which he had continued to say nothing about–the door bursts open and a man with reddish-brown hair and a five o’clock shadow shouts “Bane!” Your head snaps up, and you’re about to reprimand him for storming in when your weight tips the stool and you fall. You brace for the impact of the hard floor, but it never comes. Instead, you find yourself in Bane’s arms.
“Thanks,” you blush, and he nods as he sets you down. 
“Barsad,” he says, turning to the man who had just stormed in. “I told you I would be out until after dark and not to disturb me. What is it?” Barsad looks between you and Bane, hesitating, but Bane waves him on. 
“We have a date problem back at…well, you know. The woman bribed one of the guards, I suspect Ollie, and he let her go.” Your ears perk up at that as you continue to wind the measuring tape back around the round track you keep it on. “And the event is in an hour and a half.”
“Do you still have the dress?” Bane asks, glancing over at you. 
“We do; it would be a bit difficult to transport,” Barsad explains. “What are you thinking, boss?”
“This one,” Bane says, nodding to you, is a tailor, so if we took her, she could make a few adjustments on the dress and she could stand in as the date.”
“Hold on,” you say, unable to stand by quietly despite your better judgement. “If I’m possibly going to some mystery event, I’d like to know what it is,” you say, crossing your arms. 
“That is none of your concern,” the man, Barsad, says dismissively, about to continue speaking, when Bane holds a hand up and silences him. 
“Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but this woman is someone we are doing business with, so we will play nice for the time being. And if she is to perform the part well, she should know what she will be doing.”
“I am right here!” you say, causing both men to look at you. 
With a deep exhale, Barsad says, “I need someone to take as a plus one to a party tonight, a fancy one.”
You hesitate, wheels spinning in your mind. You know getting involved with whatever these men have going on is a bad idea, but you’re already employed by one of Gotham’s most notorious criminals, so you doubt it can really get much worse. Decision made, you speak up once more. “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the party at Wayne Manor, would you?” you ask. 
“Clever,” Bane says, but you get the feeling he is being condescending, so you send a glare his way. “But you are correct, that is the event.”
“Well…I have always wanted to see the inside of the place,” you admit. “And I’ve been dying to get out of this building for ages!” Bane looks at you in a way you can’t quite decipher, but you brush it aside. 
“So it is settled,” Barsad says. “Now, about this dress we-” he starts.
“I think I have something that might be better than whatever the hell it is you have planned,” you say, cutting him off. “No offense, of course,” you add, looking him up and down and noting that his fashion sense isn’t as bad as you’d expected. You stride over to a closet in the back corner of the room, put in the code for the lock you keep on it, and open it, revealing a small collection of couture dresses fit for the finest galas in Gotham. You slide the dresses around, scooting hangers left and right, until you find the dress you were looking for. It is a silk and tulle grey floor-length dress with a fitted bodice that has a plunging v-neck and sheer long sleeves. At the waist, the dress flares out slightly, and there are both white and black pearls sewn into the dress at the waist. “How’s this for a dress?” you ask with a smirk, satisfied when both mens’ eyebrows shoot up and Barsad gives you a wide smile. 
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planetseph · 3 months
inside your love
III. Drunk In Love
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plot: It’s 2024 in Gotham City, NJ. Bruce Wayne is a college student (for no real reason but Alfred insisted he get out of the house during the day for once). (Y/N) (L/N) is a somewhat stable college student with a whole bunch of personality. These two might change each other’s lives.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x black!reader
words: 1.5k
cw: this chapter deals with roofing, its not too explicit but its there so if you're uncomfortable with that please don't read!!
a/n: aaaaand here's chaper 3 yall!! i hope yall enjoy 😊
Gotham City is a dirty, dirty town and that only becomes more obvious to (y/n) as she trudges through the nasty streets in her heels. What provoked her to wear heels in Gotham City? She’ll never know, but she hopes that tonight will at least be worth the pain. In Gotham City, the nightlife is tightly intertwined with the underworld. If you go to a club, it’s almost a given you’ll either see a mafia member or the club will end up being owned by one. The Iceberg Lounge is no different. It’s owned by Oswald Cobblepot, and if you know anything about anything, you’ll know he’s got his feet planted deep underground. 
“Girl, can you put some pep in your step and hurry it up? I’m trying to get in line before it gets long.” Autumn yells to (y/n) who’s struggling to get to the club in her poorly chosen heels. 
“I’m coming girl, I’m coming.” She runs up to Autumn, breathing a bit harder than usual. 
“Girl, breathe and get ready because I’m trying to be on the dance floor alllllll nighttttt. We ain’t got no work tomorrow and no school tomorrow, so we got a whole day to think about the poor decisions we’ll make tonight.”
“You ain’t wrong girl, but don’t overdo it. This place gives me the creeps, seriously.” 
“I won’t, I won’t.” She reassures her. They move up in line and soon enough they make it inside. 
The music is booming, the bodies are dancing, and the substances are being spread throughout the establishment. As they walk in, they can see the bar, which surprisingly has more young guys than old men trying to hit on young girls, and they can see the array of alcohol right at their fingertips. It was no secret that Cobblepot was rich, but this was a whole new level for them. This place was like the Ritz but in club form. 
“Let’s hit the bar first, I wanna get me a drink.” Autumn yells to (y/n), trying to speak over the music. (y/n) nods and they make their way over. 
As they approach the bar, a man eyes (y/n) and they briefly make eye contact. She, however, looks away before she can look deeper into what his stare might mean. 
“Hey, let us get two shots please.” Autumn says in the sweetest voice possible (obviously a ploy to get the shots at a cheaper price). The bartender moves fast and makes their shots, which they down quickly trying to get the alcohol into their system. They talk and hype each other up for a night of flirting and dancing. As they speak, a man approaches them. 
“Excuse me.” He says politely. 
They look at each other and then back at him. 
“Yes?” They speak at the same time like a set of twins. 
“I was wondering if I could maybe dance with you if that’s alright miss…?” He points to Autumn. 
“Oh uh Autumn, Autumn’s my name. I wouldn’t mind a dance if that’s alright with you (y/n)...?”
“Girl, go ahead, I’ll be fine.” (y/n) smiles at her friend trying to reassure her. Autumn nods and takes the man’s hand as he leads her to the dance floor. 
(y/n) sits at the bar and silently watches her friend as she dances with the man. It’s nice to finally have a night to themselves, especially as junior year is kicking their asses. As she watches, a man slides into the chair next to her. It was the same man she saw earlier. 
