#otp: barry x iris
ravipanikar · 2 years
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BARRY & IRIS The Flash | Season 8
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vexic929 · 5 months
The ask game for Cisco and Eobard?
1: sexuality headcanon
pansexual and polyamorous, Cisco has chemistry with several women and men throughout the series and I definitely picture him settling down in the future with a wife or husband and another partner
2: otp
Hartmon (+Barry, Harry, Iris, and/or Lisa lol) I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and Hartley fits that perfectly
3: brotp
Caitlin & Cisco, they're besties forever for sure <3333
4: notp
I don't know if I have a specific notp for him but I'm not particularly a fan of Cisco x Kendra, idk why it just never worked for me
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
he's some flavor of genderqueer
6: favorite line from this character
oh there are SO MANY good ones why make me choose?? lol I do like this one tho
"How can you speak six languages and sound like a dick in every one of them?"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
nerd who loves superheroes and pop culture references lol
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
he's the same type of cringe as me lol
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
such a cinnamon roll, the cinnamoniest of cinnamon rolls
1: sexuality headcanon
gay gay gay gay gay
2: otp
ReversePiper and/or EoSavitar!Barry, they're best when they're both royally fucked up lol
3: brotp
Eobard does not generally have friends but season 1 EoWells and Cisco was great
4: notp
ReverseSnow I just personally don't see it
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
due to being basically a designer fetus, he's uncanny-valley levels of pretty
6: favorite line from this character
again, so many, but I do love his season 1 persona best so
"I'm sorry...no, not for killing you, I'm sure I had a good reason."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
mentally ill, loves The Flash lol
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
sir please get a hobby that isn't related to Barry, please
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
could not be more problematic if he tried and I love that about him lol
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raging-violets · 7 months
Hugging them to shield their face from the sight. + dealers choice!
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The Flash: Prompt | Tunnel Vision | Cisco x Averey (OC)
A/N: After Barry is "destroyed" in Season 2xEpisode 20 "Rupture"
-Rhuben OTP Prompts: Protectiveness | Ask Box
Everything seemed to blur and come into focus all at the same time as Cisco took in the scene in front of him. Or rather what he could see through the dissipating smoke. Smoke that smelled horribly of chemicals and ash. It wasn’t a smell he wasn’t used to; working in the field of science and building all the “toys” he could, he was used to the smell of chemicals, and it wasn’t out of the ordinary for a circuit board to fry here and there. But together? That was a horrible smell.
He could feel his mouth form words, he was asking a question, but he didn’t hear it as he took in the sight in front of him: everybody picking themselves up off of the floor; Iris with her hands clasped tightly over her mouth; Joe whose face was slack and void of any emotion save for the tears that were collecting in his eyes; Henry grasping firmly to the bars in front of him as his knees gave out; Harry whose face was twisted into a haunted gaze; Averey who sat with her back to the small flight of stairs, staring into the empty space that had just held Barry’s writhing form only moments before.
“What did you do to my son?” A quiet question. And then, “What did you do to my son?!” 
Cisco didn’t really know if Henry had shouted those words, or if his grief was just so palpable that he could feel it all around and inside himself. He barely registered the rush of wind that pulled at him, his hair and clothes, that signified Zoom’s appearance. He barely registered the words that Zoom were saying, his eyes just zeroed in on the large, charred, chunk of Barry’s suit that Zoom clutched tightly in his hand.
“Well done…” Zoom’s gloating words floated past Cisco’s ears. Still, he couldn’t focus on the monster in front of him, just the shred of suit in Zoom’s talons. The suit he had worked so hard on. The suit that his best friend was no longer wearing. His best friend who was nowhere to be seen. “You’ve killed him instead.”
It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Out of his lungs. What did he do? What did he do to Henry’s son? To Joe? To Iris? To his best friend?
Cisco buried his face into his hands before sliding his hands up over his face, over his hair, attempting to calm himself down. To think! How were mothers so good at that? How could they just stroke their children’s hair, and shush them, and make everything feel like it was going to be ok. But he couldn’t do that for himself. He couldn’t close his eyes, and whisper, “Everything will be ok” and expect just that when he opened them again.
His hands were shaking too much. His legs were shaking too much. His heartbeat fluttered as quickly as a hummingbird in his chest. And Averey wouldn’t stop shouting Barry’s name over and over and over and over. Iris’s heart wrenching sobs echoed around the room.
