beetleviolet · 2 months
Collab Masterpost
TJ and Nardo belong to @its-the-chicken-nugg
Misa belongs to @littlemissartemisia
The other Mikey and Luke belong to @boots-with-the-fur-club
And the "Raphaels" are by @justalittleobsessed and @languajix, I kinda didn't ask before I threw them in here for a little bit, sorry!
I doubt this will actually count for points but uhh @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion why not tag feel free to ignore lmao
For reading purposes: Lo is Deaf, and all signing is in italics (unless i missed something lmao). These are all English translations, and are not written in ASL grammar!
“Fuck!” Raph cursed. It was simple to read his lips for that word, a solid “F” that was easy to catch, even if the “-ck” wasn't. That, and by Raph's expression alone anyone could tell he was cursing, his face was twisted in dismay. 
Honestly, Leo was relieved he was finally snapping too. The human and Nardo were, as expected in the situation, losing their shit, but they mostly kept it to themselves. It was nice Leo wasn't the only one fed up with the whole situation. Wasn't the only one “lashing out”, as the human had put it, a frustrated fingerspell. 
Does Mikey know how to swim??, Raph asked, frantic. The whole camp underwater, it had taken Lo and Raph a while to get used to the feeling, even thought they could still breathe. Can't really learn to swim when your only access to water is full of shit. 
He's a turtle. The other Leo signed, apparently fine being called Nardo. Leo was glad Mikey hadn't thought of that one. Maybe worse though, they decided to call him Lo. Raph was the one who suggested it, and Leo didn't want to make himself look insecure by objecting. Now he kinda wished he had. The name ‘Lo’ was something more intimate, something from when they were little. Like he was a kid again.
I'm sure he'll be ok! Nardo continued, but there was a fine tremor to his fingers, and his smile was a little strained. Leo wanted to argue, just for the sake of it, but Raph already looked stressed out of his mind. 
We should split up and cover more ground, The human suggested. A spike of fear drove its way through Lo's chest like a stake through his lunges, or maybe a nail in a coffin, or maybe a little bit of both. 
He had to move. Had to strike first. 
I'll go with you. He signed, and damn it, his hands were shaking too as he pointed to the human. Maybe it was a Leo thing. Raph tracked the movement knowingly. 
I can go with you. Raph offered. 
We need one of you in each group. Nardo interjected firmly. If we find them we need someone from each family to help. He was annoyingly right. Lo nodded. Raph grimaced, 
Fine. Text me if you need anything. 
Ok, Mom. That made Raph crack a smile. A small one, at least. 
Leo thought the day had pulled every last ounce of emotion out of him, wrung him dry, but looking back that was dumb. Raph wasn't there, and when Raph wasn't there Leo was a little less there too. So yeah, part of him expected the fear. 
He hadn't expected it to be… kind of awkward. 
There was a lot of walking, a lot of glancing and then glancing away. The human had to interpret as they asked around, but it wasn't really needed most of the time. There were a lot of shakes of heads, blank stares at the missing poster, tight lips as they shrugged. 
Lo kept his head turned away, not wanting to see anymore. That was, until he looked back and TJ was gone. He jolted, spotting her pink jacket on the shore of the lake and two forms in the water. The human, and.. 
Lo broke into a run. 
It was stupid, but at first he thought the small kid in the water was.. was.. 
It didn't make sense. It had been years since Mikey was that small. 
Lo moved into the water to help, but there wasn't any need. Misa fit neatly into the human’s arms, even as she flailed. 
Thank you, TJ signed anyway. She said something to Misa, a question. Misa's chest was moving up and down, up and down. She flapped her hands in distress. The human said something else, before patting Misa on the back. The kid coughed up water. Lo winced, pressing his shaking hands together. It was fine. Misa was okay! Until she covered her eyes, face painted with distress. TJ seemed to remember Lo was there, signing as she spoke to Misa, 
Don't look at what? She asked her. What? His anxious confusion must have shown on his face, because TJ softened, 
It’s okay Lo, I’ll take care of her. It was almost embarrassing how much he was reassured.
Cold. Misa signed it this time, half of the shivering genuine. TJ wrapped her jacket around her. 
Better? She asked. Misa nodded. The human helped her dry off for a moment before turning to Leo,
We need to bring her with us.
What?? Are you crazy?? Lo signed a little smaller, suddenly aware the kid was watching him, It's too dangerous! She could slow us down! 
He risked a look at Misa. Bad idea, those puppy-dog eyes were killer. 
