#otp: a grounding force
timaeusterrored · 5 months
(Please be careful with my love)
((Angst for the boys))
The penthouse was quiet when Kerry walked in, no music, no phone calls, just pure silent. Vax was home though, the discarded clothes led up the stairs and towards the bathroom. He prayed his husband was okay.
Kerry gave him a minute before finally walking to the stairs to hunt down his man, after a day of just wanting to see him. Where he found him was something that broke his heart.
Vax sat alone in a bath of steaming water, bruised and distant. His eyes and mind elsewhere. The water was a light pink, hopefully it wasn’t his blood.
Vax barely reacted when Kerry picked up a rag and started to gently wash the dirt and grime off his bruised face, humming softly to keep him calm. The last thing either needed was Vax flipping out ass naked in a bathtub.
“‘M sorry…” Vax mumbled after a few minutes of Kerry washing the dirt and asphalt rocks off of him. What the fuck did he even get into? Did he fight a street?
“I wish you’d cut this shit out.” ‘You’re acting like Johnny’ was definitely tacked into his tone. And they both hated it. “It’s not healthy, babe.”
Vax just sighed, rubbing his face without much care of the scratches or bruising. Kerry loved his dumbass no matter what. Even if he still had bad tendencies… because Kerry couldn’t lie, he also had them.
“It’s easier to get the shit beat out of me than think.” Kerry gently took his hand and kissed his bruised knuckles, holding the rough hands like they were glass. Vax had never been fragile, at least not physically.
“What happened?”
“Just… it’s a lot… everything is. The afterlife, Arasaka, trying to live up to Rogue’s name and yours- hell even Johnny’s. Trying to make Jackie’s life and dreams come true-“
“No one expects you to do any of this.” Kerry stopped him, making Vax huff. “Rogue does not expect you to ‘live up’ to her name. She was doing this shit before you were even thought of. And as for me? Who gives a fuck. I asked to marry you, not some asshole merc. Jackie and Johnny would be so proud of you, and so would T-Bug. They loved you, and would want you to at the very least try and enjoy the life you gave yourself.”
Vax just stared at him, and Kerry briefly wondered if anything he said even went through his ears.
“I love you.” Was all he said in the end.
Kerry sighed, kissing his knuckles one more time.
“I love you too, doll.”
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nu1lst4rs · 3 months
doodled human designs for nightmares gang!
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ggrahhb. i love them. will draw individual refs soon. promise. cross has jumped between nightmares gang and star sanses, and therefore is considered a neutral outcode in our au. so ill draw him later.
horror fws the trans community
Star sanses, neutral aus (p1), neutral aus (p2), extras
some headcanons under cut 3_^
warning there is alot of text
> nightmare (they/it)
DESI NIGHTMARE!!!! (this is blatant self projection.)
short. but they always manipulate their height when they're outside of their gang because they hate being short.
chubby because its ass is not used to actual food, and they have a really slow metabolism when it isnt negativity. and now that horrors "forcing" it to eat, they gain weight. fast.
intersex. not sure why i think this but they don't really have a sex, so. erm.
^ adding onto that their fluid in their expression. sometimes masc, sometimes fem, sometimes andro.
has those stupid ass hair curlers and uses leftovers for their tentacles
MATCHING NECKLACES WITH MY OTP AT THE CURRENT MOMENT. usually errormare or bsp. sometimes fluffynight. killermare if nihira is fronting.
also sugar daddy nightmare. its either rich as fuck or have no money at all. (this is kindve a crack hc)
> Dust (he/they)
leaning korean and thai mix for him. because i need to see more mixed characters.
wears pjs whenever he can. gets the most fucking stupid pj pants too. like hello kitty. comfort > style.
always dusty. mostly because he doesn't shower and smells like ASS, but also because they gotta live up to their name somehow.
TRANS MASC. dont care if you say its wrong. EVERYONE IS TRANS. (excluding horror and blue. allies!)
aroace spec 100%. most sanses are, but him in particular. would rather die than do any of the sappy bs. but wouldd love to have a partner. or maybe 3. wink wink.
"2 shorter than killer but gaslights killer into thinking he's taller
doesn't wear papyrus' scarf, but keeps it in his sleeve.
> Horror (he/him)
wanna hc him as native american. but i haven't exactly thought much about what in particular.
tall and bulky. after a lonnggg famine, horror developed an ED. where they stress eat until he's physically ill, or feeling less stressed.
doesn't need the bandages on his face, bur keeps them there because he hates the scar
little big bottom teeth. its something he developed due to the food conditions in HT snowdin.
as much as it happens, horror HATES having blood on him, so he wears an apron underneath his clothes and does the laundry often.
PROSTHETIC LEG!!!! it got stuck in a bear trap when he was in his old au, and alphys didnt really know what else to do. its not the best thing, but its reliable. killer likes to put stickers on it.
has a cleaver named maxine, and an axe called rex.
ace because i dont really think. yeah. gross. ew. intimacy.
> killer (he/they/it)
arabic. its almost canon at this point.
has a selection of knifes in his thigh thing if his magic backfires on them. favourite is its butterfly knife.
is legally blind. his ass CANNOT see. refuses to admit this.
acespec because like look at me. he can barely feel. i just think he'd love the idea of being in a relationship, and desperately want one. but know he cant be in one.
scars galore holy shit. is always somehow simultaneously sloppy and precise with his knifework. him and nightmare have a small rivalry to see who can get the most.
needs to have textures on his clothes. something to ground themself. like "oh shit we're dissociating." rubs pants aggressively. works for us.
transb... transverse...
also DID but this is hinted at in canon
HUh. okay wow that was alot. cres shut up about utmv for 5 seconds (IMPOSSIBLE) (I DIED AFTER 1 SECOND). anyways THANK YOU!!! i will post and draw stars and neutrals tomorrow maybe. just after some sleep because it is 2am. bye everyone 3.<
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
Hello there! I am loving the talk Abt ma space boys game :) if you're still up for it how about #s 2, 4, and 13?
Hi!! I'm definitely still up for it!! I also love talking about them (allllll the time) 🧡💙
otp ask game
2: What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
(I'll be answering this as if op wrote "distressed" instead of "manic")
In the event Cody is the one waking up from the nightmare, Obi-Wan would wipe his tears, hold him tight, and press kisses to Cody's head as he reassures him. If it's a particularly bad one, he'll have Cody breathe with him while tapping the beat of their breathing exercises onto Cody's arm.
When Obi-Wan wakes from a harrowing dream, he'll be paralyzed with fear and anxiety so he needs Cody to cuddle and lay on top of him to ground and center him. Some tender lovemaking is also a great distraction.
4: Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
They're both definitely protective of one another but they know when to stand back and let their partner handle the situation on their own. It's the deep mutual respect and trust they have, really. I don't think either of them need to be protected more or less- they know each other well enough to know when it's time to step in and do some protecting.
13: Who’s the bigger tease?
Oh Obi-Wan for sure. Cody is extremely straightforward with what he wants. Obi-Wan on the other hand loves the building tension as he pulls at Cody's strings, watches his usually composed commander become flustered, grow desperate for Obi-Wan, and ultimately feeling Cody's growing arousal in the Force is a special treat.
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maul-of-shame · 2 months
J-3: The Acolytes Refuge
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Okay so after a few days of thinking, there we go.
Got a soft spot for Osha/Jecki? Can't get enough of Yord/Osha? Or perhaps you're part of the Sol Patrol (and you're feeling absolutely devastated by this freaking finale)?
This could be your new terrain, where your ships can sail without hitting the iceberg of negativity.
Sorry to be that girl but here are rules before I send invites (request via dm) to make sure we're all in the same library, in the same book and on the same page:
Angst and NSFW: Look, we get it, angst and NSFW content are part of the package yadi yada. But let's be clear: there's a time and place for everything. Keep it tasteful, keep it respectful, and for the love of the Force and everything that is holy, keep it in the right channels. Violate this, and you'll find yourself in the trash compactor faster than you can say "Death Star". Not everyone likes to be reminded their beloved comfort character/ship died horrendously 24/7 or see mentions of gorey stuff everywhere, main included.
Respect: Abuse, harassment, and general nastiness will not be tolerated. This is a sanctuary, not a Sarlacc pit. If you think you can bring your bad attitude here, you'll be booted out faster than Jar Jar Binks from a Senate meeting.
All Are Welcome: Whether you're a veteran of the Star Wars universe or just stepped off the starship, you're welcome here. But remember, leave your drama at the door. This is a place for harmony, not the Sith Council.
Ship and Let Ship: Not a fan of someone's ship? Move along. There's no need to start a galactic war over preferences. We respect all ships here, as long as they're not sailing into the realm of toxicity. We'll have channels for the ships and more, so no need to throw a shipping tantrum, don't worry I got you.
Why Join The Acolytes' Refuge?
For Osha/Jecki Shippers: Finally, a place where your ship is celebrated, not sunk.
For Yord/Osha Shippers: Your OTP gets the love it deserves without the eye-rolls.
For the Sol Patrol: Unite with your fellow patrol members and geek out over your favorite Jedi Dad and give him the love he didn't get in the damn finale.
For Everyone Else: Don't see your ship here? No worries, we welcome all who come in peace and with a good sense of humor.
What We're Not:
A Drama Dumping Ground: Leave your beef at the door or cook it somewhere else.
A Free-for-All: We have rules, and they're enforced. Break them, and you’ll be out faster than the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace.
Oshimir Central: There are plenty of places for Oshimir shippers. This isn't one of them, so don’t expect that here. Sorry, but this would be a bit too awkward to see Oshimir peeps in an Oshecki, Sol Patrol & Yorsha shipping server considering how things ended in the series.😅🤣
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limitbreaker23 · 1 month
Asking for a petal bath and training in rain pretty please 🥺
I had some time this morning, so sure! A bit of chengzhan bath-and-training-in-the-rain silliness that was a happy distraction for me!🥹I miss otp horribly!
Chengzhan, a bit t-rated, sometime around Sunshot gap ...
Heavy rainfall streaked the windows. Paper was bending under the weight of water, the drumming sound comforting and distracting at once. Lan Zhan watched the shadow play of rain and candlelight on his windows from the soothing warmth of his bath. Steam was still rising from the water. It had been too hot on his frozen skin, and he had welcomed the feeling instead of telling the servants to adjust the temperature. His skin paid the price with a fading redness below the water’s surface.
He was happy enough for a warm bath to clean dirt, mud, and weariness from battle. He had no thought to give to heat, barely even one for the unnecessary bowl of petals and scented scrubs the servants had placed next to the tub. He didn’t need them, found no use in them, and only felt heat in his face whenever he glanced at the red and pink petals, soft to touch when you brushed through them, touched them even for a quick, haunting moment that lingered on your skin.
A bath’s purpose was to clean the body, relax the mind, not to soften the skin with flowery fragrances.
He wondered why so many people felt the need to give him flowers, whole or broken apart.
He wondered why he wondered that instead of focusing his wandering mind.
Beyond the rain-streaked window, the distracting shadow play was disrupted. A flash of darkness broke through it to the sound of metal cutting through air. The hour was late, the fighting long left behind, and still the melody of swords seemed to have followed them here to safety.
Lan Zhan pulled the window open, ready to jump into the nightly rain, grab his sword from where it was lying next to the petals and scatter them to attack the intruders – but no one was fighting in the courtyard. No enemies, no pursuers, no disciples at odds with each other.
Just Jiang Cheng. Clan Leader Jiang. Alone in the rain, the small shielded courtyard behind the secluded houses forced into his personal training ground. The shadows of the night shrouded his figure, veiled him into a false sense of solitude as he slashed his sword through the pouring rain as if he was cutting through their enemies.
Lan Zhan caught sight of his face. Disgruntled, angry. Enraged by careless words exchanged over his head when he expected to be addressed. The early days of leadership came with many hardships, even for those that had their elders’ guidance to follow. Which Jiang Cheng had not. Yunmeng-Jiang was slaughtered, his sister safe, his senior brother lost, and all Jiang Cheng had lately was anger to vent within a storm.