“Uh, a gin and tonic please.” He orders. He hasn’t addressed her yet, so maybe he’s just here for his drink, at least that’s what (y/n) tries to think. He receives his beverage and sips it quietly until he says:
“So what’s a lovely lady like you doing at the bar? Someone should’ve swooped you to the dance floor by now.” He chuckles. 
She looks around for a second making sure he's talking to her. She points to herself. 
“Yeah you, miss…?”
“...You’re a woman of few words aren’t you?” He watches her.
“I mean I wouldn’t consider myself that, but you haven’t asked me anything that I feel I would need to expand on.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He takes another sip. “I’m James, I’m new to town, just moved here from Bludhaven.” He holds his hand out for a handshake. 
She shakes his hand tentatively. “Bludhaven? Why’d you move here then?” 
“Ah, work, you know higher pay.”
“And lower chance at survival.” She chuckles.
“True…so why are you here? You don’t give me Gotham native vibes.”
“College, got a scholarship.” 
“Oh, so you're an educated lady huh?”
“...I suppose.” 
He wraps an arm around the back of her chair. “So why don’t I buy you a drink?”
“Oh, I’m good.”
“You sure? I don’t mind (y/n).”
“Well if you’re insisting…”
He smirks and orders her a gin and tonic. He hands it to her overhanded. 
“So miss (y/n), tell me about yourself.”
“Well, what do you want to know?”
She looks slightly surprised but chuckles. “Uh okay.”
The two of them talk and talk until she gets a striking pain in her head. She rubs it to try to soothe the pain. 
“You alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine, my head just hurts a bit.” 
“Here let’s try to get you some fresh air.” 
He helps her off the chair and walks her outside. When they’re finally outside, he leads her to an alleyway. 
“Um, where are we?”
“Oh, just an alleyway, you don’t mind do you?”
“Uh, I mind a lot actually.” She tries to move back to the street, but he grabs her by her shoulder and pushes her back onto the wall. Suddenly things start to become a little clearer. 
“What are you doing, James?” Her voice a bit higher out of panic. She starts breathing a little faster and tries to move one more time but he pulls out a gun. 
“If you try to leave one more time, I’ll blow your fucking brains out. Nod if you understand.” 
She nods and begins to panic silently as he points the gun dead in her face. He forces her to move deeper into the alleyway. 
“Sit down. They’ll be here shortly.”
“Shut up, you don’t get to ask the questions.”
He forces her to wait until they hear voices and footsteps. 
“Yo.” Three men walk towards them.
“Hey guys. I found the perfect girl.” He forces her to stand up. “The boss will be happy with her on his list.” He smirks, she wants to vomit everything she ate today. This can’t be happening.
“Well let me get a good look at her.” One of the men grabs her face harshly and forces it to move around, inspecting her. “She’s a pretty little thing, maybe I got jungle fever.” The man laughs. He smells of cigarettes and gasoline. She finds herself trying not to breathe in his scent for fear of throwing up on their shoes. She wants to look around and get a good look at everyone's faces. Who were these people?
“Let’s get a move on, she came with a friend.” James, if that’s even his name, pulls her up and forces her to walk, brushing the gun against her every few seconds as a stark reminder of the severity of this situation. 
They lead her to a van and she’s about to step inside when something sharp hits the car.
“Let her go.” 
Everyone turns and they see a masked figure. He has a cape and weirdly pointy ears. Her eyes widen in recognition.
The men all laugh. “And why should we listen to you?” 
He simply throws another sharp object which pins one of them to the van. The other two and James hold up their guns. 
“Who the fuck are you?!”
The Batman doesn’t respond but simply moves in and out of the shadows, it’s very creepy and very cool. 
“Show yourself!”
He appears right in front of one of them and kicks the gun out of their hand. The other two start shooting but he blocks it with his cape. The one without the gun tries to punch him, but he blocks and knocks him out quickly with no issue. He moves forward and snatches the guns away from both of them. He punches both of their noses and grabs (y/n). 
“Go inside, grab your friend and leave and never come back here. This place is dangerous.” 
Her ears are ringing in shock. He gently grabs her shoulders and awkwardly tries to console her. 
“Look, you have to leave to be safe. Go and get your friend.” 
She stares blankly for a while, but slowly nods. 
“Ok, I’ll grab her.” She says with a newfound determination. He silently nods and lets her go. 
She enters the club to get her friend.
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riddle-me-ri · 11 months
Hi! You're like the only page I know that writes One Bad Day Ozzie! So, I have a request!(( I was hoping it could be a smut also 👀)) My prompt is after Oswald takes down the umbrella man, maybe Y/n can help him clean up? Like join him in the staff shower. ((I feel like they have some just incase a drunk throws up on one of the girls ngl))
OH! Also maybe the umbrella man forced Y/N to stay by his side over he over threw Ozzie because he knew it would eat at Oswald. ((Like he threatened Y/n and made out of fear she stayed by umbrella man's side)) But, now that Oswald is back and has control over the lounge again Y/n can how how much she missed and loves him by helping him clean up and relieve some of the tension.
a/n: ahhh okay, okay so actually I’ve been rattling an idea like this in my brain for a minute, especially once I finished reading One Bad Day the first time around, so I’m glad to see someone else on the same wavelength. So…sorry if this got a little longer than you anticipated anon lmao I just wanted to squeeze in some ideas of my own from my intial idea for this concept lmao and also, I usually don’t mind big text, and if it’s a viewing issue for you I completely understand, but if you can, next time please don’t use the biggest text option available, especially if the ask is rather long, it’s just kinda disorienting for me and makes the post longer than it needs to be hehe thanks 💚
Content Warning: explicit sexual content (handjobs/shower sex/piv unprotected sexual intercourse/biting), numerous mentions of blood/gore, subtle hints at physical abuse and attempted sexual assault (by the Umbrella Man)
Word Count: 2.5 k
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One Bad Day Penguin x F!Reader - Reunion
Oswald heaved deeply as little droplets of blood dripped from his lips. 
He was still on his knees looming over Umbrella Man's corpse, his throat freshly bit open and blood gushing from the wound. 
Everything was quiet as Oswald regained his bearings.
Until a soft small voice broke him from his violent reverie. 
He looked over his shoulder and saw you standing hesitantly in the doorway of the Champagne Room.
