#other: cuddling\other: pack mom stiles
fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pack Mom pt.2 - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek x Reader
Prompt: Request! – Liam starts getting jealous when Isaac gets more attention than him, soon it becomes a competition between them that you decide to indulge in. (Also inspired by Woman – Honne.)
Warning: None! Just FLUFFFFF!
“Isaac honey can you pass me the butter.” You muttered as you grabbed the bread from the cupboard.
“Okay Mama!” He smiled as he grabbed the butter from the fridge bouncing over to you as you grabbed a knife out the draw.
“Thank you baby.” You smiled at him softly ruffling his hair. You started buttering the bread placing different ingredients on each sandwich. Lydia and Erica had a BLT. Liam, Mason, Cory and Stiles had a PBJ and Derek, Isaac and Jackson all had plain cheese and ham. You had a peanut butter and Nutella fried, kind of like grilled cheese. When you were frying your sandwich you heard yelling start from the front room.
“No fair! It’s my turn!” Liam screeched.
“NO IT’S NOT!” Scott scoffed before you heard more shuffling.
“Ow don’t bite me!” Liam whined making you wince slightly.
“Actually I think it’s my turn.” Derek deadpanned as you heard more movement.
“Listen old man!” Jackson yelled angrily.
You switched off the hob before storming into the living room to see Scott, Liam, Jackson and Derek rolling around on the floor fighting over the Xbox controller. Your hand immediately went to your hips as you waited for them to notice you. Lydia was sat reading but she looked up to acknowledge you before going back to her book.
“DEREK!” You screamed eventually when you realized they weren’t going to notice you.
“Shit!” You heard him muttered before de-tangling himself from the boys.
“Scott get off your brothers!” You snapped as you tapped you bare foot against the floor. Once they were all stood in front of you, head down in an attempt not to test what patience you had left.
“Every time I start making food somehow you always seem to interrupt me by acting like morons!” You huffed angrily.
“The Xbox can go off now. Derek you can come pour me a glass of wine. Lord knows I need it. Scott you can finish the reading you have for school. Jackson how about you study for the maths test coming up. Ask Lydia for help if you need it. Liam you can come sit in the kitchen.” You ordered pointing at each one of them as you snapped your orders, Scott and Jackson groaned but did as they were told. You made you way back to the kitchen Liam following closely behind. You told him to sit at the breakfast bar while you got out the first aid kit. You wiped always the blood noticing the bite mark almost gone completely, which you were thankful for.
“Mama?” Liam murmured softly, a blush on his face.
“What baby?” You said as you threw the used antiseptic wipe in the bin.
“Can I have a hug?” He fiddle with the bottom of his shirt nervously as he waited for your response. You smiled but leaned over to hug him tightly. His head laying against your chest probably able to hear you heart beating. He hugged you back but the moment only lasted a few more seconds because you heard Isaac start talking.
“Mama I’m hungryyy.” He whined, a pout gracing his face. You pulled away from Liam and nodded before you went back to making food.
You glanced at Isaac and Liam as you went to turn the hob back on. You noticed that they were thoroughly glaring at each other which you thought was weird, shaking your head you chose the let it go.
After the pack has finished eating they went back to their houses, except Isaac who went upstairs to study, leaving you alone with Derek. You had college tomorrow but you didn’t feel like staying in your dorm with your overly happy roommate. You cuddled into Derek as he flipped through the films that were on the TV, his pick of film made you laugh. As much as he a Stiles bicker their love for Star Wars was always what had them chatting like they were best friends.
“I think you should move in with me.” Derek spoke after half an hour of silence through the film. You looked up at him shocked by the sudden statement, his eyes still glued on the TV like he felt embarrassed somehow.
“Oh really? Would you like to look at me and ask me instead of telling me?” You snorted, crossing your arms in playful anger.
“Y/N Y/L/N will you move in with me?” He huffed with false confidence as he gazed in your eyes.
“I would love to Derek. Now I need to sleep because I have class at 8. Night Der.” You muttered as you wandered up the stairs. You stopped at Isaac’s room to see him sprawled over his bed with his homework thrown everywhere which made you smile to yourself. You carefully moved the papers to his computer desk and threw his covers over him, brushing his curly hair away from his face. After making sure he was okay, you went to yours and Derek’s shared bedroom getting dressed into one on Derek’s tops before getting into bed.
“Isaac breakfasts ready!” You screamed up the stairs as you checked the time once again. Isaac ran down stairs dressed and ready for school. He kissed your cheek before he sat down next to you digging into his breakfast.
“Thank you Mama.” He said with half of a piece of bacon hanging out his mouth.
“Isaac don’t talk with your mouthful. It’s rude.” You instructed your voice soft yet stern. He nodded and continued chewing his food before you realized it was already 7.30am. You got up and kissed Derek on the cheek, who was sat silently with a coffee in his hand. Isaac followed closely behind hoping into the passenger seat.
“I need to talk to Derek about getting you a car or a bike.” You muttered as the pulled away from the Hale house.
“I don’t need a car mama I’m fine.” Isaac whispered slowly like he was worried about how Derek would react.
“Yes you do and don’t argue with me. Derek will agree too. Everyone else has a way to get around so which would you prefer bike or car?”
“Mama I do-”
“I think a bike since you love riding with Scott.” You interrupted before he could reject the offer again. After that you and Isaac chose to stay quiet for the rest of the time in the car. When you arrived at Beacon Hills High School you got out the car to greet the pack which was making their way over to your car.
“Ma-Y/N shouldn’t you be at college?” Scott voiced as they stopped in front of you.
“I’m going after this. Derek said he would drop him off but it’s on my way so I thought I’d do it today. Plus I have some good news.” You stated before ruffling Liam’s hair which made him preen.
“I’m moving in full time with Derek.” You added after pulling your hand away from Liam.
“That’s awesome!!” Erica screeched making Stiles roll his eyes.
“Right I’ve gotta go. Liam be good everyone else looking after him and make sure you don’t fight. You know it may seem like play fighting to werewolves but to humans it looks brutal and I’m not dealing with another call from Natalie telling me you’ve earned yourself detention for 2 weeks!”
“Yes Mom.” They are voiced sarcastically.
When everyone came over for dinner that night it wasn’t just the pack but also the parents, who had yet to find out about your new name. It happened when you were helping Melissa cook while the Sheriff, Chris and Derek sat around the breakfast bar chatting away.
“JACKSON GIVE IT BACK! MAMA!!!!” Stiles screamed as he chased Jackson into the kitchen. Everyone stopped to stare at you but you paid no mind.
“JACKSON! Put that down before I take away your new phone!” You yelled as you stirred the chicken pieces around the wok.
“What you didn’t buy that though!!” Jackson screamed angrily his foot stomping angrily.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You responded, your tone calm with a sickly sweet smile joining as you turned to look at him.
“I mean! I’m sorry Stiles here’s your comic book and I love you Mama!” He replied in a rushed way that made you smirk.
“That’s what I thought now, boy’s front room I don’t wanna tell you twice.” You added as you watched the boys bicker as they walked into the front room. You turned your attentions to the 3 sets or wide eyes staring at you, realizing what you had done you blushed and picked up your glass of wine.
“I think we should leave the kids here and go into early retirement.” Noah snorted making Derek go deathly pale.
“So your pack mom now?” Chris added nodding in agreement as he did, you nodded before going back to food. Once dinner was ready you all moved to the dining room to sit down but then just like every aspect of your life turned into another argument.
“But you always sit next to Mama I wanna sit next to her today!” Liam whined his bottom lip sticking out slightly.
“No it’s my seat pipsqueak.” Isaac mocked as he made his way to the seat.
“Isaac you can sit next to Melissa.” Your voice made no room for arguments with made everyone stop awkwardly.
“Isaac.” Was all Derek said as everyone finally started to situate themselves.
During dinner everything was full of chatter and laughs except Isaac who sat there pushing his food around his plate aimlessly. You knew what was happening Isaac had been the baby of the pack for years until Liam came along. You could tell he was jealous and they were competing but you also knew that you loved everyone in this pack equally, well except Peter because he’s a maniac and Derek who is possibly the love of your life.
You knew Isaac felt left out but he had to learn you weren’t just his. After dinner you started cleaning up but Chris and Noah quickly took over saying that you and Melissa should rest, so you did. As soon as you sat down Liam began speaking to you.
“Mama would you like a drink?” He asked hopefully.
“I can rub your feet if you want?” Isaac tried to interrupt.
“I could put on your favorite film if you want.” Liam grit his teeth as he smiled, as if trying to control his anger.
“Boys just sit down.” You groaned before flopping onto Derek’s chest.
That night the entire pack stayed over, the big house full of giggles and teasing but what got you the most was every 5 minutes Liam and Isaac asked if you wanted anything or tried to get your attention. By the time it was midnight you had enough of the bickering so you told everyone to sit down and watch a film or they could go to their own rooms. Thankfully they listened.
“Mama would you like some popcorn?” Liam asked gently as the movie got to about half way through.
“Mama doesn’t like salted popcorn.” Isaac snickered making you pause the film and tell Erica to turn the light on.
“Right I’ve had enough of this competing! I am not a toy that you can fight over nor am I everyone’s favorite lamppost to piss up!” You screamed angrily as you threw the remote controller onto the couch.
“I love you all equally! You are all my baby’s in some way! If you had two babies would you love them differently?” You added, your arms crossing over your chest as you tried to maintain calm.
“No.” Isaac muttered, his cheeks glowing red.
“Well then don’t expect that from me! I love you all the exact same amount!” You huffed before hearing Derek re-enter the living room. Everyone was staring at you with sad eyes but you knew it was because they all felt bad.
After everyone had gone to bed you and Derek made your way up to your bed room changing into one of Derek’s tops before sliding into bed with a sigh. Derek got in without a word kissing you passionately which made you squeak in surprise. One he pulled back he smiled down at you lovingly his thumb tracing circles on your cheeks.
“Thank you for being the best Pack Mom ever.” He whispered gently, his hands making their way into your hair.
That’s night Derek made love to you over and over again his love pouring out over and over until you were overloaded with his feelings.
This man is the love of your life and he gave you everything you ever wanted.
A family.
Part 1 <- -> Part 3(fin)
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christelightlavo · 1 year
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Fanfic :-
In which stiles fix's other peoples problems
The devil works fast but the sterek fandom works faster--
Stiles wears glasses and everyone starts simping
Stiles becomes a magical doctor basically
Accidentally becoming the mom friend.
Hugs and fluff
Cora doesn't cuddle!
Three insomniac walk into a field.
When you become the distant parent. Without having children.
He is sexy and he doesn't know it
Best sciles story.
Song list :-
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jjtheresidentbaby · 10 months
may we get a headcanon post about cg!melissa 👀
- @bebbie-bilinski
Caregiver Melissa McCall headcanons
basically her just taking care of different people in the pack
warnings: mentions of Allison’s moms death
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she mainly takes care of Scott as he is her son, but she has zero problem taking care of anyone else in the pack
when someone slips she puts aside whatever might be going on and takes care of them, though she is always sure to text someone else in the pack that the person isn’t up for fighting or researching at the moment
her and Noah sometimes do play dates with Stiles & Scott while either of them is at work since they’re both single parents
Chris becomes a part of it after Allison’s mom dies
Melissa really likes when she gets a turn to take care of one of the girls in the pack since she never got a chance to have a girl after Scott was born
Malia & Kira & Allison get watched over by her the most frequently, Lydia & Hayden usually opt for someone else from the pack to watch them if they’re little
Melissa likes to have lunch “dates” with Derek (and sometimes peter) to catch up about what the littles have been getting up to and to talk about caregiver struggles that they can’t talk about with a lot of other people
She’s always sure to check in on Derek since she knows he’s not close with Noah & that Chris can get busy with work stuff
Since she’s a nurse she’s always got a backpack on her stocked with anything the littles might need
Snacks, drinks, toys, bandages, wound cleaner, gauze, extra clothes, hair ties, really everything and anything
She likes to take some of the littles on day trips to the zoo or aquarium or on a hike and is sure to have everything packed up
She plans different activities catered to whoever she may be watching, never wanting to bore the littles
Hikes usually mean she’s taking Malia, Scott & Theo as they like to run around in the woods and get excited about making it to the tops of hills
Aquariums are usually for Allison, Isaac, Hayden, they’re more on the laid back side and enjoy walking around quietly (though it’s a 50/50 if Hayden wants to drag Theo or Liam along and that definitely adds some chaos)
Zoos are definitely Kira’s favorite place to go but sometimes it’ll end up being Kira, Lydia, Stiles and maybe Mason even though he’s a caregiver himself
Parks are Stiles’ favorite and most times Liam, Hayden, Theo and Scott will go along and they end up playing some intricate game that Melissa can’t really follow
She has no problem getting in the mud or up on a slide or on the swings to play with the littles
Loves having movie days where everyone comes over and they eat a ton of snacks (she totally doesn’t just let noah & chris run around with the littles while her & derek eat candy, noooo, she’d neverrrrrr /sar)
Disney & Pixar movie lover!!! will watch any one that any little chooses no matter how many times she’s seen it already
Avid fort maker & lover, it’s where Scott gets it from
She likes to host barbecues over the summer where everyone from the pack is welcome (probably rents a bounce house for the littles too)
Such a good cook that littles will come over just to ask her (politely) to make them something to eat, she never denies
Her & Peter like to cook together occasionally since he’s trained in it and always has new recipes to try
Cuddles and hugs for daysssss, if anyone is having a bad day she’s there to scoop them up and hold them close
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sterekficrec · 3 years
i think its backround sterek, but do you know the fic where the pack is afraid to touch stiles because they think they're hurting him but really it's touch starved!stiles
@sweetandsourwolf think it might be this one :)
Cuddle Me Pack by AlexTheShipper
The pack realizes they have been injuring Stiles on accident, and completely stop touching him to avoid the problem. Stiles is left touch starved and lonely, and feels he's no longer part of the pack.
Read: here
~ R
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fandomenthusiastt · 2 years
Writing prompt #6 + Sterek
"I may have tripped him. Just a little."
Hi baby I'm sorry this is so late!!! But I hope you like it!!!
Sterek + 6: “I may have tripped him. Just a little.” Established Relationship + Established Sterek + Hale Pack 2.0 + Pack Mom Stiles + Prankster Stiles Stilinski + Mischievous Stiles Stilinski + Stackson Friendship + Almost baby death? Kinda? It’s a really small detail but I thought it’d be important to mention Thanks for the prompt my love! 683 words
Prompt Requests Here
Stiles loved magic.
He loved it.
It was the best thing in the world and he would forever be grateful that his mother’s side of the family has blessed him with the gift of his spark. A spark which burned into a flame as he got older and got more of a handle on it. Nowadays he uses magic without even thinking about it!
Turns out he comes from a long line of Mages? (Mages happen to be the most powerful magic users in the world, sometimes being compared to Gods, so…that was pretty cool!) His grandfather happened to be one, and so were his mom’s brothers and sisters, and Stiles’s cousins.
Stiles later found out his mom was a Mage too, but she had given up her magic to save Stiles’s life after the Nemeton latched onto him and tried to suck his life force into itself, thus almost killing him in her womb. It was a whole thing. She was basically sharing her magic with the ancient tree. Her magic helped stabilize the Nemeton until it was cut down, after which she started to deteriorate as well, and it led to her death. After Stiles found out it was actually Gerard Argent who cut down the tree, he made Derek a huge meal shared between them in thanks for having killed the guy (long story).
And dinner led to a movie, which meant cuddling, that kinda led to a make out session, which led to other things, but that’s a whole other story. (Basically his "Thank You Dinner" = "Start of Relationship”)
But right now, Stiles was once again thanking the world for having blessed him with his magic. Because it gave him the opportunity to safely laugh at the current situation.
Some fae people showed up uninvited, completely violating the truce Stiles and Lydia had written up with the Faery Queen two years back when he was still in his Junior year at University, and the pack had gone to tell them to basically “Fuck off” in polite terms. Neither Stiles nor Lydia went with them, which is probably why this happened in the first place.
One rule about the Fae: they were tricksters, don’t let them trick you into anything! Nowadays, they were pretty chilled with their trickery, so the fae would play harmless pranks. Stiles wasn’t sure if the prank these guys played on the werecreatures was exactly “harmless”, but it sure was hilarious.
The fae had blocked their wolves, making them human again!
Oh, Team Human (consisting of Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Danny, and all adults except Peter) was having a blast with this.
Stiles especially! He was able to whisper things to Lydia, Allison, and Danny without worrying about the wolves overhearing. He pulled his own pranks on them. Hell, being human even meant the wolves had less coordination! Stiles used that to his advantage plenty of times.