Understandable. Preferable, to hide it in the shadows of the courtyard, to voice it where the rain could drown it, and to leave it here. Wrong to watch him and invade his anger. Inappropriate.
Lan Zhan nudged the window once more, the gap to outside growing wider, the view clearer. Acceptable form.
Jiang Cheng fought rain and wind as fiercely as their enemies. Sandu’s polished blade cut at a slanted angle through raindrops, slicing them apart, and he turned in a whirlwind of spraying water. Casually twisted his sword and changed the blade’s angle, caught the broken waterdrops on the polished metal where they seemed to rest for a moment, carried forward as Jiang Cheng turned, and thrown into the wind with the strength of piercing arrows.
Quite acceptable form.
On Jiang Cheng’s back, rain and sweat mingled into a distracting shine. In spite of the cold, and to fight the heat of training and anger, he had pulled the upper layers of his robes down, allowing them to fall over his belt and tied back by his sleeves. His bare back and chest were exposed, the tension in his arms moving over shoulders and biceps with every twist and turn of his blade. Streaks of rain and lost candlelight danced over his muscles.
Lan Zhan shifted in the tub, turned slightly to support his arms on the windowsill and watch, study. Linger, almost involuntarily, as if mesmerised by movements he had witnessed so many times lately. The water in the bath was hot, increasingly warmer, and the drops of rain sneaking through the open window cooled his face, the wind carried his breath outside like thin mist. Water tickled his tight skin, sneaking along a trail of goosebumps as he watched Jiang Cheng’s flesh and skin and muscles tense and relax with every move.
He forced his eyes back to Sandu, focused stubbornly on the blade that shifted and turned on Jiang Cheng’s palm as he jumped in a sharp angle through the air, slashed the sword around and followed with his clenched fist. The gleam of spiritual energy in Zidian gleamed in the darkness. Purple sparks danced around Jiang Cheng’s tense knuckles like the first threat of lightning. Of a storm. They never formed the lightning whip. Only the sparking light danced over the lines of defined muscles in his arm, shoulder, back as he whirled around once more, sharper than his sword.
The gleam of purple was fiercest in Jiang Cheng’s dark eyes, reflected in them as if they had sparked from within that darkness. Almond-shaped eyes, dark, narrowed under his tight brow, suddenly widening. Piercing into Lan Zhan. Catching him.
Jiang Cheng stopped mid-turn. His soles tore the wet ground open in a splash of mud as he forced himself to a halt, and Sandu’s tip pointed straight at Lan Zhan, softer than the shocked eyes of its owner. His shocked gasp echoed through the courtyard.
Lan Zhan was often praised for his calm and quiet nature. When he slammed the window shut, he could hear his uncle’s disapproving grunt within his mind. Drowned quickly by the sound of splashing water as he slipped and turned clumsily in the tub as he tried to leave, move, escape, run away. He grabbed the edge for support, grabbed the shelf with bathing inessentials and petals instead, and spilled them into the water as he slipped below the surface entirely.
With his hair wet and dishevelled, he pulled himself up again, face burning from something else than hot water. Nothing warmed better than humiliation and shame. Even cold springs turned into hauntingly searing pain. He could add the rain to the mountain of embarrassing memories now.
Sadly, drowning himself was never an option. He should not have watched, and now he needed to pay the price with his dignity.
Through the closed window, he was unable to see if Sandu approached to stab him through wood and paper screens. Perhaps Jiang Cheng gave no thought to wandering gazes. Perhaps a leader even this young had no time to spare for juvenile shame.
The doors flew open with a loud bang. Footsteps stomped towards him.
“Lan Wangji!”
Still shocked, still too hot and caught off guard, Lan Zhan snatched the towel sheet from the edge of the tub and pulled it over his naked body in a thumping heartbeat before Jiang Cheng stormed around the folding screen.
Furious, red from his bare chest to his face, and clutching his unsheathed sword so hard that it trembled, Jiang Cheng opened his mouth – only to blink in confusion, distracted by something. His eyes, piercing under his tight frown, quickly glanced at the bathwater, at the petals soaking in it, red and pink and unnecessary and stuck in the completely soaked towel that was draped over Lan Zhan’s legs and chest to cover his naked body half-heartedly.
Jiang Cheng blushed. He sheathed his sword noisily and pointed at the water, cleared his throat. “And you judge me?”
Lan Zhan felt the boiling need to justify himself for a few petals of no importance, when it made no and would never make a difference to give this person or anyone an explanation. “I was not judging, merely watching.”
Jiang Cheng made a strained face as if that was even worse. His hair had come loose from the rain and training. Thick, wet strands were hanging in his face, shifting when he huffed full of discontent. He flipped them out of his face and stepped closer.
“Much the same, isn’t it? That you didn’t judge me right now doesn’t mean you won’t waste your time remembering my stumbling soon and chuckle to yourself, hm?” Jiang Cheng stopped at the edge of the tub, shoulders straight and chin lifted to look down at Lan Zhan, unable to hide behind anything other than a wet towel in the clear bathwater.
Lan Zhan could have told him that there was little need to watch him training for the time an incense stick burnt to remember his movements. They had studied together, they travelled together, they fought together. He knew when to dodge because Jiang Cheng growled right before he slashed his lightning whip around. He knew that he preferred to turn right to hit and left to evade. He did remember all of this.
There was no need to linger on Jiang Cheng moving with exposed skin through the rain. Unnecessary. Quite.
He had wasted only his own time. Even when his mind already desired to wander back to the sight in his memories.
“Go on,” Jiang Cheng said in a low, rasping whisper as if he was cutting Lan Zhan’s thoughts short. “Tell me what to improve, Second Young Master Lan. Tell me that I slipped too far to the side when I turned on the wet grass. Advise me how to keep my sword steadier when my hands are wet. Go on, lecture me.”
Lan Zhan clutched the wet towel over his chest, shifted his legs and pulled them up to hide himself, the soaked fabric stuck between them now. Too little cover. Too exposed. Those eyes pierced into his face, uninterested, unbothered, not caring. A blink, a quick glance, and narrowed again with sudden anger as if Lan Zhan had forcefully distracted him with his naked skin.
“I have no advice,” Lan Zhan said, ignored the tension in his voice, the beating pulse within his veins.
“Ah?” Jiang Cheng looked away, his eyes trailing over the wet towel again. Over Lan Zhan’s body barely covered below it. Lan Zhan pulled it up, one more look away from scolding, insulting, kicking Yunmeng-Jiang’s leader with all the force of embarrassing shyness, and Jiang Cheng ripped his eyes up again, unbothered. “What did you watch me for then? What a waste of time.”
“You trained to relieve anger,” Lan Zhan said. “There is nothing to improve if it helped you clear your mind. Please leave now.”
“Do you think you staring helped me clear my mind? Do you think if you were in my place, you could stay calm, hm? Should we try?” Jiang Cheng put his sword on the shelf nearby and sat down. On the edge of the bathtub. Right next to the last dry part of the towel still draped over it. “Second Young Master Lan, why don’t you try and clear your mind while I watch and learn.”
“Clan Leader Jiang,” Lan Zhan warned.
“Please, teach me how you’d accomplish this.” Jiang Cheng reached into the water, eyes piercing into Lan Zhan’s, and picked one of the red petals up with two fingers. “Does it require flowers, scented waters, and candlelight?”
Lan Zhan glared back at him, brows so tightly furrowed it narrowed his field of view. Jiang Cheng smirked down at him, rubbed the soft petal between his fingers and clutched it then, squeezed the water out of it. It ran over his wrist, followed the line of his vein down his tense arm. His breathing hitched, too obvious in his bare chest, exposed, wet, layered with goosebumps. From the cold. The steam of the still warm bath wrapped him into too warm air and forced him to breathe hard enough that Lan Zhan could hear it.
Lan Zhan noticed only now that he had pressed far back into the tub, as if he could hide, as if it mattered to hide. For someone with more important worries, the sight of naked skin would not leave a scar in the memories. Lan Zhan should watch and learn from Jiang Cheng instead. He blushed.
“I apologise.” His voice was quiet and soft, a whisper lost over the sound of Jiang Cheng reaching into the water again to pick another petal. He stopped, fingers rippling the water surface, and pulled away before touching the petal. There was a strange fresh redness on his cheeks.
“Whatever,” he said as if Lan Zhan had insulted him and jumped to his feet, reached for his sword – and slipped.
Water splashed all around them as Jiang Cheng crashed into the tub. On top of Lan Zhan. Heavy. Warmer than the water. Hand searching for balance, grabbing, reaching, touching Lan Zhan’s thigh, waist, then his shoulder – and slipping off again.
Jiang Cheng crashed with his face on Lan Zhan’s chest, right into the wet towel. Lan Zhan kicked instinctively, had tried too hard to stay still and let out a strange whine, pulled back, away, and ended with another person’s body between his legs. Too close. He whined again, pulled at the towel, and somehow pulled Jiang Cheng with it. Entangled in the towel, they pushed and pulled at each other, made it worse, warmer, splashed water everywhere, and the wood of the tub ached under their struggle.
“Stop, stop, fucking stop moving!” Jiang Cheng grabbed his wrist, ripped Lan Zhan’s hand away from the towel and slammed it against the tub’s edge. He was right above him, one breath away in the fog of steam, and breathed through it right in Lan Zhan’s burning face. Jiang Cheng’s face had been reddened by the heat of the water, his pulse raging from the struggle in his throat, in his chest pressing into Lan Zhan’s. His grip on Lan Zhan’s wrist was strong enough to break branches.
Lan Zhan breathed in shakily, swallowed protests, and stilled, forced his body to surrender under the weight of another’s.
Jiang Cheng breathed back. his eyes glanced down again, but never made it further than Lan Zhan’s mouth. For there was nothing to see anyway. Not for another man who was used to train half-naked in the rain. Whose muscles were hard, bones heavy, skin hot. Whose hips pressed into his.
His mind might never clear again from this sensation.
Legs trapped between Jiang Cheng’s, Lan Zhan feared nothing more than to move and find other sources of strange warmth. He felt his body refusing his command, demanding to move, lift, search one touch. He looked away. Waited. And Jiang Cheng breathed. Breathed. Breathed until every exhale of air tickled Lan Zhan’s skin, his lips.
If he wanted, he could have pushed Jiang Cheng out of this tub and thrown him out. And yet, he wasn’t moving. Lingering on warmth like he had never felt it before. Naked except for a towel that knotted them together, feeling too much of Jiang Cheng’s body even through the wet clothes separating them.
“Now you don’t want to watch?” A hoarse whisper, sparking shivers and goosebumps, enraging a stray heart.
Lan Zhan refused to follow that raging beat and looked up. He didn’t have far to go. Jiang Cheng was less than a breath away now. Water ran over his skin, flushed, and into his eyes even, darker than the night outside. A red petal was stuck in his dishevelled hair.
Lan Zhan reached up, slowly, hand trembling too hard to appear calm and collected. His uncle surely disappointed in him somewhere. He picked the petal from Jiang Cheng’s hair. Carefully. Until Jiang Cheng shifted his gaze, slowly pulled it from Lan Zhan’s face as if it gave him large trouble to look away, and watched the petal. Lan Zhan closed his fist around it, crushed the petal. Jiang Cheng swallowed so hard, the pulse beating in his throat appeared hard and fast.
“Go on…” Jiang Cheng looked at him again, differently, eyes too dark and open, inviting him to take a leap and fall. “I won’t judge you either… for sneaking a look.” He leant closer with every word. The steam between them was a useless shield, quite unnecessary, blurring the view of these eyes too forceful to sneak a look, drawing closer.
Lan Zhan closed his eyes. Punished himself for ever sneaking a look by refusing the warmth from these searching, questioning almond-eyes now that he craved them most. And when something warmer and fiercer than words pressed against his lips, it felt like a reward, not punishment. A kiss, too deep and desperate to waste time with judging.
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
Song Poem Challenge
Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others that you think might enjoy the challenge!
I was tagged by @forloveofcodywan 💜
Tagging!! @razzbberry @ominouspuff @other-peoples-coats @adiduck @ossidae-passeridae @meantforinfinitesadness @meebles @lightasthesun
After thinking about this way too long, it ended up being outsider POV for the Surrender AU (evil codywan meets our codywan) somehow. Have at it??