For a moment, he forgot about the dead man on the floor and the combination of his and the deceased man's blood that stained his face and clothes. 
All Oswald saw was you. 
He slowly got up on his feet and smiled at you. 
"Hey, sweetness…" He greeted you with a groan. 
It wasn't until he heard the soft pitter patter of blood fall to the tile floor that he realized what he must look like to you. 
"Ah, shit…h-hang on–" He quickly spun away from your sight and started hastily waddling towards the washroom. 
“Ozzie! I-It’s okay…is-is he?” You walked further into the room and fully took in the scene before you, more importantly the body of the man whose had you in a vice grip for months.
Oswald turned back and saw you staring wearily at the Umbrella Man’s body.
“Yeah…h-he’s dead, sweetheart.”
“So, i-it’s over?” You looked up at him your eyes meeting his icy blue ones. 
He nodded. “It’s over. I’m back.”
As soon as he confirmed that, you took in a shaky breath before falling to your knees. 
A large suffocating weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. The dark looming cloud that hung over you cleared. 
You were exhausted but relieved, you were finally free. 
Oz called out your name in concern before he knelt down beside you. “You all right?” 
Completely ignoring the blood Oswald was coated in, you wrapped your arms around him as you began silently sobbing.
“Y-Yes, I’m all right…more than all right now.” You sniffled into his shoulder. 
Oswald began comfortably rubbing your back. 
He missed this. 
For all the money, notoriety, power, and influence Oswald Cobblepot has obtained, lost, and just got back. 
The Iceberg Lounge, the girls, the drinks, the money…even though it distracted him from his own allies that made it all possible in the first place.
None of it, absolutely none of it held a candle to you. 
The night Umbrella Man beat Oswald nearly to death as he overthrown his empire. To put that much more salt in Oswald’s wounds, when you tried to comfort Oswald, the Umbrella Man grabbed you by your arm and yanked you back to his side. 
He declared you were no longer Oswald’s. You were going to be his from now on…help him run the Iceberg Lounge…or else. 
In present day, Oswald shuddered at the memory, his arms tightening around you, scared if it loosened you would be gone again. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetness…I’m really sorry. You shouldn’t have gone through any of this.” Oz whispsered in your ear. 
You shook your head. “You’re here now, that’s what matters…y-you saved me. You came back.” 
“Of course. It took longer than I’d like, but I was going to come back for you, no matter what.” 
“I knew you would,” you sniffled some more as you reluctantly pulled away to look at him–to make sure he truly was there. 
You gasped softly when you finally took in Oswald’s physical state. 
He was no longer the clean cut crime boss you fell in love with working for him years ago. 
His black hair was greased back. Bandages across his nose, cheek, and chin. Stubble littered all over his chin it’s folds. Then finally the now dried up blood splattered on his face and clothes.
“Oh, Ozzie…” You slowly uncertainly brought your hand up to one of Oswald’s cheeks. 
 He intercepted your hand with his own and squeezed it. 
“Don’t worry, it’s like you said, I’m more than all right now.” He offered you one of his small signature smirks. 
You giggled as you interlaced your fingers with his. 
“Oswald? Oh-” Lili busted open the door to the Champagne Room, frantically scanning the room until she saw you two. 
Her head perked up at the sight of you. “Glad to see you still around.” 
“I’m glad to see you too, Lili.” 
As if on cue, Frieda and the others soon filed in as well. 
“You did it Oswald.” Frieda commented. 
“Not without your help, all of you…thank you. I meant what I said…things will be different.” Oswald stood up, your hand still in his as you also stood up.
Everyone solemnly nodded in agreement. 
You tightened your grip in his hand. “Things will be different, and I’ll hold him to that.” You teased. 
“You better, he’ll listen to you more likely than any of us.” Lili chuckled as she walked over. 
“So what’re we gonna do with who was the Umbrella Man?” She asked gesturing to the corpse. 
“We’ll take care of it.” Frieda said. 
She nodded towards you and Oswald. “You two should get cleaned up…you’re both a mess.”
Sure enough when you looked down you saw some blood had also stained your dress. You couldn’t say you were upset about it. You hated the tight constricting dress that Umbrella Man forced you to wear. 
“Good idea, thank you all, again.” Oswald said before turning towards you. “Lead the way, sweetness…”
“When was the last time you had a date with a razor?” You asked teasingly, as you got the water running at a decent temperature. 
There were a few stalls of showers in one of the private floors above the main floors, just a little measure of convenience in case any of the drunken patrons made a mess of any of the girls. 
Lord knows, you’ve had to help a handful of girls switch into a new outfit or help her wash food out of her hair. Thankfully, those clients never returned, but there was always one in every crowd. 
Oz chuckled bemused as he ran his hand through his stubble. “No clue, it was probably when you last shaved me.” 
“Which was…that night…” You answered softly, as you grabbed the hem of your dress and pulled it up over your head.
It had only been months but, every day felt like a month and every week felt like a year. 
Oswald sighed as he dropped the white shirt to the floor.
A part of him just wanted to carry on as if nothing happened, just get cleaned up with you, eat something properly for once, and tomorrow he’d work on gettin everything back to the way it was. Not once looking back on Umbrella Man’s reign.
Deep down though, he knew it wasn’t possible. A large part of him that loves you needed to know what all happened to you…if anything happened. The Umbrella Man’s lack of respect for lives was obvious seeing as how it bled through Gotham’s streets…he didn’t want to dare dream of what Umbrella Man did to you. 
Oswald’s thoughts came to a halt when he saw your bare form. His throat when dry and his heart beat started picking back up again…until he saw the bruises. 
You had bruises all along your arms, thighs, and waist. 
For a brief moment Oswald thought he didn’t let Umbrella Man suffer long enough. 
You could feel Oz staring at the bruises. You sighed as you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
“He was a touchy bastard.” You commented. “Man handled me like a rag doll constantly to wherever he was…”
Oz gulped. “He didn’t-”
“No…not that he didn’t try though, but thankfully something always came up. Some person he was dealing with. Some comotion in the club…something always came up.” 
Oswald couldn’t help but sigh in relief at that. He hated that you got bruised and treated roughly but, he was grateful that was all it was. 
You slid the sliding glass door open with razor in hand. You looked over at Oswald and gestured with your head for him to follow you. 
“As badly as I wanna kiss you right now. I’m not gonna get stabbed by tiny little whiskers.” You joked before making you way under the warm shower stream. 