After hearing Jackson scream for the third time, Derek sighed.
“Stiles, what did you do?” He asked his boyfriend.
“I may have tripped him. Just a little.” Stiles smiled innocently. Derek raised an eyebrow and Stiles started laughing. It had been years since Derek could truly intimidate Stiles, and now that he’s human, he’s practically a baby in Stiles’s eyes.
“I grabbed some of my dad’s old fishing wire and set up a bunch of strings around the grounds. Jackson just happens to be one to stumble upon them most. I got Ethan and Aiden earlier on two separate occasions.” Stiles shrugged.
Pounding footsteps began to approach and Jackson slammed the door open, glaring at Stiles.
“You. You did this!” He shrieked, pointing at his dirt covered jeans. “Do you know how much these cost?! They’re HERMES!”
“Jackson, you literally have five of those.” Stiles raised an eyebrow. “What is one pair?”
“I’m going to kill you!”
“Is that anyway to treat your Pack Mom?!” Stiles yelled as he ran out of the room, laughing. Derek sighed as he ran past and Jackson screamed as he chased after him.
Yeah, Stiles really loved magic. Especially when he was benefiting off of it.
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nephilimeq · 2 years
Black and White Memories
Sterek Fanfic: “Black and White Memories”
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 2,629
Summary: Derek was walking past the high school eight years ago when he first heard it--the faint strains of music coming from the music room. He’d recognized the tune. He had heard Paige play it once on cello. The memory had hit him hard and fast, and so when he’d heard it the first time, he had gotten out of there as quickly as possible until he could no longer hear it ringing in his ears. The second time he heard it, however, was when he was walking downstairs to the kitchen in the newly renovated Hale house.
@telltaleclerk​ (I remembered you said you wanted to be mentioned)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37819063
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 Derek was walking past the high school eight years ago when he first heard it--the faint strains of music coming from the music room. He’d recognized the tune. He had heard Paige play it once on cello. The memory had hit him hard and fast, and so when he’d heard it the first time, he had gotten out of there as quickly as possible until he could no longer hear it ringing in his ears.
The second time he heard it, however, was when he was walking downstairs to the kitchen in the newly renovated Hale house.
He and his new pack--Isaac, Jackson, Ethan, Malia, Kira, and Stiles--had pitched in four years ago and helped get the fire-ravaged structure back to its former glory, so Derek was walking down the stairs that he had once walked when he was a child. The house was empty save for him, Stiles, and Isaac, the other three out for the day, so it was fairly quiet--the only sounds that he heard were the faint ones coming from Isaac’s room as he played on his PS4…or possibly his handheld.
But now there was that musical piece filling the emptiness of the house, haunting him all over again…and instead of freezing when he heard the familiar tune a second time, he kept on walking and turned into the main living space, where they’d insisted that a piano needed to go--and the alpha was taken aback by what he saw.
Stiles sat at the piano, playing away, his fingers rushing over the keys at a speed that completely baffled him, seemingly oblivious to Derek’s presence. He didn’t know that Stiles could play.
He stayed quiet, eyes wide, mouth slightly open, standing just beyond the edge of the doorframe, not wanting him to know that he was there. Listening.
As he listened, he could recognize the natural talent that Stiles had. His mother had loved classical music and used to play records in the evenings and would tell him all about them: who played it, when it was written, what key it was in…but he’d never remembered a single bit of what she’d told him.
Until now.
Derek knew that it was meant for cello, not piano. And that Stiles was adding to it, improvising--and he was doing it at a savant level.
All of his memories of listening to the music with his mother came flooding back, as if Stiles’ playing was the key to unlocking things that he thought were long buried and forgotten. He remembered her pressed to his side as they cuddled on the couch, his head on her shoulder, her fingers floating over the edge of the couch cushion as if playing invisible keys, her voice whispering into his ear, the smell of her shampoo filling his nose as he started to drift off to the sound of her voice.
He listened for a long time…and eventually it slowly died down.
“Bach, Cello Suite No.1, Prelude. In G Major,” he whispered, and smirked when Stiles head whipped around, eyes wide in shock.
Derek chuckled under his breath and walked the rest of the way into the room and then raised an eyebrow. Stiles scooted over on the piano bench and Derek sat down next to him, their thighs pressed together. He reached out and lightly plunked a high G, and then smiled and said, “I didn’t know you played.”
Stiles’ tongue darted out over his lower lip, and then he lightly gnawed at it and nodded.
“Yeah. Uh, well…my mom started teaching me a couple years before she got sick. I even competed a couple of times and came in first. I…I stopped playing after she died.” He went quiet. Derek waited. “But then a few years ago, after the nogitsune,” he said with a haunted look in his eyes, his own hand reaching out and lightly hitting the low G, “I decided to start playing again. Picked it back up a lot faster than I expected, everything just sort of…came back to me.”
He then began to plunk out another tune, one that Derek hadn’t heard before, so he just sat next to him and listened. And then asked, “Why did you never tell any of us that you play?”
Stiles paused for a moment, holding a few of the notes probably longer than he should, but then kept on playing and answered in a tight voice, “Because it’s always been private. Not even Scott knows I play,” he admitted, fingers flitting across the keys, deft and sure. “And there never seemed to be a right time. After mom died, everything just sort of happened all at once, you know?”
Derek nodded. Yes. He knew. He remembered what the days, weeks, and months were like after losing most of his family. The trauma took a while to settle in. At first you thought you just didn’t feel anything, you just felt numb, as if nothing affected you; almost as if you were in a bubble that made everything distant and muffled. And then, for no reason at all, it just hit you--like a punch to the gut--and the bubble popped and everything simply crashed around you, and you could no longer function the way that you had been. Suddenly everything felt overwhelming and too much and every little thing would set you off.
Yeah. Derek remembered what it was like.
He didn’t say anything. He just listened to Stiles play.
As he played, he said, “It’s called Presence of the Moon, by Keiko Matsui. In E Flat Minor. I played it in my last performance. It was one of mom’s favorites,” he added with a smile, his fingers dancing faster over the keys than he’d ever seen. “I used to think of her when I played it. Now I think of you and the pack.”
Derek knew his mouth was still slightly gaped in awe at watching Stiles play and talk at the same time, his fingers never missing a beat, but he didn’t care. He’d never bothered to learn an instrument, despite his mom encouraging him to. He’d thought about it briefly when he’d first met Paige, but then, after her death, he swore to himself that he would never pick up an instrument again. But now…maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, he thought to himself.
Eventually Stiles finished that one, too, and then paused for a long moment, his hands resting on the keys. He then looked up at Derek.
“How about I play you something that only makes me think of you?”
Oh. He hadn’t been expecting that.
“Uh, yeah, sure. I guess. I mean, only if you want to, I don’t want you to feel pressured,” he stammered out, and Stiles chuckled and said, “You know, you’re kind of adorable when you’re surprised,” but before he could formulate a response, he had already started to play a piece.
He then said, “I heard this a few years ago. Never played it, though…”
With that statement, his fingers began to dance across the keys, bright and building, and when he hit the low notes it felt like-like--like a storm building. He watched and marveled at how Stiles commanded the piano in front of him, even as he reached across Derek’s front to reach the high notes that he played with mind-boggling accuracy. His head bent over the piano, moving with each wave of notes and chords. Something about the music struck him right in his chest and he found himself struggling to catch his breath.
And then the music went softer--and then almost immediately began to rise, again, and Derek could breathe again.
By the end of the piece, he felt as though he’d been wrung out like a sponge, every emotion drained out of him. He took a couple of deep breaths…and looked over at Stiles. He was still staring at the piano. His left hand slipped from the keys, but his right hand rested lightly on top of them, as if he was reluctant to let go.
Derek bit his lip.
“What’s it called?”
A soft smile snuck into the corner of Stiles’ mouth.
“Night, by Ludovico Einaudi. Key of F minor.”
The werewolf shook his head and said, “I thought you said you only heard it? How did you--?”
“Perfect pitch,” he interrupted him, his smile turning into a smirk. “I got it from my mom, actually. I can just hear the notes…and I also have the talent of seeing how they all fit together. Like puzzle pieces or tangled up strings.” He tapped on the keys. “Don’t know how I do it, I just do.”
Derek nodded, and the thought briefly occurred to him that he should probably move--but at the last second he decided not to. Instead, he turned slightly and looked at Stiles’ profile, trying to figure out exactly what he was trying to say without actually saying it. He thought about the piece that he just played for him, how it had felt so lonely and yet so hopeful, and he found it interesting how it seemed to parallel his life: he had gone through the darkest night when he’d lost his family in the fire, and then proceeded to lose his new pack, his alpha status, and everything else…until he’d suddenly been given a chance and had been made an alpha again.
He’d gone back to Beacon Hills afterwards and had discovered that Scott was barely even keeping a pack together--and so had offered the members of Scott’s pack two choices: he would help Scott, so they could stay with the young alpha…or they could come be in a pack with him. Derek had warned them that he wasn’t an expert, that he was still learning…but they’d chosen him, anyway.
And then Stiles had suddenly shown up one day at his loft apartment, banging on the door, demanding to be let in before he broke in, and Derek had reluctantly let him in--and then been blown away when the then twenty-year-old had said that he was joining his pack as their designated human.
After that, they had quickly realized that Stiles was his anchor, and the pack came together even better when that had been revealed.
It wasn’t romantic between them at all, purely platonic…even though the alpha secretly wanted more.
Stiles finally looked up and Derek was struck by just how gorgeous Stiles’ eyes were; in the late afternoon light, they shined like amber. Derek suddenly had an image in his head of Stiles as a werewolf, a golden-eyed beta, and the image just about took his breath away. He would be so strong, so capable. And most definitely a force to be reckoned with…but he liked him better like this.
The silence stretched too far, so he cleared his throat and commented, “You should play more often. We could even make a pack thing out of it. Nights singing around the piano.”
Stiles looked pleasantly startled by the suggestion--but then he shook his head and laughed, saying, “Oh god, no! Can you imagine the chaos?” Derek snorted at the idea. “I know for a fact that Isaac can’t carry a tune in a bucket, and I have a feeling that the girls would make it some sort of competition.” Stiles shook his head a second time and added, “I actually don’t know if anyone else can sing, but I’m a bit scared to find out, you know?”
Derek outright laughed at that, and soon the two of them were giggling like kids.
Through his laughter, the alpha managed to say, “I don’t know about Kira, but I’ve heard Malia sing in the shower. She’s got a good voice, I think,” and then he absently patted his hand against Stiles’ thigh, fingers briefly curling over his knee and then brushing back just enough to run his thumb just along the inseam.
…and the mood shifted.
Stiles looked down at where Derek’s hand was on his thigh and then looked back up at him with those wide eyes of his and Derek swallowed. So did Stiles.
Quickly, trying to salvage the situation, he pulled his hand back and licked his lips and swallowed, trying to think of something to say--but before he could even do a thing, the twenty-four year-old was leaning in and pressing soft lips to his.
At first he froze, terrified he was dreaming all over again.
But then Stiles pulled back, something that he’d never done in his dreams. Warm fingers cupped his jaw and the younger man breathed out, “Please tell me I’m reading this right, Derek…please…”
They breathed each other’s air for a moment, everything silent except for their heavy breathing--and then Derek leaned in and firmly pressed his mouth to his and began to kiss him as if his life depended on it. He put his hand back where it was before, keeping Stiles’ thigh pressed against his, holding on as tightly as he dared to the much more fragile human, his brain still reeling, not quite believing that what was happening was actually happening.
For the longest time it was just their lips brushing over and over against each other, both of them seemingly too scared to press it any further--until Derek mentally said, Screw it. In a pique of emotion, he nipped at Stiles’ lower lip and the instant he gasped, he slid his tongue between his lips…and he felt the younger man’s body shudder underneath his touch. He felt his inner wolf growl in contentment when Stiles suddenly went pliant underneath his mouth and tongue, and he felt completely overwhelmed by his taste. It tasted like coming home.
He didn’t know how long they kissed.
Eventually, they both pulled back. Derek licked his lips and enjoyed seeing Stiles trying to catch his breath, his eyes half-lidded, mouth still slightly open.
“So, uh…that happened,” Stiles finally muttered, and the alpha couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yeah, it did. Are you okay with that?” he asked, genuinely unsure of what Stiles’ would say or how he would react. He hadn’t planned on kissing him, it had just sort of…happened. He’d been attracted to him for years, of course, but had never thought that he would feel the same way about him--but now, here they were.
Stiles smiled.
“More than okay.” He then licked his lips and said, “So, uh…I kinda wanna ask you on a date, but I also feel like dating would be going backwards or something, so--can we just skip to the part where we’re sharing a room and being disgustingly affectionate in front of the pack? I mean, if you’re okay with that--”
Derek put a hand over Stiles’, as he’d started to become animated, calming him, and then nodded and answered, “I’d love that.”
At that, both of them started to grin stupidly wide grins, and Derek was glad that no one else was there to see it, because he was certain that he’d never looked more helplessly in love than they both did at that very moment. He leaned in and pressed his forehead against the younger man’s and breathed his air. He wasn’t sure how long they sat there like that, but it was long enough that the light in the room started to slant across the piano and cast longer shadows than before.
Finally, he asked, “Will you teach me to play piano?”
“I’d love to,” Stiles murmured back.
And for the first time in years, Derek felt as if he was finally home again.
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Hi!! Do you know any well written mpreg fics?? <3 thanks for the help!!
Here you are! (Just a heads up, be sure to send this as an ask next time instead of a submission!)
Apha Red and An Off White Moon by ScarredMuzzle (General | Complete | 4.5K) Tags: Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, True Mates Summary:The first big supermoon is coming up and the Alpha Red pack needs to prepare for what might happen with the kids. A Peek Inside:Liam shoved the last bag into the trunk and slammed it, willing everything to stay put. With everyone packing for a long weekend, both the minivan and Theo’s truck was loaded with bags. He felt the slight prickle under his skin, the aching reason that they were even taking a trip up to Lydia’s quiet lakehouse. Clearly the kids were feeling it too.
Little Paws by louis_wife505 (Not Rated | WIP | 35K) Tags: MPREG, smut, enemies to friends to lover Summary: Theo and Liam have a one night stand. They thought they could ignore it and forget it happened but fate has different plans. A Peek Inside: It didn't take a genius to tell Liam was uncomfortable with her coming on to them. Theo figured the girl would leave them alone if she thought they were a couple. Unfortunately she wasn't convinced with just Theo's verbal claim. "Excuse us. Babe let's dance." 
Fuck Food Lion okay? by synfulshark (Mature | Complete | 1.6K) Tags: Liam mpreg Summary: Liam doesn't feel great and want's Theo to make him one of his favorite home made meals so he does, but he finds out he doesn't have exactly what he needs so he has to go on a grocery run to aldi. His and Liam's go to for grocery supplies but they don't have one thing they need so he has to go to....food Lion. A Peek Inside: He scanned till he found Isaac's and he typed out a fast reply as he waited. ScarffyWolfBitch: Whatcha up to? SexyAssHellBitch: Aldi, Liam was hungry as fuck so he sent me to get food, ScarffyWolfBitch: What he want this time? Jesus didn't they kick you out of there for talking about killing people?
Knot The Brightest Idea by Haikyuuties_baeritto123 (Explicit | Complete | 2.6K) Tags: Knotting, outdoor sex, implied mpreg Summary: In retrospect, it probably wasn’t Theo’s brightest idea to get both he and Liam riled up before meeting the pack at the park. But the little wolf was just so easy to get flustered and Theo doesn’t pass up any opportunity to make Liam blush such a pretty shade of red. But perhaps this time he’s taken it a little too far. A Peek Inside: Theo melts and completely forgets about his phone; letting it rest on the bench beside them in order to get a good grip on Liam’s hips. The kiss is desperate and over quickly when Liam pulls back to whimper “Can’t wait” Theo does a quick survey of the area. It’s late at night so there isn’t anyone around, and the bench they are sat on is secluded from the majority of the path…but they could still get caught.
Woohoo by Shipper_trash (Teen | Complete | 1.1K) Tags: Omega Liam, alpha Theo Summary: This is a future fic, in the same 'verse as this: Get Together!! A Peek Inside: “We should seriously start watching something else,” Erica complains, shoving at Lydia who is giving her a glare. Even with tears running down her face, she looks scary. Stiles is impressed.   There is a murmur of agreement among the group of friends. Tissues are distributed, faces cleaned before Allison, Kira and Isaac decide to clean up the mess of plates and glasses on the too small coffee table. Stiles decides to help out by dialing up the pizza place’s number which they all love and ordering their usual. The lady on the other end knows the order by heart and he only has to say his name before she confirms the order and the price.  