…it wouldn't be right to just leave her alone.
Fine. Stay close. Misa smiled. She was so cute it was obnoxious. TJ seemed to read his mind,
You're adorable in that jacket! Do you feel okay enough to walk, or should I carry you? Misa held her arms up. Tension fell from TJ’s shoulders, it was clear how much she loved kids. She rested Misa on her hip. Misa chewed on her thumb, signing with one hand,
Where is Misa? 
We're going towards the cabins now. TJ pointed, Is there anyone we need to look for for you? Any friends or family? Misa shook her head. The kid was all alone, then. She bit down on her thumb again. Must have been a nervous habit, it reminded Lo a little of Donnie.
Hey Misa, can you help me? He asked. Misa looked up at Lo curiously. Can you help pass out these posters? She nodded, and took a few from him. The determined spark looked a lot like Raph. 
TJ had been right about taking Misa along, at least this way she would have some people looking after her. 
Hey! Leo snaps back into attention as TJ waves over another Mikey who was rushing by. She interprets a little hecticly, still balancing Misa in one arm. This Mikey was looking for his brother too. 
Who's your brother? Leo asked. The Mikey began to sign as well. 
Huge crocodile! He spread his arms all the way out, indicating what must have been, in scientific terms, a massive fucking crocodile, His name is Luke! 
We can look for him while we search for our siblings. TJ signed. Lo gestured to Misa encouragingly. She handed a poster to the Mikey, who accepted it with thanks. To Leo's excitement, the Mikey's eyes lit up with recognition. 
He gave me a bandana! He pointed to Mikey on the poster. I haven't seen him in a while though. He bit his lip anxiously. Please, let me know if you find my brother, he's been missing since the power outage. 
The power outage… Lo didn't pay attention as TJ rattled off the same warning she had been giving to everyone. Fear spores caused disappearances. Anything glowing blue, even just blue for that matter, was dangerous. When asked for a phone number in case they saw Luke, he handed TJ… a purple cellphone? There was something distinctly Donnie about it.
This can call me directly through my ninpo, and I can call you, I'll let you know if I see anything. 
Thank you. TJ signed gratefully as he rushed away. For a second, just a second, her expression crumpled into something awful, hurt, her eyes shining. She was quick to cover it up,
Ok. Let's go find some more people to ask. Lo nodded along. 
It wasn't any of his business, really. She was a stranger. More than that, she was a human. Messing with humans was stupid, and Lo wasn't stupid. He wasn't. 
…it was just, just for a second, she reminded him of Raph.
Except Raph always hid it a little faster.
…Leo was so stupid. 
How are you? He asks. And he was so bad at this, just like always. TJ glanced at him, surprised he asked. 
Alive. She responded. That was fair. 
Good.. good… He signed. This was just embarrassing. 
What about you? You okay? 
Yeah, yeah. But his nodding fist shook. Lo jerked his hand down and into his pocket. TJ stopped, turning to him. 
We will find Mikey. She looked him in the eye. I won’t stop trying until I know he’s back with you and safe. I promise.
She.. promised. 
In their family, promises were big things. Some days, promises from Raph and Dad were the only things keeping him going. Promises were sacred. So it had to be true, right? 
Damnit, she was just like Raph, taking Lo’s.. concern (ew) and turning it around on him. And just like Raph, it was working, he was all tensed up and eyes stinging, nope, abort mission, abort! 
Right. Same. He avoided eye contact, looking around. Let's ask them! He pointed to a pair of turtles standing nearby. They were trying on red masks, but based on the giggling, and the orange fluttering out of their back pockets, they weren't Raphs. 
Annoying. The human signed small, having to fingerspell the word, They're the ones pranking everyone. She didn't seem too happy about having to talk to them next. Leo fought a smile. It was a little funny when some of the other campers slimed him and Mikey, even if his brother didn't share the sentiment.
As usual, Leo stood back as the human talked and signed along. 
No joke, our siblings are missing, have you seen them? Anywhere at all? There was an immediate reaction that Lo didn't bother paying attention to,
Your siblings are missing? Oh man, I'm sorry. I don't know what I'd do if my big bros went missing. The other turtle elbowed him, Ow-! I mean, if my one older brother Leonardo and my two younger brothers Donatello and Michelangelo went missing because I am Raphael and that is me. I'm Raph. Totally and absolutely. He flashed a smile. 
…right. Lo signed before handing them a poster. To his surprise, the turtle's eyes lit up with recognition. Yeah! Tj did her best to interpret, Me and another Mike pranked him with some glitter, but bro totally freaked out. Cussed us out and everything.