Oz guffawed, but quickly followed behind. Not only was this stubble starting to irritate him, but he just realized he still hadn’t kiss you yet since returning, and that was a must. 
After rinsing away all the blood from his hands and face, Oz sat along a built in bench that protruded from all three sides of the wall except the wall where the shower head was. 
You immediately got to work slathering his face in shaving cream and then diligently shaving off his stubble.
Oswald would mutter out an occassional question, asking about the Iceberg and how things have been with the performers, waiters, and bartenders. 
On the surface it may seem like he was just trying to catch up to what’s transpired since his absence and where to go from there…to see who all was still around and how much funds was still available. 
When in all actuality, he was distracting himself. Distracting himself not to just go ahead and kiss you despite the last bits of stubble remaining or to keep his eyes from following the multiple trails of water that cascaded down your body from your shoulders down as the spray from the shower hit your back.
What felt like hours for Oswald was only about twenty minutes when you finally pulled the razor back and turned it off with a satisfying smile on your face. 
“Welcome back, Ozzie.”  You said sweetly as you bumped the tip of your nose with his before turning your head slightly and gently pressing your lips to his. 
Oswald’s entire body began heating up hotter than the temperature of the water. He brought his hands up to your face, holding you there, so you wouldn’t disappear again like all those months ago.
You slowly pulled back from his lips, but only for a moment before you brought your lips back to his face. You began kissing his cheek, his jaw, and all along down his neck. 
Your hands gently squeezed his thighs before slowly dragging up to his crotch. 
Oswald’s breathing became labored as he let you do whatever you wanted. He just didn’t want you to stop. 
He chuckled breathlessly, “I take it you missed me?” 
You huffed into the crook of his neck before facing him. One of your hands went up and swiftly grabbed the base of his semi-hard cock. Oswald groaned. 
“I can say the same about you.” You whispered sensually, slowly moving your hand up and down. 
“And I wouldn’t deny it.” He groaned. “I missed you so much, sweetness.”
“I missed you too…” You brought your lips back to his.
You playfully nibbled at his bottom lip before he lowered it a little and granted your tongue entrance. Your grip tightened as your hand sped up, occasionally squeezing the flaring red head of his cock. 
You passionately swirled and sucked on his tongue as your lips stay connected. 
Never minding for a moment that just an hour earlier that same mouth had just ripped open a man’s throat. 
Oswald groaned into your mouth, making your lips vibrate from the sensation. One of his hands slid down to your shoulder and gently pushed you. 
You pulled away from his lips with your eyebrows furrowed at the center. 
Oswald shook his head, denying what you were probably thinking. “I-I need you, sweetheart,” he took a gulp of air. “Please…”
You never stood up faster. 
As you stood up some slick slid down your thighs along with the water that was still running down the top of you both. 
You braced yourself on Oswald’s shoulders as you brought your knees to surround his thighs, straddling him.
Your stomach pressed against his plump one as you positioned his cock directly towards your dripping cunt. 
Oswald grabbed your waist when you began lowering yourself onto him. 
You moaned out his name as he groaned yours when he was fully inside you.
His thick cock stretched you deliciously in the way you craved. 
“S-Shit…” You breathed shakily. 
Oswald could only groan more in agreement as he tried to get used to your walls suffocating his cock. 
He had no idea how he went on for months without you–without this. 
You slowly began riding him, lifting yourself up to where just the tip was still inside before dropping back down. 
Oswald’s thick fingers anchored into the skin of your waist, as you gradually picked up the pace. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned forward. At first you thought he was going in for another kiss–
“O-Ozzie…” You moaned softly as he started licking some of the water off your chest. His tongue swirled around one of your nipples before he began sucking it vigorously. 
The sensation caused your head to tilt back, granting him more access to your skin. 
The shower stall was a cacophany of running shower water and the tell-tale sound of skin slapping against skin. Only highlighted by your high-pitched moans and Oswald’s gravelly growls. 
As if to compete with the marks Umbrella Man left, Oswald littered your skin with bite marks. 
Every time he bit into your skin it made you tightened around his dick and bounced faster. 
You began to feel those small tingles along your arms and legs. Your thighs tightened around his lap as your walls clamped around his cock with a vice grip. 
Oswald was panting in your ear, ocassionally growling which made you whimper. 
He brought one of his hands up from around your waist and trailed it down to where the two of you met. 
You gasped. “Oz!” 
Oswald began rubbing small circles around your clit, changing from clockwise and counter-clockwise periodically. 
The pit of your stomach started tightening, every limb in your body started tensed up just waiting to be relieved. 
Just before you finally went over the precipice, Oswald turned his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder. He sweetly kissed the skin there before biting down, slightly harder than the others. 
Like the end of a fuse to a stick of dynamite–your body was instantly lit aflame. 
Strong strings of electricity volted through every nerve of yoru being. Your body shuddered as you came on his cock. 
You moaned into Oswald’s shoulder as you felt him pump his cum into you, concluding his own climax not long after yours. 
The water has since gone cold, which was comforting at first but got chilly soon after the post-orgasmic bliss subsided. 
Oswald still sat on the bench catching his breath as he watched you turn the water off. 
You walked out of the shower and grabbed two towels you set aside and tossed on to Oswald. 
When he stood up to begin drying off, you leaned down and kissed the top of his head. 
“How’s that for a reunion?” You grinned down at him with a wink. 
All Oswald could do was laugh.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM by HayleyLuna "It's like a circus full of psycho's"   Y/n gets transported into her favourite show "Gotham" What happens when Y/n's favorite series of Gotham characters fall under an obsession with her?   |Yandere Various Gotham x Fem!Reader| ( Platonic and romantic yandere x Fem Reader ) Words: 570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, You, Reader, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Sarah Essen, Jeremiah Valeska, Batman, Victor Zsasz, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Jerome Valeska/Original Female Character(s), Jeremiah Valeska/Reader Additional Tags: TV Show, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham City - Freeform, Yandere, Yandere Characters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM
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r0tt3n-corpse · 2 months
DC Masterlist:
Characters I’ll do: Jumpscare, I actually only write for Oswald Cobblepot! (Might be niche but he’s my current fixation)
Versions I’ll do: I’ll do him from BTAS, Batman Returns, Farrel Penguin from The Penguin, Oswalda from Batman Caped Crusader, and 2004 penguin. I have no preference since I love basically every version of Oswald 🫶
(If gender is not specified, its gender neutral)
Headcanons= 🌙, Oneshots= 🌕
Batman: The Animated Series
🌙Reader x BTAS!Oswald Cobblepot
Batman Returns
None yet, try requesting!