Cracks in the surface by eliottsevak (Teen | Complete | 1.3K) Tags: Twink Liam Summary: Theo got Liam pregnant, then Kira sent him to hell. A Peek Inside: Liam knew it bordered on psychotic that Liam still found Theo to be a good person despite Theo trying to tear apart his pack and kill his alpha, but something was tugging himself to the older chimera.
Troubles (Yeah, Troubles Now) by NekoAliceYamiYaoi (Teen | Complete | 16K) Tags: Married Thiam, Nolan is Thiam’s adopted kid, angst with a happy ending, references to cheating but no actual cheating Summary: In all of his almost 6 years of life, Nolan never thought that he would be so afraid. And here we was, standing in front of the completely torn and with stenches of ink all over it dress that aunt Lydia had bought a few days ago. A Peek Inside: Nolan had only wanted to look at the dress because it had beautiful flowers in it. As he entered his dads room, he noticed Lydia's clean clothes on top of the bed, perfectly folded. He was touching the soft clothing -since his dads room had a big mirror behind the door- when he looked down and saw a spider -a big spider, not a tiny one- walking towards his feet. He screamed in fear and threw his hands up in the air, but had forgotten that he was holding the dress over his hands. He looked up as the dress flew in the air and landed in one of the blades of the ceiling fan, twirling around the room for a few seconds before the fan in a quick motion threw the dress to the boudoir where Liam kept a small portion of ink and it splattered all over the dress.
“Hello, Daddy.” by Katherin_Ravenlin (Teen | WIP | 13K) Tags: Break up, angst, alpha Liam, creepy, beating, misunderstandings, graphic depictions of violence, underage, rape/non-con Summary: Theo is already mated to Liam, they are spending their last high school year together and planning to go to college, the pack seemed to accept that they are together and Theo has big plans for their last prom - when Hayden comes back in town. The distance starts to grow between the Babywolf and the First Chimera, accusations start to settle in between them as Hayden's abusive boyfriend could be watching from any dark corner and somebody from the pack keeps leaking information about the hiding girl's whereabouts. But who is the one doing it? A Peek Inside: Laying on his back in the damp grass wasn't what Theo considered a good time. However, Liam curled up on his chest, cuddling into him stroking his skin like some kind of treasure while watching the sundown on the edge of a clearing far away from the city made it a quite okay experience. Liam nuzzles into his chest and hugs him a pit tighter, and Theo thinks, that getting his clothes damp is worth it, after all.
A Little Thing Called Love by Lanceiferroar (Explicit | Complete | 23K) Tags: Major character death, strangers to lovers, smut Summary: Liam Dunbar moves to Beacon Hills and never expects his life would change this much. A Peek Inside: Liam looked as they pulled up to their new house. “We’re here!” Liam’s mom said. Liam looked and saw the house. It was two floors, a nice yard, and an in ground pool. At least he had that going for him. He could work on his tan and lay by the pool. Maybe this life would not be too bad. Liam walked into the house and found his new room. It was surprisingly better than his room back home. He had a walk in closet and his own bathroom. No more waiting for mom or dad to get out. He could go whenever he needed to and take as long of showers as he wanted to. 
Creating Beauty From Mistakes by awesomerosie (Mature | WIP | 31K) Tags: Fluff and Humor, mentions of abuse, Starvation, mention of suicide Summary: The Dread Doctors did more than mess with Theo's status as a human, they messed with his status as a man too. A Peek Inside: Liam stood in the corner, gaping like a fish. Theo was going to kill him. He was going to drag him into the woods and beat him to death. It would take a while, a long while, but he would do it; he was just that enraged. Liam stepped closer, immediately flinching away from Theo’s snarl. At first, Theo thought he was just getting fat, but then a few days ago he started hearing a faint thumping following him. For all he knew, he had grown another heart or something, and in a way, he had.
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yorit1 · 3 years
Pack Hunt
Stiles was excited the pack was spending the weekend together in the wilderness to go on a hunt. The beta that hunted the best wins a prize from Derek and Stiles. Stiles was getting everything ready for their days in the wilderness. Stiles was not a wolf, so he needed extra things to be prepared. Stiles was in his and Derek bedroom, ensuring that he has everything he needs for their weekend in the wilderness. 
Stiles suddenly felt arms around him and saw that Derek was there. Derek was all ready to go and was waiting for Stiles to finish packing. He hugged WStiles close to him and kissed him on the cheek. 
“I’m so excited for this weekend. We get to spend time with the pack. And they get to hunt for us. I’m excited to see what they get and how close we will be as a pack. This is exactly what the pack needs to grow stronger and be closer. This will be an amazing weekend,” Stiles babbled on to Derek excitedly. 
Derek nuzzled himself into Stiles as Stiles babbled and hummed along. He wanted the pups to have a good weekend and for them to all grow closer as a pack. He hoped that this worked. Stiles had a lovely neck, and it was comforting him in the meantime. Stiles was Derek’s comfort and safe space, and he will always bury himself in him when he needs that comfort. 
“Sourwolf Im all ready to go. Are the pups here?” Stiles said as he patted Derek’s face affectionately. 
Derek and Stiles walked downstairs and saw the rest of the pack were ready and waiting for them. They were all excited and bursting with excited energy. Isaac and Erica ran to Stiles and cuddled him so they could release some of their excited energy with them. Stiles hugged them, and the three of them enjoyed each other’s company. 
Derek went over the rules for the weekend and then led them out of the hose further into the preserve. They would be hunting in teams of two, and for safety reasons, they should stay with their packmate at all times. 
Derek and Stiles would be staying together. Scott and Isaac were on one team, Boyd and Erica were on another team. Lydia and Allison were watching just like Stiles. Kira and Malia made the non-wolf team, but they felt comfortable and were confident they could win.  And Jackson and Liam were in the last group. 
“Go, go, go, the best hunt will win a special award decided by Stiles,” Derek called out.
The betas started running in different directions to hunt after bunnies and whatever else they could find. Derek shifted into his wolf form, and Stiles was sitting down and petting him. Allison and Lydia talked among them close to the Alpha pair, enjoying this time just to be together and spend time with each other. They were looking towards Stiles and saw how comfortable he was and were happy that they could spend this time as a pack. 
“Allison, Lydia, anything new? How are your classes?” Stiles asked. 
Most of the pack was in college. Stiles was too, and he was wondering how their classes were going. It was his role as pack mom to ensure that everyone was doing well in their classes. This was his opportunity to hear from everyone and see how they were doing. 
“My classes are going well. I have a lot of work to do, but nothing I can’t handle,” Lydia said confidently. 
“I knew you could do it. You will win all the awards. I know you will, Lyds. I’m so proud of you,” Stiles said and hugged Lydia close to him. 
“Classes are going well for me. I also got on the archery team, and I’m enjoying being on it. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to utilise my skills,” Allison said. 
“My little archer, you are the best. You could go and win all those medals. You are making Derek and me proud of how well you are doing,” Stiles said and hugged Allison. 
Both Allison and Lydia were so happy with the praise that they got from Stiles. What Stiles thought of them mattered to them. 
The three of them all hugged and chatted amongst each other as Stiles continued to pet Derek’s fur. 
Derek suddenly moved his head up in alert. They were letting Stiles know that someone was coming. Derek was calm, meaning it was someone in their pack and not in any danger. Lydia would have also alerted them if there was anything, and Allison has her gear if she needed to use it. Stiles also put some protective spells around the preserve to protect the pack. 
Stiles was excited to see who was coming and what they had brought. It was exciting to have the pack go on a hunt, and he wanted to see what they had brought them. 
Isaac and Scott came and were excited by what they brought. They were running up to Stiles and dropped the kill in front of him. 
Stiles looked down and was shocked by what he saw. 
It was a bunny. A cute one and small and fluffy. Or it had been. 
“A bunny, thanks so much. I’m sure Derek knows exactly what to do with a bunny,” Stiles said as he looked at the bunny and back at Scott and Isaac. 
Isaac came into Stiles for some cuddled and Stiles happily accepted them. 
“I’m so proud of you, Isaac. You did such a good job. YOu provided me with a nice bunny.” Stiles said as he pets Isaac’s hair. Isaac was cuddled into Stiles side Stiles sitting between Derek and Isaac and rubbing them both. 
They heard another rustle of leaves and saw that Erica and Boyd were there. They came and dropped their hunt right in front of Stiles. 
“A beaver, nice. This is amazing. I’m so proud of you.” Stiles said as he looked at Both Erica and Boyd. 
“Thanks, mom. We worked hard on this. It was amazing,” Erica said. 
Erica went to sit next to Allison and Lydia on the chairs that were set there. Boyd stood where he was and quietly watched as everything unfolded. 
Scott pointed to Boyd to get some wood when the hunt was over, and they went together to collect some wood for a fire. 
The next thing they know, they see Liam and Jackson there, and they drop their hunt in front of Stiles.  
“A squirrel. Good job, Liam. You did good,” Stiles said as he pets Liam’s hair. 
“Hey, I did well too. YOu cant forget me can you Stilinski,” Jackson said in a cocky tone. 
“Of course, how can I forget you? Oh great one,” Stiles said sarcastically.  
Stiles was happy as the pack sat together. And were exchanging stories about their hunt. 
“Jackson go help Scott and Boyd get some wood,” Stiles told Jackson. 
Jackson went to get some wood, and Liam came to sit next to Isaac and Stiles. 
“How was the hunt pup?” Stiles asked. 
Isaac and Liam told Stiles about how the hunt went, and Stiles and Derek listened as the pack’s Alpha parents. 
Suddenly Kira and Malia arrived and were carrying their hunt. They seemed proud of themselves. They dropped the kill in front of Stiles and waited to see what he would say. 
“A dear, mega, this is amazing. No one but Derek has ever hunted a dear for me before. Wow, this is so cool,” stiles said excitedly and flailed as he was speaking. 
Stiles and Derek looked at each other and knew what they were thinking. They knew who the winner of this little hunt was. 
“We are proud to announce the winner of this hunt. Now everyone will get a small prize, but the winners get a big present. Malia, Kira, you have won the first prize, and as a gift, you get a brand new car,” Stiles said. Derek shifted back into human form and was proudly presenting them the keys to their new car. 
Derek and Stiles hugged each other as they watched the pack embrace each other. 
“We have other prizes for all of you to enjoy. We hope that you all had fun on this pack hunt. We want us to be a strong pack and enjoy time together. That’s why we do these things,” Derek said in his ALpha voice. 
Scott, Boyd, and Jackson brought the firewood back and decided it was time to try the winnings. 
“Okay, firewood, it here, let us start a fire and try the different things you hunted. I’m excited to try it all. I’m so proud of all of you.” Stiles said. 
The pack worked together to build a fire and cook the meat. It was great for them all to work together. When the food was ready, Stiles sat on top of Derek, and the two of them enjoyed tasting the things their pack brought them. Derek and Stiles were very proud of their pups.
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ao3feed-scottstiles · 3 years
Trust Issues - Pack Mom Stiles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30xLiJX
by BrendenOBrien4
Stiles rounds the pack up because he has a feeling that everyone will be separated after summer is gone on an RV trip around the United States a lot me shocking things besides monsters reveal themselves... and what is this mysterious social media app called ‘Moonster’ This story begins in the summer of 2015 It Will be updated every other Monday
Words: 2125, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Pack Mom
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Derek Hale, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Brett Talbot, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Theo Raeken, Peter Hale
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Pack Mom Stiles Stilinski, Pack Dynamics, Pack Bonding, Pack Cuddles, The Hale Pack - Freeform, Gay, LGBTQ Themes, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Eventual Smut, Road Trips, Mpreg, male pregnacy, Omega Verse, Alternate Universe, Minor Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Allison Argent Lives, Scott is a Good Friend, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Twin Stiles Stilinski, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Cute, Slow Burn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30xLiJX
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scarletwidowvibes · 4 years
Too Hot
Liam Dunbar x Reader
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It was like 85 degrees in Beacon Hills and the heat wouldn’t break. It had been this way for a couple days and everyone was suffering because of it.
“Oh my god I’m sweating balls!” You exclaim, fanning your face with a piece of paper.
“Do you have balls?” Liam asks, looking over to you.
“Is that any of your business?” You reply, hitting him with your piece of paper.
The pack is in their coolest clothes, trying to keep from overheating. Most people have their shirts off but at this point no one cares.
“Oh my god!” Lydia yells, “Jackson has a pool!”
“Jackson isn’t here right now.” Stiles deadpans.
“No way,” Lydia says, “but we can still use the pool.”
“Are we sure Jackson’s okay with that?” Allison asks.
“Considering we saved him from Gerard, I don’t think he’ll care.” Lydia says, getting up.
“I’m going with Lydia.” You say, getting up and following Lydia to her car. The rest of the pack shrug at each other then follow behind you two.
You, Kira, and Malia take Malia’s car. Lydia and Allison take Lydia’s car; while Scott, Stiles, and Liam take Stiles’ jeep. Liam texts the rest of the pack and tells them to meet up at Jackson’s house.
You stop at everyone’s house to grab their swimsuits then you’re on your way to Jackson’s house.
“So Jackson’s parents are visiting him which means we have the house to ourselves.” Lydia says, parking in the driveway. Stiles parks next to her. Mason, Corey, and Theo park behind them. Derek brings Cora and Peter and parks behind Stiles.
“Okay, I’m not really sure how many bathrooms there are so people will have to take turns but let’s all change and hit the pool.” Lydia says, unlocking the front door with her key.
You take the first bathroom and change into your swimsuit. You grab a towel from the bathroom closet then step out and let the next person in.
Lydia, Liam, Stiles, and Scott are sitting by the pool. You set your towel down by the pool then wait for the rest of the pack to come out.
“So does Jackson have any like floaties?” Allison asks.
“I made him buy some.” Lydia says, taking Allison’s hand and leading her back into the house.
You’re standing at the edge of the pool, looking into the water. You hear someone come up behind you and you turn quickly, flipping them into the pool.
“That was my plan.” Liam says when he breaks through the water.
“Yeah I’m sure it was.” You say, bending down closer to the water.
You jump into the pool, landing next to Liam. You dip your head under the water and when you resurface Liam has moved closer.
“The waters cold.” Liam says, splashing you with the water.
“Yeah but it’s refreshing.” You reply, splashing him back.
Lydia and Allison come out of the house and throw the floaties into the pool. Everyone else jumps into the pool with you and Liam, some people racing to get floaties.
You jump onto a donut floaty and lay across it with your stomach facing the water and your back to the sun.
Liam swims up to you and rests his arms atop the floaty. He’s face-to-face with you, leaning on the floaty.
“How’s the water?” You ask, smiling down at Liam.
“It’s great, we should come here more often.” Liam says.
“Absolutely, but I hope this heat lets up.” You say, looking up at the sun.
“Yeah, though I think Malia is enjoying the heat.” Liam says, pointing at Malia who’s sunbathing on a long floaty.
You nod, resting your head against the warm floaty. Liam grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
“You should come over tonight.” Liam whispers, resting his head against his arms.
“Are your parents home?” You ask. Liam shakes his head,
“My dad is working the night shift and my mom is on a work trip.”
“Then yeah, I’ll go over tonight.” You say, smiling at Liam. A beautiful smile breaks across his face and he leans in to give you a kiss.
But before he can Theo cannonballs into the pool and creates a huge wave which splashes down over you and Liam.
“Theo what the hell!” Liam yells, splashing Theo back which causes a splashing war between the two boys.
You laugh at the boys as your pool floaty floats over to the edge of the pool. You lift yourself out of the pool and grab a towel.
“I think we’ve been here a little long.” You say, pointing to the setting sun.
“Damn, I didn’t realize we were here for so long.” Cora says, drying herself off with a towel.
“So are we going to eat Jackson’s food or?” Stiles asks Lydia as he dries himself off with a towel.
“Can you cook?” Lydia asks, “because most of the food in this house is ingredients to make food.”
“Let’s order takeout.” Stiles says with a nod, moving past Lydia.
“Ooo takeout sounds good.” Allison says, turning to Kira.
“You want takeout?” You ask Liam as you walk out of Jackson’s house and back into the driveway.
“We got some food at the house.” Liam says, holding your hand and walking past the cars.
You two say goodbye to everyone then walk to Liam’s house where you have some spaghetti for dinner.
After doing the dishes you crawl into Liam’s bed and curl under the sheet. Liam turns the ceiling fan on before getting into the bed with you.
“Today was fun.” You whisper to Liam.
“Yeah it was.” Liam whispers back, resting his arm behind your head. You cuddle into Liam’s chest, laying your head on his arm.
“I love you.” You say, looking up and giving Liam a kiss.