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Requin smells the blood in the water long before the General and the Commander… change.
The change is gradual. Creeping and spreading so slowly, surrounding them all so unnoticed, leaving no escape but the hard exit.
Requin drops to one knee, bows his head, swears his loyalty. To the Commander. To the General. To the cause.
Whoever is left by the end of this will be free in a free Galaxy.
The General’s eyes glow and the Commander reflects the gold. They all do. They all believe.
They march and they free their families. They release them from their suffering.
Others join them, though no Jedi ever do.
They, too, are released from their suffering.
The General mourns them, holds their hand as they join the Force.
They march and free and spread and cover everything in their wake.
The General shakes with the adrenaline, with victory, as he grips the Chancellor’s jaw with one hand, pressing him into the ground until it cracks, until pebbles of concrete start to float up.
“Commander Cody,” the General orders, teeth glinting as blood red as the veins standing out on his grey skin.
The Commander checks his blaster and shoots.
Requin smells the blood in the water.
There is no aftermath. The Galaxy isn’t free. They still need to fight.
Peoples yield to them, sometimes.
The Commander and the General crawl into their cave like wounded animals afterwards, and Requin and the others left hold vigil, protect them.
Their families become smaller until Requin can’t remember all their names anymore. Until he’s forgotten more names than he’d ever thought he’d need to learn.
Requin smells blood in the water when it’s his shift to guard the Commander and the General.
“There’s no Light,” the General says, voice cracking like shipwrecks in the void of a dying star over the syllables. “Cody, there’s no Light anymore.”
The Commander helps the General limp to their bed, takes the heavy cloak off him.
Tunics follow, bandages, careful considerations of each spot of skin revealed.
The General looks frail. Fragile and two-mirrored.
He doesn’t know why he thought that.
Gold eyes snap to him and Requin straightens.
The General stands up, becomes imposing as the cane flies into his hand.
The end of it clicks on the floor with each step like the hand of the clock counting down the time.
“There is no Light worth enough to keep around, my Commander,” the General says, gold eyes spearing through Requin.
"Then we should travel," the Commander suggests, watching the General advance on Requin with impassive eyes.
The General stops right in front him, grey fingers lifting to the markings on Requin's chestplate.
"I need the Light to survive," he whispers to Requin like a secret, lashes lowering in regret. "You are not enough anymore."
Requin smells blood in the water.
Turns out, it was his all along. His and his families'.
His body drops under the golden weight.
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profanepurity · 2 years
Praeteritum Asks! Desperately want to know more about Elizabeth , her hobbies and if she was born in the church, how she met Primo, how they started dating, etc. I just love them, OTP right there.
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I'm sorry this took a while, but I can't even begin to express how excited this ask made me! I went a bit overboard so bare with me there is A LOT under the cut. There's some super messy sketches to go along with it all too lol 👻
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you enjoy 🖤
Elizabeth and Primo have known each other for a very long time. She was born in the church with her family having a significant amount of influence among the higher clergymen. Her father had been a cardinal for a time even back when Nihil was Papa. Primo's eyes locked onto Eliza ever since he first saw her during the first ritual he led as a bishop, and he could never look away again. Primo married her when he became a cardinal, but it wasn't until he was close to becoming Papa himself did he and Eliza start to have dreams. Lilith would regularly come to Eliza, claiming her a her as one of her spiritual daughters that was destined to take the position of Prime Mover, which hadn't been present in the church since Nihil was a boy. Primo and Eliza will regularly perform the divine ritual of conceiving the antichrist, yet despite being married for many, many decades, he is still stunned every time he sees her walk to him. Since Primo is often used as some what of an oracle for the Pseudomonarchia, this little human behavior can be a bit annoying, which of course they voice to their poor chosen vessel in his head... all at once. Thankfully Lilith is dominantly present during every conception ritual.
Their relationship is one you can really only achieve after knowing someone for a very long time. Despite leading very involved lives in the church, even after Primo steps down as Papa, they naturally gravitate back towards each other at some point during the day.
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Primo can get fairly cynical and dark at times, bordering on resentful, and that's not only because he's had to do some shit to please Satanas- thanks Imperator. Eliza never fails to reel her husband back in and calm him, just as Primo can put a smile on Eliza's face without necessarily even trying. This isn't to say Eliza doesn't have a darkness to her as well, she's just a bit more subtle about it. An enraged Papa Emeritus I is not a dark entity that the church or any unwanted individuals that have wandered onto the unblessed grounds wants to witness again- they have had the fortune of not yet witnessing it from Prime Mover Elizabeth. However, Eliza and Primo at their cores are good and love their family and the siblings of sin very much. And with that, let's get into Eliza's duties and her relationships! ^^
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Of course, other than helping her Papa in their garden, the Prime Mover is very involved with the children in the church. She is a wise and patient maternal figure that has an extensive amount of knowledge on herbal medicines, the dark arts, and other teachings that she gently exposes the children to. Never would she force these practices upon them, but rather guide them and allow their paths that Lucifer has already paved for them to direct them towards a certain interest or specialty. While Eliza does have the help of her ghoulettes Cirrus and Cumulus, which Primo summoned to help his wife during her first year as Prime Mover, her new assistant, Sister Natalia, helps her with the younger children very often. Natalia is young and has only recently taken her final vows to be an official sister of sin, as she'd previously been connected to a Catholic order... but she is never the less an eager, fast learner that Eliza sees a great deal of promise in. Her close relationship with a certain Cardinal and his ghouls gave the Prime Mover the idea of introducing the children early on to the ghouls, so as to reduce intimidation and see them as helpers and protectors rather than beings to fear. Sodo and Mountain were used during this little trial meeting, and it went better than you would expect. (Mountain put a flower on his head to try and make his nearly 8 feet tall ghoul ass look less scary).
Perhaps her favorite duty, which she sees as more of a privilege, is being a mentor to her niece, Bellamy. Despite the situation being a bit complicated and accidental, Sister Diana and Papa Secondo's daughter is adored within the church. Little Bellamy is very curious and bright, with a bit of her father's sharp tongue and her mother's serenity in the face of the hellish things that surround her. (I'll do one of these for Diana and Bellamy if you guys want!)
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As I mentioned, Eliza met Primo when he was a Bishop, so by extension she has known his brothers since they were quite young. Her interactions range from teasing to mothering, but never in an overbearing way. One of the reasons Primo fell so hard for her was because of her care towards his younger brothers and little Cardi, who Terzo would often be dragging along with him to get into trouble when they were children. The Prime Mover is also very close to Sister Diana, as she will often gentle pester Papa Secondo to marry Diana already, but she's been unsuccessful so far.
The cardinals worry her, but for different reasons. Terzo seems to run straight forward into the fires of Hell with reckless abandon, while Copia drowns himself in his work far too much for her taste. Satanas help her when Papa decides to lead a ritual with BOTH of his cardinals involved.
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Her least favorite relationships are with Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil. They don't always see eye to eye, but Imperator and her work well enough together to make important decisions within the ministry. They get along, as long as Imperator doesn't start making vague threats towards her boys.
Papa Nihil on the the other hand, she respects, but she finds herself praying more often than not for patience while holding the sacrificial bowl containing his offering. It doesn't matter what the ritual or sacrifice demands of this man, Nihil takes this as an chance to vent to Eliza, literally and metaphorically bleeding himself out. Thankfully Nihil has a level of appreciation for Eliza. Her father had been one of his cardinals after all. Unfortunately he doesn't have the same appreciation for his own sons, but does seem to be somewhat interested in Bellamy's upbringing.
Also, I know there's a lot going on in that last sketch, so to summarize: Nihil thinks Secondo is getting too distracted with Sister Diana and Bellamy, but can't complain too much since he continued the blood line. He thinks Primo had more to give and doesn't under stand his decision to step down, and REALLY doesn't understand why Eliza and him haven't had a child of their own yet. Terzo is the golden child but his rebellion is starting to get on Nihil's nerves. He's too stubborn to admit that Terzo and Copia posing as priests in a Catholic Church during a mass that was live broadcasted that one time was a pretty damn funny-(That rumor that Nihil mentioned about Terzo and an ex- Catholic nun is pretty shocking, I wonder if it's true...) And of course, Copia just existing irritates him.
For various reasons, Eliza has yet to become a mother, and while she is satisfied with her life as it is, that is one of the few things that actually distress her greatly. She feels as though she is not fulfilling her duty, and more so, she deeply desires a child of her own. She may not show it outwardly, but the rest of the family can tell the topic upsets her sometimes. So when Imperator or Nihil bring it up, arguments are bound to start in her defense.
Let me know what you guys want to learn more about next 🖤
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bcbdrums · 6 months
A Soul Eater story. Read on: AO3 | FFn
A/N: Monthly OTP prompt fills from this list for Spirit and Stein, because I cannot stop writing about them. I’m happy to hear recommendations each month for which prompt to write next. March's chosen prompt is: 3. Fresh Starts So without further ado... I just love them as babies. I love them so much.
Stein stared at his hands where they rested on his thighs as the car rumbled over the cobblestones. He alternately spread his fingers and then brought them together again, watching the way tendon and bone moved beneath his skin, noting the blue of his veins and how asymmetrically they spread out within his flesh, and none quite the same between his two hands.
It had been a long time since he had truly been able to look at his hands.
The car's speed had slowed, and gravity lightly pressed Stein to the seat as it ascended steep hills, made sharp turns, and followed twisting paths through the city. Stein glanced out the window occasionally, but the sunlight was bright in a different way than the lights of his former residence, and the world it illuminated far too large. It was much easier to keep his focus on the interior of the vehicle, even if travel itself was a foreign sensation; the car's smallness was familiar, at least.
He was forced to alter his focus however, as the car finally arrived on level-ground and rolled to a stop. He looked past the man seated to his right and out the window, at countless stair steps that rose up out of sight, and black stone walls trimmed in red that also vanished beyond what he could see from his confinement.
The other man seated to his left opened the car door, got out, and then beckoned Stein follow with a wave of his fingers. He took in a slow breath, and then complied.
Stein hadn't been expecting Lord Death to be waiting for him, and apparently neither had the others, as one of their gasps was what first drew his attention to the Grim Reaper towering above them even at a distance as the three walked around to the other side of the vehicle.
"Heya! Good to see you again, Frankie! May I call you Frankie?"
Stein merely blinked up at the approaching dark figure, unused to speaking without permission. Soon the reaper's massive form blocked his view of the stairs and most of the building beyond. It was as he tilted his head backward to look up at the still, white mask, that he realized the men were no longer flanking him.
He turned to see them both a few paces away right next to the car, their bearing cautious, and on the car's other side the driver stood and watched them all with a look of unease.
One corner of Stein's mouth turned upward.
"Well..." the reaper continued upon receiving no reply, "you must have some luggage with you?"
One of the men reached back into the car's open door, pulled out a shabby, gray, drawstring bag, and after a moment slowly extended the item toward Stein.
Stein looked at the limply-hanging item, considered a moment, and then raised his eyes to lock onto the man's. He kept his expression utterly still, not even blinking, until the man sucked in an anxious breath and quickly looked away.
With effort, Stein forced himself not to smirk as he reached out and took the bag. He didn't bother giving the same treatment to the other two men; their having seen was enough.
He turned his back on the men and the car, swung the thin straps of the bag over his shoulders like a backpack, and then stepped past the reaper to look at the veritable wall of stairs beyond. He slowly cast his gaze across the walls that framed them, and then upward to the oversized candles protruding from the building, the giant skull-masks with their spikes, and the towers that seemed to reach almost to the clouds.
"Well, that's all taken care of! See you around!" Lord Death was saying a few paces behind Stein.
He continued staring at the building, but his focus zeroed in on the sound of soft soles moving over the cobbles, the rustle of clothing as the men got back in the car, and the decisive click as each door closed in succession. He listened as the motor started, heard the sound of tires scraping against stone.
