#othar tryggvassen
inbarfink · 1 year
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
OK, going through the GG posts on your blog, one of them mentioned you had a thing about othar/anevka, can we hear more about that?
I have some truly insane feelings about this crackship, it's A Lot.
They do not meet in canon. To the best of my knowledge, they've never even been in the same city in canon. I don't even have the ship happening while she's still alive, for pity's sake, but...
This ship started out as a joke. We were talking about a GG/Danny Phantom crossover on discord and I threw in fake-married Otharnevka (him gay, her a dead robot lady), where the ongoing joke was their fake relationship being goals for everyone, because she'd like... ask him to help her reach a high shelf, and instead of just grabbing the thing for her, he'd lift her up onto his shoulder to do it herself, and bow to kiss her hand, that sort of thing.
Except canon Othar isn't gay (the twitter story is canon enough that we can assume he likes women), so the next time it came up, it was less of a joke. And just. I kept getting invested?
He is a hero! She needed a hero, but never got one. She is the mad scientist's beautiful daughter, but she's the mad scientist herself too, except she's not a spark anymore, but she's still a sadist. He thinks he can help her be not-evil. She thinks she can corrupt him. He dotes on her and is an absolute gentleman without ever actually underestimating or coddling her. She's so ready to kill, and he might be a hero but he's fucking unhinged so it's not like always stops her! He's strong enough to carry and lift her 900kg body and make it look easy. He's ready and willing to stand around looking pretty while she politics, and she takes pleasure in pretending to be a damsel for him to save, especially if it ends with his shirt ripped up.
Othar: I can fix her! Anevka, in a condescending voice: Don't you want to help me kill this awful, evil spark? Othar: ...well, maybe a little murder. (Tarvek, who does not want to be here: This is not how you fix a person. I should know, Agatha fixed me.)
He's annoying, but she doesn't have to be around him when he's annoying. She's pretty well-made to just tune him out, even, and even that is rare; it's so much more fun to pat him on the arm and say 'that's nice, dear' when he's having a Heroic Monologue Moment, and then swan off to poison someone while he tries to recruit himself a new sidekick.
I just. They give me dopamine. They're awful, but not actually The Worst by GG standards. Even Anevka's mostly just Traumatically Dramatic and could probably be aimed at problems once she's got a bit of distance from the Aaronev situation.
Here, have a few Otharnevka posts:
Professor Storm (crossover fic on Ao3)
Otharnevka art from @dirigibird
The “Momma Sturmvoraus was Literally Satan” AU
The MILFnevka AU
The short of it
Just me having some emotions
Married Life Meme
Baby Outlaw
Draw Your Ship As
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calmingpi · 2 months
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tanoraqui · 6 months
Some questions for you, for some day when you're looking for a mild distraction: WHO is the Middle Earth equivalent of Othar Trygavsen? AND ALSO Which force of narrative causality wins in a fight between Turin's curse and Othar's heroic plot armor? (I would also accept Luthien's plot armor vs Othar's plot armor, but I feel like that just ends in an overpowered team-up. Othar seems like a Power of Love kinda guy.)
I think Fingon best fulfills the tropes of a traditional Hero(TM)—rescuing damsels and fighting dragons! Valiant, generous, maybe slightly impetuous, and inspiring of loyalty! Alas, of course, he’s stuck being a second-tier character in an epic tragedy, rather than a story in which being a Hero(TM) actually gets you rewards. Fingon doesn’t quite have Othar’s attitude about it, Middle Earth being less genre savvy than Europa—not to mention having different tropes to be genre savvy about, most of which we don’t know!
I think Othar’s plot armor and Túrin’s curse would actually sync up in the worst possible way. Remember: Othar is a gentleman adventurer on a quest to bring peace and sanity to the world by killing all Sparks! (With himself last, of course.) So if he and Túrin met in the wild and decided to wander together, they’d probably find a city of sparks and/or Noldorin crafters (same thing) and save some civilians from orcs, get welcomed in and hailed as defenders, live there happily for a few weeks/months/years while roaming the countryside, fighting evil…
Then Morgoth attacks in force because Túrin, probably in conjunction with some mad science gone terribly wrong, and the city falls, everyone dies, Túrin’s latest, sparky romantic interest dies particularly terribly…
And as they’re standing in the ashes, Othar is like, “Well, that was terrible, but at least the sparks are all dead! Tally ho!” and walks off to the next adventure while Túrin falls to his knees and weeps.
Other and Lúthien combined could and would beat a Vala in a fist(/Song)fight in a parking lot, though probably not permanently destroy them.
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Round 1
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Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, And The Doomed Timeline
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So, I tried to comic-ify the Othar's Twitter timeline. (this is 11 comic pages, the rest are under the cut)
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genderdotcom · 8 months
just remembered the time i tried to send a voice claim for a character and the first idea that came to mind was screenshotting a speech bubble of a webcomic character. girl that's not a voice that's a font
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Agatha haz a hookshot. Nine out of ten Links approve.
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lwh-writing · 4 months
Girl Genius Reaction #2
Hi, hey, been a hot second since I've done one of these but here we go!