Liam cups your face, “I love you too.”
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sterekficrec · 3 years
Last Chance Asks!
Hey guys, these are asks that have been on our lost fic list for a very long time, I'm going to put them here so we can still save them and that we'll create more room for new lost fics that have yet to be found. If you find any of these let me know by using the number and mention it's from the last chance list, thank you in advance :)
Hey, I've been looking for this fic for months and can't seem to find it. It's about stiles leaving BH to get away from the supernatural but in the city he goes to he meets an old female alpha who knew Talia. He becomes frds w her and lends her a book which she gives to Derek who spills coffee on it and when he goes to the bookstore he meets stiles there. I think the pack moved too and is living in a house together for school. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it, help please and thanks
I've just started reading this fic, it's pretty short when my laptop died so I can't find it now. Um, it was about like after apocalypse with zombies and stiles is bitten so he has to kill himself. I'm sorry if it's vague but I'm really itching to finish it. A lot of angst if it helps?? thank you
looking for a fic with KindaNerd!derek who Stiles helps one day after school and they start hanging out and as time passes Derek grows to be handsome. Then when they graduate Derek tells the school about how Stiles saved his life that day he called him, and tears from Laura and Erica happen and Sterek kisses ensure. Do you happen to know what fic I mean and the name of the fic? xx
Hey I'm trying to find a fic. I think the name was daddy issues, but I'm not sure. Maybe it was daddy issues. It was one where stiles was with a bunch of guys (including Derek Hale, Chris Argent and others I don't remember) thanks!
hey I was wondering if you could help me find a fanfiction where stiles works for like a suicide or depression hotline and derek calls one day and the two of them kind of bond? I've been looking everywhere for it and I cant seem to find it!
hey! ive been looking for a fic for a real long while. the whole pack goes away to a cabin for a bonding experience, with people sharing rooms. there is a beach, and places to go shopping. lydia and/or allison go shopping with stiles at somepoint and get him things so he looks super hot at a club. white pants and something painted on him. and then derek freaks and leaves them all. lemme know if you know this one???
Hiya.! Well, I read this fic about a year ago and it was amazing and I want to read it again but I forgot the name, it's a fic were Scott was never bitten and stiles gets kidnapped and taken to some werewolf camp in Newyork and becomes Derek's mate and eventually meets his family. Can you please help me? And btw. Your blog is amazing. It gives me life.
Hi I was wondering if u knew a series on archive of our own where stiles gets kidnapped with Boyd and Erica and comes back With them and joins that pack and becomes Derek's mate and then later in the series he yells at Derek and Cora about taking the pack away from him if he doesn't act nicer to them thanks sorry for the crappy summary
okay i dont know how far out of canon you like to go or how AU you like, but do you recall a sterek fic that had stiles getting tattooed for magical purposes and part of the tattoo requires 3 blood donors (father-sheriff, brother-scott, lover-derek) but he hasnt told derek the lover bit yet and the chick tattooing him is like some elf girl i think named leeloo or something.... i just cant find it in the tattoo stiles track or the magical stiles track. it was either a series or one big ass one.
do you know a sterek fanfic where Stiles is an omega werewolf and he stumbles upon the hale territory and Derek Hale plans to take him in for only one night but Stiles makes breakfast and the pack love him and cliche blah?
hi, wondering if you can help me find an older fic, it's one where Stiles is magical and Derek's pack is grown up, I think Boyd and Erica have a kid, and someone tries to set the pack house on fire but now its magiced fireproof, but the forest burns, and the hunters come but Stiles uses his magic to bring the forest back to life and ties himself to the land... Sorry that's a weird synopses but it's all I can remember clearly
Hey can you find a fic where the pack was using stiles in training like hunting him but a werewolf jumps him in the woods and stiles thinks it's derek and submits and it turns out it wasn't derek and since stiles submitted derek says the alpha has like a certain amount of days to get stiles to say yes and that was as far as I got please find this!
hey so I'm looking for one fic, I hope you can help find it :) it's about Stiles being sacrificed to the werewolves to keep the town safe and there's whole werewolf village. there was no Hale fire, Laura has a husband and kids. later Scott was bitten by some rouge (or Peter I don't remember) and came to the village 'causee hunters wanted to kill him. I remember that when they were fighting other weres or maybe hunters (or was it just fullmoon?) Stiles saved Laura's kids from being killed. help?
do you know the fic were in which Derek helps hook stiles up with some dude & in the process he reveals that he's into stiles & stiles kind of ignores it so Derek eats ice cream and watches Disney movies and stiles happens in on him & is all, "what."
i'm looking for a fic that i think is a 5+1 cuddles thing? all i can remember from it is that there's a fae fight in alison's bedroom and derek got ripped apart so stiles pushed him into the closet and is trying to hold derek's guts in? i've asked a lot of ficrec blogs but no-one can find it for me, so thanks in advance if you can!
Can you please help me I already tried twficfinder, LJ, etc. Its a sterek fic made in 2012 where Stiles helps Derek get his families life insurance, parents will or just money cause he's living in a bad place & has no income. Derek feels guilty & doesn't feel deserving of that. Stiles drives them to where the person in charge of fixing that is. Derek might be rich. They buy wood for the floor of the Hale house. Scott or Sheriff ask why he's helping Derek. Its not Out of Milk or Hale Construction
I'm looking for a fix where stiles hires a dom, but she declines and instead he goes to derek? I think at one point, they make a list of things that are allowed, and everyone can see the bruises left behind, but stiles is really happy. Any help is much appreciated!
Do you know the one where Derek hurts stiles ankle before a carnival or fair and takes stiles but ends up attacking him but is stopped by a psychic and she puts Derek's wolf in stiles so that stiles is the alpha
hi i was wondering if youve read a sterek fic where derek basically tells stiles that his mom dying was nothing compared to him basically killing his family cause of the fire. i cant seem to find it anywhere.
I've been looking for this fic everywhere and I can't find it! It's attempted non con with stiles and a original character but stiles hits the guy with a rock and kills him by mistake and calls derek panicking and derek helps cover it up. Do you know it?
Okay, so I need help. I have been looking for this fic for over a year and i was wondering if you knew it. It's where stiles is a kid and his mother is in the hospital dying, and derek is in a coma from the fire and they connect on a telepathic level and stiles brings him out of his coma and stiles mom dies and the derek moves and checks up on stiles yearly. HELP ME PLEASE?? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hi! So I'm trying to find a fic (it was lengthy) but I'm pretty sure it was a 5+1 trope, and its like five times Sheriff recognizes Derek as a son? All I can recall is at one point Sheriff thinks Stiles killed Derek and he offers to help him hide it?
I read a Sterek AU ages ago but I can't find it now, I was wondering if you'd read it and could possibly send me a link? It's the one where Stiles sets up an online dating account to mock people and he starts talking to who he thinks is Derek. The two become really good friends but when Stiles goes to meet Derek he finds out that Derek has no idea who he is and Laura started the account for a joke, and is engaged.
Hey! I was just wondering if you could find a fic for me? All I remember is that it was really short, about soulmates and stiles was playing a drum in the snow! Thanks! I've been looking for it for ages!
Hi bb can you help me find a fic? Derek & Laura(?) are twins. Stiles has magic powers & is bff w/ Laura, who later dates Lydia or Allison. Derek paints Stiles in an attic or something & Laura is jealous bc she doesn't want sterek to happen. Thanks!
i think its backround sterek, but do you know the fic where the pack is afraid to touch stiles because they think they're hurting him but really it's touch starved!stiles
Hey, I've completely forgotten the name to fic, I remember that stiles is a lil bit of a delinquent so the sheriff gets derek who's a college student I think to watch over him and they have sex and they're sort of like fuck buddies and at some point it's Derek's birthday and he has a party at his apartment??? idk do u guys know this fic lmao please help!!!
Hey so love your account Anyway I was wondering if you knew the story where the pack like finds a mysterious knife and stiles cuts himself and then gets thrown into the past and is trying to get Paige and Derek together? I hope that made sense Again love the account, such a life saver!
Hey I was wondering if you knew the title of the fic where (I think its Stiles) who's a single father and his daughter is obssessed with bunnies and at some point Derek makes a lil park in the backward for the bunnie?
Ok so I'm looking for a fic where it's after the hale fire and Derek lived in a small cabin by himself then he sends for omega human stiles and they live with each other cause Derek needs pack and he stays in his wolf form a lot of the time. It's like a super slow burn and angst you. Can you help a bro out?
Hey, I read this fic once on ao3 about Stiles having tons of nightmares from the nemeton after Derek leaves. Then he starts calling him when he has panic attacks. He has to do the underwater sacrifice to get rid of the nightmares and when he comes out of the water Derek's there waiting for him and then they get together... It's seriously driving me crazy that I can't find it!!! Do you know what fic I'm talking about??
hey im looking for a fic and I've been googling increasingly strange things but i just cant find it so i was hoping you might have read it? im pretty sure its quite short, but basically allison goes to stiles to ask about werewolf sex and then stiles makes derek give him the werewolf sex talk so that he can clue the rest of the pack in. thank you xx
Hi! I'm looking for a specific fic! It's like Stiles is at a club, and he's sitting at the bar and sees his ex walk in and he gets really panicky because he starts walking over so he grabs the closest guy to him and kisses him? And it turns out the guy he kissed was Derek? I can't find it anywhere!
Hi i was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I dont really remember much just that it was sterek and that cora read some spell that sent Derek back in time and he ended up mating to Stiles but when they have children Cora fixes it and Derek goes back to him normal time and tells cora that he has to go back because he has a mate but cora tells him that he has to wait until the full moon i think and in the end he and cora go back to stiles time and stay there
I was wondering if you might know of a fic I am looking for. It's one of those Sheriff Finds Out ones and it's in his POV. I remember that it had Melissa in it and she let the Sheriff into a house/Room where the pack (they are a pack in this) was all cuddling in groups. I remember once specific moment where he observes Alison and Scott and notices their closeness with Isaac. And I am pretty sure Stiles is asleep on Derek. I know this is not very descriptive but I was wondering if you knew of one
Hello I'm searching for a sterek fic I read a while back and I can't find it 😔 it's a fic where Stiles discovers he's a wizard or a shaman or something like that and he's linked to plants somehow and there are many pack interactions like pack cuddles and stuff so many pack feels and then the pack is being attacked and the forest is destroyed and Stiles manages to grow it back and he's like part of the forest it's such a great fic so beautifully written, do you happen to know what's this fic?
Hello, lovely. I have been trying to fing a fic where Dean and Cas from Supernatural are Stiles parents and Derek knocks him up. While Stiles goes through the pregnancy, a Big Bad from the past comes back and messes with Stiles. Sorry, this is vague.
I was wondering if anyone remembered a story where Stiles was half-daeva (I believe), Scott was his Permissor, but no one else in the pack knew until another pack kidnaps them and stiles shows up to destroy them all. I remember reading it ages ago but I can't find it in my bookmarks :/
Hi, can you help me find sterek fanfic? It's coffee shop au, Stiles is barista, Derek is customer who wants plain coffee but Stiles always goes crazy with toppings, there us Peter too, creepy but good, can't find it on ao3 (╯︵╰,)
Ok I've been searching for this one fantastic fic I read ages ago but can't find and was hoping you guys might know! It's established relationship w pack mom Stiles and he's away at college but they all just kind of move in w him and he buys Erica tampons and Boyd McDonald's gift cards and brings Chinese food and is generally lovely?? I think it was a one shot and relatively short but I'm dying to read it again :(
Hello! I'm looking for a sterek fic. I think it was a 5+1 type fic where people/random strangers thought the pack members were Derek and Stiles' children. Please and thank you! :)
Idk if you find sterek fics but i can't remember it, please help. Stiles is kidnapped by faeries but then talks them into a peace treaty? I think it was on archive but I'm not getting anything.
Hi! I can’t seem to find a fic I love and was wondering if you could help me find it? Stiles is in a bar with friends, I remember Lydia and Jackson being there, and is insisting he is a Alex god who can get any number he wants and jackson tells him to get that guys number and points to Derek and stiles basically goes up to him and says “I am trying to convince my friends I’m attractive can you give me a fake number?” and he does but it turns to be real???
I’ve been looking for this fic where stiles has been out of town for a while and when he gets back he stops at this gas station on the edge of town and gets jumped by some redcaps I think? And then the guy who runs the station comes out and sees this kid covered in blood and calls Derek because strange kid I’ve never seen before covered in redcap blood, maybe come check this out? And Derek didn’t know stiles was coming back early because it was supposed to be a surprise. Thanks so much!
I love your blog and I was hoping you'd help me with this fic I've been looking for forever. Stiles is either an orphan or his dad is irresponsible, and he's not exactly highly regarded but the Hales and of course Derek love him and welcome him at their house. But Stiles feels guilty/unworthy and doesn't always want to accept their help. At one point, he turns feral or something and Derek has to coax him out, and one of the Hales have a baby who loves Stiles (I think Peter's or Laura's). Thanks!
hey :) there's this old fic i want to re-read where stiles is a mage(or someone who controls elemental magic) and hes hurt/rejected by Derek and leaves with someone where there are other people with elemental magic and he trains. If it helps: I remember in the big fight they wore shirts that matched with their powers. Could you please help me? thanks
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dgcatanisiri · 3 years
Right. THAT is why I don’t watch every video essay that passes through my recommendations, just because it’s about a subject of queerness. Because it wants to talk about one of the biggest examples of queerbaiting as if it existed in isolation from everything else that happened in that fandom.
I need to blow off some steam here.
When it comes to addressing issues of St*rek, you CAN. NOT. divorce the discussion of how the show queerbaited the audience from the audience’s racism. The show had a canon queer character (of color) and centered around a character of color. And, when it came to fan content, what I would usually see come about, if the above two were involved AT ALL? Was crap like this.
A gif of Scott and Stiles, Stiles going for a fist bump, Scott a five, and them just rolling with it, with the text below bringing up a “stoned fratboy” AU. And the very next reblog text drops Scott IMMEDIATELY and makes it into a St*rek thing. Nothing about this show mattered but the characters of Stiles and Derek.
This will forever be what that pairing is associated with in my mind. The erasure of Scott to prop it up, even when it’s not even the subject.
The thing is, this pairing has ALWAYS been my go-to of straight people translating the dynamics of straight relationships onto queer couples, a translation that always misses the mark - aesthetic attraction aside, you aren’t going to genuinely fall for and proceed to act on an attraction to someone who is legitimately aggressive to you. The bully and the bullied do not ACTUALLY end up together, because the bully has made it clear that, if they were given the chance, they’d leave you bloody, not your heart a-flutter. 
AND THAT WAS THE DYNAMIC. For the better part of Derek’s time on the show, he did not give a single flying fornication about Stiles - his focus was on SCOTT. On how Scott - the “Teen Wolf” of the series name - was now a werewolf, how that made a connection between them, as pack. Derek legitimately threatened Stiles with bodily harm on multiple occasions - and in a few occasions off the top of my head, actually followed through with it. Stiles was something that Derek had to put up with, and routinely made it clear that he didn’t particularly care to.
It doesn’t matter how flustered Stiles might have gotten about Derek, the genuine reality always was that Derek DIDN’T care about Stiles. It was not until the show began actively leaning in to the queerbaiting that we saw any positive shift in their interactions. Until that point, it was a lot of antagonism, and, again, antagonism may have often been used to describe straight pairings, but... I mean, people, even the straights are reaching the point of calling out this shit as being unhealthy dynamics at best. 
But they were attractive white guys who breathed in the same room, while being the only romantically unattached characters in the main cast during the first season. Despite the fact that both had plenty of interactions with other characters that could have offered them something with more foundation - Scott and Stiles are best friends who are as close as brothers, Derek is after Scott to join the pack. Stiles on screen is pestering Danny about “am I attractive to gay guys?” and then got him to come over to his bedroom (it’s the same scene as that infamous “Derek in Stiles’s bedroom” bit, not that anyone ever discusses that...) Hell, go in the direction of the dynamic above, Scott and Jackson are rivals on the lacrosse team throughout Jackson’s time. Yet, even with that being the same dynamic AND not involving either character - so not “conflicting” with the ship while offering the same draw in terms of their interactions - it’s a barely touched ship when you look it up on AO3.
So we have the fandom actively AVOIDING featuring the characters of color, diminishing them, and, based on my experience in terms of the content that existed throughout the time of the show’s airing, even transplanting Scott’s characterization over to Stiles - Stiles is the snarky shit who doesn’t mind suggesting killing a perceived threat because he wants the danger dealt with directly, while Scott is the compassionate nurturer who will do everything in his power to find a solution that saves the most lives. But I recall a lot of trying to make Stiles out as “the pack mom!friend,” as if he’d be the one taking care of all these characters if they showed up unexpectedly. 