Yikes, Mikey hated glitter. But cussing people out? That didn't sound like him at all. TJ looked annoyed, both with the pranksters and with the inability to sign with both hands. She mumbled something to Misa, who helpfully raised her hand so TJ could tap out a list. 
One, how dare you upset him. Two, Lifesaver! Lifesaver? How did that help at all?? TJ turned to Lo, excited,
The glitter! She pointed to where the crystals were thicker, and it was a bit darker. Something sparkled. Glitter smudged against the stone. 
Maybe TJ really would make good on her promise.
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quillfulwriter · 1 year
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dummy-dot-exe · 11 months
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by ReDrop/おつまみ@otmm
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reignsan · 9 months
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Annual Redrop big group art https://twitter.com/otmm/status/1736294659054587920
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if they get a perfect 50-50 I'd say Yuri wins.
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by ReDrop/おつまみ@otmm
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mdpikachu · 11 months
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attention my 3 mephi mutuals- BEHOLD HIM
source; https://twitter.com/otmm/status/1717102195194396707
thank you redrop
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skyred-blog · 1 year
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Wait there is a whole mini story, someone pls translate it
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akilice · 9 months
Crypter Rin, after long sections of therapy with Kiara, comes across this the next day:
Kiara becomes more spiteful about the sakurafaces, they are ruining her career.
Rin the moment she sees them
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pixystixxxdraws · 9 months
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memoiroiro · 1 year
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ReDrop/おつまみさんはTwitterを使っています: 「#FGO8周年 おめでとうございます!🙌🙌🙌 サーヴァントサマーヴァケーション2023🌞🌴⛵🌊 夏到来で海グルメ!暑い夏こそ辛いカレーで熱く燃え上がりましょう!皆さんは今年どんな夏グルメを食べたいですか?🍧🍦🍛🌮🌽🍜🍕🍗 #FGO https://t.co/er58EiNVvl」 / Twitter
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beetleviolet · 2 months
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Venus is by my buddy @theplacewhereidumpmyinterests
They are friends! Look at them friend!
(It tooootally counts as science fair. Worms is biology. Its uh. Worms. SCIENCE)
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quillfulwriter · 2 years
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Poll! ✅ Oops Too Much Magic indie RPG
Which style do you like more?
This is for an indie RPG about a city corrupted by magic to have moving sidewalks, talking walls, etc. Both are WIPs in the screenshot and need to be polished, but I figured I'd hear it straight from you.
Comment with A for the left side or B for the right side!
(A is from RPG Maker's built-in character designer and B is Stella Character Generator.)
Learn more about the game on my blog.
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dummy-dot-exe · 11 months
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by ReDrop/おつまみ@otmm
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reignsan · 2 years
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ReDrop’s designs for one of the new Halloween CEs
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Look, okay, so this is one of my fics that I have written since somewhere in 2019 or something, and it's one of my favorite things that I've written that shaped how I write stories from now, though this story itself has lots (and by that I mean lots) of errors there are still parts that I like about it. I'm even surprised myself that I wrote it in the first place.
I have a thing where I like to imagine Tokoyami as a God and whatnot, daydreaming about him all day with all the stuff that he does and even more frequently ones that I will never write about. Hence this OTMM (aka Ocean Tides and Mirror Minds) is existing, and I consider this one pretty mediocre although messy in terms of plot. I haven't also been getting any comments on this that came from people that have read about this mess I made, so I don't really know what some people think of it.
There were many versions of this story, obviously from the cringy and even more chaotic first until now. I don't also see any Tokoyami centric fics that are like mine too, (or maybe even none at all) except fpr the Gods Au part obviously.
There are many plot holes that I never got to fix up since I haven't had the motivation to continue it for a while, but I still like it even though I've lost the majority of interest in it anymore.
I forgot what I was about to say or how to continue this but hey, I came here to tell my little gaggle of followers (and other people that may stumble across my blog) that I write stuff other than doing mediocre fanart of our favorite birdboy Tokoyami. You can read it if you'd like, it's still there. But be warned that it's some messy crap going on in there.
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shima-go · 5 years
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インド異聞帯、最後のダンスバトルは令呪のスペシャルアピール連打でなんとかクリアできました!感動のフィナーレダンスをご覧ください。 #FGO pic.twitter.com/zgAhJncOm1
— ReDropおつまみ@1日目西れ52a (@otmm) June 30, 2019
via @otmm
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