Stein held his breath as the vehicle rolled away, back down the hill and around a curve. He strained to hear until every last trace of the motor was gone, and the only sounds around him were the occasional chirps of a bird and the breeze against his clothes.
Stein closed his eyes tightly as he slowly exhaled.
The wind chilled the fabric of his linen pants, whipped it softly against his legs and cooled his skin as well.
When Stein opened his eyes his vision was blurred, and he blinked in surprise as tears fell hot over his cheeks. When had he last cried?
Probably more recently than he'd felt a breeze, he thought.
The Grim Reaper's voice was gentle where it sounded high above him, and Stein, suddenly and inexplicably self-conscious, hurriedly wiped the tears on his sleeve. Then just as quickly, he was startled as large hands clapped together in his periphery, and he shifted his gaze upward.
"I thought a tour of the academy first, and then I can take you to your room to meet your weapon partner! He'll be your roommate and he's already moved into one of the boys' dormitories."
'Roommate?' Stein thought. He had never shared a room before.
Lord Death had already begun moving toward the stairs, and Stein grabbed hold of the drawstrings over his shoulders and took large strides to catch up. There was so much to process of the new experience all at once that he almost missed the reaper's sudden stop when they were just reaching the stairs. He barely avoided stepping on the large black cloak that seemed to change its form as the reaper moved, but he didn't have time to analyze that as a new presence drew his attention.
"Spirit Albarn? I told you to wait at your dorm."
"I— I'm sorry, S-Sir. See, I realized I'd forgotten some books in my locker, and then I was already here so I figured I could just—"
Stein slowly stepped out from behind Lord Death to find the source of the stammering voice, and it stopped abruptly as the boy laid eyes on him.
Spirit Albarn, as the reaper had identified him, was at least a head taller than Stein, and thin. He was dressed in all black—a contrast to Stein's head-to-toe white—with the exception of hideous large gold buttons down the front of his jacket. But that wasn't what took Stein's breath away and caused his fingers to tighten on the drawstrings.
"Ah, well. I suppose there's no time like the present. Spirit, this is your new partner, Franken Stein."
Spirit's eyes—a shade of crystalline blue that Stein had never seen before—looked him up and down where he stood next to the reaper, and then his brow furrowed. But he apparently dismissed whatever his first impression was as his expression cleared and was filled with a bright, friendly smile as he stepped forward and extended his hand.
"It's nice to meet you, Franken."
Stein could feel Lord Death's gaze as his fingers tightened further on the thin strings that held the bag on his back, but his eyes were fixed on the face of the likely-older boy in front of him.
He knew what was expected. He was to reach out, shake the boy's hand, and offer some form of polite greeting; meaningless niceties to satisfy social etiquette, and then hopefully he could move on to gathering data on how to survive in his new environment. But even his ability to process these needs was rapidly failing him under the radiance of this boy that was taking over his every sense.
"Franken?" Lord Death said.
Spirit Albarn's smile weakened at the corners, his brow creasing slightly as he stood waiting.
Any appropriate words Stein could have said had left his brain. But the pressure of the requirement to speak forced his lips apart, caused one hand to release his grip on the strings. And before he could even begin to piece a sentence together, he heard his thoughts spill out freely as they hadn't in years.
"Your hair is the color of blood."
Spirit Albarn's eyes widened, and he blinked repeatedly as he appeared to process Stein's declaration. The offered hand began to retract ever so slightly, but just as quickly the boy's smile renewed and he reached for the hand Stein had started to move and gripped it firmly. His touch was as warm as the aura that seemed to surround him.
“Well, that’s better than 'copper-top' I guess, for a scythe,” the boy said.
Stein took in the feeling of each strong finger wrapped around his, the confident and assured way his hand was being shaken. And then the touch departed and left his hand feeling strangely empty. He hurriedly gripped the drawstrings again.
The crimson-haired boy glanced past Stein, looked around in confusion.
“Where’s your luggage?”
Stein wanted to look up at the reaper, the self-conscious feeling having returned in the face of the other boy’s confidence. But he realized all at once as no answer was given for him that this was his new reality—that he was expected to and free to speak, that he got to choose the responses he gave, and that his thoughts were wanted.
And yet again, he was at a loss in the light of this new information.
He startled out of his musings when a large, white hand settled over his shoulders and gave him an affectionate pat on the back.
“I think this is all, right Frankie?” Lord Death said.
Stein watched the other boy’s brow furrow as he peered at the near-empty bag that held Stein's single change of clothes and a toothbrush he'd stolen.
“Yes,” he managed, tensing under the unexpected touch, but astonished that fear didn’t accompany it. Nor was the invasion of his personal space followed up with harsh manhandling, a command to silence, or confinement to darkness that lasted for days on end.
Stein closed his eyes and slowly inhaled, felt again the cool of the breeze against his face and the contrast of the sun's warmth atop his head. When had he last felt the sun?
He slowly let out his breath, focused on the feeling of air passing through his lips, and the tension began to ease from his shoulders. The reaper’s hand moved away, and Stein opened his eyes.
“Well,” Lord Death continued, “let’s get on with your tour!"
He stepped past Stein and began gliding up the stairs, the great black cloak changing its shape once more as it floated behind the mysterious being who seemed larger than life both in form and personality.
Stein was considering this irony when Spirit Albarn continued up the stairs. But he paused a few steps above Stein and turned back.
"I'm really excited to be your weapon, Frankie."
Stein's move to follow was halted by the boy's words. He was excited?
Stein almost smirked at the naiveté. This boy knew nothing about him, and he was sure it wouldn't be long before his youthful excitement turned to fear. How many days would Stein be roommates with this boy before he requested a change of accommodation? Before he no longer wanted to be weapon partner to someone like him?
The dark amusement Stein had gained from imagining that boy's bright aura dimming was arrested suddenly as he realized: the typical conclusions he was used to when he put someone off no longer applied. The parameters of his situation had changed entirely, and there was no way he could predict the possible outcome.
He'd been released to the Grim Reaper's school because he had potential to be a weapon meister, the great being had said. But when this other boy inevitably refused to work with him... Would Lord Death change his mind and...send him back?
Stein blinked and swallowed slowly. He hadn't considered the consequences of potential failure. He hadn't yet considered anything at all about his new circumstances; there hadn't been time. Even stealing the toothbrush had been a last-second thought.
"Oh, uh..."
Stein startled back to awareness and looked up at the boy again.
"Sorry, I should have asked... Is 'Frankie' all right, or do you prefer Franken? You can call me Spirit. I don't have any nicknames."
Stein set aside his deeper concerns for the moment. He considered both names, and the further diminutive 'Frank' that he was often called.
Within moments, his memory rang loud with a chorus of terrified cries, followed by those that were full of fury and viciousness. A rush of fear that nearly always accompanied the hearing of his name followed, and he felt a phantom pressure across his chest, a pulling at his shoulders and arms.
He shuddered, flexed his fingers just to remind himself that he could, and gripped the drawstrings tighter as sounds and images continued flooding his mind. But on the steps above, Spirit Albarn waited, and Stein held his gaze as he had that of the man who handed him his bag.
He was once again at a loss as he took in the older boy's expression. His almost-teal eyes were hopeful, his smile bright and welcoming. And with the halo of blood-red hair that feathered around his face he seemed to be practically glowing with the exuberance of life.
The cacophony in Stein's head faded to silence.
He felt his heart thunder in his chest as a fleeting thought—a wondering if this boy's blood did in fact match the color of his hair—passed through his mind in place of the bedlam. But it was all quickly overtaken by something new; a sensation Stein couldn't ever remember having before.
"Actually..." he began, taking the time to feel his voice on his tongue and lips, to hear it as he made the first decision that was his own in over two years. "Just call me Stein."
Spirit looked a bit surprised, if Stein was reading him correctly. And then his smile grew.
"Okay, Stein! I really hope you'll like it here."
Spirit smiled at him another moment, and then continued up the stairs after a fast-disappearing Grim Reaper.
Stein took a few steps up after them, and then paused. He turned back to look at the cobbles where the car had been, and then at the vast expanse of the city and the desert beyond, stretching limitless in every direction. The sight was almost dizzying, simply because he wasn't used to seeing distances so great.
Above, the sun grinned knowingly and shone warm on his face. The breeze at the high elevation continued to cool his thin, linen clothing. And as Stein squinted out toward the road that led across the sea of gold, he spotted a tiny speck glinting under the sun that was traveling rapidly away.
He stared after it until it vanished, too distant any longer to be seen, and suddenly he became aware of pain in his knuckles. He slowly loosened his grip on the drawstrings and with deliberate care moved his hands down to rest at his sides.
It was so difficult an idea to grasp, as it was something he had given up on long ago. But he forced the thought remain as he stared at the horizon, still expecting either to see the blinding speck return or else wake up and find everything around him a dream. But neither event took place. And gradually, the present reality took over.
Nothing about it would be easy; it would be stupid to pretend otherwise. But in that moment, all Stein wanted to think about was the fact that he could move, and he could breathe. And that he was in control of each and every breath.
He turned around and lifted his gaze. Part of the way up the steps Spirit Albarn had paused again, smiling down at him. And then at the very top, white mask angled toward him, waited the Grim Reaper.
Stein inhaled. Exhaled. It made no sense, but somehow his lungs seemed to be filling with light, gradually growing brighter with each breath he took. And in his mind: a new, alluring quiet.
He listened gratefully to the silence as he breathed. He flexed his fingers again and lowered his eyes from Lord Death down to Spirit Albarn, and then to the stone steps just in front of him—let the pathway to freedom fill his vision.
He stepped forward.
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dramioneasks · 8 days
can u recommend some fics where draco is actually characterized as a teenage boy. defensive, petty, cowardly, snotty, constantly horny etc
Carnal Club - Ada_P_Rix - E, 3 chapters - The Halloween Ball is fast approaching with Hermione at the helm. … What a delightful time to suddenly learn of a centuries old secret sex-game club that is currently ran by a Blonde haired Slytherin. Oh, and it only happens once a year every October, when the winner takes all at the Halloween Ball … The First Rule of Carnal Club: You do not talk about Carnal Club.
Baker’s Dozen - DarkoftheMoon, Maria81 - T, one-shot - As part of the new and mandatory Muggle Studies curriculum, 8th year students are paired together for a year-long practicum in the culinary arts. If only Draco were interested in either.
mischief-makers (up to no good) - riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy had been a couple since the beginning of their eighth year at Hogwarts but spilt up pretty quickly after leaving school because of pathetic arguments between the two of them. But their group of friends had enough of their constant complaining about missing the other person. So, that was how Hermione and Draco ended up forced to go on a road trip to the beaches of Cornwall with Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter and Theodore Nott, with Pansy Parkinson and Neville Longbottom also joining them. It was like the plot from a crappy romantic comedy that Hermione had absorbed in the early weeks of her breakup. But, their friends had a plan. Project get Dramione back together! A one-shot for the 2023 Year of the OTP Fic Fest
Glass Footwear and Fanfare - StarsWithSoup - T, 7 chapters - Due to a Muggle studies project, Draco and Hermione are sent to the Room of Requirement to experience the fairytale Cinderella first-hand. Draco becomes Prince Draco Charming Malfoy (yes, his middle name is Charming) and is sent off to the royal palace whilst Hermione becomes a lowly maid for the Parkinson family. Or, Hermione and Draco are stuck in the world of Cinderella until they complete the tale.
Good Vibes By: NeverNik - M, 3 chapters - Hermione transfigured her wand into a vibrator, but she can’t transfigure it back without the help of another wand. It would be beyond humiliating to ask anyone for help. What is she going to do? She’d been without her wand all day now, and a certain Slytherin someone is a bit too observant for his own good… Just a smutty story, really.
Innocent Monsters - itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy thought he had reasonable expectations for his mandatory Eighth Year at Hogwarts, where he would be confined to the grounds as part of his probation. Isolation, hatred, and passing his NEWTs were really all he had in mind. What he wasn’t anticipating: 1) Having a small firstie latch onto him like a bloody koala 2) Said firstie adopting an erkling as if they didn’t feed on children. To protect his little nuisance, he’ll have to seek help from uncomfortable places, including the Swottiest Witch of Her Age. Joy of all joys.