Like, that example always came with the way he positioned himself over Isaac and Erica in the episode “Raving.” The way that actually is him using them as a shield - if the kanima broke through the door they were pressed against, it’d hit them first, giving Stiles time to run away. But sure, he’s the pack mama, looking out for the baby betas.
When Stiles or Derek suggest or do something morally questionable, they’re justified. When Scott disagrees, he’s the worst. When Derek betrays Scott (working with Peter in season one), his actions are brushed off entirely. When Scott (justifiably) does not trust Derek (his plan for dealing with Gerard in the season two finale), he’s a horrible person for leaving Derek in the dark - even though Derek has spent the whole season actively preying on a group of teenage outcasts, threatening to kill anyone he believes is the kanima, and just generally being a variety flavor bag of dicks.
The fandom diminished Scott, and it even diminished Danny - at the same time that we had Danny and Ethan’s relationship in season three, there were still calls for “a gay couple” on the show. Like, that was the way it was looked at, that “we need a gay couple,” exact words. Because Danny/Ethan was not main cast, or, to put it bluntly since I already said this was a matter of racism, because Danny wasn’t white, this canon gay relationship was ignored and erased in the name of getting the two white boys to kiss. Not “a gay couple in the main cast.” Just “a gay couple.”
For the record, I’m not gonna touch on the age gap element, Stiles at 16, Derek in his early 20s, even though I know it’s become a popular thing to go into as time has gone on - in today’s example of “nuance is a thing,” the nuance of this is that we have adult actors playing teenage characters, which creates muddied waters since fictional construct says one thing, but your eyes and head are seeing actors of a more appropriate age interacting, and while I don’t condone it IRL, this is still fiction and I’m gonna just leave that alone for the time being. The core of my complaint overall here is that fandom was inventing this relationship wholesale and then getting pissy when canon didn’t conform and actors disagreed.
So when you have an interview where, after a few years of being asked repeatedly about “is St*rek gonna happen?” when he plays neither character, when this show is supposedly meant to center on his character, but no one seems to talk to him ABOUT his character, when these “fans” are minimizing him and his character, Tyler Posey makes a snippy remark about how this is “weird, twisted, bizarre, and they’re watching for the wrong thing”? Yeah, actually. He’s right. St*rek shippers WERE watching for the wrong thing.
In the eyes of these shippers, Scott could do no right if it would mean that Derek was wrong. To them, “Teen Wolf” was a description of Stiles (the teen) and Derek (the wolf), and Scott was an incidental character at best. And how dare anyone involved be at all upset over this.
But the videos on queerbaiting NEVER bring this stuff up. And, when those from outside the fandom, who report on these in autopsy fashion, bring up things like Tyler Posey’s comment, they do it in a manner that even suggests that he - the actor who was nineteen/twenty years old at the time of the show’s filming and premiere - was responsible for the various forms of queerbaiting that the producers pushed, like the infamous “Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Hoechlin cuddling on a ship” thing. So, you know, just perpetuating this attitude that permeated this fandom, of this casual low-level racism. 
But no, this never comes up. But speaking as someone who was there during the height of Teen Wolf’s Tumblr popularity? Oh, it ABSOLUTELY was everywhere. But, because the people doing these autopsies were in the midst of this (and, while I’m acknowledging this at the end of this ranting, I do want to be clear that I am speaking about this fandom as an entity in its own right, and not any singular individual in and of themselves, I don’t think that all shippers of this ship are racist or that shipping it is in and of itself racist, just that as an overall experience of this fandom is this core of) or they came after the show’s heyday and missed it, know the pairing for being queerbaited before they know the show/fandom/pairing itself... They’re not seeing it. They’re not talking about it. And it makes for a deep failing in these examinations. Because that racism is why the pairing got as popular as it did. Again, there were other pairings with other foundations available. And yet somehow, it’s the white guys who hate each other getting all the attention in the fandom, over anything else. 
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ultfreakme · 4 years
Extremely incorrect assumptions I had made about Teen Wolf from only reading fics(before watching the show) for your entertainment:
Thought the Alpha Pack fight was the final arc of the show
Jennifer Blake/Julia deal was completely separate from the Alpha Pack
Sheriff NEVER found out about the supernatural stuff- I didn’t even know Melissa knew tbh. I thought the kids were fending for themselves. On that note; did not know Rafael was a real character and just assumed he was an OC
Thought Sheriff’s name was John.....this one’s obvious.
Erica and Boyd were alive the entire time and they had seasons long build up to their relationship( didn’t know that either of them would die).
Thought young Derek would stick around for around 4 episodes.
Did not know that Allison was dead
Thought the nogitsune arc happened at around season 4 and that it was a lot less depressing & way more- ‘Stiles is totally fine and is fighting a battle of minds with this fucker’. I was not prepared for the tears and angst let me tell you.
Thought that all omegas had blue eyes, like how betas have amber and alphas red
Thought Derek was the alpha for most of the series, at least up until season 5
I thought Pack Nights where the entire crew chill and cuddle on a weekly basis with junk food and watching movies was something that was canon in the show......my goodness was I disappointed. 
Did not know that Malia and Stiles dated. 
I assumed ‘monster of the week’ really meant, well, monster of the week(one monster per episode). Thought that the plot structure was more character driven, with the monsters acting as catalysts to self-discovery and that they weren’t exactly a priority, rather they were easy trouble that could be dealt with in the span of one episode. 
Thought Stiles really was split between supporting Derek and Scott and that he didn’t belong to either of the packs. 
Cora stuck around for about 2 seasons minimum in my head. 
I thought Lydia and Stiles remained best friends after he stopped looking at her through rose-tinted glasses. Them dating was a shock. 
I didn’t even know Aiden and Ethan ACTUALLY did the voltron thing- it sounded way too impossible to be canon so I though they just did the normal wolfy thing and the voltron thing was an extra bit authors used to amp up tension.
This I still don’t know so someone please confirm- Derek hates Stiles calling him ‘dude’ and is always like “don’t call me dude”. 
Faeries and pixies were canon occurrences that actually happened one way or the other. I thought the faeries(or whichever spelling fic authors choose idk) were in Mexico and that’s why Young Derek happened.
I full-on believed, with no doubt in my mind that Meghan Ory was indeed, Laura Hale, that she acted for reals in Teen Wolf AS Laura Hale, and every ‘Laura Hale’ screenshot of her that I saw (specifically the one of her in the red plaid jacket and white shirt) was a screencap from the actual show.
I thought Erica and Lydia had a not-friendship where Lydia and Erica constantly bickered- rivals(?) Like ‘Only I can insult her, no one else can’. Thought Boyd and Derek were very close too.
Here’s what I thought the pack was in canon: Derek is the alpha, Erica & Boyd are his cooperative betas, Isaac is split between Derek and Scott(mostly scott), Jackson begrudgingly sticks around because he needs to learn control(he hates Derek), Stiles, Lydia(sort of) and Danny(but he doesn’t know he’s part of the pack, they all just decided to protect him without any communication because Danny is nice).
Thought the Hale house definitely got rebuilt- not the exact design, but another place was being made on the same grounds. 
Thought that the pack hung out at the back of the rebuilt Hale house to train while Lydia and Stiles did their research at the same time. I also thought Allison trained along with the werewolves with her archery. 
Thought Allison’s mom had a whole arc of her own, I did not believe she died after the bite. I thought she didn’t die and came back as a werewolf just to kill Derek and then later kill herself after exacting revenge.
I thought Eichen House was solely for torture made by some psycho dude to entrap/jail supernatural people. I thought the whole of Eichen House was hidden away by some sort of glamour because i thought it was a PRISON. And that Stiles and Malia’s first meeting was actually in Eichen House and he had no idea that Malia was a were-coyote until she told him about it. I also thought Eichen House was where the nogitsune possession happened. 
That’s it for now but I’m sure I missed a lot. Enjoy this clusterfuck of AU fanon Teen Wolf which is most often what fic writers use
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stereksecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, negativenorth!
For @negativenorth <3 
Read On AO3
This is Our Last (First) Christmas
The Hale Pack survived junior year. Miraculously. The troubles that surrounded them sophomore year brought on by their sacrifices to find their parents were increased by the cleansing ritual in the spring Stiles and Deaton did. It cleansed the Hale Territory-including Beacon Hills and the Preserve-The Pack, the air, the ground, even the humans of all the remaining darkness; reawakening the hibernating Ley Lines and brightening the light of Beacon Hills.
The summer was strangely terror-less. Deaton explained the cleansing happened like and earthquake, the energy radiating out and it would take some time until the epicenter was found but once things found it, everyone would tune into it. The Hale Territory was highly desired by many supernaturals for many reasons. Derek (under the advisement of Stiles) began a training regiment for the pack, humans included. Derek focused more on the wolves-Scott, Jackson, Danny, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, and Ethan and Aiden-who deflection helped defeat the Alpha pack and Derek welcomed in with open arms. The humans trained too, but with Melissa on first aid and field trauma medicine and Chris and John with hand to hand and gun and knife combat training. Stiles had added training with Deaton on magic. Eventually, The wolves joined the humans.
"Why do we need medical training?" Isaac asked, diligently paying attention to proper stitching technique.
"If something happens, yeah you may heal but that doesn't solve blood loss. Or if a human is out. Or you needed to be inconspicuous about lycanthropy. Technically you don't exist." Stiles said. "Or a broken bone that heals wrong."
"He's not wrong. I agree." Derek chimed in.
"You're only agreeing because-"Erica was cut off by a hard nudge to the ribs from Allison and a heated glare from Scott. Stiles was confused but let it go, only to silently agree with the Mate-Marks on their right arm-a vine of bright red thorny roses.
"Well, if Mom says and Dad agrees then I guess we have no choice." Jackson sneered. Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Excuse me for wanting you to stay alive, dipshit. These aren't bad skills to have in general even. My first aid saved your fucking ass more than once." Stiles practically snarled. This pack was made up of his friends but that didn't mean they were easy to get along with. Jackson opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by Lydia's hand on his arm. Stiles always smiled softly when he got a glimpse of their Mate-Mark behind their ears, the chemical formula C43H66N12O12S2 also known as oxytocin.
A week during the fall of junior year, Stiles felt a chill go down his spine. One of the wards he spent several long days putting up with Deaton's teaching had been triggered. He had put up a dozen or so of varying intent, getting stronger and closer together the closer to Derek's loft they got. Stiles had a list in his journal of placements to recharge them if needed but Deaton had told him with his Spark and use of Ley lines, they will stay charged and operational until removal. Stiles texted to Derek to warn him of the visitor and he with Boyd checked it out.
That was the first of almost weekly trespassers of the creatures-that-go-bump-in-the-night variety. The pack had their training, their strength, their determination to survive but they didn't have their teamwork, their trust, their knowledge to win. Stiles and Lydia and occasionally Allison worked to compile as much information as possible from Deaton and Chris and Derek and independent research as possible. The Pack grew smart but they still couldn't click, they used too much brawn not enough brain.
"You would think, with werewolves needing packs, they would innately understand teamwork." Stiles said. He was at the Argent's house looking at few of Chris's books. He had become more helpful since Allison and Scott finally told him the truth about their Mate-Marks. He didn't like it but he know helped as much as he could knowing that was the only way to get his daughter safe.
"You have to remember Stiles, they may be werewolves now but they are teenagers first. High schoolers. Derek isn't that much older than you all. You somehow see the bigger picture but they can't." Chris said.
"I have always had to see the big picture. No one else was looking at it at the beginning. I was trying to keep everyone alive, not just-"Stiles cut himself off. "You are so right. You always have the best ideas." Stiles sagged a little with relief. He was glad he'd been able to convince Chris to help them, join them. "I have to go." Stiles left the kitchen, uncharacteristically leaving the books scattered on the table. He hopped into his jeep and headed straight to Derek's loft.
"Derek, are you home?" Stiles opened the door to the loft with the only spare key Derek ever made.
"Hey, Stiles. Surprise seeing you here, everything okay?" Derek popped out from the kitchen. "I am making dinner, care to join me?"
"Oh, that would be nice. Everything is okay, I just have something to talk to you about." Stiles sat at the island rubbing a thumb against the glass Derek handed him and the other rubbed the spot behind his ear.
"Okay. If you are this serious then it probably has some merit." Derek said. Stiles felt proud of the growth Derek had gone through. He had become a better man and Alpha since the pack had grown and settled and he was able to grieve properly. Stiles, however was confused at his statement. Derek looked up to see Stiles looking back with his head tilted and eyes narrowed. "You have tells just like the rest of us. You may know all of ours but you don't know your own. You have gotten good at lying to us weres but you forget that some of us? We know you. Like me, you rub behind your ear when you are thinking about something and it may upset the balance of things." Derek explained. Stiles didn't know how to answer, wasn't sure what to say, Derek studied him? It made sense in Stiles' head, at the beginning Derek needed to know everyone's angle even his.
"I didn't know that." Stiles said. He decided to ignore the other parts Derek said until later. "I know as a pack we have strengths and weaknesses. We need to work on those weaknesses, our biggest one? Teamwork. This pack is holding the strongest territory in the Northwest right now, and it is made up of young werewolves and several humans and a Banshee who all happen to be teenagers in high school. We had a social hierarchy and it worked until you bit several of them. Now they have to relearn that, everything is discombobulated causing tensions, and second-guessing and we may have survived until now but eventually that won't be enough. We may be a pack but we won't be a family until that happens." Stiles paused realizing how that sounds. "Not that I want to replace yours. I just want-I don't mean to-I get it. I don't want you to be alone anymore." Stiles finally spit out.
"I know what you mean. I would never think that you of all people are trying to somehow push away my family. You have too much resect for others to even think that." Derek said. His face was relaxed and open, the skin around his eyes wasn't even tight. You probably love hearing this from me, even though I say it a lot. You are right. We don't know each other well enough to know what we'd risk for each other. So what is your idea?" Derek turned back to the stove.
"What makes you think I have an idea?" Stiles asked. Derek just threw a look over his shoulder at the young man.
"You wouldn't be here if you didn't have an idea." Derek said.
"I was thinking of having the pack rebuild your house. It would give them a safe common goal and outlet. It would reestablish your territory ad strength pack bonds and the bond with the land. it would give us a den. I know I just said I don't want to replace your family. And that is true. I don't want to because I know I can't. I can however make the pain less, the burden lighter and you happier. We can do this together Derek. Me and you. like always.
"I. I will think about it." Derek said very slowly. Stiles nodded. Derek said nothing else, instead finished up dinner and Stiles took it as a sign to get place settings ready and switch to lighter topics.
The winter of junior year was made up of blood, sweat, tears, anger, resentment, claws, teeth, bullets, arrows. The pack was surviving, but barely. Stiles could see the fault lines forming, the glares more frequent. He never pushed Derek, only waited and hoped. He knew that the Hale Pack had the potential to be amazing once again, but only if they worked for it.
The spring of junior year bloomed with hope, filled with finals college preparation and a wendigo or two. March came and went but April came in like a lion. Derek had made his decision, rebuilding the Hale Manor is needed and would do them some good. The pack had too many issues amongst themselves to work through, if they didn't settle as a whole and members of that whole, then more people would die and the pack would fall apart. Derek's decision came instinctively, The young betas had been arguing over who was to land the first hit, the baddy of the week threw Erica into a tree skewering her on a branch. Derek saw it happen in slow motion, anger thrumming in his veins. That second she impacted the tree Derek knew. He would make a pack out of these teenagers or die trying. They needed the pack as much as he did.
Derek stood over his pack watching them cuddle each other from a distance. They were on the floor of the loft spread out, but unable to ignore the need to touch. Lydia had a leg curled with Allison, tucked under Jackson arm. Isaac bridged the space between Erica and Boyd and Scott and Allison. Stiles was sitting at the island still working. Always working. Derek had actively tried to not look at Stiles, the few glances he allowed had the same results, heart pounding breath catching results. Stiles had showered and was wearing a pair of sweats he'd left here some day and a shirt of Derek's, who's scent of pine and leather mixed deliciously with Stiles' own scent of lemon and honeysuckle. Derek was glad the rest of the pack was sleeping, unable to witness him softening. Stiles was the only one to bring it out. He sat down next to Stiles, pulling his feet into his lap, rubbing lightly.
"I've been thinking...about what you said a while back." Derek couldn't look at Stiles. He instead focused on his feet. "About rebuilding."
"Oh? Did you come to a decision then?" Stiles kept his face turned to the books in front of him, side-eyeing Derek. He knew that staring would only cause Derek to shut down harder. Stiles could feel his heart pounding, knew Derek could hear it but tried to project calmness.
