#otp: my only friend
bertoyana · 2 months
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gay ass dialogue 😭😭😭 what do you mean ANNOYING SECRET SMILE LMAOOO be serious for ONCE man
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dylanconrique · 1 month
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lizardkingeliot · 17 days
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no one:
absolutely no one:
louis de pointe du lac in iwtv 2x04: i am lying in bed with my new vampire lover. the hallucination of my former vampire lover slash love of my life is perched in a chair next to the bed. he's sensually smoking a post-coital cigarette like a saucy little minx do NOT ask me why he just IS. his hair is amazing and he's got the top two buttons of his shirt undone. he's glistening a little but not in a gross way you know. he's DEWY. did i mention how good his hair looks? his nails are
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endless list of otps: (remake) Callum and Rayla, The Dragon Prince
To have that kind of strength, it's not enough to love someone. You have to trust them to share the burdens you carry. [...] Callum, there's a... burden I'm carrying, and I've kept it a secret. And maybe that's part of what's made things weirder with us. But I think—I know that I trust you to help me carry this. If you're okay with that? Rayla. We've been through a lot together. And a lot has changed. Well, some things have changed—but not everything: I would do anything for you.
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yeyayeya · 3 months
I am legit sobbing over this images I AM NOT OKAY
When a ship takes over my life that even just seeing the actors together makes me feel so many things
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Context: This are the live actions actors for Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu. The one with the hat in the first pic and glasses in the second one is Yin Yu’s actor (Wang Jia Yu), while the one being carried in the first and the one taking the pic in the second one is Quan Yizhen’s (Liu Zi Rui/Ray Liu)
The second pic is from Liu Zi Rui’s weibo while the first one is (from what I am assuming) a fan account for Liu Zi Rui.
Tbh, at this point I just want Eternal Faith to release just for the QuanYin crumbs. I am starving over here and just need some QuanYin content in my life.
I would also love it if any fan artists decide to draw these as QuanYin. Especially the first pic
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galedekarios · 8 months
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Gale when it's time to consume a magical item from Alton or when it's time to rizz up Alton #submission #i had to #you are my designated gale & good takes blog 😭❤️
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brachiocephalics · 4 months
11amy are seriously like a play on adam and eve to me. in the sense that amy pond dreamt up & created the doctor and that will always be integral to who he is.
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rinnenotsumi · 11 months
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“I haven’t felt this way before. I haven’t been home in years, but I feel that way with you.”
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If someone asked me at the end
I’d tell them put me back in it
“Francesca” by Hozier // The X-Files, “Tooms” // The X-Files, “Anasazi” // The X-Files, “The Field Where I Died”
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
#not-very-seriously contemplating making a fitalk sideblog#just so i could ramble on about my fic ideas like the lunatic i am without bothering anyone#because istg i come up with at least 3 new ideas a day and more if necessary#but i'm too self-conscious to do that on my main blog too often because i always manage to convince myself no one actually cares#and that the only few people who do seem to care only care because they want to be supportive#and/or think it's cute i'm so passionate about the fics/pairing or whatever#and there's nothing wrong with that and i'm thankful of course!#but it sort of makes me feel like a child being praised by adults ya know? 😭#and idk maybe i just feel like this because i used to share a hyperfixation OTP with a friend#and i'd come up with new fic ideas/headcanons for our OTP on a daily basis#until the friend admitted they weren't even that into the pairing#they just found it adorable to see how enthusiastic i was thinking of stories of them :)#which made me feel like such an idiot lol silly me thought they were as into it as i was#like. i get the need to infodump about hyperfixations to a friend even if the friend is not into the hyperfixation#especially if you don't know anyone else to whom you could talk about it#but i don't need that personally. i'd rather talk about my hyperfixations to someone who actually wants to hear it#and not just because they think i'm being adorable or they want to support me#i can very well keep it all to myself or just idk talk to myself?? lol#so yeahhhh i kinda don't want to make myself feel like a clown like that again 🤡#i do realise i think about fic ideas an unhealthy amount probably lol#but then again isn't that what actual published authors do all the flipping time?! the only difference is that i'm not getting paid for it😤#this wasn't supposed to become a rant lol the words just started flooding#anywayyyyy who wants to hear about my royalty!aleksi / ballet dancer!olli fic idea with side roommates-with-benefits olli/joonas?#additional tags include 'helping the other put on make-up' and 'anal fingering'. if you even care#(pls don't actually ask it's ridiculous)
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i feel like if any one person had the privilege of knowing about chenfords secret relationship it no doubt would have been jackson. i mean, there’s honestly no hiding it from him, not with the way lucy comes home smiling like a lovesick puppy after every date she has with tim.