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jgyapologism · 11 months
send a ship ask game xiyao chengyao and chengxian
oooh another one thank u!!
my otp tbh. i mean, i wrote an entire fic series about an alternate universe where jgy lives, just so i could keep them together. i think that answers that question lmao. but no, like, you don't understand. these two are such a tragedy: they love each other so deeply, yet are kept apart by duty and circumstance, and lxc is someone who jgy is probably the most honest with - but he still withholds - and him withholding from lxc is the one thing that lxc cannot forgive. so when guanyin temple happens, and lxc finds out the truth, he feels betrayed and rejected and like everything between them was a lie and god, he thought that he knew jgy better than anyone else. he thought he was the exception. but jgy can't afford exceptions. can't afford to let anyone too close. experience has taught him to keep people within arm's distance but no closer than that and lxc had thought he was the exception but he wasn't. except that he was - in jgy's eyes - because jgy had never allowed himself to hope for love, to be loved, before lxc.
lxc wanted to know jgy - even the monster bits - but jgy thought he had to wear a mask in order to be loved by him. but lxc just wanted him, darkness and all.
ohoho i mean, i love the concept of chengyao as like "two men who are bad at emotions are thrown together by force to help raise this child together" and i just, like to think that over the years, jc had grown to respect - maybe even admire - jgy for his resilience and persistence. b/c those are two traits that jc values highly - and he knows what it means to be resilient and persistent and to build something from scratch. so he admires jgy, and jgy grows to admire jc too, because he sees the way jc had rebuilt his sect from the ground up and how he holds his own against other sect leaders and - there might be a little bit of jealousy there.
so they respect one another, and they have this kid they have to raise together, so they do their best. and maybe jc thinks jl likes jgy better, so there's some hidden resentment, and maybe jgy thinks jc is too harsh on jl, so there's judgment. and they never see eye to eye, but they do their best - for jl.
but then guanyin temple happens and jgy puts the garrote around jl's neck - his own nephew - and jc loses every ounce of respect he has for jgy. even if all of his other atrocities didn't seal his fate - him using the garrote on jl did it for him.
but man. before all that - these two raising jl together?? peak comedy. 100/10 never getting over it. they are a small, broken family but jc and jgy are both tenacious as hell and like hell they're gonna let this boy suffer like they did. that's why jl is so spoiled rotten - b/c jgy and jc just can't stand to see him suffer.
oh anon. you just opened the floodgates. what can i say about chengxian, the twin prides, the two brothers who have always been at odds, yet refusing to let each other go?
chengxian is the most tragic ship in the entire show. we watch jc and wwx grow up together. we see their brotherhood and their friendship. we see how loyal and dedicated and fond they are of one another. but we also see the cracks and fissures between them: the way jfm dotes on wwx and the parallel hatred yzy has for wwx; the way jc always felt responsible for wwx; the fact that jc may have been wwx's superior in title but everyone who saw them knew wwx was smarter and stronger ; and the resentment that dug its way inside jc's chest and made him bitter.
but jc had always thought - believed - that wwx would choose him over everything else - except maybe jyl - and he clung to their brotherhood like a lifeline. he thought wwx was his ride or die.
but then the wen's destroy the jiang sect. they kill jc's parents. and jc blames wwx for everything - but still, even then, he sacrifices himself to save wwx, and they tear out jc's core (and wwx saves him too late and sacrifices his own core to save jc but jc doesn't know this until years later and its too late and everything is festered and ugly between them) and the wen's throw wwx into the burial mounds and he thinks wwx is dead and that it was all for nothing.
wwx goes to the burial mounds - and that, that changes things entirely. it changes wwx, b/c now he's coreless and weak and he's had to survive.
and then they meet again - after jc spends months with someone he hates just looking for his brother, clinging to some shred of hope that he's still alive - and wwx is different. but they still try to act like everything is the same; that nothing has changed. except that everything has.
and then wwx chooses the wens. he chooses the wens - the very same sect who murdered their family - over jc. over family. and something inside jc finally breaks.
he gives up on wwx. gives up on their brotherhood. meanwhile wwx has been begging him to let him go this entire time. and he thinks wwx doesn't care when it's the farthest thing from it, because all wwx wants is for jc to rebuild his sect, and being associated with wwx will only destroy them.
but, these two are Class A noncommunicators. they sacrifice everything for each other time and time again, without any thought to what the other one wants, and if not for wn, wwx would have died holding onto the core secret (edit: hell, he fucking DID in his first life); just like jc will probably die without ever telling wwx that he was the one who distracted the wen guards. that he was the domino that led to all the broken things between them.
this...has gotten impossibly long. but i'll end with this: jc and wwx will never stop loving each other. beneath all of the layers of resentment and bitterness and hatred, there is brotherhood and love and care.
they may be too broken to be fixed in their entirety, but a broken vase can still be glued back together.
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sonics-atelier · 2 months
Just One Look
Summary : Based on this post by @rabbit-hearted-girl, Kaz Brekker braves the underworld to bring Inej back to life, but must resist looking at her to succeed. When his love compels him to turn, he nearly loses her forever, igniting his resolve to defy the gods and reclaim her.
a/n : Hello Soc fandom, its my first time writing for my otp so please let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoy this 🫶
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The air was thick with the stench of death, and the churning river Styx gurgled ominously as Kaz Brekker approached the gates of the underworld. He was battered, his clothes torn and bloodstained from the journey that had brought him here, but his dark eyes burned with a determination that nothing could extinguish. Inej was dead, taken from him in a cruel twist of fate during a perilous voyage, and Kaz would not rest until he had brought her back.
He stood before the massive iron gates, guarded by the monstrous Cerberus, the three-headed hound of Hades. Kaz’s gloved hands clenched into fists. Fear was a familiar companion, but it had no place here. Not now. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice steady and commanding.
"Hades!" he called, his voice echoing through the cavernous entrance. "Lord of the Underworld, I seek an audience."
The gates creaked open with an eerie groan, and Kaz was led into the shadowy realm by a silent, hooded figure. The underworld was a place of perpetual twilight, its landscape a twisted mirror of the living world, filled with ghostly apparitions and sorrowful wails. Kaz’s heart pounded in his chest as he was brought before the throne of Hades and Persephone.
Hades, the stern and unyielding ruler of the dead, sat upon his throne, his dark eyes gleaming with an ancient wisdom. Beside him, Persephone, the radiant queen of the underworld, exuded an ethereal beauty that contrasted sharply with her grim surroundings. Kaz bowed low, his eyes never leaving theirs.
"Why do you trespass in my realm, mortal?" Hades' voice was a rumble of thunder, his gaze piercing, he and his brother had something in common after all.
Kaz straightened, his expression unyielding. "I have come to beg for the return of Inej Ghafa, taken from the world of the living before her time. I beseech you, great Hades, and you, fair Persephone, to grant her another chance at life."
Persephone’s eyes softened, but Hades remained impassive. "Many have pleaded for their loved ones, but few have succeeded. What makes you think you are different?"
Kaz reached into his coat and pulled out a small, tattered sack. "Because I am willing to do whatever it takes." He emptied the contents onto the ground—an assortment of small objects: coins, pieces of string, and a red ribbon. He began to perform, his hands moving with practiced precision as he executed a series of intricate magic tricks, each one more mesmerizing than the last.
He made coins disappear and reappear, tied and untied impossible knots, and finally, he took the red ribbon and began to weave a story, his voice low and captivating. "This ribbon," he said, "is the thread of fate that binds me to Inej. It is unbreakable, forged by the gods themselves. Our lives are intertwined, and without her, I am incomplete."
As he spoke, he manipulated the ribbon, making it dance and twist in the air, forming shapes and patterns that seemed almost magical. Persephone’s eyes glistened with tears, moved by the sincerity in Kaz’s voice and the beauty of his performance.
Hades frowned, his resolve wavering. "You speak of love, yet love is what brought you to this place of sorrow. What makes you think you can defy the fates?"
Kaz’s hands trembled slightly as he tied the final knot in the ribbon. "Because love is stronger than fate. It is the only force that can bridge the gap between life and death. Inej’s spirit calls to me, and I cannot live without her." It was the truth he had known all along but was a coward to not have uttered it sooner.
There was a moment of silence, the weight of Kaz’s words hanging in the air. Finally, Persephone turned to Hades, her voice gentle but firm. "Let him try, my love. Let him prove the strength of his bond."
Hades sighed, the shadows in his eyes deepening. "Very well. You may lead her from the underworld, but there is one condition. You must not look back at her until you have both crossed the threshold into the living world. If you do, she will be lost to you forever."
Kaz nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear. "I understand."
Hades waved his hand, and from the shadows, Inej emerged. She was as beautiful as Kaz remembered, her lithe form draped in a flowing gown that seemed to shimmer with an inner light. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes, deep and soulful, met Kaz’s with a look of longing and love.
Kaz’s breath caught in his throat, but he turned and began to walk, knowing that Inej was following close behind. The journey through the underworld was treacherous, the path winding and filled with obstacles. Kaz’s mind raced with memories of Inej—the way she moved with the grace of a dancer, her sharp wit and quiet strength, the warmth of her touch. He longed to look back, to see her face, to assure himself that she was really there.
But he kept his eyes forward, the weight of Hades' condition pressing down on him. They were nearing the exit now, the faint light of the living world visible in the distance. Kaz’s heart pounded, each step bringing them closer to freedom.
Finally, they reached the threshold. The cool air of the living world beckoned, and Kaz’s resolve wavered. He could hear Inej’s footsteps behind him, light and sure, but the need to see her, to confirm that she was truly there, overwhelmed him. He turned, his eyes searching for her.
In that instant, he saw her—beautiful, radiant, her hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes met his, filled with love and relief. But before she could step into the living world, her form began to disintegrate, the light fading from her eyes.
Kaz’s scream tore through the air, a sound of pure anguish and despair. He reached out, but it was too late. Inej was gone, her spirit pulled back into the depths of the underworld. He fell to his knees, his heart breaking as he watched her disappear.
The world seemed to collapse around him, the weight of his failure crushing him. He had come so close, only to lose her again because of his own weakness. He screamed and screamed until his throat was raw, until the air in his lungs gave out and he felt like he was drowning once again and inej had been the tether keeping him afloat, the thought was too much for his heart to bear.
As the darkness threatened to consume him, he forced himself to stand. He wiped the tears from his eyes, his resolve hardening. He knew that she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. That without meaning to, he'd begun to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near.
He had lost her once, but he would not lose her again. He would wage a war worthy of the gods, if that’s what it took. He would bring her back, no matter the cost.
For he was a man of many skills, and would use every one of them to get his girl back. If she would have him, he would never let her go again. And so, at long last, Kaz Brekker was gone, and Dirtyhands had come to see the rough work done.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 ( do not repost or reuse in any way, shape or form )
Dividers by @strangergraphics 🫶
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the-black-bulls · 6 months
Hi there, friend! I heard you were eager to provide us some salt? :D
May I ask for 2, 7, 10 and 15?
Have a nice day! 💖
Salty Ask List
why hello there, ashen! there's no words limit in tumblr so I can go all out with and be annoying 😛 (have a nice day too!)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
on top of the ones I mentioned in this ask, Magna/Luck is a ship that gives me more BroTP vibes. I find myself enjoying their moments and shenanigans through familial, brotherly lens. I still fw them together as a couple from time to time (especially in my friends' arts and fics), but at the end of the day Magna/Luck's dynamic will always be an important BroTP to me, much like asta and liebe 💖🤝🏻
also it doesn't really count as brotp since I ship them, but Yami and Nacht's bromance is just chef's kiss, I just happened to crack them as exes with nacht getting forced to co-parent the squad he's been avoiding for years 😂
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
fuck clover kingdom honestly I hope someone destroys it from the ground up and establish a new system :)
also fights. I'm tired of going through fights after fights after fights with cliffhangers that don't hit as often. I just want to see everyone talks and interacts and has cooldown moments more, which hasn't been an option for years now with how fast the plot runs. of course hino provided a much needed break, but I wish liebe played bigger part in the arc and I wish the bulls got to visit the land too.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
the anime-only arc not included, it used to be the royal knights arc before zora grew on me (tournaments just bore me ok), but now it's the royal capital arc with it being the least enjoyable.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
it's full of great themes and ideas but with weak execution because the mangaka rarely goes beyond the bare minimum, leading us to have an underdeveloped world and concepts that used to be hyped in the past shrugged off now because the plot moves too fast for the story to explores everything.
alright, this might not be an unpopular opinion, so for something more controvesial... Yuno doesn't belong to the golden dawn, he doesn't fit with him, they're not his friends let alone found family. Yuno has to be slowly stripped off his roots to become someone more fitting of the squad's superior aura and passive arrogance masked as pride. Yuno deserves better, and he can't get what he deserves in such a loveless and friendless environment that only offered him disdain and guilt.
in a better timeline, Yuno will become a black bull.