The Penguin (show)
None yet, try requesting!
Batman: Caped Crusader
None yet, try requesting!
The Batman Animated Series
None yet, try requesting!
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emilythezeldafan · 5 months
Actually gonna be my first time posting Gotham headcanons on Tumblr and I'm a little nervous but sure, why not
General Headcanons:
sorry for these being short I just woke up
While the in love with Ed arc did still happen, sorry but Nygmobblepot isn't canon in my 'verse since Eddie is shipped with my OC :'), then again I'm not opposed to writing or reading polyamory it's just not something I do with my usual friend group.
his limp is a lot worse than it looks, he's in a lot of pain from it and he disguises it because he's just that stubborn.
His mother taught him how to dance, he's actually very good at it. Also got a decent singing voice on him.
Actually finds his middle name a little bit embarrassing - I mean, there most be a reason he never says it in the show.
X Reader Headcanons:
Since I know people like this stuff thought I'd have a go.
Keeping it gender neutral so everyone can picture themselves or an OC. First of all, he will treat his S/O like a precious gemstone or like they're made of gold or something. Not in the smother-y way or like they're a possession (although he does get a bit possessive sometimes), but rather that they're held in the highest regard to him and none of the rest of Gotham's thugs dare touch them or else.
Depending on whether they were there for his mothers' death or not he probably won't want to see them for a while (not that he doesn't actually want to see them, he just doesn't want to be seen like that)
Eventually Edward found him half dead on his doorstep muttering about them so he did the sensible thing and tracked them down
"Y/N, come get your Sad Wet Penguin, it's making me uncomfortable."
So that ends with them, Edward and Oswald all staying in his apartment together. Which makes for some hijinks let me tell you.
Evelyn Hart (one of my OCs) visiting regularly and asking when the two of them (if not already) are going to start dating
Siding with him against Edward and Evelyn when things start to go to shit
Edward trying to kill them as revenge for killing Kringle clone (I hate that storyline with a passion. Although they weren't romantic here as Evelyn is his ship but he was fascinated/obsessed with her for her looks would could be taken the wrong way so I still get angst)
However when Strange takes them Oswald actually goes to Edward for help. Evelyn had to convince him but it worked.
Planning to leave Gotham with Edward, Evelyn and Oswald during Season 4 but staying to help the rebellion
Either becoming a supervillain themselves or leaving Gotham in the ten years
Oswald and Edward having a particular grudge against bats for keeping them away from their loves for so long
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lilmissfanfic · 8 months
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Please don’t take my work it is old,)
Oswald Cobblepot X Reader
oswald is hopelessly in love with the new singer for fish’s club. Fish gently encourage the young couple to talk together and see what happens.
Oswald POV
*I wanna be loved by you, just you
And nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you, alone!
I wanna kissed by you, just you
Nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you, alone!
Boop-boop, I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than, filled with desire
To make you my own!
Boop-boop-a-doop, boop-boop-a-doop!
I wanna be loved by you, just you
And nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you, alone!
Aa-ah-um! Boop-boop-a-doop!
Daddle-at-dat-dat-dumb, I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than, filled with desire
To make you my own
Bup-bum, butle-doodle-dumb-bum!
I wanna be loved by you, just you
Nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you, a-lup-a-dup-a-dup-a-dup!
She sang so beautifully, and she looked beautiful. With her sparkly black dress that hugged her hour glass body perfectly. She wore her short hair curled, half up, and with a cute black bow. She absolutely stunning, irestable, beautiful.
"You should talk to her" Fish Mooney interupted my thoughts
"Oh.. I-I dont stand a chance with a beauty like her" I said 
"Oh come on, believe in yourself Oswald" she said then looked over to the girl as she drank some water.
"Y/n" she called getting the girls attention. She motion her fingers towards us. I panicked but I had no where to go nor did I know what to do.
"Y/n, hunny, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.  Mr Oswald Cobblepot" I smiled at her as she gave me a charming smile.
"Its nice to meet you Mr.Cobblepot" She held out her hand which I took
"Its nice to meet you as well. You are a very good singer" she blushed
"I wouldn't say that, I do very well"
"Hush sweetface. You've been a beautiful singer since you were a child." Fish said
Y/n came from the circus. but when her parents died, when she was young, she ran away. That's how Fish found her and took her in.
So when she was in town she'd vist Fish who was like a mother to her enspecally when her real mother died. Mooney treated her as her own, making her special. Y/n was tired of the circus, so she continued for awhile. Then came back to Gotham, now she sings here for the nightclub. 
I've always adored her but from a far. I've like her since I was a kid. I watched her show at the circus and now I watch her singing.
"You were always something special to Fish" I said and she looked at me
"Can’t deny that, I talk about you all the time. Everyone knows you, but Oswald here is facanatied to hear more about you" Fiah smiled
"What can I say your a very interesting person" I said and she blushed
"I wouldn't say but maybe we could get to each other some more" she offered. I looked at Fish who smiled and nodded. I looked towards the girl and noded making her smile
We sat at a booth and talked for what seem like forever but we were really enjoying ourselves to notice time flying by. We chatted till closing then I offered to walk her home. 
We talked and laughed all the way back to her place until we got to her door step.
"I had a great time with you Mr Cobblepot" she said
"Please call me Oswald and I had a great time as well" I smiled 
"Well I'll see you tommrrow" she said and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I blushed as she unlocked her door.
"Good night" she said sweetly
"Good night" I said back then she shut the door. I couldn't but walk back a bit more happy and proud than I've ever been. Y/n  is something special
(Song by Marilyn Monroe)
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i-smoke-chapstick · 7 months
can you write gotham ozzie x reader?? like, their first time together and all; smut obviously, but with kinda feelings (we respect our emotional short king)
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Oswald embraces his rather crude interests.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!oswald x female reader. SMUT! (with feelings) PORN WITH (some) PLOT! I can’t stop writing oswald smut fics to lana del rey songs. Oswald being soft,,,and a bit rough. He’s a gangster, after all.