"Yeah. I did. I want to do it. I need to do it. The last step of grieving and the first step of acceptance. This pack needs a fresh start. You are right, like always. I only want to do this if you help me every step of the way. I can't do this by myself. I don't trust anyone else to help." Derek admitted. Stiles beamed. The absolute joy and pride on his face made Derek almost forget that he had just agreed to tear down the last standing reminder of his family.
As if Stiles could read his mind, "They'd want you to be happy. I would be honor to help you.
The decision to rebuild the house triggered something in Stiles. He began working with Deaton, honing his sputtering spark into a full-fledged flame. Deaton was impressed with his strength, commenting the flame was more like an inferno. Stiles did his school work on top of learning magic and keeping a pack of rag-tag teenagers alive. Deaton explained that Sparks were common but without proper training burned out, with proper training Sparks became witches or varied magic users, they often became emissaries to those in need or ran shops. The idea of being a pack emissary resonated with Stiles and that became his goal. He learned moon phases, herbs, spells, enchantments, crystals, sigils, runes, ancient languages. As he learned, he wasn't the only one to grow emotionally. The pack began to pull down the old Hale Manor. Piece by piece, they pulled it down. The beginning was hard-insult were thrown without care for where they landed, more than one fight broke out usually but they worked together and talked and learned about each other. The insults lost their thorns, the glares lost their heat and the smiles lost their fangs.
During the days between the too-hot spring days and the too-cold summer days, the last dumpster full of the remains of the Hale Manor vanished down the road. Derek watched feeling numb. Stiles stood by in quiet solidarity. All that was left was the scorched earth and a smattering of rubble, the grass was stained gray from ash and fire, the foundation crumbling into itself. There would be a specialist coming to demolish and redo the foundation, that was something Derek requested. The two men looked at the now empty clearing, Stiles pretended not to notice the trembling of Derek's fingers. Stiles simply took his hand in his and pulled him down to sit, letting Derek lean against him and grieve.
"No one likes it when strangers speak for those who you have lost. I know I hated it. I also know what it is like to an extent." Stiles paused. "They would be proud of you. You were in a down really low, and you brought yourself back. You did it." Stiles pressed himself into Derek's bulk.
Thanks. It has meaning coming from you. I know you understand. You know loss, not like Scott. You don't pretend to be unaffected like Jackson." Derek sat for a bit, letting the Stiles' strength soak into his bones. He wasn't alone anymore. He could do this. He wasn't 16 again pushing away Laura in a fit of survivor's guilt. He had Stiles. He had his pack. "Now what?" Derek turned to face Stiles, looking like as lost as a child after a nightmare.
"Now we build your house. Together." Stiles said. "And watch YouTube. Lots of it."
The summer between junior and senior year was the best Stiles had in a long time. He and his mother always had adventures and busy days. Then one year it was just him and Scott. It was only the two of them for years, neither popular enough for summer plans. The others in the pack in similar circumstances. Allison didn't stay around long enough to make plans and Lydia and Jackson's families made plans without consent. Stiles and Derek read and watched and googled for hours before getting the materials. The did it step by step from framing to electric to plumbing to hanging drywall to building stairs to putting in windows. Derek bought the supplies, secretly pleased that the insurance, investment, assess money was getting some use, not just growing interest, coming into several millions of dollars was daunting without a purpose especially when part of the blame fell on his shoulders. With every step of the way, Stiles and Derek worked together to make the idea into a house into a home. Stiles layered charms and spells and enchantments and runes and straight ingredients into everything. Protection from water, fire, illness, bad luck, ill-intent, accidents, death, and anything Stiles could think of was woven into every step, from the frame to the paint. The house was built by Stiles and Derek for the pack, for the future, for each other.
"Derek, we need a bigger kitchen. And I think a mudroom will be a good investment with a lever handle door. We have a nice entrance way, where people came come in and hang up their jackets and put away shoes but the back entrance doesn't have anything." Stiles was looking over the blueprints with Derek. He was making notes for when they finalized some decisions.
"Why?" Derek asked.
"You will be housing a pack of teenage/twentysomething werewolves. You need a big enough kitchen and matching pantry to feed a small country." Stiles said, still scribbling notes.
"No." Derek growled. He was running out of patience. He wanted to make this house with Stiles but everyone seemed to have an opinion on something. Which would be fine it he had asked, or if there was some logic but the majority was just annoying.
"You don't want a big kitchen? I mean it is your house." Stiles looked confused but his voice seemed blank, undermined by his pounding heart and cold brittle scent of sadness.
Derek wanted to growl but held back. Derek didn't want to push him away. Derek liked how close they had been getting, his wolf was pleased as well. His wolf had been unusually attached to the young man since the beginning and was originally satisfied but as time went on both Derek and his wolf wanted more and more, not sure what they were asking for. The concern for Stiles' wellbeing, high sensitivity to Stiles' emotion and heartbeat, The willingness to entertain Stiles' commentary and personality and enjoy it, his gaze lingering on Stile' fingers and throat, reveling in the challenges he offered all resonated with Derek as signs pointing to Stiles being his mate but if that was true they would have Mate-Marks.
"It is our house." Derek said. It was all he could give right now, a house where Stiles could be relaxed and happy, Derek would have to accept what he had for right now.
"So, yes big kitchen?" Stiles looked up, Derek just stared back waiting. "Oh! The lever handle is so you can open it with paws."
That is humiliating. And smart. Make it so."
"You did not just make a Star Trek: The Next Generation reference. Are you a closeted nerd?" Stiles poked Derek in the ribs, peering at him suspiciously. Derek stayed silent, glad Stiles couldn't hear his pounding heart. Stiles laughed, head tilted back, cheeks crinkled and mouth open. Derek could only stare and memorize the moment, proud he got Stiles to laugh that easily. Derek could hear the thoughts in his soul: mine, claim, mate. The possessiveness and softness was happening more and more but only around Stiles, further adding to the mate checklist. Derek just enjoyed the moment.
Come on. Let's finish this. I do eventually want to move in, ya know?" Derek tapped the paper with a single claw, trying to remind Stiles-ineffectually-he could rip his throat out with his teeth.
The weekend before senior year found the pack piled in the living room of the recently finished Hale Manor. The pack was well-protected and well-stablished now with Stiles' magic and the 'den' and the bonds that were solidified over the summer. Deaton said the terrors of the years past will not go away but would drastically slow down. The Hale Territory was claimed and the others would understand innately. The plan worked, the band of high school students thrown together by happenstance became a pack, a family. And it showed, in moment like this. They were tightly woven together on a bed of pillows and blankets with a Disney movie playing softly on TV. Stiles looked on and felt his chest warm and his heart flutter. He pulled out his phone and making sure the shutter and flash were off took a few pictures, trying to shove away the sadness and nostalgia. He had been slightly obsessed with taking photos lately, needing proof that the pack had come together, they now had a home not only physically but in one another too. He had done it, he had somehow kept them alive through all the bullshit. They only had one year left together and he didn't want to look back and regret not capturing the memories or being unable to remember the normal days. One day, a year from now he would look up and realize everyone had scattered like seeds on the wind, he wanted to remember. Stiles got up from the chair he was curled up in, he was feeling melancholy didn't want to ruin the mood. Even Derek was on the edge of the puppy pile. He decided to use his favorite goodbye tactic he borrowed from the Irish.
"I can hear you thinking too hard from over here. Come join us. Get comfy. And we can talk, I know something is on your mind." Derek ungracefully shoved the others to make room. It isn't pack night if one person leaves."
Fine." Stiles was a sucker for the pack card. He knew he was pack but not being a wolf meant he couldn't feel the bonds as strongly as the others so he needed reminded sometimes. Stiles slipped in between Derek and the pack, thoughts like: safe, pack, mate, mine. After a few seconds Derek pinched him lightly. "I just don't know hat I am to do next. I did what I was supposed to do. I kept Scott alive, I helped you, I healed the land, solidified the pack. My job is done. This time next year, the pack might be tossed across the country and then what? We come back for weekend and holidays? For how long? Then we just fall apart and I never have this again? I made this family just like each of them did. I can't lose another one." Stiles felt his stomach drop at the cold, bitter, sharp feeling his own words gave him.
"That isn't how this works. A pack this established only gets stronger. No one gets out. There may be distance but not much and not for long. We are too new of a pack for that. You certainly don't get to leave, you are my emissary. You are connected to me and the pack and the land. Don't force ties to break when you don't know the future. There is time, there are options. Enjoy now, before fretting about the future. Talk to them, You'd be surprised to hear you aren't as alone as you think." Derek pulled Stiles closer, tucking him tightly into his embrace. "That is why you get sad after taking photos. You think old memories are all you will have left."
"I would rather leave then be left. I have grow weary of being left." Stiles tried to shrug.
"Don't look too far ahead, you'll miss the now. Make memories to enjoy the moment not resign yourself to only having memories." Derek said. Stiles nodded and snuggled closer, Derek's body heat and voice rumbling in his chest soothing his anxiety. "Go to sleep, Stiles. I'll be right here."
Fall of senior year was calm, content. Stiles and Lydia and Danny were in a heated competition for valedictorian, a contest that was a secret to everyone in school but no one in the pack. Some filled out college applications like Danny, Jackson, Lydia. Some decided to go the technical route like Erica, Boyd. Isaac and Scott were looking at community college. Stiles adopted a forget about it and it doesn't exist attitude. He often pulled out pamphlets or packets only to sort them into piles and then put them away again. He changed the subject when asked about anything dealing with after senior year. The closest he got to talking about it was with Derek one day, by themselves hanging out on a Friday night. He told Derek, he liked magic and the supernatural and being a witch, he might open a shop, take over for Deaton who wanted to be a vet and only a vet. That was the last time he seriously spoke about it. The pack spent full moons together, running and eating dinner and then a sleepover. Slowly each pack member added their own things to the house, a blanket here, a favorite mug there, A sweatshirt draped over a chair, a forgotten pair of shoes left by the front door. Stiles took pictures and cleaned and tutored. He talked a lot without saying much. Derek knew something was on his mind.
"I want you to come over tonight. I told everyone to stay away. We have some things to talk about." Derek texted him one day in October.
Stiles went over, slouched over like the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. Derek felt sympathy for the kid.
"Stiles, I know you have been struggling a bit. Understandably so. A lot has happened these past few years. I want you to sit here with me, all night if we have to, and talk over your options. I want you to do what you want to do. I know your dad wants you to go to college and I know you want to open a shop. I think you can do both, and with the way the world works, I think you could make it work. I would gladly help, we can build you a small shop here or something." Derek said. Stiles sagged, eyes lit with relief.
"You don't think it is a dumb idea? Magic isn't well known, and I won't be successful." Stiles said.
"You are right, But people from all over will come if you are good. You will gain a following. I believe you would be a great successor to Alan, if you so choose. I will gladly help you get to that point." Derek said.
"What? I don't even know what I am doing." Stiles rubbed his face. "I can't let you...support me while I decide what I want to do."
"You are running out of time. You didn't hold me up in a pool for two hours for me for me to not learn what kind of person you are. You already made up your mind. You have helped me over and over and over again. Let me help you!" Derek demanded. Stiles threw up his hands, groaning loudly.
"What do you want me to say? That I want to learn all that I can to help you be the best alpha you can be? of the best pack we can be? And if I help other people with things around town or even farther, that would be perfection? That I have no idea what I want to do, but I can't see myself going to university and getting a typical 9-5 job and having 2.5 kids? That you coming in all dark and broody ruined me for all normalcy." Stiles ranted. He was gesturing wildly, pacing in short burst.
"Yeah. That is all I want. Feel better?" Derek, pulled Stiles close, rubbing his nose into his hair. Stiles leaned against him, this time borrowing strength.
"A little. I am glad I finally got to say it aloud. now I have to convince my dad." Stiles said. Derek squeezed him in a side hug.
"We have to convince your dad. You aren't alone, I'm not going anywhere, ever, We're a team." Stiles smiled softly and nodded, relaxing into Derek's grip.
The days and nights grew colder, the wolves handing full moon runs when the humans got the food, hot chocolate and movies ready for their return. Or rather Stiles did, the others just laid about, studying or figuring out how to move into Derek's house without their families noticing. November was quickly finishing and Stiles' favorite time of year was approaching. He had already pulled out the containers of decorations for his own house, trying to figure out how to bring it up to Derek. He wanted to have a pack Christmas, wanted to go out and pick out a tree together, and hang the garlands and argue over where the lights go on the tree, hang up ornaments and behind everyone's back rearrange them. He wanted to get presents for everyone, wrapping them with paper and ribbons and bows.
"Stiles, is something burning?" Scott said coming into the kitchen, kissing Allison on the temple. The other Mates sharing in similar displays of affection. Jackson and Lydia cuddling on a large chair, Erica and Boyd sharing a chaste kiss. Derek walked up to Stiles simultaneously pulling the pan of bacon off the stove and trailing a hand down his jaw to latch into his hair.
"Shit! The bacon. I was distracted. Sorry. It should be fine, I am mixing it to make perogies for you tomorrow. Its Sunday after all." Stiles said softly. He still looked a million miles away, Derek pulled him around ducking slightly to make eye contact.
"Stiles, is something the matter? Are you okay?" Derek asked. After they talked about Stiles' future Stiles had been coming to Derek more and more for support. Derek was more vocal with his thoughts, trying to verbalize emotions. The pack was close, a family but only because the two of them were a solid unit. They knew each other in and out.
Stiles looked nervous, like he didn't know how to ask. Derek just raised an eyebrow. "I want to decorate for Christmas. Here. I want to go and pick out directions and a tree and argue over lights and rearrange the ornaments when no one is looking. I want to agonize for days over the prefect presents. I want to do that, if you are okay with that." Stiles said, in a round of word vomit.
"Okay. I want that too, I was going to ask soon, you just beat me to the punch. How about we pick a day after Thanksgiving to pick out a tree and maybe you can come with me a few days to pick out Christmas decorations, without the children." Derek huffed a laugh into Stiles' temple. "This is your house too, You'll be here just as much as I will be. I want you to do what makes you happy."
"Okay. I'd like that. We can talk about it more later. Let's eat and then tomorrow we can look at some ideas, I want you to be the end all, end all on decisions." Stiles beamed at Derek. He went back to making dinner, leaving the slightly burnt bacon cool off to the side.
Thanksgiving was spent with their families, Derek did join the Stilinksi and McCalll's and Isaac for the big meal, finalizing plans with Stiles on decorations and tree-hunting. They decided on a red, green, gold scheme and more traditional type decorations, simple and minimalistic. Stiles used his internet skills to get some deals on older decorations on craigslist and facebook. They had a few pick-ups scheduled and the time for tree-hunting at a local christmas tree farm. Derek's only request was it had to be a big tree.
The pack three days later met up and began discussing trees. They were all in agreement, for a tall bushy tree but they couldn't pick a species until an employee showed them the examples and explained the difference. Three hours later and they finally agreed on the perfect tree and were on the way to the house. Stiles made them help him put it up right away so it warms up and the branches drop. The pack then scatters and Stiles and Derek head out and got decorations.
Derek watched Stiles spend the next few days putting the inside decorations in places. Derek helping with a comment here or there, but staying quiet, enjoying having someone to share the holiday with. "Thank you Stiles. I am glad, even though we've been through some shit together, that I have met you. I found myself because of you. I am glad that you are happy here with me." Derek told him.
"Me too. I feel safe here with you. Like I belong here, with you." Stiles said. "I know that wolves have mates obviously when they get introduced to each other, but sometimes when I am with you...you look at me and see me and I feel you..." Stiles shook his head.
"I do too. I am more attuned to you and your scent and heart than anyone in the pack. I can only chalk it up to you doing what would be my mate's job if I had one. I am not sure Stiles but I am not mad about it. Maybe after the holidays we can figure it out." Derek said.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Stiles agreed.
The almost confessions triggered something, Derek became more tactile and protective than ever towards Stiles, Stiles made sure the betas were fed and the house was clean and tutored when needed and gave advice. They had been a unit before but now, Stiles and Derek were barely apart, only for school hours. Stiles' dad at one point asked if he was moving in and Stiles took that as permission and did just that (practically) moved in and also used the opportunity to tell John about his post-school plans. John was hesitant and needed some time to think it over before he could agree and support his son. Stiles did as promised and agonized for days what to get each of his friends. He meticulously wrapped each and every one of them. The one that took the longest to put together was the most important.