I love that the Heterodyne boys have been elevated to this almost folklore-like state where everyone's got a story about them that ranges from "mostly true" to "entirely made up"
Also, Gil's Dad was adventure buddies with the Heterodynes???? I know Theo said he made the story up, but considering it was shown to us like a flashback, I assume there is at least a few kernels of truth to it all
I think I clocked the possible Von Pinn connection. As all the students claim Von Pinn is modeled off of and/or secretly Lucrezia Mongfish (whoever the hell that is), and Lucrezia was name-dropped in Theo's story/flashback and on the receiving end of one of the Heterodyne's love confessions, I'm assuming Von Pinn is thus modeled off of and/or secretly Agatha's mother or aunt. I wonder if that'll ever come up later. Either way, it's nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking Von Pinn and Agatha looked way too similar
Also, I know Agatha probably took the chance to change out of the pants and into a more comfortable skirt while Theo had everyone distracted, but I kind of like the idea that she can just randomly and inexpensively modify her clothes at will with no one noticing
The Baron being concerned about the hive engine being "eighteen years old or brand new?" really caught my attention. Larger scope villain entering the chat? 👀
Theo & co. running into Gil and there's an obvious disconnect about whom hasn't kept in touch with whom, re: Gil saying they'd only ever come to him if they need something vs. Theo saying Gil hasn't answered any of their letters. Betting money that the Baron has been withholding Gil's mail and trying to isolate him for whatever reason.
Whomst is Othar Tryggvassen? Hello? Random man just suspended over the void, every limb chained, giant green globe on his head? WTF???
I do love Agatha's reaction though. "Is it right to leave a fellow sentient strung up like this?" "Well, that depends upon the nature of the experiment..." I love this mad scientist so much
I'm also really loving the Jaegers (Jaegerkin? Jaegermonsters?). They're all so full of personality. And the tension with the Lackya is very delicious
Love the Jaegerkin generals inviting Agatha to supper, saying "It's good, no bugs!" only for another general to say in the most dejected voice "...no bugs?" 🥺
Also, it looks like the Jaegers are officially figuring out that Agatha's a Heterodyne! Gil may believe/know Agatha is a Spark (has the Spark?), but the Jaegers are the only ones connecting the dots to the Heterodyne question. Wonder if they'll tell someone or keep it to themselves.
Also, Jaegers playing matchmaker? "What do you think of the young master?" "What kind of question is that?" "Well it would make things really simple if--" What's their angle there? Hm....
Speaking of ships, I am sending Andre the Jaegermonster to horny jail. I'm with Agatha; Von Pinn doesn't sound interested
Flashback with Uncle Barry was very cute. He obviously didn't want to repress Agatha's powers, but it was probably a matter of safety
Agatha sleep-inventing is very cool, but why's her little sentient robot(s) hiding from her?
Von Zinzer is giving some insight on the larger world. Apparently, there's a series of wars going on? I know the Baron is a ruler and is keeping the school kids as hostages, but I didn't know it's a continuous conquest of what seems to be Europe.
Also, side note, do we ever see the rest of the world? Africa, Asia, Australia, North & South America? I know deep in my bones that this world's version of China would fuck severely.
Dr. Dim and his bears are also very cute. Loved the moment between him and Agatha
The fight between Von Zinzer & Agatha was very fun. As was Gil hiring Agatha on the spot. The friendship is growing!
And finally, the talking cat! My oh my, how will this go from here? It's very obviously sentient, and based on the website's banner, a main character to boot. But what is it? A chimera? A rogue experiment? Someone trapped in a cat's body? Guess I'll find out
Overall: Still really liking the story! It's got me hooked so far and it's building really well on the premise. The story is still obviously finding its footing, but it's still good!
Continued 7.5/10
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balu8 · 8 months
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Othar Tryggvassen Gentleman Adventurer
Girl Genius
by Phil and Kaja Foglio
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itsbenedict · 9 months
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ahahahahaha yeah that's othar tryggvassen all right
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dafukdidiwatch · 1 year
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By the way have you heard the good word of our lord and adventurer Othar Tryggvassen? He may be of interest to your spark murder plans
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Girl genius abo au for the ask meme. I am sorry.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
Agatha is a female omega, playing into the 'first girl in two hundred years' thing on both fronts.
The locket disguised her as a beta, possibly by delaying (parts of) puberty for half a decade. She went through a bunch of physical changes (like growing secondary characteristics), but not others (like pheromones and heats).
The sudden removal of the locket means that she goes through breakthrough and accelerated (parts of) puberty simultaneously.
On the one hand, she's not actually getting the 'mega horny' parts of puberty until after she's gone from CH. On the other hand, she's really hormonal in the other ways, which means that despite having the mind and body of a full-grown woman, she is in "teenage PMS anger" mode basically constantly. (She hates it.)
Othar interprets this as Spunk.
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calmingpi · 8 months
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bladekindeyewear · 3 years
Hey, how many of y’all are caught up with Girl Genius?  Because now having seen him, I think X is just Y having been exposed to extradimensional energy and spent years in another dimension only to atemporally arrive here recently, but I don’t have anyone to share the theory with.  (X and Y under cut for spoils, + images for further explanation)
X = Kjarl Thotep, Y = Dimitri Vapnoople
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I mean, it feels almost too obvious so I’m not sure.  Their builds are even extremely similar, Kjarl’s is just an inflated version.
(And I think he IS legitimately good now, not pretending for subversion purposes, but I’d understand if not.  Him having been the one to heal his own mind after not recognizing himself, so he’d hop in the portal and become himself, is just delicious Homestucky time shenanigans.)
I don’t expect to keep having Girl Genius theories or start classpecting it so don’t bug me to make more Xo
EDIT: Added a Kjarl Thotep/Mad page to the wiki for this I guess. I can't believe he didn't have one before.
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edgar-allan-possum · 3 years
Humongously Hotshot the Hero from How to Train Your Dragon and Othar Tryggvassen (Gentleman Adventurer) from Girl Genius would definitely get along if they met each other.
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