♫ “My old man is a bad man, but I can't deny the way he holds my hand / You are my one true love” Off To The Races by Lana Del Rey
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You stare at him from across the table. God, you love this place, and you know he does too. His luxurious mansion and a banquet full of food parallel to you.
It feels like home to you two. And he’s been riding on a high ever since the both of you aknowledged your feelings. He still remembers it like yesterday- the way your eyes lit up. The way this feeling of sheer adoration, love, admiration; was reciprocated.
But somethings different tonight. You can’t quite place it. He’s at least eight feet away from you, fidgeting with his cain like how he did before you admitted your feelings to eachother. He’s stuck in his own head, and a blush dusts his perfect freckled face. He refuses to meet your gaze, and in his other hand, he lazily stirs a glass of brandy in his palm. Every now and then, you catch him looking into the swirls of the glass.
It surprised you, how much he drinks when somethings on his mind. Not to mention, he typically didn’t ask you to dinner like this. No, not now that the two of you were dating. This type of behavior was reserved for those flustered days beforehand- not now.
Your almost scared he’s going to break up with you. Let you go. Do something rash. Does he think you betrayed him or something…?
You tap your fingers along the side of the table. The food infront of you has gone uneaten, both of you anxious.
Finally, his blue-green eyes look up- and he clears his throat. He looks at you through dazed, hooded eyes. He’s obviously a bit tipsy from his drink, but not over confident. You almost jump at the sound of him. You cross your fingers and pray for the best.
He stares at you and his eyes narrow, feigning confidence. But in a way, his lip quivers, betraying how nervous he is to speak.
“Y/N. A man comes to a crossroads in his life, and he has to make a choice. Does he choose safety and cowardice, or…does he opt for courage, and risk everything?”
You take a beat as you follow his words. It almost sounds rehearsed. Just what the hell was he saying?
You can audibly hear him swallow.
“A man, ahem, also has…needs. So to speak.” He clears his throat again. “I choose courage. What I’m trying to say is-“ He sucks his teeth, almost rolling his eyes at himself. “The thing I’ve been wanting to ask you all day long is…”
His voice gets caught in his throat like a fish out of water. He continues to stare at you incredulously, almost horrified with himself for not being able to speak. You go to prompt him- before the dots connect in your head. The crimson blush on his cheeks. The fidgeting.
A man has needs.
You let out a loud bark of laughter, interrupting his crestfallen scilence. He immediately looks even more terrified, mouth opening and closing in surprise at your outburst.
“Y/N!” He tries to reprimand you, but it wavers. He’s flustered beyond belief, sure he’s made a fool of himself. “Why are you laughing?!” He weakly demands, a clear expression of dread on his beautiful face.
Through soft chuckles, your laugh dies down. “Are you asking to sleep with me, Oz?”
He’s rendered slack-jawed at the bluntness of your response. He immediately goes to defend himself, as to not sound offensive or vulgar.
“What?!? No-“ He quickly denies, before catching his breath and closing his eyes in a huff. “Yes.” He says quietly through gritted teeth.
It makes you chuckle again, and if his pale skin could get any redder it would. He glares at you now, obviously feeling a bit rejected.
“Okay, well you don’t have to laugh!” He squawks. The grip on his drink is so tight you can see his knuckles go white.
You realize that laughing might not have been the best idea. But you can’t help it. The man set up a dinner to ask his own girlfriend to sleep with him. It’s…sweet. Very gentlemanly. You flash him a smile.
“No, Oz. Trust me, I want to. It’s just…we are together now. You don’t have to ask me to dinner like you’re courting me in the 1800s. If you want to have sex, just say so.”
He’s stunned into scilence, obviously still a bit embarassed. He wants to explain himself. That he isn’t used to this. That he doesn’t want to offend you. He doesn’t want to lose you.
You realize you might have to make all the first moves for now. You quickly stand up from your seat at the table, and he watches your every move like a hawk.
“What are you-“ He goes to ask- before you stand over him. You offer him your hand, and nod.
“Bedroom.” You lower your voice to a whisper. Through utterly confused and stunned brows, he stares at you, before standing up in a hurry. He smooths his suit jacket down and spins his cane in his hand; quickly following you in a hurry out the dining room.
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It started painfully slow, his hands messily stripping you of your clothes. His nose bumped into yours while the two of you kissed, his teeth clashing against you in a desperate and needy attempt to be closer. But you knew- every moment and kiss and too gentle peck placed against your skin was all out of love.
He got hard almost embarrassingly fast, and he knew it. But how could he help himself? The woman he loved was about to open her legs for him. You two were going to become one. What could be more fitting for his one true love? The amount of pleasure the act could bring you both had been on his mind for days. But he couldn’t necessarily just…ask for it. For one, it was embarrassing. And two, he’s fairly inexpirenced. That much he was sure everyone could see.
His lips ghosted over every inch of your skin, kissing you like his life depended on it. He worshipped you, eyes widening when you laid bare before him. He took in the sight, mouth agape as he stared intently at every curve of your body. You shuffled needily under his gaze, and felt his cool hand trace a long stripe down your chest to your slit.
You gasped when he inserted a finger suddenly. Without giving you time to adjust, he musters a pitiful “I’m sorry,” in a whisper. Oh, you can see right through him. He’s not sorry at all. He’s been waiting for this on the edge of his seat for the past week, you’re sure. And you’re happy to give it to him. Especially when his hand reaches a spot inside of you that makes you mewl underneath him.
The sound of your wet slick fills the room. You can tell he’s smiling at the sound, confidence finally spurring him on.
He hums at you underneath him, and quickly undoes his trousers in a much less elegant fashion than he had undressed you. No, now all of his moments are hard and fast. He keeps his suit jacket on, keeping himself clothed. You don’t see his cock, but you feel it peirce you in a swift movement.
The both of you let out an embarrassingly loud moan at this. You pray Olga is in a room much farther away.
He buries his face into the crook of your neck, soft grunts following as he thrusts slowwwww. You thread your hands in his hair and trace the light muscles in his back, and you hear him panting. He’s already getting close.
Only a few more seconds pass, before his whole body stills- and you know he’s cumming inside you. He becomes rigid in your hold, his hands grasping at the sheets and your body hard. You let out a yelp at the bruising grip, and feel his load in between your thighs as he slips out of you.
He lets out another series of “I’m sorry”’s, and these are much more genuine. He can’t bare to look at you, finishing so quickly. But you felt so good. So tight. And he hasn’t done… this in a long time.