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ashxketchum · 4 months
Yesterday I said I won't probably talk about this but you know what fuck it I found the BEST PICREWS EVER!!!
Link: M / F
Regency Romance AU feat. my favourite OTPs:
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2. TysonxHilary
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3. Mimato
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4. Taiora
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I am still not sure how much I can explain well but for now the gist is that the girls are all childhood friends, despite having different backgrounds/upbringings.
Charlie (OC)'s father is a solicitor for the royal family which puts her family in the nouveau rich category. Sora's father is a very high ranking military official who doesn't spend much time at home. Both Charlie and Sora are very rebellious (considering the time period lol) and do not get along well with their respective mothers at all. Mimi's father belongs to the nobility but with her mother often falling sick, he lets her run free and act as per her wishes very often. Hilary too has a noble background but both her parents pass away at a very young age without proper heirs assigned so the royalty takes back her property and she grows up with a disinterested grandmother caring for her in a bare minimum fashion.
Save for Mimi, the other three girls are set to debut in the same season. Mimi is not very happy about having to wait a whole year in joining her best friends out in society, so she does attempt to manipulate her father into letting her debut early quite a few times but it just so happens that her mother's health is in a good condition on those days and she doesn't end up succeeding.
Charlie doesn't want to get married, but wants to inherit her father's soliciting business which her mother is against. When she's forced to debut, she decides to create a scandal around herself to get herself out of the marriage race and sort of doom her chances of being courted for a long time so she can focus instead on secretly studying to take over her father's work.
Sora is also not very interested in the idea of marriage and she enjoys designing/stitching clothes. But her mother is against the idea of a military officer's daughter running her own boutique, so she's eager to get Sora married off as soon as possible. Not having the will to drag her own family into a fake scandal like Charlie, she instead decides to chop off all her hair right before her presentation in front of the queen, hoping to seem more tomboyish to keep potential suitors at bay.
Hilary thinks her life couldn't possibly be more tragic but her grandmother too passes away a week before the presentation. Mimi's mother is feeling healthy at the time and offers to sponsor her for the day, and although she's dressed the most plainly, the Queen does praise her appearance which puts her in the spotlight. (Sora's mom thinks that if Sora wouldn't have cut her hair she would be the one to receive the praise and gives her shit about it for quite a few days lol) Hilary is unsure whether she's pleased with this because she does get a lot of attention from suitors and marriage would mean finally leaving behind her financial struggles, her romantic nature makes her keep her hopes up for a love match.
Jk, jk but not really, putting the plot details under the cut. Just fyi that the last names will be different, more victorian and this will follow the same logic as most of my crossovers where Tyson (Beyblade) and Tai (Digimon) are brothers.
Charlie, Sora and Hilary make their debut in society together with the spotlight being on Hilary instantly, despite of her being completely unprepared to handle it. Charlie is not looking forward to having to go through a bunch of suitors and maybe find the guy she's looking for after so many attempts. Sora just wants to escape whatever plan her mother has hatched up for her, long enough for her father to come back home so he can support her choices.
Kai, a distant relative of the Queen and Prince in line of whatever kingdom, is in town after some time away and is awarded the title of the most eligible bachelor the minute he sets foot in public. He's not happy with all the people swarming him constantly, and is even more disappointed to find that the Queen is planning to set him up with who she thinks is the best debutante this season, Hilary. He spends his time at parties, skirting the corners and hiding in the shadows where he runs into Charlie. When Charlie finds out about the Queen's plan, she knows that Hilary is too overwhelmed to handle a courtship like this, so she makes a proposal to Kai. The two can fake a courtship for the entirety of this season, after which Kai plans to go back to his travels abroad. When he's leaving they can stage a dramatic break up, where Charlie's reputation can be ruined just enough to keep her out of the running for the next few seasons. Although Kai is reluctant at first, but when he sees that Charlie really doesn't care about scandals and such, he agrees, and the two create a shocking ripple by dancing together at the Queen's ball - which dissuades the Queen and also takes the attention off Hilary so that she can finally breathe.
While Hilary is fully aware that the only way for her to secure a future with money in it is for her to find a decent match, when she's chosen as the Queen's "favourite" of the season, she ends up being tied to the centre of the society with no room for imperfection or mistakes. With only a few decent dress to wear to such fashionable events, she knows she has limited opportunity to find a husband. She does appreciate all the men approaching her without any effort on her behalf, but half of those have not read as much as her and the other half are too old for her liking. She is grateful to Charlie for taking the Prince off the list for her, because she could not imagine faking another conversation that night, when the attention moves on to the latest attractive event, she makes her escape to get home and try and figure out just how she would get money to go on attending these parties. On her way out, she bumps into someone, and the other party ends up spilling wine on her only very good dress. Completely overwhelmed by the events of the night, she goes off on the stranger, not knowing his name or title, even if his face feels oddly familiar, and then stomps out in tears.
The next morning, she is visited by the Dowager Viscountess Godsworth, she shares that when she was younger she used to be very close friends with Hilary's mother, and when she noticed Hilary at the Queen's Ball she wanted to share how much she resembled her mother with her. Hilary hosts her for tea, though embarrassed by the state of her rundown lodgings. Lady Godsworth offers to sponsor Hilary for the season, as a gesture towards her late mother but Hilary is stubborn about accepting charity. It seems that the Viscountess is equally unwilling to accept a refusal, so instead she suggests that Hilary provide guidance to her daughter Kari, for a decent fee. She explains that Kari had always been sick since she was a baby and the doctor advised to not let her travel far, so Kari never got a chance to go to finishing school and was very much unprepared to debut next season. Hilary decides that since she would actually be working for the money, and doing something she's good at, she accepts the offer and the following week she arrives at the Godsworth House.
There she is greeted by the eldest son, Tyson, who also happens to be the same man she shouted at a few days ago. Realising it was too late to back out now, she keeps her head down as the Viscountess introduces the two of them, and pretends to meet him for the first time. While he doesn’t call her out on the lie, she notices the smug look on his face when his mother turns away, and figures out that her job won’t be as easy as she assumed. She is introduced to Kari, and the two get along well, years of experience in trying to keep all her friends in line benefits Hilary and she’s able to connect well with the young girl. Her lessons are supervised by the Viscountess but Tyson often crashes them unannounced, poking at her by raising contradictions against everything she says, arguing with her on the more philosophical part of her lessons. Hilary's glad that sweet little Kari is blessed with such a progressive minded brother, but she does not appreciate him butting heads with her and often ends up arguing in support of notions she herself dislikes, always leaving the Godsworth House more huffier and restless than when she arrived.
With the help of Sora, some of Hilary's mothers older dresses are repurposed for her usage and she spends her nights attending parties and events with her friends. She realises that having Kai next to Charlie gives the girls a chance to relax and have fun talking with each other since most people are too nervous to approach them. The few times she does have a conversation with potential suitors, she finds it completely drab in comparison to her arguments with Tyson, she finds herself often hoping to run into him in the evening, outside from his house, where there would be no familial duty or job requirement binding them and they could freely express their true feelings to each other. But to her disappointment, he rarely attends these events, occasionally stopping by to greet important people briefly, spare a dance with his mother and then leaving without even looking in Hilary’s direction.
Meanwhile, the fake courtship is working out well for Charlie, with Kai’s help she’s able to spend her time studying at the palace library under the ruse of spending quality time with her suitor. When her Aunt Nancy (Matt/Yamato’s mom) is visiting the city for a weekend, she overhears a conversation between her parents and her Aunt about an upcoming two week long reprieve at the Stonefield Manor (Ishi (stone) da (field) = Stonefield GEDDIT?). Her mother suggests to Nancy that they should invite Hilary as a potential match for Matt, so Charlie warns her friend beforehand. Hilary makes up a lie about not being able to travel, and instead Charlie has Sora and Mimi tag along with her.
Since a lot of other young boys and girls have joined the party, Mimi being the oldest out of the lot ends up babysitting most of them throughout the two weeks. She can’t complain to Charlie because it took a lot of convincing on her friend’s behalf to let her parents to allow her to travel so she suffers in silence, until she runs into Matt. Although Matt had visited his cousin Charlie in the city often, he never met her friends in person despite hearing about them, so he doesn’t recognise who Mimi is. Seeing this is an opportunity, Mimi lies about her age to get away from all the boring kids and befriends Matt during her stay at his manor. The two are fans of the same composer so they quickly connect over music, spending a lot of their time hiding inside the manor and playing the piano together.
Charlie and Sora are not so lucky in escaping what is required of them at such an event. But since Kai agreed to join her for the reprieve, Charlie loudly declares that Sora will be their chaperone and the three are able to get out of most activities planned by the parents using this strategy. Because they also spend a lot of time avoiding the main areas of the Stonefield manor, they coincidentally never run into Matt and Mimi hanging out together.
When the hunt is planned, Tai shows up to invite Kai to join and meets Sora for the first time. Sora expresses her wish to join the hunt as well, but Tai just laughs it off saying that with Kai joining they’d have enough men as was the custom. Kai, who has been slightly confused about his feelings towards Charlie recently, thinks that if he helps out Sora, Charlie would surely think highly of him. So he pretends to be a little sick, urging Tai to let Sora join the hunt in his place. Tai finds it hard to argue with him, considering the hierarchy, asking Sora to do some target practice and if she performs well, the hunting party would consider letting her join.
Sora, the daughter of a military man who raised her like a son, obviously outshines everyone at the practice and is allowed to accompany the men for the activity. Tai is awestruck and captivated, and after spending time with her that day, he’s obsessed with making her fall for him. Sora is very flattered but she also knows that her mother would turn up her nose at the idea of her marrying the second son so to say. She’s also afraid that marrying into nobility would only lead to more restrictions and duties, stopping her from pursuing her dream of having her own boutique. She tries to avoid all of Tai’s advances, keeping things friendly between them as much as possible, but he’s persistent with his approach throughout.
When everyone is in the country side enjoying the fresh air, Hilary still continues giving lessons to Kari at the Godsworth House. Happy that her schedule is not running as tight with no evening parties happening for the time being. Since the Viscountess accompanied Tai to the reprieve as well, Tyson is stuck supervising the lessons as the ‘head of the household’ and sweet but not so innocent Kari is very happy with this situation. She was quick to catch on to the tension between her tutor and her brother so she spends a lot of time coming up with ways to make them end up in embarrassing situations with each other. When the two weeks are almost coming to an end, Kari insists that the only way for her to know if she’s good with the piano would be to see if people enjoying dancing to her music. Tyson, unable to turn down a request by his little sister, and Hilary, bound by her duty as a tutor, give in to her demand and end up dancing together for the first time, which ignites a lot of feelings in both of them.
The party at the countryside begins to wrap up and Mimi prepares to tell Matt the truth about her not being out in the society, but that’s exactly when he shares that he has decided to join Charlie in the city for the rest of the season. Their conversation is interrupted and Mimi never gets the chance to tell him the truth. Matt ends up in the city later and attends one of the balls where he’s surprised to find Mimi missing. That’s when Charlie tells him about Mimi still being young, which shocks him. Since he’s hurting and angry over the lie, he goes to Mimi’s house and tells her parents about how she lied while she was away, carefully omitting the part that he was the man she spent so much unsupervised time with. Mimi’s parents are angry of course, and they forbid her from leaving the house for the rest of the season.