And then he was moving. He turned to see Harry just staring, staring at where Zoom had just been standing. Joe held Iris tightly to his chest, still with the same empty, yet solemn look on his face. Henry was now leaning heavily on the stair railing, forehead pressed to his forearm, his other hand placed heavily on Averey’s shoulder through the gaps in the railing bars, trying to provide some comfort to his daughter.
Cisco was then by Averey’s side, pulling her to him. “Stop,” he said to her as she fought against him, trying to pull away from his embrace. “Stop looking. Stop.” His voice cracked at the command. He was saying those words to her as much as he was saying it to himself. To stop looking at what he had just done and to attempt to stop the tears that were coming to his eyes. He pressed her forehead into his chest and whispered into her ear, “I’m so sorry.”
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 month
7 (for Morgan), 21, and 22 (for Iris) for the fandom asks?
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [Morgan] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
STAR Labs sweater!
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And also:
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Love her in a leather jacket, especially a black one 🥰
(Also ofc her dark green Sentry mask but that's a given)
21. Go onto your AO3. Which ship have you written for the most? The least? Does this correspond to who you consider your "favourite?"
Maiko the most. Westhallen, Peddie (Patricia x Eddie from House of Anubis), and Peterliz the least (below Thallen too, though only by one fic). Maiko represents it pretty well (one of my 3 ATLA OTPs fr), but...me writing more Thallen than Westhallen and Peddie is actually an inverse of my preference 😅 I prefer the latter two ships. But me writing less Westhallen is probably because I don't often write trios—I prefer writing duo ships.
And ofc if we included platonic ships...Barry & Morgan would win by a country mile 😂 which would also be accurate
22. Give us a headcanon for [Iris]
She loves calling Barry multiple variations of his full name: Bartholomew, Barrence...even Barnacle 😂 she jokes that the latter rolls so naturally off the tongue
fandom ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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DC Universe Ships
Jason Todd x Tim Drake Bruce Wayne x Dick Grayson Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy x Harleen Quinzel | Harley Quinn
Tim Drake x Conner Kent | Kon-El Tim Drake x Cassandra Cain Damian Wayne x Jonathan Kent Jonathan Kent x Jay Nakamura Garfield Logan x Tara Markov | Terra
Bruce Wayne x Barbara Gordon Dick Grayson x Jason Todd  Dick Grayson x Princess Koriand'r | Kory Anders Dick Grayson x Rachel Roth Tim Drake x Bernard Dowd  Tim Drake x Jonathan Kent Steve Trevor x Diana Prince Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth Damian Wayne x Rachel Roth Barry Allen x Iris West Oliver Queen x Felicity Smoak Leonard Snart x Barry Allen  Character x Original Character
Jason Todd x Barbara Gordon Tim Drake x Stephanie Brown Clark Kent | Kal-El x Lois Lane Clark Kent | Kal-El x Diana Prince Bruce Wayne x Diana Prince Dick Grayson x Wally West Clark Kent | Kal-El x Bruce Wayne Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle Jason Todd x Roy Harper Dick Grayson x Barbara Gordon Oliver Queen x Laurel Lance Kara Zor-El x Lena Luthor Any Ship Not Listed
Bruce Wayne x The Joker Clark Kent | Kal-El x Lex Luther Conner Kent | Kon-El x M’gann M’orzz | Megan Morse The Joker x Anyone
Harleen Quinzel | Harley Quinn x The Joker
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Hey! A, B and D for the ask game, if you haven't done them yet?
Already answered B! (short answer it's Kyle Raynar x Connor Hawke)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Barry Allen x Iris West Allen, I love them so much they are so good for each other. I have other ships but they are definitely my OTP.
D-A pairing you wish you liked but just can't (again: be nice)
Eh... There's plenty of pairings I don't like but I don't really wish I did like them? Or if I do it's mostly because there is a lot of content for the ship. So I'm just going to list popular ships I dislike:
Any ship with Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, or Bart Allen (I hc them all as aromantic). DickBabs, DicKory, BirdFlash, Hal Jordan x Carol Ferris, RoyFire, TimSteph, TimBer, I'm going to stop there because there are honestly a lot of ships I don't care for. (If you do like a ship I don't, that's cool! I have nothing against people who ship differently than me. This is my opinion, no you won't change it, please don't come after me because I don't like your OTP.) Also I should mention I like most of these ships solely as past ships (as in, they dated, it didn't work out, they're still friends but they acknowledge that they're exes.)
Thank you for the ask!
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habibialkaysani · 3 years
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3x07 // 7x03
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Not them paralleling the blue spark moments with Iris and Barry from S1 to right now, not Barry telling a unconscious Iris she's the reasom he's the Pargon of love and she's he's heart, and not Barry's love for Iris making him realize she still has remnants of the Speed Force in her from when she was a speedster.