You gently shush him, and feel him press soft ghosts of kisses to your head. Oh, he’s embarrassed. Let him catch his breath.
A few more moments pass and he’s lifting himself up on his elbows, looking down at you.
Your confused as to why he’s staring until he enters you again.
He places his forehead against your own, eyes closing. He gasps, sweat tainting his brow. You let out a loud moan at the feeling of being stretched out again- you know this must hurt for him. He must be overstimulated beyond belief. Not to mention how quickly he got hard again.
…But you think a part of him loves this. The feeling of his partner clenching around him, the feeling of the walls of your cunt grasping onto his cock. It makes him feel needed. The joining of your bodies and minds. After this, he is yours for eternity; like a dog on a leash. Just as you are his.
Prepare yourself, this is just the begginning. He intends to stay up all night claiming you like this, for many more nights to come.
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Good day! I dont know if your request are open but if they are,
Can I request a story where Ed and Victor constantly butt heads with each other for y/n's attention/affection while y/n in the background is just filming the whole thing with Oswald in her lap? I adore Riddler x y/n and Victor x y/n in your stories, but I wanna give Oswald some love too[:
Hello dear, thank you for your request! Of course you can!
Here it is. It takes place just after the Skyfall drabble and @flaysthings alternative end. Here are both if you want to read it:
Warning: profanities, Gotham universe: so twisted relationships, slight NSFW themes, English isn't my first language, sorry about it I'm working on it.
Word Count: 2.029
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"RED!" Screamed both voices at the same time, just before a deafening silence took its place in Cobblepot's living room.
"Correct." A feminine bored voice sighed from one on the couch. A camera hanging nonchalantly in her right hand. "But it wasn't too difficult to figure it out, I mean, I always wear something red... You just have to look at me or sleep with me to know it..."
"Now dear, don't sound so defeated, and please, don't bring your sexual life in this mess. I just wanted to make sure both idiots knew the most basic things about you before hardening our little game," Oswald's own bored voice said.
Currently perched on the woman's lap like he would on his throne, the king of Gotham threw the little card abhorring purple and black questions marks he was holding nonchalantly on the floor.
"Care to explain, again, why we are doing this stupid game while I could be outside beheading some dude who wronged you? And why do I have to film it all? " She asked, nodding politely when Cobblepot presented a cup of tea in front of her mouth.
A sign of his head encouraged her to let him help her drink the warm liquid. "Don't worry, it's not too hot, I made sure of it." He added, earning dirty glares from the two other men in the room. "To answer your question," continued Oswald when he was satisfied about the amount of tea she drunk.
"First, you're not ready to go on a french killing spree my dear. You were shot badly two days ago and still need to recover. A beheading would open your stitches again.
"Second, because we have to stop this stupid competition between your dear husband and... your...uh... other informal one? The camera is for other purposes, mainly for my own entertainment, later." His statement made her raise a brow. "Excuse me?"
"Don't try to complicate things, Oswald!" Spat Riddler between gritted teeth from his own couch. "I was the one who found Y/N bleeding in a shady alley. I was the one who started to stop the bleeding and make sure she wasn't freezing to death.
"So, logically speaking I had to be the one who transport her to Leslie's clinic." The man in green ranted while making frantic movements with both hands and arms.
"Logically speaking, it would have to be ME, her fucking HUSBAND, who should have held her, transported her and monitored her state during the operation. Not you, fucking nerd." Victor hissed as his hands were clenching the armchairs of his seat so hard the wood whined.
"Ah!" Ed scoffed. "Because you're a freaking surgeon now? So well versed into human anatomy you would have helped Lee when she asked someone to literally plunged both hands inside of Y/N ribs cage?!"
That was it. Victor's right hand rushed under his arm to grab his gun in his holster as he jumped out of his couch, Ed imitating him but seizing his brand new cane, ready to smash the electric part of it on the other man's face.
"Want me to show you the whole extent of my human anatomy knowledge, Nygma?" Threatened Zsasz with a numb voice. The kind of voice - with him - meaning you were now walking on thin ice. As thin as rice paper.
A kind of voice, which made Y/N zoom as much as she could to be able to capture the wrinkles just between the hitman's eyebrows. Now she started to have some twisted kind of fun.
Ed felt a cold drop of sweat licking his neck and back. He never liked Zsasz. Never. His mere presence was enough to make him cringe. But he wouldn't change what happened two days ago.
Y/N was barely alive and he was, with Leslie, her best chance to stay alive. He wouldn't lose her to contempt Victor's bruised ego. Out of the question. And he would never let go of a chance to be close to Gotham's no.2 assassin. Sorry not sorry.
"Gentlemen!" Screeched Oswald who hadn't moved from his cozy spot. "Let's not repeat the shooting contest, which took place in Lee's clinic. I'm not going to threaten you with a scalpel, but I swear to impale both of you on a freaking umbrella should you not stop THIS INSTANT!"
"You still owe me an explanation concerning this shooting by the way, " added Y/N's tired voice from under Cobblepot, who immediately turn around to scrutinize her.
"Nothing much to tell dear, just continue to film. Victor shot Ed's privates parts. Ed dodged and also tried to shoot his jewels and missed. End of the story. You're tired. Don't concern yourself with their stupid shenanigans." He cooed, just before turning on his spot again to glare at the two other men still facing each other with their gun and cane out.
"Stop it! Both of you! Y/N isn't feeling well enough to kick some sense into your thick heads." Yelled Cobblepot. Nygma and Zsasz didn't move for a good minute. Still killing each other visually. Slowly, both rose their weapon and finally put it back into their respective place.
"Good." Spat Oswald. "Now sit back. Let's resume our game." The little man clapped his hands once and leaned a bit in order to reach the deck of cards he had to put on the coffee table in front of him when Ed and Victor lost their calm.
Once again, Oswald shuffled the cards before clearing his throat. "Where were we? Ahem. Ah! Yes. I like this one. You're trap with Y/N in a burning building. All issues are condemned. You're doomed. But! She isn't panicking. Why?" He asked.
Zsasz and Ed sighed heavily.
"Cause she has a rocket launcher."
"Cause she was the one responsible for the arson and knows another way out."
Silence again. And the sound of squeaking armchairs from both seats occupied by Edward and Victor. "Well?" Asked Oswald, turning a bit to be able to catch Y/N's eyes.