After a few days when Matt has calmed down, he regrets his actions but when he goes back to Mimi’s house, he’s not allowed to see her. Mimi is also overtaken by the guilt she feels over lying to Matt so shamelessly, and she ends up writing an apology letter where she pours her heart about feeling left out and just wanting to enjoy this period of her life like her friends were. At the end she requests that if he decides to forgive her, she would be happy to show him around the city next season when she is officially out. Charlie is tasked with delivering the letter to Matt, but is unable to hand it over to him directly. Not thinking too much of it, she hands it to her Aunty Nancy instead, who is aware of the situation.
Nancy opens the letter and reads it before Matt comes home. She knows that if Matt read the letter he would shut himself off in the country again for another year, spoiling her plans to get him married, before next season. So she ends up destroying the letter, and eventually the two head back to their manor to receive another set of guests she has invited, that includes an eligible woman she hopes to set Matt up with. Mimi on the other hand thinks that Matt was too arrogant to accept her apology, and though she is heartbroken, she decides to move on, setting her sights on preparing herself to debut as the Queen’s favourite next year so she could pick anyone she wanted as her husband.
So this is all I have for now. I have to think about how to tie all the loose ends.
Tai has to win Sora’s parents over and make her see that a life with him would award her more freedom than she could ever dream of. Tyson and Hilary have to put their stubbornness and their obsession with their duties aside to really talk to each other and understand why they are always so drawn to one another. Kai and Charlie need to figure out if their fake courtship is really as easy and fake as they thought it would be, or if the element of pretence is wearing off and real feelings are starting to seep in. Matt and Mimi need to come face to face next season, and see how much they have changed over the time they’ve spent apart.
If I do end up making a coherent ending, I’ll definitely post an update! If you read it till here, I hope this 2.9k worth of idea dumping was worth your time, thanks for sticking around 😆
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seraphfighter · 8 months
Hey! 3 for the OTP prompts! ❤️❤️❤️
3. Write about your ship holding hands in a tense moment.
Listen, I do not know how this turned into a 1.6k-word piece, but it did. For some context, this is set in my modern au, because in the canon au Val would simply not put up with this, the badass merc that she is. (and you can blame @glitchinginthegarden for the idea)
To anyone reading, be advised: This fic has references to past abuse and features a man being creepy and scummy in general.
The night air feels refreshing after being in the stuffy bar all night. 
V retreats to the entrance of the alleyway next to the bar's main doors. Leaning back against the brick wall, she pulls out her pack of cigarettes and places one between her lips to light it. She takes a deep drag and exhales, the smoke billowing out in front of her. God, she’s worn out. Nights with Judy are fun but she can only handle being crowded against a bunch of drunk people for so long. It’s not her scene. 
Checking the time, V pulls her phone out of her pocket. 10:03 PM. Johnny should be here soon. He’d agreed to pick her up coming back from a late night at the studio. Shockingly, he didn’t whine about her lack of a car this time. Probably because she’s sleeping over at his place. She’d been planning on it anyway and she wasn’t going to hop on her bike after a couple of drinks, even though she doesn’t feel the effects of the alcohol. 
She occupies her time by scrolling through her feed on her phone while she smokes. Hearing footsteps to her right, she doesn’t think anything of it until a deep voice asks, “Got a spare cig?” 
V glances up at the man coming to a stop by her side. Already, she’s annoyed. She has no interest in talking to a random stranger. Hoping he’ll take the cigarette and leave her alone, she pulls out her pack and passes him one. “Thanks,” the man says, mustering what appears to be his best attempt at a charming grin as he uses his own lighter to light it. 
She doesn’t respond and returns her attention to her phone. But as her luck has it, the man doesn’t leave and keeps speaking, “What are you doing out here all by yourself?” 
Fuck, she knows where he’s going with this. “Not interested,” she responds flatly, not bothering to look up from her phone. 
“Aw, c’mon. Don’t be like that. I’m just saying a pretty woman shouldn’t be out here by yourself like this.” Out of her peripherals, she sees him move a step closer. She moves a step back. 
Unease begins to curl in her gut. She shuts her phone’s screen off but keeps it in her hand with a tight grip as she turns her attention to the man. “I said, I’m not interested.” 
The man blatantly drags his eyes over her body and she fights back a shudder. A picture of false innocence, he tilts his head. “I’m just trying to be friendly here. Night City’s dangerous you know, it’s not safe for a woman as beautiful as you to be here alone. Something bad could happen.” 
God, you can’t be a woman and go anywhere without being harassed anymore. V throws her cigarette down on the ground and uses her boot to smother it with more force than necessary. “I can handle myself, thanks.” She’ll just wait inside the bar for Johnny. Hoping that this will be the end of the conversation, V moves to step past him, but the man is faster, blocking her path. He approaches her and it’s not until she backs up that realizes he’s got her cornered against the wall. 
Her heart leaps into her throat. Fuck, fuck. She glances to the side to see if there’s anyone within sight, but they’re alone. 
“Let me at least walk you inside, then. I’ll buy you a drink.” When he speaks, she can smell the bourbon on his breath. Markus. Backed into the corner of their room. Her palms are clammy.
She feels like she’s going to be sick. 
“What? So you can spike it? Fuck off.” She tries to move past him but again, he blocks her. 
The man’s not that much taller than her but she feels small beneath his stare. “Where are you going? We’re just having a friendly conversation.” He flicks the last of his cigarette to the side and braces his hand against the wall above her. 
She could knee him in the balls and make a run for it. V’s fast and the man is clearly drunk. It’d be easy to outrun him, right? Why doesn’t she have her pocket knife on her? She should know better than to not carry it. 
“Choom, back the fuck off right now.” She’s proud of how steady her voice sounds. 
“Or what?” 
The screech of tires against the asphalt of the parking lot echoes down the alleyway. Before she can process it, the man is being hauled back and away from her. The man stumbles away and then Johnny’s in front of her, his back to her. With a hard shove, he has the offending man crashing into the opposite wall. Johnny spares a glance at her, his face contorted in an anger she’s not used to seeing on him, before he advances on the man. 
“The fuck did you think you were doin’, huh? She told you to back the fuck off!” His voice is a loud angry growl, akin to some of his vocals in his songs. 
The man holds his hands up. He looks terrified, the confidence he was exuding with her long gone. “I-I didn’t mean anything by it man!”
“Cut the bullshit!” Johnny barks. “Didn’t mean anythin’ by it? So you think it’s okay to harass my girl when she tells you to back the fuck off?!” 
V hates how hearing Johnny refer to her as his girl makes her feel all fuzzy inside, even in this situation. 
“I didn’t know! She didn’t say she had a boyfriend!” 
Pathetic. This man is pathetic. V steps forward but still keeps herself behind Johnny. “ It doesn’t matter, I told you I wasn’t interested. It’s the same fucking principal,” she snaps. 
Johnny’s fists clench down at his sides. “Well? You aren’t fuckin’ deaf! You still think it’s okay?  I should teach you a lesson right now, you piece of shit. Maybe then you’ll get it through your thick skull to leave women alone.” 
“I’m sorry!” The man almost looks close to tears. 
In the parking lot and near the entrance to the alleyway, people are starting to gather. Their yelling is drawing a crowd. V sees more than a few phones with the cameras facing them. They need to get out of her before Johnny’s recognized. 
V grasps his hand, forcing his fist to unclench so she can weave her fingers through his. She doesn’t know if it’s his hand trembling or hers. Johnny looks over at her and beneath the anger, she can see concern for her. 
“Johnny, he’s not worth it.” Subtly, she flicks her eyes over to the crowd gathering and he turns his head to glance. She keeps her voice pitched low, “We need to get out of here.” 
Oblivious, the man keeps babbling. “I won’t do it again, I promise!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Johnny snarls at him. 
“Johnny.” She tugs on his hand, more insistent this time. “Let’s go.” 
He wants to fight her on it, she can tell, but ultimately he steps back. He turns to leave but not before growling to the man, “Get out of here. I better not see your fuckin’ face again or I’ll bash your skull in.” 
Hearing a few murmurs of Johnny’s name, V keeps her head low and turned away as they retreat from the alley, still not used to the public attention. Johnny, as usual, is unbothered. He keeps his head held straight and high as they make the short walk to the Porsche. As soon as they're sat inside, he peels out of the parking lot, gripping her hand tightly where it rests on the center console. 
The farther they get from the bar, the more adrenaline V feels fade out of her body. The glass of the window is cool against her forehead as she rests against it. She closes her eyes and focuses on her breathing until her heart rate slows and there’s no longer bile climbing up her throat. 
She doesn’t notice Johnny pulling over until they're stopped along the side of an unbusy street. Lifting her head from the window, she turns to ask Johnny what he’s doing, but he doesn’t give her a chance before his free hand cradles the side of her face and his lips are on hers. V exhales through her nose and melts into it, languidly kissing him until he pulls away. His eyes dart over her face. 
“You alright, sweetheart?” He asks quietly and tucks her hair behind her ear. 
“Yeah.” When her voice comes out shaky, she clears her throat and tries again, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shaken up is all.” She tightens her grip on his hand as she pauses for a moment, gnawing on the inside of her lip. She debates on continuing. “Memories and all that, y’know.” 
Understanding fills Johnny’s features. “Shoulda let me beat the fucker up,” he mutters darkly. “Teach him a lesson.” 
“The last thing we need right now is you getting a criminal offense. You know that.” She smiles wryly. “The media would have a hay day with it, though.” 
He scoffs, “The media’s published worst things about me. Still doesn’t make it right, what he did. What either of them did.” 
She blinks past the threat of tears. Dropping her head to his shoulder, she breathes in the familiar smell of tobacco and cyprus. “I know.” Johnny pets the back of her head, toying with her hair and if he notices a few tears soak into the fabric of his jacket, he doesn’t say anything. “Can we just go home, get some greasy takeout, drink too much, and watch a shitty movie?” 
Home. She doesn’t even care she called his place that. In her heart, it is home. 
He presses a kiss to her temple. “Course we can, Val.”
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tessa-liam · 2 years
Smoke and Mirrors
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Smoke and Mirrors 
Chap 5 The Search Begins 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale AU 
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and of friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.’ 
Catch up: Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings:   Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh and Officer Alex Cossoy 
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings: NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 1971, Read: 10 minutes 
Chap 5: The Search Begins 
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Chapter Summary: The search for Lena begins in Monterisso.  
Music Inspiration: Like I’m Gonna Lose You – Meghan Trainor/John Legend 
A/N1: @choicesflashfics Week #23, Prompt #1 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.” 
A/N2: Not beta’d - please excuse all errors 
A/N3: This is my submission for Choices March Challenge, Prompt: “Forehead kisses”, @choicesmonthlychallenge @lovealexhunt 
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Catch up Here... Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Monterisso Royal Palace 
As the Royal SUV passed through the entry gates of the palace grounds, Ellie excitedly bounced in her car seat next to Riley. 
“Look mommy, Micaela’s palace!”  
“Yes, princess, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Princesses Eleanor and Micaela were spending the week together while the search for Lena begins. Riley was looking forward to spending some one on one time with Queen Amalas, as well as, learning more about ‘Lena Rys’. 
Unbeknownst to Riley at the time of planning, however, her husband had arranged for her to stay exclusively at the Monterissan palace for the week. Liam wanted his pregnant wife to stay out of the active search and be sheltered at the palace with guards while being away from him physically. He had made the arrangements ahead of time and without her prior consultation; which irritated her. 
Riley wanted to take part in the search, but after hearing Liam’s concerns earlier in the morning, she realized that his concerns were justified. 
Earlier that morning, inside the royal chambers aboard the royal yacht... 
Riley was livid. She didn't want to be forced to stay behind in the Monterissan palace, under any circumstances. Her anger was focused on Liam, because he wasn't willing to come to a compromise with her on this issue.  
“Why did you not tell me this before?” 
“...because I knew that you would fight me on this. I needed to have the arrangements in place before we entered this country.” 