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iris-west-allens · 3 years
Mind, Body, Soul Fandom: The Flash Pairing: Westallen Rating: T Length: 2,500 words
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like I’m really here,” Iris admits. “Like I’ll always be wondering if I’m still stuck in the mirror, hoping you’re not a mirage.”
And Barry’s hands dance down her body, careful, gentle, moving slow, like he can heal her as he goes, like his love is enough to put her back together.
(And maybe, maybe it is. She can feel his palms warming her skin, his fingers tracing over the pattern of her ribs, like he wants his hands to take away the pain and leave something beautiful in their wake, like he’d paint her with stardust if only he knew how.)
“I promise you you’re here with me,” he whispers softly. “I promise I’m real.”
(Iris is dealing with doubt after getting out of the mirrorverse. Barry’s there to help.)
Read on Ao3 
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centralcityfandom · 4 years
I love this still so freaking much! It should honestly be framed and then hung up on one of the walls in the Louvre.
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The title of the piece:
The luckiest man alive
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Iris West Characters: Barry Allen, Iris West Additional Tags: Nora West-Allen mentioned, Bart West-Allen mentioned, The Flash (TV 2014) Season 7, Vow renewal, GodSpeed War, Married Couple, WestAllen - Freeform, Established Relationship, 7x17 Summary:
When Barry and Iris steal a moment away together before the fight against GodSpeed, Iris reassures Barry she'll be alright and Barry asks her a question that's been long overdue.
{This is my take on how a [Redacted] would be brought up}
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ravipanikar · 2 years
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I didn't see my future. What if I don't have one anymore? You do. With me.
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bennettxgemini · 4 years
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🍒Iris/Barry (FLASH)
“You’re my home.”
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barrysimpulse · 4 years
This is a video I made, Enjoy
Not sure who the song is by, but the name of the song is Hold On.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
ship game: A, F, M
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Ships: Narumitsu/Wrightworth, Franmaya, Trupearl, Klapollo, Junithena, Percabeth, Jily, Romione, Hinny, Westallen, Westhallen, Snowest, Thallen, Harritess, Wallinda, Stoncy (up to s2 mostly), Ronance, Jancy, Lumax, Elumax, Juke, Willex, Bumizumi, Kataang, Maiko, Sukka, Samguel (with caveats), Torisha, Jali, Carmanda, Amaniel, Silverparry, Hanleia, Finnpoe, Reyrose, Spideychelle/PeterMJ, Petergwen/Gweter (TASM), Karmala, Tyesha x Aamir
Friendships: So many father-daughter duos (Daniel & Sam, Juli & her dad from Flipped, El & Hopper in s2, Zuko & Izumi, Harry & Jesse, Iris & Joe, Lee & Lyra, Bail & Leia, Phoenix & Trucy), Mai & Zuko & Izumi, Amanda & Sam, Johnny & Sam, Sam & Robby, Tory & Miguel, Miguel & Aisha, the Gaang, Sunset Curve + Julie, Julie & Flynn, Tina & Harrison & Tess, Team Flash (Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Jesse, Wally, Harry, HR, Joe, Cecile), Obi-Wan & Anakin, Obi-Wan & Leia, the Star Wars Trios (Quartet, in the Prequels’ case, since Padmé and Ahsoka both count imo), Anakin & Ahsoka, Plo Koon & Ahsoka, Peter & MJ & Ned, Peter & May, Kamala & Nakia, the Khan family, Kamala & Kamran, Phoenix & Maya, Edgeworth & Maya, Maya & Mia, Maya & Pearl, Apollo & Trucy, Edgeworth & Trucy, Ema & Kay, Ema & Klavier
(There’s also a bunch I love with my OCs but that’s most of the ones I love with canon characters!)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I think Star Wars fits the bill, it’s been about 7 years 😂 no plans on leaving soon either! I guess you could count Harry Potter (since 2008), but I’m not really in that fandom like I used to be, so I half-count it.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
There’s a bunch!! I think…hmm maybe Iris West or Robin Buckley, if I had to choose. Or Sam LaRusso!
ask game!
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kingmakings · 5 years
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Later that night, a sound woke me, and I crawled out of my bed, and I realized that the sound was coming from downstairs. I peered over the bannister, and I found you crying, alone. And I knew that I had to go to you. I sat next to you, and you put your head in my lap, and I held you while you cried. And I didn’t know it then, but now, looking back, I realize that that was the night we fell in love. That was the night that we realized how much we needed each other.
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