Stiles had learned many things over the last two and half years, about the world, himself, his hometown, his local vet. One of those things was his most important secret-he had been in love with Derek Hale for two of those years. It wasn't anything grand or extreme, one day Stiles saw him smile at a joke and decided he needed to do that all the time. Stiles knew that Derek needed somebody in his corner and chose to be that person. He didn't know spending all that time with his dry humor and caring nature and supportive personality would result with him falling in love with the older man but he wouldn't change anything that happened for anything in the world. 'except getting his real family back.'Stiles thought. 'That is it! A photo album. The Hales are a very old and well known family, there should be some photographs floating around.'
Stiles got to work. He went to the library and school paper archives, pulling out back issues of newspapers and yearbooks. He called into several nearby packs, opening the Hale pack up to negotiations in the future and even searched through Beacon Hills residents photos to find any and all of the Hale family memories. He also searched the star registry for a bright one towards the north and named it Talia Hale, so Derek would be able to find a guiding light for the rest of his life.
Stiles spent days putting the album together, finding near 75 photos and newspaper clippings for it. He also framed the star certificate and got a observatory to take very good photos of the star. and framed those as well. He was so focused Stiles forgot that his dad told him family was coming over. He obsessed over ever little detail for his present.
Derek did not fare much better. He had decided on a two part present for Stiles as well. One was a greenhouse/workshop Derek was having built for Stiles and a small business front to turn into a shop. Derek bought the shop and added Sties name to the deed so it was legally his. The greenhouse was going to be built in the spring so it could be used over the summer. Derek knew it might be too much for a friend but Stiles saved his life. Without Stiles, Derek would be alone and devastated and family-less. He fell in love with the whiskey eyes and contagious laughter and selflessness and love and compassion. They may not be Mates but Derek wanted no one else with him in the future, not only as a pack member or an emissary but even more than that. Derek kept his feelings a secret not wanting to push Stiles away.
The 23rd of December was the pack Christmas day. They had a wonderful breakfast and were in their PJ's getting settled and waiting for everyone. Everyone go a seat and the presents were sorted. They went in a circle.
"Derek, can you open my last? I...um..." Stiles said. Derek nodded not commenting on the obvious nerves.
"Only if you open mine last too." Derek said. Stiles nodded smiling gratefully. They went around and opened presents; clothes and make up and a few books for the girls, the boys got video games and comics and clothes. Honestly it was a good first Christmas as friends.
all that was left was Derek's present from Stiles and vice versa. The pack watched in silence. Neither moved.
"Please go first." Stiles pleaded. Derek looked between the presents left on his lap and Stiles. Derek picked up what Stiles knew to be the album. Derek gently pulled the paper off pausing in confusion. He looked up at Stiles again who waved at him to continue. He opened the book, the front page being a family picture of the Hales for the work Talia did to create the preserve.
"Stiles, is this..."Derek couldn't finish.
"Yeah It is. A Hale Pack photo album. Took me a while to make it. Think it was an idea even before I knew it." Stiles explained. Derek thought of the all the photos Stiles had taken recently and flipped to the back pages, glossy photos of his current family lined the pages. The last phot was a picture of him and Stiles cuddling on a pack night, the note below was in Allison hand, You both deserve love and happiness no matter who it comes from..
"Thank you Stiles. Thank you." Derek knew somehow in his soul, that was Stiles showing his love for him, without saying. Words took courage, and that wasn't easily found in front of others. "Open yours. The bottom one. Please."
Stiles did as he asked, opening the bottom one, a square shaped box. He opened it to see a copy of a building deed sitting in tissue paper. "Der-Derek. You didn't...Not the-" Stiles' voice broke. He scent blooming with tears and pleasure.
"That place on Pine you've been dreaming about for two months? Why, yes it is." Derek tried to play it off as funny.
"This isn't funny. I told you I didn't want you help." Stiles tried to sound stern. Derek only shook his head.
"I told you to let me help. I did. Also it is technically half mine. But you have a place now. You can actually do it." Derek said. The pack made noises of confusion.
"I am not going to university. I am doing online classes but I am opening a magic shop and taking over for Deaton and becoming Hale Pack Emissary. Derek just bought my dream location." Stiles announced to cheers from the pack. Stiles knew in that moment that is how it felt knowing someone loved you enough to give you want you needed not just what you wanted. He knew how it felt to know someone loved him enough to stand with him not out of obligation but actual love and desire to do so.
They opened the other presents with similar reactions.
"A greenhouse? Seriously? and a workshop?" Stiles was dumbfounded.
"You named a literal star after my mother. A. Star." Derek was flabbergasted.
The rest of the pack sensed it was time to leave, the two men had a lot to discuss-least of all their emotions. The pack began piling out trying not to overhear the conversation.
"Derek, I can't accept this. I really can't. It may be all I ever wanted but I can't let you give it to me. We talked about this, I am filling in. If I was meant to be this important, we'd be mates." Stiles said.
"You aren't a fill in. Do you think I would give you up for someone I don't know? I would never. No relationship will ever be more important than our to me. You say this is all you ever wanted? You can have it!" Derek said.
"This isn't something I can take, you may change your mind, or find someone better. This is something to dream and hope for. Let me dream and hope, so I don't get hurt." Stiles sounded sad and broken. Derek made a soft wounded noise.
"You are it for me. I built you a goddamn house Stiles. I tore down my last memory of my family for you. We have almost died for each other too many times to count for you to back out now." Derek said. Stile growled and shuffled trying to think of an argument. He was saved by his dad coming down the road in a hurry. The pack was spilled on the porch trying to look like they hadn't been listening.
"Scott, where is Stiles?" John called. Stiles and Derek came out at the sound of his voice. "Mieczyslaw Stilinski! You were supposed to by home an hour ago! We have family coming in today remember!" John yelled, standing against his open car door.
"I'll be right there!" Stiles blanched. "I can't believe I forgot." He turned to Derek. "We aren't done here, mister."
"Your first name is really Mieczyslaw?" Derek asked. He didn't want Stiles leaving while angry, it made it anxious.
"Yep! Mieczyslaw Stilinski. Please to meet you Derek Hale!" Stiles understood what Derek was going for without him saying like most times.
"Please to meet you too." Derek chuckled before a sharp pain brought him and Stiles to their knees.
Several painful minutes later, Stiles was laughing hard enough he had tears streaming down his face. He left hand was clamped over his shirt collar, knuckles white. Derek stared openmouthed. John and the rest of the pack stood confused and worried.
"Did what I think happen just actually happen?" Scott asked.
"We'd never been formally introduced. Definitely not with my first name. Mate-Marks only form when properly introduced." Stiles moved his hand to show the large wolf print marking his upper chest and collarbone.
Derek laughed. and laughed and laughed before swooping down and pressing a slightly desperate kiss onto Stiles' lips. "Guess we won't have to discuss the shopfront or greenhouse later, mate." Derek grinned goofily at Stiles who could help but smile back just as dopey.
"Guess not" Stiles said. "I guess not."
Both of them could feel the calmness and happiness in their souls for finding their mates. Derek's wolf stopped shifting anxiously as it had been for months, finally calming down for Derek to relax. Both of them filled to the brim: safe, mate, mine, forever.
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jazziwritesthings · 4 years
We’re Not Friends- Stiles Stilinski
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Inspired by: We’re Not Friends by Ingrid Andress
Lyrics in Bold
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 1419
Warnings: kissing, sneaking out. 
We've been lying to ourselves
Acting like we're something else
How'd we get in this masquerade?
There's a secret in your eyes
It's the same one that's in mine
Aren't you tired of being this way?
Sitting down at the lunch table you smiled at Stiles, him sending you a wink. The girls giggled as you thought back to last night. You had gone on a walk and somehow you found Stiles doing the exact same thing. You spent the early morning hours sitting at lookout point just talking. He took you home in his jeep and before you got out, he kissed you. You and Stiles had always been friends. For as long as you can remember your families were always around each other. You were the one that he came to when he was having issues with his mom. You helped him out after she passed. You have had feelings for him since you learned what it meant to have butterflies in your stomach. You were his person. And he was yours.
We're a kiss at 2am that tastes like wine
We're a ride home in the dark
With our fingers intertwined
You and me keep on tryna pretend
But you and me, yeah we gotta admit
You and Stiles. You never thought that would even be a possibility since he was in love with Lydia. Yet here you were. Lying on his chest in his bed. Listening to the steady beat of his heart and the evenness of his breathing. Your phone is what brought you out of your thoughts. Your younger brother texted you and told you that your mom had just been up. You groaned when you saw it was almost 2am. You sat up slowly and this seemed to disturb Stiles, “ What happened?” You looked over your shoulder at him, you loved his sleepy voice, “ My brother. I need to get home.” He looked at you with pouty lips, “ C’mon. Please?” You leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his lips, “ Drive me home?” 
You leaned back in the passenger seat of his jeep with his hand resting on your thigh. You grasped it lightly and intertwined his fingers with yours before bringing them to your lips and placing small kisses across his knuckles. 
He pulled up to your house and put the jeep in park, “ Pick you up for school in a few hours?” You gave him a smile and a nod before hopping out and running through your yard before disappearing behind your house, no doubtedly climbing the vines to get into your room through your window. He waited until he saw the light come on in your room before he pulled away. 
We're an extra set of clothes on the bedroom floor
Where I see you all the time
But still wanna see you more
You and me keep on tryna pretend
But you and me, mmm
We're not friends
No, we're not friends
Mmm, no
When Stiles got back to his house after dropping you off he went back into his room. He climbed into bed but knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep because he couldn’t sleep unless you were next to him. He would never tell you this because he didn’t want to seem weak. While lying there he saw a green shirt hanging on the back of his desk chair. He scrunched his eyebrows trying to figure it out. It started to bother him so much that he got out of bed and picked it up. As soon as it was in his hands he knew it was yours. It was way too soft to be his. He looked around and saw a pair of jeans near his closet. He smiled and picked them up. He folded them and put them on his desk. Then he saw a bra hiding under his desk. He giggled to himself while picking it up and putting it on the pile. You and him had never done anything besides kiss but you always wanted to be comfortable. He was pretty sure that since he had one of your shirts that you had at least one of his. Looking at the clothing pile on his desk had him thinking back to you and smiling at the thought of seeing you in a few hours. 
Friends are something that we were
Before me sleeping in your shirt
But baby, we're past that now
Friends don't do the things we do
Friends don't use the words we use
Yeah, friends could just hang out
You smiled as you walked into the school parking lot searching for the all too familiar blue jeep. Once you found it you made your way there. “Hey Scott!” You smiled as you saw your friend leaning against it. “Hey Y/n!” He stood up and pulled you into a hug. Scott was always a hugger and it was a quality that you loved. “Where’s Stiles?” He formed a small frown, “ Detention.” You threw your head back groaning. Scott chuckled at your reaction, “ He was your ride?” You nod your head and lean against the jeep as well. Scott could see the frown on your face, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you, “ C’mon!” You followed him, complaining of the exercise the whole time. “You are so much like him. I think that's why he loves you.” Scott said this as he sat in the grass under a tree.You sat down next to him., “ What’d you say?” He smiles, “ You are so much like him. Always complaining. Yelling at me cuz I haven’t seen star wars.” You interrupted him with a back hand to his arm, “ Hey!” He looked at you, “ You still haven’t seen it?!” He shook his head, “ Not yet.” You looked at the ground, “ Does he really?” He cocked his head at you like a lost puppy, “ You said he loves me. Does he?” Scott bit his lip, “ I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But he constantly talks about you. When any of the pack ask, it's always, ‘we’re just friends!’ but there's more to it. Right?” He looked over at you. “I don’t know.” 
“I’m so sorry!” Stiles came running out of the school. “It’s okay!” He looked you over, “ Are you okay?” You giggled at him, “ Yes. Scott kept me company. He just left a few minutes ago for work.” He nodded his head slowly, “ Wanna come over?” You smiled and nodded, hopping into the jeep. 
Sitting on his couch watching movies you lost track of time. It was all of a sudden 11pm and you were getting texts from your mom. “ I gotta call her.” He nodded and watched as you walked away. He could hear your end of the conversation, “ Yes mom. I’m fine. I'm at a friends, I told you I would be.” Then it was quiet, “ Okay. I can sleep here. It’s fine. Yeah. Bye” You walked back into the living room, “ Can I spend the night?” He was caught off guard, not thinking that he was the ‘friend’ you were staying with. “ Yeah. Sure. Definitely.” You smiled as you sat next to him and curled into his side. 
You were woken up a few hours later by the sheriff. “ Hey, why don’t you guys go to bed?” You both stood and stretched before making your way to Stiles’ room. He immediately started getting changed into his pajamas. You saw his shirt from today lying on the bed. You quickly stripped out of your jeans and shirt and pulled his shirt over your head before taking off your bra. Stiles had already climbed into bed. You climbed in after him and cuddled up to his side. “Is that my shirt?” You nodded your head as you quickly fell back to sleep. 
You and me keep on tryna pretend
But you and me, oh
We're not friends
No, we're not friends
Waking up next to Stiles was better than you thought it was going to be. He was warm and comfy. “Morning” His sleepy voice always made you smile. You moved a bit so that you were lying facing him, “ Stiles. I have a question.” He rolled so that your faces were inches from each other. His face said to continue, “ We’re not friends.” He looked a little confused before he grabbed your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. “We’re not.” You nodded and looked him in the eyes, “ What are we?” He shrugged his shoulders, “ We’re us.”
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tickletastic · 4 years
Four Discoveries And A Weapon
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Non-explicit Scisaac
Summary: The pack discovers things about Isaac, but Isaac discovers things about them too. (AKA four Isaac discoveries, and one time they’re used against him.)
Notes: I accidentally wrote a really long fic and couldn’t think of an adequate title but here’s this. I ended up loving teen wolf so much that I immediately started rewatching it once I finished, so prepare for some teen wolf fics
Isaac is cute. He would never admit it, but he is. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hot too- but mostly cute, in a puppy kind of way.
He despised being complimented in general, but he always got especially uncomfortable when the girls would coo over him like some child saying its first words or taking its first steps. Allison had seen through Isaac’s exterior quickly compared to the others, he was full of bravado and dark humour, but she could see the fear and desire for companionship within him.
Isaac lost his mother, and then he lost his brother, and that’s hard enough for a kid to go through. But then he lost his father too. Isaac has never had a family, but he’s not opposed to the idea. In fact, although he’d never say so, he would love to be part of a family.
Allison was the quickest of the bunch to realize, cuing Lydia in on the situation. Lydia was the one to realize that although he would flinch away at first, if the touch lingered, Isaac would lean into it. Isaac couldn’t fight his instinct to flinch away or protect himself, but he could show his appreciation for affection wordlessly through his actions once the panic subsided. 
The way that Isaac would lean into pats on the shoulder and head scratches was really, really cute.
And a lot like a puppy.
Dinner and a movie at the Hale loft had become a weekly tradition for the pack. Every week they would find themselves strewn in random places across the loft waiting for someone to cook them dinner, before they would binge watch some cheesy series or some Pixar film.
Derek had become increasingly domestic lately in his attempts to be a better alpha. For Stiles and Scott, it was super bizarre, but Boyd, Lydia, and Allison found it kind of endearing. Erica would’ve probably found it endearing too… If she were capable of feeling anything but annoyance (unless it was towards Boyd, of course). 
As a part of Derek’s initiative, he had finally caved in and purchased some ‘homey’ furniture. The pack was lying anywhere comfortable, taking in the scent of the pasta Derek was cooking. Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were arguing over which Disney movie was the best, and which they should watch first.
Isaac hadn’t seen many Disney movies since Camden died, but he knew his definite favourite. “Why would we watch Wall-E when we could be watching Meet The Robinsons? Don’t be a sucker, Stiles.”
“I am not! I can just appreciate a good romance between two lonely robots. Are cute robots in a dystopian future too much to ask for?”
“All I’m saying is The Princess And The Frog was a cultural reset, that movie is amazing and Tiana’s totally badass!” Lydia responded, seemingly disgusted at the mere notion that anyone would find any other movie the best.
When dinner was finally ready, they ended up settling on Aladdin, because Scott, Lydia, and Boyd all wanted to watch a Disney princess movie, but they couldn’t come to a consensus on which one. (Scott, of course, wanted Beauty And The Beast, while Boyd wanted to watch The Little Mermaid. And who knew that Derek wasn’t impartial to Disney Channel Originals?)
Isaac had remembered bits and pieces of the film from when he was younger, but not too much. He did remember that he was attracted to both Jasmine and Aladdin, which was his first of many strange awakenings as a little kid.
Almost like a formula, by the time A Whole New World was blaring from the TV’s speakers, Isaac was laying on the couch and receiving as much physical contact as possible. His head was in Allison’s lap and his feet and legs were draped over Lydia, who was also lying down but not nearly as horizontally and as comfortably as Isaac.