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queendynamight2001 · 11 months
How much I want to have a best friend’s older brother,with whom I share a mutual crush with.
And then one sleepover, I go to kitchen at midnight to grab a bottle of water only to find him staring back at me, chomping his midnight snacks.
Then we have short conversation and things escalate to both of us sitting on the countertop, holding hands, leaning on each other, watching outside the window as the moonlight shines through and telling each other, “This is wrong” and “We shouldn’t be doing this” while simultaneously kissing each other’s forehead.
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
Chapter 8 of What If: Eric and Donna Were Friends With Benefits has been posted. Donna's in trouble. Who will get through to her before it's too late?
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Chapter 8: All Along The Water Tower
Read it on: A03 I FF.net
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marquisecubey · 3 months
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God I’m losing my mind right now because I’m looking at photos of my Kotone cosplay from 2021 right next to my Akihiko cosplay from just this weekend. Like damn, It really is incredible how it’s been three years since I first beat it and this game is still spinning round my brain like a little plate on a stick
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maspaz · 3 months
"it doesn't matter."
" it's you. of course it matters."
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loveourfuture-c · 2 years
Lately, I've been seeing way too many arguments about why Ben and Devi wouldn't be a good couple or why they shouldn't be endgame, and to be perfectly honest they are all stupid. So here is my long rant debunking all of those arguments.
1.”They are too much alike, their personalities are too similar”
 First of all, having similar interests and goals is not “being exactly alike”. It means you are compatible. They may share some personality traits but that doesn't mean they have the same personality.
Devi is accurately described as “Hotheaded” and a “Firecracker”. She is the one to have somewhat explosive outbursts (see throwing the beaker, throwing the textbook, ect). Even though she has grown a TON this season she still gets fired up (in a good way, I love her hotheaded tendencies)
Ben on the other hand could be described as someone with a “coolhead” (is that a term? idk it is now), we have literally never seen him have any sort of angry outburst. The few times we have seen him angry, he still managed to keep his cool. In fact we have seen him be the voice of reason to try to calm Devi down when she is having one of her “outbursts”.
Example: Ben pulling her aside to tell her she shouldn’t get emancipated and that she should make up with her mom.
(Also opposites attract doesn't mean that two completely different people will work together. Got to have some common ground)
2. “They are way too competitive with each other” 
WHEN???? Show me a time, post relationship, where they have been even remotely too competitive with each other. Oh wait you can’t. In fact we have seen them work really well together as a team (see the debate tournament)
3. “They argue too much”’
Ben and Devi have been through an incredible amount of growth and have both matured a TON this past season. We have literally never seen them really argue at all this season and even before that i wouldn't call their interactions arguing. They just have flirty friendly banter.
4. “Devi was over Ben when she got with Paxton”
No she wasn’t!!! Are we watching the same show?? Did you not see the whole longing loving looks at the dance?? Devi has literally never fully been over Ben. (she is however fully over Paxton).
In conclusion, there really is no sound argument against Ben and Devi being together. The way they have been set up and built up since season one is pretty much flawless. They have never fully gotten over each other, they have attempted but it never worked. Devi LOVES Ben !!! SHE LITTERALLY GOT STOMACH KNOTS WHEN SHE LOOKED AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you seen the way that girl looks at him? She has never looked at anyone else like that. She chose Ben at the end of season three because she loves and trusts him. SHE ACTIVELY CHOSE HIM!!!!!!
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