Liam knew his wife. He knew that if she could, she would lead the search party with guns blazing.  
“Let Interpol take the lead on this. The sooner we find this woman, the better. I will keep you informed with every detail as it happens. I promise, love.” 
Riley glared at Liam and then looked out the window. He was right, but she still felt annoyed that being pregnant meant ‘sitting on the sidelines’ and not being productive.  
The royal yacht had anchored, and she watched as Drake and Delaney were stepping into an SUV on the dock. 
“Love, remember our wedding night?” Liam interrupted her thoughts and continued. 
“One minute we were dancing in the ballroom, and then in the next moment, I was being told you were taken. 
I had let my guard down...” 
Riley turned to Liam, taking his hands in hers. “Liam, how could you have known that was going to happen? We cannot let the past dictate our future.” 
“Yes, but only a fool doesn’t learn from his mistakes. Last night, I dreamt we were dancing, Riley, and I was holding you in my arms. Just like our wedding night. Then, just like that night, Bastien informed me that you were taken. The man I had entrusted with our safety. The man who is now incarcerated for treason. 
I woke up in a panic.  
The anxiety was back.  
I could not breathe. 
When I finally realized that you were lying next to me, sleeping peacefully; the relief was palpable. I think I had this dream as a reminder, to not take your safety for granted again. Ever.” 
‘In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke, you could lose everything, the truth is you never know.’ 
“Riley, I know that you are early into the pregnancy, but you need to take care of yourself.” Placing his hand on her baby bump, “and our babies.” 
“After that dream, I knew what I had to do. We are not promised a tomorrow, Riley. If something was to happen to you, if I made the wrong decision for your safety, and you were harmed in any way; it would destroy me.” 
Riley lovingly cupped Liam’s face and reached up to give him a lingering kiss. “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”  
Overcome with emotion, she hung her head. “I’m so sorry Liam, I am acting like a child.” 
Liam looked down to her face and lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. Gazing into her chocolate brown eyes, he gently wiped the tears that were falling on her cheeks. 
Kissing her again, “my queen, when this issue is resolved, I think we will go on a vacation. Just you and me, Ellie, and these two little ones.” 
“You have my attention, Liam.” Riley smiled, pulling his body close to hers. 
“Mommy, Daddy, I am ready.” Ellie announced as she stood beside her nanny at the door.  
Liam dropped his forehead to his wife’s forehead and whispered, “stay safe, my queen. I love you.”  
“I love you too, my king, so much!” 
“Oh, and love....I will take you anywhere you choose.” Liam winked and placed his hand on the small of her back, to guide her towards Ellie. 
Riley turned to her daughter, taking her hand, as Liam reached for Ellie’s other hand. They walked together to the dock to the other waiting SUV. The royal guard opened the door for Riley, while Liam walked with Ellie to the other side of the@ SUV. 
“Ok, Daddy, I will,” her blue sparkled as she looked up to her father. 
After ensuring his daughter was secured in her car seat, Liam kissed Ellie’s forehead. “Take good care of your mommy, princess.” 
After closing the door, Liam sighed as he watched his family drive off towards the Capital. He then turned to walk towards the other SUV to join Drake and Delaney. 
The driver slowed to a stop; the security detail of the Monterissian palace moved into position surrounding the SUV carrying Riley and Ellie. 
Amalas was waiting outside the palace doors, as the royal guard stepped up to open the door for Riley, as Ellie and her nanny followed. 
Royal Monterisso Hotel 
Walking into the opulent hotel lobby, Drake and Delaney were shown to the concierge desk for the check-in while Liam was ushered to a secure meeting room by the Interpol operatives. 
“Your Majesty,” Officer Alex Cossoy, along with the detectives bowed. 
“Gentlemen, ladies,” Liam answered in response. 
Leo and Olivia were already seated at the conference table, when Drake also entered and sat down. 
“Let’s get started.” Officer Cossoy began with a briefing on the current 
situation and confirmed that the search party had narrowed the search area down to a five mile radius. 
“A five mile radius from what point?” Leo asked, sitting forward to view the map of the area that was laid out on the table. 
“That would be here,” the detective pointed to the map. “Five miles north of the city center, according to the last reported location,” the detective replied pointing to the map. On the screen the detective typed in the coordinates that they had received earlier from the local authorities. 
Leo pointed to the harbor on the map. “Can you zoom in, here?” 
“Yes, sir.” The detective moved a curser over the map, and a magnified 
image appeared. Liam pointed to a large boat docked at the pier. 
“Get the team down there now.” 
Monterisso Royal Palace 
In the garden, Ellie and Micaela and a bevy of stuffed animals sat at the table at their afternoon garden tea party.  
Amalas went all out for the girls’ party, having the kitchens prepare finger sandwiches, petit fours with iced tea. 
Both girls were wearing frilly party dresses with white knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes. 
Ellie and Mikaela were giggling as they played with each other's hair, and then laughing as they ran around the table chasing after the same doll. 
Riley and Amalas sat on lounge chairs on the terrace overlooking the gardens. 
Amalas patted Riley’s leg comfortingly. 
“How have you been feeling with the pregnancy?” 
Riley smiled, “It’s going well so far. I’ve been a little emotional lately though.” 
Amalas raised an eyebrow, looking at her friend. 
“Oh, is anything in particular bothering you?”  
Riley shook her head, “no, it's just these damn hormones.” 
“Well, you are having twins. That means everything is doubled.” 
Giving Amalas a smirk, “Liam and I are finding out the sex of the babies next week.” 
“That's so exciting! Have you and Liam picked out names yet?” 
“We started the day we found out we were having twins! Liam is beyond excited! For girls, we were thinking ‘Eliana’ and ‘Elise’. For boys. ‘William’ and ‘Stefan’.” 
Riley continued, “Elise and Stefan were the names of my parents.” 
“Oh, my goodness, those names are perfect,” Amalas smiled. 
The team of operatives, dressed in black tactical gear were all armed with automatic weapons and bullet proof vests, and they were also equipped with GPS tracking devices. 
However, Lena continued to evade the authorities. 
Frustrated, Officer Cossoy kicked a storage container, sending its contents pouring onto the deck of the boat. 
“Take it easy, Officer, Lena isn't in there.” Olivia cheekily called out to the annoyed Interpol officer. 
“Damn it, I should have known this was another false lead!” 
Olivia, who was walking with Leo behind the officer, overheard the comment. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, intelligence reports suggested that the palace would be the most likely target area. I should have followed my gut.” 
“Officer Cossoy,” as Olivia began to speak, he interrupted, “Alex, please call me Alex.” 
“Alex, what is your gut telling you?” 
“Duchess Olivia, I am positive that she has a connection in the royal guard in Monterisso through Bastien Lykel.” 
As Liam overheard the words of the Interpol officer, the anxiety he felt last night returned. He needed to find Riley and get her and Ellie out of Monterisso now! 
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jakowskis · 6 months
Day 13 - Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
dude i multiship so hard in this fandom i dont think there’s a single combination i havent thought of + found a way to enjoy, and that extends to trios. AND i like tw poly. i am mashing them together like barbie dolls. i am having sm fun here in my room
even the ones i don’t exactly “like” still make me Feel Things (more on that later), and even the ones i tend to prefer as friends (more on that later, too), i can still see it if i want to yknow. that’s what’s fun about the slutty bisexy show! woo! they all compel me. 
nonetheless, here are the pairings i like the most, ranked by how often i think of them + how insane they make me. im not gonna gush a ton, actually, bc i get annoyed w how much i talk, so ill keep every explanation under 15 words
owen x ianto: I Want Them Covered in Blood Together (Gnashing My Teeth) (by fall out boy)
owen x andy: golden retriever boyfriend for owen bc sometimes it’s nice to not be angsty (gooseberry who?)
owen x jack: i dont know how they make me feel but they make me feel Something :/
ianto x tosh: THEY’D BE SO CUTE they’d be precious that’s all
tosh x andy: see above. tosh deserves a sweet bf (there are no girls to ship her with 😔)
owen x suzie: they’re mirrors, they’re the same… they intrigue me. also Hawt xD (im bi)
owen x gwen: better as besties imho but im still a bi moron who’s not immune
jack x ianto: overrated imho BUT i do still like them. sigh. dead line speech wahhh
gwen x rhys: i love their relationship troubles n the way it grounds the show. theyre cute
jack x the doctor: sending jack off to harass the doctor so the team can Rest (+ Im Compelled)
jack x gwen: they compel me a little. a teeny bit. not too much but a little
(can u tell i like owen ships. he just has such fascinating relationships w everyone)
ok i lied ill say a couple things. firstly my otp being owento… i’ve talked a bit about it but in brief it started out because i can't resist having at least one enemies/rivals to lovers ship per fandom and ep12 blew my mind a little - and then something just Clicked and they somehow achieved top ten ships of all time status in my brain?? idk what happened there. i usually go for canon-based ships, so having one that kind of lacks substance in the source media (allegedly; i think they’re fruity in canon. but u know what i mean like theyre not ‘canon’ in a show where there is in fact gay TEXT rather than just the subtextual shit theyre doing yanno) and is largely a beast of my own creation (+ the influence of the wonderful handful of fic writers we’ve had over the years) has been rlly fun. 
im largely preoccupied with those two, but i’ve found jack + his relationship with ianto kind of inherently haunts owen x ianto… if you’ve read my fic you know what i mean by that. i can’t see owento existing on its own, like janto fundamentally co-exists next to it so i have to take it into account, and then jack and owen also have a fascinating relationship so i’ve kind of just ended up spending a lot of time thinking about and figuring out owen x ianto x jack in all combinations, because there’s a lot of fascinating stuff going on there from every end. introducing owen to the equation also kind of… ig redeems janto for me, bc i found them offensively underwhelming in s1 and s2. they should be dark and fucked up, and they’re not. owen kind of… brings smth dark and fucked up to the table, and a lot of why i like shipping him with ianto is bc they bring shit out of each other - and owen, for his part, is capable of bringing out ianto’s repressed rage and forcing him to deal with things he’d rather try to compartmentalize and ignore… i find that super compelling, and i also find it useful for breaking down my issues with how jack & ianto’s relationship is initially presented. like, he’s a handy narrative tool for that hfsdjkf. point is, whether i like it or not, jack and his relationships with my girlies (owen n ianto are the girlies <3) is kind of also an intrinsic part of what most of my fixation-oriented brain power goes into thinking about. i’ve been developing this huge fic ‘verse fdhfjk.... Im Very Tired
sometimes i like fun, though, which is what’s behind a lot of those other ships. i’m generally into very dark + angsty + psychological themes, but sometimes fluff and domesticity and occasional silliness is nice, and that’s what’s behind owandy (i have an au where they meet before owen dies) and iantosh (+ gwen x rhys) as my sort of… alternative endgame. my comfort ‘au’. not an au, exactly, but an alternative fluffier world to the darker owento-based one i’ve crafted and spend most of my time thinking about fdshkfj. i also like sending jack off to go bother the doctor, in this ‘au’, because unfortunately i don’t think he’s conductive to the team’s happiness. i think he needs to find his own way to heal and that should probs include the doctor, considering how obsessed jack is with them + how much he needs to unpack All That Shit he has going on before he can be any sort of truly positive force in the lives of the tw team. so for now he’s banned from the polycule for jack crimes. listen, i love that torchwood’s inherently sad and dark and lonely, it’s what compels me, and i’m ultimately glad that’s the core of the show - but it doesn’t have to be. sometimes i enjoy a nicer alternative. i think they could fix it. and that’s what fandom + fanfic is for. 
i also have several ot3s i enjoy, mostly owen ones. i think he deserves a bf + a gf, i think it’d fix him. put that bitch in a bisexual sandwich and maybe he'd behave. in particular, i love owen x tosh x ianto, it’s the only place i ship owen/tosh bc i think ianto would keep owen in check and they’d all better each other. i love owen x tosh x andy for similar reasons. can you tell the four characters im biased towards fhdskj. (i love gwen just as much but she’s kind of doing her own thing with just rhys and jack imo fdkfjsd. perhaps torchwood is composed of two polycules and jack is the link between both of them)
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