He seemed pretty relaxed despite the fact that he had managed this position by slowly inching closer and closer to the both of them until Allison gently pushed his head down into her lap. She began to scratch his head, Isaac responding by pushing his head further into Allison’s hand, melting into the touch.
Lydia cooed softly, not loud enough for the others to hear her, but loud enough for Isaac’s cheeks to dust pink, even in the low light.
Allison just smiled fondly, scratching a little harder and receiving a quiet, pleased groan in response. Isaac was trying to fight the tiredness that hit him the second Allison had began her calming touch, but it was becoming increasingly hard to fight the closing of his eyes.
Allison started to stray closer to Isaac’s skin, and when she started to scratch behind his ears she believed that his gasp was out of pleasure… It was, but that wasn’t all. When she continued Isaac started to giggle softly, his nose scrunching up at the sensation.
“A little ticklish?” Allison teased when she realized the reason for the giggles. She scratched a little softer, and Isaac started hiccuping softly, a small grin on his face while his eyes remained closed. “Do you want me to stop?”
“‘S good,” Isaac moaned tiredly through his giggles in response, “feels nice.”
Allison laughed as Lydia started her own, ever-so-light tracing over Isaac’s shins. 
“You’re such a puppy.”
Isaac fell asleep giggling softly. He didn’t worry about the pictures that Scott and Stiles would take of him sleeping, curled up with Lydia and Allison as he snored lightly. That was a problem for tomorrow, and oh yes, it is a problem.
Discovery One: Isaac is a lot like a puppy.
Scott’s eyes shot open, immediately trying to figure out what sound had woken him up. He heard it again, a mix of whimpering, panting, and screaming, and it took him a second to realize where it was coming from. He bolted up from his bed, opening his bedroom door and seeing his mom walk down the hall. 
“It’s alright, I’ve got it, Mom,” Scott assured her, waving her off. She smiled out of gratitude, it’s not that she doesn’t want to help her surrogate son, she just knew that Scott was always much better at the job.
Isaac was covered in sweat, his hair matted to his forehead, his hands balled into fists, holding his blanket as tight as he possibly could, white-knuckled. He was in the fetal position, his back to the wall.
Scott sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, reaching out and rubbing circles over Isaac’s back. “Hey, Isaac? Isaac, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
Isaac continued to shake, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he started to form words through his dream. “N-no, please. I’m sorry. I d-don’t w-want to go in, p-please.”
Scott knew what Isaac was afraid of, and he was suddenly wishing that he could take away mental pain instead of physical. He shook the taller boy harder, until his eyes shot open and he recoiled into the corner of his bed. 
Isaac was breathing hard, panic written on every feature of his face, trying to figure out what was going on. 
Scott looked at him sympathetically, slowly reaching back towards Isaac to put his hand on the boy’s arm. “Hey, you’re alright Isaac, everything’s okay, you’re safe.”
Isaac’s eyes turned to Scott, but they were distant, he wasn’t really looking. Scott brought both of his hands up to cup Isaac’s face.
“It’s okay, I promise you’re safe.”
Isaac’s breathing was still laboured, but he brought his hands up and placed them over Scott’s, gripping on as if his life depended on it. “Th-the freezer?”
“You’re not going in there ever again, Isaac, I promise.”
When Scott saw the realization on Isaac’s face, he pulled him into a hug, one hand across Isaac’s back and the other cradling his head. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Scott cradling Isaac and whispering words of assurance while Isaac allowed himself to calm down and breathe.
Wordlessly, Scott ended up getting Isaac to move forward, and Scott slipped himself between Isaac and the wall, holding him close to his chest while they spooned.
Scott had one hand draped over Isaac’s chest while the fingers of his other hand were running through Isaac’s hair. Isaac smiled at the sudden warmth, cuddling into Scott as much as he could. Trying to further soothe him, Scott started to draw shapes with his dull fingernails over Isaac’s hipbone. 
Isaac twitched before bringing his hands to his face, a deep chuckle slipping from his lips. Confused, Scott furrowed his brow, craning his head at the taller boy.
Isaac was still covering his face, but he could feel Scott’s eyes on him. “Stohop thahat.”
“Stop what? This?” Scott started moving his fingers quicker and Isaac flinched hard against Scott’s chest, unable to stop the frantic laughter that spilled from him. “Is someone a little ticklish?” 
“Nohoho! I’m trying tohoho slehehep! Cut it ohohout!” Isaac snapped back, trying to pry Scott’s hand away from his hips. 
Scott smiled, he always loved the sound of Isaac’s laughter, but it was so rare. This laughter was everything in comparison to the ironic, dry laugh that Isaac would let out after he said something sarcastic. Scott stopped, even though he would love to hear the music of Isaac’s laughter for as long as he possibly could. He would have to investigate further another time, but for now, he was content with falling asleep holding Isaac, listening to soft giggles that escaped him as he drifted off too.
Discovery Two: It’s going to take a while for Isaac to be okay, but Scott is more than willing to stay by his side the whole time. The rest of the pack is completely willing too.
With Scott being much busier and all, Melissa had grown to miss spending time with her loud, hyperactive teenager every evening after work. Since Isaac had moved in, he had been spending a lot more time at home after school than Scott. 
Although Isaac was very different from Scott, Melissa enjoyed spending time with Isaac when he was home. The longer Isaac lived with the McCalls, the more like family Isaac became, and Melissa certainly wasn’t complaining. She definitely had enough love in her heart for a new addition to the family.
Isaac was quiet compared to Scott’s usual crowd. Allison and Lydia have always spoken their minds freely, and Stiles was.. well Stiles is Stiles. Isaac was different. He was timid, and he always called her Ms. McCall no matter how many times she would tell him that Melissa was fine. 
Melissa found the manners and timidness cute at first, until Scott had told her about everything Isaac had been to. Now, she tried with every interaction to bring out Isaac’s childish side, the kid deserved a family, and he deserved to act like a kid sometimes too. 
Today, Melissa had come home from a shift to find Isaac cutting up vegetables at the kitchen counter. 
“Hey Isaac, what are you doing?” Melissa greeted, placing a hand on his shoulder. Isaac flinched slightly, looking, as usual, like a deer in the headlights.
“Hi Ms. McCall, I- uh- I was just making dinner because I knew you were working late and I thought you would probably be hungry s-so I decided to make dinner, b-but I started too late so it’s not finished yet. I’m sorry, I swear it sh-should be finished s-soon I just h-have to-”
“Isaac, Isaac it’s alright. It was really nice of you to make dinner, I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” Melissa should’ve stopped him sooner, instead of letting him ramble on and apologize unnecessarily, but she guessed it was better late than never. 
She sat in one of the barstools at the counter, watching Isaac as he tried to cut some carrots in his hand. His hands were shaking and he wasn’t making any progress on the veggies, and Melissa couldn’t let it go on any longer. 
Melissa reached out, holding Isaac’s shaking hands in her own after setting the knife aside. Isaac looked up, he looked fearful, scared that Melissa was going to yell, and she could feel her eyes going soft. She started to softly rub circles over his knuckles, watching slight confusion flash on his face. 
“Isaac, hun, you don’t have to apologize for anything. You haven’t done anything wrong, and even if you had made a mistake, which you didn’t, I wouldn’t hurt you. People make mistakes, and the worst punishment you’d ever expect under the McCall roof is a weekend grounding and a talk. You’re safe, you’re okay Isaac.”
Isaac looked up from their hands, relief in his eyes and a small smile on his face. “Th-thanks Ms. McCall.”
“I’m still fine with you just calling me Melissa,” She got up and walked behind the counter, “now, can I help?”
She had tasered Isaac in his side to get him to scoot over, and he recoiled with a giggle. Melissa recalled fond memories of tickling Scott absolutely silly, something she would do to him up until only recently, when he was about fifteen or sixteen. The memory triggered her maternal instinct, and she started spidering her fingers up and down his sides, going from his hips to the top of his ribs. 
“Mihihiss McCahahall!” Isaac doubled over, he was trying not to fight back so that he wouldn’t hurt her, but his instincts weren’t always easy to fight. Instead of trying to bat her hands away or grab her wrists, he sunk to the floor, ending up with his back against the cupboard and his knees up, Melissa still hovering over him and poking him wherever she could reach. “Plehehehease, it tihihickles!”
“I’d sure hope so!” Melissa teased, but she let up, offering Isaac her hand so he could stand up. She ruffled his hair before passing him the knife he had been using to cut the veggies, grabbing one for herself. “I’ll do the onions, Scott always complains about how they hurt his eyes.”
Discovery Three: Isaac deserved kindness, he just didn’t know it yet, and Melissa would be damned if she didn’t help him realize.
Allison, Lydia, and Melissa weren’t the only people to realize that Isaac desired a family, the entire pack had caught on eventually. Derek was a little late to the revelation, but better late than never. 
As a shock to both himself and the rest of the pack, Derek stepped up to a parental role rather quickly. He had already had the cooking, cleaning, and pack hugs down, but now he found himself fussing over Isaac like a mother would. Derek was over-protective, caring, and understanding. It was everything that Isaac hadn’t realized he needed, even though he wouldn't admit it.
Whenever Isaac was hurt, he immediately had Allison, Lydia, and Derek fussing over him like a child who had fallen off of his bike. It made him blush beyond compare, and he would always try to bat them away, but time and time again they would still rush to his side despite his quick healing. 
Derek had started attending every lacrosse game. He wasn’t vocal like Melissa or the sheriff, but his eager thumbs up and the big smile he would plaster on his face every time Isaac looked over were enough to fuel a lifetime’s worth of embarrassment.
Isaac was killing it this game, and paired with Stiles and Scott, the team was definitely winning. 
Afterwards, they had ran into the changing rooms, but something told Isaac that he should be listening to the parents outside. 
“The boys were amazing today, it’s crazy how much they’ve improved since the start of the season,” Melissa said. 
“Yeah, they were great, I’m so proud of my boy,” the Sheriff seemed to agree.
At this point, Scott had noticed Isaac’s preoccupation, and he decided to listen for himself.
“It was a great game, I’m proud of Isaac and how far he’s come to trust his team.”
It wasn’t much, Derek had always been a man of few words, but it was enough to have Isaac cover his face, blushing up to the tips of his ears. 
Scott smiled, moving closer to ruffle Isaac’s hair. “Aww, Derek’s proud of his favourite puppy.”
“Shut up!” Isaac groaned, packing all of his stuff into his bag. 
“You’re definitely getting a ‘Daddy’s Favourite’ shirt for Christmas,” Stiles joked, following suit with Isaac and packing his things. 
The three of them walked out, greeted by their guardians awaiting them. 
“Good job, guys, that was a great game!” Ms. McCall praised them, putting her arm around Scott’s shoulder. The sheriff hummed in agreement, while Derek gave Isaac a small smile. 
“If it’s okay with you two, I’d like to take the boys out for some food,” Derek spoke, looking at Ms. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski for approval.
“Totally fine by me, I have a night shift to be getting to,” Sheriff Stilinski approved, giving Stiles a pat on his shoulder and saying goodbye. 
“Totally fine by me too,” Melissa nodded, eyes Scott and Isaac, “I will see you two later, don’t get into too much trouble.”
Derek smiled at the three teens before asking them where they wanted to go, Stiles and Scott branching off into an argument of Olive Garden vs TGIFridays. Isaac just got physically closer to Derek, walking next to him instead of behind like Stiles and Scott were.
“You played really well that game, Isaac. You’ve really improved,” Derek praised him and Isaac was back at his furious blushing. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking down.
Isaac looked awkward, but Derek knew he liked the compliments. Derek could smell it on him.
Derek brought a hand up and tried to swat Isaac’s hand from his neck, but Isaac gasped and twitched away. 
“No way,” Derek had a mischievous smile on his face, Isaac just let out a long groan in response. “Well, if you won’t take my compliments, I might have to use my discovery and take some drastic measures. Next game, I’m gonna make a sign, it’ll say ‘I’m Isaac’s #1 fan’.”
Discovery Four: Isaac liked compliments, he just didn’t know how to take them
-And 1-
“Just- lay still!” Stiles grunted, pulling the tweezers away from Isaac’s neck. Stiles had snuck up on Lydia and Lydia had screamed, shattering every glass within a 5 metre radius.
Isaac, sadly, was in that radius, and he had been bringing his glass up to his mouth when it shattered. Most of the glass ended up piercing through his shirt, some small shards lodged in his chest, but others had ended up in his neck.
Stiles was trying to take the glass out, but Isaac’s wiggling was a little too much. 
“I have like four left, Isacc, can you just stop wiggling?”
“I’ll stop wiggling if you stop touching me.”
Stiles sighed, watching as Isaac’s cuts practically healed instantly. He had gotten all of the shards out, but Stiles still wanted to have some fun. 
“Hey, Scott? Could you come hold Isaac while I try to get the rest of this glass?”
“Sure thing, Stiles,” Scott had clued in on the situation as soon as Stiles had started speaking, the familiar glint of mischief in his voice. 
Isaac had bolted upright, getting up to run, walking straight into Derek instead.
“What’s wrong, Isaac? A little… sensitive?” Stiles paused for dramatic effect as Derek stopped Isaac from leaving.
“He is, actually! You should try his ears,” Allison piped up.
“Or his legs.”
“His hips are pretty bad.”
“Yeah, his ribs are too.”
All the werewolves in the room had perked up, Isaac’s pulse had skyrocketed when Stiles had mentioned his ribs. Scott hadn’t even realized that a heart could beat that fast considering Isaac had already been on edge when his sensitivity was mentioned. 
Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, really, so instead he just turned to run, getting as far as a grand total of two feet before Scott came barreling into him, knocking him to the ground.  They rolled for a bit until Scott inevitably got the upper hand, pinning Isaac’s arms to his sides.
“Any last words?”
Isaac had opened his mouth to respond, but ended up interrupting himself with a bouquet of giggles as someone dragged a finger up his sole.
“I’m sorry, were you planning on saying something? My bad,” Stiles taunted.
Scott chuckled at his best friend’s antics before tracing his fingers over Isaac’s collarbones. Isaac started to chuckle, shaking his head frantically in an attempt to shake the fingers off. 
Allison and Lydia had gotten closer to the three of them, but didn’t dare join in in case Isaac got overwhelmed by all the touch. They did, however, share a look as they both mutually agreed to play a game that they often used to tease Isaac. The goal was to see who could make him blush the most for the longest, and it was far more entertaining than any movie or tv show ever is.
“Aww, is the whittle puppy ticklish? The puppy can’t take a little belly rub?” Lydia teased, leaning in to quickly scratch over Isaac’s belly once. Isaac snorted, throwing his head back.
“Is the big, bad beta giggling? Is a little tickling too much to handle? Maybe you’re gonna need a little extra protection against those hunters, what if they found out about your little secret?” Allison hadn’t expected for her comments to embarrass Isaac so much, but he desperately tried to hide his violently red face anywhere that he could. 
Stiles was growing bored, and he had started to trace upwards, scratching over Isaac’s thighs. Isaac tried to kick away, but Stiles wasn’t sitting in any position that could lead to himself getting hurt.
“C’mon Derek, aren’t you gonna join?” Scott asked, tracing his fingers over the shells of Isaac’s ears and appreciating the lazy, adorable laughter that it produced. He was gonna have to catalogue that for future cuddling.
Derek considered the offer before finally leaning over the beta, rapidly tasering Isaac’s ribs as Isaac began to flail and flop like a fish out of water, screaming out protests.
“Oh Gohohod!” Isaac squealed, desperately trying to retrieve his wrists from Scott’s grasp. Scott finally did let go, but Isaac’s brain had gone into overdrive as his laughter entered a territory of silence. Isaac couldn’t even begin to think of an effective use of his hands, let alone instruct them to follow through. 
“Ple- Pleehehe-” Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, but now he was certainly wishing that he had the ability to do either. His words kept dying in his streams of laughter, which were only interrupted by snorts, hiccups, and gasps.
Isaac was radiating joy, the werewolves in the room could smell it stronger than anything else, but the kid needed to breathe too.
“Alright, that’s enough bullying for one day, kids,” Derek swatted Stiles and Scott off of his beta and Isaac suddenly wished he had the ability to express his gratefulness, but instead he curled in on himself, still laughing hysterically against his own will. 
“Now that,” Stiles began, flopping himself on the couch, “is a useful discovery.”
“Oh really, Stiles? If it’s so interesting then I guess you’d be okay with being next, huh Stiles?” Derek responded, partially to embarrass Stiles and partially to take some embarrassment away from his favourite puppy. 
“Don’t you dare- Derek, no don’t even think about it! Stop!”
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