The woman groaned loudly and let her back fall brutally against the seat back. "Oof! Fucking hell!" She cursed when white hot pain fused into her whole body. "Language!" Chastised Oswald automatically as he took the camera from her hands and put it delicately on the furniture in front of them.
He leaned back, and let her took a shaking breath to ease her pain. "So? Who's correct?" He pressed again.
Another Groan from her. "Fucking both." She said. "Victor is right, I would have a rocket launcher. And because of it, Ed is right too, I would know another way to get out.
" As he's also correct in his reasoning: if a building is burning to the ground and Firefly isn't in the middle of the flames, then the culprit would be me."
Now she was facepalming hard. "Look, it's not going anywhere. Plus it's embarrassing. We aren't organizing a huge lottery, and I'm not its fucking first price!"
"Absolutely. You're my wife. End of the story." Added Victor as he was throwing the cushion of his seat to Ed's face. Nygma yelled in outrage and smashed his left palm on the armrest.
"A wife you coaxed into the wedding! Screw you Zsasz! I am still working on finding a lawyer who would agree to send you divorce papers and I won't stop until finding them!" He shouted, also throwing his own cushion at the other man face, earning a petty middle finger from his opponent.
"Good luck with that one, nerd." The bald man said sadistically with one of his shit-eating grins.
As Oswald was opening his mouth to screech again a shot resonated in the living room, making Ed scream and jump on his seat and another made Victor pulls his legs up and cross them under him.
"What the hell Y/N?!" Yelled Edward as he was looking at the bullet hole a few millimeters from his left foot. "I saved your life!" He continued.
The woman nodded in an aggravated way. "Yeah, that's why I missed. Same for you, dearest." She added in a dangerous neutral tone. "Yeah, I figured it out myself. Since I know my wife well."
Another shot answered him, piercing the cushion just next to his ear. "Love you too", he mockingly purred earning the middle finger from her.
"I said no guns for you until you fully recovered Y/N!" Hissed Oswald as he grabbed the barrel of her weapon and pulled it out of her grasp. It joined the camera on the coffee table. "Where did you even hide it?! I asked Olga to search you before our meeting!"
The woman looked at him like a second head just popped next to his current one. "Did you think I was just happy to see you dear?" She taunted with a wolfish grin which made a blush explodes on Oswald's cheeks and neck. "It's not funny Y/N! Stop being lewd!" He yelled in a too high-pitched voice.
Her face lost her mischievous glee soon, though. Becoming all bored again. "Look. Everybody in this room knows about my favorite color, that my aka when I need one to work for someone is Persephone, and that I have a fucking tattoo on the back of my upper thigh, just under my fucking buttock.
"You all saw it two days ago. Gods, even Olga saw it and called me a whore in her natal babbling for it. So stop the questions Oswald. We're just wasting time and energy." She sighed while playing with a wild string on her own armchair.
Cobblepot gritted his teeth loudly. She was right, he knew. But it didn't solve their current issue. And he had enough of Ed and Victor constant head butting to gain her undivided attention like two little kids. "So, what do you suggest then? Because it has to STOP!"
The only woman in the room shrugged. "Not my problem. I'm not their mom", She spat before leaning a bit to be able to see them, despite Oswald still perched on her thighs .
"You're fucking grown men, act like it guys. I don't know, kill each other or something. Again. Your rivalry isn't my fucking problem." She said.
"Victor is my husband. I have made my peace with it a long time ago, Ed. And it's convenient. And he's terrific it in bed." The hitwoman added making Ed cringed in disgust and Victor beam like the sun. But his smile was quickly ripped off his face when his dear wife continued.
"And Ed is one of my most precious frenemy in town. Always was and always will, Victor. I love his stupid wit. His riddles amuse me beyond measure, his awkwardness too. It's just too cute", She added.
Oswald felt two hands grab him under his arms and lift him up from his sitting position on her lap. His feet gently found the ground, and he turned to be able to see Y/N also on her feet, dusting her leather suit. Her little scolding had the merit to let Edward and Victor froze on the spot.
Their three gazes were now on her, scrutinizing her moves like birds of prey. They followed her when she walked across the immense room and when she brutally stopped in front of the open double doors. "I'll not divorce my husband. Ed. Good old bitch me is way too loyal for that." She muttered.
"But I'll gladly sleep with Ed or start any romance he might want, Victor, should you ever betray me again like you did with Sofia." She added with a devious smirk.
Chaos. That's what she created when the three men's voices started to shout in perfect sync. Absolute chaos, in where she only was able to hear her own name being called, as well as a "Don't touch my camera you brutes!"
She also had enough, though. And did what she was best known for: living the total crazy mess she actively created without a glance back but a way too large smile on her sadistic face. Like she just told Ed, she was a bitch. And didn't have any problem with acting like one.
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A/N - I hope you liked it dear! Have a beautiful day/night and take care!
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Through the diary
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Pairing: Jeremiah Valeska X gn!Reader
Warnings: violence, Jerome's diary, kidnapping, obsession
Words: 307
Summary: Jeremiah finds out about Y/n.
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Also..sorry that it took me so long requester. This is the part 2 of the fic with the psychiatrist!Reader
Jerome's diary had been open on Jeremiah's desk for several days, it had been read and discovered by the engineer who now found himself as if obsessed by the whole situation.
He could recognise most of the people Jerome wrote or drew about but one caught his interest most of all...Y/n Y/l/n.
He had learned much more about them as he continued reading that diary full of secrets and dreams and the more he read it, the more his mind thought only of them.
He was intrigued and interested, he wanted to know more and more and intended to meet them. By now he knew the second life they lived so he just had to ask someone who might know more than him such as...Oswald Cobblepot.
They were not on good terms but with some blackmail or pact he would be able to find out what he wanted.
He succeeded and found himself observing the club that Jerome had mentioned in his diary for the tenth time of that period but he was finally ready to go in or so he thought before changing his mind, going for plan B: kidnapping them and then keeping them in their bunker to have a word no more and no less.
It was going to be a simple chat he repeated to himself as time passed and his gaze moved over the messy pages and over Y/n's face studying their features, clothing and all the things Jerome had written about.
They were exactly as he had described them, thing that he discovered as time passed, watching from the monitors as Ecco entered the room to communicate with them, preparing them for the big day that was soon to come.
Their first and real meeting, it should have been perfect... a candlelit dinner sounded perfect.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @trainer--taylor , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @animefan3223 , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover
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